Iron Maiden - Dance Of Death.docx

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  • Pages: 7
Iron Maiden - Dance of Death

Let me tell you a story to chill the bones About a thing that I saw One night wandering in the everglades I'd one drink but no more Biarkan aku memberitahumu sebuah cerita yang mengerikan (untuk menenangkan tulang belulang) Tentang hal yang aku lihat Suatu malam berkeliaran di everglades (daerah rawa di Florida, Amerika Serikat) Aku mau minum, tapi tidak lagi.

I was rambling, enjoying the bright moonlight Gazing up at the stars Not aware of a presence so near to me Watching my every move Aku berputar-putar, menikmati cahaya bulan yang cerah Menatap bintang-bintang Tak sadar kehadirannya begitu dekat denganku Menonton setiap gerakanku

Feeling scared and I fell to my knees As something rushed me from the trees Took me to an unholy place And that is where I fell from grace

Merasa takut dan aku berlutut Seperti ada sesuatu yang membuatku bergegas keluar dari pepohonan Membawaku ke tempat yang tidak suci Dan dari situlah aku melakukan kesalahan (jatuh dari kasih karunia)

Then they summoned me over to join in with them To the dance of the dead Into the circle of fire I followed them Into the middle I was led Kemudian mereka memanggilku untuk bergabung bersama mereka Untuk tarian kematian (orang mati) Ke dalam lingkaran api aku mengikuti mereka Ke tengah aku dituntun

As if time had stopped still I was numb with fear But still I wanted to go And the blaze of the fire did no hurt upon me As I walked into the coals Seakan waktu berhenti, aku mati rasa karena takut (tidak mempunyai perasaan lagi) Tapi tetap saja aku ingin pergi Dan api yang menyala tidak menyakitkan bagiku Saat aku berjalan ke bara api

And I felt I was in a trance And my spirit was lifted from me

And if only someone had the chance To witness what happened to me Dan aku merasa sedang dalam kesurupan Dan jiwaku diangkat dariku Dan seandainya saja ada yang punya kesempatan Untuk menyaksikan apa yang terjadi padaku

And I danced and I pranced and I sang with them All had death in their eyes Lifeless figures they were undead all of them They had ascended from hell Dan saya menari dan saya berjingkrak dan saya bernyanyi bersama mereka Semua memiliki maut di mata mereka Tokoh tak bernyawa mereka membongkar semuanya Mereka telah naik dari neraka

As I danced with the dead My free spirit was laughing and howling down at me Below my undead body Just danced the circle of dead Saat aku berdansa dengan orang mati Rohku yang bebas sedang tertawa dan melolong ke arahku Di bawah tubuh mayatku Hanya berdansa di lingkaran kematian

Until the time came to reunite us both My spirit came back down to me I didn't know, if I was alive or dead As the others all joined in with me Sampai tiba saatnya kita berdua bersatu kembali Rohku telah kembali Aku tidak tahu, apakah aku hidup atau mati Seperti yang lainnya semua bergabung denganku

By luck then a skirmish started And took the attention away from me When they took their gaze from me Was the moment that I fled Dengan keberuntungan maka perkelahian dimulai Dan mengalihkan perhatian dariku Saat mereka mengalihkan pandangan mereka dariku Apakah saatnya saya melarikan diri?

I ran like hell faster than the wind But behind I did not glance One thing that I did not dare Was to look just straight ahead Aku berlari lebih cepat seperti angin Tapi aku tidak melirik ke belakang Satu hal yang saya tidak berani

Apakah melihat lurus ke depan?

When you know that your time has come around You know you'll be prepared for it Say your last goodbyes to everyone Drink and say a prayer for it Bila kamu tahu bahwa waktu kamu telah tiba Kamu tahu kamu akan siap untuk itu Ucapkan selamat tinggal pada semua orang Minumlah dan ucapkan doa untuk itu

When you're lying in your sleep, when you're lying in your bed And you wake from your dreams to go dancing with the dead Saat kamu terbaring dalam tidumu, saat kamu berbaring di tempat tidurmu Dan kamu terbangun dari mimpi untuk berdansa dengan orang mati

To this day I guess I'll never know Just why they let me go But I'll never go dancing no more Till I dance with the dead Sampai hari ini kurasa aku tidak akan pernah tahu Mengapa mereka membiarkanku pergi Tapi aku tak akan pernah pergi menari lagi Sampai aku menari dengan orang mati

Tears of the Dragon

For too long now, there were secrets in my mind For too long now, there were things I should have said In the darkness, I was stumbling for the door To find a reason, to find the time, the place, the hour Waiting for the winter sun and the cold light of day

The misty ghosts of childhood fears The pressure is building and I can't stay away.

I throw myself into the sea Release the wave Let it wash over me To face the fear I once believed The tears of the dragon for you and for me

Where I was, I had wings that couldn't fly Where I was, I had tears I couldn't cry My emotions, frozen in an iced lake I couldn't feel them until the ice began to break I have no power over this, you know I'm afraid The walls I built are crumbling, the water is moving, I'm slipping away.

I throw myself into the sea Release the wave, let it wash over me To face the fear I once believed The tears of the dragon for you and for me

Slowly I awake, slowly I rise The walls I built are crumbling, The water is moving, I'm slipping away.

I throw myself into the sea Release the wave, let it wash over me To face the fear I once believed The tears of the dragon for you and for me I throw myself into the sea Release the wave, let it wash over me To face the fear I once believed The tears of the dragon for you and for me

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