Islamist 5 Mag

  • December 2019
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EDITORIAL Since the Marshall Plan was devised by the British and Americans following the Second World War, the Muslim world has been ruled by oppressive and egotistical individuals, who were either installed by Western regimes or remained in power as they served the economic and political interests of the leading nation at that time. The situation remains the same today, hence the terms ‘puppets of the West’ or ‘lapdogs’ are often used when describing the subordinate relationships the so called Muslim rulers have with their Western counterparts. Such terms are given more credence when they spend billions of dollars supporting Western interests at the expense of their own people, as illustrated by the recent $7.3 billion investment in Barclays bank by the Qatari and Abu Dhabi royal families. The vast majority of Muslim countries are plagued by civil unrest as the people suffer from poverty, ill health, lack of opportunities and a poor quality of life, however in order to crush any opposition or popular uprising the leaders cling to power by imprisoning, torturing and even executing their own people. History is littered with their acts of betrayal against their own citizens and the Muslim Ummah. This betrayal has been highlighted once again, as these leaders stood back and watched the massacre in Palestine. Many Muslims are at a loss to explain why these rulers do not act whilst others are lobbying them to send their armies to defend the Palestinian people. In light of this fact, in this issue we have focused on the Arab countries surrounding the illegitimate state of Israel and have listed some examples of their betrayal, making it clear why they have taken no action. Despite all the suffering we are witnessing, a significant number of Muslims living in the West have little concern for the affairs of the Ummah and have adopted the mindset and lifestyle of the Kuffar (non-Muslims). As a result of which they value and partake in celebrations such as Valentines Day without understanding the origins of such events, which in fact oppose the very essence of Islam as detailed in our article on page 7.

The Islamist Magazine


Finally, as Barack Obama is inaugurated as President of the United States the world awaits to see if he will fulfil his pledge and close the detention centre at Guantanamo Bay. Despite the fact the centre receives very little media coverage it continues to detain and torture innocent Muslims, hence in our news section we highlight what has been taking place there over the last seven years since it opened on January 11th 2002.

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As the world’s media broadcasted pictures of carnage and destruction, thousands of people took to the streets around the world in protest against the Israeli massacre in Gaza. Despite this the ‘international community’ remained complicit in this murder. The false claims of concern for the Palestinian people were obvious for all to see. In particular the US and UK governments, who vetoed or abstained from passing a resolution calling for an end to the siege. Similarly was the case for all the other European countries, who abstained from passing a UN Human Rights Council resolution which called for an international mission to be sent immediately to the Gaza strip to put a stop to Israel’s crimes.

412+ Children Killed 1,855+ Children Wounded

Subsequently, the military onslaught intensified as Israeli troops and reservists, supported by warplanes and navy gun boats, moved into the southern and eastern suburbs of Gaza city, bringing more death and destruction. The US based Human Rights Watch reported its staff had observed the use of the chemical white phosphorus by the Israeli army when shelling Gaza City and the Jabaliya district. White phosphorous burns human flesh to the bone and also burns everything it touches causing irreparable damage. The group said “the problem is that it covers such a wide area that when white phosphorous wafers come down, over 100 in each artillery shell, they burn everything they touch and don’t stop burning until they are done.” Such barbaric acts of aggression have reduced Gaza to a derelict wasteland. Civilian buildings were not spared as homes, mosques, schools, clinics and municipal buildings were all bombed, leaving the Muslims of Gaza without the infrastructure they need to meet their basic needs. Gaza was already suffering from a humanitarian crisis before the attacks, due to the Israeli aid blockades stopping any food or medicine from entering. Yet the three week bombardment of Gaza highlighted the essential objective of the Israeli government and its onslaught was to murder as many Muslim as possible. Israel has neither any respect for human life nor any desire for peace. By indiscriminately targeting a civilian population and the buildings in which they sought refuge, with chemical weapons, shows that Israel wanted to murder as many Muslim as possible. The Jews have hatred for Islam and Muslims as Allah (swt) tell us in the Quran “Verily, you will find the strongest among men in enmity to the believers the Jews and those who are idolators.” [EMQ 5:82] As Muslims we are obliged to support the liberation of Palestine and all Muslim lands from occupying forces either physically, verbally or financially as much as we can and we need to raise our voices against the tyranny, injustice and oppression wherever it may be.

THE AMERICAN INQUISITION Shortly after 9/11 the US administration issued a directive to the CIA giving them the power to set up detention facilities abroad known as ‘Black Sites’, which would operate outside of any international laws or conventions. Kidnapped Muslims were assigned a status of unlawful combatants and were dehumanised and paraded as if they were the world’s most dangerous men and women. The inquisitors were subsequently not accountable for the methods they employed to extract information. As a result of the media coverage, when some of the methods used were questioned and likened to Gestapo style tactics, the sick response from the Republicans was that these are not torture techniques rather they are ‘Enhanced Interrogation Techniques’. It should be noted that at the height of the war, no Democrat or Republican politician condemned such treatment. To date around 800 Muslims from 46 different countries have endured torture and suffering at the hands of the US government and its guards. Typical forms of cruelty include sleep deprivation, exposure to snakes, tarantulas and scorpions, stripping and forced nudity, humiliating body searches, racial and religious hatred, sexual abuse, solitary confinement, forced crawling, stress positions, forced kneeling and standing, arms handcuffed above heads, death threats, rape, punching, kicking, hooding, forced shaving, food and water deprivation, electric shocks, cigarette burns, water boarding or simulated drowning using cellophane and officers urinating on detainees. The irony is that similar coercion methods were denounced when employed by foreign governments against US soldiers, for example by the Japanese and the Germans during WWII. Water boarding is a technique which has its origins in the Spanish Inquisition, whereby a prisoner is bound to a board, feet raised and head slightly below the feet, cellophane is wrapped over the prisoner's face and water is poured over him, inducing a feeling of drowning.

Even more worrying is the fact that the concept of the ‘Ghost’ prisoner has become an accepted part of this so called ‘War on Terror’. ‘Ghost’ prisoners are those who are hidden from the eyes of the world. Camp Delta is a visible deliberate distraction. ‘Ghost’ prisoner estimates range in the tens of thousands and sadly endure even more horrendous interrogation techniques than those used at Guantanamo. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: Secure the release of (all) the (Muslim) prisoners. [Bukhari]




After decades of floods, hurricanes and other natural disasters, news of another calamity in Bangladesh may not be surprising; however, the latest catastrophe to hit Bangladesh is far more destructive than all those mentioned above. After two years of military rule, which exposed the corruption of former leaders Sheikh Hasina and Khaleda Zia, the recent elections saw them both return as candidates for the post of Prime Minister. The Muslims of Bangladesh have endured years of poverty, violence, oppression and tyranny under nationalistic man-made law but have not learnt any lessons from their history, demonstrated by the fact they have once again elected Sheikh Hasina as Prime Minister. Her victory will bring more misery and oppression as Allah (swt) says “Whoever rules by other than what Allah has revealed, they are oppressors.” [EMQ 5:46] Furthermore, Bangladesh, one of the poorest countries in the world, has no hope of prosperity as long as it is ruled by apostate women such as Khaleda Zia and Sheikh Hasina, as foretold by the Prophet (saw) who said, “Any nation that makes a woman their leader will never prosper.” [Bukhari] Sheikh Hasina, praised by George Bush as being the ‘secular choice’, is famed for her opposition to any form of Islamic influence in government, her loathing of Shariah law, for vilifying the Taliban and her promotion of secular Kufr (non-Islamic) law in Bangladesh. Despite feigning some level of Imaan (conviction and declaration of Islam), she has never claimed she will rule by Islamic law, rather that she will rule and judge according to the democratic desires of parliament. Regarding such people Allah (swt) says, “Have you seen those who claim to believe in what was revealed to you (O Muhammad) and in what was revealed before you (i.e. to the previous prophets) and they wish to arbitrate to the Taghoot (any man, jinn or law etc that is worshipped, obeyed or followed instead of Allah) while they were ordered to reject it? Verily the Shaytaan wishes to mislead them with a clear misguidance.” [EMQ 4:60]

The right of legislation belongs to Allah (swt) alone, as made clear by numerous evidences from the Quran and Sunnah, hence it is binding upon all Muslims to reject the authority of nationalistic and secular governments such as Bangladesh and continue to call for the Shariah to be implemented.

The Islamist Magazine

Around 500 Muslim prisoners have been transferred (not released) from Guantanamo only to be held in custody by a different barbaric regime, where the nightmare of Guantanamo is relived in a different country.






On the 27th December 2009 the illegitimate state of Israel launched its most brutal and murderous campaign to date on the poor, innocent and defenceless Muslims of Gaza, in occupied Palestine. Gaza in recent weeks has been bombed beyond all recognition by one of the most sophisticated armies in the world, unleashing their arsenal of weaponry and artillery upon its Muslim inhabitants. The world has watched in horror as men, women and children were murdered indiscriminately by a brutal, arrogant and tyrannical state, a state that has become accustomed to the subjugation, killing, torture and torment of Muslims. The complicity for Israel’s crimes by the international community was clear for all to see, not a single nation condemned the murder of innocent Muslims or the complete destruction of civilian infrastructure. Instead procrastination over an immediate ceasefire by western governments at the United Nations gave Israel further time to meet its military objectives. Ultimately all diplomatic efforts were rendered useless, as the USA, Israel’s adoptive father, vetoed a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire. Furthermore, European diplomats, engaged in the façade of shuttle diplomacy, in an attempt to gain favourable public opinion towards ending the conflict. Such a response is expected from a disbelieving community, full of hatred and animosity towards Islam and Muslims, as Allah (swt) says, “And they will never cease fighting you until they turn you back from your religion (Islamic Monotheism) if they can.” [EMQ 2:217]

The Islamist Magazine


However, the most evil and criminal act regarding the massacre in Palestine has to be the complicit nature of the Arab regimes in endorsing this operation. The betrayal of the Arab regimes dates back to the destruction of the Islamic state, an unprecedented event in Islamic history of such political magnitude that it precipitated the humiliation, subjugation and mass killing of Muslims and the occupation of Muslim land, which we witness today. If we have a cursory look at the countries that constitute the Middle-East today we find monarchical dictatorships where the rulers are puppets for the disbelieving nations, such as USA and Britain, which all implement Kufr (nonIslamic) law upon the people. They ceremoniously gather every year at Arab League summits and perennially at Organisation of the Islamic conference (OIC) meetings, both of whom have no political credence as they have forsaken their sovereignty by ceding to the United Nations. Hence any decisions or proclamations made by these

impotent nations can be considered worthless. Where were these Arab regimes, when over 1 million children were murdered under the auspices of the United Nations led sanctions in Iraq? Where have these regimes been for over 60 years since the land of Palestine was brutally occupied by the Jews? Where are the armies of the Muslim lands in order to defend them? Where are these nations to cite a single condemnation against the internationally agreed ‘illegal’ invasion and occupation of Iraq? Where are these regimes when the weak and destitute Muslims around the world are calling out for help? Where are these Arab nations for the Muslims of Somalia? Where are these Arab regimes when hundreds of Muslims are incarcerated and tortured in Guantanamo Bay and when prisoners undergo international rendition so they may be tortured further without any accountability under the so-called ‘Convention of Human Rights’? Rather they are complicit with the disbelieving nations in the suffering of Muslims, as is being perpetuated in the present crusade against Islam and Muslims. They in fact have disbelieved, as Allah (swt) says, Oh you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliya’ (friends, protectors, helpers, etc.), they are but Auliya’ to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as Auliya’, then surely he is one of them. [EMQ 5:51] In commenting on the above verse Ibn Hazm stated in AlMuhalla (11/138): “What is correct is that His statement, the Most High, And if any amongst you takes them as Auliya’, then surely he is one of them. [EMQ 5:51] should be understood on the basis of its apparent meaning. The person being referred to is a disbeliever from the generality of disbelievers and no two Muslims disagree regarding this.” Furthermore Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab (rh) compiled ten actions that negate one’s Islam (Nawaqid ul-’Ashr), of which number eight states: “Assisting the disbelievers (against the believers) (Mudhaharatul Mushrikeen) and supporting them against the believers (is from the actions that negate one’s faith). The Proof being the statement of Allah, And if any amongst you takes them as Auliya’, then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers and unjust). [EMQ 5:51] ALL the leaders of Muslim countries throughout the world are apostates from the Deen of Islam, principally because they ally with the disbelievers in fighting against Islam and Muslims.

Has allowed the Americans to maintain their Military Bases in the Sacred Land of the two holy Masjids. In March 2008 King Abdullah called for a “brotherly and sincere dialogue between believers from all religions”. He donated $50 million in cash and $10 million worth of relief aid for the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake in China, whereas he only donated $8 million to the Muslims in Gaza in 2009. He recognises the existence of Israel up to the 1967 borders. In 2007 King Abdullah met Pope Benedict (who had insulted Muhammad (saw)) and gave him two gifts: a gold and silver sword studded with precious jewels and a silver and gold statue of a palm tree with a man riding a camel. In return the Pope gave him a 16th century print of the Vatican and a gold medal of his pontificate.

Egypt – President Hosni Mubarak In 2009 Mubarak said he wanted Israel to emerge as the winner in the current conflict in Gaza Egypt was an ally of America in the 1st Gulf War in 1991 and Egyptian foot soldiers were some of the first to land in Saudi Arabia to evict Iraqi forces from Kuwait. After the war, in which millions of Muslims died, Egypt was rewarded by its allies who forgave it a debt of approximately $20 billion. Egypt receives $2 billion in aid from the Americans every year. 80 000 Muslims are behind bars in Egypt, principally because they want the Shariah to be implemented.

Jordan – King Abdullah II Chapter 1 Article 1 of the Jordanian constitution states: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is an independent sovereign Arab State. It is indivisible and inalienable and no part of it may be ceded. The people of Jordan form a part of the Arab Nation, and its system of government is parliamentary with a hereditary monarchy. Jordan is the 2nd largest recipient of aid from America. US economic and military aid to Jordan in 2008 amounted to $561.4 million It included anti-missile technology for its F-16’s, stingers, military communications, intelligence equipment, Black Hawk helicopters etc. Jordan informally and discreetly provided logistical support to the U.S. military and has also trained Iraqi cadets. The apostate king has given away a significant amount of Muslim land, including a plot of land to the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, for construction of a church at the Bethany-beyond-the-Jordan site, where according to Christian tradition Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist. In 1994 Jordan signed a peace treaty with Israel. The King believes the Palestinian-Israeli conflict needs to be resolved through the two-state solution.

Syria – President Bashar Al-Assad The Assad family are members of the Kufr (disbelieving) Shia sect called Alawites (also known as the Nusairis) who attributed divinity to Ali (ra) by saying Ali (ra) is the creator of the heavens and the earth, and that he (ra) is their god in heaven and Imam on the earth. They have legalised intoxicants, disbelieve in the day of resurrection and believe in reincarnation. Under the French mandate Alawis were recognised, given autonomy and even incorporated into the colonial troops.

11 million tourists visit Egypt each year generating $10 billion of income, which is derived from alcohol, drugs, visiting topless beaches, idolatrous attractions like the pyramids and individuals enjoying belly dancing, singing and films etc.

From 2001 till 2004 the CIA were exporting terror suspects to Syrian prisons to be tortured. In 1982 his father (Hafiz Al-Assad) ordered his army to slaughter around 40 000 Sunni Islamists, who threatened the existence of the Syrian government, in a place called Hama.

In 2005 hundreds of Muslims from the Sudan-Darfur conflict were massacred in Cairo by the Egyptian security forces and riot police, who raided a refugee camp housing 3500 Muslims, they wanted to remove the entire camp.

The son has inherited the same brutal traits as his father, particularly when dealing with the Muslims from Kurdistan. Hundreds of Kurds have been killed, disappeared, held incommunicado by the authorities,

The Islamist Magazine

The US Army has started training Egyptian soldiers to locate and destroy tunnels, to prevent arms-smuggling from Sinai to the Gaza Strip. In January 2009 U.S. Congressman Steve Israel announced after a meeting with President Hosni Mubarak that the U.S. would allocate $23 million of its military budget to Egypt for tunnel-locating equipment.

Egypt was the first Arab country to recognise Israel in 1979.


Saudi Arabia - King Abdullah



tortured, refused ownership of property and some cannot even receive treatment from state hospitals. In April 2008, President Assad and Israel had been discussing a peace treaty for a year, with Turkey acting as a mediator.


Until 1924 Turkey was home to the last remnants of the Islamic state. Following the symbolic removal of the Khaleef the Islamic way of life disappeared and man made law was established. In 1928 the Turkish government passed a clause, which stated that Islam was no longer part of the constitution and officially declared it a secular country. Turkey was one of the founding members of the United Nations in 1945, reaffirming their commitment to the superiority of man made law. Furthermore, the Turkish government supported the U.S. and coalition forces against the Muslims in the First and Second Gulf Wars. It is one of America’s strongest and most strategic allies, hosting important air bases near Syria and Iraq. Turkey has been instrumental in the U.S. war against Islam and Muslims initiated after 9/11, allowing it to launch air strikes from Turkish bases and by providing military and logistic support during invasions in both Afghanistan and Iraq. Despite the fact Turkey has one of the largest standing armed forces in the world it has never deployed its army for the defence of the Muslims. Rather the army intervenes domestically to ensure Turkey’s secular democratic society is maintained, by threatening anybody inclined towards Islam. In 1949 Turkey was the first Muslim country to formally recognise the pirate state of Israel. After the United States it is considered the closest ally of Israel due to the level of military, strategic and diplomatic cooperation that exists between the two nations, demonstrated by the fact that Turkey provides much needed air space for the Israeli Air Force to run training programmes. Plans are underway to build a massive pipeline from Turkey to supply water, electricity, gas and oil to Israel.

The Islamist Magazine


It is loyal to Israel, declining to comment on the recent massacre in Gaza, the Lebanon crisis and the PalestinianIsraeli conflict in general. In 2006 the Israeli Foreign Ministry characterized its relationship with Turkey as “perfect”.


The United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) is a federation of seven states formed in 1971 following independence from Britain. Nevertheless it has always maintained strong ties with the British whilst developing relations with other Western countries. In order to

maintain and strengthen these ties the U.A.E has provided full military, logistic and financial support to the U.S and UK in their barbaric War on Terror. Since the First Gulf war the U.A.E. has willingly allowed western nations to establish military bases there, such as the Al Dhafra Air Base located outside of Abu Dhabi. The air base facilitated operations during the First Gulf War and Operation Northern Watch. The U.A.E. fully supported U.S military operations during the invasions of Iraq (2003) and Afghanistan (2001), allowing air strikes from their bases along with other forms of naval, air and land support. It is committed to supporting the Global War on Islam and Muslims, aiding operations against Somalia. Domestically it has prevented Muslims from supporting and fulfilling their Islamic responsibilities towards the people of Afghanistan and Iraq. It has arrested and tortured those Muslims who have expressed a desire to do so, at times transferring them into the custody of the Kuffar.


Following the Iranian revolution, when the Shah of Iran was overthrown and the Islamic Republic of Iran was formed in 1979, the country has been viewed by the world, including many Muslims, as a country based upon Islam. Nothing could be further from the truth! The reality is that the state of Iran is based upon the understanding of the Shia Rafidah, who have always been an enemy of Islam and Muslims, allying with the disbelievers for their own political and religious gains. Domestically the Government restricts the activities of the minority Sunni community, particularly the scholars, some of whom have been under house arrest for years and are often charged with crimes such as “confronting the regime,” apostasy and possession of drugs. Successive regimes have even imprisoned, abused, tortured and savagely killed those who have opposed their evil beliefs. Iran fuels and supports the rise of the Shia Rafidah around the world, supporting uprisings in Pakistan, Lebanon, Iraq, U.A.E. and even Saudi Arabia, whilst seeking to capitalise on the Crusader wars on Islam and Muslims. Iran has given unequivocal support to the Rafidah in Iraq, who have killed and butchered thousands of Muslims since the U.S. led invasion in 2003. Upon assuming control of the Government the Rafidah are openly discriminating against the Sunnis. With the support of Iran the Lebanese based group Hezbollah has taken control over large areas within Lebanon and is oppressing the Sunnis under their authority. Iran is propagating the evil beliefs of the Rafidah throughout the Muslim world, corrupting the minds of many Muslims and leading them away from the path of Ahl ul Sunnah wal Jammah. Moreover, it sponsors many organizations and groups to undermine the true believers.

PROMISCUITY | Free-Mixing | ADULTRY | Immoral LOVE | LUST | FORNICATION ... aLL IN THE NAME OF VALENTINE’s DAY The western (Gregorian) calendar has evolved over the years to include many different Pagan festivals and Christian celebrations, all of which divert man away from the submission and worship of Allah (swt). Valentine’s Day is one such festival that is being participated in by an increasing number of Muslims. Many view this day as harmless fun, an opportunity to show love and affections towards spouses and partners by exchanging cards, giving flowers and having candle lit dinners etc, not realising that its origin and current day practices conflict with the teachings and tenets of Islam. This celebration originates from Greek paganism and the remembrance of a martyred Christian saint called Valentine. Saint Valentine was imprisoned and later executed for secretly marrying couples against the wishes of the Roman King. In prison, it is said that Saint Valentine fell in love and managed to send a card to a girl signed with the words ‘from your valentine’. Consequently, when the Romans converted to Christianity they chose to commemorate the day of Saint Valentine’s execution as a day for celebrating the ‘martyrs of love’. It is a futile and evil festival, used to justify sinful actions such as free-mixing, promiscuity, vain sexual talk and even fornication. Unfortunately many Muslims have been duped by the concept of ‘love’ promoted by romantic movies, songs and the media throughout the world and the recognition of Valentines Day opens the door to Shaytan to manipulate their behaviour, encouraging them to abandon their Islamic identity and to entertain desires of lust, to engage in pre-marital relations and in other evil practises.

Furthermore Allah (swt) says Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.). That is purer for them. Verily, Allah is AllAware of what they do. [EMQ 24:30] Our way of life is distinct from the lives of the disbelievers

As Muslims we should realise that the manner in which we live our lives and satisfy our needs is determined by Allah (swt) and not our desires and nor the values and culture of the societies in which we live. Our emotions and actions, no matter how insignificant they may seem, all need to be in accordance with Islam, as we will be accountable for all of them. The one who achieves this will attain the ultimate success, as Allah (swt) says:

These are the

limits (set by) Allah

(or ordainments as regards laws of inheritance), and whosoever


Allah and His Messenger will

be admitted to Gardens under which

rivers flow (in Paradise), to abide therein, and that will be the great

success. And whosoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger and transgresses His limits, He will cast him into the


to abide therein; and he shall have a



[EMQ 4: 13-14] In conclusion, the Muslim should not succumb to the whispering of Shaytan. Instead we should endeavor to attain the best form of love, which is exclusive love for Allah (swt), the creator of the Heavens and the Earth and all that exists.

The Islamist Magazine

When one looks at the Quran and Sunnah it becomes clear that such activities and practises are not promoted but rather completely prohibited. Allah (swt) has ordered the believing men and women to abstain from such evil acts, to the extent that Muslims should avoid any course of action that may lead to committing sin. Hence, Muslim men and women are not permitted to socialise with one another or let their look linger, for the Messenger Muhammad (saw) stated “The eyes also commit zina (fornication), and their zina (fornication) is the lustful look” (Al-Bukhari).

and their practises. As Muslims we maintain our purity and do not indulge in shameful acts. Even the concept of love is different from that of the disbelievers. For us love is not about lust, fulfilling our desires or engaging in sordid acts influenced by Shaytan. Rather there are different types of love, of which the best and most noble is our love for Allah (swt) and seeking His pleasure. ‘True love’ is that which will attain us forgiveness and the pleasure of Allah (swt), as the Prophet (saw) said: “When Allah loves a slave, He calls out to Jibreel and says: ‘I love so-and-so, so love him’. Then Jibreel loves him. After that, he (i.e., Jibreel) announces to the inhabitants of the heavens that: ‘Allah loves so-and-so, so love him’; then the inhabitants of the heavens (i.e., the angels) also love him and they then make the people on earth love him too.” [Bukhari & Muslim]


Valentine’s Day of Fornication!



Working C llectively

Working as a Jama’ah (collectively under an Ameer, as a group) is an important concept in Islam. Many verses from the Qur’an, prophetic narrations and Islamic principles point towards this fact. With regards to Jihad (striving for Allah’s cause) The Prophet (saw) said “If you go to Jihad, gather together and go in a Jama’ah.” [Sunan Abu Dawood]. Immense reward, praise and saviour from punishment has been associated with the issue of working in a Jama’ah, Abdullah Ibn Umar (ra) narrated that the Prophet (saw) said

“Prayer done in a congregation is twenty-seven degrees more excellent than prayer done by a single person.” [Saheeh Muslim] Muhammad (saw) also told us that “The Jama’ah is a mercy and disunity a punishment.” [Musnad Imam Ahmad] There are acts of worship which are Fard (obliged) upon the Muslims to perform collectively and can only be done in this manner such as the Funeral prayer and Eid prayer. While there are acts of worship, which carry more reward if done collectively such as travelling or eating, but are not obliged to be done collectively.

The Islamist Magazine


A prime example of doing something collectively which all Muslims should be able to relate to is the Jummu’ah (Friday prayer) which can only be performed in a Jama’ah, no one will ever dare to say, we can pray individually or by ourselves. One important factor whenever you have a group of individuals set upon fulfilling any task is the duty of electing a competent or a qualified leader (Ameer) and the evidence for this is based upon the following authentic narrations: Abu Saeed Al-Khidri (ra) narrated that the Messenger Muhammad (saw) said “If three go out travelling they must appoint an Ameer among them”. [Sunan Abu Dawood].

Also Abdullah Ibn Omar (ra) narrated that Muhammad (saw) said “It is not allowed for three persons to exist in any open area on the Earth except if they appoint one of themselves as an Ameer.” [Musnad of Imam Ahmad and Sunnan of Abu Dawood]. That is why the best reciter of the Quran should lead the Salah, the person who knows the route or the driver should be the Ameer for travelling. The main reason for having somebody responsible and in charge over everybody else is to remove disputes and do things in a unified manner. When it comes to the obligation of Dawah, commanding the good and forbidding the evil in society then these duties must be done collectively and the proof for this is the following verse: Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good (Islam), enjoining Al-Ma’ruf (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) and forbidding Al-Munkar (polytheism and disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden). And it is they who are the successful. [EMQ 3:104] In this verse Allah (swt) addresses all the believers and obliges the Muslims to set up a party which fulfils three main duties and then Allah (swt) praises those who do so. We also find that the Sunnah of our beloved Messenger Muhammad (saw) also teaches us that he (saw) always worked as a body with his noble companions whether this was in Mecca or Medina. They invited the Quraish living in Mecca to Tawheed collectively and one famous incident spells this out very clearly; Upon the conversion of Umar Bin Al Khattab (ra) to Islam, the Muslims came out publicly in two lines with Hamza (ra) and Umar (ra) at the forefront calling the pagans to embrace the Deen of Allah (swt). So if we are obliged to work in a group with an Ameer for such small tasks then the question of working for the implementation of the Shari’ah, which is on a much larger scale, definitely requires a co-ordinated effort with an Ameer, and as a final comment on the topic, last and final Messenger Muhammad (saw) informed us that

“Allah’s hand is over the Jama’ah”. [Sunan Tirmidhi]

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