Jonathon Massa

  • June 2020
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1 Jonathan Massa


Jonathon Massa 10/5/09 H-22 Information technology Penicillin is considered the wonder drug. It is a antibiotic that can kill many

Jonathon Massa different types of germs that may be living inside of your body. This is the history of the antibiotic penicillin. Penicillin was created by Alexander Fleming in 1928 by accident. He discovered it when he left out a petridish of bacteria next to a piece mold. The mold had completely destroyed the bacteria on the dish. He discovered that this mold could be to cure many diseases that plagued the world back then. While figuring out how he could utilize this method to helping others he discovered that it could kill just about any germ that it came in contact with. He figured out away to convert his discovery into a liquid . Once he mass produced his creation he sold it as a wonder drug to many different pharmacies and hospitals around were he lived. After he completed selling his creation he diecided to start selling his drug all over. Once he found a company that could and would sell his drug he decided to retire and lived his life a very wealthy man. The way penicillin works is after it is injected into you it starts attacking the germs that dwell inside of your body. Once the drug does its job it dissolves in side of your body. When the drug is dissolved it becomes completely harmless to you. Now although this drug is used to make you better it also comes with many possible side-effects include flu-like symptoms , severe skin rash, peeling, nausea vomiting ect… many people believe that just because something is good for u that u can take as much of it as you may want but contrary to popular belief that isn’t true. When an antibiotic like penicillin is used constantly the germs inside of your body will start to adapt to protect its self from it which would mean it has become a super bug a germ that can not be killed by penicillin alone. Once a supper bug has started growing it almost immediately starts to make u sick and also if this were to happen to you immediately stop using penicillin because at this point it will just make things worst. The best way to get rid of this germ is to get rid of this germ is to switch to a different type of antibiotic other then penicillin. The future of penicillin at this point of time is in the dark. More people are starting to report more and more penicillin related deaths. Apparently the germs that exist today have been getting more powerful against this particular antibiotic. According to the September issue of the Philadelphia Medical Journal the strain of infections that are uot in the world these days are over ten times stronger then they were twenty years ago. One of the reasons this is happening is due to

Jonathon Massa adaptation to the drug. You see when a germ isnt killed by the drug it changes so that it can keep from getting killed by it later . Most cases of penicillin based death occure when the drug is used on a daily basis or on the off chance the person might be allergic to penicillin without knowing it. No one can tell if the next time you use penicillin might be the time that kills you, all you can do to to avoid this is by being aware, getting frequent check-ups and physicals. This is the best way of keeping yourself safe from your being killed by this drug. You should also ask your doctor for other types of antibiotics instead of penicillin this is another way of keeping yourself safe. Many doctors will tell you that when a person over uses any type of drug can serverly harm you both mentaly and physicly. Even something small like nasil spray can harm you if taken to frequently. This days many of the pharmasutical drug you used when you were younger may not be able to keep you healthy any more. These days you have to be aware of what types of drugs you should take. Also of knowing type you should not take. Many cases involving over use of perscription drugs usually end with irrevesable sideffects or worse death. Some people these days are actually afraid to use anti-biotics with the fear of possibly dying from using it. The day when people are afraid to use medcine is a bad day for any every pharmacist in these united states. I mean why would you be afraid of medicine its like being afraid of oxygen. It just doesn’t make a heap of sence. These are just a few of the problems our country is plauging its self with these days. Those are my thoughts for this part of my essay.

Altough what I mentioned in the last paragraph was true there are still many reasons why you should use take perscripted drugs. For one it can keep you frome getting a disease, it keeps you healthy, and the

Jonathon Massa most imprtant reason it will keep you from dying. Those are just a few of thhe of the obvious reasons. Also the people who think not taking their prescriptions is the best way togo at it, you must not be very bright because you would have to be increadibly nieve. I mean whats the point of going to the doctor if your not going to do what he tells you to. True the medicines you take may harm you but if you ask me the good out weighs the bad. I also heard parents are afraid to vaccinate their kids because of the side-effects that the vaccines have. Now yes its true that vaccines can harm you but that chances of that happenning are 1 in 300,000, and unless you are the unluckyest person in the world there is almost no chance of that happening. Also don’t forget that vaccines also save lives I mean you wouldn’t wana catch whooping cough just because your parent decided not to get you the vaccunation for it, at that point in time you might fell like a real idiot. Those are just afew of the reasons Now I know how cleseigh this is going to sound but there are some people in this world who would kill for a vaccination shot let alone a shot of penicillin. Did you know that in india they still have the plauge, the plauge imean come on that just is not right what so ever. I am getting off track any way the point is althuog its true vaccines can do just as much harm as good you shuold get them even if it is just to be safe. These are some more reasons to take advantage of our medicle system. Even if it may end up hurting you a little Again I am getting off track now where was I right the effects of penicillin. Now like how I have mentioned this particular drug has many different types of side- effects that can harm you in some way or another. Now you shouldn’t let this discourage you from receiving appropriat medical atttention when it is needed. This is because if you do take a drug for some kind of ailment without cheking with your doctor it could most likely end up

Jonathon Massa doing more harm then goodbut again you should not let it discorage you from receiving medical attention when it is needed.

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Jonathon Massa

Jonathon Massa

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