Investor Relations Forum

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  • Pages: 3

Investor Relations Forum The Changing Landscape of Investor Relations in turbulent Economic Times: Challenges and Opportunities.

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Date: 16th Sept 2009 Venue: The Bryanston Country Club Johannesburg

Who Should Attend? • • • • • •

Investor relations professionals from Main Market and Alt X companies Chief Executives Finance Directors Compliance professionals Company/Transfer Secretaries New entrants to the corporate IR profession

Sponsorship Opportunities This conference offers a perfect opportunity for you to get your brand and products exposed to senior decision makers. Be part of this forum that promises to be a huge success and develop relationships with major clients.

For further information and packages Contact: +27(0) 11 787 0836 email: [email protected]


AMABHUBESI CONFERENCING & TRAINING In Association with Beaver and Beaver Management Solutions (Pty) Ltd

Conference Overview

The underlining aims of all corporate investor relations teams are to identify, reach and communicate effectively with their audiences. To navigate the new landscape of challenging economic times such as today, today’s IR team must build and maintain an ongoing dialogue with investors and shareholders, using the communication tools available to maximise the efficient delivery of key messages. Our inaugural Investor Relations Forum will put into focus the recent important changes in reporting requirements, new trends in investors’ interests and information needs, alongside the wider range of additional challenges that corporate IR teams must manage. It will invite IR professionals to examine and select the best channels, tools and techniques available – thereby turning challenges into opportunities…

Highlights will include:

· Insight into what/How to communicate in a downturn! · How to reassure investors that risk are being actively managed · Simplifying Web 2.0 for the Investor Relations practitioner · Discussion on Corporate Governance and the New King III as it affects Investor Relations Practice · Going beyond the numbers: best practice financial reporting · A live Demonstration of the Electronic Voting System by IML · A closer look into New Companies Act 2008...and lots more...

This IR forum provides an incredible opportunity to network with fellow IR practitioners and discourse some of the macro issues that currently define investor relations practice


Investor Relations Forum

Agenda 08:00 - 08:30 Registration

/ Morning Refreshment

08:30 - 09:30

Welcome Address - Moderator

09:00 - 09:45

Mark Dunn - Partner BDO Spencer Steward

Investors - How do they gain comfort that the risks are still being actively managed? The focus of this discussion will be on Corporate Governance and the new King III code to be released in September 2009. Key discussion points will be: • What are the key risks for investors? • Do boards focus sufficiently on the needs to the investor? • King III and its impact on investors - What will change? • Are boards of directors sufficiently responsive to changing shareholder demands? • Can South Africa match its high ideals with effective implementation, and adequate compliance? 09:45 - 10:30

Jayne Mammatt Associate Director Ernst & Young- South Africa

Is Sustainability Sustainable?

• Multiple crisis of finance, fuel, water, climate and food • Pressures on business to be efficient and effective and yet address mankind’s long term future and prosperity • Striking the balance for the five capitals - the business case for the sustainable development • Demands investors should be making

10:30 - 10:45 Networking

Opportunities Coffee Break / Exhibition

10:45 - 11:30

Louise Brugman Account Director - FD Beachhead

“Communicating in a downturn”

• Should companies adapt their communication focus and practices to their stakeholders? • What can you do to protect and build business reputation in the current downturn?

11:30 - 12:15

Francois Liebenberg Associate Director - Assurance Professional Practice Group, Ernst & Young - South Africa

IFRS: Turning Confusion into Competitive advantage! The IASB has announced in July 2006 that an agreement, called “The memorandum of understanding”, was reached with the FASB and SEC. In terms of the agreement a moratorium was placed on new IFRS standards becoming effective until 1 January 2009. The reasons for this were to: • Increased lead time to prepare for new standards • Increased opportunity for input on conceptual issues • To allow those countries yet to adopt IFRS to have a clear target date for adoption • To provide a 4 year period of stability for those companies that adopted IFRS in 2005.

As this moratorium came to an end and many of changes and new standards are effective from the annual reporting period beginning on or after 1 July 2009, the session will focus on: • Changes affecting the presentation of financial statement • Changes affecting the measurement of items recognized in the financial statements. 12:15 - 13:00

Dereke Abdinor Divisional Director - Online Communication, INCE

Making web 2.0 practices work for Investor Relations Practitioners

(It’s not about the technology; it’s about the communication…) • How your audiences get their data - research study • Making the lives of your analysts easier - dissemination and choice of format • Using shareholder services - turn compliance into opportunities • What’s on the event horizon - XBRL, proxy voting 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch 14:00 - 14:30

Gert Vermaak - Managing Director IML (Innovative Audience Response)

Live Demonstration: Electronic Voting

Gert Vermaak will provide a demonstration of an electronic voting system operated by IML. You can compare an instant electronic result with a paper-based poll. The system is highly interactive and is now in use in many part of the world. As part of the demonstration, conference delegate will have the opportunity of trying electronic voting using the electronic voting systems provided by IML.

Investor Relations Forum



14:30 - 15:30

Madelein Burger-van der Walt Partner Webber Wentzel, South Africa

Amendments in the New Companies Act 2008 – How does it affect you? • Authorisation, issue and subscription for shares • Financial assistance • Distributions to shareholders • Shareholders’ agreements • A brief overview of the fundamental transactions • Shareholders’ appraisal rights • New reporting / approval requirements in respect of the above and other actions • The prescribed officer 15:30 - 15:45

Why attend?

The day will provide a unique forum in which IR professionals, Financial Directors, CEOs, Compliance Professionals etc, from Main Market and Alt X companies can discuss and assess the key issues affecting their role. This will include what and how to communicate in a down turn, managing Risk in challenging economic times, how changes in the New Companies Act 2008 affects you, CFD disclosure, the changes in best practice financial reporting, including interim management statements, Corporate Governance and the new King III code, CSI and the next generation of investor relations communication methods amongst others.

You can miss th ’t Registeis! TODAYr !

Networking Opportunities Coffee Break / Exhibition

To register please contact 15:45 - 16:30

Charles Lourens - Director Investor Services, Computershare - South Africa

Share Transfer dead or alive?

Ola Odejayi Project Manager

• The transformation of the Transfer secretary under Strate • What the Issuer needs to know about his registrars • The special situation of Private investors and BEE investor needs.

Amabhubesi Training and Conferencing, Johannesburg, SA

16:30 - 17:00

Tel: +27 11 787 0836

Closing Plenary: IR in Turbulent Economic Times An interactive discussion on the changing landscape of investor relations practice in turbulent economic times

Fax: +27 11 326 0354 Email: [email protected]

Closing Remarks – Moderator

Or fill in the registration form attached and fax or email it to us!

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