Irrevelant Truths_a Treatise On The Abnormal As Normal And The Normal As Abnormal

  • Uploaded by: Richard L. Dixon
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 807
  • Pages: 3
IRREVELANT TRUTHS: A TREATISE ON THE ABNORMAL AS NORMAL AND THE NORMAL AS ABNORMAL By Richard L. Dixon The question that is always asked, what is the truth? It is a question that has been pondered, analyzed, and examined by the so-call experts for thousands of years. Many organizations, governments, religious orders, and individuals have all laid claimed to what is the truth. What is abnormal has been proclaimed normal and that which is normal has been cursed as abnormal. In essence, the world as we know it has become even more confused in the complex webs of lies, distortions, deceit, conspiracies, and half-truths. Its no wonder that John the Baptist stayed out in the wilderness eating locust, insects, and wearing animal skin. The elite of that time considered him a wild man of bestial nature. Could be that the elites who passed false judgment on him were themselves wild men with bestial intentions but covered it up with a facade of fashionable civility? Is it possible that what they pass off as civilization was nothing more than anarchy to John the Baptist? He had the hindsight to see through the phony airs and hypocrisy of the so called educated men at that time. Unfortunately their education was one of ignorance, pride, and selfishness. They expected the world to cater to them and not them to the world. In the end, they killed a peaceful man from Galilee who dared to bring forth a gospel of truth, love, forgiveness, and mutual understanding. Strangely enough we find ourselves in the same type of situation that is in direct comparison to John the Baptist. We have an entrenched elite that tries to define truth to us in a confusing maze of print media, the internet, television, digital, and government and corporate propaganda. Their means is to misdirect, confuse, divide, filter, and dilute what is true. They have turned man

against his own kind in a bestial type of way. We view each other around the world with contempt, suspicion, hatred, and animosity. We have killed and continue to kill in the name of a false doctrine that we consider the truth but have no understanding ourselves. We have built imaginary walls, fortresses, fences, and rivers to separate us from one another spiritually, and psychologically. We don’t believe that God made man in his own imagine. We tend to think that he made some men in his own image, and the rest we consider heathens outside of his majesty. In essence, we have made a false truth a graven image unto ourselves. We have become demigods of arrogance, pride, lust, and selfishness. We have glorified the powerful at the expense of the needy and chastised the weak for not being strong like the morally corrupt. Therefore, I would like to take a shot at the time as I see it. First I believe that God is indeed coming back but not in the way that we expect him. He waiting on his children to grow up and finally realize that we are all his creation regardless of race, creed, religion, sex, or national origin. He is expecting the few of us who get it, to lead the rest of us to that truthful understanding. He expects us to love one another in an intimate, nourishing, and caring kind of way. He expects us to better ourselves technologically, economically, and culturally by eliminating poverty, curing disease, hunger, homelessness, and violence against the oppressed. He expects us to establish schools, clean up the environment, house the homelessness, and give jobs to the very deserving. He wants us to use our minds to reach for the stars again, explore the universe, create some fascinating scientific discovery, compose beautiful songs, make wonderful paintings, and write Nobel winning literature. God wants us to truly examine the inner souls of our being to experience true love, respect, and humility towards one another. You see God is the essence of true love because it has no boundaries and cannot be defined, typecast, or pigeonholed. Love is above all reproach whether it is physical, material, or mental. Love is not

oppression it is liberation of the soul, mind, and body. It transcends a physical bond such as sex and manifests itself into a spiritual path of enlightenment. That is what real truth means to me. It goes beyond the avenues of normal and abnormal. I am not expecting anyone to think like me and reach this level of understanding. No what is needed is for the human race to slow down on its path of self-destruction and start growing up and act like the creation that God intended for us to be. Maybe and just maybe when we do start to grow-up, he will come back to see us and say you guys have finally gotten it right.

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