Johnson Teaching Strategies Plan

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Teaching Strategies Plan Roberts Wesleyan College MSN 625 Teaching Strategies and Evaluation Michelle Johnson



My teaching strategies plan is based on a course developed on emergency nursing management. This course is a part of a Nursing Residency Program. The course purpose, description and outcomes are listed below. COURSE PURPOSE: The purpose of this course is to educate and prepare new graduate nurses in emergent critical care for throughout the life span and learn advanced clinical skills. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This nurse residency course will build off the foundation of medical-surgical knowledge and integrate principles of advanced pathophysiology, assessment, clinical skill and pharmacology as a foundation to emergency nursing management. The focus will be on the advanced life support, cardiac dysrhythmia interpretation, airway and IV access management. Developing relationships and understanding of other interdisciplinary team members and their roles. The students will expand and advance their critical thinking and ability to make judgments calls in relation to emergent situations. COURSE OUTCOMES: At the conclusion of the course, the student will be able to: 1. Define team member skills and roles during emergent situations. (3, 6, 9, 7)* 2. Summarize the appropriate steps to advanced life support throughout the life span, use of an AED and medication management. (2, 6, 8)* 3. Apply critical thinking skills to nursing practice, recognizing the need for early assessment and intervention. (2, 4, 5, 8, 9)*



4. Analyze heart rhythms and need to implement early cardiac management. (2, 5, 6)* 5. Provide leadership and collaborating with multi-disciplinary team members. (1, 3, 7)* 6. Adapting nursing practice to changing best practice advisories supported by evidence-based practice. (2,6,9)* Two topics in this course will be fully developed within this paper. The two topics choses for complete development include IV management and dysrhythmias. Dysrhythmias in Week 4 will be fully developed to focus on the complexity of basic and critical cardiac rhythm changes. Week 1 focuses on IV management, the developed focus is line management, care and placement as well as medication administration and peripheral access complications.




Fully Developed Week # 1 – IV Management


IV Management (Class)

Learning Activity

This week the students will be given a refresher on the four


main IV fluids normal saline, lactated ringers, D5W, and 0.45% Normal Saline. After a short review, the focus will be placed on administration for all intravenous therapies and medications in correlation with patient’s condition, types of peripheral and central venous line care, medication administration policies based on the type of line and electrolyte homeostasis. Prep-assignments, classroom discussion and assignments will facilitate the knowledge and clinical judgment needed to successfully complete the lab portion of the course and application to practice. Evaluation of lecture will consist of a quiz given at the end of the class, the quiz must receive a passing grade of 75% to continue onto the lab session. Cognitive: Emphasis on cognitive domain is placed on obtaining and understanding new knowledge. This level for

Domain of Learning (Bloom’s Taxonomy

this class is comprised of defining, recognizing and differentiating.

Revised) Affective: Developing clinical thinking and confidence in knowledge. This level for this class is comprised of adherence



to policies and procedures, and influence of IV therapy on patient condition. Psychomotor: Focused will be placed in lab. Student-Centered

At the completion of this learning activity, the learner will:

Learning Objective(s) 1. Describe the different common intravenous complications and correlating treatments. 2. Indicate the IV therapy solution needed based on patient’s condition. 3. Identify the appropriate vein placement for intravenous lines for infant, child, and adult. Preparation Required by Teacher/Facilitator and Materials Needed

➢ Read Lewis Ch. 16 Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Imbalances p. 270-301, Chapter 24 Burns p. 429-453. ➢ Smith & Duell Ch. 28 Intravenous Therapy p. 10501107, Chapter 29 Central Venous Access Devices p. 1109-1164

Time Allotted

Total class time is Monday from 8:00-10:30. 8:00 – 8:30 will be allotted for review. 8:30-10:00 will be taught on medication administration and treatment of patient conditions with IV therapy. 10:00 – 10:30 types of peripheral and central lines and management of lines will be taught.

TEACHING STRATEGIES PLAN Learning Styles Addressed by Activity


The majority of this class will be based on lecture and visual presentation learning. By using visual presentations and activities, students are engaged and actively participate in the class.

How is content connected This is an advanced level class after licensure as well as the to prior learning?

last class of the Nurse Residency program. This class builds on prior knowledge.

Reflective Debriefing A debriefing will be done after all in-class activities have been with Learners (post-

completed, open-questions session to address any concern,

learning activity) How confusion or necessary clarification. will it be accomplished? Evaluation of

After all concerns have been addressed, a post-lecture quiz

Learning (How will it will be given. Successful passing grade of 75% or better must be accomplished?)

be achieved by the student to move on to the lab portion of the course.

Teacher Reflection

The chosen learning styles and activities directly correlate with the learning objectives in place. Lecture with visual activities positively and effectively reinforce the class preassigned reading material.



NAME OF LEARNING IV Management (Lab)


Learning Activity In lab, student will be taking the knowledge they learned prior Summary

and within the classroom and applying it to real-life scenarios and completing hands-on skill evaluation. Student will be participating in small groups of 2-3 individuals and practicing peripheral IV placement in manikin arms, proper peripheral and central venous management and care. Secondly, student will be individually participating in a visual matching activity where they must identify pictures of intravenous complication and then list a plan of care for each complication. Lastly, Students will be working in pairs of two and properly displacing the steps to blood product administration. At the end of the lab, students successfully administering an IV push medication to a manikin using appropriate techniques. Cognitive: Emphasis on application of knowledge to practice. This level for this class is comprised of assessment, recognizing

Domain of

and predict.

Learning (Bloom’s Taxonomy Revised) Affective: This level for this class is comprised assume responsibility, form judgement and adherence.



Psychomotor: Emphasis is placed on hands-on skill. This level for this class is comprised of troubleshooting, identifying and demonstrate. Student-Centered At the completion of this learning activity, the learner will: Learning Objective(s)

1. Visually identify intravenous complications. 2. Successfully place an intravenous peripheral catheter. 3. Identify and perform clean and sterile technique where appropriate.

Preparation Required by Teacher/Facilitator and Materials Needed

1. Read: o Joint Commission Central Lines o Please review all Peripheral IV Line and Central Line Hospital Policies and Procedures. 2. Watch: o Peripheral IV Placement: o Central Lines M o Pediatric IV Placement:



Total lab time is Monday from 10:30am – 11:30am. Each lab activity will have a time allot of 15 minutes each. With the last 15 minutes of lab, the evaluation of learning will be completed.

Learning Styles This lab is learning styles is hands-on skill stations; giving Addressed by Activity students the opportunity to apply their knowledge to practice. Stations consist of both individual activities, as well as small group allowing student to learn from one another as well as build on collaboration and team work skills. How is content

This is an advanced level class after licensure as well as the last

connected to prior class of the Nurse Residency program. This class builds on prior learning?

knowledge and allows hands-on application to practice.


During this lab, debriefing will be more continuous through the

Debriefing with Learners (post-

lab as faculty members are there to assist at each station assisting in skill set demonstration, answering question or concerns.

learning activity) How will it be accomplished? Evaluation of

Evaluation of learning will be accomplished by a test-out hands-

Learning (How will on skill session; each student will be assigned to a station at it be accomplished?) random at the end of the class and must successful complete that hands-on skill with accurate procedure and technique to successfully pass the lab section.


Station hands-on activities is a good fit to achieve desired learning outcomes and passing proficiency by evaluation at the end of the day.





Fully Developed Week # 4 – Dysrhythmias

LEARNING ACTIVITY Dysrhythmias (Class) Learning Activity Summary

This week students will be given more in-depth exposure to cardiac dysrhythmias. A review of cardiac structure and functionality of the heart will be given at the beginning of class. From this foundation, the student will learn in depth characteristics of advanced cardiac abnormalities, their association to patient conditions and diseases and treatment for these cardiac rhythms. The indicators between a 3-lead and 12-lead EKG will also be discussed. During class, the focus will be placed on knowledge, correlating indicators, risk factors and treatments. Cognitive: Emphasis on application of knowledge. This level for this class is comprised of describing, differentiate and

Domain of Learning


(Bloom’s Taxonomy Revised)

Affective: This level for this class is comprised assume verify, solve and classify. Psychomotor: Emphasis is placed on hands-on skill. This level for this class is comprised of troubleshooting, and identifying.



At the completion of this learning activity, the learner will:

Learning Objective(s) 1. Describe the conduction pathway and functionality of the heart. 2. Correlate the relationship between EKG components in relation to the heart’s conductivity. 3. Understand the functionality of each dysrhythmia. Preparation Required by Teacher/Facilitator

➢ Review: o Lewis Chapter 31Assessment of Cardiovascular

and Materials Needed

System p. 658-680, Chapter 33 Coronary Artery Disease and Acute Coronary Artery Syndrome p. 702-736, Ch. 34 Heart Failure p. 737-756, Ch. 36 Inflammatory and Structural Heart Disorders p. 780-801. ➢ Read: o Ch. 35 Dysrhythmias p. 757-779 ➢ Review hospital Telemetry Unit and Cardiac Medication Administration Policies and Procedures

Time Allotted

Total class time is Monday from 7:30-10:30. 7:30 – 10:30 will be teaching advanced cardiac rhythms, their characteristics, association to diseases. Effects on patient stability and treatment plan.


This class will consist primary of visual lecture consisting of

Addressed by Activity

videos, cardiac treatment algorithms as well as powerpoint


presentations. How is content connected This is an advanced level class after licensure as well as the to prior learning?

last class of the Nurse Residency program. This class builds on prior knowledge.

Reflective Debriefing Debriefing will be conducted prior to evaluation, students with Learners (post-

given the opportunity as a class to as for any clarification

learning activity) How necessary on identification and interpretation. will it be accomplished? Evaluation of

Evaluation will be accomplished through a 20-question quiz.

Learning (How will it The quiz will focus on correlation of dysrhythmias and be accomplished?) Teacher Reflection

patient condition, treatments, as well as testing. Visual lecture with the use of video, presentations and computer applications is a good fit to presenting and differentiating while supporting the learning objective for this class.




Dysrhythmias (Lab)


In lab this week, student will focus on visual measurement


and interpretations of cardiac dysthymias strips. Secondly, students will also be completing hands-on practice of placing 3-lead and 12-lead EKGS on manikins, as well as trouble shooting with EKG strips. Cognitive: Emphasis is placed on knowledge, treatment and analysis. This level for this class is comprised of identify,

Domain of Learning

analyzing and interpreting.

(Bloom’s Taxonomy Revised)

Affective: This level for this class is comprised if classification, judgment and acting. Psychomotor: Emphasis is placed on interpretation. This level for this class is comprised of identify and troubleshoot.


At the completion of this learning activity, the learner will:

Learning Objective(s) 1. Analyze and identify heart rhythms and dysrhythmias. 2. Perform 3-lead and 12-lead EKG 3. Indicate appropriate treatment to each dysrhythmia

TEACHING STRATEGIES PLAN Preparation Required by Teacher/Facilitator and Materials Needed Time Allotted


➢ Complete the Learn and Game portion of SkillSTAT EKG Simulator o Total lab time is Monday from 10:30am – 11:30am. From 10:30 to 11:10, student will be practicing interpreting rhythm strips. The last 20 minutes of the lab will be allotted for evaluation.

Learning Styles

This lab is devoted to visual learning, seeing, reading and

Addressed by Activity

interpreting various different EKG strips and identifying dysthymias.

How is content connected This is an advanced level class after licensure as well as the to prior learning?

last class of the Nurse Residency program. This class builds on prior knowledge and allows physical hands on strip interpretation.

Reflective Debriefing Debriefing will be conducted prior to evaluation, students with Learners (post-

given the opportunity as a class to as for any clarification

learning activity) How necessary on identification and interpretation. will it be accomplished? Evaluation of

Evaluation will be consisting of a 10-telemetry strip quiz,

Learning (How will it each strip must be measured and interpreted accurately. be accomplished?) Teacher Reflection

Hands-on repetitive practice of strip identification and analysis was a good fit for successfully completing the

TEACHING STRATEGIES PLAN learning objectives for this lab. Students are given practice time with faculty one-on-one support if needed.



17 References

Billings, D., & Halstead, J. (2016). Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty (5th ed.). Missouri: Elsevier. Bloom’s Taxonomy. Retrieved on March 10, 2019 from Lewis, S. M. (2017). Medical-surgical nursing: Assessment and management of clinical problems. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. Smith, S. F. (2017). Clinical nursing skills: Basic to advanced skills. Boston: Pearson.

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