John Maxwell And The Laws Of Leadership

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 4
John Maxwell’s 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership! Law #1…The Law of the Lid. You will never be able to be more effective than your ability to lead. This ability is the “lid” on your effectiveness with people. By learning and growing as a leader you can increase your effectiveness. Law #2..The Law of Influence. Princess Diana used the “platform” of her position as princess to influence others to join the fight against AIDS and other causes even though at first she was a shy and overwhelmed. Then after her divorce, when she was no longer a princess, she kept on influencing people. A “title” can give you time to start influencing people but after that you increase or decrease that influence -- the Myth: 1. Management is different from leadership. Management is maintaining a system. Leadership can change directions. Managers can only go I the same direction. 2. Entrepreneur Myth—Someone who’s creative and a good sales person is not a leader. A sale is momentary and people don’t follow his lead. 3. Knowledge Myth— Knowledge and intelligence do not make someone a good leader. A brilliant research scientist is rarely a good leader. 4. Pioneer Myth—Being the 1st to do something does not make you a leader. To lead, people must follow and act on your vision intentionally. 5. Position Myth—It’s to the position that makes the leader but the leader makes the position as with Diana. Leadership is Influence! by your actions and abilities. Law #3…The Law of Process. Leadership develops daily over time, like investing. Leaders continue to learn 4 phases: I don’t know what I don’t know, I know what I don’t know, I GROW and KNOW and it starts to SHOW, I go because of what I know (intuitive leading). Learn, Practice and get prepared. It takes a lifetime to reach some goals.

Law #4…The Law of Navigation. Anyone can steer the ship but it takes a leader to chart the course. A good leader plans, sees the whole trip before leaving the dock! They have a Vision for the end goal (destination) and know who they need for the team to get there. They are able to recognize obstacles long before they appear. Navigators: 1. Draw on past experience. 2. Gather info from many sources, listen to others in leadership (their own team and outside mentors). 3. Examine all before commitment. They count the cost. 4. Balance Faith and Fact.

They can’t minimize the bad side of their problems. They balance optimism and realism, intuition and planning. They know that the major barriers to successful planning are: 1. Fear of Change 2. Ignorance 3. Uncertainty of the future 4. Lack of imagination The secret to this Law is Planning and Preparation. Law #5…When the real leader speaks, people listen! The “appointed” leader and the “real” leader in an organization or meeting are often different people. There can be one person leading the meeting and another person leading the people. The one leading the people is the real leader. Differences: A positional leader needs the influence of the real leader to get the job done – A real leader get things done with only their own influence. A positional leader only influences other positional leaders – A real leader influences everyone. If you are an appointed to a leadership position do not worry if you are not the “real” leader at the start. You usually won’t be! It takes time to earn this position, or be able to influence the real leader. Man, HOW How do people become “real leaders”? It is a process again. Here are some factors: 1. Character—who they are, 2. Relationships—building relationships with the right people, 3. Knowledge—need to understand facts of the situation and gather information, 4. Intuition—Good leadership is Intuitive, 5. Experience—People know they have good experience, 6. Past successes—what they’ve done, 7. Ability to do—Need to be capable of accomplishing or delivering what they say they will do. Law #6…The Law of Solid Ground. Trust must be built up with your followers. When you make mistakes (as we all do) you need to apologize. To gain trust, you must show integrity. Even after we die our character lives on and can lead people. If we mislead and are untruthful, trust and respect are lost. It is very difficult to regain. Law #7…The Law of Respect. Reputation (character) and influence brings respect. Education or position doesn’t bring these. The desire and vision to put a “cause” or “group of people” ahead of yourself and your own desire will bring respect.

Law #8…The Law of Intuition. Many leaders know intuitively what needs to be done to build up an organization or group or accomplish a project. Some have natural intuition. Some people need to develop it. Law 9…The Law of Magnatism. You attract the kind of people to your team that you are. If you are a team player you will attract team players, etc. So as a leader decide what characteristics you want in those who work with you. Strive to develop in these areas. On the other hand—Leaders need to recognize weaknesses and recruit people to work in those areas. Law #10…The Law of Connection. Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand! People can’t be moved to action unless they are 1st moved with emotion. Look at people as individuals and connect at that level. Even if there is a big group—be a friend to them. Law #11…The Law of The Inner Circle. Each leader’s potential is determined by the people closest to him/her. Law #12…The Law of Empowerment. A leader chooses people to get jobs done and then gives them the resources, authority and responsibility to do it. Then he turns them loose to do the job. A leader doesn’t undermine them, discourage or confuse them. Insecure leaders find it hard to give other people this type of authority and responsibility. A leader builds up the team (encourages). Empowerment gets away from “Positional Power” and allows others to develop their leadership potential. Some barriers to Empowerment: 1. Desire for job security “ If you help others develop might take over you job” In reality by doing this you become more valuable to you organization. 2. Resistance to Change. (self explanatory) 3. Lack of Self Worth Don’t put your sense of self worth in your job or position. Develop your self worth by Jesus’ standards. LEAD BY LIFTING OTHER PEOPLE UP! Promote “good will” and “a commitment to help others”. Amazing things happen when you don’t care who gets the credit. It may seem that you are giving up your “power” but this is what makes a great leader. People will want to follow you. Law #13…The Law of Reproduction Leaders must develop and raise up leaders. Law #14…The Law of “Buy In” First, people “buy in” to a leader because of his/her past record, reputation, character, etc THEN they “buy in” to the leaders vision.

Law #15…The Law of Victory Leaders find a (right) way for their team to win. Law #16…The Law of Momentum Before you can go in any direction you need to start moving in that direction. Start moving forward. A stagnate group cannot change, only a group that is moving forward can change. It starts with small progress and grows from there. The more the momentum, the bigger the changes will be. Law #17…The Law of Priorities You need to keep checking your priorities. If you don’t keep checking your priorities you could get stuck in a rut. Re-Evaluate—are you accomplishing what we need to What do we have to do first to reach the goal. Delegate non-essential duties to others, if no one can do the job—Train Someone! Law #18…The Law of Sacrifice Personal sacrifices must be made. Sometimes we need to sacrifice: Pride—We need to admit our faults and change direction! Law #19…The Law of Timing Look at the whole situation and see when the time is right to act. Law #20…The Law of Explosive Growth Leaders-Leading Leaders—Leading Leaders Law #21…The Law of Legacy Train someone to succeed you.

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