Itil Introduction

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 840
  • Pages: 47
Introduction to IT Systems Management

- Premanand Lotlikar 12th July, 2007

Agenda • • • • • • •

Organization and Policies IT Customer Relationship Mgmt IT Service Management Overview of ITIL Processes under ITIL Benefits Reasons for failure

Organization and Policies Vision Vision Mission & Objectives

Policy Planning -Time

I can make money by selling PCs! Mission statement is a short, clear description of the objectives of the organization and the values it believes in Combination of all decisions and measures taken to define and realize the objectives Measurement & Control

Direction & control provided by measurement

-Quantity -Quality -Cost & Revenue

Tasks & Actions

Implementing policies in the form of specific activities requires planning Realization of planned activities requires action Actions are allocated to personnel as tasks


Planning Horizon 1 year


Technical Infrastructure



IT Customer Relationship Mgmt Customer Organization

IT Organization IT Customer Relationship Mgmt

Strategic Business Manager Tactical


Budget Holders Department Managers

Strategic Alignment

Service Levels


Policy IT Mgmt

Service Level Mgmt Change Mgmt

Project Managers

Incident Mgmt


Service Desk




Evolution of IT Management

IT Service Management • It is a discipline for managing large-scale IT systems • Philosophically centered on the customer's perspective of IT's contribution to the business • Stands in deliberate contrast to technology-centered approaches to IT management • Has ties and common interests with the process improvement movement (E.g. TQM, Six Sigma, CMM etc.) • “IT thinking about the delivery of IT to the business” and not • “IT thinking about the 'information' needs of the business”

IT Service Management (contd) • Contributing frameworks: – Control Objectives for Information Technology (COBIT) – Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF) – Enterprise Computing Institute – Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)

Overview of ITIL • ITIL is a framework of best practice approaches intended to facilitate the delivery of high quality IT services • It is published in a series of books (hence the term Library), each of which covers a core area within IT Management • The names ITIL and IT Infrastructure Library are Registered Trade Marks of the United Kingdom's Office of Government Commerce (OGC)


Key Foundations of ITIL

What ITIL is (not)

Process Orientation

Process Orientation

Quality – cornerstone of ITIL

ITIL Framework (Version 2)

Our focus…

ITIL Processes

Incident Management

Incident Management

Incident Management

Problem Management

Problem Management

Problem Management


Change Management

Change Management

Change Management

Configuration Management

Configuration Management

Configuration Management


Service Level Management

Service Level Management

Availability Management • Availability •Reliability •Maintainability •Serviceability

Availability Management • Percentage availability (uptime) • Downtime duration • Downtime frequency

• Business must have clearly defined  availability objectives •SLM must have been clearly set up to  formalize agreements

Capacity Management • Performance Management: Measuring,  monitoring and tuning the performance of IT  infrastructure components. • Application Sizing: Determining the  hardware or network capacity needed to  support new or modified services. • Capacity Planning: Developing capacity  plan, based on CDB.

Capacity Management • Predictability of customer demand • Technology • Cost

• Accurate business forecast &  expectations. • Understanding of IT strategy and  planning.

Continuity Management • Disaster: An event that affects a  service or system such that significant  effort is required to restore the original  performance level.

Continuity Management • No of identified shortcomings of the  recovery plan • Revenue lost further to disaster

• Support and communication throughout  the organization • Dedicated training for anyone involved  in the process

Benefits of ITIL • Benefits to the customer/user: – Provision of IT services becomes customer­ focused – Agreements about service quality improves  relationship – Services are described better, in customer  language – Quality, Availability, Reliability and Cost of  services are managed better

Benefits of ITIL (contd) • Benefits to the IT organization:

IT organization develops clear structure More focus on corporate objectives More control of infrastructure Easier to manage changes Coherent framework for internal and external  (supplier) communication – Process structure provides for effective  outsourcing of elements of IT service – – – – –

Some Testimonials • Procter & Gamble – Started using ITIL in 1999 and has realized a 6% to 8% cut in operating costs. – Another ITIL project has reduced help desk calls by 10%. In four years, the company reported overall – Savings of about $500 million.

Testimonials (contd) • Caterpillar – Embarked on a series of ITIL projects in 2000. – After applying ITIL principles, the rate of achieving the target response time for incident management on Web-related services jumped from 60% to more than 90%.

Testimonials (contd) • Nationwide Insurance – Implementing key ITIL processes in 2001 led to a 40% reduction of its systems outages. – The company achieved a $4.3 million ROI over the next three years

Reasons for failure of ITIL implementation • Lack of management commitment • Spending too much time on complicated process diagrams • Not creating work instructions • Not assigning process owners • Being too ambitious • Concentrating too much on performance • Not reviewing the entire ITIL framework

Thank you!

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