Is The Quran The Word Of God?

  • April 2020
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This note will settle this question once and for all, inshallah (God willing)!

Please read the whole note and you can decide for yourself! The Quran is the Holiest Book of Islam! It was revealed 1400 years ago! There can be 2 ways to explain how The Quran came into existence! 1. The Quran is the work of Muhammad and is not from God Or 2. The Quran is the Word of God

THE QURAN IS UNCHANGED AND IS THE SAME AS IT WAS 1400 YEARS AGO Read my other note, "The Quran is unchanged and the same as it was 1400 years ago".

WHAT DOES THE QURAN SAY ABOUT ITS SOURCE? Quran says its from God: As God says (This is) the revelation Of the Book in which There is no doubt,From the Lord of the Worlds. Quran (32:2)

WHAT DOES THE QURAN SAY ABOUT PEOPLE WHO WRITE BOOKS IN GOD'S NAME? Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: "This is from Allah," to traffic with it for a miserable price!- Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby. Quran (2:79) So The Quran clearly condemns people who write books and say it is from God! So if Prophet Muhammad wrote it, he would have been exposed at some point of time and would have been called the biggest liar!

WHAT DOES PROPHET MUHAMMAD SAY ABOUT THE QURAN? The Prophet Muhammad never claimed he was the author of The Quran! He always said it was from God! So if it was not from God then it means the Prophet Muhammad was telling a lie. History tells us that the Prophet never lied. He was noble and honest. His nickname was "The Trustworthy". Even the non Muslims like the Jews who did not believe in Muhammad's religion gave their goods to him for safe keeping because he was the most honest.

Then why did Muhammad tell a lie saying The Quran was from God? WAS PROPHET MUHAMMAD DESIRING WEALTH? We know that The Prophet married at the age of 25 and he was married to a wealthy woman. He was wealthy. But after he became a Prophet at the age of 40, he lost his wealth! After he became a Prophet, sometimes, he lived only on dates and water. Sometimes people gave him goat milk. Even the gifts he got from others, he gave to the poor. He was better financially before he became a prophet than after! SO IT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN FOR WEALTH

WAS PROPHET MUHAMMAD AFTER STATUS, POWER AND LEADERSHIP? When The Prophet was in the initial stages of spreading Islam, the Unbelievers made an offer! The offer was if The Prophet stopped preaching Islam, they would make him the King of Arabia and would make him the wealthiest man in Arabia. If Prophet Muhammad was after, status, power and glory, he would have

accepted the offer. He used milked his own goat. He mended his own clothes, he repaired his own shoes, he even many a times did the household work. He was an amazing model of simplicity and humbleness. He sat on the floor, he went to shop in the market without any guards. Even when the poor people used to invite him, he used to dine with them and eat graciously whatever was given to him. Even when the Muslims won battles, he always said the victory was because of God! In short he was a simple and humble man! HE WAS NOT AFTER STATUS, POWER OR LEADERSHIP

WAS HE AFTER FAME AND GLORY? In the Quran the name, Muhammad only comes 4 times. But the name of Moses comes over 130 times. The name of Jesus comes 25 times. Abraham comes 69 times. According to The Quran: Moses is given the honour of talking directly to Allah! Abraham is given the honour of being a friend of Allah! Jesus is called a Messiah! Behold! the angels said: "O Maryam! Allah giveth thee Glad Tidings of a Word From Him:his name Will be Messiah Jesus The son of Maryam, held in hnour In this world and the Hereafter And of (the company of) those Nearest to Allah; Quran (3:45)

In The Quran apart from Prophet Muhammad, the only other person during the time of the Prophet whose name is mentioned is Zaid (the adopted son of The Prophet who was a slave whom the Prophet freed) If The Prophet was writing The Quran, he would have been tempted to write about his father, mother, sister, daughter, wife etc! But The Quran does not talk about any of his (Muhammad) family members! The Quran says the best of women of all time is Maryam (Mary) the mother of Jesus! Behold! the angels said: "O Maryam! Allah hath chosen thee And purified thee-chosen thee Above the women of all nations. Quran (3:42) So the best woman according to Islam is Maryam, the mother of Jesus! The Quran talks about other prophets’ highly! The Quran generally praises Allah! SO PROPHET MUHAMMAD WAS NOT AFTER FAME AND GLORY!

WAS PROPHET MUHAMMAD CRAZY OR POSSESSED? Some people says The Prophet was crazy and that he believed in his own lies. As Allah says to Prophet Muhammad in The Quran Thou art not, by the grace of Thy Lord, mad or possessed.

Quran (68:2) We should note clearly that the Quran did not come at once but came in stages over 23 years. If he was crazy or in a subconcious mind, it is impossible to be like that for 23 years and lead a people through daily life. He lead the muslims for 23 years in wars, in ruling the Muslims, in showing guidance etc HE WAS NOT CRAZY OR POSSESSED!

WAS THE QURAN THE WORK OF SATAN? The Quran says Nor is it the word Of a Satan accursed. Quran (81:25) Verily this is no less Than a Message To (all) the Worlds: Quran (81:27) It would be a joke to say The Quran is from Satan (devil)! Even the Jews who happen to be the biggest enemies of Islam don't accuse The Quran of coming from Satan because The Quran only talks for Good and against evil! It shows a way to be pure. There is nothing in The Quran that is against humanity as a whole! The Quran, warns people not to follow Satan and says Satan is an enemy to man! SO IT IS FROM SATAN

DID HE COPY IT OFF OTHER BOOKS? Or do they say, "He has forged it"? Nay, it is the Truth From Thy Lord.... Quran (32:3) The Prophet Muhammad was an illiterate. He could not write or read! God knew people would ask this question so he says in The Quran: And thou wast not (able) to recite a Book before this, (Book came), nor art thou (able) to transcribe it with thy right hand: in that case, indeed, would the talkers of vanities have doubted. Quran (29:48) The Quran was not copied and Science can prove this! Out of the hundreds of scientific facts of the Quran, less than 10% are common to The Bible or science of that time! Scientific Miracles of The Quran 30 Very Simple Questions

It still leaves the question, where did the other 90% of scientific facts mentioned in The Quran come from? Out of the facts that are common to both The Quran and The Bible, The Quran is right and The Bible is wrong! 1 Quran says Earth is the shape of an ostrich egg but The Bible says its flat 2 Quran says Moon has reflected light but The Bible says Moon has its won light

3 Quran says Noah’s flood was local and The Bible says the whole world was submerged The Quote and references for the above three difference are in the note The Quran vs The Bible The Bible has many scientific errors Is The Bible fit to be God's Word

The Quran has no errors! So its like saying Muhammad copied from other books and corrected! Muhammad did not have high tech labs! The Quran and The Bible are different! The prophets mentioned are the same but most of the time there stories differ and as a whole if you read both, you will realize, they are both totally different! THE QURAN IS NOT COPIED FROM OTHER BOOKS!


On the contrary it is A confirmation of (revelations) That went before it, And a fuller explanation Of the Book-wherein There in no doubtFrom the Lord of the Worlds. Quran (10:37) Say: “If the whole Of mankind and Jinns Were to gather together To produce the like Of this Quran, they Could not produce The like thereof, even if They backed up each other With help and support. Quran (17:88) If Muhammad had written the Quran, then why would Muhammad take such a big risk by offering this challenge?

Science Scientific Miracles of The Quran 30 Very Simple Questions Only a lunatic will say, a man could have known these 1400 years ago! If you look probability wise, and say Muhammad guessed these by chance, then that person will be called a joke!

Mathematical Miracles

Literature Muslims and non Muslims both agree that The Quran is the best Arabic literature ever!

God challenges people to prove The Quran wrong! This is a challenge for non Muslims The Challenge of The Quran The shortest surah (chapter) in The Quran is below! It has only 3 verses! By the time, Verily Man Is in loss, Except such as have Faith, And do righteous deeds, And (join together) In the mutual enjoining Of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy. Quran (103:1-3) God challenges people to produce a Surah (chapter) somewhat like The Quran! And if ye are in doubt As to what We have revealed From time to time to Our servant Then produce a Surah

Like thereunto; And call your witnesses or helpers (If there are any) besides Allah, If ye are truthful. But if ye cannotAnd of a surety ye cannotThen fear the Fire Whose fuel is Men and Stones,Which is prepared for those Who reject Faith. Quran (2:23-24) If you don’t know Arabic to take the challenge above, then you have a challenge! Do they not ponder on The Quran? Had it been from other Than Allah, they would surely Have found therein Much discrepancy. Quran (4:82) Some people have alleged that they have found contradictions in The Quran But They have all been because of mistranslations, misquotations, taking out of context or poor understanding And All these allegations have been clearly clarified by Muslim scholars


It not a question of why you should accept Islam but the question should be WHY SHOULDN’T YOU ACCEPT ISLAM


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