BOB KILBANKS – Consulting 911 Northampton St. Easton, PA 18042 610-829-5664 ================================================== ================================
INVOICE Oct. 26, 2009 TO: Candidates for Northampton County Council: John Cusick, Bruce A. Gilbert, Tom Dietrich, Barbara A. Thierry For Professional Political Consulting services rendered for a postcard mailing to 1898 Republican super voting households: Services for this project included the following: For cleaning, i.e updating the targeted voter list to current Northampton County registrations to save postage = $75 total (each candidate’s share= $15) ------------------------------------ $15.00 each For 1898 householded labels @ .03 each = $56.94 / 4 council candidates = --- 14.23 each 1.75 tax each 30.98 subtotal For 2000 postcards printed by Printex including tax = $134.62 / 4 candidates = 33.66 each For 1898 1st class postcard stamps @.28 = $560 / 4 candidates = 140.00 each $204.64 TOTAL Please make check made payable to "Bob Kilbanks-Consulting"