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Pastor Jan Marcussen - P O Box 68, Thompsonville, IL 62890 - Phone 618-627-2357 - Fax - 618-627-2712 My web-sites are Reg6.com & HenryPotter.biz - My newest website is WBNS.US January Y2K+6



TIME, 2/14/05

are the

spirits of devils, working miracles


which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of

the whole world, to to the “dead.” TIME, gather them Exhibit #1. Talking Feb. 14, 2005. to the battle of that great day of God Almighty."

Dear SDA friends around the world, Read all the boxes in this letter. Then come back here, and we’ll talk about what’s happening. Exhibit #2. USA TODAY, 1/3/05. Faith: You’ve written that since the Vatican II council ended in 1965, “assassinations, demonstrations, frauds, and hoaxes have come upon us with rapid fire.” In this letter, we see that that includes spiritualism - into which God’s prophet revealed that the devil is sweeping the whole world. Pastor Jan: Yes. The articles brought to view in exhibits 1,2,& 3, in TIME, USA TODAY, and the Morning Sentinel, give just a tiny hint of the vast amount of spiritualism into which the devil is filling the minds of the people on T.V., movies, and many other places, as he is sweeping just about everybody into it - including most Seventh-day Adventists. Pastor Rolin Rock: I don’t believe it. Pastor Jan: A person can’t look at T.V. today without their minds being filled with it - both in shows and commercials - in such a tricky way that most people don’t even know that it’s spiritualism they’re looking at. As you know, spiritualism won’t reach over to grasp the hand of Protestantism, but Catholic infiltrated “Protestantism” will reach over the abyss to grasp the hands of both spiritualism, and fiendish Catholicism - so that under this “three-fold union” U.S. lawmakers will be influenced into passing the Sunday law enforcing the mark of the beast as predicted in Revelation 13. You’ve already learned that the leader of the church of Satan went and had a visit with the pope, and that Vatican clergy are so wrapped up with spiritualism that they secretly worship Lucifer, and {according to the testimony of the cloistered nun, Sister Charlotte - whose body the Jesuits dissolved in sulphuric acid in a Roman Catholic winery in the Napa Valley in CA}, Roman Catholic clergy and the poor nuns in closed convents who are tricked into wearing the black veil, are virtually atheists. To hear Sister Charlotte’s shocking testimony, before Vatican agents finally killed her, watch my CCA video #9. Exhibit #3 - “Woman sees dead people in People ask me to tell them what are the main things that are leading to CBS show.” Associated Press. Morning the devil’s Sunday law in our country. One of the big things {besides the Sentinel, 7/3/05. fact that Rome is regaining control in every facet of society - according to GC 565} is the rapid rise of spiritualism in the brains of almost everyone - in such a tricky way that most SDAs will soon cave in like Peter did - amid dead relatives appearing [who are really Satan’s angels in disguise] and receive the mark of the beast themselves - to be Sunday keepers. That’s one of the things spiritualism is leading to. Now I’m going to give you some quotes about this amazing thing, and then I’m going to show you some frauds and hoaxes of Rome and of spiritualism into which the devil is tricking millions of the dear people into falling - paving the way for his deadly law. Are you ready? Here we go.

2 “Spiritualism is about to take the world captive. There are many who think that Spiritualism is upheld through trickery and imposture; but this is far from the truth. Superhuman power is working in a variety of ways, and few have any idea as to what will be the manifestations of Spiritualism in the future. The foundation for the success of Spiritualism has been laid in the assertions that have been made from the pulpits of our land. The ministers have proclaimed, as Bible doctrines, falsehoods that have originated from the arch-deceiver. The doctrine of consciousness after death, of the spirits of the dead being in communion with the living, has no foundation in the Scriptures, and yet this theory is affirmed as truth. Satanic agencies personate the dead, and thus bring souls into captivity. “The signs and wonders of Spiritualism will become more and more pronounced as the professed Christian world rejects the plainly revealed truth of the word of God. . . .

The Spirit of God will gradually withdraw itself from the earth, and the prince of this earth will have more and more control over his subjects. He will show great signs and wonders as credentials of his divine claims, and through Spiritualism will work against Christ and his agencies. . . . Christ commanded that we should have no intercourse with sorcerers and with those who have familiar spirits. This class are represented in the Gospel as among those who shall perish in their iniquity. “As the Spirit of God shall be withdrawn from the earth, Satan's power will be more and more manifest. The knowledge that he had through being in connection with God, as a covering cherub, he will now use to subordinate his subjects who fell from their high estate. He will use every power of his exalted intellect to misrepresent God and to instigate rebellion against Jesus Christ, the Commander of heaven.

“Through the Papacy he has manifested his character, and brought out the principles of his government. Of this power the apostle Paul says: ‘Let no man deceive you by any means; for that day shall not come, except there come a falling a way first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. [As you see, Jesus now has His prophet to blend the discussion of the papacy with the discussion of spiritualism - because they walk hand in hand.] “Satan will use his agencies to carry out diabolical devices, to overpower the saints of God, as in times past he used the Roman power to stay the course of Protestantism; yet the people of God can look calmly at the whole array of evil, and come to the triumphant conclusion that because Christ lives we shall live also. [Praise God!] The people of God are to advance in the same spirit in which Jesus met the assaults of the prince of darkness in the past. The evil confederacy can advance only in the course which Jesus has marked out before them [Do you comprehend that? Amazing!]; every step of their advance brings the saints of God nearer the great white throne, nearer the successful termination of their warfare. The confederacy of evil This article and picture is from the 11/05/05 issue of will finally be destroyed; for the prophet says, ‘Behold, the day The Philadelphia Trumpet. In this 3 page article, it says, cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and “Pope Benedict is committed to reinstating the active observance of the Roman Catholic Church’s chief icon: all that do wickedly, shall be as stubble; and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall Sunday.” It says that he pushed Sunday observance 21 before over a million people in Germany. At leave them neither root nor branch.’ [To Satan] the Lord says: ‘I August the 24th National Eucharistic Congress before 200,000 in will bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour Bari, Italy, the pope declared that “the reinforcement of thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of Sunday worship is fundamental to his mission.” The all them that behold thee. All they that know thee among the word “reinforcement” contains the word “enforcement.” As head of the deadly “inquisition” for over 20 years, he people shall be astonished at thee; thou shalt be a terror, and never shalt thou be any more.’” [He will cease to exist forever! knows how. Of him, GC page 50 says, “He has been styled ‘Lord God the Pope’ and has been declared Praise God!] Signs of the Times, 5/28/94. infallible. He demands the homage of all men.” As “Lord “Through the two great errors, the immortality of the God the Pope,” and “another Jesus,” is he the original soul and Sunday sacredness, Satan will bring the people Santa Claus? If you want a copy of this amazing article, under his deceptions. . . . The Protestants of the United or any other article in this letter, just send anything to help cover the cost. Anything above that will be used to States will be foremost in stretching their hands across the help reach as many souls as we can with God’s last gulf to grasp the hand of spiritualism; they will reach over message as fast as we can. Sooner than you think, you the abyss to clasp hands with the Roman power; and under will see the real Jesus coming in the sky “with power the influence of this threefold union, this country will and great glory.” follow in the steps of Rome in trampling on the rights of conscience. physician who can heal all their maladies, he will bring “As spiritualism more closely imitates the nominal disease and disaster, until populous cities are reduced to Christianity of the day, it has greater power to deceive and ruin and desolation. Even now he is at work. In accidents ensnare. Satan himself is converted, after the modern order and calamities by sea and by land, in great conflagrations, in of things. He will appear in the character of an angel of fierce tornadoes and terrific hailstorms, in tempests, floods, light. Through the agency of spiritualism, miracles will be cyclones, tidal waves, and earthquakes, in every place and wrought, the sick will be healed, and many undeniable in a thousand forms, Satan is exercising his power. . . These wonders will be performed. And as the spirits will profess faith in the Bible, and manifest respect for the institutions of visitations are to become more and more frequent and the church, their work will be accepted as a manifestation of disastrous. Destruction will be upon both man and beast. . . . “And then the great deceiver will persuade men that divine power. [Unbelievably, as revealed in LDE 180, most those who serve God are causing these evils. . . It will be SDAs in the world will also be fooled by it.] “The line of distinction between professed Christians and declared that men are offending God by the violation of the the ungodly is now hardly distinguishable. Church members Sunday sabbath; that this sin has brought calamities which love what the world loves and are ready to join with them, will not cease until Sunday observance shall be strictly and Satan determines to unite them in one body and thus enforced; and that those who present the claims of the strengthen his cause by sweeping all into the ranks of fourth commandment, thus destroying reverence for spiritualism. Papists, who boast of miracles as a certain sign Sunday, are troublers of the people, preventing their of the true church, will be readily deceived by this wonder restoration to divine favor and temporal prosperity.” GC working power; and Protestants, having cast away the shield 588-590. of truth, will also be deluded. Papists, Protestants, and Hope: You said that in this letter more of the hoaxes of worldlings will alike accept the form of godliness without Rome and spiritualism will be revealed. Are you gong to do the power, and they will see in this union a grand movement that now? for the conversion of the world and the ushering in of the Pastor Jan: Yes. long-expected millennium. . . . Pastor Rolin Rock: I don’t believe it. “While appearing to the children of men as a great

3 Pastor Jan: You already know that the papacy is controlling the great labor unions. In Maranatha, p. 141, the prophet gives a warning concerning the cities {like New York where the paralyzing labor union strike recently took place} in the words - “The ungodly cities of our world are to be swept away by the besom of destruction. In the calamities that are man according as his work shall be.” It says, “He’s making a now befalling immense buildings and large portions of cities, list and checking it twice. He’s gonna find out who’s naughty God is showing us what will come upon the whole earth.” and nice,” [the pope of Rome] “is coming to town.” They’ve Who would suspect that Rome has anything to do with the made sure that children around the world have been great labor union strikes, and that the unions will help bring a conditioned to look more for his coming than for the coming great time of trouble such as the world has never seen? On of Jesus. the news, you saw the paralyzed cars and trucks sitting on the Faith: Where did the name of the ghost come from? streets of New York after the strike hit. Pastor Jan: The dead Roman Catholic man was called Faith: If God’s church members are in labor unions and “Saint Nicholas.” That name in German is Sankt Niklaus. In secret societies in the wicked cities, God won’t punish his Dutch, it’s Sinterklaas. Those immigrants to America said it people with the “uncircumcised” will He? like that. After a while, most everyone was calling him Santa Pastor Jan: Here it is - “‘Behold, the days come, saith the Claus. But that’s not all. Lord, that I will punish all them which are circumcised with Hope: Did the devil inspire a special mass to help the the uncircumcised’ (Jer. 9:23-25). . . . Those who stand under ghost take the place of Jesus in the affections of the world? the bloodstained banner of Prince Immanuel cannot be united Pastor Jan: Yes. Ironically, it was called “Christ Mass.” with the Free Masons or with any secret organization. . . The Through the years it got shortened to “Christmas.” It’s also time is fast coming when the controlling power of the labor interesting to see how tenderly our kind Father would have unions will be very oppressive. . . . The trades unions will be His people deal with this situation. The prophet said, “The one of the agencies that will bring upon this earth a time of holiday season is fast approaching with its interchange of trouble such as has not been since the world began. “The work of the people of God is to prepare for the events gifts. . . It is pleasant to receive a gift, however small, from those we love. It is an assurance that we are not forgotten, of the future, which will soon come upon them with blinding and seems to bind us to them a little closer.” Adventist force. Men will bind themselves together in unions that will Home, 478,479. How kind our heavenly Father is! He loves wrap them in the folds of the enemy. Trades unions will be “sweet family fellowship.” To read all about it, look up the formed, and those who refuse to join these unions will be word “Christmas” in the CD ROM of Ellen White’s marked men. “These unions are one of the signs of the last days. Men are writings. A person needs to have more tact when dealing with people one on one than when writing a letter to the binding up in bundles ready to be burned. They may be masses. The apostle Paul wrote strong letters, but because of church members, but while they belong to these unions, they the kindly tact he had in person, some people {in II Cor. cannot possibly keep the commandments of God; for to 10:10} called him “weak.” Many children have gone into the belong to these unions means to disregard the entire arms of the devil because their parents had no tact with them. Decalogue. . . . Those who claim to be the children of God are Marriages have broken up because of a lack of it. Fellow in no case to bind up with the labor unions that are formed or workers and fellow church members have been estranged that shall be formed. This the Lord forbids.” 2SM 139-144. because of a lack of it. When a worker is threatened, or Charity: I’m thankful that our kind Father has exposed treated with no tact, it can paralyze his mind so that he is not this plot for us. What other hoaxes has the devil and his able to work as well - and is thus made worse and less girlfriend tricked the world with? productive than before. It may be as hard for some SDAs to Pastor Jan: Hundreds of years ago, with the help of their accept the truth concerning the Roman Catholic church god, the Vatican hierarchy dreamed up a scheme to draw the tradition of this ghost as it is for a Sunday-keeper to accept hearts of the world toward the spiritualistic Roman Catholic God’s truth concerning God’s true Sabbath on Saturday. Church of Satan by means of the ghost of a dead man. This Because of long tradition, we must have much “tact” to deal hoax would be so tricky and powerful that most of the hated with the issue of the ghost. Protestants would eventually be fooled by it, and would unite Concerning the “tact” of Jesus, God’s prophet said, “He with Rome in it. Then the Holy See would transfer the [Jesus] possessed a tact which none of them had or desired to affections of the people from the ghost to the pope. have.” DA 87. Many today don’t desire it either. What is Hope: How could Protestants ever be tricked into uniting tact? Some people seem proud of the with Rome over the ghost of a fact that they have none. They think it dead man? Would this ghost makes them strong, and that to have it always be cheerful and joyful? Dear A. Jan Marcussen, is to be “weak” like Jesus or Paul. I I found the book “National Sunday Would he be always seeking to guarantee you that if you are going to Law” in the Laundromat. Since I read it make people happy? Would this my life has changed completely. I have be in heaven where Jesus is, you’ll ghost have supernatural powers been a very fervent Catholic, hearing the need to let Him give it to you and like God and be able to fly like mass every day. Since I read your book, develop it in you. Those who refuse to Him in a chariot [Ps. 68:17 cf. Ps. I’ve stopped that practice. I threw all my receive this lovely gift from Him will statues and pictures of the saints into the 18:10] through the sky? Would be in big trouble when He comes. If dumpster. I renounce the Catholic people around the world be tricked church and the Catholic faith. This has you want to study “tact,” look up the into praying to the ghost of this hurt me terribly, but I prefer to please word in the CD ROM of Ellen White’s Roman Catholic “saint” in verbal God. Today I told God that I am going to writings. There’s more to this ghost prayers, written prayers, and in be His worker. Please send me as many thing than meets the eye. I told you songs? Would Rome work the “National Sunday Law” books as you that the whole hoax is to transfer can. Cordially, Ruth Rodriquez ghost into the minds of the world people’s affections from the generous with such joyful, hypnotic power ghost to the generous pope. The pope that he would be venerated by the was shown on CNN - {Dec. 21} riding around wearing a red masses more than Jesus? Would the ghost have the Santa Claus suit. The news reporter said that the “original” supernatural power to see and hear through walls from Santa Claus hat “was worn by many of the popes.” I’ve seen thousands of miles away; never sleep; and like God and the a picture of Pope Leo III {of Martin Luther’s time} wearing Roman Catholic Rush Limbaugh, would the ghost be alla Santa Claus suit. The news confirmed to me that the pope seeing, all caring, and all-knowing? is the original Santa Claus, whom Rome planned to be Pastor Jan: Recently, I heard one of the prayer songs to venerated in the minds of the people as the all-knowing, all the Roman Catholic ghost. It goes like this - “He sees you loving, all caring, all seeing one “‘who opposeth and exalteth when you’re sleeping. He knows when you’re awake. He himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so knows if you’ve been bad or good.” Before giving this warning to be good, the Roman Catholic prayer song gave this that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.’” GC 49. warning, “You’d better watch out, you’d better not cry. You’d better not pout, I’m telling you why,” [the Roman Charity: Does it bother the devil that most people know Catholic ghost god] “is coming to town.” Like the God of that there is really no Santa Claus, even though they sing, heaven, the song reveals that the ghost god also has an talk, and act as if there were - with pictures of him in their investigative judgement before he comes - to “reward every homes, cards, etc., and statues of him in their yards?

4 hard enough against the mention of God in public Pastor Jan: It doesn’t bother the devil for people to buildings, and any day of rest, seemingly trying to kick joyfully talk and act a lie, for he knows that “All liars shall God out of the country under the pretense of the separation have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and of church and state. Vatican agents in brimstone: which is the second high places are constantly using this death.” Revelation 21:8. And law of “action and opposite reaction” there’s also a second reason. Dear Pastor Marcussen, I’m writing to tell you that I received to manipulate the minds of the masses The second reason is that the the “National Sunday Law” book in the toward the coming Sunday law {See devil knows that when the mail and now I am a Seventh-day Ev 233}. Much of it is still under the human mind sings and talks Adventist! Praise God’s holy name! I’m surface. about a godlike person who does reading as much as I can about His soon, Much work was accomplished by not exist, and then sees a godlike great coming. Please send any list you the Vatican in the Second Vatican person [the pope] who does exist might have concerning a good diet. I praise Him that I’m now worshiping God Council held in Rome from 1963- riding around dressed up like on His true and holy Sabbath day. God 1965. Here’s what’s been happening the one they are singing and bless you and your ministry for Him. 1963-1965 - - The Second Vatican talking about - the human mind Your brother in Christ, Richard Murphy, Council is held in Rome. The Exhas the “collusion effect,” and Philadelphia, PA Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera, was in turns it’s affections to the attendance. When the Supreme Jesuit godlike person who does exist. General {the Black Pope} announced Amazing! Rome and her that this was the last thrust of the final “Inquisition,” the exboyfriend are smarter than we are. Jesuit priest’s face turned pale. He knew that in this It’s no accident that the Pope was riding around in a red council, plans were made, and were about to be put into Santa Claus suit to be seen on T.V. before the entire world! practice for Rome to take over America and destroy true And it’s no accident that he spoke recently to 200,000 in Protestantism - {which is true Seventh-day Adventism - the Bari, Italy. That’s the very city which honors St. Nicolas and where his bones are buried! The Vatican knew that the very ones who are able to effectually protest against the “collusion effect” would take place, and people’s affections final Sunday exultation work of the Vatican according to would be transferred to him - so that both the one who does Rev. 13:15-17.} What comes next, is a result of the secret working of that council. Obedient not exist, and the one who does exist Jesuits immediately go out from that would take the place of our Lord Dear Pastor Jan Marcussen, council, and the world starts to see Jesus in the hearts of the people. My husband shared one of the NSL 1965 - - The change of the music In Great Controversy, p. 73, books with a co-worker, and that man to a mind-bending style which is to Jesus reveals that the papacy taught became so enthusiastic that he asked eventually warp the minds of first people that Jesus is “stern, gloomy, my husband to give him more NSL books to share with others, including young people, then old people, and and forbidding. The Saviour was his Sunday pastor. Now that Sunday finally church people. represented as so far devoid of pastor wants “you” to come to his 1968 - - The Supreme Court rules sympathy with man in his fallen church to speak to his congregation! that a state cannot ban the teaching of state that the mediation of priests Pastor Marcussen, isn’t this just evolution in public schools. Rome and saints must be invoked.” Thus lovely? Jesus Christ is coming soon hates the Bible. The Vatican hierarchy Rome piously implies that God and and I’m so excited!!! May God bless and keep you. Angela secretly worships Lucifer and Jesus are the “bad God,” and dead demons, and they secretly promote people like “Saint Nicolas” = “Good evolution in order to get rid of faith in St. Nick” are the “good god.” If the Bible and the teaching of God’s holy Sabbath of they can’t pray to God or Jesus, they can pray to “Good St. creation. The Jesuits and their demon god know that if {in Nick” = Santa Claus, who in turn can pray to God for them - to have mercy on them and lessen their years in the flames the minds of the people} there is no creation, then there is no Sabbath of creation. {How long would it be before they of purgatory. Before the pope knew him, Martin Luther would ban the mention of God in public schools? Would it said, “Why doesn’t the pope empty purgatory out of pure come in December of 2005 and be reported on the BBC? charity?” The pope said, “What drunken German wrote that?” So here’s the pope - who has been called “Lord God 1980 - - The Supreme Court ruled that posting the Ten the Pope” {GC 679} riding around dressed like good St. Commandments in schools was unconstitutional. {Rome Nick, “the good god,” and oh how happy it makes hundreds knows that one day they will be tricking “Protestant” of millions to pray now also to the pope! “And his deadly America into enforcing Rome’s day of the sun. But first, wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the they must use the law of the mind called “Action and beast.” Rev. 13:3. opposite reaction.” Satan will move upon the ungodly Lately, you’ve probably heard about the big fight in the masses to give a push against God and His law - news over Christmas. You’ve probably noticed that no knowing that the reaction will come to enforce Rome’s Christmas songs about Jesus were heard on the radio or in the stores. The devil’s work is so strong now that you won’t twisted version of it at the enforcement of the Sunday law. 1985 - - The Supreme Court ruled that a state law hear songs about the babe of Bethlehem - like “Silent enforcing a moment of silence is unconstitutional. Night,” “Away in a Manger,” etc. like you did just a few {Agents of Rome know that anyone can take a moment of years ago on the radio. Time now is so short that the devil silence at any time. But by tricking a state into trying to and his atheist Vatican girlfriend have been able to get rid enforce it, and then have it struck of them in one of their final thrusts to down, will [in the people’s minds} manipulate toward enforcing the Dear Sir, bring an opposite “reaction,” and serve mark of the beast. I received a copy of “National the Vatican’s purpose in her zig zag Faith: How could the getting rid Sunday Law” in my newspaper box of the mention of Jesus in Christmas chess game to manipulate minds to with my Sunday paper. I couldn’t songs, or God in schools at any time, accept the enforcement of Sunday - the put the book down! I have read be leading to the Sunday law to Revelation over and over trying to “mark” of her authority. understand. Your book has enforce the mark of the beast? 1987 - - The Supreme Court ruled answered all my questions. I can’t Pastor Jan: Through the law of that a state law requiring equal wait to get your follow-up book, “action and opposite reaction.” They treatment for creationism has a “Great Controversy.” Yes, Praise are now giving a push to supposedly God! What a Saviour! religious purpose and is therefore uphold the separation of church and unconstitutional. Not many see in state - while openly getting rid of the He doesn’t know that the paper boy these manipulations, Rome’s use of the mention of God in public buildings - did not put the NSL preacher in with law of “action and opposite reaction” his newspaper. It was a faithful SDA moving the nation toward being like on the mind of society. who is {as dear Jesus said to be} atheist Russia - knowing that an “wise as serpents and harmless as 1989 - - The Supreme Court ruled “opposite reaction” will come - to doves.” When it comes to soulthat a nativity scene displayed inside a push “for” Roman Catholic practices winning, most people are wise as government building violates the and traditions - which will soon doves and harmless as serpents. “Establishment Clause” and is Because this faithful SDA received include the honoring of the day of wisdom from Jesus, the above dear therefore unconstitutional. the sun - after papal controlled can be in heaven instead of 1992 - - The Supreme Court ruled groups like the ACLU fight long and person hell. Praise God!

5 the world like pancakes, the devil that prayer at public school Dear Pastor Jan, will be hopping mad. graduation ceremonies violates I’m a truck driver. I find NSL books lying the Establishment Clause and is Pastor Jan: Who cares about here and there in truck stops, and all over the therefore unconstitutional. [As country. Wherever I go, I also find that people him?! ( have become Seventh-day Adventists from Rome turned France into an The prophet of God cries out reading it. Some Pastors can’t believe it. They atheistic state, some of her force “Fearful sights of a supernatural say they’ve heard this or that. I say “Buddy, are pushing the U.S. in that character will soon be revealed in you’ve received mis-information. Read it for direction before the “opposite the heavens, in token of the yourself! Look at the fruits. Thousands are reaction” will allow other of her becoming SDAs because of it.” I visited one power of miracle-working agents to enforce her Sunday law church recently and discovered that over a demons. The spirits of devils will dozen young people had come into the church - to bring “peace and safety” go forth to the kings of the earth because of reading the NSL book. They are amid the terrorism, chaos, death, and to the whole world, to fasten on fire for God and are not just warming war, crime, and horrors brought them in deception, and urge them pews. I thought that you would like to know on by her own masonic, papal on to unite with Satan in his last these things. May God continue to bless you controlled agents. in reaching many souls. struggle against the government 2000 - - The Supreme Court of heaven. By these agencies, ruled that student led prayers at rulers and subjects will be alike public school football games deceived.” GC 624. May dear violate the Establishment Clause, and are therefore Jesus give us his tender love for souls - to reach the dear unconstitutional. people before the devil can kill them! I will still give my 2005 - - I heard on BBC news that the court in PA just entire 15 part CCA video series free to all who get 1000 “ruled that children in Pennsylvania cannot be taught that NSL preachers for a donation of 39¢ each with free life was created by God “ Amazing! In 1968, the Supreme shipping in the U.S. to help save souls. Some desire a tollCourt ruled that they cannot ban the teaching of godless free number to use a credit card. That number is 877-439evolution. Beside that statement I asked, “How long will it 4800. be before they ban the mention of One great hoax the devil is using to God Himself?” Here it is! As trick people, is the papal thinking that Dear Pastor Marcussen, Sister White said, they start by our kind Father and dear Jesus only Greetings from Nigeria. I am thrilled thinking good of all evil, and end condemn them; that they are too bad at what I am about to tell you. I received by thinking evil of all good. to be saved, and that they might as the NSL books that you sent and I also have an article on this distributed them here. They read them, well quit praying. That very hoax has case by the Associated Press - as and Immediately 14 people accepted the led the dear people to pray to “Good written in World Net Daily. If Lord Jesus as their own personal St. Nick” and other dead people. Saviour. Praise the Lord. We are so you want that whole amazing Pastor Jan: The testimony of Jesus thankful for your faithful service. The article, or any article in this letter, exposes that hoax also. Look at these starving community here are most just send anything to help cover wonderful thingshungry for the word of God, and your the cost. Anything above that will “Prayer is the opening of the heart contribution has provided a spiritual be used to help us reach as many to God as to a friend. . . Prayer does banquet. I know that God is preparing a souls as fast as we can with God’s not bring God down to us, but brings work for me. I was jailed for preaching, mighty three angels’ messages and converting a Muslim to Christ. [But us up to Him. [Jesus] directed them to before the devil can trick the poor the devil hurt his own self because this present their daily needs before God, people into receiving the mark of prison has been my mission field, and and to cast all their care upon Him. the beast. the books can say what a living preacher And the assurance He gave them that can’t.] When I get out of here in just three Now five of the nine justices on their petitions should be heard, is weeks, I will enter into the full time the U.S. Supreme Court are assurance also to us. . . ministry. In His service, Michael Roman Catholics, including “Our heavenly Father waits to Justice elect Alito - giving the bestow upon us the fullness of His Vatican men the majority. In GC blessing. It is our privilege to drink 581, the prophet warned that if Protestants in the U.S. didn’t largely at the fountain of boundless love. What a wonder it wake up, it would be “too late to escape the snare.” I’m is that we pray so little! God is ready and willing to hear the telling you that it is now too late for America to escape sincere prayer of the humblest of His children. . . Rome’s snare. “The darkness of the evil one encloses those who neglect Brownson’s Review, 5/64 said, “Undoubtedly it is the to pray. . . . Why should the sons and daughters of God be intention of the Pope to possess this country. In this reluctant to pray, when prayer is the key in the hand of faith intention he is aided by the Jesuits, and all the Catholic to unlock heaven's storehouse, where are treasured the prelates and priests.” boundless resources of Omnipotence? The adversary seeks The prophet of God cries out - “The papacy is just what continually to obstruct the way to the mercy seat, that we prophecy declared that she would be, the apostasy of the may not by earnest supplication and faith obtain grace and latter times.” GC 571. [Do you comprehend that?] power to resist temptation. . . Faith: “Omega” is the “last” “‘Ask, and it shall be given you.’ ‘He Dear Sir: letter of the Greek alphabet. The that spared not His own Son, but Your book “National Sunday Law” “Alpha” of apostasy had to do with delivered Him up for us all, how shall is incredibly revealing, fascinating, a pantheistic spiritualism. After He not with Him also freely give us all God-blessed eye-opener. I can’t find speaking of the Alpha, the prophet words to describe it! I am – or things?’ Matthew 7:7; Romans 8:32. said, “The Omega would follow in a should I say, “was” – a Roman “Our own merit [or praying to ‘Good Catholic. So I can’t be but extremely little while. I tremble for our St. Nick’ or to the smiling pope] will shocked at the revelation of your people.” 1SAT 341. “The latter never commend us to the favor of God; book. I thank God on my knees that times?” Since Rome and it is the worthiness of Jesus that will it came into my hands. And not only spiritualism are all wrapped up that, I thank God that he chosen me save us, His blood that will cleanse us. . together, and Rome is “the apostasy for this revealing moment when I “The assurance is broad and learned these wonderful things. I of the latter times,” does it have unlimited, and He is faithful who has want to share a knowledge of this anything to do with the Omega of promised. . . God is too wise to err, and truth with my family and those I love, apostasy in the latter times? too good to withhold any good thing that they too may have the “seal of Pastor Jan: If you watch my 15 God” stamped in their foreheads. from them that walk uprightly. Then do part CCA video series, you’ll get a Thank you again, and may our not fear to trust Him, . . Rely upon His blessed Lord and Savior bless you hint. Even if you’ve watch them sure promise, ‘Ask, and it shall be given always. Luciano before, facts that went over your you.’ [He died for you. He loves you!] head will jump out at you. The “Through sincere prayer we are prophet saw things in vision that brought into connection with the mind of you will see on there. By God’s the Infinite. We may have no remarkable evidence at the grace, in just a few weeks, they will be available on DVD. time that the face of our Redeemer is bending over us in And you have my permission to make copies of them for compassion and love, but this is even so. We may not feel thousands of others who are sleeping in the dark. His visible touch, but His hand is upon us in love and Hope: If tens of thousands of copies of them sail around pitying tenderness. [Praise God!]

6 “It was thus that Enoch walked with God. These silent prayers rise like precious Dear Pastor Jan, I was incense before the throne of grace. Satan cannot overcome him whose heart is thus born a Roman Catholic, but a friend gave me your stayed upon God. [Wonderful!] book “National Sunday “There is nothing that can prevent us from lifting up our hearts in the spirit of Law.” It changed my life earnest prayer. In the crowds of the street, in the midst of a business engagement, we forever! I’ve become a may send up a petition to God and plead for divine guidance. Seventh-day Adventist. God bless you! “Those whose hearts are open to receive the support and blessing of God will walk in a holier atmosphere than that of earth and will have constant communion with heaven. Dear Sir, “Keep your wants, your joys, your sorrows, your cares, and your Several weeks ago I felt led to go to a certain store near me. While there, fears before God. You cannot burden Him; you cannot weary Him. my husband picked up a small book [Praise God!] He who numbers the hairs of your head is not indifferent from the information counter. It was to the wants of His children. ‘The Lord is very pitiful, and of tender the book “National Sunday Law.” mercy.’ James 5:11. When I discovered it later at home, I sat “Nothing is too great for Him to bear, for He holds up worlds. down to read it and did not stop until I had finished reading it all. Everything Nothing that concerns our seemed as clear as day to me. It peace is too small for Him to seemed that years of study had led me notice. There is no chapter in We now have about 90% of to just the edge of this truth. [This book our experience too dark for what we need to reach another brought me over the line.] The history million souls in the great city of Him to read; there is no and documentation are such a blessing Miami before it’s under the to me. I immediately resolved to keep perplexity too difficult for Him waves. If our kind Father God’s Sabbath day holy. It was a joy. to unravel. No calamity can impresses you to help us to reach But I wondered how my Roman befall the least of His children, this goal, just mark it below. Catholic husband would respond. He Thank you so much for all that no anxiety harass the soul, no is a logic and philosophy professor. He you’re doing. May our Lord joy cheer, no sincere prayer read “National Sunday Law” carefully Jesus richly bless you and your escape the lips, of which our and agreed with me that with dear family. knowledge comes responsibility. So heavenly Father is unobservant, he left his lifetime church immediately. or in which He takes no He left the Roman Catholic church to immediate interest. ‘He healeth keep all of the commandments of God. the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.’ Psalm 147:3. [Praise [Praise the Lord!] We want to return God!] The relations between God and each soul are as distinct and full the inexpressibly great favor that someone gave us by leaving that free as though there were not another soul upon the earth. book for us to find. Enclosed is my “The soul order for more of them for others. may ascend Thank you. Thank you, and may the It’s planned for me to speak Sabbath, January 14 nearer Lord richly reward your work. at the Gallatin, TN SDA church. To have enough heaven on room, the SDA church will meet that day in the Station Camp High School auditorium at 600 Lower the wings of Station Camp Creek Rd, near Gallatin, TN, 37066, praise. [By and about 24 miles from Nashville. God’s grace, let’s do it!] ‘Whoso offereth praise Directions - From Nashville, go north on I-65 glorifieth’ God. Psalm 50:23. Let us with reverent joy toward Louisville, and get off at exit #95 onto SR 386 N. going toward HENDERSONVILLE/GALLATIN, and come before our Creator, with ‘thanksgiving, and the go 8.6 miles on SR 386. This SR 386 N is also called voice of melody.’” SC 93-104. Now VIETNAM VETERANS BLVD. After going 8.6 miles, Look at what our mighty God will do - “I saw jets of turn R. {east} onto SR 31E {it’s also SR 6, and is also light shining from cities and villages, and from the high called SAUNDERSVILLE RD} and go 2 to 2 ½ miles. places and the low places of the earth. God’s word was End at the highschool at 600 Lower Station Camp Creek Rd. obeyed. [Praise God!] His truth was proclaimed The title of the message at 11 a.m. is “When throughout the world.” 9T 26-28. Beauty Meets the Beast.” The title of the big This is what our kind Father will use His dear people meeting with the two giant screens at 3 p.m. is to do. What joy it brings! “The joy of the Lord is your called, “The New World Order, the Sunday Law, and strength.” Neh. 8:10. “Those who have held the the 144,000.” Bring food for haystacks. May God bless you! beginning of their confidence firm unto the end will be wide-awake during the time that the third angel’s message is proclaimed with great power. . . . The earth will be filled with the knowledge of salvation. [Praise the Lord!] So abundantly will the renewing Spirit of God have crowned with success the intensely active agencies, that the light of present truth will be seen flashing everywhere.” Ev 694. Praise God friend! Praise God! Your friend in Christ, Pastor Jan Please send me 1000 NSL preachers to help save souls for a donation of 39¢ each with free shipping, with the 15 part CCA video series exposing Rome’s attack on God’s SDA church ____. I already have them __. Send me 2000 NSL preachers for a donation of 37¢ each with free shipping, and to come free to the next one week medical missionary soul-winning school __. I want 100 NSLs for a donation of 53¢ each with free shipping __. I want 200 NSL preachers for a donation of 49¢ each with free shipping ___. Please send me the 15 part CCA video series exposing Rome’s attack on God’s SDA church for a donation of $10 per video__. Please send me Pastor Jan’s new book for young people entitled Cousin Henry Potter {and the Terrible Time Machine} for my donation of $15 ___. Please send me 2-9 for a donation of $10 each __, 10 for $8 each___. Please use this donation to help bulk mail NSL preachers to reach another million souls in the wicked city of Miami in the great 40 Million Man March _____. Number of books _____ videos ___ Amount of donation $___________ U.S. Name ____________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Address ________________________________________________City ________________________Zip_______ Make checks to M.V. Society of SDAs, P. O. Box 68, Thompsonville, Il. 62890 1.06