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  • Words: 70,978
  • Pages: 257
Message from Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance It is a matter of immense satisfaction that on my initiative the Experts Advisory Cell has prepared a comprehensive report on IT within a short period of time. I am confident this would help in projecting the policies of the Government with a view to finding ways and means in meeting the challenges faced by this sector. Indeed, Pakistan’s strength lies mainly in its active and trained human resources. It also has sizeable IT trained manpower, and if expanded with prudence, it would help in improving the economy, generate job opportunities and in turn positively impact the societal welfare. Thus viable and sustainable policies have been and are being framed by the Government for attracting investment and expertise to meet the ever increasing requirements of WTO and of this sector. To cope with the rapid advancement and changes in the technology and marketing in IT sector, it is emphasized that its global development should be kept under constant vigilance and continuous review to meet its challenges. In the end, I hope the Experts Advisory Cell will continue its efforts to establish close links with private sector and IT sector stakeholders of both public and private sectors would continue to provide plausible and pragmatic recommendations for its sustainable development.

(Shaukat Aziz) Minister for Finance May, 2004

Message from Minister for Industries and Production Ministry of Industries and Production is playing its significant role as facilitator for the economic uplift of Pakistan by focusing on the dissemination of economic / industrial information which is tremendously beneficial in the current knowledge based economy. Information technology is the key tool for spreading this information to the concerned users. The information technology has converted the entire world into global village and the national economies have emerged as globalized economy. Pakistan offers economically resilient opportunities in the field of information technology. The country has made strides in this field in the last few years for its promotion including massive reduction in bandwidth rates and materialization of an infrastructure network. Far off places of the country have been connected to the internet. Pakistani IT experts, with proficiency in English language and commitment to their work, are among the most competent professionals of the world. “Prospects of IT Industry in Pakistan” is a commendable effort by the Experts Advisory Cell (EAC) of Ministry of Industries and Production. The publication highlights the current status of IT Industry in Pakistan, its salient features, growth potential, Government’s role in IT sector development, available infrastructure, status of hardware / software industry in Pakistan, software exports and incentives offered by the Government for software exports, challenges / threats to IT industry, opportunities in IT sector, recommendations and vision for the future. The publication is also annexed with policies relating to IT sector and other useful information. Experts Advisory Cell (EAC) is the techno-economic arm of the Ministry which assists in developing sectoral policies. EAC has developed expertise in sectoral studies and has a comprehensive database of public as well as private sector industries. EAC has made available all its major publications on its website. EAC also has been conducting IT Training Courses for the Ministry, its corporations and support organizations to help the Government in spreading IT culture in Pakistan. I am confident that this publication will help in identifying potential areas for profitable investment. It is hoped that the users will find this publication informative and useful. (Liaquat Ali Jatoi) Minister for Industries & Production May, 2004

Message from Secretary Industries & Production I am delighted to see the document “Prospects of IT Industry in Pakistan” compiled by Experts Advisory Cell (EAC), Ministry of Industries and Production. It is a step forward in identifying the potential area for investment in IT sector of Pakistan. Information technology is the key enabler of change in today’s rapidly evolving business climate. This technology has emerged as a very fast growing sector in Pakistan. With continuous and concerted patronage of the Government, there has been unmatched development in IT infrastructure. IT revolution has changed the life style of people throughout the world. It has eliminated the geographical distances and due to advanced communication facilities, the entire world can be viewed on computer screen by just a click of a button. Pakistan has modern telecommunication system, highly skilled and relatively cheap workforce. Sizeable investment is being made by the Government in the IT sector and a huge chunk of this budget is meant for human resource development and provision of enabling infrastructure. Ministry of Industries and Production is determined to facilitate the industrial sector of Pakistan including information technology. This document is a timely and conscious effort towards highlighting the present scenario of IT industry in Pakistan and potential areas for investment. This publication provides a window of opportunity to both local and foreign investors to assess and participate in the potential investment avenues of IT infrastructure development projects planned by the Ministry of Information Technology. I trust this publication of the EAC will provide the necessary assistance to prospective entrepreneurs to invest in IT industry of Pakistan.

(Muhammad Javed Ashraf Hussain) Secretary Industries & Production May, 2004

PREFACE Information Technology (IT) has revolutionized the world by changing every aspect of our life and life style. Very few areas of investment are as promising in potential growth and economic reward as information technology. Information is the key to success and future growth. IT is helping countries in economic development and it has tremendous potential to usher economies in the state of prosperity and progress. The information technology is also fast making seismic effects in society. With rapid technological and economic innovations, the information revolution holds inestimable promise for people in emerging economies. Developing countries like Pakistan need a place where information on building an infrastructure, accessing social services, organizing production and creating an investor-friendly environment can be shared. Economic growth needs knowledge. The more knowledge is shared, the more growth is generated. IT plays a key facilitator’s role in this respect. IT helps placing public domains information and knowledge into interactive public domain through Internet and other modern technologies. IT is strategically important because knowledge and information based socio-economic structures are taking shape around the world. Keeping in view the immense potential in Pakistan in the sphere of information technology, President General Pervez Musharraf has taken personal interest to boost the development of this strategic sector. He has been allocating generous funds to IT Sector projects since he has come into power. The valuable efforts of Prof. Dr. Atta-urRehman, Minister for Science and Technology have strengthened the telecommunication infrastructure and human resource development in the country. With the consistent patronage of President General Parvez Musharraf and sincere efforts of Prof. Dr. Atta-ur-Rehman, the information technology sector is now poised for take-off. This Report includes information about IT in general, salient features, history, growth, infrastructure (covering Software Technology Parks, telecommunication / Internet and human resource), Hardware/ Software industry in Pakistan, Software exports, incentives given by the Government, challenges / threats / opportunities, potential areas for investment, recommendations for improvement and future vision. EAC appreciates with gratitude various organizations for the cooperation and assistance it received in compiling information for this Report. EAC anticipates that feedback will enable EAC to produce a more comprehensive edition in future.

May, 2004

Experts Advisory Cell [email protected]

IT INDUSTRY IN PAKISTAN INTRODUCTION Arguably, no area is as promising in its potential as information Technology. Information is a key to success and future growth. Access to right information gives decisive competitive advantage. Information Technology is the key enabler of change in today’s rapidly evolving business climate. This technology has emerged as the fastest growing sector in Pakistan. During last 10 years, Pakistan has been developing IT human resource and necessary infrastructure to cope with the rapidly advancing IT world. Now the IT industry is in the take off stage and is catching up with the regional and global industry. IT is a diversified version of computer science. Now it is not conventional keypunching, data storing, manipulation and report printing. It is information collection, transmission, logging / recording, intelligent decision-making and presentation in desired form at desired place. Information generation may be by the living organs or electromechanical devices / instruments and it may be regarding machine / plant, health, weather, environment, space, finance, management or administration for home, office, corporate or country. The information technology or IT is revolutionizing the way, in which we live and work. It is changing all aspects of our life and life style. The digital revolution has given mankind the ability to treat information with mathematical precision, to transmit it at very high accuracy and to manipulate it at will. These capabilities are bringing into being a whole world within and around the physical world. The amount of calculation power that is available to mankind is increasing at an exponential rate. Computers and Communications are becoming integral parts of our lives. A few decades back communication used to be between people – one person to another. But now inanimate objects are getting into the act. The changes in computer and communication add up to what is called information or IT revolution. To survive in this information world one must keep pace with these changes. Pakistan is rich in human resources which constitutes the foundation for any major IT initiative. Its population of 140 million includes highly talented people, who have made their mark in various fields, including Information Technology.

Pakistan's IT industry has everything you may need. A modern and rapidly expanding telecommunication system, experts from various disciplines, highly skilled and economical workforce - all this backed by an unmatched investment package offered by the Government of Pakistan. Already Pakistan based Software Houses and related services companies are making an impact in the world of IT and it's only factual because Pakistan offers the unbeatable combination of top quality expertise at economical costs. Pakistani IT industry is now ready for a major take-off based on its initial success and we are preparing for a major boom in the coming months when IT will become the engine of growth for the country's economy and the overall IT horizon will become extremely attractive from a business perspective. Instead of venturing into Information Technology as a new business, Pakistan is deploying the technology to improve its existing core business. Industrial automation and control is the real time application of IT. It composes of input devices (instruments), information processing and decision-making and Human Machine Interface and network devices (PCs) and out put devices (printing, cameras, relays or other audio / video instruments). By deploying the strategic use of IT business potential, efficiency is being increased. Information Technology has three major components: hardware, software and services. What Pakistan requires is a combination of an enhanced level of IT in software and hardware development and to exploit the real potential of growing internet environment along with investment in the infrastructure. Pakistan has to identify the short and long term goals and objectives that need to be achieved. The country have people with technological skills and business acumen and they are developing a strategic plan, policies and IT agenda. Millions of dollars are being invested by the Government in IT, majority being spent on human resource development and enabling infrastructure provision. With 90% digitalized telecom infrastructure, 250 ISPs operating in major cities as well as remotest areas including the mountain capital of Himalayas - Gilgit, 10,000 computer science graduates being produced annually, strong international linkages through expatriate Pakistani IT professionals working in Europe and North America, connectivity with international sub-marine optic fiber cable, domestic long distance optic fiber network, and deregulations and incentives set forth for the telecom industry, Pakistan is in best position to take on the challenges in the global market and offers many exciting business opportunities.

Historical Perspective At the time of creation of Pakistan in 1947, there was no base of Information technology in the country. The office work was carried out manually and office documents were prepared on manual type-writers. There was not even a single electric type writer. Post, telegram & telephone department. “PT&T” established during British rule in 1885 was already working in the areas that came under the jurisdiction of Pakistan. The fastest communication link available was through telephone & telex. In 1957, Ali group, lead by Mr. Baber Ali set up a company called “Packages Limited” in Lahore as Joint Venture with a Sweden company. They started using IT for their office work. In the initial period of 1960s, the import of computers was not open and it used to take almost two years for a software company to get import license from Government of Pakistan. This was one of the major reasons for slow progress of IT in Pakistan. Moreover the custom duties and other import taxes on computers/electronic items were very high. It was an era of mainframe computers and prices of computers were very high. Including the high import taxes, the purchase of computers was out of the reach of Government departments. In 1964, Water & Power Development Authority (WAPDA) took the lead and established its computer center in WAPDA House, Lahore by installing IBM-360 mainframe computer. At that time, International Business Machines (IBM) was the biggest computer company in Pakistan. The main commercial banks in private sector i.e. Habib Bank, United Bank and Muslim Commercial Bank started acquiring computers to manage their banking work. Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad, Atomic Energy Commission and University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore and PIA-Karachi also acquired IBM Mainframe Computers. IBM-360 & 370 Models of mainframe computers were popular during 60s & 70s.A British computer company International computers Limited (ICL), also started selling mainframe computers in Karachi, Lahore & Islamabad. KPT, KESC, Karachi Gas, PNSC, IB, EAC, AIOU & State Life Insurance Company were some of the organizations who purchased ICL mainframe computers. National Cash Register (NCR) was the 3rd biggest IT company in Pakistan to sell computers especially the data entry machines. In 1977, the first private software company “Systems Private Limited” was formed by “Packages Limited” in Lahore. During 60s & 70s, the data was captured through punch cards. In 1980s, the personal computers brought a revolution in computing environment of Pakistan. The technology was miniaturized and desktop computers were introduced having chipset technology.

Realizing the global revolution in Information technology, the Government of Pakistan liberalized the hardware & software imports in 1985. The custom duties on electronic goods were reduced drastically due to which personal computers flooded the hardware markets. People started using personal computers in offices & homes. In 1990s, the P.C Servers became stronger & stronger & started replacing Mini & Main frame computers in offices. The Network technologies started blooming & the Main frame & Mini computers started vanishing from the offices and were replaced by P.Cs & P.C Server LAN environments. In 1991-92, heavy custom duties on computers were completely removed. The real quantum jump was experienced in early 90s which can be termed as IT revolution in Pakistan. Satellite communication technology was introduced. In 1991, 90% telephone lines were converted to digital In 1995, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) started providing Internet facility to Internet users & now there are more than 40 ISPs in operation all over the country providing internet facility to more than 300,000 users. During 2000, a lot of emphasis was given by the Government to IT Sector. New IT educational institutes were opened & IT professionals were hired to impart IT training in universities. Nationwide IT seminars, forums, exhibitions & competitions were arranged to create IT awareness among the people. Computers as a subject was introduced in schools & colleges. Cyber Cafes were opened to create awareness for Internet use. Telephone network was enhanced. In rural areas, telecommunication facilities were provided through small exchanges & PCOs. Links between Pakistan & other countries have been improved significantly.

Salient features of IT Industry in Pakistan

Some of the salient features of IT industry in Pakistan are: Abundant human resource at economically affordable low cost. Liberal foreign investment environment and market based policies of the Government offering special incentives to players in the IT industry. Computer education program at all levels to ensure continued supply of workforce. Demonstrated ability to successfully execute offshore software development projects by Pakistani IT companies. Availability of modern data communication facilities, domestic as well as international, in the private sector Availability of cutting edge computer hardware and development tools in Pakistan. Low cost of starting up software business.

Growth in IT Sector The market of Pakistan today buzzes with IT activities and the current boom in IT dates back to early ’96 with introduction of Internet which opened up a communication channel between Pakistan and rest of the IT world and there has been no looking back since. Not only the Internet services a healthy and growing activity, the number of companies involved in various facets of IT have outnumbered growth in any other sector, which has had such a short life span of existence. According to conservative estimates, there are about 300 software houses based in Pakistan which are busy in developing and exporting software to the developed world in areas as diverse as Database management, Internet applications, E-commerce, CAD/CAM management systems, etc. The fields in which these companies are involved are virtually unlimited. More and more opportunities are being thrown open to them every passing day as their skills, potential and strategic advantages are getting accepted in major software markets around the world including but not limited to USA, UK and the rest of Europe, South Africa, Japan and Australia. But this is only the tip of the iceberg, as vast potential still exists for the local IT industry to become a formidable force in the global arena. The Government is taking all possible measures to spur activity in the IT sector and the framework is now more conducive than ever before for investments in the sector. The cost of Internet bandwidth of PTCL was reduced which has led to reduction in Internet end user prices and improvement in quality of service for the Internet users. Free Internet connections are being extended to public sector Universities under an agreement with the private sector ISPs and PTCL. To facilitate the private sector IT and telecom industry and to enhance the investor’s confidence in the Government, processing period for license applications in the deregulated sector by the PTA has been reduced to 7 days from several months. In order to deliver efficient IT infrastructure, PTCL would now provide international bandwidth and Internet connectivity to the ISPs and other corporate customers within 4 to 8 weeks. Previously this connectivity used to take 4 to 12 months. To promote Electronic Commerce in Pakistan, the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has allowed the opening of Internet Merchant Accounts within Pakistan, the first step towards E-Commerce. The Electronic Transaction Ordinance, 2002 has been promulgated. This provides legal recognition to digital signatures and electronic documents as well

as protecting intellectual property rights. A lot more than innovation is required for strengthening the computer software industry. The Pakistani IT industry centers on a strong national revolution towards developing the country as a major player in the international forum. Support programs from the Government coupled with an established private sector are creating many opportunities for realizing this goal. IT professionals trained in a variety of disciplines from abroad and locally are applying their innovative ideas to maximize the benefit obtained from the information revolution. More and more international companies are seeking solutions from Pakistani professionals to remain competitive in the global economy.

Projects Accomplished and in Pipeline Government of Pakistan is very keen in the development of Information Technology Sector in Pakistan. During last 3-4 years, about 200 projects were approved for IT & Telecom sector. These projects involve millions of rupees which the Government has generously approved for the uplift of IT infrastructure in the country. Key areas of these projects are summarised as under: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. x. y. z.

Training programs in Data Entry, Medical / Legal Transcriptions, Java, Multimedia, Graphics, Animation and Production Training of Public Service Engineers / Scientists Training of Federal Government Employees IT based Medical Education Training in Networking Data Networking Design & Development of virtual Private Network encryption system Scholarships / loan for students Hiring of IT faculty Strengthening of IT Universities / Institutions Establishment of Computer Labs in Schools / Colleges Establishment of virtual University Development / Installation of Educational Intranet Endowment funds for universities Strategic studies Design & Development of Multi-channel speech compression system Urdu Software Development Open source system Hospital Management and Geographical information system Computerization of District Bar Courts E-enablement of National Assembly / Senate Website Development for Ministries / Govt. Departments Establishment of software Technology Parks Industrial Automation and information Networks National / International Computer Exhibitions Standardization of Pakistan Software Industry

Infrastructure Salient features of IT Infrastructure in Pakistan are as under:• Abundant skilled human resource • 300 cities are on Optical Fiber network. • 1707 cities are linked with Internet. • Bandwidth availability 610 Mbps. • Bandwidth rates (US$ 480/Mbps) are amongst the cheapest in the region. • Software Technology Parks with: 1. Internationally competitive and highly subsidized rental rates 2. Availability of different grades of office space to suit the varying needs of tenants 3. Availability of reliable bandwidth, utilities and administrative / Network support on 24x7 basis 4. Free backup satellite based connectivity and stand-by power available on 24X7 basis

Status of IT Infrastructure in Pakistan can be discussed under the following three main areas:

A. Software Technology Parks B. Human Resources C. Telecommunication


Software Technology Parks (STPs)

Government of Pakistan has established Software Technology Parks, (STPs) along with private sector, with the objective of encouraging, promoting and boosting the Software Exports from Pakistan. These Software Technology Parks are to provide one-window services to domestic and foreign companies that seek to engage in IT business in Pakistan. These STPs provide workspace, utilities, telecom, and other infrastructure facilities of international standard at nominal costs. The Software Technology Parks (STPs) in Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore and Peshawar have been established as one-stop shop for all software houses which seek working conditions conducive to creativity, inexhaustible bandwidth and power supply, minimum regulatory overheads, maximum flexibility in the choice and use of space at minimal costs. More STPs will be opened in major cities and the project companies, which will build and administer these STPs will ensure that all these facilities are available with the barest minimum hassle to the software houses themselves. Software Technology Park in Islamabad

In late 1997 it was decided that the Awami Markaz building in Islamabad might be earmarked for conversion into a STP. The Government in recognition of the software industry's immediate need for infrastructure took his step. Several software companies have occupied space and setup their operations in the STP. The tenants of the STP have been registered with the Pakistan Software Export Board and are in the business of software development / software education / exports of software. The rent, certain terms and conditions and salient features as determined by the Government are as under: Option of furnished or unfurnished space. Fully air-conditioned. Standby power supply Rent payable quarterly in advance. Ready connectivity via STP's high-speed communication links.

Business Center complete with conference room and videoconferencing facilities is planned. Ample room for further expansion. Car Parking Software Technology Park in Lahore

The Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB) in collaboration with Aiwan-e-Iqbal Authority has established the first software park in Lahore at Aiwan-e-Iqbal Complex, Lahore. It is located on Khayabane-Iqbal opposite Egerton/Kashmir Road. The complex comprises of a conference center, administrative block, library, services block, mosque, STP block, and double storied underground car park. The complex has been designed keeping in view local heritage and vocabulary. The functional aesthetic and structural aspects of the edifice have been rationally blended. A judicious combination of fountains, waterfalls and greenery, on the other hand, enriches the quality of environment and provides a measure of relief from the harsh commercial surroundings. Its Conference Center is suitable for holding large national and international meetings. It can accommodate 740 persons with a gallery for 310 persons. Committee rooms, delegate offices, rooms for TV, Radio and Press, simultaneous translation booths and a dining hall for 250 guests are also available. Software companies can use the conference center as and when required on payment of prescribed charges. A complete 18 block (STP Block) measuring over 80,000 sq.ft. has been earmarked for software companies. The rent, certain terms and conditions and salient features are as under: The tenants of the STP must be registered with the Pakistan Software Export Board and should be in the business of software development, exports of software, call centers etc.

The rent would include air-conditioning, common services such as janitorial services, security and lighting of common areas, 24 hours operation of elevators, water supply etc. Connectivity would be provided via STP's high-speed communication links being established in Aiwan-e-Iqbal.


Standby power supply. Double storied underground car park facility. Security services. Software Technology Park in Peshawar The Peshawar STP (PSTP) has been established at the Peshawar Development Authority (PDA) building at Hayatabad, Peshawar. Approximately 75,000 sq.ft. of space over four floors has been made available in the complex. An additional two complexes of 75,000 sq.ft. each may be made available upon requirement. PSTP has been established under the Science & Technology and IT Cell (STIT) of the NWFP IT Board. PSTP has been equipped with the latest fiber optic STM-1 connectivity. Bandwidth on demand can now be provided to IT companies in the PSTP. The building is not centrally air-conditioned but companies can put up their own window or split-type air-conditioners. Reliable power has been ensured in collaboration with WAPDA and bandwidth is readily available. PSTP features are: extremely attractive rentals for space, readily available bandwidth and adequate supply of trained manpower.

Software Technology Park in Karachi

The Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB) has established Software technology Park in Karachi at Caesar’s Tower, St – 10, Shahrah-eFaisal , Karachi . Several software companies have occupied space and setup their operations in it. The tenants have been registered with the Pakistan Software Export Board and are in the business of software development / software education / exports of software. The rent, certain terms and conditions and salient features as determined by the Government are as under: Rent Rs. 18/Sq. Ft Maintenance included in rent Car Parking cost Rs. 2800/- per car Six Months advance rent Option of furnished or unfurnished space. Fully air-conditioned. Standby power supply Rent payable quarterly in advance. Ready connectivity via STP's high-speed communication links. Business Center complete with conference room and videoconferencing facilities is planned. Ample room for further expansion.


Human Resource

Pakistan is rich in human resource. Its 140 million population has enormous potential to be trained in any specialized field including information technology. It is a matter of great pride that large number of Pakistani professionals working abroad have earned good name for the country in the various fields of expertise. About forty engineers from NED University, Karachi are working for NASA in USA. Some working in Pakistan have developed excellent projects and products. The vision of Human Resource Development (HRD) is to evolve people centered development through training, research and community development. HRD aims at the enhancement of professional excellence for meaningful development interventions through sustainable and collaborative programs on training and capacity building at individual and organizational levels. Facilitation by Government in Human Resource Development During the last four years, the Government of Pakistan has paid special attention to the development of I.T Sector, Human Resource Development and have allocated sufficient funds. In order to provide Pakistan with a capable IT Human Resource, the Pakistan Government embarked on a large number of short term training programmes to develop the basic computer skills of persons. A national programme to re-train unemployed science graduates, medical graduates, and engineers in IT related fields through short courses such as JAVA, XML, C++, etc. has been implemented. In addition to setting up computer labs for IT based training in universities, colleges and schools all over Pakistan, distance learning programs have also been initiated which includes the establishment of a Distance Virtual University and providing intranet connectivity to more than 56 universities for sharing of research and online collaboration. Development of IT in any country is not possible without having a sound infrastructure which can enable implementation of IT in various walks of life. Pakistan now has about 100 per cent optic fibre backbone and fibre optic connectivity is being spread to various cities from this backbone. Fibre rings are being laid around the major towns and cities of Pakistan so that high-speed Internet access can be made available quickly to key business and education localities. The last mile highspeed Internet problem is being addressed through using DSL and ADSL technologies which allow some 200 fold increase in transmission of information on existing copper lines. In rural areas wireless

technology is being employed to spread Internet to places where the telephone system does not exist. Till August 1999, Internet was available only in 29 cities of Pakistan. In a dramatic expansion, Pakistan Telecommunications Corporation Limited (PTCL) has succeeded in spreading Internet to over 1707 towns, cities and villages within a short span of less than 3 years. This expansion is unprecedented in the history of the growth of Internet in any country of the world. During the last one year the major achievements towards the Development of IT Sector are directly or indirectly pertaining to HRD. Some of the accomplishments are as under:-


Achievement of Ministry of Information Technology (MoIT)

Ministry of Information Technology has taken a number of initiatives for the promotion of Information and Communication Technologies in Pakistan. This includes initiatives for promotion of Electronic Government, training of Government employees in the use of IT technologies, software industry development programs, institutional strengthening programs and IT related Human Resource Development programs. These have been described below:


The Electronic communication & Office Automation of Different Government Offices & Ministries

The electronic communication & office automation of different Government offices and Ministries have been started which includes development of application and database, linking Ministries & divisions through MIS, development of the basic I.T infrastructure and I.T skills. A number of projects on the Electronic Government and automation of Government offices were initiated costing Rs. 156.5 million. In order to facilitate the lawyer community, project on automation of District Bar Courts worth Rs. 39.67 million has also been approved. The project will provide PCs, Internet access to database of Statutory and Case Laws of district Bar Associations. B.

Training programs In information technology for employees of federal & provincial Government employees

A project costing Rs. 32.71 million for the training of Federal & Provincial Government’s employees has been approved. Pakistan Computer Bureau will implement the project.

It is envisaged that 10,000 senior management, middle management, supervisory and secretariat staff of the federal Government and all the four provinces including AJK, federal & provincial Government employees will be trained in MS Windows, MS Office, Open Source Software and Internet. C.

Strengthening Cadet /Polytechnics & Commerce colleges

The cadet colleges/technical & polytechnic institutes serve an important role in the development of a country. Keeping in view the importance of developing these educational institutions, the Ministry of Information Technology has started revamping the existing polytechnics/commerce colleges of the country by introducing IT in the curricula. So far five projects costing Rs. 73.14 million for the modernization of the existing cadet colleges/polytechnics, through the use of Information Technology, have been approved. D.

Technical support to IT departments of provinces & AJK

The provinces are facing lack of availability of technical expertise as a serious bottleneck in their effort to come up with IT projects. Keeping in view the difficulty of the provinces, a project worth Rs. 7.06 million has been approved, which will address the issue of shortage of manpower in the IT departments of the provinces by placing services of business analysts in the provinces on a full time basis for the duration of 21 months. E.

Development of Urdu language software extendable to regional languages

For the development of Urdu language software extendable to regional languages, a project worth Rs. 34.00 million for the development of Urdu component, development of English-to-Urdu machine translation component, development of Urdu TTS component, development of online Urdu dictionary, development of online text translator, development of Urdu E-mail and website reader was initiated. The National University-FAST, Lahore is implementing this project. F.

Industrial Information Network Development of SMEs in Pakistan




SMEs being the second largest sector of the Pakistan`s economy and employing a substantial proportion of the labour force also can play significant role in Pakistan’s external trade flows. The SMEs suffer from

a variety of structural and institutional weaknesses. This constrained their ability to take full advantage of the rapidly advancing process of globalization and adjust to the economic liberalization measures. To support SMEs a project costing Rs. 39.62 million has been approved. The project will be implemented by Small & Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA). The primary objective of the project is to establish a sustainable web-based Industrial Information Network to provide information services and value-added support to SMEs. The project is envisioned to be the largest and most comprehensive (onestop-shop) source of industrial information, and the biggest ecommerce portal in Pakistan. G.

Open Source Software Initiatives

The cost involved in purchase and maintenance of the proprietary Software is high and will cause a huge burden on the National Exchequer when the IT gains momentum. In order to reduce this burden the Government of Pakistan intends to adopt alternative means. Adoption of open source platform is one of the legal alternatives. To move on the track of open source, Rs. 29.645 millions have been allocated for the development of open Source Resource Centre while Rs. 39.256 million have been approved for the automation of domestic industry on open source system. H.

Hospital Management System

In order to improve the health facilities, project of Rs. 21.32 million has been approved. Hospital Management Information System will increase patient management performance by 30% reduction in file search time, 150% efficiency in medical data retrieval and 100% availability of historical data of patients. I.

IT Human Resource Support to Ministries / Departments

E-Government infrastructure consisting of hardware, software and networking is being established in various departments of federal Government. The main problem being faced by most of these departments is that there are no system administrators available in the regular pool of these departments who can run and maintain the system/networks and take care of the security. To cater the shortage of the System Administrators and to safe guard the investment in hardware, projects on IT human support to Ministries / departments, Rs. 6.91 million have been approved. The project will provide the necessary system administrators to those Ministries, which are short of this facility at present.


Improvement in the execution strengthening of various agencies



The Government has embarked upon a strategy to strengthen the agencies responsible for execution of IT related Government projects in Pakistan. These include the monitoring unit of IT & Telecom Division, E-Government Directorate (EGD), Pakistan Computer Bureau (PCB) and Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB). Technical expertise is being hired for execution of the projects. Additional manpower is being hired to work under the monitoring unit of the IT & Telecom Division. The technical expertise will train the staff of PCB that in turn will impart training to various provincial departments where IT expertise is low. IT PROJECTS APPROVED IN APRIL, 2004 Ministry of Information Technology has approved five projects in April, 2004 at a cost of Rs 208 million to strengthen IT industry of the country. The projects have been approved for improving quality standards and creating environment to help local IT firms to compete in the international markets. Summary of projects is given below:


S. No. 1.

Project Name Setting up of a national IT development and promotion Unit

Total Cost (Million) 38


Call Operations Performance Centre 2004 Certification (COPC)



Reestablishing a Software Technology Park (STP) in Islamabad



CMM level –3 or Higher certification



Invite key decision makers in the foreign markets to visit Pakistan


Description This will provide a forum where private sector, the academia and other subject matter will collectively carry out studies to identify impediments and the enablers in the area of egovernance, IT industry development and H.R.D Through this project, Ministry has planned to conduct COPC overview training sessions for IT-enabled service industry of Pakistan to apprise them of the COPC standards and importance. The project will extend high speed fiber connectivity, backup international connectivity via VSAT and provide modern facilities. Under this project, indigenous capability in development will be used in achieving CMMI certification for 35 IT companies. It is aimed to invite key decision makers from the foreign markets to visit Pakistan and interact with public and private sectors to rectify the misconception about Pakistan and market the positive aspects of Pakistan.

Education: Uneducated population cannot learn the latest technologies so cannot step forward to bring themselves at par with the people of developed countries. It is only the education which bridges the gap between the people of under developed, developing and developed countries. The need of the day is education of basic Sciences, primarily Math, Physics, Chemistry, Bio and most rapidly growing field of IT but it is a fact that without the knowledge of basic science, IT cannot produce the required results. No leapfrogging is possible without an IT savvy nation. Information Technology today drives the technological and economic advancement of the developed as well as emerging economies. IT is the driving force in the new millennium, and IT has been highlighted as one of the primary drivers of the economy. Education determines, more than anything else, a country’s prospects for human development and competitiveness. Fortunately, the information revolution offers some extraordinary opportunities in education. Ministry of Information Technology has taken the following steps to develop human resources through IT education: Infrastructure Support for Degree and Post Degree Level IT Education • •

Connectivity to 56 HEC recognized universities: In addition to the local content, an aggregate 4 Mbps international connectivity (upgradeable to 32 Mbps) will also be provided. Multimedia Platform: The project will set up a multimedia asset management system capable of storing, compiling and content over digital satellite broadcast television, internet and cable television channels.

IT Education at School & College Level • • • •

25 federal Government schools and colleges have been provided with computer labs and other resources through a project. 25 PAF schools and colleges are being provided with computer labs and other resources through a project. 23 federal Government colleges and 20 schools in cantts/ garrisons have been provided with computer labs and other resources through two projects. Government College Lahore and Lahore College for Women have been provided with computer labs and other resources separately.

• •

Colleges (2 each for men and women) in Northern Areas have been provided computer labs and other resources. Cadet College Sanghar (Sindh) and Military College Jhelum have been provided with the computer labs and other resources, separately.

Training Statistics • • • • •

1400 Inter-Networking (Cisco) engineers. PGD program for students from Balochistan. 760 students trained in Legal Transcription. 1104 students trained in Medical Transcription. 536 students trained in Quality Control.

At present around 100 universities are imparting education in I.T at graduate and post graduate level in addition to a number of institutions offering I.T short courses at the elementary level. Although these are adding skilled manpower to the I.T sector but the major potential lies in the engineering, accounting and banking / insurance sectors. So there is a need that some quality educational institutes are added specifically in I.T with quality I.T programs through international standard curricula, so that these professionals are developed with the advanced I.T skills in their respective fields.

List of Universities Offering Education in Information Technology 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.

Air University Allama Iqbal Open University Bahauddin Zakariya University Bahria University,Islamabad Balochistan University of Engineering & Technology, Khuzdar Baqai Medical University CECOS University of Information Technology & Emerging Sciences City University of Science & Information Technology, Peshawar COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi Foundation University, Islamabad Gomal University Greenwich University Hazara University Dhodial, Mansehra, NWFP, Pakistan International Islamic University Iqra University ISRA University, Hyderabad Jinnah University For Women Karakuram International University Kohat University of Science & Technology Lahore College for Women University Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) Mohi-Ud-Din Islamic University National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad National University of Modern Languages NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi NWFP Agricultural University NWFP University of Engineering & Technology Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science & Technology, Nawabshah Quaid-I-Azam University Qurtuba University of Science & Information Technology D.I.Khan Riphah International University, Islamabad Sarhad University of Science & Information Technology, Peshawar Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. Pakistan University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir University of Balochistan, Quetta University of Central Punjab University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore University of Karachi University of Malakand, Chakdara University of Sindh University of the Punjab

C. Telecommunication Introduction Infrastructure and services across the country are fairly well established and Pakistan has state-of-the-art telecom network comprising of digital switching, transmission, radio and fiber optic cable systems and other modern technologies. During 2000-02 all analogue switching system has been completely replaced by digital technologies. Experts from International Telecommunication Union (ITU) helped in establishing telecom training centers. As a result the country has world class trained workforce and network conforms with well-defined design standards and engineering practices. These Telecom Training Centers and Institutes set up under multi-lateral and bilateral cooperation program are now 100% managed by local experts. There are number of down-stream manufacturing industries which support Telecom Sector. Pakistan is self sufficient in the context of manufacturing of digital switching, transmission and fiber optic cables. Three digital switching production units (TIP, APL and ZTE) with annual capability of over 600.000 lines using European and Chinese technology meet domestic telecom industry requirements. Chinese factory was brought into operation in 1999-2000. Transmission equipment manufacturing unit (CTI) produces optical digital systems, digital radios and full range of other transmission equipment. LT Engineering- a 100% owned unit of Government produces state-ofthe-art fiber optic cables which meet the demand of the country. A number of private sector units produce copper and other telecom items for outside plant elements. About 50% of local market needs for outside plant is met from within the country. The Telecom infrastructure of Pakistan is robust, reliable and has a sound foundation for major roll-out to cater for increasing traffic needs, which may be encountered with sector opening up and deregulation of Telecom market. The Telecom Reorganization Act of 1996 provides sufficient basis for Telecom Sector opening and considerable progress has been made towards providing a depending policy and regulatory frame work. Major initiatives have been taken in last three years to accelerate Telecom services in the country. The Cellular Mobile sector is operated by four private and public sector cellular mobile companies, two of them are providing GSM 900 and other two are operating analogue

and digital AMPS network in a competitive environment. The Government has recently issued two cellular phone licenses. The new companies will improve infrastructure which in turn will generate a lot of employment and cut down tariff substantially. Mobile sector has seen major growth after introduction of Calling Party Pays (CPP) regime and launch of U-fone-a public sector cellular mobile company in 2000-01. Major capital injection that took place in this sector in last three years has resulted in exponential growth. Sector Growth Pakistan’s Teledensity is growing at a reasonably steady pace since last decade. At present fixed line teledensity stands at 2.60% compared to less than 1% in 1991 and 2.2% in 1999. Mobile density has grown from about 0.25% in 1999 to 1% in 2002. PTCL is playing a leading role in promoting telecommunication sector in the country. Its achievements are significant in last three years as it added about one million new fixed lines and established U-fone, a new GSM company. Table below summarizes the past and projected growth in fixed-line, Internet and Cellular Mobile sector for the period between 1999-2004: Sector Status and Projections Fixed-line network capacity

June 1999

June 2000

June 2001

June 2002

June 2003

June 2004







2.35 86 100 13 0.22 -

2.45 90 200 63 0.32 0.04

2.50 95 400 75 0.70 0.12

2.6 99.5 950 125 1.5 0.35

2.65 100 1100 200 2.5 1.0

2.7 100 1300 300 4.3 1.6

in Million lines

Tele-density (%) Digitalization (%) Internet/IT Users (K) PTCL Share (Internet/IT Users) (K) Total Cellular Market (M) Customers PTML Share (M) Customers

Table 1 Sector Status and Projections (1999-2004) excluding about 100,000 NTC/SCO lines

In addition to basic services, company has also offered a range of value added services such as data communication services, Universal Access Number (UAN), Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), Premium rate Audio-Tex, voice mail and messaging etc. An overview of capital expenditure figures for five years by PTCL is given below: 1999-00


Rs 11.54 B Rs 8.6 B Capital Expenditure Table 2 PTCL Capital Expenditure (1999-2004)




Rs 13.5 B

Rs 19.4 B

Rs 15.8 B

Major Achievements Following is the highlight of major achievements for the last three years and an account of on-going and future activities for next two years: Completed Projects (1999-2002) 100% digitalization of switching system (467 K Lines) and futuristic IT-based services at a cost of Rs 3 billion. Expansion of Universal Internet from 29 to 850 cities with door step dial-up connectivity at a cost of Rs 700 million. Addition of about 250-300K new lines p.a at a cost of Rs 7 billion per annum New features and services like Universal Access Number, Free phone-0800, Audiotex, Voice Messaging implemented at the cost of about Rs 1 billion. CLI facility to a million customers at a cost of Rs 200 M. ISDN PRA and BRA service at a cost of Rs 500 m. Two new International Gateway exchanges (12,000 circuits) commissioned at a cost of Rs 150 m. Shared PRI Internet Switch is commissioned at Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad at a cost of Rs 150 m. International 155 Mb (STM-1) connectivity & PIE at a cost of Rs 250 m. On-Going Projects (2002-03) Multiple 2.5x 4 (10GB) DWDM (up-gradable to 40 GB) Optical Fiber System for backbone network at a cost of Rs 1 billion. Another project involving 1 x 10 GB STM Super Express Ring at PTCL cost of Rs 120 M is currently on-going. All district towns in four provinces are being brought on fiber routes (400 cities by June 2003) at a cost of Rs 1.5 billion.

About 30% new lines (125 –150 K lines) allocated during the year 2002-03 for rural area. Expansion of NWD system by - 125,000 circuits at a cost of about Rs 1 billion. SDH transmission media on branch routes is being added at a cost of about Rs 1 billion. Installation of 600,000 new lines during year 2002-03. Planned Projects (2-3 Years) Introduction of fiber cable in access network (in lieu of copper) at a cost of about Rs 2 billion. Up-gradation of NWD Transit Switching network at a cost of Rs 500 b. Up-gradation of switches to meet de-regulation requirements at an estimated cost of Rs 1.5 billion. Expansion of Fixed line network by 500 K lines per annum. Up-gradation of transmission network at an annual cost of Rs 500 m. Migration and evolution from circuit switched to IP (packet switched) technology. Billing and Customer Care Initiatives Efforts are being made to enhance the corporate image and following projects are being completed to improve customer services: Establishment of 6 Master Customer Service Centers at Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad at the cost of Rs 300 million. Corporate Call Centers at Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad at a cost of Rs 200 m. Modernization of customers subscriber’s hotline.






Private Sector Partnership Projects Private entrepreneurs and O&M partners are involved to exploit telecom market potential for competitive and efficient service offerings in the following projects: VoIP Pilot Project: 5 international companies (with Rs 60 M investment each) are participating in this project. Introduction of ADSL technology through three private sector partners (with Rs 60 M investment each). Four O&M contracts are made for Wireless Payphone Services and over 90,000 payphones are being installed throughout the country. Four partners with investment of Rs 100 m each are providing Pre-paid calling card services. International Communications International traffic has almost doubled in last three years (726 mminutes in 1998/99 to 1250 m-minutes in 2001/02). Initiatives were taken to increase the network capacity through up-gradation of SEAME-WE3 from 0.4 m to 2.8 million MIU kms. Pakistan has direct bilateral arrangements with 52 countries, whereas connectivity to remaining countries is through transit arrangements. IT / Internet Infrastructure Pakistan is offering Internet dial-up access (local call of no time limit) for Universal Internet using Numbering scheme e.g. UIN (131-XXXXX). National Information Infrastructure Plan in this period caters for about 4 million users by 2005. Rapid expansion of ISPs resulted in small enterprises, to date 85 ISPs have planned services using 131 AccessCode & 65 ISP’s are in actual service (PoPs in 27 cities). The Internet bandwidth availability in Pakistan has increased from 35 Mbps to 410 Mbps in last three years. An Educational Intranet ranging from 256Kbps to 6Mbps has been initiated for 56 HEC accredited universities. In addition to the local content, an aggregate 4 Mbps international connectivity (up-gradable to 32 Mbps) will also be provided. Optical Fiber Cables (OFC) have been laid for 16 universities, out of which six universities are ready for using Intranet/Internet facilities.

Tariff Reductions About 70% reduction in long distance (NWD) and international call rates has been done during past three years. Tariff reduced twice during the year 2003 and new telephone installation charges are reduced by 50%. Furthermore substantial savings on telephone shifting charges and other services is offered to customers. Tariff of domestic bandwidth/ leased lines reduced giving more incentive to ISPs and mobile operators. Bandwidth rates reduced from US$ 90,000/E1/month (1998) to 6000/E1/month (present). In addition “Econo-Bandwidth” is available at US$ 3000/E1 per month. Achievements on the Regulatory Front by PTA Pakistan Telecommunication Authority has issued licenses with an objective of having healthy, competitive, and fast growing telecom sector and to fulfill the following goals: Goals Rights of licensees are duly protected; Decisions and determinations are made promptly, in an open equitable, non discriminatory, consistent and transparent manner; All applications made to it are disposed off expeditiously; The persons affected by its decisions or determination are given a due notice thereof and provided with an opportunity of being heard; The interest of users of telecommunication services are duly safeguarded and protected. License Status


Cellular Mobile Services Electronic Information Services Data Communication Network Service Card Pay Phone Services Audiotex Services Digital Radio Paging Services Satellite Services Trunk Radio Services: Voice Mail Services Vehicle Tracking Services GMPCS

4 121 27 126 7 1 8 12 2 3 1

Achievements in Government Sector Communication National Telecommunication Corporation (NTC) was established through the promulgation of Pakistan Telecommunication Reorg Act, 1996 and it is envisioned as the sole services provider to the federal/ provincial Governments and defense organizations. NTC renders basic telecommunication services to Ministries, divisions, departments and other Public sector organizations under the administrative control of the federal and provincial Governments. Its services range from basic telephony to long distance media and data communications. It is providing hi-tech support to e-governance initiative and plans to expand its services down to tehsil level during the current year. Following are the highlights of NTC performance during last three years: Established a network of 50,000 lines in last three years. Main and alternate Links for SDH back bone between Peshawar and Karachi are commissioned. Optical Fiber junction network laid out at Islamabad / Rawalpindi and planning/survey work for laying 380 KM additional optical fiber link in seven other cities is completed. Cable network for outside plant (OSP) is laid at 22 site and work in progress for laying OSP at 34 sites. Multi-services Data Communication project at a cost of Rs.315 million is being carried out to provide Internet Access for federal and provincial Government departments. Establishment of educational Intranet for universities institutions at a cost of Rs.298.46 million is at planning stage.


A communication satellite project- PAKSAT is currently underway to secure Pakistan’s position in orbit and to provide state of the art communication and broadcasting facilities. S.No




1 2 3 4

No No No No

5 20 45506 31384

25 62 75932 57985

of of of of

Cities covered Exchanges Installed Installed Lines Working Lines

Table 3 Three year (1999-2002) network statistics of NTC

Achievements in Azad Jammu & Kashmir and Northern Areas Special Communication Organization (SCO) was established in July 1976 for provision of telecommunication facilities in Azad Jammu & Kashmir and Northern Areas. In the last few years SCO has made dedicated efforts to uplift the communication standard in the most hostile and harsh areas of Pakistan. The achievements of the organization from October 1999 to date are as under:Commissioned a network of 30,000 lines in three years. Rural Area Uplift Telecommunication Project Phase-1 Telecommunication uplift project in Northern Area for provision of 15000 connections is to be inaugurated shortly. Internet facility has been extended to all the major areas of AJ&K GSM project is likely to be completed in 2002-04. Fiber optic link has been established between Mirpur and Jhelum. Work is in progress for establishment of DXX circuits and extension of Internet facility in Skardu and Gilgit. Three years telecom statistics for AJK and Northern Areas are tabulated below: Services 1999 2002 Telephone lines 29593 45078 PCOs 388 1093 Payphones 408 Exchanges 156 183 MW Stations 41 46 Satellite Station 2 12 Internet Connections 75 1238 Table 4 Three year (1999-2002) statistics for SCO

Achievements in Mobile Cellular sector Mobile cellular telecommunication has seen tremendous growth in the past few years. U-fone is one of the most successful and noticeable project accomplished by the present Government. It is certainly a valuable addition in the telecommunication infrastructure of the country. Through U-fone, the Government has changed the telecom

scenario in Pakistan and the market has shown exponential growth during this period. This growth in communications has a direct impact on the economic growth. President of Pakistan General Pervez Musharraf inaugurated the commercial services of Pak Telecom Mobile Ltd. (Ufone) on January 29th., 2001. U-fone services are now available in all major cities of the country and is serving over 350,000 customers. Similarly other mobile cellular operators like Mobilink, Paktel and Instaphone are investing to expand mobile network and customer care platforms. Mobilink has aggressive network capacity increase plans. Instaphone has recently upgraded the network to Digital TDMA system, whereas Paktel is migrating to EGSM services. The Government has recently issued two cellular phone licenses. The new companies will improve infrastructure which in turn will generate a lot of employment and cut down tariff substantially. Mobilink is the single biggest player in the market with about 800,000 customers followed by Instaphone and U-fone with about 350,000 each and Paktel with 200,000 customers. Competition in mobile cellular market has opened up new options and better service/pricing for the customers. Achievements in Telecom Manufacturing Telecom manufacturing industry in Pakistan is estimated to be around Rs 5.5 billion with 600,000 line capability per annum. The turnaround of three companies namely CTI, Alcatel and ZTE is around Rs 1 billion each whereas TIP has a turnaround of about Rs 2.5 billion. a) Carrier Telephone Industries (Pvt) Limited (CTI) Carrier Telephone Industries (Pvt.) Limited (CTI), an ISO-9002 certified, incorporated as a private limited company under the Companies Act in April 1969, is a joint venture of M/s Siemens AG Germany with 47.5% shares and PTCL with 52.5% shares. CTI is capable of manufacturing Digital Multiplexing and Transmission Systems, Digital Radio Systems, Synchronous Digital Hierarchy Systems, Grid and Solid Parabolic Antennae and Automatic Call Routing Equipment, Installation, Testing, Commissioning, after Sales Support Services and Software Development.

b) Telephone Industries of Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd (TIP) The company is a Joint venture of PTCL and Siemens AG. During the year 1999-2000, capital investment of about DM 1.5 millions was made to introduce the latest technology for digital exchanges. The production of 16-lines subscriber module was inducted replacing the 8-lines subscriber module. Due to more integrated technology, factory capacity increased from 300,000 Line Units to 500,000 Line Units per annum, which also reduced the production cost by about 20%. Further investment of Rs.125 (m) is being made during the current year for up-gradation of digital switching manufacturing facilities. TIP has year end operating profit of Rs.160 m (31st Dec, 2002). During the year 2000-01, 282,000 line units have been produced and supplied to PTCL, which is almost double the quantity of exchange lines produced during previous year from October, 2001 to Feb., 2002, 122,000 line units were produced and delivered. Telecom Market Opening/ De-Regulation In order to give a boost to the telecom infrastructure deployment and to create competitive environment, market liberalization policy is essential. Teledensity is still low for a country at Pakistan’s income level. The growth in teledensity has lagged in comparison to other countries in the region. Demand for lines, both fixed and mobile, exceeds available supply. Rates for international long distance calls, although dropping, are still relatively high. Competing operators are striving to provide the most appropriate scervices at the best price. A detailed consultative draft of Market Liberalization Policy has been posted on MoST web for comments and review. Policy will soon be finalized and processed for approval after which it will be implemented. Key objectives of the above-mentioned policy are: Promote infrastructure development, especially teledensity and the spread of telecommunication services in all market segments (including voice and data, business and residential) to ultimate consumers at competitive and affordable prices, Increase service choice for consumers of telecommunications services, Increase private investment in the telecommunications sector by local and foreign investors and entrepreneurs,

Enhance long-run benefits to the Government’s financial position by expanding the taxable revenue base, Accelerate expansion of telecommunication infrastructure to extend telecommunications services to unserved and underserved areas, Liberalize the telecommunication sector competition among service providers,




Maintain an effective and well defined regulatory regime that is consistent with international best practices, and maintain consistency with the Pakistan IT and Internet promotion policy. There will be two types of licenses for fixed line operators: Local loop (“LL”) fixed telecommunication Long-distance and international (“LDI”) fixed telecommunications Existing operators of telecommunication services in Pakistan would be permitted to retain their current licenses or O&M agreements with PTCL. They will also be permitted to opt for a new local and/or long distance license if they qualify. If an existing operator of telecommunication services does not opt for one of the new licenses, it will not lose any of the rights previously acquired (such as interconnection or radio spectrum), and its current license(s) and agreements with other operators will continue to be respected. It is expected that de-regulation policy will play a catalyst role in jump-starting the investments in the sector and have a long-term impact on the economic growth of the country. Foreign Direct Investment in IT & Telecom Sector (2001-January 2004 Sectors Telecommunications Software Development Hardware Development I.T. Service IT sector Sub total Total FDI in IT & T Sector Source: State Bank of Pakistan

2001-02 6.1 3.5 0.4 2.4 6.3 12.4

2002-03 13.5 4.5 1.2 4.2 9.9 23.4

July, 03- January,04 2.4 3.3 0.7 3.6 7.6 10

Foreign IT & telecom Companies doing business in Pakistan S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54.

Company Name AT&T INTEL IBM Microsoft NCR Corporation NCR System Pvt. Ltd Montor graphics Inc APTECH Oracle Cisco System Interisat Satellite Elixir Technologies Corporation Testar 10 Satellite {M/s Local Skynot) Information Systems Associate Ltd. Software Productivity Stragestists Inc. AST Research Inc. PANAM SAT Satellite Samtech Research Abn of Sameena Inc. Elite Software Technology Consultants Ltd. International Emerge Technology (Pvt) Ltd. Europe Star Satellite Remote Silicon Airsys ATM Ltd. / Joannou & Paraskevaides (Overseas) Ltd. Data Base System Ltd. Dancom Sapura First Global Consultant Inc Hell Borton Geophysic Service (Int’I) SESAT, W5 and Atlantic Bid tm 2 (M/s Eutelsat Pvt Ltd) ALCATEL Pakistan Ltd. M/s Pakcom (Pvt) Ltd. (Instaphone) M/s Paktel (Pvt) Ltd. ZTE Huawei Technologies Oracle Corporation Singapore Pte limited. Idream Technologies Pte Limited Ercisson Seets Swedish Eastern Engineering and trading system Aktiebolag. Thaicom satellite Siemens Pakistan Mobile Communication (Pvt) Ltd. (Mobilink) M/s NERA Network AS Pakistan Axiom Telecom M/s NEC Corporation Hyundai information Technologies Co. Limited. Pakistan International Computers Limited The resources group LMKR ( Halliburton) Motorala Compaq Nortel Invislign Technology M/s Global Systems Network (Pvt) Ltd. (APSTAR Satellite) M/s Logitech (Pvt) Ltd. (New Skies Satellite)


Country USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA UK UK UK UK UK Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Canada Canada France France Luxembourg Luxembourg China China Singapore Singapore Sweden Sweden Thailand Germany Egypt Norway UAE Japan Korea (South) Iceland Berumda

Internet in Pakistan

Background & History Pakistan at the time of its inception in 1947 owned a meagre telecom base with just 7000 telephone lines. Telecom service was meant just to meet the needs of country administration. The year 1962 saw the first sector change when Post Telegraph & Telephone services were separated by establishing independent T&T and Postal Departments. Since the mid-1980s, a number of countries including Pakistan overhauled telecommunications sector, to arrange / mobilise additional capital, improve performance of operating enterprises and respond to rapidly growing pressures for more varied services. The pace and scope of sector reforms has varied considerably in South, Latin America and Asia. A number of countries opted to privatise their telephone entities. In the Far East (early 1990s) there have been initiatives on partial privatisation (Thailand & Malaysia etc) including liberalisation of non-basic services. The results achieved were found to be beneficial. This brought the wave of change in South Asia also. To begin, Pakistan in 1990 also started taking gradual sector reform measures within the existing legal and regulatory framework. In line with emerging trends, private sector participation and deregulation initiatives were taken between 1989-91. Sector Policy and Restructuring The current strategy of GOP includes the restructuring of the telecommunications sector to improve its performance, thereby eliminating constraints on the development of the economy. The Government is taking initiatives to privatise PTC, to help inject private capital and skills into the main stream service business. This has been made possible by redefining Government's role from operator to sector policy maker. Now regulation and operation functions stand separated from policy making and assigned to an independent Regulator and operator. The Government continues to retain expert consultants on

restructuring of the telecommunication sector. Based on their recommendations, the Government passed necessary enabling legislation to separate the commercial operations from policy and regulation and initiated the deregulation & privatisation process. A new state owned entity, Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation (PTC) was created out of the then Government run T&T department through PTC Act 1991, to provide basic telecommunications services. At the same time, Government of Pakistan continued to encourage private sector and awarded licenses for cellular, pay phones, paging services. Some improvement became possible in the availability & quality of telecom services followed by revenues growth. The PTC Act of 1991 opened the venues for new entrants in telecom service market. Some non-basic services were given to private service providers. Since 1991 the Ministry of Communication started granting operating licenses also for data and Internet services and removed controls on telecom terminal equipment manufacturing. This trend is still continuing. Private sector is encouraged in the sector development including some new telephony services, either through licensing or by outsourcing. One of the major milestones was achieved (in restructuring the sector) by introducing the new legal framework in the form of Pakistan Telecommunication (Reorganization) Ordinance, which was later enacted by the Parliament with some amendments as an Act in October 1996. Today, this new law is governing the telecommunication sector in Pakistan. Now the Ministry of Communications is responsible for policy and sector monitoring. The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) assumed the responsibility for regulation of the telecom sector. Frequency Allocation Board (FAB) was made responsible for frequency spectrum management and its monitoring. National Telecommunication Corporation (NTC) was established to provide telecommunication services to public sector (govt & defence) organizations. Pakistan Telecommunication Employees Trust (PTET) was created as a trust to takeover statutory function to disburse pension and other benefits to the employees of the PTCL. Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) was incorporated as a public limited company under the Companies Ordinance 1984, with the principal object of provision of domestic and international telecommunication and related services. About 95% of the assets and liabilities of PTC, at net book value, were transferred to PTCL whereas the remaining 5% assets were vested in PTA, FAB, NTC and PTET.

Current Initiatives Pakistan likes to promote a business-oriented policy to associate private entrepreneurs in telecom sector. The options are based on interconnect and revenue sharing arrangements with licensed operators or through rebates and markup in outsourcing contracts with private sector operators. PTCL has successfully entered into collaborative arrangements with foreign and local telecom Companies. The information technology and global super-highway network is opening up new possibilities for the future of telecommunication the world over. Pakistan did lag behind in this area; but now it is improving fast. Thanks to one of the most advanced telecom network owned and operated by PTCL, which can help the society. Major initiatives have been taken to liberalize telecom and Information Technology market of the country. The Information Technology & Telecom Policy stresses the importance of building sophisticated infrastructure to face the challenges of information technology of the 21st century. The IT infrastructure covers most part of the country by using fibre optic channels, satellite systems and Digital switches to create a strong, permanent and reliable IT infrastructure. This infrastructure will support private players in IT and Internet area. The Company is establishing a backbone network to connect about 1.25 million users by the year 2008. This will also encourage the use of the IT network by all service providers users for various information services and other sectors of the economy. Information Technology and Internet Status in Pakistan Information and Communication Technologies have the potential to significantly contribute towards the promotion of sustainable growth of economy. By developing information infrastructure and effectively utilizing information and communication technologies developing nations can narrow the gap in economic and social development and prevent it from widening. There is need to develop IT disciplines and plan approach for implementation of information technology infrastructures. The IT market in advance countries like; USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Australia, Japan and Far East has matured and still growing faster. The E-Mail and Internet network development in Asia region continues to be slow. However developments efforts around the region demand for added capacity, increased access and better network to support new services for Internet users. Around the globe information technology and telecom products and services are in heavy trade. This volume is estimated to be over US$ 1000 billion p.a. around the world. The IT

growth rate is about 50% p.a. (compounded annual growth rate including growth in Internet. The growth rate in Internet and information services in developed countries is unprecedented, varying up to 100% per annum, depending on socioeconomic level. Today more than 60 million people can access Internet and other information networks all over the world. Access to medical, research and university databases etc is of very high value. Latest information can be quickly retrieved and down loaded from remotest corners of the world. It is necessary to share information, on best practices of development, usage of information and communication technologies between public and private sectors. In Pakistan also, we estimate explosive growth and aim at information network capacity. Keeping international telephone and Internet access statistics in view, we still have low access to information network. Today global ratio of public access to telephones compared to Internet is about 12:1 which is improving every year. While looking at the information society in Pakistan with a vision up to 2010 we anticipate phenomenal growth in computer terminals, multi-media, information terminals and in allied fields. It is estimated that number of Internet users by 2010 shall increase by to more than 1 million. The deregulation policy and participation by more than 50 private sector licensees in data and internet services with large number of equipment vendors is expected to accelerate growth and awareness in the society. Major Initiatives Taken by Government/PTCL The Government on recommendations of Ministry of Communications, PTA and PTCL considered the telecom tariff proposals and announced the following concessions and incentives to promote software and Internet services: a) b) c) d) e)

Reduction in leased line rates for software and Internet; Special packages for educational and researches institutes; Package of unlimited local calls for Internet users; Waiver of central excise duty on lease lines for Internet Exempted Internet from 5-minute pulse.

As a policy Information Technology, Internet, Software development and exports are being promoted to encourage private sector for faster expansion of the new services. Policy steps that are in hand focus on Internet infrastructure, backbone and Electronic Commerce to ensure cost effective access to Databases by end users.

The measures taken to promote software and Internet are as follows: (a) 20-50% reduction on the leased lines for ISPs, and software exporters. (b) Concessions to Schools, universities & institutions, 50% up-front and 20 free hours for Internet usage. (c) Packages of unlimited local calls. (d) Major cities, (about 50) of the country are already connected with fibre optic/digital cross connect system. (e) To segregate telephony and Internet traffic to bring Internet away from time metering. (f) Second high capacity fibre optic link commissioned in 1998 (catering 20 new cities). (g) Investment of US$ 40 (M) was made in SEA-ME-WE-III project (operational in July 1999) to enhance capacity. (h) Internet infrastructure project (phased over three years 19982000) costing Rs.700 million launched to cater for 500,000 customers (90 cities including all district towns). (i)

Currently about 100 licenses stand issued out of them 50 are operating the service.

(j) Custom duty on the telecom & Internet equipment reduced. (k) Waiver granted from 25% CED on leased lines given to licensed ISPs & Software Exporters.

COSTS AND TARIFFS The Government of Pakistan recognizes that tariffs for IT services need to be brought down on continuous basis to support IT and Internet business. Over the past two years major reductions have been given to Internet service providers and software exporters both in terms of local & international connectivity. The Government regulator & PTCL are committed to ensure affordable tariffs for Internet access and IT related business to bring boom in the sector. Local Call Charges

PTCL Call Charges

Rs. 2.01

C.E.D @ 15%

Rs. 0.30


Rs. 2.31

The PTCL unit price upto 25 k.m for pulse duration of 5 minutes shall be Rs.2.01 (whether the dialing is make through zero-based system or numbering based system) for all 24 hours of the day without off-peak rebates / rates. NWD LONG DISTANCE CALLS PTCL Board of Directors was pleased to announce reduction in Tariff of NWD (Long Distance Call) for prime (day) time only, with effect from 1st November 2003 as follows: PTCL Total Price Pulse Charges for of time unit Radial Distance Sales Tax S. No. Duration in time unit of of 60 in Kilometers 15% Rs. seconds Seconds 60 Seconds Rs. Rs. 1. Exceeding 25 K.M. but not 34.60 3.48 0.52 4.00 Exceeding 80 K.M. 2. Exceeding 80 K.M. but not 21.30 5.65 0.85 6.50 Exceeding 160 K.M. 3. Exceeding 160 16.30 7.39 1.11 8.50 K.M.

Normal and Off-Peak hours rates for working days are as follow: Rates per minute Timings

25-80 KM


Above 160KM

0700-1800 hours Prime Time




1800-2130 hours





2130-0700 hours Off-Peak-II




Rates for Sunday and Gazetted Holidays shall be as follows: Rate Per Minutes

• • •

• • • •




Above 160KM

0700-2130 hours Off-Peak-I




2130-0700 hours Off-Peak-II




Distance charges are exclusive of General Sales Tax (GST). The GST @15% shall be payable as per CBR letter no. 1(17)STR/2000, dated 30-11-2001. The circuit length may be taken as per road mileage between the points connected by the circuits i.e from end to end including (Local lead). Charges will be payable on monthly basis in advance. The bills will be payable within 7 days from the date of issue. In case of default, 5% surcharge will be levied. Non payment beyond 14 days shall warrant disconnection of the service. Default beyond 30 days shall warrant disconnection of all services. This does not include ATM / DSLAM charges The services mentioned above can be offered on monthly basis with a rate adjustment factor of 1.25. The short term requirements ranging from few hours to few days shall be charged on daily basis with a rate adjustment factor of 1.5 and shall be subject to availability of the facility. Leased line tariff will not be available for voice and for reselling. Note:- * CPE (Customer Premises Equipment) at unit cost of 250-400 US$ will be charged separately.

* Two CPEs (G.SHDSL) will be required for a point-to-point leased line circuit.

Tariff for Clear Half Circuit of International Private Leased Lines for Software Exporters, with Voice/Video Facility with Four-Voice Connections Installation Charges US$ 3,000 (one time) Monthly Rental for Half Circuit of different Bandwidths Speed

Satellite SEA-ME-WE-3 Monthly Rental Monthly Rental US$ US$


256 KBPS




512 KBPS




1024 KBPS 13,518



2048 KBPS 22,500



Terms for lease Lines for Voice/Video for Software Exporters to be added within Lease Line Agreement 1. DXX








2. The above tariff is applicable irrespective of any country. 3. Sales Tax as per applicable rules. 4.

Charges will be payable on monthly basis in advance in Pak Rupees at the rate (US$-Pak Rupee Parity) applicable on the date of payment of bill. The bills will be payable in 07 days from date of issue. In case of default, 5% per month surcharge will be a levied. Nonpayment beyond 14 days shall warrant disconnection of the service. Default beyond 30 days shall warrant disconnection of all services provided by PTCL or it's subsidiaries.

5. Foreign distant end half circuit will be arranged by the software exporters.

TARIFF FOR VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORK PTCL Board of Directors announced the following rates for call charges in case of Virtual Private Network (VPN) with effect from 1st November 2003. New Tariffs are as under: Tariff for Virtual Private Network (VPN) Initial group activation charges (once)

Breakdown of initial activation charges per line

10 lines

Rs. 10,000

Rs. 1,000

Up to 20 lines

Rs. 18,000

Rs. 900

Up to 30 lines

Rs. 24,000

Rs. 800

Up to 40 lines

Rs. 28,000

Rs. 700

50 and above

Rs. 30,000

Rs. 600

Group size

Modification Charges @ 50/Call Charges


Normal PTCL Tariff Inclusive of 15% Sales Tax per


Discount on PTCL amount only (excluding Sales Tax)


Rs. 2.31 five minutes

25 Km to 80 Km

Rs. 4.00 per minute

25 % discount

80 Km to 160 Km

Rs. 6.50 per minute

25 % discount

Exceeding 160 Km

Rs. 8.50 per minute

25 % discount

0% Discount



Consequent upon approval by the PTCL Board of Directors, PTCL now offer full circuit I.P connectivity in lower than 256 Kbps Bandwidth of Premium Internet Backbone Via SMW-3. The rates will be as under. Bandwidth

MONTHLY TARIFF Partially Restorable

128 Kbps

US$ 720

64 Kbps

US$ 380


These new products were made available with effect from June 1, 2002. DXX charges

Rs.10,000/-per month

Installation charges

US$ 3,000(one time)


One month rental plus advance Rent for one month.

Sales Tax

@ 15% on all services


Bills will be payable with in 07 days from date of issue. In case of default 5% surcharge will be levied.


Non-payment beyond 03 weeks shall warrant disconnection of the service. Non payment beyond 30 days shall warrant disconnection of all services provided by PTCL to the dafaulters.

Tariff for Call Centers PTCL Board of Directors reduced the long distance call charges (day time only) in case of Call centers effective November 01, 2003. The rates including above referred reduction are as follows: Domestic Call Centers Option 1: For customers having less than 10,000 NWD minutes per month:

1. 2.

Installation charges (One time) Rs. 3,000* Security deposit (Refundable) 1 to 5 lines: Rs. 5,000 per line 6 and above: Rs 4,000 per line or Bank Guarantee of Rs. 100,000


Features (Free of charges) * Day time dependent routing * Call Distribution * Origin dependent routing


Call Charges Distance Slab

Normal PTCL Tariff Rs. Per minute*

Discount on Toll Free Calls

2.01 for five minutes


More then 25 Km upto 80 Km



More then 80 Km upto 160 Km



More than 160 Km



0-25 Km

* These rates are exclusive of sales tax: Note:

Half and quarter tariffs for NWD calls will also be applicable as per existing circular. 5.

Discount Package: Monthly Bill (Excluding Sales Tax)


Above Rs. 50,000 upto Rs. 100,000


Above Rs. 100,000 upto Rs. 150,000


Above Rs. 150,000


Option 2 (Volume Commitment Package) For customers that commit for a minimum 10,000 NWD minutes per month:

1. 2.

Installation charges (one time) Rs. 3,000 (excluding sales tax) Security deposit (refundable) 1 to 5 lines: Rs. 5,000 per line 6 and above: Rs. 4,000 per line or Bank guarantee of Rs. 100,000


Features (free of charges) * Day time dependent routing * Call distribution * Origin dependent routing


Call charges (excluding sales tax): Local call rate (max duration 5 Rs. 2.01* minutes) NWD Traffic: NWD flat rate per minute Minimum NWD commitment per month

Rs. 4.00* traffic

Minimum charges per month

10,000 minutes Rs. 40,000

These rates are exclusive of GST.

Option 3 - UAN + IP (Traffic Aggregation using Packet Based Protocol) This option consists of a combination of UAN service, leased line & DXX Incoming voice traffic from various cities will be collected via local calls using UAN service and converted to packet based IP traffic for transport to central call center using leased lines. The call centre operator will install IP gateways that will be housed at PTCL colocation centers and one-way PRI will be used for interfacing with PSTN. 1.

Installation charges (one Time) Installation charges will consist of sum of individual installation charges as applicable for PRI, UAN services & DXX.


Security deposit (refundable) One month rental of PRI, UAN and DXX charges plus advance rent for one month.


Monthly recurring charges:

Monthly recurring charges Description of service PRI rental Line rent Co-location charges UAN charges Leased Line DXX charges

Charges As per applicable As per applicable As per applicable As per applicable As per applicable premium As per applicable

tariff tariff tariff tariff tariff

for for for for for

PRI Line rent Co-Location UAN services Leased lines + 100%

tariff for DXX + 100% premium

Terms and Conditions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

No connectivity is allowed to/from any type of international network Combined call centers (local + International) are not allowed The interconnection of corporate customers systems (including call centers) with PSTN will be one way, i.e. from PSTN to the corporate customers systems. For option 3, only large corporate customers will be considered for incoming (one way) call center voice traffic only. Only Pakistan registered companies shall be allowed on nonexclusive basis. Interconnectivity of domestic call centers shall not be allowed. GST @ 15% shall be levied on the above charges. Monthly bill should be cleared within 15 days from date of issue. Non payment beyond 30 days will lead to disconnection without any notice.

International Call Centres The PTCL Board of Directors announced following Bandwidth's Tariff for International Call Centers on Premium Internet Protocol Backbone Connectivity using SMW - 3 with effect from 1st July 2003. The rates are as under: Bandwidth 256 Kbps 512 Kbps 1024 Kbps 2 MBit/s 8 MBit/s 34 MBit/s

Monthly Tariff on All Pakistan Basis Partially Restorable US$ 1,120 US$ 1,910 US$ 3,270 US$ 5,400 US$ 19,500 US$ 72,000

International Call Center Operators are also allowed roof-top to rooftop VSAT link facility under PTCL Franchise. The applicant shall pay PTCL a formal Franchise fee of 5% of their out-payment to the Satellite Operator. 2. Other Applicable Charges DXX Charges Local Connectivity

As per applicable tariff upto 2 Mb As per Optical Fiber Media charges vide PTCL Circular No. Tariff 1-8/2000 dated 30-4-2002, based on distance from local ITI node / National Multiplex Terminal to customer PoP in the same city.

Installation Charges

US$ 3,000 (one time)


One month rental plus advance Rent for one month

Registration Charges non refundable: (for 8/34 Mbps Customers)

Rs. 30,000/=

Bandwidth, ISPs and fibre optic installation in Pakistan Internet access, International bandwidth allocation, number of ISPs and fiber optic installations in Pakistan (1996 to March – 2004) are given in the following table:Category



Cities connected with internet Bandwidth 0.656 3 (Mbits) No. Of ISPs 11 13 Fiber Optic 40 45 Installation (No. of Cities) Source: PTCL, PTA, PSEB






Mar – 2003
















44 60

68 72

98 93

111 135

127 258

127 300

250 380

Cities Connected with Internet As on January 2004 Provinces Punjab

Number 1,091









Source: PTCL No. of Internet Users (1995-2003) Years 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

No. of internet Users 1,500 25,000 100,000 250,000 500,000 750,000 1,000,000 1,600,000

Source: PTA Telecom Status Report 2002-2003

E- Commerce in Pakistan E-Commerce stands for electronic commerce. It is new way of doing business in this IT revolution world where physical boundaries have no meaning. Many countries have yet to draw up a proper set of operating principles to govern legal, regulatory, and enforcement issues. Although there are several initiatives underway to prompt Governments to adopt some kind of a legal e-commerce framework, it is going to take a while before everyone enacts an act for this new business environment. But without this legal framework, customer confidence will remain affected, as people will remain unsure on how they are protected, or if they will be protected if anything goes wrong during an on- line transaction. Many businesses and consumers are still wary of conducting extensive business over the Internet because of the lack of a predictable legal environment governing transactions. The present Government is cognizant of the importance of information technology and the Internet in contributing to economic growth and prosperity. It is hoped that the IT policy (being revised) will address the issues and opportunities of the Internet as well as e-commerce. There is an urgent need for creating a proper legal atmosphere under which ecommerce could flourish in Pakistan. Both producers and consumers need to know what is the legal status of a transaction conducted on the Internet, what is the recourse available to a buyer in case the retailer reneges on its contract. For someone who believes that the Internet can be a powerful tool for Pakistani businesses and professionals in their quest for global competitiveness, such a regulatory structure is extremely important. Proposed model for Pakistan 1.

The Government should put in place a legal framework which provides for certainty and predictability: The Government's role is to put in place a legal framework which provides for certainty, predictability, and clarity of the rights and obligations of the transacting parties. At the same time, the legal framework will need to be technology-neutral and flexible enough to accommodate technological changes and the fluid global environment.


The private sector should be encouraged to lead: Though the US Government played a role in financing the initial development of the Internet, its expansion has been driven primarily by the private sector. In Pakistan for e-commerce to flourish, the private sector should and must continue to lead. Innovation, expanded services, broader participation, and lower prices will arise in a market-driven arena, not in an environment that operates as a regulated industry. Accordingly, the Government should encourage industry's selfregulation wherever appropriate and support the efforts of private sector organizations to develop mechanisms to facilitate the successful operation of the Internet. Even where collective agreements or standards are necessary, private entities should, where possible, take the lead in organizing them. Where Government action or inter-Governmental agreements are necessary, on taxation for example, private sector participation should be a formal part of the policy making process. Representatives from tax, consulting and law firms should be invited to form working groups for this purpose. E-commerce is about business. The Internet and the global information infrastructure are fast gaining worldwide prominence because the private sector is driving it. Businesses must take the lead. The Government must not impede but remove hurdles to its natural growth and development.


The Government should avoid undue restrictions on Ecommerce. Parties in Pakistan should be able to enter into legitimate agreements to buy and sell products and services across the Internet with minimal Government involvement or intervention. Unnecessary regulation of commercial activities will distort development of the electronic marketplace by decreasing the supply and raising the cost of products and services for consumers in Pakistan. Business models must evolve rapidly to keep pace with the break-neck speed of change in technology; Government attempts to regulate are likely to be outmoded by the time they are finally enacted, especially to the extent such regulations are technology-specific. Accordingly, the Government should refrain from imposing new and unnecessary regulations, bureaucratic procedures, or taxes and tariffs on commercial activities that take place via the Internet. Although not limited to the net, a previous one per cent transaction fee for credit card use is an example of such an action.


The Government should provide a safe and secure environment. Both businesses and consumers must be assured of security and safety in cyberspace transactions. Proper procedures and sufficient remedies have to be provided to safeguard innocent parties from abusive use of electronic market space. Similarly service providers and users need to be assured that they are protected from fraudulent attacks. It is, therefore, necessary for the Government to take a more sophisticated approach to provide for enhanced penalties proportionate to the different levels of potential and actual harm caused. Basically, customers need to know who and what they are dealing with out there on the Internet. Consumers need to know that the intermediary, whether it is a bank or merchant, is a trusted one and that the transaction will follow through. Other issues include fraud and misrepresentation, rights and redress. Essentially, they want to know about their rights, how they can be protected, and how will they be compensated for their loss.


Where Governmental involvement is needed, its aim should be to support and enforce a predictable, minimalist consistent and simple legal environment. However, this does not mean absence of Government participation. Government regulation must be based on three simple principles, preserving system integrity, enhancing transparency and maintaining objectivity. In some areas, Government agreements may prove necessary to facilitate e-commerce and protect consumers. In these cases, the Government should establish a predictable and simple legal environment based on a decentralized, contractual model of law rather than one based on top-down regulation. This may involve provincial as well as the federal Governments. Where Government intervention is necessary to facilitate e-commerce, its goal should be: • • • • • •


To ensure competition Protect intellectual property and privacy Prevent fraud Foster transparency Support commercial transactions Facilitate dispute resolution

The Government should recognise the unique qualities of the Internet: The genius and explosive success of the Internet can be attributed in part to its decentralized nature and to its tradition of bottom-up governance. These same characteristics pose significant logistical and technological challenges to existing

regulatory models, and the Government should tailor its policies accordingly. E-commerce faces significant challenges where it intersects with existing regulatory schemes. We should not assume, for example, that the regulatory frameworks established over the past fifty years for telecommunication, radio and television fit the Internet. Regulation should be imposed only as a necessary means to achieve an important goal on which there is a broad consensus. An example of this is the use of Dial Pad by internet users to call the US, free of charge. The PTA has censored some ISPs for allowing access to this site despite the authority warning. Existing laws and regulations that may hinder ecommerce should be reviewed and revised or eliminated to reflect the needs of the new electronic age. 7.

The Government should pursue innovative, liberal and transparent policies pro-actively. The traditional concepts of imports, exports and cross-border trade, their rules and regulations need to be reviewed and adapted to meet a fast changing electronic market place. Tax and investment incentives will need to keep pace with the developments in e-commerce. The SBP will need to develop a system that monitors purchase and sale flows in foreign currency through the internet for resident consumers and companies.


The Government should ensure consistency with international regimes, international co-operation and interoperability. These are necessary for e-commerce to thrive. E-commerce should be facilitated on a global basis because the Internet is emerging as a global marketplace. The legal framework supporting commercial transactions on the Internet should be governed by consistent principles across state, national, and international borders that lead to predictable results regardless of the jurisdiction in which a particular buyer or seller resides. The global nature of the Internet makes it imperative for domestic policies to be in line with those in the international environment. In addition, the main thrust and advantage of e-commerce is the ability to tap into global resources and to sell to the vast global markets. It is therefore important that our legislative framework is a friendly and internationally acceptable one that conforms to stringent standards. A survey was carried out among 21 economies of the APEC forum on regulation of e-commerce. According to the survey, conducted by Price Waterhouse, a major issue was "how to bring to court matters pertaining to ecommerce in case of a dispute, for instance, whether the case

should be heard in the country where the buyer resides or where the seller is incorporated?" The survey results described concerns such as security, legal and tax issues as "speed bumps" which slow progress. It is not going to be an easy task getting international compliance and cooperation on a set of e-commerce laws. And compatibility is something which Governments should strive for, if not, the growth of e-commerce may be slowed down. It is very important to ensure that there is compliance and compatibility. If different countries have different standards or laws, it will then be difficult to settle disputes when it comes to cross- border transactions. But like any unilateral arrangement, getting all the countries to adhere to one e-commerce framework is going to be difficult. We should explore the possibility of signing "Ecommerce treaties" with other countries in the same vein as taxtreaties. This will greatly facilitate the growth of cross- country e-commerce and help settle regulatory issues with less difficulties. 9.

The Government should provide incentives to encourage listing of IT companies on the stock exchanges. We need to list IT stocks. This will attract foreign portfolio investment into our capital market and allow our companies to tap foreign resources for growth and expansion. Globally, stock markets are on a roll. People everywhere appear to be making money. The buzz word is a new economy stocks". List a and funds start flowing towards it. Asia, India, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea are witnessing massive inflows of portfolio capital while others like Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines are seeing outflows. The reason is preference for new economy versus old economy stocks. Countries which have built an Information Technology base are experiencing the inflows while the old economy stocks are being neglected. There is an information technology mania that has engulfed the global market place.


We must accept "intellectual property" as capital and extend financing to IT companies. Venture capital financing rules need to be amended to incorporate financing to upcoming IT firms. State Bank of Pakistan must create a credit line for IT companies. Banks urge that they will lend only against collateral or personal guarantees. The demand for concessional financing by software export houses is justified. The inability of commercial banks to lend without collateral or at lower than market rates can be overcome only if the State Bank creates a

credit line specifically for this purpose. This needs to be done and it must be done. The future Commerce on the Internet reached $3 trillion globally in the year 2003. Pakistani business concerns must prepare themselves for this new dimension and strive to be a part of this digital market place. In order to allow Pakistani companies to participate effectively in this commercial arena, our Government must adopt a flexible, marketoriented approach to e-commerce, one that facilitates the emergence of a transparent and predictable legal environment to support business and commerce. Our official decision-makers must respect the unique nature of the Internet as a medium for transacting business and recognize that widespread competition and increased consumer choice should be the defining features of the new digital marketplace. Policy decisions will have a major impact on the kind of environment in which e-commerce will further develop and should, therefore, be drafted with care and with due recognition of its fragile and evolving nature.

Hardware / Software Industry in Pakistan Hardware Industry in Pakistan Computer Hardware Industry can be defined as design, development, manufacturing and maintenance of all products, modules and components that form the building blocks of an IT infrastructure. A thriving hardware industry is pivotal to the growth of IT infrastructure and services. Computer hardware manufacturing is extremely capital intensive industry. Presently, there is no computer hardware manufacturing activity in Pakistan in true sense. The reason is that imported hardware components are available in abundance and on fairly cheaper rates. Especially after the emerging of China as a big computer hardware manufacturer & supplier, the prices of hardware components have been reduced. In this scenario, the computer hardware manufacturing in Pakistan is currently not feasible. This industry is profitable if it works on economy of scales, which depends upon vast markets. In Pakistan, the market is negligible for hardware consumption and it will not be competitive with China, so this industry has not reasonable prospects in Pakistan to develop & flourish at present. Mostly the computer vendors are assembling the imported parts and components to produce the personal computers but some companies like INBOX, RAFFLES, MICRO PAK etc. have developed organised assembly lines and are producing small components like casings of PCs. M/s Enabling Technologies are doing some Hardware designing activity. Partial Computer Hardware manufacturing activity can however be started. Only those areas that are within Pakistan’s reach may be focused in which the country could have a comparative advantage. The local manufacturers, which like to start this activity, must be encouraged and rewarded. The engineering universities of Pakistan need to be further funded to start R&D centers. Only through such R&D centers, the future of computer hardware manufacturing activity can be ensured. A consistent duty/tax/regulatory structure and attractive incentives can enable the local and foreign investors to make long term investments in this industry.

Software Industry in Pakistan Software Industry in Pakistan has developed a lot during last ten years. Due to liberalized IT policy, a mushroom growth of Software houses have been registered in IT Sector. The Government of Pakistan is taking very significant steps to develop IT culture in Pakistan and lot of incentives have been given to software houses to start software business. In a short period of three decades, computer science has developed from a branch of electronics to one of the largest engineering disciplines itself. It now consists of many branches and software engineering is considered to be the largest. The reason for the rapid growth in the demand for software development is lead by the widespread use of computers in everyday life, evolution of highpowered general purpose computers and low cost of maintaining, debugging and duplication of software products. The potential in the field of software development is still growing worldwide and is expected to continue to grow for decades to come. The field is at its infancy and evolutions will continue to occur technically and directionally. Even now the key players in this industry are changing the way we think about organizing our lives with the help of computers. To provide services e.g. networking, internet connectivity, system support etc. at the international level requires huge investment in setup and research, as compared to setting up a software house, which requires little investments and mostly little or no research. Providing services in the fields of computer science other than software engineering generally means providing services to the local customers only. This reduces the amount of profit that can be earned through these services. The major advantage the software development industry offers to a developing state like Pakistan is that most of the software development projects are from international level, while all the expenses and salaries are paid at local rates, which are considerably lower than in other countries. Therefore in Pakistan, doubtlessly, software development industry has currently the highest profit making potential. Currently a very small amount of this potential is being utilized. The Government is trying to improve the status, by providing many incentives to software development organizations, but still a lot has to be done if the opportunity is to be properly availed. The biggest problem facing the software industry in Pakistan is the lack of

availability of quality software engineers and project managers. Software projects are easy to obtain, but much harder to deliver, especially the larger more profitable projects. A good project manager, in-depth project analysis and a proper team of software engineers are required to make a large project successful. The base of the problem is that qualified computer professionals easily get much higher paying jobs abroad than locally. The difference in the pay scale is so much that a qualified professional can earn more in a month in US/Canada than in a year in our country. Due to this more than 80% of the computer professionals in our country have or are trying to get jobs abroad. Until this difference is minimized, this problem will remain persistent and will continue to be a major obstacle in further development of software industry in Pakistan. India was facing a similar problem with its software industry, but they have tightened the policies in this regard, to prevent the outflow of valuable human resources. The result is that their local software industry is now the fastest growing industry in the world. Similar steps will have to be taken by our Government, so that the country gains some benefits from the cream of its professionals. With the spread of high speed internet, home-based jobs are rising. In a home-based job, the employees perform most of their tasks by sitting at home and logging on to the company's server through dialup lines or the internet. Huge savings are made in this way as the company can now have much smaller office space, lower utility bills and reduced costs of computer maintenance. The advantage to the employees is that they can work with comfort at home and can be physically quite far from the office, save time spent traveling to/from the office. The communication between the employees and project managers happens through messaging software and videoconferencing, all communicating over the same linkup, while VPN software provides the necessary security. Currently these types of jobs are only limited to US and Canada, but are expected to spread worldwide as broad band internet becomes common in other countries. In Pakistan, by the arrival of high speed internet backbone connection soon home-based jobs will also be offered to Pakistani professionals in Pakistan by software houses situated elsewhere. The effect of this will be that the pay scales of IT professionals, programmers will come down. What Pakistani software houses need to realize now is that with the help of the Government they must try to stop the outflow of computer

manpower from the country and if they intend to remain competitive in the long run, they must offer packages to computer professionals. Information centers at IT parks and Business Advisory Councils are providing business advice, suggestions and recommendations to the software companies to improve their business and attract foreign investment. These councils keep active project plans, international contract guidelines and other jump-start and strategic material for software companies. The benefits of these information centers to the local software companies include: Free advice to run software business from experienced persons. A chance to work hands in hands with the international giants through mergers. The mergers increase the capacity of a local software company to jump in bigger projects. A chance to rehearse at the demonstration pavilion before going for international exhibitions. One stop access to the latest magazines, journals, periodicals at zero cost. Software is the largest export for Pakistan’s IT industry. Applications can be generic products or customized, depending on the client’s needs. These range from simple web sites to complex enterprise management systems. A number of companies are now actively engaged in developing new technologies for sale abroad. The ability of Pakistan to produce quality software is based on our abundant pool of IT professionals. 39% of IT students have at least 2 years of practical experience. First Virtual University has been established which aims to educate thousands of students in more than 200 cities of Pakistan. Another reason for our success in software development is the emphasis on software quality and well-managed processes. Currently a few software companies have either ISO 9000 or CMM certifications. This number is planned to increase very soon. Already it is being felt that the quality of Pakistan's IT technicians is not always of the desired level because a number of substandard institutions claiming to be training people in information technology have mushroomed all over but they actually teach very little. It is a positive development that the Government is aware of these constraints and deficiencies and is trying to remove these and improve the overall training facilities.

Two basic issues are to be addressed in all earnestness. One is the question of the spread of education in the country. The other is the approach adopted vis-à-vis the use of information technology. At present it is only the affluent classes which enjoy the benefits of a good education in private schools and universities which are beyond the reach of the low-income groups. If IT remains the exclusive preserve of the rich, the social cleavage will widen. Similarly, it is important that IT is used to promote knowledge, education, enlightenment and economic development. It is afterall a means to an end and not an end in itself. The software development base is still small but growth is phenomenal. Market size is critical. All those businesses would come to Pakistan when it makes financial sense. Why IT companies make lengthy deliberations before coming to Pakistan, one could conclude that often it is because companies analyze the size of growth to assess their return on investment. Pakistan, despite its late entry into the field has already become an attractive proposition for foreign investors. If a developing nation like Pakistan that stands at many crossroads, does not adopt a structured approach for the development of the Information Technology Industry, then it will find itself at the mercy of more farsighted nations from not merely the West but also the East. If we are serious about making any real progress then we have no choice but to have a well articulated view about tomorrow's opportunities and challenges. The investment level when it comes to the IT is relatively lower than the other capital intensive industries such as automotive plants. As far as the information super highway and Internet is concerned, countries like Pakistan needed to provide access on and off the highway. Investment in all forms has taken place in the IT sector in Pakistan. Offshore development contracts are still the main source of software export income. Other areas such as mobile telecommunication have also seen exponential growth. In recent years, local set-ups have significantly increased as well. Successful local IT companies have also merged with some of the bigger names and now play a pivotal role in their global development efforts. Major players in the IT industry have been in Pakistan for more than two decades. Their growth in this region is an example that more and more international companies are following. Since the declaration of the IT sector as an industry, the Government is giving significant benefits to this industry to promote investment. Although some of the top names like IBM, NCR and Siemens have been present in the

country for decades, the world wide boom in IT, especially in the 1990s spurred investment by many other companies from North America, Europe and the Middle East. These companies were looking for a suitable environment for their operations at a lower cost margin. In Pakistan they have found a suitable climate with highly qualified individuals to help them grow their businesses internationally. Companies are making heavy investments to benefit from emerging technologies in hardware, software and communications areas. Pakistan in recent years has seen considerable growth in its IT sector. With more than 2 million computer literate people and a state of the art infrastructure, Pakistan is at the forefront of this industry. The Government of Pakistan is leading the technology revolution in the country in various projects aimed and improving infrastructure, human resource development and integrating IT in the public sector.

CENSUS OF SOFTWARE INDUSTRY AND RELATED SERVICES OF PAKISTAN There was no consolidated information available about Software Industry in Pakistan. Federal Bureau of Statistics (FBS) was entrusted the task to conduct a census of Pakistan Software Industry in year 2002. This census was conducted for the first time in Pakistan. It covered almost all software houses / companies engaged in developing software and rendering related services. It provides benchmark information regarding existing infrastructure of Software Industry, number and category of manpower employed and capabilities of Software houses in generating foreign exchange through software exports. Distribution of Software Houses by Year of Registration / Organization The table depicted below gives year-wise trend of registered Software houses (SWHs) with more than one organizations. The highest number registered with Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB) were 77% followed by Pakistan Software Houses Association (PASHA) with 24%, SBP with 17% and others with 14%. The registration of Software houses with PSEB and PASHA indicates an increasing trend for the year 2001 through 1996.

Year of Registration

Total UPTO 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Name of Organizations SBP PSEB


P@SHA Nos.




66 6 3 4 11 24 18

47 1 1 5 5 8 15 12

214 4 13 12 20 25 65 75

39 7 1 6 5 7 13

Note: - Total number of SWHs may not be added up to 278 due to multiple registrations.

Distribution of Software Houses by Area of Business by Major Cities The data depicted in the table below indicates that the Software houses (SWHs) in addition to Software Development were also engaged in the business of I.T Consultancy, Active Server Page (ASP), Transcription services, Internet Services providing and IT training. Majority of the Software houses were providing IT consultancy and IT training. The city-wise analysis shows that out of 159 Software houses, 65 at Karachi and 45 at Lahore were engaged in IT consultancy in addition to the Software Development.

Major Cities Pakistan Islamabad Rawalpindi Lahore Karachi Other Cities

Software Houses Nos. 278 56 20 80 103 19


Call Center

Nos. 22 4 1 8 6 3

Nos. 15 2 3 1 9 -

HW / SW NW / VENDOR Nos. 36 7 3 7 15 4

I.T. Consultancy

Transcription Services

Nos. 159 27 9 45 65 13

Nos. 48 16 5 8 12 7

I.T. Training Institution Nos. 74 12 10 10 28 14



Nos. 21 3 1 4 11 2

Nos. 35 11 2 7 14 1

Distribution of Software Houses by Database being used The table given below shows the types of databases being used in various cities. Database-wise distribution indicates that majority of the SWHs were using SQL, ACCESS and ORACLE in different cities and these databases were more common in Karachi than other cities while the highest number i.e 14% of the Software houses located in Islamabad were not using any of the database.

Major Cities Pakistan

Software Houses Nos. 278










Nos. 217

Nos. 228

Nos. 186

Nos. 43

Nos. 21

Nos. 3

Nos. 4

Nos. 45

Nos. 21













































Other Cities











Distribution of Manpower Employed in Software houses by Sex and Cities The total manpower employed on 278 Software houses (SWHs) was 8,527 out which 7,671 (90%) were male and 856 (10%) females. Majority of the people (94%) were full time employed while only (6%) were part time employed. City-wise as well as total male-female ratio

was 90:10. The average number of people employed per SWH worked out to 30 persons in the main cities. In Islamabad however, average employment per SWH was the highest i.e. 39 people as compared to main cities. Software Houses



Nos. 7671

Nos. 856

Both Sexes Nos. 8022

Nos. 278

Both Sexes Nos. 8527


















Other Cities



Major Cities Pakistan

FULL TIME Male Female Nos. 7236

Nos. 786

Both Sexes Nos. 505
















PART TIME Male Female Nos. 435

Nos. 70





















Distribution of Local / Overseas Projects Developed by Software Houses The statistics given in the table below revealed that during the year 2000-2001, 1,685 software development projects were completed at 226 Software houses (SWHs), which have been reported, out of which 1,137 projects (67.5%) were for the local clients and 548 (32.5%) for the overseas clients. During the first quarter of the fiscal year 20012002, 767 projects were completed, which shows an increasing trend in total as well as for the overseas clients. During the year 2000-01 the share of the overseas clients was 32.5% which rose to 34.4% in the first quarter of 2001-02, while for the local clients it decreased to 65.6% from 67.5%. Analysis of data also indicates that on the average 140 projects per month were developed during July-June 2000-01 which rose to 255 projects per month during the 1st quarter of 2001-02. The city-wise analysis indicates that the Software houses at Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad developed 1,485 projects that is 88% of the total projects and Karachi was at the top with 634 projects followed by Lahore (501) and Islamabad (350). Similar trend remained in the 1st quarter of year 2001-02. In the development of overseas projects, Lahore remained at the top with a share of 47% followed by Islamabad (26%) and Karachi (19%) during 2000-01.

Major Cities Pakistan Islamabad Rawalpindi Lahore Karachi Other Cities

Software Houses Reported Nos. 226 47 14 67 82 16

July, 2000 – June, 2001 Total Nos. 1685 350 48 501 634 152

Local Nos. 1137 205 22 243 530 137

Overseas Nos. 548 145 26 258 104 15

July, 2001 – Sept, 2001 Total Nos. 767 163 36 236 276 56

Local Nos. 503 94 15 134 213 47

Overseas Nos. 264 69 21 102 63 9

Distribution of Software Houses by Type of Internet Connectivity The internet connectivity data revealed that the dial-up connectivity (telephone connections with computer modem manually or automatically) ranges from 94% in ‘other cities’ to 80% in Rawalpindi, whereas 25% of the Software houses (SWHs) had ISDN connectivity in Lahore, around 10% in Islamabad, Karachi and other cities. The VSAT, which is a satellite communication system and serves home & business users, was available to Islamabad and Karachi whereas Lahore, Rawalpindi and other cities did not have VSAT connectivity. Major Cities Pakistan Islamabad Rawalpindi Lahore Karachi Other Cities

Software Houses Nos. 278 56 20 80 103 19



Digital Cross Connection

Radio Modem



Nos. 238 47 16 66 91 18

Nos. 39 6 1 20 10 2

Nos. 33 7 5 6 14 1

Nos. 9 1 4 2 2

Nos. 6 3 3 -

Nos. 11 2 4 5 -

Total number of SWHs may not be added upto 278 due to multiple facilities. Distribution of Software Houses by Bandwidth Capacity The bandwidth capacity, which gives the measure of fast data flows over given transmission path was not available with 147 (53%) of Software houses. Out of 131 Software houses which had bandwidth capacity available, 109 Software houses had 001-512 KBPS bandwidth capacity available with them and were utilizing it. If we look city-wise, the non-availability of bandwidth capacity in the SWHs of Karachi was 62%, Islamabad 50%, Lahore 47.5%, Rawalpindi 70% and interestingly the other cities 16%. Software Houses Nos. 278

No Bandwidth Nos. 147













































Other Cities











Major Cities Pakistan

001-512 KBPS Available Utilized Nos. Nos. 109 109

513-1024 KBPS Available Utilized Nos. Nos. 6 10

1025-4096 KBPS Available Utilized Nos. Nos. 8 8

> 4096 KBPS Available Utilized Nos. Nos. 3 4

Distribution of PCs & PC Servers Installed in Software houses by Cities The table given below provides city-wise installation of personal computers (PCs), PC Servers and other Servers in 278 Software houses (SWHs) throughout Pakistan. It was revealed that on average basis there were 34 PCs per SWH, while the average number of PC Servers per SWH was 3. The city-wise average number of PCs per SWH further revealed that Islamabad had the highest number i.e. 53 PCs per SWH where as Lahore and Karachi had 34 and 28 PCs respectively despite having the highest number of Software houses at Karachi and Lahore. The average number of PC Servers installed per SWH worked out to about 3 in almost all the cities.

Major Cities Pakistan Islamabad Rawalpindi Lahore Karachi Other Cities

Software Houses Nos. 278 56 20 80 103 19

P.C. Nos. 9585 2967 567 2766 2946 339

P.C. Server Nos. 742 166 55 227 266 28

Other Server Nos. 152 61 4 46 38 3

List of category wise IT companies in Pakistan is placed at Annex-C.

Software Exports from Pakistan Introduction The present outlook of visionaries on Information Technology (IT) in Pakistan is myopic at present as it currently concentrates on software exports as the main ingredient of the Industry. Pakistan needs to have a broad vision and a well articulated IT strategy to become a viable IT centre. There is immense potential in the country, but it is all going to sheer waste as the true potential is not being tapped and utilized properly. Both, the public and the private sector, have to start taking the initiative and invest accordingly on the IT front to make this industry a booming one and put Pakistan on the road to the Silicon Valley. Software exports should not be the corner stone of the Information Technology industry. The real potential of information technology still needs to be tapped by industries. Most businesses use computers for record keeping, word processing, etc. But it is not used as a strategic tool. Many business houses have established their own websites, but hardly any have been able to use it as a effective marketing tool. Our bread and butter are not software exports, but agriculture. There is nothing in the IT policy as how to increase the cotton business via IT. It mainly talks about bringing new businesses to life via software exports. What we are not focusing on is how we can increase our core business via Information Technology and that is the area which needs our urgent attention. A separate Information Technology & Telecom Division has been established by the Government for a focused approach and a number of initiatives have been taken to create a conducive environment for the fast track growth of this sector in Pakistan. It is to be expected that as a result of all round efforts, the information technology sector will start yielding results in the form of higher foreign exchange earnings from the export of software and related services. The export figures under this head, however, continue to remain illusive.

INCENTIVES FOR SOFTWARE EXPORTS The Information Technology (IT) is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, capturing billions of dollars in the global market. Its contribution to the socio-economic development of the country is very significant, especially for the developing countries. Realizing the importance of the Software Exports, the Government had established Pakistan Software Export Board in 1995, with main objective of encouraging Software Exports in the country. Taking a step further the Government had declared the Computer Software Information Technology as “Industry” by a notification in March 1997. The Software Houses, though established in the 80s, however, the software market in Pakistan came in the limelight in early 1996 with the introduction of Internet which opened a communication channel between Pakistan and rest of the IT world. The Government of Pakistan has extended very liberal fiscal and monetary incentives for software exports. The incentive package consists of two major categories i.e., fiscal incentives and corporate incentives as follows: A.

Fiscal Incentives

All computers and related hardware, peripherals including communications hardware and software, telemetric infrastructure and software development tools to be used exclusively for software exports are exempted all duties, taxes and surcharges etc. “Software Houses / Software Companies” are exempted from corporate income tax on export earnings from “Software and Related Services” till June 30, 2016. Financial assistance will be provided to the “Software House / Software Company” by extending the facility of Export Financing Scheme Refinance for Export of Computer Software by the Software Houses/Companies and in the shape of loans to software houses/companies by the nationalized/commercial banks. The State Bank of Pakistan under its Circular No.23 has fixed an export refinance limit of 50% of last year’s exports. •

The PTCL shall provide international high speed data circuits to “Software Houses/ Software Companies” at rates which are

highly competitive as compared to rates offered by other telecom companies in the region. •

Subsidised rentals for office facilities/office space in Software Technology Parks (STP) shall be charged, such parks have since been established at Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore and Peshawar.

“Software Houses/Software Companies” are allowed to re-export capital goods without any levies.


Corporate Incentives Foreign investors will be allowed up to 100% ownership of equity in “Software Houses / Software Companies”.

Software that is developed in Pakistan or part of which is developed in Pakistan will be protected by law from piracy and companies can be lodged with Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB) “Software Houses / Software Companies” could be located either within STP or anywhere else in Pakistan. “Software Houses / Software Companies” located in STP’s shall be allowed to carry out ONLY “Software and Related Services” business within the STP bounds and NO OTHER BUSINESS. Millions of dollars are being invested by the Government in the IT, major portion being spent on human resource development and enabling infrastructure provision. Presently Pakistan has 90% digitalized telecom infrastructure, 250 Internet Service Providers (ISPs) operating in major cities as well as remotest areas including the mountain capital of Himalayas- Gilgit. 10,000 computer science graduates being produced annually, strong international linkages through expatriate Pakistani IT professionals working in Europe and North America, connectivity with international sub-marine optic fiber cable, domestic long distance optic fiber network, and deregulation and incentives set forth for the telecom industry.

General Incentives •

100% foreign equity allowed

Piracy laws to protect IT products and services

Tax holiday on IT exports till 2018

Duty free imports of hardware & software products

Retaining of 35% earnings by IT companies in foreign currency

Reduced tariff for utilities in software technology parks

75 % cost of ISO 9001 certification for Software houses provided by GOP.

No sales tax on export of computer Hardware and Software.

Agreements with 51 countries to avoid double taxation.

PSEB, a one stop shop for IT business in Pakistan.

SOFTWARE EXPORT FIGURES Actual Software export figures are not available with any IT agency. The reason is that the IT companies export software through Internet & it has no record with any one. However, the State Bank of Pakistan provides the figures as per their record. State Bank figures are actually aggregation of receipts on account of computer services which include receipts on account of export of computer software including design, development and programming of customized system, receipts on account of computer hardware consultancy services, database and data processing services etc. Software Export Figures from State Bank of Pakistan Software Export figures during last four years, as recorded by State Bank of Pakistan are as under: -


Software Exports (in Million US Dollars)









2003-2004 (July, 2003 – March, 2004)


Estimated Software Export figures The software export figures of State Bank of Pakistan are based on the receipts on account of computer services. These figures are not exact figures of software exports. Most of the software companies do not disclose the actual earning through software exports. They only show the money which they bring for paying the salaries. It has been estimated that the software companies earn five times more than the money spent on salaries. So if the total earned revenue per annum disclosed by software companies is 25 million US $., then its five time (25 x 5) is 125 million US $., we can say that presently, the software exports for Pakistan are around 125 million US $.

Software Exports – Analytical View Following tabulated information regarding Software Exports from Pakistan has been taken from FBS’s census of Pakistan Software Industry – 2002: Distribution of Overseas Branches of Software Houses (SWHs) and their Exports July, 2000 – June, 2001 The Software houses working in Pakistan had 66 overseas branches also. These Software houses had a total export earnings of US$ 10.827 million during the year 2000-2001. The highest number of Software houses (SWHs) and their exports, shared among the overseas branches were from Lahore and Islamabad. The city of Karachi which had 16 overseas branches, however, earned the lowest earning share compared to Islamabad as given in the table below: Overseas Branches of SWHs

Export (in ‘000’ US $)

Nos. 66

Value 10827
















Major Cities PAKISTAN

Distribution of Subsidiary Software Houses and their Exports, 2000-2001 During the year 2000-2001, 33 subsidiary Software houses (SWHs) of the Overseas Organizations were operating in the country. Their total share was US$ 8.740 million during 2000-2001, which worked out to 39.5% of the total exports. Out of these 33 SWHs 16 (49%) were based in Islamabad and 10 (30%) in Lahore, while 6 (18%) were in Karachi and 1 (3%) in Rawalpindi. Subsidiary of SWH

Export (in ‘000’ US $)





















Major Cities

Distribution of Software houses by Employment Size/Cost and Total Exports The table given below gives a comparative monthly cost per employee of Software houses with different employment size. The table revealed that around 48% of the total employment reported in 278 Software houses was in 115 Software houses which were engaged in Software exports. A comparison of data on average monthly cost per employee of Software houses with a different employment size indicates variation in average monthly employment cost per employee ranging from Rs. 7,882/- per employee per month in Software houses (employing 100 + persons). Whereas their share of export earning per SWH employing 71-80 persons, was US$ 1.709 million as against US$ 1.170 million per SWH employing more than 100 persons during July, 2000-June, 2001. The table further shows that the Software houses with small employment size contributed less software export share. However, there was no visible indication that the Software houses with greater employment size received more software export projects. (Value in “000”) Employment Size Total Upto 10 Persons 11 – 20 Persons 21 – 30 Persons 31 – 40 Persons 41 – 50 Persons 51 – 60 Persons 61 – 70 Persons 71 – 80 Persons 81 – 90 Persons 91 – 100 Persons 100 + Persons

Software Houses

Total Employment

Nos. 115 21 29 20 19 6 2 5 2 3 2 6

Nos. 4,109* 143 472 519 675 284 108 327 153 254 185 989

Average Monthly Cost (Rs.) Value 66,829* 2,051 6,522 7,190 8,462 4,108 933 4,315 1,206 5,071 2,266 24,705

Total Exports (‘000’ US $) July, 2000 – June, 2001 22,114 449 1,100 3,096 1,417 1,629 543 645 3,418 1,795 1,000 7,022

July, 2001 – Sept, 2001 3,885 132 347 628 373 49 100 293 256 608 245 854

Distribution of Software Houses by Type of Connectivity and Exports The table given below gives software exports by type of connectivity facility in SWHs. The average software exports earning per SWH revealed that the Software houses (SWHs) which had “other” connectivity facility had higher exports than those connected through Radio Modem, ISDN, VSAT, Digital Cross Connection and Dial-up etc. The share of total export earnings however, was high (51%) for those Software houses (SWHs) having Dial-up connectivity followed by ‘others’ and ISDN during the year 2000-2001. A similar trend was witnessed during the first quarter of the year 2001-02.

(in “000” US $) Type of Connectivity


Software Houses Reporting

Total Exports (‘000’ US $)

Average Export per SWH


July, 2000 – June, 2001

July, 2001 – Sept, 2001

July, 2000 – June, 2001

July, 2001 – Sept, 2001

115 95 4 11

22,114 11,270 3,501 1,782

3,885 1,966 528 491

192 119 875

34 21 132

2 1 2

1,208 200 4,153

305 20 575

162 604 200 2,076

45 152 20 288

Exports of Software Houses by Country The data depicted in the table below gives country wise exports of software houses from Pakistan. The highest exports made to USA during 2000-01 amounted to US$ 11.061 million (50% of the total) followed by Netherlands (US$ 3.418 million), U.K (US$ 2.952 million) and Dubai (US$ 2.689 million). Major exports were also to the countries like Switzerland, Austria and Saudi Arabia. Similar trend was observed during July 2001-02. (IN “000” US $)

Countries Total USA Canada U.K. France Finland Belgium Netherlands Germany Portugal Ireland Australia Austria Switzerland Saudi Arabia Lebanan Qatar Bahrain Dubai Oman Singapore Japan Taiwan Thailand

July, 2000 – June, 2001 22,114 11,061 143 2,952 7 51 0 3,418 29 1 5 118 378 500 258 20 4 0 2,689 4 144 119 183 30

July, 2001 – Sept, 2001 3,885 2,524 12 328 15 22 6 255 2 0 5 0 0 100 100 10 0 11 272 0 118 16 64 25

SETTING UP A COMPANY IN PAKISTAN METHODS OF CONDUCTING BUSINESS There are three main forms of business: a. Sole proprietorship b. Partnership c. Company Sole proprietorship In sole proprietorship, a business or a profession is carried out by an individual on his own account. No formal procedure or formality is required to be followed for setting up a sole proprietary concern. Partnership A partnership is a business relationship entered into by a formal agreement between two or more persons or corporations carrying on a business in common. The capital for a partnership is provided by the partners who are liable for the total debts of the firms and share profit and loss of a business concern according to the terms of the partnership agreement. Partnerships (other than banking companies) are generally limited in size to twenty partners. The interest of a partner is transferable only with the prior consent of the other partner(s). However, a partner's right to a share of the partnership income may be received on trust for another person. For taxation purposes, partnerships are classified into: i. ii.

Registered and Unregistered firms

The income of the registered firm is subject to Super Tax, before distribution to the partners. Also the individual income of the partners is subject to income tax at the usual rates. For unregistered firms, income tax is levied on the income and the partners are not liable to pay tax on the share of profit received from the unregistered firm(s). Company A company as a legal entity, can be formed under the Companies Ordinance, 1984, and can have share capital or can be formed without share capital. A company having share capital may be formed as:

i. Company limited by share. ii. Company limited by guarantee. iii. Unlimited company. Company limited by share Liability of its members is limited upto the extent of their share to paid-up capital of the company. These companies may further be classified as public limited and private limited companies. Public Limited Companies can be formed by at least three persons by subscribing their names to the 'Memorandum & Articles of Association' of the company. The word 'Limited' must be used as the last word of its name. Private Limited Companies may be formed by any one or more persons by subscribing their names to the 'Memorandum and Articles of Association' of the company. A private limited company, by its 'Article of Association' is restricted to:The right to transfer shares The number of its members is limited to fifty Any invitation to the public to subscribe for share is prohibited. Private Limited Company is required to use the words "(Private) Limited" as the last words of its name Company limited by guarantee Means a company having the liability of its members limited by memorandum to such amount as the members may respectively undertake to contribute to the share capital of the company in the event to its winding up. The company limited by guarantee is usually formed on a 'no profit basis'. Guarantee limited companies must use the words "(Guarantee) Limited" as the last words of their name. Unlimited Company Means a company having the liability of its members unlimited. Incorporation of a company Any three or more persons associated for any lawful purpose may, by subscribing their names to the Memorandum of Association and complying with the requirements of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 form a public company and any one or more persons so associated may, in like manner, form a private company. If only one member forms a private company, it is called a single member company and if it is formed by more than one member, it is termed as a private company.

For the convenience of general public, promoters and directors of companies, the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) has established its eight Company Registration Offices (CRO’s) at Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Faisalabad, Multan, Sukkur and Quetta. Following are the requirements for registration of a new company under the Companies Ordinance, 1984. a.

Availability of Name

The first step with regard to incorporation of a company is to seek the availability of the proposed name for the company from the registrar. b.

Documents for registration of a limited company

The following documents are required to be filed with the registrar concerned for registration of a private limited company: I. Copy of national identity card or passport, in case of foreigner, of each subscriber and witness to the memorandum and article of association. II. Memorandum and articles of association. III. Form - I Declaration of compliance with the pre-requisites for formation of the company. IV. Registration / filing fee V. Authorization by sponsors c.

Documents for incorporation of a Single Member Company

Any person may form a single member company and would file with the registrar at the time of incorporation a nomination indicating at least two individuals to act as nominee director and alternate nominee director, of the company in the event of his death. All the requirements for incorporation of a private limited company shall mutates mutandis apply to a single member company. After purchase of the land and completion of other formalities, the sponsoring body should apply for necessary access to utilities to the concerned authorities:

Power - WAPDA or Local Electric Supply Company Gas - Sui Gas Companies. Telephone & fax - Pakistan Telecommunication Company Ltd. Water - Local Government All manufacturing concerns, employing more than 10 persons, are required to register with the respective Provincial Chief Inspector of Industries under the Factories Act, 1984. Companies are required to register with the concerned income tax department and obtain a National Tax Number (NTN). No import license is required for importing plant/machinery/raw material, instead the company may open a letter of Credit (LC) for the importation of plant/machinery/raw material with any commercial bank or authorized foreign exchange dealers. Opening of liason offices of foreign firms I.

Foreign companies which intend to undertake export activities in Pakistan will be allowed to be registered without any formality.


Permission to companies engaged in contractual obligations of contracts will be granted on production of valid documents without any formality.


The activities of the foreign airline companies, Pakistani general sales agents and courier companies do not come under the industrial category and therefore to monitor their operation, the Government may continue to grant permission for their liaison office in consultation with the concerned agencies.

Permission for opening a liaison office will be granted by the Board of Investment in consultation with the concerned agencies. Government of Pakistan Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs NOTIFICATION (CUSTOMS) S.R.O. 551(I)/98. In exercise of the powers conferred by section 19 of the Customs Act. 1969 (IV of 1969), and sub-section (2) of section 13 of the Sales Tax Act, 1990, the Federal Government is pleased to exempt such machinery, equipment and spares for computers and related peripherals like telematic infrastructure and software development tools (software) from whole of the customs-duty and

sales tax leviable thereon, as are used for the software development as are, not manufactured locally, imported for setting up new unit or for balancing, modernization and replacement of existing units of software development houses or industry, in bond, subject to the following conditions, namely:1.

The software houses must be registered with the Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB);


The importer shall at the time of importation, by documents in his possession, satisfy the Collector of Customs that the machinery, equipment and spares have been imported for setting up software development house or industry and shall furnish an indemnity bond in the form set out below to the extent of customs duty and sales tax exempted under this notification. The said indemnity bond will be discharged subsequently on the production of a certificate, from the Assistant Collector, Customs and Central Excise, or in the case of a unit located in Azad Jammu Kashmir or Northern Areas from the Secretary, Kashmir Affairs and Northern Affairs Division or an officer authorized by him in this behalf to the effect that the machinery or spares as declared to the Customs have been duly installed or used in the factory premises and such other evidences as the Collector of Customs may require and after such inquiry as he deems fit in order to establish such installation. Officers of Customs having jurisdiction shall monitor the production and sales of output of the manufacturing unit in the local market and abroad and shall ensure that the condition of the notification are duly complied with;


The importer shall, at the time of importation of the machinery including computers, peripherals, telematic equipment, spares and software development tools (Software) furnish an undertaking including list of all the intended imports as verified by the PSEB in case of software houses or companies, to the Collector of Customs to abide by the conditions laid down in this notification failing which he shall pay the amount of customsduty and sales tax and make payment of any penalties that may be imposed in this behalf;


The certificate of installation referred to in condition (i) shall be submitted to the Collector of Customs not later than one year from the date of filing of bill of entry for home consumption relating to such machinery or spares.


The machinery and spares released under this notification shall not within a period of five years, from the date of filing of bill of entry for home consumption relating thereto, be used for any purpose or at any place other than for a unit referred to in condition (ii). In case this condition is violated the amount of customs-duty and sales tax, exempted under this notification and such penalties as may be imposed in this behalf shall be recovered under section 202 of the Customs Act, 1969 (IV of 1969); and


An industrial unit or software house or company which fails to export an amount equivalent to three times the CIF value of the imported computer hardware or software development tools over a period of five years shall pay whole of customs-duty and sales tax as leviable at the time of importation of such machinery, etc. to Collector of Customs concerned.

Explanation: For the purpose of this Notification 1.

Production year will be deemed to start from the date on which the industrial unit starts commercial production; and


The expression "existing units" shall mean those units which are or have been set up on or before the date of publication of this notification in official gazette.

Form (on appropriately stamped non-judicial paper) THIS DEED OF INDEMNITY is made on the ________ date of _______ BETWEEN M/s ______________ having registered office at ___________ (hereinafter called "the importers" which means and includes their successors, administrators, executors and assignees) of the one part, AND the President of Pakistan through the Collector of Customs ________________ (hereinafter called the "Collector of Customs"), of the other part. WHEREAS the Federal Government has, by its decision contained in Notification No.SRO_________ dated the ________ and subject to the conditions specified in the said Notification, been pleased to direct that such machinery, equipment and spares, as are not manufactured locally, shall be exempt from the whole of customs-duty and sales tax

leviable thereon, if imported for software development, in accordance with the said notification. AND WHEREAS M/s ______________________ having registered office at _____________________ (hereinafter called the importers) have imported the machinery, etc, mentioned in the Schedule to this Bond for purpose of software development in accordance with the conditions specified in the said notification; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the release of the machinery, etc, without recovery of leviable customs-duty and sales tax, the importers bind themselves to pay on demand to the Government of Pakistan the sum of Rs.________ being the duty and taxes leviable on the machinery, if the importers fail :1.

to produce a certificate from Assistant Collector of Customs and Central Excise, Secretary, Kashmir Affairs Division or an officer authorized by him in this behalf, as the case may be, within one year from the date of the importation of the machinery, to the effect that the machinery, etc, has been installed in bond; and


to produce such other evidence as the Collector of Customs may require to satisfy himself that the plant or machinery has been installed in accordance with the conditions of the said Notification.

The importers further agree and bind themselves that the amount covered by this Bond may be recovered as arrears of customs duty under section 202 of the Customs Act, 1969. This Bond shall become void when the aforesaid certificate has been produced and the Collector of Customs is satisfied that the importers have fulfilled all the conditions of this Bond and the said notification. Signed










Witness ______________________________________ (Signature, name, designation and full address) Witness ______________________________________. (Signature, name, designation and full address) NOTE:- The Bond shall be written on appropriate non-judicial stamp paper and shall be witnessed by a Government servant in BPS 16 or above, an Oath Commissioner, a Notary Public or an officer of a scheduled bank.

State Bank of Pakistan Banking Policy & Regulations Department Central Directorate I.I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi. BPRD CIRCULAR LETTER NO.23 20th OCTOBER, 1998

EXPORT FINANCE SCHEME - PROCEDURE FOR GRANT OF FINANCE FOR EXPORT OF COMPUTER SOFTWARE Please refer to BPRD Circular No.5 dated 3rd March, 1997 read with BPRD Circular No.24 dated 16th July, 1997 on the captioned subject. It has been brought to our notice, that banks are experiencing difficulties in processing the requests from exporters of Computer Software under the captioned scheme, on the basis of existing formats of Undertaking under Part-I, Form EE and Form EF Statements prescribed thereunder. In order to enable banks to process the cases pertaining to the export of Computer Software, as also to ensure uniformity in this regard, necessary modifications in the formats of the aforesaid documents have been made and the revised formats are enclosed. Documents (including those modified) required to be submitted for obtaining finance/refinance are listed hereunder: Documents required under Part - I a. Pre-delivery Finance i.

Undertaking as per revised Annexure "A-1" (specimen attached).


D.P. Note, as per format already in vogue.


Copy of the Contract/L.C./Firm Order executed between registered exporter of computer software and the foreign buyers indicating the value of the software in foreign currency, period of compliance and destination of the export.


Post delivery Finance Copy of Invoice alongwith details of performance of the Contract/L.C. / Firm Order stating the expected period of remittance, in addition to the documents prescribed at ‘a’ above. Banks are required to submit the following documents confirming performance of export of software as per schedule prescribed under the Scheme:


A copy of each Invoice alongwith copy of the Monthly Statement(s) accompanied by relevant Export Proceeds Realization Certificate(s) within 21 working days from the date of final repayment or expiry of loan whichever is earlier.


Exporter's statement duly verified by the bank concerned regarding adjustment(s) of the proceeds towards liquidation of the finance within 3 working days from the date(s) of realization of proceeds.

Documents required under Part – II The following documents shall be required to be obtained by banks for finance under Part II of the Scheme and submission to SBP: a.

For entitlement of limit i.

Undertaking as per existing format.


D.P. Note, as per format in vogue.


Form EE-1 as per modified format (specimen attached).

The bank shall continue to determine the entitlement of limit of exporters concerned equivalent to 50% of export proceeds realized during the last year. b.

For monitoring of the performance


Form EF-1 as per specimen attached.


The Computer Software exporters / bank concerned shall be under obligation to submit performance report on the aforesaid form against borrowing within the prescribed period failing which fine as per existing scales of fines shall be recovered by the office concerned.


The EE-1/EF-1 statements shall be submitted by the bank/ exporter to the concerned area office of our FED as per existing practice prevalent in respect of other commodities for which refinance has been availed.

Other terms and conditions governing the Scheme including the provisions relating to the submission of documents within the prescribed period and levy of fine for the default shall remain unchanged. Declaration of Computer Software Technology Industry The Government of Pakistan has declared the Computer Software Information Technology as an "Industry". Incentive package for software houses/software companies The Government of Pakistan has extended very liberal fiscal and monetary incentives for software exports. The incentive package consists of two major categories i.e., fiscal incentives and corporate incentives as follows: A.

Fiscal Incentives

All computers and related hardware, peripherals including communications hardware and software, telematic infrastructure and software development tools to be used exclusively for software exports are exempt from all duties, taxes, surcharges and leviable octroi etc. The mandatory export obligation on net foreign exchange terms in US dollar value is as follows: Export obligation to be fulfilled over a period of five years = 3 times CIF Value of the imported computer hardware, software, and/or software development tools. Example: CIF Value of Imports = $100 Export Obligation = $300 (over a period of five years) The export obligation for "software houses/software companies" shall be authenticated and verified by PSEB. Software houses/software companies" are exempt from corporate income tax on export earnings from "software and related services". Besides the exporter need not be a company for availing of this exemption. Export earnings shall be authenticated / verified by PSEB.

Profits and gains derived by an assessee from the running of any computer training institution or computer training scheme approved by the Central Board of Revenue (CBR), set up between the first day of July, 1997, and the thirtieth day of June, 2000, would be exempt from tax for a period of five years beginning with the month in which such institution is set up. Financial assistance will be provided to the "software house/software company" by extending the facility of Export Financing Scheme - refinance for Export of Computer Software by the software houses / companies and in the shape of loans to software houses/companies by the nationalized/ commercial banks. The State Bank of Pakistan under its Circular no. 23 has fixed an export re-finance limit of 50% of last year's exports. The PTCL shall provide international high speed data circuits to "software houses/software companies" at rates which are highly competitive as compared to rates offered by other telecom companies in the region. Subsidised rentals for office facilities/office space in software technology parks (Software Technology Parks) shall be charged, which shall be competitive to such rentals offered by technology parks in the region. Software technology parks in Pakistan will be made available to "software houses/ software companies". "Software houses/software companies" are allowed to re-export capital goods without any levies. B.

Corporate incentives

Foreign investors will be allowed up to 100% ownership of equity in "software houses/software companies". The software technology parks will act as a ONE STOP solution to all the needs of a "software house/software company". Law from piracy will protect software that is developed in Pakistan or part of which is developed in Pakistan and complaints can be lodged with Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB). "Software houses/software companies" could be located either within STP or anywhere else in Pakistan. "Software houses/software companies" located in STPs shall be allowed to carry out ONLY "software and related services" business within the STP bounds and NO OTHER BUSINESS.


GST registration for software companies

Instance have been reported where the software companies while importing their hardware have been asked to produce sales tax registration certificates. The issue was taken up with the central board of revenue (CBR). The CBR vide its letter no.3 (2) STP/99 dated 31st March, 1999 has confirmed that the software companies who wholly and exclusively import such goods as are exempt from sales tax are not required to register with the sales tax department.

Government of Pakistan

Ministry of Information Technology 4th Floor, Evacuee Trust Building Aga Khan Road, F-5/1, Islamabad Phone: 92-51-9209785 Fax: 92-51-9203009 website : E-mail:

Overview Ministry of Information Technology (MoIT) is the national focal Ministry and enabling arm of the Government of Pakistan for planning coordinating and directing efforts to initiate and launch Information Technology and Telecommunications programs and projects aimed at economic development of the country. The national focal point for Information Technology (IT) which was previously either missing or diffused was rectified with the creation of a new Information Technology and Telecommunications Division in March, 2000 under Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST). All Telecom and IT related organizations have been placed under this Division. The MoST was constituted of two divisions i.e. Science and Technological Research Division (S&TR) and IT & Telecom (IT&T) Division. The S&TR Division is focused on Science and Technology areas other than IT & Telecommunications. In November 2002, a separate Ministry for Information Technology was created and IT & Telecommunications Division became a part of the Ministry of Information Technology (MoIT). The principal agenda of the Ministry of Information Technology (MoIT) is building Pakistan's Information Technology competency in the twenty first century. The major objectives are: Transformation to Electronic Government, Development of Software Industry, Building a state of art Infrastructure and Development of a qualitative pool of Human Resource. The Ministry of Information Technology (MoIT) is working on the national agenda to have a sound and sustainable Information Technology and Telecommunications base which will result in the socio economic development of the country and the attainment of the vision for a better Pakistan. The Ministry is maintaining consistency with the policy and achievements made in the IT & Telecommunications sector since its inception and to cope with modern challenges and meeting requirements of the IT and Telecommunications, the policy is regularly updated.

IT & Telecommunications Division Introduction Looks after all aspects of policy planning and implementation regarding information technology and telecommunications at the national level. Objectives •

Preparation of an overall integrated plan as well as formulation of the policy for the development and improvement of information technology including infrastructure

Human resource technology.

Promotion of IT applications

Providing guidelines for the standardization of software and electronic governance within the Government

Planning and policy making and legislation covering all aspects of telecommunications excluding radio and television.







Functions 1. Preparation of an overall integrated Plan as well as formulation of policy for the development and improvement of Information Technology including infrastructure in Pakistan. 2. Cooperation with the provincial Governments, autonomous bodies, private sector, international organizations and foreign countries in respect of information Technology. 3. Promotion of information Technology applications. 4. Providing guidelines for the standardization of software for use within the Government. 5. Matters relating to Pakistan Computer Bureau, Pakistan Software Export Board and the National Information Technology Commission. 6. Planning, policy making and legislation covering all aspects of Telecommunications excluding radio and television. 7. All matters relating to PTCL, FAB, NTC, TIP, CTRL, CTI, Telecom Foundation and the Special Communication Organization and NRTC 8. All matters relating to Pakistan Computer Bureau and Petroman.

PAKISTAN SOFTWARE EXPORT BOARD (PSEB) 2nd Floor, Evacuee Trust Complex, F-5/1, Agha Khan Road, Islamabad. Tel: 92-51-9204074 Fax: 92-51-9204075 UAN: 051 - 111-333-666 Website: E-mail: [email protected]

Introduction Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB) was incorporated in 1995 with the aim to facilitate local IT industry in development and export of software. Since its inception, PSEB is bridging the gap of international and local IT industry by assisting them in general and particularly in Software Development, Data Communication facility, establishment of Software Technology Parks (Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar) and Call Center operations. Overview In a rapid growth environment it is essential to coordinate activities to achieve maximum benefit. Pakistan Software Export Board, as the official promotional agency of the Government of Pakistan, is helping to fulfill this role by actively enhancing the image of the local Information Technology industry. PSEB is helping to promote local IT companies in the international market as well as assisting development in the local forum to encourage growth of this sector. Our member companies are working with some of the leading corporations around the globe, many having clients from Fortune 500 companies. The quality standards offered by Pakistan are second to none with many companies following ISO 9001 standards. With PSEB and its dynamic leadership, software exports have grown more than 60% since 2001. Our broad range of services is helping companies from all over the globe to setup, merge and outsource their IT needs to Pakistan successfully and benefit from their sound decision to choose Pakistan to serve as their IT hub in the region. Major Functions To operate as “in-action” facilitator that caters for all needs of IT entrepreneurs from setting up a company to facilitation in finding business ventures.

To develop a visionary, multi phased marketing plan to support local IT industry tap the virgin IT consumer markets by participating in worldwide mega IT exhibitions. Offering lucrative companies in setting different domestic sustainability of local

investment incentives to multinational up offshore offices in Pakistan. To instigate projects to make provision for the IT industry.

To conduct IT research and development analysis study in Pakistan for strategic Governmental level policies. To act as a ONE STOP shop to cater to all needs of a “IT Company” for setting up or facilitating its business ventures. To plan, develop and establish the “Information Technology Parks” and to provide space, international data communication links as well as uninterrupted electric power to IT Companies setup in these parks. To develop and execute a marketing plan to help local software companies reach out to potential clients abroad, attract and facilitate foreign software firms to establish their software development facilities in Pakistan. To facilitate projects between the Pakistani educational institutions and the computer industry to bridge the gap between academia and the industry. We understand the needs of the modern day IT industry and therefore strive to provide the best possible services to all software related companies. We have worked closely with many companies in developing educational plans that prepare the future IT students for the needs of this continuously evolving industry.


PSEB is undertaking following programs. Project Name


1 ISO Certification

To bring 80 IT companies achieve ISO 9001:2000 certification.

2 Domestic Exhibitions

To facilitate local industry to interact with international companies in local mega exhibitions thrice a year on subsidies rates.

3 Entrepreneurs Development

Providing facility to groom new entrepreneur’s developing products sellable in international market.

4 Internships

Linking of academia & IT industry by placing fresh IT graduates into local IT industry.

5 Automation of Domestic Manufacturing Industry

To automate 100 small & medium enterprises to increase productivity as well as for sustainability of local IT industry.

6 Data Network Node

Providing reliable high-speed connectivity in STPs.

7 Info Center

To set up IT libraries, IT Pavilions and Advisory Council free for local IT professionals.

8 International Exhibitions

International exhibitions To facilitate local IT industry to participate in 3 mega international exhibitions yearly on subsidied rates.

The Software Technology Parks (STPs) for Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore have been conceived as one-stop shop for all software houses which seek working conditions conducive to creativity, inexhaustible bandwidth and power supply, minimum regulatory overheads, maximum flexibility in the choice and use of space and minimal costs. The project companies which had built and administering these ITPs have ensured that all these facilities are available with the barest minimum hassle to the software houses themselves.

ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT DIRECTORATE (EGD) House 14, Street # 61, F-7/4, Islamabad Tel: 92-51-9206094, 9205992, 9205889 Fax: 92-51-9205981 Website: www. Email: [email protected]

Introduction In October 2002 the Electronic Government Directorate (EGD) was established in pursuance to a decision of the federal cabinet. EGD has been formed by converting the former Information Technology Commission. EGD is a department of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications. The T.O.Rs of EGD are: •

To undertake Implementation of different projects related to the Electronic Government (E-Govt) Programme.

Provide technical advice & guidelines for implementation of E-Government projects at the federal, provincial and district levels;

Plan and prepare electronic Government projects.

Provide standards for software and infrastructure in the field of electronic Government; and

Any other assignment matter that the Government may direct.

One of the cardinal principles laid down in our IT Policy and Action Plan, approved by the Government of Pakistan in August 2002, is that Government will be an enabler and facilitator in the field of Information Technology. EGD, by following this principle, farms out different e-Government projects that are to be implemented by it. So far different projects worth Rs.90 Million have been awarded to 20 IT entities in the private sector. In view of the EGD role model mentioned above the Directorate is a small work unit comprising IT professionals who have been engaged at market rates of remuneration for a two-year period. The contracts are renewable depending on satisfactory performance. EGD, headed by the Programme Coordinator, consists of the Director General (Projects), as incharge of all technical aspects of EGD. He supervises the work of five technical directors.

The five technical directors have expertise in the following areas: i. ii. iii. iv. v.

Web development/administration Communications & Security Networking Databases System Analysis and Software Development

Their functions are to: Undertake constant research and study to gain latest IT knowledge especially in the field of e-Government. To prepare agencies.







To prepare business proposals of e-Government projects for seeking approval of Government. To supervise and monitor projects those are outsourced. A dedicated team of seven experts is also working in EGD for updating and upgrading of Pakistan.Gov Web Portal. This very team of experts helped the developers in preparation and launching of the Portal. Vision for E-Government in Pakistan The advances made in Information and Communication Technologies over the last few years have made it possible to interact with the citizens in a faster and cheaper manner. Citizens are also becoming more aware and knowledgeable of their environs and their demand for information from Government and expectation of services from Government has increased manifold. The advent of the internet has made awareness of Government information and Government services accessible and available to citizens across borders. Governments around the world are responding to the information age society and Pakistan is no exception. The key forces of change including globalisation, the rise of knowledge economies and new technology - are transforming the relationship between Government, business and society. Public attitudes and expectations of Government are changing quickly. It is clear that Government must change the way it relates to its citizens and customers.

What is e-Government? E-Government means use of information and communications technology (ICT) in providing services to citizens. The use of ICT in delivery of public sector services is justified because the services can be provided: With much greater speed With much more efficiency, and In a more transparent manner In order to ensure provision of e-services it is necessary that Government organizations are provided necessary hardware, software as well as hands-on training to provide the services electronically. The main objectives which the Government would like to achieve out of the implementation of this programme are: • • • • • • •

• • •

Improve services delivery to citizens Reduction in the cost of service to citizen by providing Government information to the public through E-Government portal. Online availability and submission of all forms of the Government of Pakistan Online availability of information on jobs, tenders, official gazette notifications etc. for the convenience of the public Facilitation of payment of utility bills and taxes Ensure transparency in Government-public interactions. Improve the internal efficiency of Government operations of all departments of the Government so that Government functionaries become well versed in the use of ICT to provide service in a speedy, efficient and transparent manner. Improvement in productivity of Government employees by automating routine functions of the Government. Reduction in cost of operation of Government in the long term by reducing time and effort spent in information search, retrieval and dissemination within the Government. Reduction in the cycle time for responsiveness to citizens.

PAKISTAN COMPUTER BUREAU (PCB) IT & Telecom Division 24-B, St. 6, H-9/1, Islamabad Ph: 92-51-9257781-85 Fax: 92-51-9257729 Website: Email: [email protected]

HISTORY On 12th January, 1971 an office known as "computer service bureaucum-training center", with headquarters at Rawalpindi, was created under the administrative control of the Cabinet Division. FUNCTIONS Coordination and tendering of advice on various aspects of computerization of Government Offices. In the light of the above allocated subject, the functions being performed by the PAKISTAN COMPUTER BUREAU are as under: a) Conducting in-service awareness, orientation courses for executives and senior administrators, in the public sector organizations. b) Imparting professional training in system c) Designing, programming and computer operation. d) Conducting feasibility studies for computerization in the Government and public sector organizations. e) Undertaking systems analysis, software development and implementation of computer based system. f) Providing electronic data processing and data entry services. g) Undertaking appropriate steps, at national level, for the promotion of computerization in the country. h) Tendering technical advice to the Government in various matters relating to computerization and information. i) Liaising with national and international agencies for exchange of know how in informatics. ACHIEVEMENTS The Pakistan Computer Bureau, an attached department of Information Technology and Telecommunication Division, Ministry of Science and Technology provides central services relating to computers and their application in the Government, semiGovernment and public sector organizations. The Bureau has played a key role in the promotion, development and application of information technology in the country and is providing a broad range of technical

and consultancy services to various organizations for systems studies, systems designing, software development and implementation of I.T. project. The Pakistan Computer Bureau developed and implemented the following important systems of national / international level during the past years:i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix.

Hajj Operations (Ministry of Religious Affair's, Government of Pakistan) Examination systems of Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Rawalpindi. Census of federal Government employees, Pakistan Public Administrative Research Center. Census of employees under Establishment Division, Islamabad. Payroll, property tax and water billing of Capital Development Authority, Islamabad. Personal Management Information system of Establishment Division. Census of employees of autonomous / semi autonomous / corporations. Telephone Billing System of National Telecommunication Corporation, Islamabad. The Governmnent's IT Policy and Action Plan emphesises the need for human resources development in the field of IT as it is the key element for successful execution and implementation of IT programme in the country. To meet this challenge, the Pakistan Computer Bureau has been assigned the responsibilities of training of federal Governments employees, as a part of Government HRD programme for preparing Government officials to launch e-Government project. This HRD programme is being implemented successfully at Islamabad/Rawalpindi and the provincial capitals. The targets of training of 10,000 federal Government employees is almost through, while the training of 15,000 provincial Government employees is running successfully. Over 5,000 provincial Governments employees have been trained up-till-now. The training programme is being implemented by outsourcing the training to reputed private institutes at Islamabad/Rawalpindi, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar and Quetta. The training programme has proved to be great success and is being appreciated at all levels. It is hoped that this will have a great impact on the overall working of the offices and will result provision of prompt and transparent services to the general public at large.

FUTURE PLANNING Although the major role of PCB, according to mandate, is the assistance in the implementation of e-Government setups in various Ministries and departments yet in view of the similar work already assigned to sister organizations, it is proposed that the Pakistan Computer Bureau may undertake the following initiatives: a)

Strengthening of PCB to function as an effective and quality training body to meet the training needs of Governments departments, especially with respect to applications. The training needs for systems development and end users, may be fulfilled in the following software packages: • • • • • •

Linux Operating System Database Management Systems Lotus Notes Web development software Microsoft Office Networking


Strengthening of PCB to function as a support institution to implement various E-govt. software applications being outsourced by the Electronic Government Directorate.


Providing training facilities and support for implementation of Egovt. set-up in district Government.


To develop PCB as an operations and support center for all the Government institutions located in Islamabad and to provide facilities for the repair of computer equipment, trouble shooting, software installation issues, virus problems, backups, etc, and also assist in the selection of vendors for computer maintenance work in case of large installations.


IT training for jobless graduate engineers/scientists to enable them as I.T. professionals by providing training in following areas: • • • • • • •



Development of websites for various Ministries.


To establish internet service facilities in PCB as ISP for Government institutions providing them internet facilities at no-profit, no-loss basis, restricting undesirable sites, and providing virus Protection etc.


Providing IT training and computer and networking facilities to Government schools located at Islamabad and Rawalpindi.


Development of e-Government for :(i) Inter-departmental communication (ii) Development of databases for budgets / accounts / inventories, employees information systems, library information systems and the specific requirements of each Ministry.


To provide usual assistance to various Ministries in the selection of manpower, equipment etc, taking exams with the local universities and for the induction of data entry operators etc.

ADVISORY AND CONSULTANCY SERVICES Pakistan Computer Bureau provides advisory and consultancy services to the Government for the introduction of computers in order to improve administrative efficiency, enhance office productivity, and provide a base for rational planning and decision making. To this end, the Bureau provides necessary technical support and full range of services to the user agencies for the preparation of feasibility reports, system designing, software development and system implementation. Depending upon the requirements, assistance is also provided for evaluation of computer projects, selection of computer hardware and software, site preparation, commissioning of the equipment and selection of computer personnel.

COMPUTER SOCIETY OF PAKISTAN (CSP) 3rd Floor, Sasi Arcade, Main Clifton Road, Karachi 75600, Pakistan Tel: 92-21-5871819, 5862418, Fax: 92-21-5862418 Website: www. E-mail: [email protected]

Introduction The Computer Society of Pakistan (CSP) is the national organization of Information Technology professionals in the country. It was established in 1973 to promote the use of computers, increase general awareness among the public and to look after the professional interests of the IT personnel in the country. The Society holds lectures, seminars and technology forums, which provide an excellent platform for the interaction of professionals. It organizes annual computer exhibitions and software competitions all over the country with the objective of fostering a better future for IT in Pakistan. The Computer Society of Pakistan sponsors students to take part in the international software competitions in various countries as well as organizes various programs for the youth. The current membership of the Society is over 2000 professionals working in over 350 public and private sector organizations. The head office of the Society is located in Karachi with chapter offices in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and Peshawar Aims & Objectives To facilitate the professional advancement of personnel engaged in Information Technology (IT) and related occupation. To promote knowledge of the development and use of IT equipment and related techniques. To provide facilities for exchange of information and views of IT equipment and related techniques. To foster and encourage high standards of professional ethics and conduct among its members. To prescribe professional qualifications and to conduct examinations for members and others in the field of IT.

Achievements Several important issues addressed by the Computer Society of Pakistan over the years are as under: • • • • • • • • • •

Computer allowance approved by the Government for computer professionals was implemented in many institutions through the help of the committee setup by CSP in this connection. Standardization of computer education. Software Piracy and Copyright issues in Pakistan. Rationalization of duty and sales tax on computers. Declaring software as an industry. Representation of CSP in Government policy-making bodies regarding national policies on Information Technology. Special incentives for computers in education. Tax holidays and other incentives for computer manufacturing. Pre-Shipment inspection problems faced by computer importers. Formation of working groups and study circles on various issues.

Membership The current membership of the Computer Society of Pakistan is over 2000 professionals who are working in over 350 public and private sector organizations. Membership of the Society is open to technicians, managers, teachers or other professional persons engaged in the trade of Information Technology provided they fulfill the requirements prescribed by the Society. Classes of Membership Depending on qualification and experience; the membership of the Society is divided into six classes: Category Fellow Member Associate Affiliate Corporate Affiliate Student



PAKISTAN SOFTWARE HOUSES ASSOCIATION (PASHA) R –214 , Anum Estate, Opposite Duty Free Shop Shahhra-e-Faisal , Karachi, Pakistan, Tel: 92 –21-4390424 / 4390425, Fax : 92-21-4390427 Mobile : 92-300-2137335, Website: Email: [email protected]

INTRODUCTION Pakistan Software Houses Association (PASHA) was formed in the last quarter of 1992 by nine software houses. By 2003, PASHA had grown to over 200 members. Its main objective is to promote and develop the software and services industry in Pakistan and to protect the rights of its members. The software and services industry is growing at an enormous pace in Pakistan and PASHA, along with its members, is playing an important role in making their presence felt, both nationally and internationally. AIMS & OBJECTIVES To provide a platform for member software and service companies to share technical and management related experience. To promote, protect and develop the software and services industry in Pakistan. To provide a forum for formulation of standards for the software and services industry in Pakistan. To provide a focal point for outside agencies such as end-user organizations and foreign trade/donor agencies etc, to contact for queries related to accredited software and service companies and the general state of affairs of information and communication technology in Pakistan. To solicit support such as subsidized communication facilities and relaxation of Government policies from GOP To devise ways and means for tackling and solving the problems & difficulties confronting the members & allied industries/ trades.

To collect, tabulate and circulate statistics & other information relating to or of interest to the business of its members &/or the industry in general. To publish, or cause to be published, or encourage and support publication, bulletins or any other information useful or beneficial to the member companies and the industry in general. To initiate, protect, promote and support legitimate interest of the members, including those necessary for and in the interest of Pakistan and to take steps to secure public support against measures affecting the software and services industry. To make representations to and communicate with Federal, Provincial Governments, Local or other authorities both Government & Private on any matter affecting the business of its members or of its trade. To secure, organize and coordinate action on all matters pertaining to or affecting the interests of its members. To endeavor to settle, adjust and resolve controversies between members and to arbitrate in matters of differences or disputes arising between members. To frame, vary, modify and/or amend, from time to time, the arbitration rules of the Association. To undertake special investigative study, research and enquiries. To hold in trust, in safe custody or otherwise except for the purpose of trading any material or amount desired to be so held by the Government or members of the Association. To advise and assist the Government in the formulation of useful and progressive policies and to cooperate with them in their successful implementation. To take effective measures to eradicate unethical practices in the field of trade, commerce and industry. To subscribe to and become a member of the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry and to cooperate with and/or to procure from and communicate with any incorporated organization of trade, commerce and industry such

information as may be likely to further the aims and objects of the Association. To frame and assist in the framing of rules of practice for facilitating and simplifying the business of its members. To maintain and manage any training facilities which may be set up by the Association with or without the assistance of the Government. To encourage friendly feelings, close cooperation and unanimity among the members of the Association on all matters connected with their common goals and objectives. Only in connection with the activities & operations of the Association, to purchase, take on lease or in exchange or otherwise acquire or deal in and to construct, maintain, develop or control lands, buildings, or any kind of movable or immovable property or any rights or privileges connected with such property or properties. To sell, improve, manage, develop, exchange, lease, mortgage, dispose off, turn to account or otherwise deal in all or any part of the property of the Association. To invest and deal with the money of the Association not immediately required in such manner as may, from time to time, be determined. And generally to do all that may be conducive or necessary to achieve and attain all or any of the aims and objects of the Association directly and indirectly. ACHIEVEMENTS Through the continued and consistent efforts of PASHA, the software and services sector was finally granted recognition as an industry by the Government of Pakistan in the late 1990s. Our lobbying efforts with the Government have resulted in some specific incentives from the Government: Tax holiday for software exports till 2016

Retention of 35% of export earnings in foreign exchange to meet expenses incurred in marketing, travel and consultancy costs 100% repatriation of profits in IT sector companies 100% foreign equity in IT sector companies Zero percent customs duty and tariffs on import of ICT equipment Seven year tax holiday for venture capital funds Participation in major tradeshows and conferences in the USA, Europe, the Middle East and in Asia to market the Pakistan ICT sector. Have taken delegations to various countries around the world to interact with professionals in the same industry and to highlight the strength of the Pakistan ICT sector, the quality of our products and services and the talent of our workforce. Working with the media as a voice to highlight the issues affecting the software and service industry and to show the products and services that are available in Pakistan. To propagate against software piracy and provide guidance and direction for the respect of intellectual property rights. Have worked with the MNCs in the ICT sector to find ways to involve them in the development of an ICT culture in Pakistan and to seek their active assistance in the growth of the industry. Have formed an alliance with the FPCCI IT Committee to ensure that there is a synergy between solutions available with PASHA member companies and the requirements of FPCCI companies. Interaction with visiting delegations who have an interest in the ICT sector. Matchmaking events and skills enhancement seminars are organized on a regular basis. PASHA has been working with the Ministry of IT & Telecom to ensure that the right programs are instituted and that

investment is made in areas which are of immediate and also long term assistance to the industry. CMM and ISO Certifications have been largely funded by Government so as to ensure that the quality of the processes of PASHA companies receive the independent stamp that is required. Working with the Government to develop an independent State of the Industry and State of HR report. This will also highlight future projects in terms of industry requirements. Have been highlighting the need for collaboration within different industry stakeholders and within the various Ministry stakeholders. Working with the Government on the image building of Pakistan as an attractive ICT destination.

Contact: Islamabad Office H No 6, Street no 63, F-8/4, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan Tel: 92-51-2264660-1 Fax: 92-51-2251350 Email: [email protected]

Challenges / Threats to the Information Technology Industry in Pakistan Challenges Pakistan has lagged behind other regional countries in exploiting Information Technology as a catalyst for economic revival. However, we feel that the explosive growth of the Internet and the coming tidal wave of E-Commerce still provides immense possibilities for Pakistan to exploit their potential and use these for accelerating its economic revival. Pakistan and similar countries hoping to exploit the inherent potential of Information Technology must act immediately and decisively to restructure their domestic Information Technology industries to become effective role players within the global IT scenario. Any meaningful IT initiative in Pakistan will necessarily have to be a partnership between the government and its agencies on one hand and the private sector on the other. Bold, unconventional and strategically correct decisions are needed. Effective top managers with the right mix of vision and managerial competence are needed. Huge amounts of financing are needed in domestic resources and foreign exchange. The major problems of the IT industry in Pakistan are: Massive brain drain due to underpaid IT professionals Serious shortage of experienced programmers professionals needed in the latest technologies



Inability of Pakistani firms to tap and penetrate lucrative foreign markets to provide the IT industry with needed band-width and communication capabilities of international standard at competitive prices Lack of entrepreneurial skills and managerial know-how of IT professionals Lack of actual and practical government policies and support for the industry

IT industry faces serious problems in securing finances and credit Unwillingness of local business managers to pay appropriate prices for locally developed software Lack of incubation facilities to start-up the companies High resistance for computerization of the government and its departments to avoid transparency Political instability resulting in economic stagnation Lack of progress in institution building Lack of awareness in the government bureaucratic hurdles and lack of political will


Budgetary constraints in government departments educational institutions especially in schools & colleges


Indifferent attitude of majority of industrialists about IT Misuse of information technology – computers being used for chatting, pornographic surfing & audio / video songs. Very very high fees of IT Institutions. Lack of co-ordination among industries and academia Lack of low level infrastructure development Lack of long term business approach Lack of timely compliance in meeting the targets Lack of attention towards maintaining the quality No attention towards transfer of technology

Threats The threats identified to the IT industry are as follow: Continued political instability in the country. Continued government inertia on Information Technology and the restrictive nature of national regulatory laws. Pakistan continues to be perceived as a country which is not friendly. Economic down turn and unfavourable exchange rate parity. Quality and price of communication infrastructure. Lack of venture capital availability. Lack of business know-how of IT industry players. Lack of access to the international capital market. Continued low literacy levels and degradation of education standards








professionals. Poor communication and networking with non-resident Pakistanis and their continued low support of the local IT industry. Weak legal framework for protecting intellectual property of the local IT industry. Brain drain. High taxation on information technology. Censorship. Tariff barriers. Imposition of unfavourable standards. Continued technological backwardness as a result of the refusal of major international IT players to share technology. Lack of understanding of legality and processes involved in IT products development and marketing. Increased use of imported software because of product dumping by international players.

Opportunities in IT Sector of Pakistan The following opportunities are present in IT Sector of Pakistan: Development of packaged software Quality training and development of specialized human resources Re-engineering and computerization of Government/public sector and private sector organizations Installation of network (LANS, WANS, etc) E-Information Switch over to Urdu as a computer language Development of call centers Reorganization and growth of communication infrastructure Foreign exchange earning potential Utilization of available educated human resources pool Unlimited E-Commerce potential Global and domestic Internet explosion World-wide growth of distance learning and education Social reforms and lowering of cultural barriers due to the use of the Internet and globalization Government drive for documentation Entertainment potential of IT and the Internet Relatively low development cost in Pakistan Consumer awareness and empowerment through IT and the Internet

Potential Areas having great opportunities Following areas have great opportunities to be explored: A.

Engineering Sector

The engineering sector in Pakistan is fairly broad based. Presently there are over 2000 registered engineering units, employing a workforce of more than 60,000 including engineers, technicians and other skilled and unskilled manpower. According to the statistics collected from Pakistan Engineering Council, 82,666 engineers of different categories have been registered with Engineering Council out of which 19,557 pertains to electrical discipline and 17,759 are from mechanical category. Combined strength of these two categories is 37,316 which is fairly a large number. If these engineers are trained in computer aided design software, they can prove to be a great force for doing computer aided designs of parts and machinery. This task can bring huge revenues for Pakistan. International mechanical & automobile companies of advanced countries can utilize this potential workforce of engineers in Pakistan to get the design work done through outsourcing. This workforce will be much cheaper than the similar workforce in their countries.


PAKISTAN ENGINEERING COUNCIL STATISTICS PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS Total REGD Yearly Paid Not Valid Life Paid 23578 6314 16116 1148 19557 7396 11461 700 17759 6475 10679 605 4894 1921 2745 228 6989 2494 4288 207 1688 882 744 62 2274 1141 1079 54 884 342 540 2 1008 449 501 58 619 252 339 28 292 9 283 0 22 0 17 5 458 189 255 14 3 0 3 0 88 14 70 4 105 7 96 2 2448 624 1718 106 82666 28509 50934 3223

Total Valid 17264 12161 11284 2973 4495 806 1133 542 559 367 283 22 269 3 74 98 1824 54157



Role of the Insurance industry in social and economic development cannot be denied. Exploring new ways, making innovations and doing business involve risks to man’s life, goods and property. Insurance provides financial protection. In case of loss, a person recovers his financial position as before the incident. Thus a man takes big risks to make innovations keeping in view the insurance support. Most of the main insurance companies presently working in Pakistan are British based. The rules / regulations and procedures are such which are either similar to the Insurance companies working in UK / USA or considered at par with the foreign Insurance companies. This similarity in working procedures have, infact, a great potential for IT exports. If the people working in these Insurance companies are trained in IT, then they can be utilized to get work from abroad. There are thousands of Insurance companies in the world. Each Insurance company has to go through claim processing task very frequently. The claim processing task in advanced countries is very very expensive. The Insurance companies located in these countries can outsource their claim processing work to Pakistan Insurance companies through Internet. Pakistani Insurance companies can receive the scanned application claim forms through Internet, process the claims and re-send the processed formats to them. This can be done very conveniently and on a mass scale which can bring considerable volume of work and revenues for Pakistani Insurance companies. Insurance Companies There are two types of Insurance companies working in Pakistan. a. b.

General Insurance Companies Life Insurance Companies


General Insurance Companies

General insurance business in Pakistan depicts an oligopolistic composition with 10 companies accounting for almost 83 percent of the total private sector general insurance business. These companies are listed below: S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Company Adamjee Insurance EFU General Insurance Limited New Jubilee Insurance (NJI) Premier Insurance Company CGU International New Hampshire Company Habib Insurance Company Limited Askari General Insurance Royal & Sun Alliance East West Insurance Company Limited

b. Life Insurance Companies There are five major life Insurance companies working in Pakistan out of which the State Life Insurance Company (SLIC) is the dominant player in the life insurance market. These companies are listed below: S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Company State Life Insurance Company (SLIC) Commercial Union (CU) EFU Life Assurance Limited American Life Insurance Company Metropolitan Life Assurance Company


The accountancy profession in this subcontinent originated with the concepts of limited liability and statutory audit which were introduced in the subcontinent with the promulgation of the Companies Acts in 1850 and 1857. When Pakistan came into existence in 1947, the 1932 Auditors Certificate Rules were adopted temporarily. In 1950 a new set of Auditor's Certificate Rules mainly based on the old rules, were published for regulating the profession in Pakistan. In 1952 the Registered Accountants formed a body known as the Pakistan Institute of Accountants to look after their interest. In 1961

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) was formed as a statutory autonomous body. As per record of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP), 3226 accountants were registered with ICAP uptil 30th June, 2003. If these professional accountants are trained in the field of IT, then these accountants can be utilized in exports of IT enabled services. The professional accountants in advance countries demand very very high salaries. Small organizations cannot hire these accountants due to their unaffordable salaries. These foreign companies can outsource their accounting work to Pakistani accountants via Internet. Pakistani accounting firms can computerize and maintain the Accounting system and Database for foreign companies and earn significant amount of revenue from this service. This is another big potential area for IT exports if it is explored and utilized properly. Statistics of ICAP Membership as on 30th June 2003

The total membership as on 30th June 2003 was 3226. The classification of members is as follows: Numbers Overseas


Public Practice (Pakistan)


Commerce/ Industry


Financial Institutes/ Banks


Government Services








Six year statistical data of members Year















IT Institutes

In Pakistan, the global IT revolution has been exploited by many nonIT businessmen. A mushroom growth of IT Institutes has been observed during last five years. Most of these institutes are providing sub-standard IT education and earning lot of money. However, there

are still some quality Institutes like FAST, GIK, NUST and LUMS who have designed their curriculum as per international standards and have hired excellent faculty to provide quality IT education. The graduates from these quality institutes have been recognized nationally and internationally. Many people want to get education from these institutes but the number of these institutes is very small as compared to the population and its demand. Due to non-availability of seats in these quality institutes, people are helpless to join substandard institutes. This is another potential area for investment. If local / foreign investors open quality IT educational institutes, they can earn lot of money and students seeking quality education will be greatly benefited. E.


The Government of Pakistan has announced policy for the establishment of Call Centers in Pakistan to provide service to offshore companies A call center in the year 2004 is different from the call centers of the past. Because of Voice over IP, it is now any location in any time zone where Internet is available. It is located physically at any place where incoming and outgoing phone calls are made between call center representatives and customers. The typical services are airline booking / confirmation help line, banking, hotels, reservations, medical prescription entries, insurance claims, data entries etc. The overseas customers' calls are routed to call centers in Pakistan through VoIP technology where trained operators respond to the inquiries of the customers. This service requires quick response, high quality communication links and efficient handling without any noticeable time delay. Call Center Definition A call center is a physical environment dedicated to servicing and interacting with customers or potential customers. It is comprised of agents whose primary dedicated function is to handle inbound and outbound traffic via the telephone and other increasingly available sophisticated channels. Concept & Configuration of a Call Center Over the past 20 years or so, call centers have evolved as a convenient and cost-effective way for organizations to keep contact with their customers. Call centers are dependent on telephony-based equipment that aggregates incoming calls, distributes them over a

group of customer’s service representatives (CSRs) and queues the calls when necessary. The call center industry typically employs packet switched technology for both voice and data communication. The access to call centers is normally through 0800 Free Phone Numbers. The typical services are airline booking / confirmation, help line, banking, hotels, reservations, medical prescription entries, insurance claims, data entries etc. The customer calls are routed to a call center through VoIP technology to overseas destination where trained operators respond to the inquiries of the customers. The queries of the customers are satisfied on-line through data input on computer systems of the companies. The customer is oblivious to the fact that an operator attending the call is located in an overseas destination. This service requires quick response, high quality communication links and efficient handling without any noticeable time delay. Pakistan is among the ten most populous countries in the world with a population base of approximately 146 million. The country has undergone major economic transformation from a regulated system to one which has seen approximately 15 years of de-regulation and liberalization and improvements in social and economic indicators across the board. The GNP per capita is US$ 492 per annum which translates into competitive human resource cost structure for this industry and enables the businesses in call center domain to be internationally competitive. The Government has already put in considerable effort in developing the educational base in the country, specially at the higher levels and higher education is a priority for the Government. Quantifiable goals have been set in this regard, such as increase of enrolment to 200,000 by 2005, increasing role of private sector into developing higher education infrastructure, balance between humanities and science & technology education to about 50 – 50% of the enrolment, introduction of IT education in all public universities and so forth. The results have been encouraging and Pakistan currently has in excess of 750,000 students enrolled at the high school / college level, 161,000 in professional colleges and about 120,000 at various universities across the country. This reflects availability of highly diverse and academically qualified pool of manpower ready to be employed in the outsourcing industry. Pakistan has a modern telecommunication infrastructure, 2/3rd of which is less than 15 years old. The Government has undertaken diligent efforts to develop telecom infrastructure through the state controlled telco Pakistan Telecommunication Company Ltd (PTCL) which runs a fixed line network of 4.9 million lines and a fiber optic based nationwide backbone. The international connectivity for the

country is provided through fiber-optic submarine cable and numerous satellites providing regional and international connectivity at highly competitive tariffs. This infrastructure has involved investment in excess of US$ 8 billion in the past 15 years and has positioned Pakistan as a major growth engine for not only for telecom sector development but also as a destination for providing off-shore IT services across the world. One of the key policy measures undertaken by the Government to facilitate call centers and BPO is the subsidized rates for international connectivity and provision of redundancy through satellites to international call centers which gives a high level of comfort to operators in mission critical services being provided through these call centers. In addition to the telecommunication infrastructure, the Government has also built IT parks which are special purpose buildings to host software companies and call centers and where all required facilitates are made available to them under one roof. Government Incentives The Government of Pakistan has recently announced and put in place quite a few incentives to encourage growth in information technology, notably Pakistan’s Call Center Landscape. These include: • • • • • • •

10 years complete tax holiday 100% ownership for foreign entrepreneurs with investment. 100% repatriation of profit for foreign owners One stop /one window approval process Subsidized office space in Technology Parks in Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi. Subsidized Bandwidth Cost for Call Center Operators. Low cost financial assistance for IT ventures creating jobs and foreign exchange.

Best location for Call Centres The Government of Pakistan has set up technology parks (STPs), in Lahore, Islamabad, Peshawar, and Karachi, each with about 80,000 sq ft centrally air conditioned office space furnished or un-furnished basis, stand by power supply, a state of the art conference center, high speed internet connectivity, a restaurant, rooms for delegates, security and parking all at heavily subsidized rates. Each of these technology parks is across from regional telecom Hub to ensure “last mile” fiber optic connectivity. These technology parks offer the best location for call center operations with easy access from all sides of the town and in a very secure and desirable environment. It virtually means, if you

have a secure business, you will find everything under one roof to begin a sizable call center operation in a pleasant environment and with the least hassle. Why Pakistan? • • • • •

Pro-Active Government policies encouraging growth in Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). Huge talent pool, with strong technical background. Renewed interest in technology investments in public and private sectors. Large base of English speaking graduates – 24 million graduates. Over 0.5 million graduates every year joining the workforce.

Human Resources Better Communication Skills English is the choice medium of education in Pakistan from childhood. English is the principal language for business transactions in banks, courts, most of private and public sector. It may really surprise many people to see how fluent English Pakistani youth can speak in major metropolitan cities like Karachi, Islamabad and Lahore. Educated Manpower Not as big as India, but certainly Pakistan offers fairly large English speaking young workforce graduating every year from some of the finest educational institutions in Asia. These educational institutions turning out a highly skillful and bright young workforce in business, science & technology. Costs Factor In the Sub Continent, Pakistan offers an abundance of English speaking workers, better quality but at lower cost compared to other countries in the area. The Indian market has to some extent saturated, and it is difficult to find quality CSRs. In Pakistan, a trained, computer literate graduate CSR may cost less than $ 300- a month.

Time Zone Difference A virtual 12-hour time zone difference with the USA and other markets for Call Center services, is in Pakistan’s favour, an added attraction for end users and for call center operators. Cost implications The attractive cost implications of setting up or outsourcing call center services in Pakistan cannot be denied and hence many of the World’s largest corporations from the United States, the United Kingdom and other western economies have shifted some of their call center seats to locations throughout Pakistan. Operating or outsourcing call centers in Pakistan is certainly not without its problems. The telecommunications infrastructure is improving and problems are often reported regarding customers in relation to “strong” accents that can be improved with sound training. Industry Size It is estimated that approximately 22 notable organizations and another 50 less known operate call centers in Pakistan, operating 5 – 100 seats. Of all call centers in operation 60% operate less than 20 seats, 30% operate 20/50, 10% operate 51-100 seats. It is hoped in year 2004 many of these shall be operating in excess of 200 seats each and there are Government sponsored plans to setup call center hotel of 1500 – 2000 seats where the infrastructure is provided and seats can be leased to various users with their own management. The call center industry in Pakistan is still very young with 80% of such operations having setup in the last 2 years. Growth Seat growth is predicted to be dramatic over the next 12 months. In fact, 85% of organizations stated that they would increase the size of their call center operations over the next 12 months with the mean seat size per company rising 150%. It is estimated that nearly 3000 seats will be operating across 50 call centers by the end of 2004.

Total Seats 2003 County China Hong Kong India Pakistan

Total Seats 2005

Total Seats 2004

38,000 10,000 96,000 500

53,500 10,700 158,000 3000

% Growth 41% 7% 65% 500%

% Growth 85000 12,700 195000 8000

58% 18% 23% 266%

Operating Cost Per Seat Setup cost for a call center in Pakistan is $ 1000- per seat. The operational cost per seat based on 2x8hours shift is $ 18000- per seat. The average hourly cost to run a call center seat is $US 5.5 per hour and that is all-inclusive cost. These calculations are based on one seat operating 12 hours per day, 6 days per week (3,744 hours per annum). The seat is handling 12 customers per hour (44,928 per annum) with average call duration of 3 minutes and an average wrap time of 1 minute. The occupancy rate of this seat is therefore 80%. The following table illustrates regional comparisons. Country

China Hong Kong India Pakistan

Annual Cost Per Seat (Local Currency) CNY 192,138 HKD 709,756 INR 586,517 PR 517,500

Annual Cost Per Seat (US$) $23,205 $90,994 $12,988 $ 9,000

Hourly Cost Per Seat (US$) $6.20 $24.30 $3.47 $ 2.50

Cost Per Transaction (US$) $0.52 $2.03 $0.29 $0.20

Budget Although the cost of employing agents in Pakistan is very low, staff account for the largest budgetary component, representing 36% of total cost. Technology represents 31% of the budget and telecommunications 20%. The remaining 13% is allocated to costs such as rent, utilities and other miscellaneous items. Salaries The following table indicates the average wage for agents, supervisors and call center managers in Pakistan.

Position Agent

Annual Salary (PR) 100,000

Annual Salary (USD) $1,739




Call Center Manager



The following table provides comparative regional figures for agent salaries. Country China Hong Kong

Agent Salary Per Annum $US $2,804 $16,438






DE (VAS) / Deputy Manager (Voice Services) confirms availability of International

Policy/Procedure & Application forms downloadable from PTCL website

Applicant provides to DE (VAS) / Deputy Manager (Voice Services) Application Form (Filled In) Company Registration Copy NTN of Company Financial Statement for last 3 years or Directors account statements Name of Partner with contract at the foreign end (international call center)

Registration done by DE (VAS)/ Deputy Manager (Voice Services) under intimation to CE (PSP)

DE (VAS) / Deputy Manager (Voice Services) issues demand note to the Customer

Customer furnishes the paid copy of Demand Note to DE (VAS) / Deputy Manager (Voice Services)

Provisioning of International Bandwidth within 6 to 8 weeks (coordination by DE (VAS) / Deputy Manager (Voice Services)

International Bandwidth Operational

Billing arranged by respective DE (VAS) / Deputy Manager (Voice Services) in coordination with concerned revenue officer

Procedure for setting up Call Centres The procedure for obtaining services for setting up call centers is as follows: i.

Interface DE (VAS) / Deputy Manager (Voice Services) will act as one window for issuance of the Demand Note for the provision of telephone/ IP / IPLC international connectivity and provision of the facility.


Registration of Demand

Policy/procedures and application forms for registration of the call center business are available on the PTCL website ( or can be obtained from the offices of the Divisional Engineer Value Added Services (VAS) ) / Deputy Manager (Voice Services) at Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad and other regional headquarters as the case may be. Photocopy of the form can also be used for registration. Photocopies of the following documents are required with the application: i. ii. iii. iv. iii.

Company registration National tax number Company financial statement for the last 3 years or Directors account statements (attach bank/trade references). Name of partner(s) with contract specifying requirements & intent at foreign end.

Bandwidth For international call centers, bandwidth is available on half-circuit basis as well as on public Internet backbone. The call center operator will arrange the far end half-circuit through the foreign operator. The bandwidth tariff of software exporters will be applicable.


Provision of Facility Initial demand note will be issued by the DE (VAS) / Deputy Manager (Voice Services) who will coordinate for provision of the facility on receipt of paid copy of the demand note.


Customer Facilitation Code 128 is available for registration of faults at Karachi, Lahore & Islamabad. DE Maintenance concerned will be responsible for rectification of faults and satisfactory service to the valued customers. DE (VAS) / Deputy Manager (Voice Services) shall be responsible for coordination with maintenance & operation staff concerned with IP / IPLC. In case of regions other than Karachi, Lahore & Islamabad, DE’s nominated in each region by the respective GMs to handle ISP/DNOP/Software demand will also handle this service.


Billing Respective DE (VAS) / Deputy Manager (Voice Services) who will act as primary interface with the call center operator for all telecommunication requirements will coordinate with offices responsible for preparation and raising the bills and ensure that billing is done regularly for international connectivity. How to setup a call center in Pakistan? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Application on Company Letter Head Lease agreement for office space Company profile Company registration certificate Registration with PSEB National Tax Number (NTN) of Company Financial statement Provide information on type and category of setup

How long does it take to setup a call center in Pakistan? An existing company can setup their business in two weeks time. A pro active Call Center Association (CCA) is already engaged in establishing the skill sets and quality in the existing labor pool. For further information please visit the following websites: / call center (PSEB) (PTCL) (PTA)

RECOMMENDATIONS Abundant human resource of Pakistan may be trained and utilized in System Development, Networking, Website development and E-Commerce fields to fulfill domestic IT requirements as well as offshore IT projects. Qualified / experienced IT professionals may be given attractive emoluments to reduce the brain drain problem. IT professionals may be given 50% exemption in income tax. For export related projects, experienced programmers and IT professionals are required. If these persons are retained in the country, they will result in adding export based revenues in Pakistan. The institutions providing sub-standard IT education may be provided assistance to improve their standard of education. The graduates being produced by these institutes are adding unemployment and other socio-economic problems in the country. There are a few institutes in the country which are providing quality IT education but their fees are very high. It is recommended that Government may provide financial support to these institutes enabling them to lower their fees to benefit larger segment of society. In order to check the quality of IT Education in the country, National Accreditation Council must be formed. This will ensure the appropriate standard of education by the IT Institutes. The number of software technology parks (STPs) may be increased manifold to facilitate the growth of software houses and their concentration/clusters at one place. Moreover the rates of rentals and utilities for software companies may be further reduced. Products of local software companies may be patronized by Government. Government should help to create a few mega software companies to compete internationally with state of the art resources. Job awarding procedures to local software companies may be simplified. PSEB may help maximum number of software com panies to get ISO-9001:2000 Certification.

PSEB may assist more and more software companies to move towards the internationally accepted Capability Maturity Model (CMM) standard. Incubation centers may be developed for new companies. Telecommunication facilities may be further developed and internet facility may be spread to maximum number of cities in Pakistan. ISPs may be given all possible facilities/incentives to operate freely in the country. Use of Information Technology may be increased in the Government offices and new projects may be approved for providing computers/networks to the Ministries / divisions / attached departments. IT education may be declared compulsory from middle school level. IT education programs of different levels may be developed and telecasted on all television networks. Computer Hardware manufacturing industry may be given due attention and entrepreneurs interested in the manufacture of hardware in Pakistan, may be given maximum incentives / facilities. It will lower the prices of computers in the country. Bureaucrats/senior officers in Government departments may be trained in the use of information technology so that they may introduce it at their place of duty and also encourage its usage/spread. “Industrial Automation and Control” is the real time application of IT but it could not get much attention in Pakistan. It is recommended that this may be made integral part of IT and software / hardware engineers may be trained / deployed in the everlasting field of Industrial Automation and Control. Computer Society of Pakistan may be given due importance and they may be included in IT Sector meetings & decision making process. Pakistan Computer Bureau (PCB) may be strengthened further so that they can provide on-site computer trainings in Ministries and Government departments. Pakistan Computer Bureau (PCB) and Electronic Government Directorate (EGD) may be merged together to form one organization.

The computer software companies face considerable problems in getting loans from banks. It is recommended that Government may issue necessary instructions to the banks / financial institutions to provide loans to software companies based on their reputation, track record and credibility in software business. In order to expand the market for our software companies, the expatriate Pakistanis may be utilized who can successfully work as market person in foreign countries to bring IT related jobs for Pakistani software companies. Special courses may be conducted to create entrepreneurial skills and managerial know-how in IT professionals. Each Government department should allocate sufficient amount in its annual budget for use / promotion of IT. Ministry of Information Technology and Higher Education Commission may join hands to bridge the gap between industry and academia. The curricula in universities should fulfill the needs of industry. Legal framework for protecting intellectual property rights of local IT industry may be strengthened. All Government / semi-Government departments which have not yet developed their official websites, may be given target of three months to develop their websites. In this connection, necessary support from Ministry of Information Technology may be provided. These departments may be asked to keep their data on websites and make it easily accessible to general public. Databases of Human Resource Development / talent pool, hospitals / basic health units, taxation records and legislature may be created and maintained on priority basis. Joint ventures of local IT companies with global and regional IT players may be encouraged. At least two international IT conferences and seminars may be arranged in Pakistan annually. Development of call centers / BPO, E-Commerce, wireless web, CAD / CAM and games software may be prioritized.

Vision for the Future The Information Technology revolution has given us a vision of the future in which we can use technological tools to enhance our civil society, enrich our lives by tapping the broader social benefits of the Internet, and move beyond the digital divide to digital opportunity. Our vision builds on the work we have done to promote the growth of the Internet and to create a safe and secure online environment. According to latest figures, by September 1999, two hundred million people around the world are connected to the Internet. Recent developments in broadband technologies will continue to make access to the Internet faster. In particular, progress in bandwidth, intensive graphics, along with streaming audio and video, will stimulate the development of new applications. In addition to phone and cable lines, communication companies are investing in the full range of technologies that may provide increased broadband availability. The opportunities for the future are immense and include delivering mobile broadband over the broadcasting spectrum for digital television, delivering mobile broadbands over cellular networks and direct fibre connections to homes and offices. E-commerce has the potential of transforming the way we live, work and shop. The new information age demands new approaches to old problems. Electronic commerce, the ability to carry out transactions over the Internet, can make a tremendous difference in people's lives. People are saving time and money, locating hard to find items and becoming entrepreneurs themselves- all through the Internet. The adoption of Internet-based electronic commerce by the business community is making a tremendous difference in how business is conducted, fundamentally altering firm behaviour and industry structure. In short market led electronic commerce has made the transition from principle to action. The IT revolution is the fastest emerging revolution seen by the human race. And the Internet surpasses all. Electricity was first introduced in 1873 and it took 46 years for its mass scale use, telephone introduced in 1876 and took 35 years for mass use. Television introduced in 1926 took 26 years for mass use. PC introduced in 1975 took 16 years, mobile phone in 1983 took 13 years for mass use while the web introduced in 1994 took only 4 years for mass use. While in the United States 57 per cent Americans have

Internet access, it is said that only 0.6 per cent people living in the developing countries can access the Internet. In Pakistan, Information Technology is fast becoming a necessity. With the shrinking global scenario, Pakistan urgently needs to further revolutionize its Information technology sector. Technology infrastructure Our vision for the future should see a whole new breed of IT professionals working in various sectors of the country. For this we not only need an infrastructure for development of IT professionals but we also need to develop a conducive atmosphere of Information Technology in the country. This should include computer access and computer literacy at all levels. This can only be achieved by making IT accessible at the grassroots level. This can be achieved by working on the following strategies: Creating the awareness and importance of IT in the less fortunate areas. Persuading all sectors of the society to realize the importance of IT. Developing IT chain mechanism in which each segment should play its specific role. Making Internet available to all such areas where it is still an alien's domain. To achieve these goals, an integrated approach between various segments of the society (particularly the IT network) is needed. The segments include: Organizations. Computer Institutes. Computer Companies. Organizations: Large local and multinational organizations should donate their used computers to various newly established IT institutes in the less fortunate areas.

Computer institutes: Already established institutes should play their role by offering their services in terms of providing guidelines in development of course material, remote teaching facilities through their faculty/students. Institute must ensure that each one of their students must teach at least to one youth from low income areas about computers, and their grading should be linked to this. Extra credits should be offered to all the students who educate at least one youth from the less fortunate segments of the society. Established computer institutes must offer scohlarships for further studies to outstanding students of smaller institutes. Each established institute must take responsibility of at least five smaller institutes to maintain the quality of teaching. The emerging global picture has increased demand of IT professionals in the western world. To prevent a massive brain drain of highly competent IT professionals, we need to offer them equal opportunities in the country, whereby there is easy access to knowledge and free flow of ideas. A conducive atmosphere for IT can be achieved by undertaking a massive initiative. The major goals of this initiative are as follows: •

Encouraging creation of a pro-competitive policy and regulatory environment where Information Technology, the Internet and e commerce can flourish.

Spurring the development of advanced information infrastructure to








multilateral organizations, NGOs and the private sector. •








knowledge workers, policy makers and regulators. •

Fostering the use of specific Internet applications such as micro e-commerce,







Government services. •

Implementing strategies: Computer literacy and Information Technology can be promoted at the grassroots level through the network





infrastructure. Besides, it would require:



Compulsory computer training at the primary and secondary school level in both urban and rural areas.

Computer training and support centres at community levels.

Support to institutions providing IT services.

State-of-art postgraduate training and academic activities at the institutional level.

Establishment of IT Universities at the provincial level.

Training of key Government functionaries in IT technology.

Capacity building of all Government personnel in Information technology.

Development of database in all Government departments with easy access to the public, related databases.

Development of computer accessibility in all remote areas.

Health database for the health department including tertiary care hospitals as well as basic health units.

Development of a comprehensive database of Human Resources and talent pool at all levels.

Digitalization of taxation records so that tax payers can download and retrieve publications and forms.

Development of a competitive and innovative environment promoting e-commerce.

Online job postings.










Government information. •

Demonstrate leadership through Government use of technology.

We should aim to develop an e-society in Pakistan where all citizens should have equal access to Information Technology so that we can improve the quality of life of our citizens. We should not only develop commercial aspects of e-commerce but also tap the wide range of societal benefits that Information Technology offers.

Future State of IT Industry in Pakistan Based on present pace of development in IT sector, the following developments are expected: 1.

Computerization Government




major and







underway 2.

Internet will be freely and cheaply available all over Pakistan









organizations will be accessible via the Internet 4.

The IT Industry will have 5,000 new high level professionals added to its human resource pool.


Pakistan will have 30,000 Java programmers


The IT Industry would shift towards value-added products and services


There will be easy and unrestricted movement of IT professionals from abroad


There will be a venture capital market, IT incubators and software parks in every major city


There will be one fully operational technology city in Pakistan

10. There will be easy and cheap availability of communication facilities and bandwidth; there will be no monopoly of any company 11. Pakistan IT companies will be registered on NASDAQ 12. Foreign major IT related companies will be operating in Pakistan 13. Many Pakistani IT firms will have joint ventures with global and regional players 14. On line trading (stock exchange) will be standard and legally covered

15. There will be at least two international conferences and seminars held annually on IT. 16. Promotion









development will be effective. 17. Pakistan will be an internationally recognized IT supplier 18. Active players of the IT industry will be operating in the following areas: A) B) C) D) E) E) G) H) I) J)

Call centers Data entry E-commerce enables Cable internet Direct cross border connectivity CAD / CAM Wireless web Medical and legal software development Games software Customized software solution

It has to provide a good environment for companies to flourish by way of incentives. It also has to work on infrastructure. Having done that there is no reason to believe why Pakistan cannot have a vital and viable Information Technology industry."

IT POLICY OF PAKISTAN Executive Summary Information technology (IT) has assumed unprecedented importance in the global economic arena. In Pakistan, the present government is according a very high priority to this sector. One of the prerequisites for ensuring sustained growth of the industry, nay the economy, is the provision of a definite framework consisting of policy, legislative, financial, and operational guidelines, which can provide a stable umbrella for growth. Thus, the government, as the main facilitator, enabler, and promoter of the IT sector, has evolved an effective national IT Policy and Action Plan that clearly caters to the needs of nurturing the industry and is responsive to the dynamic forces of change that can affect its future growth. The private sector is being brought into the mainstream as the main driver for growth. The guiding theme for the Policy is that ‘the government shall be the facilitator and enabler to encourage the Private sector to drive the development in IT and Telecommunications’. This one single element has galvanized the entire Pakistani IT community to participate wholeheartedly in the process and over 200 professionals mainly from the private sector participated in various dialogues and eleven Working Groups meetings over the last four months to devise a comprehensive Policy and Action Plan document. The vision of the Policy is to harness the potential of Information Technology as a key contributor to development of Pakistan and the broad-based involvement of the key stakeholders is a must for its sustainable development. Core IT Policy strategies have been proposed under several focus areas and some of the lead recommendations in each area are as follows: i. Human Resource Development: Human Resource (HR) development is imperative for the local IT industry to position the country as an important player in the international IT market. Under the HR Action Plan, a large pool of academically as well as technically skilled IT manpower would be developed to meet the local and export needs. The Policy accordingly envisages the establishment of four new IT universities, Virtual IT university, national testing and accreditation services and educational Intranet, strengthening of existing IT institutes and hiring of Faculty from abroad. A major portion of the funds under IT Action Plan would be dedicated towards HR development initiatives.

ii. Infrastructure Development: The local IT industry requires a world class enabling infrastructure. An exercise for deployment of this infrastructure would be under taken and a series of IT Parks and Incubators across the country would be established. These Parks will be equipped with modern facilities and matchless incentives, to provide a one-stop shop for prospective investors in the IT industry. Telecom infrastructure would be modernized to carry broadband access in the backbone and local loops. Other steps include the establishment of IT Boards in provinces (except Punjab where it exists already), increasing teledensity and introduction of new technologies such as wireless local loop for data and cable Internet. iii. Software Industry Development: Software development is a high growth industry and forms a major segment of the vast IT market and will continue to do so in the future. Integrated efforts to develop software industry with focus on exports (in addition to the local market) would be undertaken. This would include encouragement of local software houses to participate in government projects, local content development, Urdu and regional language software development, promotion of software exports through establishment of International Marketing Network, special bandwidth rates for software exporters, encouraging joint ventures, hiring of international consultants for global business development and fiscal and regulatory incentives for software exporters through State Bank of Pakistan. iv. Hardware Industry Development: The policy recommendations in the area of hardware industry development do not seek to initiate aggressive competition with the developed countries. Rather, they focus on developing the areas that are within Pakistan’s reach, in terms of technology and resources and in which the country could have a competitive advantage. Major recommendations include the waiver of duties and taxes on the hardware, incentives to reduce the cost of raw material and inputs, encourage and fund research and development in the universities and engineering colleges through faculty chairs, matching grants and focused joint projects. v. Internet: The Internet is likely to continue to revolutionize the way people communicate and access information. The basic principles adopted for the Internet growth in the country would be to encourage competition, avoidance of un-necessary regulations, provision of low cost, reliable and broadband Internet access, Universal Internet Access in the areas connected with the telecom network, free Internet access for public sector universities and support for the development of national Internet content.

vi. Incentives: The government will invest in various fiscal and nonfiscal incentives to nurture, develop, and promote the use of IT in organizations, to increase their efficiency and productivity. The strategies focus on promotion of venture capital industry through incentives, recognition of software development as a priority industry for financing by the banks and DFIs, creation of investment friendly environment, building investors’ confidence and changes in rules to allow the technology companies to be listed on stock exchanges of Pakistan. vii. IT Promotion & Awareness: A massive IT promotion and awareness campaign would be undertaken. The national strategy includes provision of continued support and funds by the Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) for the participation in world IT/computer trade fairs, exchange of delegations, posting of IT specialists in embassies and consulates, promotion of IT use by the head of the government, ministers, and all other key figures who can influence public opinion at all public and private forums, declaration of the next fiscal year as 'IT Year' and organization of special events during the current year including national and international exhibitions. viii. IT Usage: To embark on an aggressive program to improve efficiency and provide quality services to the citizens of Pakistan, IT would be inducted at all levels of government. Key projects thus launched would include Citizen Online, Electronic Government Project and E-Commerce Network. ix. Legislation: To provide protection and enhance the confidence of users, providers, and facilitators of information services, legislation based on the recommendations of the Working Group comprising IT and legal experts would be framed. Action in the areas of Digital Signature Act, Intellectual Property & Copyright Act and the Consumer Protection Act, has been started. The government should seek legislative approval of changes to statutes that will encourage electronic commerce and revise statutes that mandate a paper - based or manual process. x. Regulations: A regulatory framework is essential to avoid violating policy goals and direction. It would be ensured that excessive regulations do not stifle industry investment and growth. In devising a useful regulatory framework, the focus would be on creating a fair, equitable and competitive environment, based on the principles of free market and open access. The IT Action Plan is an integral part of the IT Policy. The Action Plan provides a framework for implementation of the IT Policy which

includes priority areas, specific projects that can be conceptualised, formulated, assessed, prioritised and implemented.The implementation of Action Plan is very much dependent on the funding provision for the IT & Telecommunications Division and the mechanism from project approval to funds release so that projects could be implemented in a timely fashion to achieve the desirable results in shortest span of time. A separate mechanism for expeditious project appraisal by experts’ committees, approval and funding under National Scientific and Technological Research and Development Management Fund has been developed and would be submitted separately to the Cabinet for approval. The main allocation of funds has been foreseen for training, retraining, Human Resource development and provisioning of enabling infrastructure. There are a host of other incentives, which could be done at low or no cost, which include changes in governmental processes, legislation, administrative elements, incentives and rules. Some of these have already been submitted to the relevant quarters for approval whereas others are in pipeline. A system of monitoring, surveying and compiling statistics on the extent and growth of the IT sector will also be devised to provide reliable data for planning and evaluation purposes and to set up performance indicators. The IT Action Plan will be implemented according to its well-defined phased targets and objectives. To ensure that the plan meets its objectives consistently and that suitable midcourse corrections can be incorporated in a timely manner, a mechanism will be set up involving the government, private sector, academia and other national representatives to coordinate and implement the policy and plan elements and provide strategic supervision over the longer term. The IT Policy and Action Plan being a dynamic document, would be subjected to formal review under this mechanism every six months, with more area-specific monitoring carried out on a monthly basis. The Vision To harness the potential of Information Technology as a key contributor to the development of Pakistan. The Mission To realise the vision behind the IT policy, the following goals have been set: •

Make the government a facilitator and an enabler to provide maximum opportunities to the private sector to lead the thrust in

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development of IT in Pakistan. Develop an extensive pool of trained IT manpower at all levels to meet local and export requirements. Provide business incentives for both local and foreign investors to ensure the development of Pakistan’s IT sector (including the software, hardware, and service industries) and the use of its products. Develop an enabling legislative and regulatory framework for IT related issues. Revitalize, emphasize, and support the country’s dormant manufacturing and research and development (R&D) potential. Establish an efficient and cost-effective infrastructure that provides equitable access to national and international networks and markets. Set up national databases that are reliable, secure, up-to-date and easily accessible. These would be open databases. Promote widespread use of IT applications in government organisations and departments for efficiency improvement and transparency in functioning and service provision, and to organise and facilitate access to public information. Promote extensive use of IT applications in trade, industry, homes, agriculture, education, health, and other sectors with widespread use of Internet. Encourage and promote the development of quality software that can capture export markets. Develop a tradition of electronic commerce for both national and international transactions. Encourage expatriate IT professionals to return to Pakistan and establish software houses, invest their time and effort in the development of local industry and software exports.

Goals To realise the vision behind the IT policy, the following goals have been set: •

Make the government a facilitator and an enabler to provide maximum opportunities to the private sector to lead the thrust in development of IT in Pakistan.

Develop an extensive pool of trained IT manpower at all levels to meet local and export requirements.

Provide business incentives for both local and foreign investors to ensure the development of Pakistan’s IT sector (including the software, hardware, and service industries) and the use of its products.

Develop an enabling legislative and regulatory framework for IT related issues.

Revitalize, emphasize, and support the country’s dormant manufacturing and research and development (R&D) potential.

Establish an efficient and cost-effective infrastructure that provides equitable access to national and international networks and markets.

Set up national databases that are reliable, secure, up-to-date and easily accessible. These would be open databases.

Promote widespread use of IT applications in government organisations and departments for efficiency improvement and transparency in functioning and service provision, and to organise and facilitate access to public information.

Promote extensive use of IT applications in trade, industry, homes, agriculture, education, health, and other sectors with widespread use of Internet.

Encourage and promote the development of quality software that can capture export markets.

Develop a tradition of electronic commerce for both national and international transactions. Encourage expatriate IT professionals to return to Pakistan and establish software houses, invest their time and effort in the development of local industry and software exports.

Human Resource Development •

A major human resource issue in Pakistan is quality education and training, nurturing, and retention of technically skilled manpower. This problem is more severe in IT where technology changes are rapid and there is a large loss of critical trained manpower due to migration to the developed world. Manpower development is imperative for the local IT industry to take root on a large scale in Pakistan, and for the country to achieve and maintain the position of an important player in the international IT market. A large pool of skilled manpower is required for all components of the IT industry, and it has to be geared to meet both local and export needs. Whereas a brief working document has been prepared by the IT Steering committee on education, HRD and training, a more comprehensive plan for education and human resource development in IT shall be drawn up to meet the present and future needs of manpower. This following section briefly covers IT education and IT training. IT awareness, a related issue, is addressed separately.

IT education includes degree programs, while IT training comprises short courses that provide focused hands-on skills in specific IT areas where manpower is needed urgently. Such training could be provided to fresh graduates as well as underemployed youth. The object of this Policy is to attract the most able students and develop faculty for IT, in order to ensure quality, quantity, affordability, and market relevance of all IT education and training. A comprehensive plan for education and human resource development in IT shall be drawn up to meet the present and future needs of manpower. Facilitate and encourage the training and hiring of women in the IT sector to help reduce unemployment and to utilise this largely untapped human resource. Women can be productive in large numbers in all sectors of the IT industry. Facilitate and encourage the use of IT by special people to make them more productive in the society.

IT Education Education determines, more than anything else, a country's prospects for human development and competitiveness. Fortunately, the information revolution offers some extraordinary opportunities in education. The following measures shall be adopted to avail these opportunities: •

The education sector is responsible for delivering a work force skilled in the use of information systems. Technical corps able to produce and maintain information products and services would be created through appropriate policies and incentives.

Make participation by rural and poor segments of society in IT education a strategic priority for both social and economic development. Launch a scheme for providing low-priced computers and Internet connectivity to universities, colleges and schools through a public-private sector initiative. Network all universities, engineering and medical colleges, and institutions of higher learning in the country for improved quality of education. Set up electronic libraries to ensure economical and equitable access to world information. Encourage educational facilities to computerize their registration, examinations, accounting, and other activities.

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Encourage educational facilities to adopt computer assisted learning and other IT tools to aid in the teaching process. Establish virtual classroom education programs, using online, Internet and/or video facilities, to provide distance learning to a large number of individuals. The private sector and the government shall jointly make efforts to meet the growing IT education needs. Specific policy recommendations are: Include a compulsory, modern and upto date computer literacy module in the matriculation curriculum for high schools. Revise the computer science curriculum at Intermediate level to make it modern and up-to-date and to offer it at all science colleges. Make training in the use of IT applications compulsory for all degree courses within the next 3 years. Develop world-class Bachelors, Masters, and Ph.D. programs in Computer Science (CS) and related areas of IT. Develop standardised curricula and teaching materials in co-operation with public and private educational institutions, using international benchmarks for reference. To address the critical shortage of qualified IT faculty, hire faculty from abroad under a crash programme, establish Faculty Chairs by attracting foreign and expatriate faculty and arrange faculty development programs. Establish a national educational Extranet (linked to the Internet) to enable sharing, among educational institutions, of electronic libraries of teaching and research materials and faculty. Attract the best students by establishing scholarship funds and Qarz-e-Hasna for IT education and training. Establish Accreditation Council to ensure quality IT education and training. The Council will be responsible for collecting data on educational institutions, rating the institutions, and disseminating information about the institutions. The Council will also establish curricula, testing guidelines and services for IT education and training. The Council will consist of leading academics and IT experts and will be linked to provincial IT Boards. Establish an HRD fund (HRDF) by the IT Division. This fund will be utilised to expand and improve the quality of IT education, strengthen existing IT educational institutions, upgrade IT infrastructure (including laboratories, connectivity, and teaching resources), develop faculty, attract visiting faculty of international repute, provide student scholarships, share pooled resources through distance learning programs, and develop linkages with foreign universities and global IT firms. Apart from the government, financing through expatriate Pakistani

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community, international agencies and global IT firms would be mobilized. Assign provincial IT Boards the task of working closely with IT Division to ensure quality IT education, strengthen IT educational institutions, develop databases, and establish linkages with industry for jobs and internships. Allow administrative and financial autonomy to IT departments in public universities and colleges to enable them to attract and retain qualified faculty and respond quickly to changing requirements of the IT industry. Promote the setting up of IT universities and institutes of international standards. Encourage and catalyze collaboration between the government and the private sector, and elicit the assistance of various foundations, multinational companies, foreign universities, and other social and welfare organizations. Strengthen existing institutions to establish a number of centers of excellence. Provide foreign and local universities incentives to set up distance learning or resident programs in Pakistan. Ensure that existing UGC and university rules and procedures regarding affiliation of private IT institution are clearly defined and transparent in order to expedite the affiliation process and setting up of quality institutes. Work Visas for foreign IT faculty shall be simplified and expedited.

IT Training Investments in IT training are expected to yield quick results. Policy recommendations include: •

Ensure high-quality training by assigning the Accreditation Council for IT Education the task of collecting data on training institutions, rating the institutions, and disseminating information on the institutions. Take steps to strengthen existing IT training institutions and encourage the setting up of new IT training institutes, update curricula, introduce new technologies through linkages with global IT firms, develop strong local faculties, and provide student scholarships (Scholarships are now being dealt by HEC). Organize teacher training on a top-priority basis to meet the growing demand for qualified teachers in IT and for upgrading their skills regularly. To rapidly increase the annual production of IT manpower, crash-training programs would be launched. Use the HRDF to support IT training activities.

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The IT industry would provide a certain number of internships to fresh IT graduates each year. To ensure maximum utilization of existing facilities, encourage public universities and colleges to collaborate with the private sector in conducting training programs during vacations and at other times when the facilities are not in use. Introduce mandatory IT literacy courses for all levels of civil and military personnel. Make IT literacy a prerequisite for induction into gazetted positions. Make a special effort to train and induct women in the IT sector. Make extra efforts to educate and train people with special needs in order to give them equal opportunity in the society.

Infrastructure Development •

In order to grow, the local IT industry will need a suitable support infrastructure, i.e., telecommunications and information data banks. Development of the telecommunications sector will entail deregulation, liberalization, privatization, and the creation of a competitive market. Establish IT parks and incubators, equipped with the most modern facilities and matchless incentives, to provide a one-stop shop for prospective investors in the IT industry. The recommendations presented below will facilitate establishment of such an infrastructure:

Telecommunications •

A Telecom Policy has already been notified and defines the broad objectives of the government for the telecom sector.

A close relationship between the government and the private sector is critical for the development of the telecommunications sector. The following telecom policy strategies are based on government-private sector synergy: the two sectors will need to work together to create a modern, sophisticated, efficient, and productive telecommunications sector that provides services to every segment of society at a reasonable cost. The Telecom industry shall be progressively deregulated to be able to provide affordable, competitively priced telecom services, Internet connectivity for a larger community of users. Provisioning of bandwidth for education and software needs will be further incentivised. Increase telephone line penetration rate by expanding the existing telecommunications network and providing new ones by employing modern technologies in order to minimize the capital

cost of expansion. The government will encourage private sector operators for supply of basic infrastructure and services. Barriers to the induction of new technologies (e.g. Wireless Local Loop -WLL) by the private sector will be removed to ensure the spread of communications to under-served and un-served areas of Pakistan. Using International technologies, standards and agreements as a basis, progressively open up the 3, 4, 5 and 20-40 GHz bands for growth of the WLL for Internet, Cable and voice communications. Develop an integrated, flexible, robust, and reliable transmission network that covers the entire nation and is capable of voice, video, and data transmission. Rationalise PTCL rates and tariffs for all telecommunications services so that they are in line with the costs of providing the services. Establish the tariff for IT industry at par with or below the charges prevalent in the regional and international markets to remain competitive. Regulation of tariff will be done according to the notified telecommunication sector policy. The bandwidth rates for both domestic and international connectivity will be rationalized to encourage the rapid launch of new Internet and software related services as well as new and needed services like distance learning, telemedicine, video conferencing, etc. This will also provide a competitive edge to local companies trying to break into established International markets. To ensure quality of service, Service Level Agreements be made mandatory by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) between operators and the customers. Encourage telecommunication companies and carrier network service providers to develop and upgrade rural telecommunications facilities. Government is fully committed to the universal service obligation principle and a mechanism for provision thereof has been provided in the telecom sector policy. Encourage competitiveness in the telecommunications sector. Ensure gradual move towards full competition in all telecommunication services and infrastructure. The necessary regulatory mechanism needed for such a purpose is already in place. Invite private sector participation on attractive commercial terms in joint telecommunications development work of the PTCL. This will ensure that the PTCL is adequately equipped for the post deregulation competition phase. Encourage local companies to enter the telecommunication fields that are closely associated with the infrastructure needed for an information rich society.

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Expand connectivity with other countries, using existing and new regional and global satellite and Optical Fibre links. Take appropriate actions to expedite the launch of Pakistan’s own satellite at the earliest.

Technology Parks •

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Information Technology Parks (ITPs) are needed to develop both the hardware as well as the software industry. These ITPs would be set up to provide one-window services to domestic and foreign companies that seek to engage in IT business in Pakistan. The ITPs should provide workspace, utilities, telecom, and other infrastructure facilities of international standard at low costs. Efficiently functioning ITPs will attract local as well as foreign and multinational entrepreneurs. Encourage the private sector to set up such parks on BOT/BOO basis and do the same for IT Incubation Centers. In order to expedite the setting up of ITPs, the facilities/incentives being offered by Export Processing Zone Authority (EPZA) and other Industrial zones in the country be fully utilised. IT Division will co-ordinate with EPZA in further facilitating interested IT companies for setting up ITPs and IT projects. Charge the lower utility and infrastructure rates for bulk consumers to ITP users. Expedite ITP projects in Karachi and Lahore and Islamabad. Software exporting companies having a minimum export obligation verifiable through the State Bank of Pakistan in locations other than ITPs should be declared as EPUs (Export Processing Units) to avail the incentives equivalent to that of ITPs. IT hardware manufacturing units having a minimum import substitution capability, should be treated similarly. The existing software companies shall be provided land on lease at commercial rates to build their campuses.

Databases and Platforms •

Databases provide quick and easy access to information, which greatly facilitates the work and increases the productivity of businesses and institutions. Access to national databases is essential for coordinated and informed decision-making and for efficient planning. National databases are thus an important part of the IT infrastructure. Both the government and the private sector should be encouraged to participate in the development of national

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databases. Two pilot sector projects have been identified and will be initiated shortly. The main recommendations for policy for this area are: Encourage and accelerate government-private partnership in establishing comprehensive databases. The databases to be used in the government will be equitable and open. They should ensure the standards for privacy and security, provide the utmost flexibility to integrate into the existing environment and should ensure that the systems and software caters for future needs. Access to databases shall be based on open Internet standards

Software Industry Development •

Software development is a high growth industry and forms a major segment of the vast information technology market and will continue to do so in the future. A developed software industry with a focus on exports (in addition to the local market) would mean better employment opportunities, reduced ‘brain drain’, foreign exchange earnings, improvement in per capita income, and higher living standards leading to a better quality of life.

The policy recommendations presented for this area, therefore, seek to promote local software development for local needs as well as export.

Development of Local Software Industry •

A developed local software industry will not only meet Pakistan’s own needs, but will also serve as a training ground for capturing export markets. Key policy recommendations for developing the local industry are: Initiate private - public sector partnership programs with a view to access to the export market. Address the software with high value and maximum demand, e.g., ERP, ERM, CRM, e-business and e-commerce.

Outsource government software projects including mass Data entry, Digitization and GIS projects to the private sector. Preference will be given to local software companies in awarding such projects and track record condition for such companies would be relaxed.

Devise a phased plan for the private sector to take over a major part of the government’s software development needs.

In order to make this a reality, entry barriers and hurdles for local Software houses to bid for sizeable government IT projects shall be reduced or removed. These shall be in the form of earnest money, bid bonds, holdbacks, etc. These shall be reviewed and all government departments to be advised of the new Policy. Secondly, a fair rate (software development rate) and equitable progressive payment methodology has to be ensured for sustainable software development and investment in R&D.

For software work requiring expertise that is not locally available, engage foreign companies only if a local partner is involved to the extent where at least 15% added value is provided by the local company to ensure the transfer of technology.

Urdu and Regional Language Software Development •

Standardized Urdu code plate has been launched and a concerted plan to encourage the development of open source and licensable Urdu software would be undertaken. This will enable plug-ins for popular office and e-mail packages to be made available. This initiative is expected to drive the development of other Urdu and regional software packages for word processing and data base applications.

The government will encourage the use of open source operating systems and low cost or free English language office software for normal operations.

The intent of this initiative is to encourage people to develop skills in working and writing core software for applications and developing tools, which will go beyond the development of the local languages. The application programs for translation, speech to text conversion, databases, ASPs for popular packages will need to be written in currently and newly evolving software.

Promotion of Software Export •

Rising costs in developed countries have significantly increased software development outsourcing. This has enabled other countries, especially those in Asia, to tap offshore software development business. So far, Pakistan has not been able to secure any significant share of the global software market.

Following policy actions are recommended to promote software exports, private sector investments, and attract foreign direct investment (FDI):

A Software Development Fund should be established by the government to support the promotion, expansion, and improvement of the software industry.

In all countries where Pakistan can address this software development potential, following actions will be taken: •

Incubator centers run by professionals will be set up, based on the established systems and principles available in the USA. These will provide an overseas point of presence for Pakistani software companies. This is imperative, since no company in the US (or other projected export market) will give contracts to overseas software houses unless a local contact and follow-up point is available.

Pakistan must make it easy for foreign-based incubators to sponsor and fund Pakistani portfolio companies. The legal, accounting and regulatory structure must support this effort. This will make it easier for high net-worth Pakistani expatriates to invest in Pakistani start-ups. This will also be easier in the short-term to find US limited partners that would invest in an incubator with a US-based general partner and management team

Appoint IT specialists at Pakistani embassies, consulates, and Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) offices. The IT specialists should be responsible for promoting Pakistani IT products. For some large markets, e.g., the USA and EU markets, hire consultants to manage the effort, with the IT specialist doing the co-ordination work. These IT specialists will help find niche markets, provide market intelligence, and develop guidelines regarding target markets.

Encourage software export projects in IT service areas that require minimum time and can be started with currently available skills. These include operational activities for banks and airlines, medical and legal transcription, data entry, data conversion and call centers. Each of the above has potential to show short-term results.

IT Division to hire competent local and foreign consultants in key markets to conduct two types of studies: (a) marketing assets highlighting the competitive advantage of offshore software development in Pakistan. (b) ‘How To’ guides for business development for Pakistani exporters in those markets. These consultants will work with the Strategic Advisory Groups being set up by expatriate Pakistani IT experts and professionals in Europe, UK, USA and the Far East. In the same token, consultants of international repute shall be hired to develop a plan for Pakistani software industry and make recommendations on how to access the world markets.

Simplify all governmental procedures related to software exports and recording of revenue for exports with the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP). Review rules, regulations, SROs and modify those that create obstacles for software exporters. Remove restrictions on foreign remittances and flow of funds.

Encourage expatriate IT professionals to invest their time and effort in the development of local industry and software exports.

Encourage equity participation of banks in software projects by setting up venture capital funds. Set up venture capital funds at the federal and provincial levels to encourage private local and foreign funds to establish privately managed venture capital funds. The necessary changes in legislation have been made by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) to regulate the business of venture capital companies and venture capital funds, namely “The Venture Capital Companies and Venture Capital Funds Rules, 2001”.

Encourage the setting up of a ‘content industry’, comprising intellectual property such as encyclopedias, compositions, photographs, and other information of international interest.

Set yearly targets for software export and equip PSEB and PASHA to perform their role effectively in export marketing. Earmark adequate funds and provide infrastructure to promote software exports.

Encourage local business to invest in software industry. Conduct awareness campaigns to highlight the immense potential and high returns from this industry.

Encourage major multinationals operating in Pakistan to set up software facilities and bring international business through their established channels.

PSEB in consultation with PASHA to prepare effective marketing materials using multimedia to highlight Pakistani software expertise, government initiatives, incentives, and necessary statistics. This will enable direct contact with target markets and will create a good image of Pakistan’s software industry. Extensive use of the Internet and Web will be made.

Assist entrepreneurs locally and abroad in obtaining visas and work permits. Major diplomatic efforts should be made where required.

Hardware Industry Development •

In the context of Information Technology, the hardware industry can be defined as “design, development, manufacturing and maintenance of all products, modules and components that form the building blocks of an IT infrastructure”. A thriving hardware industry is pivotal to the growth of IT infrastructure and services. Development of this industry will make Pakistan self-reliant, competitive and a net exporter of technology.

The policy recommendations for this area do not seek to initiate aggressive competition with developed countries. Rather, they focus on developing the areas that are within Pakistan’s reach, in terms of technology and resources, and in which the country could have a comparative advantage.

It is recommended that the concessions incorporated in policy for the software industry be extended to the hardware industry. General recommendations for this industry are provided below, divided into two important categories, i.e., manufacturing and R&D. Most of the value of the “hardware” development revolves around software development. However, the hardware needs to be in place for this to happen. The focus will be on niche markets with a large value added content. Products that are of a high volume, rapidly changing variety (for example PCs) will not be encouraged.

The concessions incorporated in policy for the software industry shall be also extended to the hardware industry.

The EPB initiatives for ISO 9000/1 implementation will be effectively deployed in these industries.

Manufacturing •

Establish a Hardware Development Fund (HDF) to finance IT hardware related R&D and manufacturing activities. IT Division would supervise the HDF's operation.

The duties will be brought in line with the tariff structure in regional countries which are competing with our local industry.

For procurement of IT hardware (of a contract value above a certain limit) from international sources, the customer in the public/private sector shall ensure local value addition.

Encourage and reward enhancements in the depth of production achieved by local manufacturers which result in increased local value addition and competitiveness.

Transfer management control of existing manufacturing concerns in the public sector to the private sector through equity participation or long-term lease.

In order to accelerate the pace of business, IT manufacturers shall be offered the facility of having their premises declared as document-based bonded units enabling them to have unhindered and tax-free access to materials/services and global infrastructure for the industry.

A consistent duty/tax/regulatory structure shall be ensured to enable local and foreign investors to make long-term investments in this industry.

Provide special incentives that are directed towards reducing the cost of inputs.

Eliminate the royality on the manufacture of telecom equipment within the country and simplify the type approval process by the PTA.

Internet •

The Internet is likely to continue to revolutionize the way people communicate and access information. Because it represents such a powerful communication tool, the environment in which the Internet operates must be understood and regulated differently from traditional communication media. Three general principles should be adopted if the Internet is to grow in Pakistan:

(i) existing regulatory structures should not be forced on it, (ii) competition in Internet growth should be encouraged, and (iii) unnecessary regulations should be avoided. •

To expand provision and use of the Internet in Pakistan, it is necessary to provide low-cost and reliable access to the international bandwidth, reliable local bandwidth connectivity, low-cost access to network equipment, widespread public access to networked computers, a base of educated and trained users and providers and support for the development of national Internet content.

The Pakistan Internet Society would be formed to ensure the optimal inductions of Intent and Intranet based services into Pakistan. It will comprise of a Chairperson, an Engineering Chair and a Social Internet Chair.

The aspects that need to be considered in this regard are discussed in the following paragraphs:

Internet Market Development •

Although the Internet industry is not easily classified into tidy segments, three main categories of Internet service providers can be distinguished in Pakistan:

Backbone Service providers

Internet access and service providers

Content providers and other value-added service providers.

It is important to note that many Internet service providers (ISPs) also fall into one or both of the other two categories.

To ensure that the Internet market develops:

Create an environment that allows for as much competition as possible. Ideally, this should extend as far as the provision of physical network infrastructure.

Encourage PTCL and new carriers in the private sector to develop into backbone providers. If such telecommunications operators function as Internet access providers and/or content providers, they should do so through a subsidiary company. Moreover, income derived from other services of the carriers should not be

used to cross-subsidize their Internet services. The Internet services thus provided by such subsidiary companies should be cost based to enable fair competition. This will ensure transparency and fair competition. •

Permit and encourage existing and future ISPs to provide Backbone and Peering services. Encourage them to set up different nation-wide physical delivery and access mechanisms via IP Radio, Fibre, Laser and Microwave.

Make the licensing procedure as simple as possible, low-priced, and free of high royalty structures, as these costs are ultimately passed on to consumers and restrict growth

Establish robust and reliable Network Access and Peering Points both by the PTCL as well as the Private sector in order to locally route in-country traffic on the Internet as well as provide multiple, reliable and zero failure Pakistan Internet homing to NAPs in Europe, USA and the Far East.

IP Delivery Mechanism The rapid roll-out of new telecommunications infrastructure is critical to the rapid growth of the Internet in Pakistan. It is, therefore, important that any telecommunications framework encourages the development of alternative physical delivery mechanisms’. This strategy is expected to effect a major improvement in the penetration of the basic infrastructure and Internet accessibility. Some of the alternative delivery mechanisms that must be explored are: Wireless/Laser Technologies Wireless/Laser technologies are a particularly important way of addressing local loop capability because of their rapid roll-out, greater reliability, and lower maintenance cost. To this end, specific frequency bands will be released for Packet Radio for the higher Spread Spectrum bands (since the 2.4 GHz is already choked) as well as the 20-40 GHz LMDS operations. Wherever Fiber can be deployed, it will be encouraged. Electricity Supply Grid The use of an electricity grid should be investigated since the penetration of electricity in Pakistan is much greater than telecommunications, especially for rural areas.

Satellite Operations A number of international satellite operators have already begun to provide high-speed Internet access. These services should be encouraged to overcome bandwidth limitations, not only in urban areas but also in the rural and suburban areas, for basic Internet connectivity. Satellite simplex Internet services being broadcast in nature will not require any license or clearance to operate. Cable TV Convergence of voice, data, and video transmittal has opened up new opportunities for quick access of users and operators. Cable TV is expanding very fast and infrastructure for it is being laid. Regulations are to be put in place to allow cable operators to offer Internet services in collaboration with licensed ISPs. The LMDS and MMDS operations would be permitted after clearance from the FAB. Fiscal & Financial Incentives •

The government will need to invest in various fiscal and nonfiscal incentives to nurture, develop, and promote the use of information technology in organizations, to increase their efficiency and productivity. Most of the non-fiscal incentives have been discussed earlier. This section discusses the broad fiscal and some additional non-fiscal incentives required for IT awareness and promotion. These recommendations will become operative after the necessary consents have been obtained from the relevant authorities, e.g., State Bank of Pakistan, CBR, Banks, SECP, Export Promotion Bureau, Ministry of Finance, etc.

Declare information technology as ‘Infrastructure Facility’. ‘IT industry’ to be redefined as including Internet Service Providers duly licensed by Pakistan Telecom Authority (PTA), Data Network Operators duly licensed by PTA, Software Houses registered with Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB), Call Centers registered with PTCL, IT universities, IT colleges and training institutes, System Integrators, Data Network Designers and Developers, IT/Software Technology Parks, Data Entry Operations and Medical/Legal Transcription Companies, Tele Medicine Centres, Manufacturers of IT equipment, Research and Development organizations/ companies in IT field, Web Designing, Development and Hosting Companies.

Extend existing incentives given to specific sectors of the IT Industry to the entire IT Industry; selective application will only

encourage corruption, and time consuming procedures will discourage the intended beneficiaries. •

Remove the anomaly of tax deduction at source for bandwidth purchase by ISPs, PTCL and other telecommunications service providers.

“Venture Capital Companies and Venture Capital Funds Rules, 2001” have been formulated and circulated by the SECP for comments. Venture Capital Funds for low-interest loans and investment in equity for companies set up by enterprising and qualified people in software, hardware design, and human resource development, would now be established. Additionally, the rules give the Venture Capital companies income tax concessions by allowing them to set off losses in one invested company against profits in another company during a particular year, tax breaks, and allowance to redeem all their paid-up capital.

To attract US accounting and legal firms to provide familiar transparency to US investors and lower the perceived risk for these investors. Also, create the kind of enterprise-friendly regulatory environment that would attract leading US investment banks to set up local offices with the specific aim of taking successful Pakistani start-ups public in the US and other stock markets. This will provide the liquidity potential without which venture capital firms will not invest.

Encourage investments in all phases of IT businesses, like idea generation, start-up, growth ramp-up, and exit process.

Create a foreign investment friendly environment, especially to fund large infrastructure investments which, will most likely not return the investors' capital in the short-term. A clear example of such an investment area might be carrier infrastructure. The only realistic way to fund this infrastructure is through existing large global carriers. These carriers will invest only if (a) they anticipate stability in the regulatory and economic environment, (b) they can license key assets through long-term contracts (e.g., rights-of-way, spectrum, etc.) and (c) they expect strong growth in bandwidth demand in the future.

Allow the nationalized banks, other banks, and investment funds to create an underwriting fund so that the public offer of IT

companies can arrange for a portion of their capital to be underwritten. •

Encourage public sector non-banking and investment financial institutions, such as NIT, to put up at least 20 percent of the public offers of telecommunications, software, and other IT related companies.

Frame special listing procedures through the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) to attract IT companies to be listed on stock exchanges of Pakistan. The procedures may include removing minimum public offer percentage, profit track record and age of company. Frame special guidelines for the establishment of Over the Counter (OTC) exchanges at the stock exchange to help list small capital companies with high volatility.

Assist and give incentives to private companies for acquiring ISO/SEI and other certification for quality standards for the IT industry (e.g., subsidize 50% cost of such activities).

Give commercial and investment banks special tax concessions on earnings from investments in IT ventures. Establish a special pool of debt for IT companies.

Give special incentives to foreign universities and companies for setting up development and educational centers in Pakistan by venture capital funding.

Enhance the limits for export refinance facility for software exports based on previous years’ performance, to help finance established software companies.

For duty and tariff purposes of the IT industry, treat IT hardware, software, and related equipment (e.g., radio modems, routers, electronic components test equipment and consumables) as one category and exempt them from all duties, taxes and surcharges.

Make the re-import and re-export of IT equipment requiring repairs, or re-import of recorded or packaged software easy and transparent, simplifying documentation procedures.

Ensure that all equipment/software tools being imported for IT exports are swiftly cleared by CBR on priority basis.

To retain qualified faculty within the country, IT faculty at universities and institutions shall be exempted from Income Tax.

Allow local businesses to treat expenditure on software and hardware as tax deductible, e.g. leasing is treated currently as a tax-deductible expense for purposes of corporate income tax calculation.

Allow 100% depreciation for hardware, software, and other equipment in the first year of its use in the IT industry.

IT Promotion & Awareness •

A massive IT promotion and awareness campaign should be undertaken. A national strategy should be worked out and the structure for its implementation put in place. This will include:

Provision of continued support and funds by EPB for the participation in world IT/computer trade fairs, which is vital for the IT industry.

Extensive usage of the electronic media to aid in the awareness drive. The drive would be aimed at enabling the citizens to utilise available data on official networks.

Promotion of IT use by the Head of the Government, Ministers, and all other key figures who can influence public opinion at all public and private forums. Ministers of concerned ministries can be made to ensure that the departments under their control automate their work on a priority basis.

Declaration of fiscal year 2001-2002, as 'IT Year'.

Organization of special events during this year, such as National and International IT Conference and Computer Exhibitions in major cities, mobile computer exhibitions, international conferences and exhibitions, IT competitions at various levels, and special programs on electronic media.

IT Usage - IT in Government •

To embark on an aggressive program to improve efficiency and provide quality services to the citizens of Pakistan, information technology must be inducted at all levels of government. This induction and its effective utilization will also help in motivating

others to follow suit, since the government has a large bearing on all segments of the society. •

The e-government model for Pakistan is a gigantic task. It may take 5-7 years because of financial constraints as well as inadequate professional know-how to undertake system reengineering of different government departments and use of IT so that use of paper is minimized. Therefore, a modular approach will be adopted to achieve the goal of e-government.

In the government sector, knowledge of IT is limited. The different departments and agencies are, therefore, technically at a disadvantageous position to take sound decisions in acquiring IT hardware, software applications, HR development program and operational support for their system. Therefore, the government agencies will be requested to consult IT & Telecommunications Division in matters relating to IT. The main features of e-government would include the following:

On the pattern of the IT Division, each provincial government shall create an IT department / board to plan, co-ordinate, and implement government IT projects. The departments shall be staffed with IT professionals. Special pay scales/contracts shall be introduced for IT professionals.

A minimum of 2% of the budget shall be allocated for IT Services and provincial departments and federal ministries will allocate a substantial sum annually for developing IT infrastructure and conducting training at all levels in the government.

Working Groups shall be formed to create awareness in all government organizations about the utility of computers and IT. For recommendation of these items, consent of the Establishment Division at the federal level and S&GAD departments of the provincial governments will be obtained.

IT literacy shall be made mandatory for all future government employment, and a column shall be introduced in the ACR form for assessment of IT knowledge and utilization by government employees.

The Internet and Intranet e-mail shall be utilised for inter-office communication (necessary security, digital authentication and legal cover shall be provided to secure the validity of such

communications) and the establishment should replace physical file system to computer base file system. •

The IT departments shall pre-qualify private firms to provide IT consultancy services, software development and products to the government. Computer and office automation training for all management and secretarial staff shall be taken up on a priority basis. Selection of networking operators for government projects will be done on a competitive basis.

National databases of economic activities shall be prepared to provide facts for different policies framed by the government. These databases shall be made accessible to the public through the Internet, in accordance with the Laws of Pakistan covering privacy and security aspects. This will lead to transparency in Government transactions and various bidding processes.

Representation from the private sector and the provincial governments shall continue in the IT Commission for generating new concepts, solving IT related problems, and ensuring due participation of all stakeholders in ongoing as well as future efforts towards IT implementation. The IT Commission will provide inputs on a continuous basis. The existing composition of the IT Commission shall be expanded and the groups formed for formulation of the IT Policy shall continue to work as associate members of the IT Commission.

IT in the Economy & E-Commerce •

Revolutionary advancements in information technology have facilitated economic and social changes that are transforming business and society. A new kind of economy called the ‘information economy’ is emerging. In the current jargon, this is known as e-Commerce.

In the new economy, information is a critical resource and the basis for competition. Old ways of doing business are being attacked and sometimes defeated. At the social level, a corresponding change has set in. Society's information capabilities are pervasive, making it substantially different from an industrial society. It is much more competitive, more democratic, less centralized, more flexible, more capable of addressing individual needs, and friendlier to the environment.

These changes dictate a major agenda of structural adjustment. Advanced countries are aggressively pursuing their version of

the agenda, and developing countries like Pakistan must follow suit or risk falling further behind. The information adjustment required must achieve macroeconomic goals and political balance while the economy struggles with uncontrolled information flows and global competition in trade and investment. Broad policy recommendations for the sector are: •

Effect systemic improvements in the functioning and competitiveness of key sectors of the economy through strategic information policies and systems. Typical among the strategic systems are sector-wide information systems for education, health, public sector management and transportation, electronic payments, university and science networks, trade facilitation, property and business registries, disaster prevention and management, and national statistics.

Develop new ways to use information technology to help solve the most pressing problems of human and economic development, education, health, poverty alleviation, rural development, and care for the environment.

Where the private sector can provide investment and services, the government acts as a catalyst for the formation of markets. In information projects, where market failures are more frequent, provide government financing and incentives. When the private sector requires initial assistance to adjust to a highly competitive information economy, provide assistance and incentives to empower private firms, which comprise the main engine for growth.

The private sector is pre-eminent in deployment of the information infrastructure through the provision of goods and services on a competitive basis. Allow the private sector to satisfy market demands and, occasionally, give it an initial boost.

Communities and non-governmental organizations often have the best local connections for efficient and appropriate development efforts. Encourage alliances that work through these agents.

To provide safeguards for the privacy of individuals and the confidentiality of transactions against all possible misuse, including that by the State, within the legal framework.

Greater role of SMEs in exports through e-commerce by providing low cost accessibility to markets and services which were not available before.

Establish Electronic Commerce Wing in the IT Division and all relevant stakeholders to govern all the electronic commerce affairs in Pakistan.

Plan and implement different aspects of electronic commerce (EC), such as awareness, promotion, education and training; EC infrastructure implementation; EDI and XML, Internet and other emerging technologies for EC services; and laws, regulations, and standards for EC.

To encourage computerization all registered organizations shall be given tax incentives for computerization.

All trade transaction like L/C, bills of lading, etc. shall be encouraged to be made through electronic means.

As a tool to enforce transparency and ensure documentation in the economy all business transactions such as import/export activities shall be given a timetable to use electronic means.

Manufacturers and suppliers shall be encouraged to show bar codes on every item sold in the country.

Facilitate international infrastructure.





Legislation & Regulations Legislation •

To provide protection and enhance confidence of users, providers, and facilitators of information services, legislation based on the recommendations of the steering group comprising IT and legal experts would be framed. The UNCITRAL model laws should be kept in mind while drafting laws.

Actions in the following areas should be considered on a priority basis:

Digital Signature Act - Laws should be enacted and/or amended to recognize digital IDs, signature certificates, and electronic authentication and verification.

Computer Crimes Act

Tele-Medicine Development Act - This should cover the legal issues involved in professional services provided electronically by practitioners in another country. Adequate provision should be made for covering liabilities associated with directly accessed information and services such as medical information or advice.

Intellectual Property/Copyright Act and the Consumer Protection Act - The copy right laws should be strictly enforced to protect intellectual property rights of software developers and IT service providers while at the same time protecting the rights of the consumers

Admissibility of copies of electronic records in an administrative or court proceeding.

Review of existing laws to remove any contradictions that may hinder the implementation of IT Policy.

The government should seek legislative approval of changes to statutes that will encourage electronic commerce, and revise statutes that mandate a paper-based or manual process.

Regulation •

A regulatory framework is essential to avoid violating policy goals and direction, incorporate social and consumer concerns in the deployment of new products and services, and safeguard precious national resources. It shall be ensured that excessive regulations do not stifle industry investment and growth.

In devising a useful regulatory framework, the following measures shall be taken: •

Focus on creating a fair and competitive environment, based on the principles of free market and open access.

Give network operators the freedom to build their own backbone and local access. Encourage combined and collaborative efforts in this regard.

Facilitate rapid deployment of infrastructure for promotion of IT services.

Review government management and procurement policies to encourage competition among telecommunication services providers in technical service standards, prices, and development of broadband services.

Through the PTA, ensure that the Authorized Service Providers meet network standards.

To enable a free society to function, minimum amount of intrusion will be permitted in terms of Monitoring and filtering on all kinds of communication.

Standards The government should consider standards on an ongoing basis as part of a continuing IT planning process. To determine where to standardize, the process should consider costs and benefits. Benefits may include: o Easier sharing of data o Easier sharing of skills o Economic usage of resources and o Improved product quality. •

The relevant steering group will study, review, and recommend standards to be adopted in the use of IT by the government and the private sector.

The government shall carefully consider the costs and benefits of standardization in technologies where there are many reasonable standardization alternatives and/or no clearly dominant standard exists. These considerations shall be settled through an open, visible process with broad participation from relevant government representatives and public and private sector organizations.

Standards should be published on a regular basis. The publications can be used as guidelines by government, and public and private sector organizations throughout the country. Where specific standards are identified as critical to the development and deployment of a countrywide infrastructure, compliance with these should be made mandatory.

Apart from participation in international standardization activities, the government shall recommend standards and guidelines for the following: Two-way electronic business transactions Countrywide electronic mail exchange Non-refutable electronic signatures Classification of information Videoconferencing systems, and Minimum encryption standards for data required at various levels of security

Action Plan The IT Action Plan is an integral part of the IT Policy. The Action Plan provides a framework for implementation of the IT Policy. It includes the priority areas, specific projects that can be conceptualised, formulated, assessed, prioritised and implemented. The implementation of Action Plan is very much dependent on the funding provision for the IT & Telecommunications Division and the mechanism from project approval to funds release so that projects could be implemented in a timely fashion to achieve the desirable results in shortest span of time. •

Establishment of IT & Telecommunications Division

National Scientific and Technological Research and Development Management Fund

Project Plan

Human Resource Development

Telecommunications, Internet and Infrastructure

IT Investment

Electronic Commerce

Benchmarks and Performance Indicators

Action Plan for FY 2001-02 and Onwards

Implementation of Action Plan

Action Plan Projects Portfolio

Telecommunication De-Regulation Policy 1. Economic Landscape: 1.1



Located in South Asia, Pakistan is one of the major regional economies and among the 10 most populous countries in the world with a population base of 146 million. The country is nearly four times the size of United Kingdom, and has India, Afghanistan, Iran and China as its neighbours. The economy of Pakistan is primarily driven by agriculture, which accounts for the largest share of GDP, contributing about 25% to the economy. Pakistan is one of the world's largest producers of raw cotton, which serves as the input to drive the textile industry - the mainstay of industrial activity in Pakistan. Pakistan’s per capita income per annum is about US $ 492. The government is committed to revitalizing the economy and to demonstrate its commitment to business friendliness through internationally acknowledged fiscal policies, good governance and transparency in managing government affairs. Telecommunication de-regulation policy (“Policy”) has been prepared in line with government’s objective to de-regulate and liberalize various sectors of the economy. The Policy applies to opening up of the fixed-line telecommunication sector. The exclusive rights of Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (“PTCL”) to provide basic telephone services (local, long distance, international and leased line services), which it enjoyed under The Pakistan Telecommunication (Re-Organization) Act 1996 (“Telecom Act 1996”), have expired since 31st December 2002.

2. Telecommunication Sector of Pakistan in 2003

Pakistan has made steady progress in expanding telecommunication networks and services in recent years. Key features of the present telecommunication infrastructure in Pakistan are:

2.1 Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (“PTCL”) 2.1.1


2.1.3 2.1.4

PTCL is the incumbent service provider for provision of fixed line telecommunications. Established as public limited company in 1996, PTCL is 88% owned by the Government of Pakistan. It has shown impressive growth in the past 5 years and manages a well-developed domestic telecommunication infrastructure of 4.85 million access lines (June 2003), nationwide fibre-optic backbone and international communication through sub-marine cable (SMW3) and satellite links. PTCL has installed more than 1.5 million new telephone lines since June 1997. As a result, teledensity (defined as the number of operational telephone lines as a percentage of population), at about 2.7%, has increased by 6% per year. The telecommunication network is almost entirely digital. As a result of tariff rebalancing program initiated by the government in 1997, the prices of long distance and international calls have been significantly reduced in recent years.

2.2 National Telecommunication Corporation (“NTC”) 2.2.1

National Telecommunication Corporation was formed in 1996 in order to meet telecommunication requirements of Government and Defence Forces. It has nationwide presence with a network of 72,000 customer access lines and nationwide fibre-optic backbone infrastructure.

2.3 Special Communications Organization (“SCO”) 2.3.1

The Government created SCO in 1976 and gave it the task of installing and maintaining telecommunication facilities in the entire Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Northern Areas. SCO operates a network of 60,000 lines in its territory.

2.4 Cellular Mobile Telephony 2.4.1

Cellular usage is growing strongly after the introduction of Calling Party Pays (“CPP”) regime in the year 2000. Currently, four operators (2 GSM, 1 D-AMPS, 1 AMPS) provide service to over 2.2 million cellular subscribers all over the country. The number of subscribers has more than tripled in the past two years.

2.5 Internet Services 2.5.1

More than 70 active Internet service providers provide Internet access, which is accessible in more than 1400 cities and towns. Low Internet access charges have encouraged Internet usage and acceptance by the Pakistani public. Internet services are accessible at a cost of unit local call without discrimination of distance, in most parts of the country. Low-priced data communication services are available to companies in the information and communications technology sector in order to encourage these companies to establish and grow in Pakistan.

2.6 Role of Other Private Sector Operators 2.6.1

Private sector operators have played a very important role in developing the value added services market in Pakistan. Their key achievement is installation of over one hundred and twenty thousand pay phones and public call offices in addition to operations of value added services, premium rate calling systems and so forth. Some private sector service providers have deployed fibre optic infrastructure in main cities to provide Cable TV and Internet services. In addition, PTCL has entered into O&M contracts with private sector partners to offer services such as Wireless Local Loop (WLL) pay phones, DSL based Internet access, pre-paid calling cards, International voice termination using VoIP technology. Companies in the Information Technology business can set up satellite based direct international connectivity for call centers / IT services under franchise agreement with PTCL.

2.7 Regulatory Perspective 2.7.1

Efforts to develop a fully competitive market in telecom sector were initiated in the early 90’s. The Pakistan Telecommunication (Reorganization) Act was promulgated in 1996. Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (“PTA”) – the industry regulator, was established to regulate the telecom industry. PTA is a fully functional


organization and has played a key role in developing private sector’s role in telecommunication services. Frequency Allocation Board (“FAB”) is an independent organization entrusted with the responsibility of allocating and assigning frequency spectrum to Government, telecom system / service providers, broadcasting operators and private users of wireless systems. It operates within the provisions of Telecom Act of 1996 and the guidelines / recommendations laid down by International Telecom Union (ITU).

3. Policy Objectives

The policy is designed to achieve the following objectives: a. Increase service choice for customers of telecommunication services at competitive and affordable rates b. Promote infrastructure development, especially infrastructure that will increase teledensity and the spread of telecommunication services in all market segments (including voice, data and cellular etc) c. Increase private investment in the telecommunication sector and encourage local telecom manufacturing / service industry d. Recognizing the challenge to incumbent, minimize exposure to the Government’s revenue base in the short term e. Accelerate expansion of telecommunication infrastructure to extend telecommunication services to un-served and under-served areas f. Liberalize the telecommunication sector by encouraging fair competition amongst service providers g. Maintain an effective and well defined regulatory regime that is consistent with international best practices, and; h. Maintain consistency with Pakistan’s IT and Internet promotion policy of low prices for bandwidth to make Internet access affordable. i. Safeguard Pakistan’s national and security interests

4. Number and Type of Fixed Line Telecommunication Service Licenses

1. It is proposed that there will be two types of licenses for fixed line operators: • Local loop (“LL”) fixed line telecommunication within a PTCL region • Long-distance and international (“LDI”) fixed line telecommunication 2. Local Loop Licensing: Entry to Local Loop market will be unrestricted and open. Any person who requests for a license, and meets the licensing requirements, will be eligible to get a license on payment of the prescribed fee which will be set at the Pak rupee equivalent of US$ 10,000 for a LL license. 3. LDI Licensing: Entry to LDI market will be unrestricted and open. Any person who requests for a license, and meets the licensing requirements, will be eligible for a license on payment of prescribed fee, which will be set at the Pak Rupee equivalent of US$ 500,000. In order to ensure that only serious players enter the market under this regime, stringent requirements of technical and financial capabilities, experience and rollout will be incorporated in the licensing documents. The decision of award of license will be preceded by an open, public hearing process. 4. A company can hold both (LL / LDI) types of licenses.

5. Existing licensees of telecommunication services in Pakistan would be permitted to retain their current licenses or O&M agreements with PTCL. They may compete for a new Long Distance International or seek a Local Loop license. 6. Tariffs of both types of licensees (LL / LDI) will not be regulated by PTA until they attain SMP status. However, PTA has the right to regulate tariffs in case of evidence of unfair and burdensome pricing to consumers.

4.1 Rights of the Licensees 4.1.1








Licensees will have the right to contract for the “Right of Way” (RoW) they need to construct their networks, subject to conditions laid down by the concerned agencies. Entities (for example, those in the power, gas, water and rail transport sectors) besides PTCL, with suitable land holdings, will be encouraged to provide access to Rights of Way, subject to availability, on non-exclusive basis. LDI licensees will have the right to non-geographic numbering ranges, and will also be allocated short codes for operator services. They will also be issued a four digit Access Code of the type “XXXX”, to allow Indirect Access (call-by-call carrier selection) by incumbent’s customers. LDI licensees will have the right to sub-lease half-circuit capacity on the SEA-ME-WE-3 submarine cable system on non-discriminatory prices under commercial arrangements. In the event of capacity shortage on the system, PTCL shall allocate a minimum proportion of the total capacity employed for voice circuits to new entrants. LDI licensees will have the right to participate in, and obtain IRUs (Indefeasible Rights of Use) from submarine cable consortia and the right to install earth stations. They will have the right to co-locate in PTCL’s international exchange buildings, and backhaul to and from them using their own fibre and / or own radio spectrum, where practicable. Licensees will have the right to participate in future landing points for new submarine cables. Access by licensees to PTCL’s satellite earth stations will be on commercially negotiated terms between PTCL and the licensees, subject to PTA monitoring. LL licensees will have the right to geographic and non-geographic numbers, as well as short codes (for example, for operator services). PTA will be the number issuing authority. PTA will organise and manage numbering in order to ensure contiguous numbering for new entrants, wherever practicable. PTA will set a nominal charge for numbering to discourage misuse, and a procedure for taking back numbering ranges not used within a reasonable period of time. LL licensees will have the right and, be exempted from the requirement to offer Indirect Access (carrier selection) to their subscribers, until such time as they enjoy Significant Market Power (SMP) as determined by PTA. Both types of licensees will have the right to co-locate in PTCL local and transit exchange buildings, and to connect their own fibre and own radio links to PTCL buildings.


There will be no obligation on licensees to open ducts, poles or other such facilities to competitors until they enjoy Significant Market Power. 4.1.10 LL licensees who opt for wireless solutions may provide limited mobility within a cell, but not beyond local call charging radius. No inter-cell handovers and roaming to other networks will be allowed. 4.2 Obligations of the New Licensees for Fixed Line Telecommunications

4.2.1 LDI Licensees

LDI licensees will have the following key obligations: a. Start roll-out by building at least one Point of Interconnect in five of PTCL regions within one year of award of license and in all thirteen PTCL regions within 3 years. b.

The licensees will be permitted to lease infrastructure from PTCL or any other infrastructure owner on mutually agreed commercial terms, non-discriminatory to other licensees seeking the same facility. The licensee must own a proportion of the transmission system and cables comprising its network. The proportion will be 10% in year 1, rising to 30% in year 2 and 50% in year 3 measured in 2 Mbit/s x km. A long-term lease of 5 years or more will be acceptable in lieu of ownership. The licensee will provide a performance bond of US $ 10 million in respect of infrastructure and roll-out targets in the form and substance acceptable to the government and provide incoming and outgoing interconnection services, both for voice and data traffic, to all who may request it.

4.2.2 LL Licensees

LL licensees will have the following key obligations: a) Start operations with building and operating one Point of Interconnect within the prescribed period and in each licensed PTCL Region where they operate (“Points of Interconnect” are premises at which other licensed operators can send to or receive from the LL licensee voice or data traffic originated by or destined for the LL licensee’s customers) at acceptable technical and quality standards. b) In the event that another licensee considers that an LL licensee’s termination prices are inappropriate, PTA has the power to resolve the dispute and impose cost-based prices. c) Provide free of cost directory assistance services to its own customers, access to emergency services, operator assistance and any other similar support services as required by PTA. d) LL licensees will not be permitted to carry voice calls between PTCL Regions (other than metro regions) or long distance / international traffic. They may carry voice calls between municipalities, but only within a single region.

4.2.3 Both Licensees Both types of licensees will be required to provide regular reports to PTA on quality and network implementation. These will include, but will not be limited to, the number of voice lines and revenues from line rentals. They will also provide details of revenues and minutes from local, longdistance and outgoing / incoming international calls separately. LL licensees will file separate reports for each PTCL region in which they operate. Both types of licensees will be penalised for failing to (a) meet license obligations, (b) make use of allocated radio spectrum. If no roll-out is made within eighteen months of grant of license, it may result in cancellation of license and / or withdrawal of allocated radio spectrum. In addition, the licensees may be obliged to provide all services as may be mandated to achieve defined policy objectives. Both licensees shall meet the requirements of authorized security agencies for interception of calls and messages as detailed in the Telecom Act 1996. Further, the Government of Pakistan would have the right to cancel any license to safeguard national security interests. Licensees will pay to PTA a fixed annual fee, approved by the Government, to reasonably cover the cost of regulation. The annual fee shall not exceed 0.5% of last year’s gross revenue minus inter-operator and related PTA / FAB mandated payments. Licensees will devote 1% of gross revenue minus interoperator and related PTA / FAB mandated payments to Research and Development Fund. The government believes that the success of market liberalization depends on the development of a fair competitive environment for all licensees. In this regard, PTCL and other SMP licensees that may emerge, shall be prohibited from abusing their dominant positions through anti-competitive conduct. At present, PTCL’s license contains prohibitions against anti-competitive conduct. These prohibitions shall be updated, incorporated in the Rules and made applicable to all such licensees that are determined by the PTA to possess SMP. PTA shall have the responsibility of promptly investigating allegations of anti-competitive conduct and taking remedial measures against such conduct.

4.3 Access Promotion Contribution 4.3.1


At present, net incoming international traffic generates a financial premium over the cost of conveying and terminating the traffic into Pakistan. Although historically this premium has been large, it has been steadily reducing, in-line with global trends. As long as the premium continues to exist, a reasonable portion of the premium is proposed to be used to promote infrastructure


expansion. The portion of the premium applied to promoting infrastructure expansion is referred to as the “Access Promotion Contribution” (“APC”). The design and implementation of APC program will be guided by the following principles: a) The APC shall be used to foster new infrastructure development to increase teledensity. b) The distribution of funds between LDI and LL licensees shall be done in a transparent and non-discriminatory manner. c) The APC program shall be under the regulatory supervision of PTA, which shall also regulate international traffic agreements. d) For the period leading upto policy review, the LDI licensees would be permitted to retain a fixed share (upto 6 US cents per minute) of termination charge paid by international carriers for termination of international incoming calls. The remaining amount called “Access Promotion Contribution” (APC) will be passed on to local loop licensees to encourage them to foster new infrastructure development and increase tele-density. In case of windfall profits (profits not in-line with telecom industry profitability trends) accruing to LDI licensees for factors not attributable to their efficient performance, PTA would have the right to intervene, in public interest, following a fair, transparent and open public process. After the policy review period, the sharing of revenues from incoming international calls, between LDI / LL licensees would be determined through a formula to be specified by PTA. The APC derived from the formula would be reviewed and notified atleast once every six months. Long Run Incremental Cost (“LRIC”) based transmission / termination charges would form the basis of such formula. 4.3.4 The APC shall not be available to cellular operators. Premium of APC on current cellular termination rates would be mopped up and diverted to Universal Service Fund, with effect from a future date to be notified by the Government. 4.3.5 No LL licensee may claim APC payments without first actually delivering the telephone calls to the customer premises in respect of which it is claiming APC payment. 4.3.6 In order to secure the effective collection of APC, negotiations of bilateral accounting rates will be supervised by PTA, although it is expected that PTCL will lead the consortium of LDIs who would undertake negotiations on bilateral accounting rates with foreign carriers. The principle of “one country one rate” will be implemented. It will also be ensured that symmetry between incoming and outgoing international termination rates between carriers is maintained. All licensees will be obliged to file reports on the volumes, sources and destinations of international incoming minutes, and allow PTA to audit their call detail records and billing

systems with the objective of detecting and eliminating fraud. The LDI licensees will also be obliged to provide real time, on-line traffic information for monitoring and mirroring of international traffic data, for PTA.

4.4 Radio Spectrum 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3


4.4.5 4.4.6 4.4.7



Radio spectrum is a valuable public resource belonging to the State and must be used in the public interest. The FAB is responsible for properly managing radio spectrum. Wherever possible and consistent with good spectrum management practices, licensees shall be required to share spectrum with other licensees. Licensees shall relinquish rights to spectrum that is no longer needed for their operations, and allow sharing of the bands they currently occupy where such sharing is technically feasible, and subject to management by FAB of frequency reuse in the band in accordance with best international practices. Un-used spectrum allocated for operations of LL / LDI licensees may be withdrawn if the licensees fail to begin operations within eighteen months of award of radio spectrum. The Licensees may not assign, lease or sell the rights of use of spectrum allocated to them in the first place. All entities using spectrum shall be charged a fee for spectrum. The fee will be approved by the Government of Pakistan and recovered by Frequency Allocation Board from users of frequency spectrum. The factors to be considered in setting fees shall include but not limited to coverage, scarcity and value of the spectrum. The spectrum will be allocated for a definite time. Where demand exceeds available frequency spectrum, it shall be allocated by auction or other transparent, nondiscriminatory, open and competitive process. Pakistan plans to follow ITU specified radio frequency bands specific for the purpose of operations of WLL, point to point microwave and backbone / transmission services. Information about available radio spectrum for telecommunication services would be placed in the public domain for the prospective users to apply for allocation on nation-wide or regional basis. The FAB shall deal with the requests for radio spectrum, within the framework of Telecom Act 1996 and Rules thereunder, and process applications within a target of 30 days. FAB will streamline and proactively coordinate the process of site clearance for licensees who have been allocated frequency spectrum, to expedite rollout of wireless based networks. LDI licensees will be entitled to radio spectrum (where available) for point-to-point / and backbone links, within the parameters of their licenses, on payment of spectrum charges.

4.4.10 LL licensees will be entitled to radio spectrum for WLL systems, and also spectrum for point-to-point links, where available, and on payment of spectrum charges. 4.4.11 LL and LDI licensees that receive spectrum shall meet defined usage milestones, failing which they must relinquish their rights to use the assigned spectrum.

4.5 Interconnection 4.5.1



Both types of licensees will have the right to interconnection, leased lines and co-location facilities from the incumbents. Pricing of the incumbent services will be determined in accordance with the notified Rules, and subject to monitoring by PTA. Pending the development by PTCL of unbundled cost accounts of services that are approved by PTA, incumbent’s interconnection prices shall be based on international benchmarks. The initial interconnection prices will be notified by PTA by October 2003. Lead times for provision of interconnect facilities to new-entrants by PTCL (inter-alia) shall be set out in a “Reference Interconnect Offer” to be made available by PTA, and will be in accordance with international benchmarks.

4.6 Obligations on PTCL 4.6.1

In order to facilitate market liberalization, PTCL, within a stipulated time frame, is obliged to: a) Prepare all transit and tandem switches for interconnection. Implement within six months after policy approval, all needed upgrades in the transit switches to the capacity orders submitted by new entrants. PTCL shall not be required to implement upgrades in respect of orders not accompanied by pre-payment of 3 months port cost. PTCL shall pay needed penalties in case of delay in providing ordered PoIs, to be determined by PTA. b) Prepare 50% (measured by lines in service) of local Main Switching Units (“MSU”) for interconnection within one year. The remainder to be done in two equal stages within the subsequent two years. c)


Enable subscriber lines on all digital local switches to perform Indirect Access (call-by-call carrier selection) for 22 digit numbers within one year. d) Enable all subscriber lines to perform Indirect Access e) Enable all subscriber lines to perform carrier preselection PTCL shall upgrade all local switch software to allow automatic insertion of Access Code before the numbers dialed by customers of LDI licensees (carrier pre-selection).

4.6.3 4.6.4





PTCL shall publish cost-based price for restoration, in the event of fault on the non-self-healing cable, to the same availability standards as it currently enjoys. Unbundling of service and cost accounting information should be done based on the principles of transparency, orientation, and allocation based on activities and related cost drivers. They shall be sufficiently detailed to allow clear identification of (a) activities related to interconnection covering both interconnection services provided internally and interconnection services provided to others; and (b) other activities, so as to identify all elements of costs and revenues. Details of the basis of their calculations and the allocation methods used shall be provided, including an itemized breakdown of fixed assets and structural costs. Sufficient records must be kept to allow independent audit of these cost accounts. PTA will issue a “Reference Interconnection Offer” (RIO) to be used as the default interconnection offer for interconnection with PTCL pending determination of LRIC based pricing. PTCL can implement amendments to the interim RIO, subject to the prior approval of PTA. PTCL shall continue to be obliged, until end 2008, to install exchanges and lines in rural / under-served areas at the same annual average rate as it achieved during the exclusivity period, and in any case no fewer than 83,000 new lines per annum. PTA will verify this on year-by-year basis. Wherever PTCL faces competition and when the competitors price their services below the PTCL regulated rate, PTCL will be at liberty to offer discount in the region / area concerned to meet the challenges of competition.

Pricing Regime 4.7.1



PTA will continue to regulate PTCL’s rates and services in the public interest, as per the notified Rules. As the market for particular services become effectively competitive, PTA shall reduce the regulatory burden on PTCL in respect of such services, while maintaining appropriate anti-competitive safeguards. PTA will prepare detailed pricing framework for new fixed-line telephony licensees. PTA will also have the power to determine as to which of the licensees hold Significant Market Power (SMP). Licensees who are not SMPs will not be subjected to any tariff regulations. It may be noted that competitive telecom market may result in differential regional prices as against current uniform rates for various fixed-line services across the country. Further, as already stated, under the APC regime, a significant portion of settlement rates for international traffic will be transferred to Local Loop licensees.

5. Universal Service 5.1


5.3 5.4


5.6 5.7



The government has designed the market liberalization policy to maximize the commercial availability and coverage of telecommunication networks and services in Pakistan. The government recognizes, however, that even with market liberalization, and under strict commercial considerations, there may exist certain populations or geographic areas that would remain un-served or relatively underserved. The government’s Universal Service policy is designed to ensure that these designated populations and geographic areas receive adequate service in a sustainable manner as resources permit. The PTA is required under section 4(e) of the Telecom Act 1996 to “promote the availability of wide range of high quality, efficient, effective and competitive telecommunication services throughout Pakistan”. In furtherance of the policy objective, the Government intends to amend the Telecom Act 1996 and Rules, as appropriate, to establish a Universal Service Fund (“USF”). The main financing mechanism to promote Universal Service in Pakistan will be the USF. The precise form and working of USF including USF rules will be determined by PTA with the approval of the Government. The USF policy framework will be prepared and approved by the Federal Government. Once approved, it will be administered by PTA/Government. It shall include collection of the funds, within specified policy framework, from the licensees and disbursement within approved USF framework. The amounts and usage of the USF will be made public, and shall be subject to independent audit. The USF will be used to finance the expansion of basic services (including access to the Internet), both on individual and community basis. Under USF rules, there will be a determination about the level and types of services to be financed by the USF, the designated populations or geographic areas eligible to receive subsidized services from the USF, and the level of available financing and actual subsidies. Disbursement of USF funds shall be made through a transparent, nondiscriminatory and competitive process. The USF will be predominantly financed by revenues collected from all telecommunication licensees through a Universal Service Fund charge (the “USF Charge”). Premium of APC on current cellular termination rates would be mopped up and diverted to USF with effect from a future date to be notified by the Government. The USF may also receive contributions from the Government, and also funding from international or bilateral development agencies. The USF Charge shall be paid by all licensees, licensed to provide basic telecommunication services, except those subject to roll-out obligations in lieu thereof. USF charge will be levied on new basic telecommunication services licensees after completion of first full year of operations and audit of operational results. The USF Charge will be limited to a maximum of 1.5% of gross revenue minus inter-operator and related PTA / FAB mandated payments as determined by the Government.

6. Grant of Licenses 6.1

PTA shall prepare the requisite applications, license templates, information package and other necessary measures with the approval of government to facilitate the licensing process. Issuance of licenses will commence as soon as possible after the approval of this Policy.

7. Cellular Mobile Operators 7.1


The government recognizes that mobile cellular operators have an important role to play in sector development and improving access to telecommunication networks in Pakistan. There is evidence that some customers in Pakistan already rely on mobile cellular phones as an alternative to fixed line telephones. Moreover, the experiences in other developing countries show that mobile cellular technology can be cost effectively employed as an access solution. The cellular mobile sector is already operating in a competitive scenario with four licensees providing cellular mobile services. At the time of award of existing cellular licenses, a liberal policy regime was followed and licenses were given to these operators to develop the market. Since the sector has matured over time, policy framework for additional licensing and enhancing competition in the cellular sector is under review. For the future, a uniform framework for existing and new cellular licensees addressing issues such as spectrum allocation and pricing, roll-out obligations, Quality of Service standards, license terms & conditions and performance benchmarks will be separately announced. Under the proposed new policy framework, in order to ensure that fixed line telephony licensees are not placed in a position of disadvantage, the cellular licensees would also be required to contribute towards R&D and USF funds in the same manner as fixed line licensees. The number of new licenses may be restricted due to limited availability of frequency resource. The present policy of nation-wide cellular mobile service licenses will continue.

8. Existing Organizations 8.1 8.2


Special Communications Organization (“SCO”) will continue to operate exclusively in its territory as now. SCO and NTC will have the right to continue with the existing revenue sharing agreements they have with PTCL and cellular operators. They are encouraged however, to migrate these revenue sharing agreements to interconnection agreements in accordance with this policy at the earliest practical time. This policy will be without prejudice to the purpose specific licenses given to government / semi-government and autonomous organizations, but which will not allow them to become commercial operators without obtaining either an LL or LDI or both licenses from PTA under the approved framework.

9. Continuity of IT Policy 9.1


PTCL will be obliged to continue offering ‘131’ Internet access as at present, and to continue to extend the service to PTCL exchanges not currently served, at the same average annual rate (measured in exchanges) as achieved during the exclusivity period. New entrants will also be required to offer ‘131’ Internet access services at standard ‘131’ prices applicable to incumbents.


The Internet bandwidth prices will not be allowed to be increased from the current levels.

10. Policy Tenure 10.1

The Policy would be valid for five years from date of implementation and will be subject to review after this period. The licenses awarded to LL / LDI operators will be valid for 20 years.

11. Regulatory Changes 11.1

Appropriate changes in the regulatory framework would be made expeditiously to support the policy.

12. Technology Neutral Licensing 12.1 12.2

The policy and licensing regime are proposed to be technology neutral. LL / LDI licensees may employ any technology such as IP, VoIP, DWDM, CDMA and so forth within flexibility of license.

13. Miscellaneous 13.1 13.2 13.3

Class licensing regime is proposed to be enforced based on templates to be approved as part of policy process. Corporations that wish to establish intra-corporate networks will be facilitated. New operators and PTCL will be obliged to provide infrastructure and services for corporate networks at cost oriented prices. Open regime will be enforced for companies desirous of providing value added services such as Broadband, pre-paid calling cards, premium rate services and the new value added services that become available.

14. De-Regulation Facilitation Unit 14.1

In order to facilitate the implementation of the de-regulation policy, a deregulation facilitation unit will be set up in the Ministry of Information Technology comprising of senior professionals. This unit would ensure that all actions in pursuance of the policy are being undertaken by agencies concerned and entrepreneurs are facilitated.

Software & Engineering 2B Technologies Customer Care Solutions Phone No:+92 21 5861227

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Adam Soft International (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:6317246-9

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AF Applications (Pvt) Ltd. Complete Financial Solutions and Technology Applications Phone No:5843259

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Ahmad & Ahmad (Pvt) Ltd Java Programming Phone No:0300-9528241

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AIM Associates Ltd Software Development, Web Programming, Network Solutions & Hardware Phone No:2878247-8

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Al-Rahmah Soft (Pvt) Ltd Database,web design and development Phone No:92-42-5885952

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AMOS Global (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:5884981-5

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Apvision (Pvt) Ltd Outsourcing Solutions, Software Solutions, Project Management. Phone No:+(92)(21) 582-2437

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Arc Solutions Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. Phone No:5858744-5858742

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Askari Information Systems Ltd. Customized Software Application Phone No:9208991-3

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Auriga Associates (Pvt) Ltd. Phone No:92-21-4388004-5

Autosoft Dynamics (Pvt) Ltd E-Solutions for the Financial Industry Phone No:+9242 589 8282-3

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Avanza Solutions (Pvt.) Limited Custom application development, Phone No:5388960-4

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AZM Computer Services (Pvt) Ltd. Management & Financial Applications Development Phone No:7552269/7554128

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Bay Systems Consulting Pakistan (BSCP) Applied Sciences, Engineering & IT Technology. Phone No:92 +42 5889753

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Binary Magic Phone No:2241291

BIT Soft (Programming,Web Design,Consultancy, Artificial Intelligence, Control System Solutions) Phone No:839036

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Buraq Integrated Solutions Customized Application Development, DMS, CRM Solutions, Web Development, etc. Phone No:4840137-38

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Clarusoft (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:5879391-4

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ClickSoft Clicksoft specializes in business management solutions for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry, Pharmaceutical Distributions, Flour Industry, Ginning and Pressing Industry, Petrol and CNG refueling. Phone No:042-6680272

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Cogilent Solutions Online Hiring Solutions. Phone No:92 51 2871173

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Communication & Computer Technology (Pvt) Ltd Software Development and Solutions Phone No:2262081/2253354

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Compucraze Internet Services (Pvt) Ltd GIS/LIS, Network Programming and Systems Development Phone No:2294709

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Comsats Institute of Information Technology, Abbottabad Solution Providers. Phone No:383591-6

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Concept Systems (Pvt) Ltd One Stop Shop to all your technology solutions Phone No:4555649

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Connect 2 Web (Pvt) Ltd. complete business solutions Phone No:4386185/922846

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Crescent Information Tech.(Pvt) Ltd Phone No:5711138/5760379

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Crescent Software Products (Pvt) Ltd. Software Solutions Phone No:+92-42-6311660/2

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Cresset Technology Phone No:5763320/5763364

Croxx Linc International Hitech Software Development and Programming Solutions Phone No:+9221 4554715

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Cubex Systems PERL, PHP, CGI, MySQL, VB.Net, ASP,NET, SQL Server, System Amdinistration, Chat,Trouble Tickets Phone No:92-21-4390345

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Cyber Angels We offer a range of services across the entire IT spectrum. Some of our key service offerings include Software Eng./Customized Software Development etc. Phone No:(92-21)4947136

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Cybergate (Pvt) Ltd. Simple Solutions to Complex Problems Phone No:5756605/5758113

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Cygnet Client Server Solutions and Game programing Phone No:5509149

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Dadabhoy Internet City (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:111-020-304 Email: [email protected] Dancom Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:2260509/2261300

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Data Matrix (Pvt) Ltd. Phone No:5713451

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DATANEX (Private) Limited Enterprise Business Applications Phone No:+9221 431 3445-8 Email: [email protected]


Datels International Call Center,CRM Solution Development and Services Phone No:5962508/5962509 Email: [email protected]


Decaff Interactive Internet Cafe's & Electronic Document Imaging / Document Centers Phone No:5726804-5 Email: [email protected]


Dedicated IT Services (Pvt) Ltd. Information Technology Enablers with Global Expertise in Program-Project Management Phone No:+92 42 5764971 Email: [email protected] website: Delta Indus Systems Advanced image processing software and systems integration. Phone No:5731395 Email: [email protected]


Descon IT24 (Pvt) Ltd Enterprise solutions including Distributed and Web based applications Phone No:(92 42) 6365134 Email: [email protected]


Digital Links The Solution Provider, Complete Web Site Solutions Client Server Applications, WAP Development, Ecommerce, Business and General Programming Solutins, Interactive & communication Designings & Intranet Phone No:5865976 Email: [email protected] website: Digital Processing Systems Phone No:2826630

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Digital Prodigy (Pvt) Ltd E-Commerce, Telemedicine, Healthcare solutions, Web design and development. Phone No:92-51-2820954 Email: [email protected] website: Diyatech Pakistan Phone No:2877800-3

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Dream Designers Graphics Designing, Web Apps Phone No: 92-51-2823008 Email: [email protected]



E-Consulting Services Data Migration and Application Conversion, Mobile Computing, Handheld Pocket PC Development, ORACLE Enterprise Solutions Phone No:4574608, 4386606 Email: [email protected] website: e-Curesoft (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:6674169

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Eezee Soft Sol IT Solution Provider Phone No:92-303-7759223

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eIntelligence (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:2434070/4532927

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elinx Phone No:5730603


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Elixir Technologies Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd Document and print management solutions Phone No:2206182-5 Email: HR: [email protected]


Emmaculate Your Business Solutions Partner Phone No:4314702/4313902 Email: [email protected]


Enabling Technologies Phone No:5862086

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ePatterns (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:4531345,4525791

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ESP Global IT Systems (Pvt) Ltd E-Commerce Solutions, ERP Solutions, IT Consultancy and Integrated Business Solution provider Phone No:+ 92-42-571-5666 Email: [email protected] website: Essential-Tec Pak (Pvt) Ltd. Phone No:5883199/5883799

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e-Strats Client Server Programming, Web Programming, e-commerce solutions, Multimedia Presentations, BioMetrics related R&D, driver writing, Development for Palm OS Phone No:92-51-2826008 Email: [email protected] website: eTechsol International Integrated Business Solutions,E-Commerce Solutions,Management & Financial Applications Development and Complete Web Application Solutions Provider Phone No:5853153 Email: [email protected] website: E-Tek Solution Complex Needs - Simple Solution Phone No:2824622 Email: [email protected]


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eworx International (Pvt) Ltd is an offshore software development company. Engaged in designing, developing, testing, & implementing Software Solutions. We have worked for different companies worldwide (mainly USA). Phone No:available-soon Email: [email protected] website: Eycon Solutions MIS - Web - Graphics - Multimedia and Programming Solutions Phone No:2823179/2279372 Email: [email protected]


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Fair Factor Force Phone No:051-5590953

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Faysal Associates Phone No:4546838/4383198

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Feditec (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:4382086-87

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Fincon Complete Programming, Web Design and Network Solutions. Phone No:051-4430933 Email: [email protected]


Frontier Soft Software Development, Web Solutions and Hardware Interfacing (Industrial Automation) and Library Automations Phone No:091-5260710 Email: [email protected] website: Fusion-i-Tech (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:2873815-17

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Genesis Solutions (Pvt) Ltd Kiosk Developers Phone No:7789888-90

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Global Interlord Technologies Providing ALL sort of worldwide services in Pakistan Phone No:(042)584-5678 Email: [email protected]


Global SoftNet Phone No:03037552575


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Glow Teknologies Complete Telecom CRM Solutions Phone No:589-7745 ~ 7 Email: [email protected]

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Golden Global (Private) Limited Software and Engineering Solutions including automation and robotics Phone No:+92-21-4532277 Email: [email protected]


Graphic Mind Works Embroidery, Textile Designing, Digitizing Solutions and Training, Stock Designs Phone No:92-21-6370180 Email: [email protected] website: GS IT Solutions Phone No:5216097

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Gulfnet Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. Phone No:2274472-3

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Habib Rafique Technologies (Pvt) Ltd. Phone No:6682193-5 Email: [email protected]


Hagler Bailly Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. Information Technology Programs Phone No:92 (51) 265 0475 Email: [email protected]


Hameed Majeed Associates (Pvt) Ltd. Phone No:7235081-2 Email: [email protected]


Hi Noon International (Pvt) Ltd. Phone No:7510023-7 Email: [email protected] Hi Soft Creative Engineers Phone No:2270982/2271483

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website: Customized Software Development And Web Designing Phone No:92-221-811314 Email: [email protected]


I Soft Phone No:6361493

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Ibrahim Software (Pvt) Ltd. Our two major areas of focus are offshore software development and the development of innovative software products Phone No:+9242 586 9151 Email: [email protected] website: ICM Software House Phone No:7576645

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Ideal Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd. Customized Development,Enterprise Solutions, Networking, Website Development etc. Phone No:042-5897369 Email: [email protected] website: iENGINEERING Pakistan Engineering Software and Collaborative E-business Applications Phone No:+92 51 2871267-8 Email: [email protected] Indus Valley Enterprise Phone No:5867999


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Informage Softwares (Pvt) Ltd. Phone No:4434987 Email: [email protected] Informatics Galleries Phone No:2825041

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IT Promoters Wide range of healthcare and general administrative software & Medical Transcription service Phone No:2650114 Email: [email protected] website: IT Strings (Pvt) Ltd Comprehensive Database and Multimedia Solutions Phone No:7532148-9 Email: [email protected]


ITIM Associates (Pvt) Ltd. Phone No:4521436/4546438


Email: [email protected]

ITist Labs Web Applications, Software Development and Database Development/Integration Phone No:260328 Email: [email protected] website: ITSEC (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:7788327/7788319

Email: [email protected]


IWAYS (Pvt) Ltd. Phone No:585 6506-8

Email: [email protected]


Jin Technologies Phone No:4310960 - 66

Email: [email protected]


J-Tech (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:5812263

Email: [email protected]

K & N Software House Software Development & Programming solutions Phone No:592100/581709 Email: [email protected]


Kalsoft (Pvt) Ltd. Complete IT solutions for the business sector Phone No:111-40-30-20 Email: [email protected]


Kapro Soft (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:111-527-111

Email: [email protected]


Khyber Communications Phone No:816924

Email: [email protected]

KNK Soft (Pvt) Ltd. Phone No:2294300

Email: [email protected]


Knowledge Management Complete B2B solution, Accounting Solutions, Content gathering, Call center Consulting, Web development and hosting. Phone No:4311686-7 Email: [email protected] website:

Kolachi Advanced Technologies Complete Financial Solutions and Technology Applications Phone No:5843259 Email: [email protected] Komatsu Pakistan Soft (Pvt) Ltd. Phone No:227889/2275140 Email: [email protected]


Ksoft (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:2272015-6908

Email: [email protected]


Lasaf Holding Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd The key to unprecedented success Phone No:5823858 Email: [email protected]


Levington Technology (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:2822767 Email: [email protected]


LMK Resources Pakisitan (Pvt) Ltd. Petroleum IT Company Phone No: 2879850 Email: [email protected]


Logic Computer Systems Phone No:5414321

Email: [email protected]


Logics Valley I.T. Solution Providers Phone No:788454-762474

Email: [email protected]


LoneStar ASP Intl. (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:5375999

Email: [email protected]


LumenSoft Technologies Phone No:5722670-9

Email: [email protected]


Makabu (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:111-999-555

Email: [email protected]


Marque Technologies (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:5742574 Email: [email protected]


Marriala Technologies Phone No:2213248

Email: [email protected]


Mas Infosoft (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:6311881-3

Email: [email protected]


Matrix Sourcing Phone No:111-111-118

Email: [email protected]


Micro-Asian Technologies Software development and Web development Phone No:5892100 Email: [email protected]


Microtech Computer Services Phone No:7350923 Email: [email protected] Millenium Software (Pvt) Ltd. Software Devlopment, Consultancy and IT solution Provider Phone No:5897621-4 Email: [email protected] Mindbridge Phone No:111-555-333


Email: [email protected]

Naveena Micro Systems (Pvt) Ltd. Complete IT Solutions Phone No:111-667-667 Email: [email protected]


Net Access Communication Systems (Pvt) Ltd. Phone No:4310979-839 Email: [email protected]


Netpace Systems (Pvt) LTD. Phone No:4313715-6


Email: [email protected]

NetSol Technologies Inc Customized / Bespoke Software Development Phone No:5727096 Email: [email protected]


Newtech Systems Biometrics Phone No:4525376

Email: [email protected]


NexGen Technologies Inc Phone No:5863931

Email: [email protected]


Next software Development Center Phone No:522272/224280/81 Email: [email protected]


Nextbridge (Pvt.) Ltd. Phone No:5758113-5152887

Email: [email protected]


Nextech Soft Phone No:5582282/5567866

Email: [email protected]


Nexus Programming & Networking Solutions Phone No:2290161 Email: [email protected]


Nexus Technologies Phone No:4581700-1


Email: [email protected]

Nicon Center of Computer Science Phone No:5161947 Email: [email protected]


Nortec (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:2569180


Email: [email protected]

NTM Soft (Pvt) Ltd Developers of Accounting and inventory software for all types of industries including services industries Phone No:042-5161799 Email: [email protected] website: NUST Consulting Phone No:2103425-7

Email: [email protected]

Omega Technologies Custom Software development Phone No:2273436 Email: [email protected]



Oursol (Pvt) Ltd. Our corporate mission is to redefine the parameters of the medical transcription solutions by becoming the benchmark. Phone No:2651607 Email: [email protected] website: Outreach Digital (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:5374392

Email: [email protected]

Pacific e Business Solutions Customized Solutions, Web Development Phone No:2829070,0333 Email: [email protected] Pak Software Phone No:92-21-2631534



Email: [email protected]

Pakistan Data Management Services Customized application software development Phone No:4559003 Email: [email protected] Pakistan Resources Development Services (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:4530926/2822303 Email: [email protected]


Pakistan Revenue Automation (Pvt) Ltd. Information Technology Solutions Provider Phone No:111-772-772 Email: [email protected]


Pearl Micro Solutions IT & Telecom Consultancy and Business Solution Providers Phone No:(92)(51)2875737 Email: [email protected]


PIBAS Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd An Umbrella of Total Banking Solutions Phone No:4555299

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Pivotal Black Phone No:5832653-54

Plexus (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:5660740

Power Soft Nineteen (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:6670414

Precience Technologies (Pvt) Ltd. Developement of Plug in Solutions for EDA tools. Phone No:111-785-785

Email: [email protected]


Precience Technologies Solutions Phone No:111-785-785

Email: [email protected]

Premier Software (Pvt) Ltd IT Solutions Providers Phone No:2400280/2436238

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Premium Telecom (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:111-404-505

Preston Software Services Complete Web Design and Programming Soulutions Phone No:2261373-4

Email: [email protected]

Progressive Systems (Pvt.) Ltd. Customized Software Development Phone No:4311534-7

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Prompt Solutions (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:7564528

Prosol / Pi Sigma Technologies Complete Web Design and Programming Solutions. Phone No:2875401, 2826866

Email: [email protected]


Protel Networks Software design and development Phone No:2822759

Email: [email protected]

PRYSoft Phone No:92-51-2277120

Email: [email protected]

PWC Consulting Technology Solutions (Pvt) Ltd Offshore IT Services Phone No:042-5884981

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Q Systems Computers Phone No:2821773

QuadraTechnologies Phone No:5715076/5715079

Email: [email protected]


Quality Marketing Services Complete Web Design & programming Solutions Phone No:2291403

Email: [email protected]


Qurtuba Software House Phone No:812117-8

Email: [email protected]

R2V Services Engineering data conversions Phone No:51-5585588

Email: [email protected]


Rashid Associates Office Automation, Web Designing, web based applications, Data Basis Phone No:051-2851657

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


RegTel Enterprises International Call Center Phone No:0300-9443693

S & T Corp Phone No:331550

Email: [email protected]

S Comm (Pvt) Ltd Complete Web Design and Programming Solutions Phone No:4529201

Email: [email protected]


Saber Technologies Phone No:2271516

Email: [email protected]

Sachal Softec (Pvt) Ltd Call Centre, Web Application Development, IT Enabled Services, Enterprise Software Development. Phone No:0092-051-4441413

Email: [email protected]


Sahaz Software Corporation Web solutions,Software solutions,Networking solutions,Hosting solutions,Project Outsourcing,Systems engineering,Products sales & distribution,Commercial Designing-Printing & Publishing,3D Modeling. Phone No:1-530-898-7990

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Salient Tech (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:5758254-5

SC Software Services Application development, Web Design & Development, ERP Implementation & Training Support, Training Phone No: 4943474

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Scan InfoTech (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:2213145-8

Sensors Network Solutions (SENSOL) Complete Softwaredevelopment/Web development/CAD/Networking/3D Animations/graphics/programming solutions Phone No:0333-4250565

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Sequel Systems Inc Phone No:0320-4985454

Sharp Soft SharpSoft is an Independent software house providing the software solutions and IT services. Phone No:03009428297

Email: [email protected]


Sigma Systems Syndicate Web Designing, Customized System Software Development, Software porting, monitoring & controlling, Data Capturing, entry & processing, Database Development,System & Network Engineering. Phone No:6660995, 6667322

Email: [email protected]

Silver Technologies Phone No:2105572-4

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Sindsoft Solutions (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:111-786-300

SIS Services Customized Software Development Specialized for Pharmaceautical Manufacturing Companies Phone No:5529238-9

Email: [email protected]


SKP Services Ltd Phone No:111772000/6655225 Email: [email protected]


SM Software Solutions Technical Software Development Phone No:(042)573-4066

Email: [email protected]

Smart Soft Software Development and Consultancy Phone No:5702975-6

Email: [email protected]


Sofcom (Pvt) Ltd Client Server Applications Phone No:+92 21 4966991-2

Email: [email protected]


Soft - Tek Systems Software Development Phone No:2828957

Email: [email protected]


Soft Flash Phone No:5763075

Email: [email protected]

Softech Microsystems IT and Telecom company Phone No:+92-21-4988922-6

Email: [email protected]

Softech System (Pvt) Ltd. Customized Software Development according to the client's needs Phone No:6665812, 6660802 Email: [email protected] Softel Worldwide (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:5152994/5153257



Email: [email protected]

Softflux Corporation Wireless Application Development Firm Phone No:5876209 Email: [email protected]


Softrends (Pvt) Ltd Complete IT Solutions for SMEs and Industrial Operations Phone No: +9242-5885963 Email: [email protected]


Software and Solution House Phone No:5386800-1


Email: [email protected]

Software Atelier Web Designing, Database Development and Software Application Development under one Roof! Phone No:2876231 Email: [email protected] website: Software Solutions Phone No:5718188-9

Email: [email protected]


Softweb Phone No:5873515-6

Email: [email protected]


SolutionsWave Software Solutions Phone No:+92-42-6685601

Email: [email protected]


ST Consulting International (Pvt) Ltd Financial, Medical and Dental Softwares Phone No:4384854 Email: [email protected]


Star Soft Software Development, Web and Graphic Designing, Network solution,Data wharehousing, Data Entry, Medical and Legal Transcription Phone No:813564-822138 Email: [email protected] website: Streetware Systems (Pvt) Ltd Complete Financial Services IT Solutions Phone No:4314184-8 Email: [email protected]


Style Setters Complete web design and web programming solutions Phone No:0693-65997-9 Email: [email protected]


Sulata iSoft Internet, Intranet, Software and Multimedia Solutions Phone No:(0300)8454215 Email: [email protected]


Sunsoft (Pvt) Ltd Customised Software Solutions & IT Services Phone No:111925925 Email: [email protected]


Superior Information Systems Phone No:7599770/7552280 Email: [email protected] Surge Logix Surge Logix The IT MileStone Phone No:5731664 Email: [email protected]


Synergy Soft Image Processing Solutions,Point of sale systems, Web and general Application development Phone No:51-2241447 Email: [email protected] website: Syscomp International Complete Web Design and Programming Solutions Phone No:2294709 Email: [email protected]


SysNet Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. Sysnet's development team designs and implements software solutions for its customers incorporating application development and database integration, Website and E-commerce development etc Phone No:111 797 638 Email: [email protected] website: System Innovations (Pvt) Ltd Turnkey Systems & Technology Integration Phone No:2420661 Email: [email protected]


Systems (Pvt) Ltd. Customised software solutions & IT services Phone No:6304835-25 Email: [email protected]


Systems Research (Pvt) Ltd Billing CRM and OSS Suite for Telecom Service Providers Phone No:2298737 Email: [email protected]


Taza Technologies (Pvt) Ltd. Expertise in Interactive website development and Client Server Applications development Phone No:92-42-585-0925 Email: [email protected] website: Techcorp Holding Phone No:2263763

Email: [email protected]

Technology Wisdom Client Satisfaction through our Quality Team Work We provide software engineering, game engineering and web engineering services. Phone No:+92 51 5537735 Email: [email protected] website: Tek 2 k Phone No:220493-4

Email: [email protected]


Teknotronics Phone No:5661346

Email: [email protected]


Telematix Corporation Phone No:2251808

Email: [email protected]


Telpac Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:2822235

Email: [email protected]

Test-PSEB-bridge 2002

Email: [email protected]

The Facts Phone No:5416823

Email: [email protected]


ThreeSixtyDegreez Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. Phone No:4385391-2 Email: [email protected]


TK Technologies Programming, Web designing, Data-Entry Phone No:(92-21) 2574394 Email: [email protected]

website: no

TNI Communications ONE STOP SHOP for IT & Advertising Phone No:5854569 Email: [email protected]


TotalMedi Software Complete EMR Solution Phone No:7110225

website: htttp://

Email: [email protected]

Touchstone Communications, Inc Phone No:111-111-044 Email: [email protected]


Tower Tech Solutions Phone No:111-226-666


Email: [email protected]

TOWER TECHNOLOGIES (PVT) LIMITED Client Server solutions Phone No:5870192-7 Ext 120 Email: [email protected]


TPS Pakistan (Private) Limited Product Based, Financial Solution Provider Phone No:4312448-9 Email: [email protected]


Trans-Soon valley (Pvt) Ltd Software development Phone No:051-2821128

Email: [email protected]


Trans-Soon Valley (Pvt) Ltd. Phone No:2856481

Email: [email protected]

TRG (pvt) Limited Remote customer service solutions Phone No:+92(42) 631 6005 Email: [email protected]


Trisoft Technology (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:6364262-6362348


Email: [email protected]

Trivor software consultants Engineering Software Development and Testing Services Phone No:2282146 Email: [email protected] Unisoft (Pvt) Ltd Software Development and Web based applications. Phone No:2276839-487 Email: [email protected] Unisoft Dot Net Programming Solutions Phone No:061-519176


Email: [email protected]

Universal Computing Services Phone No:5683890 Email: [email protected] Universal-Solutions Group Solutions for Embadded Age Phone No:92-51-2294511

Email: [email protected]

Vector Technologies Complete Web Design and Programming Solutions Phone No:+92-42-5892863-5 Email: [email protected]



Verizmo Consulting Enterprise Business Applications, including EAI, B2Bi, Workflow Management, Business Process Management and Integration using Java/J2EE and .NET Frameworks Phone No:+92-51-2856148 Email: [email protected] website: Virgin Resorts Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:7992211 Email: [email protected]


Virtual Dimensions Phone No:7764884

Email: [email protected]


Virtual Soft Phone No:2870138-9

Email: [email protected]


Vision Advance Software Technologies Phone No:4455063-4 Email: [email protected]


Vision Pak International Software Solution Provider/IT Consultant Phone No:2251492 Email: [email protected]


Visual Soft Development (Pvt) Ltd. Call Center, Intelligent Traffic System (ITS), AVC, AVI, ETC, Custom Application Development, E-Commerce, Web Development, Distant Learning Apps, IVR, Computer Telephony, Fax Solutions, Calling Card Phone No:(051)5584677-9 Email: [email protected] website: VR IT Solution Phone No:4383845-7

Email: [email protected]

Wavetech (PVt) Ltd Realtime Interactive Web-site design solutions Phone No:+9221 453-9400 Email: [email protected]


Web Carriers Phone No:2827323


Email: [email protected]

Winson Technologies Phone No:4994911

Email: [email protected]


Work Plains Phone No:4449135

Email: [email protected]


Xavor Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:6667736/6650581

Email: [email protected]


Xcess Dot Com (Pvt) Ltd. Phone No:5716041

Email: [email protected]


Xibercom (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:5685420

Email: [email protected]


Xistech Web Designing & Development, Database, Software Development and Network Solutions Phone No:2105896-7 Email: [email protected] website: Xyber Moguls (Pvt) Ltd Solution Provider Phone No:5835374-5

Email: [email protected]


YEvolve (Pvt) Ltd Mobile Appication Development incl PalmOS/PocketPC/SMS apps Phone No:021-5867527 Email: [email protected]


YRLESS Wireless Portal Phone No:+92-300-8567518

Email: [email protected]

website: http//

Y-Tech (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:547850-51

Email: [email protected]


Zensoft (Pvt.) Ltd Customize Software Development Phone No:5683350, 5655197 Email: [email protected]


Database Development Abacus Consulting (Pvt) Ltd Management Consulting Phone No:5884981-4

Email: [email protected]


Acrologix (Pvt) Ltd Integrated Business Solutions Phone No:6664301-5 Email: [email protected]


Aghaz Consulting Business Process Outsourcing and Information Systems Phone No:92 333 5123604 Email: [email protected]


Al-Rahmah Soft (Pvt) Ltd Database,web design and development Phone No:92-42-5885952 Email: [email protected]


Amin Consulting (Private) Ltd. Software Engineering, Database Applications, Complete Web Designing, Data Entry Services website: Phone No:5759025 Email: [email protected] Apvision (Pvt) Ltd Outsourcing Solutions, Software Solutions, Project Management. Phone No:+(92)(21) 582-2437 Email: [email protected]


Avenir Technologies Comprehensive IT Solution. Phone No:92-51-2877384


Email: [email protected]

Azad Information Technology software solutions and IT Enabled outsourcing Phone No:92-51-2211040 Email: [email protected]


Beez Technologies (Pvt) Ltd Web Design and Programming Solutions Phone No:2201484-2201558 Email: [email protected]


Beyond ACME Information Technology ERP Solution Providers, Software Dovelopment, B2B B2C solutions Phone No:7564973 Email: [email protected]


BIT Soft (Programming,Web Design,Consultancy, Artificial Intelligence, Control System Solutions) Phone No:839036 Email: [email protected] website: Buraq Integrated Solutions Customized Application Development, DMS, CRM Solutions, Web Development, etc. Phone No:4840137-38 Email: [email protected] website: ClickSoft Clicksoft specializes in business management solutions for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry, Pharmaceutical Distributions, Flour Industry, Ginning and Pressing Industry, Petrol and CNG refueling. Phone No:042-6680272 Email: [email protected] Communication & Computer Technology (Pvt) Ltd Software Development and Solutions Phone No:2262081/2253354 Email: [email protected]


Computer Data Management Software developement using Microsoft & Oracle. Trade Finance Management systems for Banks and are the best projects to describe our capabilities. Phone No:92-42-588 6301 Email: [email protected] website:

Concept Systems (Pvt) Ltd One Stop Shop to all your technology solutions Phone No:4555649 Email: [email protected]


Connect 2 Web (Pvt) Ltd. complete business solutions Phone No:4386185/922846


Email: [email protected]

Convoices Transcription, Data Entry, Programming, Database and Web Developement. website: Phone No:4420716 Email: [email protected] Crescent Software Products (Pvt) Ltd. Software Solutions Phone No:+92-42-6311660/2 Email: [email protected] website: Croxx Linc International Hitech Software Development and Programming Solutions Phone No:+9221 4554715 Email: [email protected]


C-Soft (Private) Limited ERP solutions Phone No:2201934


Email: [email protected]

Cubex Systems PERL, PHP, CGI, MySQL, VB.Net, ASP,NET, SQL Server, System Amdinistration, Chat,Trouble Tickets Phone No:92-21-4390345 Email: [email protected] website: Cybergate (Pvt) Ltd. Simple Solutions to Complex Problems Phone No:5756605/5758113 Email: [email protected]


Cyber-soft Technologies Complete Web Application Solutions Provider Phone No:111-600-222 Email: [email protected]


Dedicated IT Services (Pvt) Ltd. Information Technology Enablers with Global Expertise in Program-Project Management / Discovery / Delivery of Full Life Cycle IT Solutions for Large Enterprise Client-Server & Distributed Computing. Phone No:+92 42 5764971 Email: [email protected] website: Digital Links The Solution Provider, Complete Web Site Solutions Client Server Applications, WAP Development, Ecommerce, Business and General Programming Solutins, Interactive & communication Designings & Intranet Phone No:5865976 Email: [email protected] website: Digital Prodigy (Pvt) Ltd E-Commerce, Telemedicine, Healthcare solutions, Web design and development. Phone No:92-51-2820954 Email: [email protected] website: E-Consulting Services Data Migration and Application Conversion, Mobile Computing, Handheld Pocket PC Development, ORACLE Enterprise Solutions Phone No:4574608, 4386606 Email: [email protected] website: Eezee Soft Sol IT Solution Provider Phone No:92-303-7759223

Email: [email protected]


Electronic Business Systems Web based applications Phone No:7784493

Email: [email protected]


Electronic Solutions Pakistan (ESOLPK) Complete Web Solutions, Databases and Programming Solutions Phone No:(92-51)2870640 Email: [email protected]


Emmaculate Your Business Solutions Partner Phone No:4314702/4313902 Email: [email protected]


Engineering Consultants Int'l (Pvt) Ltd. Geographical Information Systems, Remore Sensing, Inetrnet Map Serving, Database Development, Training Phone No:+ 92.21.454.2290 Email: [email protected] website: ERDC Information Systems (Pvt) Ltd. Complete Web Design and Programming Solutions Phone No:9219277 Email: [email protected]


eTechsol International Integrated Business Solutions,E-Commerce Solutions,Management & Financial Applications Development and Complete Web Application Solutions Provider Phone No:5853153 Email: [email protected] website: eworx International (Pvt) Ltd is an offshore software development company. Engaged in designing, developing, testing, & implementing Software Solutions. We have worked for different companies worldwide (mainly USA). Phone No:available-soon Email: [email protected] website: Eycon Solutions MIS - Web - Graphics - Multimedia and Programming Solutions Phone No:2823179/2279372 Email: [email protected]


Fasttech Inernational (Pvt.) Ltd. Complete Web Design, Web Programming, Application Development, Web Development, Web Hosting, Domain Registration, eCommerce, Medical Transcription, Graphics Solution, Consultation Phone No:2873590 Email: [email protected] website: Fincon Complete Programming, Web Design and Network Solutions. Phone No:051-4430933 Email: [email protected]


Frontier Soft Software Development, Web Solutions and Hardware Interfacing (Industrial Automation) and Library Automations website: Phone No:091-5260710 Email: [email protected] Global Interlord Technologies Phone No:(042)584-5678

Email: [email protected]


Hagler Bailly Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. Information Technology Programs Phone No:92 (51) 265 0475

Email: [email protected]


Hudson Valley Webmasters Inc Web Design and Programming Solutions Phone No:021-4944729

Email: [email protected]


Ideal Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd. Customized Development,Enterprise Solutions, Networking, Website Development etc. Phone No:042-5897369

Email: [email protected]


InfiniLogic (Private) Limited Business Solutions, Webite and Software Development and Management Phone No:(021) 580 1993

Email: [email protected]


Information link (Pvt.) Ltd. ISP and Software Development Services Phone No:+92(300)850-4420

Email: [email protected]


Innovative Private Limited Electronic Transaction Processing (ATM, POS etc.), Internet Banking, IVR and other Banking Solutions Phone No:+92 42 111-000-911

Email: [email protected]


Integrated Systems Research (Pvt.) Ltd. Total Software Solution and IT Training Phone No:(9221)2418280

Email: [email protected]


Io-2-Io (Pvt) Ltd. We specialize in providing software solutions for the Financial Services Sectors and Computer Based Training applicaitons Phone No:5886193-5

Email: [email protected]


Islamabad Software Factory Software Development Services Phone No:+92(300)850-4420

Email: [email protected]


IT Promoters Wide range of healthcare and general administrative software & Medical Transcription service Phone No:2650114

Email: [email protected]


IT Strings (Pvt) Ltd Comprehensive Database and Multimedia Solutions Phone No:7532148-9

Email: [email protected]


ITist Labs Web Applications, Software Development and Database Development/Integration Phone No:260328

Email: [email protected]


Kalsoft (Pvt) Ltd. Complete IT solutions for the business sector Phone No:111-40-30-20

Email: [email protected]


Kimsys (Pvt) Ltd. Financial Software Development Phone No:5858693-4

Email: [email protected]


Lahore Software (Pvt) Ltd. Application development, Programming solutions & Web Design Phone No:+92-42-5723961

Email: [email protected]


Lasaf Holding Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd The key to unprecedented success Phone No:5823858

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Logics Valley I.T. Solution Providers Phone No:788454-762474

Marque Technologies (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:5742574

Millennium Systems & Consultants (Pvt) Ltd. Consultancy, System Integration, Project Management , Software Development Phone No:(9221) 431 5641-43

Email: [email protected]


Miracle International Technologies (Pvt) Ltd Complete Business Solutions Phone No:5856542,5856000

Email: [email protected]


N Soft Complete Web Design , Database Programming and IT Training Solutions Phone No:0441-67741

Email: [email protected]


Naveena Micro Systems (Pvt) Ltd. Complete IT Solutions Phone No:111-667-667

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Newtech Systems Biometrics Phone No:4525376

Norsk Data Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. Database applications & solutions Phone No:+92 (51) 2252267

Email: [email protected]


Nova Softek Business Solutions Phone No:2578155

Email: [email protected]

Omega Technologies Custom Software development Phone No:2273436

Email: [email protected]


Ora-tech Systems (Pvt) Ltd. Oracle Database and Tools, Oracle Financials, Maximo, Datastream and Customized Business Applications. Phone No:111-672-253

Email: [email protected]


Oursol (Pvt) Ltd. Our corporate mission is to redefine the parameters of the medical transcription solutions by becoming the benchmark. Phone No:2651607

Email: [email protected]


Pacific e Business Solutions Customized Solutions, Web Development Phone No:2829070

Email: [email protected]


Pakistan Revenue Automation (Pvt) Ltd. Information Technology Solutions Provider Phone No:111-772-772

Email: [email protected]


PIBAS Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd An Umbrella of Total Banking Solutions Phone No:4555299

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Premier Software (Pvt) Ltd IT Solutions Providers Phone No:2400280/2436238

Preston Software Services Complete Web Design and Programming Soulutions Phone No:2261373-4

Email: [email protected]

PWC Consulting Technology Solutions (Pvt) Ltd Offshore IT Services Phone No:042-5884981

Email: [email protected]


S Comm (Pvt) Ltd Complete Web Design and Programming Solutions Phone No:4529201

Email: [email protected]


Sahaz Software Corporation Web solutions,Software solutions,Networking solutions,Hosting solutions,Project Outsourcing,Systems engineering,Products sales & distribution,Commercial Designing-Printing & Publishing,3D Modeling. Phone No:1-530-898-7990

Email: [email protected]


Sensors Network Solutions (SENSOL) Complete Softwaredevelopment/Web development/CAD/Networking/3D Animations/graphics/programming solutions Phone No:0333-4250565

Email: [email protected]


Sharp Soft SharpSoft is an Independent software house providing the software solutions and IT services. Phone No:03009428297

Email: [email protected]


Sigma Systems Syndicate Web Designing, Customized System Software Development, Software porting, monitoring & controlling, Data Capturing, entry & processing, Database Development,System & Network Engineering. Phone No:6660995, 6667322

Email: [email protected]

SINTEC SYSTEMS Database Management and E-commerce solutions Phone No:4419163-4

Email: [email protected]


Softflux Corporation Wireless Application Development Firm Phone No:5876209

Email: [email protected]


Strategic Systems International Decision Support Systems for the Supply Chain Phone No:042-5763225

Email: [email protected]


Sulata iSoft Internet, Intranet, Software and Multimedia Solutions Phone No:(0300)8454215

Email: [email protected]


System Innovations (Pvt) Ltd Turnkey Systems & Technology Integration Phone No:2420661

Email: [email protected]


Target Systems CRM, Customized Software Development, Web Design and Programmimg Phone No:+92-51-2100 203

Email: [email protected]


Technology Wisdom Client Satisfaction through our Quality Team Work We provide software engineering, game engineering and web engineering services. Phone No:+92 51 5537735

Email: [email protected]


TNI Communications ONE STOP SHOP for IT & Advertising Phone No:5854569

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]

website: htttp://

Email: [email protected]


TotalMedi Software Complete EMR Solution Phone No:7110225

Trans-Soon valley (Pvt) Ltd Software development Phone No:051-2821128

Unified Solution We Intergrate Your Information Systems Phone No:09221-5662632

Email: [email protected]


Unisoft (Pvt) Ltd Software Development and Web based applications. Phone No:2276839-487

Email: [email protected]


Universal Automation Systems Web-based database applications Phone No:2828674

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Universal-Solutions Group Solutions for Embadded Age Phone No:92-51-2294511

Vector Technologies Complete Web Design and Programming Solutions Phone No:+92-42-5892863-5

Email: [email protected]


Vision Pak International Software Solution Provider/IT Consultant Phone No:2251492

Email: [email protected]


Visual Soft Development (Pvt) Ltd. Call Center, Intelligent Traffic System (ITS), AVC, AVI, ETC, Custom Application Development, E-Commerce, Web Development, Distant Learning Apps, IVR, Computer Telephony, Fax Solutions, Calling Card Phone No:(051)5584677-9

Email: [email protected]


Winsoft International Browser based MIS for Human Resource management, Enterprise solution, legacy and partnes integration Hotels, Phone No:51-5568948

Email: [email protected]


Xistech Web Designing & Development, Database, Software Development and Network Solutions Phone No:2105896-7

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Xyber Moguls (Pvt) Ltd Solution Provider Phone No:5835374-5

YestoNet Software Solutions Complete ERP and business solutions Phone No:5155323-4

Email: [email protected]


Zensoft (Pvt.) Ltd Customize Software Development Phone No:5683350, 5655197

Email: [email protected]


Administrative Support Amin Consulting (Private) Ltd. Software Engineering, Database Applications, Complete Web Designing, Data Entry Services Phone No:5759025

Email: [email protected]


Apvision (Pvt) Ltd Outsourcing Solutions, Software Solutions, Project Management. Phone No 21) 582-2437,36

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Avenir Technologies Comprehensive IT Solution. Phone No:92-51-2877384

Brain Storm (Pvt) Ltd. Medical Transcription Phone No: 92 (42) 5110308

ClickSoft Clicksoft specializes in business management solutions for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry, Pharmaceutical Distributions, Flour Industry, Ginning and Pressing Industry, Petrol and CNG refueling. Phone No:042-6680272

Email: [email protected]

Cogilent Solutions Online Hiring Solutions. Phone No:92 51 2871173

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Connect 2 Web (Pvt) Ltd. complete business solutions Phone No:4386185/922846

Cubex Systems PERL, PHP, CGI, MySQL, VB.Net, ASP,NET, SQL Server, System Amdinistration, Chat,Trouble Tickets Phone No:92-21-4390345

Email: [email protected]


Data Ghost test Phone No:6364145

Email: [email protected]

Dedicated IT Services (Pvt) Ltd. Information Technology Enablers with Global Expertise in Program-Project Management / Discovery / Delivery of Full Life Cycle IT Solutions for Large Enterprise Client-Server & Distributed Computing. Phone No:+92 42 5764971

Email: [email protected]


Digital Links The Solution Provider, Complete Web Site Solutions Client Server Applications, WAP Development, Ecommerce, Business and General Programming Solutins, Interactive & communication Designings & Intranet Phone No:5865976

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Eezee Soft Sol IT Solution Provider Phone No:92-303-7759223

Electronic Solutions Pakistan (ESOLPK) Complete Web Solutions, Databases and Programming Solutions Phone No:(92-51)2870640

Email: [email protected]


eworx International (Pvt) Ltd is an offshore software development company. Engaged in designing, developing, testing, & implementing Software Solutions. We have worked for different companies worldwide (mainly USA). Phone No:available-soon

Email: [email protected]


Experts Systems (Pvt) Ltd. Project Management & Wide Area Networks Consulting Phone No:6665928/6653364-5

Email: [email protected]


Eycon Solutions MIS - Web - Graphics - Multimedia and Programming Solutions Phone No:2823179/2279372

Email: [email protected]


Fincon Complete Programming, Web Design and Network Solutions. Phone No:051-4430933

Email: [email protected]


Global Interlord Technologies Providing ALL sort of worldwide services in Pakistan Phone No:(042)584-5678

Email: [email protected]


Hi-Tech Quality Solutions (Pvt) Ltd. Transcription Solutions, Website Designing and Development, ISP Setup, Telecom Solutions and MIS Solutions. Phone No:92-51-2292526-27

Email: [email protected]


Hudson Valley Webmasters Inc Web Design and Programming Solutions Phone No:021-4944729 Email: [email protected]


InfiniLogic (Private) Limited Business Solutions, Webite and Software Development and Management Phone No:(021) 580 1993 Email: [email protected]


IT Promoters Wide range of healthcare and general administrative software & Medical Transcription service Phone No:2650114 Email: [email protected] website: IT Strings (Pvt) Ltd Comprehensive Database and Multimedia Solutions Phone No:7532148-9 Email: [email protected]


ITist Labs Web Applications, Software Development and Database Development/Integration Phone No:260328 Email: [email protected] website: Kalsoft (Pvt) Ltd. Complete IT solutions for the business sector Phone No:111-40-30-20 Email: [email protected]


Marque Technologies (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:5742574 Email: [email protected]


Naveena Micro Systems (Pvt) Ltd. Complete IT Solutions Phone No:111-667-667 Email: [email protected]


Oursol (Pvt) Ltd. Our corporate mission is to redefine the parameters of the medical transcription solutions by becoming the benchmark. Phone No:2651607 Email: [email protected] website: Pacific e Business Solutions Customized Solutions, Web Development Phone No:2829070 Email: [email protected]


Pakistan Revenue Automation (Pvt) Ltd. Information Technology Solutions Provider Phone No:111-772-772 Email: [email protected]


Premier Software (Pvt) Ltd IT Solutions Providers Phone No:2400280/2436238

Email: [email protected]

Preston Software Services Phone No:2261373-4

Email: [email protected]

PWC Consulting Technology Solutions (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:042-5884981 Email: [email protected]



Rokhana Technology Group (Pvt) Ltd Offshore IT Solutions & Services--Software & Database Development, Data Processing/Transcription/Entry/Management, E-Document Services Phone No:(091) 5702601 Email: [email protected] website: Shahnawaz Transcriptions (Pvt) Ltd Medical Transcription Phone No:(92-21)5655582 Email: [email protected]


Sigma Systems Syndicate Web Designing, Customized System Software Development, Software porting, monitoring & controlling, Data Capturing, entry & processing, Database Development,System & Network Engineering. Phone No:6660995, 6667322 Email: [email protected] Star Soft Phone No:813564-822138

Email: [email protected]

System Innovations (Pvt) Ltd Turnkey Systems & Technology Integration Phone No:2420661 Email: [email protected]



TDS. Technology Data Services (Pvt) Ltd TDS OFFERS A COMPREHENSIVE DATA MANAGEMENT FACILITY IN A SECURE ENVIRONMENT, RANGING FROM SIMPLE DATA ENTRY AND CONVERSION FROM AUDIO TO TEXT FILES, TO THE COMPLETE MANAGEMENT OF YOUR DATA PROCESSING Phone No:2107598 Email: [email protected] website: Technology Wisdom Client Satisfaction through our Quality Team Work We provide software engineering, game engineering and web engineering services. Phone No:+92 51 5537735 Email: [email protected] website: TNI Communications ONE STOP SHOP for IT & Advertising Phone No:5854569 Email: [email protected]


Trans-Soon valley (Pvt) Ltd Software development Phone No:051-2821128


Email: [email protected]

Vision Pak International Software Solution Provider/IT Consultant Phone No:2251492 Email: [email protected]


World Trade Source Medical Trasncription Phone No:5896597/5734798


Email: [email protected]

Xistech Web Designing & Development, Database, Software Development and Network Solutions Phone No:2105896-7 Email: [email protected] website:

Web Designing & Development Abacus Consulting (Pvt) Ltd Management Consulting Phone No:5884981-4

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Acrologix (Pvt) Ltd Integrated Business Solutions Phone No:6664301-5

Advanced Communications ISP and Web Hosting automation and billing solutions Phone No:051-2299902

Email: [email protected]


Al-Rahmah Soft (Pvt) Ltd Database,web design and development Phone No:92-42-5885952

Email: [email protected]


Amin Consulting (Private) Ltd. Software Engineering, Database Applications, Complete Web Designing, Data Entry Services Phone No:5759025

Email: [email protected]


Apvision (Pvt) Ltd Outsourcing Solutions, Software Solutions, Project Management. Phone No:+(92)(21) 582-2437

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Avenir Technologies Comprehensive IT Solution. Phone No:92-51-2877384

Beez Technologies (Pvt) Ltd Web Design and Programming Solutions Phone No:2201484-2201558

Email: [email protected]


BIT Soft (Programming,Web Design,Consultancy, Artificial Intelligence, Control System Solutions) Phone No:839036

Email: [email protected]


BMA Technology Complete Web Design and Multimedia Solutions Phone No:92-51-2250321-2

Email: [email protected]


Buraq Integrated Solutions Customized Application Development, DMS, CRM Solutions, Web Development, etc. Phone No:4840137-38

Email: [email protected]


ClickSoft Clicksoft specializes in business management solutions for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry, Pharmaceutical Distributions, Flour Industry, Ginning and Pressing Industry, Petrol and CNG refueling. Phone No:042-6680272

Email: [email protected]

Compsi (Pvt) Ltd Provides Complete IT Solution. Phone No:111-007-007

Email: [email protected]


Concept Systems (Pvt) Ltd One Stop Shop to all your technology solutions Phone No:4555649

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Connect 2 Web (Pvt) Ltd. complete business solutions Phone No:4386185/922846

Creative Chaos Customised Software & Web Development Phone No:+92 21 4553396

Email: [email protected]


Crescent Software Products (Pvt) Ltd. Software Solutions Phone No:+92-42-6311660/2

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Cresset Technology Phone No:5763320/5763364

Croxx Linc International Hitech Software Development and Programming Solutions Phone No:+9221 4554715

Email: [email protected]


Cubex Systems PERL, PHP, CGI, MySQL, VB.Net, ASP,NET, SQL Server, System Amdinistration, Chat,Trouble Tickets Phone No:92-21-4390345

Email: [email protected]


Cybergate (Pvt) Ltd. Simple Solutions to Complex Problems Phone No:5756605 Email: [email protected]


Cyber-soft Technologies Complete Web Application Solutions Provider Phone No:111-600-222 Email: [email protected]


Dedicated IT Services (Pvt) Ltd. Information Technology Enablers with Global Expertise in Program-Project Management / Discovery / Delivery of Full Life Cycle IT Solutions for Large Enterprise Client-Server & Distributed Computing. Phone No:+92 42 5764971 Email: [email protected] website: Digital Links The Solution Provider, Complete Web Site Solutions Client Server Applications, WAP Development, Ecommerce, Business and General Programming Solutins, Interactive & communication Designings & Intranet Phone No:5865976 Email: [email protected] website: Digital Prodigy (Pvt) Ltd E-Commerce, Telemedicine, Healthcare solutions, Web design and development. Phone No:92-51-2820954 Email: [email protected] website: Dream Designers Graphics Designing, Web Apps Phone No:111-999-111 Ext 2401, +92-51-2823008

Email: [email protected]


E-Consulting Services Data Migration and Application Conversion, Mobile Computing, Handheld Pocket PC Development, ORACLE Enterprise Solutions Phone No:4574608, 4386606 Email: [email protected] website: Eezee Soft Sol IT Solution Provider Phone No:92-303-7759223

Email: [email protected]


Electronic Business Systems Web based applications Phone No:7784493

Email: [email protected]


Electronic Solutions Pakistan (ESOLPK) Complete Web Solutions, Databases and Programming Solutions Phone No:(92-51)2870640 Email: [email protected]


Emmaculate Your Business Solutions Partner Phone No:4314702/4313902 Email: [email protected]


ESP Global IT Systems (Pvt) Ltd E-Commerce Solutions, ERP Solutions, IT Consultancy and Integrated Business Solution provider Phone No:+ 92-42-571-5666 Email: [email protected] website: e-Strats Client Server Programming, Web Programming, e-commerce solutions, Multimedia Presentations, BioMetrics related R&D, driver writing, Development for Palm OS Phone No:92-51-2826008 Email: [email protected] website: eTechsol International Integrated Business Solutions,E-Commerce Solutions,Management & Financial Applications Development and Complete Web Application Solutions Provider Phone No:5853153-5852533 Email: [email protected] website: eworx International (Pvt) Ltd is an offshore software development company. Engaged in designing, developing, testing, & implementing Software Solutions. We have worked for different companies worldwide (mainly USA). Phone No:available-soon Email: [email protected] website: Eycon Solutions MIS - Web - Graphics - Multimedia and Programming Solutions Phone No:2823179/2279372 Email: [email protected]


Fasttech Inernational (Pvt.) Ltd. Complete Web Design, Web Programming, Application Development, Web Development, Web Hosting, Domain Registration, eCommerce, Medical Transcription, Graphics Solution, Consultation Phone No:2873590 Email: [email protected] website: Fincon Complete Programming, Web Design and Network Solutions. Phone No:051-4430933 Email: [email protected]


Global Interlord Technologies Providing ALL sort of worldwide services in Pakistan Phone No:(042)584-5678 Email: [email protected]


Hi-Tech Quality Solutions (Pvt) Ltd. Transcription Solutions, Website Designing and Development, ISP Setup, Telecom Solutions and MIS Solutions. Phone No:92-51-2292526-27 Email: [email protected] website: Hudson Valley Webmasters Inc Web Design and Programming Solutions Phone No:021-4944729 Email: [email protected]


InfiniLogic (Private) Limited Business Solutions, Webite and Software Development and Management Phone No:(021) 580 1993 Email: [email protected]


Infologix Software Technologies ebusiness consulting and solutions, multimedia and web development Phone No:5752105-9 Email: [email protected]


Information link (Pvt.) Ltd. ISP and Software Development Services Phone No:+92(300)850-4420 Email: [email protected]


Innovative Private Limited Electronic Transaction Processing (ATM, POS etc.), Internet Banking, IVR and other Banking Solutions Phone No:+92 42 111 Email: [email protected] website:

Islamabad Software Factory Software Development Services Phone No:+92(300)850-4420 Email: [email protected]


IT Promoters Wide range of healthcare and general administrative software & Medical Transcription service Phone No:2650114 Email: [email protected] website: IT Strings (Pvt) Ltd Comprehensive Database and Multimedia Solutions Phone No:7532148-9 Email: [email protected] website: ITist Labs Web Applications, Software Development and Database Development/Integration Phone No:260328 Email: [email protected] website: Kalsoft (Pvt) Ltd. Complete IT solutions for the business sector Phone No:111-40-30-20 Email: [email protected]


Lasaf Holding Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd The key to unprecedented success Phone No:5823858 Email: [email protected]


Logics Valley I.T. Solution Providers Phone No:788454-762474


Email: [email protected]

Marque Technologies (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:5742574 Email: [email protected]


Moti soft Moti Network - Pakistan's Largest Domain Registraiton Service Phone No:009221 2427903 Email: [email protected]


N Soft Complete Web Design , Database Programming and IT Training Solutions Phone No:0441-67741 Email: [email protected]


Naveena Micro Systems (Pvt) Ltd. Complete IT Solutions Phone No:111-667-667 Email: [email protected]


Newtech Systems Biometrics Phone No:4525376


Email: [email protected]

Omega Technologies Custom Software development Phone No:2273436 Email: [email protected]


Oursol (Pvt) Ltd. Our corporate mission is to redefine the parameters of the medical transcription solutions by becoming the benchmark. Phone No:2651607 Email: [email protected] website: Pacific e Business Solutions Customized Solutions, Web Development Phone No:2829070 Email: [email protected]


Pakistan Revenue Automation (Pvt) Ltd. Information Technology Solutions Provider Phone No:111-772-772 Email: [email protected]


Pakistani Clicks (Pvt) Ltd Complete Customized Software Development with E-Commerce Solutions Phone No:111-555-797 Email: [email protected]


Paradigm Technologies Comprehensive Web Site Solutions and Product Development Phone No:051-2214777 Email: [email protected]


Premier Software (Pvt) Ltd IT Solutions Providers Phone No:2400280/2436238


Email: [email protected]

Preston Software Services Complete Web Design and Programming Soulutions Phone No:2261373-4 Email: [email protected] Progressive Multimedia System Customised solutions and products for common use.Active web page development. Phone No:0431-255802 Email: [email protected] website: PWC Consulting Technology Solutions (Pvt) Ltd Offshore IT Services Phone No:042-5884981 Email: [email protected]


Right Solution Web Development, Designing and E-Commerce Phone No:5876036 Email: [email protected]


S Comm (Pvt) Ltd Complete Web Design and Programming Solutions Phone No:4529201 Email: [email protected]


S.A Soft Customized Software Development according to the client's needs Phone No:042-5832470 Email: [email protected]


Sahaz Software Corporation Web solutions,Software solutions,Networking solutions,Hosting solutions,Project Outsourcing,Systems engineering,Products sales & distribution,Commercial Designing-Printing & Publishing,3D Modeling. Phone No:1-530-898-7990 Email: [email protected] website: Sensors Network Solutions (SENSOL) Complete Softwaredevelopment/Web development/CAD/Networking/3D Animations/graphics/programming solutions Phone No:0333-4250565 Email: [email protected] website: Sharp Soft SharpSoft is an Independent software house providing the software solutions and IT services. Phone No:03009428297 Email: [email protected] website: Sigma Systems Syndicate Web Designing, Customized System Software Development, Software porting, monitoring & controlling, Data Capturing, entry & processing, Database Development,System & Network Engineering. Phone No:6660995, 6667322 Email: [email protected] Star Soft Software Development, Web and Graphic Designing, Network solution,Data wharehousing, Data Entry, Medical and Legal Transcription Phone No:813564-822138 Email: [email protected] website: Style Setters Complete web design and web programming solutions Phone No:0693-65997-9 Email: [email protected]


Sulata iSoft Internet, Intranet, Software and Multimedia Solutions Phone No:(0300)8454215 Email: [email protected]


Synergy Soft Phone No:51-2241447


Email: [email protected]

System Innovations (Pvt) Ltd Turnkey Systems & Technology Integration Phone No:2420661 Email: [email protected]


Taza Technologies (Pvt) Ltd. Phone No:92-42-585-0925

Email: [email protected]


Technology Wisdom Phone No:+92 51 5537735

Email: [email protected]


TNI Communications ONE STOP SHOP for IT & Advertising Phone No:5854569 Email: [email protected]


Trans-Soon valley (Pvt) Ltd Software development Phone No:051-2821128

Email: [email protected]


Unified Solution Phone No:09221-5662632

Email: [email protected]


Unisoft (Pvt) Ltd Software Development and Web based applications. Phone No:2276839-487 Email: [email protected]


Universal Automation Systems Phone No:2828674 Email: [email protected]


Universal-Solutions Group Solutions for Embadded Age Phone No:92-51-2294511


Email: [email protected]

Vector Technologies Complete Web Design and Programming Solutions Phone No:+92-42-5892863-5 Email: [email protected]


Vision Pak International Software Solution Provider/IT Consultant Phone No:2251492 Email: [email protected]


Visual Soft Development (Pvt) Ltd. Phone No:(051)5584677-9 Email: [email protected]


Voxel Communications (Pvt) Ltd Offshore Call Center, Software and Web Development Phone No:2822938, 2822143 Email: [email protected]


Xistech Phone No:2105896-7

Email: [email protected]


Xyber Moguls (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:5835374-5

Email: [email protected]


Zensoft (Pvt.) Ltd Phone No:5683350, 5655197

Email: [email protected]


Network & Communication 2B Technologies Customer Care Solutions Phone No:+92 21 5861227

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Acrologix (Pvt) Ltd Integrated Business Solutions Phone No:6664301-5

Americom Technologies Complete IT Solution, Call Center Services, IT Training Phone No:021-111-373- 737

Email: [email protected]


Amin Consulting (Private) Ltd. Software Engineering, Database Applications, Complete Web Designing, Data Entry Services Phone No:5759025

Email: [email protected]


Apvision (Pvt) Ltd Outsourcing Solutions, Software Solutions, Project Management. Phone No:+(92)(21) 582-2437

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Aroob International Complete IT solution Providers Phone No:+92-431-111114949

Avenir Technologies Comprehensive IT Solution. Phone No:92-51-2877384

Bactel Network Services (Pvt) Ltd Complete IT solution Phone No:042-5757055

Email: [email protected]


Beez Technologies (Pvt) Ltd Web Design and Programming Solutions Phone No:2201484-2201558

Email: [email protected]


Buraq Integrated Solutions Customized Application Development, DMS, CRM Solutions, Web Development, etc. Phone No:4840137-38

Email: [email protected]


ClickSoft Clicksoft specializes in business management solutions for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry, Pharmaceutical Distributions, Flour Industry, Ginning and Pressing Industry, Petrol and CNG refueling. Phone No:042-6680272

Email: [email protected]

Cogilent Solutions Online Hiring Solutions. Phone No:92 51 2871173

Email: [email protected]


Concept Systems (Pvt) Ltd One Stop Shop to all your technology solutions Phone No:4555649

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Connect 2 Web (Pvt) Ltd. complete business solutions Phone No:4386185/922846

Convergence Business Systems Call Centers, Linux, Telephony, Network Security Phone No:2820628

Email: [email protected]


Croxx Linc International Hitech Software Development and Programming Solutions Phone No:+9221 4554715

Email: [email protected]


Cubex Systems PERL, PHP, CGI, MySQL, VB.Net, ASP,NET, SQL Server, System Amdinistration, Chat,Trouble Tickets Phone No:92-21-4390345

Email: [email protected]


Cybergate (Pvt) Ltd. Simple Solutions to Complex Problems Phone No:5756605/5758113

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Data XS (Pvt) Ltd Complete IT Solutions Phone No:111-636-111

Dedicated IT Services (Pvt) Ltd. Information Technology Enablers with Global Expertise in Program-Project Management / Discovery / Delivery of Full Life Cycle IT Solutions for Large Enterprise Client-Server & Distributed Computing. Phone No:+92 42 5764971

Email: [email protected]


Digital Links The Solution Provider, Complete Web Site Solutions Client Server Applications, WAP Development, Ecommerce, Business and General Programming Solutins, Interactive & communication Designings & Intranet Phone No:5865976 Email: [email protected] website: E-Consulting Services Data Migration and Application Conversion, Mobile Computing, Handheld Pocket PC Development, ORACLE Enterprise Solutions Phone No:4574608, 4386606 Email: [email protected] website: Eezee Soft Sol IT Solution Provider Phone No:92-303-7759223

Email: [email protected]


Electronic Solutions Pakistan (ESOLPK) Complete Web Solutions, Databases and Programming Solutions Phone No:(92-51)2870640 Email: [email protected]


Eycon Solutions MIS - Web - Graphics - Multimedia and Programming Solutions Phone No:2823179/2279372 Email: [email protected]


Fasttech Inernational (Pvt.) Ltd. Complete Web Design, Web Programming, Application Development, Web Development, Web Hosting, Domain Registration, eCommerce, Medical Transcription, Graphics Solution, Consultation Phone No:2873590 Email: [email protected] website: Fincon Complete Programming, Web Design and Network Solutions. Phone No:051-4430933 Email: [email protected]


Global Interlord Technologies Providing ALL sort of worldwide services in Pakistan Phone No:(042)584-5678 Email: [email protected]


Hi-Tech Quality Solutions (Pvt) Ltd. Transcription Solutions, Website Designing and Development, ISP Setup, Telecom Solutions and MIS Solutions. Phone No:92-51-2292526-27 Email: [email protected] website: InfiniLogic (Private) Limited Business Solutions, Webite and Software Development and Management Phone No:(021) 580 1993 Email: [email protected]


Information link (Pvt.) Ltd. ISP and Software Development Services Phone No:+92(300)850-4420 Email: [email protected]


Islamabad Software Factory Software Development Services Phone No:+92(300)850-4420 Email: [email protected]


IT Promoters Wide range of healthcare and general administrative software & Medical Transcription service Phone No:2650114 Email: [email protected] website: IT Strings (Pvt) Ltd Comprehensive Database and Multimedia Solutions Phone No:7532148-9 Email: [email protected]


Kalsoft (Pvt) Ltd. Complete IT solutions for the business sector Phone No:111-40-30-20 Email: [email protected]


Lasaf Holding Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd The key to unprecedented success Phone No:5823858 Email: [email protected]


Marque Technologies (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:5742574 Email: [email protected]


Naveena Micro Systems (Pvt) Ltd. Complete IT Solutions Phone No:111-667-667 Email: [email protected]


Newtech Systems Biometrics Phone No:4525376


Email: [email protected]

Oursol (Pvt) Ltd. Our corporate mission is to redefine the parameters of the medical transcription solutions by becoming the benchmark. Phone No:2651607 Email: [email protected] website: Pacific e Business Solutions Customized Solutions, Web Development Phone No:2829070 Email: [email protected]


Pakistan Revenue Automation (Pvt) Ltd. Information Technology Solutions Provider Phone No:111-772-772 Email: [email protected]


PIBAS Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd An Umbrella of Total Banking Solutions Phone No:4555299 Email: [email protected]


Premier Software (Pvt) Ltd IT Solutions Providers Phone No:2400280/2436238


Email: [email protected]

Preston Software Services Complete Web Design and Programming Soulutions Phone No:2261373-4 Email: [email protected] PWC Consulting Technology Solutions (Pvt) Ltd Offshore IT Services Phone No:042-5884981 Email: [email protected]


Sahaz Software Corporation Web solutions,Software solutions,Networking solutions,Hosting solutions,Project Outsourcing,Systems engineering,Products sales & distribution,Commercial Designing-Printing & Publishing,3D Modeling. Phone No:1-530-898-7990 Email: [email protected] website: Sensors Network Solutions (SENSOL) Complete Softwaredevelopment/Web development/CAD/Networking/3D Animations/graphics/programming solutions Phone No:0333-4250565 Email: [email protected] website: Sigma Systems Syndicate Web Designing, Customized System Software Development, Software porting, monitoring & controlling, Data Capturing, entry & processing, Database Development,System & Network Engineering. Phone No:6660995, 6667322 Email: [email protected] Star Soft Software Development, Web and Graphic Designing, Network solution,Data wharehousing, Data Entry, Medical and Legal Transcription Phone No:813564-822138 Email: [email protected] website: System Innovations (Pvt) Ltd Turnkey Systems & Technology Integration Phone No:2420661 Email: [email protected] Tech Access Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd IT Solution providers and Network Security Consultants Phone No:2856740-43 Email: [email protected]



Technology Wisdom Client Satisfaction through our Quality Team Work We provide software engineering, game engineering and web engineering services. Phone No:+92 51 5537735 Email: [email protected] website: TNI Communications ONE STOP SHOP for IT & Advertising Phone No:5854569 Email: [email protected]


Universal-Solutions Group Solutions for Embadded Age Phone No:92-51-2294511


Email: [email protected]

Vision Pak International Software Solution Provider/IT Consultant Phone No:2251492 Email: [email protected]


Visual Soft Development (Pvt) Ltd. Call Center, Intelligent Traffic System (ITS), AVC, AVI, ETC, Custom Application Development, E-Commerce, Web Development, Distant Learning Apps, IVR, Computer Telephony, Fax Solutions, Calling Card Phone No:(051)5584677-9 Email: [email protected] website: Voice Tel Tech Card Operated Payphone Network Operator Phone No:2276284-5 Email: [email protected]


Xistech Web Designing & Development, Database, Software Development and Network Solutions Phone No:2105896-7 Email: [email protected] website: Xyber Moguls (Pvt) Ltd Solution Provider Phone No:5835374-5

Email: [email protected]


Graphics Design & Multimedia Abacus Consulting (Pvt) Ltd Management Consulting Phone No:5884981-4

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Acrologix (Pvt) Ltd Integrated Business Solutions Phone No:6664301-5

Amin Consulting (Private) Ltd. Software Engineering, Database Applications, Complete Web Designing, Data Entry Services Phone No:5759025

Email: [email protected]


Apvision (Pvt) Ltd Outsourcing Solutions, Software Solutions, Project Management. Phone No:+(92)(21) 582-2437

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Avenir Technologies Comprehensive IT Solution. Phone No:92-51-2877384

Beez Technologies (Pvt) Ltd Web Design and Programming Solutions Phone No:2201484-2201558

Email: [email protected]


BMA Technology Complete Web Design and Multimedia Solutions Phone No:92-51-2250321-2

Email: [email protected]


ClickSoft Clicksoft specializes in business management solutions for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry, Pharmaceutical Distributions, Flour Industry, Ginning and Pressing Industry, Petrol and CNG refueling. Phone No:042-6680272

Email: [email protected]

Concept Systems (Pvt) Ltd One Stop Shop to all your technology solutions Phone No:4555649

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Connect 2 Web (Pvt) Ltd. complete business solutions Phone No:4386185/922846

Cresset Technology Phone No:5763320/5763364

Cubex Systems PERL, PHP, CGI, MySQL, VB.Net, ASP,NET, SQL Server, System Amdinistration, Chat,Trouble Tickets Phone No:92-21-4390345

Email: [email protected]


Cybergate (Pvt) Ltd. Simple Solutions to Complex Problems Phone No:5756605/5758113

Email: [email protected]


Cyber-soft Technologies Complete Web Application Solutions Provider Phone No:111-600-222

Email: [email protected]


Dedicated IT Services (Pvt) Ltd. Information Technology Enablers with Global Expertise in Program-Project Management / Discovery / Delivery of Full Life Cycle IT Solutions for Large Enterprise Client-Server & Distributed Computing. Phone No:+92 42 5764971

Email: [email protected]


Digital Links The Solution Provider, Complete Web Site Solutions Client Server Applications, WAP Development, Ecommerce, Business and General Programming Solutins, Interactive & communication Designings & Intranet Phone No:5865976

Email: [email protected]


Digital Prodigy (Pvt) Ltd E-Commerce, Telemedicine, Healthcare solutions, Web design and development. Phone No:92-51-2820954

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Dream Designers Graphics Designing, Web Apps Phone No: 92-51-2823008

Eezee Soft Sol IT Solution Provider Phone No:92-303-7759223

Electronic Solutions Pakistan (ESOLPK) Complete Web Solutions, Databases and Programming Solutions Phone No:(92-51)2870640

Email: [email protected]


eTechsol International Integrated Business Solutions,E-Commerce Solutions,Management & Financial Applications Development and Complete Web Application Solutions Provider Phone No:5853153 Email: [email protected] website: Eycon Solutions MIS - Web - Graphics - Multimedia and Programming Solutions Phone No:2823179/2279372 Email: [email protected]


Fasttech Inernational (Pvt.) Ltd. Complete Web Design, Web Programming, Application Development, Web Development, Web Hosting, Domain Registration, eCommerce, Medical Transcription, Graphics Solution, Consultation Phone No:2873590 Email: [email protected] website: Fincon Complete Programming, Web Design and Network Solutions. Phone No:051-4430933 Email: [email protected]


Global Interlord Technologies Providing ALL sort of worldwide services in Pakistan Phone No:(042)584-5678 Email: [email protected]


Hudson Valley Webmasters Inc Web Design and Programming Solutions Phone No:021-4944729 Email: [email protected]


InfiniLogic (Private) Limited Business Solutions, Webite and Software Development and Management Phone No:(021) 580 1993 Email: [email protected]


Information link (Pvt.) Ltd. ISP and Software Development Services Phone No:+92(300)850-4420 Email: [email protected]


Islamabad Software Factory Software Development Services Phone No:+92(300)850-4420 Email: [email protected]


IT Promoters Wide range of healthcare and general administrative software & Medical Transcription service Phone No:2650114 Email: [email protected] website:

ITist Labs Web Applications, Software Development and Database Development/Integration Phone No:260328 Email: [email protected] website: Kalsoft (Pvt) Ltd. Complete IT solutions for the business sector Phone No:111-40-30-20 Email: [email protected]


Logics Valley I.T. Solution Providers Phone No:788454-762474


Email: [email protected]

Marque Technologies (Pvt) Ltd Phone No:5742574 Email: [email protected]


Naveena Micro Systems (Pvt) Ltd. Complete IT Solutions Phone No:111-667-667 Email: [email protected]


Newtech Systems Biometrics Phone No:4525376


Email: [email protected]

Omega Technologies Custom Software development Phone No:2273436 Email: [email protected]


Oursol (Pvt) Ltd. Our corporate mission is to redefine the parameters of the medical transcription solutions by becoming the benchmark. Phone No:2651607 Email: [email protected] website: Pacific e Business Solutions Customized Solutions, Web Development Phone No:2829070 Email: [email protected]


Pakistan Revenue Automation (Pvt) Ltd. Information Technology Solutions Provider Phone No:111-772-772 Email: [email protected]


Premier Software (Pvt) Ltd IT Solutions Providers Phone No:2400280/2436238


Email: [email protected]

Preston Software Services Complete Web Design and Programming Soulutions Phone No:2261373-4 Email: [email protected] PWC Consulting Technology Solutions (Pvt) Ltd Offshore IT Services Phone No:042-5884981 Email: [email protected]


Sahaz Software Corporation Web solutions,Software solutions,Networking solutions,Hosting solutions,Project Outsourcing,Systems engineering,Products sales & distribution,Commercial Designing-Printing & Publishing,3D Modeling. Phone No:1-530-898-7990 Email: [email protected] website: Sensors Network Solutions (SENSOL) Complete Softwaredevelopment/Web development/CAD/Networking/3D Animations/graphics/programming solutions Phone No:0333-4250565 Email: [email protected] website: Star Soft Phone No:813564-822138

Email: [email protected]


Sulata iSoft Internet, Intranet, Software and Multimedia Solutions Phone No:(0300)8454215 Email: [email protected]


Synergy Soft Image Processing Solutions,Point of sale systems, Web and general Application development Phone No:51-2241447 Email: [email protected] website: Technology Wisdom Client Satisfaction through our Quality Team Work We provide software engineering, game engineering and web engineering services. Phone No:+92 51 5537735 Email: [email protected] website: TNI Communications ONE STOP SHOP for IT & Advertising Phone No:5854569 Email: [email protected]


Trans-Soon valley (Pvt) Ltd Software development Phone No:051-2821128


Email: [email protected]

Unified Solution We Intergrate Your Information Systems Phone No:09221-5662632 Email: [email protected]


Unisoft (Pvt) Ltd Software Development and Web based applications. Phone No:2276839-487 Email: [email protected]


Universal Automation Systems Web-based database applications Phone No:2828674 Email: [email protected]


Universal-Solutions Group Solutions for Embadded Age Phone No:92-51-2294511


Email: [email protected]

Vector Technologies Complete Web Design and Programming Solutions Phone No:+92-42-5892863-5 Email: [email protected]


Virtual Grafix .Phone No:6653377


Email: [email protected]

Vision Pak International Software Solution Provider/IT Consultant Phone No:2251492 Email: [email protected]


Visual Soft Development (Pvt) Ltd. Call Center, Intelligent Traffic System (ITS), AVC, AVI, ETC, Custom Application Development, E-Commerce, Web Development, Distant Learning Apps, IVR, Computer Telephony, Fax Solutions, Calling Card Phone No:(051)5584677-9 Email: [email protected] website: Web Dynamics Web Design and programming solutions Phone No:576-3019 Email: [email protected]


Xistech Web Designing & Development, Database, Software Development and Network Solutions Phone No:2105896-7

Email: [email protected]


Consultancy & Skill Development Abacus Consulting (Pvt) Ltd Management Consulting Phone No:5884981-4

Email: [email protected]


Amin Consulting (Private) Ltd. Software Engineering, Database Applications, Complete Web Designing, Data Entry Services Phone No:5759025

Email: [email protected]


Apvision (Pvt) Ltd Outsourcing Solutions, Software Solutions, Project Management. Phone No:+(92)(21) 582-2437

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Avenir Technologies Comprehensive IT Solution. Phone No:92-51-2877384

Beez Technologies (Pvt) Ltd Web Design and Programming Solutions Phone No:2201484-2201558

Email: [email protected]


BIT Soft (Programming,Web Design,Consultancy, Artificial Intelligence, Control System Solutions) Phone No:839036

Email: [email protected]


ClickSoft Clicksoft specializes in business management solutions for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry, Pharmaceutical Distributions, Flour Industry, Ginning and Pressing Industry, Petrol and CNG refueling. Phone No:042-6680272

Email: [email protected]

Communication & Computer Technology (Pvt) Ltd Software Development and Solutions Phone No:2262081/2253354

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]


Connect 2 Web (Pvt) Ltd. complete business solutions Phone No:4386185/922846

Crescent Software Products (Pvt) Ltd. Software Solutions Phone No:+92-42-6311660/2

Email: [email protected]


Cubex Systems PERL, PHP, CGI, MySQL, VB.Net, ASP,NET, SQL Server, System Amdinistration, Chat,Trouble Tickets Phone No:92-21-4390345

Email: [email protected]


Cybergate (Pvt) Ltd. Simple Solutions to Complex Problems Phone No:5756605/5758113

Email: [email protected]


Dedicated IT Services (Pvt) Ltd. Information Technology Enablers with Global Expertise in Program-Project Management / Discovery / Delivery of Full Life Cycle IT Solutions for Large Enterprise Client-Server & Distributed Computing. Phone No:+92 42 5764971

Email: [email protected]


Digital Links The Solution Provider, Complete Web Site Solutions Client Server Applications, WAP Development, Ecommerce, Business and General Programming Solutins, Interactive & communication Designings & Intranet Phone No:5865976

Email: [email protected]


Dotcom Vivid Computer House Complete Business Solutions relating to IT and E-commece Phone No:+92-693-61166/61986 Email: [email protected]


E-Consulting Services Data Migration and Application Conversion, Mobile Computing, Handheld Pocket PC Development, ORACLE Enterprise Solutions Phone No:4574608, 4386606

Email: [email protected]


Electronic Solutions Pakistan (ESOLPK) Complete Web Solutions, Databases and Programming Solutions Phone No:(92-51)2870640

Email: [email protected]

Emmaculate Your Business Solutions Partner Phone No:4314702/4313902 Email: [email protected]



eTechsol International Integrated Business Solutions,E-Commerce Solutions,Management & Financial Applications Development and Complete Web Application Solutions Provider Phone No:5853153-5852533-34 Email: [email protected]


Eycon Solutions MIS - Web - Graphics - Multimedia and Programming Solutions Phone No:2823179/2279372 Email: [email protected]


Fasttech Inernational (Pvt.) Ltd. Complete Web Design, Web Programming, Application Development, Web Development, Web Hosting, Domain Registration, eCommerce, Medical Transcription, Graphics Solution, Consultation Phone No:2873590 Email: [email protected] website: Fincon Complete Programming, Web Design and Network Solutions. Phone No:051-4430933 Email: [email protected]


Global Interlord Technologies Providing ALL sort of worldwide services in Pakistan Phone No:(042)584-5678 Email: [email protected]


Hagler Bailly Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. Information Technology Programs Phone No:92 (51) 265 0475 Email: [email protected]


Information link (Pvt.) Ltd. ISP and Software Development Services Phone No:+92(300)850-4420 Email: [email protected]


Islamabad Software Factory Software Development Services Phone No:+92(300)850-4420 Email: [email protected]


IT Promoters Wide range of healthcare and general administrative software & Medical Transcription service Phone No:2650114 Email: [email protected] website: Kalsoft (Pvt) Ltd. Complete IT solutions for the business sector Phone No:111-40-30-20 Email: [email protected]


Lasaf Holding Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd The key to unprecedented success Phone No:5823858 Email: [email protected]


Logics Valley I.T. Solution Providers Phone No:788454-762474


Email: [email protected]

N Soft Complete Web Design , Database Programming and IT Training Solutions Phone No:0441-67741 Email: [email protected]


Naveena Micro Systems (Pvt) Ltd. Complete IT Solutions Phone No:111-667-667 Email: [email protected]


Pacific e Business Solutions Customized Solutions, Web Development Phone No:2829070 Email: [email protected],


Pakistan Revenue Automation (Pvt) Ltd. Information Technology Solutions Provider Phone No:111-772-772 Email: [email protected]


PIBAS Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd An Umbrella of Total Banking Solutions Phone No:4555299 Email: [email protected]


Premier Software (Pvt) Ltd IT Solutions Providers Phone No:2400280/2436238


Email: [email protected]

Preston Software Services Complete Web Design and Programming Soulutions Phone No:2261373-4 Email: [email protected] PWC Consulting Technology Solutions (Pvt) Ltd Offshore IT Services Phone No:042-5884981 Email: [email protected]


Sahaz Software Corporation Web solutions,Software solutions,Networking solutions,Hosting solutions,Project Outsourcing,Systems engineering,Products sales & distribution,Commercial Designing-Printing & Publishing,3D Modeling. Phone No:1-530-898-7990 Email: [email protected] website: Sharp Soft SharpSoft is an Independent software house providing the software solutions and IT services. Phone No:03009428297 Email: [email protected] website: Sigma Systems Syndicate Web Designing, Customized System Software Development, Software porting, monitoring & controlling, Data Capturing, entry & processing, Database Development,System & Network Engineering. Phone No:6660995, 6667322 Email: [email protected] Softflux Corporation Wireless Application Development Firm Phone No:5876209 Email: [email protected]


Star Soft Software Development, Web and Graphic Designing, Network solution,Data wharehousing, Data Entry, Medical and Legal Transcription Phone No:813564-822138 Email: [email protected] website: Sulata iSoft Internet, Intranet, Software and Multimedia Solutions Phone No:(0300)8454215 Email: [email protected]


Synergy Soft Image Processing Solutions,Point of sale systems, Web and general Application development Phone No:51-2241447 Email: [email protected] website:

System Innovations (Pvt) Ltd Turnkey Systems & Technology Integration Phone No:2420661 Email: [email protected]


Technology Wisdom Client Satisfaction through our Quality Team Work We provide software engineering, game engineering and web engineering services. Phone No:+92 51 5537735 Email: [email protected] website: TNI Communications ONE STOP SHOP for IT & Advertising Phone No:5854569 Email: [email protected]


Trans-Soon valley (Pvt) Ltd Software development Phone No:051-2821128

Email: [email protected]


Universal-Solutions Group Solutions for Embadded Age Phone No:92-51-2294511

Email: [email protected]


Vision Pak International Software Solution Provider/IT Consultant Phone No:2251492 Email: [email protected]


Xistech Web Designing & Development, Database, Software Development and Network Solutions Phone No:2105896-7 Email: [email protected] website: Xorlogics Merging ideas into technology Phone No:4438627-9 Email: [email protected]


Xyber Moguls (Pvt) Ltd Solution Provider Phone No:5835374-5


Email: [email protected]

Chartered Universities/Degree Awarding Institutes of Pakistan in Public Sector 1

Air University, Islamabad


Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad


Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan


Bahria University, Islamabad


Balochistan University of Engineering and Technology, Khuzdar


Balochistan University of Information Technology and Management Sciences, Quetta


COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad


Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi


Federal Urdu University of Arts, Sciences and Technology, Islamabad


Gomal University, D.I. Khan


Government College University, Faisalabad


Government College University, Lahore


Hazara University, Dodhial, Mansehra


Institute of Business Administration, Karachi


Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar


International Islamic University, Islamabad


Islamia University, Bahawlpur


Karakuram International University, Gilgit


Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore


Kohat University of Science & Technology, Kohat


Lahore College for Women University, Lahore


Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences, Jamshoro Sindh


Mehran University of Eng. & Technology, Jamshoro


National College of Arts, Lahore


National Textile University, Faisalabad (Federal Chartered)


National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad


National University of Sciences & Technology , Rawalpindi


NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi


NWFP University of Agriculture, Peshawar


NWFP University of Engineering & Technology, Peshawar


Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Islamabad


Pakistan Military Academy, Abbottabad


Pakistan Naval Academy, Karachi


Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science & Technology, Nawabshah


Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad


Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur


Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam


University of Agriculture, Faisalabad


University of Arid Agriculture, Murree Road, Rawalpindi


University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir


University of Balochistan, Quetta

42 43 44

University of Education, Lahore University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila


University of Health Sciences, Lahore


University of Karachi, Karachi


University of Malakand, Chakdara, Dir. Malakand

48 49

University of Peshawar, Peshawar University of Sargodha, Sargodha


University of Sindh, Jamshoro


University of the Punjab, Lahore


University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore


Virtual University of Pakistan, Lahore

45 (Universities) + 8 (Degree Awarding Institutes) = 53 Chartered Universities

Chartered Universities/Degree Awarding Institutes of Pakistan in Private Sector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Agha Khan University, Karachi Al-Khair University, AJK Baqai Medical University, Karachi CECOS University of Information Technology and Emerging Sciences, Peshawar City University of Science & Information Technology, Peshawar Dadabhoy Institutes of Higher Education, Karachi DHA Suffa University, Karachi Foundation University, Islamabad


Gandhara University, Peshawar

10 11

Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology, Swabi Greenwich University, Karachi


Hajvery University, Lahore


Hamdard University, Karachi


Imperial College of Business Studies, Lahore


Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture, Karachi


Institute of Business Management, Karachi


Institute of Business & Technology BIZTEC, Karachi


Institute of Management & Technology, Lahore


Institute of Management Sciences, Lahore


Institute of South Asia, Lahore


Iqra University, Quetta

22 23

Iqra University, Karachi Isra University, Hyderabad

24 25

Jinnah University for Women, Karachi Karachi Institute of Economics & Technology, Karachi

26 27

KASB (Khadim Ali Shah Bukhari) Institute of Technology, Karachi Lahore School of Economics, Lahore


Lahore University of Management Sciences, Lahore


Mohi-ud-Din Islamic University, AJK


Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Karachi


National College of Buisness Administration& Economics (NCBA&E) Lahore


National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Islamabad

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

Newports Institute of Communications and Economics, Karachi Northern University, Nowshera Cantonment Preston Institute of Management Sciences and Technology, Karachi Preston University, Kohat Qurtaba University of Science & Information Technology, D. I. Khan Riphah International University, Islamabad Sarhad University of Science & Information Technology, Peshawar Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science & Technology (SZABIST), Karachi Sir Syed University of Engg. & Technology, Karachi Textile Institute of Pakistan, Karachi University of Central Punjab, Lahore University of Faisalabad, Faisalabad


University of Lahore, Lahore


Zia-ud-Din Medical University, Karachi

31 (Universities) + 15 (Degree Awarding Institutes) = 46 Degree Awarding Institutes

Chartered Universities / Degree Awarding Institutes of Pakistan in Public and Private Sectors Seniority List Universities/Institutes

Date of Establishment


Punjab University, New Campus, Lahore



Sindh University, Jamshoro, Sindh



Pakistan Military Academy, Kakul, Abbottabad



University of Engg. & Technology, Lahore


5. 6. 7. 8.

Peshawar University, Peshawar Karachi University, University Road,, Karachi 75270 University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. Military College of Engineering, Risalpur.

30-10-1950 June 1951 1-11-1961 9-5-1962

9. Quaid-e-Azam University, P.O.Box 1090, Islamabad 10. Pakistan Naval Academy, Karachi

May 1965 12-11-1965

11. Balochistan University, Sariab Road, Quetta


12. Allama Iqbal Open University, Sector H-8, Islamabad


13. Gomal University, D.I.Khan


14. B.Z.University, Multan, 60800.


15. Islamia University, Bahawalpur


16. Mehran University of Engg.& Technology, Jamshoro


17. NED University of Engg. & Technology, Karachi 75270


18. Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, Sindh


19. Azad Jammu & Kashmir University, Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir


20. NWFP Engg. University, P.O. Box 814, Peshawar


21. International Islamic University, P.O. Box 1243, Islamabad


22. NWFP Agriculture University, P.O. Pak. Forest Institute Peshawar


23. Aga Khan University, Stadium Road, P.O. Box 3500, Karachi 74800


24. National College of Arts, 4 Shahrae Quaid-I-Azam, Lahore,


25. Lahore University of Management Sciences, Opp. Sector U, Lahore Cantonment Co-operative Society, Lahore, 54792.


26. Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, Sindh


27. Hamdard University , Madina-tal-Hikmat, Muhammad Bin Qasim Avenue, Karachi 74700 28. National University of Sciences & Technology, Tameez-ud-Din Road Lal Kurti, Old Defence College Building, Rawalpindi Cantt. Rawalpindi 29. University of Engg. & Technology, Taxila

22-2-1992 13-3-1993 10-10-1993

30. Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology, Topi, Distt. Swabi 31. Al-Khair University, Mirpur, Azad Kashmir


32. Indus Valley School of Art & Architecture, Street, 33, Block-2, Scheme-5, Clifton, Karachi-75600 33. Balochistan University of Engg & Technology, Khuzdar 34. Institute of Business Administration, University Road , Karachi 35. University of Arid Agriculture, Murree Road, Rawalpindi


36. Zia-ud-din Medical University, Block B, North Nazimabad Karachi


37. Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology, University Road, Karachi-75300 38. Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science & Technology, 90Clifton, Karachi 39. Baqai Medical University, 51 Deh Tar, Gadap Road, P.O. Box 2407, Karachi 40. Quaid-I-Awam University of Engineering, Science and Technology, Nawabshah 41. Government College, Lahore 42. Lahore School of Economics, 105-C-2, Gulberg III, Lahore 43. Isra University, Halla Road P.O. Box 313, Hyderabad 44. Greenwich University, Karachi 45. Institute of Business Management, Korangi Creek, Karachi-75190 46. Jinnah University for Women, 5-C, Nazimabad Karachi 74600 47. Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi 48. Lahore College for Women University, Lahore 49. Mohi-ud-Din Islamic University, Nerian Sharif (Trarkhal), AJK 50. Bahria University, Islamabad. 51. Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Islamabad 52. Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Karachi 53. Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology, PAF Base Korangi Creek, Karachi 54. National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad. 55. Iqra University, Defence View, Shaheed-e-Millat Extension, P.O. Box 12240, Karachi-75500 56. National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, FAST House, Rohtas Road, G-9/4, Islamabad. 57. COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Plot No. 30, Sector H8, Islamabad. 58. The Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences, Jamshoro 59. Textile Institute of Pakistan, City Campus A-142, Sindhi Muslim Housing Society, Karachi 75400 60. Khadim Ali Shah Bokhari (KASB) Institute of Technology, 84-B, Sindhi Muslim Cooperative Housing Society, P.O. Box 10526, Karachi 74400 61. Preston Institute of Management Science and Technology, Karachi 62. University of Hazara (Functional in October, 2001) 63. City University of Science & Information Technology, Peshawar 64. CECOS University of Information Technology & Emerging Sciences, Peshawar



3-8-1994 17-8-1994 24-5-1995

25-10-1995 26-5-1996 7-8-1996 16-6-1997 8-1-1997 27-9-1997 3-2-1998 27-4-1998 2-6-1998 5-8-1998 27-8-1999 18-1-2000 7-2-2000 22-3-2000 1-7-1988 24-5- 2000 29-5-2000 21-6-2000 1-7-2000 12-8-2000 20-1-2001 21-4-2001 28-6-2001 31-7-2001 October, 2001 30-8-2001 30-8-2001

65. Qurtaba University of Science & Information Technology, Peshawar 66. Sarhad University of Science & Information Technology, No. 2, Sir Syed Road, Peshawar, Cantt. 67. Kohat University of Science & Technology, Kohat 68. University of Malakand, Peshawar 69. Institute of Management Sciences, 23 E-III, Gulberg-III, Lahore 70. Imperial College of Business Studies, Zafar Ali Road, Lahore 71. Insitute of Management & Technology, Lahore-11-Aibak Block, New Garden, Town, Lahore 72. National College of Business Administration & Economics, ,40-E-1, Gulberg-III, Lahore. 73. University of Central Punjab, 31-Main Gulberg, Lahore 74. DHA Suffa University, Karachi 75. The Newport Institute of Communications and Economics, Karachi 76. University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore 77. Balochistan University of Information Technology & Management Sciences, Quetta 78. Karakurum International University, Gilgit 79. University of Education, Lahore 80. Virtual University (VU) 3rd floor Building # 1-2, Aiwan-e-Iqbal Complex, Egerton Road, Lahore 81. University of Health Sciences, Lahore

30-8-2001 30-8-2001

82. Hajvery University, 43/44-Industrial Area, Gulberg-III, Lahore 83. University of Faisalabad, Faisalabad 84. Institute of Management Science, Peshawar 85. University of Lahore, Lahore 1-K.M., Thokar Niaz Baig, Lahore 86. Riphah International University, Islamabad 87. Foundation University, Islamabad 88. Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore 89. Air University, Islamabad 90. Northern University, Nowshera 91. Federal Urdu University of Arts, Sciences and Technology, Islamabad 92. University of Sargodha, Sargodha 93. Gandhara University, Peshawar 94. Preston University, Kohat 95. National Textile University, Faisalabad 96. Iqra University, Quetta 97. Govt. College University, Faisalabad 98. Institute of South Asia, Lahore 99. Dadabhoy Institute of Higher Education, Karachi 100. Institute of Business & Technology, Karachi

2-10-2002 2-10-2002 2-10-2002 2-10-2002 16-10-2002 25-10-2002 25-10-2002 29-10-2002 2-11-2002 13-11-2002 16-11-2002 23-11-2002 23-11-2002 15-11-2002 02-11-2002 19-10-2002 27-7-2003 12-1-2004 12-1-2004

31-8-2001 27-10-2001 10-4-2002 10-4-2002 10-4-2002 10-4-2002 10-4-2002 27-5-2002 30-5-2002 8-6-2002 18-7-2002 27-8-2002 10-9-2002 11-9-2002 28-9-2002

ENGINEERING UNIVERSITIES / INSTITUTIONS Following is the list of Province wise Engineering Universities / Institutions with Disciplines being offered.


NWFP University of Engineering & Technology, Peshawar B.Sc. Engineering (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Mining, Agriculture, Chemical and Computer Information Systems)


College of Aeronautical Engineering, Risalpur (NUST) B.E. (Aerospace and Avionics)


Military College of Engineering, Risalpur (NUST) B.E. Civil.


Ghulam Ishaque Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Topi – Swabi B.Sc. Engineering (Mechanical, Electronics, Metallurgy & Material, Computer System and Engineering Sciences)


CECOS University of Information Technology and Emerging Sciences, Peshawar B.Sc. Civil and Electrical Engineering


Peshawar College of Engineering (NWFP UET), Peshawar B.Sc. Electrical Engineering.


University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore B.Sc. Engineering (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical, Metallurgical, Mining, PetroGas and Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering).


Institute of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Lahore (University of the Punjab) B.Sc. Engineering (Chemical, Metallurgy & Materials Science)


University of Agriculture, Faisalabad B.Sc. Engineering (Agricultural).


NFC Institute of Engineering and Technological Training, Multan (Bahauddin Zakariya University) B.Sc. Engineering (Chemical).


College of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering, Rawalpindi (NUST) B.E. (Electrical, Mechanical, Computer and Mechatronics).


Military College of Signals, Rawalpindi (NUST) B.E. Electrical (Communication) and Computer Software.


University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila B.Sc. Engineering (Civil, Electrical and Mechanical)


University College of Engineering and Technology (BZU), Multan B.Sc. Engineering (Civil and Electrical)


National College of Textile Engineering (UET, Lahore), Faisalabad B.Sc. (Textile Engineering)


NFC Institute of Engineering & Fertilizer Research (UET Lahore), Faisalabad B.Sc. (Chemical Engineering)


Islamic International Engineering College (UET Taxila), Islamabad B.Sc. Electrical Engineering (Communication)


COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (Jauhar Campus), Islamabad B.Sc. Computer Engineering


NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi B.E. (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Computer and Information Systems, Textile, Electronics and Industrial & Manufacturing)


Institute of Industrial Electronics Engineering (PCSIR), Karachi (NED-UET) B.E. (Industrial Electronics)


Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro B.E. (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics, Industrial, Mining, Metallurgical, Chemical, Petrogas, Computer Systems and Textile)


Usman Institute of Technology, Karachi (Hamdard University) B.E. (Electronics and Computer Systems)


Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi B.S. (Civil, Electronics, Bio-Medical and Computer Engineering)


Pakistan Navy Engineering College, Karachi (NUST) B.E. (Electrical and Mechanical)


Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science & Technology, Nawabshah B.E. (Civil, Electrical and Mechanical and Computer Systems)


Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam B.E. (Agricultural). BALOCHISTAN


Balochistan University of Engineering & Technology, Khuzdar B.E.( Civil, Electrical and Mechanical).

AJ&K 1.

Ali Ahmed Shah, University College of Engineering & Technology, Mirpur, AJ&K B.Sc. (Electrical Engineering).


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Aster Net

Alphabetical List of Major ISPs with Cities ISP




Aga Khan University



Apolo Online



Asia Online



AT&T Global Networks



AZM Technologies









Brain Net

Karachi, Lahore


Click Online












Cyber Access



Cyber Net



 Dancom Online









Excel Net



Expert Net















Go Net



Habib Rafiq International


(042) 5717162-4

Hamdard Education Net






Iqra Net



 Micro Net



MS Net






Pakistan Online









Speedia Online









Top Net






Web Net




Karachi, Lahore



Karachi, Lahore


World Tel



 World Online



Zab Net



Note: Key Boardband 

Dial Up

Approved projects for Information Technology & Telecommunication

S. No.

Name of the Project / (Implementing Agency)

Executing Agency

Date of approval

Duration (Months)

Date of completion

Total Cost (Rs. illion)


Training of Data Entry Operators (COMSATS)







Consultancy Program for IT Development (IT&TC Division)

IT & TC Division






Re-Training of Public Service Engineers and Scientists. (IT&TC Div)

IT & TC Division






Internetwork Training Program (CISCO Training). (COMSAT )







Qarz-e-Hasna for IT Students (Changed into scholarship program). (IT&TC Div)

IT & TC Division






Scholarships for IT Human Resoruce Development. (IT&TC Division)

IT & TC Division





7 8

IT Faculty Hiring Program (COMSAT) Training of Medical Transcriptionists (COMSAT)


31-Aug-00 31-Aug-00

12 21

31-Aug-01 31-May-02

39.682 25.000










Government Online (COMSAT)



Citizen Online (websites for Ministries/Divisions) / ( IT Commission)



IT resource Development- training of Federal Government Employees in BPS5 to 16 in IT (COMSAT)







Establishment of Center for Computer Engineering and Informatics (UET Taxila)

UET Taxila






Strengthening Existing Capacities for IT Education (Ag. Uni. Faisalabad)






Strengthening of COMSATS Institute of IT (COMSAT)

University of Agriculture Faisalabad COMSATS






Information Technology Programme at IT Centre, City Campus, NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi

NED University of Engg. & Tech. , Karachi






Strengthening the Department of Computer Science Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur

Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur






IT resource Development- Pilot Project for producing 1,000 Developers in JAVA Technology. (COMSATS)







Strengthening of NUST Institute of IT







Preparation of E-Government Architecture and Identification of Projects to be Undertaken in 2000-02 (IT Commission)







Training in Information Technology for federal employees (PCB) Establishment of Computer Science and Information Technology Department at Balochistan University of Engineering & Technology, Khuzdar






BUET, Khuzdar





Strengthening of IT Institute (International Islamic University, Ibd)

International Islamic University, Islamabad








Strengthening the Existing Capacity for IT Education (Govt. College Lahore)

Government College, Lahore






Strengthening of IT Labs, Department of Computer Science (Bahauddin Zakaria University Multan)

Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan






Strengthening of Existing Capcity for IT Education, (Islamia University Bahawalpur)

Islamia University, Bahawalpur






Strengthening of Existing IT Facilities (Fatima Jinnah Women University, Pindi)






Pilot project of Govt. Intranet (NTC)

Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi NTC






Establishment of IT Center for Women at FG College for Women, Gilgit and FG College for Women, Skardu. (Education Dept. NA)

Education Department, Northern Areas, Gilgit






Establishment of IT Center for Men at Postgraduate College Gilgit and Degree College, Skardu. (Education Dept. NA)

Education Department, Northern Areas, Gilgit






IT Resources Development-Training of graduates having MS/BE Degree from Baluchistan. (COMSAT)







Establishment of Punjab University College of IT( PU Lahore)

Punjab University, Lahore






Strengthening of Center for Computer Information system Engineering (UET Peshawer)

NWFP UET, Peshawar






Establishment of Center of Excellence in IT Jamshoro (Sindh University Jamshoro)

University of Sindh, Jamshoro






Introduction of Computer in 20 Federal Govt. Educational institution in Cantts/Garrison (MOD)

Ministry of Defence






To Increase the Output of IT Graduates (NWFP, Ag. Uni Peshawer)

NWFP Agricultural University, Peshawar






Margalla Training Institute of IT & Pilot Project (Heavy Industries Taxila)

Heavy Industries Taxila






Strengthening and Upgradation of Institute of Computing & IT & Dept. of Business Administration (Gomal Uni. D.I. Khan) Upgradation of Existing Computer center to Department of Computer Sc. & IT(AJK Uni. Muzzarabad)

Gomal Univesity, D.I Khan





University of Azad, Jammu & Kashmir, Muzaffarabad






Establishment of Faculty of Information Technology (IBA Sukkar)

IBA, Sukkur






Development of the Department of Computer Science (Uni. of Karachi)

University of Karachi,






Multimedia Electronic Courseware Design Center. (AIOU, Islamabad)






Strengthening of IT Center (Lahore Colloege for Women)

Allam Iqbal Open University Islamabad Lahore College for Women






Establishment of Institute of Information Technology (Mehran University of Eng. Jamshoro)

Mehran University of Engineering & Technology Jamshoro







Construction of Academic Block for COMSATS institute of IT.







IT Infrastructure Support for Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied Sciences. (PIEAS, Islamabad)






Upgradation of Department of Computer Sc. As Institute of IT (Uni. of Peshawer) Establishment of Virtual IT University (IT&TC Division)

Pakistan Institute of Engineering & applied sciences, ISB University of Peshawar IT & TC Division









47 48

Multi-Serivces Data Network.







Training in information technology for the employees of all the provinces (PCB/PSEB)







Introduction of computers in 23 Federal colleges in Cantt (FGEI/ CG Directorate)

FGEI (C/G) Dte






Strengthening & capacity building at CTC. (Computer Trng Cnter, Ibd)

Computer Training Center (CTC)






Agro Information Technology Center (AITC) Tandojam . (Sindh Ag. University Tando Jam)

Sind Agriculture University, Tandojam






Expansion of Department of Computer Science and IT, UET Lahore

UET Lahore






Data Network at STP Lahore. (PSEB)







Mobilization of Technology Resources (Tremu)







Monitoring of IT Projects

IT &TC Div






Establishment of CIIT Campus at Tobe Camp, Abbottabad (COMSAT)







IT Research Training Center, COMSTECH, Islamabad







Establishment of Computer Labs in Secondary Schools of AJK for Training of Students and Community Support (NTC, Prov. IT Boards)

NTC & Provincial IT Boards






Establishment of Computer Labs in Secondary Schools of Balochistan for Training of Students and Community Support. (NTC, Prov. IT Boards)

NTC & Provincial IT Boards






Establishment of Computer Labs in Secondary Schools of NWFP for Training of Students and Community Support. (NTC, Prov. IT Boards)

NTC & Provincial IT Boards






Establishment of Computer Labs in Secondary Schools of Sindh for Training of Students and Community Support (NTC, Prov. IT Boards)

NTC & Provincial IT Boards






Establishment of Computer Labs in Secondary Schools of Punjab for Training of Students and Community Support (NTC, Prov. IT Boards)

NTC & Provincial IT Boards






Design and Development of Virtual Private Network Encryption System for Indigenous Production in the country. (Military College of Signals, Rawalpindi)

Military College of Signals, Rawalpindi






Design and Development of Multi Channel Speech Compression System for Indigenous Production in the country. (Military College of Signals, Rawalpindi)

Military College of Signals, Rawalpindi






Establishment of Center for Information Technology (Revised) (Arid Uni, Pindi)

University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpndi






Refurbishment work of Offices of M/O Science & Technology at 4th Floor of ETPB Complex, Islamabad (IT&TC Div)







IT Plan for 9th SAF Games. (SAF Organising Committee)

9th SAF Games Organizing Committee






Capacity Buliding for IMS Personnel (Training of Officers and Staff handling Information Management System at NAB)

National Accountability Bureau (NAB)






Scholarships for FATA, Capital, AJK & NA IT HRD Program (Continuation) NEW. (IT&TC Div) Scholarships for Baluchistan IT HRD Program (Continuation). (IT&TC Div)

IT & TC Division





IT & TC Division





Scholarships for NWFP IT HRD Program (Continuation) NEW. (IT&TC Div) Scholarships for Sindh IT HRD Program (Continuation) NEW. (IT&TC Div)

IT & TC Division





IT & TC Division






Scholarships for Punjab IT HRD Program (Continuation) NEW (IT&TC Div)

IT & TC Division






Software Technology Park in the Private Sector(PSEB)







Educational Intranet (NTC) (Total cost is 333.318, GOP share is 184.936)







Data node at the Software Technology Park in the Evacuee Trust Building( ETB)(PSEB)







Enhancement of PMO Computerization. (Defence project)







PAKSAT Consultancy







Establishment of data node for software companies at Peshawar(PSEB)







Introduction of Computer education in 25 F.G/Model Colleges and Schools in Islamabad Capital Territory

Federal Directorate Of Education






Payment of salary to Federal Government employee through ATM. (IT Commission, National Bank of Pakistan)@( Total Cost Rs 33.571 Million; 50% IT&T Div Share)







International Products Business plans, Products and marketing/sales (PSEB)







Industrial Automation (Bridge 2002). (PSEB)







Domestic Exhibition [PSEB)







Internship (Groom 2002). (PSEB)







Marketing Launch Phase 1 (PSEB)







Software Industry Info Center. (PSEB)






71 72




Establishment of COMSATS Institute of IT at Lahore: Phase-I of National University of Engineering and Information Technology (NUEIT), Lahore. Information Technology Resource Development Legal Transcription Training (COMSAT)






COMSATS Institute of IT






Establishment of IT Institute (Quaid-eAwam University Nawabshah)

Quaid-e-Awam University, Nawabshah






UET Taxila (Endowment Fund)

UET Taxila




93 94

UET, Lahore (Endowment Fund) Mehran UET Jamshoro (Endowment Fund)

UET, Lahore Mehran UET Jamshoro

8-Feb-02 8-Feb-02

12 60

8-Feb-03 7-Feb-07

195.000 110.000


NED UET Karachi (Endowment Fund)

NED UET Karachi




Quaid-e-Awam University Nawabshah (Endowment Fund)

Quaid-eAwam University Nawabshah



Establishment of Petorman University (Petroman)




PIEAS (Endowment Fund)



UET Peshawer (Endowment Fund)

UET Peshawer


NUST (Endowment Fund)







NUST IT Institute







Installation Of LAN and implementation Of Mail tracking system







Kohat university Of Science & Technology







Infrastructure setup for AJ&K Master implementation Plan

Govt Of AJ&K






IT Training For Students & Jobless Graduates Sind.

Govt of Sindh






E-Govt. Agency Specific & General application (WEBSITE on Geo Data)

P&D, Govt Of Sind






Setting up an IT infrastructure for City District Governments Karachi.

P&D, Govt Of Sind






E-Government Pillot Project For Sind Government.

P&D, Govt Of Sind






ICT Infrastructure & Readiness.







International Exibitions







Standardization Of Pakistan software Industry







Development Of Project Management Systems-(NWFP)

Govt Of NWFP






Project For Development Of Inter agency Flow Of information systems (NWFP)

Govt Of NWFP






IT Training For Sind Government Employees (SIND)

P&D, Govt Of Sind






Geographical Information Systems to Facilitate the investors for mineral exploration/mining in NWFP

Govt Of NWFP






Establishment of Intranet dial up between Finanace & Planning departments(NWFP)

Govt Of NWFP






















Process Mapping & Essential Reengineering At MOST Establishment Of The Centre For Digital Signal Processing & Wireless Communication At UET Lahore.












Convergence Of IT Based Medical education.







IT Skill Enablement Of Probationary Officers Of Civil Services. Establishment of a Multimedia Paltform for the Virtual University,Educational Programming & E-Government.






Virtual University






Establishment Of Centres For Computer Sciences & Information Technology at Sub-Campuses Kotli & Rawalakot.

University of Azad, Jammu & Kashmir, Muzaffarabad






Balochistan University Of Information Technology & Management Sciences, Quetta (Phase I).

Govt. Of Baluchistan






Accreditation Council for Education in Information Technology (ACEIT).







Umair Bhasha Institute Of Information Technology(Endowment Fund)







Renovation,Development&Uplift of Civil Infrastructure at CIIT Abbottabad







Provision of support facilities at CIIT, Lahore. Establishment Of CISCO Networking Academics












Punjab IntraNet






Computerization of Arm Licences (Phase-I) Sialkot Model IT District





















Computerization of Registration Deeds (Phase-I)

Punjab IT Department Punjab IT Department Punjab IT Department Punjab IT Department


Institutional Strengthening of Pakistan Computer Bureau

Pakistan Computer Bureau

134 135

PAKSAT Satellite on Rent Project Establishment of Centre of Excelence for ASIC Design & DSP at UET Taxila

NTC UET Taxila

5-Jul-02 27-Aug-02

60 24

4-Jul-07 26-Aug-04

264.00 34.988


Secure email & internet connectivity at MOST Establishment of Computer Lab at MCJ











Computer Equipment & Manpower PAF Schools and Colleges

Directorate of Schools and Colleges Training Branch Rear Air Headquarters Peshawar



Automation of EPB: (Online Internet/Intranet Office Connectivity and with major stake holders including Foreign Missions abroad).

Export Promotion Bureaue



Pakistan health Information Online (Health Information Resource Center).



Establishment of LAN for Ministry of Science & Technology

Pakistan Medical Research Council (PMRC) NTC






Establishment of Centre of IT Inoculation for Security Strategists

National Defence College, Islamabad







12.875 34.146






Establishment of IT Center Cadet College Sanghar.

Cadet College Sanghar.


International Gate Way Exchange & Earth Station For AJ&K & NAS (Project No. 11/2002-2003)"







CMM Pakistan-2003-Stndaerdixation of Pakistan Software Industry Secure Electronic Communications & Office Automation at Prime Ministers Secretariate Introduction of Computer Education in Cadet College Plandri. Operationalization of 5000 Lines GSM project gift accepted by President of Pakistan for AJ&K. Lexicon, Machine Translation & Text to Speech Software for Urdu.











Govt. of AJK














Industrial Information Network (IIN) For Small & Medium Entrepreneurs. Setting up of a Campus-wide network and up-gradation of I.T. Training facilities at Pakistan Administrative Staff College, Lahore. Strengthening Of Polytechnics (Introduction of Computer/Information Technology at Govt. Polytechnic Institute, Mardan)











Industries Department (Technical Education & Manpower Training), Govt. of NWFP. M/o Education














Hospital Management Infromation System (HMIS) & Networking Facilities at the New Premises of SIUT Upgradation of IT Infrastructure (Pakistan Millitary Academy ,Kakul) Automation of District Bar Courts.

















Technical Support To IT Departments Of Provinces & AJK







E-Enablement Of Senate Of Pakistan For Facilitation Of Parliamentarians & Enhanced Citizen Participation







E-Enablement Of National Assembly Of Pakistan For Facilitation Of Parliamentarians & Enhanced Citizen Participation







Electronic Office at Ministry of Information Technology







Training In Information Technology For The Employees Of The Federal Government, Provinces & AJK.







Strategic Studies










Bahria Institute of Inforamtion Technology





147 148

149 150 151



154 155

156 157

164 165

Provision of Computer Labs at Polytechnic Institute for Women, Islamabad. Automation/ computerization of the Monopoly Control Authority.

International Exhibitions (II) Establishment of Two Computer Labs (one each at) Bahria University Institute of Management & Computer Sciences Islamabad & Karachi.




166 167 168 169 170



Development of Open Source Resource Center Automation of Domestic Industry on Open Source System









Marketing Launch Phase-II (Image 2003) IT Human Support to Ministries/Departments. Setting up of campus-wide network and up-gradation of I.T. training facilities at National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA), Quetta. Setting up of campus-wide network and up-gradation of I.T. training facilities at National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA), Lahore




















Setting up of campus-wide network and up-gradation of I.T. training facilities at National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA), Peshawar


Strenthening of Infroamtion Technology Program in Govt. Colleges of Commerce & Govt. Commercail Training Institutes in NWFP



Modernization & Expnasion of In-House Publisjhing facility under Quaid-e-Azam Paper Project.



Provision of IT Teachers & Computer Labs in Secondary & Higher Secondary Schools of Baluchistan.






Provision of IT Teachers & Computer Labs in Secondary & Higher Secondary Schools of AJK.






Provision of IT Teachers & Computer Labs in Secondary & Higher Secondary Schools of FATA,FANA & ICT.






Pilot Project for the End User’s & System Administrator’s Training on open source Software






Online recruitment system for Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC).






Human Resource Development Program in Multimedia, Graphics, Animation & Production






Provision of IT Teachers & Computer Labs in Secondary & Higher Secondary Schools of Punjab. Provision of IT Teachers & Computer Labs in Secondary & Higher Secondary Schools of Sindh. Provision of IT Teachers & Computer Labs in Secondary & Higher Secondary Schools of NWFP.













182 183

Source: Ministry of Science & Technology


SOURCES OF INFORMATION Used in this report • EAC’s Perception /Vision • Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB) • Federal Bureau of Statistics (FBS) • Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) • Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) • Islamabad Software Factory (ISF) • Informatics Gallery • Gulf Net • Internet

POSTAL / EMAIL ADDRESSES OF IMPORTANT IT ORGANIZATIONS IN PAKISTAN IndusTec Institute of Computer Science L-7, Block 21, Federal "B" Area, Karachi, Pakistan Tel: 6377432 - 34, 6318454 Fax: 6310476 Website: Email: [email protected] Ahead Communications Apartment No. 5, 7A-P, Gulberg II, Lahore - Pakistan. Tel: 9242 575 9107 Cell: 92300 846 1118 E-mail: [email protected] Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology 90, Clifton, Karachi 75600, Pakistan Phone : (92-21) 111-922-478 Fax : (92-21) 5830446 Dubai Campus Email : [email protected] Address : Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology Block 4B, Knowledge Village Dubai Phone : (971-4) 3664601-6 Fax : (971-4) 3664607 Islamabad Campus Email : [email protected] Address : Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology Block 3-D (Kohistan Road), F-8 Markaz, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan Phone : (92-51) 2855151-2 Fax : (92-51) 250314 Larkana Campus Email : [email protected] Address : Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology Larkana Campus, Opposite GPO, Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan Phone : (92-741) 444760, (92-741) 442678 BrainNet, Rahim Yar Khan 14 Club Road, Rahim-Yar-Khan Tel: 0731-76767 Email: [email protected]

BrainNet, Lahore (Head Office) 730 Nizam Block Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore-54570 Tel: +92-42-111-222-888 Fax: 7832039 Email: [email protected] BrainNet, Lahore (Sub-Office) Suite No. 9, First Floor, Hafeez Center, Gulberg, Lahore. Tel: 92-42-5710185, 5710285 Email: [email protected] BrainNet, Sahiwal Madian Manzil Near Ali Masjid, Gulistan Road, Civil Lines, Sahiwal Tel: 0441-1227992 Email: [email protected] BrainNet, Gujranwala 48-B Trust Plaza, Gujranwala. Tel: 0431-111-222-888 Fax: 0431-255233 Email: [email protected] BrainNet, Sialkot Office No. 26, 27, 28, Allama Iqbal Market, Paris Road, Sialkot Tel: 0432-111-222-888 Fax: 0432-597673 Email: [email protected] BrainNet, Peshawar 43 Park Road, University Town, Peshawar Tel: +92-91-111-222-888 Fax: +92-91-41353 Email:[email protected] BrainNet, Sheikhupura Office No. 20, Sheikhupura Stadium, Sheikhupura Tel: 4931-54370-71-72 Email: [email protected] BrainNet, Karachi Plot 43/1/Q Town House # 16 Block 6 PECHS Razi Road, Karachi Tel: 021-111-222-888 Fax: 021-4386600 Email: [email protected]

BrainNet, Rahim Yar Khan 14 Club Road, Rahim-Yar-Khan Tel: 0731-76767 Email: [email protected]

BrainNet, Quetta Shop No. 15-S, Swiss Plaza, Jinnah Road, Quetta. Tel: 081-827214 Mob:0300-3811488 Email: [email protected]

BrainNet, Rawalpindi 29, First Floor, Services/Pindi Club Plaza The Mall. Rawalpindi Tel: 051-111-222-888 Fax: 051-5567116 Email: [email protected] BrainNet, Faisalabad Bazar Court, Serena Hotel, Faisalabad. Tel: 041-111-222-888 Fax: 041-613618 Email: [email protected] BrainNet, Mardan The Mall, Mardan. Tel1: +92-931-72409 Tel2: +92-931-72410 Email:[email protected] BrainNet, Abbottabad Flat # 1. Cantt Plaza, Main Bazar, Abbottabad Tel: +92-992-334462 Email: [email protected] BrainNet, Kohat Rawalpinid Road Fubs CNG Kohat. Tel1: +92-922-518320 Tel2: +92-922-518321 Email:[email protected] BrainNet, Sargodha Shop No. 08 Chowk Iqbal Colony, Sargodha Tel1: 0451-111-222-888 Tel2: 0451-718504 Email: [email protected] MAGSNET 83C 1st Floor, Khayaban-e-Jami, Phase VII, DHA Karachi 75500 Pakistan Tel: (92-21) 5800861-2, (92-21) 5880898-9 Fax (92-21) 5803907 Email: [email protected] BrainNet, Lahore (Head Office) 730 Nizam Block Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore54570 Tel: +92-42-111-222-888 Fax: 7832039 Email: [email protected] FAST, Islamabad Campus FAST House, Rohtas Road, G-9/4 Tel: 111 128 128 Fax: (051) 226 2885 FAST, Lahore Campus Block-B, Faisal Town Tel: 111 128 128 Fax: (042) 516 5232 FAST, Peshawar Campus 160, Industrial Estate, Jamrud Road Tel: 111 128 128

BrainNet, Multan 61-Mall Plaza Multan Tel1: 061-511448 - 546254 Tel2: 061- 111-222-888 Fax: 92-61-571100 Email: [email protected]

BrainNet, Dera Ismail Khan 89 - A, Khalid Road, Hathi Park Dera Ismail Khan. Tel: 0961-712891 Email: [email protected] BrainNet, Burewala Tel 0447-51745 Cell: 0320-3180799 Email: [email protected] BrainNet, Lahore (Head Office) 730 Nizam Block Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore-54570 Tel: +92-42-111-222-888 Fax: 7832039 Email: [email protected] COMSATS, Islamabad Islamabad Johar Campus: Plot# 30, Sector H-8/1, Islamabad Tel: +92 (051) 9258481-84 Fax: +92 (051) 9258500 COMSATS, Abbottabad University Road Abbottabad. Tel: +92 (0992) 383591-5 Fax: +92 (0992) 383441 COMSATS, Wah The Mall Wah Cantt. Tel: +92 (0596) 546851-2 Fax: +92 (0596) 546850 COMSATS, Lahore M. A. Jinnah Building Defense Road, Off Raiwind Road, Lahore Tel: +92 (42) 9203102-10 Fax: +92 (42) 9203100 Dr. A.Q. Khan Institute of Technology and Management ICCTS PLaza 81, F-7 / G-7 Markaz Blue Area, Islamabad, PAKISTAN. Tel: (+92) (51) 2278101-5 Fax: (+92) (51) 2277178

Fax: (091) 82 2320 FAST, Karachi Campus Shah Latif Town (on National Highway) Tel: 111 128 128 Fax:( 021) 410 0149 Global Enterprise Suite # 101, 1st Floor, Speedy Towers D.H.A. Phase 1, Karachi - Pakistan. Tel : 5389015 - 7 Fax : 5389018 Email : mailto:[email protected] ICNS, Inc. 7/10 Birdwood Rd. Lahore-3 Pakistan Phone: (042) 755-0577 Fax:(042) 755-2759 E-mail: [email protected] Web: IndusTec Institute of Computer Science L-7, Block 21, Federal "B" Area, Karachi, Pakistan Tel: 6377432 - 34, 6318454 Fax: 6310476 Website: Email: [email protected] Karachi Institute of Information Technology ST-2, Sector X/VII, KDA Scheme 45 Gulshan-e-Maymar, Karachi-75340 Phone: (92-21) 6350731-5 Fax: (92-21) 6350740 Mohammad Ali Jinnah University Jinnah Avenue, Blue Area, Islamabad. Fax: 92-51-2822743 UAN: 111-87-87-87 Email:[email protected] NUCES, Karachi St.4, Sector 17-D, Shah Latif Town, Karachi. Tel : 111 128 128 Website : Emails:Queries [email protected] PSEB, Islamabad 2nd Floor, Evacuee Trust Complex, F-5/1, Agha Khan Road, Islamabad. Tel: (+92-51) 9204074 Fax: (+92-51) 9204075 UAN: 051 - 111-333-666 PSEB, Karachi PSEB Regional Office, Sindh Suite # 1907-8, 19th Floor, Tower-A, Saima Trade Tower, I.I.Chundrigar Road, Karachi-74000, Pakistan. Tel: (021)-9217381, (021)-9217382 Fax: (021)-9217382 Pakistan Council for Science and Technology

GERRYSNET, Karachi 4th Floor. Central Hotel Building. Mereweather Road. Karachi, Pakistan. Tel: 111-123-321 Fax: 5687960 - 5651050 Email: [email protected] GERRYSNET, Lahore Ground Floor, Rear block # 5, Awami Complex, New Garden Town. Lahore, Pakistan Tel: 111-123-321 Fax: 5889207 Email: [email protected] GERRYSNET, Islamabad Flat # 02, Block # 1 Class 3,Shopping Center G8/2 street 9 Islamabad, Pakistan. Tel: 111-123-321 Fax: 2853302 Email:[email protected] Hamdars, Karachi 164-G, Block III, Off Khalid Bin Waleed Road, P.E.C.H.S Karachi, Pakistan. Phones: (92-21) 4559779, 4558839 Email: [email protected] ITCN Asia Secretariat Ecommerce Gateway Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. 18 C.P. & Berar Housing Society,Karachi, Tel: (92-21) 453-6321, 111-222-444 Fax: (92-21) 453-6330, 4549293 Email: mailto:[email protected] Web: Makarts International Corporation Suite #115, First Floor, Clifton Centre, Block 5, Clifton, (Opposite Mottas), Karachi-75600 Pakistan. Phone: 5871132-4 Fax: 92-21-5871144 Email:[email protected] PSEB, Lahore 5th floor, Admin Block Awain-e-Iqbal Complex Egerton Road, Lahore. Tel: (+92-42) 6307825-6 Fax: (+92-42) 6307827 UAN: 042 - 111-333-666 PSEB, Peshawar Commercial Complex Block 1 phase # 5 Hayatabad Peshawar Ph: 091 – 9217496 UAN: 091 - 111-333-666 Email: [email protected] National Tariff Commission State Life Building No. 5 Jinnah Avenue, Islamabad. P.O Box 1689 Phone: 92 - 51 - 9202031 (5 Lines) Fax: 92 - 51 – 9221205 Website:

Shahrah-e-Jamhuriat, Off Constitution Avenue, G5/2, Islamabad, Pakistan. Telephone No.: 00-9251-9205157 Fax No.: 00-92-51-9205171 Email: [email protected] Savant College of Sciences & Information Technology A-1/3, Sector B/4, Allama Iqbal Road, Mirpur, Azad Kashmir Phone :058610-46644,47777 Fax :Email: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]

Unique College Of Computer Sciences & It Neelum Road, Lower Plate, Muzaffarabad, 13100, Azad Kashmir Phone :058810-42839 Fax :VU-email: [email protected] PVC-email: [email protected] Pearl Institute Of Management And Information Technology Alamdar Road Phone :081-820615 Fax :081-820616 VU-email: [email protected] PVC-email: [email protected] Innovative Institute of Emerging Sciences & Technology (IIEST) 20 Baerganza Villa, Off Lane to Zarghoon Road. Phone :081-832682 Fax :081-831106 VU-email: [email protected] PVC-email: [email protected]

Comwave Institute of Information Technology First Floor, Block#2, Opposite F-7/2 Girls College Phone :051-2650035 Fax :051-2650201 VU-email: [email protected] PVC-email: [email protected]

Net Institute of Technology Plot No.174, I-10/3 Industrial Area, Phone :051-4448247 Fax :051-4449925

[email protected] PVC-email: [email protected] VU-email:

Super Tech Institute of Computer Sciences 5-A, Super Tech Plaza, Super Market, Near National Bank Phone :051-2274780 Fax :051-2272115

[email protected] PVC-email: [email protected] VU-email:

Institute of Computer & Management Sciences Sector N1, Phase-IV, Hayatabad Phone :091-813564, 823342 Fax :091-813564 VU-email:

[email protected]

PVC-email: [email protected]

Institute of Advanced Technologies (IAT) F-8 Markaz Phone :051-2855986-8 Fax :051-2264025 VU-email: [email protected] PVC-email: [email protected]

GREEN (Globally Recognized Electronic Education Network) 31, St#32, F-6/I, Islamabad Phone :051-2209530,0300-9557552 Fax :-

[email protected] PVC-email: [email protected] VU-email:

HORIZON Center of Computer Sciences 11 Aabpara, Behind ABL, G-6/1 Phone :051-2875335,2874442 Fax :051-2825403

[email protected] PVC-email: [email protected] VU-email:

Jinnah College of Computer and Management Sciences 941, I-10/1, Phone :051-2211912 Fax :051-2212321

[email protected] PVC-email: [email protected] VU-email:

NCR EDUCATION CENTER Plot # 13-N, 2nd Floor, F-7 Markaz, Phone :051-2651513-5 Fax :051-2651007

[email protected] PVC-email: [email protected] VU-email:

OXFORD COLLEGE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Bussal Chowk- Attock Cantt Phone :0597-613122 Fax :NA

[email protected] PVC-email: [email protected] VU-email:

EDUCARE COLLEGE OF IT Baldia Road, Bahawalnagar Phone :0631-77328 Fax :0631-72328 VU-email: [email protected] PVCemail: [email protected] PTA Name : Muhammad Younis Designation: Director Coordination Tel : +92-51-2878154 Fax: +92-51-2879978 email : [email protected] Usman Institute of Technology ST-13, Block 7, Abul Hasan Isphahani Road, Opp. Safari Park, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi 75300 (Pakistan) Phone: 4978274-5, 4982464-76 email: [email protected] IT Wizards 206 Progressive Square, 11 - A Block 6, P.E.C.H.S., Shara-e-Faisal, Karachi Tel: 9221 4385068 / 4310972 Fax: 9221 4310970 Email: [email protected] Preston University: Islamabad Campus Syed Zille Abbas, President Director General (Operations) 20 Margalla Road, F-8/3, Islamabad, Pakistan 44000 Tel: +92-51 - 2261373-74 UAN: 111-707-808 Fax: 051 - 2255817 Email: [email protected] Preston University: Kohat Campus (Main) Mr. Faqir Waqar Project Officer Old Govt. Degree College No.2 KDA Scheme II, Kohat, Pakistan Tel: +92-922-515081-3 Fax: +92-922-515084 Email: [email protected] Preston University: Lahore Canal Campus 179-A, Abubakar Block, New Garden Town, Lahore, Pakistan Tel: +92-42 - 5858745-9 Fax: +92-42 - 5862681 Email: [email protected] Preston University: Multan Campus Mr. Mohtashim Tareen Assistant Program Director 11-B, Bosan Road Gulgasht Colony, Multan, Pakistan Tel: +92-61 - 524086, 520082 Fax: +92-61- 524126 Email: [email protected]

Bahawalpur Information Technology College 24-C, Shabbeer Shaheed Road, Model Town-A Phone :0621-887239 Fax :na

[email protected] PVC-email: [email protected] VU-email:

The City, APIIT, Karachi Campus 2nd Floor, Federation House, Main Clifton, Karachi 75500, Pakistan Phone: (92-21) 587-8000 Fax: (92-21) 5878006 E-mail: [email protected] The City, APIIT Lahore Campus APIIT House, 14-A, Ali Block, New garden town, Lahore. Phone: 111-331-111 Fax: (92-42)588-5711 E-mail: [email protected] Preston University: Islamabad Campus Air Cdre (R) Muhammad Saleem Program Director 85, Street 3, H-8/1, Islamabad, Pakistan 44000 Tel: 051 - 4430597-8, 4430649 Fax: +92-51-4430648 Email: [email protected] Preston University: Peshawar Campus Dr Mohammad Anwar Hassan Program Director 18, Old Jamrud Road, University Town Peshawar, Pakistan Tel: +92-91 - 845540 - 2 Fax: +92-91 - 845523 Email: [email protected] Preston University: Lahore OPSTeC Campus Brig. (R) Mazhar Abbas Razwi Senior Program Director 11-F, Model Town, Lahore, Pakistan Tel: +92-42 – 111-123-222 Fax: +92-42 - 5835884 Email: [email protected] Preston University: Faisalabad Campus Mr. Masood Arain Acting Program Director 103-C/2, Peoples Colony, Kohinoor Chowk, Faisalabad, Pakistan Tel: +92-41 - 546274 - 5, 541274 Fax: +92-41 - 541627 Email: [email protected]

Preston University: Gujranwala Campus Dr. Z.H. Shirazi Sr. Program Director Opp. Income Tax Complex, G.T. Road, Gujranwala, Pakistan Tel: +92-431-891159, 890996 Fax: +92-431-890211 Email: [email protected] PIMSAT: Karachi - IT Campus Capt (Retd) M. A. Jan Program Director (Computer Science) 177/2, IEP Building, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi, Pakistan. Tel: +92-21 - 7789888 - 90 Fax: 021 – 7789891 Email: [email protected] PIMSAT: Karachi – B & F Campus 26, BMCHS, Shaheed-e-Millat Road, Karachi, Pakistan Tel: +92-21 – 4941112-13 Fax: +92-21 – 4935614 Email: [email protected] PIMSAT: Karachi – BIS-2 Campus SD-1, Block A, North Nazimabad, Karachi, Pakistan Tel: +92-21 – 111-278-324 Fax: +92-21 – 6633472 Email: [email protected] PIMSAT Dubai Campus Mr. Sajjad Hussain Director General Al-Bustan Masfout Plaza, Sheikh Humiad Bin Abdul Aziz Road. P.O. BOX 20488 Tel: +971-6-7424445 Fax: +971-6-7424446 Email: [email protected] PASHA, Islamabad/Rawalpindi Mohsin Aleem Qazi H No. 6, Street no. 63, F-8/4, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan Tel: 051-2264660-1 Fax: 051-2251350 Email: [email protected] Headquarters of WIPO Address: WIPO, 34, chemin des Colombettes, Geneva Mailing address: PO Box 18, CH-1211 Geneva 20 Telegraphic address: OMPI Geneva Telephone: +41-22 338 9111 Fax: +41-22 733 54 28 Telex: 412912 ompi ch Internet: Trade Information Network Dr. William Tiga Tita, Manager Global Management Center (GMC) TIN, CCIs G77, UN PO Box 2436 Framingham, MA 01703-2436 Voice: (508) 879-6407 Fax: (508) 875-4110

Preston University: Quetta Campus Prof. Sultan Mehmood Niazi Program Director 15/B, Phase-II Shahbaz Town, Quetta, Pakistan Tel: +92-81 - 839098, 826561 Fax: +92-81 - 826513 Email: [email protected] PIMSAT: Karachi - Business Campus Mr. Anwar Aleem Ansari Program Director (Business Administration) 15, Banglore Town, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi, Pakistan Tel: +92-21 - 4534663 - 4 Fax: +92-21 - 4525881 Email: [email protected] PIMSAT: Karachi – BIS-1 Campus 2nd Floor, Najeeb Center, Tariq Road, Karachi, Pakistan Tel: +92-21 – 4314717-19 Fax: +92-21 – 4314719 Email: [email protected] PIMSAT: Hyderabad Campus Col. (Retd) Abdul Qadeer Program Director 641/B, Unit No.2 Latifabad, Hyderabad, Pakistan Tel: +92-221 - 810834 - 6 Fax: +92-221 – 869051 PASHA, Lahore/Karachi Ovais A. Jilani R-214, Anum Estate Opposite Duty Free Shop Shahra-e-Faisal Karachi, Pakistan Tel: +92-21-4390424/4390425 Fax: +92-21-4390427 Mobile: 92-300-2137335 Email: [email protected] World Trade Organization, rue de Lausanne 154, CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland

WIPO Coordination Office at the United Nations in New York, United States of America: Direct Phone Numbers with Personal Voice Mail Address: Suite 2525, 2 United Nations Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: +1-212 963 6813 Fax: +1-212 963 4801 Telex: 420544 UNH UI The Federation of International Trade Associations 11800 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 210 Reston, VA 20191 Or CALL US Tel: 800-969-FITA (3482) or +1-703-620-1588

E-mail: gmc@G77 Chamber EPB, Head Office 5th Floor, Block A Finance & Trade Centre P.O. Box No. 1293 Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi 75200 Pakistan PABX: 92-21- 9206487-90 UAN No. 92-21-111-444-111 CHAIRMAN EPB, Head Office Tel: 92-21-9206462,92-21-9202719 Fax:92-21-9206461 VICE CHAIRMAN EPB, Head Office 92-21-9206484-85 Fax: 92-21-9206497 Chairman (QSC):92-21-9206494 Fax: 92-21-9205769 D.G.(HR,F&A): 92-21-9206476 D.G.(PDD): 92-21-9206471 Export Promotion Bureau LAHORE Director General (I) Ph:042-9230652 Director General (II) Ph:042-9230599 Export Promotion Bureau Government of Pakistan 62,Garden Block, Garden Town Lahore Tel: (042) 9230655-8 Fax: (042) 9230608 E-Mail : [email protected] UAN No. 042-111-444-111 Export Promotion Bureau HYDERABAD Assistant Director Ph: 0221-781122 Export Promotion Bureau Government of Pakistan 18/A, Govt. Officer's Residence, Colony (GOR), Hyderabad Tel: (0221) 781122 Tlx: 22067 EXPOM PK Fax: (0221) 783485 Export Promotion Bureau GUJRANWALA Deputy Director Ph: 0431-253448 Export Promotion Bureau Government of Pakistan 120/1-D, Satelite Town, Gujranwala Tel: (0431) 253448 Tlx: 45302 EXPOM PK Fax: (0431)254440, 255365 E-mail: [email protected] Export Promotion Bureau SARGODHA Deputy Director Ph: 0451-214072 Export Promotion Bureau Government of Pakistan 116/2-C, Satellite Town, Sargodha Tel: (0451) 214072 Fax: (0451) 214072

Export Promotion Bureau ABBOTABAD Deputy Director Ph: 0992-380203 Export Promotion Bureau Government of Pakistan

Export Promotion Bureau Regional Office Director General Ph:051- 9202231 Government of Pakistan 26-D, West Kashmir Plaza Blue Area, Islamabad Tel: (051)9212174, 9207348 Fax: (051)9201736 UAN No. (051)111-444-111 Export Promotion Bureau SUB-REGIONAL OFFICES: FAISALABAD Director Ph:041-783198 Export Promotion Bureau Government of Pakistan Gulistan Colony No.2, Public Building, Area, Sheikhupura Road, Faisalabad. Tel: (041) 783198, 763462, 786813 Tlx: 43458 EXPOM PK Fax: (041) 786372 E-mail: [email protected] UAN No. 041-111-444-111 Export Promotion Bureau PESHAWAR Director General Ph: 091-9217120 Export Promotion Bureau Government of Pakistan Plot No. 24, Phase-V, Hayatabad, Peshawar Tel: (091) 9217120-25 Fax: (091) 9217126 E-mail: [email protected] Export Promotion Bureau SIALKOT Director Ph:-0432-591475 Export Promotion Bureau Government of Pakistan Paris Road, Sialkot Tel: (0432)589721-22, 591475, 591464 Tlx: 46363 EXPOM PK Fax: (0432) 591621 Export Promotion Bureau QUETTA Director Ph:081-9201109 Export Promotion Bureau Government of Pakistan Opp. Session Court Building, Shahrah-e-Iqbal, Quetta Tel: (081) 9201109, 9202562 Fax: (081) 9202053 E-Mail: [email protected] Export Promotion Bureau MULTAN Director Ph: 061-523087 Export Promotion Bureau Government of Pakistan 97-A, Gulgasht Colony, Multan Cannt. Tel: (061)523087, 223961, 223962 Tlx: 42674 EXPOM PK Fax: (061) 223006 Email: [email protected] Export Promotion Bureau LARKANA Deputy Director Ph:0741-441638 Export Promotion Bureau Government of Pakistan

Mubarak Plaza, Main Mansehra Road, Tel: (0992) 380203 Tlx: 23877 EXPOM PK Fax: (0992) 380181 Export Promotion Bureau SWAT Deputy Director Ph:0936-720861 Export Promotion Bureau Government of Pakistan Gul Kada, Saidu Sharif, Mingora Swat. Tel: (0936) 711146 Fax: (0936) 720861 SPIDER - Xiber.Com (Pvt) Ltd. Haroon House, Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed Road, Karachi, Pakistan Phone: 111-444-777 Ext. 3377 +92 (21) 568-5420, 568-0695, 568-2834 Fax: +92 (21) 568-1544 Email: [email protected] I-Street, Inc. 68 East Wacker Place Suite # 800 Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312.263.4155 Fax: 312.263.4510

6-11, Kennedy Market, Larkana Tel: (0741) 441638 Fax: (0741) 444325 Export Promotion Bureau MIRPUR (AZAD KASHMIR) Deputy Director Ph: 0582-44927 Export Promotion Bureau Government of Pakistan 63- F-1, Mirpur Azad Kashmir Tel: (0582) 44927, 45158 Fax: (0582) 45157 Cutter Consortium, 37 Broadway, Suite 1, Arlington, MA 02474, USA. Phone: +1 781 648 8700, Fax: 781 648 1950; E-mail: [email protected].

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