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1 - Prehistoric Times Question


Historical Vocabulary Period of the human past before writing was invented The story of the human past Development that separates prehistory from recorded history Folktales that explain the past The way of life of a people The number of people who live in a given area Person who studies the human past The study of people, their environments, and their resources Scientist who studies the earth Scientists who studies the remains of ancient peoples and civilizations Society centered around cities Any surviving object made by early people Large, extended kinship unit Digging into the earth to find ancient remains

prehistory history writing legends culture population historian geography geologist archaeologist civilization artifact clan excavation

To decode an ancient language


Careful hunting for facts or evidence


Idea about how something happened


To determine how old a historical find is Scientist who studies languages and written records Scientist who studies the origin and development of human beings Term for father-related society Term for mother-related society Scientist who studies fossilized remains of early life

date Philologist Anthropologist patrilineal matrilineal Paleontologist

The Ages of Prehistory Period when the northern continents were buried under ice and snow Before the birth of Christ Anno Domini, the years after the birth of Christ First period of human history What C.E. stands for What B.C.E. stands for Huge, slowly moving masses of ice and snow Years in between glacial times Exceptionally long period of time Period of time figured from some particular date The Old Stone Age The New Stone Age Period of 1,000 years These were formerly used to date archaeological sites Radioactive element used to date ancient objects The shift from food hunting and gathering to food producing When the Stone Age ended When the Neolithic Age began Years of the Paleolithic Age When the last Ice Age ended

Ice Age B.C. A.D. Stone Age Common Era Before the Common Era glaciers Interglacial Periods eon era Paleolithic Age Neolithic Age millennium tree rings Carbon-14 Neolithic Revolution 3000 B.C.E. 8000 B.C.E. 2.5 Million to 8000 B.C.E. 8000 B.C.E.

Our Human Ancestors Continent where the earliest humanlike remains have been found Muscular prehistoric people who were not ancestors of modern humans

Africa Neanderthals

Prehistoric people who closely resembled modern humans


Characteristic that allowed humans to use their hands freely

erect posture

Skill that allowed humans to pass along knowledge


Characteristic that allowed humans store and use more information large brain The facial characteristics that made to a Neanderthal different from a Cro-than animals Sloping forehead, thick eyebrow ridges, Magnon heavy jaw, large nose or receding chin different from a Cro-Magnon "Skillful human" Homo habilis "Upright human"

Homo erectus

"Wise Human"

Homo sapiens

Prehistoric dweller on a Southeast Asian island

Java man

Prehistoric dweller of China

Peking man

When Homo sapiens emerged

100,000 years ago

When Cro-Magnon people emerged

40,000 years ago

The color of this depended on the climate where people lived


People who have lived in Australia since prehistoric times


A 3.5 million-year-old female humanlike skeleton found in Ethiopia


River in western Germany where Neanderthal remains were first found


Term for creatures that walk upright


Prehistoric Life Earliest (Paleolithic) ways of getting food

gathering & hunting

A shaped stone


Earliest clothing material

animal skin

Resource used both for cooking and as a weapon


Neanderthal shelters


Huge wooly creature, often hunted


How Neanderthals disposed of their dead


Prehistoric wall art

cave paintings

Neolithic ways of securing food

farming & herding

New, Neolithic living arrangement


Neolithic invention used for cooking and food storage


Neolithic clothing material


Neolithic material that began to replace stone


Neolithic invention that was the basis of transportation


Neolithic invention that was a machine to weave cloth Material mixed with clay to produce pottery

loom straw or dung

People who wandered from place to place, as Old Stone Age people did


Hardened lava from volcanoes, used as mirrors


Methods of shaping stone in the Old Stone Age


Methods of shaping stone in the New Stone Age


Neanderthal religious belief about death

life after death

First domesticated animal


Mobile way of life that depended on large herds of livestock Online Flash Cards


2 - Mesopotamia: The Fertile Crescent Question


River Valley Life Wide, fertile river mouth Highly developed form of culture Recurring river valley events that enriched the soil Population centers Groups of people identified by their status Geographical areas where the earliest civilizations developed

delta civilization floods cities classes river valleys

Soft metal used by early cultures


Mixture of copper and tin that gave its name to an age


Strong metal first used widely by the Hittites that gave its name to an age Method of watering crops during dry seasons Devices used for flood control Cooperative system that developed as people worked together Economic system created by surplus products Principle occupation of the earliest river valley dwellers Devices developed to reckon and mark time Invention spurred by the need for records Two projects that required group cooperation in river valleys Vital transportation method developed by the Sumerians New system in which certain people specialized in specific types of work Simplified picture of a thing

iron irrigation dikes government trade farming calendars writing irrigation & flood control wheeled vehicles division of labor pictogram

Picture that stands for an idea


Picture that stands for a sound


Cultural Developments Principle building material in Sumer Sumerian writing material System that linked the different parts of both the Assyrian empire and the Persian empire Form of money used for Persian trade Basic political division in Sumer-made up of a city and its surrounding lands and villages Sumerian wedge-shaped writing Architectural element invented by Sumerians Governors of Sumerian cities The Babylonian collection of laws Group of states or nations under one ruler, first created by Sargon Artisan's device for shaping jugs and bowls, first used by Sumerians Vast Assyrian collection of clay tablets (one of the world's first) Divisions of the Assyrian empire Chaldean studies of the stars and planets Kingship passed down from father to son Owned of each Sumerian city's land Pyramid-temple at the center of each Sumerian city Sumerian development in mathematics Basic principle of justice under Babylonian law Basic principle of Hittite justice Belief in a number of gods, common among ancient people Persian provinces

clay brick clay roads coins city-state cuneiform arch priests Code of Hammurabi empire potter's wheel library provinces astronomy & astrology hereditary kingship city's god ziggurat algebra retribution payment of damages polytheism satrapies

Mesopotamian Places The "land between the rivers" Easternmost Mesopotamia's twin rivers

Mesopotamia Tigris

Westernmost of Mesopotamia's twin rivers


Principal city of the Babylonian empire


Arc of rich-soil land where Mesopotamia was located

Fertile Crescent

The two Far Eastern lands that trade with Mesopotamia

India & China

Mesopotamia's twin rivers emptied into this body of water

Persian Gulf

Present-day country that includes most of Mesopotamia


Southern Mesopotamia, home of the earliest known civilization


Capital city of the Assyrian empire


Western boundary of the Babylonian empire One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, located in Babylon

Mediterranean Sea Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Capital city of Persia


Present-day country that includes Persia


African country that traded with Mesopotamia


Area where Mesopotamia's twin rivers began


Great city-state of Sumer


Easternmost boundary of the Persian empire at its peak

Indus River

Famous Persian transportation route

Royal Highway

Desert land to the south of Mesopotamia


Mesopotamian People People who created the earliest known civilization


Warlike people from Asia Minor who were the first conquerors of Babylon

Hittites Assyrians

Warfare specialists who destroyed Babylon and created a huge empire

Cyrus the Great

First ruler of the Persian empire


Mesopotamian writers


People who created the mightiest Mesopotamian empire


Sumerian priest-king who was the hero of the world's oldest written story


Ruler who joined Sumer and Akkad, creating the world's first empire


Ruler of the first Babylonian empire


People who captured Ninevah and rebuilt Babylon


Ruler of the second Babylonian empire


Former allies defeated by the Persians around 550 B.C.E.


Ruler of the Persian empire at its peak


Son of Darius who invaded Greece


Great Persian religious leader Class of people who had more rights in Babylonia than in other Mesopotamian countries


Major occupation of the Assyrians


Assyrian king who created a notable early library


Son of the first Persian ruler; he conquered Egypt


Supreme god of the Assyrians

Assur Online Flash Cards

3 - Egyptian Civilization Question


Geography and Sites Continent Egypt is part of Egypt's major river Body of water into which Egypt's major river empties Region formed by the mouth of Egypt's major river

Africa Nile Mediterranean Sea Nile Delta

Type of land that bordered Egypt's river valley


Colossal statue of a crouching lion with a human head


Largest of the Egyptian kings' tombs

Great Pyramid

Ancient kingdom of southern Egypt

Upper Egypt

Ancient kingdom of northern Egypt

Lower Egypt

New Kingdom capital city in central Egypt Series of great waterfalls in Egypt's major river Site of the Great Pyramid, plus other pyramids Land to the south that became part of Egypt during the empire Type of resource scarce in Egypt, usually traded for This kept many Egyptian manuscripts and artifacts preserved for centuries Body of water on Egypt's eastern boundary Total length of Egypt's major river Two Middle Eastern areas that became part of Egypt's empire during the New Kingdom Land that joined Egypt with western Asia Capital of the Old Kingdom Great center for advanced study New capital city established by Ikhnaton

Thebes cataracts Giza Nubia minerals dry climate Red Sea 4,000 miles Syria & Palestine Isthmus of Suez Memphis Heliopolis Tell el Amerna

Religion Religious status of the Egyptian ruler Tombs built to house the deathless rulers This process preserved bodies for the afterlife Buildings constructed to honor gods, especially Amon-Re God of the sun God of the underworld; personification of the Nile Fertility goddess wife of Osiris New single god decreed by Ikhnaton Collection of magic spells to help achieve life after death Pharaohs' burial places during the Middle Kingdom Each god's symbol, revered and mummified Major preoccupation of Egyptian religion Sacred insect God of Thebes Chief Egyptian god Son of Re, also of Osiris and Isis Where all the pyramids were built Monster that devoured sinful souls Device used by god Osiris to judge a soul Belief in a single god Belief in a number of gods A sacred bull worshipped by the ancient Egyptians

god pyramids mummification temples Re Osiris Isis Aten Book of the Dead tombs cut into cliffs sacred animal life after death scarab Amon Amon-Re Horus West bank of the Nile Eater of the Dead scale monotheism polytheism Hapi

Government and Rulers Boy-king whose unopened tomb was discovered in C.E. 1922 Hereditary groups who took some power away from Egyptian rulers

Tutankhamen priests & nobles

Egyptian ruler


Type of marriage practiced by Egyptian rulers

brother-sister marriage

A series of rulers from a single family; ancient Egypt had 31 of these over 2600 years


Ruler who united northern and southern Egypt in 3000 B.C.E. New name of the ruler who established belief in a single god

Menes Ikhnaton

Wife and sister of Ikhnaton


Last strong ruler of ancient Egypt

Ramses II

First era of ancient Egyptian history the Pyramid Age

Old Kingdom

Second era of ancient Egyptian history

Middle Kingdom

Third era of ancient Egyptian history; a period of conquest Leader who conquered Egypt in 332 B.C.E.

New Kingdom Alexander the Great

Original owner of all Egyptian land


King entombed in the Great Pyramid


Man who discovered King Tut's tomb

Howard Carter

Prince who drove out the Hyksos and began the New Kingdom


Female ruler who expanded trade and public building


Ruler who expanded Egyptian ruler into Syria and Palestine

Thutmose III

Southern Kingdom that ruled Egypt from 750 to 670 B.C.E.


Asian people who ruled Egypt from 1700 B.C.E to 1600 B.C.E.


People who conquered Egypt in 670 B.C.E.


Culture Ancient Egyptian system of writing

hieroglyphic system

Paperlike Egyptian writing material


Artifact that showed how to decipher Egyptian writing

Rosetta Stone

Economic basis of Egyptian power and wealth


Source of wealth for Egypt in addition to agriculture


Healing science in which Egyptians became proficient


centers of government and religion


Material Egyptians used to write with


Building material of Egyptian villagers


Animal introduced to Egypt by the invading Hyksos


Hereditary writing and recordkeeping professional


Time of year when the river flood began


Mathematical skill developed by the Egyptians outside the city Type of calendar developed by Egyptians

geometry 365-day calendar

Important crop in both ancient and modern Egypt


Devices used to build the pyramids

ramps & levers

Home of wealthy Egyptians outside the city


Storage buildings for grain from good harvests


The two building materials for the pyramids

granite & limestone

Approximate number of pyramids built

80 Online Flash Cards

4 - Civilization in Ancient India and China Question


Peoples Family members whom Shang people revered


Persons for whom ancient Chinese developed contempt


What the Chinese considered all foreigners to be


Ruling families in China Bandit leaders who controlled large areas of China Living family members who were most respected in China Class of people who lived in Chinese cities Class of people who lived outside of Chinese cities People who civilization flourished in India between 2500 to 1500 B.C.E. Indo-Europeans who invaded northern India around 1500 B.C.E. Type of people that Aryans were- definitely not city dwellers

dynasties warlords elders rich poor Harappans Aryans nomads

First historical dynasty of China


Class OF people just below the Shang rulers


Stone Age inhabitant of China Most admired members of early Aryan society Aryan priests Physical characteristic of Aryans that separated them from the people they conquered Legendary first dynasty of China People who overthrew China's first historical dynasty Officials in charge of the Shang calendar Legendary found of Xia kingdom

Peking man warriors Brahmins light skin or height Xia Zhou priest-astronomers Yu

Places River whose valley was the site of India's first civilization Northernmost of China's two greatest rivers Southernmost of China's two greatest rivers Major body of water on China's eastern boundary Major Indian river that flows southeasterly

Indus Huang He Yangtze Pacific Ocean Ganges

"China's sorrow" or "the great sorrow"

Huang He

Large sea on China's eastern boundary

Yellow Sea

Desert in the north of China


Major pass through India's northwestern mountains

Khyber Pass

Body of water into which the Indus River empties

Arabian Sea

Mountains northeast of India and southwest of China One of ancient India's large cities, in ruins today Geographic term for India, rather than "country" One of the three geographical factors that kept Eastern peoples isolated Chinese term for the land of the two major river valleys India's northwestern mountain range Broad area populated by the spreading Aryans Capital city of an early Chinese dynasty Large river south of China's two greatest rivers Mountains to the northwest of China

Himalayas Mohenjo-Daro subcontinent wide deserts, high mountains, and large bodies of water Middle Kingdom Hindu Kush Indus-Ganges plain Anyang Si Tien Shan

Early Indian Culture What the Aryans did to the Harappan cities

destroyed them

Indian social structure that began under the Aryans Structures used to control the rivers

caste system

Structures used to control the rivers

dikes & dams

India's seasonal wind Most Harappan gods were of this gender Harappan improvement in brick making

monsoon female firing

Unique feature of Harappan cities' design

city planning

Crop used to make cloth, first grown by Harappans


"Modern" system that kept Harappan cities sanitary

sewer system

Center of each Harappan city


Grain-storage buildings in Harappan cities


Main crop of the Aryans on the central Indian plain


Harappan cities were built on this feature as another form of flood protection


How streets were laid out in Harappan cities


Artifacts that contain most of the known examples of Harappan writing


The Aryan period in Indian history, from 1500 to 1000 B.C.E.

Vedic Age

Written language of the Aryans


The Aryans' collections of sacred knowledge


Huge watertight tank in a Harappan city

Great Bath

Indus Valley religion

animism or polytheism

Basic unit of earliest Aryan society


Greatest, longest Indian epic


Early Chinese Culture Source of our knowledge about earliest Chinese history


Structures used to contain a river's high water levels


The northern river sometimes did this when flooding

change course

Material produced for wealthy people's clothing


Creatures that produced silk


Legendary creatures that were driven out of China's river valleys Two grains grown by the ancient Chinese

dragons & serpents millet, wheat, barley, rice

Material used for war chariots, weapons, and works of art


Forces in nature that the Shang worshipped


Improved metal used by the Zhou for weapons and tools


Strongest connection among Chinese people

family ties

Main economic base of the Shang dynasty


Type of calendar used by the Shang, adjusted as necessary

lunar calendar

Building material that was abundant along the Chinese rivers Ancient Chinese term for divine right to rule

clay Mandate of Heaven

Centers of early Chinese cities

palace & temple

Items that were inscribed with questions for ancestors


Writing as an art, practiced by the ancient Chinese


Number of written characters a well-educated Chinese had to know Material that gave the Huang He Social and economic division that weakened the Shang dynasty

10,000 silt gap between rich and poor

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5 - Ancient Greece Question


Origins and Geography Ancient seafaring people of Crete Primary occupation of the Minoans Ocean south of Greece that surrounds Crete Geographic features that separated Greek city-states Geographic feature of Italy's northern border Legendary ruler of Bronze Age Crete People who replaced the Minoans as the chief power of the Aegean world Ten-year conflict between the Myceneans and the people of Troy Epic poem about the Trojan War

Minoans sea trade Mediterranean mountains Alps Minos Mycenans Trojan War Iliad

People who conquered the Myceneans around 1000 B.C.E.


Sea that separated Greece and Asia Minor


Sea that formed Greece's western border Most famous of Alexander's new cities, in Egypt Economic activity made necessary by Greek geography Major city of ancient Crete Mountainous land north of Greece Peninsula on which Greece is located Southern portion of ancient Greece Region of Greek city-states in Asia Minor and on Aegean islands

Adriatic Alexandria trade Knossos Macedonia Balkan Peninsula Peloponnesus Ionia

Italy's central mountain range


Large island at the toe of Italy


Politics and Society Geographic and political center of Greek life Earliest form of city-state government Form of government developed in Athens Lowest Athenian class People of Athens who spent their lives secluded at home Sole occupation of male Spartan citizens Greek word for the city-state Fortified hilltop at a city's center A city's open meeting area, usually the marketplace Form of government in Sparta Set of principles and rules for governing; Athens had one Spartan slaves Where male Spartan citizens lived from age 7 to age 30 Fate of unhealthy or imperfect Spartan babies Fate of Athenian debtors, abolished by Solon What Athenian girls were taught

city-state monarchy democracy slaves women military service polis acropolis agora aristocracy constitution helots military barracks abandoned to die sold into slavery household management

The five governing officials of Sparta


One of the two ruling bodies in Sparta


Body of Athenian citizens that passed laws Athenian body that proposed laws and handled daily affairs Spartan form of money

Assembly Council of Four Hundred iron bars

The Era of City-States South-central, militaristic city-state


Attican city-state that developed as a democracy


Wars with a powerful empire of Asia Minor in 490-479 B.C.E.

Persian Wars

Leader who sailed an army across the Aegean to Greece in 490 B.C.E.


Persian leader who sent his army back to Greece in 480 B.C.E.


Statesman who led Athens to its greatest heights Athenian leader who drew up a code of laws

Pericles Draco

Athenian leader whose name today means a wise lawmaker


Athenian leader who established nearly complete democracy Battle in which the Greeks defeated the Persians in 490 B.C.E.

Cleisthenes Battle of Marathon

Defensive alliance led by Athens

Delian League

Thirty-year war between Athens and Sparta

Peloponnesian War

Event in addition to war that destroyed Athens


City-state that overthrew Spartan rule in 371 B.C.E.


Greek rulers who seized power by force, often backed by the poor


Mountain pass defended by Spartans in 480 B.C.E.


Sea battle in which Athenians defeated Persians in 480 B.C.E.

Battle of Salamis

Final, decisive battle that ended the wars in 479 B.C.E.

Battle of Plateau

Athenian ruler who introduced land reform and was supported by the lower classes


Athenian warships


The Hellenistic Age Ruler of Macdeon who united the Greek city-states

Phillip II

Phillip's son and successor

Alexander the Great

Empire conquered by Alexander


Northern African country conquered by Alexander


Culture spread by Alexander

Greek culture

Athenian orator who vigorously opposed Phillip


Cause of Phillip's death


Alexander's Greek tutor


Easternmost extent of Alexander's empire

Indus River

Cause of Alexander's death


Structure in Egypt's Alexandria; one of the Seven Wonder of the Ancient World Phillip's ambition in life City-state where Phillip was held hostage as a youth

Pharos unite Greek city-states or to spread Greek culture Thebes unification or the spread of Greek culture

Alexander's major influence on the world Special infantry formation of the Greek and Macedonian armies Battle in which Phillip gained control of Greece

phalanx Battle of Chaeronea

Alexander's age when he came to power


Northern portion of Alexander's empire at its division


Southern portion of Alexander's empire at its division


Eastern portion of Alexander's empire at its division


Alexandria's renowned center of learning

museum Online Flash Cards

6 - Ancient Rome Question


Origins and Geography Number of hills on which Rome was built Rome's river The Italian peninsula extended into this sea Creature who cared for Rome's legendary twins as infants Sea on Italy's east coast Legendary twins who fought to become Rome's first king Invading people who founded Rome Northern people who took over Rome from its founders People who established city-states on islands south of Italy Etruscan method of making marshes useful Bridge-building element Latins borrowed from Etruscans Etruscan system of government River Caesar was ordered not to cross on his way back to Rome

seven Tiber Mediterranean she-wolf Adriatic Romulus and Remus Lains Etruscans Greeks drainage arch monarchy Rubicon

Western boundary of the Roman Empire at its height

Atlantic Ocean

Southern boundary of the Roman Empire at its height

Sahara Desert

Northern land invaded by Caesar, secured under Claudius Region north of Rome, today's France Body of water on the eastern and northern boundaries of the Roman Empire at its height The two rivers that were the northern boundary of the Roman Empire at its height One of Rome's two main hills Source of Etruscans' written language

Britain Gaul Black Sea Rhine and the Danube Palatine or the Capitoline hill Greek alphabet

Government and Society Roman form of government in which the citizens who voted held power Roman upper class Roman lower class Extended period of peace that Augustus brought to Rome

republic patricians plebeians Pax Romana

Popular public meeting places for both men and women


Popular public entertainment staged by the government

free public games

Professional public fighters


Rulers who held absolute power for no more than six months


Joint officials who were chief executives and military leaders


Rome's main public square Basic unit of the Roman army Elected officials who protected plebeians' rights Class that expanded as the large estates grew Class that was driven from the countryside to the cities Basic principles of Roman law Water-transporting systems Roman road improvement Basic occupation of people in the Roman Empire during the peaceful years Method of succession developed during the empire Type of housing for Rome's lower classes Social and economic division that weakened both the republic and the empire

Forum legion tribunes slaves small farmers laws should be fair and apply to all people equally aqueducts paved highways agriculture adoption of heirs apartment buildings gap between rich and poor

Leaders Famed soldier and politician who became sole ruler and was later assassinated The day Caesar was assassinated Caesar's top general, who fell in love with Cleopatra Caesar's grandnephew and political heir

Julius Caesar Ides of March (March 15th, 44 B.C.E.) Mark Anthony Octavian

"Exalted One," Octavian's new title


Octavian's status as absolute ruler of the Roman Empire Emperor blamed for the Roman fire of C.E. 64

emperor Nero Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus

Brothers who were "reformer" tribunes Senator and general who opposed Marius and seized Rome


Co-ruler defeated by Caesar in Greece


One of Caesar's two close friends who became his killers Famous general who extended the empire to its greatest size; the second Good Emperor

Brutus or Cassius Trajan

The third Good emperor, who had a defensive wall built in Britain


Last of the Good Emperors; a Stoic philosopher

Marcus Aurelius Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus

Adopted son and successor of Augustus Insane successor of Tiberius


Succession of five wise and able rulers

Good Emperors

Old lawyer/ruler who adopted his successor in C.E. 96


Orator and politician who supported Pompey


Conflict that broke out while Marius and Sulla were contending for power

civil war

Expansion, Decline, and Fall General of Carthage who invaded Italy in 218 B.C.E.


Mountain range crossed by Hannibal and his troops


Large animals that crossed the mountains with Hannibal


New, eastern capital established by Constantine


Peoples whose tribes invaded the Roman Empire


Fierce Asiatic tribe that drove other tribes toward the empire


Leader of the Huns; "the Scourge of God"


Great commercial power that fought with Rome


The wars between Rome and Carthage

Punic Wars

Geographic area where Carthage was located

North Africa

Roman general who defeated Hannibal


Reforming ruler who divided the empire's administration into East and West Strong ruler who moved the capital to the East

Diocletian Constantine

Tribe permitted to cross the Danube into imperial territory that later sacked Rome Germanic chief whose army sacked Rome Major political reason for Rome's fall

the Visigoths Alaric a lack of fixed succession

Major economic reason for Rome's fall

expenses greater than revenues (and then inflation)

Major social reason for Rome's fall

moral decline/lack of patriotism

Area north of Greece acquired by Rome in 148 B.C.E. The two islands to the west of Italy lost by Carthage in the First Punic War What Romans did to destroy Carthaginian land Series of emperors enthroned and assassinated by the army

Macedonia Sardinia and Corsica plowed salt into the fields Barracks Emperors

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7 - Greek, Hellenistic, and Roman Culture Question


Science and Religion Ruler of the gods, Greek or Roman Wife of the gods' ruler, Greek or Roman Greek goddess of wisdom and protector of Athens Greek sporting festival held every four years to honor Zeus Greek "Father of Scientific Medicine" Doctors' pledge developed by a Greek physician Mathematician who developed fundamental rules of geometry Mathematician and philosopher who developed an enduring theorem about right triangles Doctor who compiled a widely used medical encyclopedia Alexandrian authority on astronomy Ptolemy's theory of the universe, accepted until the 1600s Scientist who developed the first two steps of the scientific method Scientist who mastered the use of the lever and compound pulley Geographer who accurately calculated the earth's size Astronomers who concluded that the earth revolved around the sun Scientist who believed that all matter is made up of atoms What Greek scientists lacked Aristotle's method of grouping similar plants and animals Belief in a number of gods, a feature of Greek and Roman religion

Zeus or Jupiter Hera or Juna Athena Olympic Games Hippocrates Hippocratic Oath Euclid Pythagoras Galen Ptolemy geocentric theory Thales of Miletus Archimedes Eratosthenes Aristarchus Democritus accurate instruments for observing and measuring classification polytheism

Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting Rome's great amphitheater; site of gladiator fights Central hill of Athens; site of exceptional temples Artifacts on which the best-preserved Greek paintings were found Athens' renowned temple dedicated to Athena Greatest Greek fine art Familiar Greek statue of an athlete by Myron Domed building in Rome built in honor of gods Baths built for thousands of bathers Roman oval arena; site of chariot races Roman city, destroyed by a volcano, that has yielded many preserved art treasures Roman architectural elements not used by the Greeks First of Greece's greatest sculptors Artist who specialized in large, formal sculpture of decline Famed sculptor of graceful human forms Style of architecture based on Greek and Roman buildings; style of the U.S. Capitol Roman sculpture form in which images project from a flat background

Colosseum Acropolis vases Parthenon sculpture Discobolus Pantheon Baths of Caracalla Circus Maximus Pompeii the arch and the vaulted dome Myron Phidias Praxiteles neoclassical has-relief

Colorful Minoan and Roman wall paintings


Minoan and Roman artworks created with small pieces of glass, stone, and/or tile


Literature and Theater Where Greek plays were performed Form of literature and entertainment invented by the Greeks

amphitheaters drama

Drama about people's suffering


Plays that focus on humor


Epic poet credited with composing the Iliad and the Odyssey Semilegendary slave and fable writer Female lyric poet from the island of Lesbos Earliest and greatest writer of Greek stage comedies The language of ancient Romans

Homer Aesop Sappho Aristophanes Latin

Roman epic poem about Aeneas, modeled after the Iliad


Roman epic poet, author of the Aeneid


Roman poet who wrote odes, satires, and epistles


Author of love lyrics and legends in verse


Roman development in writing


Father of Greek tragedy


Writer of tragedies including Oedipus Rex


Most realistic of the three great writers of tragedy


Family of languages that developed from Latin

Romance languages

Philosophy and History Greek study of the meaning of life and the nature of the world Questioning philosopher condemned to death by poison Student of Socrates, founder of a renowned school

philosophy Socrates Plato

Student of Plato, brilliant philosopher, scientist, and logician Plato's book about ideal state or government

Aristotle The Republic

Step-by-step questioning to arrive at a final conclusion, the truth Roman historian who wrote an account about early Germans Renowned Roman lawyer, politician, and orator

Socratic Method Tacitus Cicero

Roman emperor, military leader, and author of the Stoic Meditations The "Father of History," the first great Western historian Famous historian of the Peloponnesian War Greek ideal of aesthetics and thought

Marcus Aurelius Herodotus Thucydides Golden Mean

Plato's school Aristotle's school

Academy Lyceum

Roman who wrote a multivolume history of Rome


Author of the Commentaries on the Gallic war, later emperor Greek author of Parallel Lives

Julius Caesar Plutarch

Roman schools of advanced studies

rhetoric schools

Philosophy that focused on living a vice-free life


Philosophy that focused on virtuous conduct and the absence of pain Online Flash Cards


8 - Near Eastern Worlds and the Rise of Christianity Question


The Phoenicians Main occupation of Phoenicians Timber used to build Phoenician ships and for trade

sea trading cedar

Basic political division in Phoenicia


Landforms that physically separated the different groups of Phoenicians


Phoenicians used these to protect their cities Centers of activity in a Phoenician city A skill the Phoenicians were renowned for Early Phoenician herding peoples who came from the desert Early rulers of Phoenician city-states Expensive Phoenician item much sought after in trade Phoenicia's permanent settlements in faraway places Phoenicia's most important contribution to Western culture Phoenicians spread this throughout the Mediterranean world Egyptian method of preserving dead bodies, adopted by the Phoenicians Continent that Phoenicians may have sailed around

walls port seafaring, trading, and shipbuilding Canaanites kings/ high priests purple dye colonies alphabet Middle Eastern culture embalming Africa

Phoenician kings had to share power with these bodies

councils of merchants

Shellfish that was the source of Phoenicia's purple dye


A Phoenician princess, who was the legendary founder of Carthage Natural resource Phoenicia lacked and had to trade for Phoenician gods Large Mediterranean island with a Phoenician colony, a center of trade

Dido minerals Baals Silicy, Sardinia, Malta, Cyprus

The Hebrews Religion of the Hebrews The Hebrews' different idea about God Leader who brought the Hebrews out of Egypt God's laws as given to Moses Land Moses led the Hebrews to The Hebrews' God Leader who brought the Hebrews to Canaan in about 1900 B.C.E. The Hebrews' journey out of Egypt Binding agreement between God and Abraham The two main occupations of the Hebrews in Canaan King who established Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and wrote many psalms

Judaism one god only Moses Ten Commandments Promised Land Yahweh Abraham Exodus covenant farming and sheepherding David

Wise king who built a huge temple at Jerusalem


Spiritual leaders who delivered messages from God to the people


Jewish teachers Most sacred Hebrew text; its five books record the early history and laws of the Hebrews Portion of the Bible that tells the story of the Hebrews Peoples the Hebrews fought for Canaan The Hebrew people's 12 divisions Leaders of the 12 tribes First king of the Hebrews Ethical basis of Jewish society Three Hebrew prophets who have books of the Bible named after them (7)

rabbis Torah Old Testament Canaanites or Philistines tribes judges Saul social justice or the rule of law Elijah, Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Micah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel

Christianity Christ, the Messiah People among whom Christianity began How Jesus was put to death

Jesus Jews crucifixion

People who controlled Palestine when Jesus lived


The savior the Jews waited for


The archbishop of Rome, head of the Latin church Main message of Jesus

pope love one another

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

Golden Rule

Rising from the dead, as Jesus is said to have done


What Jesus said his relationship to God was

Son of God

Religious practice early Christians refused to follow

honoring the emperor as a god

Title that some Jews gave Jesus, which alarmed the Romans The Latin churches as a group, after the split of C.E. 1504 The Greek churches as a group, after the split of C.E. 1504

King of the Jews Roman Catholic Church Eastern Orthodox Church

Portion of the Bible that tells about the life and teachings of Jesus

New Testament

The four books of the Bible about the life of Jesus


Roman emperor in power during Jesus' life


First Christian missionary to the gentiles; a former persecutor of Christians Disaster that was blamed on the Christians

Paul Great Roman Fire of C.E. 64

Roman emperor who encourages the growth of Christianity

Constantine I

Decree that made Christianity legal in C.E. 313

Edict of Milan

Emperor who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire


Near Eastern Places Village birthplace of Jesus


Town where Jesus grew up


Western boundary of Phoenicia and Palestine

Mediterranean Sea

Loose union of city-states; nation of seafarers


Land the Hebrews left under the leadership of Moses


Body of water the Hebrews crossed during their exodus

Red Sea

Hebrew capital city; site of Solomon's temple


Land where Christianity developed and Hebrews lived Phoenicia's city-states (4)

Palestine Tyre, Sidon, Bablos, Berytus (Beirut)

Phoenicia's greatest colony


Area where Carthage was located Land the Hebrews first settled in and later returned to

North Africa

Mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments from God Northern Hebrew kingdom

Mount Sinai

Canaan Israel

Southern Hebrew kingdom


Palestine's major river


Land to which the people of Judah were forced to move in 586 B.C.E. Modern country that includes part of Phoenicia

Babylon Lebanon or Syria

Modern country that includes part of Palestine

Israel or Jordan

Mountains that bordered Phoenicia on the east

Lebanon Mountains

Modern country where Carthage once was located


Land the Hebrews first migrated from

Ur, in Mesopotamia

Desert land the Hebrews first came to after leaving Egypt

Sinai Peninsula or Desert

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9 - Early Cultures in Europe Question


The Germans Primary occupation of German men Members of German society who did most of the work Basic unit of German society German tribe that used its kingdom in North Africa as a base for pirate raids Form of government set up by invading Germans Fierce nomadic people from Asia who invaded Europe Term formerly used for the Early Middle Ages River valley along the Roman Empire's border where many Germans settled Chief German god God of war and thunder East Goths, driven westward by the Huns West Goths; they capture and plundered Rome A German tribe gave its name to this word; the willful and senseless destruction of property European country occupied by Romans, then Vandals, then Visitgoths State of European society after the German invasions destroyed the Roman Empire Why the Germans didn't write their own history Where German warriors expected to spend their afterlife Visitgoth king who led the sack of Rome in 410 Source of German law German tibe that moved across the Alps into northern Italy German tribe that moved into central Gaul

warrior women and slaves clan (tribe) Vandals kingdom Huns Dark Ages Danube Woden Thor Ostrogoths Visigoths vandalism Spain anarchy they had no written language Valhalla Alaric people Lombards Burgundians

The Franks Religion the Frankish king and his warriors converted to


Institution that supported the Franks after they converted


Modern-day country that takes its name from the Franks


Religion the invading Arabs hoped to spread throughout Europe English translation of both Charlemagne and Karl der Grosse

Islam Charles the Great

River along which the Franks lived


King who first brought all Franks under one rule


Two characterisitcs shared by most Franks that helped them to feel united Modern country that developed from the Western Frankish kingdom Modern country that developed from the Eastern Frankish kingdom Leader who defeated the invading Arabs Battle of 732 in which the invading Arabs were defeated First Frankish king personally crowned by the pope Frankish king who became "Emperor of the Romans" The invading peoples defeated by Charlemagne Charlemagne made this available even to some lower-class children Charlemagne's only surviving son Agreement that ivided the empire among Charlemagne's three grandsons Capital of the Frankish kingdom under Clovis Charlemagne's capital city Asian invaders who reminded Europeans of the Huns

common religion and language France Germany Charles Martel Battle of Tours Pepin (the Short or III) Charlemagne Lombards, Saxons, Slavs, Avars, Arabs (Muslims) education Louis the Pious Treaty of Verdun Paris Aix-la-Chapelle Magyars

Britain and Ireland Early inhabitants of Britain, who were conquered by Romans Three Germanic tribes that invaded Britain around 450 Tribe that gave its name to England Lands the Celts fled to from Britain

Celts Angles, Saxons, and Jutes Angles Wales, Western Scotland, and Ireland

Famed missionary who brought Christianity to Ireland


Status of most English people

peasant class

The two peoples of northern Britain (modern Scotland)

Picts and Scots

Body of water crossed bythe tribes that invaded Britain

North Sea

Centers of culture in Ireland


Head missionary to Anglo-Saxons Center of the Christian churhc in England, as established by Augustine

St. Augustine Canterbury

King of Wessex who fought the invading Vikings

Alfred the Great

English term for invading Vikings Epic Anglo-Saxon poem

Danes Beowulf

Local districts of England


Officials who governed local districts in England


Body of water between Britain and Ireland

Irish Sea

Important kingdom in northern England Important kingdom in central England


Important kingdom in southern England



Pope who decided to convert the Anglo-Saxons to Christianity Anglo-Saxon king who allowed the missionaries to teach about Christianity

Gregory I Ethelbert, king of Kent

Northeastern region of England ruled by the Vikings


The Vikings Europeans' term for Vikings

Norsemen (Northmen)

Far northern Europe


A characterisitc of Vikings that terrified Europeans

brutal and pitiless in fighting

What the Vikings used much of their abundant timber for


Occupation of seafaring Vikings in addition to raiding


Primary occupation of Viking men


An advantage of Viking raids for Europeans

opening of trade routes, learning shipping skills

The three kingdoms of the Vikings


Vikings had none of these for their children


King of the gods

Odin (Wotan)

God of thunder and lightning Body of water crossed by Viking raiders heading toward Russia Norwegian adventurer who founded a colony on Greenland The two North Atlantic islands colonized by Norwegian Vikings

Thor Batlic Sea Eric the Red Greenland and Iceland

Eric the Red's son, who saield to North America

Leif Eriksson

Vikings' name for the sport on the coast of North America where they landed Body of water the Vikings crossed to get to Greenland and North America

Vinland Atlantic Ocean

Viking letters of the alphabet


Heroic or mythic poems of the Vikings


Heroic stories of the Vikings


Danish ruler who became king of England


Area of France where Danes settled in large numbers Online Flash Cards


10 - The Rise and Spread of Islam Question


Peoples and Places of the Arab Empire Peninsula on which the early Arabs lived


Climate of the early Arabs' homeland


Birthplace of Muhammad


Christians' term for the Muslim people who conquered Spain

the Moors

Major occupation of Arabian nomads


Nomads of Arabia

the Bedouins

City to which Muhammad fled and established his leadership


City captured by Muhammad that became the center of Islam


Body of water on the west coast of Arabia

the Red Sea

Continent whose northern border was conquered by the Arabs


Western European country that became part of the Arab Empire


Empire to the east of Arabia taken over by the Arabs

the Persian Empire

Empire to the north of the Arab Empire extending from Asia Minor into Europe

the Byzantine Empire

Near Eastern countries to the north of Arabia taken over by the Arab Empire

Palestine and Syria

African country to the west of Arabia that became part of the Arab Empire


River on which Baghdad was built

the Tigris

Wealthy businesswoman who married Muhammad


Original name of the city of Medina


New capital of the Umayyad caliphs, in Syria


New capital built by the Abbasid caliphs


Spanish cities that were centers of learning under the Arabs

Cordoba and Toledo

Governing the Arab Empire Founder of the Arab Empire


How the Arabs treated people they conquered


Official language of the Arab Empire


Term for a successor of Muhammad

a caliph

The first 100 years in power of the Abbasids, 750-850 Muhammad's early profession

the Golden Age of Islam a camel driver (or caravan trader)

Method of choosing the first caliphs

by election

How the title of caliph was passed on after the early caliphs

by heredity

Source of income for the Arab Empire Battle in which the Arabs were turned back from their invasion of Europe Muhammad's daughter, who established her own dynasty in North Africa and western Arabia Muhammad's loyal friend, follower, and first successor Muhammad's son-in-law, the last of the Rightly Guided Caliphs Muhammad's flight from Mecca to Medina in 622 Dynasty that ruled as hereditary caliphs for 90 years

taxes the Battle of Tours Fatima Abu Bakr Ali the Hijrah (Hegira) the Umayyad

Group of Muslims who favored caliphs chosen only from Muhammad's own family

the Shi'ites

Group of Muslims who favored electing any eligible, pious Muslim as caliph

the Sunnis

Group that defeated the Umayyads to rule the empire

the Abbasids

Term for the three parts of the later empire

a caliphate

Muslim body of law, incorporating religious, criminal, and civil matters

the Shari'a

Islamic Culture Type of mathematics invented by Muslim scholars Type of numbers introduced to Europeans by Arab mathematicians Health-care field in which Arabs excelled Things that could not be pictured by Islamic artists

algebra Arabic numerals medicine living creatures

Artistic use of flowing Arabic script


Muslim scientists who tried to turn tin and lead into silver and gold


Muslim scientists who gave many stars their names


Muslim scientists who determined the earth might be round


Popular collection of Persian tales

The Thousand and One Nights (The Arabian Nights)

European country that became a point of contact for Europeans and Muslim culture


Events that brought Europeans into contact with Muslim culture

the Crusades

Slender towers built next to mosques


Navigation instrument perfected by Muslim scientists

the astrolabe

Arab encyclopedia of medicine used in European medical schools for 500 years

the Canon on Medicine

Famed Persian scholar, astronomer, and poet, author of the Rubaiyat Great physician and author of collection of medical knowledge

Omar Khayyam al-Razi, or Avicenna

Weapons from Damascus that became world famous

steel swords

Revered Muslim shrine in Jerusalem built in the 600s using Byzantine domes and arches

the Dome of the Rock

Library, academy, and translation center in Baghdad, a center for scholars

the House of Wisdom

Religious Beliefs The one God of Islam


Muslim book of scriptures, the sacred word of God as revealed to Muhammad Muslim house of worship

the Qur'an a masjid (or mosque)

Muhammad's status

a prophet (the last and greatest)

Food forbidden to Muslims


Beverage forbidden to Muslims

liquor (alcoholic beverages)

Number of times per day Muslims must pray


Position in which Muslims must pray

facing Mecca

Muslims must do this for the needy.

give alms (charity)

What Muslims must do during the daylight hours of the holy month


Men learned in Islamic faith and law


Muhammad believed Allah was the same god that these two religious groups worshipped.

the Jews and Christians

Pilgrimage to Mecca

a hajj

Heavenly creature whose voice spoke to Muhammad

the angel Gabriel

Holy shrine of Mecca that contains a sacred cubelike black structure What the word Islam means

the Ka'aba "submission to God"

Islamic creed that Muslims must recite

"There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet."

Muslim prayer leader

an imam

Muslim holy month


Meaning of the word Muslim

"one who submits"

Event that marks the first year of the Muslim calendar

the Hijrah (Hegira)

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11 - The Byzantine and Eastern Empires Question


Byzantine Territory and People Emperor who moved the capital of the Roman Empire from Rome Capital city of the Byzantine Empire Ancient city, site of Constantinople, that gave the empire its name City Constantinople was patterned after Empire that the Byzantine Empire was originally part of Greatest of the Byzantine emperors Sea south of Russia whose entrance Constantinople controlled Western sea whose entrance Constantinople commanded Justinian's wife, a steely advisor Magnificent Byzantine church whose name means "Holy Wisdom" European country won back by Justinian's army Coastline recaptured by Justinian's army People from the West who attacked the empire People from the East who attacked the empire Major non-European portion of the empire Strategic strait on which Constantinople was located People who captured Constantinople in 1453 Present-day name of Constantinople Commander of the Byzantine army under Justinian Leading missionary of the Byzantine Empire Emperor who banned the use of icons People defeated by Justinian's army to secure the empire's eastern borders

Constantine Constantinople Byzantium Rome the Roman Empire Justinian the Black Sea the Aegean (or Mediterranean) Theodora Hagia Sophia Italy North Africa Christians Muslims (Arabs, Turks) Asia Minor the Bosporus the Ottoman Turks Istanbul Belisarius St. Cyril Leo III the Persians

Byzantine Culture Major unifying force of the empire Important arteries that passed through Constantinople Pictures made of many bits of colored stone or glass Small religious pictures kept in homes and in churches Central figure of Constantinople's magnificent church Approximate number of years the Byzantine Empire existed The Church in the East, after the split of 1054 Source of the emperor's power, according to the emperor Class of people whose rights were expanded at Theodora's urging Constantinople's public arena that often filled with rowdy fans Common spoken language Head of the church in Constantinople The Church in the West, after the split of 1054

Christianity trading routes mosaics icons a dome 1,000 the Eastern (Greek) Orthodox Church God women the Hippodrome Greek the patriarch the Roman Catholic Church

Head of the Eastern Orthodox Church

the emperor

People who spread Christianity to neighboring lands


Religious official with whom the head of the Eastern Orthodox Church clashed Uniform body of civil law, based on Roman law and legal opinions The two major defenses of Constantinople Learning and culture preserved and passed on by the Byzantine Empire An inflammable liquid that was the secret weapon of the Byzantine navy

the pope the Justinian Code the sea and the city's huge walls Greek and Roman learning and culture Greek fire

Important People of the Eastern Empires People who settled much of Eastern Europe Northern warriors and traders who settled in Russia, also called Varangians Central Asian people who took control of Russia

the Slavs the Vikings (or Rus) the Mongols

Greatest leader of the Mongols, grandfather of the destroyer of Kiev

Genghis Khan

Term for the Russian ruler, adopted by Ivan III

the tsar (czar)

People who were formerly free peasants

the serfs

Viking who became the Prince of Novgorod


Prince of Kiev who chose Eastern Orthodox Christianity as Russia's official religion

Vladimir I

Missionary who gave the Russians their alphabet

St. Cyril

Scholarly ruler who organized the first Russian code of law

Yaroslav the Wise

Term for a Mongol leader


Class of Russian people who became socially isolated during Mongol rule Prince of Moscow who ended Mongol control of Russia in 1478 Successor of Ivan III who added much territory to Russia but became mentally unstable

women Ivan the Great (Ivan III) Ivan the Terrible (Ivan IV)

Nomadic, freedom-loving settlers who expanded Russia to the west

the cossacks

Band of Vikings who gave their name to Russia

the Rus

Early ruler of the Kievan state


Local princes and nobles who helped to rule Russia

the boyars

First Russian ruler to convert to Christianity

Princess Olga

Term for the group of Mongols who overran Russia

the Golden Horde

Prince of Moscow who defeated the Mongols in 1378


Landmarks of the Eastern Empires Northern body of water crossed by the Vikings to reach Russia

the Baltic Sea

Body of water that was Russia's gateway to the Mediterranean

the Black Sea

Vast grassy plains of eastern Europe

the steppes

The European and Asian landmass


Original home of the Mongols

the central Asian plains

Main physical characteristic of the northern region of early Russia River at the eastern edge of early Russia

dense forest the Volga

River that flowed past Kiev and into the Black Sea

the Dnieper

Landbound sea of Russia

the Caspian Sea

Northern Russian town; home of Rurik


Southernmost town on the trading route through Russia Mountains that separated Europe and Asia

Kiev the Urals

Trading post that grew during the Mongol occupation


Mountains that separated Eastern Europe and Russia

the Carpathians

Mountains that bordered Russia on the south

the Caucasus

Source of much early Russian culture


Eastern European country to the west of Russia; bordered the Baltic Sea Eastern European country to the west of Russia; south of Poland

Poland Hungary

Center of the Russian branch of the Eastern Orthodox Church


Central Russian river that flowed into the Sea of Azov

the Don

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12 - Empires of India and China Question


Indian People, Politics, and Places Rulers of northern Indian states


Hero and/or heroine of the Ramayana

Rama and/or Sita

Major river of northeastern India

the Ganges River

Major river of northwestern India

the Indus River

"Great" Persian ruler who briefly controlled northeastern India around 500 B.C.E.

Alexander the Great

Dynasty that ruled the first great Indian empire

the Maurya dynasty

Rulers who controlled India during a "golden age" from C.E. 320 to about 550

the Gupta

Feature of both Maurya and Gupta rule that ensured peace and prosperity

a strong central government

Plateau region of southern India conquered by Maurya forces

the Deccan

Most honored Maurya ruler, who converted to Buddhism and promoted peace


People whose kingdoms were located in the southernmost part of India

the Tamil

River of central India

the Narbada

First ruler of the Gupta Empire


Founder, in 321 B.C.E., of the first great Indian empire

Chandragupta Maurya

Asoka's advisor, who wrote a hard-headed book on how to rule


Site of renowned Buddhist monastery-university


Maurya and Gupta capital city


Dynasty that ruled central India in and between the Maurya and Gupta empires

the Andrha dynasty

Greek ambassador who wrote detailed descriptions of Chandra Gupta's capital


Fierce invaders who threatened northern India late in the Gupta era

the Hunas

Indian playwright of the Gupta era


Indian Religion and Culture Major religion of India that developed slowly over a long period of time


The rebirth of the soul in another being


Social class system closely woven into Hinduism

the caste system

Cause of human suffering, renounced by Buddha


Members of lowes class in the Indian social system

the Untouchables (pariahs, outcasts)

According to Hinduism, the actions of a person's life that affect her or him in the next life Birth name of the founder of Buddhism State of complete happiness and peace in Buddhism


The three gods of the Hindu trinity

Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva

Meaning of the title Buddha

"The Enlightened One"

People largely responsible for spreading Buddhism

missionaries and/or traders

Characteristic of the earth proved by Indian astronomers The three essential advances in mathematics invented in India

roundness modern (Arabic) numerals, the decimal system, zero

Way to protect people against communicable disease, perfected by early Indian physicians Central focus of Indian life Sacred mounds said to contain remains of the Buddha Group that opposed Buddhism in India The road to enlightenment, according to Buddha Basic essence that permeates everything in the world, according to Hinduism The two major schools that Buddhism split into

karma Siddhartha Gautama

inoculation the family (or the village) stupas the Brahmins the Eightfold Path brahman Mahayana and Theravada

Chinese Government and Politics Massive structure built to guard against invasion System of choosing governmental officials "Useless" items burned by the thousands by the first emperor Northern Chinese River Central Chinese river Dynasty that replaced the Zhou dynasty and gave China its name

the Great Wall of China the civil service system (or civil service exams) books the Huang He (Yellow River) the Yangtze the Qin dynasty

Dynasty founded by the general Liu Bang in 202 B.C.E. that lasted for over 400 years People killed by the hundreds by the first emperor

the Han dynasty Confucian scholars

Original social status of the first Han emperor

a peasant

People who were forced to leave their homes and live in the empire's capital city Area to the northeast colonized by Han China

noble families Manchuria, Korea

Area to the south colonized by Han China


Cause of peasant revolts

high taxes, harsh laws, and/or forced labor

People hired as government officials during the Han era

Confucian scholars

Policy toward conquered people promoted by the Han government


Emperor Liu Bang's honorable title


Han "Warrior Emperor" who greatly expanded the empire


Female ruler of the Han dynasty

the Empress Lu

"First Emperor;" he unified China

Shi Huangdi

People who threatened China from the north

the Xiongnu (nomads)

Chinese Thought and Culture Invention in C.E. 105 that made books more widely available


China's most valuable trade item


Basis of the Chinese economy


The Chinese philosopher K'ung Fu-tse


One-wheeled cart invented during the Han period, still used worldwide

the wheelbarrow

Needle-based medical treatment developed by Han era physicians


Steering mechanism for ships invented by Han sailors

the rudder

Caravan trading route from China across central Asia to the Mediterranean area

the Silk Road

The foundation of Chinese society

the family

Institution that Confucius hoped to reform


Founder of the philosophy of Daoism


Religion introduced to China during the Han dynasty How the ruler should govern, according to Confucius A son or daughter's most important duty, according to Confucius Goal of Daoists

Buddhism virtuously (by good example) filial piety (respect for parents) to live in harmony with nature

Written collection of the sayings of Confucius

the Analects

Belief that a ruler should enforce strict laws with harsh punishments Book that set out the philosophy of Daoism

legalism The Way of Virtue

Indescribable force that governs the universe, according to Laozi China's "Grand Historian"

dao Sima Qian

Online Flash Cards

13 - Kingdoms, Empires, and States of Africa Question


Geography of Africa Vast desert that separates northern and southern Africa Dry grasslands of Africa Term for Africa south of the Sahara

the Sahara savannas sub-Saharan

Sea that borders northern Africa

the Mediterranean

Body of water that borders western Africa

the Atlantic Ocean

Densely wooded region that receives enormous amounts of rain Inhospitable environment that makes up about 40 percent of the African continent Location of earliest, and great, civilization of Africa Region of Africa between the Sahara and the tropical rain forest Desert of southern Africa

a rain forest desert the Nile River Valley the Sudan the Kalahari

Major river of western Africa

the Niger

Major river of central Africa

the Congo

Mali trading city, center of Muslim learning Ocean that borders eastern Africa Enormous lake named by Europeans for a British monarch Eastern boundary of the Sahara Desert Long, deep gash in the earth in eastern Africa where the first humans appeared Major river of southern Africa Lake on the eastern edge of western Africa Large, elongated lake in eastern Africa Savanna region that borders the southern edge of the Sahara Desert

Timbuktu the Indian Ocean Lake Victoria the Red Sea the Great Rift Valley the Zambezi Lake Chad Lake Tanganyika the Sahel

Culture and Trade Precious metal mined in western Africa's forested regions Commodity that Arab merchants brought to the African kingdoms from the Sahara Religion brought to Africa by Arab traders Family members venerated by most traditional African societies Trade item derived from elephants that was much in demand Pack animals that made cross-Sahara caravans possible Widespread activity that created a rich mix of cultures in Africa The language of trade and business in western Africa Bantu language with many Arabic words Rock buildings carved in Ethiopia in the early 1200s Widespread African religious belief centered around spirits in daily life

gold salt Islam ancestors ivory camels trade Arabic Swahili churches animism

Basis of the Nubian written language

an alphabet

Religion of the ancient kingdom of Aksum and of modern-day Ethiopia


Group of families that claimed a common ancestor Beautiful multi-colored fabric worn by Ashanti kings and chiefs Common African currency that came from the sea Art form that was a specialty of Benin artists West African storytellers who passed on a society's oral history Ancient culture of northern Nigeria that smelted iron and produced a distinctive sculpture Term for the continuing spread of the Sahara Unique language of Aksum

a lineage kente cloth cowrie shells bronze and/or brass sculpture griots Nok desertification Geez

People Original inhabitants of North Africa, fiercely independent desert dwellers West African farmers and herders - spread widely S and E between 500 B.C.E. and C.E. 1500 Great Mali ruler who gave away vast amounts of gold on his hajj to Mecca Muslim rulers of East African city-states Mali's first great ruler, who ousted the ruler who had killed all his brothers

the Berbers the Bantu Mansa Musa sultans Sundiata

N. African traveler/historian - wrote in detail about his journeys through Islamic Africa (1300s)

Ibn Battuta

People who developed city-states with clay-walled capital cities

the Hausa

People who called their ruler ghana, or war chief

the Soninke

City-state dwellers whose chiefs all traced their descent from the first ruler of Ife

the Yoruba

First great ruler of Songhai, who established the empire

Sunni Ali

Second great ruler of Songhai, a Muslim who ruled during the 1500s

Askia Muhammad

Spanish Muslim architect who introduced Arabic styles to Mali


Powerful king of Aksum who conquered Kush and converted to Christianity


King of Kush who founded Egypt's twenty-fifth dynasty People who lived a stateless society from the ninth through the nineteenth centuries

Piankhi the Igbo, Efe, San, Tiv, and Nuer

Queen of the Hausa city-state of Zazzau (Zaria) renowned for her military conquests


Ethiopian king who had Christian churches carved downward into mountains Muslim scholar known in the West as Leo Africanus

King Lalibela Hassan ibn Muhammad

Two groups of N. African Berber Muslim reformers - established dynasties in the 11th/12th cent. the Almoravids and the Almohads

Places and Politics Region south of Egypt along the upper Nile River


Ancient kingdom of Nubia, which conquered Egypt


Mali trading city, center of Muslim learning


This kingdom's Red Sea port city was Adulis.


Present-day state where the ancient kingdom of Nubia was located


Nation ruled by Nubians at times


North African country that conquered the Songhai Empire


Earliest kingdom of the western Sudan, it flourished from the 700s to the mid-1000s.


Kingdom that controlled much of western African from the 1200s until about 1500


Capital of Morocco under Berber Muslim dynasties


Kingdom that flourished around 1500 in present-day Zaire Impressive 60-acre stone city in southern Africa abandoned by 1450

Kongo Great Zimbabwe

Ancient city in West Africa near the Niger River, at least as old as 250 B.C.E. West African empire that flourished in the 1400s and 1500s, overthrown by Moroccans in 1591

Djenne-Djeno Songhai

Rain-forest kingdom of the Guinea coast - flourishing when the Portuguese arrived in 1483


Beautiful, wealthiest, and most powerful city-state of East Africa from the 1200s to the 1400s


Saharan village where houses were made from salt blocks Prosperous capital city of the kingdom of Songhai

Taghaza Gao

Capital of wealthy kingdom of Ghana in the mid-1000s Second capital of Kush, an iron-making center

Kumbi Saleh Meroe

Online Flash Cards

14 - The Americas Question


Geography of the Americas South American river with a huge rain-forested basin The first inhabitants of the Americas migrated from this continent. Era when people first migrated to the Americas over a temporary land bridge Ocean that forms the western border of North and South America Great river of North America, one of the world's three longest Geographic area that lies between North America and South America Present-day nation where the Mayan and Aztec states were centered Mexican peninsula, home to the Mayan civilization

the Amazon River Asia the Ice Age the Pacific Ocean the Mississippi Central America Mexico the Yucatan Peninsula

Great mountain range of western North America

the Rocky Mountains

South American mountains that were home to the Incas

the Andes Mountains

Human migrants came to the Americas when a land bridge replaced part of this body of water Narrow land bridge that connects Central and South America The two present-day nations where the Inca state existed The southern tip of South America Mountain basin 7,000 feet above sea level, in central Mexico Name for the temporary land bridge that formed between Siberia and Alaska Site in Chile with evidence of human life in 10,500 B.C.E. Great mountain range of Mexico

the Bering Strait the Isthmus of Panama Peru or Chile Tierra del Fuego the Mexican Valley Beringia Monte Verde the Sierra Madre

Early Mesoamerica Most important food crop of Mesoamerica Chianampas, used by early farmers to grow crops in shallow lakes Unique and colossal Olmec monuments Time-tracking device developed by several early Mesoamerican cultures Body of water whose shoreline formed a boundary of Olmec lands People who developed Mesoamerica's first known civilization Writing system developed by the Zapotec people Typical terrain of Peru's coastal plain Teotihuacan's giant structure, larger than Egypt's Great Pyramid

maize (corn) floating gardens sculpted heads the calendar the Gulf of Mexico the Olmec hieroglyphics harsh desert the Pyramid of the Sun

Warlike people of central Mexico who ruled an empire based on conquest (900 - early 1200s)

the Toltec

Culture that flourished on Peru's north coast from about 100 to 700

the Moche

City-state - first major civilization of central Mexico, centered around a monumental city First civilization of the Andes Mountains People of Peru who created huge drawings that can only be seen from the air Civilization that flourished in southern Mexico's Oaxaca Valley (c. 500 B.C.E. to C.E. 600) The Feathered Serpent, a snake-bird god common to various Mesoamerican cultures Site of important Olmec remains The first large urban center in the Americas, developed by the Zapotec Toltec capital city

Teotihuacan the Chavin culture the Mazca the Zapotec Quetzalcoatl San Lorenzo or La Venta Monte Alban Tula

North American Cultures Cone-shaped tents of the Plains Indians Besides hunting, a major pastime of the Plains Indians Animal that was the basis of Plains Indians' existence American Indians of the southwestern U.S., whose name was based on their adobe homes Basis of the Pueblo economy Basis of the Plains Indian economy Late migrants from Siberia who settled in the Arctic Basis of northwestern American Indian economy Great wooden carvings that symbolized tribal history for northwestern American Indians Purpose of the mounds constructed by certain American Indians

tepees fighting the buffalo the Pueblos farming hunting the Inuit fishing totem poles burial places

Type of Anasazi canyon housing found at southwestern sites such as Mesa Verde Organization formed by five eastern American Indian tribes

cliff dwellings the Iroquois League

Elaborate feasting and gift-giving ceremony of northwestern tribes

the potlatch

Large underground chamber used by southwestern peoples for religious ceremonies Midwestern and southern American Indians who practiced a unique building style

the kiva the Mound Builders

Great center of the Mississippian people in Illinois, featuring at least 60 mounds


People of the southwest who built large stone and adobe villages later called pueblos

the Anasazi

"Vanished" farmers of the desert southwest who lived in today's Arizona The two legendary founders of the Iroquois alliance

the Hohokams Hiawatha and Deganawidah

Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas People of the Yucatan, southern Mexico, and northern Central America

the Maya

Wandering warriors who settled in central Mexico

the Aztecs

People who destroyed the Aztec and Inca empires

the Spanish explorers

People of the Andes Mountains who created an empire Important and deadly aspect of the Aztec religion

the Incas human sacrifice (on a massive scale)

Basis of the Mayan economy


What conquered peoples were required to do for the Aztecs

pay tribute

Basis of Incan religion

sun worship

Type of communication unknown to the Incas

a written language

Cause of the Incan empire's decline

civil war

Now-ruined Incan city, isolated atop a high mountain

Machu Pichu

Capital city of the Incas


Renowned Mayan city, huge buildings, on the Yucatan Peninsula (many tourists today)

Chichen Itza

Aztec capital city in Lake Texcoco


Advanced feature of Mayan mathematics

the concept of zero

Type of temples built by Mayans

stepped pyramids

Largest Mayan city, located in present-day Guatemala


Transportation network of 14,000 miles built by the Incas

the road system

Deity from whom the Inca ruler descended

Inti, the sun god

Chief Aztec deity, the sun god


Incan ruler who created the empire in the 1400s


Knotted, colored strings used by Incans to keep records Structures that recorded important events in Mayan history

quipu carved stone pillars

Online Flash Cards

15 - East Asia: Empires and Kingdoms Question


China: People, Places, and Politics Region of China often invaded by nomadic outsiders

northern China

Dynasty of 618 to 907 that greatly expanded the empire

the Tang Dynasty

Waterway that linked the Huang He and Yangtze rivers

the Grand Canal

Dynasty that lost control of northern China

the Song Dynasty

Mongol emperor who ruled all of China

Kublai Khan

Dynasty that replaced the Mongols

the Ming dynasty

Italian merchant who served at Kublai Khan's court for many years

Marco Polo

Brief dynasty that reunited northern and southern China

the Sui dynasty

First great Tang emperor

Tang Tiazong (Li Shimin)

The three neighboring lands that became tributary states to China

Vietnam, Tibet, and Korea

Tang-era ruler who was China's only female emperor

Wu Zhao

China's Mongol dynasty

the Yuan dynasty

Muslim admiral who led an enormous Chinese fleet on seven extensive voyages

Zheng He

People who won control of western Chinese lands by winning the Battle of Talus in 751

the Arabs

First emperor of the Sui dynasty

Sui Wendi

Tang capital city


New Song capital city in the south


Scholarly general who founded the Song dynasty Peasant leader who founded the Ming dynasty Empire established by Manchurian people in northern China in the early 1100s

Song Taizi (or Zhao Kuangyin) Zhu Yuanzhang (or Hongwu) the Jin Empire

China: Culture and Society New strains of this staple produced two crops per year instead of just one. A mix of saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal first used for fireworks in Tang China New type of currency issued by the Song government China's largest social class Test for becoming a Tang or Song government official New product from Southeast Asia that Chinese soon drank, produced, and exported Common causes of peasant revolts China's wealthy, powerful upper class Body of knowledge that formed the basis of the Chinese civil service examination Class of people considered inferior by Confucian standards

rice gunpowder paper money peasants a civil service examination' tea high taxes and/or forced labor gentry Confucian learning merchants

Painful procedure that resulted in the highly desirable "lily foot"


Artistic writing skill mastered by the scholar-gentry class


Shiny, hard, white pottery prized as the world's finest ceramic Floating magnetized needle first used by Chinese sailors Palace complex of 9,000 rooms built by a Ming emperor Improved time-telling device invented during the Tang era Individual characters arranged in frames that allowed for multiple prints Graceful temple form with multiple stories and upcurved eaves New food crop(s) introduced to China from the Americas Type of literature produced by Li Bo and Du Fu

porcelain the magnetic compass the Forbidden City the mechanical clock moveable type the pagoda corn and/or sweet potatoes poetry

Korea and Southeast Asia Religion(s) brought to Southeast Asia from India Southeast Asian country controlled by China for 1,000 years Korea's northern neighbor Main characteristic of Korea's terrain Country from which Korea borrowed many ideas and customs Religion that missionaries brought to Korea from China Strait that connects the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea

Hinduism and Buddhism Vietnam China (or Manchuria) mountainous China Buddhism the Strait of Malacca or the Sunda Strait

Empire that was Southeast Asia's main power from 800 to the 1200s

the Khmer Empire

Huge city-and-temple complex built by the Khmer in the 1100s

Angkor Wat

Capital city of Vietnam's Ly Dynasty


River that forms part of Korea's northern border

the Yalu River

Harsh people who occupied and ruled Korea from 1231 until the 1350s

the Mongols

Body of water that forms Korea's eastern boundary

the Sea of Japan

Body of water that forms Korea's western boundary

the Yellow Sea

Island location of the Sailendra kingdom


Island where the capital city of the Srivijaya Empire was located First Korean dynasty; it united the Korean peninsula

Sumatra the Shilla (or Silla) dynasty

Dynasty from which the modern name Korea developed

the Koryu (or Koryo) dynasty

Unique Korean pottery famous for its milky green glaze Third Korean dynasty; it ruled from 1392 to 1910

celadon the Choson (or Yi) dynasty

Capital city of Korea's Koryo dynasty


Japanese Civilization Main characteristic of Japan's terrain


Supreme military commander

the shogun

Religion brought to Japan from China around 550


Warriors pledged to serve their local lord

the samurai

Country from which early Japan borrowed many ideas and customs Long novel by Lady Murasaki Shikibu that told the story of Prince Genji

China The Tale of Genji

Warrior lords who pledged to support their shogun


Largest island of Japan


Large northern island of Japan


Large southern island of Japan

Kyushu or Shikoku

Ancient religion of Japan


People whose naval invasion the Japanese defeated in 1274 and 1281 Second Japanese imperial capital

the Mongols Heiankyo (or Kyoto)

Social and political system in Japan from about 800 to 1600 Ritual suicide practiced by samurai

feudalism hari-kari (or seppuku)

Asian country invaded by Japan in 1592


Term for an island chain like Japan


Type of writing introduced into Japan from Korea around 405 Military dynasty founded by Minamoto that ruled during the 1200s Line of shoguns who ruled from 1603 to 1868

Chinese the Kamakura Shogunate the Tokugawa Shogunate

Violent era of disorder, from the mid-1400s to the mid-1500s

the "Warring States Period"

First Japanese imperial capital


Samurai code of honor

bushido Online Flash Cards

16 - Europe: Feudalism, the Church, and the Crusades Question


Feudal Life Medieval farming estate, including a village

a manor

Noble's home and fortress made of stone

a castle

Body of water that protected some castles

a moat

Heavy door of a castle that could be raised or lowered

a drawbridge

Code of conduct developed for medieval knights

the code of chivalry

Popular board game played by nobles and ladies


Below-ground area where prisoners were kept in a castle Political condition that favored the development of feudalism

a dungeon no strong central government (or weak kings)

Major obligation of a vassal to a lord Payment owed by a vassal if the lord was captured in battle Mock battles, the great sport of feudal knights A fight between two armored knights on horseback Floor covering for a medieval manor house or castle Castle room where everyone lived and ate Grant of land Body of vassals that decided legal cases Wooden building built to provide protection to everyone on the lord's manor High wooden fence that surrounded a noble's house Tall, strong tower of a castle Payment given by a bride's family to the husband-to-be Condition of a field left unplanted every third year

military aid and service ransom tournaments a joust straw the great hall a fief the lord's court the manor house a palisade the keep a dowry fallow

Feudal People Person who granted land in exchange for military services Class of peple who were lords and vassals People who farmed the land and provided services for nobles Peasants who were bound to the land Noble warrior on horseback Weak rulers who granted land from royal estates to powerful lords Class of medieval religious leaders Lesser lord who held land in return for a pledge of services and loyalty Legal possession and use of land passed to this person when a lord or vassal died. Peasants who rented land from the lord First stage of learning to be a knight, beginning at the age of seven A knight's assistant The last strong king in Europe before feudalism developed Poet-musicians at feudal castles who sang about romantic love Wandering musical entertainers Group of nonfarming freemen necessary to village economy Manor official who made sure the peasants worked hard in the fields Head of a medieval university Manor people that the lord's lady was obligated to care for Person who kept one third of the manor's land for himself

a lord nobles peasants serfs a knight kings the clergy a vassal the oldest son freemen a page a squire Charlemagne troubadours minstrels skilled workers (or artisans) a bailiff a chancellor the poor and the sick the lord

The Medieval Church Organization that provided the only stable central authority in medieval Europe Local Church official Official language of the Church Spiritual head of the Church in western Europe Religious communities of nuns Religious communities of monks

the Church a parish priest Latin the pope nunneries (or convents) monasteries

Skills possessed by Church officials and very few other members of medieval society

reading and writing

Large church headed by a bishop

a cathedral

Ultimate punishment for heresy

burning at the stake

Banishment from the Church


Head of a monastery

an abbot

Religious order dedicated to reform, whose members preached among the people

the Franciscans or the Dominicans

Responsibility taken over by the Church that benefitted the less fortunate

social welfare

The laws of the Church

canon law

The search for heresy by the Spanish Church

the Inquisition

False doctrines or denial of the truth of dogma


Contributions of 10 percent of one's income to the Church

a tithe

First pope to become a powerful earthly ruler

Gregory I (the Great)

Set of standards to regulate lives of monks, developed around 530

the Benedictine Rule

Pope who attempted to rid the Church of control by kings and feudal lords

Gregory VII

Agreement of 1122 giving both the pope and the king a part in selecting bishops

the Concordat of Worms

The buying and selling of Church positions


The Crusades Land conquered by the Arabs that the crusaders sought to recapture

Palestine (the Holy Land)

Religion of the Arabs


Muslim people who took over the Holy Land from the Arabs

the Seljuk Turks

Empire that appealed to the pope for protection from the Turks

the Byzantine Empire

Holy city recaptured by the crusaders in 1099


Tragic crusade of 1212

the Children's Crusade

Pope who called on the feudal lords to wage a holy war (a crusade) to regain the Holy Land

Urban II

War cry of the crusaders

"God wills it!"

Emblem of the crusaders, sewn onto their tunics

a red cross

The things a crusader would be forgiven for or declared free from

debts, taxes, sins, and criminal punishment

Crusade led by nobles that was successful

the First Crusade

What the crusaders did when they recaptured the holy city The three kings who conducted the Third Crusade

massacred the inhabitants

Richard/Lion-Hearted (Eng), F. Barbarossa (Ger), Ph. Augu

Muslim leader who recaptured Jerusalem in 1187

Salah al-Din (Saladin)

Main political effect of the crusades

an increase in the power of kings

Site of Church council where the pope pleaded for a crusade Crusade led by Louis VII of France and the Holy Emperor Conrad III; begun in 1147 Term for the Third Crusade, 1189-1192

Clermont the Second Crusade the Crusade of Three Kings

Pope who called for a Fourth Crusade in 1198

Innocent III

City looted by crusaders in 1204

Constantinople Online Flash Cards

17 - The High and Late Middle Ages in Europe Question


Towns and Trade European country where trade first began to revive


Demand developed in Europe for luxury goods from this region

the East

The first large trading centers of the Middle Ages developed at these locations Sea that connected western Europe with the Near East

seaports the Mediterranean

New class of people who provided financial services


Associations of merchants and artisans


Epidemic that swept through Europe in the 1300s

the Black Death (bubonic plague)

Important Italian trading port on the Adriatic


Important trading center on the Black Sea


Type of trading route that connected northern Italy with northern Europe Events that stimulated demand for Eastern goods

an overland route the Crusades

People who determined the value of coins from different regions


New settlements that grew up at locations important for trade


System that town dwellers did not fit into

the feudal system

Person in trading for a trade

an apprentice

Skilled worker who worked for a master for daily wages

a journeyman

New class made up of merchants, master craftsmen, and skilled workers Living conditions in medieval towns

the middle class crowded and/or unsanitary

Area on the northwest coast of Europe that became the earliest Atlantic trading center Product of Flanders in great demand throughout Europe

Flanders woolen cloth

Medieval Culture in the Towns Language of scholars and clergy


Popular poet who wrote one of the first books in English

Geoffrey Chaucer

Chaucer's series of stories written in English

The Canterbury Tales

Guilds of teachers and students


Legendary king, subject of a popular English national epic

King Arthur

Languages of the common people

the vernacular (English, Italian, French, German, Spanish)

Popular medieval dramas Famed poet who wrote in Italian Dante's greatest work, a poem in Italian Attempt to change base metals to gold; forerunner of the science of chemistry Style of church architecture using round arches, domes, thick walls, and small windows Style of church architecture w/ pointed arches, high spires, and large stained-glass windows

miracle (or mystery) plays Dante Aligheri The Divine Comedy alchemy Romanesque Gothic

Rows of supporting ribs outside the walls of Gothic churches

flying buttresses

Site of great universities that specialized in theology and the liberal arts

Paris and Oxford

Attempt of medieval scholars to reconcile faith and reason


Medieval scholar who taught in Paris and stressed reason

Peter Abelard

Dominican scholar-monk who stressed both faith and reason French national epic about a brave member of Charlemagne's army Hero who starred in the German epic the Nibelungenlied

Thomas Aquinas The Song of Roland Siegfried

Site of great university that specialized in law


Site of great university that specialized in medicine


France and Germany Emerge from Feudalism Political subdivisions of France Assembly of French nobles, clergy, and townspeople that advised the king Long war between England and France that began in 1337 New weapon used by English archers against the French

provinces the Estates-General the Hundred Years' War the longbow

New weapon that made castles obsolete for defense

the cannon

French heroine of the Hundred Years' War

Joan of Arc

French king chosen by an assembly of nobles in 987

Hugh Capet

Line of French kings established by Hugh Capet

the Capetians

King who took back much French land from the English French king who formed the Estates-General and collected taxes regularly French king known for honesty, just dealings, and support of the Church Large new state that consisted of Germany and northern Italy Powerful German ruler who became king in 936 and seized territory in northern Italy

Philip Augustus (Philip II) Philip IV, "the Fair" Louis IX, "Saint Louis" the Holy Roman Empire Otto I, "the Great"

King of Germany who disobeyed the pope and continued to appoint bishops German emperor defeated by the Italian city-states in 1176

Henry IV Frederick I, "Barbarossa"

German emperor who was mostly interested in Italy

Frederick II

Important battles in which the English defeated the French during their century-long war

Crecy, Agincourt, or Poitiers

French king who owed his crown to Joan of Arc

Charles VII

Meaning of "Barbarossa"

"red beard"

League of Italian city-states formed to fight the Germans

the Lombard League

England Emerges from Feudalism Duke of Normandy who became king of England

William the Conqueror

Battle in which the French forces defeated the English in 1066

the Battle of Hastings

Term for the people who took over England in 1066

the Normans

Language brought to England by the conquerors of 1066 Nickname for the crusading King Richard I

French Richard the Lion-Hearted

Population survey ordered by William the Conqueror

a census

Clergyman who opposed King Henry II's plan to subject Church officals to royal Thomas control a Becket (the Archbishop of Canterbury) Traveling judges who brought the king's law to all parts of England

circuit (or royal) judges

King who caused a revolt among the nobles


Document that lessened the king's power and strengthened nobles' rights

the Magna Carta

Representative body that included members of the middle class as well as nobles and clergy Upper house of Parliament, for nobles and bishops

Parliament the House of Lords

Lower house of Parliament, for knights and townspeople

the House of Commons

Groups that presented judges with names of people suspected of crimes

grand juries

English king defeated by William the Conqueror


Book that recorded results of the population survey

the Domesday Book

French wife of Henry II

Eleanor of Aquitaine

King who wanted Church officials to be tried in royal, not Church, courts Body of important clergy and nobles that advised the king

Henry II the Great Council

Law based on judges' decisions rather than statutes

common law Online Flash Cards

18 - Southwestern and Central Asia Question


The Mongol Empire Dry grassland of Central Asia

the steppe

Way of life of the Mongols of the grasslands

nomadic herding

Term for a Mongol clan leader


The Great Khan

Genghis Khan

Far eastern country conquered by the Great Khan


Important psychological weapon employed by Genghis Khan


New weapons and technology Genghis Khan adopted from his enemies

catapults and gunpowder

Important Russian city destroyed by the Mongols


Grandson of Genghis Khan, who ruled China

Kublai Khan

Colorful term for the Mongol armies

the Golden Horde

Modern name of the Mongol capital city in China


Country to the east of China that Kublai Khan's naval fleet attacked twice


Genghis Khan's policy toward people once he had conquered their lands Things other than trade goods that moved along the Eurasian trade routes

tolerance bubonic plague, ideas, and/or inventions

What "Genghis Khan" translates into in English Genghis Khan's birth name Period of stability and law and order across Eurasia under Mongol rule Country in the southwestern area of the empire ruled by the Ilkhanate Name of the Mongol dynasty in China Country in the northwestern area of the empire ruled by the Khanate of the Golden Horde Region where Kublai Khan's armies and navies suffered many defeats

"universal ruler" Temujin the Mongol Peace Persia the Yuan Dynasty Russia Southeast Asia

The Mughal Empire English meaning of the Persian word Mughal Area of India that often split into warring local kingdoms People who were second-class citizens under some Muslim rulers Stunning tombs built for Mumtaz Mahal Religion of the Mughals Cause of popular revolts against the Mughal rulers in the 1600s

Mongol the northern plain Hindus the Taj Mahal Islam heavy taxes

Language of India's common people, a mixture of Persian and a local language


People whose invasion of India in 711 went no farther than the Indus Valley


Widespread destruction of monasteries caused a drastic decline in this religion in India. Chief builder of the Mughal empire, the founder's grandson, called "the Great" Ruler who was deeply interested in the arts and built a magnificent tomb for his wife What most Mughal rulers did to secure their throne Akbar's policy toward non-Muslims Warrior leader from Central Asia whose army destroyed Delhi in 1398 Capital of the sultanate that ruled much of northern India from 1206 to 1526 New "soldiers' language," a blend of Persian, Arabic, and Hindi Members of a religious group that organized into anti-Mughal military forces Real ruler of India during her husband Jahangir's reign Turkish sultan whose armies invaded India about 1000 The last strong Mughal ruler, who had to fight many rebellions Founder of the Mughal Empire in 1526

Buddhism Akbar Shah Jahan kill their rivals tolerance Timur the Lame (or Tamerlane) Delhi Urdu the Sikhs Nur Jahan Mahmud Aurangzeb Babur

The Seljuk and Safavid Empires Land where the Safavid Empire was located


Powerful empire to the east of the Safavid Empire

the Mughal Empire

Powerful empire to the west of the Safavid Empire

the Ottoman Empire

Native language of the Safavids and Seljuks Western attacks against the Seljuks in Palestine

Turkish the Crusades

Branch of Islam to which the Safavids belonged


Branch of Islam to which the Seljuks converted


Ancient Persian title for king adopted by Safavid and Seljuk rulers


Most outstanding Safavid ruler

Abbas the Great

Persian trade item much in demand in the West


Persian city the Seljuks took in 1055


Body of water that formed the southern boundary of the Safavid Empire Empire that the Seljuks defeated in the Battle of Manzikeet in 1071

the Persian Gulf (or Indian Ocean) the Ottoman Empire

Famous Persian poet patronized by the Seljuk sultan

Omar Khayyam

Invaders who crushed the remnants of the Seljuk Empire Kurdish leader of the Seljuk military who recaptured Jerusalem in 1187

Mongols Salah al-Din (Saladin)

Most famous Seljuk sultan

Malik Shah

Title of the Seljuk ruler's prime minister


Persian city that was the capital of both the Seljuk and Safavid Empires


Teenage ruler who established the Safavid Empire


Muslim empire that the Seljuks migrated into around 970

the Abbasid Empire

The Ottoman Empire New weapon the Ottomans used to capture walled cities

the cannon

Basis of the Ottoman soldiers' military success


Native language of the Ottomans


Land where the Ottomans originated

Central Asia

Area that the Ottomans migrated into that became the core of the empire

Asia Minor

Original way of life of the Ottomans


Religion of the Ottomans


Ottoman ruler and military leader who captured Constantinople in 1453

Muhammad II

New Ottoman name for the city of Constantinople


West European city besieged by Ottomans in 1529 and 1683


Ottoman sultan called "the Lawgiver" and "the Magnificent"


Elite troops of slaves who were former Christians

the janissaries

Term for an Ottoman ruler, meaning "overlord" or "one with power" European area captured by the Ottomans

"sultan" the Balkans (or Hungary)

Architectural masterpiece of Suleiman's reign

the Mosque of Suleiman

Magnificent Christian church in Constantinople that became a magnificent mosque

the Hagia Sophia

Ruler who gave his name to the Ottomans


Royal architect under Suleiman


Brutal Ottoman ruler who took Mecca, Medina, and Cairo Non-Muslim religious communities

Selim the Grim millets

Council that advised the Ottoman rulers

the divan

Nations who destroyed the Turkish fleet at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571 Online Flash Cards

Spain and Italy

19 - The Renaissance and the Reformation Question


Renaissance Origins in Italy Main philosophy of the Renaissance, focused on people


Focus of Renaissance interest

the individual

Renaissance artist, architect, and mathematician; he painted the Mona Lisa (La Gioconda)

Leonardo da Vinci

Painter and sculptor noted for his large works, such as the statue of David & the Sistine Chapel Country where the Renaissance began Early knowledge studied by Renaissance scholars

Italy classical (Greek and Roman) writings

Italian painter noted for his madonnas The three most important city-states of the Italian Renaissance


Raphael Florence, Venice, and the Papal States (Rome)

Notable characteristic of Renaissance art


New way of showing objects in art as they appeared at different distances


Author of The Prince, a book advising rulers on how to keep power, by any means necessary


Ruling family of Florence

the Medicis

Ruler of Florence called "the Magnificent"

Lorenzo de Medici

Venetian artist noted for his rich colors


Florentine poet and story writer, author of The Decameron


"Father of humanism," Italian poet and classical scholar


Italian who wrote a handbook on correct behavior titled The Courtier


Sculptor who carved natural postures and revealing individual expressions


Artist who created the sculpted bronze door panels of Florence's baptistery


The Northern Renaissance New machine that allowed books to be produced quickly and more cheaply

the printing press

Wealthy Flemish people who were patrons of the arts


Author of masterpieces of English poetic drama genre

William Shakespeare

Fictional young lovers of Verona, subjects of Shakespeare tragedy

Romeo and Juliet

Form of literature and entertainment especially favored by the English people

the play (or the drama)

The English Renaissance reached its height during her reign.

Elizabeth I

New type of painting pioneered and perfected by Flemish painters

oil painting

Region where the Renaissance began in northern Europe


German who first printed books from moveable type

Johann Gutenberg

Noted Spanish Renaissance author of plays, short stories, and novels, including Don Quixote


German artist known for his engravings and woodcuts

Albrecht Durer

Book by English humanist Thomas More that described an ideal society


German portrait painter of the 1500s known for his photographic-like realism

Hans Holbein

Great Flemish painter of the 1500s whose favorite subjects were the countryside and peasants Flemish oil painters who were brothers

Pieter Brueghel

the van Eycks (Jan and Hubert)

French writer whose comic adventure Gargantua and Pantagruel satirized outdated customs


Dutch scholar - translated the New Testament into Greek, wrote the satire In Praise of Folly


Spanish city that was a center for Renaissance artists and poets Flemish painter known for his large, lush style

Toledo Peter Paul Rubens

The Protestant Reformation German monk who started the Protestant Reformation Church practice that Martin Luther especially objected to Name for people who protested the decision to condemn Luther The only true guide to religious truth, according to Luther Luther's list of statements about his position

Martin Luther the sale of indulgences Protestants the Bible the Ninety-Five Theses

Religious faith chosen by most northern German rulers


Religious faith chosen by most southern German rulers


French-born leader of the Protestant Movement in Switzerland

John Calvin

Swiss city that was a center of Protestantism


Calvinist leader of Scotland

John Knox

Calvinist church in Scotland

the Presbyterian Church

French Calvinists

the Huguenots

Economic reasons for rulers to oppose the Church and support Luther the chances to take Church lands & stop paying $ to Rome Calvin's belief about human fate; the opposite of free will


Government ruled by clergy acting in God's name, as in Geneva The way to gain salvation, according to Luther

a theocracy through faith alone

Bohemian priest burned as a heretic in 1415

John Hus

English priest who declared the Bible was the authority, not the Church

John Wycliffe

Dominican monk who energetically sold indulgences in Germany Meeting that condemned Luther

Johann Tetzel the Diet of Worms

English and Catholic Reformations Leader of the Church reformation in England

Henry VIII

Why Henry VII wanted to end his marriage to his first wife First wife of Henry VIII

to have a son to succeed the throne Catherine of Aragon

Language of the Church reaffirmed by the Council


Second wife of Henry VIII and mother of the future queen

Anne Boleyn

Protestant queen who ended the pope's authority in the English Church

Elizabeth I

Religious faith of Queen Mary (Mary Tudor)

Roman Catholic

National church established by Henry VIII and Elizabeth I The movement of reform within the Catholic Church

the Church of England (Anglican Church) the Counter or Catholic Reformation

Spanish noble who devoted himself to Church reform

Ignatius of Loyola

Body that examined pople who disagreed with Church officials New religious order founded by Loyola, or its members Primary aim of the Jesuits

the Inquisition the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) to check the spread of Protestantism

What Henry wanted the pope to do about Henry's marriage to his first wife Meeting of Church leaders that ended some of the Church abuses How to achieve salvation, according to the Council of Trent The two true guides to religious truth, according to the Church

to annul it the Council of Trent through good works and faith the Bible and Christian tradition

Who or what is qualified to interpret the Bible, according to the Church List of books the Church forbade Catholics to read

only the church the Index of Prohibited Books

Online Flash Cards

20 - The Age of Exploration Question


Early Exploration and the Portuguese Navigation instrument with a magnetized needle

the (magnetic) compass

Western country that controlled Europe's trade with the Far East


Exotic foodstuffs that inspired European voyages to the East


Continent whose west coast the Portuguese explored in the 1400s


Disease caused by lack of vitamin C, common among early European sailors


Term for mapmakers


Brother of the king of Portugal who promoted exploration

Henry the Navigator

Type of school started by Prince Henry

a navigation school

Religious reason for European exploration

to spread Christianity

Europeans' name for the Moluccas, islands rich in cloves and nutmeg

the Spice Islands

Feature of the caravel that made it sail more effectively

triangular sails

Merchants who brought Asian goods to Mediterranean ports

Muslim traders

Feature of European ships that allowed them to capture coastal trading posts


Navigation instrument, perfected by the Arabs, used to measure the angle of stars and planets Portuguese explorer who accidentally landed in Brazil

an astrolabe Pedro Alvares Cabral

Countries that divided all the new Atlantic lands between themselves

Spain and Portugal

Navigational tool used to determine latitude; it replaced the astrolabe

the sextant

Imaginary line drawn by the pope that divided the new Atlantic lands

the papal line of demarcation

Port from which many Portuguese explorers sailed


Encounters in Asia and Africa Portuguese name for the southern tip of Africa

the Cape of Good Hope (or Cape of Storms)

Explorer who opened India to Portuguese trade Portuguese navigator who led a fleet on an around-the-world voyage for Spain Principal export from Africa via European traders Portuguese explorer who first sailed around Africa's southern tip First Europeans to trade with Japan Country that established trading forts along the west coast of Africa in the 1400s Asian island group claimed by Spain and named for the Spanish king The Portuguese expelled Arab traders from this section of the African coast. Term for the voyage of enslaved Africans to the Americas Early European traders' term for the islands of present-day Indonesia Far Eastern nation where the Dutch were allowed to trade once or twice a year Europeans who established a colony at Cape Town on Africa's southern tip Portuguese trading post in China, near Canton Island off the coast of India that was the base of Portuguese trade Port town that the Portuguese seized, giving them control of the strait with the same name Great spice port of India where da Gama landed and traded Far Eastern island that was the trading headquarters of the Dutch Commercial group that set up trading posts in India Company that controlled Dutch trade in the Far East

Vasco da Gama Ferdinand Magellan slaves Bartholomeu Dias the Portuguese the Netherlands the Philippines East Africa the Middle Passage the East Indies Japan the Dutch Macao Goa Malacca Calicut Java the English East India Company the Dutch East India Company

Spain in the Americas Italian explorer who sailed west from Europe to find the Spice Islands Name given to the New World natives by Columbus (he thought he had reached the E Indies) Term for Spanish conquerors in the New World Metal sought by the Spanish conquerors Name given by Magellan to Balboa's ocean Sea that Columbus explored in the New World Present-day central American area taken by Cortes Spanish explorer who invaded and conquered central America

Christopher Columbus Indians conquistadors gold the Pacific the Caribbean Mexico Hernando Cortes

Central American empire conquered by Cortes

the Aztec Empire

Spanish tactical advantages previously unknown to the Native Americans

horses and guns

Spanish explorer who conquered the Indian empire of South America

Francisco Pizarro

South American Indians conquered by Pizarro

the Incas

Spanish explorer who led an expedition through much of today's U.S. southwest

Francisco Coronado

First European to sight the Pacific Ocean

Vasco Nunez de Balboa

Spanish explorer who found the Mississippi River

Hernando de Soto

Spaniard who explored Florida

Ponce de Leon

Places that imported most African slaves sent to the Americas

the Caribbean Islands and Brazil

Leader of the South American Indian empire


Today's name for the islands Columbus arrived at

the West Indies

Leader of the central American Indian empire


The Struggle for North America Main interest of the French in North America

the fur trade

Explorer for the Netherlands who gave his name to a bay, a river, and a strait

Henry Hudson

Most destructive "weapon" that Europeans brought to the Americas


A Spanish explorer was the first European to find this great North American river.

the Mississippi

Pathway through North America to the Far East that explorers tried to find

the Northwest Passage

First permanent English settlement in North America

Jamestown (Virginia)

Second permanent English settlement in North America

Plymouth (Massachusetts)

Italian explorer who established English claims in North America

John Cabot (Giovanni Caboto)

Italian who explored the Atlantic coast for France

Giovanni de Verrazano

English explorer who founded a colony at Roanoke

Sir Walter Raleigh

Bitter rival European nations who jockeyed for power in North America

Britain and France

People who established the Massachusetts Bay Colony

the Puritans

Great northern river explored by the French and the English

the St. Lawrence River

First permanent French settlement in North America, founded by Samuel de Champlain Capital of Dutch settlement in North America

Quebec New Amsterdam

Western region of North America claimed by France


French explorer of North America who found a gulf and a great river Explorer who claimed the entire Mississippi River valley for France Two Frenchmen who explored the Mississippi Valley in 1673 War led by Native American leader Metacomet in Massachusetts

Jacques Cartier Robert de la Salle Father Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet King Philip's War

Online Flash Cards

21 - The Rise of Monarchies Question


Spain Muslim conquerors driven out of Spain by the Reconquista

the Moors

Monarchs who united Spanish kingdoms

Ferdinand and Isabella

Two groups of Spaniards ordered to convert to Catholicism

Jews and Moors (Muslims)

Source of Spain's precious-metal wealth

the American colonies

Huge Spanish invasion fleet destroyed by a fleet in 1588

the Armada

Church court that punished people suspected of heresy

the Inquisition

Hapsburg ruler of Spain, a native of Flanders, who was also the Holy Roman Emperor Charles I (Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire) Native Spanish Hapsburg ruler, hardworking and devout

Philip II

How Philip strengthened Spanish government

a strong centralized government

Northern European country Philip tried to invade and conquer


Type of rule established by Ferdinand and Isabella

an absolute monarchy

Result of expelling non-Catholics from Spain

the destruction of the middle class

Religion promoted by Ferdinand and Isabella


Term for Philip's branch of the ruling family

the Spanish Hapsburgs

Capital established by Philip


Kingdom seized by Spain in 1580


Protestant northern European area that successfully fought for independence from Spain Economic problem caused by the flood of gold and silver into Spain Empire that lost a fierce naval battle to Spain at Lepanto in 1571 Greek artist in Spain who painted figures with very long bodies Brilliant court painter to Philip IV

the Netherlands inflation the Ottoman Empire El Greco Diego Velasquez

France Result of French religious conflicts

a civil war

Lavish palaces built by the French king outside Paris


European language of diplomacy and nobility Alliances against France aimed to preserve this in Europe. French Protestants King who ended the fighting between Protestants and Catholics Representative body that did not meet from 1614 to 1789 Family that began to rule France in 1589 Chief minister, churchman, actual ruler of France from 1624 to 1642 Social class weakened by Richelieu and Louis XIV

French the balance of power the Huguenots Henry IV (Henry of Navarre) the Estates-General the Bourbons Cardinal Richelieu the nobles

"Sun King" who reportedly claimed, "I am the state."

Louis XIV

Major drains on the French treasury under Louis XIV

years of wars and/or costs of the court

War fought to determine the king of Spain, from which France lost territory Result of Louis XIV's recovotation of the Huguenots' religious freedom Decree that granted French Protestants freedom of worship Queen who allowed Catholics to attack Protestants King who let his chief minister run France

the War of the Spanish Succession loss of skilled workers and businesspeople the Edict of Nantes Catherine de Medici Louis XIII

Louis's chief minister, a believer in mercantilism


Long war from which France gained much power

the Thirty Years' War

Terrible anti-Huguenot event of 1572

the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

Austria, Prussia, and Russia Ruling family of Austria Prussia was noted for this well-organized body. "Empire" whose title was entirely meaningless

the Hapsburgs its army the Holy Roman Empire

Russian family that came to power in 1613 and ruled for three centuries

the Romanovs

Tsar Peter the Great's goal for a changed Russian society


War of 1618-1648 in Germany, fought for religious and then political reasons

the Thirty Years' War

War of 1756-1763 that involved almost all of Europe First important Russian ruler

the Seven Years' War Peter the Great (Peter I)

Tsar Peter the Great ordered his nobles to remove these.


Russian port built as Russia's "window to Europe," named for Peter the Great German princess who ruled Russia from 1762 to 1796

St. Petersburg Catherine the Great

Country partitioned out of existence by Russia, Prussia, and Austria "The Great Fritz," Frederick II of Prussia

Poland Frederick the Great

Country devastated by the Thirty Years' War


Most powerful and important state within the Holy Roman Empire


Religion of Austria


Religion of Prussia


All Hohenzollern possessions in northern Germany


Skillful Austrian ruler who gained her title through her husband Enduring Russian foreign policy goal set by Peter the Great

Maria Theresa to acquire warm-water seaports

England Popular ruling family

the Tudors

Unpopular ruling family

the Stuarts

Leader of the Puritans, who ruled as Lord Protector

Oliver Cromwell

Fate of King Charles I

to be beheaded

What the Restoration restored, politically

the monarchy

Popular form of entertainment that the Restoration restored Document that established many basic rights of the English people

the theater the Bill (Declaration) of Rights

The last Tudor monarch

Elizabeth I

The first Stuart monarch

James I

Type of ruler Cromwell was, essentially

a military dictator

English Protestants who wanted to "purify" the Anglican Church

the Puritans

The second Stuart monarch, who dissolved Parliament in 1629

Charles I

James I firmly believed in this theory of a monarch's power

the divine right of kings

Civil war began in 1642 when Charles I led troops against this body.

the House of Commons

Country that the first Stuart monarch also ruled


Successor to the Cromwells

Charles II

Reason why the English monarch had to consult Parliament Term for the bloodless overthrow of King James II

to raise taxes the Glorious Revolution

New joint rulers of England in 1688

William and Mary

Type of monarchy Great Britain became in the 1700s

a limited constitutional monarchy

Online Flash Cards

22 - Commerce, Science, and Enlightenment Question


The Commercial Revolution European region that became the new focus of trade

the Atlantic coast

Steady rise in prices linked to a sharp increase in the amount of money available


Standard that allowed the use of money all throughout Europe

fixed value

Social group that the bankers and capitalists belonged to

the middle class

Money paid in return for a loan


Italian ports that declined in importance as global trade spread

Venice and Genoa

Northern European ports that increased in importance as global trade grew

London and Amsterdam

Term for the economic developments of this first age of global trade

the Commercial Revolution

Person who owned an interest in a company

a stockholder (or shareholder)

Profit paid out for each share of stock


Wealth earned, saved, and invested to produce profits


Taxes on imports


Term for the new global exchange of people, plants, animals, ideas etc.

the Columbian Exchange

Territories important to mercantilism


Trade goods that colonies were to export to their parent country

precious metals and/or raw materials

Trade goods colonies were to import from the parent country

manufactured goods

Banking service that developed as a safeguard for merchants

banks of deposit (or bills of exchange)

Nationality that replaced the Italians as the bankers of Europe

the Dutch

Economic policy based on the concept that a country's power depends mainly on its wealth Company in which people pooled large amounts of money to carry out a business venture

mercantilism a joint stock company

The Scientific Revolution Outstanding scientist, and artist, of the Renaissance

Leonardo da Vinci

Instrument invented by Galileo to confirm his ideas Newton's theory explaining the force that holds the universe together

the telescope the law of gravity (or universal gravitation)

Systematic way of investigating a problem in science U.S. scientist famed for his electrical experiment involving lightning and a kite Polish astronomer of the 1500s who revived the sun-centered model of the universe Italian astronomer who showed that the sun-centered theory was correct Internal body system first described accurately by British physician William Harvey New life-forms discovered by van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch scientist Airlike substances discovered by Joseph Black Basic element of air discovered by both Lavoisier and Priestly Dutch eyeglass-maker's new instrument that revealed the existence of "invisible" things Fahrenheit and Celsius both developed a scale for reading this new temperature-measurer. Method developed by British physician Edward Jenner to prevent smallpox Great English scientist who studied the laws of motion

the scientific method Benjamin Franklin Nicholas Copernicus Galileo Galilei circulation of the blood bacteria (microscopic life) gases oxygen the microscope the mercury thermometer vaccination Isaac Newton

English "father of modern chemistry"

Robert Boyle

System of identifying and naming living things developed by Linnaeus


Pioneer in the study of anatomy Theory that the sun was the center of the universe French physician who developed improved treatment to prevent infection

Vesalius the heliocentric theory Ambroise Pare

Ideas of the Enlightenment What thinkers sought to be enlightened about Another term for the Enlightenment Law that governed human nature, to Enlightenment thinkers International language of the Enlightenment Scotsman who studied the source of nations' wealth Enlightenment thinkers favored these over human justice. The belief that logical thinking would discover the truth

problems of the time the Age of Reason natural law French Adam Smith the natural laws of justice rationalism

Major focus of medieval thought that the Enlightenment turned away from


The source of human corruption, according to Rousseau


Monumental summary of French Enlightenment ideas, compiled by Diderot

the Encyclopédie (The Encyclopedia)

Source of natural wealth, according to the Physiocrats

the land

"Hands-off" economic system promoted by Adam Smith


Educational subjects favored by Enlightenment thinkers

science, modern languages, and modern history

English poet who was a strong advocate of the Enlightenment

Alexander Pope

Term for French thinkers of the Enlightenment

the philosophes

Condition of the newborn mind, according to Locke

a tabula rasa (blank slate)

Fashionable French gatherings for intellectual conversation


French thinker who stressed logic and reason to achieve scientific knowledge

Rene Descartes

British thinker who stressed experiements and observation to achieve scientific knowledge

Francis Bacon

Enlightened Politics Agreement between the people and their chosen leader

a social contract

Rights no one could justifiably take from the people

natural rights

Locke's "natural rights"

the rights of life, liberty, and property

Freedoms advocated by Voltaire

free speech, press, and religion

Revolutions of the 1700s influenced by Enlightenment ideas Key U.S. documents heavily influenced by Enlightenment ideas

the French and American Revolutions the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence

French writer whose ideas inspired the French revolutionaries

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

English political thinker who justified the overthrow of Britain's king

John Locke

English philosopher who first proposed a "social contract" Primary concern of Enlightenment political thinkers

Thomas Hobbes how people should be governed

Condition in which people lived before organizing society The most nearly perfect existing government, according to Montesquieu Division among government branches admired by Montesquieu Limitations created by division of governmental powers Development of this type of monarchy was influenced by Montesquieu. Supreme power in politics, according to Rousseau

anarchy, or a state of nature the English government the separation of powers checks and balances limited monarchy the people's will (or the general will)

Free choice of the people in government

popular sovereignty

Term for rulers who supported the Enlightenment

enlightened despots

French document of 1789 strongly influenced by Enlightenment ideas

the Declaration of the Rights of Man

Online Flash Cards

23 - Revolution in North America Question


Steps to Revolution Elected legislative body in each colony

an assembly

Passed in 1764, it placed a tax on sweet goods brought into the colonies.

the Sugar Act

Mob action that dumped tea into Boston Harbor

the Boston Tea Party

Slogan about taxes, a rallying cry for colonists

"no taxation without representation"

English law-making body


Rights the colonists insisted they had

rights of Englishmen

War that the British paid for by raising the colonists' taxes

the French and Indian War

Peace agreement that greatly expanded British control of North America

the Treaty of Paris

1765 law requiring a tax on all written documents

the Stamp Act

Refusal by the colonists to buy British or taxed goods

a boycott

Riot in which British soldiers shot some Boston colonists

the Boston Massacre

Trading company given the sole right to bring tea into the colonies

the British East India Company

Harsh laws passed to punish the Massachusetts Colony

the Intolerable Acts

Philadelphia meeting of delegates from 12 colonies in 1774 The three types of the 13 British colonies

the First Continental Congress royal, proprietary, and self-governing colonies

Economic theory that colonies existed for the benefit of the mother country


Laws that restricted colonial trade to English merchants and ships (1651-1750)

the Navigation Acts

Act restating Parliament's right to pass laws on all colonial matters

the Declaratory Act

Series of laws taxing colonial trade, starting in 1767

the Townshend Acts

Laws that protected the rights of French Catholics and extended Canadian boundaries

the Quebec Act

Revolutionary People Commander of the colonial army

George Washington

Main author of the Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson

King of England during the American Revolution

George III

Boston silversmith who made a famous "midnight ride"

Paul Revere

Slang term for a British soldier

redcoat (or lobsterback)

Colonial soldiers who could be ready to fight quickly


German soldiers paid to fight for the English


People who opposed the split with England

Tories (or Loyalists)

People who favored the split with England


First man to sign the Declaration of Independence

John Hancock

Frenchman who was Washington's trusted aide

the Marquis de Lafayette

Prussian officer who trained American troops

Baron Von Steuben

Patriot author of Common Sense

Thomas Paine

British general who surrendered his army to end the war

Lord Cornwallis

American ambassador to France during the war

Benjamin Franklin

Man who said, "Give me liberty or give me death."

Patrick Henry

Important author of the Constitution and fourth U.S. president

James Madison

Leader of the Sons of Liberty in Massachusetts

Samuel Adams

The two outstanding Polish officers who served in the American army The three men who represented America at the peace conference

Casimir Pulaski and Thaddeus Kosciusko Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, and John Adams

Colonial lawyer and Patriot who defended British soldiers after the Boston killings

John Adams

Revolutionary Places Site of the Continental Congress


Winter headquarters of Washington's army in 1777-8

Valley Forge

Site of famed battle in Boston New York fort that Benedict Arnold planned to turn over to the British Colony that took the lead in disobeying British laws Ocean separating England and the colonies

Bunker Hill (Breed's Hill) West Point Massachusetts the Atlantic

Colonial harbor closed by the British

Boston Harbor

Britain gained all territory east of this river from France.

the Mississippi

Massachusetts towns where colonial troops first fired on British troops

Lexington and Concord

The British planned to cut the colonies in two along this river.

the Hudson

Site of a major American victory in New York in 1777


Site of final American victory in 1781


City where the peace treaty was negotiated


Bodies of water on the new northern boundary of the United States

the Great Lakes

Spanish territory that marked the new southern boundary of the United States


English settlers in this territory gained rights after the war.


The two self-governing colonies

Connecticut and Rhode Island

The two Canadian cities the colonists tried to seize in 1775

Quebec and Montreal

City evacuated by the British in 1776 after a colonial siege


City where the American army was almost trapped

New York

City where the British army spent the winter of 1777-8


State that did not take part in the Constitutional Convention

Rhode Island

Elements and Results of the Revolution Document that explained why the colonies had to separate from England

the Declaration of Independence

The new nation formed by the colonies

the United States of America

Document that created a new form of government in 1789

the Constitution of the United States

Type of government like ancient Rome's that the U.S. Constitution established

a republic

The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution

the Bill of Rights

British strength lay in the size and power of these forces.

its army and navy

U.S. system of gov't - powers divided between central government and individual states Group that met in 1775 and voted to declare independence

a federal system the Second Continental Congress

Condition of all men, according to the Declaration

"created equal and/or with unalienable rights"

Power that the Continental Congress did not have but needed

the power to tax

Major European power that became an American ally in 1778


Agreement establishing the first postwar government

the Articles of Confederation

Fighting force of each state or colony

the militia

Under the Articles, the United States had none of these courts.

U.S. (federal) courts

Americans' preferred way of fighting

guerrilla style ("Indian style")

The three negative characteristics of the American army

untrained, poorly organized, inadequately equipped

Peace agreement that settled the war in 1783

the Peace of Paris

British act divided Canada into two provinces, one mostly British and one mostly French European countries that had claims on the North American continent in 1783

the Constitutional Act

Great Britain, France, Spain, and Russia

Online Flash Cards

24 - The French Revolution and Napoleon Question


Steps to Revolution Name for the three classes of French society

the estates

Clergy and nobles did not pay these


Class of people most in favor of change

the middle class

Wife of the French king, charming and irresponsible

Marie Antoinette

Members of the First Estate

the clergy

Members of the Second Estate

the nobility

Members of the Third Estate

everyone, except for the clergy and nobility

The people had none of these before the Revolution.

individual rights (or personal liberties)

Foreign event that strongly influenced French thinking.

the American Revolution

Foreign war that drained the French treasury in the 1770s

the American Revolutionary War

Body called to meet for the first time in 175 years

the Estates-General

French king before and during the Revolution

Louis XVI

Lack of this caused the king to call on the assembly.

credit (or money)

Number of votes each estate had in the Estates-General


Site of the costly French court The three subdivisions of the Third Estate

Versailles the bourgeoisie, manual workers, serfs and peasants

The traditional political and social system of France before the Revolution

the Old Regime

Intellectual movement that strongly influenced French thinking about reform How the Third Estate insisted the Estates must meet

the Enlightenment together, not separately

What the Third Estate declared themselves to be in 1789

the National Assembly

Pledge taken by the Third Estate to write a constitution

the Tennis Court Oath

Revolutionary Events Parisian fort taken by a mob on July 14, 1789 Slogan of the Revolution Source of government authority, according to the Declaration The wave of killing from 1793 to 1794 Instrument used for execution Fate of Louis XVI and his wife Government of five directors under the third constitution Leader of extreme radicals, assassinated in his bath The two leaders of the radical Jacobins Two countries that invaded France in 1792 The three different groups in the Legislative Assembly

the Bastille "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" the people the Reign of Terror the guillotine beheading the Directory Jean-Paul Marat Robespierre and Danton Austria and Prussia the radicals, moderates, and conservatives

Type of government set up by the Constitution of 1791

a constitutional (limited) monarchy

The National Assembly took away this institution's land

the Church

The royal family and National Assembly moved to this city Document that stated the Revolution's principles French flag of three colors adopted in 1789

Paris the Declaration of the Rights of Man the tricolor

The two reforms passed by the National Assembly in August abolishing 1789 both serfdom and tax exemptions for nobles and clergy City government of Paris set up by radicals Elected group that governed France from 1792 to 1795 Radical court that tried enemies of the Revolution Committee that directed the army

the Commune the National Convention the Revolutionary Tribunal the Committee of Public Safety

Napoleon's Rise and Empire Type of ruler napoleon was from 1799 to 1814

a dictator

This body had no power under Napoleon

the legislature

Napoleon concentrated authority to create this type of government.

a strong central government

Napoleon's new title from 1804 on


People Napoleon often placed on the thrones of conquered states.

his relatives

Island where Napoleon was born


Napoleon fought British forces in this African country.


Alliances formed against France

the Coalitions

New, uniform system of French civil laws

the Napoleonic Code

The two revolutionary rights Napoleon took away from people

freedom of speech, freedom of press

Paris landmark where Napoleon was crowned

Notre Dame Cathedral

Method of getting soldiers for the Army

conscription (the draft)

Two countries that made peace with Napoleon in 1801 and 1802

Austria and England

Vast territory that Napoleon sold in 1803 to raise money for his army


British admiral killed in 1805 in a sea battle against France

Admiral Horatio Nelson

Napoleon's title from 1799 to 1804

First Consul

Napoleon expressed contempt for the British by calling them this.

"a nation of shopkeepers"

Term for Napoleon's blockade of the British Isle

the Continental System

Empire abolished by Napoleon

the Holy Roman Empire

Union of German states organized by Napoleon

the Confederation of the Rhine

Austrian twon where Napoleon defeated Russian and Austrian forces in 1805


Napoleon's Decline and Fall Napoleon's conquests spread the ideas of this movement throughout Europe

the French Revolution

Widespread activity that violated Napoleon's blockade


Huge eastern European country Napoleon invaded in 1812


Island off Italy that Napoleon was exiled to


Napoleon's final defeat


Napoleon's conquests promoted the growth of this feeling. Drafting of these people weakened Napoleon's army. Southern European countries that drove out the French in 1812-3 Natural phenomenon that helped defeat Napoleon in Russia Napoleon's most severe military disaster, 1812-3

nationalism non-Frenchmen Portugal and Spain the severe Russian winter the retreat from Msocow (Russia)

Island off Africa where Napoleon died

St. Helena

British commander who defeated Napoleon in the final battle Napoleon inspired desire for national unity in these two areas. Important difference between Napoleon's army and earlier armies The war on the Iberian Peninsula

the Duke of Wellington Germany and Italy being an army of citizens, not professionals the Peninsular War (or Campaign)

Term for the Spaniards' style of fighting

guerrilla warfare

Napoleon's defeat in 1813

"Battle of the Nations" at Leipzig

Ruling family restored to the French Throne in 1814

the Bourbons

Napoleon's successor as ruler of France


Period of Napoleon's final rule in 1815

the Hundred Days Online Flash Cards

25 - The Industrial Revolution Question


Agriculture and Manufacturing Industry where the Industrial Revolution began Where workers made cloth before the Industrial Revolurtion Factories were located next to these. Where workers worked, after the Industrial Revolution began. Cotton-cleaning machine that dramatically increased cotton production Weaving machine invented in 1733 that doubled a weaver's daily output Spinning machine of 1764 named after the inventor's daughter Scottish engineer who improved the steam engine

the textile industry in their own cottages (at home) rivers or streams factories the cotton gin the flying shuttle the spinning jenny James Watt

This replaced water as the major source of power.


American inventor of the cotton-cleaning machine

Eli Whitney

Manufacture of standard good in large quantities

mass production

Parts that fit any example of a particular product

interchangeable parts

Englishman who found how to make steel from iron Material that replaced iron in machines Material that replaced charcoal for smelting iron American inventor of the mechanical reaper Fencing off of formerly common land in England Inventor of the weaving machine Inventor of the spinning machine English engineer who developed the first practical steam engine English inventor of the water frame for spinning Weaving machine invented by Edmund Cartwright in 1785

Henry Bessemer steel coal Cyrus McCormick the enclosure system John Key James Hargreaves Thomas Newcomen Richard Arkwright the power loom

Transportation and Communication Tyoe of power that replaced wind on ships American developer of the first successful steamboat

steam Robert Fulton

Waterways built to connect cities and rivers


Flat-bottomed boat used on canals


The Industrial Revolution's chief means of land transportation Morse's system of dots and dashes American who developed the telegraph Improved roads developed by the Scot John McAdam Devices that control the level of water in canals

railroads Morse Code Samuel Morse macadam roads locks

Fulton's famous steamboat

the Clermont

Invention that sent electrical impulses over wire

the telegraph

Heavily insultated communications wires laid underwater Improved transportation was necessary to move these items Chief means of land transportation before the Industrial Revolution Steam engines on wheels that ran on rails New form of personal transportation that first hit the roads in the late 1800s Steamboat that crossed the Atlantic in 1838 English engineer who won a locomotive-building contest Speedy locomotive that started an English railroad-building boom Italian who built the first electric battery American responsible for laying the trans-Atlantic cable Englishman who produced electricity with a magnet

Conditions and Effects

cables raw materials and finished goods by horse or cart (over roads) locomotives the automobile the Great Western George Stephenson the Rocket Alessandro Volta Cyrus Field Michael Faraday

Class that increased and gained political power during the Industrial Revolution Class created by the Industrial Revolution

the middle class the industrial working class (proletariat)

Group of society that had to work along with adults


Centers of population that grew rapidly during the Industrial Revolution Working-class children had no time for either of these two activities. Increase in the number of people

cities going to school and playing population growth

Working conditions in factories

noisy, dirty, dangerous, uncomfortable

Workers who were paid lower wages

women and children

What the Proletariat had to sell in order to live

their labor

Type of worker that decreased

farm workers (self-employed workers)

New groups that ran the factories, neither owners nor laborers Workers often had to do this to be near the factories.

managers move their homes

Type of labor most in demand at factories

unskilled labor

Great fear of urban factory workers


Condition of air and water in cities


Social class that lost power as the Industrial Revolution continued

the aristocracy (upper classes)

Cities grew around these.


Average length of the industrial working day

12-16 hours

Normal length of the Industrial working week

6 to 7 days

Buildings that housed many people


People who owned the means of production


Reform Type of labor limited by early reform laws

child labor

Workers' associations allowed in England after 1824

trade unions

Refusals to work in order to gain demands


Famous English novelist who described the terrible working conditions

Charles Dickens

New, shorter workday for textile mills

10 hours

Negotiating by unions and management

collective bargaining

Living standards improved when these became available to workers. Social class that supported factory workers against owners

chgeap factory (consumer) goods the aristocracy

System in which the public owed the means of production Socialists who designed model communities

socialism Utopian socialists

Welsh socialist who established a utopian community for his factory workers

Robert Owen

Developer of "scientific socialism"

Karl Marx

Marx's famous pamphlet

The Communist Manifesto

Groups that were in opposition under capitalism, according to Marx the bourgeoisie (capitalists) vs. the Proletariat (workers) Economic theory meaning "let do" favored by business owners Englishman who wrote about increasing population

laissez-faire Thomas Malthus

English businessman who wrote that working class poverty was unavoidable English philosopher who wrote that a government should promote social welfare

David Ricardo John Stuart Mill

Owen's utopian factory community in Scotland

New Lanark

Marx's co-author

Friedrich Engels

Marx's study of capitalism

Das Kapital Online Flash Cards

26 - Latin America and the Struggle for Freedom Question


Colonial Times Region from Mexico to the southern tip of South America

Latin America

South American country almost as large as the United States


Native peoples enslaved by the Europeans

the Indians

Main products of Latin American mining

gold and silver

Creoles were barred from these positions

high government offices

The Latin American colonies had to buy these from Spain.

finished (manufactured) products

The Latin American colonies supplied Spain with these.

raw materials

Two major Indian groups conquered by the Spanish

the Aztecs and the incas

Rolling, grassy plains of South America

the pampas

In 1550, the largest Spanish-speaking city in the world

Mexico City

Ruler of each Spanish colonial division

a viceroy

Highest class in Spanish Latin-American society

people born in Spain (peninsulares)

Europeans of Spanish descent born in the colonies


People of mixed white and Indian blood


Religious institution which was an important force in Latin American society

the Roman Catholic Church

People of mixed African and European blood


Latin American colonies could not trade with this northern neighbor.

North America

Flat, treeless plains of South America


Viceroroyalty of North and Central America

New Spain

The three viceroroyalties of South America

New Granada, La Plata, Peru

Fees imposed by the Church


Revolution in Mexico, Central America, and the Islands Peoples of Mexico who revolted

the Indians and mestizos

Type of government established in Mexico after the emperor

a republic

The countries of this part of Latin America were briefly part of Mexico.

Central America

Country Mexico won its independence from


U.S. policy that protected independent Latin America from European interference Island nation that gained independence in 1804 Former slave who led the revolt in Haiti European event that weakened the Spanish government Former Aztec city of Tenochtitlán, in Mexico Three of the five countries just south of Mexico Spanish colony that shared Haiti's island Country Haiti won its independence from Dictator who lost a third of Mexico's land to the United States First Indian to rule Mexico since the Aztecs Two reforms promised in Mexico by Hidalgo Island that Haiti was part of Union of countries to the south of Mexico Catholic priest who led the first Mexican revolt in 1810 riest who led a second Mexican revolt Mexico's liberating general who became emperor Former slave who was the second leader of the revolt in Haiti

the Monroe Doctrine Haiti Toussaint L'Ouverture France's (Napoleon's) invasion of Spain Mexico City

Guatemala, el Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica Santo Domingo France Santa Anna Benito Juárez abolition of slavery and redistribution of land Hispaniola the United Provinces of Central America Father Miguel Hidalgo Father José María Morelos Augustin de Iturbide Jean Jacques Dessalines

Brazil Valuable wood that spurred colonial settlement Slaves were imported from this continent. Brazil won independence without this. Brazil's major river

brazilwood Africa bloodshed the Amazon

People who were sent to Brazil to work off their sentences


Religion of Brazil

Roman Catholicism

Brazil's "mother country"


Primary crop of Brazilian plantations in the 1600s

sugar cane

The two most valuable products of Brazilian mining

gold and diamonds

Family that fled Brazil in 1808

the Portuguese Royal Family

Language spoken in Brazil


Brazil's center of government

Rio de Janeiro

The two major exports of Brazil in the 1800s

coffee and rubber

Pedro II encouraged this to help Brazil's economy.

development (of agriculture and industry)

European emperor who invaded Brazil's "mother country" and drove out the royal family


King who returned to Portugal in 1821

King John VI

Son of the Portuguese king; he became Brazil's ruler Type of government established for the independent Brazil

Pedro I a constitutional monarchy

Well-educated ruler who brought peace and good government to Brazil Ruler of Brazil appointed by the king

Pedro II the governor general

Brazil borrowed money from this country for building projects.


Territorial strips in colonial Brazil


Revolution in Spanish South America The "George Washington of South America"

Simon Bolivar

Nation that most countries in South America won independence from


Vast mountains that creole armies had to cross

the Andes

Capital of Peru


Republic named for Bolivar


Bolivar's native country, which gained independence in 1821


Bolivar's birthplace; Venezuela's capital


Class that wanted to rid itself of Spanish control

the creoles

Union of cities and towns in La Plata

the United Provinces of La Plata

Argentine leader who helped free Chile

Jose de San Martin

Chilean patriot who led a revolt

Bernando O'Higgins

The "Protector of Peru'

Jose de San Martin

"The Liberator"

Simon Bolivar

Bolivar dreamed of this, but it didn't happen.

a union of South American states

Native American who led a revolt in 1780

Tupac Amaru

Later name for the union in La Plata


States bordering Argentina on the east; part of La Plata

Paraguay and Uruguay

Seat of government in La Plata

Buenos Aires

Viceroroyalty on the west coast, freed in 1821


Country formed from the southern part of the viceroroyalty of Peru


Nation of northern South America, ruled by Bolivar

Gran (Great) Colombia

Three of the present-day countries that were part of Bolivar's nation

Colombia, Venezuela, Ecaudor, Panama

Online Flash Cards

27 - Conflict and Democracy in the English-Speaking World Question


Great Britain Becomes a Democracy Chief reform concern of the middle class and workers

voting reform

Imprisonment for this was abolished in the 1830s


Queen of England from 1837 to 1901

Queen Victoria

Period of the English queen's reign

the Victorian Era

Famine occurred in Ireland when this failed

the potato crop

Members of the House of Commons finally earned this in 1911

a salary

Party that favored reforms in the 1820s

the Whig Party

New name of the Whig party

the Liberal Party

New name of the Tory party

the Conservative Party

Repeal of the Corn Laws allowed this to be imported free of tax


Witty and shrewd Conservative party leader

Benjamin Disraeli

Formal, cautious Liberal party leader

William Gladstone

Reform demanded by the Irish

home rule

New political party founded by Fabian socialists and union members

the British Labour party

Type of legislation passed by both Liberals and Conservatives in the 1800s Election districts with little or no population Election districts controlled by nobles First law that made some voting reforms Group that proposed voting reforms in the 1830s and 1840s The Second Reform Bill gave the vote to these people. The Third Reform Bill gave the vote to these people. Act that ended the lords' power to veto tax and spending bills

social welfare legislation rotten boroughs pocket boroughs the Reform Bill of 1832 the Chartists male city industrial workers male agricultural workers the Parliament Bill of 1911

Canada, New Zealand, and Australia Longest unfortified boundary between nations in the world What Britain used Australia for at first Australia is both of these, geographically speaking The original inhabitants of Australia The discovery of this brought a flood of immigrants to Australia Two major groups of settlers in Canada

the United States-Canada boundary a penal colony an island and a continent the Aborigines gold the French and the British

This event resulted in the formation of the Yukon Territory.

the Klondike Gold Rush

Huge area Canada bought from the Hudson's Bay Company

the Northwest Territory

Status of Canada after union Australian policy that restricted immigration The six Australian states

a dominion the "White Australia" policy New South Wales, Tasmania, Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland, Victoria

Native inhabitants of New Zealand First European country to discover Australia and New Zealand Englishman who rediscovered Australia and New Zealand Problem addressed by dividing Canada into two provinces in 1791 Opened in 1885, this linked eastern and western Canada. Report that said the two Canadas should become one Law joining Upper and Lower Canada The British North America Act created this in Canada in 1867. Number of provinces in Canada by 1898 New Zealand was the first country to adopt this, in 1893

the Maori the Netherlands Captain James Cook ethnic tension the Canadian Pacific (transcontinental) Railway the Durham Report the Act of Union a federal union nine woman suffrage

Growth of the United States Two of the first three U.S. presidents Where Native Americans were forced to resettle

Washington, Adams, Jefferson reservations

Flood of migrants to the West Coast in search of quick riches

the Gold Rush

Settlers crossed this mountain range to reach the West Coast

the Rockies

Nations that bordered the United States to the north and south

Canada and Mexico

Famous mission that was the site of a battle in the Mexican war

the Alamo

Characteristic of U.S. government that provided stability

power changing hands peacefully

By the mid-1800s, almost all of these people could vote.

adult white males

Purchase of this area doubled the size of the United States.

the Louisiana Territory

Southern state sold by Spain


The United States wenr to war with this country in 1846.


Country that sold the Louisiana Territory to the United States


The United States gained this West Coast state (plus others) after the Mexican War. The Louisiana Territory stretched from this river to these mountains.


the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains

Southwestern territory that triggered the Mexican war


Important city of Louisiana that came with the Purchase

New Orleans

Two aspects of the United States that increased tremendously during the 1800s American settlers in Mexican territory set up this independent republic The United States gained this territory from Britain in 1846. Two of the three states formed from the Oregon territory Purchase of land from Mexico in 1853

territory and population the Republic of Texas the Oregon Country Oregon, Washington, and Idaho the Gadsden Purchase

Civil War and Reunion in the United States Economic base of the northern United States


Economic base of the southern United States


Large southern farms


The largest single issue dividing the U.S. sections Leader of the North during the war

slavery Abraham Lincoln

The major military leader of the South

Robert E. Lee

Northern general who received the Confederate surrender The president's declaration that freed many slaves The two major crops of the South

Ulysses S. Grant the Emancipation Proclamation cotton and tobacco

People who wanted slavery to end everywhere in the United States


To withdraw from the Union, as the Southern states did Political party that pledged to stop the spread of slavery Northern politican who went to the South after the Civil War The new southern nation

to secede the Republican Party carpetbaggers the Confederate States of America

President of the new southern nation

Jefferson Davis

The South's term for the Civil War

the War Between the States

The South lacked these two things it needed to supply its armies. Period when the seceded states were reestablished as part of the Union First state to withdraw from the Union

industry and railroads Reconstruction South Carolina

The major North-South clash about slavery focused on this. European country that supported the South for its cotton

the spread of slavery to the new territories Great Britain

Online Flash Cards

28 - Reaction and Revolution in Europe Question


The Congress of Vienna Meeting that determined how to reorganize Europe after Napoleon's defeat

the Congress of Vienna

Austrian representative who was chairman of the Congress

Prince von Metternich

Chief French representative at the Congress

Prince Talleyrand

Form of government preferred by the Congress

(divine-right) monarchy

Britain gained these kinds of territories from the French, Danes, and Dutch

overseas territories

Nation that lost much of its territory after the Congress


The four powers that defeated France and Napoleon

Austria, Russia, Prussia, Great Britain

Russia's representative at the Congress

Tsar Alexander I

Nation that was divided between Russia and Prussia


Neutral alpine nation allowed to keep a constitutional republican government Term for the political system set up by the Congress

Switzerland the Congress System

Control of northern states in this nation was given to Austria


Ally of Napoleon that lost its possession of Norway


Nation that was given to Sweden


Principle that favored restoration to their thrones of all the former ruling families Great Britain's representative at the Congress

legitimacy Lord Castlereagh

Prussia's representative at the Congress

King Frederick William III

Restored Bourbon king of France


Two nations that were combined into the single Kingdom of the Netherlands Prussia gained most of this former kingdom.

Belgium and Holland Saxony

Payment by the aggressor for damages inflicted on other nations


Alliances and the Age of Metternich Major benefit to Europe established by the Congress of Vienna for almost forty years Statesman who dominated Europe for thirty years after the Congress of Vienna Suppression of this was the allies' main concern

revolution (or liberal ideas)

Equal strength among nations; aim of the Congress system

balance of power

The condition of things as they are; aim of the Congress system

the status quo

Spy system set up by Metternich to suppress revolutionaries

the secret police

Form of rule reestablished in Spain (and northern Italy)

absolute monarchy

Coalition of Great Britain, Austria, Russia, and Prussia after Napoleon One of the three rulers who refused to sign the Holy Alliance

the Quadruple Alliance the King of England, Turkish sultan, the Pope

The European alliance after France joined it Ruling family of France, Spain, and Italy Ruling family of Austria and northern Italy How Great Britain's government differed from its allies' governments Metternich's way of handling liberal ideas Desire to return to the conditions of an earlier time Agreement of European rulers to rule as Christian princes Ruler who formed the Holy Alliance Term for the governing of Europe by international agreement during this period Nation that withdrew from the Alliance in 1822 Metternich's official government position

peace (or stability) Prince von Metternich

the Quintuple Alliance the Bourbons the Hapsburgs being a representative government suppression (repression) reaction the Holy Alliance Tsar Alexander I of Russia the Concert of Europe Great Britain foreign minister of Austria

France: Empire, War, and Republic Louis Napoleon's position after being president Louis Napoleon's official name as emperor

being emperor Napoleon III

Waterway in the Near East built by French engineers

the Suez Canal

Napoleon installed an emperor in this American country


France's war against the German states

the Franco-Prussian War

Two opposed groups of society that supported Louis Napoleon Two democratic features of the French empire

workers and the middle class a constitution, a legislative body, universal male suffrage

Two nondemocratic features of the French empire

only emperor could make laws, legislature has no spending power, no free speech, trials not required

France fought with England in this war against Russia.

the Crimean War

Napoleon strengthened French rule over this North African country.


Napoleon established French control over this Indochinese country


Emperor installed in America by Napoleon


Leader who ended the French empire in America

Benito Juárez

Revolutionary council of Paris set up in 1871

the Commune

The failure of this canal-building company in the 1890s caused a financial scandal Main reason for the instability of government in the French Republic

the Panama (Canal) Company large number of political parties

Napoleon Bonaparte's relationship to Louis Napoleon Government established by Louis Napoleon to succeed the republic France protected these people in the Ottoman Empire Napoleon's fate in the war against Prussia

Louis's uncle the Second Empire Roman Catholics to become a prisoner of war

Revolt and Revolution Monarchs granted their people these rules of government because of the revolts.


English romantic poet who died in the Greek revolt in 1824

Lord Byron

Center of riots in the French revolution of 1848


A revolt in this country in 1820 challenged King Ferdinand's power


A revolt broke out in this area of southern Italy in 1820


This neighbor of Spain experienced a revolt in 1820


People who rebelled against their harsh rulers in 1821 Brutal rulers of the Balkan states and Greece

the Greeks the Ottoman Turks

Balkan people who gained some self-government in the 1820s

Serbs and Romanians

Country that won independence from the Dutch (Holland) in 1831


Country where liberal reforms occurred without revolution Social class that supported the French revolt of 1830 Voting rights gained by the French in 1848

England the middle class universal manhood suffrage

Two Central European nations that had unsuccessful revolutions in 1848 First president of the new French republic

Austria, Germany, Hungary Louis Napoleon

Powerful force for both unity and disunity in 1800s Europe


French king overthrown in July 1830

Charles X

King elected by the leaders of the French revolt in 1830 Government set up by the French revolution of 1848

Louis Philippe the Second French Republic

People who revolted against Russian rule in Warsaw in 1830 Elected German assembly that met in 1848 to write a constitution

the Poles the Frankfurt Assembly

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29 - Unification and Nationalism Question


A United Germany Prime minister of Prussia from 1862 to 1890 Basis of Prussian strength Bismarck's official position Title of the German emperor

Otto van Bismarck the army prime minister, or chancellor Kaiser

Dominant state in the new German union of 1867


Major rival of Prussia for German leadership


Capital of the German empire (and of Prussia) France's war against Prussia in 1870 Foundation of Germany's strong economy Reformers strongly opposed by Bismarck Event engineered by Bismarck to make the southern German states allies of the North Northern country Prussia and Austria fought in 1864 Bismarck's nickname, from his statement that he would unite Germany by "blood and iron" Union of German states after the Congress of Vienna Prussia's brief 1866 war against Austria New union of German states established in 1867 King of Prussia from 1861 to 1868 and German emperor as of 1871 Conservative aristocratic landowners Customs union that promoted free trade among German states Two small northern states Austria and Prussia fought Denmark for Realistic, tough-minded politics pursued by Bismarck Message from the Prussian king released by Bismarck to anger the French people The two houses of the German legislative branch

Berlin the Franco-Prussian War German industries socialists the Franco-Prussian War Denmark the Iron Chancellor the German Confederation the Seven Weeks' War the North German Confederation William I Junkers the Zollverein the Schleswig and Holstein Realpolitik the Ems dispatch the Bundesrat and Reichstag

A United Italy Italian states ruled by the pope Large island at the southern end of Italy City ruled by the pope until 1870 Economic base of northern Italy Economic base of southern Italy Secret society formed by local strong men in Sicily The self-proclaimed "prisoner of the Vatican" Capital of the kingdom of Italy Leader who liberated southern Italy Kingdom of the lower half of Italy Garibaldi's army Southern capital seized by Garibaldi and his army King of Sardinia and of Italy French ruler who allied his nation with Sardinia Prime minister of Sardinia who wored for Italian unity

the Papal States Sicily Rome industry agriculture the Mafia (or Camorra) the pope Rome Giuseppe Garibaldi the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies the Red Shirts Naples Victor Emmanuel II Napoleon III Count di Cavour

Ally of Sardinia in its war with Austria


Major power that dominated a divided Italy


Leader of Italian unification movements before 1850 The Italian nationalistic movement: Italian for "resurgence" Northern Italian state Sardinia gained after the brief war with Austria Secret Italian nationalist society of the early 1800s New youthful Italian nationalist movement of the 1830s State added to Italy after the Austro-Prussian War in 1866

Giuseppe Mazzini Risorgimento Lombardy the Carbonari Young Italy Venetia

Central Europe Dominant power of Central Europe

the Austrian Empire

Ruling family of Austria

the Hapsburgs

Region that joined equally with Austria in 1867


The Dual Monarchy


Feeling of loyalty and patriotism toward a country, strong in Central Europe


Majority population and language of Hungary


Dominant nationality and language of Austria


Dominant power in the Balkans in the 1860s

the Ottoman Empire

Nickname for the Ottoman Empire

"The Sick Man of Europe"

The Ottoman type of government


Country that defeated the Ottoman Empire in 1878


International conference that rewrote the Russian-Ottoman treaty

the Congress of Berlin

Ruler of the Ottoman Empire


Ally of the Balkan people


Major ally of the Ottoman Empire

Great Britain

Emperor of Austria from 1848 to 1916 and King of Hungary as of 1867

Franz Josef I

Conflict in which Austria lost territory to both Prussia and Italy

the Seven Weeks' War

Three of the major peoples of the Balkans

Serbs, Bulgarians, Romanians, and Greeks

Treaty between Russia and the Ottoman Empire in 1878

the Treaty of San Stefano

Mediterranean island gained by Great Britain from the Turks in 1878


Balkan state that gained self-rule in 1878 and independence in 1908


Russia Russian form of government under the tsars


Institution abolished by the tsar in 1861


Freedom from serfdom (or slavery)


Cause of Alexander's death


Radicals who favored bombings and political killings


Russia wanted access to this sea.

the Mediterranean

Program that forced non-Russians to adopt Russian culture and customs


Policy that favored the union of all Slavic peoples


War Russia fought against France, Great Britain, and the Ottoman Empire in 1855-56

the Crimean War

Body of water that bordered the Crimea

the Black Sea

The only real benefit of the Crimean War

creation of modern field hospitals, prof. nursing for wounded

Tsar who allowed a number of liberal reforms

Alexander II

Moderate reformers who became more and more radical


Type of language shared by Russians, Bulgarians, and Serbs


Strongly nationalistic European people who were part of the Russian Empire

Finns and Poles

New class that supported freedom for the serfs

middle-class industrialists

Russian naval base under siege for 11 months

Sevastopol (or Sebastopol)

Radical activists who wanted to abolish all political and social structures in Russia

Nihilists (or anarchists)

Radicals who urged land reform and a better life for the peasants


Violent, often fatal mob attacks, especially against Jews Russia claimed to be the protector of these peoples within the Ottoman Empire

pogroms Orthodox Christians

Online Flash Cards

30 - Latin America, the Pacific Islands, and Imperialism Question All About Imperialism Extending a nation's power by acquiring or gaining control over new territories Goods needed to feed industrial production People of industrial nations wanted these kinds of foods. Mass production created a need for these. Pride in one's country: a spur to imperialism Missionary motive of imperialism An area, with its people, totally controlled by a foreign nation Taxes on goods brought into a country Factory owners needed new ways to invest this. Colonies provided this important resource for armies. Colonies provided this important resource for navies. So-called duty of western nations toward "backward" people Colonial rivalries were an underlying cause of this global conflict Country controlled by one foreign power and "protected" from other nations Ports opened by treaty to foreign nations Early economic theory that colonies added a lot to a nation's wealth Imperialism carried on for the sake of profit Imperialism carried on to improve a nation's power and status Region where one foreign nation had special privileges recognized by other nations Social theory that people who were wealthy and powerful > poorer and less powerful people

The Pacific Islands New source of power for western ships Pacific island group closest to the United States Type of native government in Hawaii Plantations were established on Hawaii to grow these crops. Group on Hawaii that persuaded the United States to annex the islands U.S. controlled islands of Samoa Fuel needed by ocean-going ships Islands halfway across the Pacific occupied by the United States Arm of the U.S. government that controlled Samoa Status of the Hawaiian islands after U.S. annexation Last queen of Hawaii Island chain of Alaska acquired by the United States English explorer who sailed to many small Pacific islands Samoan harbor and site of a U.S. naval base Central Pacific Island acquired by the United States German-controlled islands of Samoa Two of the early French island territories in the Pacific Great Britain's four island territories The four German island territories Islands jointly controlled from 1889 to 1899 by Germany, Great Britain, and the U.S.

Spain Yields to the United States Memorable U.S. battleship blown up in a Cuban harbor Americans sympathized wth Cubans' desire for this. Popular U.S. volunteer in the Spanish-American War who became vice-president Theodore Roosevelt's dashing group of volunteer cavalrymen Status of Cuba after the war These publications stirred up U.S. sentiment against Spain

Island that was the main cause of tension between the U.S. and Spain Cuban harbor where a U.S. battleship exploded U.S. president during the war with Spain The war of 1898 Islands southeast of the United States ceded by Spain Islands of the Pacific ceded by Spain to the United States Harbor and capital of the Philippines Islands promised eventual independence when the U.S. took control Head of the Philippine and Puerto Rican governments Sea that surrounds Cuba Amendment to the Cuban constitution that gave the U.S. the right to intervene in Cuban affairs The one remaining U.S. naval station in Cuba Small island east of the Philippines that became an important American naval base Major island that was the site of the Philippine capital Leader of Filipino resistance to U.S. occupation

The United States Steps into Latin America Latin America's new ruling class lacked this. Strategic need for a Central American canal Central American canal Insect carrier of the deadly disease of Central America Disease whose defeat allowed the canal to be built Two bodies of water connected by the Central American canal Mexican bandit who raided New Mexico U.S. policy that foreign nations must not take any new Latin American colonies Theodore Roosevelt's addition to the Monroe Doctrine Strip of land the Central American canal crossed Chief financial reason for U.S. intervention in many Latin American countries Country protected by the United States against expansion of British Guiana The United States helped Panama gain its freedom from this country Island nation occupied by U.S. Marines from 1916 to 1924 Former French island colony where U.S. Marines landed in 1915 Caribbean islands the United States bought from Denmark Central American country occupied by U.S. Marines off and on from 1912 to 1933 International conference to promote peaceful cooperation President Roosevelt claimed this power for the United States in Latin America Mexican port occupied by U.S. Marines in 1914 Online Flash Cards

fic Islands, and Imperialism Answer imperialism raw materials tropical foods (or foods from Asia and Africa) new markets nationalism to spread religion a colony tariffs surplus capital (profits) manpower refueling stations and/or naval bases to "civilize" them World War I a protectorate treaty ports mercantilism economic imperialism political imperialism a sphere of influence Social Darwinism

steam the Hawaiian Islands monarchy sugar cane and pineapple American planters American Samoa coal the Midway Islands the U.S. Navy a territory Queen Liliuokalani the Aleutians Captain James Cook Pago Pago Wake Island Western Samoa the Marquesas, Tahiti (Society Islands), and New Caledonia the Fijis, Gilberts, Solomons, and Cooks the Solomons, Marshalls, Carolines, and Marianas the Samoan Islands

the Maine independence Theodore Roosevelt the Rough Riders independent newspapers

Cuba Havana William McKinley the Spanish-American War Cuba and Puerto Rico the Philippines and Guam Manila the Philippines and Puerto Rico an appointed governor the Caribbean the Platt Amendment Guantanamo Bay Guam Luzon Emilio Aguinaldo

experience defense the Panama Canal the mosquito yellow fever the Atlantic (or Caribbean) and Pacific Pancho Villa the Monroe Doctrine the Roosevelt Corollary the Isthmus of Panama nonpayment of debts Venezuela Colombia the Dominican Republic Haiti the Virgin Islands Nicaragua the Pan American Union an "international police power"

sh Cards



31 - Asia and Imperialism Question


India People who were barred from important British positions


The two rival religious groups

Hindus and Muslims

The Empress of India

Queen Victoria

How the British saw themselves as compared with Indians


The British policy of divide and rule worked well because India had so many of these. Ruling British government official of India

states (or native princes) the viceroy

European country with a near-monopoly on Indian trade in the 1500s


Trading company that controlled most of India

the British East India Company

Small jail cell where British prisoners died overnight

the Black Hole of Calcutta

Important state, site of Calcutta, conquered by the British


Two major factors that prevented Indian unity

the caste system and religious differences

The minority religious group in India

the Muslims

This encouraged Indian ideas about nationalism, democracy, and socialism.

British education

Parliament transferred rule of India to this entity in 1858.

the British Crown (or government)

Reformer and scholar often called the founder of Indian nationalism.

Ram Mohun Roy

Group formed to protect the interests of its religious follwers

the Muslim League

Military officer who expanded British control

Robert Clive

Native Indian troops


Mutiny (revolt) of the native troops in 1857

the Sepoy Rebellion

Group that favored Indian self-rule

the Indian National Congress

Important French trading base on India's southeast coast taken by the British in 1761 Important British trading base on India's southeast coast

Pondicherry Madras

Southeast Asia Peninsula east of India and south of China

Indochina (or Southeast Asia)

Large Asian countries that strongly influenced southeast Asia

India and China

What the first European traders came looking for


Two beverage products Southeast Asia became an important source of Asian nation that once dominated eastern Southeast Asia


System of native work in the Dutch colony

forced labor

Ocean to the southwest of Southeast Asia

the Indian Ocean

Early European traders along the Southeast Asian coast

the Portuguese and the Dutch

Country that took control of Burma

Great Britain

Island at the southern tip of the Southeast Asian peninsula


The only independent state (a kingdom) of Southeast Asia


Today's name for Siam


European nation that took control of eastern Southeast Asia


Term for the French-controlled nations of Southeast Asia

French Indochina

Trading company that governed the Netherlands' island possessions The Dutch colony of Southeast Asia Kingdom on the eastern border of India Peninsula that jutted out at the southern end of Southeast Asia Britain controlled the northern part of this large island. Britain controlled the southeastern part of this large island. Sea that bordered Southeast Asia on the east The major islands of the Dutch colony (6)

coffee and tea

the Dutch East India Company the Dutch (Netherlands) East Indies Burma the Malay Peninsula Borneo New Guinea the South China Sea

Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Celebes, Timor, New Guinea

China Basic foreign policy of the ruling dynasty


Drug that the British introduced to China


Manchu capital


China's giant neighbor to the north


Type of government established in China by the revolution of 1912

a republic

Ruling dynasty from 1644 until 1911

the Manchu dynasty

War that opened China to increased British rule

the Opium War

Island granted to the British in 1842

Hong Kong

Peninsular country east of China


Nation that defeated China in a war of 1894-95


Northern area Russia wanted control of


U.S. backed policy of giving all nations equal trading rights in China

the Open Door Policy

Movement to drive all foreigners out of China

the Boxer Rebellion

Leader of the revolution against the Manchus

Sun Yixian (Sun Yat-sen)

Chinese term for treaties China was forced to sign

"unequal treaties"

Rebellion that weakened the Manchus

the Taiping Rebellion

Russian naval base near Manchuria


Dowager empress who blocked most modernization reforms


The young emperor Guang Xu launched a hundred days of this.


The Nationalist People's Party


Sea between China and Korea

the Yellow Sea

Japan Foreign policy of Japan before imperialism


Japan refused to help these people in distress.

shipwrecked sailors

Purpose of the first European treaties with Japan

to open up trade

Japan developed a surplus of this as it industrialized.


Japan had to import these important items.

raw materials and food

All Japanese became literate because of this.

universal public education

U.S. naval officer who arranged for a treaty

Commodore Matthew Perry

Japan's response to Western conflict

industrialization and/or modernization

Japan's form of government after 1889

constitutional (but absolute) monarchy

Countries that Japan fought for control of Korea

China and Russia

Excellent harbor taken from China by Russia, then Japan

Lüshun (Port Arthur)

Island colony acquired by Japan from China in 1894 Man who arranged the peace between Russia and Japan

Taiwan Theodore Roosevelt

Japan and Russia divided this area into two spheres of influence


Japan annexed this country in 1910, renaming it Chosen.


Only Japanese port open to foreign trade until the mid-1800s The reign of "enlightened rule"

Nagasaki Meiji (or the Meiji Era)

Emperor who established the reign of "enlightened rule" Peninsula on Manchuria's southern coast fought over by China, Russia, and Japan Treaty ending the Russo-Japanese war was signed here.

Mutsuhito the Liaotung Peninsula Portsmouth, New Hampshire

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32 - Africa and Imperialism Question


North Africa North African coast that was home to pirates

the Barbary Coast

Sea that borders North Africa

the Mediterranean

European country that gained control of most of western North Africa Canal built in Egypt Dry region that was the southern boundary of North Africa Rich country occupied by France in 1830 Country on the western end of North Africa Native, warlike peoples of North Africa Original owner of almost half the stock of the Suez Canal company Seas connected by the Suez Canal Country that gained control of the Suez Canal in 1875

France the Suez Canal the Sahara Desert Algeria Morocco the Berbers the Egyptian government the Red and Mediterranean Seas Great Britain

Italy's new name for its North African colony


Religion of North Africa before colonization


Country that acquired a small northern strip of Morocco Country that included the site of ancient Carthage Empire that controlled most of North Africa in the 1800s Mountains of Morocco Conference held to settle rivalry over Morocco Frenchman who led the Egyptian canal-building company Egyptian city bombarded by a British fleet Muslim "savior" whose followers fought fiercely against the British in the Sudan Turkish ruler of a North African state

Spain Tunisia the Ottoman Empire the Atlas Mountains the Algeciras Conference Ferdinand de Lesseps Alexandria the Mahdi a dey (or bey)

West Africa Term for Africa south of the Sahara

sub-Saharan Africa

Collective name of France's territories in West Africa

French West Africa

Area east of the Cote d'Iviore known for its gold mines Belgium's large colony in west-central Africa West Africa's only independent nation Body of water that borders West Africa Large French territory from the Congo to the north Largest British colony in West Africa British journalist and explorer of the Congo River basin Person who was the first European "owner" of the Congo basin area Capital named after President James Monroe Portugal's colony on western Africa's coast Port city of Nigeria

the Gold Coast the Belgian Congo Liberia the Atlantic Ocean French Equatorial Africa Nigeria Henry Stanley King Leopold II of Belgium Monrovia Portuguese Guinea Lagos

The four French settlements along the coast of Western Africa's "bulge" Senegal, French Guinea, Cote d'Iviore, Dahomey Ancient city of the western Sudan region The French worked inland from the western coast along this river. Coastal area south of the "bulge" claimed by France

Timbuktu the Senegal the (French) Congo

Major river basin of central Africa: site of Brazzaville

the Congo

Confederation of native tribes in the Gold Coast region

the Asante

Leader of anti-French resistance in West Africa for 16 years Germany's possessions in west Africa Spanish colonies on western Africa's coast

Samori Toure Togo and the Cameroons Rio de Oro and Rio Muni

East Africa Scottish mercenary and renowned explorer Journalist sent to find Livingstone Stanley's famous greeting

David Livingstone Henry Stanley "Dr. Livingston, I presume?"

Germany's protectorate in East Africa

German East Africa

Britain's large coastal protectorate in East Africa

British East Africa

Italian desert land on the Indian Ocean

Italian Somaliland

Ocean bordering Africa's east coast

the Indian Ocean

Sea bordering Egypt and the Sudan

the Red Sea

Interior region invaded by Italy


Eastern region just south of Egypt

the Sudan

French toehold on the Red Sea

French Somaliland

The only independent nation of eastern Africa


European powers that vied for possessions of the Sudan

France and Great Britain

Major river that flows through the Sudan

the Nile

Large lake bordering Uganda

Lake Victoria

Name for the Sudan under British and Egyptian control

Anglo-Egyptian Sudan

African uprising in German East Africa

the Maji-Maji rebellion

Large island claimed by France


Rich inland territory gained by the British from Germany


Italian desert land along the Red Sea


Sudanese city besieged by rebelling natives for 10 months


Ethiopian emperor whose army crushed the invading Italians

Menelik II

Southern Africa Dutch settlers in southern Africa

the Boers

Man largely responsible for expansion of British power in southern Africa

Cecil Rhodes

Gems found in Cape Colony


Discovery of this caused a rush of people to the Transvaal.


Territory named for Rhodes


Seaport established by the Dutch in 1652

Cape Town

War between the British and the Dutch settlers

the Boer War

Language of the Boers


Union of English colonies and Boer states

the Union of South Africa

Portugal's colony to the north and east of South Africa


German territory to the north and west of South Africa

German Southwest Africa

Oldest colony in Africa, a Portuguese possession


Spectacular falls in Zimbabwe

Victoria Falls

Dutch colony seized by Great Britain in the early 1800s

Cape Colony

The two independent Boer republics

the Orange Free State and the Transvaal

Rhodes's dream for Africa

a north-south railway (through a chain of British colonies)

Region west of the Transvaal controlled by Great Britain


Colonies united to form the British dominion of South Cape AfricaColony, Natal, the Transvaal, and the Orange Free State Natives of German Southwest Africa who rebelled River of Mozambique and Rhodesia explored by Livingstone

the Hottentots and Hereros the Zambezi

Renowned Zulu warrior and chief of the early 1800s Another name for Mozambique

Shaka Portuguese East Africa

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33 - The Growth of Science and Technology in the Nineteenth Century Question


The Physical Sciences Sciences that deal with the nonliving parts of nature

the physical sciences

The physical sciences

astronomy, geology, physics, chemistry

Theory that all matter in the universe is made up of atoms

the atomic theory

The relative weight of an atom

atomic weight

Radioactive element discovered by the Curies

radium and polonium

Particles inside atoms

subatomic particles

Scientists of this ancient nation first thought of the atomic theory.


A way to describe chemical compounds


Table that classifies the elements

the Periodic Table of the Elements

The science of the physical history and characteristics of the Earth


The science of matter and energy


The science of the makeup of all substances and the changes they undergo


Roentgen's discovery


Tiny subatomic particle with a negative electrical charge, discovered by Thomson

an electron

Release of energy by disintegrating atoms, discovered by Bacquerel


French scientists who experimented with radiation

Pierre and Marie Curie

The father of modern atomic theory

John Dalton

Russian chemist who designed the table of the elements

Dmitri Mendeleyev

German physicist who discovered penetrating but invisible radiation

Wilhelm Roentgen

American astronomer who discovered a new comet in 1847

Maria Mitchell

Planet discovered in 1846 by Johann Galle, from predictions of others


The study of this phenomenon led scientists to think about atomic motion.


The Biological Sciences Sciences that deal with the living parts of nature

the biological sciences

Center of cells, discovered by a British botanist

the nucleus

British naturalist - argued that life forms on the earth developed over a long period of time Darwin's ideas about changes in natural forms

the theory of evolution

Age of the earth, according to early evolutionists

at least millions of years

Prehistoric creatures whose existence was first discovered in the nineteenth century


German biologists announced this theory of cells. Darwin's famous book outlining his theory

Charles Darwin

the general cell theory On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection

Survival of creatures that are best adapted to the living conditions

natural selection ("survival of the fittest")

The study of ways in which inborn characteristics are passed on to descendants


Austrian monk, founder of the science of genetics

Gregor Mendel

Mendel used these vegetables as the subjects of his experiments.

pea plants

Threadlike bodies in cells that divide to form new cells, first observed by Fleming


Virchow found that outside agents destroyed or changed cells to cause this.


The process of passing changed forms by inheritance; basis of Lamarck's theory inheritance of acquired characteristics First organizations to employ scientists

universities and colleges

British botanist who studied living plant cells The pre-Darwin explanation of the variety of living things

Robert Brown "special creation" (all at one time)

French biologist who suggested living beings changed form in response to environment German biologist who first described cell division

Jean Baptiste Lamarck Walther Flemming

The Social Sciences and Psychology Sciences that deal with people as members of society The objective study of law and government The study of of people's relationships with their fellow people The study of the human mind and behavior The study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services

the social sciences political science sociology psychology economics

Social science improved by the search for old written records


This field saw dramatic discoveries of ancient remains and ruins such as Troy


Pavlov's experimental subjects


Authors of The Communist Manifesto

Karl Marx and Frederich Engels

Economic system in which major industries are owned by the public


The study of people's culture


Term for application of Darwin's theory to human society

Social Darwinism

Perfect living places promoted by factory owner Robert Owen


The two warring classes, according to The Communist Manifesto

the bourgeoisie and proletariat

Russian biologist who studied animal behavior

Ivan Pavlov

Outstanding British historian of the period

Thomas Macaulay

Frenchman who started the science of sociology

Auguste Comte

Englishman who extended Darwin's ideas to society

Herbert Spencer

Type of behavior demonstrated by Pavlov's experiments

conditioned reflex

"Hands-off" economic doctrine based on "natural laws"


Use of this method made study of social subjects objective and factual.

the scientific method

Industrial Advances New power source that replaced steam


Outstanding U.S. inventor involved with electricity

Thomas Edison

These replaced gas lamps.

electric light bulbs

Power generated by the use of water

hydroelectric power

American teacher of the deaf who patented the telephone

Alexander Graham Bell

Natural resources used to run electric generators


Engine that used a portable supply of gasoline or oil

the internal combustion engine

German engineer who invented an economical oil-burning engine for heavy vehicles Improved material that allowed skyscrapers to be built The Bell Telephone Co. was formed to create this.

Rudolf Diesel structural steel

a phone network (long-distance lines)

Marconi's invention, a way to send messages through space without wires Edison invented the first practical model of this sound machine. Important centers of scientific study

the radio the phonograph industrial research labs

Industry that set up the first U.S. research labs

the electrical industry

The two German pioneers of self-propelled vehicles Brothers credited with inventing the first successful gas automobile in the U.S. in 1893

Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler Charles and Frank Duryea

The modern chemical industry began when Perkins accidentally produced this.

artificial dye

Country that took the lead in the production of synthetic chemical materials American who perfected the simple camera

Germany George Eastman

Machine that transformed mechanical power into electrical energy

the dynamo (electric generator)

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34 - Western Culture in the Nineteenth Century Question


Public Health and Medicine Of every three children born in the nineteenth century, this many died very young.


Leading cause of death during most of the 1800s

epidemics (or contagious diseases)

Pasteur showed that these caused disease.

bacteria (or germs)

Pasteur developed a vaccine against this disease passed by animal bites.


Scientific advances, not a rising birthrate, caused the rapid growth of this.


Medical technique that greatly advanced when it became less painful


Person who established professional nursing care for wounded soldiers

Florence Nightingale

English soldier who developed inoculation

Edward Jenner

The first European vaccine prevented this disease.


French chemist who studied bacteria and disease

Louis Pasteur

Disease similar to smallpox used to make a vaccine for smallpox


Two pain-relieving drugs discovered for medical use in the 1840s

ether and chloroform

In the mid-1800s, patients who survived surgery often died of this.


Natural process made much safer by the use of antiseptics in hospitals


Measures such as water purification that greatly reduced disease


Antiseptics greatly reduced infection in these effects of war.

battle wounds

Process of heating liquids to kill bacteria


Country where inoculation was practiced in the 400s


Drugs that allowed great advances in surgery


English surgeon who developed a method of reducing bacterial infections

Joseph Lister

Chemicals used to kill germs that caused infection


German who isolated the germs that cause tuberculosis and cholera

Robert Koch

The Life of the People Population shifted away from this region in the 1800s


The use of the cold to keep food from spoiling


People began moving out of inner cities to these areas in the late 1800s.

residential suburbs

Children legally belonged to this parent during most of the 1800s

the father

One reason people lived longer after 1850; there was more of this basic staple available. Widespread condition of being unable to read and write Number, in millions, of people who left Europe for the U.S. between 1870 and 1900 Two major reasons for emigration Railroad cars designed to transport meat, fruit, and vegetables Parts of public life from which women were barred

food illiteracy 10 million

economic conditions and minority oppression refrigerator cars voting and holding public office

18th-century French and U.S. events that made it seem important for all citizens to be educated the American and French Revolutions Type of schooling first offered to French and U.S. citizens Level of government that controlled school systems in the U.S. Level of government that controlled school systems in Western Europe Women first gained some independence because of these. Reform laws limited the working hours of these people. Mass publication of reading materials was made possible by this. U.S. state that allowed women the right to vote in 1869 Country that allowed women the vote in 1893 After 1870 education became this, by law.

free public education local (or state) government the central government jobs women and children widespread literacy (or education) Wyoming New Zealand universal and compulsory

Literature and Philosophy English romantic poet who died in the Greek struggle for independence Growing sentiment that led authors to write about their own countries Germans who collected their country's fairy tales American author of the fantastic, supernatural, and mysterious Tolstoy's monumental novel detailing the realities of war

Lord Byron nationalism the Grimm brothers (Jakob nd Wilhelm) Edgar Allan Poe War and Peace

U.S. author who depicted Mississippi River life

Mark Twain

English poet who wrote "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Two major English romantic poets known for their odes

Shelley and Keats

Scottish novelist who wrote about the days of knighthood

Sir Walter Scott

Giant of German literature, noted for being a poet, novelist, and playwright


U.S. novelist who idealized American Indians and the frontier

James Fenimore Cooper

Realistic Norwegian dramatist

Henrik Ibsen

Noble English poet who expressed Victorian values

Alfred, Lord Tennyson

English naturalistic author of The Return of the Native

Thomas Hardy

Young woman who wrote the famous gothic horror novel Frankenstein

Mary Shelley

Three English sisters who published novels under male pseudonyms

the Brontë Sisters (Charlotte, Emily, and Anne)

Alexandre Dumas's three swashbuckling heroes

the Three Musketeers

Extremely popular British author whose novels were often published in installments

Charles Dickens

Realistic portrayals of everyday life in different parts of the United States


Realistic writers who wrote objectively about ugly and sordid aspects of life


French leader of the frank and objective school of writing

Emile Zola

French novelist who wrote about a medieval hunchback

Victor Hugo

The Fine Arts Artistic emphasis on feeling, emotion, and imagination

romanticism (or the Romantic Movement)

Artistic emphasis on showing the world as it is


School of painting that explored light and color effects


Center for artists from many lands


German who wrote emotional, expressive symphonies

Ludwig Van Beethoven

Polish composer of romantic piano pieces

Frédéric Chopin

Russian composer of melodic, emotional works such as the Nutcracker Suite

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Great Italian composer of Aïda and other operas

Giuseppe Verdi

Opera composer whose plots often came from German myths

Richard Wagner

Great German romantic composer of the "Lullaby"

Johannes Brahms

The two best-known French Impressionists

Claude Monet and Pierre-Auguste Renoir

French sculptor who broke with classical traditions

Auguste Rodin

French artist who painted colorful, flat Tahitian scenes

Paul Gauguin

Dutch painter noted for intense emotions and swirling brush strokes

Vincent Van Gogh

Country whose artists dominated painting and sculpture in the 1800s German composers famous for their songs (3)

France Franz Schubert, Robert Schumann, Felix Mendelssohn

New musical instrument of the 1800s

the piano

Hungarian composer of rhapsodies based on native folk songs and dances Two outstanding romantic English landscape painters

Franz Liszt John Constable and J.M.W. Turner

French postimpressionist artist who emphasized planes of color Countries whose artists dominated music in the 1800s Online Flash Cards

Paul Cézanne Germany and Austria

35 - World War I Question


The Stage is Set Desire to unite all people with a common language, race, and culture under one gov't


The move to establish overseas empires; this resulted in increased rivalries


Glorification of and reliance on armed strength


Officials who exercised influence over civilian politicians

army officers

Financial result of the race to build military strength

higher taxes

Hidden, nonpublic agreements among nations to help each other

secret alliances

Overseas territories where European nations competed


Ordering of reserve military forces into active service


European nations engaged in this race to build their strength

the arms race

Formal agreements among countries to help each other if attacked

(defensive) alliances

Members of the Triple Alliance

Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy

Members of the Triple Entente

France, Russia, and Great Britain

A friendly agreement or understanding among nations

an entente

"The powder keg of Europe"

the Balkans

Route Germany proposed to build through the Balkans

the Berlin to Baghdad Railroad

Two main strengths of the Triple Alliance

joint borders and a central position on the continent

Two main strengths of the Triple Entente

control of the seas, surrounding the Triple Alliance nations

Two main weaknesses of the Triple Alliance

hostile nations to E and W, hostility btw. Austria-Hungary & Italy

Two main weaknesses of the Triple Entente

being entente and not alliance, friction btw. Britain and Russia

Three areas in which Germany challenged Great Britain

naval strength, colonial expansion, world trade

Conflict Begins Site of the 1914 assassination that triggered the war The assassin was a nationalist of this ethnic group Country whose heir to the throne was assassinated Germany's response to Russian troop mobilization Nation that wanted to create a Slavic state Slavic nation, a major power, that supported Serbia's Pan-Slavism Leader assassinated in 1914 The final terms offered for a settlement, presented to Austria to Serbia Russia's action to prepare to defend Serbia Neutral country invaded by Germany Event that brought Great Britain into the war Far East nation that declared war as Britain's ally Triple Alliance member that remained neutral at first Empire that joined Germany and Austria in November 1914 Nation that presented Serbia with an ultimatum Germany's new leader in the 1890s Germany's reason for invading a neutral country Name for the Serb assassin at Sarajevo Balkan nation that entered the war as Germany's ally in 1915 The Turks kept Russia's southern fleet bottled up in the sea Austrian territory Serbia wanted; where the assassination took place

Sarajevo Serbs Austria-Hungary declaring war Serbia Russia Archduke Franz Ferdinand an ultimatum mobilizing its troops Belgium the invasion of Belgium Japan Italy the Ottoman Empire Austria Kaiser Wilhelm II to knock France out of the war quickly Gavrilo Princip Bulgaria the Black Sea Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Fighting New rapid-fire weapon New armored vehicle New airborne weapon New oceangoing weapon New form of chemical warfare Soldiers protected themselves from machine-gun fire and artillery in these.

the machine gun the tank the airplane the submarine poison gas trenches

Result each side expected in the summer of 1914

a quick victory

Germany and its allies

the Central Powers

Britain and its partners in the war

the Allied Powers (or the Allies)

How the armies of World War I were different from earlier European armies

being citizen (non-professional) armies

Sea blockaded by the British to cut off Germany

the North Sea

British passenger liner sunk by German submarines

the Lusitania

German policy that drew the United States into the war

unrestricted submarine warfare

Why the United States entered the war, according to Woodrow Wilson

"to make the world safe for democracy"

Event that caused Russia to drop out of the war

the Russian Revolution

Two uses for airplanes in the war

to observe troop movements and drop explosives

Battle that ended Germany's hope of a quick victory

the First Battle of the Marne

The war's only large naval battle


Site of deadly but inconclusive monthlong fight in France

Verdun (or the Somme)

Secret message that outraged Americans

the Zimmerman Telegram

The battle to open up the Dardanelles Strait


Forest battle that forced the Germans back to their border

the Argonne

The Peace and It's Aftermath American president who led the United States at the peace conference

Woodrow Wilson

Agreement to stop fighting until a treaty could be written

the armistice

Site of the peace conference


Germany lost all of these possessions under the treaty

its colonies

Group that suffered almost as much loss of life as the armed forces during the war

civilian populations

Woodrow Wilson's statement of Allied aims for the war

the Fourteen Points

The Big Four of the peace conference

Britain, France, Italy, and the United States

The Big Four became the Big Three when this country left the peace conference angry


Germany had to agree to these payments for war damages.


By signing the treaty, Germany admitted this.

that it alone was guilty for causing the war

The Dual Monarchy split to become these two separate nations.

Austria and Hungary

Nation that lost more territory than Germany did


International organization created by the peace treaties

the League of Nations

Major country that never joined the League

the United States

Financial problem facing countries that fought the war

heavy debt

The two countries with especially severe property damage

France and Belgium

The new international court

the World Court (Permanent Court of International Justice)

Three empires that had fallen by 1919

Ottoman, German, Austro-Hungarian, and Russian

Two entirely new nations created out of the Old Dual Monarchy The two main aims of the League, according to its covenant

Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia

to promote international cooperation and to maintain peace

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36 - The Russian Revolution Question


Steps to Revolution Russia's ruler from 1894 until 1917

Tsar Nicholas II

Work stoppages that forced the tsar to make some changes


Important strategic body that remained loyal to the tsar in 1905

the army

Russia had very little of this kind of development.

industrial development

The three groups who protested their discontent

students, workers, and peasants

Russian people who lived in poverty after being freed

peasants (former serfs)

Russia's form of government before the revolution

absolute monarchy

Violent event of 1905 when soldiers shot peaceful marchers

Bloody Sunday

World War I Russian soldiers lacked these necessities.

good equipment, supplies, and/or leadership

Capital of tsarist Russia

Petrograd (St. Petersburg)

The Russian people were promised these in 1905 but never got them.

civil liberties

Russia had few of these two essentials of transportation.

railroads and good roads

Two kinds of events that broke out in 1917

strikes and street demonstrations

Members of this key group deserted the government and joined the rioters.


Defeat in a war against this small country in 1904-05 exposed the Russian gov't's weakness. Uprising that forced some temporary reforms

Japan the Revolution of 1905

Parliament created after the 1905 uprising

the Duma

These were enormous for Russia in World War I.


Decree of 1905 that promised individual liberties and limited elections The tsar's reaction to the legislature's demands for reform

the October Manifesto to dissolve the legislature

The Romanov monarchy ended in March 1917 when the tsar did this.


Revolution and Civil War Local revolutionary councils of workers and soldiers


The radical Marxists

the Bolsheviks

Leader of the Bolsheviks


Class, very small in Russia, that Marx expected would revolt

the proletariat

Symbolic revolutionary color adopted by the communists


Temporary government set up in March 1917

the provisional government

The moderate Marxists

the Mensheviks

Groups that rivaled the temporary government for power

the soviets

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov


Lenin modified this socialistic-communistic philosophy.


Where Lenin had lived before his return to Russia

in exile (in Switzerland)

The seizure of power in November 1917

the Bolshevik Revolution (or the 2nd Russian Revolution)

New name for the Bolsheviks as of 1918

the Communist Party

After the second revolution, Russia suffered through three years of this. The military forces of the new government Russian family whose rule ended in 1917 Country that arranged for Lenin's return to Russia from exile Lenin's slogan World War II participants with whom Russia signed peace treaties Russians who fought the Communists from 1917 to 1920 Western nations that helped the Whites with money, arms, and troops The uprising that ousted the tsar

civil war the Red Army the Romanovs Germany "Peace, Land, and Bread" the Central Powers the Whites the Allies (France, Britain, Japan, and the U.S.) the March Revolution

The Lenin Years New communist capital of the U.S.S.R. Old, precommunist capital of Russia

Moscow Petrograd (St. Petersburg)

Guiding economic system of the U.S.S.R.


Fate of the tsar and his family


Agriculture declined so badly, city people faced this.


Owner of the major industries

the government

Alternative name for the U.S.S.R.

the Soviet Union

Russia's official new name

the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.)

Tsar and tsarina who were the last ruling monarchs of Russia

Nicholas and Alexandra

Separate government entities joined together in the federal union


Lenin's modified version of Marxist theory


Lenin decided the U.S.S.R. had to take this before it could take "two steps forward"

"one step backward"

Outside source of funds welcomed for development

foreign capital

Groups whose needs were first met during the war

the Red Army

Lack of this made it difficult to build a Marxist society.

industry and industrial workers

People who carried out the revolution instead of the workers

a small (minority) group of Bolsheviks

Organization that ruled the Soviet Union under Lenin

the Communist Party

Marx based his "scientific socialism" on this form of economic development Lenin's economic policy, which was not pure Marxism

Western capitalism the New Economic Policy

Lenin's economic policy allowed some of this.

free enterprise

Wave of executions similar to the French Reign of Terror

the Red Terror

Huge representative body that had little real power

the National Congress

The Stalin Years Secretary general of the Communist Party and Lenin's successor

Joseph Stalin

Type of state established by Stalin

a totalitarian (or police) state

Type of economy Stalin established

a command (completely state-controlled) economy

These were sharply reduced while heavy industry was vastly expanded.

consumer goods

People who fiercely resisted Stalin's agricultural policy

the peasants

English translation of the Russian word stalin

"man of steel"

Main rivals for post-Lenin leadership

Trotsky and Stalin

Where the revolution had to take place, according to Marx, in order to be successful Where the revolution should stay for the time being, according to Stalin

all over the world in the U.S.S.R. only

Master plans of Soviet growth

Five-Year Plans

All farms, under Stalin

collectives (state-owned farms)

Organization that lost its property

the Russian Orthodox Church

Belief taught to children in place of religion


Artistic style required under Stalin

socialist realism

Arm of the Communist party that held most power

the Politburo

Stalin's "purification," or removal of everyone not loyal to him


Stalin's native republic


Lev Bronstein, brilliant party organizer

Leon Trotsky

Outcome of the power struggle for Trotsky


Trotsky's final fate

murder (in Mexico)

The parliament under Stalin

the Supreme Soviet

Organization that agitated for the overthrow of capitalist governments

the Comintern

Small ruling committee of the parliament

the Presidium Online Flash Cards

37 - Nationalism and Communism in Asia and Africa Question


China Political party founded by Mao and other revolutionaries

the Chinese Communist party

Leader of the Chinese Communists

Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung)

Class of people whom Mao sought as his party's base of support


Chaotic condition of China from 1916 through the 1940s

civil war

"Father of Modern China" was was (briefly) the first president of the Chinese republic Nationalist leader in China after Sun Yixian's death

Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek)

Nation that sent advisors to help China

the U.S.S.R. (Soviet Union)

Nations that ignored the Nationalists' requests for help

the western democracies

The 6,000 mile trip of the communists to northwest China

the Long March

Supporters of China's left wing, ejected from the Nationalist party

socialists and communists (or peasants and workers)

Class of people who supported the nationalists

the middle class

Nickname of Mao's fighting forces

the Red Army

Nation that invaded and took over eastern China in 1937


New base of the Chinese Communists after their year-long trek Political party that tried to establish a Chinese republic

Sun Yixian (Sun Yat-sen)

northern China the Nationalist party, or the Kuomintang (Guomindang)

China's last dynasty, overthrown in 1912

the Qing dynasty

Reform movement sparked by student protests in 1919

the May Fourth Movement

China's industrial northern province, invaded by Japan in 1931


Soviet leader whom Mao and his fellow communists admired


Capital city of both the Nationalists and the occupying Japan


Japan Japanese head of state who wielded no real power

the emperor

In th 1920s, Japan agreed to limit the size of this part of its military forces.

the navy

Element of Japanese society that controlled the government by the 1930s

the military

Need for these fueled Japan's desire to expand

raw materials, or markets for its products

Growth of this fueled Japan's desire to expand.

the population

Neighboring country that Japan invaded in the 1930s Important source of Japanese wealth, disrupted by the Great Depression Man who reigned on Japan's throne from 1926 to 1989 Increased characteristic of Japanese government during the 1920s Term for extreme nationalists Northern Chinese province that Japan seized in 1931 Kellogg-Briand Pact--Japan pledged to renounce this "as an instrument of national policy." Japan put pressure on this neighbor with the Twenty-One Demands in 1915 Zaibatsu, people who strongly influenced politics in the 1920s Name of the Japanese Parliament Values vigorously promoted by the military-dominated government Japan's name for its puppet state in Manchuria Int'l body that Japan withdrew from in 1933 b/c of condemnation of Japanese aggression

China trade Hirohito democratic ultranationalists Manchuria war China powerful business leaders the Diet traditional values Manchukuo the League of Nations

India Indian nationalist leader Indians' name for Ghandhi, meaning "saintly one" or "Great Soul" Imperialist country that ruled India as its colony

Mohandas Gandhi Mahatma Great Britain

The way to respond to British shootings and beatings, according to Gandhi

with nonviolence

Hindu social system that Gandhi opposed

the caste system

Britain promised more self-government if Indians fought in this war. British-made item that Indians boycotted widely Peaceful protest led by Gandhi to defy the British laws about salt Deliberate and public refusal to obey an unjust law

World War I cloth the Salt March civil disobedience

Gandhi's profession, which he practiced in South Africa


Non-Hindu Indian independence group

the Muslim League

Gandhi's policy of peaceful resistance through refusing to cooperate with the government India's leading political party

nonviolent noncooperation

the Indian National Congress (or Congress party)

Indian province where the Amritsa massacre took place in 1919 Reforms allowed by the Government of India Act of 1935

Punjab local self-government and/or limited democratic elections

Leader of the Muslim League beginning in the 1930s

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

New goal of the Muslim League under Jinnah

a separate independent state

Social injustice that Gandhi worked against in South Africa Garment adopted by Gandhi in place of western clothing

racial discrimination the dhoti (or a simple and traditional white garment)

Africa and the Middle East Middle Eastern land promised to both Jews and Arabs by Great Britain


Surname adopted by Turkish leader, meaning "Father of the Turks"


New name of Persia as of 1935


System of racial segregation and discrimination set up in South Africa


Two rival peoples in Palestine

Arabs and Jews

Revolutionary leader who was the first president of Turkey

Mustafa Kemal

People the Arabs fought in return for British support of an Arab state Policy of modernization followed in Turkey and Iran by Araturk and Reza Shah

the Turks westernization

North African nation that gained independence in 1922 but was still controlled by Britain


Nationalist movement built on the shared heritage of Arabs Movement that focused on the unity of all Africans

Pan-Arabism Pan-Africanism

New Islamic nation founded by Abd al-Aziz Ibn Saud

Saudi Arabia

Territories in the Middle East governed by European nations, set up at the end of WWI Empire that the Turkish Revolution ended

mandates the Ottoman Empire

Oil-rich kingdom that gained independence in 1930 British statement that "viewed with favor" a Jewish "national home" Army officer who overthrew Iran's shah and set up his own Pahlavi dynasty

Iraq the Balfour Declaration Reza Khan (Reza Shah Pahlavi)

West African movement that promoted pride in African roots Jamaican native who promoted the message "Africa for Africans"

negritude Marcus Garvey

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38 - The Western World Before and Between the Wars Question


The Americas U.S. president who dealt with the Great Depression

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Young U.S. women who embraced shocking new freedoms of dress and behavior


Nickname for the boom years in the 1920s in the United States

the Roaring Twenties

Movement of people that the United States limited after World War I


Popular, hard-riding rebel from northern Mexico

Pancho Villa

Business-oriented political party that dominated U.S. national government during the 1920s The years during which manufacture or sale of alcoholic beverages was prohibited in the U.S. U.S. president who said that prosperity was "just around the corner"

Prohibition Herbert Hoover

Mexican artist famed for his bold, bright murals inspired by folk art

Diego Rivera

Latin American nations that benefitted from oil reserves

Mexico and Venezuela

Indian from southern Mexico who led a peasant revolt

Emiliano Zapata

Caribbean island nation occupied by U.S. Marines for years

Haiti or the Dominican Republic

U.S. fright stirred up by fear of communists and radicals in 1919-20

the Red Scare

Country in which Augusto Cesar Sandino led a guerrilla movement against U.S. troops Political party that dominated Mexican politics from 1929 through the 1990s

the Republican Party


the PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party)

Term for female soldiers in the Mexican Revolution FDR's new policy toward Latin America "Giant" nickname given the United States by distrustful Latin American nations

soldaderas the Good Neighbor Policy "Colossus of the North"

Economic Conditions Institution that took more control of economics after the war

the government

Condition of many countries because of wartime borrowing

heavily indebted

Source of government revenue, very high in many postwar countries Drastic business collapse of the 1930s Many of these financial institutions failed in the 1930s. Condition of 30 million workers in 1932 Condition caused by demobilizing (disbanding) the armed forces Common postwar condition of rising prices Widespread walls that blocked free trade among nations Investment arena that collapsed in October 1929 The program of relief and reform in the United States Law that gave U.S. workers unemployment and old-age benefits for the first time

taxes the Great Depression banks unemployed unemployment inflation tariffs the stock market the New Deal the Social Security Act

Group that pressured governments to help with workers' problems

organized labor

Work stoppage by laborers in many areas of the economy

a general strike

U.S. farm prices fell because of this. The International Monetary Conference of 1933 tried to promote this among nations. Government programs that provided employment for workers Global activity that dropped by 65 percent in the 1930s Policy of improving a nation's economy without regard for other countries Practice of buying stock with only a small cash down payment

overproduction financial cooperation public works world trade economic nationalism buying on margin

Europe Average life span of a French government cabinet British workers who inspired a general strike British working-class party that gained power in 1924 Irish force that fought British troops

less than a year coal miners the Labour Party the Irish Republican Army

Portion of Ireland that stayed part of the United Kingdom

Northern Ireland

Line of defenses built along the French-German frontier

the Maginot Line

German coal and iron valley that French troops attempted to occupy British prime minister elected with working-class support The Irish nationalist uprising of 1916, named for a holiday

the Ruhr Valley Ramsay MacDonald the Easter Rising

The independent southern portion of Ireland

the Irish Free State (Eire)

Main characteristic of Eastern European economies


Union of Germany, desired by many Austrians


Form of Hungarian government under Admiral Horthy

a military dictatorship

Form of government in Poland after the constitutional democracy failed

a military dictatorship

Owners of most land in Eastern Europe

wealthy aristocrats

Because France had so many political parties, it had this type of government.

coalition governments

European nations' agreement to settle future disputes peacefully

the Locarno Pact

French coalition government of socialists and communists

the Popular Front

French socialist premier

Leon Blum

Hungarian communist who seized power in 1919

Bela Kun

One of the Eastern European nations that maintained democratic government

Finland, the Baltic States, or Czechoslovakia

Paris treaty that condemned war as a way of settling disputes

the Kellogg-Briand Pact

The Rise of Fascism Italy had few industries because it lacked these.

raw materials

Italy's dictator

Benito Mussolini

Germany's dictator

Adolf Hitler

Ethnic group Hitler especially despised

the Jews

Hitler's book, the "Bible" of the Nazi Movement

Mein Kampf ("My Struggle")

Hitler's secret police force

the Gestapo

Name of Hitler's regime, meaning "Third Empire"

the Third Reich

Hitler's title, meaning "the leader"

der Fuhrer

Mussolini's title, meaning "the leader"

Il Duce

Mussolini's political philosophy


Bavarian capital briefly taken over by communists


Germany's lower legislative house; site of a fire in 1933 Italy didn't have enough food because of these two conditions.

the Reichstag poor land and a large population

General term for government system that controlled almost every part of people's lives Fascism promoted this feeling towards one's country.

totalitarianism extreme nationalism

Government in which the leader used armed forces and police to crush opposition

a police state

The Italian and German fascist parties were violently opposed to this.


The National Socialist German Workers' Party

the Nazi Party

Basic principle of fascism

government control over everything

Classes fascism appealed to

the middle and upper classes

Mussolini's fascist supporters

the Black Shirts

The German federal republic

the Weimar Republic

The Nazis' private army

the Storm Troopers (or Brown Shirts) Online Flash Cards

39 - World War II Question


The Road to War Independent African country invaded by Italy


Northern Chinese province occupied by Japan


Spanish Fascist leader

General Francisco Franco

Conference that now symbolizes appeasement and surrender

the Munich Conference

Territory on the French side of the Rhine River invaded by Hitler

the Rhineland

Response of Britain and France to Hitler's aggressive moves in 1936 and 1938


How the League of Nations reacted to Japanese aggression

(only) to condemn it

Japan went to war with this country in 1937.


Emperor of Ethiopia who asked for League protection

Haile Selassie

Nations that withdrew from the League in the 1930s

Italy and Japan

Official policy of the Western democracies toward the Spanish civil war


Nation joined to Germany in 1938 by Anschluss


German area of Czechoslovakia

the Sudetenland

British prime minister who gave in to Hitler's demands

Neville Chamberlain

Nation that disappeared from the map in 1939


Lebensraum, Germany's excuse for expanding its borders

"living space"

The German-Italian alliance

the Rome-Berlin Axis

International treaty rejecting war as a way to settle disputes

the Kellogg-Briand Pact

The League's reaction to Italy's aggression in Africa

economic sanctions

Treaty that Germans deeply resented The two opposing sides in Spain's civil war

the Versailles Treaty (ending WWI) the Nationalists and Loyalists (or Republicans)

"Hands-off" foreign policy favored by many Americans in the 1930s


Conflict Begins The three major Axis powers

Germany, Italy, and Japan

English statesman elected to replace Chamberlain

Winston Churchill

Major Allied country taken by Hitler in June 1940


Leader of the French fighters

General Charles de Gaulle

Germany signed a nonaggression treaty with this country in 1939.

the Soviet Union

Strip of Polish territory that cut through Germany

the Polish Corridor

Hitler's attack on this country started World War II.


Hitler's tactic of "lightning war" The four major Allies

Blitzkrieg Great Britain, U.S.A., U.S.S.R., China (plus France)

Two Scandinavian countries invaded by Hitler in April 1940 The three Low Countries taken by Hitler in May 1940

Denmark and Norway the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg

Allied troops withdrew from this French seaport to England, by all boats available.


The French group that continued to fight the Germans

the Free French

Two Western nations that were defensive allies of Poland

Great Britain and France

Free city on the Baltic Sea open to Poland, desired by Germany


Germany's line of defense in the Rhineland

the Siegfried Line

Country that disappeared when the Soviet Union moved into it in 1939


The only country to be expelled from the League of Nations for aggression Term for the nearly actionless early days of the war

the Soviet Union the "phony war" or Sitzkrieg ("sitting war")

Term for the countries of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania taken by the Soviets in 1940

the Baltic States

The U.S.S.R. was expelled from the League of Nations for invading this Scandinavian country The French government under Hitler


the Petain (or Vichy) government

The War in Europe and North America Official policy of the United States toward the war until 1941 Vast country Germany invaded in 1941 in violation of 1939 treaty

neutrality the Soviet Union

The three leading Allied statesmen who met often during the war's years

Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin

Term for Hitler's war against the Jews

the Holocaust

European beaches where the Allies landed in 1944


The period of heaviest German bombing of Great Britain

the Battle of Britain

Fighting unit that successfully defended Great Britain

the Royal Air Force

Germany's general in North Africa, the "Desert Fox"

Erwin Rommel

Chief British general in North Africa

Bernard Montgomery

Supreme commander of the Allied forces in Europe

Dwight Eisenhower

Soviet city, site of tremendous six-month battle


New tracking device using sound waves that located submarines


New electronic tracking system that detected incoming aircraft Term for the day of Allied landings in France

radar D-Day (June 6, 1944)

Term for the day of victory in Europe

V-E Day (May 8, 1945)

Hitler committed suicide during the battle for this city. Hitler's plan to invade and conquer the British Isles

Berlin Operation Sea Lion

U.S. policy of supplying Britain with war materials on credit


Egyptian site where the British stopped the German advance Germany's final counterattack against the Allies in Europe

El Alamein the Battle of the Bulge

Axis power that was invaded from the south; it surrendered in 1943


The War in Asia When Japan bombed this naval base, the United States entered the war.

Pearl Harbor

Island continent threatened by the Japanese


Large ships that were seagoing air bases

aircraft carriers

U.S. commander in the Pacific

General Douglas MacArthur

Terrifying new weapon first used on August 6, 1945

the atomic bomb

First Japanese city hit by the new weapon


Suicide attacks by bomb-laden Japanese planes

kamikaze attacks

Second Japanese city hit by the new bomb


The day Japan signed surrender documents

V-J Day (September 2, 1945)

Island group secured for the Allies by the Battle of Leyte Gulf

the Philippines

Allied strategy of capturing some islands and skipping others


Southern island of the Solomons, site of an airfield and fierce fighting


Alaskan islands where Japan landed

the Aleutians

Crucial battle near Hawaii that turned back the Japanese Sea battle that stopped the Japanese thrust toward Australia Two American outposts captured by Japan in 1941-2

the Battle of Midway the Battle of the Coral Sea Guam and Wake Island

Region north of China taken from Japan by the Soviet Union in 1945 Japan's slogan to keep Asia out of western control

Manchuria "Asia for Asians"

Dutch island colony taken by Japan

the Netherlands East Indies

French colony that became a Japanese protectorate

French Indochina

Japan's great naval strategist

Isoroku Yamamoto Online Flash Cards

40 - The Cold War and Postwar Europe Question


Postwar Settlements Units that controlled the German occupation zones

occupying armies

Type of government established in postwar Italy

a republic

Defeated nations had to return these.

territories taken in the war

Former Nazis were put on trial, accused of being this.

war criminals

Postwar leader of France

Charles de Gaulle

Main characteristic of France's postwar foreign policy


International forum that tried Nazi leaders for war crimes

the Nuremburg Trials

Systematic killing of an entire people, practiced by Hitler


Nation that objected violently to German reindustrialization


Loss of territory to other nations caused a flood of these into Germany.


Payments to nations that had been invaded


Wartime meeting near Berlin where the Allies agreed how the peace treaties would be written Wartime meeting in South U.S.S.R. - the Allies agreed to divide Germany into occupation zones Number of zones Germany and Berlin were each divided into

the Potsdam Conference the Yalta Conference four

City/territory disputed by Italy and Yugoslavia


It took 10 years for a peace treaty to be signed with this country.


West German chancellor in the 1950s and 1960s

Konrad Adenauer

New French government established in 1958

the Fifth French Republic

Britain's postwar leader

Clement Atlee

The new democratic government of West Germany

the Federal Republic of Germany

A council of these officials wrote up the postwar peace treaties.

foreign ministers

Cold War Politics The two strongest nations of the postwar world

the United States and the Soviet Union

War fought by politics and economics, not weapons

the Cold War

How Great Britain and the United States sent supplies to Berlin

an airlift

Massive construction between East and West Berlin

the Berlin Wall

Descriptive name of the nonphysical wall between Eastern and Western Europe

the Iron Curtain

British leader who coined the term "Iron Curtain"

Winston Churchill

Country that surrounded Berlin

East Germany

U.S. policy that aimed at restricting the spread of communism


European country that received U.S. aid in 1947 to put down a communist-supported rebellion The Soviet attempt to keep any supplies from reaching West Berlin The Berlin Wall was built to stop the flow of these. The mutual defense pact of the Western nations

Greece the Berlin blockade refugees

NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

The East European military alliance

the Warsaw Pact

Soviet term for harmony between East and West

"peaceful coexistence"

Meeting of the leaders of the major world powers

summit conferences

Country where the Cold War became hot in 1950

South Korea

Gradual relaxation of tensions between the United States and the U.S.S.R. The Communist Information Bureau; its goal was to stir up dissent and revolution U.S. statement that it would help countries threatened by communism Stated 1950s U.S. policy of willingness to go to the verge of war Event that doomed a U.S. and Soviet conference in 1960

détente the Comintern the Truman Doctrine brinkmanship the U-2 Incident

Economic Recovery Germany transportation industry that became a strong competitor of its American counterpart Great Britain's moderate socialist party State like Great Britain where government took main responsibility for its citizens' welfare Discontented French workers caused these to spread rapidly in 1968.

the automobile industry the Labour Party a welfare state strikes

The European Recovery Program; it provided U.S. aid to Europe

the Marshall Plan

The most stable currency in postwar Europe

the mark

What happened to British railroads, coal mines, and utilities


EEC, the economic and trade union of Western Europe

the European Economic Community

Common name of the European economic union

the Common Market

Trade barriers the Western European nations gradually dropped

tariffs and/or import quotas

Major European nation that remained outside the EEC for 15 years

Great Britain

The U.S. Trade Expansion Act allowed the president to cut these.


Many newly indpnt. nations of this continent joined the EEC as associate members in the '60s U.S. official who suggested the policy of massive aid to Europe


Secretary of State George C. Marshall

The EEC members had the most trouble agreeing on this policy.

agricultural policy

The East European nations' common market

Comecon (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance)

Country that vetoed British membership in the EEC


Union of Western Europe's coal and steel industries, ECSC

the European Coal and Steel Community

Term for the amazingly rapid economic recovery of Germany

"the German miracle"

UNRRA, the organization that gave emergency relief aid to war-torn the countries United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration

The Eastern Bloc The leader of Yugoslavia

Marshal Josip Tito

Term for the East European countries dependent on and subordinate to the U.S.S.R.


Communist country that split with the U.S.S.R. to act independently


Soviet leader, Stalin's successor, who visited the U.S. in 1959

Nikita Khrushchev

Term for satellite independence; named for Yugoslavia's leader


Soviet troops changed from an army of liberation in Eastern Europe to this. Countries that took all of East Prussia

an army of occupation Poland and the Soviet Union

Authority that set up communist governments in Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary The new communist government of East Germany

the Red Army the German Democratic Republic

Country that briefly deposed its Soviet-controlled government in 1956


Country that gained a small amount of domestic independence in 1956


The six Soviet satellites

Bulgaria, Czech. , E Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania

Class of people in East Germany who revolted in 1953


Germany lost a lot of territory to this country after World War II.


Country that ejected the Sudetan Germans


Northern states annexed by the U.S.S.R. in 1940

the Baltic States

Three northern (Baltic) states annexed by the U.S.S.R. in 1940

Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania

Local communists set up governments in these two countries.

Albania and Yugoslavia

Central European country whose government went from democratic to communist in 1948 A workers' revolt in this country was put down by Soviet forces in 1953. Online Flash Cards

Czechoslovakia East Germany

41 - Revolution in Asia Question


China and Korea China's first Communist ruler

Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung)

Huge farming communities in which Chinese peasants had to live


South Korean capital; site of the 1988 Summer Olympics


Most powerful Chinese leader of the 1980s and 1990s

Deng Xiaoping

The Korea that emerged as an economic powerhouse in the 1990s

South Korea

Chinese student movement of 1989

the pro-democracy movement

Island home of the Chinese Nationalists


Official name of Communist China

the People's Republic of China

Chinese premier, Mao's second-in-command

Zhou Enlai (Chou En-lai)

American president who visited China in 1972, opening relations

Richard Nixon

China's domestic upheaval in the 1960s

the Cultural Revolution

Radical semi-military groups of students and young people during China's cultural revolution International body that China joined in 1971 North Korea's basic foreign policy principle North Korea's leader from 1948 to 1994 Site of Beijing's 1989 student demonstrations and massacre Neutral zone between North and South Korea Thriving business center and British colony that reverted to China in 1997 China allowed a limited amount of this in its economy in the 1980s. Dividing line between North and South Korea Army that fought North Korean troops from 1950 to 1953

the Red Guards the United Nations isolation Kim Il Sung Tiananmen Square the demilitarized zone Hong Kong private enterprise the 38th Parallel the United Nations Army

The Indian Subcontinent The subcontinent was divided along these lines. Major stumbling block to economic improvement Natural phenomena that periodically devastate Bangladesh Nehru's daughter, India's prime minister, assassinated in 1984 Controversial items tested by India and Pakistan in 1998 Predominant population of Pakistan Predominant population of India India's first prime minister from 1950 to 1964 Major stumbling block to Indian unity, besides religion and caste Current name of former East Pakistan Indian minority responsible for Indira Gandhi's assassination Indira Gandhi's successor, also assassinated Nations that fought each other following a civil war between East and West Pakistan

religious preferences population growth floods Indira Gandhi nuclear devices Muslims Hindus Jawaharlal Nehru language differences Bangladesh the Sikhs her son, Rajiv Gandhi India and Pakistan

Former president's daughter, elected prime minister of Pakistan in 1988

Benazir Bhutto

Tibetian leader who fled to India in 1959

the Dalai Lama

River valley of West Pakistan River delta of East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) Northern Indian state, claimed by both India and Pakistan, site of many clashes India's dominant political party Pakistani dictator killed in 1988 plane crash Site of disastrous poison gas leak in India, December 1984 Afghanistan's strict Islamic rulers in the 1990s

the Indus River Valley the Ganges Delta Kashmir the Congress Party General Zia (Mohammed Zia-ul-Haq) Bhopal the Taliban

The Island Nations Asia's leading industrial power in the later 20th century Japan's leading trading partner Japan's economy depended on these.

Japan the United States exports

Philippine dictator ousted in 1986

Ferdinand Marcos

The U.S. struggled to keep these strategic posts in the Philippines.

military bases

Japanese emperor who died in 1989


Natural disasters that often rock Japan


Name of Ceylon as of 1972

Sri Lanka

Type of government established in Japan in 1947

democratic, parliamentary, or constitutional monarchy

Island nation expelled from the United Nations in 1971

Nationalist China (the republic of China) (Taiwan)

Nation given independence by the United States on July 4, 1946

the Philippines

Military rule, imposed on the Philippines by Marcos in 1972

martial law

The U.S.-Asian mutual defense organization

SEATO (the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization)

Rebels who fought a continuing battle against the Philippine government

communist and/or Muslim guerrillas

Prosperous independent city-state at the tip of the Malay Peninsula


Filipino democratic leader, successor of Marcos

Corazon Aquino

New name for the Netherlands East Indies


The five largest islands of Indonesia

Borneo, Sumatra, Irian Jaya (New Guinea), Sulawesi, Java

General who ruled Indonesia from 1968 through 1998 Guerrillas of Sri Lanka who wage a bloody campaign for an independent homeland

Suharto the Tamil (or Tigers)

New nation that included Malaya, Sabah, and Sarawak


Indonesia's first president


Southeast Asia Communist leader of North Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh

The communist guerrillas in South Vietnam

the Viet Cong

U.S. president who greatly expanded U.S. involvement in Vietnam

Lyndon Johnson

Capital of Vietnam


Capital of South Vietnam; fell to the communists in 1975


Refugees from Southeast Asia who attempted to emigrate by sea

boat people

Large drain on Thailand's economy


Collective term for the countries that border the Pacific Ocean New name of Saigon

the Pacific Rim Ho Chi Minh City

Neighbor of Vietnam invaded by U.S. troops


U.S. president who first sent aid to Vietnam

Dwight Eisenhower

The communist forces of Cambodia who established a brutal rule in the 1970s

the Khmer Rouge

Country that invaded Cambodia in 1979 and took control for a decade Cambodia's ruler from 1941 through 1970, who remained active in exile

Vietnam Norodom Sihanouk

Site of crushing French army defeat by the Vietnamese


Communist-led group of Laos

the Pathet Lao

The one nation of Southeast Asia that never was a European colony


Nation to the east of India; it gained independence in 1948


New name given Burma by its military leaders


The three countries formed out of French Indochina

Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam

Burmese woman who won the Nobel Prize in 1991 while under house arrest

Aung San Suu Kyi

Online Flash Cards

42 - Independent Africa Question


Independence Politics Workers' organizations that gave Africans political experience

trade unions

Usual number of political parties in an African country


People who have carried out many coups since the mid-1960s

army (military) leaders

Most common government and economic system in Africa


Type of workers in short supply

skilled workers

Common state of African economies


South Africa's policy of "apartness," or separation of the races


Organization of all the continent's independent states, established in 1963

the Organization of African Unity (OAU)

All African states broke relations with this nation by 1974.


Many African nations became associate members of this European economic organization.

the EEC

The OAU granted observer status to this Arab organization by 1973.

the PLO

Continued control of former colonies' economies by colonial powers


Main stumbling block to African unity

ethnic/tribal divisions

British colonies where the earliest nationalist parties grew

Nigeria and Ghana

Most African economies had a poor balance between these two elements at independence. The Pan-African movement started with these people.

industry and agriculture American and West Indian blacks

Meeting open to all black people, not just African governments

the Pan-African Congress

Agreement of 1975 that linked both ex-British and ex-French colonies with the EEC A U.N. body for Africa established in 1958

the Lome Convention the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)

The single most important influence on the rise of African nationalism

World War II

Meeting of 1944 to determine the common future of France and its African colonies

the Brazzaville Conference

Former British Africa First independent British Commonwealth Colony; it gained independence in 1957 The former British colonies all joined this British group Terrorist Kikuyu movement in Kenya

the Mau Mau

Country that included the kingdom of Buganda


Country with the first African government in colonial Africa


Landless Kenyan people who fought a guerrilla war against whites

the Kikuyu

Countries that united to form Tanzania

Tanganyika and Zanzibar

Nigeria's most valuable export


South African police fired on an unarmed crowd here in 1960.


Black town near Johannesburg; site of 1976 riots


Britain opposed this colony's independence, declared by the white minority


Ghana's former name

the Gold Coast

Site of 1976 Israeli commando raid on a hijacked airliner in Uganda


These were outlawed by South Africa's Immorality Act of 1950.

sexual relations and marriage between races

In this country, much of the north is Muslim, and much of the south Christian. The 1953 union of Malawi, Zambia, and Southern Rhodesia

Nigeria the Central African Federation

Homelands for South African blacks


Rhodesia's new name under African rule The two South African opposition parties banned in 1960

Ghana the Commonwealth

Zimbabwe the African National Congress, the Pan-African Congress

Leaders Kenya's nationalist leader and first president South African nationalist leader jailed for 27 years and elected president in 1994 South African bishop; 1984 Nobel Peace Prize winner French government leader who supported colonies' independence Uganda's notorious dictator; forced from office in 1978 Emperor of Ethiopia; deposed in 1974 Ghana's nationalist leader and first president

Jomo Kenyatta Nelson Mandela Desmond Tutu Charles de Gaulle Idi Amin Haile Selassie Kwame Nkrumah

Senegalese leader and noted poet

Leopold Senghor

Guinea's first president elected in 1958; a nationalist leader

Sekou Toure

1st premier of the Democratic Republic of the Congo - forced from office and killed in 1961

Patrice Lumumba

First president of both Tanganyika and Tanzania

Julius Nyerere

Uganda's nationalist leader

Milton Obote

Prime minister of Rhodesia who declared independence in 1965

Ian Smith

First Zambian president, a nationalist leader

Kenneth Kaunda

Leader who became Cote d'Iviore's first president in 1960

Felix Houphouet-Boigny

African nationalist leaders of Southern Rhodesia

Joshua Nkomo and Robert Mugabe

South African leader who urged nonviolence; 1961 Nobel Peace Prize winner

Albert Luthuli

Apartheid leader assassinated in parliament in 1966

Hendrik Verwoerd

Former U.S. professor, founder of modern Mozambique nationalism; assassinated in 1969 Longtime leader who changed his country's name from Congo to Zaire

Eduardo Mondlane Mobuto Sese Seko (Joseph Mobuto)

South African president who began the dismantling of apartheid laws

F.W. de Klerk

Former Non-British Africa How the French people decided on the colonies' independence

by referendum (vote)

France outlawed this kind of labor in its colonies in 1946.

forced labor

First and last European colonial power


The Portuguese who rebelled and ended the colonial wars The three Portuguese colonies that fought wars of independence

the Portuguese army Angola, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique

New name of the Portuguese Guinea in 1974


French colony with the earliest mass political involvement

the Cote d'Iviore

Former South West Africa; became independent in 1990 Cameroon + Gabon + Republic of the Congo + Chad + Central African Republic = this territory.

Namibia French Equatorial Africa

Eastern country whose starvation and anarchy caught the world's attention in the early 1990s A force from this organization was sent to the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1960.

Somalia the United Nations

Country that experienced tragic conflict between its Tutsi and Hutu peoples


Mining center in the Democratic Republic of the Congo that declared independence in 1960


A West African peace-keeping force intervened in this country in 1990. Area that became federated with Ethiopia in 1952

Liberia Eritrea

The former French Somali Coast


Formerly Upper Volta, renamed in 1984

Burkina Faso

Former Portuguese colony plagued by a 16-year civil war New name for Dahomey

Angola Benin

Online Flash Cards

43 - North Africa and the Middle East: Tensions and Conflict Question


North Africa Predominant religion of North Africa Leader of Libya who took power in 1969 Basis of Libya's economy The U.S. government has often accused Libya of promoting this. Algeria represented this country in 1980 hostage negotiations. Morocco's form of government Morocco's ruler from 1961 to 1999 Egypt's first democratically elected leader Gigantic dam built to increase Egyptian farmland Waterway nationalized by Nasser North African country bombed by the United States in 1986 Nasser's successor in Egypt Sadat's fate Two European nations that invaded Egypt in the Canal crisis of 1956 Leader who became an Arab hero during the Canal crisis Libya's form of government from independence until 1969 North African country; site of guerrilla war against France Extremist French group that resisted Algerian independence Algeria's three "B" post-independence leaders Union of Egypt and Syria The first U.S. president to visit Egypt Sadat's successor in Egypt Ethiopia's last emperor

Islam Muammar al-Qaddafi oil production terrorism Iran a kingdom King Hassan II Gamal Abdel Nasser the Aswan High Dam the Suez Canal Libya Anwar el-Sadat assassination Great Britain and France Nasser a constitutional monarchy Algeria the SAO (Secret Army Organization) Ben Bella, Boumediene, and Bendjedid the United Arab Republic Richard Nixon Hosni Mubarak Haile Selassie

Arab-Israeli Conflict Ancient name of the land disputed by Jews and Arabs Reaction of Arabs to Israel's independence Arab group that seeks to establish an Arab state in Palestine Longtime leader of the PLO Status of most Arabs who left Israeli Palestine after its 1948 independence Coastal area seized from Egypt by Israel in a 1956 invasion

Palestine war the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) Yasir Arafat refugee the Gaza Strip

Egyptian territory between Israel and the Suez Canal

the Sinai Peninsula

Organization that divided Palestine into Arab and Jewish states

the United Nations

Term for the Palestinian uprising in Israeli-occupied territories Waterway Egypt closed to Israel Short Arab-Israeli war of 1967 Arab residents of this Israeli-held territory began angry demonstrations in 1987. War that broke out on the Jewish high holy day in 1973 Egyptian and Israeli leaders who agreed to peace U.S. president who brought Egyptian and Israeli leaders together Hard-line Israeli prime minister who took office in 2001 Eastern (Arab) Palestine became part of this country. High land in Syria seized by Israel in 1967 The Arab-Israeli Oslo agreement of 1993 allowed some of this. Term for the Egypt-Israel peace agreements Israel invaded this country in 1982 to wipe out PLO bases. Country that abandoned its ties with West Bank Palestinians in 1988 Joint winners of the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize

the intifada the Suez Canal and/or the Gulf of Aqaba the Six-Day War the West Bank (or Gaza Strip) the Yom Kippur War Sadat and Begin Jimmy Carter Ariel Sharon Jordan the Golan Heights Palestinian self-rule the Camp David Accords Lebanon Jordan Arafat, Rabin, and Peres

The Middle Eastern States Israeli collective farm

a kibbutz

Scarce Middle East natural resource


Opposing groups in Lebanon's civil war

Muslims and Christians

Iran's fundamentalist government leader; died in 1989

the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

Capital of Lebanon, largely destroyed by the civil war


Leader of Iraq who began ruling in 1979

Saddam Hussein

Country that sent troops into Lebanon to help restore order


Country that experienced an Islamic revolution in 1979


Countries that started an eight-year war in 1980

Iran and Iraq

Many U.S. marines were killed in Lebanon by this kind of attack in 1983.

a suicide bombing

Ruling party of Iraq

the socialist party (Arab Ba'ath Socialist Party)

Union to promote Arab cooperation

the Arab League

Warfare broke out between this group and the Jordanian government in 1970.

the Palestinians

Jordan's king from 1952 to 1999

King Hussein

Israel's prime minister from 1969 to 1974

Golda Meir

Ethnic group in northern Iraq, target of government attacks

the Kurds

Moderate Iranian president elected in 1997

Muhammad Khatami

Arab states that gained independence in the 1940s

Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria

Israel's first president

Chaim Weizmann

Israel's first prime minister

David Ben-Gurion

He became Syria's president in 1971.

Hafez al-Assad

Iraq's type of government when it became independent

a kingdom (monarchy)

Israel's four major party leaders between 1992 and 2001

Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres, Benjamin Netanyahu, A

Middle Eastern leaders who turned away from westernization and to the Sharia (Muslim Laws)

Islamic reformers

The Saudi Peninsula and the Politics of Oil The association of oil-producing countries

OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

OPEC's policy duing the 1970s

to raise the price of oil (by reducing production)

Country that has one fifth of the world's oil reserves

Saudi Arabia

Body of water where oil shipping is concentrated

the Persian Gulf

Iranian pilgrims rioted in this holy city in the 1980s


The United States protected tankers in this body of water in the 1980s.

the Persian Gulf

War waged in 1991 by a U.N.-backed coalition

the Persian Gulf War

Country invaded by Iraq in 1990


Four countries that have one tenth of the world's oil reserves

Abu Dhabi, Iran, Iraq, and Kuwait

Saudi king assassinated in 1975

King Faisal

Country that sold antiaircraft missiles to Saudi Arabia

the United States

Body of water that borders the southeastern end of the Arabian Peninsula Gulf at the southern end of the Persian Gulf

the Arabian Sea the Gulf of Oman

The seven Arab members of OPEC

Algeria, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE

Pro-Western Saudi leader; he became king in 1982

King Fahd

Independent sheikdom consisting of a group of islands in the Persian Gulf


Thousand-mile-long country ruled by a sultan


Country, ruled by a sheik, that occupies a small Persian Gulf peninsula Loose federation of sheikdoms

Qatar the United Arab Emirates

New nation formed in 1990 when two states that shared the same name merged

(the Republic of) Yemen

Online Flash Cards

44 - The Western Democracies Since 1960 Question


Western Europe Spain's chief of state until 1975

Francisco Franco

Former U.N. secretary-general elected president of Austria in 1986

Kurt Waldheim

New German capital, moved from Bonn in 1991


Underwater vehicle route that links France and Britain

the Channel Tunnel (the "Chunnel")

Conservative British prime minister from 1979 to 1990

Margaret Thatcher

A shaky peace plan of the 1990s aimed to end "the troubles" in this country.

Northern Ireland

French leader who challenged the U.S. role in Western Europe

Charles de Gaulle

Until 1990, "One Nation, Two States"


German chancellor who moved toward closer relations with the Eastern bloc in the 1970s West Germany granted automatic citizenship to the citizens of this country.

East Germany

Labour Party leader elected British prime minister in 1997

Tony Blair

French socialists' program for major industries


Spain's new ruler as of 1975

King Juan Carlos

Spanish separatists who repeatedly demanded self-rule

the Basques (or Catalonians)

Britain fought this country for the Falkland Islands in 1982.


Treaty for European unification signed in 1991

Maastricht Treaty

Socialists defeated the Gaullists to elect this president in 1981.

Francois Mitterand

Portugal's dictator from 1932 to 1968 Belgium suffers from divisions between these two groups.

Willy Brandt

Antonio Salazar French and Flemish-speaking people

Socialist leader of Sweden shot on the street in 1986 Economic union of Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg

Olof Palme Benelux

The United States Abroad President Kennedy's "army" of overseas volunteers Confrontation between the United States and U.S.S.R. in the Caribbean in 1962 The U.S. war in Southeast Asia in the 1960s and 1970s U.S.-led war in the Mideast in 1991 Revolutionaries of this nation took U.S. embassy workers hostage. Iranian leader supported by the United States Nixon became the first U.S. president to visit these two nations in 1972. The United States attacked this Taliban-led country in 2001 in response to a massive terrorist

the Peace Corps the Cuban Missile Crisis the Vietnam War the Persian Gulf War Iran the shah China and the Soviet Union Afghanistan

attack inside the United States. Failed U.S.-backed attempt by Cuban refugees to invade their homeland in 1961 Jimmy Carter worked to solve a dispute with this Central American country over a waterway. President who established normal diplomatic relations with China in 1979 President Carter arranged peace meetings between these warring Middle East nations. The United States supported rebels in this Central American country in the 1980s. The United States supported this Central American government against rebels in the 1980s. Central American country invaded by the United States in 1989 President Johnson sent U.S. marines to this island nation in 1965. Site of captured U.S. embassy in the Middle East U.S. policy of aid to Mideast countries, announced in 1957 Terrorist bombs killed Americans at military posts in this country in 1995. The United States fought troops of this country in Grenada in 1983.

the Bay of Pigs Panama Jimmy Carter Egypt and Israel Nicaragua El Salvador Panama the Dominican Republic Teheran the Eisenhower Doctrine Saudi Arabia Cuba

The United States at Home The economic slowdowns of the 1950s and early 1970s The main domestic concern of the mid- and late 1960s Black leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner killed in 1968 Violence that broke out in U.S. cities in 1967, and in Los Angeles in 1992 Widespread protests among these people started at Berkeley in 1964.

recessions civil rights Martin Luther King Jr. riots college students

Brown v. Board of Education banned this practice.

segregation in schools

Father-and-son U.S. presidents

George H. W. and George W. Bush

Black leader shot to death in Harlem in 1965

Malcolm X

U.S. president impeached by the House in 1998

Bill Clinton

Frightening events at places like Columbine High School

school shootings

The United States set up a homeland security office in 2001 in response to this threat.


Man who was elected president by a landslide in 1980

Ronald Reagan

President Johnson's domestic program

the Great Society

Person who got the most popular votes for U.S. president in 2000

Al Gore

Buildings destroyed in New York City terrorist attack on September 11, 2001

the World Trade Center towers

U.S. presidental candidate slain in 1968

Bobby Kennedy

The major political scandal of the 1970s


The worst episode of domestic terrorism, in 1995

the Oklahoma City bombing (Timothy McVeigh)

New voting age set by the 26th Amendment in 1971


Man who became U.S. president in 1974 without having been elected to the post

Gerald Ford

The only two Democrats elected president from 1968 through 1992

Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton

The only U.S. president to resign from office

Richard Nixon

U.S. senator who claimed to find communist conspiracies everywhere

Joseph McCarthy

Canada, Australia, and New Zealand Loose organization of former British colonies

the British Commonwealth of Nations

Canadian province with a strong separatist movement


Official language of Quebec province from 1974 to 1979


This civic duty is compulsory in Australia at age 18


U.S.-Canadian 2,400 mile waterway from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean

the Saint Lawrence Seaway

The main advantage of belonging to the Commonwealth

favorable trade agreements

Canada's two territories

the Yukon and the Northwest Territory

French-Canadian prime minister from 1968 to 1979 and 1980 to 1984

Pierre Elliott Trudeau

The British Parliament no longer has to approve any Canadian changes in this. Different party that won the Canadian elections of 1984

the Canadian constitution

the conservative (Progressive Conservative) party

Liberal prime minister of Canada elected in 1993

Jean Chretien

Governing Australian party from 1983 to 1996

the Labor Party

Port calls of these U.S. ships sparked a U.S.-New Zealand crisis.

nuclear-powered or nuclear-armed vessels

New Zealand party that held office from 1984 to 1990

the Labor Party

Self-governing homeland of Canada's Inuit, created in 1999 Act of 1931 - recognized Canada, Australia, New Zealand, S. Africa as completely independent

Nunavut the Statute of Westminster

Number of Canadian provinces


Number of Australian states


Title of Australia's official head of state

the (British) governor-general

Alliance of the United States, Australia, and New Zealand Agreement recognizing Quebec as a "distinct society" that failed in 1990

ANZUS the Meech Lake Accord

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45 - Changes in the Communist World Question


The Soviet Union at Home The Soviet secret police force

the KGB

Youngest Soviet leader since Stalin

Mikhail Gorbachev

Nuclear plant; site of 1986 disaster Soviet citizens faced continuing shortages of this.

Chernobyl consumer goods and/or housing

New 1977 Constitution gave dominance to this political party.

the Communist Party

Food was imported from the West when these failed.


Strong Russian leader of the 1960s and 1970s

Leonid Brezhnev

Soviet foreign minister for 28 years; he became president in 1965

Andrei Gromyko

Region that suffered a devasting earthquake in 1988


Soviet citizens who protested government violations of the people's rights


Khrushchev's attack on Stalinist policies


Commodity the Soviet Union had to buy from the West in 1963

wheat (grain)

Some republics demanded more of this in the 1970s and 1980s.

local control

Critics of the government were sometimes placed in these medical facilities.

mental hospitals

Gorbachev's new policy of openness


Innovative feature of Russian elections beginning in 1989

contested elections

Brezhnev's successor, former header of the KGB

Yuri Andropov

Term for Russian Jews who were denied permission to emigrate


Gorbachev's new policy of economic reform


Gorbachev promoted a reduced governmental role for this organization

the Communist Party

Gorbachev assumed this position only after it was given real power over policy.


The Soviet Union Abroad Khrushchev had to remove missiles from this country in 1962.


The United States often brought up this domestic Soviet issue.

human rights

Direct teletype connection between the United States and U.S.S.R.

the hot line

A split developed between the Soviet Union and this neighboring communist country in 1961. The U.S.S.R. was mired in a war with this country from 1979 to 1989. Soviet leader who met with U.S. President Nixon Two "northern" nations the U.S.S.R. supported in their wars with southern neighbors The United States led a boycott against this Moscow event of 1980. The United States froze exports of this commodity to the U.S.S.R. in 1980. A spy plane from this country was shot down over the Soviet Union in 1960. Soviet influence expanded to this continent during the 1970s. Brezhnev's policy of easing tensions with the West West German firms built a pipeline to carry this from Siberia to Western Europe. Airborne pollution that spread abroad from the Soviet Union in 1986 Event in the United States boycotted by the Soviets in 1984 Fighting broke out with this country over a border dispute in 1969. Détente developed because the Soviet Union needed these two things from the West. A Soviet fighter shot down a passenger jetliner from this country in 1983.

China Afghanistan Leonid Brezhnev North Korea and North Vietnam

the Moscow (Summer) Olympics grain the United States Africa détente natural gas radiation the Los Angeles (Summer) Olympics China farm products and technology South Korea

The Eastern "Bloc" Polish organization of trade unions Founder of the Polish workers' union Polish workers' strikes began in these workplaces. East Germany established formal relations with this country in 1974. East Germany periodically challenged Western access to this city. Reforming Czech leader of the 1960s Country that was invaded by Soviet troops after starting reforms in 1968 Members of this NATO rival became discontented in the 1970s.

Solidarity Lech Walesa shipyards West Germany Berlin Alexander Dubček Czechoslovakia the Warsaw Pact

Country that established martial law in late 1981


Polish port city, formerly Danzig, site of workers' strikes in 1980


Many East Germans left their country in 1989 when their government did this.

opened its border

All of these were closed in 1967 to make Albania an atheist state.

churches and mosques

Romania's repressive leader from 1974 until his execution in 1989

Nicolae Ceausescu

Communist European country that was not a Soviet satellite when all others were


Term for the Czech uprising of 1968

the Prague Spring

East Germany's leader from 1976 to 1989

Erich Honecker

Two original members that stopped cooperating with the Warsaw Pact

Romania and Albania

Long-time Communist party leader of Hungary

Janos Kadar

According to the Brezhnev Doctrine, the U.S.S.R. could do this to any East European country.

invade it

Central Prague site of mass protests in 1989

Wenceslas Square

The Soviet Empire Collapses First popularly elected leader in Russian history

Boris Yeltsin

Gorbachev survived this in August 1991.

an attempted coup

Military alliance that dissolved in 1991

the Warsaw Pact

Pieces of this historic German structure became souvenirs when it was torn down in 1989. Country that East Germany united with in 1990

the Berlin Wall

West Germany (the Federal Republic of Germany)

East European country that broke apart and erupted into war in 1991


The three northwest republics of the U.S.S.R. that declared independence in 1990-91

Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania

Group term for the three northwest republics of the U.S.S.R. that declared independence

the Baltic republics

Startling type of government - started in Poland and spread rapidly through E. Europe in 1989 Country of 15 republics that dissolved in 1991

noncommunist government the U.S.S.R. (Soviet Union)

Severe, rising problem that plagued the newly noncommunist economies


Work condition previously unknown in former communist economies The two new nations formed when Czechoslovakia split peacefully in 1993

unemployment the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Novel event held in most East European countries in 1990

free elections

The Soviet legislature passed power to these entities in 1991.

the republics

Breakaway Russian republic that fought for independence in the 1990s


Czechoslovakia's playwright-president, elected in 1990 "Ethnic cleansing" was carried out by Yugoslavian Serbs against these people. The two largest countries formed from the former Soviet Union

Vaclav Havel Croats and/or Slavic Muslims Russia and Kazakhstan

Thousands fled this country by boat for Italy in 1990. Country where former Communists overwhelmingly won the first free elections Online Flash Cards

Albania Romania

46 - Postwar Latin America Question


Inter-American Relations and Economies The free trade agreement among Mexico, Canada, and the United States


Men who have often taken over Latin American governments

military officers

Major social and economic problem of Latin America


The rapid growth of this worsens social and economic problems.


Latin American governments faced disaster in the 1980s when they could not repay these. Destruction of this environment affects the entire world.

loans for development the rain forest

Common Latin American need to help build industries


Growing demand for these often causes violent protest.

social and economic reforms

Small group, often of military officers, that overthrows a democratic government

a junta

The U.S. often intervened when it feared this type of takeover in a Latin American gov't. Two common crops of one-crop countries

a communist takeover coffee and sugar

Breaking up of large estates and distribution of land to peasants

land (agrarian) reform

Latin American countries had to pay much higher prices for these as of the late 1970s.imports (oil and agricultural chemicals) Commodity whose rise in price staggered many Latin American economies


Latin American countries received much less for these starting in the late 1970s.


Assembly plants along Mexico's northern border Inter-American organization founded in 1948

maquiladoras the Organization of American States (OAS)

Aid project to promote Latin American development process Class that paid few taxes Where wealthy Latin Americans preferred to invest their funds Inter-American agreement - no state has the right to intervene in another state's affairs

the Alliance for Progress wealthly landowners abroad the Montevideo Pact

Central America and Mexico Country that took over a waterway in 1999 Production of this boosted Mexico's economy in the 1970s. Site of a disastrous Mexican earthquake in 1985 Area of Panama formerly controlled by the United States Panama's military leader, tried in the United States for drug trafficking Country invaded by U.S. forces in 1989 Large country with a long record of elected presidents Rebels who overthrew the Nicaraguan government in 1979 Rebels who opposed the new, 1980s government of Nicaragua Cuba and the Soviet Union supported this side in the 1980s El Salvador fighting. Sandinista leader elected president of Nicaragua in 1984 and defeated in 1990 Nicaraguan contras established guerrilla bases in this country. First president of Mexico since 1929 not from the PRI party, elected in 2000 Winner of 1987 Nobel Peace Prize for his Central American peace initiative Civilian leader of El Salvador's government in the 1980s New name of British Honduras as of 1993 Country that endured a thirty-year civil war that tapered off in the 1990s Nicaragua's ruling family from the 1930s to 1979 Neutral nation with an orderly succession of democratic governments since 1974 Peasant rebels have caused turmoil in this southern Mexican state. The United States helped to overthrow this country's liberal government in the 1950s.

Panama oil Mexico City the Canal Zone General Manuel Noriega Panama Mexico City the Sandinistas the contras the rebels Daniel Ortega Honduras Vicente Fox Quesada Oscar Arias Sanchez of Costa Rica Jose Napoleon Duarte Belize Guatemala the Somozas Costa Rica Chiapas Guatemala

South America President and dictator of Argentina First democratically elected Marxist leader in the Western Hemisphere U.S. group accused of being involved in Allende's overthrow Argentina went to war with Great Britain in 1982 over these islands. Brazil moved its capital to Brasilia to help develop this area.

Juan Peron Salvador Allende the CIA the Falkland Islands the interior

By 1970, most Brazilians lived in these areas.

urban areas

The army of this large country rebelled against a leftist government in 1964.


Country that had a Marxist president


Deadly disease that became an epidemic in the early 1990s Juan Peron's wives who helped him rule

cholera Eva and Isabel Peron

First female president in the Western Hemisphere

Isabel Peron

Los desaparecidos of Argentina

the disappeared ones

Country that connects South America with Central America


South American member of OPEC


Countries terrorized by their drug lords

Bolivia and Colombia

Country whose army fought the Tupamaros guerrillas


Argentina's Spanish name for the Falklands

the Malvinas

Brazilian city; major industrial center of South America Military leader who succeeded Allende in Chile

Sao Paulo General Augusto Pinochet

Leftist guerrilla group of Peru

the Shining Path (Sendero Luminoso)

Paraguay's military leader from 1954 to 1989

General Alfredo Stroessner

The Caribbean Islands Cuba's revolutionary leader

Fidel Castro

Caribbean island with a communist government


The U.S.S.R. removed these weapons from Cuba in 1962.


Cuba tried to export this throughout Latin America.


Center of Cuban exile settlement in the United States


Target city for Puerto Rican immigration into the United States

New York City

Natural disasters that periodically devastate the islands


Cuban communist revolutionary leader; close associate of Castro Cuba's close ally and aid-giver

Che Guevara the Soviet Union

Cuba took over all of these businesses in 1961.

U.S.-owned businesses

Cuban coastal area invaded in 1961

the Bay of Pigs

Self-governing U.S. territory in the Caribbean

the Virgin Islands

Country that voted in 1967 to remain a commonwealth Troops from this country landed in the Dominican Republic in 1965. Haiti's president and dictator from 1957 to 1971

Puerto Rico the United States Francois Duvalier (Papa Doc)

Duvalier's successor in 1971; ousted in 1986

Jean-Claude Duvalier (Baby Doc)

Country where U.S. and U.N. troops kept order in the 1990s


Country invaded in 1983 by the United States and troops from six Caribbean nations Dictator of Cuba before the revolution

Grenada Fulgencio Batista

Cuban troops fought in this southern African nation's civil war The massive exodus of Cubans to the United States in 1980

Angola the Mariel boatlift

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47 - International Cooperation Question


The United Nations Main U.N. body charged with maintaining peace and settling disputes

the Security Council

Site of the U.N. headquarters

New York City

Deliberative body made up of representatives of all member nations The U.N.'s court, headquartered at The Hague

the General Assembly the International Court of Justice (or the World Court)

Head of the Secretariat

the Secretary-General

Main task of the United Nations

to prevent war (or to keep peace)

Agency that works to improve all people's health

the World Health Organization (WHO)

Important voting power held by each permanent member of the Security Council

a veto

The most frequent user of the Security Council veto power

the Soviet Union

Common acronym of the U.N. Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization


Agency concerned with children's health and welfare


The five permanent members of the Security Council

U.S., Russia, France, China, U.K.

The clerical and administrative body of the U.N.

the Secretariat

Seventh Secretary-General, the second from Africa

Kofi Annan

Third Secretary-General, the first from Asia

U Thant

Norwegian who was the first Secretary-General

Trygve Lie

Sixth Secretary-General, the first from Africa

Boutros Boutros-Ghali

American U.N. mediator between Arabs and Israelis; winner of the 1950 Nobel Peace Prize The six official languages of the U.N.

Ralph Bunche

English, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish, Arabic

The U.N. High Commissioner helps these people.


U.N. Peacekeeping Large-scale combat forces were sent here in the early 1950s.


The U.N arranged a cease-fire between these two Mideast belligerents in 1956.

Israel and Egypt

The Security Council arranged a cease-fire in 1967 to end this Arab-Israeli war.

the Six-Day War

The U.N. arranged another cease-fire for this region in 1973.

the Mideast

U.N. resolutions set the terms for settlement of this brief 1991 war.

the Persian Gulf War

Small U.N. groups that supervise cease-fires or truces


Mideast crisis of 1956 that created a U.N. emergency force

the Suez Canal crisis

The U.N. intervened when this former Communist nation in the Balkans split up.


Unpaid peacekeeping charges brought the U.N. close to this in the 1960s.


Major weakness of the League of Nations that the U.N. avoided

only recommending (not initiating) action

The U.N worked out a cease-fire between these parties in 1949.

Israel and the Arab states

U.N. peacekeepers went to this Caribbean island in 1995.


Island nation that received a U.N. peacekeeping force in 1964


A U.N. force was sent to this Mideast nation in 1978.


U.N. troops tried but failed to restore order in this East African nation in the 1990s. The U.N. lacks this for peacekeeping duties.

Somalia a permanent police force

Conflict between these groups on Cyprus caused U.N. intervention.

Greeks and Turks

How the U.N. pays for its special peacekeeping forces

special assessments

The Netherlands granted this country independence in 1949 due to U.N. efforts.


African country that asked for U.N. troops to create stability in 1960

the Congo

International Associations and Agreements Association of the world's major oil-producing nations

OPEC (Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries)

Association that helps people harmed by natural disasters

the International Red Cross

Group that works to free political prisoners and to improve prison conditions

Amnesty International

Group that uses confrontation and intervention in its quest to protect the environment Free trade agreement among the U.S., Mexico, and Canada Major body that supervises international trade Group that promotes Arab solidarity and common interests


NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) the WTO (World Trade Organization) the Arab League

U.S.-Latin American association formed in 1948 to promote cooperation

the OAS (Organization of American States)

Organization of major industrial democracies that meet for annual summits

the Group of Seven (G-7)

Common name of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

the World Bank

Association dedicated to achieving European cooperation and unity

the European Union

Medical group that treats victims in war-torn areas

Doctors Without Borders

International agreement of 1975 to honor basic human rights

the Helsinki Agreement

Agency that promotes stable currencies and international monetary cooperation Association that promotes cooperation among Caribbean nations

the IMF (International Monetary Fund)

CARICOM (Caribbean Community and Common Market)

Agreement to lower trade barriers worldwide

GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)

Group set up in 1963 to promote cooperation among African nations Cooperative association of six Southeast Asian nations formed in 1967

OAU (Organization of African Unity) ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)

Group formed to promote trade across the Pacific Rim region

APEC (Asian-Pacific Cooperation Group)

Nuclear Arms Control Series of meetings in the 1970s on limiting nuclear arms

SALT (Strategic Arms Limitations Talks)

U.S. demand to verify Soviet weapons reduction


The Soviets said inspection was really an excuse for this.


New frontier that is supposed to be off-limits to the arms race

outer space

The United States deployed medium-range missiles here in 1983.

Western Europe

No permanent nuclear weapons are to be installed off nations' coastlines in this place. Type of missiles limited by the SALT agreements

the seabed (ocean floor)

ICBMs and submarine-launched missiles

U.S. -Soviet agreement signed in 1979, but never approved by the U.S. Senate


U.S.-U.S.S.R. 1988 treaty called for dismantling of all of these in Europe

medium-range missiles

Neutral, demilitarized, nonnuclear continent


Areas off-limits to nuclear testing, according to 1963 agreement

the atmosphere, under water, and outer space

Formal name of space-based defense system planned during Reagan's presidency

SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative)

Nickname for SDI

Star Wars

Iceland's capital; site of U.S.-Soviet summit conference Soviet and U.S. leaders who signed a weapons-reduction treaty in 1987 Focus of the U.S.-Soviet arms talks after the 1967 treaty U.N. body created to help regulate and reduce arms

Reykjavik Gorbachev and Reagan long-range missiles the Disarmament Commission

Nonnuclear nations' 1968 agreement not to produce or receive nuclear weapons Treaty to reduce nuclear arms, signed in 1991 after nine years of negotiating

the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty)

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48 - The New Global Economy Question


Energy: Sources and Strategies Energy sources from the remains of prehistoric plants and animals

fossil fuels

Energy created by splitting atoms

nuclear power

Energy created from the sun's rays

solar power

Form of energy that propels sailboats

wind power

The world's most widely used fossil fuel

oil (petroleum)

The cleanest fossil fuel, often sent through pipelines

natural gas

Energy produced by the natural rise and fall of the oceans

tidal energy

Energy created by water


Formerly the world's chief fuel, this provides only a small percentage of today's energy. Motor fuel that is a mixture of ethanol and gasoline

firewood (fuelwood) gasohol

Term for energy sources that can be rebuilt or regenerated

renewable energy sources

Term for energy sources that will run out eventually

nonrenewable resources

Element commonly used in nuclear fission


The combining of atomic nuclei, a possible future energy source

nuclear fusion

Nuclear fission does not produce this dangerous byproduct

radioactive waste

The world's second most widely used fossil fuel


Mideast nation with greatest amount of petroleum reserves

Saudi Arabia

Two leading West European producers of crude petroleum

Norway and the United Kingdom

Devices that convert sunlight into electricity

photovoltaic (solar) cells

Power generated when water contacts heated underground rocks

geothermal energy

Gaseous element that may become a major future energy source


The Environment: Air and Water The killing of these sea mammals is now controlled by international agreement.


Polluted precipation

acid rain

Mixture of fog and smoke; major pollutant of many cities' air


Prolonged lack of rain, experienced often in Africa


Tanker accidents that can devastate coastal areas

oil spills

Site of world's largest oil spill, result of war, 1991 Site of devastating Alaskan oil spill in 1989, or the tanker that caused the spill

the Persian Gulf Prince William Sound, the Exxon Valdez

Layer of the atmosphere that is beginning to break down Ozone in the atmosphere protects us from this. Gradual warming of the earth's atmosphere Centers that break down organic wastes into waste water Global warming is expected to produce a rise in this. Major contributor to smog and carbon dioxide pollution, especially in the United States Result of too much exposure to ultraviolet light Dangerous radiation released from nuclear explosions Organisms that increase when nitrate and phosphorus levels increase in water Addition of heated water to a natural body of water Manufactured particles that are damaging the upper atmosphere Global network to monitor atmospheric pollution Substance in the air created by burning carbon-containing fuels Mechanisms on cars that remove some of the exhaust pollutants Major pollutant released when coal is burned

the ozone layer ultraviolet light the greenhouse effect sewage treatment plants sea level automobile emissions skin cancer (melanoma) fallout algae thermal pollution chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) Earthwatch carbon dioxide catalytic converters sulphur dixoide

The Environment: Earth Large open area where solid waste is buried Chemical products used to kill insect pests Chemical products used to kill weeds Having more people than a region can support

a landfill pesticides herbicides overpopulation

Process that robs farmland of topsoil


Watering of land by artificial means, used on 550 million acres worldwide


Reprocessing of waste materials


Byproducts of nuclear power plants

nuclear (radioactive) wastes

Development of new high-yielding seeds for rice and wheat

the "green revolution"

The new high-yielding crops need heavy doses of this.


U.S. agency that works to cut down pollution

the Environmental Protection Agency

Living things in danger of becoming extinct

endangered species

Disposal of these nonusable things is a growing problem.

waste materials

Clearing of this Brazilian area may affect the world's climate.

the Amazon Rainforest

Three most commonly recycled materials

paper, glass, aluminum

Programs to reduce loss of topsoil

soil conservation programs

Method of controlling population growth

family planning

Substance that has been removed from gasoline and paints


International meeting in Rio de Janiero on the environment and development in 1992 Main cause of species extinction

the Earth Summit habitat destruction

Global Business and Economics Levels of comfort, expected to be lower in the future

living standards

Complete control of a commodity, service, or market

a monopoly

International commerce without trade barriers

free trade

Chief reason why manufacturers locate in underdeveloped nations

low wages

Businesses that are natural monopolies

public utilities

New, common European currency

the euro

Tax on imported goods to protect native products

a protective tariff

Reducing the value of a nation's currency in relation to other countries' currencies A corporation that produces and sells a product in two or more countries

devaluation a multinational corporation

The expectation of people in underdeveloped nations to have a higher standard of living the revolution of rising expectations Most of the world's underdeveloped countries are in this hemisphere.

the Southern Hemisphere

Underdeveloped countries contain most of the world's remaining stores of these.

raw materials

The United States changed from a creditor nation to this in the 1980s.

a debtor nation

Annual meeting of world industrial leaders

economic summit meetings

High duties on a long list of imported goods

a tariff wall

Agreements reached by the United States with both Canada and Mexico in the 80s and 90s The Four Tigers of Asia

free trade agreements

South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore

Industries that multiplied in developed nations as manufacturing jobs went to developing nations

information industries

Selling goods abroad at less than they sell for at home Policy of setting high import duties to protect native products Online Flash Cards

dumping protectionism

49 - Science and Technology in the Twentieth Century Question


Technology Site of the first sustained, powered flight

Kitty Hawk

Pioneers of sustained, powered flight

Wilbur and Orville Wright

The first inexpensive, dependable, mass-produced car

the Model T Ford

Major communications medium from the 1950s on


Worldwide linkage of computer networks

the Internet

Portable, wireless, handheld telephone

a cellular phone

Personal, electronic messages


These two sources replaced kerosene for lighting.

natural gas and electricity

Major communications medium in the 1930s and 1940s


Innovative addition to motion pictures in 1927


Ford's method of producing cars

the assembly line (or mass production)

Tiny devices that control electronic signals


Device that produces a thin, intense beam of light

a laser

Miniature electronic device consisting of thousands of transistors on a single chip Type of engine powered by batteries

a microprocessor an electric engine

Most common semiconductor material; nickname of a valley in California


Devices that do jobs too boring, difficult, or dangerous for people


Mass production made these much more available and affordable.

consumer goods

Type of engine that replaced steam for trains and ships

the diesel engine

Solid material that conducts electricity and is used to make transistors Faster, smaller computers that replaced the first computers

a semiconductor "second generation computers" (personal computers)

Devices that reduces harmful automobile emissions

a catalytic converter

The Physical Sciences Famed German scientist who revolutionized physics Einstein's theory about space and time Center of the atom, first described by Rutherford Idea that the universe began as a result of an explosion Elementary particles; the opposite of ordinary particles High-energy particles from outer space Ability of some metals to conduct electricity with no resistance at temperatures near absolute 0

Albert Einstein the theory of relativity the nucleus the big bang theory antimatter (antiparticles) cosmic rays superconductivity

Tiny subatomic particle with positive charge, discovered by Rutherford

a proton

Einstein's famous equation

E = mc2

Study of the Earth based on the principals of physics Physicists found more and more of these particles after 1945. Glass filaments that transmit data via light pulses Italian-born physicist whose team achieved the first controlled nuclear chain reaction Planck's theory that energy is released in definite packages Englishman who disintegrated atoms, showing they were not solid Small, rapidly rotating star that emits radio waves Extremely luminous object at the center of a distant galaxy Particle that may be the basic subunit of neutrons and protons Billionth of a second Idea that the Earth's outer shell consists of rigid, moving plates Device used to create high-velocity beams of subatomic particles

geophysics subatomic particles optical fibers Enrico Fermi the quantum theory Ernest Rutherford a pulsar a quasar a quark a nanosecond the plate tectonic theory the particle accelerator

The Biological and Physiological Sciences Treatment of disease with chemicals, often used for cancer patients The first antibiotic Units of heredity, identified around 1910

chemotherapy penicillin genes

Vaccines were developed in the early 1950s for this dreaded childhood disease.


Father of psychoanalysis

Sigmund Freud

Incurable disease of the immune system, first identified in 1979


Term for the use of disease-causing agents by terrorists


The study of inborn characteristics and their inheritance


Cell structures that contain genes


Creation of an identical copy of a living organism using DNA


The substance that carries genetic information


Drugs that fight disease-causing microbes


Computerized axial tomographic scanner; takes cross-sectional X rays of the body

a CAT scanner

Delicate surgery that uses microscopes


Brain disorder involving memory loss, a concern of older people

Alzheimer's disease

Surgical replacement of a diseased body organ

organ transplant

Field of medicine that focuses on genetic diseases

molecular medicine

Technology that produces images of the body's internal organs

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

Altering of an organism's hereditary makeup

genetic engineering

Project devoted to mapping all human genetic material (DNA)

the human genome project

The study of extremely low temperatures; used to freeze living body parts


Doctors who specialize in care of newborn infants


The Space Age The first artificial satellite sent into Earth orbit, in 1957

Sputnik I

The U.S. manned spacecraft designed to be reusable

the space shuttle

Huge industry that designs and builds space equipment

the aerospace industry

A Soviet space pilot

a cosmonaut

Space shuttle that exploded in 1986


The U.S. space agency

the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

The first men on the moon

Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin

The moon-landing flight satellite

Apollo 11

The first U.S. space laboratory


First man to circle the Earth in a spaceship

Yuri Gagarin

First American to circle the Earth in a spaceship

John Glenn

Space between the stars

interstellar space

Satellite on which a crew lives for an extended period

a space station

Unmanned spacecraft that explore other planets

space probes

The first communications satellite


First planet to experience a satellite landing


Soviet space station that plunged into the Pacific Ocean in 2000 Orbiting astronomy tool launched in 1990

Mir the Hubble space telescope

Radiation belt that circle the earth, discovered by satellites and probes U.S. and Soviet spacecraft that linked up in 1975

the Van Allen Belt Apollo and Soyus

The first animal sent into space, a Soviet dog


The first woman in space

Valentina Tereshkova

The first U.S. space shuttle

Columbia Online Flash Cards

50 - Western Culture in the Twentieth Century Question


Literature, Philosophy, and Religion Supernatural teachings and beliefs

the occult

U.S. author, nicknamed "Papa," known for his simple, clear style

Ernest Hemingway

U.S. author of The Great Gatsby; often wrote about the very rich

F. Scott Fitzgerald

U.S. author known for his stream of consciousness technique

William Faulkner

U.S. author of The Grapes of Wrath

John Steinbeck

African-American cultural flowering in 1920s New York City

the Harlem Renaissance

Mix of mysticism, belief in former lives, and personal fulfillment

the New Age Movement

Philosophy that individuals create themselves by the choices they make


American blacks who adopted the Islamic faith

Black Muslims

Authors of the 1920s who wrote about disillusioned and rootless characters

the Lost Generation

Irish author who revolutionized modern fiction

James Joyce

Flow of a character's thoughts and mental images in a novel

stream of consciousness

Writing on two levels of meaning


Where most U.S. short stories first appeared


Next to Christianity, the two religious faiths with the most U.S. adherents

Judaism and Islam

Noted French existentialist writer and philosopher

Jean-Paul Sartre

Movement that seeks to unify Christians worldwide

the ecumenical movement

Meeting of Catholic leaders that modernized the Church

Vatican Council II

African-American woman who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1993

Toni Morrison

Modern fiction that mixes fantastical and realistic events (e.g. Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

magic realism

Push by clergy in Latin America to get the Church more involved in social reform

liberation theology

Music, Poetry, and Theater American poets of the 1950s and 1960s who condemned middle-class life

the Beats

New Englander who was the most popular U.S. poet of his time

Robert Frost

U.S. dramatist who wrote A Streetcar Named Desire

Tennessee Williams

U.S. dramatist who wrote The Crucible

Arthur Miller

Best-known U.S. center of professional theater


New style of music first embraced by young people in the 1950s

rock and roll

U.S. born British poet who wrote The Waste Land

T.S. Eliot

Welsh poet known for his stirring, passionate verse

Dylan Thomas

First U.S. dramatist to win international recognition

Eugene O' Neill

Drama that emphasizes the illogical, like Waiting for Godot

theater of the absurd

Lively U.S. musical style developed in New Orleans, Memphis, and Chicagp


New York theaters that emphasize very inventive plays


Theater company that succeeded Britain's famed Old Vic Britain's government-supported Shakespearean company

the National Theatre the Royal Shakespeare Company

Formerly a popular form of stage entertainment, a combination of comedy, song, dancing, etc. The first rock opera U.S. organization that makes grants to artistic groups This confessional woman poet committed suicide in 1963. Critical Soviet poet, author of "Babi Yar" German dramatistwho wrote The Threepenny Opera U.S. dramatist who wrote A Raisin in the Sun Country with the largest state-supported theater system

vaudeville Tommy

the National Endowment for the Arts Sylvia Plath Yevgeny Yevtushenko Bertolt Brecht Lorraine Hansberry Germany

Painting and Photography Film that can store reduced images The attempt to move beyond impressionism Style that used basic geometric shapes, such as cubes Style that expressed highly personal, intense views

microfilm postimpressionism cubism expressionism

U.S. comic-strip-style that showed common objects

pop art

Use of color and patterns to create optical illusions

op art

Work of artists with little or no formal training

folk art (or primitive art)

American primitive painter who started painting at age 76

Grandma Moses

Painting that explored the unconscious mind


First large U.S. modern art show, in 1913

the Armory Show

Nonrepresentational style known for swirling masses of lines

abstract expressionism

Paintings of simple shapes or objects with as little emotional content as possible

minimal art

Painting that represents objects very exactly

new realism

Most popular U.S. painter of the mid-1900s, a realist known for Christina's World Enormously popular U.S. artist known for his Saturday Evening Post covers

Andrew Wyeth Norman Rockwell

U.S. pop artist known for his paintings of Campbell's soup cans

Andy Warhol

Miniature 35-mm camera that revolutionized photographic equipment in 1924 U.S. documentary photographers of the 1930s

the Leica Walker Evans, Dorothea Lange

Americans who helped develop photography as a creative art

Alfred Stieglitz, Edward Steichen

School of art that used extremely bright colors


Absurd school of art


U.S. group that painted realistic street scenes of modern life

the Ashcan School

Architecture and Sculpture Sculptural works that are actually part of nature

environmental sculpture

U.S. architect whose buildings harmonized with their natural settings

Frank Lloyd Wright

Buildings with this status may not be destroyed or significantly altered. Spectacular New York City skyscraper complex with twin 110-story towers (see 09/11/2001) King Kong's hangout; located in New York City, it is one of the world's tallest skyscrapers.

landmark status the World Trade Center the Empire State Building

One of the world's tallest buildings, located in Chicago

the Sears Tower

Sculptural shapes found in nature

organic forms

Sculptor known for vast reclining figures

Henry Moore

U.S. center of modern architecture in the early 1900s


Famed German school of design, founded in 1919

the Bauhaus

Plain, severe architectural style with expanses of steel and glass

the international style

Building material with metal rods for extra strength

reinforced concrete

Renowned Swiss architect of the international style

Le Corbusier

Chinese-American architect noted for broad, irregular geometric shapes

I.M. Pei

Architectural movement that rejects the international style


Moving sculpture form invented by Alexander Calder Romanian sculptor of Bird in Space

the mobile Constantin Brancusi

American woman who assembled man-made or machine-made objects into sculptures Pioneering group of modern American architects

Louise Nevelson the Chicago School

German architect who emphasized functionalism

Walter Gropius

The master of glass and steel architecture

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

Frank Lloyd Wright's long, low buildings

prairie houses Online Flash Cards

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