Invitation to the eleventh Project MESA meeting to be held from 25th to 28th October 2005 in Edinburgh, Scotland Dear Colleague, On behalf of the Chairman of the MESA Steering Committee and our host BAPCO, we have the pleasure of inviting you to the eleventh Project MESA meeting, which will take place in Edinburgh, Scotland from 25th to 28th October 2005. MEETING VENUE Apex City Hotel 61 Grassmarket Edinburgh EHI 2JF Scotland Phone: +44 [0]131 243 3456 Email: Hotel accommodation and meeting venue are co-located. It is located in Edinburgh old town next to the castle. (see map below) TIME The meeting will start at 10:00 a.m. on 25th October 2005 with registration from 09:00 a.m. It is expected to finish at approx. 12:00 noon on 28th October 2005. REGISTRATION Please pre-register for the meeting at:
HOTEL ACCOMMODATION Name and address of hotel Apex City Hotel 61 Grassmarket Edinburgh EH1 2JF Scotland Email: Telephone: +44 [0]131 243 3456 MAP
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