Jaquet Droz 08-09 Catalogue

  • December 2019
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  • Pages: 67
SINCE 1738, A LEGEND IN TIME Since it was first established in 1738, Jaquet Droz has perpetuated the spirit of innovation and aesthetic refinement of its founder, Pierre Jaquet Droz. The first watchmaker to set up shop in Geneva, this ingenious inventor and man of uncommon vision conquered the royal courts of Europe and China with his stunning creations: fabulous humanoid automatons and precious musical watches. Expressing the values of the Age of Enlightenment, this ­elegant and well-travelled philosophy still forms the core of our identity. Jaquet Droz timepieces have always combined design, materials with the most unexpected mechanical refinements. The most elaborate complications are beautifully showcased with the purity of enamel or the lustre of pearls and precious stones. The Manufacture’s exclusive spirit is intact after nearly three centuries, as attested by its exquisite dials, made to order from precious minerals and rare woods, its ultra-select collections and its “numerus clausus” limited editions. At Jaquet Droz, we remain true to our time-honoured goal, namely, to push back the limits of the watchmaker’s art for your greater pleasure.





1721 Pierre Jaquet Droz is born in La Chaux-de-Fonds 1735 Pierre Jaquet Droz takes classes in physics and mathematics given by Swiss scholar 1738 Pierre Jaquet Droz sets up his first watchmaking workshop at a farm called “Sur Le Pont” in La Chaux-de-Fonds 1758 Pierre Jaquet Droz leaves La Chaux-de-Fonds to go and present his creations in Spain 1759 Pierre Jaquet Droz has his first audience with Ferdinand VI in Madrid. Pierre Jaquet Droz earns a triumphant success at the Spanish Court and sells all his creations. The money thus raised is invested in the creation of “Grandes Complications” watches 1769 Pierre Jaquet Droz is joined

Daniel Bernoulli, as well as studying theology at University


by his son Henry-Louis who has just completed his studies in mathematics, physics, science and art.

1774 Orders continue to flow in from around

the world. Pierre Jaquet Droz opens a second workshop in London with his son Henry-Louis, a gifted musician and ingenious design-engineer

1775 Presentation in Paris before King Louis XVI and Queen Marie-Antoinette of the three android automatons: The Writer, the Draughtsman and the Musician 1784 Pierre Jaquet Droz opens the first organised watchmaking manufactory in Geneva – his third along with those in La Chaux-de-Fonds and London 1790 Pierre Jaquet Droz dies in Biel 1791 Henry-Louis Jaquet Droz dies in Naples while travelling.

GRANDE SECONDE Its elegance is a promise of eternity. Never before in the history of watchmaking has boldness of design been illustrated with such nobility, while conserving the purity that all the Grande Seconde models have been reasserting for over two hundred years. On a single dial, the hours and minutes counter, off-

code n° 1 [ the “figure 8” ] Formed by two subdials on the watch face, this symbol suggests the rarity of limited editions and exclusive models produced in small

centre at 12 o’clock, embraces the second counter, situated at 6 o’clock, with echoes of avant-garde

numbers. Representing infinity and eternity, the number 8 is one of the Manufacture’s most distinctive and magical numerological references.

poetry, aesthetics at the very core of the identity of Jaquet Droz. From the 18th century to the third millennium, the Grande Seconde has been the eternal source of inspiration for the Manufacture of

code n° 2 [ off-centered subdials ] Design enters into subtle dialogue with movement. Jaquet Droz subdials play with Arabic and Roman numerals, treat each passing

La Chaux-de-Fonds: a timeless icon in extremely exclusive interpretations which evolve with time and

with each new collection. Outlined with pearls or precious stones and clad in “grand feu” enamelling or rare minerals, the Grande Seconde represents both prodigious history and the present moment and leaves the promises of the future to the imagination with the majestic elegance of its lines.

moment as unique, and often attract attention to the Manufacture’s favourite number, 8. In other words, they offer a new perception of Time.

code n° 3 [ mechanical heart ] The self-winding double-barrel mechanical movement forms the heart of each Jaquet Droz timepiece, making every hour a beat of life. THE MOVEMENT code n° 4 [ secret signature ] Invisible to the naked eye, a three-leaf clover is engraved on each mechanism. Only connoisseurs know where to look. All Jaquet Droz Founded nearly three centuries ago, Jaquet Droz has always incorporated cutting-edge watchmaking technology into its time-keeping creations. Jaquet Droz mechanical self-winding and manually wound movements are all engraved with a clover, the secret signature of the founder of the Manufacture. The bridges and plate are adorned with “Côtes de Genève” ribbing, while the luxurious sunray motif on the oscilling body is visible through the transparent case back.

timepieces are marked with this stamp, symbolic of the painstaking craftsmanship of their Manufacture.

GRAND FEU ENAMELLING “Grand feu” enamelling is one of the expert techniques that constitute the signature of a Jaquet Droz

code n° 5 [ “grand feu” enamel ] A mysterious kind of alchemy… The secret of “grand feu” enamel – a technique for master craftsmen to obtain a unique grain and

watch. Master dial-makers perform this operation entirely by hand, playing with fine powders and subjecting

them to fire.They alone know the formula to produce these dials, whose colour and texture are absolutely unique. Now Jaquet Droz is taking a great step forward, deploying the technical supremacy of its art to enable the use of black, the most intriguing of all colours. It has created Absolute Black, fascinating and mysterious, in a special process whose secret is well-guarded. The same holds true for “paillonné” enamel. These watches are masterpieces of decorative art, their gold motifs meticulously hand-applied to “flinqué” enamel and their chromatic magnificence underscored by the signature blue of the Manufacture.

unalterable beauty – depends at once on the skill of the artisan, the fineness of the powders and the strength of the flame.

RING AND BLUED STEEL code n° 6 [ blued steel ] At the Manufacture, skilled artisans guard their secret like treasure. Transformed by fire and the art of the craftsmen, the steel turns yellow, Featuring a play on colours, shapes and metals, Jaquet Droz sublimates its dials by enhancing them with

brown and violet before taking on the trademark blue of Jaquet Droz watch hands.

one or several applied gold rings, bevelled, drawn out and entirely screwed down by hand. This distinctive decoration is further enhanced by the brand signature blue of the Jaquet Droz hands and screws, achieved

code n° 7 [ hands ] Lancine hands are imposing and tapered. Serpentine hands have a slight wave to their line. But all Jaquet Droz watch hands, no matter what their

by the extremely delicate operation of blueing the steel.The craftsman responsible for this process works

design, are key to a personal interpretation of time.

with a hot flame and adapts the heat to the size and thickness of the hand. Thanks to his expertise and his keen eye, he will succeed in exactly reproducing the Jaquet Droz blue. Any slip of concentration or error

code n° 8 [ ring ] Applied and drawn out with a file, made of gold or steel, the ring secured to the dial with screws enhances its beauty and that of the subdials and

of judgement would ruin it all.

the hands.

NUMERUS CLAUSUS Throughout the ages, man has contemplated the stars and the most beautiful planet of all – his own – in an effort to elucidate the mysteries of Time. In honour of this endeavour, begun at the dawn of time, Jaquet

code n° 9 [ minerals ] Minerals are like the memory of the Earth and our galaxy. Whether they come from deep within the earth or the far reaches of space, they

Droz has fashioned inimitable watch dials from noble materials, treasures drawn from the depths of the

transform each watch dial into a fabulous journey through the infinity of time.

Earth and from outer space. These dials offer the poetry of meteorites crossing galaxies, the geometry of rutilated inclusions in quartz, the mystery of onyx, the dark gleam of ebony and the charm of Amboyna

code n° 10 [ “numerus clausus” ] Real luxury is rare. With its one-of-a-kind creations and its “numerus clausus” editions limited to 8 or 88 pieces, Jaquet Droz also

burl. The craftsmen at Jaquet Droz have used the substance of the universe to create magnificent watches

that mark each passing moment.This requires intricate teamwork between master cutters and dial-makers, who create fabulous “numerus clausus” editions limited to 8 or one-of-a-kind timepieces made to custom order. This is truly the world of Haute Horlogerie, an eternal quest for elegance and technical perfection.

masters the art of exclusivity.


Fragments of asteroid, pieces of


Nocturnal magic, the mystery of

Petrified dinosaur bone

The material

Hawk Eye

This stone carries the name of one

comet, lunar rocks, Martian stones. Meteorites

darkness, the absolute glamour of the colour,

of legends and the last trace of a story dating back

of James Fenimore Cooper’s heroes. Luminous

bear all the mystery and stillness of their long ga-

which carries all the others within. Onyx is the

millions of years, petrified dinosaur bone possesses

and iridescent, uniform or patterned with streaks

lactic voyage, as well as the most extraordinary

stone of blackness, eminently sensual. In keeping

all the magic of the fairy tales that we tell our

and in bluish or greenish grey, the Hawkeye stone

dream of all humanity: to embrace the universe

with its legend, the Greeks saw in it the body of

children. The extraction of this fascinating and

symbolises wide-open spaces and freedom.

in its totality and wear the mystery of infinity on

Venus and considered it the symbol of love – a

mysterious material is relatively recent, however,

the skin.

myth that still endures. For designers today, onyx

with the first petrified bones being aroused from

is one of the most evocative emblems in jewel-

their long slumber in England in 1677. The dream


was, at last, awoken…


Very few glassworks still hold


Light blue, clear, red, yellow

Lapis Lazuli

A favourite stone of Renais-

Petrified Algae

The history of our planet

the formula for aventurine. Bursting with crystals

or orange, spectrolite boasts a fascinating play of

sance painters and an ancient Egyptian symbol

comes to life on the dials of Jaquet Droz time-

formed in molten glass under the force of fire,

colours. Always changing and almost rebellious,

for the night sky, the azure blue of Lapis Lazuli

pieces. Reflecting the very beginnings of life, this

aventurine transforms the dials of our timepie-

yet forever loyal to a single standard: brilliance.

has always fascinated artists from the greatest

stone gives a silent account of the warm seas that

ces with its blue-black tint. Forged by the hands of

From golden yellow to deep blue, from opaque

civilisations. Just as its name implies – “stone” in

bathed planet Earth, whose biological richness

men and frequently compared to the philosopher’s

to translucent, this gemstone is full of surprises

Latin and “blue” in Arabic – this stone is a mineral

and lunar motion still seem to pulse through the

stone, aventurine holds the secrets of the jewel-

and asserts its rich personality and unique beauty

echo of the dialogue between Ancient Rome and

reddish streaks of petrified algae.

ler’s alchemy.

with confidence.

the Oriental influences of the Thousand and One Nights.

rutile Quartz

A rock crystal filled with


Forged by volcanoes three billion


The unrivalled sparkle emanating


Unearthed from the arid Namibian

titanium needles, rutile quartz plays on transpa-

years ago and, until now, never used in watchma-

from the numerous nuances of green is what gives

soil, Pietersite features stunning nuances of blue

rency and geometry.The stone of truth in Ancient

king, nuummite was only discovered in 1982. Very

this gem – often compared to a precious reptile

intermingled with light or dark veins. This gem

Greece and an everyday challenge for craftsmen

rare – eight thousand grammes are extracted each

skin – its name. Originating from Kashmir, Africa,

bears the fascinating likeness of a river estuary,

today, its precious inclusions evoke desire and

year – and extraordinarily iridescent, its deep black

but also Cornwall, Serpentine has never ceased

where the age-old mingling of waters opens its

passion, hence their evocative name:Venus hairs.

is adorned with colourful sparkles and its fascinating

to seduce artisan jewellers, who have occasionally

horizon onto the infinity of the ocean.

wealth of crystals vividly comes to life in the light.

dubbed it “the new jade”, albeit erroneously.

For two decades, nuumite has revived the eternal mythology of stones.

SETTING Jewellery watches celebrate Time in luxurious style. Since 1738, Jaquet Droz has forged an alliance

code n° 11 [ setting with precious stones ] A river of light in rainbow colours to intensify what is unique and essential: the pleasure of being and experiencing

between its superlative technology and the beauty of pearls and precious stones. For more than two

hundred and fifty years, its timepieces have set the standard for luxury watches as well as fine jewellery. That this tradition is alive and well is obvious in the dial ring set with pearls or rubies or the gem-studded bezel and horns adorning the Grande Seconde, a subtle allusion to the handsome pocket watches worn by 18th-century men of fashion. The art of the setter reaches its apogee in the spectacular dials of the Fleur du Temps models… in the gleam of gold, the fire of diamonds, the deep purple-reds of rubies or spessartines as well as in flawlessly cut sapphires and emeralds, each more rare and splendid than the next.

the moment.

THE WATCH CASE At Jaquet Droz, a watch case is like a treasure chest full of mechanical wonders to track time. The

code n° 12 [ watch case ] Knowing that each watch case is freighted with dreams and aspirations, Jaquet Droz has treated it with special care. Starting with its

smooth-polished case used for the Grande Seconde Marine recalls the portholes of 19th-century ships.

Handsomely curved and perfectly sized, it was carefully conceived to contain remarkable movements.This design expresses choices, desires and yearnings in the strength of steel, the majestic gleam of white or red gold and the unalterable elegance of the ceramic material. The Manufacture believes that each watchcase is absolutely essential, whether it has a screw-type back or comes in one piece. Each one undergoes no fewer than 80 different operations.That’s why Jaquet Droz prizes the hands of its master craftsmen above any manufacturing tool.

sensuous curves and contours of gold, steel or ceramic…

code n° 13 [ complications ] Stretching the limits of watch making to the frontiers of the impossible is part of the Jaquet Droz philosophy.That’s why the brand strives

to take the art of complications – whether tourbillon, chronograph, retrograde date or equation of time – as far as it will go.

COMPLICATIONS code n° 14 [ retrograde indications ] Time does not express itself in one dimension alone.This inspired Jaquet Droz to focus on all of the codes connected with its plurality, In a never-ending quest to surpass its own achievements, Jaquet Droz takes the inventiveness of its luxury watches – and the pride of their possessors – to new heights. This precious sunburst harbours sophisticated complications: tourbillon, minute repeater, equation of time, perpetual calendar, jumping hour or retrograde moon phase.

from the retrograde date hand to the indication of moon phases.

Les Collections

HOMMAGE GENEVE 1784 Representing a bridge between the Age of Enlightenment and the third millennium, the “Hommage Genève 1784” Collection by Jaquet Droz evokes the union of Haute Horlogerie and poetry, contemporary aesthetics and timeless appeal. Directly inspired by an 18th-century pocket-watch, the “Hommage Genève 1784” Collection is a reference to the luxurious and refined models created by Pierre Jaquet Droz in his third watchmaking workshop, opened in Geneva in 1784. In choosing this location, Pierre Jaquet Droz displayed a pioneering spirit, since his manufactory was the first ever organised in this city.

GRANDE SECONDE EMAIL Through the majestically intertwining and subtly off-centered time indications, the fascinating alternation of Arabic and Roman numerals and the union of two circles evoking the mathematical symbol of infinity, the Grande Seconde émail asserts its powerful personality through white or red gold case in a diameter of 43 or 39 mm.



Grande Seconde émail. Ivory coloured “grand feu” enamelled dial.


Grande Seconde médium émail. Ivory coloured “grand feu” enamelled dial.


Grande Seconde émail. Ivory coloured “grand feu” enamelled dial.

J014014201 Grande Seconde médium émail. Ivory coloured “grand feu” enamelled dial.



Grande Seconde décen­ trée. Black “grand feu” enamelled dial, winding stem at 4 o’clock. Numerus clausus of 88.


Grande Seconde émail. Black “grand feu” enamelled dial. Numerus clausus of 88.


Grande Seconde médium émail. Black “grand feu” enamelled dial. Numerus clausus of 88.

GRANDE SECONDE CERCLEE Two stylish subdials – one indicating seconds, the other hours and minutes – come together to form a figure 8, the symbol of success and infinity. With a ring secured by blued steel screws, this sleek dial features the decorative components of the Jaquet Droz signature. The entire cosmos is summoned to celebrate beauty and uniqueness, for these dials are crafted from rare minerals, quartz, onyx, meteorites or woven carbon fibres. The ornamentation on the Grande Seconde Cerclée dial, like a canvas for wonderfully mad designs, can be engraved by hand. An unusual way to express dreams and desires, transcend aesthetic conventions and explore unknown horizons.



Grande Seconde réhaut, ardoise. Opaline slate grey dial, silvered subdial. 18-carat red gold ring.


Grande Seconde réhaut, ardoise. Opaline slate grey dial, silvered subdial. 18-carat white gold ring.


J014013224 Grande Seconde cerclée médium. Chocolate mother-of-pearl dial, silvered subdial. 18-carat red gold ring and case set with 88 and 244 diamonds. Numerus clausus of 8.


Grande Seconde cerclée médium. Black mother-of-pearl dial, silvered subdial.18-carat white gold ring and case set with 88 and 244 diamonds. Numerus clausus of 8.

J014014247 Grande Seconde cerclée médium. Black mother-of-pearl dial, silvered subdial. 18-carat white gold ring and case set with 88 and 244 black diamonds. Numerus clausus of 8.


Grande Seconde cerclée médium. White mother-of-pearl dial, silvered subdial. 18-carat white gold ring and case set with 88 and 244 diamonds. Numerus clausus of 8.

GRANDE SECONDE CERAMIQUE Behind striking simplicity lies the conviction of absolute purity: with the Grande Seconde Céramique, Jaquet Droz fuses its historical expertise with avant-garde technology. Remaining perfectly faithful to the design established more than two centuries earlier at La Chaux-de-Fonds, this timepiece is adorned with the unique texture of scratch-proof ceramics. Whether absolute black, pure white or anthracite in colour, this material – unalterable once subjected to extreme temperatures – stipulates total excellence and exigency as a unique way of contemplating Time in three hues.


J003035201 Grande Seconde céramique. Black “grand feu” enamelled dial. Ceramic case. Numerus clausus of 88.

J003035206 Grande Seconde céramique, émail anthracite. Anthracite coloured “grand feu” enamelled dial. Ceramic case. Numerus clausus of 88.

J003036202 Grande Seconde céramique, émail blanc. White “grand feu” enamelled dial. Ceramic case. Numerus clausus of 88.

RESERVE DE MARCHE The art of Time also encompasses the moments that are yet to come. For this reason, the Réserve de Marche is equipped with an essential complication: the 68 hour power-reserve indicator. Charged with promise, this incarnation of the immediate future is produced in a “numerus clausus” of 88 models with two distinct watch faces: a legendary and elegantly refined dial in ivory-coloured “grand feu” enamelling and a sporty, decidedly contemporary opaline dial with just a hint of red.


J027034202 Réserve de marche, émail ivoire. Ivory coloured “grand feu” enamelled dial. Numerus clausus of 88.

J027035401 Réserve de marche céramique. Opaline black dial, red coloured power reserve indicator. Ceramic case. Numerus clausus of 88.

GRANDE SECONDE SW Sporty, impulsive, yet classically distinguished, the Grande Seconde SW personifies the very values of Jaquet Droz. With a fluted bezel, hollowed horns and a strap in vulcanised rubber, the audacity of the sporty design combines modernity with the robustness of an all-steel case that is water-resistant to 88 metres.The Manufacture visualised all possible forms of excess to create this exceptional model, from the patented folding clasp to the extraordinary lightness of the case. For on the racetrack of Time, the most glorious trophies are won by a mere split second.



Grande Seconde SW. Black dial with rubber treatment.

REgulateur A rare timepiece, the Régulateur by Jaquet Droz combines singular geometry with mechanical brilliance, classical Roman numerals with curvilinear Arabic ones and the magic of the number eight with precision time measurement. The subtle off-centered effect against the background of the “grand feu” enamelled or opaline slate-grey dial makes Régulateur one of the masterpieces of the “Hommage Genève 1784” Collection, celebrating the bold inventiveness and unique philosophy of the first Manufacture to set up shop in Geneva.


J018034201 Régulateur réhaut, ardoise. Opaline slate grey dial, “guilloché” silvered subdial. 18-carat white gold ring. Numerus clausus of 88.

J018034202 Régulateur émail ivoire. Ivory coloured “grand feu” enamelled dial. Numerus clausus of 88.

Grande Heure No two identical beings exist: for Jaquet Droz, the essence of each individual is a source of wonder, imagination and creation. The slender watch hand of the Grande Heure is the ultimate expression of such uniqueness. This timepiece is also the fruit of a seemingly unbelievable vision: to live time differently and to appreciate it in a new light, guided only by the elegantly tapered and blued-steel unique indicator. This piece offers a new way of finding one’s bearings in the perception of a unique moment…and of taking full advantage of it.


J025034202 Grande Heure, émail ivoire. Ivory coloured “grand feu” enamelled dial. Numerus clausus of 88.

PETITE HEURE MINUTE Like a painter’s canvas or a poet’s blank page, the dial of the Petite Heure Minute, a model that represents a historic milestone for the Manufacture, is a wonderful place for a creative spirit to wander. By locating the hour-minute indicator off-centre at 12 o’clock, Jaquet Droz merges functionality with the promise of infinite possibilities. Those of “grand feu” enamelling, whose singular grain and unique colour - both are workshop secrets - provide a magical surface for the application of numerals. Those of silvered subdials where onyx contributes enigmatic elegance, spectrolite offers shifting colours and delicate rings outline the interplay of volumes and materials. Expressing diversity through design choices, Petite Heure Minute showcases a permanent brand value: creativity.


J005020203 Petite Heure Minute médium, émail noir. Black “grand feu” enamelled dial. Numerus clausus of 88.


Petite Heure Minute médium, émail blanc. White “grand feu” enamelled dial. Numerus clausus of 88.


Petite Heure Minute réhaut, ardoise. Opaline slate grey dial, silvered subdial. 18-carat white gold ring. Numerus clausus of 88.


Petite Heure Minute émail ivoire. Ivory coloured “grand feu” enamelled dial, ivory coloured applied “grand feu” enamelled subdial. Numerus clausus of 88.

GRANDE DATE The date enjoys a sweepingly generous stage-setting, appearing in a double window through which twin discs respectively display the tens and units.


J016933206 Serpentine

J016933203 Onyx

J016933204 Aventurine

J016933207 Spectrolite


Grande Date météorite. Meteorite dial, silvered subdial. 18-carat red gold ring. Numerus clausus of 8.


Grande Date, émail ivoire. Ivory coloured “grand feu” enamelled dial. Numerus clausus of 88.

J016934201 Grande Date réhaut, ardoise. Opaline slate grey dial, silvered subdial. 18-carat white gold ring.


Grande Date émail noir. Black “grand feu” enamelled dial. Numerus clausus of 88.

J016934202 Grande Date émail ­ivoire. Ivory coloured “grand feu” enamelled dial, ivory coloured applied “grand feu” enamelled subdial. Numerus clausus of 88.

HOMMAGE LONDRES 1774 When Pierre Jaquet Droz opened his second complete watchmaking workshop in London, he provided a striking demonstration of his strategic audacity and his far-reaching vision. In the Age of Enlightenment, London was the commercial decision-making heart of Europe, the key business centre and the point of departure to remote destinations. It was from London that the Jaquet Droz models, made in this city, were to set off for Russia, Japan, China and Turkey. Jaquet Droz therefore dedicates its “Hommage Londres 1774” Collection to distinctive, urban and cosmopolitan watches with an elegant, edgy charm.

GRANDE HEURE MINUTE Jaquet Droz is introducing an original and distinctive watch with a steel case. Better still, the Manufacture of Haute Horlogerie is taking the liberty of issuing it in a “numerus clausus” limited to just 88. The other fundamental features of Jaquet Droz models are all present: Lancine-type hands in blued steel, smoothpolished rounded case with a diameter of 43 mm or 41 mm, engraved case, and domed crystal.The secret brand signature (a clover leaf) is also engraved on the movement, and the oscillating weight features the famous sunray motif, whereas the bridges and plates are adorned with the “Côtes de Genève” pattern.



Grande Heure Minute médium réhaut, noir. Opaline black dial. Numerus clausus of 88.


Grande Heure Minute médium, émail ivoire. Ivory coloured “grand feu” enamelled dial. Numerus clausus of 88.

L’Origine In its timepiece L’Origine, Jaquet Droz transcends the common perception of history with vision, transforming heritage and tradition into a consummate expression of modernity. With its contemporary lines and crafted volumes set off by clever light effects, L’Origine epitomizes the Manufacture’s talent for taking the best from each time period. It is a shared privilege, for this is the first steel Jaquet Droz timepiece available in a non-limited edition with centered hours, minutes and seconds hands. Even so, the watch retains its unmistakeable spirit of exclusivity.


J022030201 grey dial.

L’Origine. Opaline slate

J022030101 grey dial.

L’Origine. Opaline slate

HOMMAGE LA CHAUX-DE-FONDS 1738 As the creator of watches, clocks and automatons that were universally recognised for their elegance and finesse, Pierre Jaquet Droz succeeded in making people forget about the phenomenal complexity of the mechanisms and movements required to actually run his masterpieces. It was in his first workshop that Pierre Jaquet Droz began to specialise in the production and export of timekeepers endowed with “Grandes Complications” such as a piece of music, a songbird, or a mechanism striking “en passant” or automatically… The workshop in La Chaux-de-Fonds excelled in all fields of mechanical ingenuity. The “Hommage La Chaux-de-Fonds 1738” Collection is dedicated to “Grandes Complications” specialities.

LES DEUX FUSEAUX The complication known as Les Deux Fuseaux displays the reference time on the off-centered hour and minute counter at 12 o’clock, along with the 24-hour counter. Then comes the subtle appearance of the “other” time, time to see a loved one again, the local time (or GMT time) with its central hour and minute indication. In harmony with the Jaquet Droz spirit, the seconds are clearly displayed at 6 o’clock and, to complete the picture, a window at 3 o’clock indicates the date of local time (GMT date).



Les Deux Fuseaux réhaut, ardoise. Opaline slate grey dial, “guilloché” silvered subdial. 18-carat red gold ring.


Les Deux Fuseaux réhaut, ardoise. Opaline slate grey dial, “guilloché” silvered subdial. 18-carat white gold ring.

J015134202 Les Deux Fuseaux émail ivoire. Ivory coloured “grand feu” enamelled dial, ivory coloured applied “grand feu” enamelled subdial. Numerus clausus of 88.

Les Longitudes With its off-centered dials, bold lines and perfectly engineered mechanisms, Les Longitudes pays homage to Manufacture Jaquet Droz, founded in La Chaux-de-Fonds in 1738. Expressing the creativity and technical virtuosity of the master watchmaker, this majestic timepiece is a poem to time and space. An ode to here and elsewhere, recited in Roman numerals on the first longitude indicator at 3 o’clock and in Arabic numerals on the dial opposite.The spectacular minutes hand incessantly sweeps its centred dial, maintaining a playful tension with the serpentine date hand, very different in size and shape. Set off by a large, handsome 18-carat white gold case, Les Longitudes is poetry in motion.


J019034201 Les Longitudes réhaut, ardoise. Opaline slate grey dial, “guilloché” silvered subdial. 18-carat white gold ring adorned with “Côtes de Genève”. Numerus clausus of 88.


Les Longitudes émail ivoire. Ivory coloured “grand feu” enamelled dial. Numerus clausus of 88.

LES DOUZE VILLES London, Genève, Istanbul, Moscow, Dubaï, Aspen, Mexico, New York, Shanghai, Tokyo, Sydney, Azores... Each city has its pulse, its tension, its special times. Les Douze Villes houses a mechanical self-winding, double barrel movement with 68-hour power-reserve, jumping hours and time-zone indication on a disc. Thus, simply by pressing a pushbutton at 2 o’clock, the cities and their respective times appear in the apertures on the subdial.


J010124201 Les Douze Villes réhaut, ardoise. Opaline slate grey dial, “guilloché” silvered subdial. 18-carat white gold ring.


Les Douze Villes émail ivoire. Ivory coloured “grand feu” enamelled dial, ivory coloured applied “grand feu” enamelled subdial. Numerus clausus of 88.

LES LUNES A complete calendar model, Les Lunes is equipped with a world première in the shape of a retrograde moon-phase mechanism. It enables a display of the lunar cycle, interpreted as never before by a return to the point of departure once a lunar cycle is completed (every 29.5 days). The blued steel Lancine type hands indicate the hours, the minutes and the current period of lunation. The blued steel crescent-shaped hand shows the date around the rim of the dial, while the day and month appear in a large aperture.


J012623201 Les Lunes réhaut, ardoise. Opaline slate grey dial, “guilloché” silvered subdial. 18-carat red gold ring.


Les Lunes réhaut, ardoise Opaline slate grey dial, “guilloché” silvered subdial. 18-carat white gold ring.

J012624201 Les Lunes émail ivoire. Ivory coloured “grand feu” enamelled dial, ivory coloured applied “grand feu” ­enamelled subdial. Numerus clausus of 88.

CHRONO GRANDE DATE To grasp the power of each second and to measure oneself by the time that passes: these are the dual aspirations that inspired the craftsmen of the Manufacture at La Chaux-de-Fonds to design this sporty chronograph – the Chrono Grande Date – in no less than four versions, playing on the virility of steel, the subtlety of red gold, the elegance of opaline black or the unique texture of “grand feu” enamelling. Yet beneath the distinguished design of these exteriors, the movement pulses with each instant, combining form and content in an unprecedented example of watchmaking poetry.


J024030201 Chrono Grande Date, noir opalin. Opaline black dial.

J024033201 Chrono Grande Date, émail noir. Black “grand feu” enamelled dial. Numerus clausus of 88.

J024034201 Chrono Grande Date, émail ivoire. Ivory coloured “grand feu” enamelled dial. Numerus clausus of 88.


Chrono Grande Date, émail noir. Black “grand feu” enamelled dial, white subdials. Numerus clausus of 88.

CHRONO MONOPOUSSOIR Powerful and masculine, the Chrono Monopoussoir is the world’s first single pushbutton chronograph to feature an hour counter and hour-minute indication that are both off-centered. Supported by an extremely powerful dial design on which only the chronograph seconds hand runs from the centre, the column-wheel Chrono Monopoussoir features chronograph functions that are all controlled by a single pushbutton set into the crown.



Chrono Monopoussoir réhaut, ardoise. Opaline slate grey dial, “guilloché” silvered subdial. 18-carat red gold ring.


Chrono Monopoussoir réhaut, ardoise. Opaline slate grey dial, “guilloché” silvered subdial. 18-carat white gold ring.


Chrono Monopoussoir, émail noir. Black “grand feu” enamelled dial. Numerus clausus of 88.


Chrono Monopoussoir émail ivoire. Ivory coloured “grand feu” enamelled dial, ivory coloured applied “grand feu” enamelled subdial. Numerus clausus of 88.

QUANTIEME PERPETUEL The Quantième Perpétuel by Jaquet Droz is a full-fledged horological masterpiece. The interplay of the blued steel hands is particularly representative of this keen sense of melding Haute Horlogerie with poetry. The serpentine hands are reserved for the Calendar functions – months, days and date – with a double-retrograde indication of the day and date; while the Lancine-type hands are dedicated to the Time functions – central hour and minute indication and large seconds subdial at 6 o’clock.


J008333206 Serpentine

J008333202 Onyx

J008333203 Aventurine

J008333205 Spectrolite

J008333201 Quantième Perpétuel, émail ivoire. Ivory coloured “grand feu” enamelled dial. Numerus clausus of 88.

J008333201 Quantième Perpétuel, émail ivoire. Ivory coloured “grand feu” enamelled dial. Numerus clausus of 88.


Quantième Perpétuel réhaut, ardoise. Opaline slate grey dial, “guilloché” silvered subdial. 18-carat white gold ring.


Quantième Perpétuel, émail noir. Black “grand feu” enamelled dial. Numerus clausus of 88.


Quantième Perpétuel émail ivoire. Ivory coloured “grand feu” ­enamelled dial, ivory coloured applied “grand feu” enamelled subdial. Numerus clausus of 88.

LES GRANDES COMPLICATIONS “Grandes Complications” are the signature of watchmaking masterpieces. What could be more natural than to find them in luxury watches by Jaquet Droz, whose beauty is only rivalled by their technical virtuosity. Starting with the elegant design of its Tourbillon, available in a “numerus clausus” edition of 28. Jaquet Droz offers an additional outstanding complication – a minute repeater with a two-tone striking mechanism on request – in a limited edition of 8. Orchestrated with delicacy, musical chimes sound every quarter-hour in succession. It takes the genius of master craftsmen to make this major complication work: at regular intervals, tiny hammers strike bells inside the watchcase. As for the Equation of Time, a bluedsteel hand tipped with a sun motif indicates the difference between true solar time and mean solar time. In this fabulous creation, human craftsmanship enters into a dialogue with galactic forces.


J023033201 Tourbillon. Opaline slate grey dial. Numerus clausus of 28.

J023034201 Tourbillon. Opaline slate grey dial. Numerus clausus of 28.


J028033201 Tourbillon Réserve de marche. Opaline black dial. Numerus clausus of 28.


Tourbillon Réserve de marche. Opaline black dial. Numerus clausus of 28.

HOMMAGE PARIS 1785 A cultural and intellectual bastion central to 18th-century history, Paris has always held pride of place for our Manufacture. During the Enlightenment, its founder Jaquet Droz frequently visited Paris, where he presented his models to Marie-Antoinette, queen of France. Designated the capital of femininity, art and fashion, the city has been famous ever since for its jewellery watches, set with precious stones or pearls. Mysterious and enchanting, the “Hommage Paris 1785” Collection represents yet another milestone in our unrelenting quest to push back the limits of Beauty.

L’HEURE ASTRALE This timepiece is a dream in black or white and is even set with diamonds and other gems. Dazzling and feminine, L’Heure Astrale immediately projects both the radiance of its design and the purity of its shapes in a subtle asymmetry that is characteristic of Jaquet Droz. Showcasing an exquisite round case in 18-carat white gold, brilliantly sparkling precious stones and delicately shimmering lacquer, L’Heure Astrale is produced in a “numerus clausus” of 8 or 88 models only. This ode to femininity is a privilege reserved for the most fortunate.


J005014202 L’Heure Astrale. Black-lacquer dial, set with 178 diamonds. Numerus clausus of 88.

J005014203 L’Heure Astrale. White-lacquer dial, set with 178 black diamonds. Numerus clausus of 8.

J005014204 L’Heure Astrale. Black-lacquer dial, set with 50 diamonds, 38 pink sapphires, 30 blue sapphires, 26 tsavorites and 34 tanzanites. Numerus clausus of 8.

DATE ASTRALE Inside its 39 mm steel watchcase, the Date Astrale makes a statement in mechanical perfection infused with celestial magic. It boasts a complication marked by a diamond and a dial dedicated to solar splendour.With its pointer-type retrograde date display, this timepiece is beautiful to behold, with its off-centered hours and minutes subdial at two o’clock and its elegantly curved date window. Each month, without fail, this timepiece faithfully renews Time’s bright promise.


J021010201 black dial.

Date Astrale. Opaline


J021014215 Date Astrale Zodiaque. Opaline black dial, constellation of the Capricorn set with diamonds. Numerus clausus of 8.

J021014216 Date Astrale Zodiaque. Opaline black dial, constellation of the Aquarius set with diamonds. Numerus clausus of 8.

J021014217 Date Astrale Zodiaque. Opaline black dial, constellation of the Pisces set with diamonds. Numerus clausus of 8.

J021014218 Date Astrale Zodiaque. Opaline black dial, constellation of the Aries set with diamonds. Numerus clausus of 8.

J021014219 Date Astrale Zodiaque. Opaline black dial, constellation of the Taurus set with diamonds. Numerus clausus of 8.

J021014220 Date Astrale Zodiaque. Opaline black dial, constellation of the Gemini set with diamonds. Numerus clausus of 8.


J021014221 Date Astrale Zodiaque. Opaline black dial, constellation of the Cancer set with diamonds. Numerus clausus of 8.

J021014210 Date Astrale Zodiaque. Opaline black dial, constellation of the Leo set with diamonds. Numerus clausus of 8.

J021014211 Date Astrale Zodiaque. Opaline black dial, constellation of the Virgo set with diamonds. Numerus clausus of 8.

J021014212 Date Astrale Zodiaque. Opaline black dial, constellation of the Libra set with diamonds. Numerus clausus of 8.

J021014213 Date Astrale Zodiaque. Opaline black dial, constellation of the Scorpio set with diamonds. Numerus clausus of 8.


Date Astrale Zodiaque. Opaline black dial, constellation of the Sagittarius set with diamonds. Numerus clausus of 8.


MONTRES JAQUET DROZ SA RUE JAQUET DROZ 5 CH-2300 LA CHAUX-DE-FONDS TEL +41 (0)32 911 28 88 FAX +41 (0)32 911 28 82 [email protected] www.jaquet-droz.com

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