Islam Special - Hindu Raksha Patrika

  • October 2019
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Preface Jai Hindurashtra !!! No matter how much we try to summarise the contents of some issues it always runs down to few more pages. The current issue of the patrika is divided in 4 sub editions so that people get most of the information, which is required. Please pardon me for the same for issuing this patrika in the form of a digest trying to give as much as information I can on a dreaded danger called as Islam. This issue will help you a lot during arguments with Pseudo-Seculars and the other people who do not wish to have information about the danger, which is dancing on their heads. The partika will be an encyclopedia about truth of Islam which though everybody know a little, but will neither talk about it nor they will investigate the same. The patrika is aimed at making you confident about speaking or writing with evidence against an intolerant religion, which is aiming at finishing the whole world with an ideology, which they believe in. Many people argue that Hindu religion teaches peace, but they forget that Hindutva first teaches defense then peace. We would like to introduce a first organization, which has been formed for defending Hindutva with Arms. The organization members are highly educated and intelligent and dedicated till the end of their lives. The people who need more information about the same can contact at [email protected] for knowing how they can contribute to the cause. The organization is operated from USA and Canada with utmost secrecy. The details about the same will be shared in our organization review article in coming issue. One more thing we should get united on is the issue of Ram Janma Bhumi. The verdict is most probably coming in favour of Hindus, so we should get ready for the same. Even if it comes against us we should have to fight as it will be solely done for minority appeasement and if it comes in favor Islam will fight with its tooth and nails (remember the cartoon episode of Lucknow). Jai Shri Ram !!!

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Index Part A Islam in Modern India (with details of factions of Islam) Sir Muhammad Iqbal (A article) Quran’s Teachings (With Details of Versus and definitions) Part B1 Islam Pictorial Depiction-I (A presentation to open eyes) Part B2 Islam Pictorial Depiction-II (A presentation to open eyes) Part C Why I left Islam – Book by Ali Sina (Faith Part D A Book –Muhsin Al Qaasim -Abdul Khutbah Eye opener again as it is available on the web – we just picked it up. Contributions are from Dr. Ali Sina a renowned general of Muslims who has realized the truth of Islam and abandoned being a Muslim. There are plenty of them to be liberated hopefully this Patrika will bring out some truth in front of them. If you know anyone who is a mild Muslim, these truths can be sent to him or her that’s why the Patrika is that exhaustive and divided in to parts.

Please remember if a person is Muslim he can’t be secular, if he is secular he can’t be Muslim.

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Islam in Modern India Muslim influx and influence in India started almost at the inception of the religion. The traders from Arabia were frequent visitors to the Indian subcontinent even before Prophet Muhammad revealed the Koran. They brought the word of Muhammad to India in the 7th century and this resulted in some peaceful conversions of Hindus to Islam. Following this, Mohammad-ibn-Quasim in the year 712 A.D conquered the Province of Sindh. However, this event in history does not seem to have influenced India as much as expected. Beginning with the invasion of Mohammad of Ghazni in the 10th century, followed by a barrage of invaders from Persia, Turkey and Afghanistan in the 11th and 12th centuries, a full force of Islam was thrust upon India. Forcible conversions of people of other faiths with inducements as well as unfair taxation resulted in spread of the Islam in Hindustan. The British conquest in India that started insidiously with the establishment of the East India Company, eventually usurped the Muslim stronghold of India, in the 18th century. Today there are more than a quarter of a billion Muslims living in the Indian subcontinent (India, Pakistan and Bangla Desh). This amounts to more than a quarter of the total Muslim population of the world. Muslims form about fifteen percent of the Indian population. It is unique that the Muslim population of India has been influenced by the Hindu religion throughout history. Sufism, for example is an adaptation of Vedanta. Over many centuries, Islam in India has undergone several attempts at reforms, some towards modernization and some leaning more towards fundamentalism. The Muslims in India are categorized into two distinct classes based on their origins. This is similar to the caste system of Hinduism (so called Varnashrama). Muslims are broadly divided into two groups, namely, Ashraf and Ajlaf. Ashraf are again grouped as Sayyeds, Sheikhs, Mugahls and Pathans. The Sayyeds are said to be descendents of the Prophet and regarded in high esteem. The Sheikhs are of Arab descent and are next in line in prestige. The Mughals are descendents of the greatest Muslim rulers of India, the Mughals and occupy third place. Pathans including Sepahis hail from the northwestern regions including Afghanistan and form the last group of Ashraf. The Ajlaf on the other hand are the Indian converts and are considered to be of common ancestry. They are considered to be of inferior class when compared to the Ashraf. Nineteenth century India saw great socio-religious reform in Hinduism. The reform movements of Rajaram Mohan Roy in 1827 first started the abolishing of Sati and recognition of widow marriage as well as education of women by founding of his Brahmo Samaj in Bengal. Many reform movements followed this, significantly the Prarthana Samaj started by Keshab Chandra Sen in 1867 (later popularized by G.M.Ranade and Bhandarkar), Arya Samaj established in 1875 by Dayananda Saraswati and Ramakrishna Mission of Vivekananda. The Theosophical Society of Colonel Cleott popularized by Annie Besant in 1886 in Madras, the Rehnumai Mazdayasan Sabha of the Parsees established by Dadabhai Navaroji in 1851 in Bombay and the Sri Narayan Dharma Paripalan Yogam started by Sri Narayana Guru in 1903 in Travancore were some other reform movements of late 19th century. All these reforms were attempts at steering the Hindu religion towards Vedanta, which is the backbone of its philosophy. Unlike Hinduism, which is flexible and amenable to reform, Islam is rigid and difficult to change. Criticism of old archaic practices is shunned and viewed as anti- Muslim

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rhetoric. Modernization is seen as a threat to the way of life of a Muslim. In the face of such persistent orthodoxy all the reforms of the 19th century generally have been reverting to more fundamentalism rather than modernization. Two such reforms were the Wahabis and Tabligis.

The Wahabis The Wahabi movement started in Saudi Arabia in the 18th century by Muhammad ibnAbd-al-Wahab (1703–1792) regards all other religions as heretical and thus intolerant towards them. The Indian Wahabi movement was founded by Syed Ahmed Brelavi (1789-1831) belonging to Rai Baraili. When he saw Islam drifting towards superstitions and exaggerated veneration of saints and prophets, he steered Islam to its more fundamental roots similar to the Arabian Wahabi movement. However, the Brelavi Wahabis had no direct contact with their counterparts in Arabia. Its aim was to establish Muslim sovereignty in India or a Dar-ul-Islam. Though the Wahabis took part in fighting the British, the basic tenet of the movement did not change, that is to establish Muslim supremacy over all of India. Influenced by the Wahabi movement, two other fundamentalist movements came into existence. Shariatullah started Fairazi movement in attempt to aid the poor peasants in Bengal against the oppressive zamindars. Soon this became an anti-Hindu movement as well. More significant was the second movement called the Deoband. They established the Muslim schools for education, the model of which is still followed in the madrassahs around the Muslim world. These Deoband faction attracted students from all over the Muslim world. Financed by the rich Muslim Arab nations, fundamentalism was institutionalized in these schools. In India there is an undercurrent of discord between the Deoband faction and the Brelavi Wahabis, mainly due to the financial disparity. In course of time the movements started as reform of Muslims shifted course and has been preoccupied with power and control of the populous.

The Tabligis Dayananda Saraswati’s Arya Samaj targeted Muslim converts and attempted a purification drive (shuddhikaran). As a response Maulana Iliyas of Mewat in Rajastan started the Tabligi movement in 1927. The Hindu converts were practicing a mixed form of Islam as they were culturally more Hindu than Muslim. Maulana Iliyas started his movement to transform these converts into ‘complete Muslims’ and put forward the slogan, ‘Aye Musalmano! Musalman bano’ (O Muslims! Be Muslims). True Islamic teachings and practices were taught in an uncompromising way. Initially localized to Mewat, the movement caught on and spread rapidly after the death of the Maulana. The Tabligis follow strict codes of the Islamic law. They are bound by the religious dogma, dressing patterns, detailed methods of religious practices. Meetings of thousands of Muslim gatherings (Jama’at) are held where minute details of the religious practices are taught for Muslims to follow. Half the populations of Muslims in the subcontinent are now adherents of this movement. Though apolitical in its organization, they have a capacity of mobilizing a large number of Muslims at short notice to gather.

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More moderate reforms of the Islamic religion also occurred simultaneously. The adherents of such reforms are much less in number today. The Aligarh and the Ahmedia movements are the two main moderate attempts at reform.

The Aligarh Movement Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (1817-1891) attempted a social upsurge amongst the Indian Muslims with his so-called Aligarh movement. His main contribution was to enhance education with starting of many schools and colleges. Much importance was given to Urdu language. He undertook reconciliation between Islam and Christianity and he pointedly showed the similarities between the two religions. He even published a sympathetic study of the Bible. Urdu translation of books on western arts and sciences were done by a translation society founded by him. Despite all the successful launching of social reforms, Sir Syed failed to bring about much needed moderation of the religion such as women’s education and the purdah system for oppressed women. Only the education of upper and middle class and has been criticized for not going far enough with his reforms of the entire Muslim society.

The Ahmedias Founded in 1889 by Mirza Ghulam Ahmed, the movement was based on universal religion of all communities. It spread western liberal education among Muslims by starting a number of schools and colleges. It was opposed to Jihad but at the same time infused vigorous religious spirit among Muslims. It is the most closely knit and organized group of Muslims in the country. Its perceived mysticism was its downfall.

The Aga Khan’s Flock Apart from the Sunnis (the followers of Omar, the Caliph) and Shiites, (followers of Ali, Prophet’s son in law) there is another sect in Indian subcontinent called the Aga Khanis. It is the Nizari Ismaili community with Aga Khan as their Imam. It originated as a splinter group of Shi’ite sect, when they accepted Ismail as the seventh Imam instead of his brother. They trace an unbroken line of Imams up to the current day Aga Khan (Prince Karim), who is 49th in succession. Many Shiite sects refused to accept any Imams after the twelfth Imam died without an heir. In this way the Nizari Ismailis are different. Thirteen generation after Ali, the Shiite sect further divided between followers of Nizar and his brother (later came to be known as Bohra community). Nizari Ismailis follow Aga Khan as their leader and celebrate his birthday as a holy day rather than the Muharram, which most of the Shiites celebrate as a holy day because of the death anniversary of Hussein, son of Ali. Followers of Aga Khan are more westernized than any other Muslim community. Most of the recent Aga Khans have been educated in England. Thousand years ago they were rivals of the caliphate of Baghdad and ruled as the Fatimid caliphate of Cairo. After the decline of their influence in Egypt and Asia, they remained in Persia until 1840, when the 46th Imam was forced to leave Persia. They then moved to India and Pakistan where they formed an amicable relationship with the British. They were not accepted into Mecca and did not undertake pilgrimage. In 1866 their interpretation of the Koran resulted in dissension among its followers and many left the faith and reverted to some

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other form of Shiite sect. The Aga Khans were also accused of mishandling the Nizari finances in 1905 though they won a court battle in this regard. However, the modernization of the religion by the Aga Khans did not sit well in the Muslim world. The Nizari Ismailis of Gujarat are called Khojas. During the 16th and 17th centuries, for example, Indian Nizaris often deemed it necessary to consult Hindu texts as well as The Holy Koran (which is of course their primary Book); in fact even today a fair number of Aga-Khanis enjoy and derive some inspiration from the Bhagavad-Gita. Unlike other Muslims, they sometimes sing hymns during their services, usually in an Indian language such as Gujarati. In addition, many Nizaris believe that reincarnation of souls is possible under certain circumstances. Mostly these are Muslims who embrace Sufism. An attempt was once made to categorize Hazrat Ali as the tenth avatar of Vishnu by Aga Khan though they no longer believe this. As a result of the rift between the reformers and the orthodox sections of the religion, many deserted and joined other Shiite sect, thus becoming indistinguishable from them. It was thought that only about four million Muslims remained faithful to Aga Khan. However, after the breakup of the Soviet Union and birth of independent countries like Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan where many Aga Khanis were found to be followers of the faith. Now it is believed that there are about 20 million followers.

Other attempts Other attempts have been made to modernize the religious practices with varying effects. Shibli Numani attempted Muslims to adopt a more flexible attitude towards Hindus and accept new ideas, but failed. Barruddin Tyebji (1844-1906) attempted to do away with the Purdah in Bombay. Moves toward re-interpretation of scriptures, history and behavior have been attempted by Hali and more recently by Maulana Vahiddudin Khan. Traditional Muslim forces are too strong to allow any radical changes in the socioreligious front. Unlike Hindu reforms, real radical reforms of Islam have remained a dream of certain individuals over the course of history. Phadke wrote in 1989 that “ So tight has been the hold of orthodoxy on the Muslim mind that nowhere in India has Muslim society been so far able to support a vocal group of liberal Muslims committed to modern values. There has been no serious attempt of a thorough critical appraisal of their heritage”. After Indian Independence the reform of the Islam has become even more difficult as any attempt is viewed with suspicion because of the minority status of the Muslims. Another moderate Muslim movement attempting to reform is the Bohra Reformist Group. Bohras are mainly business people mostly in the hardware and gun smithy. This is a modern movement attempting to soften the authority of the religious leaders on the religion. Started by Engineer, Contractor and Poonawala they have even attempted to interpret Koran in the perspective of a Christian liberal theology. In the 1970’s a reformist named Hamid Dalwai made a serious attempt at modernizing Islam in India. He proposed abandonment of purdah and more freedom to women among the Maharashtra Sunni Muslim community. For this effort he was branded as

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heretic and his movement did not survive after his death. Dalwai’s movement was called Muslim Satayshodhak Mandal (MSM). Many more similar attempts have so far failed to produce significant results in reforming the socio-religious aspect of Islam in India. The fundamentalism is readily accepted whereas the moderate reforms are shunned.

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Wahabi Movement Subsequent to the attack on the World Trade Centre and Pentagon there have been a spate of emails about the Wahabi movement, its orthodoxy and fanaticism. Since the site has articles on the Birth of Pan Islamicism in India i.e. the Aligarh Movement and its consolidation by Gandhi i.e. Khilafat movement I thought it might be useful to cover the Wahabi movement and another doyen of Muslim India Sir Muhammad Iqbal, widely believed to be one of the founders of the two nation theory. Coming back to Sept 11, it is the Law of Karma at work, you reap as you sow. It is the Americans who, anxious to get the Soviets out of Afghanistan, poured in billions of dollars into Afghanistan and Pakistan. Arms, money, buying out opponents, turning a blind eye to Islamic fundamentalisms and trading of narcotics were some of the means used. Eventually the Soviets were out of Afghanistan but! The Americans left behind tons of arms, ammunition and a war ravaged country. Islam had to find a new enemy. It was the Indians read Hindus of Jammu and Kashmir. Around 1989 Gen Zia started the Proxy war in that state and it shows no signs of ending. Thousands of people have died, become homeless and refugees in their own country. Did the world care? Sections of the Church with the help of evangenlists in the U.S. have taken to the gun in India's North East for nearly fifty years. Here again thousands died and local culture destroyed. The worst terrorists attack in world history prior to Sept 11 were the Bomb blasts in Mumbai 1993, 250 lives lost and about 700 injured. Aided by the Pakis and Indian Muslims the intent was cripple India's commercial capital just as what Muslims have tried to do to New York. Where was the U.S. then? Even today how much publicity has its media given to the fact that atleast 250 PIO died in the WTC incident, some of India's brighter brains. So what I am saying that the U.S. has followed double standards, promoted terrorists organizations worldwide to suit its convenience. You know life evens out. You have to pay for your misdeeds. Much as I pray for the families of every person who lost his life I cannot but go back to the concept of Karma. Is it not amazing that thousands of years ago the Rishis of India had discovered this very elementary truth of life? Yet the Western world is repeating the mistakes that Gandhi, Nehru, Congress, BJP made. They refused to accept and understand the pan Islamic Muslim mind for which we Indians have paid for very dearly, both before and after partition. They are scared of publicly criticizing Islam because the Muslims will take to violence immediately. Now which head of state wants Violence not realizing that acts of violence are merely being postponed to events like Mumbai Bomb blasts or Sept 11? In order to appease the Arab and local Muslim population George Bush and Tony Blair are calling Islam the epitome of peace. Honestly the civilized man in them is scared of the destruction Islam can cause so praise Islam. Probably the Koran says so but ask any professor of history or even a Your comments to [email protected]

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blind Indian what he has to say about Islam. Better ask the Hindus of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Jammu & Kashmir what it means to live in an Islamic state. As Pandit Vamadeva Shastri alias David Frawley has very rightly said "By targeting Osman Bin Laden the West have made him the most popular man of all times. He has become a role model for every Muslim child in the world". See how one soldier of Islam has brought the world's only superpower to its knees. If you want to solve this problem one of the ways is to examine its source of funding. In this case it is three, one narcotics, two Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia and three Oil. Most of us know that the biggest market for narcotics is the West. Saudia Arabia is a trusted ally of the U.S. Now is the West willing to come down heavily on the drug lobby within its borders and allies like Saudia! Coming to Oil, ask yourself, did Islam have such a hold on world affairs read terrorism till the advent of the Oil crisis of the seventies? If oil consumption comes down, Muslim states would have less money to spare for terrorists activities and would have to use limited resources for the benefits of its citizens. Since democracy is alien to Islam, there are a large number of disgruntled groups in nearly every Muslim state. Today petro dollars keep them under check but if the dollars were to dry up then! After seeing Pakistani, I doubt if the above argument holds good. Here is a country that is bankrupt but spends millions of dollars on funding terrorist's activities and trying to keep pace with India read Hindus. How many of us are willing to concede that we support world terrorism by continuing to consume petrol galore. I am not suggesting that we stop using cars but the moot point is that are we individually willing to reduce petrol consumption by sharing cars, using public transport and putting ourselves to inconvenience. Most governments including ours could have reduced our dependence on Islam by increasing oil production domestically but! The saddest part is that post Sept 11 the U.S. and Western Europe have become secular like India. Which means that Islamic terrorists can blow up buildings, take to the streets at random, convert Hindus forcibly or through inducements but no! Islam is a great religion; it preaches peace and universal brotherhood. Secularism is important, national security and nationhood be dammed. Before you label me, here is a thought that I like to leave with you is, Why is it barring Ireland and Sri Lanka every act of terrorists violence involves Islam? What is it about this religion that makes people lose their intellect (ability to discriminate between the right and wrong), take to the gun and die in the name of religion? The Christians of today are as fanatic in their efforts to convert Hindus worldwide but except for India's North East one has not heard of them take to the gun with as much gusto. They are smarter. They start schools, hospitals, orphanages etc. Yes I admit that some of them do good work but the underlying thought is prosleytization. If these children of Christ are so concerned about the poor and downtrodden, why do they not go to Bangladesh or Indonesia? Or Your comments to [email protected]

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better they could go under American protection to its ally Pakistan. Do I need to spell out their fate thereafter? Are there not poor people in Eastern Europe or the U.S. for that matter? As an Indian I blame none but us for our current state. As a cultural unit, nation we lacked a strategic culture. We were not united and were willing to join a foreigner to defeat an Indian enemy. Our philosophy is inward looking because of which we mostly looked within and did not keep track of world developments. We have an English print, electronic media whose sole objective is to criticize whatever the government does and highlight what is wrong with India. Also, it appears that nearly 1200 years of Islamic barbarism in India followed by fifty years of Congress rule and continuous anti-Hindu writings by the English media have taken the fire out of the average Hindu. Can anybody tell me of a state or human being who is perfect but the media! We have a head of government namely Atal Vajpayee who like Gandhi believes that making unilateral concessions to Pakistan read Muslims will make them take up the path of peace. Have these people read history! Can you think of a country India that has been humiliated so badly by another read Pakistan be it terrorists killings in Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, Mumbai Bomb Blasts, Kandhar Hijacking, Karachi based Underworld etc yet it refuses to take the gun, professes peace. Ask the super cop of Punjab KPS Gill; would similar goodness have enabled him to wipe out terrorism from Punjab? This trait of Indian politicians to be good, make concessions unilaterally baffles me. Indian businessmen are not like that. Ask Sabeer Bhatia how hard he negotiated with Microsoft when he sold Hotmail to them. Lets learn to love our country first, consign secularism to history, look within to see what's wrong and simultaneously keep in touch with the world. Quoting John Kennedy "Ask not what the country does for you but what you do for the country". Since a lot of urban Indians believe that aping American economic policies, cultures is a solution to our problems, how about starting by following Shri Kennedy's words first. Renunciation of action is not what I advocate. Let us serve Bharat with a spirit of devotion without being attached to the fruits of our action. We must imbibe the spirit of the Holy Geeta within our souls.

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History – Wahabi (W) made its appearance into India in the early 19th century and attacked religious corruptions, which had crept into Muslim society. In India it had a new appeal since Hindus who had converted to Islam had brought Hindu practices and ideas that were alien to Islam. Wahabism advocated a return to the simplicity of faith and society of the Prophet's Arabia, rejected all accretions to and declensions from the pure Islam. Soon it transformed itself into a religiopolitical creed. It was the ambition of its founder Saiyid Ahmad of Rai Bareilly (1786 to 1831) to restore Muslim power in India by bringing about the overthrow of the Punjabi Sardars in Punjab and the British in Bengal. Ahmad came under the influence of Abdul Aziz, son of a famous Delhi saint Shah Waliullah. This Islam was more comprehensive and retained a Sufi coloring. In this Islam, there was room for the Sunnis and Shias who quite contrary to the Wahabis, follow various Imams. But there was hardly any difference as regards the end i.e. "pure Islam must be reenacted and regenerated, society must again be mighty". Ahmad like many others was very upset with the loss of Muslim power subsequent to the arrival of the Brits. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan the founder of the Aligarh Movement and considered to be the father of the two nation theory thought the same way. May be an understanding of their minds prompted Sri Aurobindo to say in 1940 that the Muslims wanted to rule India. To my mind nothing has changed, but probably the degree of sophistication in articulating thoughts has! Pakistan continues to benchmark itself with India. With the help of countries like Saudia Arabia, Bangladesh it is out to increase the Muslim population in the India so that Muslims can rule India again. It might be appropriate to remove a fallacy that the Muslims ruled India before the Brits arrived. After Aurangzeb's death Muslim power moved southwards. It is the Marathas who dominated India for most of the 18th century. Mughal rule in Delhi was for name only. An article in the history section of the site titled "Maratha domination in the 18th century" would throw light on what I am saying. This movement for Muslim regeneration had two facets to it, one for upliftment of Muslim society and two fight against the infidel rulers, Hindus in western India and the Christians elsewhere. Ahmad belonged to the militant group, took up arms against the Sikhs first and then the Brits. Before we move further it is important to talk of a similar movement in East Bengal by a sect called Farazis. For one it was preached by Shariatullah before the Wahidis, two he anticipated some of the important views of the Wahabi movement, members of these two movements eventually joined hands. Shariatullah started off by criticizing the corruptions in Islamic society, later on declared the Brits to be enemy territory i.e. dar-ul-harb. His achievement was that the apathetic and careless Bengali peasant was roused into enthusiasm. His son Mushin organized the movement and gave it a strong anti Zamindari feel. He made an attack on the levying of illegal taxes by the Zamindars and declared that Your comments to [email protected]

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all land belonged to Allah so no taxes. As a result of these teachings people began to gradually accept the teachings of Saiyid Ahmad. Coming back to Saiyid Ahmad around 1820 he began to preach the doctrines of religious reforms similar to those held the sect of Wahabis in Arabia. He started preaching his doctrines in Rohilkhand. In 1820 he visited Patna and got a very good response. Since the number of disciples went up he created an organization and appointed four khalifas or spiritual vice-regiments. Ahmad undertook tours to different districts and enrolled a large number of disciples. Like his teacher, he too declared Bharat dar-ul-harb or enemy territory, thus making it incumbent on Muslims either to wage jihad against non-Muslim rulers or to migrate to some other country. For this purpose he made efforts to train his followers in the use of arms, and himself, in a soldier's kit, held military parades. With this end objective and due to political exigencies he proceeded to the North West Frontier province and Afghanistan, accompanied by Patna Maulvis, to enlist the support of the tribes in his holy war against the Sikhs. In his pamphlet Targhib-ul-Jihad he called the Sikh rulers oppressors who had killed thousands of Muslims and do not allow the call to prayer from mosques and the killing of cows. By 1830 Syed Ahmed established a government in Peshawar with 80,000 wahabi soldiers. Now he took the Sardars. The British were only too happy to see the Muslims fight the Sardars and destroy Punjabi power. Alas! Maharaja Ranjit Singh had different ideas. Not only did he defeat the Wahabis but Syed himself died in the Balakot battle in 1831. Ahmad failed to defeat the Sikhs and died in battle in 1831. Lets try and understand Shri Ahmad's mind. One Muslim glory must be regained. Two infidels must be defeated probably thought Christians are lesser evil than Hindus so reached Punjab first. So similar to Syed Ahmed who followed except that Shri Syed realized that the Muslims would be better off supporting the Christians, an insurance policy against the Hindus. Effect on the Afghani mind surely there was but to what extent is something that I would love to know about. Ahmad's efforts were not in vain. They had sown the seed that was to blossom into a tree in the years to come. Loss of political power by the Muslims was moaned by Syed Ahmed too. Having said that Ahmad's death did not deter his followers like Patna's Vilayat Ali and Inayat Ali. They reached Kabul and helped spread the sect rapidly. Another Shah Muhammad put the sect on a sound footing in Bengal and Bihar. In Hyderabad Vilayat was able to recruit a number of followers. Now the Wahabi khalifas selected Maulavi Nasir-ud-din as Commander in Chief. Based in Sindh he was joined by volunteers from Bharat esp Bengal, together they proceeded to Kabul to assist the ruler of Kabul in his fight against the British. So this time it is

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infidel number two. Subsequent to the death of Ranjit Singh the Wahabis did capture parts of Punjab but eventually surrendered to the Brits at Haripur. After Vilayat's death Inayat Ali became the supreme leader. Circulars were addressed to the khalifas to incite people to proceed to Mulka Sittana for jihad, Hijrat was declared to be incumbent on every Muslim in an infidel country like India. The preachers became active particularly in Meerut, Bareilly, Delhi and many districts of Bengal, Bihar. In an encounter with the Brits in 1853, the Wahabis suffered heavy casualties. Inayat Ali just about managed to escape. Now regular training was imparted to the recruits and songs were recited extolling the virtues of jihad. The Wahabis did not play a conspicuous role in the rising of 1857 due to a variety of reasons. Their main leaders were put behind bars, communication lines cut between their center at Patna and forts across the Sindhu. The Wahabis also had a feeling that these disturbances were a matter concerning sepoys only. No they had not accepted the Brits suddenly. In fact they were the first to spread if not originate the idea of greased cartridges amongst the sepoys at Barrrackpore. I am not going into the historic details from 1857 to 1872. It would be sufficient to say that a number of Wahabi leaders did try and take on the Brits but failed. As a result of various trials and other vigorous measures the Wahabi conspiracy was gradually stamped out of India. What strikes you most? The desire to establish Muslim rule in India once again. Signs of the Pan-Islamic Muslim mind at work. Indian Muslims did not see anything wrong in joining the ruler of Kabul in his war against the infidels. Punjab and Bengal seem to be important centers of influence. Could this influence have led to the local population demanding a separate homeland for India some sixty years later? These events also raise another question. Why did the Muslims fight the mutiny of 1857? Think about it, was reestablishment of Muslim rule the objective. Who might have ruled India had the Brits lost the war of 1857 is something you could ponder over. This anti-Muslim and pro-Hindu feeling feeling was further developed after the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857, as the British regarded the Muslims as its chief instigators. Thus H H Thomas (retired I.C.S.) observed that "The Hindus were not the main contrivers or the primary movers of the 1857 rebellion, it was the result of a Muslim conspiracy" quote Lala Lajpat Rai II pg 401. Reference has been made above to similar views expressed by Charles Raikes and others. Organization The Wahabi movement was much better organized, planned than the rising of 1857. With missionary zeal they toured the country to stir up people against the infidels read British. After the abrupt death of Saiyid Ahmad Patna became the Your comments to [email protected]

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center of the movement. Besides a chief priest there was a President in overall charge of operations supported by a Central Committee. Every friendly district had similar committees and preachers. The transmission of recruits from Patna called Chhota godown to Sittana called Bara godown, a distance of about 2,000 miles presented a difficult problem to the organizers. Here Yahya Ali's administrative skills came to use. Rest houses were organized at regular intervals to look after people's safety and comfort. At Sittana, these young men were kept under the immediate tuition of Abdullah. A few of them were selected to work as agents in British territory. Has anything changed? Today too Muslims from various parts of India, Bangladesh, and Britain are sent to Pakistan for training and thereafter to spread terror across the world. Pakistan, Afghanistan were training grounds for jihadis then and! The strategy is the same; it is for the law enforcement agencies to wake up. Besides the Central office at Patna, the Wahabis had permanent machinery throughout the rural districts of Bengal for spreading their faith. It could be one of the reasons why Islam is so dominant in Bengal, east and west. You also might like to know the Muslims of Bengal supported the Brit plan of partition of Bengal in 1905 since they stood to become powerful in areas that are Bangladesh today. In fact the Muslim league was founded in Dacca, 1910 if I remember right. Why did so many Hindus convert to Islam in Bengal is another question though! Character of Movement The movement in its early days was a purely religious one, confined to a section of Muslims, particularly the lower middle class. However, it was due to its militant role that the movement enlisted the sympathies and support of the average Muslim. Interestingly Muslims of all classes supported it. The Hindus were suscipicious of the movement. It was directed at removing the Indian influence in Islam and attacking the Sikhs to restore Muslim power. However, the Wahabis did manage some Hindu support. Unlike subsequent Islamic movements in India, it never came in direct conflict with Hindus. The movement assumed the role of a class struggle in some places like Bengal. Inspite of its wide spread character the Wahabi movement was for the Muslims, by the Muslims, of the Muslims. Can you think of a Muslim movement that was Indian in character between 1800 and 2000. Aligarh movement was anti Hindu, India. Khilafat was again for a Muslim cause. Has the Indian Muslim community on a national level, sacrificed something for Bharat ever? Have they given up something that their understanding of Islam asks them to do to make Hindus happy? Please help me find answers. Muslim schools – Subsequent to the Mutiny of 1857, the Brits came down heavily upon the Muslims making their condition pitiable. Sir Syed Ahmad, Your comments to [email protected]

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founder of the Aligarh movement, in fact was so depressed with the condition of his Muslim brothers, that at one time he contemplated leaving India. The reform movement started by Siayid Ahmad and his pupils gained momentum after the mutiny and manifested itself in different forms. There was a group of religious thinkers who influenced by the Wahabi ideology started preaching new ideas and gaining support. However, the majority of Indian Muslims were adherents of the Hanafi School with strong leanings towards Sufism and could not be won over by the soul less, dry and rigid Wahabhi discipline. The more the Wahabis pushed the closer people went to the Sufi fold. Thus, during this period we find that both the Chishtiya and Naqshbandiya, the two main Sufi schools in India flourishing. But this degenerated into rank superstition and blind saint-worship in the hands of unscrupulous pirs, which in turn produced a strong reaction in the minds of the sensible and thoughtful Muslims. The foundation of Dar-al-Ulum at Deoband in 1886 was the greatest achievement of the Wahabi school of thought in India where as Farangi Mahal established during the reign of Aurangzeb continued to represent the old Hanafi School, maintaining a via media between the extreme and diametrically opposed Wahabi and Sufi doctrines. A third important institution with a distinctly religious bias and an ideology not very different from that of Farangi Mahal was founded in 1898 in Lucknow by Shibli Numani. It was called Nadwat al-Ulama, showed a more progressive outlook and has produced scholars of repute. Maulana M Hasan was in charge of the madrassa at Deoband from 1888 to 1920. He imbibed from his teacher Maulana Qasim, the qualities of self-lessness and complete devotion to Islam. He tried to establish friendly relations between the modern Aligarh and orthodox Deoband schools. The Nadwat al-Ulama tried to bridge the gap between Aligarh and Deoband and various groups of Ulamas. It wanted to reform the Logic-ridden Nizamiyya system of religious education by putting greater emphasis on Islamic history and religious subjects, also introducing modern sciences and English as secondary subjects. The institution has produced many renowned Islamic scholars. Each school attempted to revive the fortunes of the Muslims in a manner that they thought fit. Aligarh movement attached great importance to the economic aspect of the problem. Deoband school attached value to its moral and political aspect. The Nadwat tried to bridge the gap between these two schools. I end this chapter with a quote from poet Muhammad Iqbal "Sovereignty passed out of its hands, but the eyes of the Muslim community were opened. The dust raised by the flight of the gazelle became antimony for the desert's eye".

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Sir Muhammad Iqbal Prior to Jinnah there were atleast three political leaders, thinkers who greatly influenced Islam in India. One is Siayid Ahmad, founder of the Wahabi movement referred to above, two Sir Syed Ahmad, founder of the Aligarh movement referred to in the essay on Aligarh movement and three is Sir Muhammad Iqbal (1873 to 1938) referred to below. If Syed Ahmed was the greatest political leader, Iqbal was the greatest political thinker of the Muslims in British India. Born is a family of Kashmiri Brahmin origin he studied philosophy in England and Germany after completing his M.A. from Lahore. At first he had Indian nationalists ideas but gradually he gave a new interpretation to the ideals of Islam that is believed to have eventually resulted in Pakistan. He was comfortable in Persian and Urdu. His doctrine went counter to the quietism and acceptance preached by traditional Sufism. It was a rather militant doctrine of action, of fight to achieve an ideal placed before man, and this ideal was of primitive Islam which in Iqbal's opinion was preached by the Prophet – to select the narrow path of shaping one's destiny and forging ahead, heart within and God overhead. This doctrine of action made Iqbal the great leader of Indian Muslims. His two longer poems Shikwa (complaint) and Jawab-I-Shikwah (Reply to the Complaint) are looked upon as the Mein Kampf of Muslim revivalists in India who were for separation from India in both spirit and political rehabilitation. These poems give in the form of a complaint before Allah about the adverse circumstances in which the Indian Muslims had fallen, and the sequel given the remedies prescribed by God for Muslim uplift. Although he was a member of the Punjab legislature (1925-8), presided over the Muslim League session at Allahabad in 1930, he never shone in politics or became a party leader. However, his political thoughts exercised a deep influence on the Indian Muslims in the second quarter of the 20th century. The essence of Iqbal's political ideas were enlightened Pan Islamicism. The brotherhood of Islam was a well-known idea. The importance and novelty of Iqbal's philosophy lay in practical application of these ideas in Indian politics. Iqbal reiterated that Islam was non-territorial in character and the idea of brotherhood applied to the Muslims. The Islamic brotherhood might be a model for the final combination of humanity, but for now it is divided into two parts, Muslims and non-Muslims irrespective of racial considerations. Iqbal leaves in no doubt of his ideal. Quoting from the Birth of Pakistan by Dr Sachin Sen "I confess to be a pan-Islamist. The mission for which Islam came into this world will ultimately be fulfilled, the world will ultimately be purged of infidelity and the worship of false gods, and the true soul of

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Islam will be triumphant. This is the kind of pan-Islamicism that I preach". "Islam as a religion has no country" quote Ibid. So what Iqbal is clearly saying that Muslims are Muslims first and Indians later. Inspite of his being a Brahmin convert note his distaste for false gods read idol worship. Please remember that when Muhammad entered Mecca he destroyed 360 idols and said that truth shall prevail. Both Iqbal and the Prophet are saying one and the same thing. However, Iqbal used poetry to convey his thoughts. Still being in India, he expressed his views as follows "The present struggle in India is sometimes describes as India's revolt against the West. I do not think so for the people of India are demanding the very institutions, which the West stands for. Educated urban India demands democracy. The minorities, feeling themselves as distinct cultural units and fearing that their very existence is at stake, demand safeguards, which for obvious reasons the majority community refuses to concede. The majority community pretends to believe in nationalism theoretically correct, if we start from Western premises, belied by facts, if we look at India. The real parties to the struggle are the majority and minority communities of India which can ill afford to accept Western democracy until it is properly modified to suit the actual conditions of life in India". Syed Ahmed too had in 1887 expressed reservations against the parliamentary form of governance. I cannot but help agree with Iqbal in parts. After partition India read Nehru carried forward all the government institutions created by the Brits, as they existed then. These were and are Western institutions. They were not changed to suit Indian conditions. A number of people believe that one of the causes of our present day problems is that we have not Indianized the government. A simple example is our lawyers continue to wear black coats in court, a dress that is comfortable in British climate but in hot and humid India! I am not sure if that can be done today because again we will attempt to Secularize governance, which can only produce! It is unfortunate that in economic policy we tried to emulate the world. First we aped the Central Planning model of the Soviet Union, the results are for all to see. Now there is a new mantra globalization. Here again we are blindly adopting the capitalistic policies of the West. We believe that foreign direct investment is the cure to our ills. We forget internal Liberalization is a pre requisite to foreign investment. Privatization of PSU's, reforming the Power sector but na that is tough and would invite political opposition. So simple attract FDI even it means having dubious schemes like investment by Overseas Commercial Bodies, a conduit for hot money into the financial markets. On this count alone I appreciate Iqbal's understanding of India. Iqbal's Presidential address at the Allahabad session of the Muslim League in 1930 deserves more than a passing notice, as it is generally been looked Your comments to [email protected]

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upon as laying the foundation of Pakistan. "It cannot be denied that Islam, regarded as an ethical ideal plus a certain kind of polity- has been the chief formative factor in the life-history of Muslims of India. It has furnished those basic emotions and loyalties, which has gradually unified individuals into a well-defined people. Indeed it is no exaggeration to say that India is perhaps the only country in the world, where Islam, as a people-building force, has worked at its best. Is it possible to retain Islam as an ethical ideal and to reject it as a polity in favor of national politics, in which religious attitude is not permitted to play a part? The proposition that religion is a private matter on the lips of a European is not surprising. The religious ideal of Islam, therefore, organically is related to the social order, which it created. Therefore, the construction of a polity on national lines, if it means displacement of the Islamic principles of solidarity, is simply unthinkable to the Muslim". Here again only the naïve would believe that 1930 was a turning point. Partition was bound to happen, what with the inability of Muslims to live peacefully in a country where they are not in a majority. Also the Congress read Gandhi, Nehru were so obsessed with the mirage of Hindu Muslim unity that concession after concession followed. Islam respects STRENGTH only period. Referring to the requisites of nationality Iqbal observes, "Experience shows that various caste and religious units in India have shown no inclination to sink their respective individualities in a larger whole. The unity of the Indian nation, must not therefore, be sought not in negation but in the mutual harmony and cooperation of many. True statesmanship cannot ignore facts, however unpleasant as they may be. The only practical course is not to assume the existence of a state of things, which does not exist, but to recognize facts as they are, and to exploit them to our greatest advantage. The attempts to discover such internal harmony have failed but if the principle that the Indian Muslim is entitled to full and free development on the lines of his own culture and tradition in his Indian homelands is recognized as the basis of a permanent communal settlement, he will always be ready to stake his all for the freedom of India". By saying that India read Sanathan Dharam was never one nation, consists of people with different cultures Iqbal was only reiterating what Sir Syed Ahmed had said earlier. You might recall that the words used by the English media, leftists and secularists of today are quite similar to those of Iqbal. Great people think alike! Nationalism is at best five hundred phenomena. It is nothing but a ploy to divide Hindus worldwide, the secularists have taken over from where the Brits left. Iqbal defends himself against the charge of preaching narrow communalism "A community that is inspired by feelings of ill-will towards other communities is low and ignoble. I entertain the highest respect for the customs, laws, religion and social institutions of other communities. Yet I love the social group which is the Your comments to [email protected]

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source of my life and which has formed me what I am by giving me its religion, literature, culture and thereby recreating its whole past as a living factor in my present consciousness". "The units of Indian society were not territorial as in European countries. India is a continent of human groups belonging to different races. The principle of European democracy cannot be applied without recognizing the fact of communal groups". It is this ground that Iqbal justifies the "Muslim demand for the creation of a Muslim rule within India. The resolution of the All Parties Muslim conference at Delhi says he "is, to mind, wholly inspired by this noble ideal of a harmonious whole which, instead of stifling the respective individualities of its component wholes, affords them chances of fully working out the possibilities that may be latent in them. And I have no doubt this house will endorse the Muslim demands in the resolution". Now what was this resolution all about? In response to a speech in the House of Lords on 7/7/1925 Lord Birkenhead said that let the Indians produce a constitution, which carries behind it as a fair measure of general agreement among the peoples of India. In response to the same the Congress has issued our invites to a large spectrum of parties. On the Communal question there were differences between what the Nehru Constitution (there was a Nehru committee that drafted it) proposed and Jinnah wanted. Jinnah wanted one-third reservation for Muslims in the Central legislature, residuary powers to be vested in the States and not Centre amongst others. Since Jinnah's amendments did not hold water, along with Aga Khan, other Muslims he organized an All Parties Conference on 1/1/1929. Here Jinnah's amendments were endorsed, demanded separate electorates for Muslims, constitution of Sindh as a separate province and raising the status of N.W.F.P., Baluchistan to that of other provinces, Punjab and Bengal should have Muslim representation on population basis for ten years in the event of adult suffrage not being granted. You see the Muslims wanted to win the toss both ways. Where they were in majority Muslim representation based on population, where not one-third reservations. Such unreasonableness, some might call it double standards have come to be associated with sub-continent Muslims. This resolution did not satisfy Iqbal though. He said, "Personally, I would like to see Punjab, N.W.F.P., Sind and Baluchistan amalgamate into a single State. Self-government within or without the British Empire seems to be the final destination of Muslims, atleast of Northwest India. Thus they will prove the best defenders against a foreign invasion. To my mind a unitary form of Government is simply unthinkable to self-governing India. What are called residuary powers must be left to the States, Central federation exercising only those powers which are expressly vested in it by the free consent of states". Your comments to [email protected]

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What Iqbal suggested was a federation of states with a weak center. If we look at India's history it has always succumbed to foreign invasions when there was a weak central authority. Which is why at the time of independence Sardar Patel did not accept any arrangement that would have resulted in a weak center. After independence Pakistan attacked India when its leaders thought that India's center was weak. With policing being done by the States in isolation India's enemies are having a field day. There is insufficient coordination between state governments. The Intelligence Bureau informs the state police. After that it is up to them to take action. With a friendly government in Maharashtra the Karachi based dons are making the best of this lacunae. What India needs is an agency styled on the lines of U.S.'s Federal Bureau of Investigation? Will we have one? Not until we have a strong center. The most important consequence of the Iqbal doctrine was a slow but steady growth of the idea of a separate homeland for the Muslims in India. The idea took a definite shape in the idea of a young man Rahmat Ali, educated in Cambridge; he communicated the same to the Muslim members of the Round Table Conference in London. Having endorsed Sir Syed Ahmad's views and forestalled Jinnah's two nation theory Iqbal continued "Therefore for us to seal our national doom in the interest of one Indian nationhood would be a treachery against our posterity, a betrayal of our history and a crime against humanity for which there would be no salvation". When the idea of an All India Federation emerged out of the deliberations of the Round table Conferences, Rahmat regarded it as a tragedy and founded the Pakistan National Movement in 1933. When he met Madame Halide Edib sometime between 1935 and 1937, he told her that the movement had its propaganda centers all over Pakistan. Thus the foundation for Pakistan was laid before the leaders ever dreamt of it, it was part of the subconscious Muslim mind always though. It would be interesting to note that five years before Iqbal, Lala Lajpat Rai suggested the creation of Muslim provinces in the northwest, east of India to set at rest the ceaseless Hindu Muslim bickerings in these provinces. It is unfortunate that leaders before and after him failed to read the Muslim mind correctly. Islam desires total domination and rule of Bharat, bickerings like creation of Pakistan or Kashmir are only manifestations of their hatred for Sanathan Dharam. One of the realizations post Sept 11 is that Islam desires to dominate the world, nothing more or less. Iqbal was the man who influenced Islamic thought and educated Muslims the most. His influence on Islamic thought is of permanent value and his contribution to the revival of Islamic spirit among the Muslims is of great importance. By his philosophical, charming and forceful poems, Iqbal revived the original Islamic spirit and kindled in them the fire of faith and urge for spiritual, physical activity as had not been experienced by them for centuries. While he admired the western Your comments to [email protected]

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race for its achievements in science and technology he condemned it for its domination of the East, which has destroyed its spirituality and mental freedom. Let me leave with a thought with you. How must the world deal with a religion that has a war chest of Petro dollars, desires to rule the world and has followers who do not believe in nationhood, simply called Pan-Islamicism?

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Quran’s Teachings: Find out what is the inspiration behind the hate and violence in Islamic terrorism? Hardly anyone can write anything more damaging to Islam than the Quran itself. All you need to see that Islam is not a religion from God but a dangerous cult that promotes hate and violence, is read the Quran. Many thanks to The Skeptic's Annotated Quran site for making available this indispensable index of the Quran. This is all we need to combat Islamic game of deception. Please send the URL of this page to all the Muslims you know. (This site is banned in some Islamic countries so if your friend is living in an Islamic country you may want to send the entire page in an email as well) The majority of the Muslims are decent people who do not know the truth. They will leave Islam after seeing its ugly face. It may take them some time to recover from the shock and denial but eventually they will do the right thing. Let every Muslim see this page. Saving the world from another disaster that could cost millions, if not billions of lives is everybody's responsibility. We are doing our part, you have to do yours. Do not let the fear that your Muslim friend might be offended if you send him this page stop you from doing it. A Persian proverb says: "It you see a well and a blind thereto heading, if you do not stop him you are sinning.". If Islamic terrorism claims more lives, no one's life is going to be spared. Madness with prevail and wet and dry will burn together. So forget about your Muslim friend's "sensibility", save his life and save yours too. If you fear this may end your friendship with him, open an anonymous email account and send this page to him anonymously. It is important that all the Muslims see the ugly truth of Islam. The majority of the Muslims are good people who are innocently led to believe that Islam is a religion of God. These people are seeing the truth for the first time and are leaving Islam in big numbers. Those who still remain Muslims after reading these verses, have no humanity or conscience. They must be filled with shame and shunned. They are the terrorists or their supporters and the enemies of mankind. They are in minority but still they number millions. Once the decent Muslims leave Islam, the terrorists will lose their moral base of support. This is the only way to combat the Islamic terrorism. If enough people had combated Nazism ideologically before it rose to power, 60 million lives would not have been lost. Today the Islamic danger is much greater than the danger posed by Nazism seventy years ago. Today the enemy is invisible, it is everywhere and it is far more fanatic. Your comments to [email protected]

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Muslims must make the choice between truth and falsehood, between humanity and barbarity, between good and evil. Stop Islam. Stop this insanity. Save the world. The following is the essence of the Quran, the rest are fairy tales:

Quran Surah 2: The Cow 1. Don't bother to warn the disbelievers. Allah has blinded them. Theirs will be an awful doom. 6 2. Allah has sickened their hearts. A painful doom is theirs because they lie. 10 3. A fire has been prepared for the disbelievers, whose fuel is men and stones. 24 4. Disbelievers will be burned with fire. 39, 90 5. For disbelievers is a painful doom. 104 6. For unbelievers: ignominy in this world, an awful doom in the next. 114 7. Allah will leave the disbelievers alone for a while, but then he will compel them to the doom of Fire. 126 8. The doom of the disbelievers will not be lightened. 162 9. They will not emerge from the Fire. 167 10. Those who hide the Scripture will have their bellies eaten with fire. Theirs will be a painful doom. 174 11. How constant are they in their strife to reach the Fire! 175 12. Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kil them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. 191 13. War is ordained by Allah. 216 14. Those who die in their disbelief will burn forever in the Fire. 217 15. Disbelievers worship false gods. They will burn forever in the Fire. 257 16. Allah does not guide disbelievers. 264 17. "Give us victory over the disbelieving folk." 286

Quran Surah 3: The Family Of 'Imran 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Those who disbelieve the revelations of Allah, theirs will be a heavy doom. 4 Those who disbelieve will be fuel for the Fire. 10 Those who disbelieve shall be overcome and gathered unto Hell. 12 Those who disbelieve, promise them a painful doom. 21 Theirs will be a painful doom. 77 All non-Muslims will be rejected by Allah after they die. 85 Disbelievers will have a painful doom. And they will have no helpers. 91 Disbelievers will have their faces blackened on the last day. They will face an awful doom. 105-6

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9. Those who disbelieve will be burnt in the Fire. 116 10. The Fire is prepared for disbelievers. 131 11. We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Their habitation is the Fire 151 12. Theirs will be an awful doom. 176 13. Disbelievers do not harm Allah, but will have a painful doom. 177 14. Disbelievers will have a shamful doom. 178 15. Disbelievers will go to Hell. 196

Quran Surah 4: Women 1. Those who disobey Allah and his messenger will be burnt with fire and suffer a painful doom. 14 2. For the disbelievers, We have prepared a painful doom. 18 3. For disbelievers, We prepare a shameful doom. 37 4. Hell is sufficient for their burning. 55 5. Unbelievers will be tormented forever with fire. When their skin is burned off, a fresh skin will be provided. 56 6. Allah will bestow a vast reward on those who fight in religious wars. 74 7. Believers fight for Allah; disbelievers fight for the devil. So fight the minions of the devil. 76 8. Have no unbelieving friends. Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them. 89 9. If the unbelievers do not offer you peace, kill them wherever you find them. Against such you are given clear warrant. 91 ( Offering peace in Islam means surrendering. All 67 out of 68 wars of Muhammad were offensive. They are called qazwah (raid, ambush, sudden attack). That is how Muhammad waged his wars. He raided, massacred and looted civilians with no warning. The one defensive war, 'ditch' was not fought. That is why the Islamic terrorism 'jihad' will continue until the West "offers peace". This was made clear by Bin Laden.) 10. Those who oppose the messenger and become unbelievers will go to hell. 115 11. Those who believe, then disbelieve, then believe and disbelieve again will never be forgiven by Allah. 137 12. For the hypocrites there will be a painful doom. 138 13. Allah will gather hypocrites and disbelievers into hell. 140 14. The hypocrites will be in the lowest part of hell and no one will help them there. 145 15. You must believe everything Allah and his messengers tell you. Those who don't are disbelievers and will face a painful doom. 150-151 16. For the disbelievers, Allah has prepared a painful doom. 161 17. God will guide disbelievers down a road that leads to everlasting hell. 168-169

Quran Surah 5: The Table Spread Your comments to [email protected]

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1. Those who deny Islam will be losers in the Hereafter. 5 2. Disbelievers are the rightful owners of Hell. 10 3. Those who make war with Allah and his messenger will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. That is how they will be treated in this world, and in the next they will have an awful doom. 33 (Anyone who resist Islam is deemed to be making war with Allah) 4. Disbelievers will have a painful doom. 36 5. Disbelievers will want to come out of the Fire, but will not. Their will be a lasting doom. 37 6. Life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, and tooth for tooth. Nonmuslims are wrong doers. 45 7. Christians will be burned in the Fire. 72 8. Christians are wrong about the Trinity. For that they will have a painful doom. 73 9. Disbelievers will be owners of hell-fire. 86

Quran Surah 6: The Cattle 1. Many generations have been destroyed by Allah. 6 2. Allah will torment those who deny his revelations. 49 3. Those who disbelieve will be forced to drink boiling water, and will face a painful doom. 70 4. When nonbelievers die, the angels will deliver to them doom and degradation. 93 5. Allah chooses to lead some astray, and he lays ignominy on those who disbelieve. 125 6. Allah will send everyone the Fire, except those he chooses to deliver. 128

Quran Surah 7: The Heights 1. How many a township have We destroyed! As a raid by night, or while they slept at noon, Our terror came unto them. 4-5 2. Allah has made devils the protecting friends of disbeliveers. 27 3. Disbelievers choose devils as protecting friends and believe they are rightly guided. 30 4. Only believers go to heaven. 32 5. Disbelievers are the rightful owners of the Fire. 36 6. Entire nations have entered the Fire. Some get a double torment. 38 7. Disbelievers will be excluded from heaven. Theirs will be a bed of hell. 40-41 8. Those in the Fire will cry out to those in heaven, saying: "Pour water on us." But Allah has forbidden that to disbelievers. 50 9. Those who deny Muhammad's revelation are evil. 177

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Quran Surah 8: The Spoils of War 1. Allah will throw fear into the hearts of the disbelievers, and smite their necks and fingers. 12 2. Disbelievers will be tormented in the Fire. 14 3. When you fight with disbelievers, do not retreat. Those who do will go to hell. 1516 4. Taste of the doom because ye disbelieve. 35 5. Those who disbelieve will be gathered into hell. 36 6. The angels smite the face and backs of disbelievers, saying: "Taste the punishment of burning!" 50 7. The worst beasts in Allah's sight are the disbelievers. 55 8. Exhort the believers to fight. They will win easily, because disbelievers are without intelligence. 65 9. A prophet may not take captives until he has made a slaughter in the land. 67

Surah 9: Repentance 1. Give tidings (O Muhammad) of a painful doom to those who disbelieve. 3 2. Slay the idolaters wherever you find them. 5 3. Don't let idolaters tend the sanctuaries. Their works are in vain and they will be burned in the Fire. 17 4. Give tiding of a painful doom to Christians and Jews. 34 5. If you refuse to fight, Allah will afflict you with a painful doom. 39 6. Disbelievers go to hell. 49 7. Those who vex the Prophet, for them there is a painful doom. 60 8. Those who oppose Allah and His messenger will burn in the fire of hell. 63 9. Allah promises hypocrites and disbelievers the fire of hell. Allah curses them. They will have a lasting torment. 68 10. Fight the disbelievers and hypocrites. Be harsh with them. They are all going to hell anyway. 73 11. Allah will afflict disbelievers with a painful doom in this world and the Hereafter. 74 12. For disbelievers there will be a painful doom. 90 13. Don't pray for idolaters (not even for your family) after it is clear they are people of hell-fire. 113 14. Fight disbelievers who are near you, and let them see the harshness in you. 123

Quran Surah 10: Jonah

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Disbelievers will have a boiling drink and a painful doom. 4 Those who neglect Allah's revelations will make their home in the Fire. 7-8 Allah has destoyed entire generations. 13 Those who disbelieved will face a dreadful doom. 70 Allah drowned those who disbelieved his revelations. 73 Moses asked Allah to harden the hearts of the Egyptians so that they would not believe until they saw the painful doom. 88

Quran Surah 11: Hud 1. Disbelievers wil1 end up in the Fire. 17 2. Those who oppose Islam and disbelieve in the Hereafter are guilty of the greatest wrong. 18-19 3. Those in the Fire will suffer as long as the heavens and earth endure. 106-7 4. Allah will fill hell with humans and jinn. 119

Quran Surah 13: The Thunder Disbelievers are the rightful owners of the Fire 5 Allah does not hear the prayer of disbelievers. 14 Those who do not answer Allah's call will go to hell. 18 Disbelievers will be tormented in this life, and suffer even more pain in the Hereafter. 33-34 5. The reward for disbelievers is the Fire. 35

1. 2. 3. 4.

Quran Surah 14: Abraham 1. Woe unto the disbelievers. Theirs will be an awful doom. 2 2. Allah sends some people astray. 4 3. Those who are in hell will be forced to drink festering water which they can hardly swallow. They will want to die, but they will not be able to. Theirs is a harsh doom. 16-17 4. Allah sends wrong-doers astray. He does whatever he likes. 27 5. Those in hell will be chained together. Their clothing will be made of pitch and fire will cover their faces. 49-50

Quran Surah 15: The Rock

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1. Let the disbelievers enjoy life and let false hope beguile them. They will come to know! 2-3 2. Iblis will lead humans astray. Only perfect Muslims will be safe from him. The rest will go to hell. 39-43 3. Allah's doom is a dolorous doom. 50

Quran Surah 16: The Bee 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Allah could have led everyone to the truth, but he chose not to. 9 Those who don't believe in the Hearafter are proud. 22 Disbelievers are evil and will dwell in hell forever. 27-29 Disbelievers are liars. 39 Allah will add doom to doom for those who disbelieve. 88 Those who oppose Islam will face an awful doom. 94

Quran Surah 17: The Children of Israel 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Allah made hell to be a dungeon for disbelievers. 8 Allah has prepared a painful doom for those who disbelieve in the Hereafter. 10 Allah destroyed entire towns. 16 How many generations Allah has destroyed since Noah! 17 Allah intends to burn people in hell. 18 Allah makes it so that unbelievers cannot understand. 45-46 Allah will destroy every town before the Day of Resurrection. 58 Allah will send disbelievers astray. Then he'll burn them in hell, increasing the flames from time to time. 97-98

Quran Surah 18: The Cave 1. Allah has prepared a Fire for the disbelievers. When they want a shower, Allah will give them a shower of molten lead to burn their faces. 29 2. Those who are condemned to the Fire know they will have no way to escape. 53 3. The worst wrong is to forget Allah's revelations. Allah covers their hearts and makes them deaf so that they will never believe the truth. 57 4. There is an appointed time in which the doomed will find no escape. 58 5. Allah has destroyed many towns. 59 6. On a certain day, Allah will present hell, in plain view, to the disbelievers. 100 7. Allah will welcome the disbelievers into hell. 102 8. Hell is the reward for disbelievers because they made a jest of Allah's revelations and messengers. 106 Your comments to [email protected]

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Quran Surah 19: Mary 1. 2. 3. 4.

Allah will pluck out from every sect those who should burn in hell. 69-70 Allah will record what disbelievers say and then prolong their torment. 77-79 Allah has sent the devils on the disbelievers to confuse them. 83 Allah has destroyed many generations. 98

Quran Surah 20: Ta Ha 1. Those who do not believe Allah's revelations will face doom in the Hereafter. 127 2. Allah has destroyed many generations. 128

Quran Surah 21: The Prophets 1. Allah destroyed entire towns, yet the people still disbelieved. 6 2. The people cried out for mercy, but Allah killed them anyway. 15 3. Disbelievers will not be able to put out the fire on their faces and backs. They will be stupefied and no one will help them. 39-40 4. Allah gave judgment and knowledge to Lot . He was a righteous man. (Genesis 19:7-38) 75 5. Every person alive at the time of the flood was evil. So Allah drowned them all. 77 6. The disbelievers will stare in terror at what Allah has in store for them. 97-99

Surah 22: The Pilgrimage 1. The devil will guide some to the punishment of the Flame. 3-4 2. Those who turn from the way of Allah will face ignominy in this world and burning in the next. 9 3. Whoever thinks that Allah will not give Muhammad victory should go hang himself. 15 4. Disbelievers will wear garments of fire, boiling fluid will be poured on their heads, their bellies and skin will be melted, they will be tormented with iron hooks, and when they try to escape they will be driven back with the taunt: Taste the doom of burning. 19-22 5. Allah will provide the disbelievers with a painful doom. 25 6. How many towns Allah has destroyed! 45 7. Those who disregard Allah's revelations are the owners of the Fire. 51 Your comments to [email protected]

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8. Those who disbelieve Allah's revelations will have a shameful doom. 57 9. Those who disbelieve Allah's revelations will burn in the Fire. 72

Quran Surah 23: The Believers 1. Allah told Noah not to bother pleading for the people he was about to drown. 27 2. Those who don't believe in the Hereafter will receive extreme punishment from Allah. 74-77 3. When fire burns their faces, they will be glum. 104 4. Disbelievers will not be successful. 117

Surah 24: The Light 1. Scourge adulterers and adulteresses with 100 stripes. Do not show them any pity. Have a party of believers watch the punishment. 2 2. Only adulterers can marry adulteresses. Believers are not to marry them. 3 3. Vile women are for vile men, and vile men for vile women. 26 4. Believing women must lower their gaze and be modest, cover themselves with veils, and not reveal themselves except to their husbands, relatives, children, and slaves. 31 5. Disbelievers are miscreants. 55 6. Disbelievers will never escape the Fire that will be their home. 57 7. It's okay for believers to own slaves. 58 8. The only true believers are those who believe in Allah and his messenger. 62

Quran Surah 25: The Criterion 1. Those who deny the coming of the Hour will be chained together and burned with fire. They will pray for their own destruction. 11-13 2. Allah will force the evil-doers to taste great torment. 19 3. It will be a hard day for disbelievers and wrong-doers. They will gnaw on their hands and wish they had chosen Islam. 26-27 4. Those who deny Muhammad's revelations will be destroyed. 36 5. Allah drowned everyone in the flood of Noah, and has prepared a painful doom for evil-doers. 37

Quran Surah 26: The Poets

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1. Allah destroyed the people in Lot 's town with a dreadful rain. 172-3 2. Many will not believe until they see the painful doom. 201 3. Those who believe in another god are doomed. 213

Quran Surah 27: The Ant 1. Allah leads those who do not believe in the Hereafter astray by making things work out OK in this life, so that he can torment them forever in the next. They will get the worst punishment and will be the greatest losers. 4-5 2. "Allah destroyed them and their people, every one." 51 3. But he "saved those who believed." 53 4. Allah sent a dreadful rain on "those who stayed behind." 58 5. Whoever does something wrong will be thrown into the Fire. 90

Quran Surah 28: The Narrative 1. Allah has completely destroyed many communities. 58 2. Allah will taunt Christians on the day of their doom, saying: Where are My partners whom ye imagined? 62-64 3. Allah caused the earth to swallow Korah. 79-81 4. Never help disbelievers. 86 (Can Muslims in countries ruled in by non-Muslims be loyal to their country?)

Quran Surah 29: The Spider 1. Those who disbelieve in the revelations of Allah have no hope of mercy. For such there is a painful doom. 23 2. Only wrong-doers deny the revelations of Allah. 49 3. Those who disbelieve in the revelations of Allah are the losers. 52 4. The doom of hell will come upon disbelievers suddenly, when they least expect it. 53-55

Quran Surah 30: The Romans 1. 2. 3. 4.

Allah will tear Christians apart for ascribing partners to him. 13-14 Disbelievers will be brought to doom. 16 It's OK to own slaves. 28 Allah does not love disbelievers. 45

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5. Allah seals the heart of disbelievers. (And then he burns them in the Fire.) 59

Quran Surah 31: Luqman 1. Those who mislead others from Allah's way and mock Islam will have a painful doom. 6-7 2. Allah will give disbelievers a little comfort for a little while, and then he'll torment them forever with a heavy doom. 23-24

Quran Surah 32: The Prostration 1. 2. 3. 4.

Allah will fill hell with the jinn and mankind together. 13 Allah: Taste the doom of immortality because of what ye used to do. 14 Those who used to deny the Fire will be tormented in it forever. 20 The worst thing you can do is to deny the revelations of Allah. 22

Quran Surah 33: The Clans 1. Don't obey disbelievers. 1 (Can Muslims in countries ruled in by non-Muslims be loyal to their country?) 2. Allah makes the deeds of unbelievers fruitless. 19 3. Allah cast panic into the hearts of the disbelievers. He killed some, and enslaved others. 25-26 4. Allah gave Zeyd’s wife, his own daughter in law to Muhammad in marriage. This was so that all Muslims would know that it's OK to marry your adopted son's exwife. 37 5. Ignore disbelievers and their poisonous talk. 48 6. It's OK to own slaves. 50 7. Allah says it is lawful for Muhammad to marry any women he wants. 50-51 8. It's OK to own slaves. 55 9. Those who malign Allah, Muhammad, and Muslims will be cursed by Allah in this life and with doom in the Hereafter. 57 10. Those who oppose Islam will be slain with a fierce slaughter. 60-61 11. Allah has cursed the disbelievers, and has prepared for them a flaming fire, wherein they will abide forever. 64-65 12. The disbelievers will be burned in the Fire with a double torment. 66-68

Quran Surah 34: Saba Your comments to [email protected]

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Those who challenge the revelations of Muhammad will have a painful doom. 5 Those who disbelieve in the Hereafter will be tormented. 8 But some of the jinn Allah burned with flaming Fire. 12 Those who strive against Allah's revelations will be brought to the doom. 38 Those who worshipped the jinn will taste the doom of the Fire. 41 Allah hates those who ignore his messengers. 45 Those who are cast into hell be terrified when they see that they have no escape. Then they will believe. But it will be too late. 51-52

Quran Surah 35: The Angels Those who disbelieve will have an awful doom. 7 Allah sends whoever he wants astray. 8 Allah hates disbelievers. 26 Disbelievers will burn forever in the fire of hell. Allah will keep them alive so that he can torture them forever. When they repent and ask for mercy, he will ignore them. 36-7 5. He who disbelieves, his disbelief will be on his own head. 39 6. Allah has blinded the disbelievers so that they cannot see the truth. So it don't bother warning them.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Quran Surah 36: Ya Sin 1. 2. 3. 4.

They will go to hell anyway. 8-10 Allah has destroyed many entire generations. 31 If Allah feels like it, he will drown everyone. 43 Allah will burn the disbelievers in hell. 63-4

Quran Surah 37: Those Who Set The Ranks 1. Those who refuse to believe in Muhammad's revelations will face a painful doom. 31-38 2. Those in hell must eat from a tree with the heads of devils, and then drink boiling water. After that they return to hell. 62-68 3. Allah drowned everyone except Noah and his family in the flood. 82 4. Allah tells Abraham in a dream to sacrifice his son. (But is the son Ishmael or Isaac?) 102 5. Allah killed everyone in Sodom except for Lot and his family. 136 6. No one is against Allah, except those who burn in hell. 162-3

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Quran Surah 38: Sad Allah has destroyed many generations. 3 Those who doubt will soon taste Allah's doom. 8 Those who deny the messengers deserve doom. 14 Those who wander from the way of Allah will have an awful doom. 26 Those who disbelieve will burn in the Fire. 27 The transgressors will roast in the Fire and be forced to drink boiling liquids followed by ice cold drinks. 55-9 7. Iblis asks Allah to let him hang around and mislead humans. Allah allows him to do so, and Iblis leads all humans to hell except for the single-minded slaves. Allah agrees, and plans to fill hell with Iblis and his followers. 79-85

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Quran Surah 39: The Troops 1. Tell the disbelievers to enjoy themselves now, because later they will be owners of the Fire. 8 2. The losers will be those who lose themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection. They will be surrounded by fire. 15-16 3. No one will be able to help those that Allah torments in the Fire. 19 4. Woe unto those who forget Allah. They are in plain error. 22 5. Allah sends some people astray. For them there is no guide. 23 6. The worst thing you can do is tell a lie against Allah. The home of disbelievers is hell. 32 7. Allah sends some people astray. For them there is no guide. 36 8. Surrender to Allah before he sends the doom upon you suddenly. 54-55 9. Those who lie about Allah will be sent to hell and will have their faces blackened. 60 10. Losers are those who disbelieve the revelations of Allah. 63 11. Those ascribe a partner to Allah (like the Christians) will be among the losers. 65 12. Those who disbelieve will be driven into hell. 71-72

Quran Surah 40: The Believer Allah sent an awful punishment at the time of Noah. 5 Those who disbelieve are the owners of the Fire. 6 Allah greatly abhors those who disbelieve. 10 When the doom comes, the hearts of the doomed will choke in their throats, and no one will help them. 18 5. Those who ignore Allah's "clear proofs" will be seized and punished severely. 22 6. Those that Allah sends astray will have no helper or guide. 33 7. Allah deceives those who doubt. 34 1. 2. 3. 4.

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8. The prodigals will be owners of the Fire. 43 9. The doomed will be exposed to the Fire morning and evening. 46 10. Those in hell will beg to be relieved from the Fire's torment for just a day. But the prayer of a disbeliever is in vain. 49-50 11. Those who bicker about Allah's revelations are filled with pride. 56 12. Those who scorn Allah will go to hell. 60 13. Those who deny the revelations of Allah are perverted. 63 14. Those who deny the Scripture and Allah's messengers will be dragged through boiling water and thrust into the Fire. 70-72 15. Allah will taunt the Christians in hell, saying: Where are all my partners that you used to believe in? 73 16. Thus does Allah send astray the disbelievers (in his guidance). 74 17. Those who scorn will go to hell. 76 18. When they see Allah's doom they will believe in Allah. But their faith will not save them. The disbelievers will be ruined. 84-85

Quran Surah 41: Fusilat 1. Woe unto the idolaters who disbelieve in the Hereafter. 6 2. Allah will make life miserable for those who deny his revelations and then he will torment them forever in the Hereafter. And they will not be helped. 15-16 3. The enemies of Allah will be gathered into the Fire where their skin, ears, and eyes will testify against them. 19-20 4. Allah will make those who disbelieve taste an awful doom. Their immortal home will be the Fire, since they denied Allah's revelations. 27-28 5. Those who disbelieve will taste hard punishment. 50

Quran Surah 42: The Counsel 1. While some lounge in the Garden, others will roast in the Flame. 7 2. Those who argue about Allah will have his wrath upon them. Theirs will be an awful doom. 16 3. Allah sometimes kills people for misbehaving. 34 4. Allah sends some people astray and then punishes them for it by burning them in the Fire. 44-46 5. Allah makes some people barren. (Whenever he feels like it.) 50

Quran Surah 43: Ornaments of God 1. When the Egyptians angered Allah, he drowned them all. 55 Your comments to [email protected]

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2. Those who argue and do wrong will have a painful doom that will come upon them suddenly. 65-66 3. The guilty are tormented forever in hell. Allah will not relax their punishment. 7475

Quran Surah 44: Smoke 1. Those in torment will claim to believe and ask Allah for relief. But he will refuse since they will return to their disbelief. 11-16 2. Those in hell must eat from a tree like molten brass that burns their bellies. Then boiling water will be poured on their heads. 43-48

Quran Surah 45: Crouching 1. Those who hear and reject Allah's revelations are sinful liars. Give them tidings of a painful doom. 7-8 2. Those who joke about Allah's revelations will go to hell. Theirs will be an awful doom. 9-10 3. Those who disbelieve in Allah's revelations will have a painful doom of wrath. 11 4. Allah sends some people astray, making it impossible for them to hear or see. 23 5. Those who disbelieve are guilty folk. 31

Quran Surah 46: The Wind-Curved Sandals 1. 2. 3. 4.

Disbelievers will be rewarded with the ignominious doom of the Fire. 20 The guilty will face a wind with a painful torment. 25 Allah has destroyed entire towns. 27 Allah will taunt the disbelievers that he torments in the fire, saying: "Taste the doom for that ye disbelieved." 34

Quran Surah 47: Muhammad 1. Allah makes the works of disbelievers vain. 1 2. Those who disbelieve follow falsehood. 3 3. Smite the necks of the disbelievers whenever you fight against them. Those who die fighting for Allah will be rewarded. 4 4. Allah will damn the disbelievers and make all their actions fruitless. 8-9 5. Disbelievers may eat and be happy now, but the Fire will be their final home. 12 Your comments to [email protected]

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6. Those in the Garden will drink delicious wine, while those in the Fire will drink boiling water that will tear apart their intestines. 15 7. Allah curses people by making them deaf and blind. 23 8. Angels will gather them together and smite their faces and backs. 27 9. Allah will make the actions those who disbelieve fruitless. 32 10. Those who disbelieve will never be pardoned by Allah. 34-35

Quran Surah 48: Victory 1. Those who think an evil thought concerning Allah will be cursed and sent to hell by him. 6 2. Allah has prepared a flame for the disbelievers. 13 3. If you refuse to fight for Allah, he will punish you with a painful doom. 16-17 4. But if you're willing to fight for Allah, he will provide you with lots of booty. 1920 5. Allah punished those who disbelieved with a painful punishment. 25 6. Those with Muhammad are ruthless toward disbelievers and merciful toward themselves. 29

Quran Surah 49: The Private Apartments 1. Do not lift your voice when in Muhammad's presence. Those who subdue their voices are righteous and will receive an immense reward from Allah. 1-3

Quran Surah 50: Oaf 1. Allah has destroyed many entire generations. 36

Quran Surah 51: The Winnowing Winds 1. Accursed are the conjecturers who ask: When is the Day of Judgment? It is the day they will be tormented by the Fire. 10-14 2. Woe to the disbelievers. 60

Quran Surah 52: The Mount

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1. Those who deny the existence of hell will be thrust into its Fire. 11-16 2. Those who disbelieve are trapped. 42

Quran Surah 54: The Moon 1. Allah sent a storm of stones on Lot's folk, killing all but Lot 's family. 34 2. The suffering in hell will be more wretched and bitter than anything experienced on earth. 46-48 3. Allah destroyed many people, but does anyone remember anymore? 51

Quran Surah 55: The Beneficent 1. The guilty deny hell. But after they die they go circling between it and fierce, boiling water. 43-44

Quran Surah 56: The Event 1. But those on his left hand will face scorching wind, scalding water, and black smoke. 42-43 2. Those who deny Allah and the Hereafter will eat from the Zaqqum tree and drink boiling water. 51-54 3. Allah will welcome the rejecters and erring with boiling water and a roasting in the hell fire. 92-94

Quran Surah 57: Iron 1. The home of disbelievers is the Fire, a hapless journey's end. 15 2. Those who disbelieve and deny Allah's revelations are the owners of the fire. 19

Quran Surah 58: She That Disputeth 1. For disbelievers is a painful doom. 4 2. For disbelievers is a shameful doom. 5 3. Don't make friends with Allah's enemies. For those who do so, Allah has prepared a dreadful doom. 14-15

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4. Those who turn others away from the way of Allah will have a shameful doom. They are rightful owners of the Fire. 16-17 5. Those who oppose Allah and His Messenger will be among the lowest. 20 6. On the Last Day good Muslims will not love their non-Muslim friends and family members, not even their fathers, sons, or brothers (or their mothers, daughters, or sisters). 22

Quran Surah 59: Exile 1. Allah cast fear into the hearts of the disbelieving People of the Scripture. Their home in the Hereafter will be the Fire. 2-3 2. The disbelieving people of the Scripture are liars. 11 3. The devil and disbelievers will be in the Fire. 16-17 4. The owners of the Garden and the owners of the Fire are not equal. 20

Quran Surah 60: She That is to be Examined 1. Don't be friends with disbelievers. They are your (and Allah's) enemy. 1 2. Don't be friends with those who have warred against you because of religion. Whoever makes friends with them is a wrong-doer. 9 3. Don't be friends with those who disbelieve in the Hereafter. They are Allah's enemies. 13

Quran Surah 61: The Ranks 1. Allah loves those who fight for him. 4 2. Allah leads some people astray. 5 3. The worst thing you can do is tell a lie about Allah. 7

Quran Surah 62: The Congregation 1. A hypocritical Jew looks like an ass carrying books. Those who deny the revelations of Allah are ugly. 5

Quran Surah 63: The Hypocrites

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1. Allah seals the hearts of those who believe and then disbelieve so that they can understand nothing. 3 2. Disbelievers are perverted. They are the enemy, confounded by Allah. 4 3. Don't bother to ask Allah to forgive the disbelievers. He will never forgive them. 6

Quran Surah 64: Mutual Disillusion 1. Those who disbelieve will have a painful doom. 5 2. Those who disbelieve are the owners of the Fire. 10

Quran Surah 66: Banning 1. Muhammad's wives need to be careful. If they criticize their husband, Allah will replace them with better ones. 5 2. The fuel of the Fire is men and stones. 6 3. Be stern with disbelievers. They are going to Hell anyway. 9 4. The wives of Noah and Lot (who were both righteous) betrayed their husbands and are now in the Fire. 10 Quran Surah67: The Sovereignty 1. Disbelievers will go to hell where they will hear its roaring and boiling. 6-7 2. Who will protect the disbelievers from a painful doom? (Nobody) 28

Quran Surah 69: The Reality 1. Those who do not believe in Allah will be chained up and cast into hell-fire where they will eat filth. 30-35

Quran Surah 71: Noah 1. Those that Allah drowned in Noah's flood were then tortured forever in the Fire. 25 2. Noah asked Allah to drown all the disbelievers. 26

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Quran Surah 72: The Jinn 1. The fires of hell will be fueled with the bodies of idolators and unbelievers. They will experience an ever-greater torment. 15-17 2. Those who disobey Allah and his messenger will dwell forever in the fire of hell. 23

Quran Surah 73: The Enshrouded One 1. Allah will take care of the deniers. He will tie them up, burn them in a raging fire, and feed them food that chokes them. 11-13

Quran Surah 74: The Cloaked One The last day will be a day of anguish for disbelievers. 9-10 Those who are stubborn to Allah's revelations will face a fearful doom. 16-17 The fire of hell shrivels humans and spares nothing. 27-29 Allah has appointed angels to tend the Fire and has prepared stumbling blocks for those who disbelieve. He sends some people (whoever he wants) astray. 31 5. Allah is the font of fear. 56

1. 2. 3. 4.

Quran Surah 76: "Time" or "Man" 1. Allah has prepared chains, manacles, and a raging fire for the disbelievers. 4 2. Don't obey disbelievers. 24

Quran Surah 77: The Emissaries 1. Allah destroyed "the former folk." 16 2. Woe unto the repudiators on that day! 19, 24, 28, 34, 40, 45, 49

Quran Surah 79: "Those Who Drag Forth" Those who rebel will go to hell. 37-39

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Quran Surah 80: "He Frowned" 1. Disbelievers are wicked people. On the last day they will be in darkness and have dust on their faces. 40-42 Quran Surah 82: The Cleaving 1. The wicked will burn in hell forever. 82 Quran Surah 84: The Sundering 1. Some folks will be thrown into a scorching fire. 11-12 2. Disbelievers will be given a painful doom. 22-24

Quran Surah 87: The Most High 1. Those who are flung into the great Fire will neither live nor die. 12-13 Quran Surah 88: The Overwhelming 1. On that day many will be sad and weary. Scorched by the fire, drinking boiling water, with only bitter thorn-fruit to eat. 2-7 2. Allah will punish disbelievers with the direst punishment. 23-24 Quran Surah 89: The Dawn 1. Allah poured on them the disaster of His punishment. 13 Quran Surah 90: The City Those who disbelieve Allah's revelations will have the Fire placed over them like an awning. 19-20 Quran Surah92: The Night 1. Those who deny Allah's revelations must endure the flaming fire. 14-16

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