itatc of 1LouIiana )ftIct of tlje ocrnor October 6. 2009
The Honorable Haley Barhour Governor State of Mississippi P.O. Box 139 Jackson. MS 39205 The Honorable Rick Perry Governor State of Texas P.O. Box 12428 Austin, TX 78711 Gentlemen. Our states are responsible for refining approximately 46q of the nation’s fuel supply. It is my understanding that hurricane-related regulations and protocols being considered at the federal level could potentially have a detrimental impact on the ability of facilities to produce the fuel needed by our region and the nation at the most critical times. Should such regulations or protocols be adopted. serious fuel-related shortages and other problems may he experienced both by Gulf States citizens trying to evacuate from future oncoming hurricanes and by citizens throughout this country during and after landfall. These potential problems include, but are not limited to, fuel shortages and significant price increases. I have charged my Secretary of Enxironmental Quality. Secretary of Natural Resources and Director of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness with reaching out to the relevant agencies. both in your states and at the federal level. to better determine the impact that any policy or regulations will have on the region and the nation’s supply, especially in times of essential need.
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As sister states which experience the same hurricane concerns and shoulder the same citizen evacuation responsibilities. I would very much appreciate your states contribution and input into these conversations. I am copying my above-referenced cabinet leadership, who stand ready to work with your state agencies. Very Truly Yours,
J ind Governor
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Harold Leggett, Secretary, Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Scott Angelic, Secretary. Department of Natural Resources Mark Cooper, I)irector. Governors Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness