Jehu - Activity

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  • Words: 1,922
  • Pages: 13


July 5, 2009


Ramil Bulanadi Jr.


Bert De Mesa Ortaliz Jr.



Dear Ramil, We have a problem that needs immediate attention. Our current budget in our training projects increased. My project team comes up with several suggestions; you must review it and return your input to us. The Following suggestions are: Reduce number of training classes, increased number of participants, reduce salaries of our trainers, and increased number of training sessions. In this way we could save money but the disadvantage is there might be an ineffective training that might decrease the number of our participants. Please give us your feedback immediately in order for us to come up with interventions that would address this problem.

Truly yours, Alikes, Jehu

ACTIVITY #4 1. You are writing an incident report about an accident in the company’s boiler room, which must include the date, location, time, personnel involved, causes, and financial ramifications, ANSWER: 1. Writing an incident report about an accident in the

company’s boiler room, which must include the date, location, time, personnel involved, causes and financial ramifications. ➢ In writing an incident report it must include the date, location, time, personnel involved and causes. This detail gives baseline data that can further more explain what really happens. This proves what are the reason of the accident happened. It gives also an idea of what sanctions and punishment that they will give to the person cause the incident.

ACTIVITY #5 DIRECTIONS: The following sentences are vague and imprecise. They will be interpreted differently by different readers. Rivise

these sentences-replace the vague, impressionistic words with more specific information. 1. We need this information as soon as possible. ➢ Give this information as soon as possible because it will help us further explain the causes of the problem. 2. The machinery will replace a defective piece of equipment in our department. ➢ This machinery replaced the malfunctioned equipment in our department because it helps us to be more precise and accurate. 3. Failure to purchase this will have a negative impact. ➢ It will cause a harmful effect at us if you will not acquire this thing. 4. Weather problems in the area resulted in damage to the computer systems. ➢ Smashed up computer systems was the effect of weather problems in the area. 5. The most recent occurrences were caused by insufficient personnel. ➢ Due to inadequate personnel, the latest phenomenon occurred. 6. Fire the office caused substantial losses. ➢ The fire that happened caused the office significant loss. 7. If we can’t solve this problem soon, we’ll lose a large percentage of our business. ➢ We will be losing big portion of our business if we can’t solve this problem quickly. 8. The new amplifier has a higher output than the old one. ➢ The yield of the new amplifier is better than the old one. 9. Several employees commended her for her expertise. ➢ She is much admired by some of the employees because of her expertise. 10.Make your explanations very detailed. ➢ You should make your explanations thoroughly. 11.Please come early tomorrow for the meeting. ➢ We will have a meeting tomorrow so please turn up early.

12.Deliver this package in Northern Luzon next week. ➢ Transport this parcel to Northern Luzon next week.

ACTIVITY #6 DIRECTIONS: multisyllabic words can create long sentences. To limit sentence length, limit word limit. Find shorter words to replace the following words, and then use the replacement words in technical writing sentences 1. advice



➢ The guidance counselor helps those students who cannot handle their problems. 2. anticipate - assume ➢ She assumed that this event will happen. 3. ascertain - learn ➢ Brighter students learn the subject matter faster. 4. cooperate - unite ➢ If all the members of the association will unite, they will have more precise solutions to their problems. 5. determine - detect ➢ Our house alarm will detect if there will be a burglar who is planning to steal something from our home. 6. endeavor - aim ➢ The parents of Antonio are aiming to see their son to finish his studies. 7. inconvenience - hassle ➢ Traffic jam is a hassle to students going to school at heavy hours. 8. indicate - show ➢ Teachers show there students the important things in every subject matter. 9. initially - at first ➢ All machines functions incredibly good at first. 10.presently - now ➢ Every people in this world are experiencing now the effect of global warming. 11.prohibit - ban ➢ All pregnant women are banned to gulp drinks that contain alcohol. 12. residence - house ➢ My classmate’s house is located in an exclusive subdivision. 13.subsequent successive ➢ She had fever on three successive days. 14.sufficient - enough ➢ The store’s stocks are enough to put up for sale for a week. 15.terminate - end

➢ His services in the company ended because of his attitude problem.


Answer: We are in the process of having terminals placed in the export department of some of our major customers around the country, because we are using the power of electronics to process freight and documents they can keep track to all their shipments within our system.

Our company would like to propose a similar tracking mechanism to your company. We can handle all your export processes from your location to their designated places. You can monitor these export processes in a terminal located in your home office. There will be advantages that your company can experience. For example, you can generate an export invoice in your export department which could be transmitted via computer; and you could trace your shipments more readily and accurately. Finally, your accounting department would greatly benefit from this. To sum this up, your export operations would achieve greater efficiency.

ACTIVITY #8 DIRECTIONS: each of the following sentences is too long. Revise them using the technique suggested in this chapter; use the meat cleaver approach; avoid shun words; camouflaged words and expletives; omit redundancies and delete wordy phrases. 1. In regard to the progress reports, they should be absolutely complete by the fifteenth of each month. ➢ Reports should be complete by the fifteenth of a month.

2. I wonder if you would be so kind as to answer a few questions about your recommendation. ➢ Kindly answer a few questions about your recommendation. 3. I am in receipt of your memo requesting an increase in pay and am of the opinion that is not merited at this time due to the fact that you have worked here for only one month. ➢ I did not merit your pay increase request because you had worked here for just a month. 4. On two different occasions, I have made an investigation of your residence, and I believe that your sump pump might result in damage to your neighbor’s adjacent property. I have come to the conclusion that you must take action to rectify this potential dilemma, or your neighbor might seek to sue you in a court law. ➢ Your sump pump is damaging your adjacent neighbor’s property so you must fix this problem otherwise your neighbor will sue you. 5. In this meeting, our intention is to acquire a familiarization with this equipment so that we might standardize the replacement of obsolete machinery throughout our entire work environment. ➢ Our purpose is to familiarize ourselves with this equipment so that we can replace the obsolete machines. 6. It is anticipated that these changes will lead to a reduction in the failure rate. ➢ These changes might lead to a reduction in the failure rate. 7. There is the possibility that we will implement these suggestions early next month. ➢ Implementations of these suggestions might be next month. 8. New personnel will be assessed when brought on board and then tested on a yearly basis in order to ensure their continued successful job prowess. ➢ New personnel will be assessed and tested yearly in order to ensure the successful job prowess. 9. If there are any questions that you might have, please feel free to contact me by phone.

➢ Feel free to contact me if there are possible questions that you might have.

ACTIVITY #9 1. Spatial: a. Using spatial organization, write a paragraph describing your campus, your digital laboratory, chemistry laboratory, dormitory room, and university location. Answer: This school year, I was a transferee from another institution. Being new to environment, I was trying my best to adjust. I have companions who also transferred from the same institution so I didn’t worry much. I

met my old and new friends here. Nursing laboratory is equipped of instrument that helps us to be more knowledgeable about the procedures we render to our future patients. Our institution is located in a remote area of La Trinidad, Benguet. b. Using spatial organization, write an advertisement describing the interior of car, the powerful peak, music power output (PMPO) of a branded amplifier, the functionality of a new cellular phone model by nokia or Samsung, or a motorcycle. Answer: SGH-M150 is a product of Samsung that fits your style. It has accessories the make you proud of using this kind of cellular phone. Mp3 is one of the most popular gadgets that can give you easy access to song you want to hear. SGH-M150 has 2 gigabyte memory that gives easy access in storing music and videos that fits you.

ACTIVITY 10: 1. Choronological: a. Organizing your text chronologically, write a report documenting your drive to school or work, your activities accomplished in class or at work, your discoveries at a conference or seminar or educational tour or your activities in your major subject. ANSWER: NCM102 means SURGICAL AND MEDICAL NURSING and it’s my major subject, the activities we do are discussion and return demonstration. Our clinical instructors discuss the concept of pain, anesthesia, and surgery and disease process occurring in

our body. They instruct us how to render satisfactory and appropriate care to our patient who undergone surgery. They train us to be more aware and to be more knowledgeable about the condition of our patient. My major subject is the most important in nursing because it is where we will learn about the abnormal conditions occurring in our body and how to prevent it.

2. Importance: merchandizing retailer asked hr buyers to purchase a new line of clothing. In her memo, she provided them the following list to help them accomplish the task. Reorganize the list by importance, and then justify your decision. ANSWER: ➢ Customers buying habits This will give you an idea of what the customer fits his or her style. ➢ Price versus mark up potential This can be a baseline data for the customer in order for her if she can afford to buy clothing that she likes. ➢ Quantity discounts This indicates the promo of the certain company. ➢ Whole sale delivery schedules This can be guidelines for the customer in order for them to have an easy access to the delivery of their purchase. ➢ Materials This gives an idea for the customers of what materials they wish for. ➢ Color This gives an idea for the customers of what color they desire.





SUBMITTED TO: Miss Miriam C. Lagadan

DATE SUBMITTED: July 25, 2009

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