Irritable Bowel Syndrome And Urinal Incontinence

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Urinal Incontinence A Medical Astrology Analysis Author PRADEEP MUTHUKULAM

Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Urinal Incontinence A Medical Astrology Analysis

IBS, Irritable bowel syndrome is not a disease. It’s a functional disorder, meaning that the bowel doesn’t work, or function, correctly. IBS affects the colon, or large bowel, which is the part of the digestive tract. IBS can be painful. But it does not damage the colon or other parts of the digestive system. A regular practice of yoga has helped a large number of people to help themselves and be free from their Irritable bowel syndrome. Urinary incontinence is the unintentional passing of urine. Once the bladder is full, a signal is sent to the brain that triggers the need to pass urine. However, this process can be interrupted in several different ways, resulting in urinary incontinence. Urge incontinence is thought to occur as a result of incorrect signals being sent between the brain and the bladder. In men, an enlarged prostate gland can obstruct the bladder, causing overflow incontinence. Heartburn is a burning sensation in the food pipe (esophagus), just below or behind the breastbone. Frequent or constant heartburn is the most common symptom of gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) — a disease in which stomach acid or, occasionally, bile flows back (refluxes) into your esophagus. A Medical Astrologer's View: DOB: 10/12/1979, TOB: 09.40 PM IST, LAT 26N07 LONG 85E27. Native is suffering from one disease or another since April 2006. Eosinophil level in blood became higher than normal. Irritable bowel

syndrome comes once in every 15-20 days. Heart burn & Urinal Incontinence always exists. Native had acute bronchitis too. For a Cancer Lagna in an astrology birth chart, Jupiter and Mars are benefics, Venus and Mercury are evil. Saturn, Moon and Sun are neutrals. Moon, Jupiter and Mars are placed in Poorvaphalguni ruled by Venus. Rahu is placed in Maka ruled by ketu. Sun is placed in Jyeshta star ruled by Mercury. Venus is placed in own star Poorvashada. Ketu is placed in Sathabisha star ruled by Rahu. Mercury is placed in Anuradha star ruled by Saturn. Saturn is placed in Uttara Phalguni ruled by Sun. Moon Mars Jupiter conjunction in the second house in an astrology chart is not favourable and will create all types of problems and the disease to the native. This combination is involved in Rahu Ketu Axis and placed in Venus star Poorvaphalguni. In Bhava chart Saturn is placed in Leo, Rahu in Lagna and Mercury in Libra and Ketu in Capricorn. Venus Saturn afflictions involving 3rd house in an astrology birth chart will produce Bronchitis. Cancer, Capricorn signs are afflicted in Bhava chart. Bronchitis is also related with Mercury and Moon and in this case both are afflicted here. Sun is placed in the 5th house and 5th lord Mars is conjucted and hemmed in between malefics in an horoscope create stomach ailments. Moon’s placement in Leo in association with malefic like Rahu in astrological birth chart creates intestinal troubles, indigestion and colic pain. Afflicted Moon’s connection with 6th lord in astrology chart is also produce stomach disorders. Jupiter’s connection with 4th lord Venus will create troubles in digestive system. 5th lord Mars in conjunction with 6th lord Jupiter indicates stomach troubles. Rahu’s placement in Leo and afflicted Virgo will create incurable ulcer. Saturn’s placement in Virgo sign in Horoscope indicates pain in the intestines or colon. Rahu is placed in 4th house in Navamsa and in 6th house in Drekkana indicating serious problems of stomach. Virgo represents bowels- the intestines, and small intestines, Loops of the intestines. Sun is the significator for bowels and Ketu causes all pains. Leo sign and 5th house in astrology chart are to be considered for analyzing bowels. The star Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashada rules the bile and Mars, Jupiter and Moon are placed in Poorvaphalguni star and Venus is placed in Poorvashada star. People born under these stars and afflicted in horoscope are liable to suffer from Bilious complaint. Sun in Scorpio conjucted with Mercury and aspected by Saturn in personal astrology chart creates disease of the bile. Moon‘s placement in Leo and hemmed in between malefic in astrology chart can create diseases of bile. Significators Sun and Mars are afflicted here. 7th and 8th houses, Libra and Scorpio in an horoscope rules Urinal Diseases. Venus and Mars are the significators. These signs, houses and their lords are severely afflicted here. Venus is placed in the 6th house, Mars is placed in Venus star Poorvaphalguni and conjucted with 6th lord Jupiter give rise to Urinal troubles. Scorpio is too afflicted by the placement of Sun and Mercury. Scorpio is connected with prostate gland, the bladder (the sac that collects urine), Urethra (the urinal track along the penis). Libra

denotes Ureter (the urinal track) and Capillary loops (Nervous structure around Urethra). Virgo represents Urethral sac too. Leo represents the heart of the physical system. Leo rules the heart, spinal cord, liver metabolism, spleen, pulmonary arteries and aorta, superior and inferior vena cava. It may be noted that 5thhouse and its lord from Ascendant, from Moon sign are afflicted here. From 1st house to 6th house, From Cancer to Sagittarius and their lords in the astrology chart are severely afflicted. Many factors are present in this astrology birth chart to give rise to Bilious complaints.

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