Job Rotation

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 Step 1 – Design  Step 2 – Fabrication  Step 3 – Profiles  Step 4 – solutions  Step 5 – Project managements  Step 6 – Events  Step 7 – Stages

 Step 8 – Setups

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LITERATURE:Personnel do not always have to leave an organization in order to find a different, more fulfilling, or more satisfying position. Many human relations processes such as job enlargement, enrichment, restructuring, and rotation can be a means to an end. Whichever method or combination of methods is chosen depends on both the management and the staff of the organization. There are a number of articles dealing with job rotation in z&z company its deals with his experience in a evnts & fabricatjon. They look at the advantages and disadvantages of a two-year rotation of reference department supervisors.

JOB ROTATION Job rotation is training and education in which the unemployed are educated and trained continuously in order to replace employees in companies, during the time that they leave their jobs for more education and training. The job – Rotation model is neither a simple market tool enabling a solution to be found to the long-term unemployment of low-skilled persons, nor a

simple continuing training tool enabling firms to maintain and expand their employees’ skills without holding up production. Job rotation links training policy and employment policy. It enables a limited solution to be found to the big question of the relationship between training and employment.

What is Job Rotation?

1.job enlargement :-It requires workers to move between different “jobs”, or more usually workstations, usually at fixed times. Job enlargement increases the variety of tasks built into the job, may involve taking on more duties and usually adds variety to a person's job. Teamwork involves the team in the planning and allocation of the work. Each team member carries out a set of operations to complete the product, allowing the worker to move between tasks.

2.Engineering solutions:- In a hierarchy of hazard control measures, job rotation is classed as an administrative control, thus ranking behind engineering controls but a head of person focused interventions and personal protective equipment. It is not uncommon for Health and Safety regulations to emphasis that job rotation is a temporary control measure until engineering controls can be instituted. It is not desirable that “bad” jobs are be hidden in the rotation, they should be fixed.

3.psychosocial and physical benefits:-: Benefits included offering increased social interaction and collegiality between workers, variability and a break from monotony, and the opportunity to increase skills and versatility, potentially making workers more valuable, marketable, and hence more secure in their job. Job rotation can also offer physical benefits to workers. These included decreasing the amount of time on physically demanding jobs, different jobs offer changes, and gives workers the perception of physical relief.

4. psychosocial and physical negative features:-Workers may lose their sense of mastery and feelings of competence if their job is placed in a rotation. The job and their skill-set can no longer be considered special if “anyone” can do it. They lose their sense of ownership and pride. As a result, there are feelings of job insecurity. Moreover, job rotation is threatening to those who do not embrace change, re-training, or do not have a full understanding of all aspects of the work. Workers with seniority may lose their “lighter” jobs in job rotation, and injured workers with work accommodations may face peer pressure to overreach their physical limits. Job rotation may be distributing the risky jobs to a wider pool of workers, leaving more workers. The concept is quite simple Job Rotation supports company and staff development by •

providing vocational training for selected staff

supplying and training unemployed women as workers to substitute for the staff released on training leave Although a relatively new programme in Mumbai, the Job Rotation concept is already helping to transform learning in the workplace. Currently, more than 3,000 companies India wide have participated in Job Rotation. Almost 90,000 employees have received training and 20,000 unemployed people have trained as substitutes and reentered employment.

What is the Job Rotation Programme? This programme has been specifically funded to get women back into employment. Simply put, it enables unemployed women to gain employment so that other employees within the host organization can be released for training.

Job rotation needs to have a staged introduction: Exploration:- Job rotation should be initiated only after there has been an ergonomic assessment and engineering solutions to musculoskeletal risk factors have been implemented. In particular, it should be initiated only after the peak loads have been addressed. Job rotation can work with jobs with similar levels of risk and difficulty. It can be used to provide variety in jobs that are highly repetitive and monotonous or jobs that can be adjusted to different workers.

Planning:- The jobs, sequencing, and supervision should be planned to accommodate foreseeable circumstances such as a range of training, skills, and capacities of workers in the rotation sequence. The reintroduction of injured workers should in particular be considered.

Training:- An important and often forgotten requirement is the need for retraining. There needs to be an adequate training and a phase-in time.

Implementation:- There is the potential for a decrease in quality and productivity at start up, and initial difficulties in formalizing the schedule. These need to be planned for.

Evaluation: -It is important to treat each new job rotation as if it was a pilot study. Given the difficulty of performing controlled evaluations of job rotation effectiveness in each workplace, it is suggested to measure a baseline of what the situation was like before the rotation (injuries, , worker satisfaction, absenteeism, etc.) so that you can have a before and- after picture of the effect. Another way to assess the effectiveness would be to monitor the effect on the workers who were being rotated out of the “easy” jobs; use them as the “canaries” to make sure that the rotation was not increasing output. After implementation, listen to feedback to modify the process.

Why Job Rotation?

'Can't get a job without experience, can't get experience without a job' , Benefits for Companies

Investment in staff development is a major key to survival and growth, but carries a cost in terms of releasing key staff and finding the right training. Job Rotation provides tailored training for staff of small and medium sized enterprises, whilst providing a replacement worker to cover whilst existing employees are released on training.

Benefits for Company Employees Company employees will improve their knowledge, skills and qualifications through supplementary training and general education, increasing effectiveness in their role and improving job security

Benefits for the Wider Economy Job Rotation meets three separate but interrelated needs of the local economy. 1. Tackling unemployment 2. Encouraging business development trough staff training and learning 3. Promoting Lifelong Learning

For Job Rotation Trainees: As part of your pre-employment training you will be provided with the following nationally recognised qualifications: •

Employment Skills level

Basic Computing

Communication Skills

Application of Number

These were some of the comments from past trainees who have been successful with Job Rotation;DEPIKA MALHOTRA, A Job Rotation Trainee who has successfully secured employment after her six month placement, said "After taking part in the training programme I felt a lot more confident going into employment, as it gave me experience of filling in application forms and practical help for going to interviews". RAJVEER SHARMA, Another trainee, agreed saying, "The Job Rotation Programme gave me a good opportunity to get some qualifications and an opportunity to get a good job." Job Rotation Trainee said, "I feel I have fitted in well into Belfast Carers, the Job Rotation Programme gave me the opportunity to gain invaluable skills and qualifications to get started on the career ladder."

For Employers:In the past two years we have worked with 28 employers from around the province and from different sectors. Here's what a few of them had to say about Job Rotation; Mr. SAYAD HAYJAB (Managing Director of the Z&Z CO.) said, "The programme proved to be an invaluable resource at a time when the business was undergoing rapid expansion. The Job Rotation Programme assisted me to provide ICT training for staff on a new computer system which had been implemented and the Job Rotation Trainee provided the necessary cover." FAYAJ AHMAD,( Director OF Z&Z CO.) has described the project as a "win win opportunity, it gets people back into work, and it motivates our staff and develops their skills which boosts business. Job Rotation goes some way to solving the skills shortage in our business." Job Rotation Z&Z has been in existence since 2002 and was reviewed in July 2005 and implemented with effect from Annual 2007. Keeping the present industry scenario, talent exodus from the organization, large scale discontent among the employees as well as the deterioration in the performance of assets, plants and individual in focus. Z&Z Management have realized that the scheme has not been able to achieve the desired objectives as intended in the scheme. The main objective of the policy,as envisaged by the management, was to have planned movement of employees to meet operational or administrative requirement of the organization, developing multi – dimensional knowledge and skills of employees, enabling employees to develop their own career path and providing flexibility in pursuing specialist tasks. Most of the envisaged objectives have not been met by the policy.

Drawbacks Job rotation which should have been a major outcome after implementation of the policy has taken a back seat and the process of skill development and enhancing the knowledge base has remained only in papers. Job rotation within the work center has not taken place at any of the work center. Employees could not plan their own career path as envisaged in the policy.

Recommendations 1. Though the aims and objectives of the scheme are perfect in the spirit but number of issues resulting out of the present HR scenario has not been addressed in the scheme. Hence the We felt that the scheme needs modifications and incorporation of certain clauses to address the envisaged objectives as well as the present scenario and not a totally new scheme. 2. Job rotation within the work center:- It has been noticed that during the initial stages of career Z&Z while posting an officer at 1st level has not created any mechanism for overall knowledge development in a particular discipline.

3.A during the first 8 years of his/her career the officer needs to be rotated in at least 3 different categories of the job categories for that particular discipline. This can be done at work center level under the overall supervision of the head of that asset / basin / plant/services. In certain cases it may require transfer even before the minimum number of years at any work center, which may be done at the option of the concerned employee as envisaged in Especially for Geophysicists in the area of acquisition, processing and interpretation. For Officers, who have risen from the ranks starting from job rotation needs to be carried out, keeping in mind the skills set that they have developed through their career. 4.The specialization and flexibility in pursuing specialist tasks specially in area of Direction process Event & promotion design etc. needs to be pursued and a mechanism needs to be developed for identifying such specialized tasks and the specialists. However committee is of the opinion that only after an officer has gained experience through job rotation and working in at least two sectors can be considered for manning specialist tag. And after he/she be developed as a specialist for that particular specialist task.. Job Rotation Planing:Further before preparation of draft job rotation list, the views of members of concerned discipline as nominated by concerned Director may be taken on the overall rotation list concerning to the particular Director before putting up for approval. The committee opines that recommendation of Key executives regarding retention of a particular executive from this work center should be considered for one year only.This is being suggested so that Key executive as part of his responsibility to develop a successor for that particular job during this one year of retention period. The representation against job rotation under all categories shall be up to Competent Authority who is approving authority to rotate as per HR Manager instead of Executive Committee. Accordingly HR excutive, after due deliberations keeping in view the aspirations of the officer’s community, their talent, uniformity in opportunity as well as change of working environment, proposes as under: Secondment for the overseas assignment should be strictly for a maximum period of two years. No extension should be considered. This would help in healthy rotation of officers and give chance to more executives to work in different environments. The selection criteria need to be clearly defined and circulated as part of policy. job rotation should be linked with transfer of employee. This is in order to give adequate exposure to employee to take up new assignments at new place of posting on transfer. Executives who have received specialized training should be posted to utilize the knowledge, skill and expertise gained through these trainings.

General Points:-

1. The policy should be implemented in the right earnest and spirit. The guidelines of the policy should be strictly adhered to. 2. The company noted that in large number of cases, especially in last three years, a large number of officers have been promoted to corporate level without serving insector whereas many other officers might have been denied their promotions on the very same ground. Hence the company’s is of the opinion that such officers need to complete their tenure immediately to boost the morale of the others. 3. In fact they should become the area for specialization and extended arms of operations/all assets to aid in enhancement of performance. 5. The job rotation at various operational areas should not bebased on the level but on the basis of their knowledge,experience, qualification and trade. For example theexecutives who have been working at process platforms/plants surface team are being routed in different activities while routed in Fabrication and has resulted in reduction in the performance. The tenure of Fabrication does not allow the individual to acquire the knowledge within this time frame.

Success factors for job rotation: Doesn’t work if you mix high risk jobs with low risk jobs Doesn’t work well if your team has very difficult physical capabilities Doesn’t work well for reintroduction of injured workers Doesn’t work well if jobs are too similar Needs a good overall safety climate

Strategic Employee Rotation Planned, intentional employee rotation will have many positive effects on your business and employees. Encouraging employees to rotate into different roles every few years contributes to knowledge sharing, exposes workers to new challenges, and helps to develop employees' careers. Part of running a successful business is understanding what it takes to remain innovative and fresh with your ideas. Staying on top of the market, understanding your customer's needs, and more importantly, understanding how to get the most out of your employees. Sometimes the latter requires some innovation on your part. This is where employee rotation is important for maintaining a hands-on approach to managing your company. Employee rotation, as defined by is, "a practice which allows qualified employees to gain more insights into the processes of a company and increase job satisfaction through job variation". Plain and simply, employee rotation is a strategic approach to managing your employees that keeps your company fresh, progressive, and successful.

A Change of Scenery Can Do an Employee Good

Experts recommend moving employees to a new role every two years. This length of aim provides adequate time for your employee to gain experience and have an impact in the position.Experts recommend moving employees to a new role every two years. This length of time provides adequate time for your employee to gain experience and have animpact in the position. After two years, the employee should be ready to move up a level from their role, or to take their corporate knowledge and experience to another part of the company in a lateral move. A strong familiarity with operations Do not look at employee rotation as a way to unload your trash on someone else. If you have a bad employee, do not send them to another manager in your company. Take the appropriate action to eliminate weak performers.

Employee Rotation as a Retention Strategy Employee rotation is also a very reliable technique for improving retention. Employees who feel stagnant in their job will passively search for a new job. Many recruiters target 'passive job seekers' because they have fresh competitive knowledge. By encouraging rotation, you are promoting personal growth and substantially reducing the chance that an employee will become a 'passive job seeker.' Employee rotation improves morale, increases your employees' effectiveness, saves your company's recruiting dollars, and helps to keep your employees away from your competition.

Employee Rotation Turns to Greater Productivity Each time an employee rotates into a new role, he or she gets a new challenge and set of responsibilities. The employee brings increased internal relationships, a new perspective and a fresh drive to succeed. When those factors converge, your company receives a big boost from within. Another benefit is that the employee brings invaluable experience gained while in their previous position with your company. Knowing how different functions of the company operate often provides interesting insights into how the employee's new position can be more effective and efficient. Another benefit is that the employee brings invaluable experience gained while in their previous position with your company. Knowing how different functions of the company operate often provides interesting insights into how the employee's new position can be more effective and efficient. If the position they are moving into was created, the employee can offer more ideas than if they were brought in new. The end result is a pipeline of fresh ideas moving throughout your company. The goal is always to do what works best for your business. In most businesses, a defined employee rotation program will substantially improve long-term success. Make sure your employees understand their options and have easy access to internal job postings from various departments of your company. If you have not yet instituted employee rotation, be proactive and make strategic employee rotation part of your normal operations and business culture.

Can’t take a cookie-cutter approach It is not a” silver bullet” to prevent : Job rotation is but one approach among a whole range of strategies for preventing musculoskeletal disorders; it is not an instant solution to poorly designed work and work organization.

It is very context-specific: Important ingredients for successful implementation of job rotationinclude considerations of physical, psychosocial, organizational and engineering factors.Asking this series of questions may provoke considerations of key issues: Why is rotation being chosen as a control strategy? Have engineering solutions been considered and is rotation a good solution for preventing musculoskeletal disorders? Are there jobs in the proposed rotation sequence that have high demands (especially peak loads) that could expose more workers to hazards? Is rotation disrupting existing patterns of mobility that are beneficial? Is the rotation schedule flexible enough to accommodate variations in production and staffing without compromising other workers? Are the staffing and training levels appropriate? Is there a plan for injured workers who need to be accommodated without compromising other workers? Quality Manager said "Having participated on previous employment programmes it had proved difficult to get appropriate work ready people. However [our job rotation trainee] has exceeded our expectations and has become a valued member of the team."

MAINA KALAL, Employee Coordinator said "We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for support and for assisting us in finding team members. We found the Job Rotation scheme to be a superb opportunity for our employees. When asked what they want out of their job, a majority of Candidate say they want work that is challenging and interesting. One way that employers can meet these aspirations is through more flexible forms of work organization that provide more opportunities for workers to use their skills, do a variety of tasks, and have more influence over their work. An example of this flexible approach is job rotation or cross-training, that is, training employees in a range of tasks and rotating them through different positions

Job Rotation: Rare in Firms of All Sizes Job rotation and cross-training can benefit both employees and employers. Workers learn new skills and face less boredom from performing similar tasks over and over. Greater variety and a wide range of tasks make work more interesting and challenging. Job rotation and cross-training can also benefit employers. Job rotation is believed to boost innovation by enabling workers to apply knowledge of one task to others. Moreover, exposing employees to other types of jobs within the firm promotes a better understanding of what others in the firm do and how each job contributes to the whole. Finally, a multi-skilled workforce can more readily adapt to changing markets. As the above chart shows, relatively few employed Canadians engage in job rotation or crosstraining. While 15 percent say they "occasionally" participate in such workplace practices, only 6 percent report doing so on a "frequent" basis. This form of flexible work organization is slightly

more common among workers in large firms. For instance, those employed in firms of under 20 employees are least likely to be engaged in job rotation or cross-training, with 84 percent of them indicating that they never do so, compared with 80 percent of workers in firms with 500 or more employees. Ms.MUSKAAN HR Manager of Z&Z CO.Says Job rotation is important Depending on position and potential, we offer many employees the possibility of finding challenging and instructive jobs in different parts of the organisation – all over the world. On our internal job portal, employees have the opportunity to see all current vacancies in the global organisation. This provides an overview of our many local and international job opportunities, and helps employees plan their own careers. We believe that each employee should be responsible for developing his or her own professional and personal competencies and for seeking challenges in new positions. Ms.NAINA HR manager are committed to helping employees evaluate their current jobs and future job possibilities. Dialogue takes the form both of daily coaching and one-on-one appraisals. Methods

company as practicing job rotation. Seven control variables were also used in this study: job interval, age, gender, education, seniority, position, and salary. Job rotation. After given the definition of job rotation as the lateral rotation of employees among a number of different positions without changes in hierarchy and salary, respondents were asked: “Does your company practice job rotation?” A positive answer was coded as 1 and a negative answer was coded as 0. Job interval. Respondents were asked: “On average how long you would stay in one position before possibly transferred to another position in your company?” The answers were coded in terms of number of year.

Objectives:Job rotation can lead directly to the accelerated development of new members of staff. Cross-functional job rotation can be a powerful way of developing organizational high-fliers. Enabling staff to work in different areas of the organization through cross-functional job rotation and job swaps can contribute to knowledge retention and management by spreading individuals’ expertise more widely within the organization. Cross-functional job rotation and, to a lesser

extent, job swaps can contribute to the development of social as well as individual human capital by establishing and developing new relationships across the organization. Limitations The return on investment in cross-functional job rotation for selected groups such as graduates and high-fliers can be comparatively low without effective selection arrangements. Cross-functional job rotation for selected groups can make considerable demands on the support of the colleagues of participants. This can cause resentment where their support is provided for those they perceive to be members of a privileged group or to be destined for higher things rather than continuing to work alongside them as colleagues. Job swaps are easier to organize and resource than a cross-functional rotation program, although the potential scale and scope of the development opportunities are correspondingly smaller.

Conclusion The results that employees of small companies in Mumbai think highly of job rotation. Hence, the practicing of job rotation was associated with higher job satisfaction and higher training evaluation by the employees. Another variable that is worth our attention is education, which had negative and significant effects on both job satisfaction and training evaluation. That is, the more educated employees were more likely to be unhappy in the work context and that they became more critical about the training effectiveness of the companies. This is a problem the management of Z&Z enterprises must think hard to solve because the employees nowadays receive much more schooling than before. The findings of this study indicated that job rotation might be part of the solution. Traditionally job rotation has been linked to some obvious advantages, as mentioned previously. As I’ve suggested: “Job rotation is certainly one of the most important learning methods, to my mind the most important single one.” To date, job rotation programs can help a company meet the challenges of a highly competitive environment and a flattening management structure: At the organizational level, as empathy and understanding develop among the various positions, job rotation program helps to bring about a durable outcome of the commitment of each employee to the firm’s value base At the departmental level, management might use a developmental

rotation to reward good performance by employees, especially the ‘plateaued employee,’ instead of a promotion or raise. At the group level, job rotation makes members of a work group interdependent and thus encourages teamwork. Everyone in the group is held responsible for carrying out essential job functions of the group or team.

Questionnaire This is an old and well-known method of collecting

information. A questionnaire containing

the job is given to the employee. Some directions are given and the employee is asked to reply the questions. Sometimes this method is known as self-analysis. In small firms, the number of questions is limited. However, in big concerns questionnaire sometimes extends up to five or six pages. Two types of questions are asked in questionnaire. The following questions constitute the first part. (a) Description of the job. (b) What special knowledge is necessary for the job? (c) How much experience is necessary for performance of the job? (d) How much time does the employee have to work for successful performance of his job? The second part will include questions relating the following things.

(a) What is his daily work? (b) What is his weekly work? (c) What is his monthly work? (d) The detail of his special duties, if any. (e) Criticism of the job. Observation Instead of questioning the employees, her, the analyst goes on the shop-floor, observes the working of the employees, and gathers the first hand information. However, he may ask the supervisor or the employee himself regarding certain complex matters. This method can help in collecting far more accurate information; but the basic requisites are that the analyst should know the job pretty well and he should have enough time for these observations.

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