Jojo Moves

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  • Words: 3,040
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*Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: FAQ/Move List* by KKoh Last Updated 1999-02-09 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to *Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (ARC) FAQs & Guides* Liked this FAQ? Click to recommend it to other GameFAQs users. JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE Capcom Co. All rights reserved. FAQ by Kelvin Koh 23rd January 1999 Last Revised (9th February 1999) - Corrected Dio's "Yonoyo-Tomare!" move. - Added more notes to certain character's moves. - Added the method to fight Death Thirteen.

======== CONTENTS ======== 1) How to Play - About - Basic Controls - Game System - Stand System 2) Move List - Jotaro - Joseph - Avdol - Kakyoin - Polnareff - Iggy - Chaca - D'bo - Alessy - Midler - Dio - Shadow Dio 3) Codes/Secrets - Hidden Characters - Others 4) Credits

=============================================================================== 1. HOW TO PLAY ===============================================================================

---------------------------------------------------------------------------ABOUT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (US: JoJo's Venture) is a new 2D fighting game by Capcom which uses the CPS III arcade board. The game is based on the third installment of the JoJo manga and the OVA. This games implements the new original "Stand" feature. Each character (Stand-user) possesses his own Stand, which fights together with him. Not only can the Stand assist the Stand-user in battle, but should the Stand sustain any damage, the Stand-user is also affected. Capcom has created an innovative fighting game which is easy to pick up and fun to play. This FAQ is meant to be a beginner's guide to the game. It introduces the basic gameplay features and provides the necessary moves so that everyone (including beginners) can fully enjoy the game.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------BASIC CONTROLS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------[GAME CONTROLS LAY-OUT]

Joystick -------UB \ B -/ DB

Buttons -------

U UF | / + -- F | \ D DF

(A1) (A2) (A3) (S)


(Forward) (Back) (Down) (Up)


Move Forward Move Backwards / Guard Crouch Normal Jump

Dash Back-Step Low Jump Middle Jump Big Jump Double Jump


Tap Forward twice Tap Back twice Tap Up While dashing, tap Up While dashing, press and hold Up Tap Up again while jumping (only in Stand Mode)

[BUTTON CONTROLS] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure uses a simple 4-button interface. There are 3 attack buttons and a Stand button. A1 A2 A3 S


Light Attack Medium Attack Heavy Attack Stand Button

Throw - Forward + A3 (when close) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------GAME SYSTEM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[SUPER GAUGE] Explanation: This is the typical Super Gauge that appears in most fighting games. This bar will increase as you perform various moves and when you attack your opponent. You will start with 1 Level at the beginning of every match, and you can stock up to 9 Levels. The Super Gauge is mainly needed to perform your character's Super Moves and Tandem Attacks. [RECOVERY] Command: Press A+A Explanation: Press any 2 Attack buttons when your character is knocked into the air for an air recovery. This is used to get out of air-juggle combos. You may also make use of the Joystick to control the direction which you would like to recover. [DODGE] * Cannot be performed during Stand Mode Command: Press all 3 Attack buttons Explanation: Your character will slide forward for a short distance. During this period, he is partially invincible. Used for dodging attacks and getting behind your opponent. [ADVANCING GUARD] Command: While guarding, press all 3 Attack buttons Explanation: Performing the Advancing Guard while guarding your opponent's attack will 'push' him away.

[GUARD CANCEL] Command: While guarding, perform D,DF,F + A Explanation: This cancels your character's guard and he will immediately counter your opponent's attack with a move of his own. However, this will sometimes fail if you execute the guardcancel when your opponent is performing a move with multiple hits.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------STAND SYSTEM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------[STAND GAUGE] Explanation: This is the small gauge which is found below your Life bar. By pressing the S button, you can call upon your character's Stand. During this period (Stand Mode), if your character receives damage or guards an attack, the Stand Gauge will slowly decrease. When the Stand Gauge is completely depleted, this will result in a "Stand Crush" (somewhat like a "Guard Crush" in other fighting games). Your character will be stunned momentarily and is vulnerable to your opponent's attacks. The Stand Bar will then quickly regenerate, and once it is full, you may start using your Stand again. [STAND MODE] Command: Press the S button. Explanation: Pressing the S button will turn on your Stand, which will fight alongside your character. This will put you in "Stand Mode". While in Stand mode, your character's reach and power will be improved because of the help of his Stand. You can also perform certain actions/Special/Super Moves which you cannot normally perform without a Stand (such as doublejumping). Certain moves will also have a different effect when you are in Stand Mode. If your opponent tries to guard your normal attacks when you are in Stand Mode, he will still receive block damage. Pressing the S button a second time will 'turn off' your Stand and the Stand Gauge will start to regenerate. Use this when your Stand Gauge is running low before you get "Stand Crushed". [STAND APPEARANCE ATTACK] Command: D,DF,F + S Explanation: This is also another way of turning on your Stand. The only difference between this and simply pressing the S button is that your Stand will perform an attack just as he appears. Use this in a combo to surprise your opponents. [STAND COMBOS] * Stand Mode only Command: Refer to individual character's Move List.

Explanation: During Stand Mode, your character's Stand has the ability to chain his normal attacks together to perform rush combos. This basically follows the Light-to-Heavy Attack order found in most fighting games. Each Stand has its own special Stand Combos which can be found with each character's Move List. However, there are many more variations that can be discovered by experimenting. [CONTROL STAND] * Stand Mode only Command: Forward + AA Explanation: By entering this command, you will be able to take control of your character's Stand. During this period when you are in control of the Stand, your character will simply stand still and is open to your opponent's attack. If the Stand you are controlling gets hit during this period, the Stand Gauge will decrease and this will also count as damage to your character's health gauge. Once the Stand Gauge is reduced to zero, your Stand will disappear and you will be controlling your character once again. But of course, you can also choose to revert back to controlling your

character anytime by pressing the S button to 'turn off' your Stand. *Note: Only the following characters' Stands can be controlled - Avdol, Kakyoin and Polnareff

[TANDEM ATTACK] * Uses 1 Super Gauge Level Command: D,DB,B + hold S -> Input command -> release S Explanation: After performing the command and holding down the S button, the game will freeze for a few seconds. During this period, you can input various normal/Special attacks with the joystick and the attack buttons. Once you release the S button, your Stand will rush forward and perform all the attacks you have programmed in succession for a huge combo. In the meantime, your character is free to move about, so you can gang up with your Stand to attack your enemy for more damage.

=============================================================================== 2. CHARACTERS' MOVE LIST =============================================================================== Key to Move List: A - Press any Attack button AA - Press any 2 Attack buttons together (N) - when 'normal' (ie. when you are not in Stand Mode) (S) - during Stand Mode (N/S) - during 'normal' or Stand Mode


JOTARO (STAND: STAR PLATINUM) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------=[STAND COMBOS]=(S) - F+A1, F+A1, A2, A2 (S) - F+A1, F+A1, A2, D+A3 -=[SPECIAL MOVES]=Ora-Ora (N/S) - D,DF,F + A (S) - then Tap A repeatedly (S) - This move can now be performed while jumping. Mach-Ora (N/S) - D,DB,B + A (S) - then D,DB,B + A again Star Finger (N/S) - F,D,DF + hold A (release A to attack) -=[SUPER MOVES]=Patsun-Ora (N/S) - D,DF,F + AA Star Breaker (N/S) - D,DB,B + hold AA (release AA to attack) Star Platinum "The World" (S) - Forward, A2, A1, Forward, S (requires 3 or more Super Gauge Levels to perform)

[NOTES] Star Platinum "The World" - Using more Levels will stop the time for an even long duration. - You can perform an infinite number of Super Moves during this period.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------JOSEPH JOESTAR (STAND: HERMIT PURPLE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------=[STAND COMBOS]=(S) - A1, A1, A2, A3 (S) - A1, A2, D+A3 -=[SPECIAL MOVES]=-

Sunlight Yellow Overdrive (N/S) - F,D,DF + A "Hamon's Beat" (N/S) - 360 degress rotation + A (when close to opponent) "Strategist's Profession" (N) - when attacked, D,DB,B + A (S) - This move can now be performed any time. Turqoise Blue Overdrive (N) - D,DF,F + A Hermit Web (S) - D,DF,F + A then press Back + A or tap A repeatedly Forward Roll (S) - Press A+A -=[SUPER MOVES]="Master's Teachings" (N/S) - D,DF,F + AA "Hamon Overdrive" (N/S) - 720 degress rotation + AA (when close to opponent)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------MUHAMMAD AVDOL (STAND: MAGICIAN'S RED) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------=[STAND COMBOS]=(S) - A1, A2, A3 (S) - D+A1, D+A2, D+A3 -=[SPECIAL MOVES]=Cross Fire Hurricane (N/S) - D,DF,F + A Fire Wall (N/S) - F,D,DF + A "Flame Tracker" (N/S) - D,DB,B + A (hold A to chase enemy; release to attack) Fire Eagle (N/S) - D,DF,F + A (while jumping) "Flames of Hell" (N/S) - F,DF,D,DB,B + A

-=[SUPER MOVES]=Napalm Bomb (N/S) - D,DF,F + AA Cross Fire Hurricane Special (N/S) - D,DB,B + AA

---------------------------------------------------------------------------KAKYOIN (STAND: HIEROPHANT GREEN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------=[STAND COMBOS]=(S) - A1, A2, A3 (S) - D+A1, D+A2, D+A3 -=[SPECIAL MOVES]=Emerald Splash (N/S) - D,DF,F + A Tairap Snake (N/S) - B,F,DF,D,DB,B + hold A (release A to attack) "Majestic Field" (N/S) - D,DB,B + hold A (keep holding to conceal the move; release to attack) -=[SUPER MOVES]=20-Meter Emerald Splash (N/S) - D,DF,F + AA India's Arm (N/S) - D,DB,B + AA (S) - You can use the joystick to control the arm. "ShichiJikan" (S) - A1, A1, Forward, A2, A3

[NOTES] "ShichiJikan" - You can use the joystick to control the movement of the Stand. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------JEAN PIERRE POLNAREFF (STAND: SILVER CHARIOT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-=[STAND COMBOS]=(S) - D+A1, D+A2, A2 (S) - D+A1, D+A2, D+A3 -=[SPECIAL MOVES]=Million Spit (N/S) - Tap A repeatedly Raydarts (N/S) - Charge B, F + A Shooting Star (N/S) - Charge D, U + A "Piercing Needles Sentence" (S) - D,DB,B + A -=[SUPER MOVES]=Armor Takeoff (N/S) - D,DF,F + AA Last Shot (N/S) - D,DB,B + AA

---------------------------------------------------------------------------IGGY (STAND: THE FOOL) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------=[STAND COMBOS]=(S) - A1, A2, A3 (S) - D+A1, D+A2, D+A3 -=[SPECIAL MOVES]=Sand Crush (N/S) - Charge B, F + A Sand Attack (N/S) - Charge D, U + A Sand Clutch (N/S) - F,DF,D,DB,B + A Sand Magic (N/S) - F,D,DF or B,D,DB + all 3 Attack buttons Levitation (N/S) - Press Up while jumping

-=[SUPER MOVES]=Big Sand Wave (N/S) - D,DF,F + AA Sand Storm (N/S) - A1, A1, Forward, A2, A3

---------------------------------------------------------------------------CHACA (STAND: ANUBIS) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------=[STAND COMBOS]=(S) - F+A1, A2, A3, A2 (S) - F+A1, A2, A3, A1 -=[SPECIAL MOVES]=KakuEtazo (S) - D,DB,B + A (counter move) KirenZan (S) - D,DF,F + A (can be performed up to 3 times) TsubameGaeshi (S) - F,D,DF + A -=[SUPER MOVES]=JigenZan (N) - D,DF,F + AA KetsukeZan (S) - D,DF,F + AA

---------------------------------------------------------------------------D'BO (STAND: EBONY DEVIL) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------=[STAND COMBOS]=(S) - A1, A2, A3 (S) - D+A1, D+A2, D+A3 -=[SPECIAL MOVES]=Piranha Dive (N/S) - D,DF,F + A

Propellor Cutter (N/S) - D,D + A (S) - then tap A repeatedly Hopping Hunter (N/S) - D,DB,B + A (S) - then Down + tap A rapidly Kiyaho (N/S) - press Up while jumping backwards or using the back-step in the corner -=[SUPER MOVES]=Junky Carnival (N/S) - D,DF,F + AA Barrel Roll Crusher (N/S) - D,DB,B + AA

---------------------------------------------------------------------------ALESSI (STAND: SETHAN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------=[STAND COMBOS]=None -=[SPECIAL MOVES]=Hachi no Nosu-da (N/S) - B,DB,D,DF,F + A (Press S to cancel the Scope) Gakinchiyoga (N/S) - F,DF,D,DB,B + A Kasabai-teyaru (S) - Press A+A Kage no Bashi (S) - Hold down the S button -=[SUPER MOVES]=Zetsubou-ooodane (N/S) - D,DF,F + AA Ushi-ushi-ushi (N/S) - D,DB,B + AA


Kage no Bashi - By using this command, Alessi can change the length of his shadow (Stand) to 3 different sizes: short, middle and long.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------MIDLER (STAND: HIGH PRIESTESS) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------=[STAND COMBOS]=(S) - A1, A2, A3 (S) - D+A1, D+A2, D+A3 -=[SPECIAL MOVES]=Harpoon Shot (N/S) - D,DF,F + A Motor Head (N/S) - D,DB,B + A -=[SUPER MOVES]=Mega Harpoon Strike (N/S) - D,DF,F + AA Motor Show (N/S) - D,DB,B + AA Dinner Time (N/S) - F,D,DF + AA

---------------------------------------------------------------------------DIO (STAND: THE WORLD) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------=[SPECIAL MOVES]=Muda-Muda (N/S) - D,DF,F + A (S) - then Tap A repeatedly (S) - This move can now be performed while jumping Mudaaa! (N/S) - D,DB,B + A (S) - then D,DB,B + A again The World (N) - F,D,DF + A

Woconei! (S) - F,D,DF + A KuretsuGanshiha (N) - Tap Forward, A3, A2, A1, Forward -=[SUPER MOVES]=Checkmate-da! (N) - D,DF,F + AA (S) - This move can now also be performed while jumping. Road Roller (N) - D,DB,B + AA Yonoyo-tomare! (S) - Forward, A3, A1, Forward, S (requires 3 Super Gauge Levels)

[NOTES] Yonoyo-tomare! - Using more Levels will stop the time for an even long duration. - You can perform an infinite number of Super Moves during this period.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------SHADOW DIO (STAND: ?) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------* Shadow Dio does not have a proper Stand like the other characters. -=[SPECIAL MOVES]=Throw Knives - B,DB,D,DF,F + A then F,DF,D,DB,B + A KuretsuGanshiha - F,DF,D,DB,B + A "Scales of Horror" - B,D,DB + A Nazimuzo! - F,D,DF + A World 21 - B,DB,D,DF,F + S

-=[SUPER MOVES]=Punishment - D,DF,F + AA Charisma! - D,DB,B + AA (requires 2 Super Gauge Levels) Yonoyo-tomare! - A1, Forward, A3, Back, S (requires 3 or more Super Gauge Levels)

[NOTES] Yonoyo-tomare! - Using more Levels will stop the time for an even long duration. - You can perform an infinite number of Super Moves during this period.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------YOUNG JOSEPH ---------------------------------------------------------------------------* Young Joseph does not possess a Stand. -=[SPECIAL MOVES]=Hamon Cola - F,D,DF + A Hamon Cutter - D,DF,F + A Iron Bowgun - F,DF,D,DB,B + A Cracker Boomerang - D,DB,B + S Cracker Volley - D,DF,F + S, then S, then Forward + S (Overhead attack) or Down + S (Low attack) or Up + S (Uppercut) -=[SUPER MOVES]=Wasurenu Omoi - D,DF,F + AA Asia no Seki-seki - D,DB,B + AA (unblockable)

=============================================================================== 3. CODES/SECRETS ===============================================================================

---------------------------------------------------------------------------HIDDEN CHARACTERS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------[DIO] - On the character select screen, perform the follwing steps: 1) Highlight Alessi, press Start once 2) Go to D'bo, press Start once 3) Go to Chaca, press Start once 4) Finally, highlight Midler and press Start 3 times. If you are successful, the artist will add Dio's potrait onto the bottomright of the character select screen and you can now select him. [SHADOW DIO] - After performing the code to get Dio, highlight Dio and press the Start button 10 times. Dio's face will now be covered by a shadow. - Hold down the Start button while choosing Dio to obtain Shadow Dio. [YOUNG JOSEPH] - On the character select screen, perform the follwing steps: 1) Highlight Jotaro, press Start 2) Go to Polnareff, press Start once 3) Go to Joseph, press Start once 4) Go to Kakyoin, press Start once 5) Go to Iggy, press Start once 6) Go to Avdol, press Start once 7) Finally, move to Joseph, press Start once, and wait for a while. If you are successful, hold down the Start button while you are highlighting Joseph to obtain the Young Joseph.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------OTHERS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------[FIGHT DEATH THIRTEEN] - First, you have to play as one of the 5 main characters. (ie. Jotaro, Joseph, Avdol, Polnareff or Iggy.) - Play through the game and beat every fighter without losing a single round, and for very round, you have to finish off your opponent with a Super Move. (including N'Doul) - If successful, Death Thirteen will appear and challenge your character

when you are about halfway through the game (after the 4th stage).

=============================================================================== CREDITS =============================================================================== [ACKNOLEDGEMENTS/SOURCES] - Capcom Japan <> for the moves list, and for creating such an original fighting game! - Games Weekly Magazine for unlisted moves and boss character's move list. - The Magic Box ( for the boss codes. - James Kuroki for the Young Joseph code, move list, and information about several moves. - Reid Egloria for correcting certain mistakes and providing extra informtion for several moves. Also confirmed the method fo fight Death Thirteen. - GoTrax for corrections and extra information for certain moves. [NOTE] I have not played the game thoroughly enough to write an in-depth FAQ about it, but since I enjoyed the game very much, I decided to write this basic guide to help those who are starting out. I have not tried out all of the characters myself yet, so I am afraid I can't provide you with any further information about their moves and how they work.

=============================================================================== THE END =============================================================================== [REVISION HISTORY] 28th January 1999 - Added some more info to the "How to Play" section. - Added notes to move list for Jotaro, Dio and Alessi. - Added Young Joseph code and move list. 6th February 1999 - Corrected Dio's "Yonoyo-Tomare!" move. - Added the method to fight Death Thirteen.

This FAQ was created by Kelvin Koh. (e-mail: [email protected]) The latest version of this FAQ can always be found at: Thanks for reading! This is my first arcade game FAQ. I hope you found it useful! ^_^ If anyone has any comments, information, or if you have found a mistake, please feel free to e-mail me. Also, if you intend to post my FAQ, feel free to do so, but please inform me first. FAQ Copyright 1999 by Kelvin Koh. All rights reserved. *Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: FAQ/Move List* by KKoh Last Updated 1999-02-09 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to *Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (ARC) FAQs & Guides*

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