Jambo Youth Issue 82

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Last Drop WANTED ! The Messiah, the Son of God, King of kings, Lord of lords! Notorious leader of an underground liberation movement wanted for the following charges :• Practicing medicine, wine making and food distribution without license • Interfering with the business men in the temple • Associating with known criminals, radicals, subversives, prostitutes and street people. Beware :This man is extremely dangerous. His insidiously inflammatory message is particularly dangerous to young people who haven’t been taught to ignore Him yet. He changes people and claims to set them free. NB: Send your questions, comments or feedback to [email protected] For further information and back issues of Jambo You(th) please check on our website: www.jamboyouth.multiply.com For Jambo You(th) in PDF log on to www.esnips.com/web/JamboYouth


Jambo You(th) 2009

An Initiative of Jesus Youth A Missionary Movement at the Service of the Church

February 15, Sunday: Issue 82

Don Bosco Utume

Jambo You(th) is a weekly news letter aimed at helping the Youth in moulding their daily lives in Christ. Our vision is expressed in just two phrases: GOOD CHRISTIANS and

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I believe that teaching is not a profession but a vocation, demanding dedication and a deep sense of commitment I believe that I am a co-worker with God, in the divine task of molding and forming the young and growing minds entrusted to my care I believe that just as a lamp diffuses light, dispelling the surrounding darkness, so I too as a teacher am meant to diffuse understanding and knowledge, dispelling the darkness of ignorance and doubt I believe that as a teacher preparing children for the 21st century, I must “dare to be different” in my methodology and approach, challenging their intelligence, stimulating their curiosity, exciting their imagination, and inculcating in them sound values. I believe that every child is special and must be treated as such I believe that I must not differentiate between my students, and that I must not show any personal preference or dislikes I believe that I must not let my own problems, frustrations and anxieties colour and affect my work and my attitude towards my students I believe that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the weather. I believe that as a teacher I possess a tremendous power to make a child’s life miserable or joyful. I can humiliate or humour, or hurt or heal, and in all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated, and a child humanized or dehumanized. I believe that although teaching may not hold out the promise of increasing monetary gain to the same extent as other professions, its greatest reward is in the appreciation and affection of one’s students and in the challenge that each new day brings something that no money can buy. I believe that having willingly chosen to be a teacher, I must also be willing to respond with the effort, dedication and zeal, that teaching demands and deserves.

Pep-up The Young and the Bible Points to Ponder Saint of the Week Reflection Last Drop

: Stories for Reflection : II Timothy and Titus : When I Said... : Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order : A Teacher’s Creed : Wanted!

Missed Chance A massive flood hit a small town near the Mississippi River. One levy in the river had broken, causing the flooding to occur while another levy was predicted to break in the hour. A man who owned a house along the river stood on the roof of his house as water had engulfed the rest of it. Water levels were slowly rising. A rescue boat came to save the man from his house. The boat approached and the rescuers told the man another levy was about to break and the water would move over his house, sweeping him away to his drowning death. The man told the rescuers he did not need help because he believed in God and that God would save him. Twenty minutes later, the rescuers returned, trying to help the man escape. Once again, the man waved off the rescuers saying that God would save him. Ten minutes afterwards, the rescuers returned again, saying it would be the last time they could return because the levy was about to break. They asked him one last time to get on the rescue boat. He said once again that he believes in God and God would save him from the levy even if it should break. A few minutes after the rescuers left, the levy broke and the rushing waters engulfed the house, carrying away the man to his drowning death. When the man reached the Heavens, he stood at the gates to enter. He told the men at the gates that he wanted to see God. When he saw God, he asked, "What happened? I thought you were going to save me? Why didn't you save me?" God replied, "I did try to save you. I sent the boat three times.". Lesson: Do not expect God to come to us in person to answer our requests. God comes to us through our fellow human beings. What we need is only the humility to recognize him in our neighbours.

www.jesusyouth.org Editor: Shyjan Sdb

Jambo You(th) 2009

The Young and the Bible


Pauline Year Special The Second Letter of Paul to Timothy (Continued)

21. Who would be persecuted according to Paul? Those who want to live a godly life in Christ will be persecuted (3:10-12) 22. What can we use the sacred Scriptures for? For teaching, reproof and for correction and for training in righteousness (3:16) 23. Why did Paul instruct Timothy to bring Mark with him? For he was useful in Paul’s ministry (4:11) 24. Who strongly opposed the message of Paul? Alexander the Coppersmith (4:14) 25. What is the final blessing in the second letter to Timothy? The Lord be with your spirit , May grace be with you all (4:22)

When I Said... When I said to the Lord "I am so short of where you want me to be." He gently answered "That's okay. That's all the farther you and I can walk together." When I said to the Lord "I don't know who I am." He gently answered "That's okay. I know who you are." When I said to the Lord "I am so tired of fighting." He gently answered "That's okay. Satan is down for the count." When I said to the Lord "My actions aren't reflecting my heart." He gently answered "That's okay. Mine did."

The Letter of Paul to Titus 1. Where did Paul leave Titus behind? Crete (1:5) 2. Why did Paul leave Titus behind? To appoint elders in every town (1:5) 3. What should be the qualities of a bishop according to Paul? “As God’s steward he must be blameless, he must not be arrogant or quick tempered or addicted to wine or violent or greedy for gain.” (1:7) 4. Why does Paul instruct Titus that idle talkers and deceivers must be silenced? Since they are upsetting whole families by teaching for sordid gain which is not right to teach (1:10-11) 5. Who are the people who profess that they know God but deny him by their actions? The idle talkers and deceivers (1:15) 6. How should the older woman be? Be reverent in behavior, not to be slanderers or slaves to drink (2:3) 7. What should Titus urge the young men to be? Self-controlled (2:6) 8. What has appeared bringing salvation to all? The grace of God (2:11) 9. What did the goodness and loving kindness of God, our Saviour , bring when he appeared? Salvation (3:4) 10. Through whom did God pour out the riches of the Holy Spirit? Through Jesus Christ (3:6) 11. According to Paul's promise who will he send to Titus? Artemas and Tychicus (3:12) 12. Where did Paul decide to spend the winter season? At Nicopolis (3:12)

One falsehood spoils a thousand truths. Ghanaian Proverb www.jamboyouth.multiply.com

Jambo You(th) 2009

When I said to the Lord "My mind is corrupted." He gently answered "That's okay. Use mine for awhile." When I said to the Lord "I don't know how to love." He gently answered "That's okay. I will give you free lessons"

SAINT for the WEEK February 17 Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order These were seven men of well-to-do Florence families, who in the 13th. century were impelled by the corrupt state of the city to form a Confraternity and later the Order of Friars known as the Servants of Mary or the Servites. They lived outside the city as hermits on Monte Senario and initially had no intention of allowing others to join them, though they were eventually persuaded to change their minds. The Servites were then established, as an Order of friars rather than of monks, and various houses of the Order were set up, at first all in Italy. They did not arrive in England until the 19th. century. The Servites were instrumental in spreading the devotion to the Seven Sorrows of our Lady. Their principal church is the Annunziata in Florence. The last surviving of the ten original founders was St. Alexis Falconieri, who remained a lay-brother of the Order throughout his life. The seven founders were canonised in 1887.

There is no medicine to cure hatred. Ghanaian Proverb www.esnips.com/web/JamboYouth

Jambo You(th) 2009

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