Isodp Business Meeting Minutes11-07

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ISODP Council Meeting and 2007 Scientific Program Committee Meeting Philadelphia, PA November 11, 2007 Present: Dr. Valter Duro-Garcia, Brazil (President) Howard Nathan, United States (ISODP 2007 Program Chair, Secretary, Incoming President) Dr. Bernard Cohen, Netherlands (Treasurer) Dr. Francis L. Delmonico, United States Prof. Haken Gabel, Sweden Dr. Guenter Kirste, Germany Dr. S.A. Anwar Naqvi, Pakistan (At-Large) Guests: Dr. Jeremy Chapman, Australia (President-elect TTS) Ms. Theresa Daly, Gift of Life Institute Staff: Ms. Filomena Picciano, Canada, Director of TTS Mr. Frank Lindo Verissimo, Canada The meeting of the International Society for Organ Donation and Procurement (ISODP) Council and the Scientific Program Committee for the 2007 meeting was held at the Loews Philadelphia Hotel in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Sunday, November 11, 2007 during the 2007 ISODP Organ Donation Congress pursuant to prior written notice to each ISODP councilor. Those in attendance were welcomed and the meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. Dr. Valter Duro Garcia presided as President of ISODP. Secretary and President-Elect Howard Nathan asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the May 5, 2007 meeting. Motion was made, seconded and those in favor approved the minutes with a change under the title of “Proposal for 2009 ISODP”, paragraph 2, “2007” was changed to “2009”. Bernard Cohen asked about the possibility of the ISODP being hosted by China in 2011. Dr. Jeremy Chapman noted that there was a very clear written policy as to our engagement with China and a policy on interaction with China that specifies who we may or may not have as members, speakers and/or attending meetings of The Transplantation Society. We also have a very clear intent and interaction with the Chinese government and their transplantation program. If by 2009 there has been a sufficient maturation and the status of ISODP being held in China is to augment and support the Chinese capacity for self-sufficiency and for the development of 1

DCD and conventional brain dead donors, then it would be possible. By 2009 we should be in a better position to decide. A decision should be made before an application has been made. Mention was made about the Falun Gong protestors who are scheduled to picket in front of the Loews Hotel during the Congress. Update on 2007 Organ & Tissue Donation Congress in Philadelphia Howard Nathan mentioned that a Pre-Congress Workshop “Creating Successful Organ Donation and Transplantation Collaboratives: Leading Practices from the U.S. Experience” was held on Saturday, November 10, 2007 at the offices of Gift of Life Donor Program which was very well received. There were 40 attendees from 19 countries and topics included the U.S. collaborative. Ginny McBride of HRSA helped to support and organize the workshop. Howard Nathan then gave a brief presentation on the 2007 ISODP website, hotel venue and reviewed the current officers of ISODP as Dr. Valter Duro-Garcia, President; Howard M. Nathan, Vice President and Secretary; Dr. Bernard Cohen, Treasurer, Dr. Haken Gabel, and Dr. Anwar Naqvi, At Large. Mr. Nathan will propose a slate of nominations for 2008 later in the meeting. The ISODP scientific program committee was representative of countries all over the world. In particular, Dr. Delmonico and Dr. Cohen were very helpful in suggesting topics and speakers. There was some discussion about the ITCS group and whether they were given an option of becoming a section of The Transplantation Society (TTS) since they have no formal organization association. ITCS is trying to get funding from national coordinator organizations. Unlike ITCS, the ISODP is an official section of TTS and represent individuals in the field. Dr. Bernard Cohen has tried to meet with representatives of ITCS to talk about their legal structure and the international organizations they represent. Mr. Nathan mentioned that ITCS did not raise any funds for the 2007 ISODP meeting. Dr. Kirste had a copy of ITCS by-laws and copies were circulated. Dr. Delmonico and Dr. Chapman suggested they meet with Jan Finn who is the president of NATCO regarding support of ISODP. According to Mr. Nathan, Aimee Cunningham who is president of ATCO from Australia also expressed interest in supporting ISODP and not ITCS. Mr. Nathan expressed his concern that there are two national organizations duplicating efforts and it has been difficult to organize meetings with ITCS to discuss. Dr. Chapman alleged TTS has the same set of issues about the way it manages its relationships with appropriate regional and national associations and suggested that perhaps the ISODP needs to build its own relationships. At this time there was a commitment from TTS representatives, Dr. Tilney, Dr. Chapman, and Dr. Delmonico, that only ISODP will remain a section of TTS. Howard Nathan gave a summary of the 2007 ISODP Congress … there were more than 75 invited speakers and more than 500 total attendees, representing 26 countries. There were 120 oral abstracts and 54 posters submitted, 57 sponsors and 35 exhibitors. Financial support was obtained from numerous national organizations and corporations. And 11 of the 15 Gift of Life Philadelphia region local transplant centers gave up to $5,000 each and 20 of the 58 U.S. OPOs gave up to $5,000. U.S. based tissue banks were very generous with their contributions. Howard Nathan suggested that consideration be given to rename the congress to 2009 Organ and Tissue Donation Congress. Mr. Nathan remarked that the pharmaceutical companies need more education on ISODP and organ donation in general and that they understand the benefits in supporting ISODP meetings. 2

Filomena Picciano of TTS provided membership information. There were approximately 111 members of TTS before the 2007 ISODP meeting. Dr. Frank Delmonico’s plan of having a joint membership was set up in such a way as to provide discounts for joining both organizations (TTS and ISODP) at the same time. There were 95 new members to TTS for a total of 206 individual members. Now, the key is to keep up the membership. Finance Report Dr. Cohen reported that as of September 30, 2007 there was a net balance of $27,169. Howard Nathan committed that Gift of Life would donate profits of up to $10,000 from the 2007 ISODP if, in fact, there was a profit. TTS generously gave $10,000 for 10 travel grants. Gift of Life has already put up $5,000 for ISODP grants and approximately more than $75,000 to the meeting plus in kind contributions. Filomena Picciano prepared certificates and Dr. Nick Tilney will present the certificates and checks at the dinner on Tuesday evening. Since only 15 people applied, the young investigator method was utilized and 15 checks will be awarded representing 8 or 9 countries. Filomena Picciano also mentioned that in order for recipients to receive their $1,000 scholarships, they must be members of TTS. Associate memberships are available at reduced rates. Slate of 2008 Officers and Councilors Howard Nathan suggested expanding the board of ISODP and deferred to Dr. Bernard Cohen for clarification of the by-laws. Dr. Cohen commented that the ISODP is not a society but legally a foundation that is established in the Netherlands and the by-laws recognize the election and reelection of members. Mr. Nathan then suggested the current slate of nominations from the numerous candidates to be voted on: President President – Elect Treasurer Immediate Past President Secretary

Howard M. Nathan (USA) Dr. Gunter Kirste (Germany) Dr. Bernard Cohen (Netherlands) Dr. Valter Duro-Garcia (Brazil) Ms. Kim Young (Canada)

At Large Councilors

Dr. Mario Abbud-Filho (Brazil) Prof. Haken Gabel (Sweden) Dr. S.A. Anwar Naqvi (Pakistan) Dr. Wojtek Rowinski (Poland)

Before a vote was taken, Mr. Nathan also mentioned Dr. Klaus Chen of China as a possible council member and wanted to discuss his nomination with the board in light of the publicity of Falun Gong since there has been no official ruling on what has been going on in China. Dr. Chapman reiterated that if an individual is a member of TTS, has signed the ethics statement that has specific language about using executed prisoner organs, has reasonable verification that it is not involved in transplantation from executed prisoners, … , then it would meet the requirements.


Dr. Chapman presented that in order to insure that its representation was geographically broad, The Transplantation Society adopted a regional rationale for their board that consists of six regions … North America, South America, Europe, Middle East and Africa, Asia, and Oceania. A consideration would be to have at least one person from each of the above regions on the ISODP Board. Japan is making great strides to try to change its environment for organ donation and is holding next year’s World Organ Donation Day. Dr. Shiro Takahara is probably the person most involved with that event and he is also the Secretary of Japan Transplant, leading the push to increase organ donation. Dr. Chapman thought it would be beneficial to them that they get involved in the ISODP. Since Tim Mathew who represented Australia has retired, Dr. Chapman mentioned Paul Robertson to replace him. Mr. Robertson is a transplant coordinator from Australia and is also the Vice President of ATCO, which will help foster the ISODP’s recognition with national associations. Therefore, two nominations then were received from the floor and were added to the slate of councilors, which was seconded by Dr. Naqvi, and included Dr. Takahara of Japan and Paul Robertson of Australia. Dr. Bernard Cohen asked for a final motion to approve Dr. Takahara of Japan and Paul Robertson of Australia as members of the board. Howard Nathan seconded the motion. 2009 Organ Donation & Tissue Congress Dr. Gunter Kirste gave a presentation on the history of the City of Berlin, the site of the 2009 Organ Donation & Tissue Congress, October 4 – 7, 2009. The venue for the Congress is Berliner Congress Center. Abstract submission is from September 1, 2008 through April 30, 2009. For pre-registration and further information the website is Dr. Kirste is also planning an Organ Donation Day during the 2009 Congress and since October 3 is the 20th anniversary of the breakdown of the Wall, there will be a million+ people in Berlin during the Congress and increase exposure for organ donation. Dr. Frank Delmonico asked how the Congress could foster some changes in the matter of donation after cardiac death in Germany. Dr. Kirste noted that the German law is currently against DCDs but German Chancellor may change that in the future. Dr. Jeremy Chapman mentioned that The Transplantation Society is having its 22nd International Congress in Sidney, Australia from August 10-14, 2008 and The Transplantation Society will promote the 2009 Organ Donation & Tissue Congress during its international meeting as well as all of the section meetings. We should have a liaison meeting with pharmas because they haven’t given money and there will be a very lean period for the next 3 or 4 years as pharmas go generic …. New Business For new members of the board, it is legally required that a specific Dutch form will have to be filled out and submitted along with a copy of their passport. Dr. Bernard Cohen will gather the forms and put together instructions and send to Filomena Picciano in 2008. 4

Other Business Dr. Anwar Naqvi reported that after 15 years, Pakistan finally has legislation on organ donation and transplantation, which he said was due to the help of many colleagues but especially Dr. Frank Delmonico who helped show the way. Dr. Naqvi found that his experience of being involved with The Transplantation Society, the ISODP and other regional societies had helped his country tremendously. Dr. Frank Delmonico also mentioned that Dr. Naqvi had written of an experience in Transplant International that is so revealing and so compelling as a reason not to sustain that system that any sensible person to know of that information brings the conclusion that something had to change. Dr. Delmonico congratulated Dr. Naqvi on such a great job. Dr. Valter Duro Garcia asked what could the Society could do to further organ donation and transplantation besides organize a Congress every two years … what could the Society improve? Howard Nathan felt that we need to get people from different countries communicating with one another and working together and that was the premise behind the Pre-Congress Workshop. Continuing education is important and that is what could done between meetings, i.e., Gift of Life Institute, Donor Action and TPM. Also Mr. Nathan made a commitment to upgrade the website so there is better communication between meetings, and the names, pictures and e-mail addresses of board members will be added. Dr. Jeremy Chapman agreed with the need for communication and education but also made a comment that the ISODP could be a conduit for the globalization of the standardized coding of organs, tissues and cells. The European guidelines for the standardization of coding of organs and tissues is coming out soon and there will be a 60-day comment period. Dr. Chapman will communicate with the ISODP board on The Transplantation Society’s comments as to the standardized coding. The United States is already coding every organ offer. Council will meet again at the ATC Meeting in Canada in June of 2008 as requested by Dr. Gunter Kirste so that we could put together the scientific committee and outlines for the 2009 Congress and during the 22nd International Congress of The Transplantation Society in Sydney, Australia in August 2008. Dr. Cohen inquired that under ISODP’s contract with TTS, the ISODP is entitled to dedicate one session to organ donation. Tim Mathews sent an e-mail for advice on organ donation but it was not sent to ISODP board. Dr. Delmonico wanted to clarify that ISODP has accepted the proposal for joint membership that was mentioned in the minutes of May 6, 2007 meeting. Also, there will be an administrative fee of $25.00 for those people who are not joint members with TTS. Agreed and seconded. The core activities will be supported through membership but each section would be responsible for funding their new activities. TTS did ease the membership process so membership forms can be filled out online. Dr. Anwar Naqvi asked whether the ISODP would be interested in having a Congress in a developing country, i.e., Pakistan in 2011. Mr. Nathan mentioned that the total financial burden is on the host. Dr. Naqvi understood the financial implications and wanted to pursue having the meeting in Pakistan in 2011. The meeting was adjourned at 5:32 p.m.


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