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Tender Document for Outsourcing of sales and customer support services for ADSL Broadband Connections of BTCL

Director Procurement Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited Sher-E-Bangla Nagar Telephone Exchange (Annex Building) Dhaka-1208

Tender for ADSL Outsourcing

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INTRODUCTION Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited (BTCL) is a 100% government-owned company providing fixed telephony, Internet and data communication services throughout the country. BTCL has already deployed ADSL2+ based broadband infrastructure to some selected area (list attached as Annexure-2). BTCL is also planning to increase the capacity of the existing nodes and extend the network in future to make best use of its copper infrastructure for providing high quality, reliable Internet service to its customers. In the first phase, some IP based DSLAM (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer) nodes will be made operational to provide Internet service under the brand name “BCube” to the telephone subscribers of BTCL. The other broadband services like IPTV, Video on Demand (VoD) etc. over the IP-DSLAM broadband network may be introduced in future. Initially the service will start with around 12,000 connections within a short time in the first phase, another approximately 12,000 are expected to come by June, 2009.


PURPOSE OF THE TENDER The purpose of this Tender is to select competent organization engaged in ICT business in Bangladesh to work with BTCL in selling and maintaining ADSL connections and providing support service to the BTCL ADSL customers.


BIDDING METHOD The selection of the outsourcing company shall be based on the “Open Tendering Method (OTM)”. In the single envelope, the bidder shall submit the “Technical Proposal” and the “Financial Proposal” in the separate folder.


ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENT OF THE BIDDER 4.1 The Bidder should be a Bangladeshi company registered under the Companies Act in Registrar of Joint Stock Companies of Bangladesh or licensed from City Corporation or a consortium legally formed for this purpose consisting of the eligible companies. 4.2 The Bidder should be in ICT business for at least two years. 4.3 The company having ISP license is not eligible to participate in the tender. 4.4 The Bidder shall possess the necessary professional and technical qualifications and competence, financial resources, service delivery capability with equipment and other physical facilities, including after-sales service, managerial capability, specific experience, reputation, and the personnel to perform the contract.



Tk. 2,00,000 (Tk. Two lakh only) in the form of a demand draft/ pay order to be enclosed with the bid in favor of Director Procurement, Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited (BTCL), Sher-E-Bangla Nagar Exchange (Annex Building). EMD of the unsuccessful bidder may be returned upon request immediately after finalization of the tender.


EMD of the successful bidder shall be returned after submission of the security deposit/ performance bank guarantee for the whole contracted period.

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5.3 6.

Bid without Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) shall not be considered.


The Folder marked with “Technical Proposal” shall contain at least the following:

6.1.1 Mandatory Documents •

Tender document purchase receipt

Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) document

Certified true copies of the documentary evidence indicating the eligibility of Bidder Company.

Certified true copies of the Memorandum and Articles of Association, if the bidder is a limited company

ISO certification, if any

True copy of VAT Registration Certificate

True copy of TIN Certificate and up to date Income Tax Clearance Certificate.

Legal document of formation for consortium, if the bid is submitted under consortium

6.1.2 Technical Offer •

Description of the organization mentioning business activities, organogram, current employees, business locations with addresses etc.

Description of experience, knowledge and qualification of the company or its shareholders, directors, and employees in the ICT-related field including any managed service experience in the field.

Details of existing manpower.

Business Proposal focusing on the following, but not limited to, issues: o Nos. of offered Point of Sales (PoS). o Probable location of the PoS describing the available services/facilities. o Detail customer care plan focusing Centralized Customer Care Centers/Call Center with necessary communication facilities and customer management operation software etc. o Bidder’s HR Planning for the ADSL outsourcing service and proposed key personnel along with their field of expertise/Qualification and experiences for Sales & customer support, technical support. o List of probable Testing/Measuring Equipment, Analyzing Equipment etc. o Rollout plan for the contract period o Statement of Compliance indicating clause-by-clause unconditional compliance to the all clauses and sub-clauses of this document.

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o Copy of the Tender document signed in every page by the authorized personnel of the Bidder o Undertaking/Declaration for not enlisting as Black Listed organization by any Government/Semi-Government or Autonomous Organization 6.2

The Folder marked with “Financial Proposal” shall contain the following two quotations: 6.2.1 6.2.2


Share of collected revenue from the registered subscribers as service charge (in percentage), which should not be more than 15%. Charges per visit to the subscriber’s premise by company’s technical personnel for on-site support, in case of more than two visits for a particular subscriber in a month, which should not be more than Tk. 200 per visit. This charge will be directly collected by the outsourcing companies from their registered customer.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE BIDDER 7.1 The bidder shall submit 4 (four) sets of offer. One set should be marked as “Original” and the remaining 3 (three) as Copy-1/Copy-2/Copy-3. In the event of any discrepancy between the copies, the original shall govern. 7.2 The original and the copy of the offer shall be typed or printed, properly indexed and all the pages numbered consecutively including the annexure and each page shall be signed by the bidder or a person or persons duly authorized to sign the contract. If the bid is not signed by the bidder or a person or persons duly authorized to sign, the bid shall be treated as “Non-Responsive”. 7.3 Soft Copy of only the submitted tender shall also be provided. The Soft Copy shall contain the exact replica of the offer. All the supporting documents, printed literature etc. shall be scanned and copied into the Soft Copy. The soft copy may be submitted on CD. 7.4 The bidder shall bear all costs associated with preparation and submission of the tender. 7.5 BTCL will reject any Tender submission if the Tender Document was not purchased directly from the BTCL’s designated office. 7.6 The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, and specifications in the Tender Document as well as in Tender Amendments, if any. Failure to furnish all information or documentation required by the Tender Document may result in the rejection of the Tender. 7.7 A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification of the Tender Document shall contact the BTCL in writing at the BTCL’s address indicated in this document. BTCL will respond in writing to any request for clarification received no later than seven (7) days prior to the deadline for submission of Tenders.

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7.8 A Bidder shall submit only one (1) Tender, either individually or as a Member in a JVCA. A Bidder who submits or participates in more than one (1) Tender will cause all the Tenders with that Bidder’s participation to be rejected. 7.9 All prices shall be quoted in Bangladesh Taka. 7.10 Tenders shall remain valid for 120 (One hundred and Twenty) days from the date of the Tender submission prescribed by BTCL. Tender valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by BTCL. 8.

CLARIFICATION/MODIFICATION OF TENDER DOCUMENT 8.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Tenders, BTCL for any reason, on its own initiative or in response to a clarification request in writing from a Bidder, having purchased the Tender Document, may amend the Tender Document by issuing an amendment. 8.2 Any amendment issued shall become an integral part of the Tender Document and shall be communicated in writing to all those who have purchased the Tender Document. 8.3 BTCL shall forward copies of its response to all those who have purchased the Tender Document, including a description of the enquiry but without identifying its source. 8.4 No pre-bid meeting will be held.


SUBMISSION OF TENDER 9.1 The bidder shall submit the tender in sealed envelopes, super scribed “Outsourcing of sales and customer support service for ADSL Broadband Connections of BTCL” and addressed to the contact person mentioned below. The responsibility for ensuring that the offers are submitted in time is the bidder. Director Procurement Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited Sher-E-Bangla Nagar Exchange (Annex Building) Phone : +880 2 8150500 FAX : +880 2 8150511





Any Tender received by BTCL after the deadline for submission of tenders shall be declared late, will be rejected, and returned unopened to the bidder.


Evaluation committee of BTCL may ask the bidder for the clarification of its offer.


The request for the clarification and the response shall be in writing.


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Scope of Services of the Outsourcing Company The scope of services of the finally selected outsourcing company shall include Selling of previously bought ADSL packages to the BTCL existing/new telephone subscribers from their designated Point of Sales (PoS). Sending the documents to the point of contact in BTCL for ADSL service so that orders can be issued to all concerned for setting up the connections. After setting up and configuring the connections at Network Management System (NMS), the outsourcing company will send technical personnel to set up the connection at the subscriber’s PC/Laptop. Providing technical support to their registered subscribers through Call Center. Sending technical personnel to their registered subscribers for any on site support. This type of support shall not exceed two times in a month. If such visit exceeds two, the company may charge that from subscribers. Keeping records of fault reporting and actions taken for fault clearance, with time. Sending summary fault-report, with suggestions (if any) to be done at BTCL end for improving the service. Delivering monthly bills to their registered subscribers and sending receipt to BTCL. Printing the Application Forms and Agreement form as approved by BTCL. Selling/renting of modem, upon approval from BTCL, to their registered subscribers and maintaining the modem. The selected outsourcing company must open the PoS so that whole service area is covered. Instructions from BTCL in this regard shall be obligatory which shall be included in the contract.


Scope of Services of BTCL The scope of services of BTCL shall include: Selling ADSL packages to the finally selected outsourcing companies. Operating and Maintaining IP DSLAM nodes through NMS (Network Management System) Configuring the customers in the IP DSLAM node through NMS Changing modification work in MDF of Telephone Exchange Processing and Printing of bills that will be delivered to the registered subscribers by the finally selected outsourcing company. BTCL will not provide any direct support to the subscribers. Exclusive right for developing new or modifying existing package of ADSL services regarding tariff. Evaluation of summary fault report and provide directives to the outsourcing company, if required.

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The selection of the bidder will be on a non-exclusive basis. BTCL shall be free to sell ADSL connections on its own from any point of sales or enter into a similar/ any other arrangement as envisaged in this tender with other companies.


The initial contract period shall be one year which may be renewed on yearly basis based on performance of the service provider. However, either party may terminate the contract at any time by giving three-month prior notice.


All modems to be supplied to the customers should be approved by BTCL and listed on the website and shall carry a warranty of 24 months from the date of installation.


The price of the approved modems, to the customers shall not exceed the rate charged by BTCL for similar modems.


The finally selected outsourcing company shall intimate in writing to BTCL before making any change of ownership and shareholding.


Any authorized representative of BTCL shall have the right to enter and inspect the offices, places and premises where the outsourcing companies setup its customer care system/sales office.


The bidder organization shall request for ID cards for the personnel providing the subscriber support from BTCL.


BTCL will be not responsible for any unlawful, illegitimate, illicit or criminal action of finally selected Outsourcing Company(s)’s personnel and the Bidder Organization shall indemnify BTCL against all other damages/charges/expenses for which BTCL may be held liable or pay on account of the negligence of the Bidder Organizations or their employees.


The bidder shall provide sufficient number of Front Desk Agent as well as the Field Support Technician at each PoS as per their Registered Subscriber.

13.10 The Bidder shall be responsible for complying all labor laws and statutory requirement pertaining to their employees. 13.11 Incase of complains arise against any personnel of the Bidder like querulous, inefficient, infirm etc. during the contact period the organization will have to replace such person with a suitable substitute. 13.12 In case of any loss/damage of subscriber equipment owing to negligence or mishandling by the Subscriber Support Technician, the Bidder shall themselves be responsible to make good for the losses. 13.13 The Bidder shall be responsible for any type of statutory/mandatory claims or penalties for rendering outsourcing service. 13.14 The Bidder shall be responsible to manage License/Registration with concerned authority, if required, to provide the services to BTCL. 13.15 The Customer Support Technicians of the Bidder Organization should be trained, smart and well-mannered and carrying proper identity. 13.16 The finally selected outsourcing company shall buy the ADSL packages from BTCL in advance. The mode of payment and selling point will be notified to the selected company.

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13.17 The intended subscribers will contact to the PoS of any selected outsourcing company for registration on payment by filling prescribed form and submitting necessary document. The outsourcing company shall not charge for the packages more than face value of the package. The ADSL packages approved by BTRC are attached as Annexure-3. 13.18 The outsourcing company will send the filled-up application forms along with submitted document to the contact point in BTCL for ADSL service. 13.19 The Contact office of BTCL will issue connection work to the concerned offices in BTCL and the outsourcing company. 13.20 Being notified, the outsourcing company will arrange to send technical personnel to the customer premises and set-up, configure and demonstrate the customer about the completion of the connection. 13.21 The outsourcing company must give the necessary Technical Support to their registered customers as long as the customer uses the service within contract period. 13.22 The outsourcing company shall share a portion of monthly revenue to be collected by BTCL of his registered customers. The share, in percentage, shall be quoted by the intended outsourcing company in the “Financial Proposal.” 13.23 The successful bidders shall not engage any sub-contractor or transfer the contract to any other agency/person in any manner. 13.24 The Service Provider shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, duties, license fees, and other such levies imposed or incurred for the service delivery. 13.25 The Government requires that BTCL, as well as Bidders and Service Providers shall observe the highest standard of ethics during the service delivery period against public funds. 13.26 Should any corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practice of any kind come to the knowledge of BTCL, it shall, in the first place, allow the Bidder to provide an explanation and shall, take actions only when a satisfactory explanation is not received. Such exclusion and the reasons thereof, shall be recorded in the record of the procurement proceedings and promptly communicated to the Bidder concerned. Any communications between the Bidder and BTCL related to matters of alleged fraud or corruption shall be in writing. 13.27 Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during the Bidder’s performance of the Contract and not subject to variation on any account. 13.28 BTCL reserves the right at the time of Contract Award to increase or decrease the service area. 13.29 If the Bidder is a joint venture, consortium, or association, all of the parties shall be jointly and severally liable to BTCL for the fulfilment of the provisions of the Contract and shall designate one party to act as a leader with authority to bind the joint venture, consortium, or association. The composition or the constitution of the joint venture, consortium, or association shall not be altered without the prior consent of BTCL. 13.30 Other relevant terms and conditions in light of the Public Procurement Regulations2008, not mentioned in this tender document but necessary for proper implementation of the contract, and any other terms and conditions upon mutual agreement may be included in the contract document with the successful bidder. Tender for ADSL Outsourcing

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The Evaluation Committee of BTCL, so formed for this purpose, shall evaluate all the offers according to clauses described in this section of the tender document.


However, relevant clause(s) stated elsewhere in this document shall also be applicable if such clause(s) do(es) not contradict any or many clause(s) of this chapter.


Bidder who will not give any or many of the required documents as asked to submit in the Offer, the Tender shall be treated to be “Non-Responsive”.


The Evaluation Committee shall check and determine the completeness of each document. If content of any of the required document(s) do not fulfil the requirement of the respective clauses, the bid shall be treated as “NonResponsive”.


The Evaluation Committee shall consider bidders’ compliance to various clauses and sub-clauses of this tender document.


If the bidder does not give any statement to its compliance to any clauses or subclauses of the tender document, its' compliance shall be treated as “non compliance” to that particular clause/ sub-clause.


If the bidder puts any condition to his compliance to any of the clauses and/ or sub-clauses, its' compliance shall be treated as “non compliance” to that particular clause and/ or sub-clause.


The Evaluation Committee shall also consider the contents of various attached documents. If any content of the attached documents contradicts the compliance statement of the bidder to any of the clauses and/ or sub-clauses, the bidder shall be treated as “non compliant” to that particular clause and/ or sub-clause.


If any Certificate or any other document attached as part of the bid is found to be false or unauthentic, the offer shall be made “Non-responsive”.


As part of the evaluation, the Evaluation Committee may take appropriate steps, whichever fits desirable and practical to them, to verify information contained in the Tender submitted by the bidders. The Evaluation Committee may also verify the contents of all the documentary evidences submitted with the Tender. The committee shall have the authority to contact the persons/ organizations issuing the documents to ascertain the authenticity. If for any bidder, either the content or the source of any of the supplied document is found to be unauthentic, or if the issuing organization/ person refuses to certify the authenticity of any document, the Evaluation Committee of BTCL shall treat the bid to be "Non-Responsive".


Based on the scoring system given in Annex-1, the bidders’ offers will be categorized into “degree of responsiveness” by adding up the “points” earned by each offer. The offer of any Bidder that earns less than 35 (Thirty Five) “points” shall be treated as “Non responsive”.

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The bid offer of a bidder, which was not treated by BTCL as “Non- responsive”, shall be automatically declared as “Responsive”.


BTCL’s decision to declare any bidder as “Non-Responsive” shall be final.


All the bids, found ”Responsive” will be listed in chronology of the "Offer Value (percentage of revenue)"; the bid with the lowest percentage shall be on top of the list.


BTCL shall determine to its satisfaction whether the Bidder that is selected as having submitted the lowest evaluated and substantially responsive Tender is qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily.


The determination shall be based upon an examination of the documentary evidence of the Bidder’s qualifications and experiences submitted by the bidder.


An affirmative determination shall be a prerequisite for award of the Contract to the Bidder. A negative determination shall result in rejection of the Bidder’s Tender, in which event BTCL shall proceed to the next lowest evaluated Tender to make a similar determination of that Bidder’s capabilities to perform satisfactorily.


BTCL reserves the right to accept any Tender, to annul the Tender process, or to reject any or all Tenders, at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidders, or any obligation to inform Bidders of the grounds for BTCL’s actions..

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Annex-1: Evaluation Criteria for Technical Offer Evaluation Criteria Company Status

Maximum Point 20



Limited Company Partnership Proprietorship

20 10 6

>2 years but ≤4 years >4 years but ≤8 years > 8 years Completed Running No experience below Tk. 4,00,000 Tk. 4,00,000 to Tk. 8,00,000 Tk. 8,00,001 to Tk. 12,00,000 Tk. 12,00,001 and above Yes No

8 12 20 10 4 0 2 4 6 10 10 0





Yes No

10 0

Overall business operation in ICT sector


Previous project/work experience with BTCL


Yearly average amount of VAT payment in the last two financial years


Accomplished or accomplishing managed service/maintenance contract in ICT field Business Plan including Customer Care Plan ISO certification


Note: The bidder shall submit the required document to earn the points.

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Annexure-2: Location of ADSL nodes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Location of DSLAM* Node Moghbazar, Dhaka SBN, Dhaka Gulshan, Dhaka Central, Dhaka Chawkbazar, Dhaka Comilla Sayedabad, Dhaka Fakirapool, Dhaka Mirpur, Dhaka Nilkhet, Dhaka Uttrara, Dhaka Narayangonj, Dhaka Khilgaon, Dhaka Cantonment, Dhaka Agrabad, Chittagong Nandan Kanon, Chittagong Central Sylhet, Central, Khulna Bogra Barisal Rajshahi Gazipur Savar Mymensingh Jessore TOTAL •

Equipped port


1344 2144 2528 2080 512 512 512 640 864 1696 1312 512 576 512 1312 416 512 224 128 224 224 128 224 128 224 19488

Ready to provide service Ready to provide service Ready to provide service Will be ready soon Ready to provide service Will be ready soon Ready to provide service Will be ready soon Ready to provide service Ready to provide service Ready to provide service Will be ready soon Ready to provide service Ready to provide service Will be ready soon Will be ready soon Will be ready soon Will be ready soon Will be ready soon Will be ready soon Will be ready soon Will be ready soon Will be ready soon Will be ready soon Will be ready soon

DSLAM: Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer

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Tenderer Information Sheet Notes on Tenderer Information Sheet This note is for information only to assist the procuring entity in the completion of the Form when preparing the Tender Document, but this note should not be included in the issued Tender Document. The information to be filled in by Tenderers in the following pages will be used for purposes of verification of eligibility and qualification of the Tenderer as provided for in relevant Clauses of the Instructions to Tenderers. Invitation for Tender No: Tender Package No:

Date A. Individual Tenderers


General Information of the Tenderer


Tenderer’s Legal Name


Tenderer’s legal address in Country of Registration


Tenderer’s legal status Proprietorship Partnership (Registered under the Partnership Act, 1932) Limited Liability Concern (Registered under the Companies Act, 1913) Others


Tenderer’s Year of Registration


Tenderer’s business status Manufacturer Local Agent/Distributor of a foreign Manufacturer Stockist Others (please specify)


Tenderer’s Authorised Representative Information Name Address Telephone / Fax Numbers e-mail address

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Tenderer’s Value Added Tax Registration Number


Tenderer’s Income Tax Identification Number (TIN)


Qualification Information of the Tenderer


Number of years of overall experience of the Tenderer in the ICT business:


Previous project/work experience with BTCL


Accomplished or accomplishing managed service/maintenance contract in ICT field [


Yearly average amount of VAT payment in the last two financial years


ISO certified Company?


Financial Information of the Tenderer


Financial reports or balance sheets or profit and loss statements or auditors’ reports or bank references with documents or a combination of these demonstrating availability of liquid assets. List below and attach copies.


Information on litigation in which the Tenderer is, or has been, involved: (a)

Any case within the past five years

Cause of Dispute


Result of Settlement and amount

Current cases in this financial year

Cause of Dispute

Current Position of Case

Note: The above represents the minimum requirements. These may be added to buy the Purchaser on a case-by-case basis, as necessary. B. Individual Members of a Joint Venture 4.1 4.2

Each Member of a JVCA shall provide all the information requested in the form above, Sections 1-3. Attach a power of attorney for each of the authorising signatories of the Tender on behalf of

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the JVCA. 4.3

Attach the Agreement among all Members of the JVCA (and which is legally binding on all Members), which shows that: (a)

all Members shall be jointly and severally liable for the execution of the Contract in accordance with the Contract terms;


one of the Members will be nominated as being in charge, authorised to incur liabilities, and receive instructions for and on behalf of any and all Members of the joint venture; and


the execution of the entire Contract, including payment, shall be done exclusively with the Member in charge

Note: The above represents the minimum requirements. These may be added to buy the Purchaser on a case-by-case basis, as necessary.

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