Java Script

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JAVA SCRIPT Javascript Practice Quiz 1Javascript Practice Quiz 1 This is a self-grading exam. Answers are entered by clicking the button corresponding to your selection. The examination is scored by clicking 'Grade Test' at the bottom of the form. Correct answers and explanations are found through hyperlinks at the bottom of the page. You may bypass taking the examination and simply view the answers by clicking the answer hyperlinks.

Question # 1 (Multiple Choice) Variables are declared in Javascript using which of the following? A) dim B) var C) function D) variable Question # 2 (Multiple Choice) If x=3, then the statement y=x++ sets __________. A) y to 3, increments x to 4 B) y to 4, increments x to 4 C) It is impossible to answer this without more information. D) Both a and b are correct. Question # 3 (Multiple Choice) What property reveals the operating system of the client computer? A) appName B) userAgent C) appVersion D) OsVersion Question # 4 (Multiple Choice) When using the "+" operator with two strings, the effect can best be described as ________. A) addition B) comparison C) combination D) concatenation Question # 5 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following assignment operators assigns the value of the second operand to the first operand? A) = B) =>> C) && D) || Question # 6 (Multiple Choice) ________ are the specific property that will be used. A) Properties B) Methods C) Function D) Values


JAVA SCRIPT Question # 7 (Multiple Choice) ________ are the actions that the object property can be made to perform, such as calculation or writing of text. A) Functions B) Event handlers C) Methods D) Operations Question # 8 (Multiple Choice) If you have a series of five alerts in a row, which of the following will occur? A) Only the last will appear. B) Each will appear in the order they appear in the script, as the user clicks through them one at a time. C) If the user clicks cancel instead of OK, all the alerts will be skipped. D) You cannot do this without crashing Netscape. Question # 9 (Multiple Answer) If a file has a "runtime error", it is most likely caused by which of the following? A) No closing brace B) Mismatched data types appear when functions called C) Undeclared variables located on the wrong side of assignment operators D) Browser doesn't have appropriate plug-in Question # 10 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following bitwise operators flips the bits of its operand? A) ~ B) & C) ^ D) % Question # 11 (Multiple Choice) The location of cookies for Netscape is ________. A) c:\windows\cookies B) cookies.txt C) c:\temp\system D) c:\windows\system Question # 12 (True/False) Scripts placed in the body of a web document are processed before scripts placed in the head. A) True B) False Question # 13 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is possible in Javascript? A) Launch an application on the client computer. B) Set browser preference settings. C) Read the server directory. D) Preprocess data on the client before submission to the server. Question # 14 (Multiple Choice) If you delete cookies.txt from your hard drive, what will be the consequence? A) Some websites may not operate correctly. B) Another cookies.txt file will be created automatically. C) Netscape will extract information from its backup cookies file. D) Netscape will need to be re-installed. 2

JAVA SCRIPT Question # 15 (Multiple Choice) x/y is the same as ________. A) divides y by x B) divides x by y C) swich x and y D) %xy Question # 16 (Multiple Choice) Why would anyone choose to use cookies? A) retrieve email info automatically for marketing B) to discourage users that have their cookies turned off C) store preferences of user D) to check for unlicensed software Question # 17 (Multiple Choice) What would be the results of document.write(anyString.substring(4,7)) on "Netscape"? A) cap B) sca C) ets D) nets, netscape Question # 18 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is the highest in the Javascript object model hierarchy? A) radio B) form C) checkbox D) This cannot be answered correctly without knowing whether it is the Microsoft or Netscape model. Question # 19 (Multiple Choice) firstName="John" lastName="Doe" fullname= firstName+lastName In the code above, which of the following will be the result? A) John Doe B) JohnDoe C) This cannot be determined. D) This will return an error message. Question # 20 (Multiple Answer) Which of the following bitwise operations are correct? A) 15^9 yields 8 B) 15&9 yields 9 C) 15|9 yields 15 D) 15&9 yields 15 Question # 21 (Multiple Choice) Which command holds values in a named space of memory? A) dim B) variable C) null D) instance


JAVA SCRIPT Question # 22 (Multiple Answer) Alert boxes ________. A) annoy the user B) increase interaction with the web page C) can request info from the user to be stored as a variable D) can display the current value of a variable, making them excellent for troubleshooting Question # 23 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following bitwise operators returns a one in each bit position if bits of both operands are ones? A) | B) & C) ^ D) > Question # 24 (Multiple Choice) In the expression ("Hello," + "Mary"), the + operator is ________. A) addition B) combination C) concatenation D) It is impossible to know without the complete function. Question # 25 (Multiple Choice) What version of Javascript was first supported by Netscape browser? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 Question # 26 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is the most commonly used Javascript version? A) 1.2 B) 1.3 C) 1.4 D) 1.5 Question # 27 (Multiple Choice) The following dot notation is referring to which object? A) window B) radio C) form D) document Question # 28 (Multiple Choice) The following code is used to ________. setTimeout ("changePage()", 3000); function changePage() { if (self.parent.frames.length != 0) self.parent.location=""; } A) redirect to another site B) refresh the page C) break out of frames D) None of the above. 4

JAVA SCRIPT Question # 29 (Multiple Answer) Which of the following is typically used to troubleshoot Javascript? A) comments B) alert() C) if...then D) onError Question # 30 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is used to insert a backslash? A) \\ B) \back C) \b D) \## Question # 31 (Multiple Choice) If you use an external Javascript file, additional code in between the script tags ________. A) will be processed first B) will be processed last C) will be ignored D) will be processed instead Question # 32 (Multiple Choice) IE stores cookies ________. A) in one large file called cookies.txt B) in a directory called "cookies" C) in a temp file D) in the c:\internet explorer\cookies directory Question # 33 (True/False) Javascript is similar to HTML in that it is not case-sensitive. A) True B) False Question # 34 (True/False) Some people turn off their cookies because cookies can inadvertently spread viruses. A) True B) False Question # 35 (Multiple Choice) Clicking a mouse button, running out of memory, and placing a cursor in a form field are all known as ________. A) methods B) functions C) events D) occurrences Question # 36 (Multiple Choice) The following is an example of a ________ statement. { case "Oranges" : document.write("Oranges are $0.59 a pound.
"); break; case "Apples" : document.write("Apples are $0.32 a pound.
"); 5

JAVA SCRIPT break; case "Bananas" : document.write("Bananas are $0.48 a pound.
"); break; case "Cherries" : document.write("Cherries are $3.00 a pound.
"); break; default : document.write("Sorry, we are out of " + i + ".
"); } A) do....while B) break C) switch D) continue Question # 37 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is the highest in the Javascript DOM? A) layer B) form C) anchor D) history Question # 38 (True/False) Object-based means that it depends for functionality on a collection of built-in objects. A) True B) False Question # 39 (Multiple Choice) The following is a standard ________. A) rollover textual hyperlink B) rollover image hyperlink C) moving image D) hyperlink Question # 40 (Multiple Choice) The target attribute value "_blank" ________. A) opens a document named blank B) opens a file in a frame named blank C) opens a new browser window D) opens on top of a frameset Question # 41 (True/False) getDay() retrieves the integer value of the day of the week(0-6). A) True B) False Question # 42 (Multiple Choice) ________ relates the principal that some objects cannot be used or referenced without referring to the parent, or container, object. A) Containership 6

JAVA SCRIPT B) Inheritance C) SOM D) DOME Question # 43 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is used to insert a tab? A) \t B) \> C) \tab D) \tt Question # 44 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following logical operators returns true if either logical expression is true? A) ^ B) ! C) || D) + Question # 45 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following evaluates an argument to determine if it is not a number? A) isNan B) isNull C) isString D) isBlank Question # 46 (Multiple Choice) The checked property for the checkbox object returns ________. A) true or false B) the value of the object C) the name of the object D) a string Question # 47 (Multiple Choice) What would be the result of "232" + "2"? A) 234 B) 2322 C) "232""2" D) 232+2 Question # 48 (True/False) It is recommended that you do not place script tags inside of TD tags. A) True B) False Question # 49 (Multiple Choice) In the following code, line number ______locates the image on the document. 1. function rollOn(num){ 2. if(document.images){ 3. eval('document.images["norm'+num+'"].src 4. ='+'over[num].src')} 5. } A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 7

JAVA SCRIPT Question # 50 (True/False) You can specify different language versions of different scripts on one page. A) True B) False Question # 51 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following comparison operators returns true if the operands are not equal? A) && B) == C) != D) @ Question # 52 (Multiple Choice) Functions are best described as a ________. A) method B) an object C) series of commands D) a variable Question # 53 (Multiple Answer) Which of the following let you jump out of an iterating loop? A) abort B) Q C) break D) continue Question # 54 (Multiple Choice) What is the primary problem with the following Javascript code? JavaScript Testing Page <SCRIPT> //The following code will be for the form validation. . . . make believe there is script here A) The LANGUAGE="JavaScript" is missing from the script tag. B) The comments are done incorrectly. C) There is no form in the body D) There is no title tag. Question # 55 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following assignment operators performs a left shift and assigns the result to the first operand? A) && B) >>C) <<= D) ||


JAVA SCRIPT Correct Answers 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 , 46 , 47 , 48 , 49 , 50 , 51 , 52 , 53 , 54 , 55 Question # 1 (Multiple Choice) Variables are declared in Javascript using which of the following? Answer: (B) var BACK Question # 2 (Multiple Choice) If x=3, then the statement y=x++ sets __________. Answer: (A) y to 3, increments x to 4 BACK Question # 3 (Multiple Choice) What property reveals the operating system of the client computer? Answer: (B) userAgent BACK Question # 4 (Multiple Choice) When using the "+" operator with two strings, the effect can best be described as ________. Answer: (D) concatenation BACK Question # 5 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following assignment operators assigns the value of the second operand to the first operand? Answer: (A) = BACK Question # 6 (Multiple Choice) ________ are the specific property that will be used. Answer: (D) Values BACK Question # 7 (Multiple Choice) ________ are the actions that the object property can be made to perform, such as calculation or writing of text. Answer: (C) Methods BACK Question # 8 (Multiple Choice) If you have a series of five alerts in a row, which of the following will occur? Answer: (B) Each will appear in the order they appear in the script, as the user clicks through them one at a time. BACK Question # 9 (Multiple Answer) If a file has a "runtime error", it is most likely caused by which of the following? (B) Mismatched data types appear when functions called (C) Undeclared variables located on the wrong side of assignment operators BACK Question # 10 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following bitwise operators flips the bits of its operand? Answer: (A) ~ BACK Question # 11 (Multiple Choice) The location of cookies for Netscape is ________. Answer: (B) cookies.txt BACK 9

JAVA SCRIPT Question # 12 (True/False) Scripts placed in the body of a web document are processed before scripts placed in the head. Answer: False BACK Question # 13 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is possible in Javascript? Answer: (D) Preprocess data on the client before submission to the server. BACK Question # 14 (Multiple Choice) If you delete cookies.txt from your hard drive, what will be the consequence? Answer: (B) Another cookies.txt file will be created automatically. BACK Question # 15 (Multiple Choice) x/y is the same as ________. Answer: (B) divides x by y BACK Question # 16 (Multiple Choice) Why would anyone choose to use cookies? Answer: (C) store preferences of user BACK Question # 17 (Multiple Choice) What would be the results of document.write(anyString.substring(4,7)) on "Netscape"? Answer: (A) cap BACK Question # 18 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is the highest in the Javascript object model hierarchy? Answer: (B) form BACK Question # 19 (Multiple Choice) firstName="John" lastName="Doe" fullname= firstName+lastName In the code above, which of the following will be the result? Answer: (B) JohnDoe BACK Question # 20 (Multiple Answer) Which of the following bitwise operations are correct? (B) 15&9 yields 9 (C) 15|9 yields 15 BACK Question # 21 (Multiple Choice) Which command holds values in a named space of memory? Answer: (B) variable BACK Question # 22 (Multiple Answer) Alert boxes ________. (A) annoy the user (B) increase interaction with the web page (D) can display the current value of a variable, making them excellent for troubleshooting BACK Question # 23 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following bitwise operators returns 10

JAVA SCRIPT a one in each bit position if bits of both operands are ones? Answer: (B) & BACK Question # 24 (Multiple Choice) In the expression ("Hello," + "Mary"), the + operator is ________. Answer: (C) concatenation BACK Question # 25 (Multiple Choice) What version of Javascript was first supported by Netscape browser? Answer: (B) 2 BACK Question # 26 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is the most commonly used Javascript version? Answer: (A) 1.2 BACK Question # 27 (Multiple Choice) The following dot notation is referring to which object? Answer: (B) radio BACK Question # 28 (Multiple Choice) The following code is used to ________. setTimeout ("changePage()", 3000); function changePage() { if (self.parent.frames.length != 0) self.parent.location=""; } Answer: (C) break out of frames BACK Question # 29 (Multiple Answer) Which of the following is typically used to troubleshoot Javascript? (A) comments (B) alert() The alert box lets you know you've made it to a certain line in the script, comments let you temporarily delete sections that may not be working properly. BACK Question # 30 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is used to insert a backslash? Answer: (A) \\ BACK Question # 31 (Multiple Choice) If you use an external Javascript file, additional code in between the script tags ________. Answer: (C) will be ignored BACK Question # 32 (Multiple Choice) IE stores cookies ________. Answer: (B) in a directory called "cookies" BACK Question # 33 (True/False) Javascript is similar to HTML in that it is not case-sensitive. 11

JAVA SCRIPT Answer: False BACK Question # 34 (True/False) Some people turn off their cookies because cookies can inadvertently spread viruses. Answer: False BACK Question # 35 (Multiple Choice) Clicking a mouse button, running out of memory, and placing a cursor in a form field are all known as ________. Answer: (C) events BACK Question # 36 (Multiple Choice) The following is an example of a ________ statement. { case "Oranges" : document.write("Oranges are $0.59 a pound.
"); break; case "Apples" : document.write("Apples are $0.32 a pound.
"); break; case "Bananas" : document.write("Bananas are $0.48 a pound.
"); break; case "Cherries" : document.write("Cherries are $3.00 a pound.
"); break; default : document.write("Sorry, we are out of " + i + ".
"); } Answer: (C) switch BACK Question # 37 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is the highest in the Javascript DOM? Answer: (D) history BACK Question # 38 (True/False) Object-based means that it depends for functionality on a collection of built-in objects. Answer: True BACK Question # 39 (Multiple Choice) The following is a standard ________. Answer: (B) rollover image hyperlink BACK Question # 40 (Multiple Choice) The target attribute value "_blank"________. Answer: (C) opens a new browser window BACK Question # 41 (True/False) getDay() retrieves the integer value of the day of the week(0-6). Answer: True BACK 12

JAVA SCRIPT Question # 42 (Multiple Choice) ________ relates the principal that some objects cannot be used or referenced without referring to the parent, or container, object. Answer: (A) Containership BACK Question # 43 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is used to insert a tab? Answer: (A) \t BACK Question # 44 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following logical operators returns true if either logical expression is true? Answer: (C) || BACK Question # 45 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following evaluates an argument to determine if it is not a number? Answer: (A) isNan BACK Question # 46 (Multiple Choice) The checked property for the checkbox object returns ________. Answer: (A) true or false BACK Question # 47 (Multiple Choice) What would be the result of "232" + "2"? Answer: (B) 2322 BACK Question # 48 (True/False) It is recommended that you do not place script tags inside of TD tags. Answer: True This is a well known bug. BACK Question # 49 (Multiple Choice) In the following code, line number ______locates the image on the document. 1. function rollOn(num){ 2. if(document.images){ 3. eval('document.images["norm'+num+'"].src 4. ='+'over[num].src')} 5. } Answer: (B) 2 BACK Question # 50 (True/False) You can specify different language versions of different scripts on one page. Answer: True BACK Question # 51 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following comparison operators returns true if the operands are not equal? Answer: (C) != BACK Question # 52 (Multiple Choice) Functions are best described as a ________. Answer: (C) series of commands BACK Question # 53 (Multiple Answer) Which of the following let you jump out of an iterating loop? (C) break (D) continue 13

JAVA SCRIPT BACK Question # 54 (Multiple Choice) What is the primary problem with the following Javascript code? JavaScript Testing Page <SCRIPT> //The following code will be for the form validation. ...make believe there is script here Answer: (B) The comments are done incorrectly. BACK Question # 55 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following assignment operators performs a left shift and assigns the result to the first operand? Answer: (C) <<= BACK Javascript Practice Quiz 2Javascript Practice Quiz 2 This is a self-grading exam. Answers are entered by clicking the button corresponding to your selection. The examination is scored by clicking 'Grade Test' at the bottom of the form. Correct answers and explanations are found through hyperlinks at the bottom of the page. You may bypass taking the examination and simply view the answers by clicking the answer hyperlinks.

Question # 1 (Multiple Choice) What is Javascript's default object? A) navigator B) document C) window D) browser Question # 2 (Multiple Choice) ________ represent various attributes such as height, color, font-size, sentence length, and so on. A) Values B) Properties C) Functions D) Descriptors Question # 3 (True/False) All functions should be in the head section of the web document. A) True B) False Question # 4 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following logical operators returns true if both logical operands are true? A) && B) ++ 14

JAVA SCRIPT C) ! D) % Question # 5 (Multiple Answer) Which of the following should be avoided in Javascript for increased accessibility by the disabled? A) onMouseover B) onBlur C) onAbort D) use of functions E) pop up windows Question # 6 (Multiple Choice) The following shorthand x+=y is the same as ________. A) x+1=y B) 1=y C) x=x+y D) xy+1=y Question # 7 (Multiple Choice) ECMA script most closely resembles Javascript ________. A) 1.2 B) 1.1 C) 1.3 D) 1.5 Question # 8 (Multiple Choice) The target attribute value "blank"________. A) opens a document named blank B) opens a file in a frame named blank C) opens a new browser window D) opens on top of a frameset Question # 9 (Multiple Choice) Each pass through a loop is called a/n ________. A) switch B) repeater C) iteration D) batch Question # 10 (Multiple Choice) Why are Javascript commands contained within HTML comment tags? A) So commands won't display in non-javascript enabled browsers. B) So search engines will not consider commands keywords. C) Javascript will not execute without them. D) The additional tags make the script more readable. Question # 11 (Multiple Choice) The first slot in an array has an indexed number of ________. A) 0 B) 1 C) 101 D) There is not enough information to answer this question. Question # 12 (Multiple Choice) Javascript is considered ________ scripting. A) client-side 15

JAVA SCRIPT B) server-side C) operating system D) programming Question # 13 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is used to insert a carriage return? A) \r B) \\ C) \backspace D) \new E) \t Question # 14 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following bitwise operators shifts its first operand in binary representation the number of bits to the left specified in the second operand, shifting in zeros from the right? A) @2 B) -2 C) && D) << Question # 15 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is used to insert a new line? A) \new B) \n C) \r D) \return Question # 16 (True/False) document.textField and document["textField"] are both valid ways to refer to the same object. A) True B) False Question # 17 (True/False) The confirm() method returns a value of true or false. A) True B) False Question # 18 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following adds one to a variable representing a number? A) ++ B) + C) $ D) @ Question # 19 (Multiple Choice) In the expression (3*4), the * operator is ________. A) addition B) multiplication C) concatenation D) protected Question # 20 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following shows proper syntax for declaring an array? 16

JAVA SCRIPT A) months = array("Jan","Feb","Mar") B) array = months("Jan","Feb","Mar") C) months = new array("Jan","Feb","Mar") D) array months("Jan","Feb","Mar") Question # 21 (Multiple Choice) In the following code, line number ______ contains the name of the function and the argument num that we will pass when we call the function. 1. function rollOn(num){ 2. if(document.images){ 3. eval('document.images["norm'+num+'"].src 4. ='+'over[num].src')} 5. } A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 Question # 22 (Multiple Choice) Who designed and developed Javascript? A) Sun B) Netscape C) Microsoft D) ECMA Question # 23 (True/False) The language attribute in the script tag is optional. A) True B) False Question # 24 (Multiple Answer) Which of the following are proper variable names? A) default B) _first Text C) firstText D) 1stText E) _var Question # 25 (Multiple Choice) What version of Javascript was first supported by Internet Explorer? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 Question # 26 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following are not Javascript reserved words? A) import B) super C) public D) first Question # 27 (Multiple Choice) The following _________. function confirm(){ 17

JAVA SCRIPT if (confirm("Do you hold us harmless from all legal action? ")) location="";return " "} document.writeln(confirm()) A) sends you to if you click ok B) requires you to sign a legal document C) will easily crash your browser D) is not legal if you have your Javascript turned off in your browser Question # 28 (Multiple Choice) How many cookies are allowed per domain? A) It depends on the domain extension (com vs. gov). B) 1 C) 1 in IE, 20 in Netscape D) It depends on the expiration dates. Question # 29 (Multiple Choice) The following code writes _________. str1="The morning is upon us. " str2="The sun is bright." str3=str1.concat(str2) document.write(str3) A) The sun is bright. B) The morning is upon us. C) null D) The morning is upon us. The sun is bright. Question # 30 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is used to insert a backspace? A) \backspace B) \n C) \ D) << Question # 31 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following assignment operators adds two numbers and assigns the result to the first? A) += B) && C) *% D) ## Question # 32 (Multiple Choice) The root level of the DOM is ________. A) browser B) history C) window D) document Question # 33 (Multiple Choice) The statement 3 + 3 + "3" will result in which of the following? A) 3 B) 63 C) 33 D) 9 18

JAVA SCRIPT Question # 34 (Multiple Answer) Which of the following is not an event handler? A) onDragDrop B) onError C) onScroll D) onKeyup E) onRoute Question # 35 (Multiple Choice) ________ terminates the current while or for loop and transfers program control to the statement following the terminated loop. A) Terminate B) Return C) Switch D) Break Question # 36 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is a method? A) array B) boolean C) object D) prompt() Question # 37 (True/False) getMonth() retrieves the month name (January, February, etc.). A) True B) False Question # 38 (Multiple Answer) What are some of the common benefits of form field validation? A) faster browser loading B) increased user satisfaction C) validity of form submission D) increased security E) faster server processing Question # 39 (Multiple Choice) What is the purpose of the noscript tag? A) Hides text from older browsers. B) Display info for browsers that have Javascript turned off. C) Temporarily ignore Javascript passages. D) Display line numbers in the script. Question # 40 (Multiple Choice) Javascript's original name was ________. A) java B) jscript C) livescript D) actionscript Question # 41 (True/False) Javascript is object-based and Java is object-oriented. A) True B) False Question # 42 (Multiple Choice) If the system root is on drive c:, the location of cookies for IE is ________. 19

JAVA SCRIPT A) c:\windows\cookies B) cookies.txt C) c:\windows\system\cookies D) c:\cookies Question # 43 (Multiple Choice) If x=3, then the statement y=++x sets __________. A) y to 4, increments x to 4 B) y to 3, increments x to 4 C) y to 5, increments x to 5 D) It is impossible to determine this. Question # 44 (Multiple Choice) Netscape ________. A) appends cookies into one large file called cookies.exe B) stores each cookie in its own .txt file in the cookies directory C) stores each cookie in its own .txt file in the system directory D) appends cookies into one large file called cookies.txt Question # 45 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following syntax is correct for commenting multiple lines in Javascript? A) // B) /* Comments */ C) :: D) Question # 46 (True/False) JavaScript variables are loosely typed, meaning that any variable can represent both a string of characters and a number, depending solely upon what was assigned. A) True B) False Question # 47 (Multiple Choice) The following returns ________. function square(i) { document.write("The call passed ", i ," to the function.","
") return i * i } document.write("The function returned ",square(2),".") A) 2 B) 4 C) 1 D) It is impossible to say. Question # 48 (Multiple Choice) External Javascript files have a ________ extension. A) .ext B) .jscript C) .txt D) .js E) .htm Question # 49 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following comparison operators returns true if the operands are equal? A) == B) != 20

JAVA SCRIPT C) & D) ^ Question # 50 (Multiple Choice) Comparison operators ________. A) return a value B) return true or false C) assign values D) create more errors than assignment operators Question # 51 (True/False) The Javascript object hierarchy model is divided into 3 parts: browser objects, language objects, and form field objects. A) True B) False Question # 52 (Multiple Choice) Form text field validation ________. A) can check if email addresses are correct B) can check if the field is empty C) can check if the password is correct D) can check if credit cards are stolen Question # 53 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following bitwise operators returns a one in a bit if bits of either operand is one? A) * B) $ C) | D) % Question # 54 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is used to display text in a browser window using Javascript? A) print "Hello, World" B) window.print C) document.print D) document.write("Hello, World!") Question # 55 (Multiple Choice) The following code ________ when the user clicks the button.

A) goes back one page B) goes back two pages C) reloads the page D) It is impossible to say without knowing the prior history.

Correct Answers 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 , 46 , 47 , 48 , 49 , 50 , 51 , 52 , 53 , 54 , 55 21

JAVA SCRIPT Question # 1 (Multiple Choice) What is Javascript's default object? Answer: (C) window BACK Question # 2 (Multiple Choice) ________ represent various attributes such as height, color, font-size, sentence length, and so on. Answer: (B) Properties BACK Question # 3 (True/False) All functions should be in the head section of the web document. Answer: True BACK Question # 4 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following logical operators returns true if both logical operands are true? Answer: (A) && BACK Question # 5 (Multiple Answer) Which of the following should be avoided in Javascript for increased accessibility by the disabled? (A) onMouseover (E) pop up windows BACK Question # 6 (Multiple Choice) The following shorthand x+=y is the same as ________. Answer: (C) x=x+y BACK Question # 7 (Multiple Choice) ECMA script most closely resembles Javascript ________. Answer: (B) 1.1 BACK Question # 8 (Multiple Choice) The target attribute value "blank"________. Answer: (B) opens a file in a frame named blank BACK Question # 9 (Multiple Choice) Each pass through a loop is called a/n ________. Answer: (C) iteration BACK Question # 10 (Multiple Choice) Why are Javascript commands contained within HTML comment tags? Answer: (A) So commands won't display in non-javascript enabled browsers. BACK Question # 11 (Multiple Choice) The first slot in an array has an indexed number of ________. Answer: (A) 0 BACK Question # 12 (Multiple Choice) Javascript is considered ________ scripting. Answer: (A) client-side BACK Question # 13 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is used to insert a carriage return? Answer: (A) \r BACK Question # 14 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following bitwise operators shifts its first operand in binary representation the number of bits to the left 22

JAVA SCRIPT specified in the second operand, shifting in zeros from the right? Answer: (D) << BACK Question # 15 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is used to insert a new line? Answer: (B) \n BACK Question # 16 (True/False) document.textField and document["textField"] are both valid ways to refer to the same object. Answer: True BACK Question # 17 (True/False) The confirm() method returns a value of true or false. Answer: True BACK Question # 18 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following adds one to a variable representing a number? Answer: (A) ++ BACK Question # 19 (Multiple Choice) In the expression (3*4), the * operator is ________. Answer: (B) multiplication BACK Question # 20 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following shows proper syntax for declaring an array? Answer: (C) months = new array("Jan","Feb","Mar") BACK Question # 21 (Multiple Choice) In the following code, line number ______ contains the name of the function and the argument num that we will pass when we call the function. 1. function rollOn(num){ 2. if(document.images){ 3. eval('document.images["norm'+num+'"].src 4. ='+'over[num].src')} 5. } Answer: (A) 1 BACK Question # 22 (Multiple Choice) Who designed and developed Javascript? Answer: (B) Netscape BACK Question # 23 (True/False) The language attribute in the script tag is optional. Answer: True BACK Question # 24 (Multiple Answer) Which of the following are proper variable names? (C) firstText (E) _var BACK Question # 25 (Multiple Choice) What version of Javascript was first supported by Internet Explorer? Answer: (C) 3 23

JAVA SCRIPT BACK Question # 26 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following are not Javascript reserved words? Answer: (D) first BACK Question # 27 (Multiple Choice) The following _________. function confirm(){if (confirm("Do you hold us harmless from all legal action? ")) location="";return " "} document.writeln(confirm()) Answer: (A) sends you to if you click ok BACK Question # 28 (Multiple Choice) How many cookies are allowed per domain? Answer: (C) 1 in IE, 20 in Netscape BACK Question # 29 (Multiple Choice) The following code writes _________. str1="The morning is upon us. " str2="The sun is bright." str3=str1.concat(str2) document.write(str3) Answer: (D) The morning is upon us. The sun is bright. BACK Question # 30 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is used to insert a backspace? Answer: (A) \backspace BACK Question # 31 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following assignment operators adds two numbers and assigns the result to the first? Answer: (A) += BACK Question # 32 (Multiple Choice) The root level of the DOM is ________. Answer: (D) document BACK Question # 33 (Multiple Choice) The statement 3 + 3 + "3" will result in which of the following? Answer: (B) 63 BACK Question # 34 (Multiple Answer) Which of the following is not an event handler? (C) onScroll (E) onRoute BACK Question # 35 (Multiple Choice) ________ terminates the current while or for loop and transfers program control to the statement following the terminated loop. Answer: (D) Break BACK Question # 36 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is a method? Answer: (D) prompt() BACK 24

JAVA SCRIPT Question # 37 (True/False) getMonth() retrieves the month name (January, February, etc.). Answer: False Retrieves values #0-11 BACK Question # 38 (Multiple Answer) What are some of the common benefits of form field validation? (B) increased user satisfaction (C) validity of form submission (D) increased security BACK Question # 39 (Multiple Choice) What is the purpose of the noscript tag? Answer: (B) Display info for browsers that have Javascript turned off. BACK Question # 40 (Multiple Choice) Javascript's original name was ________. Answer: (C) livescript BACK Question # 41 (True/False) Javascript is object-based and Java is object-oriented. Answer: True BACK Question # 42 (Multiple Choice) If the system root is on drive c:, the location of cookies for IE is ________. Answer: (A) c:\windows\cookies BACK Question # 43 (Multiple Choice) If x=3, then the statement y=++x sets __________. Answer: (A) y to 4, increments x to 4 BACK Question # 44 (Multiple Choice) Netscape ________. Answer: (D) appends cookies into one large file called cookies.txt BACK Question # 45 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following syntax is correct for commenting multiple lines in Javascript? Answer: (B) /* Comments */ BACK Question # 46 (True/False) JavaScript variables are loosely typed, meaning that any variable can represent both a string of characters and a number, depending solely upon what was assigned. Answer: True BACK Question # 47 (Multiple Choice) The following returns ________. function square(i) { document.write("The call passed ", i ," to the function.","
") return i * i } document.write("The function returned ",square(2),".") Answer: (B) 4 BACK Question # 48 (Multiple Choice) External Javascript files have a ________ extension. Answer: (D) .js 25

JAVA SCRIPT BACK Question # 49 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following comparison operators returns true if the operands are equal? Answer: (A) == BACK Question # 50 (Multiple Choice) Comparison operators ________. Answer: (B) return true or false BACK Question # 51 (True/False) The Javascript object hierarchy model is divided into 3 parts: browser objects, language objects, and form field objects. Answer: True BACK Question # 52 (Multiple Choice) Form text field validation ________. Answer: (B) can check if the field is empty BACK Question # 53 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following bitwise operators returns a one in a bit if bits of either operand is one? Answer: (C) | BACK Question # 54 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is used to display text in a browser window using Javascript? Answer: (D) document.write("Hello, World!") BACK Question # 55 (Multiple Choice) The following code ________ when the user clicks the button.

Answer: (A) goes back one page BACK CIWSS - Javascript Practice TestJavascript Practice Test This is a self-grading exam. Answers are entered by clicking the button corresponding to your selection. The examination is scored by clicking 'Grade Test' at the bottom of the form. Correct answers and explanations are found through hyperlinks at the bottom of the page. You may bypass taking the examination and simply view the answers by clicking the answer hyperlinks.

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JAVA SCRIPT Question # 1 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following comparison operators returns true if the operands are not equal? A) && B) == C) != D) @ Question # 2 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is the most commonly used Javascript version? A) 1.2 B) 1.3 C) 1.4 D) 1.5 Question # 3 (Multiple Choice) ________ relates the principal that some objects cannot be used or referenced without referring to the parent, or container, object. A) Containership B) Inheritance C) SOM D) DOME Question # 4 (Multiple Choice) In the following code, line number ______ contains the name of the function and the argument num that we will pass when we call the function. 1. function rollOn(num){ 2. if(document.images){ 3. eval('document.images["norm'+num+'"].src 4. ='+'over[num].src')} 5. } A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 Question # 5 (Multiple Answer) Which of the following let you jump out of an iterating loop? A) abort B) Q C) break D) continue Question # 6 (Multiple Choice) Functions are best described as a ________. A) method B) an object C) series of commands D) a variable Question # 7 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following logical operators returns true if either logical expression is true? A) ^ B) ! C) || 27

JAVA SCRIPT D) + Question # 8 (Multiple Answer) Which of the following are proper variable names? A) default B) _first Text C) firstText D) 1stText E) _var Question # 9 (Multiple Choice) Javascript's original name was ________. A) java B) jscript C) livescript D) actionscript Question # 10 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following bitwise operators flips the bits of its operand? A) ~ B) & C) ^ D) % Question # 11 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is a method? A) array B) boolean C) object D) prompt() Question # 12 (Multiple Choice) Variables are declared in Javascript using which of the following? A) dim B) var C) function D) variable Question # 13 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is used to insert a backspace? A) \backspace B) \n C) \ D) << Question # 14 (Multiple Answer) Which of the following should be avoided in Javascript for increased accessibility by the disabled? A) onMouseover B) onBlur C) onAbort D) use of functions E) pop up windows Question # 15 (Multiple Choice) What is Javascript's default object? A) navigator 28

JAVA SCRIPT B) document C) window D) browser Question # 16 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following syntax is correct for commenting multiple lines in Javascript? A) // B) /* Comments */ C) :: D) Question # 17 (Multiple Answer) Which of the following bitwise operations are correct? A) 15^9 yields 8 B) 15&9 yields 9 C) 15|9 yields 15 D) 15&9 yields 15 Question # 18 (Multiple Choice) ________ are the actions that the object property can be made to perform, such as calculation or writing of text. A) Functions B) Event handlers C) Methods D) Operations Question # 19 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is used to insert a new line? A) \new B) \n C) \r D) \return Question # 20 (Multiple Choice) The following _________. function confirm(){if (confirm("Do you hold us harmless from all legal action? ")) location="";return " "} document.writeln(confirm()) A) sends you to if you click ok B) requires you to sign a legal document C) will easily crash your browser D) is not legal if you have your Javascript turned off in your browser

Correct Answers 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 Question # 1 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following comparison operators returns true if the operands are not equal? Answer: (C) != BACK 29

JAVA SCRIPT Question # 2 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is the most commonly used Javascript version? Answer: (A) 1.2 BACK Question # 3 (Multiple Choice) ________ relates the principal that some objects cannot be used or referenced without referring to the parent, or container, object. Answer: (A) Containership BACK Question # 4 (Multiple Choice) In the following code, line number ______ contains the name of the function and the argument num that we will pass when we call the function. 1. function rollOn(num){ 2. if(document.images){ 3. eval('document.images["norm'+num+'"].src 4. ='+'over[num].src')} 5. } Answer: (A) 1 BACK Question # 5 (Multiple Answer) Which of the following let you jump out of an iterating loop? (C) break (D) continue BACK Question # 6 (Multiple Choice) Functions are best described as a ________. Answer: (C) series of commands BACK Question # 7 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following logical operators returns true if either logical expression is true? Answer: (C) || BACK Question # 8 (Multiple Answer) Which of the following are proper variable names? (C) firstText (E) _var BACK Question # 9 (Multiple Choice) Javascript's original name was ________. Answer: (C) livescript BACK Question # 10 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following bitwise operators flips the bits of its operand? Answer: (A) ~ BACK Question # 11 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is a method? Answer: (D) prompt() BACK Question # 12 (Multiple Choice) Variables are declared in Javascript using which of the following? Answer: (B) var BACK 30

JAVA SCRIPT Question # 13 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is used to insert a backspace? Answer: (A) \backspace BACK Question # 14 (Multiple Answer) Which of the following should be avoided in Javascript for increased accessibility by the disabled? (A) onMouseover (E) pop up windows BACK Question # 15 (Multiple Choice) What is Javascript's default object? Answer: (C) window BACK Question # 16 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following syntax is correct for commenting multiple lines in Javascript? Answer: (B) /* Comments */ BACK Question # 17 (Multiple Answer) Which of the following bitwise operations are correct? (B) 15&9 yields 9 (C) 15|9 yields 15 BACK Question # 18 (Multiple Choice) ________ are the actions that the object property can be made to perform, such as calculation or writing of text. Answer: (C) Methods BACK Question # 19 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is used to insert a new line? Answer: (B) \n BACK Question # 20 (Multiple Choice) The following _________. function confirm(){if (confirm("Do you hold us harmless from all legal action? ")) location="";return " "} document.writeln(confirm()) Answer: (A) sends you to if you click ok BACK


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