ENERGY OF JATROPHA BRIQUETTE PRODUCED FROM JATROPHA OIL PRODUCTION WASTE Mirmanto Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram Jl. Majapahit no. 62, Mataram, NTB, Indonesia Phone (0370)636126, (0370)6570632, Fax (0370)636126, e-mail:
[email protected]
ABSTRAK Kegiatan industri pasti menghasilkan limbah, tidak terkecuali industri biodiesel jarak pagar. Limbah bisa menimbulkan masalah dalam kehidupan jika tidak ditangani dengan benar. Padahal limbah biodiesel jarak termasuk biomassa yang dapat dijadikan briket sebagai bahan bakar alternatif. Penggunaan briket biomassa tidak menimbulkan polusi, memiliki energi yang tinggi, terbaharukan dan merupakan upaya mencegah pencemaran lingkungan. Bijih jarak yang kering ditumbuk dan diayak sehingga diperoleh bungkil, kulit buah, daun dan campuran kulit buah-daun dan kulit buah-daun-bungkil. Setelah itu dicampur perekat kanji lalu dipress menjadi briket dan dikeringkan. Briket yang terbentuk diuji kadar air dan nilai kalornya. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa briket bungkil jarak memiliki nilai kalor tertinggi yaitu 6.104,2317 kal/g, kemudian kulit buah-daun-bungkil jarak sebesar 4.944,6863 kal/g dan kulit buah-daun jarak sebesar 3.858,5802 kal/g, sedangkan perekat kanji sebesar 5.344,8983 kal/g. Sedangkan briket dengan campuran perekat kaji, nilai kalor briket bungkil jarak paling tinggi yaitu 6.068,3306 kal/g, kemudian briket kulit buah-daun-bungkil jarak sebesar 4.782,2912 kal/g dan briket kulit buah-daun jarak sebesar 4.572,1057 kal/g. Nilai kalor briket akan berbanding terbalik dengan penambahan kuantitas perekat apabila nilai kalor bahan dasar briket lebih tinggi dari nilai kalor perekat, dan sebaliknya. Briket bungkil jarak memiliki prospek yang baik untuk dikembangkan menjadi briket masa depan. Kata Kunci : Limbah jarak, Briket, Nilai kalor, Energi ABSTRACT Industry activities usually produce waste and biodiesel production industry does too. Waste can bring many problems in human life if it is not managed properly. Meanwhile Jatropha biodiesel waste is one of biomasses types, which can be made as briquettes, which are called as alternative fuels. The use of biomass briquette does not cause environment pollution. Dry Jatropha seeds can be extracted by pounding and sifting to be “residue”, husk fruit, leafs, mixture of husk fruit-leaf and husk fruit-leaf-residue. After they are mixed with starch, they can be pressed to become briquettes. The briquettes are then tested by using oven and bomb calorimeter in order to know their water contained and energy contained (calorific value). Research result shows that “residue” briquette has the highest calorific value than others. Its calorific value is about 6104.2317 cal/gr. Briquette produced from husk fruit-leaf-shell has calorific value about 4782.2912 (cal/gr) and briquette produced from husk fruit-leaf has calorific value 4572.1057 cal/gr. The briquette energy will be in contras value with increasing starch quantity. More starch quantities are added, lower energy resulted from briquette, except residue briquette. Jatropha briquette has good prospect to be developed as future alternative fuel. Keyword : Jatropha waste, Briquette, Heating value (calorific value), Energy. 1 Created with Print2PDF. To remove this line, buy a license at:
cleaner, but also provides energy that can be
INTRODUCTION Fossil energy sources are becoming
utilized for several purposes.
depleted more day and day, while the need of
As known from several mass media,
them surely ongoing increases. Because of
recently the scientists are in a rush time for
that condition, energy experts predict that in
short time coming, fossil energy will be used
alternative energy. One of renewable energy
up. Christ Lewis, in his book of “Biological
Fuels” depicted that natural gas, earth oil and
coal would disappear by the year of 2047,
2080 and 2180. Christ Lewis also said that
characteristics with diesel fuel. According to
Uranium would also disappear by the year of
Dodi Hidayat (2005), biodiesel is fuel, which
2017, except Nuclear Breeder Technology
is friendlier to the environment.
biodiesel fuels is biodiesel produced from
developed. Wasrin Syafii (2003) said that
is produced
Fuels have
produced almost
One of
people would face difficulties on filling their
Jatropha is a kind of plants that can
demands, particularly demands of fuels.
grow in critical soil or limited water land. In
Therefore, the efforts on searching chemical
Indonesia, there are almost 13 million
energy source and alternative energy are very
hectares that are as dry and infertile land.
Several types of alternatives energy
Indonesia is very suitable and it will bring
that can be developed are solar energy, wind
some advantages for both environment and
energy, geothermal energy, OTEC (ocean
filling the demand of energy. Haryadi (2005)
thermal energy conversion), biomass energy
said that developing Jatropha plant in
Indonesia had big chance in the future.
alternatives energy, biomass energy is an
Jatropha biodiesel has octane number 51.
alternative energy that has to be concerned
This is higher than octane number of diesel
primarily because of its benefits. If biomass
fuel. Octane number of diesel fuel is bout 45.
energy is compared with other alternatives
In addition, Jatropha biodiesel has pour point
energy, it is as a winner because it does not
8 degree Celsius, while diesel fuel has pour
only help people to make environment be
point 10 degree Celsius (Dodi Hidayat,
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be changed from one form of energy to Production
another form. There are several forms of
Jatropha oil has by product, which is called
This waste evolves shell, leaf and
mechanical energy, potential energy, kinetic
husk fruit. It is classified into two groups,
energy, nuclear energy, combustion energy
first is direct waste that comes out from
etc. Sources of energy are such as chemical
presser machine and the other is indirect
waste that involves leafs, fruit, branch etc.
geothermal, water flows, ocean current,
However, whatever waste can cause negative
wave, and many others. Energy can be used
impact on environment such as pollutant.
for several purposes such as cooking,
Therefore, it is necessary to find the way for
converting waste to be useful things. It
electrical power, crops processing, running
actually can be used as stuff of briquette.
industry and so on (Sri Kadarwati, 2001).
According to Erliza et al (2006), the residue
The amount of energy comes into the process
of Jatropha seed contains high quality of
must equal to that of energy comes out from
protein. Meanwhile, the amount of energy
the process. However, value of each energy
contained in the waste is not known yet.
Research Aim:
(Tjokrowisastro, dkk. 1990).
This research has some aims as
Fuel is a substance that is consumed
to release some energy when it is burned
1. To know the amount of calorific value
( Specifically, fuel is
(energy) contained in the waste and in the
defined as chemical substance that contains
carbon and hydrogen. When it is reacted with
2. To know the influence of starch to the energy contained of waste and briquette. 3. Researcher wants to know the Jatropha plant potency further.
oxygen at certain pressure and temperature, it results gas and energy (Tjokrowisastro, dkk. 1990). Fuel, when it is viewed from its condition and shape, can be classified as
REVERENCES REVIEW AND THEORY Energy is a capability to do a work. It
solid, liquid and gas fuel. Otherwise, when it is viewed from how it happens, it can be classified as natural fuel and unnatural fuel.
cannot be created or be destroyed, but it can 2 Created with Print2PDF. To remove this line, buy a license at:
Natural solid fuel involves anthracite, coal,
according to Hariyadi (2005), are Jarak
bitumen, lignite, wood, biomasses, while
Gundul (in Java), Jarak Pager (in Bali),
unnatural solid fuel involves cocas, semi-
Jarak lulu mau, Paku kase, Jarak pageh, Jarak
cocas, ash, briquette and nuclear fuel.
pager (in NTB), Kuman nema (in Alor),
Unnatural liquid fuel involves gasoline,
Jarak kosta, Jarak wolanda, Bindalo, Bintalo
kerosene, diesel fuel, residue oil and solid
(in Sulawesi), Ai huwa kamala, Balacai,
fuel processed to be liquid fuel. Natural gas
Kadoto (in Maluku).
fuel involves natural gas, petroleum gas, while unnatural gas fuel involves cracking gas
( Combustion Combustion is chemical reaction that runs quickly and is followed by flashing light and releasing heat. Sudden combustion is combustion that undergoes slowly oxidizing.
Figure 1. Jatropha Plant (Source:
In this case, heat is not released, but it is used
Jatropha used in this research is
for increasing temperature until flashing
Jatropha Curcas Linnaeus. It is involved in
point. Complete combustion is defined as
Euphorbiaceous Family, or it is in the same
combustion where all of fuel components are
family to cassava. Jatropha is involved as
burned completely and this combustion
shading tree, which has 1-7 m in height and
forms CO2 gas, H2O gas/vapor and SO2 gas,
irregularly branches as well. Its stem releases
so that there is no component unburned
sap when it is scratched. Leafs of Jatropha
are corrugated single leaf, which has angles
between three and five spots and green color.
People in several area of Indonesia
The leaf has 5-7 fingers. Jatropha flower has
have known Jatropha because Japanese
green-yellow color. Male flower and female
introduced it in 1942, when Japanese
flower are created in bowl shape. They are at
colonized Indonesia. In that year, people
the top of branch or in armpit of leaf. Fruit of
were forced to plant Jatropha on their yard.
Jatropha has elliptical (egg) shape and 2-4
Several local name that are given to Jatropha,
cm of diameter. Fruit color is green when it 3
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is young and it becomes yellow when it is
residue can be changed to be a kind of
old /ripe. In addition, the fruit is divided into
fertilizer, a stuff of biogas generation and fat
3 rooms and each room contains one seed.
food, while the seed shell can be used for
The seeds have egg shapes and brown color.
substituting fuel and fertilizer.
They involve oil, which has 35-45% of its
composition and poison (Erliza Hambali, et
protein, it is poisonous because it contains
al, 2006).
poison stuff, calcium, phosphate and forbid ester. Residue cannot be used for being livestock food but for biogas generating and fertilizing because it contains calcium and phosphate ( Briquette a
b Briquette is a thing that is made of
Figure 2. (a) Fruit, (b) Seeds (Source: Erliza Hambali, et al, 2006)
soft stuff that is dried and hardened first. Stuff of briquette recommended is biomasses
Jatropha oil has yellow color and it will not become turbid although it is untreated for a long time. Residue of seed contains 12.9% water, 10.1 % ash, 45.1 % rough protein and 31.9 % rough fiber as well as
( Potency of Jatropha is in the fruit that involves seed. Seed consist of seed core and seed shell. Seed core is a component of seed that contains oil in big percentage. This oil can be converted to be biodiesel fuel. Having been pressed, seed results oil and waste that is called as residue. Jatropha oil is stuff that can be used for making soap, methanol, ethanol, glycerin and biodiesel. Moreover,
abundantly available and renewable. The use of briquette is flexible because briquette can be made and shaped in varies sizes and shapes in accordance with the user desire. Except those above, briquette can be utilized by using simple technology and it can release much heat safely in a long time (Adan, I.U, 1998). Briquette is fuel that is very suitable used by trader or entrepreneur who needs ongoing
According to DKPKM, total briquettes used in
( Making briquette is very simple and easy. First, biomasses are dried under the 4
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sun, then after being dried, they are crushed
water. However, having been dried, they
to be powder. This powder, next, is mixed
contain high percentage of hydrocarbon. As
with starch or glue uniformly. This mixed
known, that hydrocarbon is a substance that
powder is put into mold that is designed in
consists of potential energy. Based on BPPS
accordance with user’s desire. through the
data year of 2000, utilizing wood fuel and
way of making briquette above, briquette has
charcoal contributes 219.5 barrel of total
characteristics as follows (Tjokrowisastro
barrel fuel needed by Indonesia country.
dkk, 1990):
Eighty five percent from 219.5 barrel is
1. Smoke released from briquette
needed for supporting the household demand.
combustion is less than that from
Organic wastes contain 70-80% wet organic
wastes and 20-30% dry organic wastes.
2. Attractive, simple, flexible and it
Water contained analysis
can be made in required size and
Solid fuel contains water that is classified into: (1) Internal water. Internal
water is water bounded chemically in the
Biomasses Biomasses are organic stuffs from
solid fuel, (2) External water. External water
plants such as leafs, grasses, branches,
is water from surrounding of solid fuel.
parasite plant, agriculture waste, forestry
Water contained in the fuel decreases fuel’s
waste, husbandry waste etc. Biomasses are
quality because it decreases fuel’s calorific
also called as photosynthesis production
value and fuel needs much heat for
because when they are still alive, they are
increasing temperature when fuel is burned.
Water does not only decrease fuel’s calorific
photosynthesis process, chlorophyll absorbs
value, but also delays combustion process
sun light and converts it into substance that
oxygen. This substance can be converted to be other products, which can release heat when they are burned (Wagini, dkk, 2001). According to Tatang Sopian (2005), biomasses
materials. These materials contain 80 - 90%
Drying Drying process is a process for decreasing water contained in solid fuel. Principally, drying process involves two fundamental
transferred from heater media to substance 5
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that is being dried. In this case, heat may be
when fuel is being burned. In combustion
carried by air that flows over the substance
process, heat is released from fuel burned to
dried. (2) Water mass is removed by dryer. In
the surrounding. The maximum amount of
here, because of temperature increment, vapor
heat released during perfect combustion
pressure in the substance increases gradually
process per mass or per volume of fuel is
and become higher than surrounding pressure,
defined as calorific value (Tjokrowisastro
so that vapor comes out from the substance.
dkk, 1990). Muhammad el-Wakil (1992)
To know water contained of dry solid
depicted that the calorific value was heat that
fuel, solid fuel can be put into electrical oven
moved when perfect combustion occurred.
at 105 0C, then it is analyzed by using
However, according to Wulan, calorific value
equation below (INFIC, 1997):
is a heat resulted from perfect combustion
D= B – A
Percentage of water contained, G (%) D - E G x 100 E
( Calorific value can be predicted by
Percentage of water contained, F (%) D - E F x 100 D
Dry sample weight, E (g) E=C–A
Wet sample weight, D (g)
using bomb calorimeter. Data resulted from bomb calorimeter can be used for making empirical correlation (Tjokrowisastro, dkk. 1990). There are two ways for determining calorific value. According to Muhammad elWakil (1992), they are HHV and LHV. HHV (higher heating value) is a calorific value
Where A is weight of empty bowel (g), B is
where water vapor has become condensate
weight of sample + bowel (g), C is weight of
during combustion process, whereas LHV
sample + bowel after heated in oven at 105
(lower heating value) is a calorific value
F is percentage of water
where water vapor resulted from perfect
contained based on wet mass (%) as well as
combustion has not become condensate yet.
G is percentage of water contained based on
Thus, HHV includes latent heat of water
dry mass (%).
vapor, while LHV does not. Therefore, HHV
Calorific value testing:
is always greater than LHV.
C (g), and
Calorific analysis of fuel is to know the amount of energy released from fuel
Bomb calorimeter According to the Combustion Theory, 6
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energy contained in a substance can be
Chemical solutions used for correcting
predicted from its unsure. However, this way
calorific value commonly are:
is very difficult because unsure of a
a) Standard alkali solution. This solution
substance must be known first. Other way to
is used for titrating washer water that
know the energy contained in a substance is
is used for correcting the acid. For
this purpose, usually researcher uses
calorimeter is a commonly device, which is
0.0725 N.
used for determining calorific value of solid
b) Methyl Orange Indicator or Methyl
or liquid fuel. By using this device, specimen
tested with certain mass is burned under standardized
activated by adding oxygen from container, which has pressure, varies from 20 – 35 atm. Water
is or
using tester.
Differences between initial temperature and final temperature can be used for predicting
Figure 3. Adiabatic bomb calorimeter
calorific value. Unit used of measurement
Heat analysis using bomb calorimeter
using bomb calorimeter is cal/gr. One calorie
should use equations below:
is the amount of heat needed for increasing
Wet Gross Energy (GEwet):
temperature of 1-gram water from 14.5 0C to
ΔT T final Tinitial
15.5 C at standard pressure (INFIC, 1997).
Heat of wire burned
Bomb calorimeter is mostly used for testing a
(10 - rested wire)x2.3 cal/cm
(5) (6)
Sulphur. Therefore, combustion with excess
∆T is difference temperature (0C)
air or oxygen results N2O3 and S2O3. Those
Tinitial is temperature before combustion (0C)
oxidations form HNO3 and H2SO4 when they meet water. HNO3 and H2SO4 are strong acid that can add heat in the bomb calorimeter.
T final is temperature after combustion (0C)
every 1 cm wire burned.
Therefore, calorific value determined by using bomb calorimeter should be corrected.
2.3 cal is heat resulted from combustion
10 is initial length of flash wire.
7 Created with Print2PDF. To remove this line, buy a license at:
4. Oxygen vessel.
wet 2470 xT - leng of wire burned
sample mass
millilitre titration sample mass
Sample mass is in gram, milliliter titration is
5. Analytical balancer 17. Backed. with accuracy 0.1
18. Scissor.
19. Pliers.
6. Mortar
20. Spoon.
7. Stopwatch
in calorie, GE wet (wet gross energy) is in
8. Thermometer
cal/gram, and length of wire burned is in
9. Beaker glass.
calorie, number 2470 is constant in calorie
10. Flash wire.
that reveres to 1 C of temperature increment of 1 gram water. One cm of rested wire is equal to 2.3 cal. Milliliter titration (Na2CO3) is correction for heat generated by nitrate acid during combustion. To analyze dry calorific value, analyzer can use equation below: GE dry
100xGE wet % dry sample
Where: GEdry (Dry gross energy) is in cal/gram (INFIC, 1997).
16. Ruler.
Briquette Making Making briquette can be done as follows: a. Take stuff of briquette for being dried under the sun. b. Dry stuff is then pounded to be powder. c. Mix starch with water in comparison of 10:3 (10 gr starch and 3 gr water at 80 0C) uniformly. d. Mix part of each sample that has been dried and crushed with starch dough
RESEARCH METHOD Stuff used in this research was Jatropha fruit without seed, Jatropha leaf and residue of Jatropha oil producing, wet starch. Devices used are: 1. Adiabatic oxygen
11. Pipette
2. Mold and briquette 13. Ceramic bowel. 3. Electrical oven.
(all are in gr). e. Put each sample into mold then press it. f. Dry briquette in oven at 65 0C as long
bomb calorimeter. 12. Glass steering presser.
in comparison of 4:1, 7:1 and 10:1
as 10 hours. Water contained testing Water contained testing can be done
14. Pincers
as follows:
15. Desiccators
1. Clean ceramic bowel is dried in oven 105 8
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i) Switch on the dynamo for turning the
2. Then that bowel is cooled in desiccators.
steering as long as ± 5 minutes until
3. Measure the weight of that bowel.
temperature become steady.
4. Put 1.5 gram of sample into the bowel. 5. Dry the bowel that contains 1.5 gram of
j) Burn the sample by pressing red button on ignition unit.
sample in the oven at 105 oC as long as 8-
k) Note the maximum temperature reached.
12 hours.
l) Turn off dynamo.
6. Take out the bowel and cool it in the desiccators. 7. Measure again the weight of bowel that contains 1.5 gram of sample. Briquette energy testing Energy contained in the briquette can be tested by using bomb calorimeter. These are
m) Wash inside of bomb and take out the bowel. n) Put washer water into beaker glass and titrate it with Na2CO3, 0.0725 N and methyl orange as many as 3 drops until liquid becomes orange. o) Release flash wire and measure its length.
the regency (Na2CO3, 0.0725 N and methyl orange indicator) and the procedures for testing: a) Clean and dry bowel in oven at 105 0C as long as 1 hour. b) Take 1.1 gram of sample. c) Fill bucket with 2 kg of water. d) Regulate the water temperature at 1.5 0C above room temperature. e) Cut flash wire as long as 10 cm and install it. f) Put bowel that contains 1.1 gram samples into oven and regulate the flash wire in order to touch the sample. g) Put 1 ml of water into bomb. h) Fill bomb with oxygen from vessel that
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION As shown in figure 4, fruit+leaf briquette, at any value of stuff-starch comparison, has the highest percentage of water contained than others. However, water contained of fruit+leaf decreases when stuffstarch comparison increases. This is caused by internal water contained of fruit+leaf briquette and the decrement of water contained in a row with increasing stuffstarch comparison is caused by starch's water contained. Water contained of starch is lower than that of fruit+leaf, so that briquette, which contains much starch, has lower water contained percentage as well.
has pressure of 35 atm. 9 Created with Print2PDF. To remove this line, buy a license at:
Figure 4. Briquette water contained
Because residue briquette has lower water contained percentage than others and
In the meantime, residue's water contained
fruit + leaf briquette's water contained
and fruit+leaf+residue's water contained have
the same behavior with that of fruit+laef's
fruit+laef+residue briquette's water contained
water contained. When more starch is added,
percentage lies between the values of those
water contained decreases.
both percentages.
Water contained of residue is the
Calorific values of several stuffs and
lowest one because residue, in fact, contains
briquettes are shown in figure 5 and 6.
very little water. According to the PPMJ-
Calorific value testing was done by using
NTB (Jatropha Oil Production Centre-NTB),
bomb calorimeter. Samples tested had each
that before being processed, Jatropha seed
mass 1.1 gram. Using equation (5), one can
has maximum water contained 5 %, however,
because of the long time, the ways of saving
while the length of wire burned can be
and the temperature where it is placed, seed's
determined by using equation (6). Calorific
water contained can rise until 9%.
value of a briquette (GEwet) can be calculated
After being pressed, Jatropha seed lose its oil
by using equation (7), while GEdry value can
and water contained and it becomes residue.
be deliberated by using equation (8).
( T ),
Thus, it is convenient that residue almost
As shown in figure 5, stuff of residue
have little water, so that it has lower water
has the highest calorific value. This highest
contained percentage than others.
value is caused by oil contained, which 10
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consists of carbon and hydrogen. It is well
so that although residue is mixed with starch
known that carbon and hydrogen have
to be a briquette, it still has higher calorific.
calorific value because they are unsure of
According to figure 6, that increasing
fuel. Therefore, this stuff has highest value of
the amount of starch in compound, decreases
calorific value of residue. This phenomenon Other stuffs such leaf; fruit and starch
is caused by lower calorific value of starch.
do not have calorific value as high as residue,
Starch has lower calorific value than residue,
because they do not consist of carbon and
so that residue briquette has calorific value
hydrogen. Mixing stuffs, although it contains
between starch calorific value and residue
residue for fruit+leaf+residue, do not have
calorific value.
calorific value as high as that belongs to
Unlike residue briquette, others have
residue, because fruit and leaf have lower
increment of calorific value when starch is
calorific value than residue so that when they
added more and more. It is evident that
are in compound, they do not have calorific
calorific value of fruit+leaf briquette and
value as high as that of residue either.
fruit+leaf+residue briquette increases in a
Figure 5. Calorific value of stuffs
row with increasing starch added because starch has higher calorific value than others.
In figure 6, calorific value of residue is higher than that of others. It is clear enough, like what has been explained above that residue contains carbon and hydrogen, 11 Created with Print2PDF. To remove this line, buy a license at:
Figure 6. Calorific value of several briquettes
analyzed, and discussion, conclusion can be revealed as follows: 1. Water contained of briquettes differs from each other, depends on what briquette stuffs are. 2. Water contained decreases in a raw with increasing the amount of starch. 3. Residue
calorific value than that of others. 4. Calorific value depends on the stuffs and the amount of starch. 5. Residue briquette can be used as alternative fuel.
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