Ipn Hydrogen Production Storage

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 288
  • Pages: 2
Investigation of clean energy technique: Nanoalloys and carbon nanotubes for hydrogen production and storage. Availability The project is continued developing. Background The hydrogen plays an importantly role in the chemical industry and in industries of refining. With the increasing worry for the care of the environment, it hopes that the hydrogen turns into an important source of energy since his combustion does not generate pollutants. Invention Description By this project there tries to develop a new technology for the simultaneous production of hydrogen without CO as well as the development of materials for his storage. Benefits Environment: - There will be available of a method for the production and storage of hydrogen, which can be use as not pollutant fuel in many applications. - Many industries that use fossil fuels might reduce to a great extent their emission if they use hydrogen as fuel. Energetic and technological independence - The development of own technology represents a step to the energetic and technological independence of our country. Supply of fuel that might be in use for vehicles that use hydrogen. Features / Competitive Advantage The method of obtaining hydrogen has great energetic efficiency and is easy to be climbed. Market Potential / Productive Applications Cars industry, new models of cars who use hydrogen and need means of storage of the same one. Industries of production of hydrogen. Project Phase / Progress 65% of advance. Estimated Cost and Terms to Finish

$878,000.00 MXP

IP Status Patent in step. Clear process of Invention, Normal 2008 Mx/a/2008/001807, I Foliate No.: 31022. Researcher Information Dr. Jin-An Wang Yan High school of Chemical Engineering and Extractives Industries IPN

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