
  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 4

PROJECT REVIEW  Complete CITI Course in Human Subject’s Online Training before submitting IRB application (see IRB website for policy at  New Project (ID# will be assigned by the IRB)  Revised Project (Enter IRB ID#)  Renewal (Enter IRB ID#) Approximate date of most recent previous review of this project _____________




INVESTIGATOR(S) NAME(S) Dr. Cherstin Lyon, Christina Perris, Heather Johnson,

From 06/2/2009 To 06/14/2010

Kimberly Haysam, and Kyle Shell Department History

Phone (909) 537-5524

Student(s)/Researcher(s) E-mail Address(s): [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] If you are a student, please provide the following information: This research is for  Graduate Thesis & Projects  Honors Project  Independent Study  Course HIST 324  Other ____________ 4.

PROJECT TITLE The San Bernardino Santa Fe Shops Oral History Project


DESCRIPTION OF PARTICIPANTS (Enter approx. no. of participants and categories that apply) Number 20 Gender:  Female  Male  CSUSB Students  Children (17 or younger)  Child Development Center  Prisoners  Patients in institutions  Pregnant Women  Other: Adults not in at risk populations





I am applying for administrative review (formerly exempt review), based on the following category (ies): (Check all that apply. Submit an original and one copy of all application materials to the IRB.) Note: Research involving children must be reviewed FULL BOARD.      


ATTACHMENTS. I have included copies of all relevant project materials and documents, including (check all that apply):     


Research conducted in established or commonly accepted educational settings and involving normal educational practices Research involving the use of educational tests, if information from these sources is recorded in such a manner that participants cannot be identified in any way Research involving survey or interview procedures where participants cannot be identified Research involving the observation of public behavior where participants cannot be identified Research involving the collection or study of existing data, documents, records, pathological specimens, or diagnostic specimens, where these sources are publicly available or where participants cannot be identified Oral history project not involving at risk subjects, and/or collection of oral histories that will not be generalized to larger populations.

Surveys, questionnaires, and/or interview instruments. Informed consent forms or statements. Letters of approval from cooperative agencies, schools, or education boards. Debriefing statements or explanation sheet. Participant recruitment materials, including flyers and advert

AFFIRMATION OF COMPLIANCE: I agree to follow the procedures outlined in the summary description and any attachments to ensure that the rights and welfare of human participants in my project are properly protected. I understand that the study will not commence until I have received approval of these procedures from the IRB or where appropriate a department Human Participants Review Board; I have complied with any required modifications in connection with that approval. I understand that additions to or changes in the procedures involving human participants, or any problems with the rights or welfare of the human participants must be promptly reported to the IRB. I further understand that if the project continues for more than one year from the approval date, it must be re-submitted as a renewal application. *NOTE: You (the investigator/researcher) are required to notify the IRB if any substantive changes are made in your research prospectus/protocol, if any unanticipated adverse events are experienced by subjects during your research, and when your project has ended. Important: If your project lasts longer than one year, you (the investigator/researcher) are required to notify the IRB by email ( [email protected]) or correspondence of Notice of Project Ending or Request for Continuation at the end of each year. See the IRB website for the proper 1 page form at Failure to notify the IRB of the above may result in

disciplinary action under the CSUSB campus student and faculty misconduct policy. You are required to keep copies of the informed consent forms and data for at least three years. *(Required for all investigators): I affirm the accuracy of this application, and I accept responsibility for the conduct of this research, the supervision of human participants, and maintenance of informed consent documentation as required by the IRB. _____________________________ Signature of Investigator

[email protected] Your e-mail address

May 7, 2009 Date

_____________________________ Signature of Co-Investigator(s)

[email protected] Your e-mail address

May 7, 2009 Date

_____________________________ Signature of Co-Investigator(s)

[email protected] Your e-mail address

May 7, 2009 Date

_____________________________ Signature of Co-Investigator(s)

[email protected] Your e-mail address

May 7, 2009 Date

APPROVAL OF FACULTY ADVISOR/SPONSOR *(Required for all faculty advisors) By signing - you as faculty advisor affirm the accuracy of your students application and accept responsibility for the conduct of this research, the supervision of the researcher (student) in ethical conduct of research, and maintenance of informed consent documentation as required by the IRB. ____________________________ Printed Name of Faculty Advisor/Sponsor Advisor _________________________________ Signature of Faculty Advisor/Sponsor

(909)537-3836 Campus Phone

[email protected] E-mail of Faculty

_________________ Date


PARTICIPANT RECRUITMENT. Potential interview subjects will be identified by those who have already volunteered to participate in local programming related to the Santa Fe Depot or San Bernardino History, those who respond to informal advertising about the project at the Santa Fe Depot Museum or through the CSUSB History Department, or those who volunteer to participate through informal networking or in response to local newspaper articles about the many different projects being conducted by the city and students at CSUSB in conjunction with the San Bernardino Bicentennial celebration.


PROJECT DESCRIPTION. To record, transcribe and deposit into archives at the CSUSB Public and Oral History Program and the Santa Fe Depot Museum the oral histories of persons who have personal knowledge of the history of the San Bernardino Santa Fe Depot or who worked for the Santa Fe Railroad.


CONFIDENTIALITY OF DATA. For the sake of privacy, the Interviewee will choose if the transcripts and publication derived from them will use his/her name or a pseudonym.


RISKS AND BENEFITS. There are no known risks associated with this study. Benefits associated with participation in research will be in preserving a portion of the history to the San Bernardino Santa Fe Depot as recorded through oral histories with individuals who worked for the railroad or who have personal knowledge of the history of the Santa Fe Depot and/or railroad.


INFORMED CONSENT. See attached. Informed consent forms will be discussed and read with the individual volunteering for the interview before the interview will be recorded. Interviewees will be given copies of the signed informed consent forms for their own records.


DEBRIEFING STATEMENT. This project is designed to collect and record oral histories that will support further historical research on the San Bernardino Santa Fe Depot and railroad history. Copies of the interviews, transcriptions and any other products derived from the oral histories (such as summaries or finding aids) will be donated to the CSUSB Public and Oral History program and/or interested archives, such as the Santa Fe Depot Museum.

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