Japanese Vocab

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 5,416
  • Pages: 66
Japanese Continuers

Stage 6

Vocabulary List


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© Board of Studies NSW 2000 Published by Board of Studies NSW GPO Box 5300 Sydney NSW 2001 Australia Tel: (02) 9367 8111 ISBN 0 7313 4464 2 Internet: http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au 200065

Contents Page

Expressions Place names Numerals Days/Months Counters Suffixes/prefixes Prescribed kanji



love (to love)



greeting (to greet) ice cream period, time, interval, while to meet blue red baby bright, light


to go up, to enter [a Japanese house] autumn to give up, to abandon to get tired of, to become bored [with something]


to open (


accessories (to wear accessories)


to open


to give, to raise morning *

breakfast the day after tomorrow


leg, foot flavour, taste tomorrow to leave, to deposit, to get someone to mind something



perspiration (to perspire) over there to play, to amuse oneself warm 4

head new that way, that one over there hot [vi]

to gather


to gather, to collect

( )

( )

after, later, subsequently you elder brother [own] elder sister [own] that (over there) apartment, flat dangerous aborigine sweet not very rain to wash to be, to exist [inanimate objects]

* (

to walk


part-time job (to work part-time) that (over there)

( (

) )

( )

allergy (to have an allergy) ( *( )


relief (to be relieved) safety (safe) like that, that sort of



guide (to guide, to show around)


good to say house less than -




bound for [transport] to go how many?, how old? how much? ikebana [flower arrangement] opinion bullying, torment to bully, to torment

( )



doctor more than chair busy to hurry painful, sore to receive [humble] strawberry all day long the best, the most, number one when? sometime, someday anytime together, with with all one’s might full, a lot generally 6

always cousin countryside to disappear [animate objects] dog (


breach, offence (to breach) now meaning



immigrant / emigrant (to immigrate/emigrate) younger sister [own] younger sister [someone else’s]

( )

unpleasant (


earrings (to wear earrings) to go, to come, to be [honorific] entrance to be, to exist [animate objects] to need to put in, to make [tea, coffee] *

( )

colour various impression international internet



interview (to conduct an interview)

wool violin waiter waitress above, on, the upper part of 7

to plant (


waterpolo (to play waterpolo) wombat reception (desk)



to move rabbit cow, cattle behind





lie (to lie, to tell a lie) song to sing house, home, family beautiful arm udon [Japanese wheat noodles] horse skilful, tasty to be born beach, sea, ocean to be envious


counter, shop to sell noisy, annoying to be happy jacket


) (

luck (to have good / bad luck)


driving (to drive) driver



*( *


exercise (to exercise) sports carnival 8

* *

playground, sportsground

picture, painting air conditioner / air conditioning movie, film movie theatre *

English [language] influence

* * (

English-Japanese dictionary


nutrition (nutritious) station station lunch box escalator Edo [previous name of Tokyo],Edo period/era postcard great, extraordinary, superior to choose, to select, to elect lift, elevator yen [Japanese currency], circle engineer





excursion (to go on an excursion) pencil



to hesitate, to refrain, to hold back


nephew delicious, tasty (


celebration (to celebrate) return [trip, ticket] many, numerous big, large size, dimensions many [people] New Year’s Eve motorbike owner mother [someone else’s] sweets, lollies funny, strange, odd money


to get up, to wake up to put, to place wife [someone else’s], married woman present, gift to be late to send


to wake someone up pocket money to happen to get angry grandfather, old man *

to teach, to tell uncle [own] 10

uncle [someone else’s], middle-aged man (


bow (to bow)

( )

talkative, chatty to push, to shove late, slow awful, terrible, dreadful, fearful your house


to fall *

Japanese tea to say [honorific] change [money] *

toilet sound, noise father [someone else’s] younger brother [own] younger brother [someone else’s] male, man boy man New Year’s pocket money


to drop, to let fall the day before yesterday the year before last adult quiet, gentle, obedient dance to dance to be surprised, to be amazed



stomach (to become hungry) same 11

older brother [someone else’s] rice ball older sister [someone else’s] (


wish (to make a wish, to request, to ask a favour) aunt [own] aunt [someone else’s], middle aged woman grandmother, old woman opal obi, sash, belt [for a kimono/yukata] to learn by heart, to rote learn, to remember souvenir heavy to remember, to recollect, to recall memories, recollections to think weight interesting, amusing, funny parent(s) snack to swim origami [paper folding] to come down, to get off [transport] orange to fold, to break end to end music hot spring female, woman 12

girl woman

• (


card (to send a card) girlfriend seashore, coast meeting [business], conference accountant foreign country, overseas foreign language



( )



company, office

* *

company employee, office worker stairs tour guide guidebook shopping foreign borrowed words conversation to buy to keep [pets] counsellor counter to return, to give back to go home


to change [something] face *





to take [time], to cost [money] (


key, lock (to lock) to write to draw, to paint student umbrella to decorate volcano *

fire singer to lend gas number wind


) (

a cold (to catch a cold) )

cassette (tape) to count family [own] petrol petrol station shoulder person [honorific] hard, tough, solid katakana [script] to tidy up one way [ticket, journey, etc.] to win to be disappointed school term musical instrument 14

attractive, good-looking style, appearance school * *

activity home, family, household *

home economics corner wife [own] sad without fail fairly, quite a bit

( )

( )

rich she bag, briefcase kabuki [traditional Japanese theatre] wall



patience (to be patient, to endure) paper






* (


god, God hair


gum (to chew gum) camera *

subject [school subject] itchy


to commute Tuesday from [place], since, because salty, hot, spicy



karaoke (to do karaoke) glass 15

body *

karate to borrow light [weight] he garage calendar river side cute, charming, pretty pitiful, pitiable, poor thing

( )

instead of, in place of


to change to think [analytically], to consider kangaroo environment relationship, connection



welcome (to welcome) tourism tourist nurse *

kanji [script] feeling [impression] to feel

( )

simple, easy to persist, to try hard

• tree, wood yellow opportunity, chance 16

machine to hear, to listen, to ask [a question] ( )

danger (dangerous) climate to be audible, to be able to hear article [newspaper, etc.]



kiss (to kiss) season rule, regulation north



guitar (to play the guitar) dirty, untidy, messy *

tea room, coffee shop, cafe postage stamp surely, undoubtedly, certainly ticket commemoration, memory yesterday strict, severe mood, feeling hope, desire


to be decided you [informal]


to decide, to choose feeling kimono

( )






guest, customer, client

[shop] ( (

) )

cancellation (to cancel) camp (to camp) 17

suddenly express [train] beef milk salary today (



education (to educate) *


* *


* *



race, competition (to compete) brother(s), sister(s), siblings


) (

interest (to have an interest in) )

cooperation (to cooperate) last year

( )

hate step~, ~-in-law to cut to wear

( )

beautiful, clean smoking prohibited

( (





bank (bank employee) prohibition (to prohibit) neighbourhood blond Friday to pay attention, to be careful

• air-conditioner, cooler *

air 18


airport smelly whale





medicine (to take medicine) please [give me] fruit mouth shoe(s) sock(s) country, nation neck class, group cloud cloudy dark sportsground, oval classic class club to compare to repeat cricket [game] Christmas to come group car to give [to me] black



pain, trouble (to suffer troubles)


• (


plan, schedule (to plan)



experience (to experience) honorific language economy, economics police mobile phone cake



game (to play a game) drama, play *


theatre [drama]


injury (to be injured) this morning scenery, view rubber, eraser


to switch off, to erase result, outcome good [honorific]



marriage, wedding (to get married) wedding ceremony Monday but, however



quarrel, fight, argument (to quarrel) entrance [of house], front door

( )

( (

health, vigour (in good spirits, energetic)


research, study (to research) health (healthy) currently, at present, present [time]

( (

) )

( (

) )

kendo [Japanese fencing], (to do kendo) sightseeing (to sightsee) right(s)

• 20

* *

park pollution suburb



passing an exam (to pass an exam) (





( )


exchange (student) senior high school (student) crossroad, intersection


work, construction


public phone *

factory course coach


tea school principal *

school principal’s office




traffic accident school playground coat assembly hall police box coffee



public servant cola



* (


public (school) Golden Week national language [Japanese in Japan, English in Australia] international domestic 21

blackboard here afternoon [pm] heart, spirit morning [am] answer, reply to answer, to reply kotatsu [low table with heater inside] (


feast (to treat someone) here, this one, this way chef/cook parcel glass [cup] thing [abstract], fact this year word, languages child, children this the other day these days this area [around]



copy (to copy) *

meal, cooked rice to be troubled, to be in trouble rubbish rubbish bin to be crowded rubber comedy



golf (to play golf) 22

this after this, from now on to fall over, to trip scared, afraid [vt]

to break


to be broken this month concert this week this time, next time such as this, this sort of tonight



convenience store computer tonight

• service (


surfing (to surf) recently

( ) ( )

( )

the last (lastly, finally) the first (firstly, in the beginning) purse, wallet materials, ingredients


to look for, to search fish


to go down to bloom [flowers] cherry tree, cherry blossom composition

( )

sake [rice wine] 23

( )

sashimi [sliced raw fish] to invite soccer a little while ago magazine

( )

sugar * *

tea ceremony desert lonely/to miss someone cushion [for sitting on] lonely/to miss someone cold [weather] samurai warriors

( )

plate the week after next the year after next salad salary earner, office worker monkey to make a noise, to make a fuss to touch (


participation (to participate in) industry



agreement (to agree) sandal(s) sandwich regrettable, disappointing



a walk (to go for a walk)

• poem, poetry 24

letter, character (


game, match (to play a match)

( )

happiness (happy) CD, compact disc jeans chef/cook

( )

salt qualification square, rectangular but, however to be scolded time, hour timetable [school] ceremony (


examination (to pass an examination)



examination (to sit for an examination) accident

( (





self-introduction (to introduce oneself) job, work (to work) dictionary earthquake

( )

quiet nature under, below, beneath era, period, time underwear intimate, close (


unemployment (to lose one’s job) actually, to tell the truth, the fact is



failure (to fail) 25



question (to ask a question) dictionary bicycle *

vending machine to die for a while, for some time one’s own, oneself island sister school * *


sister city to shut, to close

( )

conservative [vt]

to shut, to close *


society, social studies


photograph (to take a photo) managing director, president of a company shirt to talk, to chat



( )

shower (to have a shower) ( )

freedom (free) custom, habit


religion address



employment (to find employment) juice judo weekend school lesson, class juku [cram school] homework 26

( )

( )

husband [someone else’s] prime minister




departure (to depart) capital [city] housewife hobby, interest kind, type order, turn



preparation (to prepare)





introduction (to introduce) ( )

( )

primary school (student)

( )

New Year primary school scholarship shogun [commander in chief]

( )

* (


honest common sense

( )

( )

good at novel



( (

invitation (to invite) )


( (

( )



joke (to tell a joke) horseriding (to ride a horse) healthy, strong, sturdy information

( )

soy sauce future * (


Showa era/period jogging (to jog) occupation




meal (to have a meal) 27

plant *

Japanese calligraphy to inform, to notify to investigate, to check up private school to know

( )

castle white shinkansen, bullet train population signal, traffic light * *

shrine [Shinto shrine] to believe family relation, relative

( )

kind * *




Shinto [religion] )

worry (to worry) newspaper journalist



progress (to make progress) close friend

• (


swimming (to swim) watermelon switch to be uncrowded, to be empty Wednesday mathematics



supermarket soup 28




skirt (to wear a skirt)


skiing (to ski)



( )

squash (to play squash) ( )

like, favourite sukiyaki [name of dish] at once, immediately few terrific, great, incredible a little, a few bit by bit, a little at a time to pass, to spend time

( )

sushi cool [weather] (


start (to start) much [more], all the way, all the time sour steak

( )

lovely, good looking


to discard, to throw away stereo strike, stop work sand wonderful, splendid spaghetti



speech (to give a speech) speed spoon sport trousers to live 29

sumo wrestling slippers to do, to play [games or sport] to sit down

• (



height (to be tall / short) character, personality





way of life, life (to live) century



success (to succeed) politics politician marks, academic result

( )

luxurious, extravagant pupil system government uniform a living thing, biology *

the West sweater, jumper world seat



cough (to cough) responsibility

( ) (

absolutely, definitely )

explanation (to explain) back [body] by all means narrow, small 30

zero ( )

to take care of someone, to look after someone (


election (to elect) last month the other day player, athlete last week teacher


not at all war centre




( )


laundry (to do the laundry) all, everything, the whole (altogether)

( )

Japanese rice cracker

• (


cleaning (to clean) sausages



discussion, consultation (to discuss) straw thongs there and after that, and in addition there, that one, that way



graduation (to graduate) graduation ceremony outside that beside, nearby

( )

soba [buckwheat noodles] grandfather [own] (


softball (to play softball) 31

grandmother [own] *

sky that and after that or besides, in addition to that about time, by and by



respect (to respect) like that, that sort of not that much

• physical education gymnasium athletics carnival (


( )

( )

university (student) ( )

hate, detest carpenter embassy all right, O.K.

( ) ( )

( ) ( )

love important, precious almost all, mostly usually kitchen typhoon very, terrible, awful towel high, tall, expensive height therefore 32

to hold in one’s arms, to hug a lot, many taxi *

taxi stand to put out, to send to help, to save just, free of charge


correct, right [as opposed to wrong] tatami mat to stand



table tennis (to play table tennis) vertical building for example enjoyable to enjoy to look foward to to request, to ask a favour



cigarettes (to smoke) *

trip, journey perhaps, maybe multiculturalism food to eat egg occasionally

( )

no good, not be allowed (no good, useless) to accumulate, to save to be enough, to suffice who? 33

someone, somebody anyone, everyone word, vocabulary ( )

( ) (



dance (to dance) gradually rice field, rice paddy





blood (to bleed) small, little cheese team


underground, basement near to differ, to be wrong nearby, closely


subway, underground railway *

shortcut the earth chicken [cooked]



being late (to be late) map father [own] *

locality, region, district

* *


( )

teacup, bowl (


care, attention, caution (to pay attention, to take care, to warn)



( )

junior high school (student) 34

junior high school China * (





car park )

parking (to park a car) order (to place an order) chalk exactly, just chocolate a little bit, for a moment

* *


tour (


about ~, regarding ~ (


* (


interpreter (to interpret) to use to be tired month, moon following, after, next to arrive desk to make Japanese pickles

[vt] (

to switch on, to attach convenience (convenient/inconvenient)

[vt] [vi]

to continue to continue boring that is to say cold [to touch] nail, claw 35

intention (


fishing (to fish) crane to take [someone along] to bring [someone along] to work, be employed rainy season [usually in June in Japan] strong

• hand T-shirt set meal disk disco date (to go on a date) (

polite table tape tape recorder letter to go out text to be able to do, to be completed as much as possible technology exit dessert therefore test to help, to assist, to aid 36



tennis (to play tennis) department store but

( )

( )


temple [Buddhist temple] to leave, to go out, to come out, to attend television telephone card


shop assistant weather weather forecast / report electricity

( )

typical e-mail train [electric]



tradition (traditional) emperor tempura [name of dish]






) telephone (to telephone)

• door toilet how?, in what way? why? at any cost, no matter what (




arrival (to arrive) tofu [bean curd]





zoo how?


the East, the Orient 37

road, street far away, distant toast *

street, road


to pass, to go along big city, metropolis time, when *

( )

sometimes good at reading especially, in particular

( )

special watch, clock where? somewhere anywhere place by the way year, age

( )

( )

old person library on the way, midway which one, which way special express train very who? [honorific] next door, next to which? [of 3 or more] how much?, about how many?, how long? to fly, to jump 38



to stop



to stay [at a hotel, etc]




*( )



friend (to become friends) )

friend (to make friends) Saturday



drive (to go for a drive) drama



playing cards (to play cards) chicken meat Shinto shrine gateway



effort (to make an effort) to take, to take off, to get dollar which? [of 3 or more things] crumbed pork cutlet fast, rapidly what kind of? tomato

knife [vi]

to be fixed, to recover inside long length to cry


to lose to die [animate], to disappear [inanimate] why? summer nostalgic, remember fondly 39

etc, and so on what? something nothing, not anything name to learn [vi]

to be in a row, to stand in line to become to get used to what? anything, everything

to suit smell bitter ( )

unskilful, bad at

( )

lively, bustling meat to smile west Sunday diary Japan Japanese food luggage to resemble, to be similar school entrance ceremony





entering a school (to enter a school) news according to~ garden 40

doll (




popularity (to be popular)

to take off [shoes, dress, etc]

a tie cat price fever (

) (

necklace (to wear a necklace) )

netball (to play netball) to oversleep sleepy to sleep, to go to bed, to lie down

agriculture note book, exercise book [vt]

to leave


to remain, to be left over later throat to climb drink to drink a kind of seaweed to change [transport]


to get on [transport], to ride to take it easy, to relax

• tooth, teeth 41


circumstances, case party barbeque hike, hiking violin haiku [Japanese 17 syllable poem] dentist stall, canteen, kiosk to enter postcard

( )

idiot (stupid) nothing but to put on [shoes, trousers, etc] museum box scissors bridge

( )

chopsticks [vt]

to begin, to start at first, firstly for the first time


to begin to run *

place, location to be shy, to be ashamed, to be embarrassed bus bus stop



basketball (to play basketball) to pass [tests, exams] passport 42

butter twenty years old *

to work pachinko [vertical pinball]

( )

showy, flashy, loud [taste] (


badminton (to play badminton) nose flower

( )

( )

flower viewing story to talk, to speak banana fireworks mother [own] pub quick, fast early woods to pay spring



volleyball (to play volleyball) clear [weather] evening, night bread handkerchief program [TV, radio] number *

dinner, evening meal handsome, good-looking



opposite, opposition (to oppose) 43

half month half year handbag hamburger half

• (

earrings [pierced] (to wear pierced earrings, to have one’s ears pierced)


piano (to play the piano) heater beach beer east to play [strings, keyboard] low picnic aeroplane lap, knee(s) pizza visa art [subject], fine arts art gallery secretary biscuit left video to be surprised to move [house] sheep ( )

necessity (necessary) 44

person terrible, horrible, awful *

people alone, by oneself plastic, vinyl spare time, free time, leisure free sunscreen hospital sickness hiragana [script] building

( )

( )


lunch daytime broad, wide, spacious, vast to pick up bottle pink


ping-pong (to play ping-pong)

• (


fax (to send a fax) computer games family restaurant to increase fork pool deep clothes to blow, to play [a wind instrument]

( )

complicated 45



revision (to revise) bag pig pork

( )

general(ly), usual(ly) * (


Buddhism [religion] football (to play football)


physics calligraphy brush to put on weight futon [Japanese bedding] ship

( )

inconvenient winter blouse platform (


present, gift (to give a present) furoshiki [a Japanese piece of square cloth used for wrapping/carrying things] to fall [rain, snow, etc] old [objects] professional

( )

Japanese bath culture literature grammar stationery


• Heisei period/era *

peace page vegemite

( )

bad at, unskilful



another, separate, different pet bed *



to reduce

[vi] (

to decrease, to become fewer )

bell (the bell rings) belt

( )

strange, weird penfriend (




study (to study) lawyer





answer, reply (to reply) bench

( )

boxed lunch convenient, handy, useful

• direction, way boyfriend foreign trade after school cap, hat (to wear a hat) boat, rowing platform 47

homestay homeroom law hall ball (


other, other than, besides I, me [used by boys] *

farm [grazing only] pocket sick room PD/H/PE



protection (to protect) to want, wish to have poster mail box thin



hockey (to play hockey) hotdog pop [music] hotel almost, mostly bone volunteer



bowling (to go bowling) book bookshelf

( ) (

( ) )

real(ly), true (truly) translation (to translate)


to become lost, to be lost front, before, previous to turn to be defeated, to lose grandchild serious, conscientious first of all unpalatable, unappetising, yucky, tastes bad again not yet, still town mistake to make a mistake * ( )

to wait festival straight until, as far as, up to window to learn to be on time



nail polish (to wear nail polish) manager to defend, to adhere to, to keep, to protect mayonnaise marathon round surrounding area comic, cartoon home unit centre, middle 49

meat pie to be visible, to be able to see to polish, to brush [teeth] mandarin right short (length) water swimming costume lake shop to show miso miso soup * [vt]

road, street, path to find green everyone south ear to see, to watch, to look milk everyone, all

to go to pick up a person to come to pick up a person old times, long ago the oppposite side, the other side, over there humid difficult 50

son daughter ( )

waste (wasteful) village purple

( )

impossible, beyond one’s power

eye niece business card (


glasses (to put on/to take off glasses) uncommon, rare, unusual to stand out menu



licence, (to get one’s licence) duty-free store member

already, now soon Thursday if ( )

rice cakes wasted, a waste, regrettable to have, to hold to take to take home to bring more to return [to the starting point] 51

thing [concrete] ruler monorail to receive forest, wood gate, gateway to complain problem, question, issue


greengrocer, fruit and vegetable shop yakitori [chicken on a skewer]



baseball (to play baseball) about, approximately



promise, appointment (to promise) to be useful, to be helpful vegetable easy, gentle, kind cheap

( )

( )

rest, holiday, absence, break, recess to rest, to be absent to lose weight at last after all, as expected, as I thought mountain


to stop [doing something] to give [to someone of lower status], to do soft, tender


amusement park gum tree, eucalypts, eucalyptus 52


early evening youth hostel post office last night

( )

( )

famous sense of humourr (to have a sense of humour) yukata [a cotton kimono] snow







export (to export) slowly (to relax) uniform





import (to import) finger

( (


ring (to wear a ring)




dream (to dream)

good (


preparation (to prepare) *

[Western] clothes well/often side, next to, horizontal budget program, schedule, plan in the middle of the night, midnight to call, to invite to read



appointment, reservation (to make an appointment / reservation) yacht 53

night to be pleased very well, that’s good weak ( )

( ) (

comfort (comfortable)


rugby (to play) radio Chinese noodle

* * (

science [school subject]


recycle (to recycle) reason





study abroad (to study abroad) overseas student fashion, craze dormitory fee, charge, fare parents [own] both



cuisine (to cook) *



* (

inn [Japanese style] )

travel (to travel) apple

not at home

example refrigerator history restaurant 54

report, essay lemon lemonade ( (


practice (to practise)


contact (to contact)

corridor, passage Roman letters, romanisation locker rock [music] ( )


word processor business shirt wine *


Japanese-English dictionary young to understand to divide, to distribute

* *

Japanese style room


Japanese food, cuisine to forget, to leave behind lost property I, me to cross to laugh, to smile bad



Oh! Ah! (


Happy New Year! (honorific) I say, um, well Oh! [female]



Thank you (polite incomplete/complete)

No, that’s okay You mustn’t Thank you for the meal/drink [said before eating/drinking] Bye!, I’m off!, See you later! [person leaving] Bye!, See you later! [person staying] Welcome! [restaurants, shops]

no [informal] yes [informal]

Well, let me see

Welcome home! Excuse me for going ahead [when leaving/eating before other people] Please go ahead, after you Excuse me for disturbing you Goodbye [sorry I disturbed you] Thank you for looking after me 56

Sorry I’m late Take care [to someone who is sick] (


Thank you, you must be tired [used when requesting something, asking a favour] May I have ~ ? / May I speak to ~? Good morning Good morning [honorfic] Sorry to have kept you waiting



Congratulations! Good night

Certainly sir/madam.

( )

( )

Take care

• (


No, thank you

( )


( )



( )

( )


Goodbye, take care How are you?

• (


Thank you for the meal [said after a meal] Likewise (the pleasure is mine) Excuse me, is anybody home? Sorry Good evening Hello, good afternoon, good day

Well, well now Well now [getting to the point] Goodbye 57



Excuse me, I’m sorry

Excuse me [incomplete] Goodbye [complete] (


It’s been a long time Well, well then

( )



See you again

Is that so? That’s right

• (


Are you all right? Hi, I’m home!

Please wait a moment

Well, well then

You are welcome What happened? What’s wrong? Please go ahead! Here you are. Thanks, Thank you, Sorry (

) Thank you very much [polite - imcomplete/complete]





How do you do? (Pleased to meet you)

It’s been a long time


Is that so?

What?, Indeed! [informal]

Look! There!

See you again!

Hello [on the telephone]

Welcome (




Thank you [in advance] [please help me in the future]



Give my regards (to )

Oh! Wow!


Place names (

) Asia Africa Arab South America Europe America England Italy Iraq Iran India Indonesia Holland Canada Korea Cambodia Greece Singapore Switzerland Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Thailand Germany China New Zealand France Brazil Philippines Vietnam Portugal Hong Kong South Africa Mexico Russia


Australia NSW Queensland Victoria South Australia Western Australia Tasmania Melbourne Adelaide Perth Canberra Darwin Brisbane Cairns Hobart Sydney Japan Hokkaido Honshu Shikoku Okinawa Kyushu Sapporo Sendai Tokyo Narita Ueno Ginza Shinjuku Shibuya Yokohama Nagoya Kyoto Nara Osaka Kobe Hiroshima Fukuoka Nagasaki 61

Numerals 20 99 100 1,000 10,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 100,000,000

10 11 12

Auxiliary numerals things



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 62

Days of the week

Days of the month (


1st day of the month












7th 8th

Months (

9th January












July August September October November December


Counters yen lesson/chapter days of month [dates] days floor no. of times school terms months [period of time] months [names of months] length of time kilo / kilograms kilo / kilometres small/round objects ages books ~ o’clock hours [period of time] school lessons / period weeks century centimetres cents general things marks degrees times dollars people years year level numbers ordinal numbers nights small animals, fish minutes long, thin objects flat objects ordinal numbers metres 64


* *


( *



less than bound for more than employee side ward about [length of time] [after boy’s name] prefecture language about [a time] [after names] city nationality past each made in ~ [after teachers/doctors] plural for people [after child’s name] during with / included half club shop

Prefixes (prefix for ordinal numbers) (prefix “every” for time) (prefix “next” for time)



Recognition only (50)


Body/Health Culture


Family/ Friends Nature

Numbers/ Counters Occupations






School Time

Transport/ Travel Verbs

Miscellaneous 66

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