Javaone 2009 Schedule

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 468
  • Pages: 1
SESSION ID START DATE START TIME Tuesday 8:30 AM PAN-5348 Tuesday 10:50 AM TS-4164 Tuesday 12:10 PM Tuesday 1:30 PM TS-4487 Tuesday 3:20 PM TS-3798 Tuesday 4:40 PM TS-5216 Tuesday 6:00 PM BOF-5358 Tuesday 7:30 PM BOF-3826 Tuesday 8:30 PM BOF-4418 Tuesday 9:30 PM Wednesday 8:30 AM TS-4641 Wednesday 9:45 AM TS-4954 Wednesday 11:05 AM TS-4118 Wednesday 1:30 PM TS-4863 Wednesday 2:50 PM TS-5245 Wednesday 4:10 PM Wednesday 5:30 PM BOF-4746 Wednesday 6:45 PM BOF-5189 Wednesday 8:45 PM Thursday 8:30 AM TS-5385 Thursday 9:30 AM TS-4961 Thursday 10:50 AM TS-5354 Thursday 1:30 PM TS-5496 Thursday 2:50 PM TS-5395 Thursday 4:10 PM Thursday 5:30 PM BOF-5392 Thursday 6:30 PM BOF-3979 Thursday 7:30 PM BOF-4135 Thursday 8:30 PM Friday 8:30 AM TS-5253 Friday 10:50 AM

ROOM Moscone / Hall B-C Moscone / Gateway 104 Moscone / Hall E 133 Moscone / Hall B-C Moscone / Gateway 104 Moscone / Hall E 133 Moscone / Hall E 133 Moscone / Gateway 102-103 Moscone / Gateway 102-103 Moscone / Hall E 133 Moscone / Hall B-C Moscone / Hall E 133 Moscone / Gateway 102-103 Moscone / Esplanade 301 Moscone / Gateway 102-103 Moscone / Gateway 102-103 Moscone / Hall B-C Moscone / Esplanade 305 Moscone / Gateway 104 Moscone / Hall B-C Moscone / Gateway 104 Moscone / Gateway 104 Moscone / Gateway 104 Moscone / Gateway 102-103 Moscone / Gateway 104 Moscone / Hall B-C Moscone / Esplanade 307-310 Moscone / Esplanade 307-310 Moscone / Gateway 104 Moscone / Hall B-C Moscone / Gateway 102-103

TITLE Tuesday Morning General Session (PAN-5348) Script Bowl 2009: A Scripting Languages Shootout (TS-4164) Clojure: Dynamic Functional Programming for the JVM™ Machine Tuesday Afternoon General Session (TS-4487) The Feel of Scala (TS-3798) Preventing Bugs with Pluggable Type Checking (TS-5216) Toward a Renaissance VM (BOF-5358) Language Interoperability on the JVMô Machine Made Simple (BOF-3826) The Collections Connection (Gala Tenth Edition)
(BOF-4418) Meet the Java™ Posse Wednesday Mobility General Session (TS-4641) State: You’re Doing It Wrong -- Alternative Concurrency Paradigms on th (TS-4954) Modularity in the Java™ Programming Language: JSR 294 and Beyond (TS-4118) Practical Lessons in Memory Analysis (TS-4863) Java™ Platform Concurrency Gotchas (TS-5245) The Ghost in the Virtual Machine: A Reference to References Wednesday Afternoon General Session (BOF-4746) Runtime Update of Java™ Technology-Based Applications, Using Dyna (BOF-5189) Griffon in Depth Thursday Morning General Session (TS-5385) Alternative Languages on the JVM™ Machine (TS-4961) "Design Patterns" for Dynamic Languages on the JVM™ Mach (TS-5354) Exploiting Concurrency with Dynamic Languages (TS-5496) This Is Not Your Father’s Von Neumann Machine; How Modern Architect (TS-5395) Actor-Based Concurrency in Scala Thursday Afternoon General Session (BOF-5392) Grails Integration Strategies (BOF-3979) The Groovy and Grails BOF: With Live Grails Podcast Recording! (BOF-4135) Java™ Programming Language Tools in JDK™ Release 7 Friday Morning General Session (TS-5253) Under the Hood: Inside a High-Performance JVM™ Machine

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