Jboss Application Server

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 410
  • Pages: 2
JBoss Overview What is JBoss? JBoss is a Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) compatible application server. It has full support for J2EE Web Services and the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). It Supports the Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) model for developing middleware solutions. It tightly integrates with an existing object persistence framework called Hibernate. It improves clustering and distributed caching support with an internal caching architecture. J2EE Compliance JBoss is J2EE 1.4 compliant application server. • Supports J2EE Web Services including JAX-RPC (Java API for XML for Remote Procedure Call) • Leverages standard J2EE components (e.g. EJB) to provide scalable and secure Web Service environment. • Implements JMS (Java Messaging Service) 1.1 specification which has a domain independent approach to client programming • Implements JCA (Java Connector Architecture) 1.5 specification which adds support for life cycle management of resource adapters, worker thread management, as well as transaction and message inflow from the resource adaptor to application server. • Implements JACC (Java Authorization Contract for Containers) specification which is a permission based mechanism for externalizing the authorization decision for accessing the EJB methods and web resources. • Implements the EJB (Enterprise Java Bean) 2.1 specification which extends the message driven bean contract to support other messaging types in addition to JMS Server Configuration and Services 1. Minimal: This configuration starts the JBoss microkernel, JMX 2. Mbean Server and JNDI services. 3. Standard: This configuration starts all the J2EE services in JBoss’s optimized class loader. 4. Default: In this configuration, all the J2EE services are deployed and all the components are compartmentalized. 5. All: It starts all the services including the clustering. JBoss AOP support Aspect Oriented middleware is the key innovation in JBoss application server. It simplifies the middleware application development and

allows the developers to extend the contained services. JBoss is shipped with several pre-packaged aspects to support security, transaction and asynchronous threads in plain old Java objects (POJOs). Hibernate Integration Hibernate is an object persistence framework developed by JBoss. It maps Java objects to tables in a relational database and vice versa. The jboss-hibernate.deployer service provides Hibernate framework libraries to all the applications on the server. Clustering and Caching The distributed cache architecture for clustering is built on TreeCache which is based on JGroups. In a clustered environment, the user session is replicated; so if one server fails, the users would be moved to fail-over servers without loss of data. JBoss Architecture and its components

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