Joe 026 F & B Linen Flatwork Ironer Process,doc.docx

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  • Words: 419
  • Pages: 2
JOURNEY OF EXPERIENCE (JOE) LAUNDRY JOE Number :THB-JOE-LDY-026 JOE Title : Food and Beverage Linen Flatwork Ironer Process Department :Laundry Job Title :Laundry Attendant WHAT TO DO/STANDARD 1. Switch on the power supply Nyalakan mesin

HOW TO DO/DETAILS Open the valve steam and air . Move swith to “On” position Buka katup uap dan angin. Pindahkan tombol kearah posisi ON

2. Arrange speed Atur kecepatan

Adjust speed of roll to right speed that need for each linen. Atur kecepatan dari roll yang sesuai untuk masing2 linen

3. Waxing flatwork ironer Beri lilin mesin mangler

Let the temperature of flatwork ironer reach until 178’-179’ , then put linen for waxing and spread wax to waxing linen. Biarkan suhu mencapai 178’-179’, kemudian masukkan linen yg untuk pemberian lilin. Berikan lilin tersebar merata.

4. Start for ironer Memulai untuk

After we received linen from washing process we

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WHY / REASONS Let steam and air supply slowly go inside flatwork ironer to maintain age of machine Biarkan uap dan suplai angin masuk ke mesin mangler pelan-pelan, untuk menjaga keawetan mesin. There is part of flatwork ironer that need air and steam supply pressure for its function. Ada bagian2 mesin mangler yg membutuhkan angin dan suplai uap untuk berfungsi. Ensure good quality of linen that we process. Keep the plate of flat work ironer clean so the result of linen that passed always clean and tidy. Memastikan hasil press yg bagus, dan pemberian lilin untuk menjaga plat tetap bersih sehingga hasil seterikaan selalu bersih dan rapi

Let the machine fold automatically.


separate on the table base on type ( Table Cloth and Napkin).with diferrent system as bellow :

Biarkan mesin melipat secara otomatis

1. Table Cloth : Speed maximal 9 and Should be 3 person.and additional one Person who incharge in back side should take care and really keep on eye for the result.(Automatic Folder ) Taplak Meja : Kecepatan maksimal 6 dan harus 3 orang di depan, dan tambahan 1 orang yg di bagian belakang harus benar2 memperhatikan hasilnya.(melipat secara otomatis) 2. Napkin : For napkin we can use people maximum 5 persons in the front as of feeder and 3 person maximum at the back as of folder ( manual) with speed 9. Serbet : untuk serbet makan kita bisa pake maksimum 5 orang di depan untuk yg memasukkan dan maksimum 3 orang di bagian belakang dengan kecepatan 9.


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