Jiddu Krishnamurti - The Pathless Path

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 12
Ivan Frimmel presents


Krishnamurti – The Pathless Path (1895 - 1986)

What Krishnamurti has done is to free spiritual life, as science has done in other areas… He has maintained that one can be in total freedom from the very beginning to the very end, and he has stood for that, like a rock, for forty years. I think it may well take the world fifty more years to understand that. - Vimala Thakar 2

K’s Biography (1) 

Jiddu Krishnamurti was born on 11th May 1895 in Madanapalle, a town in south India, the eighth child in a middle-class family. At an early age he was adopted by Annie Besant, then the President of the Theosophical Society, with its headquarters in Madras. She took Jiddu and his brother Nitya to England where she had them educated privately.

On Krishnamurti's return to India while still in his teens, Theosophists proclaimed him to be the world teacher whose coming they had been awaiting. They built a large and rich order round him, with many thousands of followers.

In 1925 Krishnamurti experienced a mysterious spiritual awakening while en route to India from America. 3

K’s Biography (2) 

In 1929 Krishnamurti disbanded the organization, returned the estates and monies that had been given to him and declared that his only purpose was to set human beings unconditionally free from psychological limitations, and set out on a teaching mission of his own, as a secular philosopher of spirituality with no affiliation to sects or dogmas.

From that time he travelled throughout most parts of the world almost ceaselessly speaking to large numbers of people, until his death on 17th February 1986, at the age of 91. 4

Krishnamurti – the Teacher (1) 

Krishnamurti is regarded globally as one of the greatest religious teachers of all time. He did not expound any philosophy or religion, but spoke of the everyday matters that concern all human beings—the problems of living in modern society with violence and corruption, the individual's search for meaning, security and happiness; and our need to free ourselves from the inner burdens of fear, anger, hurt and sorrow. He talked of the need to have a deeply meditative and religious quality in our daily life.

The core of Krishnamurti's teaching is contained in the statement he made in 1929 when he said:  Truth is a pathless land. Man cannot come to it through any organisation, through any creed, through any dogma, priest or ritual, not through any philosophic knowledge or psychological technique. He has to find it through the mirror of relationship, through the understanding of the contents of his own mind . . .


Krishnamurti – the Teacher (2) 

Krishnamurti belonged to no religion, sect or country, nor did he subscribe to any school of political or ideological thought. Instead, he stated that these are the very factors that divide us from one another and bring about personal and social conflict and ultimately war. His talks and discussions were not based on any authority of tradition or academic knowledge, but arose out of his own insights into the human mind and his own relation with the sacred. He consistently communicated a sense of freshness and directness with his audiences, although his message remained basically unchanged over the years.

Krishnamurti is unique in having left authentic written and recorded materials of his public talks and discussions and his conversations with scientists, philosophers, educators, children, businessmen and "ordinary" people. Many of these have appeared in books and on audio and videotapes and discs. His teachings are best approached directly and not through any interpreters or commentators.


His Quote on the Fear of Dying 

Most of us are frightened of dying because we don't know what it means to live. We don't know how to live, therefore we don't know how to die. As long as we are frightened of life we shall be frightened of death. The man who is not frightened of life is not frightened of being completely insecure for he understands that inwardly, psychologically, there is no security. When there is no security there is an endless movement and then life and death are the same. The man who lives without conflict, who lives with beauty and love, is not frightened of death because to love is to die. - Freedom from the Known, 1969 7

His Quotes on The Pathless Path (1) 

I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect. Truth, being limitless, unconditioned, unapproachable by any path whatsoever, cannot be organized; nor should any organization be formed to lead or to coerce people along any particular path. You must climb towards the Truth. It cannot be 'stepped down' or organized for you. - Aug-Sept 1929 8

His Quotes on The Pathless Path (2) 

You cannot discover the path, because there is no path, Truth is a thing that is living, and to a living thing there is no path - it is only to dead things that there can be a path. Truth being pathless, to discover it you must be adventurous, ready for danger; and do you think a guru will help you to be adventurous, to live in danger? To seek a guru obviously indicates that you are not adventurous, that you are merely seeking a path to reality as a means of security. - 1948 9

His Quotes on The Pathless Path (3) 

But as truth is a pathless land, you can't lay down a line, a direction, a path to it and practise it, discipline yourself, learn a technique. It is immovable. There is no technique to truth. - 1976

So one has to be totally free from all that because truth has no path to it. It is a pathless land, like a ship that has no rudder. You have to walk out of darkness, out of your own chaos, out of your own confusion, out of the forest of ignorance and come to that by yourself, your own comprehension of perception. - 1982 10

K’s Brockwood Park School, UK


Thank You Ivan Frimmel Cell: 082-454-0311 E-mail: [email protected]


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