It430 Ecommerce Mcqs Vuabid

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 302
  • Pages: 6
1. Public Key of the receiver is used to-------------------. a. Decrypt the message b. Encrypt the message c. Scramble the message d. None of the mentioned options 2. Receiver applies ----------------to the received original message a. Digital signature b. Message digest c. Hash function d. None of the mentioned options 3. Symmetric key can be replaced with----------------------------. a. Symmetric algorithms b. Pair of public and private keys c. Asymmetric key d. None of the mentioned options 4. In --------------------attack an attempt is made by the attacker to decrypt the message with every possible key. a. Key search attack b. Cryptanalysis c. System based d. None of the mentioned options 5. Most of the electronic payment systems on internet use ------------------to ensure confidentiality and security of the payment information. a. Quantum computing b. Cryptography c. Both of the mentioned options d. None of the mentioned options 6. Simplicity and ----------------is the biggest advantage of Virtual PIN payment system. a. Full encryption b. Dual encryption c. No encryption d. None of the mentioned options 7. In electronic checks which type of cryptography is used a. Both symmetric and asymmetric b. Symmetric c. Asymmetric d. None of the mentioned options 8. An electronic check book device is a combination of a. Hardware and a digital signature b. Software and information about user

c. Secure hardware and software d. None of the mentioned options 9. Which of the following is disadvantage of virtual PIN payment system? a. Bogus purchases are possible b. Stolen credit card number can be used c. Only some extra copies of the information items are made in case of a fraud d. All of the mentioned options are disadvantages of Virtual PIN payment system 10.FV stands for a. First Virtual b. Forward Virtual c. Famous virtual d. None of the mentioned options

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