Jambo Youth Issue 22

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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,552
  • Pages: 2
Lessons from Life I’ve learned….. I’ve learned that you cannot make someone love you, All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them. I’ve learned that it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it. I’ve learned that it is not what you have in your life , but who you have in your life that counts. I’ve learned that you shouldn’t compare yourself to the best others can do, but to the best you can do. I’ve learned that it’s not what happens to people that’s important, but what they do about it. I’ve learned that no matter how thin you slice a thing , there are always two sides to it. I’ve learned that you can keep going long after you think you can’t. I’ve learned that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel. I’ve learned that either you control your attitudes or it controls you. I’ve learned that heroes are people who do what has to be done when it needs be done, regardless of the consequences. I’ve learned that there are people who love you dearly, but just doesn’t know how to show it. Contributed by Fr.Matthew Puthumana SDB

Last Drop What sometimes appear to be the end is really a new beginning. It’s not the chances we take, it’s the choices we make that determine our destiny. Give the world the best you have and the best will come back to you The person who lives successfully is the one who has made the love of God and neighbour the goal of his/her life. By Abel Oyugi - Langata Barracks E-mail: [email protected] NB: Send your questions, comments or feedback to [email protected] For further information and back issues of Jambo You(th) please check on our website: www.jamboyouth.multiply.com. For Jambo You(th) in PDF format log on to www.esnips.com/web/JamboYouth


Jambo You(th) 2007

Editors: Anastasio Sdb & Shyjan Sdb

Don Bosco Utume • •

March 4, Sunday: Issue 22

Jambo You(th) is a weekly news letter aimed at helping the Youth in molding their daily lives in Christ. Our vision consists in two phrases: ‘GOOD CHRISTIANS’ and ‘HONEST Features CITIZENS.’ Pep-up Young and the Bible What Lent should be? Site Seeing Lessons from Life Last Drop

: Stories for Reflection, Food for Thought : Know the Bible : A Joyous Feasting! : Introduction to a new Website : I have Learned... : Quotable quotes

Paid For - Twice Over There was once a young lad who grew up by the sea. He spent most of his time paddling around in boats or mingling with the fishermen at the pier. One day he found a piece of timber, and he found himself inspired to carve a toy boat out of it. After a lot of hard work, his boat was almost ready. He put some sails on it, and then to finish the job, he gave the boat a name, which he painted on both sides. One afternoon he brought it down to the pier and placed it gently in the water. He was filled with pride and joy at the sight of it bobbing up and down in the water. Then suddenly, the sails came under the influence of a firm breeze and drifted beyond his reach. Without thinking, he called out to it, because he had given it a name, but the boat moved out to sea and all the boy could do was look on helplessly. He stood there for ages, hoping for a miracle, but eventually he gave up, and returned home with a heavy heart. A few weeks later, as the boy was wandering around town with his heart still heavy he passed by a toy shop and to his sheer amazement he saw his boat through the store window. He ran in to claim it, but the shop-keeper left him in no doubt that the boat was his now. If the boy wanted it, he would have to buy it, like any other item in the shop. Deeply troubled, the boy ran home and narrated the story to his father. The father listened attentively before he said: "You have a choice, son. If you want the boat, you will just have to pay for it, because it does belongs to the shopkeeper now." "How much will it cost me?" asked the boy. "I don't know," replied his dad, "but I do know that if you want it bad enough, you should be prepared to pay everything you have." The boy gathered every penny he could find and ran down to the shop. The shopkeeper checked that the money was right, and then handed over the boat. The boy rubbed it, kissed it, and clutched it with both hands, as he ran all the way home to his dad. "Ah, I see you got the boat. It's yours now, isn't it?" "Yes, it is", said the boy excitedly, "It's mine now, and it's mine twice over. I made it, and, when I lost it, I gave everything I have to get it back. I won't let it go this time." Lesson: The boy in the story is Jesus, and you are the boat. He created you, and when you were lost he gave all he had to buy you back, so you are his now - twice over.


Jambo You(th) 2007

What Lent should be… It should be a Joyous Feasting

Young and the Bible Know the Bible – Deuteronomy 1. How many judges did Moses appoint over the house of Israel? (Twelve judges) 2. Which Book in the Old Testament was most quoted by Jesus? (Deuteronomy) 3. How many times did Moses go to the mountain to get the Ten Commandments from God? (Twice) 4. How often did the Israelites have the remission of their debts? (Every seventh year) 5. For how many days did Moses command the people of God to eat the unleavened bread? (Seven days) 6. What was meant by the term Tithe? (A tenth of all that the fields produced each year) 7. What punishment was to be given to idol worshippers? (To be stoned to death) 8. Which was the priestly tribe in Israel? (The tribe of Levi) 9. How many years did Moses live? (120) 10 From which mountain did Moses see the Promised Land? (Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab) 11. Who was appointed to help Moses in leading the Israelites? (Joshua son of Nun) 12. On which mountain did the Lord make a covenant with all the living? (Mt. Sinai) 13. Which is the greatest commandment? (Love the Lord with all your heart, soul and strength) 14. Who succeeded Aaron when he died ? (His son Eleazer) 15. Which is mountain where Moses died ? (Mt. Nebo)

Lent is a time to fast from certain things and to feast on others It is a season in which we should: · FAST from judging others, FEAST on Christ dwelling in them. · FAST from emphasising difference, FEAST on the unity of all life. · FAST from apparent darkness, FEAST on the reality of light. · FAST from thought of illness, FEAST on the healing power of God. · FAST from words that pollute, FEAST on phrases that purify. · FAST from complaining, FEAST on appreciation. · FAST from the negative, FEAST on the positive. · FAST from complaining, FEAST on unceasing prayer. · FAST from hostility, FEAST on non-resistance. · FAST from bitterness, FEAST on forgiveness. · FAST from self- concern, FEAST on compassion for others. · FAST from personal anxiety, FEAST on eternal truth. · FAST from facts that depress, FEAST on varieties that uplift. · FAST from lethargy, FEAST on enthusiasm. · FAST from suspicion, FEAST on truth. · FAST from thoughts that weaken, FEAST on promises that inspire. · FAST from shadows of sorrow, FEAST on sunlight of serenity. · FAST from idle gossips, FEAST on purposeful silence. · FAST from problems that overwhelm, FEAST on prayer that under girds. HAVE A FRUITFUL, PRAYERFUL AND HOLY LENT

Site Seeing A Jesus Site for All www.rejesus.co.uk

(NB: ‘Know the Bible’ Series will be continued in the coming Jambo Youth Issues)

Two thousand years after he walked the earth, Jesus of Nazareth remains one of those most talked-about and influential people who has ever lived. This site explores his life, character, teachings and followers. Here we get a clear picture of how he has been quoted and misquoted, filmed and written about, worshipped and argued over. We can also explore and post our own questions, thoughts and prayers. There is also a section that elaborately explains the seven last words of Jesus. During this holy season of Lent this would help us to meditate on the passion and supreme sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf.

Knowledge is not the main thing, but good deed is. African Quotes

It takes a whole village to raise a child. African Quotes

16. Which is mountain where Aaron died? (Mt. Hor) 17. For how long did the people of Israel mourn for Moses and where? (30 days at the plain of Moab) Contributed by Mary Wairimu - Langata Barracks E-mail : [email protected]


Jambo You(th) 2007


Jambo You(th) 2007

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