Miniprueba—los verbos ER/ IR regulares en el pretérito Verbos ER / IR un poco irregulares FLAMENCO [de España]
Hay un grupo de verbos irregulares ER / IR Just like the AR verbs with an irregular YO form, these verbs are regular in some of the forms, have a spelling change in other forms, but still use the same regular ER /IR endings.
There are only a few of these verbs and they all have something in common: leer
imos ieron
Because there are 2 vowels in a row in the infinitive, the 3rd person conjugation will give us 3 contiguous vowels.
Spanish doesn’t accept that, at least not in the preterit.
So….. when there are 3 vowels in a row [the él form and the ellosform] the I in the él ending [ió] and in the ellos ending [ieron] beomes a Y
Por ejemplo leer: leí leiste leió? NO, leyó leimos leieron? NO, leyeron
Miramos en el libro, p. 157 Aquí hay verbos AR regulares e irregulares y verbos ER IR regulares e irregulares.
p. 158 Pregunta a otra persona Ask each other these questions and keep track of the answers [like you did the other day]. When you’ve both asked and answered the questions, I want to you write down and hand in the answers about what él or ella did.
When you’re done, adios. Make sure you se the tarea on the next slide, and the tarea I posted over the weekend that’s due on the 25th.
¿Cuba? ¡Sí! For Friday, read the section on Cuba on page 194 and be ready to answer some basic questions about the information in the 4 paragraphs.