It Is Given Unto You

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  • Words: 4,430
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June 28, 2009

It is Given Unto You

Kathleen Maples

Jesus had been traveling with His disciples. They had been in Capernaum, Chorazin, and Bethsaida. He had done many mighty works in these cities. He had called His disciples and He had set about going through these areas preaching the Gospel, and working miracles but the people who lived there were unrepentant, and hard hearted-unmoved, and unchanged by what they heard and saw. He came to them and they would not accept Him. They heard what He said but could or would not receive it. There were many questions that were rising up about Jesus. John the Baptist had been jailed and I'm sure sitting in that jail cell his mind was plaguing him with doubts and questions, wondering if Jesus was the One God the Holy Spirit had told him about in the wilderness or had he missed God on this one? Surely Satan delighted in assaulting his mind with fiery darts of doubt. Mat 11:25 At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.

This Scripture is wonderful. Two kinds of people are mentioned here. One group is wise and prudent. The word for prudent here means clever, highly intelligent, one who is mentally sharp, quick to discern or understand. Human nature being what it is, these kind of folks are generally confident in themselves, because of their ability to understand or discern. Generally, these folks trust in human wisdom and education. Then, there are the babes. These are immature, young believers. They haven't studied doctrines of men or religion and its traditions, and they haven't been spoiled by vain philosophies. They've been saved, and they, like little children, have more confidence in their God than in themselves. They don't know a lot, but they believe what they've read in the Word of God about Him, though their understanding is not deep. These have more faith in God because their minds aren't clouded with men's opinions and thoughts on God-thus more pure and trusting. They aren't wise and confident in themselves but in God, much like an infant learning to walk trusts his parents more than his own wobbly legs. He knows he's going to fall, but that parent is right there to catch him. These are totally dependent on God and not themselves. Mat 18:3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Unless you turn around and stop trusting in yourself and what you think you know, and like a child who doesn't understand, who doesn't know everything, just trust God knows and that's enough, you can't go into the heavenly realm. A little child doesn't know how to read or write, they can't work to support themselves, but they depend totally on their parents to do these things. They don't fret over their needs, they look to mom and dad, knowing these needs will be met, so they are happy, carefree, and content-just like the birds of the air. God will not reveal

heavenly things to the self confident and wise. God reveals secrets of heaven-that word is apokalypto in the Greek, and it means to take off the cover, to disclose. If you have children, and you have bought them a gift, you cover it, you wrap it up, and then at the appointed time you present it to them, and uncover it so they can see and know. We can't become acquainted with the Father unless the Son reveals Him to us. Likewise, we can't know the Son unless He reveals Himself to us. This is inaccessible to men or women unless it is given them from above to know these things. Then Jesus gives a wonderful invitation here. Come away with Me, get alone with Me, everyone who has been working hard, and weary. If you have been struggling and you are worn out, come to Me. If you are loaded down with burdens, full of spiritual and mental anxiety, come to Me. I will refresh you, and you can rest in Me. Rest in My perfection, rest in My wisdom, My ability, My power and holiness. You can't possibly achieve perfection yourself, you can't possibly live this Christian life in your own strength. You can't war against the devil, the world or your own human nature and win on your own. Come to Me. Rest in My victory. I've walked in human flesh, I understand how you feel, I understand the things coming against you and why they are. Come to Me, rest in Me. I AM the answer. Don't trust in men's wisdom, but in the power of God. (1Co_2:5) Take my yoke upon you, and learn of Me. This word "of" translated from the Greek in composition, (when this is written down) it means something is separated, ceasing, completing, or reversing. Amazing. Look it up yourself. It's G575. How does that possibly apply to us? Good question. When you come to Me, He is saying, you are separating yourself from everything else in your life, making time to get alone with Me, and turning your thoughts and heart away from your own life, to Me, the Source of life. He says take My yoke-join yourself to Me, serve Me, not yourself. Don't continue to put up with the yoke of the flesh. It can never be satisfied, it's going to always demand more no matter what you give it, no matter how much you have, it will never be satisfied. It can't be. Self is a slave driver. Whether it be money, things, fame, reputation, position, self can never have enough. Is that not why so many of this world's rich and famous end up dying much too young, in bad ways, in bad shape? Self is always grasping, coveting, wanting more. He can break the yoke of the flesh. Only He can. Here's the sweet truth of this, which we can rest in: we can never in ourselves accomplish His work, His will, His holiness. We must know this else we will live frustrated lives. The work is already done, the sacrifice is already made, the price for sin has already been paid. When we come to Him, in our absolute helplessness, and join ourselves to Him, we can live drawing from HimHe is the Source of life, light, power, strength, holiness, wisdom, EVERYTHING. It's like plugging into a light socket. As long as we are connected to Him, through prayer, fellowship, reading His Word, we are like a lamp plugged in and turned on. But when we get unplugged, the instant we are neglecting Him, and get unplugged, the light goes out. The flame begins to sputter and dim and smoke, obscuring Him and burning out. I am meek-humble, gentle, He says, My heart isn't lifted up or arrogant because of who I am. I humble Myself to come down to you because I desire to have a relationship with you. Because I am holy and cannot change who and what I am, no more than you can change yourself. But, in order to have this relationship with you, I had to die to pay the price for your sin, which

would have forever separated you from Me. I love you, I did this of my own will because I couldn't leave you to wander lost, in darkness, your end being certain destruction. It had to be this way. You couldn't pay the price, and it had to be paid, so I paid it. Only I could do it. Oh, glory to God. What a Savior! What a glorious, magnificent, almighty and wonderful-YES His name shall be called Wonderful! Hallelujah!! His yoke is easy, His burden is light because HE did all the work, and with such humility and love invites us to come and join Him and stand with Him in His completed work. Our part is trust and obey. He even provides the faith we need to believe, the strength to obey. Oh, yes, He's invited us into His presence, to trade our rags of self confidence and self righteousness for His purity and perfection. Eat His Word, and be filled with His Holy Spirit so the yoke of our flesh will be broken and replaced with power from on High. Then His will and work can be accomplished in and through our lives! I don't understand exactly how it works but I'm seeing things in His Word that causes me to hunger and thirst for this reality in my life and the lives of my brothers and sisters in Christ-for HIS glory. Mat 13:11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

No one can know or receive anything unless it's given them from above. Carefully consider what He's saying here. He's talking to His disciples. The word disciple means pupil, someone who spends time with the Master, learning from Him directly. It's a personal, intimate friendship where secrets are shared. It's been given-it's been made available to us by Him. To you it's been given the chance to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven. To know the heavenly life of Christ rather than the earthly life of man, through prayer, the Scriptures, which point us to the Source-a living, breathing, almighty Creator who loves us so much and wants to infuse His life into us. He doesn't want us trying to accumulate wisdom or things, for He is our wisdom, He is our provider, He is everything. It's given to you to KNOW-(G1097) to know with absolute certainty and understanding the secrets of the heavenly kingdom of God. What is the kingdom of God? Peace, righteousness and joy in the Holy Ghost. We can be at peace with ourselves, and God, covered with the righteousness of His Son, and have fellowship with Him through the ministry of the Holy Ghost in our lives. Where would such a life lead us? The possibilities are endless. If we've been given this, why is so much of the church so ignorant and so powerless? There is too much carnality, too much strife, disagreement. Why? Because self rules instead of the Holy Spirit. When self rules, there will be disagreements within the church, there will be envying, striving, and division. This is how carnal, unregenerate men live. The natural man cannot understand and will not accept the ways and truth of God. (1Co_3:3, 1Co_2:14) He can't know these things. Why? 1Co 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

"What!?! Deny myself? Die to what I want and think? You've got to be kidding. Why would I want to do that? I work hard, I pay my bills, I am a good person, I don't use drugs, I don't beat my wife and kids. I've never killed anybody. Why don't I deserve a few nice things? What's wrong with me making it and having money and nice stuff and do what I want, when I want as long as the bills are paid and my family is taken care of? Why would I give all that up? I've worked hard for it! What kind of message is that?" You see what I mean? But this is the message, the testimony of Jesus Christ. It's the sacrificial life and example He lived. He didn't tell us to do something He didn't do. Are we any better that we should escape the cross? No, we might not have to be beaten and nailed to a wooden cross, though some have been, He would much rather us yield to His spiritual cross. This one cuts off self effort, renders it useless and all self effort accomplishes. The cross means suffering for the sake of others and total dependence on God to do what must be done. This makes no sense nor is it an appealing message to those who prefer darkness to light. This is why Jesus said it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man. The word for "rich" in that Scripture means one who has an abundance of possessions and resources. It doesn't necessarily mean millionaires, billionaires, etc. It means one who has more than they need. The preaching of the cross-deny yourself and let Me live My will and My way through your body, using your hands and feet and mind and mouth to accomplish My purposes. Say goodbye to what you want and embrace Me and My will. Of course this sounds foolish to the carnal, those at ease, comfortable in their own little place. They like where they are and have no desire to launch out in to the deep things of God. To do so requires a sacrifice and to sacrifice requires more love for Him than they have. Oh, God help us. How is self denial the power of God which saves? Because when we get self out of His way then He can take over and do the work that needs to be done. The sick can be healed, the lost can be saved, blinded eyes can be opened, the hurting can be comforted, the lame can walk, the dead can be raised. Marriages can be restored, broken hearts can be mended. The addicted can be set free. We can't save ourselves. We can't with human wisdom and resources accomplish divine and eternal things. We can't give salvation to the lost. We can't set them free from the grip of sin and Satan who will most certainly destroy their lives. 1Co 4:1 Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God.

Ministers of Christ. What powerful words. What does it mean to be a minister of Christ? How is it possible for a human being to be a minister of One so vast He fills the whole earth? There is nowhere He is not. We are His servants, and we only know how to serve Him as we spend time in His Word and in prayer learning from Him what He wants done. The preacher can't give you this, the church can't give you this, it's something that must be gotten individually, through prayer and study of the Word, as the Holy Spirit reveals Christ to us and in us. Then we serve Him by allowing Him to use us to reach others. But others can't see or hear Him if we are ruled by self rather than His Spirit. 2Co_3:18 says we behold Him who is the glory of the Lord, as He is unveiled to us, through prayer and reading of His Word, and as the Holy Spirit reveals Him to us. We see-or begin to understand and know

Him. As we do, we are changed from our image into His, by the work of the Spirit of the Lord. Then we are able to step out of the way, loving and preferring Him over self, so others can see and learn Him, too because we will reflect HIM not our own wicked, selfish hearts. (Jer_17:9) Paul said I'm determined to not know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Jesus Christ, totally dependent on the Father for the work of the Father to be accomplished, and it was. He did nothing of Himself, He said only what the Father told Him to say, went where the Father said go, do what He said do. The miracles He did were the work of the Father in Him, the power of the Holy Spirit. I don't understand how it all works, I just know it works. He said He did nothing of Himself, that what He did was the result of the influence, direction and power of the Father in Him. He was a container for the Word and Spirit of God. Paul said I was with you in weakness, (whether in body or mind), with the same moral frailty you have, the same disease of the human nature you are infected with. I was with you in fear and trembling. What was he afraid of? Could it be what he meant when he said "I keep my body under subjection, lest when I have preached to others I find myself to be a castaway"? Was he afraid that self would try to rise up and touch the glory of God as if it had a right? That's a powerful temptation for a minister God uses. He said his preaching was not with elegant or enticing men's wisdom, but He spoke the truth of God, relying on the Spirit of God to make it real to the hearts and minds of the people. He understood Who it was who would give the increase. He was willing to hide behind the cross, in nothingness, that Christ could be manifested through and in Him everything to the people. Then no one could say, "Oh, didn't he preach a nice message? Didn't he speak well? What a strong, powerful preacher!" NO!!!!! A thousand times no! He was so full of the life of God, they were left with "What a powerful message! How God met me and ministered His life and hope to me today!" The Spirit, knowing Paul would not dare exalt any facet of his own personality in an attempt to persuade the people, was unhindered, unfettered, and able to move mightily in a demonstration of the power of God among them. This can happen when men are willing to be seen as nothing, that God can be seen as what He is-everything. He will not give His glory (or the credit) to another. If a minister steps up to speak His Word, flesh has to be crucified, so it won't get exalted when the Spirit starts moving and lives are changed, yokes of flesh and sin and darkness are destroyed by His anointing. How easy it would be to get exalted in ourselves and think ourselves special recipients of God's power instead of what we really are. He requires a prepared, sanctified container to pour His life and power through to others. But we must realize we are just the container. He alone is the Source and as thus He alone deserves the glory and honor. What amazing things God could do when He finds a person willing to be nothing so He can be everything. THEN people's faith will not be in men or what men say about God but in GOD Himself. As we come into His presence and learn to sit at His table and feed on His Word, His life, then it will replace our natural self-life, or rather, displace, and HIS life is anointed by default. The Holy Spirit can't and won't anoint flesh or anything of that natural life. Will God teach one who prefers books and seminaries to prayer and the Bible and the ministry of the Holy Spirit? They are relying on self to learn God-it doesn't work. I don't want to be ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (2Ti_3:7) Jesus said "You search the Scriptures for in them you think you have life but you won't come to Me that you might have life." (Joh_5:39)

Joh 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

Once again, it all comes back to the necessity of abiding, or staying connected, plugged into Him. HE alone is the Life Source. This kind of knowing is an intimate, personal knowing, as with a husband and wife. This requires we spend time with Him alone. Frequently. Every day we can. This is the kind of diligent coming to Him in faith He can reward. (Heb_11:6) What is the reward? A greater God-given revelation or understanding of who He is. When you go to your front door, or your car, and you are on the outside, you take your key and insert your key into the lock and turn it, and you have access, you can enter. You take your faith in His Word, go to the door-He is the Door (Joh_10:9). You bring His promise, and your faith, ask, it shall be given, seek and search and you will find, He'll reveal it to you, and you bring His Word and your faith and knock on the Door and He will open to you. You may have to be persistent, but He will open to you. How can we know these things? 1Co 2:10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

We can know because God has taken the cover off, He's opened them up to us by His Spirit that lives in us, teaching us the mysteries of God and His ways. Paul wrote to the Ephesian church how he prayed that God would give them the spirit of wisdom, and reveal to them Himself, that they could intimately know Him. That their hearts and minds could understand and be enlightened as to the expected end and confidence of His calling on their lives. It would be accomplished by the greatness of HIS power working in us who believe. We have this example of how we should pray for each other that God would do this in our lives, in our churches so HE could be seen and understood by a lost and dying world in desperate need. Col 1:9 For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and

to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;

Col 1:10 That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;

We should desire, crave that this work of the Spirit be accomplished in each other, in all of us, so we can be supplied with the knowledge of HIM and His purpose, His wisdom and spiritual understanding how it works and what to do with it. To be spiritually wise, not worldly wise. We should pray the Lord empower one another, all of us, to live lives worthy of Him, and His sacrifice, by living in a way that pleases HIM not ourselves. Pray our lives bear the evidence of His life and power in everything we do, and that we are all always increasing in the knowledge Him. Ever learning HIM and always coming to Him who is the way, the truth and the life. (Joh_14:6) If we have been in church for years and we haven't changed much, something is terribly wrong. If we haven't learned more about God this year than we knew last year, something is wrong.

Col 1:25 Whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God;

Col 1:26 Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints:

Col 1:27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

Paul says I'm a waiter-an attendant. I wait on God, learn from Him, and what I hear from Him I share with you. Isn't that what Jesus did? Even the secrets long hidden through out the generations of mankind but now He is taking the cover off and showing these things to His saints. He desires to make known the riches of the glory of the mystery-which is Christ living in you, His life, His anointing, His power, in an earthly container which is sanctified for His purposes, set apart for His use, and that is our expectation, our confidence, our hope of glory. His life being lived out in and through us for the sake of others. What an invitation and privilege He is offering us. 2Pe 1:2 Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord,

2Pe 1:3 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:

2Pe 1:4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

Grace-God's riches at Christ's expense, offered to us, peace and rest that we are right with God because of what His Son did, and let that realization increase in you as you share it with others, and all these come from knowing HIM. The more you spend time with Him, the better you know Him. His power has given us all things that pertain to His life and godliness. He promised we could share in His life, His divine nature and by these promises escape the corruption, the decay and rot in this world. There is moral and social decay all around us. We do not have to take part of this. We have something so much better and the world needs to see Him else they die lost. The question is are we willing to be like Jesus? Jesus gave up everything and came here to show us how to live a selfless life for the sake of others. He showed us the path to true power and true life is in sacrificing what we are and want for what He is and wants. Will we tarry in His presence as the hour grows later and darker and more desperate so we can be endued with power from on high? Will we forsake self and live to and for Him? God help us realize if and when we do, we trade rags for riches. Temporary rags of this life on earth for eternal riches of a life with Him forever.

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