January 2009

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Join the Adventure…Bishop’s Stortford and District newsletter

the Big Picture DISTRICT ALL ADULTS FORUM A chance for all adults to meet and share views There will be a special forum for all adults in the District on Wednesday, 8.00pm 4th February 2009, Ferguson Theatre, Bishop’s Stortford College CM23 2PJ. ALL adults working in Scouting in our District are welcome. This includes all Leaders, Section Assistants, Group Executive members. The Forum’s purpose is to provide a briefing on the new welcoming and appointment process for all adults coming into Scouting and to discuss arrangements for the St George’s Day event in April. There will also be time for Sectional/role specific small group discussions. PLEASE PUT THIS IN YOUR DIARY AND WE WILL SEE YOU THERE!

DIRECTIONS The Ferguson Theatre is on Maze Green Road itself, and parking should not be a problem, just a short walk up that road.

January 2009 Special points of interest in this issue: Beaver and Cub updates


Scout Update


Explorer Scout update


District Awards 09




Stop Press… From initial returns from our Scout Groups, it looks like our numbers are going to be up again… over 900. More news in the next edition.

Theatre in Maze Green Road

Changes to Age Ranges The National Association has now had confirmation from the Department for Children, Schools and Families that Section 71 of the Children Act does not apply to Scouting. This is excellent news as it means that there can be flexibility in the lower age range for Cubs (7½ years). The core age remains 8 10½ years, but in simple terms Beaver can go up at 7½ and children can join from outside Scouting at 7½. This rule change takes place with immediate effect. Any questions please ask Ken or Hazel


Join the Adventure…

January 2009

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CANAL BOATS ON THE RIVERS LEE AND STORT Are you short of an EXCELLENT idea for your 2009 Programme…. How about doing something completely different? Whether it’s for an overnight trip or just a day out, we can make all thre arrangements and crew the boat for you. We are fully trained to CCBM standard and can promise you a weekend or day out to remember. Interested? Please contact: Stuart Jacobs, ASL 1st Thorey on 01279 305315

Beaver Scout Update

with Hazel Mead

Seeing around 60+ Beavers together with Leaders, parents and many other family members weaving their way around Pishiobury Park with torches flashing, enjoying their annual Torch and Wellie walk was super. We avoided disturbing the Longhorn cattle who are resident there but could not count the amount of cow pats which were walked through in the dark! After all this exercise and earning our Hike Badge, we headed for the 1st Sawbridgeworth Scout Group hut and as we drew near the aroma of sausages being cooked by Conquest Explorer Scouts wafted up the path and these were enjoyed along with soup to round off a very enjoyable evening. A very busy 2009 ahead as plans are in hand to open a Beaver Colony at Silver Leys and a third one at 1st Bishops Stortford & Hockerill so will be welcoming many new Leaders and helpers. In January Leaders and helpers will enjoy their Christmas dinner get-together at a local hostelry. We are looking forward to Beaver Splash Night in March and a Sleepover is planned for June at Skreens Park for which arrangements are all in hand.

Cub Scout Update

with Ken Gordon

Many thanks to all of you who supported this year’s Cub Carol Service and also thanks to Sue and Maureen for organising a very entertaining service. Well done to all the Cubs who took part so brilliantly. The poor attendance of Cubs has led us to re-think the service for next year and the most popular suggestion so far is to have the service on a weeknight (Monday being the most popular) instead of a pack meeting. If you have any thoughts or ideas, please do not hesitate to contact me or bring them to the “All District Leaders” meeting in February. This year’s “Good Turn” in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support has got off to a good start with £765 raised so far and still some money to come in. Thanks to all the packs that have made the effort to fundraise. Silver Leys Apollo Cubs is going from strength to strength under the leadership of Darren and Jane. Every time I visit there are new faces and the Cubs are always having fun. Well done to them both and a very belated welcome to the team. As we move into 2009 I look forward to visiting your packs and having a quick chat. As you know there is no Cub Leaders meeting in the first quarter of 2009 but I hope to get us all together at the “All Leaders” meeting on the 4th January.

“Good Turn in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support has got off to a good start with £765 raised so far”

Join the Adventure…

Scout Update

January 2009

Page 3

with Max Streets

Non - Stop Action! October saw a Veteran team enter Peak Assault. They acquitted themselves very well despite having a some what over enthusiastic start on the Saturday. They have realised that they are not as young as they thought they were; all credit to them for their achievement. Remembrance Parade. A excellent turn out by all. Sawbridgeworth and Much Hadham attending their own parades in their respective homes. We achieved the largest representation amongst the various youth sections that were parading. Thank you to all the leaders for encouraging your members to attend. It is very much appreciated by not only the public at large who attend but also by the veterans who have made a special effort to thank us for attending. Thanks also to the Explorers for assisting with distribution of the order of service leaflets at the memorial. Whilst we were attending the service in Bishop’s Stortford, some of our members from St Michaels Mead and Thorley Buccaneer Troops were holding their own Remembrance service under a large yew tree at Beaudesert Camp site as part of their Camp service weekend. Once again they were busy “Rhodie Bashing” helping to clear the wooded areas around the camp site. Green Beret Challenge -25th Anniversary. November 14 – 15th This year held at Lees Wood site. Greatest number of teams every accepted for the competition of 135 A total of 118 teams completing the Competition – another record. Our District entered 6 teams. Best position achieved in the district of joint 22nd equal by St Michael s Mead and Thorley Buccaneer. Both who were novice teams. A good weekend all round with all teams doing well to complete all the elements. Thorley Adventure have attended all 25 competitions, a real achievement. Thanks again to the Explorers and their leaders for providing and running the day and evening bases. It was a very enjoyable weekend helped by the fact of being mainly dry and not as cold as of previous years. Next year the competition is to be held at Gilwell Park. Hope to see even more teams competing. Around the Troops.  1st BS. -Busy with snorkelling and “pass it on cooking” evenings.  Sawbridgeworth -Half Term camp and cooking evenings.  Silver Leys- Busy using their new outdoor cooking facilities  St Michaels Mead – Beaudesert Service weekend and Guy making  10th BS – New troop started with a nucleus of seven members under the leadership of Martin Adams.  Thorley Adventurer. Congratulations to Alex, David and Ed on achieving their Chief Scout Gold awards. (Great photo in the press)  Thorley Buccaneer. Joined with St Michaels Mead at Beaudesert weekend, and skating. What a terrific programme you are all providing for your various sections. It is great to see such a variety of activities; both new initiatives and tried and tested favourites. Long may it continue to provide engaging evenings and weekends. This is the key to your continuing success.

“It is great to see such a variety of activities”

Join the Adventure…

January 2009

Explorer Scout Update

Page 4

with Nigel Reed

Once again all 3 Units in our District have been busy with their programms and weekend activities. Conquest ESU are joining the County Expedition to Swaziland in 2009 and they are busy fund raising and preparing for that. They have 9 of the Unit going plus 2 leaders. The Unit will spend some of their time working on a community develop project with children at risk. They will also have a 2-day trip in the Kruger National Park and 2 day trip to Maputo the capital of Mozambique. The Unit also had a weekend on a narrow boat in the company of Captain Bunny Jacobs. Endeavour ESU and still growing stronger with more young people from St Elizabeth’s School joining the Unit. Su Jones is now helping William on a regular basis and they are able to offer the Unit a wider range of activities for them to try. Their Planetarium evening was a great success with Cubs from Blackfoot and Scouts from 2nd Much Hadham all joining together for the meeting. Voyager had a team entered in the Hertfordshire Peak Assault competition held at Llanthony, Black Mountains in South Wales. They came a very creditable 11 th out of the 32 Explorer teams that entered. The Unit also had 26 of its members attend County Explorer Christmas Meal at Stevenage, which helped push the attendance to over 400 for the first time. The Unit also ran the Day and Night Base for the District at this years Green Beret Competition. We now have 25 Young Leaders in the District that help regularly at Beaver, Cub or Scout meetings. 20 of those Young Leaders have completed the compulsory part of the Young Leaders training and are now eager to do some more modules of this training. Many of them recently helped out on the Districts Torch and wellie walk. If anyone knows of a Young Leader that is not registered with the District then please let Julie Thorpe have his or her details.

Chief Scouts Awards Since the last edition, we have been notified of the following Chief Scout Gold Awards achievements: Alex George (1st Thorley) David Williams (1st Thorley) Ed Hazell (1st Thorley) Also the following Chief Scout Silver Awards have been awarded to : Jonathan Platts, Andrew Kent, Scott Soley, Calum Newbury and Mark Holmes all of Silver Leys Saturn Cub Pack.

WELL DONE! If you have any young people who have gained the Chief Scout’s Award, please email Greg on: [email protected] or tell your ADC Section.

Join the Adventure…

January 2009

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Bits and Pieces District Scout Shop Open most Wednesdays 7.00pm – 8.30pm. If in doubt ring Reg Jacobs 01279 653806 District Camping and general Equipment In the last newsletter there was a list of District equipment you can borrow. If you want to use this, please ring Geoff Markwell 01279 655366. District Communications and Promotional equipment A list of special equipment to promote Scouting was circulated to Section Leaders and GSL’s via email just before Christmas. It included professional displays, Laptop, digital projectors, Sound system and so on….If you want to book and borrow this equipment, contact John Henson. Phone: 01279 507886 Email: [email protected] District Swimming Remember you can take advantage of the FREE District run swimming session most weeks on a Tuesday Night – why not make this your Section meeting for one week? Full information can be obtained form Geoff Markwell on 01279 655366. Give aways: The District have two overhead projectors to dispose of. They are free to anyone whether in the movement or not. If interested ring Geoff on 655366. They will be available until the end of February. Risk Assessments: As we enter the new year it is a good time to remind all GSL's that it is necessary to complete a 'risk assessment' of the meeting places, grounds and play areas in their responsibility. Guidance notes, if needed, can be supplied or viewed on http://www.scoutbase.org.uk/library/hqdocs/facts/pdfs/fs120000.pdf Group travel: Any Groups, troops, packs booking holidays should check their travel agent is a member of ABTA and ATOL. ABTA phone 0207 637 2444 www.abta.com or www.caa.co.uk/cpg/atol/contact-us

District Awards 2009 Section Leaders have received full details of the process for you all to nominate young people and adults for the 2009 District Awards. These will be presented at a special ceremony at the St, Barnabus Centre on the 6th May. As a reminder, the key categories are:  Beaver, Cub, Scout and Explorer Scout of the Year: The young person that has done their Best and carried out their Law and Promise to help others.  Special Event The Section that has had the most interesting day out in the year.  Interesting Programme. The section that has had the most unusual programme night/activity in the year.  Leader of the Year The Leader that a nominee(s) feels has either: (a) Done something beyond the normal call of duty for Scouting and inspired others; (b) Helped young people enjoy a special Scouting experience.

Make sure


nominate someone!

Join the Adventure…

January 2009

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 Special commendation Special category for the item/person/event that you feel deserves a special recognition. If you know of anyone from your Group, Unit or Section that could get one of these awards, nominate then to your Section Leader, GSL or ring Sue Byford on 01279 832351 NOW!!!

Dates for your diary…. January

February Contact


First Aid Training (County HQ)


Contact 2

Appointments Committee



Beaver Leaders New Year Dinner



ALL District Leader Meeting 7.45pm


Dist. Explorer Scout Leaders Meeting



First Aid Training County


16/18 21 TBC

Fire and Ice, Tolmers Winter Camp



District Team Meeting


Group Scout Leaders Meeting



Module 11 - Administration


Cougar Scout Network activities/meet



Getting Started URC BS



Module 17 - Activities



Module 18 – Practical Skills



Module 19 - International



First Aid Training (Thorley HQ)


February Chiltern Challenge




April Contact

2 5

Appointments Advisory Committee District Executive Committee


CUB and SCOUT Splash Night,


Leaders Practical Skills Day






Inter.Mountaineering Course,


Inter.Mountaineering Course,







Loch’hed Getting Started URC BS



St George’s Day Event Birchwood High


District Scout Leaders meeting






Modules (Managers) 20,21,22,23,24,26 Module 14 – Young People Today




Module 15 – Challenging Behaviour



Module 13 Growing the Movement



Module 8 – Skills of Leadership



Module 7 – Valuing Diversity



Module 9 Working with Adults



BEAVER Splash Night,



Bring a Friend Day - Tolmers


BS College



School, BS

District Cub Scout Leaders Meeting Cougar Scout Network activities/meet 1st St Michaels Mead AGM


Bold Text are District run activities

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