Java Developer Course

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Pages: 1
Java Application Software Developer: Course Details Duration: 256 hours ? Overview of OS (Linux) – 8 hours ? Simple Commands of Linux ? The Bash Shell ? Standard I/O and Pipes ? User, Groups and Permissions ? VI editor Basics and Printing ? DBMS Concept – 16 Hours ? Entities, Relationships, Attributes ? ER model, Entity Topics ? Normalization ? SQL Overview – 16 hours ? Introduction ? Writing Basic SQL Statement ? Restricting & Sorting Data ? Displaying Data From Multiple Tables ? Manipulating Data ? Creating and Managing Tables ? Created Procedure ? Sun Java Fundamentals & J2EE Framework*– 32 Hours ? Explaining Java Technology ? Analyzing a Problem and Designing a Solution ? Developing and Testing a Java Technology Program ? Object Oriented Programming ? Getting Started with Java ? Identifiers, Keywords, and Types ? What is J2EE Framework? ? Why J2EE came into feature ? Placing a J2EE Model in Context ? J2EE Component Model and Development Steps ? Using J2EE Development Tools ? EJB Component Model ? SL-275: Sun Java Programming*– 40 Hours ? Expressions and Flow Control ? Arrays ? Advanced Class Features ? Exceptions and Assertions ? Text-based Applications ? Building Java GUIs & GUI-based Applications ? GUI Event Handling ? Threads and Multi-threading ? Advanced I/O streams ? Networking and Socket Programming ? Java Database Connectivity ? RMI ? Java Beans ? Swing Components ? SL-314: Web Component Development with Servlet

and JSP Technology*– 48 Hours ? Introduction to Web Application Technologies ? Developing a View Component

? Developing a Controller Component ? Developing Dynamic Forms ? Sharing Application Resources Using the Servlet Context ? Designing the Business tier ? Developing Web Applications Using Struts ? Developing Web Applications Using Session Management ? Using Filters in Web Applications ? Integrating Web Applications with Databases ? Developing JSP Pages ? Developing JSP pages Using Custom Tags ? Developing Web Applications Using Struts Action Forms ? Building Reusable Web Presentation Components ? FJ-310: Developing Applications for the J2EE Platform*

– 40 Hours ? Developing Session Beans ? Basics of Entity Beans ? Developing & Assembling CMP Entity Beans ? Assembling EJB Components into an Application ? Developing Message-Driven Beans ? Web Component Model ? Developing Servlets ? Developing with Java Server Pages Technology ? Using Web-tier Design Patterns ? Implementing a Transaction and Security Policy

? Struts – 8 Hours ? Using JavaBeans Components in JSP Pages ? Overview of MVC Architecture ? Simplifying Access to MVC Results: the JSP 2.0 Expression

Language ? Overview and Motivation ? Setting up and Configuring Struts ? Processing requests with Action Objects ? Handling request params with Form Beans ? Prepopulating and redisplaying HTML forms ? Eclipse – 16 Hours ? Overview of Eclipse ? Platform Architecture ? Deployment of Servlet and JSP ? Deployment of All types of EJB ? System Development Life Cycle & Real Life Project Work

– 24 Hours ? What is SDLC? ? Why SDLC? ? Development Methods ? SDLC Waterfall ? Rapid Prototyping ? Incremental Model ? SDLC – Measuring Team Goals ? Life Cycle Phases ? Preliminary Stage ? Best Practices ? Project Work

? Installation – 8 hours

Note: *can be taken individually, subject to meeting respective prerequisites.

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