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  • Words: 2,207
  • Pages: 14
Table of Contents Who Am I and Why Should You Care? ...................................... 3 The Old Formula:........................................................................ 5 The New Formula: The Job Search Formula ............................. 6 Two Key Points for Applying the Formula .................................. 6 Why Are You Searching for a Job? ............................................ 7 Ultimate Goal ........................................................................... 8 Weekly Goal ............................................................................ 8 Daily Goal ................................................................................ 9 The Process ............................................................................... 9 Review Your Goals. ................................................................. 9 Call Companies. ...................................................................... 9 After Lunch… Continue Calling. ............................................ 10 Email. ..................................................................................... 10 Research. .............................................................................. 10 Track ...................................................................................... 11 Plan ........................................................................................ 12 Relax ...................................................................................... 12 Formula Tips............................................................................. 12 Your To Do List:........................................................................ 13 You like me… you really like me! ............................................. 14

Who Am I and Why Should You Care? I know what you‟re thinking.”Who is this guy, Dain Lewis?” There are a lot of job search experts out there. Why should I listen to him? Good question. I asked that myself when I download my first free report. It wasn‟t too long ago I was sitting exactly where you are. I was completely frustrated and tired of the entire job search process. Every few days or so I would receive another letter in the mail thanking me for my resume, but telling me they had decided to go with someone else. I almost got to the point of just throwing the letters away before opening them knowing what was inside. Sound familiar? I had recently graduated college and I discovered that college did not prepare me for the job hunt. College teaches you what to do once you‟re in the job, but it doesn‟t teach how to get the job in the first place. After months of searching for a job, I began to get desperate. I began trying anything and everything in order to get a job. I ended up stumbling upon some job search secrets that more than doubled the interviews I was getting, and within three weeks of applying those secrets I started my new job (More on those secrets later)! Since starting my new job, I‟ve interviewed hundreds of people and seen hundreds of

resumes. I know what it takes to stand out from the crowd.

I learned a lot from my job hunting journey. What I walked away with from that journey was a desire for others not to go through the same frustration I went through. In January 2011 I released my first eBook, “The Ultimate Guide to Your 20s” in order to help those in their 20s with their job search, career, and personal finances. This eBook led me to becoming a guest blogger for many websites including & These website are some of the top job search sites for recent college graduates. It‟s been a crazy ride, but my mission isn‟t over. I want to help more people get jobs. I want to cut the time that they are looking for a job from months, down to weeks or even days! That is what this report and the training videos are all about. They are tools to help you on the road to getting your new job sooner than ever! This report and the videos are a free intro to my new training and coaching program called:

There will be more on Job Hunters Academy later. But right now let‟s get you closer to getting that new job. Let‟s talk about the job search formula.

The Old Formula:

The old formula for searching for a job has certain words and attributes attached to it: frustrating, hard, heart-breaking, emotional, no interviews, no callbacks, and no results. The typical old school way of searching for a job looks something like this: You wake up, and after an hour or so goes by you finally decide to sit at the computer and start searching for jobs. You spend HOURS searching the newspaper and the internet for jobs, but you can‟t find any good paying jobs that apply to you. Tons of “work from home” jobs listed, but nothing worth your time. Frustrating right? If you get lucky enough to find a job listed that you would like, you

submit the same normal cover letter and resume that you‟ve been taught. EVERYONE tells you the same thing, and „everyone‟ is wrong. They‟re teaching you the same old techniques they used which ends up in you getting little to no results. You‟re using the old formula. But now you can breathe a sigh of relief. There is a new formula. A formula that WORKS.

The New Formula: The Job Search Formula

Searching for a job feels a lot like playing the lottery. If you get lucky enough, you‟ll win that million bucks, you‟ll get that new job. Searching for a job isn‟t guess work or a matter of luck. It‟s a formula and it‟s a process. That‟s the first thing you need to understand when applying the formula I‟m about to share with you: searching for a job isn‟t a matter of luck, it‟s a process.

Two Key Points for Applying the Formula Point #1: Stick to the formula. Don‟t procrastinate. The Job Search formula is a complete step by step way for getting a job. If you follow the formula you will get a job. If you procrastinate and wait you won‟t get a job as fast. Simple as that. Point #2: Be different.

I emphasize this point a ton in the Job Hunters Academy coaching program. Be different. What makes you any different from any of the other applicants? Think of it this way: Chances are you are not the most qualified person for the job. How can you stand out so that you get noticed above the most qualified person? Think in that direction and you will see outstanding results.

Why Are You Searching for a Job? Most people searching for a job are searching aimlessly. They know they want a job and the type of job they want but nothing is ever really set in stone; aimless searching. The first step in getting anywhere is knowing where you want to go, and that applies especially to searching for a job. So now it‟s time to set some goals for your job search. I know this may seem like a simple task, but trust me it adds a TON of clarity and makes you more focused. This will help you in getting a job faster. So take the time now so you don‟t have to later. The most important aspects of goal setting are that they should be challenging, measurable, specific, and public. For example, a goal of mine could be to: Start a new job by June 15, 2011. I would then tell my closest friends and family members. This goal

challenges me, it is measureable, as well as specific and after telling my friends and family, public. You should set three different goals: your ultimate goal, your weekly, and daily goal. Each goal should have each of those aspects mentioned before. A daily goal could be to apply to four jobs per day and have seven companies as prospects for the next day. A weekly goal could be to apply to 20 jobs a week. You can be even more specific by stating the type of jobs you will be applying for. Now, write your goals down before you head off onto the next step in the Job Search Formula. Ultimate Goal

Ex. I will be starting my new engineering job by [insert date]. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Weekly Goal

Ex. I will apply to 20 engineering jobs by Friday at 4:00 PM. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Daily Goal

Ex. I will talk to 7 engineering companies, apply to 5, and identify 10 more companies for the following day. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Those goals will now be the framework and the blueprint for your entire job hunt.

The Process Now that we have our goals to guide us, we can break down our job search into steps which make up the job search formula. The first step is a no brainer: Review Your Goals.

After waking up in the morning, review your goals. One of the hardest parts of searching for a job is staying focused. Reviewing your goals helps with this problem. It is great motivation and an energizing way to start your day.

Call Companies.

There should have been companies you identified and wrote down the day before. These were either companies that have job

postings already listed or companies you‟d like to work for. You‟re calling these companies to introduce yourself so that they can put a personality behind the resume you‟re about to be sending. This part is crucial, 95% of job seeker omit this step. They are either afraid or don‟t even know this job search secret. Note: you‟re calling before you send the resume. Some people think that calling after they send out their resume as fulfilling this step. It isn‟t completing this step, and you need to do it in this order. You need to call before you send your resume. By doing this one step, you‟ll stand out from 95% of other job seekers. It will also greatly reduce the amount of time it takes for you to get your new job. After Lunch… Continue Calling.

I can‟t stress this part enough. But as you can see talking to companies is a major part of the job search formula. Email.

Once you have talked to all the companies, it‟s time for you to send out your cover letter and resume. In your cover letter you can state things like: “as from our phone call,” etc. Doing so will get them to actually read your resume. Most resumes are only glanced at for 15 seconds or less. Calling previously will get them to read your resume thoroughly. See why talking to companies is so important? Research.

After you‟ve emailed your resume and cover letter to all the companies you‟ve talked to it‟s time to find more positions. Find more jobs and companies to apply to. When researching it‟s important to take notes; you are going to want to identify company history and reasons why they are hiring. This is so you can tailor your cover letter and phone conversation with them the following day. Track

Calling, emailing, and researching all these companies can easily become confusing so it‟s important that you track and organize everything. This will save you time and potential embarrassment later. You don‟t want to talk to someone thinking it was another company you talked to the day before. It will be embarrassing and it could potentially cost you the job. Organize this however it‟s most comfortable for you, either using a pen and paper, excel spreadsheet or word table. The easiest way is probably an excel spreadsheet organized like the following table:

Company name

Phone Conversation (name, date, and details of conversation)

Cover Letter & Resume sent. (Date sent)

Follow-up (Date and time of follow up)

Example Co.

05/06/2011, 05/06/2011 Nancy, Said they were looking for someone young and just posted job listing.

05/09/2011 8:00 AM


After you‟ve done your research it‟s time to plan for the next day. You should have notes from the companies you researched stating names and phone numbers. This is so you can call them the following day. Plan out which companies you‟re going to be contacting. Relax

It‟s been a full day. You got a lot done! Congrats! It‟s time to relax and prepare you mentally for the following day. Do something fun, spend time with your family, practice your hobby, watch a movie. You will have another big day tomorrow as well.

Formula Tips Following the Job Search Formula process should take a lot of the guess work and frustration out of your day. You should be able to go into each

day knowing exactly what you‟re doing.

Now it‟s time to apply the formula. Put all the pieces together and start getting results. An important thing to remember is that searching for a job is slightly a numbers game. Obviously the more jobs you apply to the higher your odds of getting a new job. So don‟t get discouraged if you still get a „no.‟ think of that „no‟ as one more „no‟ closer to a „yes!‟ Think about that tip, it can be very powerful psychologically. It helps you avoid the emotional roller coaster that job searching can sometimes be. One last tip, spend time on things that get you the closest to interviewing. Don‟t spend your day on time wasters such as tweaking your resume. You can spend countless hours doing that. Spend time on the things that get you the closest to getting an interview, „things‟ such as talking to companies. Now it‟s time to get the show on the road and for you to start your new job. Follow the „to do list‟ below.

Your To Do List: Set Goals. Call Companies.

Apply the formula.

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