Iso 27001 -2005-induction Sep07

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ISO 27001:2005 Induction - Sep 2007 Protection notice / Copyright notice

Contents  What is Information Security?  An Introduction to ISO 27001:2005  Siemens Corporate Information Security Guide  Policies and Procedures  Summary

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What is Information Security? Information Security It is nothing but the protection of information assets in such a way that accurate information shall be accessible only to authorized users whenever required. It also implies to the storage devices on which information is being stored. e.g. Hard disks, Floppy Disks, CDs, Tapes, Paper Documents etc.

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Keys to Information Security Has my knowledge been disclosed?

Is my database reliable and not altered?



New paradigm



Are my transactions legally binding?

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Is my information available to authorised users?

Protect, detect, and recover from insecurities Protection notice / Copyright notice …. Sep 2007

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Need for Information Security More and more customers are asking for Information Security Requirements of several Certifications Legal Requirements (Data Privacy, SOX , IT Act 2000 etc.) Requirements as SISL is part of the Siemens global network Increase in risks with greater use of technology

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Introduction to ISMS


Information Security Management System ISMS is a management framework, based on ISO 27001, for providing security to critical information

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Introduction to ISO 27001 ISO27001

ISO/IEC 27001:2005 Auditable Standard

Clauses: Mandatory Processes

Annex A: Control Objectives

4 The ISMS

11 Domains

5 Management Responsibility

39 Control Objectives 6 Internal ISMS Audits

133 controls 7 Management Review Microsoft Excel Worksheet

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8 ISMS Improvement Sep 2007

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ISMS: PDCA Model - Formulate a risk treatment plan - Implement the risk treatment plan - Implement controls selected to meet the control objectives



- Execute monitoring procedures - Undertake regular reviews of the effectiveness - Conduct internal audits at planned intervals

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- Define ISMS Scope - Define Policy - Identify Risks - Assess Risks - Select Control objectives and control for treatment of risks -Prepare a statement of applicability



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- Implement Identified improvements -Take corrective and preventive actions -Communicate the results and actions and agree with all interested parties - Ensure that improvement achieve their intended objectives

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IS Organization Structure ISMF – Information Security Management Forum

Regional IS Operations in Charge

Information Security Officer

Administration Team for Physical Security

Incidence Response Team

ISMS Implementation Team – Business: ISAs

Network Security Administrator

ISMS Implementation Team – Support: ISAs

Communications Security Administrator Server Desktop Security Administrator

Business Continuity & DRP Team

Application Security Administrator

Ref: Procedure for Management Responsibility Page 9

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Corporate IS Policies Sr. No 1

Policy Name Entrance to the Corporate Information Security Guide


Rules for the Workplace / Use of Work Resources


Rules for Managers


Rules for the Operation of IT Systems, Networks, Services, and Applications


Protection of Corporate Proprietary Information


Secure Use of E-mail




System/Data Access Control for IT Systems


Computer Viruses


Data Backup


Using Key Material of the Siemens Public Key Infrastructure for Encryption, Digital Signature, Authentication


IT Disaster Recovery Planning


Cooperation and Data Communication with Business Partners

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Corporate IS Policies Sr. No 13-1

Policy Name Rules for Business Partners of Siemens


Mobile Security


Secure Network Topologies


Dynamic Assignment of IP Addresses


Sharing LAN Infrastructure with non-Siemens Tenants


Security of i2 Systems (Specific Users)


Security in SAP Systems (Specific Users)


Secure Portal Access (Specific Users)


Secure Portal Application Integration (Specific Users)


Use of Application Service Providing (Specific Users)

Find Corporate Information Security Guide (CISG) at  Information Security  Security Guide  All Static Policies

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India Specific IS Policies Sr. No

Policy Name


Local Administrator Rights




Rental Equipment


Wireless Internet Card


Email deletion of employees


Internet Access

For More :

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Policy 2 – Rules for the Workplace / Use of Work Resources

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Rules for the Workplace / Use of Work Resources Conduct at the workplace within company premises 

Protect corporate proprietary information against unauthorized persons

Classify and treat company proprietary information according to its need for protection information

Handling visitors 

Escort visitors in case of visit to secure areas

Challenge unknown visitors if found unescorted in secure areas

Sign the gate pass of the visitor at the time of leaving

Using Company owned IT Systems outside company premises 

Must be approved before hand and local regulations must be observed

In open environments, make sure no unauthorized person can access company proprietary information

 Page 14

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Remote access Intranet Sep 2007to the Siemens For Internal Usemust only be limited to approved services

Rules for the Workplace / Use of Work Resources Rules for all employees and managers 

Protect corporate proprietary information against unauthorized persons

Classify and treat company proprietary information according to its need for protection

Handling documents/data media  Keep confidential documents and data media locked  Remove confidential documents / media after conferences  For documents printed on network printers, ensure unauthorized person does not gains access  Destroy documents/data media which aren't needed anymore properly  Remove all data from hard drives before removal for further use Information security for faxes  Make sure the dialed number is correct.  Make sure the sender information is correct Page 15 a phoneSep Use only  Make call2007 to verify that aFor faxInternal was received

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Policy 3 – Rules for Manager

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Policy 3 - Rules for Manager User Registration There should be a formal registration procedure for the new employee joining the organization User Deregistration There shall be a formal user deregistration procedure for granting access to all multi-user information systems and services. Installation of Software Proprietary software products are usually supplied under a licence agreement that limits the use of the products to specified machines.

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Policy 5 – Protection of Corporate Proprietary Information

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Policy 5 – Protection of Corporate Proprietary Information “Corporate proprietary information comes under one of the four classifications, according to the protection it requires.”

Strictly Confidential Information that is extremely sensitive and is intended for use only by named individuals within the company.

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Confidential Information that is sensitive within the company and is intended for use only by specified groups of employees.

Sep 2007

For Internal Use Non-sensitive information available for Internal release.

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Public Non-sensitive information available for external release.

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Policy 6 – Secure Use of Email

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Policy 6 - Secure Use of Email Rules for senders of email  The recipient must be able to clearly identify the sender. -Never hide or falsify the sender's details.  Check e-mails and file attachments for computer viruses.  Use digital signatures to ensure the integrity of the content or the legal responsibility of the sender.  Send corporate proprietary information to external partners only as part of contractually agreed business relationships.  Send messages to specific persons and not to unnecessarily large distribution groups.  Do not create or forward chain letters or unauthorized warning messages. Upon receipt of such emails, forward them to Local support Rules for recipients of email  Access to mailboxes limited to the owner or to persons explicitly authorized by the owner.  Do not change default security settings made by the system manager.  If the user implements the security settings for the e-mail program they must be set to the highest security level.  Check e-mails and inserted attachments for computer viruses when opening the e-mail.  Handle e-mail according to the need for protection  No automatic forwarding to external postboxes. Protection notice / Copyright notice  Never attempt to read, delete, copy, change, decrypt or forward another person's e-mail. Page 21

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Policy 7 Passwords

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Password Quality Password should be a mix of upper & lower case letters, numerals and at least one special characters For Normal Users – minimum 8 character length For Privilege Users – minimum 15 character length

For Users with Admin Rights - 15 character length Use enhanced password rules if demanded by system manager Do not reuse previous five passwords Do not use trivial passwords (e.g. words from dictionaries, keyboard patterns, user IDs). Use different passwords for different security levels (e.g. system access, remote access, encryption, applications)

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Password Storage  Do not reveal passwords to others. (Exception: System managers may tell authorized persons a new password)

 Change pre-defined passwords after the first use  Protect your password records against disclosure  Passwords stored electronically must be encrypted  Passwords may have to be lodged with a manager (without disclosure)  Change passwords right away if a password may have become disclosed  Change passwords within 90 days. 30 days for sensitive data /privileged accounts (e.g. system manager)

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Policy 8 – System / Data Access Control for IT Systems

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Policy 8 - System / Data Access Control for IT Systems Rules for self-protection  Use protection mechanisms according to regulations, and do not disable, modify or circumvent them.  Access to own IT system only after authentication has been carried out, e.g. by entering a password.  Protect access to own system resources.  Lock opened access links, including during brief absence from the workstation, e.g. by enabling a screen saver.  When work is over, close opened accesses or protect against unauthorized system/data access.  Adopt deputizing regulations for access to own system/data resources. Rules for users on External IT systems  No direct connection to Siemens intranet permitted, for remote access contact Local support  Avoid transmission of corporate proprietary data on external systems wherever possible  Delete session data at the end of the session from the external system (including in the recycle bin, in temporary directories, etc.).  Delete Siemens data from private storage media before they are resold or disposed of in such a way that the data cannot be recovered.  Transfer data from external systems to the company's own systems as soon as possible if this data is Protection notice / Copyright notice Sep 2007 Page 26 essential for the company.

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Policy 9 Computer Viruses

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Computer Viruses Handling Computer Viruses  Creating and / or distributing computer viruses is strictly forbidden  False reports on viruses / warning messages, chain letters, etc. must not be created or forwarded  SysAdmin must be informed if suspicion exists that virus is present or the antivirus program repeatedly messages that a virus was removed or computer responds in an unfamiliar way  Do not deactivate the anti-virus programs or change of the settings provided by the system administrator

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Policy 10 – Data Backup

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Policy 10 - Data Backup Rules for Users that create their Own Data Backups A valid data backup concept must exist, even if it is a simple one. Back up all data, especially data which cannot be restored easily. Mark backup media, and protect against unauthorized access. Backup media containing data that must be highly available must be stored separately from the PC or workstation. Storing and disposal of data media containing company proprietary data must be in line with Policy "Protection of Corporate Proprietary Information".

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Policy 11Using Key Material of the Siemens PKI for Encryption, Digital Signature, Authentication

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Policy 11- Using Key Material of the Siemens PKI for Encryption, Digital Signature, Authentication Rules for Managers Policy rules must be obeyed in scope of responsibility. The risks and consequences of a security breach must be assessed and minimized. The manager must acknowledge the revocation of all personal keys of all individuals leaving the company. The manager must acknowledge that all non-personal keys are returned if the possessor leaves the company or transfers. The manager can transfer the key ownership to a successor without revoking the key, when the owner of a non-personal key leaves the company or is transferred.

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DRP IT Disaster Recovery Planning

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When disaster strikes…. Attacks on Suburban trains Mumbai/India

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When disaster strikes…. Monsoon rain flooding Mumbai/India (07.2005) How do we continue our business during / after disaster?

Plan for Disaster Recovery & Business ContinuityMumbai/India and 26.-29. July 2005 follow the Instruction Manual Page 35

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Recovery Plan

CIO & Infrastructur e contribute to BCP

BCP Coordinators

Business DRP Continuity Plan

BCP/DRP Definition

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BCP Coordinators contribute to BCP

BCP Coordinators For Internal Use only

Business Impact Analysis & Risk Analysis

Identify Mission Critical Processes


IT Disaster

Non-IT Disaster Recovery Plan

Infrastructure Team

Cost Impacts & Risk Analysis

BCP Approach

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Business Continuity Mgmt BCM Organization Executive Decision Committee




Response Management Team

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SRE/ Real Estates

Business Continuity Program Manager

Emergency Response Teams



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PR BCP Coordinator


Infosec Officer

BU Representative s

…. .

ERT_Manu fact

ERT_xx …..

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Fire on WTC twin towers Example of Disaster that can happen in any Office premises: Panic and terror gave way to anger and disbelief on September 11, 2001 as New Yorkers mourned the massive loss of life after two hijacked commercial planes slammed into the World Trade Center's twin towers, which later crumpled to the ground in a heap of concrete, flames and ash. Page 38

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Behavior in Case of Fire In case of fire take the nearest escape route to the assembling point. point

The call to evacuate the building will be given by fire alarm, the Chief of the Disaster Preparedness Organisation (DPO) or the on-scene commander. commander

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Behavior in Case of Fire Remember that – Elevators must not be used; – Exit smoke filled rooms in a bent over or in crawling position.

If it is not possible to leave a room safely, i.e. when the escape route is full of smoke: – close the doors, – make yourself visible and audible at the window, – wait for the emergency crew. Page 40

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Behavior in Case of Fire

Wait at a safe and readily visible place for the fire department to arrive and give them instructions if needed.

Additional Info

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Business Continuity Mgmt Fire is only one of the disaster that can happen in the work place. Ref: Instruction Manual for additional guidelines

In case of any Disaster, inform the Emergency Response Team (ERT) identified for your SBU.

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Policy 13 – Cooperation and Data Communication with Business Partners &

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Policy 13- Co-operation and data communication with Business Partner Rules on the disclosure of information Allow business partners access to corporate proprietary information only to the extent provided for in the applicable contractual agreements. All information resulting from the collaboration with a business partner is to be handled as corporate proprietary information Information that has to be passed to a business partner must carry the copyright and classification endorsements The written consent of the owner of corporate proprietary information must be obtained before the information may be made available to the business partner, unless the provider of the information is the owner. Own resources are to be protected against unauthorized access by the business partner.  Data may only be shared with business partners using the applications and systems installed for this purpose in the particular company unit. Ref: Procedure from Risk from Third Parties Business Partner’s to follow Policy 13-1 :Rules for Business Partners of Siemens Page 44

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Policy 14 – Mobile Security

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Policy 14 - Mobile Security Usage of a mobile device Report loss or theft of devices to local support. Report any unknown / found devices to local support. Report the manipulation of devices to local support Store the device in a safe place. Non-Siemens devices must not be used. Backup the data regularly.

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Policy 14 - Mobile Security Configuration of a mobile device Do not change default security settings. Have the security settings configured before using the device Check the security setting regularly Software of a mobile device Use the virus scanner software Enable Operating System Firewall Use access control software

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Self Discipline ( Summary ) Don’t

download Freeware and Pirated Software's


Latest Anti Virus is loaded on Desktops


Use Strong Passwords and Change it periodically


Share your Passwords


Laptops / Data Media in Lockable Place


regular Back Up of Important Data


the credentials if message is received from unknown sender


complete Data if Data Media is to be sent out for Repairs

Disposal Avoid Be

of defective Data Media incl. Documents by Crushing / Shredding

Business discussions at Public Places especially over the phone

alert while working on Laptops during Travel

Transmit Always

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confidential data in Encrypted Form only

switch off your computer before leaving for the day Sep 2007

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Intranet Resources

 Corporate Information Security Guide

 Virus Competence Center

Computer Emergency Response Team

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Quiz Q1 You are about to go on vacation. What measures to you undertake on your last working day?     

I lock up all portable data media I give a trustworthy co-worker my password, in case someone has to use my PC I take my computer home to prevent any misuse in my absence. I leave my ID-Card at the main reception desk I follow the appropriate steps outlined in the personnel regulations concerning vacation/ deputation.

Q2 Which rules governs password use?     

They should not have more than 10 letters Punctual marks and symbols are not permitted They should be easy to remember such as your spouse's name They should never be written down They should be changed regularly

Note: There could be more than one correct choices Page 50

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Quiz Q3 Which rules are applicable for receiving Visitors at Siemens? b) c) d) e) f)

Siemens does not permit any visitors on company premises Visitors must be accompanied at all times All visitors must be picked up at the reception desk It is forbidden to hold any doors open for visitors I provide visitors with my ID Card to permit them free access to the building.

Q4 Which of the following is not part of the basis of Data Quality?     

Confidentiality Integrity Availability Comparability Liability

Note: There could be more than one correct choices Page 51

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Thank You Page 52

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