Investor Manual For Energy Efficiency

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  • Pages: 704
Confederation of Indian Industry Energy Management Cell

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CONTENTS Page No. Executive Summary 1.



Energy Saving Opportunities in Various Sectors Cement



Caustic Chlorine






















Power Plant



List of Suppliers Address



List of Energy Auditors



List of Energy Service Companies



Financial Mechanism



Government incentives









EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Republic of India (India), the world’s sixth largest energy consumer, plans major energy infrastructure investments to keep up with increasing demand—particularly for electric power. India also is the world’s third largest producer of coal, and relies on coal for more than half of its total energy needs. Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited is a Public Limited Government Company established in 1987, under the administrative control of Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (MNES) to promote, develop and extend financial assistance for renewable energy and energy efficiency/conservation projects with the motto: “ENERGY FOR EVER”

About Investors’ Manual Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) has received a line of credit from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) / Global Environmental Facility (GEF) towards the cost of “India: Second Renewable Energy Project”. As a part of this line of credit, technical assistance plan (TAP) is envisaged for institutional development and technical support to IREDA. Preparation of this investors’ manual for energy efficiency sector – industrial sub sector, as a guide to intending entrepreneurs, is one of these TAP activities.

Objective of this Manual: The objective is to prepare an Investors’ Manual covering the topics like energy saving potential for various industries, technologies available to improve energy efficiency, equipment suppliers, government policies / incentives available for the sector, terms of IREDA and other financial institutions extending support to such projects etc. The end objective of the activity is market development for energy efficiency / conservation products & services. The whole effort is to prepare a simplified and user-friendly manual based on inputs from various stakeholders in energy efficiency sector. Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) – Energy Management Cell (EMC) was awarded the task of preparing this manual by IREDA. CII – EMC adopted the following methodology in preparing this manual: 1.

Analyze the existing data available with CII and develop a detailed action plan for execution


Identify industries under energy intensive and non-intensive categories


Review the detailed energy audits carried out by CII in various sectors and estimate energy saving potential possible in identified energy intensive and non-intensive sectors


Analyze literature available with CII


Discuss with industry experts / Consultants


Identify list of energy saving measures to be undertaken in each industry


Evaluate technical details for each of the proposed energy saving measures in various industries Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Introduction 8.

Prepare / identify the list of equipment suppliers (National & International), EPS Contractors, Energy Service Companies, etc., who can take up these energy saving measures


Review the collected data with experts in each of the energy intensive and non-intensive industries

10. Prepare / identify the list of consultants / energy auditors etc., who can be approached for conducting energy audit, preparation of DPR, etc. 11. Interacting with IREDA and other financial institutions 12. Preparation of a brief note of finance mechanism available for taking up energy efficiency projects from IREDA and other financial institutions 13. Preparation of a brief description of government policy / incentives / concessions available for identified energy saving projects / equipment identified in various energy intensive and non-intensive sectors 14. Review the collected data with experts in each of the energy intensive and non-intensive industries The various sectors identified under this project, and the share of energy in the manufacturing cost, is as under: Sector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Cement Caustic Chlor Aluminium Glass Ceramic Copper Paper Fertiliser Foundry Steel Sponge Iron Synthetic Textiles Textile Engineering Tyre Drugs & Pharma Dairy Sugar Petro Chemical



* cost equivalent of bagassee consumed

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency

Power & Fuel cost as % of Production cost 43.7 40.7 33.4 30.9 25.3 24.0 23.7 18.4 13.7 13.3 12.8 11.3 10.3 6.0 7.7 4.6 4.2 2.0* 2.0 2.0


Introduction These projects are all proven projects, which have been implemented successfully in Indian industry. The objective of highlighting these projects is to facilitate the potential investors, in having a quick reference of the various energy saving measures and also enable them make decisions on investment.

Summary of this report This report focuses on energy conservation methodologies in 16 major sectors of Indian industry. The energy intensive sectors not included in this report are: • Steel & sponge iron • Petrochemcial • Refinery The reason for exclusion of these sectors is: • These sectors are technology specific • The players in this sector are very few in number • The players in these sectors are cash-rich and may not approach financial institutions for funding energy saving projets. Alternately, they may approach for technology upgradatioon projects, but these companies are well aware of these projects they need to take up in future. S.No


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Cement Caustic Chlor Aluminium Glass Ceramic Paper Fertiliser Foundry Sythetic Fibre Textile Tyre Drugs & Pharma Sugar Engineering Copper Power Plants Total

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency

Annual saving Potential Rs. Million, (US $, Million)

Investment opportunity Rs. Million, (US $, Million)

3500 (70) 8600 (172) 500 (10) 550 (11) 350 (7) 3000 (60) 2000 (40) 1800 (36) 1300 (26)

7000 (140) 30000 (600) 1000 (20) 800 (16) 725 (14.5) 5000 (100) 6000 (120) 3500 (70) 2500 (50)

860 (17) 1100 (22) 4200 (84) 5000 (100) 750 (15) 3000 (60)

1750 (35) 1800 (36) 6000 (120) 10.000 (200) 1500 (30) 5000 (100)

37,510 (730)

82,575 (1651.5)


The various sectors highlighted in this report offer an annual saving potential of Rs 37510. million. This, in turn, creates an investment opportunity of Rs82575 million, to achieve the projected energy savings. This report will serve the objective of its preparation, in promoting / development of market for energy efficient equipment & suppliers in Indian industry.

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Introduction India’s Energy scenario Background India’s economic growth is currently recovering from a mild slowdown in 2002, which was mainly attributable to weak demand for manufactured exports and the effects of a drought on agricultural output. Real growth in the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) was 4.8% for 2002, and is projected to rise to 5.7% in 2003. The economic effects of recent political tensions in the region have been quite modest.

Oil Oil accounts for about 30% of India’s total energy consumption. The majority of India’s roughly 5.4 billion barrels in oil reserves are located in the Bombay High, Upper Assam, Cambay, Krisha-Godavari, and Cauvery basins. Future oil consumption in India is expected to grow rapidly, to 3.2 million bbl/d by 2010, from 2.0 million bbl/d in 2002.

Natural Gas Indian consumption of natural gas has risen faster than any other fuel in recent years. From only 0.6 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) per year in 1995, natural gas use was nearly 0.8 Tcf in 2000 and is projected to reach 1.2 Tcf in 2005 and 1.6 Tcf in 2010.

Coal Coal is the dominant commercial fuel in India, satisfying more than half of India’s energy demand. Power generation accounts for about 70% of India’s coal consumption, followed by heavy industry. Coal consumption is projected in the International Energy Annual 2002 to increase to 450 million short tons (Mmst) in 2010, up from 369 million short tons in 2000. India is the world’s third largest coal producer (after China and the United States), so most of the country’s coal demand is satisfied by domestic supplies.

ELECTRICITY As per recent estimate, total installed Indian power generating capacity is about 112,000 MW. The government had targeted capacity increases of 100,000 megawatts (MW) over the next ten years.

Per-Capita Consumption Per capita energy consumption in India is only 350 kWh (277 Kg of oil equivalent (KOE)), which is just 3.5 per cent of that in the USA, 6.8 per cent of Japan, 37 percent of Asia and 18.7 per cent of the world average.

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell

Introduction But, energy intensity, which is energy consumption per unit of GDP, is one of the highest in comparison to other developed and developing countries. For example, it is 3.7 times that of Japan, 1.55 times of the USA, 1.47 times of Asia and 1.5 times of the World average. The industrial sector is the highest consumer of electricity (34 percent) followed by agricultural (30 per cent) and domestic (18 per cent) sector. The importance of energy as a driver for economic growth in India Is greater than in most countries. The world development report ranks India sixth in its list of countries requiring energy for GDP growth.

Energy Consumed in kJ per $ of GDP 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000

a. Huge gap between supply & demand








S Africa





10000 Russia


b. Massive T & D losses

Capacity Addition in last 5 yr Plan (MW)

T & D Losses 35%

30000 16000





c. Average cost of supply exceeds average tariff


d. Increasing losses of SEBs

Price (Rs./kWh)

Avg. SEB Rate of Return

3.4 1.92





0.22 -12% Industry



Avg Price

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency




Energy conservation is one of the prime areas of focus to overcome the supply – demand gap. Whilst the generation increase has been steady, the consumption pattern has also been steady.

Electricity consumption in India

Electricity Consumption - Profile


50 40 30




10 0




The electricity consumption profile in India has, by and large, been the same in the last five years. There has been a small drop in the irrigation / agriculture based consumers, which has been equated by a small increase in the consumption profile of domestic consumers. The commercial & miscellaneous users and the industrial consumers have not varied a lot. This has been the profile in spite of the increase in GDP & per capita power consumption. The per capita power consumption in 1996 – 97 has been 334.26 kWh compared to 350 kWh in 2001-02. The per capita national income has increased from 10149 in 1996-97 to 17736 in 2001-02.

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell



Energy Saving Opportunities in Various Sectors

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency



Per Capita Consumption

100 kg

Growth percentage


Energy Intensity

45% of manufacturing cost

Energy Costs

Rs 70,000 million (US $1400 million)

Energy saving potential

Rs.3500 m (US $ 70 million)

Investment potential on energy saving projects

Rs.7000 m (US $140 million)

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Cement Industry

1.0 Introduction Cement is one of the core industries, which plays a vital role in the growth of the nation. India ranks third among cement producing countries in the world behind China and USA and has come a long way, since the installation of the first cement plant at Porbandar in 1914. The present per capita consumption is around 100 kg, which is much lower than the per capita consumption of 255 kg in the developed countries. The per capita consumption is expected to increase to about 120 kg in the next 2 years. India has the requisite quantity of cement grade limestone deposits, backed by adequate reserves of Coal. The technical expertise and managerial skills of the personnel have grown tremendously resulting in efficient operation of the plant. The latest cement plants that are being installed in the country are comparable with the best in the world. India therefore has a major role to play in the future global cement market. A large quantity of cement and clinker are being exported particularly from the state of Gujarat are being exported to other Asian & African countries.

2.0 Present Capacity & Capacity Utilisation There are 124 major cement plants with an installed capacity of 135 million tonnes as on 31 March 2002. The Indian cement plants are a blend of a few high energy consumption old wet process plants with a capacity of 300 TPD and modern dry pre-calciner plants with capacities upto about 7500 TPD. The annual production of cement by the major cement plants in the year 2001- 02 was around 102.4 million tonnes with a capacity utilisation of nearly 80%. (Source CMA data)

3.0 Growth Potential The cement demand has been growing at about 8% in the country. However, there has been substantial increase in capacity of the plants in the recent past through plant upgradation and slack capacity is available in the industry. The strategy of the Indian cement industry is to meet the additional demand in the industry through production of blended cement and utilising the slack capacity available in existing plants. Additionally, there are 300 mini cement plants with an installed capacity of 11.10 million tons producing about 6.0 million tons (2001-02 data) The major types of cement produced in India include – Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) – 33, 43 & 53 grader and blended cements such as Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) and Portland Slag Cement (PSC). The OPC varieties account for about 70% of the production, while the blended cements PPC & PSC account for 18% and 10% of the production respectively. There has been a recent trend to produce more quantities of blended cement varieties.

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


4.0 Cement Manufacturing – technologies Limestone is the raw material used in the manufacture of cement. In India, three types of processes are being used for cement manufacture and are given below: • Wet process < 5% of the production • Dry Suspension (SP) process < 8% of the production • Dry Precalciner (PC) process > 85% of the production The detailed description of the different processes is given below.

4.1 Wet Process The oldest plants in the country are wet process plants. These plants are characterised by low technology, low capacity, high man-power and higher energy consumption. The maximum capacity of the wet plants operating in India is only 300 TPD. With the current trend towards higher capacity, lower energy consumption and better quality the wet plants are being gradually converted or phased out. The main feature of the wet process is that the limestone is ground in wet condition and fed to the kiln as slurry. Majority of the wet process plants have been stopped or converted and less than 5% of the cement is produced through this process

4.2 Dry SP Process The Dry SP (Suspension Pre-heater) plants are comparatively modern plants and of moderate capacity (upto 1500 TPD). In comparison to the wet plants, the dry SP plants are energy efficient. The characteristic feature of the dry SP plants is that the limestone is ground in dry condition and then fed to the kiln system through the pre-heaters.

4.3 Dry Precalciner Process The Dry precalciner process is the latest process and characterised by high capacity (more than 3000 TPD) and energy efficiency. More than 90% of the cement is produced through this process and the detailed process description is as under: Cement is manufactured from Limestone and involves the following main steps: • Mining • Crushing • Raw meal grinding • Pyro-processing • Cement grinding

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Cement Industry

Block Diagram – Cement Industry – Dry Process Precalciner Process Additives Mines




Raw Mill

Purchased coal

Blending & Storage Raw Meal

Fine Coal storage

Coal Crusher

Coal Mill

Pyro processing

Gypsum Clinker storage

Cement mill

Packing & Despatch

Slag or Fly-ash

Mining The major raw material for cement manufacture is limestone. The limestone is mined in open cast mines in the quarry and then transported to the crusher through dumpers / ropeways. Conventionally, the limestone was being mined by the usual methods of drilling and blasting. The latest trend is to install miners which have the advantage of lower operating cost in addition to being environment friendly.

Crushing The mined limestone is conveyed to the crusher through dumpers or ropeways. The material is then crushed in the crusher to a size of about 25 – 75 mm. The crushing is done in two stages in the older plants while in the modern plants normally single stage crushing is done. The typical crushers used are jaw crusher and hammer crusher.

Raw meal grinding The crushed limestone is ground into a fine powder in the dry condition. Generally, the ball mill is used for grinding in a dry SP plant, while a Vertical Roller Mill (VRM) is used in a dry PC plant. The VRM is comparatively more energy efficient consuming only 65% of the energy consumption of the ball mill. The ball mill along with a pre-grinding system such as roll press is also used in some of the plants with very hard and abrasive limestone.

Pyro-processing This is the most important step in the manufacture of cement. This takes place in the kiln system. The kiln is a major consumer of electrical energy and the only consumer of thermal energy in a cement plant. Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


The ground raw meal after getting preheated in the pre-heater system enters the calciner. The calciner is a vessel provided between the preheater and calciner. The calcination of limestone and the conversion into clinker takes place in the precalciner and kiln respectively.

Cement grinding The clinker produced in the kiln stored in the silo / stock-pile is ground along with Gypsum (about 5%) to produce Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC). The generally used grinding equipment is the ball mill in various cement plants in India. In some of the recently installed plants the VRM has been installed with satisfactory results. The other types of cement such as PPC (Portland Pozzolana Cement) and PSC (Portland Slag Cement) are also produced by grinding clinker with fly-ash and blast furnace slag respectively.

5.0 Energy Intensity of Cement Industry The production of cement is highly energy intensive with more than 45% of the manufacturing cost being contributed by energy (electrical & thermal). The Indian cement industry is next only to the Iron & Steel industry in terms of the overall value of the energy consumption in the country. The total value of energy consumed in the Indian cement industry amounts to nearly about Rs 70,000 millions (USD 1400 millions). Energy consumed in cement industry - Rs 70,000 million (USD 1400 million)

6.0 Specific Energy Consumption – Average and Targets The average specific energy consumption of various Indian cement plants in 2001 - 02 is about 98 units / ton of cement (OPC – 43 grade). There are about 10 numbers of cement plants who have done extremely well and are operating with a specific energy consumption less than 85 units / ton. The thermal energy consumption average is about 760 kcal/kg of clinker. Based on the study of the latest cement plants, the target energy consumption for a new cement plant could be as below: Specific Electrical Energy consumption


75 units/ton of OPC – 43

Specific Thermal Energy Consumption


715 kCal/kg of clinker

7.0 Energy Saving potential and Investment potential The various studies of Indian cement industry indicates an energy saving potential of about 5%, which amounts to Rs 3500 millions (USD 70 millions). The investment potential for these projects is about 7000 millions (USD 140 millions).

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Cement Industry

8.0 List of Energy Saving Projects The list of energy saving projects, which can be implemented in different sections of a cement plant are listed below:

Mines and Crusher Short-term • Increase operating capacity of primary & secondary crusher • Reduce idle run of crushers and belts • Reduce idle operation of dust collection equipment Long-term • Install bulk analyser for crushed limestone

Raw mill grinding & storage Short-term • Avoid idle running of raw mill conveyor system (Auxillaries) • Avoid idle operation of raw mill lubrication system • Optimise starting & stopping sequence of raw mill (to minimise idle running of fans) • Minimise false air entry in raw mill system Medium-term • Install variable louvre system for roller mill • Install high efficiency dynamic separator for roller mills Long-term • Use vertical roller mill instead of ball mill • Control raw meal feed size by installation of tertiary crusher • Install belt and bucket elevator in place of pneumatic conveying • Installation of efficient mill intervals – diaphragm and liners • Install online X-Ray analyser for raw meal • Install slip power recovery system / VFD for raw mill fan / ESP fan • Install external mechanical recirculation system for roller mills and optimise air flow • Kiln, Pre-heater & cooler Short-term • Install CO and O2 analyser at kiln inlet and preheating outlet • Maintain proper kiln seal (inlet and outlet) to avoid false air infiltration • Reduce leakages in the preheater system Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


• Minimise primary air to kiln • Utilise the cooler waste heat for flyash / slag / coal • Install soft starters for clinker breaker Medium-term • Install VFD for cooler fans and cooler ID fans • Opptimise the cooler exhaust chimney height to reduce the exhaust fan power consumption • Install water spray in cooler to minimise fan power consumption Long-term • Install system for firing waste tyre, bark, rice husk, groundnut shell and urban waste in precalciner • Conversion from pneumatic conveying of kilnfeed to mechanical mode • Conversion from single channel to multichannel burners • Replace planetary cooler with grate cooler • Replace conventional coolers (planetary / grate) with high efficiency coolers Coal yard & coal mill • Elimination of spontaneous combustion, by proper stacking • Avoid idle running of coal conveyor & crusher • Optimise starting & stopping sequence of coal mill to reduce idle operation of fans • Maintain higher residue for precalciner firing • Increase residue of coal mix, if possible Cement Grinding, Storage & Packing Short-term • Water spraying on the clinker at cooler outlet (Temp above 90oC, consumes more grinding energy) • Reduce cement mil vents and recirculate to reduce cement loss • Avoid idle running clinker conveyor – dust collector fan • Avoid idle running of cement silo exhaust fans • Optimise starting & stopping sequence of cement mill to avoid idle running • Increase production of blended cement (PPC and PSC) • Use of grinding aids • Optimise water spray compressor capacity

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Cement Industry Long-term • Optimise cement grinding fineness – Install particle size analyser and optimise the particle size distribution • Install belt conveyor / screw conveyor / bucket elevator system instead of pneumatic conveying • Installation of roller press / impact crusher / VRM as a pregrinder before the ball mill

Compressors & Compressed Air System Short-term • Eliminate compressor air leakages by a vigorous maintenance programme • Maintain compressed air filters in good condition • Install compressed air traps for receivers • Optimise compressor discharge pressure Medium-term • Install screw compressors with VFD in place of old compressors • Replace multiple small units with single larger units • Install intermediate control system for compressed air systems

Electrical System Short-term • Avoid unnecessary lighting during day time • Use energy efficient lighting • Distribute load on transformer network in an optimum manner • Improve power factor – Individual compensation – Group compensation – Centralised compensation • Replace over sized motors • Replace with energy efficient motors • Use VFD for low / partial loads • Convert delta to star connection for motors loaded below 50% of full load (for occasional peak load provide automatic-star-delta-convertor) • Install energy saver in fluorescent lighting circuit • Fixing of light fixtures at optimum height

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


• Operate lighting system at lower voltage (say 360 V in 3 phase) • Use servo stabliser in lighting circuits • Replace conventional fluorescent tubes (40 W) with slim tubes (36 W) • Optimise system operating voltage level Medium-term • Install demand controller for maximum utilisation of demand • Use of electronic ballast in place of conventional chokes

DG Sets Short-term • Increase loading on DG sets • Install VFD for cooling tower pumps and fans • Convert electrical heating furnace to thermal heating Long-term • Install WHR system in DG set for preheating furnace oil • Install vapour absorption refrigeration systems utilising DG jacket with heat or exhaust heat Newer technologies (Long-term) • Install high efficiency cooler – CFG / CIS / SF across bar / Pygostep / IKN pendulam – cooler • Install low pressure drop cyclones for preheater • Install latest high-level control systems for kiln, raw mill and cement mills • Install WHR systems to recover heat from preheater and cooler exhaust

9.0 Long-term case studies 11 actual case studies, which have been implemented successfully in the Indian cement plants, have been included. Each of the individual case studies presented in this chapter includes: • A brief description of the equipment / section, where the project is implemented • Description of the energy saving project • Implementation, methodology, time frame and problems faced during implementation (if any) • Benefits of energy saving projects • Financial analysis of projects and • Replication potential

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Cement Industry •

Diagram of the system or photograph of the project is also included, wherever applicable.

The data collected from the plant is presented in its entirety. However, the name of the plant is not revealed to protect the identity of the plant. Similar projects can be implemented by other units also to achieve the benefits. A word of caution here. Each plant is unique in its own way and what is applicable in one plant may not be entirely applicable in another identical unit. Hence, these case studies could be used as a basis and fine-tuned according to the individual plant requirement before taking up for implementation.

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Case Study - 1

Installation of High Efficiency Dynamic Separator for Raw Mill Background The Raw Mill is one of the important equipment in the Cement industry used for grinding Limestone into fine raw meal powder. The older plants had Ball Mills for this operation. Consequently the energy efficient Vertical Roller Mills (VRM) came into being. The VRMs have comparatively 30 – 35 % lower energy consumption than the Ball Mills. In the older Cement plants the VRMs had a simple static separator installed for separation of the coarse and fine material. The separator was an integral part of the VRM. In the conventional separators, the ground material is lifted to the separator by high velocity hot air at the louvres. The separator separates the coarse and fine particles and fine particles are carried away by the airflow to the dust collectors. The coarse material subsides through the raising freshly ground material. This creates additional pressure drop in the VRM and also leads to increased circulation inside the Mill. The particle size distribution is also wider with both very fine and coarse particles present. The latest trend has been to install cage type high efficiency separator. In these separators, the material enters radially through a cage type separator. The coarse material after separation is collected in a cone just below the separator and is dropped on to the grinding table through a gravity air lock. In this manner the contact between the freshly ground material and the coarse is avoided. The advantages of these separators are as below. • Closer particle size distribution • Less pressure drop across the VRM • Higher output at the same fineness as before or finer product at the same output rate

Previous status In a million tonne dry process pre-calciner plant, a Vertical Roller Mill (VRM) was being used for grinding raw meal. The VRM had a conventional static separator.

Energy saving project The existing static separator was replaced with a new cage type dynamic high efficiency separator.

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Cement Industry

Implementation methodology & time frame The new separator could not be accommodated in the Mill body. So the Mill casings were modified to accommodate the new separator. Hence, to save on time the drawings were prepared and the new separator assembled outside and kept ready for installation. With all these preparations, the actual installation needed only 21 days of Mill stoppage. However in majority of the cases, the new separator can be fitted into the existing mill casing itself.

Benefits of the project There was an increase in the output of the Mill, finer product and reduction in the specific power consumption of the Mill. Additionally, the Mill vibration also got reduced resulting in trouble free operation. The power saving amounted to 2.5 units / ton of Raw meal or 3.0 units / ton of Cement which annually amounted to 18 lakh units / year.

Financial analysis This amounted to an annual monetary saving (@ Rs 3.0 /unit) of Rs 270 million (Rs.5.4 million) (US$ 0.11 million). The investment made was around Rs 300 million (Rs.6.0 million) (US$ 0.12 million) period for this project was 13 months.

Replication potential There are about 150 vertical roller mills in Indian cement industry. The application of the high efficiency separator is possible in about 50 installations. The investment potential is therefore Rs 300 millions (USD 6 million)

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings – Rs 270 million • Investment – Rs 300 million • Simple payback - 13 months

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Cement Industry

Case Study - 2

Replacement of the Air-lift with Bucket Elevator for Raw-meal Transport to the Silo Background The raw-meal after grinding in the Raw mill is conveyed to the silo for storing and blending. The transport of raw-meal is conventionally done through pneumatic conveying systems such as air-lift. The pneumatic conveying system consumes more power, nearly 3 to 4 times that of the mechanical conveying system. Bucket Elevator for raw meal conveying Also, the pneumatic conveying system puts in air to the silo, which has to be removed. Conventionally, the pneumatic conveying system was being preferred as the mechanical system (particularly the Bucket elevator) was not very reliable and the plant required operation continuously. In the recent years with the improvement in the metallurgy of the bucket elevators links and chains, bucket elevators that can operate continuously in a reliable manner have been developed. These also have been installed in many plants with substantial benefits.

Previous status In a million tonne dry process pre-calciner plant, operating with a Vertical Roller Mill (VRM), the raw meal was being conveyed with the help of an air-lift.

Energy saving project The air-lift was replaced with a bucket elevator. The air-lift was retained to meet the standby requirements.

Implementation methodology & time frame The installation of the Bucket elevator took about 6 months. There was no stoppage of the plant, and the installation of the Bucket elevator was done parallely. The system was hooked on during a planned stoppage of the raw mill.

Benefits of the project The implementation of this project resulted in reduction of power from 140 units for the airlift to 40 units for the Bucket elevator. The air to be ventilated from the silo also got reduced with the installation of the mechanical conveying system. The silo top fan was downsized to tap this saving potential. The saving annually amounted to 6.8 lakh units / year.

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


The total benefits amounted to a monetary annual savings of Rs. 2.24 millions. The investment made was around Rs. 5.4 millions. The simple payback period for this project was 29 months.

Benefits of mechanical conveying • Low energy consumption (25 - 30% of Pneumatic conveying) • Reduction in power consumption of silo top dedusting system

Replication potential In each cement conveying to a higher elevation is required in 3 sections – raw mill (raw meal conveying to silo), kiln (kiln feed conveying to the preheater top) and cement mill (cement conveying to cement silo). This project has been taken up by design in all the new plants for all the three and majority of the older plants. The potential for replacement however exists in about 40 installations. The investment potential for this project is about Rs 200 millions (USD 4 millions)

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings – Rs 2.24 millions • Investment – Rs 5.4 millions • Simple payback - 29 months

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Cement Industry

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Case Study - 3

Replacement of Existing Cyclones with Low Pressure Drop (LP) Cyclones Background The Pre-heaters comprising of 4/5/6 stages of cyclones is an important part of the Kiln section in a Cement Plant. In the pre-heaters the waste gas coming out of the Kiln system is used for pre-heating the kiln feed material. With increased focus towards more heat recovery from the waste gas, the number of pre heater stages have been increased from 4 to 5 / 6. The increase in the number of stages however led to increase in the pressure drop across the system and hence higher fan power. This led to the development of cyclones, which have a lower pressure drop. The low pressure drop (LP) cyclones have the advantage of • Low pressure drop. Hence, lower Pre-heater fan power consumption. •

Higher output rate with the same Pre-heater fan

Reduction in thermal energy consumption

Previous status In a million tonne dry process pre-calciner plant, there were 4 stages of conventional cyclones with a twin cyclone at the top. The pressure drop across the top twin cyclone was about 100 – 125 mmWg.

Energy saving project The existing top stage twin cyclone was replaced with a low pressure drop cyclone. Implementation methodology & time frame The top cyclone was at a height of nearly 106 metres. The implementation of this project involved removal of the existing cyclone and fixing of the new LP cyclone. The normal procedure involves the following steps: • Removal of the bricks inside the existing top cyclone • Removal of the old cyclone • Installation of the new cyclone • Refractory lining of the new cyclones This procedure however needs a stoppage of the plant of more than 90 days. The plant could not afford such a long stoppage and the consequent loss of production.

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Cement Industry Hence, the procedure was improvised to reduce the plant stoppage time. The improvised procedure adopted by the plant is as below: • The entire cyclone was assembled at the ground floor • The inside brick lining was also done at the ground floor only • The plant was then stopped and the existing cyclones removed • The entire twin cyclone along with brick lining was lifted to the top and fixed. A special crane was used for lifting the cyclones of about 150 MT to a height of about 106 metres. In this manner, the project could be implemented with a stoppage of only 20 days.

Benefits of the project There was an increase in the output of the Kiln, reduction in pressure drop of the pre-heater, reduction in Kiln section power consumption and reduction in Kiln specific thermal energy consumption. The comparison of the conditions and the energy consumption before and after installation of the LP cyclones are as below: Parameter

Before Implementation

After Implementation

2650 TPD

2850 TPD

100 – 125 mmWg

70 – 90 mmWg

Kiln section Power

30 kWh /ton

28.5 kWh / ton

Heat Consumption

830 kCal / kg

810 kCal / kg

Clinker Production DP across Top Cyclone

The implementation of this project resulted in a power saving of 1.5 units / ton of Clinker, which annually amounted to 14 lakh units / year. Additionally there was also the thermal energy reduction of about 20 kCal / kg. The increased output of 200 TPD of clinker also aided in reducing the fixed cost component.

Financial analysis The total benefits amounted to a monetary annual savings of Rs 2.4 millions. The investment made was around Rs 2.2 millions. The simple payback period for this project was 11 months.

Benefits of low pressure drop cyclone

Cost benefit analysis

• Lower pressure drop across P.H.

• Annual Savings - Rs.2.4 millions

• Reduction in P.H. fan power consumption

• Investment - Rs.2.2 millions

• Increase in clinker production

• Simple payback - 11 months

• Reduction in thermal energy consumption.

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Replication potential The replacement with LP cyclones has been implemented only in about 25% of the plants and that too only in majority of the cases for the top cyclones. The potential for replacement with LP cyclones exists in atleast about 100 cyclones (50 plants x 2 cyclones per plant). The investment potential is about Rs 1000 millions (USD 20 millions)

LP cyclones for preheater

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Case Study - 4

Install a high level control system for kiln operation Background The Kiln is an important equipment in a Cement plant. The steady and continuous operation of the Kiln is essential for producing good quality Clinker, higher level of output and lower energy consumption. The older Kilns are operated more based on manual control of various process parameters. In the next level of operation systems, rule based PID controls were introduced such as – changing the coal quantity based on temperature, varying fan speed with drought etc., were introduced. The recently installed high level control systems are based on an “adaptive-predictive” methodology. Based on the several operational parameters, the results are predicted and action taken accordingly. The actual results are also measured periodically and given as inputs to the system. This helps in refining the prediction mechanism and improving the overall efficiency of the control systems. In the latest plants high level control systems have been installed and the control is more automated. The system operates the plant much the same way, as the best operator would do, on a continuous basis.

Previous status In a 2200 TPD dry process pre-calciner plant operating at a capacity of about 2350 TPD, the Kiln was being controlled with conventional PLC method.

Energy saving project A new high level control system was introduced to operate the Kiln.

Implementation methodology & time frame The Kiln was initially started in the manual method and after reaching the steady operation the Kiln was put in the high level control system.

Benefits of the project There was a marginal increase in the output of the Kiln, reduction in pre-heater exhaust temperatures, Cooler Exhaust temperature and steady operation of the Kiln.

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Energy Conservation in Cement Industry The benefits achieved are as below. • Reduction in Pre-heater exhaust temperature by 5°C. • Reduction in Cooler exhaust temperature by 5°C. • Variation in exhaust temperatures reduced from ± 10°C to ± 5 °C. • Variation in clinker litre weight reduced. • Reduction in thermal energy consumption by 10 kCal / kg of clinker • Additionally there was also an improvement in the outlet of the kiln by about 3%

Financial analysis The implementation of this project resulted in an annual saving of Rs 3.0 millions (only the thermal energy saving). The investment made was around Rs 4.0 millions. The simple payback period was 16 months.

Replication potential The system has been successfully installed in about 20 numbers of plants (particularly the latest plants). The potential exists in atleast 30 number of kilns in India. The investment potential is about Rs 120 millions (USD 2.4 millions)

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings – Rs 3.0 millions • Investment – Rs 4.0 millions • Simple payback - 16 months

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Case Study - 5

Usage of Cheaper Fuels for Calciner Firing Background The Kiln and the Calciner are major consumers of fuel in a Cement plant. The fuel cost amounts to nearly 20 % of the manufacturing cost. The increasing cost of fuel and the competition among the units have made the Cement units to take up many thermal energy saving projects. The plants are also looking for avenues for reducing the cost by replacing the costly fuels with cheaper fuels. The possible fuels that have been tried by the Cement units include Lignite, Rice husk and Ground-nut shell.

Previous status In a million tonne dry process pre-calciner plant, Coal was being used as fuel for firing in both the Kiln and Calciner. The Coal was having a Calorific value of about 5900 kCal / kg with a cost of about Rs. 2000 / MT.

Energy saving project A provision was made to utilise Rice husk in the Calciner. With the new system it was possible to replace part of the coal fired in the Calciner with Rice husk.

Implementation methodology & time frame A hopper was installed by the side of the pre-heater building for storing the Rice husk. The rice husk was fed to this hopper with the help of front end loaders. The Rice husk was conveyed to the Calciner with the help of a Rotary blower of 32 m3 / hour capacity. The whole system was fabricated with the waste material available in the plant. The system was hooked up with the main system during a brief stoppage of the plant. The system could be operated for about 8 months of non- rainy dry season.

Benefits of the project The implementation of the project resulted in the reduction of the cost of fuel used in the Calciner. The cost comparison of Coal and Rice husk are as below; Parameter


Rice husk


Rs.2000 / MT

Rs. 750 / MT

Calorific value

5900 kCal / kg

2900 kCal / kg

Energy cost

Rs. 340 / MMkcal

Rs. 260 / MMkcal

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The rice husk was used for replacing about 10% of the total coal used for firing in the calciners. This resulted in reduction of the total thermal energy cost, with the other conditions such as output, temperature, pressure etc. remaining the same. There was also a marginal reduction of the power consumption in the coal mill, as the rice husk was used directly without grinding. The rice husk becomes wet and handling becomes difficult during the rainy season. Hence, the usage of rice husk was restricted to the non-rainy and dry season (about 8 months in a year).

Financial analysis The annual benefits (in the form of reduction in thermal energy cost) was about Rs. 3.5 millions. The equipment required for conveying and firing in the pre-heater was fabricated inhouse with available material and hence the investment was negligible.

Benefits of using cheaper fuel • Reduction in thermal energy cost • Marginal reduction in coal mill power consumption

Replication Potential Several systems are operating in plants abroad with waste materials such as used tyres, municipal waste etc., This is an excellent project with good replication potential. The discussions with various consultants and experts indicates that there is tremendous potential for installing such systems. There is a need to initiate a demonstration project – a comprehensive one with mechanisms for collection of waste, processing & firing in the kiln. With the successful installation of a system in one / two installations can lead to a high replication effect. The benefits of implementing this project is two-fold - Reduction of fuel cost in the cement plant and waste disposal.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 3.5 millions • Investment – Negligible

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Case Study - 6

Variable Speed Fluid Coupling for Cooler ID Fan and Replacement with Lower Capacity Motor Background The fans in a Cement Plant are major consumers of power. One of the important fans in a Cement plant is the Cooler vent fan. The hot clinker produced in the Kiln is cooled in the Cooler with the help of air. The air after exchanging heat with the hot clinker is partly used in the Kiln as secondary air & tertiary air and the remaining air is vented through the Cooler exhaust fan.

The exhaust air quantity keeps varying according to the operation of the Kiln, clinker production, coal quality, clinker quality etc,. The Cooler ID fan therefore has to be designed with excess capacity to meet the extreme requirements. Also, the Cooler ID fan has to be continuously controlled so that the Kiln hood draught is maintained at – 1mmWg to – 4 mmWg. Typically, the control of the Cooler ID fan is through the damper. The damper is put on closed loop with the Kiln hood draught. The control of a centrifugal fan by damper is an energy inefficient method as part of the energy supplied to the fan is lost across the damper. The latest energy efficient method is to vary the speed of the fan to meet the varying requirements. Many plants have adopted this control and achieved substantial benefits. In a Cement plant, the Cooler ID fan offered a good scope for saving energy. The details are as below.

Previous status In a million tonne dry process pre-calciner plant, the Kiln had a conventional grate Cooler and the Cooler ID fan was being controlled by damper. The fan was driven by a HT motor (6.6 kV) of 315 kW and the consumption was around 123 kW. The observations on the system are as below: • The operation of a centrifugal fan by throttling the damper is energy inefficient, as part of the energy supplied to the fan is lost across the damper. The energy efficient method is to vary the speed to meet the process requirements.

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• Also, the loading of the motor is only 39 %, leading to in-efficient operation of the motor. In this system, there was a good potential to incorporate a variable speed mechanism and also derating the motor to reduce the energy consumption.

Energy saving project A Variable Fluid Coupling (VFC) was installed for the Cooler ID fan. The hood draught was maintained by varying the speed through the VFC. The existing 315 kW, 750 rpm & 6.6 kV motor was replaced with a 230 kW, 750 rpm & 6.6 kV motor.

Implementation methodology & time frame After installation of the VFC, the speed of the fan was reduced manually in a gradual manner from 750 rpm. The control of the hood draught was still done through the damper. The other conditions remained the same as before. Consequent to the satisfactory operation of the VFC in manual fashion, it was put in closed loop with the hood draught. The project took about 2 week for installation. This was taken up along with the annual Kiln shut down and hence the additional stoppage of the Kiln was avoided. The implementation was done in a phased manner and the closed loop operation of the VFC was put into effect in about a months time. As the VFC usage is well established and reliable, no problems were faced during implementation of the project.

Benefits of the project There was a drastic reduction in the power consumed by the Cooler ID fan. The comparison of the conditions and the power consumption before and after installation of the VFC are as below: Power consumption with damper control - 123 kWh Power consumption with VFC - 76 kWh The installation of VFC resulted in power saving of 47 kW. The total annual power saving was about 3.84 lakh units.

Financial analysis This amounted to an annual monetary savings (@ Rs 3.30 / unit) of Rs. 1.15 million. The investment made was around Rs 0.5 millions. The simple payback period for this project was 5 months.

Benefits of variable fluid coupling & lower capacity motor • Damper loss avoided • Higher PF and motor efficiency • Lower power consumption

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Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings

- Rs. 1.15 millions

• Investment

- Rs. 0.5 millions

• Simple payback

- 5 months


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Case Study - 7

Variable Frequency Drives for Cooler Fans Background The fans are major consumers of power in cement plant. The Cooler fans are some of the important fans in the Cement plant. The hot clinker produced in the Kiln is cooled in the Cooler with the help of cool atmospheric air. The cool atmospheric air supplied to the Cooler through multiple number of Cooler fans. The Cooler air quantity is dictated by the clinker production, condition of the Kiln & Cooler and other process parameters. The clinker bed through which the cooler air is to be pushed, also varies from time to time. This alters the system resistance and hence the fan flow. In the older Coolers, the fans are controlled by throttling of inlet dampers / controlling the inlet guide vanes. In both these controls, a part of the energy supplied to the fan is lost across the damper / guide vane. The capacity control is also slow and not very accurate. The latest method of control is to vary the speed of the fans to control the capacity. Many plants have adopted this control and achieved substantial benefits both in the form of lower energy consumption & better control. The details of the implementation of this project in a Cement plant is detailed below.

Previous status In a million tonne dry process pre-calciner plant, the Kiln had a conventional grate Cooler and 7 numbers of Cooler fans were being operated for supplying the Cooling air. The first four fans were regularly throttled to meet the varying requirements. The observations made on the system are as below: • The operation of a centrifugal fan by throttling the damper is energy inefficient, as part of the energy supplied to the fan is lost across the damper. • Also, the loading of the motor is varying between 50 % to 60 %, leading to in-efficient operation of the motor. The energy efficiency of this system can be improved by installing a VFD and varying the speed to meet the process requirements.

Energy saving project The first four fans were installed with Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs).

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Implementation methodology & time frame After installation of the VFDs, the varying requirement of the process was met by varying the speed, thus avoiding the damper pressure drop. The fans were operated with damper fully open. The VFDs were put in closed loop with the volume flow to ensure constant flow of air to the Cooler. The project took about 2 week for installation. This was taken up along with the annual Kiln shut down and hence the additional stoppage of the Kiln was avoided. As the VFD usage is well established and reliable, no problems were faced during implementation of the project.

Benefits of the project There was a drastic reduction in the power consumed by the Cooler fans. The power saving in the fans is on account of • Saving in the energy lost across the dampers • Increase in the operating efficiency of the motor. The efficiency of the motor depends on the V/f ratio. In the case of the VFD, the voltage is varied to maintain the V/f ratio at the designed value. Hence, the efficiency of the motor is maintained at a higher level even at lower loading of the motor. The comparison of the conditions and the power consumption before and after installation of the VFDs are as below: Drive

Rating (kW)

Power consumption before VFD

Power consumption after VFD

Saving through VFD

Fan – IA

75 Kw

45 kW

32 Kw


Fan – IB

75 kW

44 kW

30 kW

14 kW

Fan – IC

110 kW

68 kW

54 kW

14 kW

Fan – IC

110 kW

59 kW

44 kW

15 kW

Total Saving


57 kW

The installation of VFD resulted in power saving of 57 kW. The total annual power saving was about 4.57 lakh units.

Financial analysis This amounted to an annual monetary saving (@ Rs 3.30 / unit) of Rs 1.50 million. The investment made was around Rs 2.50 million. The simple payback period for this project was 20 months.

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Benefits of variable frequency drive • Damper loss avoided • Constant V/f ratio - hence higher motor efficiency • Excellent control of capacity

Replication potential A cement plant has got about 30 – 35 numbers of fans driven by LT (415 Volts) motors. The application for VFD for cooler fans is a proven project. Majority of the plants have already implemented the high potential VFD projects in the cement plant. The potential for installing VFD exists in atleast another 5 fans in say about 100 plants. The investment potential is therefore (500 VFDs each with an average investment of Rs 200,000) - Rs 100 millions (USD 2 millions)

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 1.50 million • Investment - Rs. 2.50 millioin • Simple payback - 20 months

Note Though the company has utilised in-house resources, the investment equivalent for the project is Rs.1.0 million. This has been taken for financial calculations.

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Case Study - 8

Replacement of Existing Cooler I Grate with High Efficiency Cooler System Background The Cooler is an important equipment in the Kiln section of Cement plant. The clinker cooler performs the important function of cooling the hot clinker produced in the Kiln thereby recuperating the heat back to the Kiln in the form of hot secondary air. The operation of the Cooler is therefore important for producing good quality clinker and operating the plant in an efficient manner. The older Cement plants had conventional grate coolers for cooling the Clinker. These Coolers have a maximum recuperation efficiency of 65 – 70 %. The present trend has been to replace part of these Coolers with a high efficiency system with higher recuperation. Two such systems are popularly being adopted in many Cement plants in our country. The adoption of these systems have resulted in a saving of 35 – 50 kCal / kg of clinker in many plants.

Previous status In a 2500 TPD dry process pre-calciner plant operating at a capacity of about 2800 TPD, the plant had a conventional Grate Cooler. The plant wanted to increase the capacity of the plant to about 3000 TPD and also improve the energy efficiency.

Energy saving project The plant replaced the I grate with high efficiency cooler system. This was done to increase the capacity of the Cooler and also improve the thermal efficiency of the system. Additionally the following capacity upgradation measures were also implemented simultaneously. • Increasing the height of the Calciner • Installation of high efficiency classifier for both Raw mill and Coal Mill • Conversion of the existing two fan system to three fan system • Installation of high efficiency nozzles for GCT

Implementation methodology & time frame The installation of the high efficiency Cooler was taken up simultaneously with the other upgradation plans. The first grate comprising of nine rows of conventional plates was replaced with high efficiency grate plates. The Kiln was stopped for about a month for the installation of the high efficiency Cooler. The stabilisation time was around 5 days. Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Benefits of the project On account of the capacity upgradation projects the capacity of the Kiln increased from 2800 TPD to 3000 TPD. The installation of the high efficiency Cooler resulted in reduction in the Cooler air quantity and cooler exhaust air quantity. There was also an improvement in the steady operation of the Kiln, better quality and lower temperature Clinker. The over-all benefits achieved are as below. Parameter

Before Implementation

After Implementation

2800 TPD

3000 TPD

2.6 Nm3 / kg

2.1 Nm3/ kg

1.475 Nm3/ kg

1.444 Nm3/ kg

Clinker Temperature

180. C

120. C

PH outlet Temperature

370. C

336. C

PH loss

217 kcal / kg

191 kcal / kg

Cooler & Clinker loss

131 kcal / kg

120 kcal / kg

Radiation loss

69 kcal / kg

65 kcal / kg

Heat Consumption

780 kcal / kg

745 kcal / kg

Clinker Production Cooler air PH outlet air

Apart from the above quantified benefits the installation of the high efficiency Cooler also resulted in • Stabilised Cooler operation • Avoiding of snow-man formation

Financial analysis The implementation of this project resulted in an annual saving of Rs. 12 millions (only the thermal energy saving). The investment made was around Rs. 29 millions. The simple payback period was 24 months.

Benefits of high efficiency cooler • Less cooler air • Lower cooler exhaust and clinker temperature • Compact - hence less radiation losses • Thermal energy saving - 30 to 40 kCal/kg of clinker

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 12 millions • Investment - Rs. 29 millions • Simple payback - 24 months

Replication potential The above project is a potential replacement of the existing cooler with high efficiency components. The potential for replacement exists is about 30 plants in India. The total investment potential is Rs 900 millions (USD 14 millions).

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Three types of high efficiency coolers are currently available and operating in Indian cement industry. They are namely – CFG / CIS from Fuller / FLS, Pendulam cooler from IKN and Pyrostep cooler from Krupp Industries. All the three have tremendous benefits for energy saving.

Long-term options A long term option exists particularly for the older plants (kilns of age say more than 25 years) to entirely throw out the existing cooler and replace it with a entirely new high efficiency cooler. The benefits are 3 fold – Higher energy efficiency (80-90 kCal/kg of clinker ie., three times that of this project), better product quality and ease of operation. The energy saving alone would be about Rs 40 millions. The investment required for total replacement would vary from Rs 300 millions to Rs 500 millions. Therefore the energy saving alone cannot justify the replacement. The capacity augmentation benefits also if included can make the project more attractive.

IKN – Pendulum Cooler

SF Cross bar cooler

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Energy Conservation in Cement Industry

Case Study - 9

Installation of Low Primary Air Burner in Place of Existing Conventional Burners Background The primary air is used for conveying and distributing the fuel into the Kiln. Conventionally single channel tubular burners were being used for this purpose. The quantity of primary air had a major bearing on the thermal efficiency of the system as ambient cold air was being used as primary air. Hence, efforts have been taken up by various suppliers of equipment to reduce the quantity of primary air by improvising the burners. Thus, the dual channel burners and multi-channel burners came into being. The installation of these low primary air burners resulted in reducing the primary air quantity from about 20 – 22 % to 11 – 12 % in the case of dual channel burners and 5 – 7 % in the case of the multi-channel burners.

Previous status In one of the cement plants, the Dual channel burner was being used for Kiln firing. The primary air quantity was around 12 %.

Energy saving project This was replaced with a Multi channel burner. The total quantity of the Multi channel burner was only 5% (including the coal conveying air).

Implementation methodology & time frame The project was implemented over a period of 9 months. The new Multi channel burner along with the new coal conveying system was procured and erected. The hooking up with the Kiln was done during the annual maintenance stoppage. There was no problem during the implementation of the project.

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Benefits The implementation of this project resulted in the following benefits: • Reduction in Specific thermal energy consumption from 750 Kcal / Kg to 743 Kcal / Kg, thus saving about 7 Kcal / Kg . • The flame had become sharper and shorter. • There was also a marginal reduction in the quantity of Cooler vent air.

Financial analysis The total annual benefits amounted to Rs 3.2 millions. The investment made was around Rs 8.5 millions. The simple payback period for this project was 32 months.

Benefits of high efficiency burner • Reduction in thermal energy consumption - 7 kcal/kg of clinker • Marginal reduction in cooler vent air • Sharper and shorter flame

Replication Potential The potential for installing low air burner exists is about 40 installations. The potential investment for this is about Rs 350 millions (USD 7 millions)

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 3.2 millions • Investment - Rs. 8.5 millions • Simple payback - 32 months

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Case Study - 10

Usage of High Efficiency Crusher as a Pre-grinder Before the Cement Mill Background The final process in a Cement plant is the operation of grinding of cement from clinker in a Cement Mill. The Cement mills are generally Ball Mills. The Ball Mills can be either opencircuit or closed circuit mills. The evaluation of the Ball Mills indicate that the Ball Mill is not energy efficient in the coarse size reduction. The present trend is to install a Roll press or Impact Crusher as a pre-grinder before the Mill for the initial size reduction. The installation of the pre-grinder has the following advantages. • Increase in capacity • Reduction in specific energy consumption Hence, all the Cement plants which have open circuit mills can install a pre-grinder system and achieve substantial energy saving.

Previous status In one of the Cement plants of 2800 TPD capacity, the Cement Mill was an open circuit mill. The Mill was a two-chambered Combidan mill of 125 TPH capacity. The Specific power consumption was 29.0 units / ton of OPC - 43. The mill chambers were 5.77 m & 6.75 m long with a diameter of 4.4 m. The plant went for capacity upgradation in the Kiln and Raw mill sections and also started producing blended Cement varieties such as PPC and PSC. This necessitated a requirement for higher Cement mill capacity.

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Energy saving project The plant installed a Horizontal Impact Crusher (HIC) of 300 TPH capacity (including recirculation). The HIC was to act as a pre-grinder and perform the initial size reduction before the Mill. The HIC had a three deck-vibrating screen to separate and return the coarse material back to the HIC. The coarse was sent to the HIC back by gravity while the fines were conveyed to the hopper through a belt conveyor. The fines from the hopper can be later fed to the Mill through a belt conveyor. Thus the HIC and the Mill were made independent so that the operation of one does not affect the other. The modified system is schematically shown in the figure.

Implementation methodology & time frame The HIC was installed separately and then hooked up to the system. The hooking up of the HIC took about 5 days. The installation of the HIC increased the capacity of the Cement mill from 125 TPH to 140 TPH. Consequently some more modifications were taken up to further increase the capacity of the Mill. The modifications that were done are as below; • The three deck screen originally installed were of 12 X 37 mm, 8 X 20 mm and 3 X 8 mm sizes. Consequently, after operating the plant the last screen size was modified to 5 X 12 mm. • The diaphragm was shifted by 0.7 M towards the inlet • The mill ventilation was improved by cutting open some of the dummy side diaphragm plates. • The grinding media sizes were gradually changed and were converted ultimately as below. Identification



I Chamber

90 – 60 mm

60 – 30 mm

II Chamber

15 mm Balls & 12 X 12 mm Cylpebs

15 X 12 mm Balls & 12 X 12 mm Cylpebs

The stabilisation of the system with all the modifications as mentioned above took nearly an year.

Benefits The implementation of this project resulted in the following benefits: • Increase in capacity from 125 TPH to 175 TPH • Reduction in power consumption from 29.0 units to 25.7 units per ton of OPC - 43

Financial analysis The total annual benefits amounted to Rs. 15 millions (only power saving). The investment made was around Rs 40 millions (in 1996). The simple payback period for this project was 32 months.

Note: Three types of pre-grinding systems are presently available for Indian cement industry to increase the energy efficiency. The systems implemented in India include – Impact crushers, Roll press and VRM. All three systems are equally effective in increasing the output and reducing the specific energy consumption. However the energy saving alone does not justify the investment in many cases. Hence, the plant should consider the implementation of this project in the capacity upgradation. The replication potential exists in 30 cement plants and the investment potential for this project is Rs 1200 millions (USD 24 millions)

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 15 millions • Investment - Rs. 40 millions • Simple payback – 32 months


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Case Study - 11

Conversion of Open Circuit Cement Mills to Closed Circuit by Installing High Efficiency Separator Background The final process in a cement plant is the operation of grinding of cement from clinker in a Cement Mill. The cement mills are generally Ball Mills. The Ball Mills can be either open-circuit or closed circuit mills. In the case of open-circuit Ball Mills, the coarse material passes once through the system and hence the grinding is not uniform. The particle-size distribution is also broader with the presence of particles of different size ranges. In view of this the recently installed Cement Mills are all closed circuit mills. In the closed circuit mills the material at the outlet of the mill is fed to the separator. In the separator the coarse and fines are separated and the coarse is fed back to the mill for further grinding. The installation of the closed circuit mills have the following advantages. • Increase in capacity • Avoiding of over & under grinding • Reduction in specific energy consumption Hence, all the old cement plants can convert their open circuit mills to closed circuit mills and achieve substantial energy saving.

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Previous status In one of the older cement plants, the raw mill and the kiln sections were modernised by installing Vertical Roller Mill and a new dry process pre-calciner Kiln. The Cement Mill section was retained as it is, with the old long tube mills with high-energy consumption. There were two Cement Mills namely C/M – 2 & C/M – 3 which were being operated continuously. The capacity and other details of the mills are shown below. The total production of the two Cement Mills was 70.8 TPH at a specific power consumption of 35.9 units per ton. The specific energy consumption is comparatively higher with a good potential for energy saving. Additionally, there was also a requirement for capacity increase in the Cement Mill.

Energy saving project The two Cement Mills were close circuited by installing a common O-sepa type separator. As installing individual separator was more expensive, a common separator was installed. The separator was slightly of higher capacity to take care of additional capacity requirement in future with Roll Press. Details

Cement Mill – 2

Cement Mill – 3

2.6 M F X 12 M long

3.2 M F X 11.4 M long



Mill Drive

1300 HP

2000 HP


25.2 TPH

45.6 TPH


280 m2 / Kg

280 m2 / Kg

Specific Power consumption

38 units / ton

34.8 units / ton

Size Compartments

Implementation methodology & time frame The separator and the Bag filter were located above the mills by constructing two floors over the mills, as space was not available. As the operation of the Cement Mills was critical from the production point of view, the implementation was taken up in a phased manner. The building construction, erection of Bag house, Air separator etc. were all done with minimal stoppage. The over all stoppage was only 35 days for one mill. The other modifications that were done are as below; • The Mills were converted to two chamber mills. • The ordinary liners were converted to Stepped liners in the I chamber and Drag-peb liners in the II chamber. • The II chamber grinding media were converted to cylpebs. • The air balancing was done by both the suppliers and the Plant team

Benefits The implementation of this project resulted in the following benefits: • Increase in capacity from 70.8 TPH to 81.0 TPH (both mills together) ie. 22% increase over the existing capacity. • Reduction in specific power consumption from 35.9 units / ton to 32.0 units / ton. • Better, Cement cooling due to larger amount of air flow through the air separator. • Avoidance of over grinding (particulate under 3 microns size came down from 4.8% to 2.7%). • Increase in Cement strength by 10 % over open circuit Mill for same quality of clinker.

Financial analysis The total annual benefits (energy saving and increased production) amounted to Rs 120 millions. The investment made was around Rs 350 millions. The simple payback period for this project was 36 months.

Replication potential Presently many high efficiency separators from all the motor manufacturers are available and operating in India. All are equally good and help in reducing the energy consumption and increasing the overall output of the mill. The introduction of the high efficiency separator and close circuiting of the mill is possible in about 30 mills with an investment potential of Rs 1500 millions.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 120 millions • Investment - Rs. 350 millions • Simple payback - 36 months

Case Study - 12

Install A Co-Generation System For Recovering Heat From Kiln Pre heater And Cooler Exhaust Background The cement kiln is a major consumer of heat with heat consumption ranges from 685 kCal/ kg in the modern plant to about 800 kCal/kg in the older plants. Out of this heat, nearly about 25% of the heat energy is vented from the preheater and cooler. The heat is vented at lower temperatures of 300 – 350°C from the preheater and 250- 300°C from the cooler exhaust. A small part of this heat is utilised for coal drying and limestone drying depends on the requirement of the plant. 170 kCal/kg 330oC

Thermal Energy Balance - Typical

Kiln – Theoretical – requirement – 420 kCal/kg Preheater 750 Kcal/kg Coal firing 300°C

140 kCal/kg (Recoverable)

Radiation loss 70 Kcal/kg


The heat can be utilised for generating power and partly meets the power demands of the plant. The cooler exhaust is generally clean and dust free, while the preheater air is dust laden with a particle concentration of about 250 gms/m3.

Previous Status In a one million tonnes per year cement plant with a 4 stage preheater system, the exhaust heat loss from the system (preheater and cooler) was about 40%


Energy Conservation in Cement Industry

Energy saving projects Install a steam based waste heat recovery system for recovering heat from preheater and cooler exhaust and generating power. Implementation methodology and problems faced The project is currently under implementation. The stoppage expected for this project is about 2 months. The overall time target for implementation of this project is about 9 months

Benefits of the project The benefits of the projects are: The power plant based on waste heat is expected to generate 7.6 MW with a net exportable power of 7 MW This will generate about 1,68,000 units/ day which otherwise would have been bought from the state grid.

Financial Analysis The annual benefit expected on account of the power generated from the WHR plant is Rs. 200 millons. The total investment made is about Rs.900 millions, which has payback period 54 months

Replication potential The implementation of WHR in Indian cement industry has not been taken up in a big way. Out of total 130 cement plants only 3 units have tried the system and that too not very successfully. There is a need to initiate and install a few demonstration sites, which can convince the industry to go forward. Two immediately proven systems – steam based waste heat recovery system (supplied by many WHR system suppliers) and organic liquid based WHR systems (supplied by Ormat, Israel) are already operating in several plants abroad satisfactorily and have a good implementation potential in India. The only obstacles in the way of implementing this project is – dust removal from preheater air and high investments (payback period always more than 5 years) On a conservative estimate the WHR potential in Indian cement industry is about 150 MW.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 200 millions • Investment - Rs. 900 millions • Simple payback - 54 months

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Cement Industry

Supplier Address High-efficiency separator Mr V C Rao Managing Director LNV Technology Private Limited I-E, Alsa Regency (1 floor) 165, Eldams Road Chennai - 600 018 Tel: 2431 4259/69/79 Fax: 2431 4289 [email protected] AUMUND ENGINEERING PVT. LTD. LAKSHMI NEELA RITE CHOICE CHAMBERS 5, BAZULLAH ROAD, T. NAGAR, CHENNAI - 600017 Tel. No. : 91-44-28222048/49 Fax : 91-44-28222046 Material Handling Equipment Mr K.J.Puetz Chairman & Managing Director Mr. Rajiv Manchanda Sr. Vice President - Corporate Enexco Teknologies India Limited B-17, Geetanjali Enclave New Delhi -110017 Phone: +91-11-2669 2847- 50 (4 lines) / 2669 1524 / 2669 2425(2 lines) Fax: +91-11-2669 1543 Email: [email protected] Bharat Heavy Plate &Vessels Limited (Ministry of Industry, Department of Heavy Industry) B.H.P.V Post Visakhapatnam –12 Andhra Pradesh Phone : 0891-517381 - 91 (10 lines) Fax : 0891 – 517626 Mr. R G Kumar Director BHP ENGINEERS LTD. F-42A,1st Main Road, Annanagar East Chennai-600102 Tel: +91(044) 26208176 Fax: +91(044) 26203328 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]/ [email protected] All cement plant machinery Mr. A K Dembla President - Marketing Humboldt Wedag India Ltd. C-29, Ground Floor, Nehru Enclave

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency

Opp Paras Cinema New Delhi 110019 Tel: 011 26426031/5037/26416578 Fax: 011 26443175 Email: [email protected] Mr Rakesh Sharma VP - Mktg & Business Dev Fuller India Limited Capital Towers 180, Kodambakkam High Road Chennai 600034 Tel: +91 (44) 28253182 (D) / 8276030 / 8276343 / 8279569 Fax: +91 (44) 28279393 Email: [email protected] Mr R. K Sharma Head Marketing Larsen & Toubro Limited Cement & Allied Machinery G4 Building, 2nd Floor Powai Works, Saki-Vihar Road Mumbai 400 072, India Tel:+91-22-28581401/11 Extn:2423 / Direct line: +91-22-2858 1752 Fax: +91-22-28581633 / 28581126 e-mail: [email protected] Automation Systems Mr. Arjun Gupta Techfab Systems 507 Eros Apartments, 56 Nehru Place New Dehli - 110 019 Tel.:+91.129.527 29 95 email: [email protected] Prof Mathai Joseph Executive Director Tata Consultancy Service 1, Mangaldas Road, Pune - 411 001 Phone: +91 20 612 2809 Fax: 91 20 612 3713 Email: [email protected] Mr Jayant Kulkarni Manager – MktgSystems Tata Honeywell Limited 55-A/8 & 9, Hadapsar Industrial Estate Pune 411 013 Tel: +91 (020) 2675531 / 672612 Fax: +91 (020) 2679404 / 672205 Email: [email protected] Mr Debashish Ghosh Manager Commercial Marketing Allen-Bradley India Ltd C-11, Industrial Area

57 Site 4 Sahibabad Ghaziabad 201010 Tel; +91 (120) 2895247 – 52 Email: [email protected]

New Delhi-110 024 Telf:91 11 2464 76 70 Fax:91 11 2464 76 74 [email protected] Waste Heat Recovery Systems

Mr K S Krishna Kumar Product Executive Ramco Systems Limited SBU Head - Enterprise Process Solutions No 64, Sardar Patel Road Taramani Chennai 600113 Tel; +91 (44) 2354510 Fax: +91 (44) 2352884 Email: [email protected] Fly-ash conveying system MICAW BEEKAY LTD Beekay House, L-8, Green Park Extension New Delhi -110016 Consultants Mr. Vasudeva Unit Director National Council for Cement and Building Materials A-135, Defence Colony New Delhi-110 024 Tel:0129- 5241963,5310909,5312423 Fax: 91-129-5242100 Email: [email protected] Mr A K Pathak President & Chief Executive Research and Consultancy Directorate ACC-RCD ACC Campus LBS MARG Thane 400 604 Tel: 022 25823631 Mr Kapil Wadhawa Deputy Manager Holtec Engineers Pvt Ltd Holtec Center, A Block, Sushant Lok Gurgoan-122001 Phone: (91) 124-638-5095 Fax: (91) 124-638-5114 E-mail: [email protected] Vertical Roller Mills Mr. K B Sharma Vice President - Marketing LOESCHE INDIA Ltd. E-2, First Floor, Defence Colony

Mr Edward J. Loring Sales & Marketing Manager Exergy Incorporated Post Office Box 209 Hanson, MA 02341 Tel: (781) 294-8838 Fax: (781) 294-8144 [email protected] Mr Yehuda Lucien Bronitzcky Chairman Ormat Industries Limited PO Box 68, 81100 Yavne Israel Tel: 972 8 943 3777 Fax: 972 8 943 9901 [email protected] Dr J M Chawla Managing Director Caldyn Thermowir Pvt. Ltd. A-102 Satya Apartments Masab Tank Hyderabad 500028 Mr Tadashi Nishimura Executive Vice President - Marketing Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. 8, Niijima, Harima-cho, Kako-gun, Hyogo 675-0155, Japan Phone : 81-794-35-2131 Fax : 81-794-35-2132 Mr A K Sundararajan Dy General Manager Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Tiruchirapalli-620014 Phone - 91(431) 2520713, 2520642 Fax - 91(431) 2520306 Mr S V Pendse Sr Manager – Sales & Marketing Thermax Ltd Energy systems Division D-1, MIDC Industrial Area Chinchwad, Pune 411 019 Tel : (020) 4126349 Fax : (020) 7474640 Email : [email protected]

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Caustic Chlorine Industry

Caustic Chlorine

Per Capita Consumption

1.5 kg

Growth percentage


Energy Intensity

41% of manufacturing cost

Energy Costs

Rs 17900 million (US $360 million)

Energy saving potential

Rs.650 m (US $ 13 million)

Investment potential on energy saving projects

Rs.1300 m (US $26 million)

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Introduction Electrolysis of salt results three products - caustic soda, chlorine and hydrogen in the proportion of 1:0.88:0.025. The first two form the major products whereas hydrogen comes in the negligible proportion. Caustic soda is produced by electrolysis of salt (NaCl). Power and salt form the key inputs. More than 75% of the production and sales is in the lye form because caustic soda is generated in liquid form. This liquid form called ‘lye’ is then evaporated to obtain solids or flakes. Most of the end users use aqueous solution of caustic soda. Thus, it makes economic sense to keep it in lye form. Transportation of lye is cumbersome whereas solid form is easy to transport. It is primarily for this reason that lye is converted into solid form. In India, caustic soda is more in demand than chlorine. However, in global markets it is the demand for chlorine, which drives the demand-supply of caustic soda. Paper & pulp, manmade fibers, and soaps form the major user industries of caustic soda in the domestic market. Paper & pulp industry is the largest single user sector of caustic soda in India. For caustic soda manufacturers balancing the prices of caustic soda and chlorine becomes critical to get maximum returns on an ECU. However as caustic soda and chlorine are used in different kinds of industries, the demand for them is rarely balanced. This creates problems for manufacturers in marketing these two products. The units are mainly located on the west coast of India, due to two reasons, namely abundant availability of salt, one of the key inputs required for the production of caustic soda and proximity to user industries. Power and salt form the key inputs in the manufacturing of caustic soda. Power is a major cost item as it accounts for almost 65% of the total cost of production. The capacities in the domestic sector have outstripped demand growth. Thus, only those producers who have access to cheap power and use latest technology will be able to survive in the long-term. The growth profile of caustic chlor industry in India is about 4%.

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell

Energy Conservation in Caustic Chlorine Industry

Demand & Consumption (Indian Scenario) Demand growth for caustic soda depends on growth in the user sectors. Demand is further affected by the substitution of caustic soda with other alkalis. Paper & pulp, man-made fibers, soaps and alumina are the major user sectors of caustic soda and they account for more than 80% of the domestic demand. Paper and pulp sector has been growing at the rate of around 6% pa, in volume terms. Soap industry is expected to grow at the rate of around 9-10% pa. The demand for caustic soda is growing from this industry. Caustic soda is used in the conversion of bauxite into alumina. The demand from this sector is however sluggish. Demand from man made fiber industry, has slowed down as the sector itself, is growing at a sluggish pace of less than 6% pa. Thus overall the demand is expected to grow at a moderate rate of around 6-7% pa. Apart from these industries, caustic soda and chlorine find use in other industries such as, chemical, water treatment, etc., Demand spread over various user sectors insulates caustic soda from the downtrend in any one sector. Conversely, spurt in demand in any one of the user sectors does not translate into equivalent growth in demand for caustic. Demand also suffers from substitution effect to some extent. Based on the considerations such as price, availability and the final application, it is substituted by other alkalis such as soda ash. Though the extent of substitution is small, its effect gets magnified during recession when demand from user sector falls. Most of the capacity additions in India were planned in early 90’s when the domestic caustic soda sector was doing well.

Demand & Consumption (Global Scenario) 35%



Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


25% 20% 15% 10%



14% 8% 2%


Ot he rs

Ma nm ad eF ibr es Wa ter Tr ea tm en t

So ap Ind us try

Alu mi na

Pa pe r&

Pu lp


Ch em ica l

Globally the chlor-alkali industry is driven by the demand-supply of chlorine unlike in India and therefore globally, caustic soda is considered as a byproduct. Demand for chlorine is higher than that of caustic and many a times a part of caustic produced in the process is wasted.

Domestic Consumption Pattern of Caustic Soda in Various Sectors




Global consumption pattern of caustic soda also differs from that of Indian consumption. Globally chemicals account for 40% of the total consumption followed by paper & pulp, etc. The major manufacturers of caustic soda/ chlorine are located in USA, China and Saudi Arabia. USA is the largest consumer and is also a net importer whereas the China and Saudi Arabia are the net exporters. Exports from China affect the domestic industry in a major way. World production of caustic is estimated to be around 40 million ton per year. India accounts for about 4% of the world production.

Cost of power in caustic soda producing regions (FY97) Country

Power tariff (Rs)





Saudi Arabia



2.8 (4.2 in FY98)

The Process Caustic Soda (NaOH), is manufactured commercially by the electrolytic process based on the Faraday’s law of electrochemistry. The basic equation depicting the process for manufacture of caustic soda commercially is : NaCl + H2O —————> NaOH + ½ Cl2 + ½ H2 The above reaction is initiated by passage DC current through an aqueous solution of sodium chloride (Brine). Chlorine gas is liberated at the anode and hydrogen as by product is liberated at the cathode of the electrochemical cell. The electrolyte leaving the electrolyte cells is saturated with chlorine. Most of the chlorine is removed by adding acid (HOCl + HCl -> Cl2 + H2O), then the remaining chlorine is converted to chloride by adding caustic soda and sulphite (NaOH + HCl -> NaCl + H2O), (2NaOH + NA2SO3 + Cl2 -> Na2SO4 + 2NaCl + H2O). Some of the chlorine from the dechlorination process and from other streams on the plant, is reacted with caustic soda to produce sodium hypochlorite (2NaOH + Cl2 -> NaOCl + NaCl + H2O). Sodium hypochlorite is sold to make bleach products. Chlorine gas formed at the anode of the electrical cell is cooled and dried of any moisture. It is then compressed and cooled to -36 degrees celcius so that it forms a liquid.The liquid form of chlorine is less bulky and easier to transport. Some of the chlorine gas formed in the electrical cell is burned in hydrogen, which is formed at the cathode of the electrical cell. This reaction produces hydrogen chloride gas (Cl2 + H2 -> 2HCl). This gas is dissolved in water to form a 32 per cent hydrochloric acid solution.

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell

Energy Conservation in Caustic Chlorine Industry

Domestic Consumption Pattern of Caustic Soda in Various Sectors 35%





25% 20% 15% 10%




8% 2%


Ot he rs

rea tm en t Wa ter T

res Fib ad e Ma nm

So ap Ind us try

Alu mi na

Pa pe r&




Ch em ica l


Domestic over capacity and cheaper imports resulted in a glut of caustic soda in domestic market in the last few years. This can be seen from the fall in capacity utilisation over the years. The average capacity of the domestic caustic soda plants is 150 tpd as against the global size of 450 tpd. This indicates very low economies of scale. The latest production figures for the last three years is depicted in the form of a graph below:

YearwiseProductionfor CausticSoda 1481.3

1500 1400



000'Metric Tonne 1300 1200 Series1








Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Conventional processes Diaphragm Cell Diaphragm cell contains a diaphragm, usually made of asbestos fibers. This separates the anode from the cathode and allows ions to pass through electrical migration simultaneously reducing the diffusion of products. The diaphragm permits a flow of brine from anode to cathode and prevents side reaction. Sodium ions along with sodium chloride are discharged into the cathode chamber. Thus sodium chloride is separated in evaporators when caustic soda is obtained in the form of aqueous solution. The recycled salt is combined with fresh salt for further use. This process is now obsolete and is not being used in any commercial manufacturing process in India.

Mercury Cell This process is one of the older processes being used in India and accounts for nearly 30% of the caustic production in the country.‘ In this, anode (made up of graphite or titanium) remains fixed and a moving pool of mercury acts as cathode. Free sodium from the sodium chloride solution (salt water) forms a sodium mercury amalgam. The amalgam is decomposed using in a separate vessel with soft water producing 50% caustic solution and hydrogen gas. The depleted salt water is cleansed of chlorine, re-saturated with salt, purified and recycled. This is an older process and has the advantage of relatively lower capital costs. However, it has two significant disadvantages: • Power consumption is high at around 3,200 kwh per ton of caustic soda (100%) compared to low power consumption in diaphragm cell and membrane cell. • Mercury cell plants are pollution hazards since mercury is a major pollutant and also evaporates in small quantities at the operating temperature. Because of the high specific energy consumption and pollution hazards, the process is now being phased out. The process is depicted schematically below:

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Caustic Chlorine Industry

Mercury Cell

Raw Salt

Diluted Brine

Brine Saturation

Caustic Solution Dechlorination

Raw Brine Precipitants Residue


Purified Brine


Hydrochloric Acid


Hydrochloric Acid

Heat Exchangers

Electrolysis Amalgam

Water Caustic Solution (47.5%)


Amalgam Decompositio

Cooling Drying





Mercury Removal

Mercury Removal



Storage Dispatch/ Flaking Unit

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency

Hydrogen Bottling/ Boiler Flaking Unit



Membrane Cell This is the most modern process and accounts for about 70% of caustic chlor production in India. This cell uses a semi-permeable membrane to separate the anode and cathode compartments. Membrane cells separate the compartments with porous chemically active plastic sheets that allow sodium ions to pass, but reject hydroxyl ions. Sodium ions diffuse to the cathode area where they react with de-mineralized water to produce 30-35 % caustic soda and hydrogen gas (The caustic soda is subsequently concentrated to 50 % levels). The salt water is dechlorinated, purified, and recycled in the process. The schematic diagram of a typical membrane cell is shown below:

Lean brine, Cl2

H2, NaOH (32%)


Cathode Na+Æ H2OÆ

Feed Brine

Weak NaOH Soln Dilute caustic soln (28%)

This process has been gaining importance in the country because of number of advantages over the mercury cell process which are as follows; It has lower power consumption of 2,400-2,500 kwh per ton of caustic soda as compared to around 3,200 kwh per ton in the mercury cell process. When a mercury unit is converted to membrane cell, it is able to increase its capacity by nearly 20% because the available power can now produce more quantities of caustic soda. It has lower maintenance cost than the mercury cell process and simpler plant operations.

Caustic soda produced has high purity and thus finds more market like in pharmaceuticals, semiconductor, biotech etc. The disadvantages of this process are: • Itis more capital intensive • It requires dependence on imports for technology. • The selectively permeable membrane is manufactured under patent by only a select companies in the world. The three major names in this business are Dupont, ICI Chemicals and Asahi Chemical Co under different brand names.

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Caustic Chlorine Industry • The technology for the cells for the reaction is also available with a select few companies like Di Nora of Italy, ICI of UK and Asahi of Japan. • It requires high quality of salt solution. • The major impurities in the raw salt (NaCl) are sodium sulphate, Calcium chloride and magnesium chloride which needs to be removed to the traces level (parts per billion) as they directly affect the membrane operation and life. • Membranes need to be replaced once in every three years. • Power consumption of the membrane cells increase by 40-50 KWh/Ton of caustic per year because of the contamination of the membranes. • After 3-4 years time it becomes economically viable to replace the membranes with new ones. For ease of transportation and requirement at the user end, a small percentage of caustic soda is converted to flakes. The flaking proces is detailed below:

350-370o C

To Vacuum

Caustic (47.5 %)

Pre concentration

Final concentration

450 o C) 66 %

Molten Salt

Salt Heater


98 % Flaking


D rum

Caustic Flakes Power is the most important input in the production of caustic soda. It accounts for about 65% of the total cost of production. The cost of power from co-generation is half the purchased power. The producers with the co-generation plant therefore benefit from low variable cost. However the initial capital cost for setting up these power plants is very high. Caustic soda can be manufactured in any of the following types of cells - mercury cell, membrane cell and diaphragm cell. Power consumption by membrane cell is the least of all the three cells.

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Energy requirement (For 1 ton of caustic) by Electrolytic processes Energy kwh/ton








Steam (equivalent)








Relative energy cost %




Cost of setting up a green field plant based on membrane cell comes to around Rs 1.0 billion for 100 TPD plant whereas that of converting the mercury cell to membrane cell comes to around Rs 0.8 billion for 100 TPD plant. Total energy consumption in caustic chlor is Rs 17900 million (USD 360 million).

Energy Consumption Pattern Industries in India thereby assuring a regular and cheap source of power. The data regarding the captive power plants for caustic chlorine industry is attached as Annexure-1. From the total power consumed in the process, almost 90% is utilised in the electrolytic cells in form of DC. Rectifiers are used to convert AC current to DC current. Diode based rectifiers are slightly less efficient (96-96.5 %) than the more advanced thyristor based rectifiers which have an efficiency advantage of 0.5-1%. Specific energy consumption for various steps of the process is as follows for the membrane process. In a caustic chlorine process, all the energy consumption is measured on 100% caustic output basis.

1) Cell house: Two kinds of cell configurations are preferred in the manufacturing process. Depending on the configuration the SEC of the cell house changes. The Typical average figures of these two configurations are: a) Monopolar arrangement : 2300 KWh/Ton caustic (App.) b) Bipolar arrangement : 2250 KWh/Ton Caustic. (App) The lowest initial consumption recorded for cell house globally is 2150 KWh/Ton caustic. As entioned the power consumption increases every year because of the membrane contamination. The feed parameters to the cell also play an important part in the specific energy consumption of the cell. The feed brine concentration and temperature should be properly monitored. A decrease of 1 Deg C of temperature of feed brine or caustic can increase the energy consumption of a cell by 5-6 KWh/Ton. Also an increase of dilute caustic concentration by 1% can increase the specific energy consumption by around 13-14Units. All these parameters are required to be monitored online continuously and close loop controls are employed for maintaining the parameters. Good and advanced Instrumentation and controls form the backbone of any caustic chlorine industry.

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Caustic Chlorine Industry

2) Chlorine Liquefaction: The chlorine produced on the anode side of the cell is wet and slightly impure. This chlorine is treated in the chlorine house where it is cooled, dried and filtered and finally liquefied. This whole process is quite energy intensive as a lot of cooling water and chilled water load is there. As a thumb rule the chlorine compression and cooling requires 204-205 KWh/MT Cl2 and another 50-55 KWh/ MT Cl2 is required for refrigeration. This takes the total in a chlorine house to 250-255 KWh/ton of Chlorine liquefied. View of membrane cell house Any reduction in the specific energy consumption of the chiller or chlorine compressor will have a marked effect on the SEC of chlorine house.

3) Evaporator House : The caustic solution obtained from the cells is of 32% concentration and needs to be concentrated further for use as 47.5 % lye (aqueous soln.) or as dry flakes. Typically, a 3effect evaporator is used for concentrating to about 47.5% and steam at 11 - 12 kg/cm2 is used for this purpose.

4) Flaking Unit : Caustic soda is also sold as flakes which is 99% pure. This is obtained by further concentration of 47.5 % caustic from the evaporator house in the flaking unit. In flaking unit there is a pre concentrator which concentrates 47.5 % caustic lye to 61%. The heat for this is provided by the vapours of the final concentrator (at around 360-370 Deg C) in a shell and tube type heat exchangers. This is further concentrated to 98% in the final Brine Distribution arrangement in cell concentrator unit. The energy consumption in the house flaking section is both fuel and electrical. The specific energy consumption is 100 KWh/Ton flakes as electrical energy and 100 Litre/Ton of furnace oil. Use of hydrogen in place of furnace oil makes economic sense if hydrogen is excess (assuming it is also used in the main boiler) and is not sold separately in a more profitable manner. 1 NM3 of hydrogen gas is equivalent to 0.29 Ltr of furnace oil in terms of heat value.

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


In some cases prilling of caustic is also done to supply caustic as prills just like Urea.

Caustic Prilling Unit Caustic prilling units have been employed by some major players, one of them being Gujarat Alkalies and Chemicals limited.

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Caustic Chlorine Industry


Avoid Valve Throttling at the Identified Pumps of Brine Section by Providing VFD With Close Feedback Control Background The caustic soda plant consumes substantial power for pumping brines due to feed variation, fine capacity control of the pumps. Pumps therefore are essential for operation of plant at lower energy consumption. A case study involving the VFD control of the pumps in a caustic soda plant is described below.

Present Status System is designed for 250 TPD caustic production The plant team observed that almost all brine pumps have control valve in re-circulation on main line. Control valve on these re-circulation not open more than 30 – 40%. Heavy throttling on the re-circulation valves indicates high capacity and rating for the pumps. Valve control is an energy inefficient way of capacity control The best energy efficient method of capacity control for a pump (or for that matter any centrifugal equipment) having varying capacity requirements is to vary its RPM, which can be best achieved with a variable frequency drive (VFD).

Energy Saving Project The plant team installed Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) for all identified pumps with discharge pressure of the main header as feedback control from the main header . The VFD can be provided with a closed loop pressure sensor control. This pressure sensor will continuously sense the pump discharge header pressure and give a signal to the VFD, to either increase or decrease the RPM of the pump, thereby matching the varying capacity requirements.

Benefits Installation of VFDs has resulted in an annual energy saving potential is Rs.1.34 million. This called for an investment of Rs.1.23 million, which had a simple payback period of 11 months.

Potential for Replication Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 1.34 millions • Investment - Rs. 1.23 millions • Simple payback - 11 months

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency

Typically in caustic soda unit, there are about 30 pumps (brine and water) in operation and tthere is a potential for application of VFD in atleast about 25 pumps. Only about a quarter of this potential has been tapped. The potential for replication is therefore very high for this project.


Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Caustic Chlorine Industry


Replace Steam Ejector with Water Ring Vacuum Pump for Brine Dechlorination Background Brine dechlorination of the return brine is an essential process requirement of any caustic chlorine plant. This dechlorination is done by using vacuum of the order of 400-450 mm HG on the hot return brine thereby sucking the excess free chlorine.

Present Status Steam ejectors are normally installed to meet the vacuum requirements of the return brine dechlorination section. The vacuum required in the section is to the tune of 400-450 mmHg. 200-250 Kg of steam per hour at 8-10 Kg/cm2 pressure is utilised in this ejector system. The plant team of a 250 TPD caustic chlor unit in India observed good potential to reduce the cost of operation, by installing water ring vacuum pump in place of steam ejector. The operation of cost of an ejector is more than the water ring vacuum pump. The team knew that this is a proven project and has been implemented in many other plants. A vacuum of 600-650 mm Hg is easily achievable with a water ring vacuum pump. This will meet the requirement of vacuum conditions to be maintained in the brine de-chlorniation section.

Energy Saving Project The plant team installed a water ring vacuum pump in place of steam ejector for the brine dechlorinating condenser. The capacity of the vacuum pump was the same as that of the existing ejector. This step has resulted in reduction of atleast 50% of steam requirement.

Benefits The annual energy saving achieved by replacing steam ejector with water ring vacuum pump is Rs. 0.3 million (at a steam cost of Rs 350/Ton) This called for an investment of Rs. 0.2 million, which had a simple payback period of 8 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.3 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.2 millions • Simple payback - 8 months

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Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Caustic Chlorine Industry


Provide VFD For One Chlorine Compressor And Avoid Bypass Control During Load Variation Background Acid ring centrifugal chlorine compressors are normally employed for chlorine compression before liquifaction in any caustic plant (using any process). In a typical 250 TPD plant, five chlorine compressors were available in the plant (4 X 70 TPD and 1 X 40 TPD). The suction pressure of the chlorine header is to be maintained at –45 mm WC.

Present Status It was observed by the plant team that the suction pressure of chlorine header is very crucial for the plant operation (maintaining differential pressure across membranes between hydrogen and chlorine compartments). This is maintained by regulating the bypass control valve of one of the chlorine compressors. In a 250 TPD plant in India, there were four compressors running (3 x 70 TPD and 1 x 40 TPD). Three compressors were operated with full valves opening and header suction pressure was controlled by controlling the bypass valve of one compressor. Bypass control is one of the most energy efficient methods of capacity or head control as there is no reduction in the energy consumption with process load. This poses a good saving potential in the compressor.

Moist Chlorine from Cell house - 45 mm WC CWS


112 kW

35 % Open

Chlorine Compressor Acid Separator

Sulphuric Acid Return

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency



Energy Saving project The plant team observed that after initial startup of the compressor the bypass valve need not be used and a VFD may be installed in one of the compressors. Any variation in load can be taken care of by giving a closed feedback control to the VFD from the suction header pressure and keeping the set point as –45 mm WC. This ensures optimum supply of chlorine, as per requirement

Benefits The annual energy saving achieved by installing a VFD to one of the chlorine compressors in a 250 TPD plant is Rs. 0.57 million. This called for an investment of Rs 0.75 million. This investment will be paid back in 16 months.

Replication Potential This project has been implemented only in one or two units. The potential for replication is extremely high.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.57 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.75 millions • Simple payback - 16 months

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Caustic Chlorine Industry

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency



Install Thermocompressor And Utilise Flash Steam in the I- Effect Heat Exchanger Present Status Caustic at 130oC is entering the flash vessel and comes out at a temperature of 80 – 90 oC. In the process of flashing, the caustic concentration increases by upto 3% in the flash tank and the temperature falls from 130oC to 80 – 90 oC. The temperature of caustic has to be maintained in the vertical heat exchanger of about 130oC. To maintain the temperature of 130oC, the typical ∆T of maximum 30oC is required, which needs a steam of condensing temperature of 160oC, This is eqivalent to a steam pressure of 8 ksc. The flash vessel is at a temperature of 80oC, which is equivalent to a steam saturation pressure of 0.5 ksc(a). Since the vapors from flash vessel contain some caustic vapors also, the pressure has to be maintained lower say about 0.3 ksc, to get the equivalent temperature.

Recommendation There is an excellent potential to recover heat by installing a thermocompresor and using live steam at a pressure of 12 ksc as a motive steam. The flash generated in the vessel can be recovered and reused in the plant. Care has to be taken of material of construction of Heat exchanger and ejector. Installation of a thermocompressor( ejector) has been succesfully implemented in many plants and resulted in good savings.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 3.20 millions • Investment - Rs. 4.50 millions • Simple payback - 17 months

Benefits A 250 TPD caustic chlor unit in India has implemented this proposal and has achieved an annual savings of Rs. 3.20 million. This required an investment of Rs. 4.50 million and got paid back in 17 months.

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Energy Conservation in Caustic Chlorine Industry

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency



Replace Existing Reciprocating Refrigeration Compressors by Background Refrigeration load is the major power consumer in caustic chlorine plant. It is required for Chlorine Liquification. The process is quite energy intensive as a lot of cooling water and chilled water load is there. Any reduction in the energy consumption in the compressor will result in very high saving.

Present Status In a caustic chlor unit in India, reciprocating compressors (450 TR) were operating in the refrigeration system and meeting the demand of the entire plant. The compressors were in continuous oepration as there was very low load variation in the system. The load variation occurs only when demanded by production schedules or during peak load hours. The specific energy consumption for producing chilled water at 10 Deg C was 1.0 - 1.2 KW/ TR

Energy Saving Project The plant team compare the performances of Reciprocating and Centrifugal / Screw compressors, based on plant visits to other installations and discussions with industry experts. It was observed that the Centrifugal / Screw compressors operate with specific power consumption of 0.60 - 0.65 KW/ TR. The plant team replaced the existing reciprocating compressor with screw/centrifugal compressors. For the same operating conditions, the power consumption of the compressors reduced by around 40%.

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Energy Conservation in Caustic Chlorine Industry On a load of 450 TR the existing power consumption in the reciprocating compressors is 480 KW. The new centrifugal/screw compressors have a power consumption of 290 KW.

Benefits The annual savings achieved by this replacement of compressors is Rs 5.60 million with investment of Rs. 7.0 million (including civil work and controls), which had a simple payback period of 15 Months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 5.60 millions • Investment - Rs. 7.0 millions • Simple payback - 15 months

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Caustic Chlorine Industry

Case study 6

Install commercial Co-generation system for Caustic Chlorine Industry Background The power from state electricity boards of India apart from being costly at an average rate of Rs 4.0/Unit also lacks quality and reliability. Generating power through captive power plant can be a solution in terms of quality and cost. A co-generation plant can be used for efficient utilisation of energy in various processes. Power quality plays an important role in a caustic chlorine plant. Refrigeration and steam requirement also contribute to a significant figure to total energy cost. Considering the above factors Co-generation is best solution for a caustic chlorine plant in terms of low specific energy consumption and quality of power. The following case study involves setting up of a co-generation plant in a typical caustic chlorine plant of 200 TPD involving membrane cell technology.

Present Status The power requirement for a caustic chlorine plant of 200 TPD is around 2600 kWh/Ton Caustic which comes to around 23 MW so a captive plant based on furnace oil/naptha of 25 MW capacity will be sufficient to support the plant power needs. Apart from generating power of 24-25 MW, steam can be generated from flue gases. The flue gas temperature from the DG is around 380–400 Deg C. Steam can be generated at 10 kg/ cm2 using waste heat recovery boiler at the rate of 0.5 TPH per MW of generation. For 25 MW DG sets about 12.5 TPH steam can be generated by installing waste heat recovery boilers. The steam requirement is around 11 TPH for a 200 TPD plant in various processes the breakup of which is as follows (the consumption pattern may vary slightly depending on technology used and product mix): 1. Evaporator house (Caustic concentration unit)


0.7 Ton/ Ton of caustic soda

2. Brine House


0.4 Ton/ Ton of caustic soda

3. Flaking Plant


0.2 Ton/ Ton of caustic soda

About 1.5 TPH steam left out of total generation after fulfilling the requirement in various processes. This steam can be use for refrigeration of capacity 300 TR at the rate of 220 TR per TPH of steam. The refrigeration can be use to cool air, which can be supply to DG room for cooling. Supply cold air at about 24-25 Deg C to DG room. This will increase the efficiency of DG set by 1-1.5 %.

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Schematic flow diagram for a typical co-generation plant for 200 TPD plant Flue gas 180-200o C Flue gas 380-400oC

Waste heat recovery boilers

DG Set 25 MW Jacket water o 50 C-55oC

Steam for evaporator (12 KSC)

Jacket water 75oC-80 oC


Chilled water 810 Deg C

Chlorine liquefaction

5.8 TPH Steam for brine house 3.3 TPH (5-6 Ksc) Steam for flaking unit 1.7 TPH (12 Ksc) Steam for VAM for DG room air cooling (8-9 Ksc) 1.5 TPH

Refrigeration contributes a significant role in a caustic chlorine industry. Refrigeration is required for chlorine liquefaction. For a 200 TPD plant the refrigeration load is about 600 TR, considering 80 % of chlorine is liquefied (rest goes in the production of hydrochloric acid). The return jacket cooling water from the DG set jacket is at 75-80 Deg C and offers an excellent opprotunity to produce refrigeration through a Vapor Absorption System based on hot water @ 40 TR/MW of generation. This will result in drastic reduction of refrigeration cost as refrigeration power consumption is around 55 Kwh/Ton of chlorine liquefied. This alone will result in a savings of App. Rs 1.30 Crores/Year. As VAM is considered as green refrigeration the add on benefit is the clean and green image of the plant and product. The following are the benefits of co-generation in a caustic power plant. • The cost of power generation is Rs 2.5 to Rs 2.7 per unit for furnace oil based DG plant, as compare to an average of Rs 4.00 per unit from SEBs. • Refrigeration is free of cost resulting from waste heat. • Steam required for various processes can be generated from flue gas and thus free. • VAM is pollution free and reflects a clean and green image of the company products. • Overall by installing the waste heat recovery systems from flue gases and jacket cooling water, the efficiency of the DG set is also enhanced by 10-12 % thus bringing down the cost of power.

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Energy Conservation in Caustic Chlorine Industry • Cooling the DG room by cool air at 24-25 Deg C will increase the efficiency of DG by 11.5 % as for every 6 Deg C reduction in room temperature there is a increase in efficiency by 1 %. This itself results in a savings of Rs 8-10 Crores per annum.

Cost Benefit Analysis By installing captive cogeneration plant for a plant of 200 TPD based on membrane cell technology the total annual savings from all the sources come out to be around Rs 3.70 million. This requires an investment for DG sets, VAM machines and other control equipments to the tune of Rs 12.70 million. This offers a simple payback of 42 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 3.70 millions • Investment - Rs. 12.70 millions • Simple payback - 42 months

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Caustic Chlorine Industry


Convert existing mercury cell based plant to membrane cell based plant. Background The latest technology for manufacturing caustic chlorine is membrane cell. The power consumption in a caustic chlorine plant is a major issue since it shares 70% of the total cost of production. Any reduction in power consumption may lead to high profitability. The case study involving using selectively permeable synthetic polymeric membrane instead of conventional high energy intensive mercury cells fro electrolytic manufacturing of caustic soda and chlorine.

Present Status Caustic soda is still produced by conventional mercury cell technology in some cases. It is an old technology and has only advantage of low capital cost. The specific energy consumption of mercury cell house is around 3100 kwh per ton of caustic soda (including utilities) compare to 2600 kwh per ton of caustic soda for a membrane cell based plant. Also carry over of mercury from mercury cell house leads to pollution hazards, as mercury is a major pollutant.This makes the product un acceptable to the high end users like phrma, biotech and electronic industry. In mercury cell technology caustic comes out at 47-48 % concentration and in membrane cell caustic comes out at 32 % concentration, so a caustic concentrator is required to concentrate the caustic to required percentage. The specific energy consumption of membrane cell house and the membrane life is highly affected by the impurities in brine. The major impurities in raw salt are sodium sulphate, calcium chloride and magnesium chloride. The impurity level should be in ppb instead of ppm. To convert from the existing mercury cell to membrane cell, the cell house has to be completely changed and replaced with the new electrolysers. Rectifiers also need replacement as the cells are in parallel instead of series in mercury cell. The other major revamp is needed in the brine purification section. Since ultrapure brine quality is needed for membranes, a brine filtration and polishing system is required. The vendors list is enclosed in the annexure. A caustic concentration unit also needs to be added to concentrate caustic from 32% to 47.5% (rayon grade caustic). This increases the steam consumption by 0.65-0.7 Tons/Ton caustic. The high purity product is sold at a premium over mercury cell product in high end industries thus increasing the revenue by 10-12 crores annually from caustic alone.

Energy Saving Project A 250 TPD plant in India converted its earlier mercury cell based unit to new membrane cell based technology.

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Cost Benefit Analysis The total cost of the project including civil work is around Rs 1200 million. This will result in an annual savings of Rs 200 million (including increased revenue from high quality product). This gives a simple payback of 72 Months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 1200.00 millions • Investment - Rs. 200.00 millions • Simple payback - 72 months

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Caustic Chlorine Industry

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency



Per Capita Consumption

0.5 kg

Energy Intensity

35 – 40% of manufacturing Cost

Energy Costs

Rs.5000 million ( US $ 100 million)

Energy saving potential

Rs.500 million (US $ 10 million)

Investment potential on energy saving projects

Rs.1000 M ( US $ 20 Million)

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Aluminium Industry

1.0 Introduction The aluminium industry emerged in India in early 1940s. The installed capacity has grown from 2,500 tonnes in 1943 to 7,14,000 tonnes in 1997-98. Aluminium production in the country has also progressively gone up from 4,045 tonnes in 1950-51 to 5,53,644 tonnes in 1997-98 both in private and public sector. The electrical sector in India is the most important consumer of aluminium products with over 50% of the off - take of total production. Apart from this sector, aluminium has wide and varied uses in transport, building and construction, consumer durables, utensils, packaging, coinage and other miscellaneous uses. The per capita consumption in India is about 0.5 kg. The total production of aluminium in India is accounted for by five major producers, namely NALCO, HINDALCO, INDAL, BALCO and MALCO. These producers are integrated producers from bauxite mining to metal production. The high capital cost of setting up an aluminium smelter (at around US $ 3300/ton) and the need of a Captive Power Plant, have restricted production only to these producers. Company

Installed capacity (tons)


230,000 242,000 117,000 100,000 25,000 714,000

200,162 200,607 38,600 88,198 26,077 553,644


With the growing importance of the electric sector in India, the demand for the products of this industry is bound to rise at a rapid rate in future. In Aluminium industry, both aluminium refining and smelting process are energy intensive. Considerable attention has to be paid to energy conservation in both refining and smelting process. Data collected and analysis indicate that the energy saving potential in Aluminium industry is about 8-10 % of the total energy bill.

2.0 Energy intensity in Indian Aluminium Industry The industry is highly energy intensive. It accounted for 2.8% of total energy Indian industry energy consumption. In terms of energy consumption the aluminium industry ranks first with figures of 300 GJ /ton of metal compared with the figures of 20 and 15 GJ/ton for copper and zinc respectively. Electrical energy is the major energy consumption in Alumina refining and Smelter. In Aluminium refinery next to electrical energy coal and fuel oil are the major energy consumers. The share of energy cost is about 35-40% of the manufacturing cost. The total energy cost involved in Indian Aluminium industry is about Rs 500 Crores/annum.

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3.0 ENERGY CONSUMPTION PATTERN Aluminium is a highly energy intensive process with the most efficient operation requiring about 300 GJ/ tonne of the metal. The major areas of energy consumption in the Aluminium refining process (Bayer process) are the digestion and calcination stages.

3.1 Typical energy consumption in Alumina plant Calcination 5.07 GJ/T 31.2% Alumina Evaporation 4.3 GJ/T 26.5%

Bauxite Preparation 0.37 GJ/T 2.3%

Digestion 4.79 GJ/T 29.5%

Settling Washing 0.65 GJ/T 4.0%

Precipitation 1.06 GJ/T 6.5%

3.2 Energy consumption is Smelting process Al2O3 16.2 KG/Ton Through

Radiation, Convection & Other losses

Electrolysis Process Process heat 29.2 GJ/T 5.8 GJ/T Electricity

14.9 GT/T through effluent gases Molten metal 0.9 GJ/T

Total Energy input is 16.24 GJ/T. Distribution of energy consumption in a medium level Alumina plant among the various process stages is shown in fig. Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Aluminium Industry On average, around the world, it takes some 15.7 kWh of electricity to produce one kilogram of aluminium from alumina.

4.0 ENERGY SAVING POTENTIAL IN INDIAN ALUMINIUM INDUSTRY There are five major manufacturers with total installed capacity of 7 lakh tons per annum of Aluminium in India. The total energy consumption in the Aluminium industry is about Rs 500 Crores. Annual Energy Bill Rs Crores 500

Saving Potential Rs Crores

% of Energy bill

Investment required Rs Crores




5.0 ALUMINIUM MANUFACTURING PROCESS The most important ore for aluminium is bauxite, which contains gibbsite (Al2O3. 3H2O), boehmite (Al2O3), Diaspore (Al2O3.H2O) and oxides of silicon, iron and titanium in varying amounts. Aluminium is manufactured from bauxite using refining and smelting process. In Aluminium refining process, Alumina is produced from Bauxite. Bayer process is used for producing Alumina from Bauxite. From Alumina, Aluminium is manufactured using Hall Heroult smelting process.

5.1 Alumina refining - Bayer process The aluminium industry relies on the Bayer process to produce alumina from bauxite. It remains the most economic means of obtaining alumina, which in turn is vital for the production of aluminium metal. Typically about two tonnes of alumina are required to produce on tonne of aluminium. The bayer process can be considered in three stages: Extraction The hydrated alumina is selectively removed from the other (insoluble) oxides by transferring it into a solution of sodium hydroxide (caustic soda): Al2O3.xH2O + 2NaOH —> 2NaAlO2 + (x+1) H2O The process is far more efficient when the ore is reduced to a very fine particle size prior to reaction. This is achieved by crushing and milling the pre-washed ore. This is then sent to a heated pressure digester. Conditions within the digester (concentration, temperature and pressure) vary according to the properties of the bauxite ore being used. Although higher temperatures are theoretically favoured these produce several disadvantages including corrosion problems and the possibility of other oxides (other than alumina) dissolving into the caustic liquor. Modern plants typically operate at between 200 and 240 °C and can involve pressures of around 30atm. Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


The resulting liquor contains a solution of sodium aluminate and undissolved bauxite residues containing iron, silicon, and titanium. These residues sink gradually to the bottom of the tank and are removed. They are known colloquially as “red mud”. The amount of redmud generated, per tonne of alumina produced, varies greatly depending on the type of bauxite used, from 0.3 tonnes for high grade bauxite to 2.5 tonnes for very low grade. Decomposition Crystalline alumina trihydrate is extracted from the digestion liquor by hydrolysis: 2NaAlO2 + 4H2O —> Al2O3.3H2O + 2NaOH This is basically the reverse of the extraction process, except that the product’s nature can be carefully controlled by plant conditions (including seeding or selective nucleation, precipitation temperature and cooling rate). The clear sodium aluminate solution is pumped into a huge tank called a precipitator. Fine particles of alumina are added to seed the precipitation of pure alumina crystals as the liquor cools. The alumina trihydrate crystals are then classified into size fractions and fed into a rotary or fluidised bed calcination kiln. Calcination Alumina trihydrate crystals are calcined to remove their water of crystallisation and prepare the alumina. The flow diagram of the Bayer process is shown in fig.

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Energy Conservation in Aluminium Industry Material balance for the production of one tonne of Alumina is given below. Bauxite 49% A1203 2247 kg

CaO 39 kg Na2Co3 74 kg Water 921 l


RED MUD 1963 kg GAS &

Alumina 1000 kg

ALUMINA 1000 kg

5.2 Aluminium smelting – Hall-Heroult process The basis for all modern primary aluminium smelting plants is the Hall-Héroult Process, Alumina is dissolved in an electrolytic bath of molten cryolite (sodium aluminium fluoride) within a large carbon or graphite lined steel container known as a “pot”. The production of aluminium involves the electrolysis of alumina dissolved in molten crystolite (Na3Al F6) at 960oC – 970oC using carbon anodes. The carbon anode is of either Soderberg (Self baking type) or prebaked type. An electric current is passed through the electrolyte at low voltage, but very high current, typically 150,000 amperes. The electric current flows between a carbon anode (positive), made of petroleum coke and pitch, and a cathode (negative), formed by the thick carbon or graphite lining of the pot. Molten aluminium is deposited at the bottom of the pot and is siphoned off periodically, taken to a holding furnace, often but not always blended to an alloy specification, cleaned and then generally cast. A typical aluminium smelter consists of around 300 pots. These will produce some 125,000 tonnes of aluminium annually. However, some of the latest generation of smelters are in the 350-400,000 tonne range.

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On average, around the world, it takes some 15.7 kWh of electricity to produce one kilogram of aluminium from alumina. The Potline Pots are organised into “potlines” within an aluminium smelter A pot consists of two main parts: 1. A block of carbon, which has been formed by baking a mixture of coke and pitch. This block serves as an anode (or positive electrode). 2. Under the anode is a large rectangular steel box lined with carbon made by baking a mixture of metallurgical coke and pitch. This lining is the Cathode (or negative electrode). Between the anode and the cathode is a space filled by electrolyte. This mixture must be heated to about 980°C, at which point it melts and the refined alumina is added, this then dissolves in the molten electrolyte. This hot molten mixture is electrolyzed at a low voltage of 4-5 volts, but a high current of 50,000-280,000 amperes. This process reduces the aluminium ions to produce molten aluminium metal at the cathode, oxygen is produced at the graphite anode and reacts with the carbon to produce carbon dioxide. 2Al2O3 + 3C —> 4Al + 3CO2 However some of the metal, instead of being deposited at the bottom of the cell, is dissolved in the electrolyte and reoxidised by the CO2 evolved at the anode: 2Al+ 3CO2 —> Al2O3 + 3CO This reaction can reduce the efficiency of the cell and increases the cell’s carbon consumption The electrolyte used is cryolite (Na3AlF6) which is the best solvent for alumina. To improve the performance of the cells various other compounds are added including aluminium fluoride and calcium fluoride (used to lower the electrolyte’s freezing point). The electrolyte ensures that a physical separation is maintained between the liquid aluminium (at the cathode) and the carbon dioxide/carbon monoxide (at the anode). Anode The carbon anodes used in the Hall-Heroult process are consumed during electrolysis. Two designs exist for these anodes; “Söderberg” and “PreBake”. Pre-Bake anodes are made separately, using coke particles bonded with pitch and baked in an oven. Pre-bake anodes are consumed and must then be changed. Soder berg anodes on the other hand are baked by the heat from the electrolytic cell, they do not need changing but are “continuously consumed”. Pre-Bake carbon anodes

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Energy Conservation in Aluminium Industry

Soderberg Cell Soderberg technology uses a continuous anode which is delivered to the cell (pot) in the form of a paste, and which bakes in the cell itself.

Prebake Cell Pre-bake technology uses multiple anodes in each cell which are pre-baked in a separate facility and attached to “rods” that suspend the anodes in the cell. New anodes are exchanged for spent anodes - “anode butts” - being recycled into new anodes.

The newest primary aluminium production facilities use a variant on pre-bake technology called Centre Worked Pre-bake Technology (CWPB). This technology provides uses multiple “point feeders” and other computerised controls for precise alumina feeding. A key feature of CWPB plants is the enclosed nature of the process. Fugitive emissions from these cells are very low, less than 2% of the generated emissions. The balance of the emissions is collected inside the cell itself and carried away to very efficient scrubbing systems, which remove particulates and gases.

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Computer technology controls the process down to the finest detail, which means that occurrence of the anode effect - the condition, which causes small quantities of Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) to be produced - can be minimised. All new plants and most plant expansions are based on pre-bake technology. Material balance for producing 1 tonne of Aluminium from Alumina is shown in fig.

99% Alumina Carbon Anode

Bath Make – up 43 kg

Electrolytic Reduction 960 C Gas 1340 kg & Dust

Molten Aluminium


Flux C 12 etc

Slag (A1=A1203) A1 INGOTS 1000 kg

6.0 List of Energy saving proposals in Alumina Refining plant 6.1 Aluminium Refinery Medium term projects 1.

Install variable frequency drive for spent liquor pump feeding to evaporator


Install variable frequency drive (VFD) for red mud pond feed pump


Install variable frequency drive for filtered aluminate liquor pump


Install seal pots for condensate recovery at digesters, evaporators, HP and LP heaters


Install variable frequency drive (VFD) for spent liquor pump feeding to PHE


Optimise the operation of filter feed pumping system

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Energy Conservation in Aluminium Industry 7.

Optimise the operation of the slurry pumps in precipitation area


Optimise excess O2% in kiln ii by continuous monitoring


Avoid air infiltration in kiln flue gas exhaust line

10. Replace Red mud filter vacuum pumps with new high efficiency vacuum pumps 11. Utilise the standby body in evaporator and increase the steam economy

Long term projects 1.

Install thermo-compressor and recover flash steam from pure condensate tank in evaporator section


Install mechanical conveying system to convey material from ESP bottom to kiln


Segregate Pick-Up And Drying Zone Vacuum In Red Mud Filters


Sweeten the digestion process by adding Gibbsitic bauxite having higher solubility in downstream of higher temperature digestion circuit.

6.2 Aluminium Smelter Medium term projects 1.

Installation of Data acquisition system


Installation of Thyristor control in coke conveying vibrators in carbon


Install correct size cooling water supply pump for rectifier cooling


Install a screw conveyor and avoid the operation of a centrifugal fan in Carbon plant


Installation of variable frequency drive for fire hydrant pump


Installation of variable fluid coupling for scrubber fans


Reduce external bus bar voltage drop across bypass joints and across rod to stud joints


Improve insulation of sidewalls of the pots to minimise the heat loss due to convection and radiation


Long term projects 1.

Convert the Soderberg technology to the pre baked cathode technology in the pots


Install point feeding in the Aluminium Pots


Coating of cathode surface of electrolytic cells with Titanium Boride (TINOR)


Replacement of hot tamping mix with cold tamping mix


Install variable fluid coupling for scrubber ID fans and avoid damper control

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Case study –1

INSTALL VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE FOR SPENT LIQUOR PUMP FEEDING TO EVAPORATOR Back ground The centrifugal pumps have to be selected to match with the process requirement. Selection of higher capacity or head of the pump results in operating the pump with valve throttling to match with the process requirement. The valve throttling at the discharge side of the pump leads to pressure loss across the control valve and hence energy loss. This could be avoided by optimising the operation of the pump with variable frequency drive and keeping the control valve fully opened.

Present status The spent weak liquor from the hydrate filtration and red mud filtration sections are concentrated in the evaporators. Centrifugal pump is used for pumping the hydrate filtration from the spent liquor tank to the evaporator. The design specifications of the pump are as follows: • Capacity • Head • Motor

= 100 m3/h = 75 m WC = 75 kW

The pump is operating with severe discharge valve throttling (about 40-50% opening). This indicates excess capacity/ head available in pump. The detailed analysis reveals that the actual head required for the pump is not more than 75 m WC, comprising of static head of 10 m WC, pressure drop across preheaters of 50 m WC and line losses (due to friction and bends) of 10 m WC. The maximum feed rate maintained in the new evaporator stream is 75-80 m3/h. The schematic diagram of the system is shown in fig. From Hydrate Filtration

Evaporator 80 m3/h

Spent liquor tank


1752 – ½ 100 m3/h 75 m 75 kW (58.5 kW)

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Energy Conservation in Aluminium Industry The operation of a pump with valve throttling is an energy inefficient method of capacity control, as a part of the energy supplied to the pump is lost across the valve. The best energy efficient option to optimise the excess capacity/ head as well as achieve operational flexibility is to install a variable frequency drive (VFD) for the pump and vary its RPM. The VFD can be operated in a closed loop with pressure sensor control. The pressure sensor will continuously sense the header pressure and give a signal to the VFD, which in turn will either increase or decrease the speed of the pump, exactly matching the varying requirements.

Energy saving project Variable frequency drive (VFD) with feed back control for the spent liquor feed pump to new evaporator was installed.

Benefits Reduction in power consumption of about 400 units/day was achieved.

Financial analysis This amounted to an annual monetary saving (@ Rs 3.50/unit) of Rs 0.18 million. The investment made was Rs 0.45 million. The simple payback period for this project was 31 Months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.18 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.45 millions • Simple payback - 31 months

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Energy Conservation in Aluminium Industry

Case study –2

INSTALL THERMO-COMPRESSOR AND RECOVER FLASH STEAM FROM PURE CONDENSATE TANK IN EVAPORATOR SECTION Background When high pressure condensate is exposed to lower pressure, due to enthalpy difference a part of condensate flashes into steam. Generally in process plant the high pressure flash steam is recovered using flash vessels. If the condensate pressure is very low and exposed to atmosphere, the flash steam is also sent to atmosphere. This leads to heat loss. The cost of flash steam is as high as the cost of main steam. Hence there is a good potential to save energy by recovering the flash steam using the thermo compressors. The thermo compressor is operating based on the venturi principle. Motive steam at comparatively higher pressure is used to compress the low pressure flash steam and delivered at an intermediate pressure. The steam at intermediate pressure can be utilised for the process.

Present status The digestor section is the heart of the alumina processing plant. There are two streams of digestors in the plant, with each stream having seven digester vessels. The steam consumption in the digesters is about 58-60 TPH at a pressure of 70 kg/cm2. The condensate from the digestor coils is collected in a flash vessel located in the digestor section. The flash steam at a pressure of about 4 – 6 kg/cm2 is utilized in the red mud filtration plant for causticizing slurry preparation, pond water heating and filtrate heating applications. The condensate from the flash vessel at a pressure of 4 – 6 kg/cm2 is sent to the pure condensate tank. The pure condensate tank is at atmospheric pressure and hence flashing of condensate occurs. The best method of avoiding flash steam is to recover it and utilize to replace/ substitute costly live steam. One of the methods of recovering flash steam is to install thermo-compressors. Flash steam recovery using thermo-compressor systems have been in successful operation in several chemical & petrochemical, pulp & paper and sugar industries. This becomes particularly attractive, when the plant has commercial cogeneration. The recovered flash steam can be used for to either substitute MP/ LP steam or is connected directly to the steam header. The schematic diagram of the system is shown below.

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103 70 ksc 60 TPH 415°C


Flash Steam

Flash Vessel

60 TPH 70 ksc 260°C

4 – 6 ksc


Vent Steam

Pure Condensate Tank 100°C

Condensate to Steam Plant

Energy saving project Thermo compressor was installed to recover the flash steam from the pure condensate tank and the recovered steam is sent to low pressure steam header. The motive steam used is about 18-20 TPH at a pressure of 12 kg/cm2. The schematic diagram of the modified system is shown below.

Thermo Compressor Motive Steam 14 – 15 ksc

Evaporator or LP header

Flash Steam


PCT Steam Plant

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Energy Conservation in Aluminium Industry

Benefits The quantity of flash steam recovered was about 3.0 TPH.

Financial analysis This amounted to an annual monetary saving of Rs 5.48 million. The investment made was Rs 3.00 million. The simple payback period for this project was 7 Months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 5.48 millions • Investment - Rs. 3.00 millions • Simple payback - 7 months

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Energy Conservation in Aluminium Industry

Case study – 3

INSTALL SEAL POT SYSTEM FOR CONDENSATE RECOVERY Background Conventional steam are prone for frequent failure and hence steam leakage. In large steam users, specifically wherever the steam consumption is more than 1 ton/hr failure of steam traps lead to heavy steam leakage and hence energy loss. The latest trend is installing seal pots wherever the steam consumption is more than 1 ton/ hr. in a seal pot condensate level is maintained in an enclosed vessel. The draining of condensate is done using an automatic control valve, which is operated based on seal pot condensate level. A vent is also provided in the seal pot for removing the non condensable gases. Installing the seal pots for condensate recovery totally eliminates the steam leakage and maximises the condensate recovery. The advantage with a seal pot system, is that it is highly reliable and requires very little or no maintenance. However, the system will require higher level of instrumentation and control.

Present status The digestors and evaporators are the major consumers of live steam in alumina refinery plant. The next major steam consumers are the HP heaters and LP heaters. Steam traps are installed for condensate recovery in all the users. Over a period of time, due to frequent failure of steam traps, these have got by-passed or removed. This results in steam passing and considerable heat loss. The trend amongst the industries, where steam consumption is more than 1 TPH, is to replace the steam traps with seal pot systems. The seal pot system, comprises of an empty vessel (called the seal pot), to which the condensate line is connected. The seal pot is provided with a small vent at the top, for release of non-condensable gases. A control valve is provided at the bottom of the seal pot to regulate the condensate flow. This valve operates in closed loop with a level indicator controller (LIC) provided at the seal pot. The condensate is pumped to the steam plant, through the pure condensate/ alkaline condensate tanks.

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The schematic diagram of the steam trap system is shown in fig.

MP steam


Air vent

Seal pot

Energy saving project Seal pots were installed for condensate recovery in the following equipment. • Digesters • Evaporators • HP heaters & LP heaters

Benefits The steam savings achieved was about 250 kg/hr.

Financial analysis This amounted to an annual monetary saving of Rs 0.45 million. The investment made was Rs 0.75 million. The simple payback period for this project was 20 Months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.45 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.75 millions • Simple payback - 20 months

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Energy Conservation in Aluminium Industry

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Case study – 4

OPTIMISE EXCESS O2% IN KILN BY CONTINUOUS MONITORING Back ground For the combustion process the quantity of air supplied is an important parameter. To ensure the complete combustion of the fuel the quantity of air supplied should be more than the stoichiometric air quantity of the fuel. Oxygen level in the flue gas is an indication of the quantity of excess air sent for the combustion process. Higher the O2 level, higher will the quantity of excess air sent and vice versa. With increase in quantity of excess air sent for combustion, the flue gas loss increases and hence the operating efficiency of the furnace decreases. For oil-fired system the optimum recommended O2 level in the flue gas is 3-4%.

Present status The calcination of alumina is carried out in the kiln. The production rate in the kiln is 530MT/ day of calcined product. The average fuel consumption in the kiln is about 2000 lit/hr. Combustion analysis was carried out in Kiln. The percentage of Oxygen level in the exhaust flue gas and its temperature were measured at the outlet of the kiln. The measured value at the kiln exhaust is as below: • O2 %

- 8.0 %

• Temperature

- 201 oC

The quantity of excess air supplied is very high compared to the requirement. Hence, there is a good potential to save energy by optimising the quantity of excess air sent for the combustion process

Energy saving project Online oxygen analyser was installed and the % of oxygen level in the flue gas is continuously monitored. The combustion air supply to the kiln is controlled and percentage oxygen of 3% is maintained in the flue gas.

Benefits On a conservative basis atleast 2% increase in combustion efficiency and hence reduction in fuel consumption was achieved.

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Energy Conservation in Aluminium Industry

Financial analysis This amounted to an annual monetary saving of Rs 2.95 million. The investment made was Rs 0.70 million. The simple payback period for this project was 3 Months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 2.95 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.70 millions • Simple payback - 3 months

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Energy Conservation in Aluminium Industry

Case study -5

SEGREGATE PICK-UP AND DRYING ZONE VACUUMS IN RED MUD FILTERS Background The rotary drum filters are used for red mud filtration in the Alumina plant. The rotary drums are subjected to vacuum where filtration is taking place. The vacuum is created using the vacuum pumps. The rotary vacuum filter is divided into two major zones – pick-up zone and drying zone. The pick-up zone is where the drum dips into the slurry in the trough and built-up of cake starts. This zone typically requires a vacuum of about 380-400 mm Hg. On the other hand, the drying zone is one where, the built-up of cake on the drum is complete and drying takes place. This zone typically requires a vacuum of about 250-280 mm Hg. Typically in this system one set of vacuum pumps are used for maintaining the same vacuum at both the zone. Maintaining higher vacuum has no direct benefit on the process. In vacuum pumps the power consumption is proportional to the level of vacuum created. Hence there is a good potential to save energy by segregating the two zones and installing two set of vacuum pumps, operating at the required vacuum level.

Present status There are 11 nos. of vacuum pumps (about 4 to 5 will be in operation) to cater to the vacuum requirements of the rotary vacuum filters in the red mud filtration area. These vacuum pumps are one of the major electrical energy consumers in the aluminium refining plant. The design specifications of the vacuum pumps are: Capacity

= 1320 m3/h


= 510 mm Hg


= 720 RPM


= 125 HP

Vacuum in both pick-up and drying zones are maintained at 380-400 mm Hg. This is because all the vacuum pumps are connected to a common header and the pick-up & drying zones are connected to this common header. Maintaining a higher vacuum in the pick-up zone has no direct benefit on the process, but on the other hand results in higher power consumption in vacuum pumps.

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The typical vacuums required are 400-450 mm Hg in pick-up zone and 250-300 mm Hg in drying zone.

Energy saving project The pick-up zone and drying zone vacuum headers are segregated and vacuum pumps are dedicated to individual zones. Pick up zone vacuum pumps are operated at a vacuum level of 380-400 mmHg and for the drying zone the vacuum pumps are operated at a vacuum level of 250 mm Hg. 250 mm Hg

300 mm Hg

400 mm Hg

400 mm Hg 400 mm Hg



1320 m3/h 510 mm Hg 125 HP 11 Nos. (6↑)

Segregation of vacuum pumps for the pick up and drying zone resulted in electrical energy saving of 1800 units/day.

Financial analysis This amounted to an annual monetary saving of Rs 0.79 million. The investment made was Rs 2.00 million. The simple payback period for this project was 31 Months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.79 millions • Investment - Rs. 2.00 millions • Simple payback - 31 months

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Energy Conservation in Aluminium Industry

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Case study –6

SWEETEN THE DIGESTION PROCESS BY ADDING GIBBSITIC BAUXITE HAVING HIGHER SOLUBILITY IN DOWNSTREAM OF HIGHER TEMPERATURE DIGESTION CIRCUIT Background The hydrated alumina is selectively removed from the other (insoluble) oxides by transferring it into a solution of sodium hydroxide (caustic soda). Bauxite is crushed and pre washed and then sent to a heated pressure digester. Conditions within the digester (concentration, temperature and pressure) vary according to the properties of the bauxite ore being used. Typically the digesters operate at between 200 and 240 °C and can involve pressures of around 30atm. The latest trend is addition of Gibbsittic Bauxite in suitable flash tank in the down stream of digestion circuit. This increases productivity without any further addition of steam. About 30 grams per litre more Alumina can be dissolved by addition of Gibbsitic bauxite in digested Boehmitic slurry stream. It results in substantial increase in Alumina super saturation level utilizing the heat energy of flashing circuit. This has been shown in the Alumina solubility curve.

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Energy Conservation in Aluminium Industry

Gibbsitic slurry addition in the downstream of slurry addition 600 psig steam

Gibbsitic Bxt.

Boehmitic Bxt. Slurry

Slurry 243 0 C

243 0 C 243 0 C



Spent Liquor









Energy saving project Gibbsitic slurry addition was taken up in the down stream of the digestion circuit.

Benefits Implementation of the above project resulted in annual saving of 113.88 Lakh KWH of electrical power, 16,985 MT of coal and 1577 KL of fuel oil.

Financial analysis

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 42.90 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.95 millions • Simple payback - 1 month

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This amounted to an annual monetary saving of Rs 42.9 million. The investment made was Rs 0.95 million. The simple payback period for this project was 1 Month.


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Energy Conservation in Aluminium Industry

Case study –7

REPLACE OLD HORIZONTAL STUD SODERBERG (HSS) CELLS WITH MODERN POINT FEEDER PREBAKE CELLS Back Ground For Aluminium smelting horizontal stud soderberg (HSS) cells are used. The characteristics of HSS system are as follows: • Higher specific energy consumption • Higher GHG & fluoride emissions • Lower level of automation • Higher raw material consumption • Higher solid waste generation The latest trend is installing multipoint feeder prebake cells. Pre-bake technology uses multiple anodes in each cell which are pre-baked in a separate facility and attached to “rods” that suspend the anodes in the cell. New anodes are exchanged for spent anodes - “anode butts” - being recycled into new anodes.

The newest primary aluminium production facilities use a variant on pre-bake technology called Centre Worked Pre-bake Technology. This technology provides uses multiple “point feeders” and other computerised controls for precise alumina feeding.

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Computer technology controls the process down to the finest detail, which means that occurrence of the anode effect - the condition, which causes small quantities of Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) to be produced - can be minimised. The characteristics of prebake technology are as follows: • Economical for capacities of 150000 tpa and above • Highly automated and capital intensive technology • Normal line amperage over 150 KA • Lower specific energy and raw material consumption • Dry scrubbing of exhaust gases with alumina for fluoride recovery

Present status In one of the Aluminium smelters in India, relatively old Horizontal Stud Soderberg (HSS) cells are used for production of aluminium from alumina. The present specific energy consumption of Aluminium production is as below. AC for electrolysis - 15.558 kWh/Kg of Aluminium

Energy saving project It is proposed to revamp the entire system by installing modern point feeder prebake (PFPB) cells. The proposed system require energy consumption of about 990 million kWh/year to produce 29500 tons/year of aluminium. The specific energy consumption for producing one tonne of Aluminium would be as given below. • AC for electrolysis – 14.00 kwh/kg of Al. (Electrical energy)

Benefits The benefits of the new proposed system are as follows: • Retrofit prebake cells with point feeders, operate at around 10% higher energy efficiency • About 50% GHG emissions reduced due to modern process controls • 50% reduction in hazardous waste generated • 30% reduction in water consumption • Reduction in specific consumption of raw materials – Coal tar pitch, cryolite, aluminium fluoride and Petroleum coke

Cost benefit analysis

Financial Analysis

• Annual Savings - Rs.84.10 million

The annual energy saving potential @ Rs 1.80/unit is Rs 84.10 million.

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Energy Conservation in Aluminium Industry

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Energy Conservation in Glass Industry


Growth percentage

7.2 %

Energy Intensity

30 % of manufacturing cost

Energy Costs

Rs.5000 million (US $ 100 Million)

Energy saving potential

Rs 500 million (US $ 10 million)

Investment potential on energy saving projects

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency

Rs. 80 Crores (US $ 16 Million)


About the sector: The Indian glass industry is an energy-intensive industry and has been recognized by its rapid growth and modernization efforts after the economic reforms initiated by the government in 1990. It represents one of the largest markets and the manufacturing capacity for glass products in the region after China. Over 80 % of the industry output is sold to other industries, and the glass industry as a whole is very dependent on the building industry, and the food and beverage industry. The glass industry is diverse, both in the products made and the manufacturing techniques employed. Products range from intricate hand-made lead crystal goblets to huge volumes of float glass produced for the construction and automotive industries. The float glass, container glass, glass fiber and glass tableware are manufactured by about 100 large scale companies which operate with modern and large scale melting furnace technologies. They are mostly located in Gujarat, Bombay, Calcutta, Bangalore and Hyderabad. The industry, on the other hand, is also represented in the country by more than 300 medium and small-scale enterprises and cottage industry units. The historical glass-making town of Firozabad in UP State is a well-known location, which meets the 70 per cent of demand for glass products in the country by using outdated pot and tank furnaces. Manufacturing techniques vary from small electrically heated furnaces in the ceramic fibre sector to cross-fired regenerative furnaces in the flat glass sector, producing up to 600 tonnes per day. An indicative breakdown of the different sectors of glass industry is given in the table below. Sector

% of Total Production

Container Glass


Flat Glass


Continuous Filament Glass Fibre


Domestic Glass


Special Glass


Container glass production is the largest sector of the glass industry, representing around 60 % of the total glass production. The sector covers the production of glass packaging i.e. bottles and jars although some machine made tableware may also be produced in this sector. The beverage sector accounts for approximately 75 % of the total tonnage of glass packaging containers. The main competition is from alternative packaging materials such as steel, aluminium, cardboard composites and plastics.

Production pattern and Growth rate of Glass Industry in India An account of the different segment of this industry is given below: The overall production growth in the glass industry was recorded at 7.2% during 2002 as compared to 6.5% last year. Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Glass Industry Barring glass tableware, other segments of the glass industry registered a moderate growth with glass containers and wares at 9%, sheet and float glass at 5%.

Glass Containers and Hollow Ware There are 44 units producing glass containers and hollow wares with an installed capacity of 15 lakh tonnes per annum.

Flat Glass The combined capacity of sheet glass, float glass and figured and wired glass is around 135 million sq. m. per annum. The present per capita consumption of float/sheet glass in India is 0.5 kg, which is very low in comparison to 2.5 kg in Indonesia and 3.5 kg in China.

Vacuum Flask and Refills There are, at present, 8 manufacturing units with a total installed capacity of around 36 million numbers per annum. Production in 2000-01 was about 18 million numbers.

Laboratory/Scientific Glassware This segment of the glass industry comprises items like neutral glass tubing, laboratory glassware and chemical process equipment. There are six units in this segment. The installed capacity of neutral glass tubing is 46600 tonnes per annum. The growth rate is expected to be around 3% per annum during the period 2001-02.

Fibre Glass Production of fibreglass is highly capital and technology intensive. The present installed capacity is about 55,000 MT per annum. The expected growth rate of the industry is 12%.

Glass Manufacturing process: The manufacture of any glass can be split up into four phases: 1. Preparation of raw material, 2. Melting in a furnace, 3. Forming and 4. Finishing

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The below diagram gives typical glass manufacturing process:

The products of this type of process are predominantly flat glass, container glass, and pressed and blown glass. The procedures for manufacturing glass are the same for all products except forming and finishing. As the sand, limestone, and soda ash raw materials are received, they are crushed and stored in separate elevated bins. These materials are then transferred through a gravity feed system to a weigher and mixer; here the material is mixed with cullet to ensure homogeneous melting. The mixture is conveyed to a batch storage bin where it is held until dropped into the feeder to the melting furnace. All equipment used in handling and preparing the raw material is housed separately from the furnace and is usually referred to as the batch plant. As material enters the melting furnace through the feeder, it floats on the top of the molten glass already in the furnace. As it melts, it passes to the front of the melter and eventually flows through a throat leading to the refiner. In the refiner, the molten glass is heat conditioned for delivery to the forming process. After refining, the molten glass leaves the furnace through forehearths (except in the float process, with molten glass moving directly to the tin bath) and goes to be shaped by pressing, blowing, pressing and blowing, drawing, rolling, or floating to produce the desired product. Pressing and blowing are performed mechanically, using blank molds and glass cut into sections (gobs) by a set of shears. The float process is different, having a molten tin bath over which the glass is drawn and formed into a finely finished surface requiring no grinding or polishing. The end product undergoes finishing (decorating or coating) and annealing (removing unwanted stress areas in the glass) as required, and is then inspected and prepared for shipment to market. Any damaged or undesirable glass is transferred back to the batch plant to be used as cullet.

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Energy Conservation in Glass Industry

Furnaces in a glass Industry The furnace most commonly used is a continuous regenerative furnace capable of producing between 50 and 300 tons of glass per day. For smaller capacities recuperative furnaces or pot type furnaces without heat recovery are also being used. A furnace may have either side or end ports that connect brick checkers to the inside of the melter.

Side port regenerative furnace

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End port regenerative furnace

Process Description Container Glass Glass containers are produced in a two stage moulding process by using pressing and blowing techniques. There are five essential stages in automatic bottle production. 1. Obtaining a piece of molten glass (gob) at the correct weight and temperature. 2. Forming the primary shape in a first mould (blank mould) by pressure from compressed air or a metal plunger. 3. Transferring the primary shape into the final mould (finish mould). 4. Completing the shaping process by blowing the container with compressed air to the shape of the final mould. 5. Removing the finished product for post forming processes.

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Energy Conservation in Glass Industry Simplified diagrams of the two main forming processes are shown in figure Glass containers are conveyed through various inspection, packaging, unpacking, filling and re-packaging systems.

Flat Glass The term flat glass strictly includes all glasses made in a flat form regardless of the form of manufacture. However, for the purposes of this document it is used to describe float glass and rolled glass production. Most flat glass is produced with a basic soda lime formulation, a typical float glass composition. Float glass and rolled glass are produced almost exclusively with cross-fired regenerative furnaces.

The Float Glass Process The basic principle of the float process is to pour the molten glass onto a bath of molten tin, and to form a ribbon with the upper and lower surfaces becoming parallel under the influence of gravity and surface tension. The molten glass flows from the furnace along a refractory lined canal, which can be heated to maintain the correct glass temperature. At the end of the canal the glass pours onto the tin bath through a special refractory lip (“the spout”) which ensures correct glass spreading.

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At the exit of the float bath the glass ribbon is taken out by lift-out rollers, and is passed through a temperature controlled tunnel, the lehr, to be annealed. Glass is thus gradually cooled from 600°C to 60°C in order to reduce residual stresses, caused during the forming process, to an acceptable level.

The cooled glass ribbon is cut on-line by a traveling cutter. On-line coatings can be applied to improve the performance of the product (e.g. low emissivity glazing).

Continuous Filament Glass Fibre The most widely used composition to produce continuous fibres is E Glass, which represents more than 98 % of the sector output. The glass melt for continuous filament glass fibre is generally produced in a cross-fired fossil fuel recuperative furnace. The molten glass flows from the front end of the furnace through a series of refractory lined, gas heated canals to the forehearths. The glass flowing through the bushing tips is drawn out and attenuated by the action of a high-speed winding device to form continuous filaments. The filaments are drawn together and pass over a roller or belt, which applies an aqueous mixture, mainly of polymer emulsion or solution to each filament. The coated filaments are gathered together into bundles called strands that go through further processing steps, depending on the type of reinforcement being made. The main products are chopped strands, rovings, chopped strand mats, yarns, tissues, and milled fibres. Chopped strands are produced by unwinding the cakes and feeding the filaments into a machine with a rotating bladed cylinder.

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Energy Conservation in Glass Industry

Energy Consumption pattern Glass making is energy intensive and the process energy accounts for a full 30 percent of the cost of glass products. In general, the energy necessary for melting glass accounts for over 75 % of the total energy requirements of glass manufacture. Other significant areas of energy use are forehearths, the forming process, annealing, factory heating and general services. The choices of energy source, heating technique and heat recovery method are central to the design of the furnace. The same choices are also some of the most important factors affecting the environmental performance and energy efficiency of the melting operation. In recent decades the predominant fuel for glass making has been fuel oil, although the use of natural gas is increasing. There are various grades of fuel oil from heavy to light, with varying purity and sulphur content. Many large furnaces are equipped to run on both natural gas and fuel oil, and it is not uncommon for predominantly gas-fired furnaces to burn oil on one or two ports. The third common energy source for glass making is electricity, which can be used either as the only energy source or in combination with fossil fuels. The energy usage pattern in different types of industries is as below:

Container glass:

The typical energy use for the Container Glass Sector, which accounts for around 60 % of total glass output is: furnace 79 %, forehearth 6 %, compressed air 4 %, lehr 2 %, and others 6 %.

Float glass: The energy usage distribution for a typical float glass process is shown in.2 below, but energy usage in particular processes may vary slightly. It can be seen that over three quarters of the energy used in a glass plant is expended on melting glass. Forming and annealing takes a further 5 % of the total. The remaining energy is used for services, control systems, lighting, factory heating, and post forming processes such as inspection and packaging.

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The energy usage distribution for a typical continuous filament process is shown below. Energy usage in particular processes may vary depending on the size of the melter and the type of downstream processes. It can be seen that generally over three quarters of the energy is used for melting. Forming, including bushing heating, and product conversion account for around 15 %, and the remaining energy is used for services, control systems, lighting, and factory heating.

Continuous Filament glass:

As discussed earlier fuel oil and natural gas are the predominant energy sources for melting, with a small percentage of electricity. Forehearths and annealing lehrs are heated by gas or electricity, and electrical energy is used to drive air compressors and fans needed for the process. General services include water pumping, steam generation for fuel storage and trace heating, humidification/heating of batch, and heating buildings. In order to provide a benchmark for process energy efficiency it is useful to consider the theoretical energy requirements for melting glass. The three important components, which forms the basis for the theoretical requirement is as below: • The heat of reaction to form the glass from the raw materials; • The heat required, enthalpy, to raise the glass temperature from 20 °C to 1500 °C; and • The heat content of the gases (principally CO2) released from the batch during melting. The actual energy requirements experienced in the various sectors vary widely from about 3.5 to over 40 GJ/tonne. This figure depends very heavily on the furnace design, scale and method of operation. However, the majority of glass is produced in large furnaces and the energy requirement for melting is generally below 8 GJ/tonne. Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Glass Industry Some of the more general factors affecting the energy consumption of fossil fuel fired furnaces are outlined below. For any particular installation it is important to take account of the sitespecific issues, which will affect the applicability of the general comments given below. a) The capacity of the furnace significantly affects the energy consumption per tonne of glass melted, because larger furnaces are inherently more energy efficient due to the lower surface area to volume ratio. b) The furnace throughput is also important, with most furnaces achieving the most energy efficient production at peak load. Variations in furnace load are largely market dependent and can be quite wide, particularly for some container glass and domestic glass products. c) As the age of a furnace increases its thermal efficiency usually declines. Towards the end of a furnace campaign the energy consumption per tonne of glass melted may be up to 20 % higher than at the beginning of the campaign. d) The use of cullet can significantly reduce energy consumption, because the chemical energy required to melt the raw materials has already been provided. As a general rule each 10 % increase in cullet usage results in an energy saving of 2 - 3 % in the melting process.

Energy saving potential (data from CMIE) The total cost of production of glass in India account to a total of Rs 1470 crores. The energy cost alone forms about 30% the total manufacturing cost. The energy saving potential in Indian glass industry is about 10-15% of the total energy cost. The energy saving offers a good investment potential of about Rs 130 crores in the glass sector.

Energy Conservation: Process energy accounts for a full 30 percent of the cost of glass products. In the face of growing challenges from foreign manufacturers and other materials, the glass industry seeks to reduce energy use as part of its broader effort to lower glass production costs. Present glass manufacturing facilities clearly offer a large opportunity for energy savings. Whereas melting one ton of glass should theoretically require only about 2.2 million Btu, in practice it requires a minimum of twice that much because of a variety of losses and inefficiencies and the high quality of glass that is often required. One of the main goals set forth in the glass vision statement is to cut the gap between theoretical and actual energy requirements by half. In a glass industry, the melting process is by far the most energy intensive of the primary glassmaking processes and is responsible for the majority of energy consumption. The figure records 75% on the tank furnace; and more energy, nearly 85%, is consumed in the case of the pot furnace.

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Thus, when energy conservation efforts are made, top priority must be placed on the furnace, then on the lehr. The unit energy consumption means the energy required to make the product of unit amount (1 kg or 1 ton). It is expressed either by unit energy consumption if energy is used as the unit or by unit fuel consumption if the amount of fuel is used as the unit. Basically, energy conservation in the glass factory is to reduce the unit energy consumption. To reduce unit energy consumption, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fuels used, while it is important as well to increase production without increasing the amount of fuels, and to reduce the failure rate of production, thereby ensuring production increase in the final stage.

ENERGY SAVING SCHEMES IN GLASS INDUSTRY List of all possible energy conservation projects in a typical glass industry 1.

Install Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) For Combustion Air Blower


Install Variable Fluid Coupling for cooling blowers in furnace


Install correct head fans for furnace cooling


Reduce rpm of furnace chimney blower by 10%


Replace the existing inefficient cooling blowers with energy efficient blowers with efficiency greater than 75%


Avoid recirculation through the stand-by blower of throat cooling


Replace old inefficient reciprocating compressors catering to instrumentation requirements with high efficiency compressors


Install lower capacity air compressor to cater high pressure compressed air requirements catering to furnace primary air requirements and minimize unloading power consumption by compressor


Segregate low pressure and high pressure compressor air systems and operate LP air system catering to instrumentation systems at lower pressure

10. Install Variable Frequency drives to screw compressor catering to process air requirements (furnace combustion requirement) and reduce power consumption

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Energy Conservation in Glass Industry 11. Reduce pressure settings of hp air compressors catering to furnace combustion requirements 12. Install correct head pumps for cooling tower catering to cooling requirements of instrumentation compressors 13. Avoid water flow through idle compressors / condensers and install next low head pumps for hp compressor cooling 14. Optimise the combustion air supply to the furnace and maintain 3% O2 in the flue gas 15. Preventing cold air from entering through the inlet opening of the lehr and reducing heat loss in the furnace 16. Improve insulation of the walls of the lehr and reduce radiation losses 17. Reduce the conveying length of product from the furnace to the lehr and reduce temperature drop 18. Install automatic voltage stabilizer in street lighting feeder and optimise operating voltage 19. Replace copper ballast with high frequency electronic ballast in all fluorescent lamps 20. Optimize pressure settings of air compressors 21. Arrest leakages in compressed air system 22. Install transvector nozzles for identified cleaning points 23. Replace existing V-belt drives with flat belt drives for identified equipment 24. Convert delta to star in the identified lightly loaded motors 25. Balance system voltage to avoid unbalance in motor load 26. Replace faulty capacitors 27. Install automatic voltage stabiliser and operate lighting

circuit at 210 volts

28. Install soft start cum energy saver for motors 29. Replace old motors with energy efficient motors 30. Use transluscent sheets to make use of day lighting 31. Install timers for automatic switching ON-OFF of lights 32. Install timers for yard and outside lighting 33. Grouping of lighting circuits for better control 34. Operate at maximum power factor, say 0.96 and above 35. Switching OFF of transformers based on loading 36. Optimise DG set operating frequency 37. Optimise DG set operating voltage 38. Replacement of Aluminium blades with FRP blades in cooling tower fans 39. Install temperature indicator controller (TIC) for optimising cooling tower fan operation, based on ambient conditions 40. Install dual speed motors/ VSD for cooling tower fans Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Case Study - 1 Preheat Feed Material Furnace Using Waste Heat from Flue Gas Background Batch and cullet is normally introduced cold into the furnace, before being heated and melted by the heat in the glass tank. And the flue from the furnaces after the regenerator typically leaves at a temperature of about 500-600oC. An important process improvement currently being contemplated by the glass industry is the preheating of the batch feed by using exhaust gases from the furnace. An analysis of the melt furnace and its regenerator indicates that there is enough energy availability in the furnace exhaust gases to preheat the incoming combustion air to present levels and to preheat the batch to 400 oC. Depending upon the specific operating conditions, 5-10% of the energy necessary to melt glass could be obtained from waste heat. By this method, the total fuel consumption by the furnace can be reduced by atleast 5%. The economics of batch/cullet preheaters are strongly dependent on the capacity of the furnace and the preheater. This preheating method allows a better usage of energy in the furnace area. But such a preheat operation is difficult to accomplish without modification in the batch handling methods. Normally, a number of storage bins hold the raw material. The raw materials are weighed individually, fed to a collecting belt, and conveyed to a mixer. A pan mixer is used to blend the dry materials. From the mixer, the blended batch is transferred to a surge hopper and feeder. The material is then fed to a pelletiser, where water is added to about 4% by weight as a binder for the pellets. The pelletised material is then conveyed through a high temperature continuous preheater, which is heated by the waste gases of the glass melting furnace. The presently available systems for preheating the batch feed is as below:

Direct preheating This type of preheating involves direct contact between the flue gas and the raw material (cullet only) in a cross-counter flow. The waste gases are supplied to the preheater from the waste into direct contact with the raw material. The outlet temperature of the cullet is up to 400 ºC.

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Energy Conservation in Glass Industry The system can also incorporate a bypass that allows furnace operation to continue when preheater use is either inappropriate or impossible.

Diagram of a direct preheater:

Indirect preheating The indirect preheater is in principle a cross-counter flow, plate heat exchanger, in which the material is heated indirectly. It is designed in a modular form and consists of individual heat exchanger blocks situated above each other. These blocks are again divided into horizontal waste gas and vertical material funnels. In the material funnels the material flows from the top to the bottom by gravity. Depending on the throughput, the material reaches a speed of 1 - 3 m/h and will normally be heated up from ambient temperature to approximately 300°C. The flue gases will be let in the bottom of the preheater and flow into the upper part by means of special detour funnels. The waste gases flow horizontally through the individual modules. Typically the flue gases will be cooled down by approximately 270°C – 300°C. In general, the following benefits can be experienced. • Energy savings of atleast 5 %. • Reduction in NOx emission (due to lower fuel requirements and lower furnace temperatures).

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• In the case of direct preheating, reduction of acidic compounds, SO2, HF, and HCl, of 60%, 50% and 90% respectively have been found (difference before and after cullet bed).

Case study A container glass plant with a furnace capacity of 370 tonnes/day had a specific energy consumption of about 4000 kJ/kg of glass. The temperature of exit flue gas from the furnace, after the regenerator is about 450-500oC. The fuel consumption of the plant was about 35kl/day. The cullet in the feed amounted to about 60% of the total batch onto the furnace. The plant team installed an indirect type batch preheating system for their furnace. In order to keep the loss of heat of the transport system, as low as possible the preheater was located as close as possible to the doghouse. The ideal location was directly above the batch charger. After this installation, the flue gas got cooled to a temperature of about 200-250oC. As a result, the total reduction in oil consumption by the plant is about 10% of the fuel consumption. The technique also gave an increase in furnace capacity by 10 % - 15 % without compromising the furnace life. If the pull rate is not increased a small increase in furnace life may be possible. If a plant utilizes electric boosting technique, by getting more heat into the furnace the technique can also reduce the requirement from electric boosting. The cost economics of the project is as below: Investment

– Rs 4.00 million


– Rs 1.50 million


– 32 months

Other general factors to be considered •

To prevent material agglomeration the maximum entry temperature of the flue gases should not exceed 600°C.

In some cases, problems with odor generation from the preheater have arisen, due to organic fumes released during pre-drying of the cullet. The problems are caused by burning of food particles and other organics in the external cullet.

Material preheating consumes electric energy, particularly for direct heating which requires an Electrostatic Precipitator. These off sets a portion of the energy saving but it is not substantial.

For economic reasons the temperature of the waste gas available should at least be 400 - 450°C.

Direct Cullet/batch preheating systems can theoretically be installed at any existing glassmelting furnace with greater than 60 % cullet in the batch. The use of a direct preheater causes increased emissions of particulate matter (up to 2000 mg/Nm3) and secondary

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Energy Conservation in Glass Industry

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Case study - 2 The installation of preheater have successfully implemented in many of the European industries and some of the expammle installations are as below: (All container Glass) Direct preheating: Four furnaces at Nienburger Glas, Nienburg, Germany. Gerresheimer Glas, Dusseldorf, Germany. Wiegand Glas, Stein am Wald, Germany. Gerresheimer Glas, Budenheim, Germany. Indirect preheating: PLM Glasindustrie Dongen BV, Dongen, Netherlands. PLM Glass Division, Bad Münder, Germany. Vetropack, St. Prex, Switzerland – no longer operating. Edmeston EGB Filter: Irish Glass, Dublin, Ireland. Leone Industries, New Jersey, USA (oxy-fuel fired furnace). The installations as such in India are still in the initial stages of implementation and offer a very good potential for energy savings. The project has a good potential to be replicated in about 100 organized sectors and 200 to 250 small scale manufacturers in India.

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Energy Conservation in Glass Industry

Case study - 3 WASTE GAS HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEMS IN FURNACES Background Glass is maintained at a temperature of about 1550oC, in the tank. The hot flue gas from the furnace leaves at a temperature of about 1600oC. The heat in the exit flue gas can be effectively utilised by preheating the incoming air to the combustion furnace. There are two options available for this purpose. The installation of: 1. Regenerators 2. Recuperators

Regenerators: The regenerator is designed in a way that high temperature exhaust gas is passed through the checker bricks, and the heat is absorbed by these bricks. After the combustion, gas is fed for some time (15 to 30 minutes), air is fed there by switching, and the brick heat is absorbed, raising the air temperature. The air is used for combustion. This procedure is repeated at intervals of 15 to 30 minutes. Thus, two regenerators are required for each furnace. The exhaust gas temperature is 1350 to 1450°C at the regenerator inlet, and drops 400 to 500°C at the regenerator outlet. Air enters the regenerator at the room temperature, and is heated to reach 1200 to1300°C at the outlet. Then, it is used as secondary air for combustion. Most glass container plants have either end-fired or cross-fired regenerative furnaces. All float glass furnaces are of cross-fired regenerative design. Preheat temperatures up to 1400 °C can also be attained leading to very high thermal efficiencies.

Cross-Fired Regenerative Systems

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A cross-fired regenerative furnace In the cross-fired regenerative furnace, combustion ports and burners are positioned along the sides of the furnace. The regenerator chambers are located either side of the furnace and are connected to the furnace via the port necks. The flame passes above the molten material and directly into the opposite ports. The number of ports (up to 8) used is a function of the size and capacity of the furnace and its particular design. Some larger furnaces may have the regenerator chambers divided for each burner port. This type of design using effectively a multiplicity of burners is particularly suited to larger installations, facilitating the differentiation of the temperature along the furnace length necessary to stimulate the required convection currents in the glass melt.

End-Fired Regenerative Furnace In the end-fired regenerative furnace the principles of operation are the same, however, the two regenerative chambers are situated at one end of the furnace each with a single port. The flame path forms a U shape returning to the adjacent regenerator chamber through the second port. This arrangement enables a somewhat more cost effective regenerator system than the cross-fired design but has less flexibility for adjusting the furnace temperature profile and is thus less favoured for larger furnaces.

End-fired regenerative furnace

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Energy Conservation in Glass Industry

Side view of end-fired regenerative furnaces

Plan view of end-fired regenerative furnace Regenerative furnaces achieve a higher preheat temperature for the combustion gases, up to 1400°C compared with 800°C for recuperative furnaces, resulting in better melting efficiencies. The generally larger size of the regenerative furnaces also makes them more energy efficient than the smaller recuperative furnaces. This is because structural losses are inversely proportional to the furnace size, the main reason being the change in surface area to volume ratio. A modern regenerative container furnace will generally have an overall thermal efficiency of around 50 %, with waste gas losses around 20 %, and structural losses making up the vast majority of the remainder.

Maximizing heat recovery in regenerators: Furnace geometry is constantly undergoing refinements to optimise thermal currents and heat transfer, both to improve glass quality and to save energy. The developments are often combined with developments in combustion systems to reduce emissions and save energy. Normally, furnace geometry changes are only possible for new furnaces or rebuilds. The energy recovered by regenerators may be maximized by incorporating the right type and quantity of refractory material into the regenerators. The refractory material should possess high thermal conductivity, hence resulting in higher heat recoveries. One of the problems faced by companies in regenerators is that, they get corroded with the exit flue gas and results in clogging of the flue gas path with particulate carry over in flue gases inside the regenerators. This ultimately reduces the heat recovery in the system. Hence one of the important factors to be considered is to select a right type of refractory material that can withstand corrosion. There are a variety of checker works available nowadays and the best one needs to be choosed for better heat recovery. The most common is the bricks are available in standard sizes of 65mm thickness with basic materials such as magnesite and chrome. These refractory materials are used for their resistance to handle alkaline corrosion in flue gases.

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Blocks shaped in the form of cruciform or chimney blocks on account of their lesser thickness are more efficient in Magnesite high alumina and AZS compositions. However, heat transfer can be improved by using specially shaped packing and fusion cast materials. For example, fusion cast corrugated cruciform will enhance the heat exchange efficiency compared to standard brick packing and typical fuel savings of 7 % are quoted. With better quality basic and AZS electrocast refractories, regenerator checker life can be increased and increase upto 8 years have been improved in various factories. In addition, these materials are very resistant to chemical attack from volatiles in the waste gas stream and show very much reduced deterioration in performance (compared to bricks) throughout the campaign. So far, around 320 installations of corrugated cruciforms have been reported world-wide.

Increased refractory area: The energy recovered by regenerators may be maximized by increasing the surface area to specific volume ratio. In practice, these may be organised in enlarged regenerator chambers or in separate but connected structures, giving the term multi-pass regenerators in some cases. The law of diminishing returns applies, as the regenerator efficiency is approaching asymptotically its maximum limit. The principle limitations are the cost of the extra refractory bricks, and in the case of existing furnaces the limitation of available space and the additional cost of modification of furnace infrastructures. Modification of regenerator structures on existing furnaces (if this is technically and economically feasible given the plant layout) can only be made during furnace reconstruction. Exhasust Gas Losses Approx 40%

Recup erato

Energy Recovered through the preheating of the combustion air approx 30%

Combustion Air

Losses through the Crown and walls 20 – 40%

Melting Furnace

Energy input from Gas / Fuel oil 100%

Melting and Refining energy 20 – 40%

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Energy Conservation in Glass Industry

Case study – Install Regenerators for glass melting furnaces One glass bulb making unit in southern part of India had a unit melter of capacity 16tonnes/day. The total furnace oil consumption by the furnace is about 700lit/ton. There was no flue gas recovery by the furnace and the temperature of exit flue gas is about 1500oC. This can be effectively utilized to preheat the incoming combustion air. The plant installed a new regenerative furnace of 16 ton/day capacity and achieved a saving of 1800 kl/annum of furnace oil. Benefits (check the cost benefit as the below thing is taken from a 1987 report) There was a tremendous reduction in the specific fuel consumption by the furnace. The new specific fuel consumption is about 310 lit/ton of glass melted. The cost economics of the project is as below: Investment

– Rs 30.0 million


– Rs 20.0 million


– 18 months

Majority of the organized sectors in India have adopted this technology of regeneration in the melting furnaces. The major thrust, which needs to be applied, is towards the small-scale sectors, which constitutes about 250 glass industries. These industries can be installed with recuperative heaters for their furnaces and thus this area would offer a huge energy saving potential in the energy consumption by the melting furnaces.

Recuperative Furnaces: The recuperator is another common form of heat recovery system usually used for smaller furnaces. In this type of arrangement the incoming cold air is pre-heated indirectly by a continuous flow of waste gas through a metal (or, exceptionally, ceramic) heat exchanger. Air preheat temperatures are limited to around 800°C for metallic recuperators, and the heat recovered by this system is thus lower than for the regenerative furnace. The lower direct energy efficiency may be compensated by additional heat recovery systems on the waste gases, either to preheat raw materials or for the production of steam. However, one consequence is that the specific melting capacity of recuperative furnaces is limited to 2 tonnes/m2/day compared to typically 3.2 tonnes/m2/day for a regenerative furnace in the Container Glass Sector. This lack of melting capacity can be partially compensated by the use of electric boosting. Normally, recuperators would be ideally suited for low capacity industries (about 10TPD). Recuperators can be of either metallic/refractory type. The temperature limitations of these types of recuperators are 1000oC and 1500 oC respectively. Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


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Energy Conservation in Glass Industry The maximum temperature upto which the combustion air can be preheated would be 850 900oC. This limits the thermal efficiency of the recuperative furnace. Typically, the thermal efficiency of a recuperative furnace without heat recovery will be closer to 20 %.

Case study: One of the tank type glass-melting furnaces with a fuel consumption of 1450 lit/day was installed with a metallic recuperator. The flue gas temperature from the furnace is about 1100oC and the combustion air is heated to a temperature of 600oC. The plant achieved a savings of 25% savings in fuel consumption. The cost benefit analysis of the project is as below: Annual savings

- Rs 0.88 million


- Rs 0.3 million


- 5 months

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Energy Conservation in Glass Industry

Case study - 4 Improve Insulation Practices in furnace: Background Furnace Walls: The insulation of furnace walls requires great attention, as the wrong selection of refractory material would result in decreased production quality as well as increased energy consumptions. Presently, all modern glass-melting furnaces are lined with AZS electrocast blocks in glass contact areas and superstructures. The refractory material has the resistance to prevent the corrosion of glass. But the disadvantage is that it possesses high thermal conductivity making it less energy efficient. Therefore, the electrocast material is backed up with a solid high alumina block and insulation to minimize heat loss. The table below shows the heat loss at different parts of the glass tank with and without insulation: HEAT LOSS (W/M2) Without Insulation

With Insulation



End wall



Super Structure



Tank Blocks






G.T Crown

Case study: A 200 tpd container glass manufacturing industry had a melting furnace with its sidewalls at a temperature of 230 oC initially. The total surface area at this temperature was about 6 m2. The amount of heat loss with this surface temperature is 12000 kCal/h (@6100 kcal/m2h). The plant team increased the insulation levels, by incorporating AZS refractory bricks supported with high alumina and ceramic fibre layers and reduced the

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high alumina block

= 120oC



surface temperature to 120oC (corres. heat loss is 950 kcal/m2h). The diagram of the setup is given in below: Apart from reducing the surface temperature, the plant also achieved significant savings by the reduced contamination of glass by the refractory material. Benefits: (check – calculated based on assumed surface area; also check with excel glass proposal in backup) Annual savings

- Rs 0.75 million


- Rs 0.50 million


- 8 months

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Energy Conservation in Glass Industry

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Case study - 5 Modifications in the design of crown to reduce radiation loss and improved quality of glass a. Reduce gap in the crown of melting furnace and reduce radiation of loss Background The refractories used in crowns should have high alkali vapor resistance, high melting point, low surface variations and high volume stability at operating temperatures. Over the years considerable improvements have been made in the quality of super silica bricks with minimum residual quartz and better surfaces with minimum variation. It is now possible to build crowns with minimum mortar of around 0.3 to 0.5 mm thickness. Low quality bricks are characterized by high roughness on its surface, with increased gaps between bricks of about 1 to 3mm. With increased corrosion due to the alkaline nature of the melt the gaps gets widened resulting huge radiation losses. This is called the ‘Rat hole concept’. The radiation loss from such a furnace crown can be as high as 6900-8000 W/m2. Good potential to reduce radiation loss from these furnaces exists by suitably refurbishing the furnace crown.

Case study A 50TPD container glass plant had installed for the crown of the furnace, low quality bricks. The low quality brick was least resistive to the alkaline medium and also had gaps between the bricks, resulting in radiation loss from the furnace. Subsequently due to corrosion, the gaps widened resulting in the development of ‘rat holes’ on the crown. During shutdown, the plant refurbished their crown refractory with super silica bricks. The super silica brick was highly resistive to alkaline medium and had minimum surface variations. This minimized the radiation loss from the furnace considerably. The refurbishment resulted in huge savings in the furnace and the radiation loss was minimized to 1800 W/m2. Annual savings

- Rs 0.50 million


- Rs 2.00 million


- 48 months

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Energy Conservation in Glass Industry

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Redesigning the crown to minimize contamination of glass

4820 Size of the crown bricks 375 x 150 x 75 / 65 375 x 230 x 75 / 65

2592 144

The raw material fed into the glass-melting furnace consists of small quantities of Na2CO3, added as flux to reduce the melting temperature of glass. At high temperatures Na2CO3 vaporizes and condenses on the super structures. This high pH droplet on top of refractory, corrodes the super structure, and would drop back into the melt along with some corroded particles. This would result in quality problems in the batch, and hence would increase the reject percentage. The latest trend in designing the crown would be to pull up one of the refractory blocks of the furnace, making the high pH alkaline droplet, drop back into the furnace, with out corroding the superstructures. This would maintain the quality of the batch with reduced rejects.

EnCon project A 100 TPD flat glass manufacturing plant had a conventional crown in the furnace. It was found that the quality of the melt was reduced due to the mixing of impure particles from the superstructure onto the glass melt. The furnace was then redesigned during one of the shutdowns with the crown having one of the blocks pulled up. This made the droplets fall back into the furnace without carrying along with it the particle from the superstructures. There was a considerable reduction in the rejects % in the plant and this attributed to a net energy saving of about 2% in the plant. The refurbishment of the old worn out crown in the plant with newly designed crown amounted to about Rs 75 lakhs.

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Energy Conservation in Glass Industry

Case study - 6 Installation of Modern Instrumentation & control Systems for furnaces: Instrumentation and Control, forms one of the major energy saving component in a glass industry. The various parameters in a melting furnace viz., the level of molten glass in the furnace, the temperature distribution in the furnace, the oxygen % in the flue gas needs to be monitored on a continuous basis. This would result not only in reduce energy consumptions but also in increased product quality. The various types of controls available nowadays for the furnace are as below:

Level indicator control: Inorder to measure the level of molten glass in the tank, platinum tipped probes are being used. This probe moves up and down through the tank furnace and he accurately gives the level of glass in the furnace. The feedback from the element in certain cases is interlinked with the feed rate to the furnace. Thus maintaining the level of glass in the furnace. The probe has an accuracy of + 1 mm. The other methods of measuring the level of glass include the Laser based Level Indicator control (LIC) and Pneumatic LICs using LP compressed air.

Temperature indicator Control: The required temperature of glass in the furnace should be about 1550oC. This needs to be precisely controlled inorder to reduce radiation loss from the furnace. Any slight increase in the temperature would result in huge loss as radiation from the furnace. Normally, a tolerance of about + 5oC is allowed in the glass furnace. The latest controls for measuring the glass temperatures include the noble metal based thermocouples. Typically, there would be two nos. of thermocouples, one at crown and one at bottom. The values from the thermocouples need to be counterchecked with the reading from an optical pyrometer.

Flue gas analyser: The other most important parameter in a glass-melting furnace is the percentage of oxygen in the flue gas. The % O2 should be monitored on a continuous basis and a value of less than 2% O2 should be maintained in the flue gas. Any increase in this value would result in huge losses from the furnace as flue gas loss. Online oxygen analyzers should be necessarily installed in the flue gas duct of the furnaces to measure the O2 %. The signal from the analyser can also be given as a feedback to control the oil pump as well as the blower supplying combustion air. The values from the online oxygen analyser should be counter checked with the values from portable oxygen analyzers.

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The above measures should be followed on a continuous basis and an energy saving of atleast 2% in the energy consumed by the furnace can be reduced, by these methods.

Case study - 7 Redesign the mesh belt in lehr and avoid heat loss Background The mesh belt is made of steel wire or stainless steel. When it enters the furnace and is heated the energy consumed by the mesh belt will be twice the amount consumed by the product. Good potential to reduce the energy consumed in the lehr exists by redesigning and reducing the mass of the mesh belt, conveying the products.

Case study: A container glass industry with a production through the lehr of 630 kg/h enters at a temperature of 400°C into the lehr. The soaking temperature in the lehr is 550°C. The total quantity of heat required to heat the product with a specific heat of 0.252 is 23814 kcal/h A mesh belt of weight 20 kg/m and 1.5 m width carries the products at an rpm of 380 mm/ min. The total heat required to heat up the belt is (with Cp = 0.132) 48304 kcal/h, which is twice the value of heat required to heat the glass product. To save this heat, the belt wire length and diameter was minimized, and the weight was reduced, by making the pitch loose. However, care should be taken to check the reduced strength of belt after alterations. Replace old reciprocating compressors with centrifugal compressors having lower specific energy consumption. Compressed air usage in a plant is one of the major electrical energy consumers. Typically, the process air demands in the plant requires compressed air at a pressure of about 3.5 – 4.0 kg/cm2. The compressed air demand of these process users are met by positive displacement (usually reciprocating) compressors. The specific energy consumption of these types of compressors is about 0.12 kW/cfm. The compressed air requirements with pressure requirements of the order of 4.0 kg/cm2 can be met using centrifugal compressors. These types of compressors would have lower specific energy consumption for the same deliver pressure. The typical specific energy consumption for pressures of about 3.5 kg/cm2 would from 0.09 to 0.10 kW/cfm. Therefore energy saving upto 20% can be easily achieved by the installation of a centrifugal type of compressor.

Case study A 550tpd container glass manufacturing unit has a process air demand of about 10000 cfm of compressed air at a pressure of about 3.5 kg/cm2.

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Energy Conservation in Glass Industry The plant had four nos. of reciprocating compressors of 2500 cfm capacity each to meet the compressed air demands. The specific energy consumption by the compressors was 0.125 kW/cfm. The plant installed two nos. of 5000 cfm centrifugal compressors to meet this process demand by replacing the reciprocating compressors. The new specific energy consumption of compressed air is 0.10 kW/cfm. An energy saving of about 20% was achieved by the installation of the centrifugal compressors.

Benefits: There was a reduction in power consumption in the compressed air system. Apart from this the cooling requirement of the compressed air system also came down by another 50% resulting in additional savings in energy consumption. Annual savings (compressor savings alone) - Rs 0.52 million Investment

- Rs 15.0 million

Payback period

- 35 months

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Energy Conservation in Glass Industry

Case study - 8 Replace pneumatic conveying with mechanical conveying system in the soda-ash conveying system Background Soda ash is being added in to the furnace as one of the primary raw material. Soda ash is usually conveyed pneumatically to the furnace from the storage area. Typically, for this purpose dry compressed air at a pressure of 4.0 bar is utilized for the purpose. Pneumatic conveying system consumes nearly about 3 to 4 times more power than a mechanical conveying system. Also, the conveyed air needs to b separated from the conveyed material using a dust separation system, which also consumes additional power. Good potential to reduce power consumption in this area exists by replacing pneumatic systems with mechanical belt conveyor and bucket elevator systems.

Case study In a float glass plant of capacity 600 TPD, soda ash was conveyed to the furnace pneumatically using compressed air at a pressure of 4.0 bar. There were two nos. of 1200cfm compressors being operated for this purpose. The total power consumption by the compressors was about 150 kW. The total quantity of soda ash conveyed is about 150TPD. The replacement of the pneumatic system was carried out and the energy consumption was reduced by one-third of the energy consumption by the pneumatic conveying system.

Benefits The cost-economics of the proposed energy saving project will be as follows: Annual savings

- Rs 1.90 million


- Rs 3.00 million


- 19 months

Other projects Oxy fuel firing systems to reduce fuel consumption in the furnace: This technique of oxy-fuel firing involves the replacement of the combustion air with oxygen. The elimination of the majority of the nitrogen from the combustion atmosphere reduces the volume of the waste gases. Therefore, energy savings are possible because it is not necessary to heat the atmospheric nitrogen to the temperature of the flames.

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Energy Conservation in Glass Industry Good potential to reduce oil consumption exists by reducing this remaining 3/4th portion of combustion air. Fuel consumption would reduce to 1/5th of initial consumption. Moreover, the formation of thermal NOx is greatly reduced, because the only nitrogen present in the combustion atmosphere is the residual nitrogen in the oxygen, nitrogen in the fuel etc The principal deterrents to the increased use of oxygen enrichment of fossil fuel firing are the cost of oxygen and the possible effect of the higher flame temperatures on the furnace life, particularly on the silica crown roof. Typically, the cost of supplying O2 when compared with the cost of reduced fuel firing would be 10% costlier. The project becomes more attractive when the O2 plant is set up nearby to the glass plant. The project can be contemplated by higher capacity plants or by cluster of smaller plants. Then the project becomes more attractive. The project has been successfully implemented in countries like United States of America and the other European countries. The major reason being the stringent environmental regulations followed in those regions. The plants have also achieved substantial benefits by the implementation of the project. In India, however, Oxy-fuel works out to be quite costly and as is mentioned above, the project could be considered where totally new furnaces are being put up, wherein the cost of regenerators can be eliminated. The performance of refractories in oxy-fuel furnaces is still a gray area and considerable developments have to be made for a foolproof solution.

Installation Of Sand Beneficiating Unit At Raw Material Site Beneficiation is a process of washing the raw material with water inorder to eliminate unwanted material. Typically in India, the iron oxide content in the raw material is about 0.1 to 0.2%. The optimum allowable limit in the raw material varies depending upon the quality of glass. Iron oxide content in the raw material also turns out to be advantageous when it the batch requires a certain composition of iron oxide.

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Many plants in India have set-up captive beneficiation unit in their factory site. This involves transportation of unwanted material along with raw material to the factory and results in increased transportation costs. There is a good potential to eliminate this cost by setting up beneficiation unit at the raw material site. Thereby a saving of about 10% on the transportation cost can be achieved. This project would not involve a separate investment by the plant, but should be taken care rom the inception of the plant.

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Energy Conservation in Glass Industry

Supplier Address Preheaters : Zippe Industrieanlagen GmbH, Alfred-Zippe-Strasse, D – 97877 Wertheim, Germany, P.O Box 1665, D – 97866 Werthim, Germany Tel: + 49 9342 8040 Fax: + 49 9342 804138 Email: [email protected] SORG (Melting furnaces, preheaters) Nikololaus Sorg GmbH & Co KG PO Box 1520 97805 Lohr am Main Germany Tel: 0 9352 / 5 07-0 Fax: 0 93 52/5 07-196 / 507-204-507-234 email : [email protected] Indian representative for Zippe & Sorg Mascot Engg. Company World Trade Centre Cuffe Parade Tel: + 91 22 2187165 Fax: + 91 22 2187166 Email: [email protected] Crown, regerators, recuperators, refractory materials Vesavius VGT – DYKO Wieesenstr, 61 40549 Dusseldorf – Germany Tel: +49-211-502900 Fax: +49-211-502659 Email: [email protected]

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Refractories: Carborundum Universal Ltd – cross check address Tiam House Annexe,28 rajaji Road, Chennai 600 001, India Tel: +91 44 2511652 Fax +91 44 2510378 Glass Fabrication equipment manufacturer Oilvotto 10051 Avigliana (Torino) Italy Tel: +39 011 9343511 Fax: +39 011 9343593 Email: [email protected] Indian Representative for Olivotto CV Chalam & Consultants Fuller Ingenieurburo Dipl-Ing(FH) Herman Fuller Schulstrabe 39 D – 94518 Spiegelau Tel. +49 – 0 –8553518 Fax +49 – 0 –8553514 Email: [email protected] www. Instrumentation & Control Glass Service Inc Rokytrive,60,75501,Vsetin Czech replublic Email: [email protected] Oxygen suppliers BOC Gases/India Oxygen ltd Oxygen House, P43 Taratala road, Kolkatta700-088, India Tel +33 91 2478 4709 Fax + 33 91 478 4974



Per Capita Consumption

0.09 ceramic sq.m per annum Sanitary : 16 – 17 Million pieces / annum

Growth percentage

11% per annum in last 3 years

Energy Intensity

20 – 25% of manufacturing cost

Energy Costs

Rs.2350 million (US $ 47 million)

Energy saving potential

15% of the energy cost Rs.350 million (US $ 7 million)

Investment potential on energy saving projects

Rs.725 million (US $ 14.5 million)

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Energy Conservation in Ceramic Industry

1.0 Introduction The Ceramic industry is one of the age-old industries and has evolved over the centuries, from the potter’s wheel to a modern industry with sophisticated controls. This is one of the fast growing industries, with a projected growth rate of 8%. The average energy cost as a percentage of manufacturing cost is 20 to 25%.

2.0 Growth of Ceramic Industry 2.1 Ceramic Tile Industry There are at present 14 units in the organised sector with an installed capacity of 12 lakh MT. Some of the units have either closed or merged with the existing units. It accounts for about 2.5% of world ceramic tile production. The ceramic tiles industry has grown by about 11% per annum during the last three years. Its demand is expected to increase with the growth in the housing sector. Indian tiles are competitive in the international market. These are being exported to East and West Asian Countries. 2.2 Sanitary ware Industry Sanitary ware are also manufactured both in large and small-scale sectors with variance in type, range, quality and standard. This industry has been growing by about 5% per annum during the last two years. There is significant export potential for sanitary ware. These are presently being exported to East and West Asia, Africa, Europe and Canada. Sanitary ware demand amounted to nearly 80m. pieces worth US$1.1bn in 2000. India represented 21% of the volume and only 10% of value. The whole market is expected to grow by about 7-8% in the next five years, reaching nearly 110 m. pieces in 2005. The fastest growing countries will include Bangladesh, India, Vietnam, China and Sri Lanka. 2.3 Pottery ware Industry Pottery ware signifying crockery and tableware are produced both in large scale and the small scale sectors. There are 16 units in the organised sector with a total installed capacity of 43,000 tonnes per annum.

3.0 Per Capita Consumption Per-capita ceramic tile consumption

- 0.09 sq.m/annum

Per-capita sanitary ware consumption

- 16-17 M pieces/annum


Energy Intensity

The ceramic industry is highly energy intensive. The energy consumed by the ceramic industry is worth about US $ 47 million per year. The main fuel used by the ceramic industry is LPG and natural gas. The other fuels used are furnace oil, LSHS, LDO and HSD. The energy cost as a percentage of manufacturing cost, is presently around 20-25%.

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The expenditure on energy ranks only next to the raw material in the manufacture of ceramic. With the ever-increasing fuel prices and power tariffs, energy conservation needs no special emphasis.

5.0 Energy Saving potential The various energy conservation studies conducted by CII, indicate an energy savings potential of 15%, equivalent to an annual savings of about US $ 7 million. The estimated investment required to achieve the savings potential is US $ 14.5 million. The ceramic industry is highly energy intensive and is one of the major energy consumer in the country. Energy costs account for nearly 20 to 25% of the manufacturing cost and hence, energy conservation is strongly pursued as one of the attractive options for improving the profitability in the Indian Ceramic Industry. 5.1 Target specific energy consumption figures Kilns and dryers are the major energy consumers of ceramic industry. As this constitutes to 80-90% of the total thermal energy bill, the specific energy consumption of the kilns has been highlighted. A typical comparison of specific energy consumption of different types of kilns is as follows: Type of Ceramic

In Periodic Kilns (Kj/Kg)

In Tunnel Kilns (Kj/Kg)







Fire bricks (fired at 1200-1400oC) High alumina refractories (fired at 1400-1600oC) Basic refractories (fired at 1600-1750oC)

Major factors that affect the energy consumption in all types of ceramic industry The major factors that affect the energy consumption in the ceramic industry are as follows: • Types of kilns and dryers • Capacity utilisation of kilns and driers • Combustion control systems • Type of heat recovery system • Type of insulation used at kilns and driers • Types of presses • Types of spray driers

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Energy Conservation in Ceramic Industry

6.0 Manufacturing process of ceramics Naturally occurring inorganic substances are heat-treated after adjustment of the grain size and moisture, and some of them are completely molten to be formed into ceramics; while others are formed, heat-treated and made into the ceramic products in the sintered state immediately before being molten.

The former product formed in the molten state is known as glass, and the latter product finished in the sintered state includes pottery, refractory, sanitary ware, tiles and cement. These ceramics are called traditional ceramics. By contrast, extremely fine particles of highpurity inorganic substances such as alumina (Al2O3), Silica (SiO2), Zirconia (ZrO2) and silicon Nitride (Si3N4) are sintered at a high temperature and made into ceramics; they are called advanced ceramics. These advanced ceramics are used in electronic parts and mechanical parts. The following describes the traditional ceramics production process: 6.1 Broad Classification of Ceramics The Ceramic units can be classified based on the product, into three broad categories as: • Electro Porcelain • Tiles & Sanitary ware • Refractory Process Description The process description in manufacturing of the above three categories of ceramic products is as follows : 6.2 Electro Porcelain The main raw materials used in this process are quartz, feldspar, china clay and ball clay. In addition, small quantities of fusible salts, such as calcium carbonate, barium carbonate, zinc oxide, etc. are used to prepare the glaze melt. Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Jaw crushers and hardening mills are used, to pulverise the quartz and feldspar to 45 micron fineness. The clay, if hard, is ground in ball mills. The crushed raw material is then mixed with clay in blungers and a homogeneous slip is passed through screens and ferro filters to remove the impurities. Filter presses are used to remove the water. The cakes are then sent through de-airing pug mills and the extruded mass is used to make solid core or moulded insulators, as per the requirements. Hollow and solid core electro-porcelains are dried by electro-osmosis initially, and then in humidity driers, after turning on lathes to the required shape. The formed wares are dried in batch driers, using conventional heat sources. The dried wares are glazed and then fired in the kilns to about 1250-1300oC. The insulators are fitted with metal caps and are tested for porosity and desired electro-mechanical qualities. The accepted ones are then sent for packing and despatch. The process flow diagram of electro-porcelain is shown in the below:

6.3 Sanitary-ware and tiles The main raw materials used in the process are quartz, feldspar, silica sand (as substitute for quartz) and clay. In addition, small quantities of homogenising materials are used to prepare glaze. Quartz and feldspar are crushed in jaw crusher and then fed to a ball mill. The fineness of the material is reduced to, around 50 microns. The crushed raw materials is then mixed with powdered clay in blungers. A magnetic drum and filter chamber are installed to remove impurities. The slip, that is formed, is kept agitated in agitators to homogenise and then stored in silos. Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Ceramic Industry For glazed preparation, the ball clays are ground in smaller ball mills along with water and other ingredients. The slip is poured into the moulds by hand held hose. The cast wares are then dried in driers, from an initial moisture content of 15% to 0.5%. The dried wares are glazed in several spray glazing booths, where compressed air is used. The glazed wares are then fired in the kilns upto a temperature of 1200oC. The output from the kiln is inspected before packing and despatch. The process flow of tiles industry is almost similar to sanitary ware except for the following changes : After homogenisation, the material is dried in a spray drier. The dried material is pressed with presses. The pressed product is passed through drier and fired in a kiln at 1150oC to 1300oC to get the final product. The process flow diagram of sanitary-ware and tiles are shown below :

6.4 Refractories Refractory manufacturing can be broadly divided into three sections namely: • Raw material preparation section • Brick making or press section • Firing/drying

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In raw material preparation, crushing of raw material (from stores) to a desired size and mixing of raw material to the required composition is carried out. In brick making or press section, brick is made to the desired shape/weight in presses. The formed bricks are fired in kilns. The process flow diagram of refractories is shown below :

7.0 Energy Saving schemes An exhaustive list of all possible energy saving projects in the Ceramic industry is given below. The projects have been categorised under short-term, medium term and capital-intensive projects. The projects which have very low or marginal investments and have an energy saving potential of upto 5% has been categorised as short-term. The projects which require some capital -investment having a simple payback period of less than 24 months and having an energy saving potential of upto 10% has been categorised as medium-term. The short-term and medium-term projects are technically and commercially proven projects and can be taken up for implemented very easily. There are several projects, which have very high energy saving potential (typically 15% or more), besides other incidental benefits. These projects have very high replication potential and contribute significantly to improving the competitiveness of the Ceramic industry. However, some of these projects require very high capital-investment and hence has been categorised separately under case studies.

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8.0 Energy Saving schemes 8.1 House-Keeping Measures – Energy Savings Potential of 5% A. Electrical 1.

Install delta to star convertors for lightly loaded motors


Use transluscent sheets to make use of day lighting


Install timers for automatic switching ON-OFF of lights


Install timers for yard and outside lighting


Grouping of lighting circuits for better control


Operate at maximum power factor, say 0.96 and above


Switching OFF of transformers based on loading


Optimise TG/DG sets operating frequency


Optimise TG/ DG sets operating voltage

10. Improve operating power factor of diesel generator 11. Balance system voltage to avoid unbalance in motor load B. Kiln 12. Install auto interlock between the brushing dust collection blowers and the glazing lines 13. Avoid air infiltration and operate the Vertical Shaft Kiln (VSK) exhaust fan with damper control 14. Improve combustion efficiency of VSK by optimising excess air levels C. Spray Drier 15. Arrest air infiltration in spray drier system 16. Replace LPG with Diesel firing in the spry drier D.

Vertical Drier

17. Switch off chiller circuit when hydraulic press is not in operation 18. Reduce idle operation of hydraulic press pump by installing suitable interlocks E.


19. Optimise pressure setting of air compressors 20. Replacement of Aluminium blades with FRP blades in cooling tower fans 21. Install temperature indicator controller (TIC) for optimising cooling tower fan operation, based on ambient conditions 22. Install dual speed motors/ VSD for cooling tower fans 23. Avoid/ minimise compressed air leakages by vigorous maintenance 24. Install level indictor controllers to maintain chest level 25. Install hour meters on all material handling equipment, such, pulpers, beaters etc.

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8.2 Medium Term Measures - Savings Potential upto 10% A.



Install Automatic voltage stabilizer for lighting feeder


Replace copper ballast with high frequency electronic ballast in all fluorescent lamps.


Replace old motors with energy efficient motors




Convert electrical heating to thermal heating system for LPG vaporizer


Install variable frequency drive for rapid air cooling fan


Segregate combustion and atomizing air fans in Kiln


Install variable frequency drive for hot air fan in kiln


Install variable frequency drive for smoke air fans


Improve insulation of vertical shaft kiln (VSK) to reduce radiation losses

10. Replacement with correct size combustion air blower in Kiln 11. Loading of acid bricks on top of refractory bricks on a continuous basis to maximize box formation C.

Spray Drier

12. Install variable frequency drive for spray drier exhaust fan 13. Replacement with correct size combustion air blower in kiln D.

Vertical Drier

14. Install VFD for press b/f fan & optimize the pressure drop across bag filter 15. Install soft starter cum Energy saver for friction screw press

8.3 Case Studies- Savings Potential upto 15% This chapter includes 9 actual case studies, which have been implemented successfully in the Ceramic industry Each of the individual case studies presented in this chapter includes. • A brief description of the equipment / section, where the project is implemented. • Description of the Energy Saving Project • Benefits of the energy Saving Project • Financial analysis of the project A diagram of the system or photograph of the project is also included, wherever applicable. The data collected from the plant is presented in its entirety. However the name of the plant is not revealed to protect the identity of the plant. Similar projects can be implemented by other units also to achieve the benefits.

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Energy Conservation in Ceramic Industry A word of caution here. Each plant is unique in its own way and what is applicable in one plant may not be entirely applicable in another identical unit. Hence these case studies could be used as a basis and fine-tuned according to the individual plant requirement before taking up for implementation.

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Case Study 1 Insulation of the Top Portion of the Ring Chamber Kiln with Insulating Powder Background Generally, the top portion of the ring chamber kilns lacks proper insulation due to the construction intricacies. The normal trend is to have a low weight (Minimum layer of insulating bricks) on the top portion of the ring chamber kiln. As a result of this, the surface temperature on the top portion of the ring chamber kiln is high, leading to higher radiation losses. This case study highlights an example of minimising the radiation losses from the top portion of a ring chamber kiln.

Previous Status In one of the refractory brick industry, the measured kiln surface temperature of a ring chamber kiln were as follows Sides

50 to 60oC (Average)

Top portion

110 to 120oC (Average)

This indicates that the radiation heat losses from the top portion is high and a substantial scope to reduce the heat losses atleast to the level of that of the sides.

Energy Saving Project The top Portion of the ring chamber kiln was thoroughly cleaned and was filled with 75 to 100 mm thick layer of insulating powder. The application of the insulating powder did not significantly add to the weight of structure.

Implementation Status and time frame Filling the top portion of the ring chamber kiln with insulating powder in stages of 25 mm thick layers carried out during the implementation. The total implementation activity was completed in 4 months time. The plant team did not face any problem during and after implementation.

Benefits of the Project The insulation of the top portion of the kiln drastically reduced the surface temperature from 110oC to 50oC, resulting in a lower fuel consumption.

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Financial Analysis The annual energy saving achieved was Rs. 0.40 million. The Investment made was Rs. 0.20 million, which has got paidback in 6 months.

Benefits of insulation of top portion of ring chamber kiln • Reduction in surface temperature from 110°C to 50°C • Fuel savings

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.40 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.20 millions • Simple payback - 6 months

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Energy Conservation in Ceramic Industry

Case Study 2 Provision of Insulation for the Furnace Shell Electric arc furnace insulated with alumina bricks on the inner side of the shell Background In the ceramic fibre manufacturing industry, melting furnace is the major consumer of electrical energy. The melting of ceramic raw material is carried out in an electric arc furnace. The raw materials in powder form are fed into the furnace where it gets fused by the electric arcs. Later, the fused material is blown by compressed air to form ceramic fibres.

Heat Balance of Arc Furnance The arc furnace consists of a steel shell. The temperature of fusion varies from 1200 to 1250oC. To avoid damage of the steel shell, water cooling panels are provided to keep the shell temperature below the softening point. The usage of water panels is an important safety requirement, but unfortunately carries away enormous amount of heat energy from the arc furnace. This results in higher energy consumption of the arc furnace in a typical ceramic fibre industry.

Previous Status To estimate the amount of heat losses, the arc furnace heat balance was developed. The summary of the heat balance of the furnace is as follows:


Power kw

% of Total Power

Actual heating (for melting)



Loss through water



Core reactor / transformer combination



Radiation loss and others






It is clear from the heat balance that the major heat loss is through cooling water. It was also found that, out of the 160 Kw heat loss through cooling water, 60 – 65 Kw was for cooling the shell. The balance 100 kw heat losses was through cooling water used for cooling electrodes, clamps, cables, etc., Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Energy saving project The furnace was insulated by providing one layer of special insulated bricks (high Alumina bricks) on the inner side of the shell. This reduced the heat loss to shell cooling water considerably, thereby reflecting in the overall reduction of energy consumption.

Benefits The major benefit of this project was the minimisation of heat loss from furnace shell. The cooling water flow also reduced due to the minimised heat loss. The specific energy consumption reduced from 4.1 Kw / Kg of ceramic fibre to 3.75 Kw/kg of ceramic fibre produced, after implementation. This has resulted in an overall savings of 0.35 kw / Kg of ceramic fibre produced.

Financial Analysis The annual savings achieved was Rs. 1.08 million. This investment made was Rs. 0.14 million, which was paid back in 2 months. Benefits of insulation on the inner side of steel shell • Minimised heat loss • Reduced specific energy consumption • Reduced shell cooling water consumption

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 1.08 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.14 millions • Simple payback - 2 months

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Case Study 3 Installation of Additional Insulating Layers for the Ring Chamber Kiln Doors The ring chamber kiln normally has a temporary constructed door for loading and unloading of refractories. Conventionally the temporary door is constructed by sealing with a single layer of insulating bricks after completion of raw refractory loading. In most of the cases, the single layer insulation is inadequate leading to higher heat losses through the temporary door. This has led to the development of multi-layer insulating bricks for minimising the heat losses through the temporary doors. A typical door of a ring chamber kiln

Previous Status The ring chamber kiln had 12 doors, through which the raw bricks (to be fired) were loaded inside the kiln. Once the raw bricks are fully loaded, the doorway was closed by constructing a single layer of insulating brick and sealing with insulating powder. The surface temperature of the temporary door was measured to be 80 – 110oC, resulting in high radiation losses.

Energy Saving Project The practise of constructing single layered insulating brick for the temporary door was changed to a multi-layer (3 Layers) insulating brick construction. An air gap was also maintained between the layers. The concept is schematically shown here.

Concept of the proposal The provision of multi-layer insulating brick with air gaps, acts as an additional insulation for the temporary door, resulting in minimisation of heat losses.

Benefits of the Project The provision of additional layers of insulating bricks at the doorway reduced the heat loss from the door sides drastically. The outside surface temperature of the doors was around 50oC after the new construction.

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Financial Analysis The annual energy saving achieved was Rs. 0.30 million. The investment made was Rs. 0.10 million which has got paidback in 4 months.

Benefits of multilayer of insulating brick for door way • Door surface temperature reduction from 100°C to 50°C • Fuel savings

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.30 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.10 millions • Simple payback - 4 months

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Energy Conservation in Ceramic Industry

Case Study 4 Optimisation of Kiln Loading Background Ceramic products like tiles, sanitary ware, crockery, insulators, etc., are glazed in Kilns, which is a major consumer of thermal energy. The optimisation of product loading in the kilns can result in substantial energy savings. The raw wares, after pressing / moulding is coated with ceramic material and then fed into the kiln for glazing. The raw wares are stacked in the kiln cars and then pushed into the kiln. The stacking pattern plays a vital role in energy consumption of the kilns.

Optimised load on kiln car

Conventionally, for ease of handling, the raw wares are stacked with huge spaces between them. The space provided is also determined by the contour of the raw wares. The minimisation of space between the raw wares by proper planning can facilitate improved loading of the kiln, leading to energy savings.

Previous Status The energy consumption figures of a sanitary ware unit, having 50-60 standard products with fixed shapes/contour is as shown below: Kiln

Oil consumption Litres / month

Production Tons / Month

Specific Energy Consumption Litres / ton

Kiln 1




Kiln 2




Energy Saving Project The plant team developed a new supporting structure so as to load the kiln to the maximum. The gaps between the wares were minimised to increase the loading. In some cases two tier / three tier system was adopted to maximise the loading.

Concept of the Project In any kiln, there are fixed losses viz., radiation losses, kiln car heating etc., irrespective of the loading. When the load factor is very high, the fixed energy losses get distributed to a larger volume of production resulting in lower specific energy consumption.

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Benefits The benefits of this project were two fold: a. Increased production and lower specific energy consumption. b. Less inventory of raw wares and hence the moulds. The operating parameters before and after modification are shown below : Description

Kiln 1

Kiln 2





Oil consumption Litres / month





Production Tons / Month





Specific Oil Consumption Litres / ton









Reduction in Specific Oil Consumption Litres/ton

Financial Analysis The annual saving achieved by this project was Rs. 2.70 million. This had an investment of Rs.0.30 million for the support structure, which was paid back in 2 months.

Benefits of optimising load on kiln • Increase in production • Lower specific energy consumption

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 2.70 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.30 millions • Simple payback - 2 months

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Case Study 5 Installation of Low Thermal Mass (LTM) Cars in Tunnel Kiln Background A typical LTM kiln car In a ceramic industry, kiln is one of the major consumer of energy. Conventionally, the ceramic tile and sanitary ware industry use the open flame tunnel kiln, to fire the products. The open flame tunnel kiln is a continuous type kiln, wherein, the raw product is fed on one side and on the other side the finished product is taken out. The raw product undergoes firing, drying & cooling cycles, as it moves over from the front end to the back end of the kiln. The material movement through the tunnel is by kiln cars, run on rails. The kiln cars are like train bogies designed to hold the products. The Kiln cars are constructed with refractory and insulating bricks. Due to their high thermal mass, Kiln cars consume considerable amount of heat energy supplied to the kiln. Normally, the heat absorbed by kiln cars is as high as 40 - 50% of the total heat energy supplied to the Kiln. The thermal mass reduction of the kiln cars can give tremendous energy savings. Low thermal mass materials (LTM) are now being used for kiln car construction, which reduces the thermal mass considerably.

Previous Status In one of the ceramic sanitary ware industry, an open flame tunnel kiln was used for firing applications. This kiln was using LPG as fuel with a direct firing mode. The operating parameters were as follows: Cycle time(hours)

No. of cars No./day

Throughput@ 240 kg /car(kg/day)

LPG consumption MT / day

Specific Gas Consumption MT / Ton






Energy Saving Project The following modifications were made to reduce the weight of the kiln cars : • Previously refractory bricks were used as supporting pillars for holding the racks. This was replaced with Hollow Ceramic Coated Pipes • Introduction of ceramic fibre blankets at the base of the car instead of refractory brick base

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Energy Conservation in Ceramic Industry • Use of cordierite (Hollow) blocks to hold the raw wares instead of solid refractory mass The car furniture weight was reduced from 287 Kg/ car to 220 Kg/car (23% weight reduction)

Concept of the Project The use of low thermal mass materials (cordierite etc.) in kiln cars resulted in thermal mass reduction, thereby resulting in fuel savings.

Hollow corderite

Hollow ceramic pipe Ceramic fiber

Hollow Corderite holding structure with ceramic

coated pipe supports The other advantages of LTM materials are Fuel conservation, Increased capacity and longer service life. The incidental advantages due to LTM materials are less Thermal shock resistance, Ease of assembly and a good mechanical strength.

Implementation, problem faced and time frame The implementation of this project was done in phases; so as to minimise the production loss. This was mainly due to limited availability of kiln cars. The plant team did not face any major problems during the implementation of this project. The time taken for the implementation was one month.

Benefits The benefits were multifold, which are as follows : • An increase in the production from 24.48 MT to 28.8 MT (17.6%) • Reduction in the cycle time from 13 Hrs to 11 Hrs, resulting in increased no. of cars handled per day ( 102 to 120 cars per day) • Fuel savings of 0.58 MT / day. The summary of operating parameters before and after the modification is as follows Description

Before Conversion

After Conversion

Cycle time (hours)



No. of cars No./day



Throughput (kg/day)



LPG consumption MT / day



Specific Gas Consumption MT / Ton



Throughput increase MT/Day



LPG savings MT/Day



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Financial Analysis The Annual energy saving achieved was Rs. 13.14 million. This required an investment of Rs. 12.5 million, which was paid back in 12 months.

Benefits of LTM cars • Increase in production • Reduction cycle time • Fuel savings

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 13.14 millions • Investment - Rs. 12.5 millions • Simple payback - 12 months

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Case Study 6 Installation of Recuperators at the Cooling End of Kiln and Utilising the Hot Air Produced for Drying Raw Wares Background In the ceramic industry, the raw materials are mixed through mixers, pressed and then converted to raw wares through moulds. The moulded material has to be dried in batch driers before loading on to the kiln cars. The temperatures inside the dryers are maintained at 55 to 60oC so as to evaporate the moisture in the moulded material. Conventionally ceramic plants use leco/coal as fuel, to generate hot air for drying. Some plants even use electrical heating system or fuels like furnace oil, LPG etc., for drying. In modern plants recuperators are provided to recover the heat from the exhaust gases of the Kiln. Thus the hot air generated by indirect heat exchange with Kiln exhaust air is used for drying purposes. This resulted in the elimination of usage of fuel or electrical heaters in the drying moulds.

Previous Status In one sanitary ware unit, leco was used as a fuel for generating hot air for the drying purposes. The leco consumption was around 1300 kgs per day.

Energy Saving Project A recuperator was installed at the exhaust of the kiln. The hot air generated by indirect heat exchange was fed to the driers. This resulted in elimination of leco fired hot air generator. The schematic of the modification is highlighted in the figure.

Benefits The implementation of this project resulted in total stoppage of leco fired hot air generator, leading to a saving of 1300 kgs/day of leco.

Financial Analysis The annual saving achieved by this project was Rs. 1.52 million. The investment made was Rs. 3.00 million, which was paid back in 24 months.

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Benefits of recuperators • Waste heat from kiln cooler utilised • Elimination of fuel for drying raw wares

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 1.52 millions • Investment - Rs. 3.0 millions • Simple payback - 24 months

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Energy Conservation in Ceramic Industry

Case study 7 Utilisation Of Exhaust For Kilns Vertical Driers Background The Raw material is poured into the mould through the hopper and then pressed in the hydraulic press. The Green tiles from the press are then fed through the vertical drier to further reduce the moisture content. The temperature required in the vertical drier is about 150oC. The low moisture content tiles are then fed through the roller kiln for firing at a temperature of about 1200oC. Generally the exhaust gases from the kiln are at a temperature of 200-250oC.

Previous Status In one of the ceramic tiles industry, on a continuous basis about 3000 – 3500 kg/hr at a temperature of 240°C was getting vented from the kiln exhaust. The vertical driers located close to the kiln needed hot air at a temperature of 150°C for drying.

Energy Saving Project

Proposed Line



240°C 3000 – 3500 kg/hr


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There was a good potential to utilise this heat from the kiln exhaust and reduce the energy consumption in the vertical drive. These sort of projects are being adopted in similar units.The kiln exhaust line was connected to the suction line of the vertical drier. The schematic of the modification is highlighted in the figure.

Financial Analysis The overall benefits that achieved by implementing this project was Rs.1.5 Million. The investment required including instrumentation was Rs.5.0 Million, which got paid back in 2 years.

Benefits of recuperators • Reduced 50% of the heat consumption in the vertical drier • Waste heat from kiln utilized

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 1.5 millions • Investment - Rs. 5.00 millions • Simple payback - 24 months

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Case study 8 Install Variable Frequency Drive For Circulating Air Fans In Vertical Drier Background The circulating air fan is utilized to circulate hot air from the hot air generator to the vertical drier. A fraction of air is vented out. Fresh air is added into the system by a fan as well as by air infiltration due to suction of circulating air fan. The fresh air addition happens depending on the temperature inside the drier. If the temperature goes up, the fresh air addition increases. Moreover, the circulation air rate is constant though the fuel-firing rate is varied depending on the temperature inside the drier. Good potential to vary the circulation of fan depending on the temperature inside the drier. This ensures maintaining constant temperature in the drier and reduces the fresh air addition.

Previous status Two Vertical driers were used for different kilns in the plant. Constant temperature in the driers was not maintained which resulted in additional fresh air consumption of around 8400Kg/h. Hence there was a good potential to vary the circulation air quantity depending on the temperature.

Energy Saving Project Variable Frequency Drive was installed in the circulating air fan in Vertical Driers. The speed of the fan was varied depending on the temperature inside the drier.

Financial Analysis Installation of Variable Frequency Drive for circulating air fans in Vertical Dreirs # resulted in an annual energy saving of Rs 0.695 Million. This required an investment of Rs 0.65 Million and had a simple payback period of 12 months.

Benefits a. Reduction in power consumption of the circulating air fan by at least 25% b. Reduction in thermal energy consumption

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.695 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.65 millions • Simple payback - 12 months

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VD – 1 HAG

VD – 2 HAG


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Case study 9 Replace conventional tunnel kiln with energy saving roller kiln for sanitary ware firing Background In a ceramic industry, kiln is one of the major consumer of energy. Conventionally, the ceramic tile and sanitary ware industry use the open flame tunnel kiln, to fire the products. The open flame tunnel kiln is a continuous type kiln, wherein, the raw product is fed on one side and on the other side the finished product is taken out.

Previous Status In one of the ceramic sanitary ware industry, an open flame tunnel kiln was used for firing applications.

Energy Saving Project The conventional tunnel kiln was replaced by roller kiln for the production of sanitary stoneware products, made in a large variety of shapes and sizes. The products, which are placed on heat resistant ceramic plates, are transported on ceramic rollers through the roller kiln. Products spend about 10 hours in this kiln compared with 25 hours in a tunnel kiln where products are transported using wagons. The products are fired at a maximum temperature of 1250 °C. Energy consumption details

Tunnel Kiln

Roller Kiln

Per Kg dry product

0.342 m3

0.131 m3

Per piece

4026 m3

1.64 m3

Per year

2,380,000 m3

914,000 m3

The Principle The unfired sanitary stoneware products are placed on heat resistant ceramic plates (see Figure). These are then transported on rollers, first through the drying section and subsequently fired in the firing section. The products pass through the kiln over ceramic rollers in about 10 hours. The speed of the drive for the rollers can be adjusted to the appropriate residence time. The roller kiln consists of a firing section and a cooling section.

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Schematic slice of the roller kiln


The products are fired at a maximum temperature of 1250°C. The burners and all the cooling air inlets and outlets can be adjusted individually. The advantage of the application of this type of roller kiln for sanitary stoneware products is the quick firing process with the overall process time reduced from 25 to 10 hours compared to a tunnel kiln. The new kiln also offers the possibility of firing products which vary in shape, colour and size.

Financial Analysis Installation of roller kiln resulted in an annual energy saving of Rs 6.74 Million. This required an investment of Rs 14.37 Million and had a simple payback period of 26 months.

Benefits a. Reduction in energy consumption by at least 62% b. Reduction in process time of 15 hours

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 6.74 millions • Investment - Rs. 14.37 millions • Simple payback - 26 months

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Per Capita Consumption

400 gms

Energy Intensity

45 – 55% of manufacturing cost

Energy Costs

Rs.5000 million (US $ 100 Million)

Energy saving potential

Rs 750 million (US $ 15 million)

Investment potential on energy saving projects

Rs.1500 million (US $ 30 Million)










Energy Conservation in Copper Smelters

1.0 Introduction Copper is the eighth most abundant metal in the Earth’s crust. It is mined in at least 63 countries including India. Major producers of copper are Chile, the USA, Canada, Indonesia, Australia, Russian Federation, Peru, China, Poland, Mexico and Zambia. Copper has the highest conductivity of all commercial metals. It is easily recyclable. Copper is used for conducting heat and electricity, roofing, plumbing and piping, timber preservation, coins and scientific instruments. Almost every electrical device has a copper component. The demand for copper is increasing and is used extensively in many areas such as automobiles, construction industries, architectural applications, new generation super-conductors and co-axial fibre optic cables.

1.1 Copper Production in India The present copper production in India is about 3.6 to 4.0 Lakh TPA. The percapita consumption of copper is about 400 gms as against world average of 3 kgs and North America’s 15 kgs. Due to the increase in use of copper in different fields, the consumption of copper in India is increasing. The copper production has increased considerably after 1996. Many smelts units are planning to increase their capacity.

1.2 Major Players In India copper ore is available in the states of Jharkand, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL) is the integrated producer of primary copper in India and was established in 1967. Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL) has copper mines at Khetri,Kolihan in Rajasthan, Rakha Copper Project in Jharkhand and Malanjkhand Copper Project in Madhya Pradesh. HCL has been involved in exploration, mining, beneficiation, smelting and refining of copper. Sterlite Copper, A unit of Sterlite Industries India Limited has set up a smelter plant in 1996 at Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu. The smelter is having a capacity of 1,75,000 TPA. It also produces sulphuric acid and phosphoric acid. The plant receives copper ore from Australia. It also has a refinery unit at Silvassa. Indo Gulf, through Birla Copper, has set up a copper Smelting and Refining complex at Dahej in Bharuch district of Gujarat in 1999. The plant produces Copper Cathodes, Continuous Cast Copper Rods & Precious Metals. Apart from copper products, Sulphuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Di-Ammonium Phosphate, other Phosphatic Fertilizers and Phospho - Gypsum are also produced at this plant. The plant has increased its smelter capacity from 1,00,000 TPA to 1,80,000 TPA in the year 2000.







Table 1.1: Production capacity and locations S.No Plant



Khetri Copper Copper cathode, Complex, Rajasthan Sulphuric Acid, Phosphoric acid

Hindustan Copper Limited


Capacity 31000 TPA Copper cathode


Indian Copper Complex, Jharkhand

Copper Cathode, 16500 TPA Sulphuric Acid, Copper Cathode Gold, Silver, Palladium, Selenium, Tellurium, Nickel Sulphate, Copper Sulphate


Malanjkhand copper Project

Mine – Copper concentrate

20000 MT concentrate / Annum


Taloja Copper Project, Maharashtra

Continuous cast copper rods

60000 TPA

Hindustan Zinc Limited

Chanderiya LeadZinc Smelter, Rajasthan

Copper cathode

2100 TPA

Sterlite Copper

Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu

Copper Cathodes, sulphuric Acid and Phosporic acid

1,75,000 TPA


Refined Copper

1,00,000 TPA

Dahej, Dist Bharuch, Gujarat

Copper Cathodes, 1,80,0000 TPA Continuous Cast Copper Rods, Precious Metals, Sulphuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Di-Ammonium Phosphate, other Phosphatic Fertilizers and Phospho – Gypsum


6 7

Birla Copper

1.3 Energy Intensity of Copper smelters Copper smelting is highly an energy intensive process. It requires both electrical and thermal energy. The energy component of manufacturing is about 45% to 55%.










Energy Conservation in Copper Smelters The major electrical energy consumers in a copper smelter are compressors, Fans & blowers, pumps and heater loads. The average electrical load requirement for a 2.0 million tons per annum plant is about 24 MW. The copper smelters also utilize thermal energy through the fuels such as Furnace Oil, Diesel, LPG and coal. The specific electrical energy consumption varies from 1190 to 1250 units/ton of copper. The specific thermal energy consumption is 1.1 to 2.0 Gcal/ton of copper depending on the type of plant. The overall specific energy consumption varies from 2.1 to 2.8 Gcal/ton of copper. As copper is produced from sulphite and concentrate ores, a large amount of Sulphur di-oxide is generated as a by-product. Due to this, copper smelter complexes have other plants like sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid and fertilizer plants. The total energy consumption of copper complexes in India is about Rs.5000 million (US$ 100 million)

1.4 Energy Saving Potential and Investment The various energy conservation studies conducted by CII – Energy Management Cell and feedback received from various industries through questionnaire survey indicate an energy saving potential of 15%. (Excluding waste heat recovery potential) This is equivalent to an energy saving potential of about Rs.750 million. The estimated investment required to realize this savings potential is Rs.1500 million. The copper smelters in India have power generation potential of about 30 MW through waste heat recovery. The investment opportunity in this alone is Rs.750 million.

2.0 Process Description - Smelting and Converting Copper is manufactured through the process of smelting and converting the sulphide ores of copper. All the Indian manufacturers except Hindustan copper import copper concentrate from other countries. Hindustan Copper Limited has captive copper mines in the states of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Jharkhand. The Pyrometallurgical processing of the copper concentrate includes the processes of smelting, converting, and fire refining. The block diagram of the copper manufacturing is as below: Flux

Copper Smelter

Copper Concentrate Oxygen

Copper Anodes

Rock Phosphate



Sulphuric Acid Plant

Sulphuric Acid

Sulphuric Acid







Phosphoric Acid Plant

Phosphoric Acid

Pure Copper


Smelting Smelting consists of melting the sulfide concentrate in an oxidizing atmosphere, which produces a copper rich (35-70% Cu) molten sulfide phase called matte. The other products in the smelting process are a low copper silicate slag, and flue gas with sulphur di oxide (SO2). The capture of SO2 is environmentally important and economically significant due to the production of Sulphuric acid (H2SO4.). Smelting is carried out either in a reverberatory or flash furnace. Flash furnaces are replacing older reverberatories and account for approximately 75% of the world’s current smelting capacity. The slag and matte products are separated in a rotary holding furnace and the slag granulated into a pit with removal of the slag to a storage bin being carried out by a mechanical grab. Matte is transferred to the converters by ladle. Converting Converting is a two step process in which matte is made into “blister” copper. The first stage of converting is the removal of iron in a slag and the generation of flue gas containing SO2. The second stage involves the further oxidation of the remaining copper sulfide to liquid or “blister” copper. Converting has traditionally been performed batch style. Recent developments have led to continuous converting, but these technologies are not widely used. The final pyrometallurgical step is fire refining. Fire refining consists of an oxidation step followed by reduction. The “blister” copper is oxidized to lower the sulfur content of the copper to approximately 0.001%. Following oxidation, oxygen is removed by the introduction of a reducing agent such as natural gas or ammonia. The final oxygen content is typically between 1500 and 3500 ppm. Anode Furnace The removal of sulfur and oxygen is imperative to ensure a flat, thin casting needed for the last process in the production of pure copper, electrorefining. Most industrial casting involves the use of an anode casting wheel. The molten copper from fire refining is poured into a tiltable tundish where the amount of copper is weighed to ensure proper anode weights. After achieving the desired weight, the copper is poured into an anode shaped mold on the casting wheel. There are twenty to thirty such molds on the wheel. The wheel is then rotated and copper is poured into the next mold. As the process continues, the copper anode is cooled within the mold due to water cooling of the wheel and water spray on top. After about a onehalf rotation, the anodes are removed from the mold. Some smelters use a continuous caster instead of a casting wheel. The continuous caster uses two water cooled steel belts (one on top, the other on the bottom) and stationary edge dams to contain the molten copper. As the belts rotate, the copper is moved through the caster and cooling occurs. When the copper leaves the caster, it is a solid continuous strip with the correct anode thickness. Anodes are made from the strip by shearing. The copper anodes are then sent to copper refinery for refining to cathode copper (99.999% copper). Sulphur dioxide Sulphur dioxide (SO2) is emitted from the copper smelters as a by-product of the smelting process. This is converted to sulphuric acid, which is either sold or sent to fertilizer plant for the production of fertilizer. Confederation









Energy Conservation in Copper Smelters Phosphoric Acid The sulphur dioxide emitted as by-product from the smelting process and sulphuric acid from sulphuric acid plant is reacted with rock phosphate and phosphoric acid is produced.

3.0 Energy Saving Schemes 3.1 List of Energy Saving Projects 3.1.1 Concentrate Handling & Smelters Short Term 1.

Reduction of Idle Running Hrs.of Feed Conveyors by Automation


Replacing exisiting pump with correct size pump for Rotary Holding Furnace - Hygine Venturi Scrubber fan


Installation of correct size pump for Slag Granulation pump / cooling tower pump


Reduce false air entry into the gas duct and reduce fan power consumption


Utilise the heat of smelter furnace exhaust gases to preheat the blower air


Install waste heat recovery system for Anode Furnace exhaust and utilise to preheat combustion air

Medium Term 1.

Installation of Variable Speed Drive for smelting furnace Induced Draught Fan


Installation of Variable Fluid Coupling For Converter plant ID Fan


Installation of Auto Inlet Guide Vane (IGV) operation for Converter Blower.


Installation of Variable Frequency Drive for lime recirculation at scrubber exhaust system of Anode furnace


Replacing old fan with an energy efficient fan for direct exhaust fan at Anode furnace


Replace existing main firing burner with high efficiency burners in the Anode Furnaces


Avoid radiation losses through feed door by covering the openings in the Anode Furnaces

Long Term 1.

Installation of Variable Fluid Coupling for Rotary Holding Furnace - Hygiene Venturi Scrubber fan


Installation of Double charge casting system to decrease preheating time


Install a waste heat recovery system and generate steam and power from Smelter exhaust gas


Install vapour absorption machine (VAM) refrigeration system in Sulphuric Acid Plant by utilising the heat of smelter furnace exhaust gases







3.1.2 Sulphuric Acid Plant Short Term 1.

Effective Utilisation of Acid Coolers in Sulphuric Acid Plant to Reduce Cooling tower Pumps Load


Replacing existing pump with correct size pump in Sulphuric Acid Plant Cooling water pump and matching with the requirement

Long term 1.

Installation of variable fluid coupling for SO2 blower at Sulphuric Acid Plant

3.1.3 Phosphoric Acid Plant Short Term 1.

Optimising the size of Cold Well Pumps in Phosphoric Acid Plant


Improvement Of Boiler Efficiency in Phosphoric Acid Plant

Medium Term 1.

Installation of Variable Speed Drive for Gypsum Slurry Pump in Phosphoric Acid Plant


Installation of Variable Speed Drive for return Acid Pumps, HH Cloth Wash Pump and dilute cake wash pump in Phosphoric Acid Plant

3.1.4 Utility Areas Short Term 1.

Reduction in Oxygen plant venting and saving energy


Installation of Temperature Indicator Controllers for Cooling Tower Fans in ISA,SAP,PAP


Reduction of compressed air usage in the plant


Replacing existing lime plant and spray pond make up pump with smaller size pump and avoid the final effluent transfer pump


Installation of guide vane control system to control the blower capacity


Installation of correct head pump for raw water pumping, soft water pumping system


Segregating cooling water requirements of compressors & smelter plant


Utilisation Of Vent Compressed Air In Oxygen Plant

Medium Term 1.

Replace old inefficient compressors with energy efficient compressors


Installation of variable frequency drives for screw compressor


Installation of Variable speed drives for cooling tower fans


Conversion of V-belt drives to flat belt drives in compressors and blowers










Energy Conservation in Copper Smelters Long term 1.

Replacing electrical heating with steam heating for FO heaters and LPG vaporizer – Reduction of energy cost


Utilisation of waste heat from captive power plant and avoiding operation of phosphoric acid plant boiler

3.1.5 Electrical Systems Short Term 1.

Replacing copper chokes with Energy Efficient Electronic chokes in fluorescent lamps


Installation of energy efficient lamps in place of low efficacy lamps


Convert delta to star connection in lightly loaded motors


Installation of automatic voltage stabilizer for the main lighting feeder and operating at 210 volts

Medium Term 1.

Installation of automatic power factor controllers and maintaing high PF


Installation of separate lighting transformers and optimising the lighting voltage


Replace old rewound motors with energy efficient motors


Installation of Soft Starter cum Energy saver for lightly loaded motors

Long Term 1.

Installation of on-load tap changer (OLTC) for the main transformer and optimising the voltage


Installation of harmonic filtes and reducing Total Hormonics Distortion







Case study – 1 Install waste heat recovery system for ISA furnace exhaust gases to generate steam & Power Background Pyrometallurgical processing of the concentrate consists of smelting, converting, and fire refining. Smelting consists of melting the sulfide concentrate in an oxidizing atmosphere, which produces a copper rich (35-70% Cu) molten sulfide phase called matte. The other products in the smelting process are a low copper silicate slag, and flue gas with sulphur di oxide (SO2). The flue gases generated in the smelting process is at a very high temperature of about 1200°C. The major portion in the flue gas is sulphur di oxide. There is a tremendous potential to tap this waste heat. In view of the dust concentration, cohesive nature of dust and presence of SO2 in the exhaust gas, suitable dust collection system to be installed.

Present Status At a concentrate feed of 50 TPH, about 2,40,000 m³/hr of flue gas is leaving the ISA furnace at around 1200°C.

Energy Saving Project There are different options available to utilize the waste heat from the copper smelters. Different energy saving opportunities are tried in other countries and are working well. Similar potential is available in Indian copper smelters also. Alternative-1 Installation of a Mechanical Dust Collector (MDC) followed by a Waste Heat Recovery Boiler (WHRB) to generate 15 TPH of steam at 11 Ata. This steam can also be used to meet the steam requirements of the Phosphoric Acid Plant (PAP). Alternative – II Installation of a Mechanical Dust Collector (MDC) followed by a Waste Heat Recovery Boiler (WHRB) to generate 15 TPH of steam at 42 Ata. This steam can be use in an extraction-cumback pressure turbine. About 2 TPH shall be extracted at 11 ksc and balance 13 TPH will go to the back-pressure mode at 2 ksc. This back-pressure steam can be utilised for process steam requirements. Alternative - III Install a Mechanical Dust Collector (MDC) followed by a Waste Heat Recovery Boiler (WHRB) to generate 15 TPH of steam at 42 Ata. This steam can be made to pass through a condensing turbine to generate 6.5 MW of power. This is about 20% of total power requirement of the plant.










Energy Conservation in Copper Smelters

Implementation Methodology The proposed ISA furnace exhaust gas heat recovery shall be a separate stream, parallel to the existing stream. Whenever, the proposed stream gets choked with dust and requires shutdown for cleaning, this stream can be by-passed. The existing stream can then be brought on-line and the production can be continued, without a shutdown.

Benefits Alternative - I The estimated annual savings that can be achieved by implementing this alternative is Rs.47.80 million. The investment required (estimated) will be around Rs.24.00 million, which will get paid back in 6 months. Alternative - II The estimated annual savings that can be achieved by implementing this alternative is Rs.90.00 million. The investment required (estimated) will be around Rs.60.00 million, which will get paid back in 8 months. Alternative - III The estimated annual savings that can be achieved by implementing this alternative is Rs.122.00 million. The investment required (estimated) will be around Rs.130.00 million, which will get paid back in 13 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 122 millions • Investment - Rs. 130 millions • Simple payback - 13 months

Note: This project though straightforward and simple has not been implemented in any of the plants in India. It is a proven project in other industrial sectors and in other countries.

Replication Potential Overall waste heat recovery potential for generating power from copper smelters in India is about 30 MW. The investment potential is around Rs. 750 million.
















Energy Conservation in Copper Smelters

Case study – 2 Install Vapour Absorption Machine (VAM) for refrigeration system in Sulphuric Acid Plant (SAP) by utilising the heat of ISA furnace exhaust gases Background Chilled water system, having a heat load of about 400 TR is used in Sulphuric Acid Plant in a copper smelter complex. Vapour compression system is used for generating the chilled water. The specific energy consumption is about 0.70 kW/TR. The temperature requirement of chilled water is 12°C. In copper smelters waste heat available is very high. The generation of chilled water through vapour absorption machine (VAM) is more economical, more so, when steam is generated through waste heat. In copper smelters, the furnaces let out very high amount of heat through flue gas. By utilizing this waste heat, the chilled water requirement of the plant can be met by using vapour absorption machines.

Previous Status Vapour compression system of about 400 TR was used in sulphuric acid plant. Waste heat at 1100°C was let out from the furnace.

Energy Saving Project Installation of Vapour Absorption Machine (VAM) for refrigeration system in Sulphuric Acid Plant (SAP) by utilising the waste heat of smelter furnace exhaust gases

Implementation Methodology This project is not implemented in any of the copper smelters. But it is very easy to implement and implemented in many chemical plants. Recommended to install a vapour absorption machine of 400 TR using the aste heat from the smelter furnace exhaust gases. The smelter furnace exhaust gases can be used to generate steam in a waste heat recovery boiler (WHRB), which will supply steam of about 2.5 TPH to VAM. Before the flue gases enter the air preheater, the temperature of the flue gases has to be reduced, by passing through a dedicated small gas cooler. The gases are then passed through a mechanical dust collector (MDC), so as to reduce the dust concentration. The proposed system, is a separate exhaust gas dust, parallel to the existing duct. The gases passing through this new duct will be used for the preheating of blower air. Whenever there is a choking of the new duct, this is used as by-pass and the gases are passed through the existing duct.

Cost benefit analysis

Benefits The annual savings potential is about Rs.6.00 million. The total investment required is Rs.11.10 million, which will pay back in 23 months.






• Annual Savings - Rs. 6.0 millions • Investment - Rs. 11.1 millions • Simple payback - 23 months











Energy Conservation in Copper Smelters

Case study – 3 Installation of Variable Fluid Coupling for SO2 blower at Sulphuric Acid Plant Background Smelting consists of melting the sulfide concentrate in an oxidizing atmosphere, which produces a copper rich (35-70% Cu) molten sulfide phase called matte, a low copper silicate slag and flue gas with sulphur di oxide (SO2). The sulphur di oxide in the flue gas is sent to sulphuric acid plant for the production of sulphuric acid. A high capacity fan handles the sulphur di oxide from smelter plant. The capacity utilisation of the SO2 blower varies depending on convertor operation in the smelter. The load on the blower is higher when ISA furnace and the convertor are in operation. When ISA furnace alone is running, the capacity utilisation is less. -10 to –20 MM









2728 MM ESP


2300 kW

The capacity of the blower was controlled by motorized valve. Operation of a blower with valve control is energy inefficient practise. An energy efficient way of controlling the capacity of a blower is by varying the RPM of the blower.

Previous Status The capacity of the blower was adjusted by inlet guide vane control of the blower. The pressure drop across the suction damper was: • When ISA & convertor in operation = 21% • When ISA furnace alone in operation = 44% The power consumption of the blower during high flow was 2300 kW. Investors






Energy Saving Project The plant team installed a variable fluid coupling for the SO2 blower and avoided the operation of inlet guide vane

Implementation Methodology After installation of the variable fluid coupling, the speed of the fan was controlled manually based on the ISA plant and converter plant operation. The implementation was done in a phased manner and the closed loop operation of the VFC was put into effect in a months time.

Benefits Cost benefit analysis

The annual saving achieved was Rs. 7.30 million. The plant team invested Rs. 5.00 million for the variable fluid coupling and controls, which paid back in 9 months.

• Annual Savings - Rs. 7.3 millions • Investment - Rs. 5.0 millions • Simple payback - 9 months

Replication Potential This project has a replication potential in four more plants.










Energy Conservation in Copper Smelters







Case study – 4 Installation of Variable Frequency Drive for ISA furnace ID fan Background In a copper smelter, a 132 kW ID fan handles ISA furnace exhaust gases. The capacity requirement of the fan varies depending on the draft level and gas quantities. Damper control was practiced in ID fan of the furnace to meet the capacity variation. Operation of a fan with valve control is an energy inefficient practice. An energy efficient way of controlling the capacity of a blower is by varying the RPM of the blower.

Previous Status The ID fan of the smelter furnace was consuming 63 kW of power. The pressure drop across damper of the fan was 46%. The higher pressure drop was due to the excess capacity available in the fan. Also, the fan flow and the drought was varying with the process conditions.

Energy Saving Project A 132 kW variable frequency drive was installed for the smelter furnace ID fan. The speed of the fan was reduced based on the actual requirement. The loss across the damper was eliminated.

Implementation Methodology After the installation of VFD, the damper of the fan was kept open at 100%. The VFD reduces the speed of the fan based on the drought. The control signal for the VFD is from the pressure transducer and operates in closed loop.

Benefits The annual savings achieved was Rs.1.42 million. The investment for the VFD and controls was Rs. 0.87 million, which paid back in 8 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 1.42 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.87 millions • Simple payback - 8 months










Energy Conservation in Copper Smelters







Case study – 5 Install Variable Fluid Coupling for Rotary Holding Furnace (RHF) - HVS FAN Background In a copper smelter, RHF – HVS fan is used for handling the exhaust gases. The capacity requirement of the fan varies depending on the draft level and gas quantities. Damper control was practiced in ID fan of the furnace to meet the capacity variation. Operation of a fan with valve control is energy inefficient practise. An energy efficient way of controlling the capacity of a blower is by varying the RPM of the blower.

Previous Status The RHF – HVS fan was consuming 250 kW of power. The pressure drop across damper of the fan was 35%. The higher pressure drop was due to the excess capacity available in the fan. Also, the fan flow and the drought was varying with the process conditions. An energy efficient way of capacity variation of a fan is to install a variable speed arrangement such as variable fluid coupling and adjust the RPM of the fan depending on the requirement.

Energy Saving Project A variable fluid coupling was installed for the RHF – HVS fan. The speed of the fan was reduced based on the actual requirement. The loss across the damper was eliminated.

Implementation Methodology & Difficulties After the installation of VFC, the damper of the fan was kept open at 100%. The VFC reduces the speed of the fan based on the drought. The control signal for the VFC is from the pressure transducer and operates in closed loop. For implementation of this project, the motor and fan base has to be modified and VFC is installed in between fan and motor. This project was implemented during the stoppage of the plant. The time required for implementation is about 15 days.

Benefits The annual saving achieved was Rs. 1.32 million. The investment for the variable fluid coupling was Rs. 1.00 million, which paid back in 10 months.

Cost benefit analysis

Replication Potential

• Annual Savings - Rs. 1.32 millions

This project has a replication potential in four more plants.

• Investment - Rs. 1.0 millions • Simple payback - 10 months










Energy Conservation in Copper Smelters







Case Study-6 Replacing Electrical Heating with Steam Heating for F.O Heaters and LPG Vaporiser Background In copper smelters, Furnace Oil (FO) and LPG are used as fuel in ISA furnace, rotary holding furnace and converters. Electrical heaters are used at various locations of the plant for heating the furnace oil at different sections of the plant and also vaporising the LPG. The plant also has a furnace oil fired boiler at phosphoric acid plant. The variable cost of electrical power is Rs.3.50/unit and the landed cost of furnace oil is Rs.10.50/litre. The cost comparison of electrical heating and steam heating was analysed. The cost of electrical heating is Rs.4000/MM kCal and the cost of thermal heating is only Rs.1500/MM kCal. This indicates that electrical heating is atleast 2.5 times costlier than oil fired heating for the same quantity of heat output. The cost of heating operation can be reduced, by replacing electric heating with the cheaper steam heating.

Previous Status In one of the copper smelters, electrical heating was used for heating furnace oil and vaporising LPG. The capacity of heaters at various locations and the average consumption is as below: Sl no.

Location of heater

Capacity of heaters (in Nos. x kW)

Average operating time(in %)

Average Load (in kW)


FO Main storage tank

3 x 24




LPG Vaporiser

3 x 36




Anode furnace day tank

2 x 54




Line heaters

2 x 54



Total capacity



The average load of electrical heaters was around 122 kW on a continuous basis.

Energy Saving Project Replacing electrical heating with steam coil heating for F.O heaters and LPG vaporizer.

Implementation status The plant team replaced all the electrical heaters with steam coil heaters for all the Furnace Oil heating and LPG vapouriser in a phased manner.

Benefits The implementation of this project resulted an annual savings of Rs. 2.00 million. The investment made was around Rs.1.00 million. The simple payback period was 13 months.










Energy Conservation in Copper Smelters







Case Study –7 Installation of Variable Fluid Coupling for converter blower Background Converting in a smelter is a two step process in which matte is made into “blister” copper. The first stage of converting is the removal of iron in a slag and the generation of flue gas containing SO2. The second stage involves the further oxidation of the remaining copper sulfide to liquid or “blister” copper. The converter blower supplies air to the converter. In one of the copper smelters, converter blower was operated for 11 to 12 hrs/day. Out of which for 5 to 6 hrs/day air was vented out. Generating the air and venting out is energy inefficient practice. The venting of air from the converter blower was mainly due to the excess capacity of the blower.

Previous Status In a 1.0 million tons per annum copper smelter, converter blower was operated with venting of air. Generating the air and venting out is energy inefficient practice.

Energy Saving Project The plant has installed a Variable fluid coupling for the converter blower, which was consuming an average power of 1200 kW. The energy loss due to venting of air was completely avoided.

Implementation Status & Difficulties After the installation of the VFC, the converter blower speed is reduced based on the actual requirement. Closed loop system is used for varying the speed of the blower. For implementation of this project, the motor and fan base has to be modified and VFC is installed in between fan and motor. This project was implemented during the stoppage of the plant. The time required for implementation is about 15 days.

Benefits The annual savings achieved was Rs. 1.20 million. Rs. 0.8 million which will paid back in 10 months.

The investment made was

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 1.2 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.8 millions • Simple payback - 10 months










Energy Conservation in Copper Smelters







Case study 8 Utilise heat of smelter furnace exhaust gases to preheat the combustion blower air and reduce oil consumption Background In a 1.75 MTPA capacity copper smelter, smelter furnace is used for smelting the concentrate. Furnace oil is used in the furnace. Combustion air is supplied by FD fan, which sucks air from the atmosphere. The exhaust gas from the furnace was let out at a very high temperature of about 1100°C. By preheating the combustion air, using the exhaust gas, the furnace oil consumption was reduced. Air preheaters are used for recovering the heat from flue gas.

Previous Status there is a choking of the new duct, this can be by-passed and the gases can be passed through the existing duct.

Energy saving Project Utilise heat of smelter furnace exhaust gas to preheat the combustion blower air and reduce oil consumption.

Implementation methodology The plant team installed a air preheater and the combustion air was pre heated upto 200 °C. Before the flue gases enter the air preheater, the temperature of the flue gases was reduced, by passing through a dedicated small gas cooler. The gases were then passed through a mechanical dust collector (MDC), so as to reduce the dust concentration. The implemented system has a separate exhaust gas dust, parallel to the existing duct. The gases passing through this new duct will be used for the preheating of blower air. Whenever there is a choking of the new duct, this can be by-passed and the gases can be passed through the existing duct.

Benefits The annual savings in furnace oil was Rs. 3.60 million. This required an investment (for the ir pre-heater) of Rs. 1.00 million, which paid back in 3 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 3.6 millions • Investment - Rs. 1.00 millions • Simple payback - 3 months










Energy Conservation in Copper Smelters







Case Study – 9 Install waste heat recovery system for anode furnace exhaust and utilise to preheat combustion air Background In the anode furnace, refining of Blister Copper (98.5% Cu) to Anode Copper (99.9% Cu) takes place. This conversion has two phases – an oxidation phase (about 45 – 60 min) followed by a reduction phase (about 180 – 200 min). The heat required for the refining process is provided by the firing of FO and LPG. The flue gases coming out of the furnace combustion chamber at an average temperature of about 450°C. The air required for combustion was sent through a blower at 40°C. There was a good potential to utilise the waste heat of flue gases to preheat the combustion air and save energy.

Previous Status Combustion air at 40°C was used at Anode furnace. The exhaust gas temperature from the anode furnace was about 450°C.

Energy Saving Project Preheating combustion air from the exhaust gas and reduce oil consumption.

Implementation Methodology The plant has installed a waste heat recovery systems (air-to-air H.E) for the anode furnace and the combustion air was preheated to 200°C. This has resulted in fuel savings.

Benefits The annual savings achieved was Rs. 1.08 million. The investment made by the plant was Rs.0.50 million and got paid back in 6 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 1.08 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.50 millions • Simple payback - 6 months










Energy Conservation in Copper Smelters







4.0 List of Suppliers/ Contractors Name of Company and Address

Area of expertise

MIM Holdings Limited (A . B . N . 009814019) Level 1.3, MIM Plaza410, ANN StreetBrisbane, Australia

ISA Technology, Copper smelter technology supplier

Outokumpu Harjavalta Metals OyHarjavalta Teollisuuskatu, 1Harjavalta, FIN-29200 Finland Jukka Järvinen Pentti Ahola +358 2 535 8111 +358 2 535 8207

Outokumpu Engg Contractor Oy (Flash smelting process)

Chematics International Co. Limited Fromson Equipment Division 77, Railside Road Don mills street, Ontario, Canada Postal Code M3A 1B2 Ph:001 416 447 5541 Fax.:001 416 447 5541

Sulphuric Acid Plant

M/s Hydro Agri, Rotterdam Massluisedijk,103, 3133, Ka VLQQRDINGHEN Netherland Postal code:3133 KA Tel:31-10-248-2279 Fax:31-10-248-2221

Phosphoric Acid Plant

Hindustan Dorr-Oliver Limited Dorr-Oliver House Chakala, Andheri East Mumbai – 400 099 Tel.: 022 – 2832 5541, 2832 6416/ 17/18 Fax: 022 – 2836 5659

Consultant for phosphoric acid plant

Email: [email protected] Web : Kvaerner Powergas Limited (Mumbai) Powergas House 177 Vidyanagari Marg Kalina, Mumbai 400 098 Telephone: +91 (0) 22 691 5901 Telefax: +91 (0) 22 691 5934 E-Mail:




Basic and detailed engineering, project management, procurement, inspection/ expediting, construction supervision for petrochemicals, chemicals, synthetic fibres, ferrous and non ferrous metals, industries.







Energy Conservation in Copper Smelters Name of Company and Address

Area of expertise

ME Engineering Limited Sai Chambers 15 Mumbai Pune Road, Wakadewadi,Pune 411 003,India Tel: 00-91-20-5511010 Fax: 00-91-20-5511234

Waste Heat Recovery systems for copper smelters

Thermax House, 4, Mumbai Pune Road,Shivajinagar, Pune 411 005 Tel : (020) 5512122 Fax : (020) 5511226 Email : [email protected]

Waste Heat Boilers, Vapour Absorption Machines

Thermal Systems (Hyd) Pvt. Ltd. Plot No.1, Apuroopa TownshipI DA, Jeedimetla Hyderabad - 500 055 Tel: 040 - 309 8272/ 8273 Fax: 040 - 309 7433

Waste Heat Recovery Steam Generating Systems for S.A. Plants, Nitric Acid, Ammonia, Hydrogen plants and metallurgical plants

L & T, Baroda

Power plant and waste heat recovery

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited BHEL Building, Siri Fort Road New Delhi – 110 049 Tel: 011 – 26493031 Fax: 011 – 26493021

Supplier power plant equipments


Supplier of Variable Fluid Coupling


Supplier of Variable Fluid Coupling

Air Products, USAINOX Air Products ltd. 56, Jolly Maker Chambers No.2, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021 Telephone: +91 (0)22 2020345 / 6314 / 7374 Fax: +91 (0)22 2025588

Supplier of industrial gases

Praxair India Limited Praxair House No. 8, Ulsoor Road Bangalore 560042India Tel.: +91.80.555.9841 Fax: +91.80.559.5925

Supplier of industrial gases

Air Liquide Engineering India (PVT) Ltd. 3-5-874, plot no.15, hyder guda Hyderabad

Oxygen Plant








Per Capita Consumption

5 kg

Growth percentage


Energy Intensity

Rs 1500 million (US $ 300 million)

Energy Costs

25% of manufacturing cost

Energy saving potential

Rs.300 Million (US $ 6 Million)

Investment potential on energy saving projects

Rs.500 Million (US $ 10 Million)

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Pulp and Paper Industry

1.0 Introduction Paper has a long history, beginning with the ancient Egyptians and continuing to the present day. After hand-made methods dominated for thousands of years, paper production became industrialised during the 19th century. Originally intended purely for writing and printing purposes, a wide variety of paper grades and uses are now available to the consumer. Paper is a natural product; manufactured from a natural and renewable raw material, wood. The advantage of paper is that it is biodegradable and recyclable. In this way, the paper industry is sustainable, from the forest through the production of paper, to the use and final recovery of the product. It’s almost impossible to imagine a life without paper. In fact, paper is such a versatile medium, its uses are only limited to the imagination.

2.0 Growth of Paper Industry The pulp and paper industry plays an important role in a country’s economic growth.

2.1 World Scenario The world’s paper and board production, which was about 15 Million tons in 1950, has grown steadily to reach about 326 million tons in 2001. This accounts for nearly 3.5% of world’s production and 2% of the world trade. The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of the world paper industry is 2.8%. USA is the leading producer of paper with over 100 million tons, which accounts for nearly 1/3rd of the world’s paper production. The capacity additions in the paper sector have been taking place of late in the Asian region. The growth of the paper industry, region-wise is depicted in the graph below:


7.00% 6.00% 5.00% 4.00%

4.40% 3.10%





2.00% 1.00% 0.00% A frica

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Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency

A ustralia


L atin A merica

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2.2 Indian Scenario The Indian pulp and paper industry is over a hundred years old. It has grown in installed capacity from a paltry 0.15 million tons in the early fifties to the present level of 4.65 million tons (a growth of more than 30 times). The Indian paper industry is a mix of large integrated plants (> 25000 tons per annum capacity), medium size plants and small size paper plants based on waste paper. The capacities of the mills range from 500 tons/annum to 2.00 lakh tons/ annum. There are about 515 registered paper mills in India, while the numbers of mill, which are in actual operation, are about 380. The breakup of the mills, capacity-wise is as follows: • Small (upto 10000 TPA) : 285 numbers and 1.90 million tons • Medium (< 20000 TPA)

: 65 numbers and 1.00 million tons

• Integrated (> 20000 TPA): 30 numbers and 2.50 million tons These mills produce various types of paper products, such as, writing & printing paper, kraft, paperboard, newsprint etc. The mills are located all over India. The region-wise break-up of number of mills and capacity is highlighted below: Region

Mills in terms of numbers

Mills in terms of production




















The installed capacity of the paper plants in India (2000-2001) is 5.41 million tons of paper and 1.1 million tons of newsprint. The total annual production figures are 4.65 million tons of paper and 0.46 million tons of newsprint, accounting for about 86% & 42% actual capacity utilisation respectively.

2.3 Major players in India The major integrated pulp and paper industries in India, in terms of installed capacity, are given below: 1.

A P Rayon Limited, Kamalapuram, Andhra Pradesh


Balakrsihna Industries Limited, Kalyan, Maharashtra


Ballarpur Industries Ltd., Illure, Maharashtra

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Energy Conservation in Pulp and Paper Industry 4.

Ballarpur Industries Ltd., Ballarpur, Maharashtra


Ballarpur Industries Ltd., Daulatabad, Orissa


Ballarpur Industries Ltd., Yamunanagar, Haryana


Ballarpur Industries Ltd., Gaganapur, Orrisa


Bilt Graphic Paper Ltd., Pune, Maharashtra


Century Pulp & Paper, Lalkua, Uttar Pradesh

10. Emami Paper Mills Limited, Balgopalpur, Orissa 11. Global Boards Limited, Mahad, Maharashtra 12. Grasim Industries Limited, Mavoor, Kerala 13. Harihar Polyfibers, Kumaraptanam, Karnataka 14. Hindustan Newsprint Ltd., Newsprintnagar, Kerala 15. Hindustan Paper Corporation, Cachar, Assam 16. Hindustan Paper Corporation, Nagaon, Assam 17. ITC Limited, Bhadrachalam Paper Boards, Sarapaka, Andhra Pradesh 18. ITC Limited, Unit – Tribeni, Chandrahati, West Bengal 19. J K Corp Limited, Jaykaypur, Orissa 20. Mukerian Papers Limited, Mukerian, Punjab 21. Nath Pulp and Paper Mills Ltd., Aurangabad, Maharashtra 22. Orient Paper Mills, Amlai, Madhya Pradesh 23. Orient Paper Mills, Brajrajnagar, Orissa 24. Pudumjee Pulp & Paper Mills Ltd., Pune, Maharashtra 25. Rama Newsprint and Papers Limited, Surat, Gujarat 26. Rama Paper Mills Limited, Kiratpur, Uttar Pradesh 27. Rohit Pulp & Paper Mills Ltd., Udvada, Gujarat 28. Ruchira Papers Limited, Kala Amd, Himachal Pradesh 29. Satia Paper Mills Ltd., Rupana, Punjab 30. Seshasayee Paper & Boards Ltd., Erode, Tamil Nadu 31. Shreyans Industries Limited, Ahmedgarh, Punjab 32. Star Paper Mills Limited, Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh 33. Tamilnadu Newsprint and Papers Limited, Karur, Tamil Nadu 34. The Andhra Pradesh Paper Mills Ltd., Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh 35. The Central Pulp Mills Ltd., Songadh, Gujarat 36. The Mysore Paper Mills Ltd., Bhadravati, Karnataka 37. The Sirpur Paper Mills Ltd., Sirpur Khagaznagar, Andhra Pradesh 38. The West Coast Paper Mills Ltd., Dandeli, Karnataka 39. Varinder Agro Chemicals Ltd., Barnala, Punjab

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Per Capita Consumption

The Indian per capita consumption of paper is 5 kg, in comparison to the Asian average of 21 kg, World average of 55 kg and US average of 330 kg. The per capita consumption of paper in the different parts of the world are depicted graphically below: The planning commission forecasts a per capita consumption of 5.4 kg by 2010 AD. So the Indian pulp and paper industry has got a tremendous growth potential estimated at about 8%.


350 300




200 150 100 50








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4.0 Energy Intensity The paper industry is highly energy intensive and is the sixth largest consumer of commercial energy in the country. The main fuel used in the pulp and paper industry is coal. The other fuels used are furnace oil, LSHS, rice husk and coffee husk. LDO and HSD are also used in diesel generators. Large paper plants generate part of their own power through cogeneration, while smaller plants depend exclusively on purchased power. The energy cost, as a percentage of manufacturing cost, which was about 15% is presently about 25%. This is mainly due to the increase in energy prices. Energy costs account for nearly 23-25% of the overall manufacturing cost. The total annual purchased energy consumption of the Indian Paper Industry is about 52 Million Giga Cal, which is equivalent to about Rs.15000 million. The expenditure on energy ranks only next to the raw material in the manufacture of paper. With the ever-increasing fuel prices and power tariffs, energy conservation is strongly pursued as one of the attractive options for improving the profitability in the Indian pulp and paper industry.

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Energy Conservation in Pulp and Paper Industry The specific energy consumption comparison of Indian paper industry vis-a-vis the international trends is as follows: Parameter









m / MT of FNP

Total energy


GCal/ MT of FNP

Indian Mills 11-14

International Mills 6.5-8.5








1200 -1300














The typical break-up of steam and power of the various Indian mills vis-à-vis the international mills is as below:

Steam consumption (MT/MT of FNP) Section

Indian Mills

International Mills



1.9-2.3(now 0.5)

Bleach Plant






Paper Machine



Soda Recovery Plant






11.0 - 14.0

6.5 - 8.5


Power consumption (kWh/MT of FNP) Section

Indian Mills

International Mills




Bleach Plant



Paper Machine



Soda Recovery Plant.



Stock Preparation



Utilities & Others






Washing & Screening






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5.0 Energy Saving Potential The various energy conservation studies conducted by the CII – Energy Management Cell and feedback received from the various industries through questionnaire survey and plant visits, indicate an energy savings potential of 20%. This is equivalent to an annual savings potential of about Rs.3000 million. The estimated investment required to realize this savings potential is Rs.5000 million. The pulp and paper industry has an attractive cogeneration potential of over 100 MW, in addition to the existing cogeneration plants.

5.1 Major factors that affect energy consumption in paper mills The major factors that affect energy consumption in the Indian pulp and paper industry are as follows: • Level of capacity utilisation • Quality and type of paper produced • Number and multiplicity of machinery • Paper machine runnability and number of paper breaks • Finishing losses • Boiler type & pressure levels • Level of cogeneration power generation • Type of raw material preparatory section - Type of chippers/ cutters - Type of conveying system • Digester system - Type of pulping technology (extended delignification preferred) - Installation of blow heat recovery - Optimal bath liquor ratio • Washing section - Utilisation of advanced washers, such as, flat belt wire washers, double wire press, DD washer and Twindle press - Screening section - Installation of advanced screening equipment - Type of refiners - Type of centri-cleaners (use of low pressure drop centri- cleaners reduces the pumping power consumption) • Paper machine press section - Type of press - % moisture after press section Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Pulp and Paper Industry - On-line moisture control - Type of hood system • Evaporation section - Type of evaporator and number of stages - Steam economy achieved (minimum should be 6) • Extent of condensate recovery • Type of river water pumping system and overall water consumption • Levels of instrumentation • Extent of utilisation of variable speed drives, such as, variable frequency drives (VFD), variable fluid couplings (VFC), DC drives, dyno-drives etc. These are the various major factors, which affect the specific energy consumption in paper plants.

5.2 Target specific energy consumption figures The overall specific energy consumption norms, for large integrated paper plants, producing writing and printing paper, using 100% wood pulp and operating on sulphate process, should be as highlighted below: • Steam

= 8.00 MT/MT of finished paper

• Power

= 1300 kWh/MT of finished paper

• Water

= 100 m3/MT of finished paper

The break-up of the target specific steam, specific power and specific water consumption figures in the different sections of the plant are as follows:

Specific steam consumption break-up (MT/MT of FNP) Section


Pulping & washing




Black Liquor Evaporation


Chemical recovery boiler


Recausticising & Lime kiln


Paper machine








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Specific power consumption break-up (kWh/ MT of FNP) Section




Digester house


Washing and Screening


Bleaching plant


Stock prep., Paper m/c and Finishing


Power boilers


Intake well + Water treatment plant


Recovery (Evaporator, recovery boiler, causticisers and lime kiln)


Effluent treatment plant


Lighting and workshop etc.




Specific water consumption break-up (100 m3/MT of FNP)




Pulp Mill


Paper machine


Boilers incl. WTP and Cooling tower


Chemical recovery area






Raw material profile

The paper units can be classified based on the raw material into three broad categories as: • Wood based (Bamboo, hardwood etc.) • Agro- based (Bagasse, rice & wheat straw, jute etc.) • Waste paper based The break-up of the paper mills based on raw material usage in India mills and International mills are highlighted below:

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Energy Conservation in Pulp and Paper Industry

Raw Material Usage

Indian Mills % of total mills

International Mills % of total mills

Agro-based residues



Wood based



Waste paper based



7.0 Process description Nearly 80% of the Indian paper mills use the sulphate process for pulping. Hence, the sulphate process description is given below.

For waste paper based plants, the main sections are the stock preparation and paper machine section. This has been covered in the process description.

Kraft sulphate process The raw materials used for pulp making are hard woods like eucalyptus, bamboo and bagasse. These fibrous materials are mainly composed of cellulose and lignin. By cooking these raw materials with chemicals like NaOH and Na2S, the lignin is removed in the form of black liquor, while the cellulose is separated in the form of pulp.

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Chipper house Hard wood logs are cut into smaller size by band saw. After wetting these logs with water spray (to remove sand particles), they are fed into chippers to get chips of small size (1/2" to 1").

Digesters The chips are fed into digesters, where white liquor (a mixture of NaOH : Na2S with ratio of 80 : 20) is added. The contents are circulated. Then it is steamed for two hours and cooked at 170°C. The total batch time is about 5 hours in a batch type digestor. After cooking the contents are blown to a blow tank.

Washing Washing is done next to free soluble impurities and at the same time to remove black liquor, thereby recovering maximum amount of spent chemicals. Usually, washing is practised in counter current fashion, involving 3 or 4 stages of washing using rotary drum filters. The washed pulp is then sent for bleaching and the recovered weak black liquor is sent to the evaporators.

Bleaching Bleaching is done to increase the brightness of pulp. Lignin, which is the colouring matter in the pulp, is converted to chlorolignin and is dissolved in water. Bleaching is done in four stages: • Chlorination • Alkali extraction • Hypochlorite bleaching • Final washing Washing is also done after each stage of bleaching. After the final washing, the bright pulp is sent for stock preparation.

Stock preparation Here, refining is done to give paper the desired properties. This can be done in double disc refiners or conical refiners. After refining, the stock is subjected to sizing, loading and colouring.

Paper machine After the stock preparation, the pulp suspension is sent to the paper machine, where the pulp is converted into sheets of paper. The paper is drawn out from the other end and rolled into bundles or cut into the required sizes.

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Energy Conservation in Pulp and Paper Industry

Soda recovery The black liquor from the washers is concentrated in the evaporators and fired in the soda recovery boilers. After firing, the residue (green liquor) is treated with chemicals to get white liquor, which is reused in the digesters.

8.0 Energy saving schemes An exhaustive list of all possible energy saving projects in the pulp & paper industry is given below. The projects have been categorised under short-term, medium term and capital-intensive projects. The projects which have very low or marginal investments and have an energy saving potential of upto 5% has been categorised as short-term. The projects which require some capital investment having a simple payback period of less than 24 months and having an energy saving potential of upto 10% has been categorised as medium-term. The short-term and medium-term projects are technically and commercially proven projects and can be taken up for implemented very easily. There are several projects, which have very high energy saving potential (typically 15% or more), besides other incidental benefits. These projects have very high replication potential and contribute significantly to improving the competitiveness of the paper industry. However, these projects require very high capital-investment and hence has been categorised separately.

8.1 List of all possible energy conservation projects in a typical pulp and paper industry 8.1.1 House-Keeping Measures – Energy Savings Potential of 5% A.

Chipper, Pulp Mill & Soda Recovery


Avoid idle running of chippers, conveyors, etc. by installing simple interlocks.


Ensure optimum loading of chippers


Avoid fresh water for pulpers and beaters and use back water


Interlock agitators with pumps at storage chests


Providing timer control for agitators for sequential operation


Optimise fresh water consumption in pulp mill washers e.g., alkali washer back water in chlorine washer and chlorine washer back water in brown stock washed pulp.


In multiple effect evaporators, use stand-by effect also so as to improve the steam economy.


Stock Preparation & Paper Machine


Optimise loading of refiners and beaters


Interlock agitators with pumps at storage chests


Minimise recirculation in receiving chest and machine chest


Optimising excess capacity/ head in pump by change of impeller or trimming of impeller size

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Avoiding pump operation by utilisation of gravity head


Optimise capacity of vacuum pumps by RPM reduction


Install level indicating controllers for couch pit pumps


Optimising pressure of high pressure pump used for wire cleaning and deck showers


Co-Generation, Steam & Condensate Systems


Monitor excess air levels in boilers and soda recovery boilers


Arrest air infiltration in boiler flue gas path, particularly economiser and air preheater section


Plug steam leakages, however small they may be


Always avoid steam pressure reduction through PRVs. Instead, pass the steam through turbine so as to improve cogeneration


Insulate all steam and condensate lines


Monitor and replace defective steam traps on a regular basis


In case coal has higher percentage of fines, ensure wetting is done.


Monitor boiler blow down; use Eloguard for optimising boiler blow down


Installation of flash vessels for heat recovery from hot condensate vapours

10. Monitor the blow-down quantity of water in cooling towers and the quality of water 11. Install chlorine dosing and HCl dosing for circulating water. D.

Electrical Areas


Install delta to star convertors for lightly loaded motors


Use transluscent sheets to make use of day lighting


Install timers for automatic switching ON-OFF of lights


Install timers for yard and outside lighting


Grouping of lighting circuits for better control


Operate at maximum power factor, say 0.96 and above


Switching OFF of transformers based on loading


Optimise TG/DG sets operating frequency


Optimise TG/ DG sets operating voltage




Replacement of Aluminium blades with FRP blades in cooling tower fans


Install temperature indicator controller (TIC) for optimising cooling tower fan operation, based on ambient conditions


Install dual speed motors/ VSD for cooling tower fans


Avoid/ minimise compressed air leakages by vigorous maintenance


Install level indictor controllers to maintain chest level


Install hour meters on all material handling equipment, such, pulpers, beaters etc.

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Energy Conservation in Pulp and Paper Industry

8.1.2 Medium Term Measures - Savings Potential upto 10% A.

Chipper, Pulp Mill & Soda Recovery


Mechanical unloading system in chipper house


Install belt conveyor for conveying wood chips instead of pneumatic conveyors. In case of space constraint, install cleated belt conveyors


Install auto slip power recovery systems for chipper motor


Install VSD for cutters and chippers


Install two stage preheating in digesters (combination of MP steam and LP steam)


Replace steam doctor by high pressure shower in brown stock washers


Retrofit additional effect in multiple effect evaporators


Install water ring vacuum pumps instead of steam ejectors in evaporators, depending on the cost of steam.


Stock Preparation & Paper Machine


Stopping broke deflaker when broke refiner is in operation


Install new correct size high efficiency pumps


Install new high efficiency fans & blowers in boiler


VSD for displacement pump, discharge pump, hot fill pump and warm fill pump of washing and screening plant


Replace eddy current drive with VFD for washing and bleaching


Install suspension type agitators to keep the pulp in suspension during pumping


Optimising the capacity of vacuum pumps by RPM reduction or bleed-in control


Optimise the suction line size of water ring vacuum pumps


Install pre-separators for water ring vacuum pumps

10. Install mixing type agitators to mix different types of pulp 11. Introduce double dilution system 12. Install double disc refiners instead of conical refiners 13. Install VSD for paper machine fan pumps 14. Install VSD for tanks dilution pumps 15. Install VSD for mould fan pumps 16. Install VSD for flat box vacuum pump to avoid bleeding or throttling 17. Avoid interconnection of high and low vacuum sections 18. Optimise suction pipe line size for water ring vacuum pumps 19. Install pre-separators and extraction pumps for water ring vacuum pumps 20. Install dual speed motors for couch pit agitator and press pit agitator 21. Install VSD for MG machine/MF machine hood fans 22. Replace steam ejector with water ring vacuum pump in evaporator section 23. Install cascade condensate system in paper machine area Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


24. Install flash steam recovery system for paper machines 25. Reel pulper operation optimized by effective utilization of winder pulper 26. Optimizing operation of hydraulic system of calender 27. Automatic operation of hood and ventilation system C.

Co-Generation, Steam & Condensate Systems


Install automatic combustion control system/ oxygen trim control system in steam boilers and soda recovery boilers


Install economiser/air preheater for boilers


Use of cheaper fuels, like bamboo dust, wood barks, pith etc.


Install boiler air preheater based on steam to enhance cogeneration


Install high temperature deaerator (120°C to 140°C) with suitable boiler feed water pump to enhance cogeneration


Install heat recovery from boiler blow down


Convert medium pressure steam users to LP steam users to increase co-generation


Reducing moisture content of wet pith using screw presses for burning in boilers


Install condensate recovery systems in digesters, paper machines, evaporators and air heaters

10. Install automatic blow down system for boilers 11. Install sonic soot blowers in place of steam operated soot blowing system 12. Install VSD for SA fan, FD fan and ID fan 13. Install VSD for boiler feed water pump 14. Install VSD for clarified water pumps 15. Install VSD for raw water/recycle water pumps 16. Install VSD for roots blower (agitation purposes) 17. Install VSD for final effluent discharge pumps 18. Replace dyno-drives with VSD in coal feeder 19. Install VSD for vibrating screen, lime feeder and mud filters in recovery boiler D.

Electrical Areas


Install maximum demand controller to optimise maximum demand


Install capacitor banks to improve power factor


Installation of thyristorised rectifiers


Replace rewound motors with energy efficient motors


Install energy efficient motors as a replacement policy


Thyristor room AC units provided wit timer control


Replace HRC fuses with HN type fuses


Replace 40 Watts fluorescent lamps with 36 Watts fluorescent lamps

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Energy Conservation in Pulp and Paper Industry 9.

Replace conventional ballast with high efficiency electronic ballasts in all discharge lamps

10. Install SV lamps at wood and coal yard areas instead of MV lamps 11. Install LED lamps for panel indication instead of filament lamps 12. Install CFL’s for lighting in non-critical areas, such as, toilets, corridors, canteens etc. 13. Installation of neutral compensator in lighting circuit 14. Optimise voltage in lighting circuit by installing servo stabilisers 15. Minimising overall distribution losses, by proper cable sizing and addition of capacitor banks 16. Replace V-belts with synthetic flat belts E.

Air Compressors


Ensure air compressors are loaded to a level of 90%


Set compressor delivery pressure as low as possible


Monitor pressure drop across suction filter and after filter


Segregate high pressure and low pressure users


Replace heater - purge type air dryer with heat of compression (HOC) dryer for capacities above 500 cfm


Replace old and inefficient compressors with screw or centrifugal compressors


DG System


Use cheaper fuel for high capacity DG sets


Increase loading on DG sets (maximum 90%)


Increase engine jacket temperature (max. 85 o C) or as per engine specification


Take turbocharger air inlet from outside engine room


Installation of steam coil preheaters for DG set fuel in place of electrical heaters


Replace multiple small size DG sets with bigger DG sets

G. Miscellaneous 1.

Floating type aerator in place of fixed aerators


High efficiency diffuser aerators instead of conventional aerators


Treatment of effluent through activated sludge lagoon resulting in stopping of aerators


Use of ETP filter cakes in boilers


Solar water heating for canteen and guest house


Reuse of water from hydratreater

8.1.3 Long Term Measures - Savings Potential of 10-15% A.

Chipper, Pulp Mill & Soda Recovery


Install high capacity chippers with mechanized feeding


Install extented delignification cooking process

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Install oxygen delignification


Installation of TDR’s in place of beaters


Install medium consistency pumping


Replace brown stock washing with double wire press system


Install high efficiency washing system such as, Flat belt/wire washer, Double wire press, Twin roll press


Install VSD for primary, secondary and tertiary centri-cleaners, pumps of unbleached and bleached pulp.


Introduce ClO 2 and H 2 O 2 bleaching stages

10. Install pressure screens in pulp mill and avoid centri-cleaners 11. Install 7-effect evaporator instead of conventional triple-effect evaporator 12. Installation of falling film evaporator 13. Install 2-stage steam heating in black liquor pre-heater 14. Install soda recovery plant in medium sized paper plants 15. Install causticiser and rotary lime kiln 16. Increase in TAA to get higher solids concentration in black liquor 17. Installation of plate heat exchanger in evaporator section B.

Stock Preparation & Paper Machine


Replace conical refiners with double disc refiners


Install conical port high efficiency vacuum pumps in place of flat port vacuum pumps


Replace centrifugal screens with pressure screen


Segregate high-vacuum & low-vacuum sections of the paper machine and connect to dedicated systems


Segregation of high-head and low head users in cooling towers and process areas


Install tri-nip press section in paper machine to reduce drying load


Install computerised automatic moisture control system for paper machines


Install paper machine hood heat recovery system


Convert small steam turbines in paper machine area to DC or AC drive so as to enhance cogeneration.


Co-Generation, Steam & Condensate Systems


Convert chain grate/spreader stoker boilers to FBC


Install co-generation system for medium sized paper plants


Install vapour absorption system to utilise LP steam and enhance cogeneration


Install cascade condensate recovery system in paper machine


Install cascade evaporators in soda recovery plant


Maximising solids concentration in Recovery boiler


Rotary feeder for lime kiln feeding system

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Energy Conservation in Pulp and Paper Industry 8.

Install steam-generating system from DG exhaust, if DG is run on a continuous basis


Install scoop type syphons in the dryer cylinders of paper machine instead of conventional steam & condensate system with rotary joints

10. Install hood recovery systems in paper machine to minimise steam consumption D.



Replacement of Aluminium bus bars with Copper bus bars in caustic chlor unit


Replacement of Mercury cell bottom


Installation of DCS monitoring and targetting system for better load management


Installation of harmonic filters

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Case Study No.1

Replacement of Dyno-drives with Variable Frequency Drives (VFD’s) in Washer Drum Drives Background The contents of the digester, after cooking, are blown down to a blow tank. The blown pulp is then washed, to remove the dissolved lignin and chemicals. Usually, washing is practised in counter current fashion, involving 3 or 4 stages of washing, using rotary drum washers. The washed pulp is then sent for bleaching and further processing. The rotary drum washers are operated under vacuum, utilising a barometric column. These drum washers are driven by a variable speed system, to achieve the desired speed variation, according to the throughput of the plant.

Previous status In one of the old integrated paper plants, the washer drum drives were originally supplied with AC commutator motors. As these commutator motors had frequent maintenance problems, these were replaced with dyno-drives. The dyno-drives, though have lesser maintenance problems, are inefficient at lower speeds. As the washers were operating at 50 - 60% of the rated speed for majority of the time, the replacement of these drives with more efficient drives, such as, variable frequency drives (VFD) can result in substantial energy savings.

Energy saving project The dyno-drives of the washers were replaced with variable frequency drives (VFD’s).

Concept of the project The dyno-drives are very inefficient at lower speeds. The dyno-drives also require special attention and maintenance, because of its semi-open construction. The variable frequency drives (VFD) are more efficient at lower/all speeds and require lesser maintenance, in comparison to dyno-drive.

Implementation status, problems faced and time frame The dyno-drives in both the washer drums were replaced with 22.5 kW variable frequency drives (VFD’s). A VFD can achieve the exact speed variation requirement energy efficiently depending on the process requirement. The problem faced during the implementation stage was the frequent tripping of the VFD’s. The supplier studied this and suitable remedial action was taken, to solve the problem. The entire project was executed in 3 months time.

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Energy Conservation in Pulp and Paper Industry

Benefits achieved The replacement of dyno-drives with VFD’s, resulted in a net reduction in power consumption. The net power saving achieved was 36,024 units/year (equivalent of 5.23 kW). The other major advantage is, the precise speed variation, which can be achieved.

Financial analysis The annual energy saving achieved was Rs.0.11million. This required an investment of Rs.0.25 million and had a simple payback period of 28 months

Replication potential This project has very high replication potential in majority of the medium size paper mills in the country and integrated paper mills also.

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Energy Conservation in Pulp and Paper Industry

Case Study No.2

Installation of Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) for Fan Pump Background The pumps in a paper plant, are major consumers of electrical power. The pumps are used for pumping water & pulp through out the plant - in the pulp mill, stock preparation section, paper machine and water pumping sections. One such important pump, is the fan pump, which pumps the dilute stock to the paper machine, through the centri-cleaners. The quantity of the stock being pumped by the fan pump varies, according to the quality and grade of the paper produced in the paper machine. The production of high GSM paper requires lower fan pump capacity, while the production of lower GSM paper needs higher fan pump capacity. Hence, normally the fan pump is designed for the maximum capacity requirement. Thus, the fan pump will be operating at lower capacity, whenever high GSM paper is produced. Conventionally, the fan pump is controlled by throttling the discharge valve or by re-circulating a part of the discharge, during such low capacity requirements. The operation of a centrifugal pump with valve throttling or re-circulation is energy in-efficient, as a part of the energy supplied to the pump, is either lost across the valve or wasted for recirculation. The latest trend is to install variable frequency drive (VFD) and control the varying capacity requirements, by varying the speed of the pump.

Previous status In a large integrated paper plant having one of the paper machines of 50 TPD capacity, the consistency of the pulp varied from 0.6% to as high as 1.0%. The quantity of the dilute stock to be pumped also varied accordingly, between 180 m3/h and 125 m3/h. A fan pump of the following specifications, is used to pump the stock: • Capacity

: 240 m3/h

• Head

: 35 m

• Motor rating

: 50 HP

This capacity and head were designed with a safety margin on the maximum requirement in mind. Hence, the valves in the delivery line of the fan pump had to be throttled and more so, when the high GSM paper was produced. The operation of a pump with valve throttling is energy inefficient, as a part of the energy supplied is lost across the valves.

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Energy saving project The fan pump was installed with a variable frequency drive (VFD) and the speed was varied to meet the varying capacity requirements. The valves were kept fully open, during the continuous operation of the pump.

Concept of the proposal The operation of a pump with valve throttling is an energy inefficient method of capacity control, as a part of the energy is lost across the valves. The best energy efficient way of capacity control, for such varying process conditions, can be effectively achieved with a variable frequency drive (VFD).

Implementation status, problems faced and time frame There were no problems faced during the implementation of this energy saving scheme. The time taken for the implementation was 6 months.

Benefits achieved The installation of VFD for the fan pump, resulted in the following: • Avoiding discharge valve throttling • Exact matching of the process requirements • Energy savings The net power reduction achieved on installation of VFD for the fan pump was 54 kW.

Financial analysis The annual energy saving achieved was Rs.0.25 million. This required an investment of Rs.0.50 million and had a simple payback period of 24 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.25 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.5 millions • Simple payback - 24 months

Replication potential This project has very high replication potential in majority of the medium size paper mills in the country and a few of the integrated paper mills also. On a conservative estimate, this project can be taken up for replication in about 100 paper mills in the country.

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Energy Conservation in Pulp and Paper Industry

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Case Study No.3

Replacement of Suction Couch Roll by Solid Couch Roll in the Paper Machine Background The paper machine performs the important function of converting the low consistency pulp to dry paper. The water removal is initially done by high-speed drainage, suction through flat vacuum boxes, suction couch & mechanical presses and drying in steam cylinders. The latest paper machines have been installing the modern presses and reducing the load on the steam drying section. Another project, which has been taken up by some of the plants, is the replacement of the suction couch with the solid couch. The concept of this project, is based on utilising the method, which removes the maximum quantity of water, with the least quantity of energy. This is particularly applicable, to plants based on long fibre agro-pulp, which have a low drainage.

Previous status In a medium size agro-based paper plant, the major portion of water from the wet end, is removed by suction couch roll. The moisture removal is effected by a vacuum pump of 200 kW rating. This is a highly energy intensive process.

Energy saving project The suction couch roll was replaced by a solid couch roll, for the efficient removal of moisture in the wet end of the paper machine.

Concept of the project Agricultural residue fibres have very low diameter and low water drainage rate. The quantity of water removed by the suction couch is very low and the energy consumption was disproportionately high. The inlet consistency to the suction couch roll was around 18% and outlet consistency after the suction couch roll was between 18.5 - 19.0%. To remove this moisture of 0.5 - 1.0% at the suction couch roll, a vacuum pump of 200 kW rating was being used. The operation of a vacuum pump can be avoided, by the installation of a solid couch roll. The additional water load, i.e., 0.5 - 1.0%, can be well taken care by the press part, without posing any adverse effect on the working of the press part.

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Implementation status, problems faced and time frame The suction couch roll was replaced with a solid couch roll, for the removal of moisture in the wet end of the paper machine. There was an initial apprehension that, whenever a break occurred at the wet end, it was due to the solid couch roll. However, once the plant team got familiar with the running of the paper machine with a solid couch roll, there were no further problems faced. The entire project was implemented in 2 months.

Benefits achieved The operation of the 200 kW vacuum pump was completely avoided with the implementation of this proposal.

Financial analysis The annual energy saving achieved was Rs.2.67 million. This will require an investment of Rs.1.00 million and had a simple payback period of 5 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 2.67 millions • Investment - Rs. 1.0 millions • Simple payback - 5 months

Replication potential This project has good replication potential in the agro-waste based small and medium size paper mills. These mills typically have the suction couch roll for water drainage instead of the modern presses.

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Energy Conservation in Pulp and Paper Industry

Case Study No.4

Installation of Seven Effect Free Flow Falling Film (FFFF) Evaporator Background Multiple effect evaporators are installed in the liquor line between the brown stock washers and the soda recovery boiler to efficiently remove large amounts of water from the liquor, so that, the recovery boiler produces steam from this liquor economically. The multiple effect evaporator is fed black liquor at 12-14% solids and concentrated to between 40-55% solids. Most of the paper plants use the short tube or long tube vertical evaporators, having five to seven effects, the first two effects being contained in one evaporator body. These conventional evaporators have the following disadvantages: • A large heating area is required, since the units are broad. • Requires hydrostatic head • Has a high pressure drop • Tendency to scale The latest trend among the large integrated paper plants, is the installation of free flow falling film evaporators. They are characterised by higher steam economy and better operational performance.

Previous status A large integrated paper plant had a conventional quintuple effect short tube vertical evaporator system for the concentration of black liquor. The black liquor flow rate was about 2500 m3/h. The steam economy achieved was 2.8 tons of water evaporation per ton of steam. These evaporators had frequent operational problems, leading to increased mechanical down time. Also the chemical losses were more due to the frequent water boiling. The installation of FFFF evaporators can result in higher steam economy, reduced down time and improved operational performance.

Energy saving project The quintuple effect short tube vertical evaporators were replaced with 7 - effect free flow falling film (FFFF) evaporators.

Concept of the project The FFFF evaporators are characterised by the following advantages over the conventional types:

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• In this type, the feed liquor is introduced at the top tube sheet and flows down the tube wall as a thin film. • Since the film moves by gravity, a thinner and faster moving film forms. This results in higher heat transfer coefficients and reduced contact times. • As a large heat transfer area can be packed into a given body, they occupy less floor space. • Heat transfer coefficients are high. • There is no elevation in boiling point, due to absence of hydrostatic pressure • Very high steam economy, of the order of 6 • There is no static head to affect the temperature driving force. This allows use of a lower temperature difference for units to operate. Hence, a superior evaporator performance is achieved.

Implementation status, problems faced and time frame The latest 7 - effect free flow falling film evaporator, was installed in place of the conventional short tube vertical evaporator. There were no problems faced during the implementation of this project and the implementation was completed in 12 months.

Benefits achieved The installation of 7-effect FFFF evaporator resulted in achieving a steam economy of 6. A net saving of about 97000 MT of low-pressure steam was achieved as a result of this modification. The modification also resulted in reduced down time and improved operational performance.

Financial analysis The annual steam savings achieved amounted to Rs.28.50 million. This required an investment of Rs.36.90 million, which had an attractive simple payback period of 16 months.

Replication potential There are only few installations of seven stage evaporators, particularly, the falling film evaporators in the paper industry. Hence, this project has very high replication potential in majority of the integrated paper mills in the country. On a conservative estimate, this project can be taken up for replication in about 10 integrated paper mills in the country.

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Case Study No.5

Recovery of Chemicals from Spent Liquor Obtained from Counter Current Washing of Unbleached Pulp in a Medium Size Paper Mill Background The chemical recovery systems (evaporators, recovery, boilers etc.,) are an integral part of any large integrated paper plant. The black liquor can be fired in the soda recovery boilers to generate steam. The sodium salts recovered in the process is reused in the digesters. Chemical recovery systems have been well proven and operating for many years in the large integrated plants. The installation of such chemical recovery systems in the medium size paper plants is generally considered financially unattractive. But one leading medium size paper plant has taken lead in this direction. They have installed a fluidised bed reactor to recover the chemicals from spent liquor and convert them into sodium carbonate pellets. These pellets are commercially sold, resulting in additional revenue generation.

Previous status In an agro-based medium size paper plant, the spent liquor obtained from the counter current washing of unbleached agro-pulp, was getting mixed with wastewater and let out to effluent treatment plant. This increases the load on the effluent treatment plant, as it is not possible to bring down the Sodium ratio in the effluent. The recovery of this spent liquor will not only reduce the effluent load, but also recovers the valuable chemicals, which can be sold.

Energy saving project A fluidised bed reactor was installed, to recover chemicals from spent liquor, obtained from counter current washing of unbleached pulp.

Concept of the project Spent liquor obtained after counter current washing of unbleached pulp has sodium lignate. Spent black liquor is concentrated to 45% solids content to have autocombustion in the reactor. The heat from flue gases makes the concentrated black liquor to convert into dry solids. When these dry solids are burnt, organic portion of solids are converted mostly into carbon dioxide and water vapour and generate heat. While sodium compounds present is converted into very useful chemical- sodium carbonate pellets.

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Energy Conservation in Pulp and Paper Industry As mentioned above it is an exothermic reaction, therefore no auxiliary fuel is required once combustion of solids present in spent liquors gets started. Sodium carbonate is used in the manufacture of glass, sodium silicate etc.

Implementation status, problems faced and time frame A chemical recovery plant, to recover the chemicals from spent black liquor, obtained from the counter current washing of the unbleached agro-pulp, was installed. The entire quantity of weak black liquor, which was earlier sent to the effluent treatment plant, is now processed in the soda recovery plant. This reduced the effluent load and related power consumption. The major problem faced during the implementation of this project was the de-fluidisation of the bed in the fluidised bed reactor. The problem was diagnosed and found to be due to the high chloride content in the wheat straw. The pre-treatment of the wheat straw, with water of low chloride contents, reduced the chloride contents in the wheat straw. This eliminated the problem of de-fluidisation. The entire project was implemented in 12 months time.

Benefits achieved The following benefits were achieved on the installation of chemical recovery system: • Chemical recovery (Sodium Carbonate) • Savings in power at the effluent treatment plant • Savings in Urea and DAP at the effluent treatment plant The summary of the financial benefits is as follows: Income (per month)

Expenses (per month)

Additional revenue generated by sale of Na2CO3 = Rs. 3.78 million

Fixed expenses (personnel, repairs & maintenance, financial etc.,) = Rs. 0.88 million

Saving in power, urea and DAP at ETP = Rs. 0.36 million

Variable expenses (diesel, power, steam etc.,) = Rs. 2.74 million

Total benefits = Rs. 4.14 million

Total expenses = Rs. 3.62 million

Net monthly benefits = Rs. (4.14 - 3.62) million = Rs. 0.52 million

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Financial analysis The net annual energy saving achieved was Rs.6.20 million. This required an investment of Rs. 12.60 million, which had a simple payback period of 24 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 6.2 millions • Investment - Rs. 12.6 millions • Simple payback - 24 months

Replication potential The installation of such chemical recovery systems in the medium size paper plants is generally considered financially unattractive. But considering the other spin-off benefits, like additional revenue from pellets and huge intangible benefits, such as, reduced load on ETP & related environmental benefits, this project can have good replication potential in all the medium size paper mills. On a conservative estimate, this project can be taken up for replication in about 50 medium size paper mills in the country.

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Case Study No.6

Installation of Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) for Boiler ID Fan Background The capacity requirements of the boiler ID fans, vary with the boiler operating conditions. In such highly fluctuation conditions, the right sizing (capacity and head) of the fans is very difficult. Some excess margins are added, to take of such uncertainties and safety considerations. The excess capacity/head of a fan, is conventionally, controlled by a damper. In a typical paper plant, the coal fired boiler, was operating with damper control. The varying capacity requirements, can be exactly matched in an energy efficient manner, by the installation of variable frequency drives.

Previous status In a large integrated paper plant, the varying capacity requirements of the coal fired boiler ID fan was achieved with damper control. The operation of a fan with damper control is an energy inefficient practise, as substantial energy is lost across the damper.

The installation of a variable frequency drive (VFD) can, not only result in exact matching of the varying capacity requirements, but also result in achieving energy savings.

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Energy saving project Variable frequency drives were installed for the coal-fired boiler ID fan and the soda recovery boiler ID fan.

Concept of the project The operation of a fan with damper control is an energy inefficient practise, as substantial energy is lost across the damper. The energy efficient method of capacity control is to vary the RPM of the fan, to exactly match the varying capacity requirements. The installation of a variable frequency drive can achieve this objective resulting in maximum energy savings, in all speed ranges.

Implementation status, problems faced and time frame A variable frequency drive was installed for the coal-fired boiler ID fan. There were some minor problems of tuning the variable frequency drive during the initial stages. The supplier’s service engineer rectified these problems. The implementation of the entire project was completed in 3 months time.

Benefits achieved The benefit of installing a variable frequency drive, for the coal-fired boiler ID fan is as follows: Parameter


ID fan Power Cons.

Power consumption without VFD



Power consumption with VFD



Power savings achieved



Financial analysis The annual energy saving achieved was Rs.0.56 million. This required an investment of Rs. 0.70 million and had an attractive simple payback period of 15 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.56 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.7 millions • Simple payback - 15 months

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Replication potential The project has very high replication potential in almost all the medium size paper mills and some of the integrated paper mills. Several integrated paper mills have installed variable fluid coupling (VFC) for the boiler (both coal-fired and soda recovery) ID fans. The comparative performance and cost-benefit analysis of the various variable speed devices, decides the best selection of the type of variable speed drive (VSD) to be installed for the ID fans. Amongst the various VSD’s available, a variable frequency drive (VFD) will offer the maximum energy savings and as well as maximum operational flexibility. Hence, it is advisable to replace VFC with VFD.

For example: • One of the integrated paper plants, by installing VFD for their soda recovery boiler ID fan, the plant was able to achieve a power reduction of 72 kW at 80% motor speed and 27 kW at 95% motor speed, as compared to VFC. • The plant achieved an annual energy saving of Rs.1.08 million. This required an investment of Rs.1.50 million, which had an attractive simple payback period of 17 months. Similar to the boiler ID fans, VFD’s have also been installed successfully for the boiler FD fans and SA fans.

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Case Study No.8

Conversion of Spreader Stoker Boilers to Fluidised Bed Boilers Background The paper plant is a major consumer of thermal energy in the form of steam. This steam requirement is met by a battery of boilers fired by a solid fuel (coal) and also partly by the Soda Recovery Boiler (SRB) in the case of the integrated plants. In the older paper plants, the boilers were the conventional stoker boilers. These boilers were characterised by: • Higher unburnts in ash • Lower thermal efficiency The latest trend has been to install the fluidised bed boilers or conversion of the existing chain / spreader stocker boilers, which have the following advantages: • Coal having high ash content/ low calorific value can be used • Biomass fuels can also be used • Lesser unburnts in ash • Higher thermal efficiency Hence, the older plants are also in a phased manner, converting their old stoker-fired boilers to fluidised bed boilers. This case study describes one such project implemented in a paper plant.

Previous status A large integrated paper plant, had four numbers of spreader stoker boilers, operating to meet steam requirements of the plant. These spreader stoker boilers, were designed for high calorific value coal (4780 kCal/kg) with low ash content. Due to non-availability of this type of coal, these boilers had to be fired with coal of low calorific value and high ash content. This resulted in the capacity down-gradation and loss in efficiency. The steam generation was only 14 TPH, as against the design rating of 30 TPH. The boiler efficiency achieved was only 65%.

Energy saving project The plant team modified two of the spreader stoker boilers into fluidised bed combustion boilers.

Concept of the proposal In addition to the benefits of fluidised bed combustion mentioned earlier, they also enable the use of biomass fuels, such as saw dust, generated in the chipper house.

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Implementation status, problems faced and time frame Two of the four spreader stoker boilers were converted to fluidised bed combustion boilers. This conversion to fluidised bed combustion boilers, enabled the use of saw dust, which is generated in the chipper house. There were no major problems faced during the implementation of this project. The implementation was taken up in two stages and was completed in 18 months time.

Benefits The steam generation capacity increased to 27 TPH and the thermal efficiency improved to 78%, with this modification. The improved thermal efficiency has resulted in an annual coal saving of 5639 MT. Additionally, the use of saw dust (calorific value of about 3000 kCal/kg) has resulted in an annual coal savings of 3600 MT.

Financial analysis The annual benefits achieved were Rs.10.50 million. This required an investment of Rs.27.00 million (for the conversion of two spreader stoker boilers to fluidised bed combustion boilers), which had a simple payback period of 31 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 10.5 millions • Investment - Rs. 27.0 millions • Simple payback - 31 months

Replication Potential This project can be replicated in majority of the older paper mills, both medium size and integrated paper mills, particularly, those plants which is looking at augmenting its boiler capacities and adopting high pressure cogeneration systems.

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Case Study No.9

Conversion of MP Steam Users to LP Steam Users to Maximise Cogeneration Background The paper industry is a major consumer of power and steam. In all the integrated plants and in a few medium sized plants, the co-generation system is installed to meet the power and steam needs of the plant simultaneously. This system facilitates the generation of cheaper power, fully meets the steam requirement and partly the power requirements of the plant. The balance power requirement is met, either from the grid or through condensing turbine, in the plant itself at a higher cost. Hence, the paper plant should make every effort to increase the co-generation power to the extent possible. The generation of power from the turbine depends on the pressure level of the extraction. The lower the pressure, the higher will be the generation of power per unit of steam extracted. Hence, efforts should be made to replace the HP (High Pressure) / MP (Medium Pressure) steam with LP (Low Pressure) steam to the extent possible. One such case study involving replacement of MP steam with LP steam and implemented in an integrated paper plant is described below.

Previous status One of the large integrated paper plants in the country, had an extraction-cum-back pressure turbine for the generation of power. The turbine specifications were as follows: • HP steam pressure

= 42 ata

• MP steam pressure

= 12 ata

• LP steam pressure

= 5.5 ata

The MP steam consumers, such as, malony filter, furnace oil preheaters in boilers and the steam air preheaters consume MP steam. The heating requirements in these areas, can be effectively met by LP steam. The conversion of these MP steam users to LP steam users, can help in maximising the cogeneration.

Concept of the proposal The detailed analysis of the temperature requirement of the various above listed MP steam users, indicated that the LP steam can be used for providing the required heat, without any problem.

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The comparison of power generation with MP steam and LP steam are as follows: • 1 MT of HP steam extracted as MP steam generates 67 kWh • 1 MT of HP steam extracted as LP steam generates100 kWh Hence, replacement of 1 MT of MP steam with 1 MT of LP steam can aid in generating about 23 kWh of extra power.

Implementation status, problems faced and time frame The MP steam users, such as, the malony filter, furnace oil preheater and the steam air preheater were converted to LP steam users. There were no particular problems faced during the implementation of this project. The implementation of the project was completed in 1 month time.

Benefits achieved By the conversion of the identified MP steam users to LP steam users, there was an additional annual power generation of 16.73 lakh kWh.

Financial analysis The additional annual benefit achieved (on account of increased power generation) was Rs.1.67 million. This did not require any major investment, as LP steam header was available close to all these users.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 1.67 millions • Investment - negligeble

Replication Potential This project has very good replication potential in almost all the paper plants have a commercial cogeneration system.

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Case Study No.10

Utilisation of Bamboo Dust along with Coal Firing in the Coal Fired Boilers Background Coal is used conventionally, as the basic fuel for combustion in the boilers for steam generation. The steam requirements of the entire plant are met, by steam generated in these coal-fired boilers. This is supplemented by steam generation from the soda recovery boilers.

Previous status In an integrated paper plant, two coal-fired boilers met the majority of the steam requirements of the entire plant. There was lot of bamboo dust generated in the chipper house, which was being sold-off to outside parties.

Energy saving project The bamboo dust was fired along with coal in the boilers.

Concept of the project This is an excellent cost reduction and waste disposal method. Even though, there are several proven cases of utilisation of alternate forms of fuel, including waste fuels and low cost fuels, coal continues to be the most preferred fuel in most of the paper plants, particularly the large integrated paper plants. As the cost and ash content of the coal available to the paper sector is on the raising trend, the use of supplementary fuels, such as, bamboo dust, rice husk, bagasse etc., have gained increasing prominence. This has assumed greater relevance, as the available coal resources are also fast dwindling.

Implementation status, problems faced and time frame Chipper dust was used along with coal as fuel, in the coal-fired boilers, on a trial basis. Once the operational stability was achieved, the chipper dust was used to supplement the coal firing on a continuous basis, except during the rainy season. During the rainy seasons, the plant team faced serious firing problems, due to the higher moisture content in the chipper dust. It was hence decided to stop the use of chipper dust as supplementary fuel during the rainy season. The time taken for the complete implementation of the project was 2 months, which also included the initial trials conducted. Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


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Benefits achieved With the use of bamboo dust as supplementary fuel to the coal firing in the coal-fired boilers, there was a net annual reduction in coal consumption by 3312 MT.

Financial analysis The annual energy saving achieved was Rs.4.14 million. This required only a minimal investment to transport the bamboo dust available in the chipper house to the boiler house.

Replication potential The project has excellent cost reduction and waste disposal potential. This coupled with the increased use of agro-wastes, such as, wet & dry pith from bagasse, groundnut shells, coconut shells, paddy husk etc., has tremendous long-term benefits.

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Energy Conservation in Pulp and Paper Industry

Case Study No.11

Installation of High-Efficiency Turbine Pumps for Raw Water Intake Background Water is an essential commodity for the pulp & paper industry, from both energy and environmental point of view. The overall water consumption of the Indian pulp and paper industry varies from 175 - 250 m3/ton of finished paper (depending on the product) in large integrated paper plants.

Previous status In one integrated paper plant, six pumps installed at the raw water intake well met the raw water requirements of the entire plant. The pumps were of the following specification: Three pumps

Three pumps

• Capacity

= 772 m3/h


= 522 m3/h

• Head

= 35 m WC


= 35 m WC

• Motor rating

=125 HP

Motor rating

= 75 HP

• Design efficiency

= 86.5%

Design efficiency

= 80%

To meet the normal plant requirements, the operating pattern of the pumps were as follows: • 3 pumps of 125 HP, run for 24 hrs/day • 2 pumps of 75 HP, run for 24 hrs/day • 1 pump of 75 HP, kept as stand-by pump, to take care of any exigencies. On detailed analysis of the pumps, it was observed that the three 125 HP pumps were operating very close to the design efficiency. On the other hand, the two 75 HP pumps were operating much below their best efficiency points. The design efficiencies were not being achieved, on account of ageing and wear out of impellers.

Energy saving project Three new high-efficiency river water turbine pumps were installed, in place of the existing 75 HP pumps.

Concept of the project The design efficiencies were not being achieved, on account of ageing and wear out of impellers. The latest turbine pumps for river water intake have operating efficiencies as high as 87%.

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Substantial energy savings can be achieved by the installation of high efficiency turbine pumps.

Implementation status, problems faced and time frame Three new high-efficiency, 125 HP turbine pumps were installed, in place of the old 75 HP turbine pumps. To meet the raw water requirements of the entire plant, the operating pattern of the pumps changed to: • Three 125 HP pumps, run for 24 hrs/day • One 125 HP pump, run for 12 hrs/day • Two 125 HP pumps, kept as stand-by No problems were faced during the installation of the new pumps, since there was a standby pump available. The new pumps were installed one-by-one. The total time taken for implementation of this project was 8 months.

Benefits achieved The total power consumption (measured by a common energy meter) of the 5 pumps in operation, before modification, was on an average 8000 units per day. After the installation of new high efficiency turbine pumps for raw water intake, the total power consumption (measured by a common energy meter) of the four pumps in operation was on an average about 7000 units/day. Thus, there was a net reduction in power consumption by an average of 1000 units/day (equivalent to 41.7 kW).

Financial analysis The annual energy saving achieved was Rs.1.05 million. This required an one-time investment of Rs.0.52 million and had a very attractive simple payback period of 6 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 1.05 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.5 millions

Replication potential

• Simple payback - 6 months

Water is an essential and power intensive utility for effective functioning of a paper mill. Hence, efficient operation of pumps is very important, not only from the process point of view, but also from cost point of view. The project has excellent replication potential, in majority of the integrated and medium size paper mills, which are dependent on rivers for raw water intake.

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Case Study No.12

Installation of Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) for Process Water Pump Background In a typical paper plant, the centrifugal pumps are major consumers of electrical energy. The capacity requirements of a centrifugal pump vary with the operating conditions and process requirements. Normally, the pumps are designed to operate at their maximum capacity and meet the peak load demand of the plant. However, these conditions do not arise all the time. Due to the variation in demand, the system pressure also varies. For example, when the header pressure varies between 3 kg/cm2 and 4 kg/cm2 (assuming the required pressure is 3 kg/cm2) the header pressure will approach 4 kg/cm2, during the period of low demand. This indicates generation of higher pressure, when it is not required, and a potential for saving energy to the extent of 25% [(4-3)/4 x 100] during low demand condition exists.

Previous status In a large integrated paper and paperboard plant, the process water pump was catering to the water requirements in the plant. The process water requirement was continuously varying, leading to fluctuations in the system header pressure between 3.0 and 4.0 kg/cm2. The installation of a variable frequency drive can exactly match the process requirements and maintain a constant pressure of 3 kg/cm2, resulting in energy savings.

Energy saving project A variable frequency drive was installed for the process water pump, with a pressure indicator controller (PIC) in a closed loop.

Concept of the project A variable frequency drive (VFD) can exactly match the process requirements by varying the RPM. The PIC will continuously monitor the header pressure and give a signal to the VFD panel to increase / decrease the RPM. Whenever the process demand decreases, the header pressure increases above 3 ksc. The PIC will sense this increase in pressure and will give signal to the VFD panel to reduce the RPM, to match the set point and vice-versa.

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Implementation status, problems faced and time frame A variable frequency drive was installed for the process water pump, with a PIC in a closed loop. There were some minor problems of tuning the variable frequency drive during the initial stages. The supplier’s service engineer rectified these problems. The implementation of the project was completed in 3 months time.

Benefits achieved The benefit of installing the variable frequency drives, for the boiler ID fans and process water pump are as follows: Parameter


Power cons. of process water pump

Power consumption without VFD



Power consumption with VFD



Power savings achieved



Financial analysis The annual energy saving achieved was Rs.1.15 million. This required an investment of Rs. 0.7 million and had an attractive simple payback period of 8 months

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 1.15 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.7 millions • Simple payback - 8 months

Replication potential Variable speed drives are finding increasing application, not only from energy point of view, but also from process point of view. The application purely depends on the variation in demand and also the flexibility of operation desired. In fact, some of the latest plants have almost 250-300 variable speed drives, a drive for almost any application you can think of!! Hence, variable speed drives have excellent application potential.

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Energy saving project The bamboo dust was fired along with coal in the boilers.

Concept of the project This is an excellent cost reduction and waste disposal method. Even though, there are several proven cases of utilisation of alternate forms of fuel, including waste fuels and low cost fuels, coal continues to be the most preferred fuel in most of the paper plants, particularly the large integrated paper plants. As the cost and ash content of the coal available to the paper sector is on the raising trend, the use of supplementary fuels, such as, bamboo dust, rice husk, bagasse etc., have gained increasing prominence. This has assumed greater relevance, as the available coal resources are also fast dwindling.

Implementation status, problems faced and time frame Chipper dust was used along with coal as fuel, in the coal-fired boilers, on a trial basis. Once the operational stability was achieved, the chipper dust was used to supplement the coal firing on a continuous basis, except during the rainy season. During the rainy seasons, the plant team faced serious firing problems, due to the higher moisture content in the chipper dust. It was hence decided to stop the use of chipper dust as supplementary fuel during the rainy season. The time taken for the complete implementation of the project was 2 months, which also included the initial trials conducted.

Benefits achieved With the use of bamboo dust as supplementary fuel to the coal firing in the coal-fired boilers, there was a net annual reduction in coal consumption by 3312 MT.

Financial analysis The annual energy saving achieved was Rs.4.14 million. This required only a minimal investment to transport the bamboo dust available in the chipper house to the boiler house.

Cost benefit analysis

• Annual Savings - Rs. 4.14 millions • Investment - negligible

Replication potential The project has excellent cost reduction and waste disposal potential. This coupled with the increased use of agro-wastes, such as, wet & dry pith from bagasse, groundnut shells, coconut shells, paddy husk etc., has tremendous long-term benefits. Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Case Study No.11

Installation of High-Efficiency Turbine Pumps for Raw Water Intake Background Water is an essential commodity for the pulp & paper industry, from both energy and environmental point of view. The overall water consumption of the Indian pulp and paper industry varies from 175 - 250 m3/ton of finished paper (depending on the product) in large integrated paper plants.

Previous status In one integrated paper plant, six pumps installed at the raw water intake well met the raw water requirements of the entire plant. The pumps were of the following specification: Three pumps

Three pumps

• Capacity

= 772 m3/h


= 522 m3/h

• Head

= 35 m WC


= 35 m WC

• Motor rating

=125 HP

Motor rating

= 75 HP

• Design efficiency

= 86.5%

Design efficiency

= 80%

To meet the normal plant requirements, the operating pattern of the pumps were as follows: • 3 pumps of 125 HP, run for 24 hrs/day • 2 pumps of 75 HP, run for 24 hrs/day • 1 pump of 75 HP, kept as stand-by pump, to take care of any exigencies. On detailed analysis of the pumps, it was observed that the three 125 HP pumps were operating very close to the design efficiency. On the other hand, the two 75 HP pumps were operating much below their best efficiency points. The design efficiencies were not being achieved, on account of ageing and wear out of impellers.

Energy saving project Three new high-efficiency river water turbine pumps were installed, in place of the existing 75 HP pumps.

Concept of the project The design efficiencies were not being achieved, on account of ageing and wear out of impellers. The latest turbine pumps for river water intake have operating efficiencies as high as 87%.

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Energy Conservation in Pulp and Paper Industry Substantial energy savings can be achieved by the installation of high efficiency turbine pumps.

Implementation status, problems faced and time frame Three new high-efficiency, 125 HP turbine pumps were installed, in place of the old 75 HP turbine pumps. To meet the raw water requirements of the entire plant, the operating pattern of the pumps changed to: • Three 125 HP pumps, run for 24 hrs/day • One 125 HP pump, run for 12 hrs/day • Two 125 HP pumps, kept as stand-by No problems were faced during the installation of the new pumps, since there was a standby pump available. The new pumps were installed one-by-one. The total time taken for implementation of this project was 8 months.

Benefits achieved The total power consumption (measured by a common energy meter) of the 5 pumps in operation, before modification, was on an average 8000 units per day. After the installation of new high efficiency turbine pumps for raw water intake, the total power consumption (measured by a common energy meter) of the four pumps in operation was on an average about 7000 units/day. Thus, there was a net reduction in power consumption by an average of 1000 units/day (equivalent to 41.7 kW).

Financial analysis The annual energy saving achieved was Rs.1.05 million. This required an one-time investment of Rs.0.52 million and had a very attractive simple payback period of 6 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 1.05 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.5 millions • Simple payback - 6 months

Replication potential Water is an essential and power intensive utility for effective functioning of a paper mill. Hence, efficient operation of pumps is very important, not only from the process point of view, but also from cost point of view. The project has excellent replication potential, in majority of the integrated and medium size paper mills, which are dependent on rivers for raw water intake.

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Case Study No.12

Installation of Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) for Process Water Pump Background In a typical paper plant, the centrifugal pumps are major consumers of electrical energy. The capacity requirements of a centrifugal pump vary with the operating conditions and process requirements. Normally, the pumps are designed to operate at their maximum capacity and meet the peak load demand of the plant. However, these conditions do not arise all the time. Due to the variation in demand, the system pressure also varies. For example, when the header pressure varies between 3 kg/cm2 and 4 kg/cm2 (assuming the required pressure is 3 kg/cm2) the header pressure will approach 4 kg/cm2, during the period of low demand. This indicates generation of higher pressure, when it is not required, and a potential for saving energy to the extent of 25% [(4-3)/4 x 100] during low demand condition exists.

Previous status In a large integrated paper and paperboard plant, the process water pump was catering to the water requirements in the plant. The process water requirement was continuously varying, leading to fluctuations in the system header pressure between 3.0 and 4.0 kg/cm2. The installation of a variable frequency drive can exactly match the process requirements and maintain a constant pressure of 3 kg/cm2, resulting in energy savings.

Energy saving project A variable frequency drive was installed for the process water pump, with a pressure indicator controller (PIC) in a closed loop.

Concept of the project A variable frequency drive (VFD) can exactly match the process requirements by varying the RPM. The PIC will continuously monitor the header pressure and give a signal to the VFD panel to increase / decrease the RPM. Whenever the process demand decreases, the header pressure increases above 3 ksc. The PIC will sense this increase in pressure and will give signal to the VFD panel to reduce the RPM, to match the set point and vice-versa.

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Implementation status, problems faced and time frame A variable frequency drive was installed for the process water pump, with a PIC in a closed loop. There were some minor problems of tuning the variable frequency drive during the initial stages. The supplier’s service engineer rectified these problems. The implementation of the project was completed in 3 months time.

Benefits achieved The benefit of installing the variable frequency drives, for the boiler ID fans and process water pump are as follows: Parameter


Power cons. of process water pump

Power consumption without VFD



Power consumption with VFD



Power savings achieved



Financial analysis The annual energy saving achieved was Rs.1.15 million. This required an investment of Rs. 0.7 million and had an attractive simple payback period of 8 months

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 1.15 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.7 millions • Simple payback - 8 months

Replication potential Variable speed drives are finding increasing application, not only from energy point of view, but also from process point of view. The application purely depends on the variation in demand and also the flexibility of operation desired. In fact, some of the latest plants have almost 250-300 variable speed drives, a drive for almost any application you can think of!! Hence, variable speed drives have excellent application potential.

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Case Study No.13

Installation of Centralised Compressed Air System Background A centralised compressed air system has a single large / multiple number of compressors at one location. On the other hand, a decentralised compressed air system has multiple numbers of compressors, distributed over various locations. Centralised compressor system is preferred in cases, where large capacity requirements at identical pressure levels. In addition, they also have the following advantages • The unloading operation of multiple compressors at different locations is avoided, thereby saving substantial energy. • This eliminates the requirement of stand-by compressors resulting in avoiding the investment on stand-by equipment at the design stage • Leads to usage of high capacity compressor, which are generally more efficient, compared to smaller ones.

Previous status A large integrated paper plant, had two compressed air units, catering to the compressed air requirements of the entire plant. These units were located at two different locations (decentralised). The decentralised system necessitates the operation of multiple compressor units. This leads to increase in both power consumption and mechanical maintenance problems.

Energy saving project The feasibility of installing a centralised compressed air system, in place of the decentralised system was considered.

Concept of the project From the energy efficiency point, a good compressed air system layout is the one which, offers the process the maximum plant efficiency and economy of operation. Process variables, maintenance, location, capacity of the utilities and the energy consumption must all be considered for this purpose. A centralised compressed air system has the following advantages over the decentralised compressed air system: • Reduced power consumption • Reduced manpower • Better maintenance control

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Implementation status, problems faced and time frame The old compressed air pipelines were replaced with new pipelines, to reduce the leakage losses and line friction losses. Further, the compressors were located at one central location for ease of operation and maintenance. As compressed air is very vital for the efficient operation of instruments, the major problem the plant team faced for the implementation of this project was the non-availability of a shutdown. The major modifications could be carried out, only during the entire plant shut-down. The implementation of the project was completed in 18 months time.

Benefits achieved There was a substantial reduction in the leakage losses and significant savings of power. There was a net reduction in power consumption by 53 kW, with the above modification. The maintenance costs also have reduced considerably.

Financial analysis The annual energy saving achieved was Rs.0.4 million. This required an investment of Rs. 0.7 million (for pipeline modification, civil works for relocation) and had an attractive simple payback period of 20 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.4 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.7 millions • Simple payback - 20 months

Replication potential The project has good replication potential in several integrated paper plants, considering the extent of compressed air distribution. The project also can be taken up in majority of the medium size paper mills.

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Case Study No.14

Installation of Heat of Compression (HOC) Air Dryers Background Compressed air is an important utility in process and engineering industries. Instrumentation applications require dry air. Any moisture present in the compressed air will condense at the point of utilisation, causing damage to the instrumentation valves. Drying of compressed air is achieved through various methods. However, the latest trend is to install heat of compression (HOC) dryers. Heat of compression dryer is a major technological improvement, having the following distinct advantages: • Utilises the heat in compressed air for regenerating the dessicant • Electrical heaters are eliminated • No purge air losses Low atmospheric dew point is achieved, depending on the dessicant used

Previous status A large integrated paper and board plant had compressed air requirements of about 112 m3/ min. About 50 m3/min of the compressed air was being dried using heater reactivated (lambda) type air dryer. The heater was rated for 32 kW heating capacity. The purge air loss in the dryer was about 10% of the total quantity of air being dried. This type of air dryer in addition to being highly energy intensive, also leads to substantial quantity of compressed air losses.

Energy saving project The heater reactivated compressed air drier was considered for replacement with heat of compression (HOC) dryer, to reduce the operating cost of the drying unit.

Implementation status, problems faced and time frame An HOC dryer was installed alongside the existing dryer and utilised for drying of compressed air. The dessicant used was activated alumina, which can give an atmospheric dew point of - 40°C. Some minor problems were encountered during the implementation of this project and necessary rectification measures were carried out. These are as follows: • Due to the attrition of the dessicant, carry-over of the dessicant powder was observed. Entire quantity of the dessicant was removed, filtered and topped-up.

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• Solenoid valves, which operate the four-way valves, were not connected properly. The routing of air was traced at different cycles and the valves were rectified. • Heating and cooling cycle times were not properly set, leading to improper regeneration. This was studied and successfully corrected. The project was commissioned during the shut down of the plant and was completed in 3 months time.

Benefits achieved Substantial power savings were achieved, on account of the elimination of heater operation. Also, compressed air losses were totally avoided, as there are no purge losses in HOC dryers.

Financial analysis The annual energy saving achieved was Rs.0.7 million (Rs.0.34 million - on account of power savings and Rs.0.36 million - due to elimination of purge losses). This required an investment of Rs.1.48 millon, which had a simple payback period of 25 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.7 millions • Investment - Rs. 1.48 millions • Simple payback - 25 months

Precautions to be taken for HOC dryer • Select the dessicant, depending on the required dew point, life of dessicant and cost of dessicant • If the temperature (at the discharge of the compressor) of air is less than 135°C, as in the case of screw/ centrifugal compressors, additional heaters are required for regeneration of the dessicant • Since air carries some dust, two after-filters need to be installed, one being a stand-by

Replication potential Almost all the paper plants, small, medium and integrated (barring a few), have reciprocating type air compressors and dessicant heated type or refrigerated type of drier. This offers an excellent potential for increased adoption of HOC dryers by the Indian paper industry.

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Case Study No.15

Installation of Blind Drilled Rolls (Dri-Press Rolls) instead of Conventional Press Rolls in Press Section of Paper Machine Background The press section, has a very important role in the drying process and hence, steam consumption of paper machine. the overall Chipper is the first major equipment in a paper plant. These chippers are used to produce wood chips, from the raw materials like hard wood, bamboo etc., for further processing in the digester house. Many of the old paper plants, in general, have conventional press rolls for de-watering. This led to non-uniform moisture removal, which in turn affected the throughput through the system. This resulted in very high specific steam consumption in the paper machine. The recent technological advancements in water removal and increased runnability of paper machines have led to the development of the blind drilled rolls (or Dri-Press rolls). The blind drilled rolls enable more efficient water removal than any other de-watering technique. The installation of blind drilled rolls is gaining increasing popularity, especially among the large integrated paper plants.

Previous status In a large integrated paper plant, the press section had the conventional press roll. The dryness achieved with the press roll was about 40-42%. This system had the following disadvantages: • Lower throughput • Increased de-watering requirement • Higher downtime due to higher breakages at wet end • Higher purging requirements • High specific steam consumption The installation of Dri-press rolls, can result in higher throughput and lower specific energy consumption.

Energy saving project The conventional press rolls were replaced with blind drilled rolls.

Advantages of the project These rolls have the following advantages:

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Energy Conservation in Pulp and Paper Industry • Higher dryness – The holes are precision drilled to optimize available land area and providing uniform sheet de-watering • Dynamic nip conditions • Higher throughput • Improved sheet quality • Reduced steam consumption • Reduced downtime and labour costs • Eliminates the need for purge showers • Extended felt-life • Elimination of crushing • Elimination of marking Hence, blind drilled rolls can be installed in the press section to achieve maximum energy efficiency.

Implementation status, problems faced and time frame The plant team replaced the conventional press rolls with blind drilled rolls in the two paper machines in phases. Initially, one paper machine was taken up for replacement and its performance was closely monitored. On achieving satisfactory operating results, the second machine was replaced. There were no major problems faced during the implementation of this project. The implementation of this project was completed during the planned shutdown.

Benefits achieved The dryness with blind drilled rolls (for writing & printing paper) improved to 44-46%, as compared to 40-42% with conventional press rolls, thereby, achieving 2-6% improvement in dryness. This results in equivalent savings in steam or fuel consumption. Besides, there was tremendous improvement in machine runnability.

Financial analysis The annual energy saving achieved was Rs.0.90 million. This required an investment of Rs. 2.4 million, which had a simple payback period of 32 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.9 millions • Investment - Rs. 2.4 millions • Simple payback - 32 months

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Energy Conservation in Pulp and Paper Industry

Case Study No.16

Installation of Extended De-lignification Pulping Process instead of Conventional Pulping Background The pulping in pulp & paper industry is conventionally carried out in vertical stationary digestors. These digesters are operated at a temperature of 170°C and 8 ata pressure. The steam is drawn from 12 ata header or the medium pressure steam extraction from turbine. The total batch time (Lid-to-lid) varies between 5 – 7 hrs, depending on furnish, black liquor ratio and steam pressure & temperature. The vertical digesters are highly energy intensive, consuming typically about 1.4 -1.5 tons of steam/ ton of FNP. Also, during blowing operation, substantial amount of heat loss takes place, besides, loss of chemicals and increase of effluent load. The latest technological advancements pulping have led to the adoption of extended delignification pulping process. The extended delignification pulping process is not only energy efficient, but also environment friendly. The system has the following features: • Majority of heat is recycled in the system. The recycled heat is stored in the form of hot black liquor and white liquor • Pulp is blown at lower temperature, resulting in lower heat loss from the system • Alkali rich white liquor addition takes place only at 115°C. This makes it more reactive with alkali and aids in making the cook more selective leading to extended delignification. • After cooking is over, the final displacement is performed with washer filtrate, eliminating the need for one stage of washing The installation of extended delignification pulping process can result in substantial benefits, especially among large integrated paper plants.

Previous status In a large integrated paper plant, the digestor house had conventional vertical stationary digestors, having a combined capacity of 250 Tons of BD pulp/day. The operating parameters were as follows: • Steam consumption = 1.42 tons / ton of FNP • Batch time = 6 hours (avg. time) • Kappa number = 21-22 • Yield = 45.3% • Washing loss = 16 kg/ ton of pulp (as sodium sulphate) • Black liquor conc. = 14.2% • Ash retention = 7% • Paper breakage = 3.3% Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Energy saving project The conventional vertical digesters were replaced with extended delignification pulping process. The major advantages of the project are: • Upto 75% reduction in steam demand • Higher brightness levels can be achieved due to low Kappa numbers • Considerable savings in bleaching chemicals • Uniform and better pulp quality (15-20% increase in tear/ tensile strength), resulting in better machine runnability and efficiency • Increased yield - atleast 46% possible • Reduction in washing loss leading to reduction of make-up chemicals • Reduced load on effluent treatment plant • Due to in-digestor washing, one stage of washing gets eliminated • Low screen rejects due to uniform cooking • Lower black liquor viscosity allows feeding the boiler at 75+% solids • Reduction of steam demand in evaporators

Implementation status, problems faced and time frame The plant team replaced the conventional vertical digestors with 3 new digestors of 80-tons/ day of BD pulp capacity, based on rapid displacement heating pulping process. There were no major problems faced during the implementation of this project. The implementation of this project was taken up parallel to the old pulp mill, to ensure that, the plant shutdown was kept minimal.

Benefits achieved The operating parameters were as follows: • Steam consumption

= 0.70 tons / ton of FNP

• Batch time

= 4 hours (avg. time)

• Kappa number

= 12-13

• Yield

= 46%

• Washing loss

= 10 kg/ ton of pulp (as sodium sulphate)

• Black liquor conc.

= 16%

• Ash retention

= 10%

• Paper breakage

= 1.5%

The reduction in chemical consumption was about 50%.

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Financial analysis The total annual savings achieved was Rs.140 million. This required an investment of Rs.500 million, which had a simple payback period of 42 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 140 millions • Investment - Rs. 500 millions • Simple payback - 42 months

Replication potential There is only one plant in India, which has installed the extended delignification pulping process. Hence, the replication potential for this project is enormous.

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Case Study No.17

Improved Paper Machine Design to Improve Production Background The success of a paper mill is determined not only on the basis of quality and quantity of paper produced, but also on productivity. Efficiency of paper machine plays a vital role in achieving runnability and hence, productivity. There are a number of limiting factors, which affect the efficiency and economics. Typically, agro-fibres have lower strength, which in turn affect the machine runnability. Also, use of agrofibres results in lower water drainage and higher power consumption. The identification of limiting factors and modifications to overcome them, becomes extremely necessary to optimise the productivity of the paper machine, without affecting the quality of paper.

Previous status In an agro-residue based paper mill, renewable agro-waste, such as, wild grasses and straws were being used for making high quality writing & printing paper. This system had the following features: • Stationary showers in head box • Wire return roll driven by a separate motor, causing unequal tension, leading to creasing of fabric • Speed of machine restricted, due to lower diameter of dandy roll, only 700 mm dia leading to limited production • HDPE tops for paper machine • Perennial problem of shadow marking in press part due to suction pickup roll • SLDF screen for dryer part • Static current problem in between calender and pope reel A critical study was conducted to modify its paper machine, to improve its efficiency in terms of quality and productivity.

Energy saving project The plant team applied various modifications, right from head box to dryer part in paper machine. The details of the modifications are as follows: • Energy efficient rotary showers installed in head box, in place of stationary showers • Wire circuit provided with an additional roll to improve wrap on FDR • Motor used for wire return roll removed

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• Diameter of dandy rolls increased to 1200 mm to increase speed of paper machine, enhance production and provide for water-marks • Ceramic tops installed in place of HDPE tops in paper machine • Suction pick-up roll modified to suction cum BDR to avoid shadow marking and ensure better sheet dryness • Speed difference between wire and pickup roll reduced, resulting in improved life of pickup felt life • SLDF screen replaced with woven screen for better sheet flatness and prevent screen marking • Static current remover installed between calender and pope reel

Implementation status, problems faced and time frame The plant team carried out the modifications on the paper machine in phases. The measures were taken up one-by-one to observe the benefits. On achieving satisfactory operating results, the other measures were taken up. There were no major problems faced during the implementation of this project.

Benefits achieved The following benefits were achieved: • Shower modification in head box resulted in better foam killing and reduced breaks due to foam lumps • Additional role avoided the wire slippage and consequent fabric damage • Increase in speed of machine from 250 m/min with 115 RPM dandy roll to more than 350 m/min with 95 RPM dandy roll • Elimination of fabric creasing, shadow marking problems • Increased felt and wire life • Increase in ash retention by over 1% • Sheet dryness improved from 10.5% to 16% after suction box • Constant moisture level at pope reel • Consistency in grammage

Financial analysis The total annual savings achieved on account of the various modifications was Rs.18.30 million.

Replication potential As about 31% of the paper mills are based on agro-residue, and also majority of the paper mills are looking at capacity augmentation without any major investments, the de-bottlenecking route could be a major opportunity to increase their competitiveness. Hence, this project has very good replication potential, particularly in the older mills having multiple number of smaller paper machines. Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


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9.0 List of Contractors/ Suppliers Name of Company and Address

Area of expertise

Larsen & Toubro Limited Industrial Machinery Heavy Engineering Division Kansbahal Dist. Sundargarh – 770034 Tel. : 0661 - 22280241/ 0101/ 0145 Fax : 0661 - 22280243/ 0557 Email : [email protected]

Raw material handling & preparation Pulping of wood & non-wood material Waste paper treatment & de-inking Secondary fibre generation Stock preparation & approach flow Paper & boards machine from headbox Winder and auxiliary systems

Enmass Andritz Private Limited IV Floor, Guna Building Annexe New No. 443, Old No. 304 Anna Salai Chennai – 600 018 Tel. : 044 – 24338050/ 51 Fax : 044 – 24322412 Email : [email protected] Web :

Design, manufacture, supply and service of Recovery boilers Falling film evaporators Lime kilns Recausticizers Desilication plant

Kvaerner Pulping S.A. (Pty) Ltd Postnet Suite 235, Private Bag X504 Northway 4065, Durban Republic South Africa ZA Tel. : +27 (0) 31 303 8940 Fax : +27 (0) 31 303 8949 Email : [email protected] Web :

Supplier of machines and systems to chemical and recycled pulp industries Supplier of pollution control systems and specialised process technology

Mechano Paper Machines Ltd. New Jessore Road Ganganagar Kolkatta – 700 132 Tel. : 033 – 2538 3744 Fax : 033 – 2538 4952

Total solutions for pulp & paper machines

Sulzer Pumps India Limited No.9, MIDCThane-Belapur Road, DighaNavi Mumbai – 400 708 Tel. : 022 – 55904321 Fax : 022 – 55904302 Web : Name of Company and Address

All types of centrifugal pumps MC pumps Wear resistant pumps Acid resistant pumps Area of expertise

Hindustan Dorr-Oliver Limited Dorr-Oliver House Chakala, Andheri East Mumbai – 400 099 Tel. : 022 – 2832 5541, 2832 6416/ 17/18 Fax : 022 – 2836 5659 Email : [email protected] Web :

Pulp & paper mill equipment Liquid-solid separation Environmental pollution control Water treatment

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Area of expertise

The Eimco-KCP Limited Ramakrishna Buildings 239, Anna Salai Chennai – 600 006 Tel. : 044 - 28555171 Fax : 044 – 28555863 Email: [email protected] Web :

Solids-liquid separation equipment like rotary vacuum filters, thickeners, clarifiers, classifiers etc. Water & waste water treatment plants

FFE Minerals India Limited FFE Towers, 27 G N Chetty Road T Nagar Chennai – 600 017 Tel. : 044 – 28220801/ 02, 28252840/ 44 Fax : 044 – 28220803 Email : [email protected]

Material handling systems Classification, filtration and thickening technologies Crushing and grinding Calcination, roasting, sintering, drying

Alfa Laval India Ltd. Mumbai -Pune Road Dapodi Pune - 411 012 Tel. : (020) - 24116100 / 27107100 Email : [email protected] Web : Contact : Mr Neeru Pant


Johnson India 3, Abirami Nagar, G.N. Mills Post Coimbatore – 641 029 Tel. : 0422 - 2442692 Fax : 0422 - 2456177 email: [email protected]

Steam engineering and consultancy

Elof Hansson (India) Pvt. Ltd. Old No.11, New No.23, II Main Road R A Puram Chennai – 600 028 Tel. : 044 - 24617901/ 902/ 903/ 904 Fax : 044 – 24617907/ 908 Email : [email protected]

Paper plant machinery Paper plant Chemicals

Pap-Tech Engineers & Associates R-22/301, Khaneja Complex Main Market, Shakarpur New Delhi – 110 092 Tel. : 011 – 22232003, 22219130 Fax: 022 – 22219130, 22422664 Email : [email protected] Web : Ruby Macons Limited 789/4, III Phase Road, GIDC Vapi – 396 195 Tel. : 0260 – 2410901 to 908 Fax : 0260 – 2410910 Email : [email protected] Web : Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency

Controls for paper machine pH, Flat box vacuum, Couch pit, Dry end pulper and Refiner Consistency control QCS/PLC/SCADA automation Basis weight control valve package Cascade control of steam & condensate Screening equipment


Name of Company and Address

Area of expertise

Rhetoric Technologies (P) Ltd. R-22/301, Khaneja Complex Main Market, Shakarpur New Delhi – 110 092 Tel. : 011 – 22232003, 22219130 Fax : 022 – 22219130, 22422664 Email : [email protected] Web :

Turnkey projects Suction pick-up roll cum press roll internals for bi-nip Auto guide for felt and wire

Porritts & Spencer (Asia) Ltd. 113/114 A, Sector 24 Faridabad – 121 005 Tel. : 0129 - 25233721/ 22/ 23 Fax : 0129 – 25234424 Email : [email protected]

Complete range of paper machine clothing

Parason Machinery (I) Pvt. Ltd. ”Parasons House”, Venkatesh Nagar Opp. Jalna Road Aurangabad – 431 001 Tel. : 0240 – 2339234/ 35/ 36/ 37 Fax : 0240 – 2332944 Email : [email protected] Web :

Stock preparation equipment and systems Hi-consistency pulper Forming machine

Ambica Paper Machineries 7, Karunasagar Estate Opp. Anil Starhc Prod. Ltd., Anil Road Ahmedabad – 380 025 Tel. : 079 - 22201089, 22201298 Fax : 079 – 22202668 Email : [email protected] Web :

Centri-cleaner system High density cleaner Shower pipes & nozzles Oscillating showers

Swetha Engineering Limited 121 – 133, Tass Industrial Estate Ambattur Chennai – 600 098 Tel. : 044 - 26252191/ 3191 Fax : 044 – 26250836 Email : [email protected]

Drum chippers, chip screens, rechippers Digesters, Blow tanks, Liquor preheaters Blow heat recovery system Screw presses UTM pulpers Agitators Multi effect evaporators

Indo Gears and Machinery (India) 48, New Arya NagarChowk Meerut Road Ghaziabad – 201 001 Telfax : 0120 – 22714877

Tri Disc refiners

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Area of expertise

Nash Water Technology Private Limited 67-UPS, Lake RoadKaggadaspura Extn. C V Raman Nagar Bangalore - 560 093 Tel. : 080 – 25246374 Fax : 080 – 25246445 Nash International Company No. 1 Gul Link Singapore 629371 Rep. of Singapore Tel. : (65) 861 6801 Fax : (65) 861 5091 Email : [email protected] Web :

Water ring vacuum pumps

PPI Pumps Pvt. Ltd. 4/2, Phase 1, GIDC Estate, Vatva Ahmedabad – 382445 Tel. : 079 – 25832273/4, 25835698 Fax : 079 – 25830578 Email : [email protected] Web :

Water ring vacuum pumps

Dandy Rolls India Pvt. Ltd. A – 179, 4th Cross, I Stage Industrial Estate, Peenya Bangalore – 560008 Tel. : 080 - 28394381 Fax : 080 -28398112

Dandy rolls Auto guides

SWIL Limited 27 –A, Camac Street Kolkkata – 700 016 Tel. : 033 - 22473375 to 78 Fax : 033 – 22473378

Dandy rolls & brackets Shower systems Synthetic fabric clothing Metallic wire cloth

Gala Equipment Limited A-59, Road No.10 Wagle Industrial Area Thane – 400 604 Tel. : 022 – 25820746/ 8934, 25800252 Fax : 022 – 25820771 Web :


Lathia Rubber Mfg. Company Pvt. Ltd. Saki Naka, Kurla-Andheri Road Mumbai – 400 072 Tel. : 022 – 28519140 Fax : 022 – 28513797

Blind drilled rolls Industrial rubber/ ebonite rollers

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10.0 List of Consultants Name of Company and Address

Area of expertise

Indian Companies SPB Projects and Consultancy Limited Esvin House, Perungudi Chennai – 600 096 Tel. : 044 – 24961056/ 1079/ 0359 Fax : 044 – 24961625 Email : [email protected]

v Project consultancy in paper plants & power plants v Management services

TCE Consulting Engineers Limited Tata Press Building 414, Veer Savarkar Marg Mumbai – 400 025 Tel. : 022 - 24374374, 24302419 Fax : 022 – 24374402 Email : [email protected] Web : Contact : Mr M G Yagneshwara Group Commercial Manager

v Preliminary planning v Detailed project reports v Basic and detailed engineering v Procurement, inspection & expediting v Project management v Construction supervision v Assistance in start-up testing and commissioning

Development Consultants Limited 24-B, Park Street Kolkata - 700016 Tel. : 033 - 22267601, 22497603 Fax : 033 - 22492340/3338 Email : [email protected]

v v v v v v v

Preliminary planning and surveying Detailed project reports Basic and detailed engineering Procurement, inspection & expediting Project construction and management Structural engineering Technical management

Engineers India Limited v Preliminary planning Engineers India Bhavan v Detailed project reports 1, Bhikaji Cama Place New Delhi – 110 066 v Basic and detailed engineering Tel. : 011 - 26186732, 26102121 v Procurement, inspection & expediting Fax : 011 – 26194760, 26178210 v Project management Email : [email protected] Web : Contact : Mr D K Gupta, General Manager – Mktg. UHDE India Limited UHDE House, LBS Marg Vikhroli (W) Mumbai – 400 083 Tel. : 022 - 25783701, 25968000 Fax : 022 – 25784327 Email : [email protected] Web :

v Preliminary planning v Detailed project reports v Basic and detailed engineering

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Area of expertise

Kvaerner Pulping Pte. Ltd. 152 Beach Road #24-02/04 Gateway East Singapore 189721 Tel. : +65 6392 8500 Fax : +65 6392 8511 Email : [email protected] Web :

v Providing engineering, design, fabrication and project management services for • Fiberlines • Recovery boilers • Power boilers

Chellam Project Consultancy and Technical Services Pvt. Ltd. 46, Krishna Complex, 4th Floor Chevalier Sivaji Ganesan Road T Nagar Chennai – 600 017 Tel. : 044 – 2430698/4491 Email : [email protected]

• Comprehensive consultancy services to pulp & paper industry

International Companies Jaako Poyry OYP O Box 4, Jaakonkatu 3FIN – 01621 VANTAA Finland Tel. : +358 – 9 – 89471/89472678 Fax : +358 – 9 – 8781818 Email : [email protected] Contact : Mr Ari Runsten, Sr. Process Engr. Pulping Process Dept.

• Project consultancy in paper plants & power plants Management services

AMEC Simons Forest Industry Consulting 111 Dunsmuir St, Suite 400 Vancouver, BCCanada, V6R 1R3 Tel. : 1- 604 – 6644402 Fax : 1- 604 – 6645381 E-Mail: [email protected] Contact : Mr Phil Crawford, VP & GM

• Project consultancy in paper plants

Forest Industry Consulting Metso PaperSE – 85194 Sundsvall Sweden Tel. : +46 – 60 – 1650 00 / 1651 77 Fax : +46 – 60 – 165500 Mobile : +46 – 70 – 653 3801 Email : [email protected] Contact : Mr Yngve Lundahl Regional Sales Manager - Fiberline

• Project consultancy in paper plants

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Name of Company and Address

Area of expertise

EKONO Inc. 11061 NE 2nd Suite 107, Bellevue WA 98004 Tel. : (425) 455 5969 Fax : (425) 455 3091 E-mail : [email protected]

• Project consultancy in paper plants

Associated Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. (APEC) 865 West Central Avenue Springboro Ohio 45066 – 1115 Tel. : 937 - 746 - 4600 Fax : 937 - 746 – 5569 Email : [email protected] Contact : Mr. Richard Ostberg, President

• Engineering services • Professional services • Consulting services • Feasibility studies • Scope developments • Capital cost estimates • Construction progress monitoring • Start-up assistance • Extensive work in Pulp Mills, De-inking, Fiber Preparation Systems, Paper Machine, Utilities and Coating

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Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Fertilizer


Per Capita Consumption

16.3 kg

Growth percentage


Energy Intensity

60% of manufacturing cost

Energy saving potential

2000 million (USD 40 million)

Investment potential on energy saving projects

6000 million (USD 120 million)

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


1.0 Introduction Agriculture accounts for a third of India’s national income. The agricultural sector provides direct employment to over 70% of the country’s population. The issues of productivity and growth of agriculture are important indicators of the economic growth of any country. Fertilizers play a key role in improving crop yield and hence are integral to modern farming. Growth in chemical fertilizer production and consumption therefore presents the single largest contributor to agricultural progress, its technological transformation and commercialization.

2.0 About Fertilizer The main primary nutrients that deplete with successive cropping are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Fertilizers supplement the natural deficiency as well as the depletion of nutrients. Nitrogen is primarily provided by nitrogenous fertilizers, such as, urea (46%N) or ammonia fertilizers, e.g. ammonium sulfate (20.6%N). Further shares of nitrogen are contained in complex fertilizers that combine all three-plant nutrients (NPK). Phosphate comes in the form of straight phosphatic fertilizers, such as, single super phosphate (16%P2O5) or as part of a complex fertilizer. Potassic fertilizer is available as straight potassic fertilizer, such as muriate of potash (60%K2O) or sulfate of potash (50%K2O) or as a complex NPK fertilizer component.

3.0 Types of fertilizers The key fertilizers used in India are: Urea supplies around 83% of the total nitrogen requirements. It is manufactured from ammonia in an energy intensive process. Natural gas is the preferred feedstock as it results in low variable cost compared to naphtha. At present, only 50% of the total domestic capacity is gasbased, about 30% is based on naphtha and rest on fuel, oil and coal. Single super phosphate supplies 19% of the total phosphatic nutrients. It is manufactured by treating rock phosphate with sulphuric acid and calcium. Both rock phosphate and sulphur are imported. Di-ammonium phosphate meets 50% of phosphatic and 8% of nitrogenous nutrients. Rock phosphate is the main feedstock. Phosphoric acid is manufactured by treating rock phosphate with sulphuric acid. It is then reacted with ammonia to manufacture DAP. The integrated manufacturers have their own ammonia, phosphoric acid and sulphuric acid plants, while sulphur and rock phosphate are imported. Potassium fertilizers are not manufactured in India due to the non-availability of the basic feedstock. Muriate of potash (MOP) is imported from countries like Canada, Jordan and Germany. Urea being the most affordable fertilizer, dominates the nitrogenous fertilizers, constituting more than 80% of consumption. DAP is the dominant phosphatic fertilizer accounting for 58%

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Fertilizer of consumption, followed by SSP with a 20% share. During the year 2001-2002, the NPK ratio deteriorated to 8.5:3.1:1 from 7.9:2.9:1 in 2000-2001.

4.0 Growth of Fertilizer Industry Agricultural growth is mainly dependent on advances in farming technologies and increased use of chemical fertilizers.

4.1 World Scenario The capacity and production (in thousand tones of nutrients) of Nitrogen, Phosphate and potash nutrients in the world are as follows: Nitrogen













The world ammonia productions, increased by about 5% in 2002, while the world urea production increased by about 4%. The average per capita consumption of fertilizer is about 22.1 kg and 91.1 kg/ha.

4.2 Indian Scenario 4.2.1 Installed capacity The first fertilizer-manufacturing unit was set up in 1906 at Ranipet near Chennai with a production capacity of 6000 MT of Single Super Phosphate per annum. The 80’s witnessed a significant addition to the fertilizer production capacity. India is presently the second largest Nitrogeneous fertilizer manufacturer and third largest Phosphatic Fertilizer manufacturer in the world, accounting for almost 10.9% and 3.8% of the world production, respectively. The present installed capacity of fertilizer production in India is about 120 lakh MT of nitrogen and 51.37 lakh MT of phosphate nutrients. In future, demand is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4%.

4.2.2 Capacity Utilization External factors, such as, weather and monsoon conditions, as well as policy changes regarding fertilizer production, use and agricultural output enhancement exert significant influence on capacity utilization in the industry. Against this background, there has been an overall improvement in the levels of capacity utilization over the years. During 1999-2000, the capacity utilization was 100.7% in the case of nitrogeneous and 94.0% in the case of phosphatic fertilizer plants.

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


The capacity utilization of the fertilizer industry is expected to improve as more modern plants based on proven technology and equipment go on stream. The existing plants in the private, public and co-operative sectors are improving their capacity utilization, through revamping & modernisation and incorporation of dual fuel/ feedstock facilities, wherever feasible.

4.2.3 Per Capita Consumption The per capita consumption of fertilizer in India, which was a meager 1 kg in the early 50’s, has increased substantially to about 16.3 kg in 2000-2001. The per capita fertilizer consumption in different countries is highlighted in the table below: Country

Fertilizer Consumption (per capita)

Fertilizer Consumption (kg/ha)






















Russian Fedn.












Source FAI

5.0 Profile of Manufacturing Units At present, there are 64 large size fertilizer units in the country, manufacturing a wide range of nitrogenous and phosphatic/ complex fertilizers. Of these, 39 units produce urea, 18 units produce DAP and 7 units produce ammonium sulphate as a by-product. Besides, there are about 79 small and medium scale units producing single superphosphate. The fertilizer industries are categorised under public sector, cooperative sector and private sector. The public sector units account for about 47% of the total installed capacity in fertilizer industry in India. The private sector accounts for about 36% and the co-operative sector for the remaining 17%.

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Fertilizer While most of the nitrogenous fertilizer production capacity can be found in the public sector, phosphatic fertilizer capacity is mainly installed in the private sector. The table below highlights the sector wise installed capacity of fertilizer plants in India. Sector

Installed Capacity (‘000’MT) Quantity



















5.1 Distribution of Manufacturing Units The plants are located all over India. Also, the consumption of chemical fertilizers in the country is unevenly distributed, being much higher in regions with assured irrigation. The region-wise break-up of number of industries and capacity is highlighted below: Nitrogeneous Fertilizers Region

Phosphatic Fertilizers

Numbers overall capacity

% share to


% share to overall capacity


























5.2 Major players in India The major fertilizer nitrogeneous and phosphatic fertilizer industries in India, are given below:

5.2.1 Nitrogeneous Fertilizer Units • BVFCL, Namrup III ( Assam) • CFL Vizag ( AP) • Chambal Fert Garde, Kota ( Raj) • Cyanides & Chemicals Surat ( Gujarat) • Deepak Fert; Osers & Petro Chemicals Corpn. Taloja ( Maha) • Duncans Industries ( Fomerly ICI India and later Chand Chhap Fert) • EID Parry ( India) Ennore ( TN) • FACT

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


a) b) c)

Alwaye (Kerela) Ambalamedu Cochin I (Kerala) Ambalamedu Cochin II (Kerala)

• FCI Sindri (Jharkhand) • Godavari Fertilisers & Chemicals, Kakinada ( AP) • GNFC, Bharuch ( Gujarat) • GSFC a) Vadodara (Gujarat) b) Vadpdara (Gujarat) Polymer Unit c) Sikkar I (Gujarat) • HLCL Haldia ( West Bengal) • IFFCO a) Kalol (Gujarat) b) Kandla ( Gujarat) c) Pulpur ( UP) d) Aonla(UP) • Indo Gulf Corpn. (Unit: Fertilisers) Pvt a) Jagadishpur (UP) b) Dahej( Gujarat) c) KRISBHO, Hazira (Gujarat) 2 plants d) MFL Manali ( TN) e) MCFL, Mangalore ( Karnataka) f) Nagarjuna Fetilizers & Chemicals, Kakinada ( AP) NFL a) b) c) d) e)

Bhatinda ( Punjab) Nangal I & II ( Punjab) Panipat ( Haryana) Vijaipur ( MP) NLC, Neyveli ( TN)

Oswal Chemicals& Fertilisers a) shajahanpur(UP) b) Pradeep (Orissa) Punjab National Fertilisers & Chemicals, Naya Nangal ( Punjab) RCFL: a) Thal Vaishet ( Maha) 2 plants b) Trobay ItoIV (Maha) Trombay V ( Maha) Rashtriya Ispat Nigam, Visakhapatnam( AP) SAIL a)

Bhilai ( Chattisgargh)

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Fertilizer b) c) d) e) f) g)

Bokaro ( Jharkhand) Durgapur( WB) IISCO, Burnpur –Kulti( WB) Rourkela ( Orissa) Rourkela ( Fert. Plant Orisa) SFC, Kota ( Rajasthan)

SPIC, Tuticorin( TN) Tata Chemicals Babrala( UP) Tuticoring alkali Chemicals & Fertilisers, Tuticorin(TN) ZIL, Zurai Nagar (Goa) Under Implementation BVFCL, Namrup II ( Assam) Revamp (Pun) BVFCL, Namrup III ( Assam) Revamp ( Pun) Gujarat State Fertilisers & Chemicals pvt Sikka II ( Gujarat) Under Consideration IFFCO, Nellore ( Andhra Pradesh) KRIBHCO, a) Hazira, Phase II Guj) b) Gorakhpur ( UP) RCFL,Thal Vaishet ( Maharashtra )III Stage ICS Senegal ICS, Senegal ( Expn) Indo Jordan Chemicals Co Indo Maroc Phosphore S A SPIC Fert Chem Ltd Oman India Fert. Co

5.2.2 Phosphatic Fertilizer Units Andhra Sugars, Tanuku, W Godavari ( AP) Arawali Phosphate, Umra, Udaipu (Raj) Arihant Fertilisers & chemicals, Neemuch ( MP) Arihand Phosphate & Fertilizers, Nimbaheda, Chittorgarh ( Raj) Asha Phosphate, Jaggakhedi, Mandsaur ( MP) Asian Fertilizers, Gorakhpur ( UP) Basant Agro Tech ( India) Akola ( Mah) BEC Fertilisers ( Unit of Bhilai Engg. Corpn. Ltd) a) Bilaspur, (Chhattisgarh) b) Pulgaon, Wardha, (Maj) Bharat Fertilisers Industries ( Maharashtra) Kharivali, Thane ( Mah) Bohra Industries Umra, udaipur (Raj) Chemtech Fertilizers, Kazipalli, Medak ( AP) Coimbatore Pioneer Fertilizers, Coimbatore ( TN) Dharamsi Morarji Chemicals Co., Ambernath ( Mah) Dharamsi Morarji Co., Kumhari ( Chhattisgarh) Dharamsi Morarji Chemicals Co Amreli (Guj)

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Dharmsi Morarji Chemicals Co., Khemli ( Raj) EID Parry (India) Ranipet ( TN) Gayatri Spinners, Hamirgarh ( Raj) HSB Agro Industries, Shahpur, Dist Hoshipur (PB) Hind Lever Chemicals Ltd Haldia( WB) Jairam Phosphates, Gudichiroli ( Mah) Jayshree Chemicals & Fertiliser Khardah ( WB) Jayshree Chemicals & Fertilizers Unit III Pataudi ( Haryana) Jubilant Organosya Gajraula ( UP) Kashi Urvarak, Jagadishpur Sultanpur ( UP) Khaitan Chemicals & Fertilizers Nimrani, Khargone ( MP) Khaitan Fertilizers, Rampur Kothari Industrial Corporation Ennore (TN) Krishna Industrial Corporation, Nidadavole (AP) Liberty Phosphate a) Madri Udaipur ( Raj) b) Vadodara (Guj) Madhya Bharat Agro products, Sagar ( MP) Madhya Pradesh Orgochem, neemuch, Nayagaon ( MP) Mahadeo Fertilizers fatehpur ( UP) Maharastra Agro industrial development panvel ( mah) Mangalam phosphates, hamirgarh, bhilwara ( Raj) Mardia Chemicals Surendra Nagar ( Gujarat) Mexican Phosphates Nimrani, Khargone ( MP0 Mukteswar Fertilizers, Narayankhedi, Ujjain (MP) Narmada Agro Chemicalst, Junagadh( Guj) Nirma Limited, Moralya (Guj) Natraj Organics Muzaffarnagar( UP) Oriental Carbon & Chemicals, Dharunhera( Har) Phosphate Co, Rishra ( WB) Pragati Fertilizers Vizag( AP) Prem Shakhi Fertilizers, lakadwas, Udaipur ( Raj) Prathyusha Chems and Fertilisers, Visakhapatnam (AP) Priyanka Fertilizers & Chemicals, Anakapalli, Visakhapatnam ( AP) Rajalaxmi Agrotech, Jalna ( Mahrastra) Raashi Fertilizers Lakhmpur, Nasik ( Mah) Rama krishi Rasayan, Lkoni Kalbhor ( Mah) Rama Phosphates, Indore ( MP) Rama Phosphates Udaipur (Raj) Ravi Pesticides Bijnaur (UP) Rewathi Minerals and Chemicals, Hirapur, Sagar ( MP) Sadana Phosphates & Chem. Udaipur (Raj) Shiva Fert. Nanded ( Mah) Shree Acids & Chemicals Gajraula ( UP) Shreej Phosphate, Kallipura, Jhabua ( MP) Shri Bhavani Mishra Fertilizers Nanded ( Mah)

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Fertilizer Shri Ganpati Fetilizers, Muzaffarpur ( Bihar) Sona Phosphates Sarigam, Valsad ( Guj) Shurvi Colour Chem ( Raj) Swastik Fetilizers, jhansi ( UP) Sri Durga Bansal, Faizabad ( UP) Subhodaya Chems, Gauri Patnam ( AP) Teesta Agro Ind ( Fromely Suderban Fert. And Chem) Jalpaiguri ( WB) TEDCO Granites, Bhilwar (Raj) Tungabhadra Ferts. Chems Koppal Hospet (Karnataka)

6.0 Raw Material Profile 6.1 Nitrogeneous fertilizers Domestic raw materials are available only for nitrogenous fertilizers. For the production of urea and other ammonia-based fertilizers, methane is the major input. Methane is obtained from natural gas/ associated gas, naphtha, fuel oil, low sulfur heavy stock (LSHS) and coal. Of late, production has switched over to use of natural gas, associated gas and naphtha as feedstock. Out of these, associated gas is most hydrogen rich and easiest to process, due to its lighter weight and fair abundance within the country. However, demand for gas is quite competitive since it serves as a major input to electricity generation and provides the preferred fuel input to many other industrial processes.

6.2 Phosphatic fertilizers For production of phosphatic fertilizers, most of the raw materials have to be imported. India has no source of elemental sulfur, phosphoric acid and rock phosphate. Some low-grade rock phosphate is domestically mined and made available to rather smallscale single super phosphate fertilizer producers. Sulfur is produced as a by-product by some of the petroleum and steel industries.

7.0 Process description The basic raw material for the production of nitrogenous fertilizers is ammonia, for straight phosphatic fertilizers, phosphate and for potassic fertilizers, potash. Out of the three fertilizer types, production of ammonia is most energy and resources intensive.

7.1 Ammonia production The most important step in producing ammonia (NH3) is the production of hydrogen, which is followed by the reaction between hydrogen and nitrogen. A number of processes are available to produce hydrogen, differing primarily in type of feedstock used.

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


The hydrogen production route predominantly used worldwide is steam reforming of natural gas. In this process, natural gas (CH4) is mixed with water (steam) and air to produce hydrogen (H2), carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Waste heat is used for preheating and steam production, and part of the methane is burnt to generate the energy required to drive the reaction. CO is further converted to CO2 and H2 using the water gas shift reaction. After CO and CO2 is removed from the gas mixture ammonia (NH3) is obtained by synthesis reaction. Another route to produce ammonia is through partial oxidation. This process requires more energy (up to 40-50% more) and is more expensive than steam reforming. The advantage of partial oxidation is high feedstock flexibility: it can be used for any gaseous, liquid or solid hydrocarbon. In practice partial oxidation can be economically viable if used for conversion of relatively cheap raw materials like oil residues or coal. In the partial oxidation process, air is distilled to produce oxygen for the oxidation step. A mixture containing among others H2, CO, CO2 and CH4 is formed. After desulfurization CO is converted to CO2 and H2O. CO2 is removed, and the gas mixture is washed with liquid nitrogen (obtained from the distillation of air). The nitrogen removes CO from the gas mixture and simultaneously provides the nitrogen required for the ammonia synthesis reaction.

7.2 Nitogeneous fertilizers A variety of nitrogenous fertilizers can be produced on the base of ammonia. Ammonia can be used in a reaction with carbon dioxide to produce urea. Ammonia nitrate can be produced through the combination of ammonia and nitric acid adding further energy in form of steam and electricity. Other fertilizer types produced on the base of ammonia include calcium ammonium nitrate (ammonium nitrate mixed with ground dolomite) and NP/NPK compound fertilizers.

7.3 Phosphatic fertilizers Phosphatic fertilizers are produced on the basis of phosphoric and sulfuric acids. Phosphoric acid is produced, by the leaching of phosphate rock, with sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid very often remains as a waste product of the chemical industry.

7.4 Potash fertilizers Potash fertilizers are produced from sylvinite salt. Sylvinite is diluted in a circulation fluid in the flotation process. The potash fertilizer is separated, by skimming the solution.

8.0 Energy Intensity The fertilizer industry is one of the major consumers of hydrocarbons. The fertilizer sector accounts for 8.0% of total fuels consumed in the manufacturing sector.

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Fertilizer Energy costs account for nearly 60% of the overall manufacturing cost. The absolute energy consumption by this sector has been estimated at 112 million Giga calories. The specific energy consumption per ton of urea varies between 5.79 Giga calories for the most efficiently operating plant to 13 Giga calories for the most inefficient plant. Energy intensity in India’s fertilizer plants has decreased over time. This decrease is due to advances in process technology and catalysts, better stream sizes of urea plants and increased capacity utilization.

8.1 Types of fuel used Energy is consumed in the form of natural gas, associated gas, naphtha, fuel oil, low sulfur heavy stock and coal for process. LDO, LSHS, HFO and HSD are also used in diesel generators. Large fertilizer plants generate part of their own power through cogeneration mode in TG sets, while smaller plants depend exclusively on purchased power or power from DG sets. With the ever-increasing fuel prices and power tariffs, energy conservation is strongly pursued as one of the attractive options for improving the profitability in the Indian pulp and paper industry.

8.1.1 Nitrogeneous fertilizers Production of ammonia has greatest impact on energy use in fertilizer production. It accounts for 80% of the energy consumption for nitrogenous fertilizer. The feedstock mix used for ammonia production has changed over the last decade. The choice of the feedstock is dependent on the availability of feedstock and the plant location. The shares of feedstocks in ammonia production are as follows: Feedstock



Natural Gas






Fuel oil







Coke oven gas Coal

The shift towards the increased use of natural/associated gas and naphtha is beneficial in that these feedstocks are more efficient and less polluting than heavy fuels like fuel oil and coal. Furthermore, capacity utilization in gas based plants is generally higher than in other plants. Therefore, gas and naphtha are the preferred feedstocks for nitrogenous fertilizer production.

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


8.1.2 Phosphatic fertilizers The production of phosphatic fertilizer requires much less energy than nitrogenous fertilizer. Depending on the fertilizer product, energy consumption varied from negative input for sulfuric acid to around 1.64 GJ/tonne of fertilizer for phosphoric acid. For sulfuric acid the energy input is negative since more steam (in energy equivalents) is generated in waste heat boilers than is needed as an input.

8.3 Specific energy consumption The specific energy consumption comparison of Indian fertilizer industry is as follows: Parameter


Indian Norms

For Naptha based

G Cal/ MT


For Natural gas based

G Cal/ MT


For Naptha based

G Cal/ MT


For Natural gas based

G Cal/ MT


Ammonia (incl. Off site energy)


9.0 Energy Saving Potential The various energy conservation studies conducted by the CII – Energy Management Cell and feedback received from the various industries through questionnaire survey and plant visits, indicate an energy savings potential of 10% of the total energy use. This is equivalent to an annual savings potential of about Rs.2000 million. The estimated investment required to realize this savings potential is Rs.6000 million, with a payback time of three years, depending on scale of operations and technology. The fertilizer industry has an attractive cogeneration potential of atleast 100 MW, in addition to the existing cogeneration plants.

9.1 Major factors that affect energy consumption in fertilizer units The major factors that affect energy consumption in the Indian fertilizer industry are as follows: • Age of plant • Technology used • Capacity of plant • Level of capacity utilisation -

Weather and monsoon conditions


Use and agricultural output

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Fertilizer -

Policy changes regarding fertilizer production

• Availability, storage and transportation -

Raw materials

• Finished products • Availability, choice and cost of feedstock/ fuels • Location of plant • Reduction in raw material consumption • Reduction in utility consumption • Environmental impact abatement systems • Level of safety and reliability controls • Number and multiplicity of machinery • Boiler type & pressure levels • Level of cogeneration power generation • Levels of instrumentation • Extent of utilisation of variable speed drives, such as, variable frequency drives (VFD), variable fluid couplings (VFC), DC drives, dyno-drives etc. These are the various major factors, which affect the specific energy consumption in fertilizer plants.

10.0 Energy saving schemes An exhaustive list of all possible energy saving projects in the fertilizer industry is given below. The projects have been categorised under short-term, medium term and capital-intensive projects. The projects which have very low or marginal investments and have an energy saving potential of upto 5% has been categorised as short-term. The projects which require some capital investment having a simple payback period of less than 24 months and having an energy saving potential of upto 10% has been categorised as medium-term. The short-term and medium-term projects are technically and commercially proven projects and can be taken up for implemented very easily. There are several projects, which have very high energy saving potential (typically 15% or more), besides other incidental benefits. These projects have very high replication potential and contribute significantly to improving the competitiveness of the fertilizer industry. However, these projects require very high capital-investment and hence has been categorised separately.

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


10.1 List of all possible energy conservation projects in a fertilizer plant 10.1.1House-Keeping Measures – Energy Savings Potential of 5% A.

Process areas


Avoid idle running of equipment, like conveyors and bag filters, by installing simple interlocks.


Providing timer control for agitators for sequential operation


Ensure optimum loading of all equipment


Avoid fresh water use for condensers, wherever possible, by maximizing use of recycled water


Optimise fresh water consumption in process areas


Avoiding pump operation by utilisation of gravity head


Optimising excess capacity/ head in pumps by change of impeller or trimming of impeller size


Optimising excess capacity/ head in fans/ blowers by RPM reduction or change of impeller


Optimise capacity of vacuum pumps by RPM reduction


Steam, Condensate Systems and Cogeneration


Monitor excess air levels in boilers and hot air generators


Arrest air infiltration in boiler flue gas path, particularly economiser and air preheater section


Plug steam leakages, however small they may be


Always avoid steam pressure reduction through PRVs. Instead, pass the steam through turbine so as to improve cogeneration


Insulate all steam and condensate lines


Monitor and replace defective steam traps on a regular basis


Monitor boiler blow down; use Eloguard for optimising boiler blow down


Monitor the blow-down quantity of water in cooling towers and the quality of water


Electrical Areas


Install delta to star convertors for lightly loaded motors


Use transluscent sheets to make use of day lighting


Install timers for automatic switching ON-OFF of lights


Install timers for yard and outside lighting


Grouping of lighting circuits for better control


Operate at maximum power factor, say 0.98 and above


Switching OFF of transformers based on loading


Optimise TG/DG sets operating frequency


Optimise TG/ DG sets operating voltage

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Energy Conservation in Fertilizer D.



Avoid/ minimise compressed air leakages by vigorous maintenance


Optimise the pressure setting of the compressor, closely matching the requirement


Replacement of Aluminium blades with FRP blades in cooling tower fans


Install temperature indicator controller (TIC) for optimising cooling tower fan operation, based on ambient conditions


Install level indictor controllers to maintain level in tanks


Install hour meters on all material handling equipment

10.1.2 Medium term Measures – Energy Savings Potential upto 10% A.

Process areas


Install new correct size high efficiency pumps for process pumps, scrubber circulation pumps, recycled water, DM water and Soft water pumping


Install booster pumps for high head cooling water users (if they are only minor users) and optimise overall head of cooling water pumps


Install VSD for process pumps, DM water pumps, soft water pumps, raw water pumps and condensate transfer pumps


Install VSD for raw water, recycle water, effluent discharge and sulphur pumps


Optimising the capacity of vacuum pumps by RPM reduction or bleed-in control


Optimise the suction line size of water ring vacuum pumps


Install pre-separators for water ring vacuum pumps


Install new high efficiency fans & blowers in boiler


Install new high efficiency blowers for scrubbers in complex plant

10. Install VSD for scrubber blowers in complex plant 11. Mechanical unloading system in raw material handling area B.

Co-Generation, Steam & Condensate Systems


Install automatic combustion control system/ oxygen trim control system in steam boilers and soda recovery boilers


Install economiser/air preheater for boilers


Install boiler air preheater based on steam to enhance cogeneration


Install high temperature deaerator (120°C to 140°C) with suitable boiler feed water pump to enhance cogeneration


Install automatic blow down system for boilers


Install heat recovery from boiler blow down


Banking of boilers instead of cold start-up

8. 9.

Installation of flash vessels for heat recovery from hot condensate vapours Condensate recovery and rinse water usage in complex plant

10. Convert medium pressure steam users to LP steam users to increase co-generation Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


11. Install VSD for SA fan, FD fan and ID fan 12. Install VSD for boiler feed water pump 13. Replace dyno-drives with VSD for coal feeder 14. Install chlorine dosing and HCl dosing for circulating water. 15. De-superheating station for low pressure steam users 16. Solar water heating for boiler feed water preheating 17. Installation of automatic debris filter at TG cooling water inlet C.

Electrical Areas


Install maximum demand controller to optimise maximum demand


Install capacitor banks to improve power factor


Installation of thyristorised rectifiers


Replace rewound motors with energy efficient motors


Install energy efficient motors as a replacement policy


Thyristor room AC units provided wit timer control


Replace HRC fuses with HN type fuses


Replace 40 Watts fluorescent lamps with 36 Watts fluorescent lamps


Replace conventional ballast with high efficiency electronic ballasts in all discharge lamps

10. Install SV lamps at wood and coal yard areas instead of MV lamps 11. Install LED lamps for panel indication instead of filament lamps 12. Install CFL’s for lighting in non-critical areas, such as, toilets, corridors, canteens etc. 13. Installation of neutral compensator in lighting circuit 14. Optimise voltage in lighting circuit by installing servo stabilisers 15. Minimising overall distribution losses, by proper cable sizing and addition of capacitor banks 16. Replace V-belts with synthetic flat belts D.

Air Compressors


Segregate high pressure and low pressure users


Replace heater - purge type air dryer with heat of compression (HOC) dryer for capacities above 500 cfm


Replace old and inefficient compressors with screw or centrifugal compressors


DG System


Use cheaper fuel for high capacity DG sets


Increase loading on DG sets (maximum 90%)


Increase engine jacket temperature (max. 85°C) or as per engine specification


Take turbocharger air inlet from outside engine room


Installation of steam coil preheaters for DG set fuel in place of electrical heaters

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Energy Conservation in Fertilizer F.



Install VFD for AHU fans with feed back control based on return air temperature


Install two port control valves for chilled water supply to AHU’s water pump


Install Variable Frequency Drive for ammonia transfer pump in atmosphere ammonia storage system


Floating type aerator in place of fixed aerators


High efficiency diffuser aerators instead of conventional aerators


Treatment of effluent through activated sludge lagoon resulting in stopping of aerators


Use of ETP filter cakes in boilers


Solar water heating for canteen and guest house


Convert V-belt to flat belt drives

and install VFD for chilled

10.1.3 Long term Measures – Energy Savings Potential of 10-15% 1.

Maintaining 42 kg/cm2 pressure at reformers outlet with the latest manurite 36M material for reformer tubes and operating with low S/C ratio


Utilization of superior catalysts in reformer


Installation of pre-reformer


Utilization of latest and active HTS and LTS catalysts for shift conversion


Utilization of efficient CO2 removal process


Installation of radial flow converters with active catalysts in the synthesis conversion


Installation of purge gas recovery systems and Ammonia recovery systems


Installation of DCS control systems and process optimiser


Installation of modified total recycled process for maximum heat recovery at Urea plant

10. Installation of Urea hydrolyser stripper for reducing Ammonia losses in Urea plant 11. Installation of multi-stage high efficiency turbine in sulphuric acid plant 12. Installation of plate heat exchanger for cooling of sulphuric acid coming from drying tower 13. Installation of mechanical conveying system (Bucket-elevator or pipe conveyor) in place of pneumatic conveying system for rock phosphate transportation 14. Install conical port high efficiency vacuum pumps in place of flat port vacuum pumps 15. Segregate high-vacuum & low-vacuum sections of the paper machine and connect to dedicated systems 16. Segregation of high-head and low head users in cooling towers and process areas 17. Replacement of steam ejectors with vacuum pumps to enhance cogeneration 18. Install DCS controls for process automation in sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid and complex plants 19. Install belt conveyor for conveying ground rock phosphate instead of pneumatic conveyors. In case of space constraint, install pipe conveyors

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


20. Installation of new correct size high efficiency pumps for sea water or raw water intake 21. Improvement of turbo-generator performance 22. Upgradation of utility boiler 23. Installation of waste heat recovery system in the process areas 24. Installation of hydraulic turbine 25. Install vapour absorption system to utilise LP steam and enhance cogeneration 26. Install vapour absorption system based on DG jacket water, if DG is run on a continuous basis 27. Install steam-generating system from DG exhaust, if DG is run on a continuous basis 28. Installation of DCS monitoring and targetting system for better load management 29. Installation of harmonic filters 30. Replace multiple small size DG sets with bigger DG sets 31. Conversion to low NOx system for one 4 MW DG sets 32. Install Evaporative Condensers For The Atmospheric Ammonia Storage System

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Fertilizer

Case Study No.1

Installation of High Efficiency Turbine for Air Blower in Sulphuric Acid Plant Background The sulphuric acid plant generates substantial quantity of heat, which is converted to steam in the waste heat boiler. The sulphuric acid plant also needs energy for operating equipment, such as, fans and pumps. One of the major energy consumers is the air blower, which supplies air at high pressure for burning sulphur in the furnace. The blower is either turbine driven or motor driven. Conventionally, the fans were turbine driven and the turbines were of single stage. These single stage turbines have a low efficiency of 35 to 40 %. The latest trend is to replace these single stage turbines with high efficiency multi-stage turbines and reduce the steam consumption. This project has greater benefits in a plant where there is venting of low pressure steam, as any efficiency increase of the turbine results in reduction of high-pressure steam generation.

Previous status In the sulphuric acid plant (1200 TPD capacity) of a huge fertilizer complex, the sulphur furnace blower was driven by a single stage turbine operating between 35 kg/cm2 and 3.5 kg/ cm2. The turbine had a specific steam consumption of 16.9 tons per MW. The turbine was consuming about 27 TPH of steam during normal operation. There was also a mis-match of LP steam generation and requirement, resulting in an average venting of LP steam (pressure of 3.5 kg/cm2) of about 4 TPH. The plant also had taken up some modernising schemes to upgrade the capacity of the sulphuric acid plant. This meant that there will be additional load on the turbine and hence more venting of LP steam.

Energy saving project The single stage turbine was replaced with a new multi-stage steam turbine of higher efficiency. The improvement in efficiency was about 15 % resulting in reduction of steam consumption by about 3 TPH, even when operating at higher load.

Implementation methodology & time frame The implementation of this project was taken up parallel, during the operation of the plant for the stand-by fan. During a stoppage of the plant, the fan fitted with the new turbine was put into service. The implementation took about 1 month to complete. No problem was encountered during implementation and subsequent operation of plant.

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Benefits of the project The implementation of this project resulted in the saving of about 3 TPH of steam (35 kg/cm2).

Financial analysis The implementation of this project resulted in an annual saving (@ Rs.400/ MT of steam) of Rs 9.60 million. The investment made was about Rs 15.00 million, which had a simple payback period of 19 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs.9.60 millions • Investment - Rs.15.0 millions • Simple payback - 19 months

Replication potential The project has replication potential in all phosphatic fertilizer plants in the country, where, the blower drive has a single stage turbine and plant has commercial cogeneration. On a conservative basis, the project can be implemented in atleast 5 fertilizer units in the country.

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Energy Conservation in Fertilizer

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Case Study No.2

Installation of Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) for Sulphur Pump Background The phosphatic fertiliser plants use sulphuric acid for reacting with rock phosphate to produce phosphoric acid. The sulphuric acid is generated from elemental sulphur. The elemental sulphur is melted and the molten sulphur is pumped to the furnace for oxidation. The sulphur pump is generally rated for maximum capacity along with a safety margin. The control normally followed is a re-circulation control, i.e., part of the molten sulphur from the outlet of the pump is sent back to the melting pit. The re-circulation method of control is highly energy inefficient as energy is wasted for pumping extra liquid. The latest energy efficiency method is to install variable frequency drives and control by varying the speed.

Previous status In the sulphuric acid plant (1200 TPD capacity) of a huge fertiliser complex, the sulphur pump was being driven by a steam turbine with inlet steam at 35 kg/cm2. The pump was of 10.2 m3/h capacity and 265 m head and was being controlled by recirculation. Also, the turbine driving the pump was a small one consuming a maximum of about 0.7 TPH of steam. Since the quantity of steam was less, the exhaust was let out into the atmosphere. This was an energy in-efficient system, as the pump was being operated with re-circulation and the exhaust was also let into the atmosphere.

Energy saving project The steam turbine was replaced with a motor of 22 kW with a variable frequency drive. There were two pumps and one was operated continuously. The replacement was done for one of the pumps and other turbine driven pump was kept as a stand-by. Consequent to the installation of the variable frequency drive, the pump was controlled by varying the speed to meet the varying process requirement.

Implementation methodology & time frame The implementation of this project was taken up parallel during the operation of the plant for the stand-by pump. During a stoppage of the plant, the pump fitted with the VFD was put into service. The implementation took about 1 month to complete. No problem was encountered during implementation and subsequent operation of plant.

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Energy Conservation in Fertilizer

Benefits of the project The implementation of this project resulted in the saving of about 0.4 TPH of steam. The motor installed along with VSD was consuming about 15 kW.

Financial analysis The implementation of this project resulted in a net annual saving (@ Rs.350/ MT of steam) of Rs 0.75 million. The investment made was about Rs 0.50 million, which had a simple payback period of 8 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.75 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.50 millions • ISimple payback

- 8 months

Replication potential The installation of variable frequency drives for various critical applications is well proven. This project has very good replication potential in several phosphatic fertilizer units, particularly the smaller plants in the country.

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Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Fertilizer

Case Study No.3

Installation of Right Size Hot Sump Pump Background In the phosphatic fertiliser plants, the phosphoric acid is produced from rock phosphate by reacting with sulphuric acid. Subsequently, the weak phosphoric acid is concentrated in the concentrators from a concentration of 28 % to 48 – 50 %. These concentrators are maintained under vacuum with the help of steam ejectors. This section consumes electrical energy for the cooling water pumps and the hot sump pumps. These pumps need to be of the right size; otherwise, the pumps have to be operated with valve throttling to meet the process requirement. The installation of the right size pumps is therefore essential for operation of the plant at lower energy consumption.

Previous status In a fertiliser complex involved in production of complex fertilisers with ammonia plant and phosphoric acid plant, two hot sump pumps of 1500 m3/h capacity and 25 m head are used for pumping hot water from the sump to the top of cooling tower. The motor driving the pump had a rating of 160 kW. The water requirement was around 1700 m3/h. Hence, one of the pumps was operating with the discharge valve throttled.

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Energy saving project The detailed study of the water requirement indicated that the maximum requirement of hot water to be pumped is around 1700 m3/h only. Hence, one of the hot sump pump was replaced with a smaller pump of capacity 250 m3/h and 30 m head and driven by a motor of 45 kW. The system is schematically shown in the diagram. Consequent to the implementation of this project the pumps were operated with discharge valve fully open. Before


2 pumps of 1500 m3/h capacity

1 pump of 1500 m3/h capacity

One pump with valve throttling

1 pump of 250 m3/h capacity

Implementation methodology & time frame The implementation of this project was taken up during the operation of the plant. The implementation took about 4 months to complete. A pump, which was available in the plant as a spare, was used for this. No problem was encountered during the implementation and subsequent operation of the plant.

Benefits of the project The implementation of this project resulted in the reduction in the power consumed for hot water pumping. The power consumption reduced by 32 kW, resulting in a saving of 2.5 million units per year.

Financial analysis This amounted to an annual monetary saving (@ Rs.3.1/unit) of Rs 0.78 million. As the pump available in the plant was used for replacement, no significant investment was involved for implementing this project. The investment, which would have been made, had the pump been not available is Rs.0.50 million, which will have a simple payback period of 8 months.

Replication potential The installation of correct size – capacity/ head pumps find numerous applications in the fertilizer industry. This concept can be extended to all the various types of pumps in a fertilizer industry, namely, raw water pumps, soft water pumps, DM water pumps, scrubber circulation pumps, effluent water pumps, recycle water pumps etc.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.78 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.50 millions • Simple payback - 8 months

Hence, this project has very high replication potential, with innumerable applications. Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Fertilizer

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Case Study No.4 Optimisation of Vacuum Pump Operation Background The vacuum pumps are used in different sections of the fertiliser plant for creating vacuum. The choice of the right size of vacuum pump and maintaining of the system without leaks are essential for achieving energy efficiency. In the phosphatic fertiliser units, the Aluminium fluoride is produced as a by-product. In the production of AlF3 , the final slurry comprising of silica and small quantities of AlF3 is filtered in a long belt filter before discharging the dry cake (which is free of acid and AlF3). The filtration requires a vacuum of 150 to 200 mmHg, which is produced by a vacuum pump.

Previous status

In a phosphatic fertiliser unit which is part of a bigger fertiliser complex involved in production of complex fertilisers, a long belt filter was being used for final filtration of the slurry of silica and AlF3. Two vacuum pumps of 500 m3/h capacity and 0.3 kg/cm2 vacuum were being used for creating vacuum. One of the vacuum pumps was being operated with valve throttling.

Energy saving project The detailed study of the system revealed the following: • There were leaks in the vacuum line joints close to the belt filter. • The capacity of the vacuum pump was reduced due to uneven wearing of the pump.

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Energy Conservation in Fertilizer During a maintenance stoppage of the plant, the leakges were arrested and a trial was taken to operate the filter with one vacuum pump. The trial was satisfactory and the operation of one vacuum pump per filter was made into a standard operating procedure.

Implementation methodology & time frame The implementation of this project was taken up during the planned shut down of the plant. The implementation took about 1 week to complete. No problem was encountered during the implementation and subsequent operation of the plant.

Benefits of the project The implementation of this project resulted in the reduction in the power consumed for vacuum generation. The power saving was about 15 kW, which annually amounted to 1,20,000 units.

Financial analysis This amounted to an annual monetary saving (@ Rs.3.1/unit) of Rs 0.37 million. As the implementation of this project involved only some maintenance and change of operating procedure there was no significant investment.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs.0.37 millions

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Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Fertilizer

Case Study No.5

Installation of a Pipe Reactor in Complex Plant Background The complex fertiliser is produced by reacting the different components such as phosphoric acid, sulphuric acid, ammonia etc. in specific proportions in a reactor. Subsequently, the product from the reactor is granulated, dried, coated if required and sent for despatch. Though these units are not highly energy intensive like the nitrogenous plants, there is nevertheless a good potential to save energy by suitable modifications and technology upgradation.

Previous status In a phosphatic fertiliser complex, producing Ammonium sulphate and Mono-ammonium phosphate, the final section of the plant had the following configuration: • The phosphoric acid, sulphuric acid and ammonia are reacted in a tank reactor to produce a melt of 85 % solids. • This melt was then pumped to a granulator for converting to the form of granules. The melt concentration had to be maintained below 85 % solids, so that the melt is pumpable. To maintain this concentration water was being added to the system. • The granules were then dried in a furnace oil fired rotary drier for removing the moisture. • The average furnace oil consumption was 20 litres/ton of product. The system is shown in the diagram.

Energy Saving Project The plant replaced the existing tank reactor with a pipe reactor. The new system after implementation is indicated in the diagram.

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Implementation methodology & time frame The implementation of this project was taken up during the annual maintenance of the plant. The implementation took about 4 months to complete. No problem was encountered during the implementation and subsequent operation of the plant.

Benefits of the project The implementation of this project resulted in operation of the reactor at higher concentration. The outlet of the reactor was directly inserted into the granulator. Hence the concentration of the melt was maintained at about 95 %, as against < 85 % earlier. The increase in concentration of the melt reduced the drying requirement in the dryer. The furnace oil consumption came down from 20 litres/ton of product to 5 litres/ton of product.

Financial analysis The implementation of this project resulted in a net annual saving (@ Rs.7.0/litre and a production of 2.0 lakh tons) of Rs 21.00 million. The investment made was about Rs.80.00 million, which had a simple payback period of 45 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 21.0 millions • Investment - Rs. 80.00 millions

Replication potential

• Simple payback - 45 months

The replication potential is very high, particularly in the smaller size complex fertilizer manufacturing plants.

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Energy Conservation in Fertilizer

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Case Study No.6

Installation of Right Size High Efficiency Sea Water Pumps Background The fertiliser plant consumes substantial power for cooling water pumping to different parts of the plant. The installation of the right size and high efficiency pumps therefore is essential for operation of the plant at lower energy consumption.

Previous status In a fertiliser complex involved in production of complex fertilisers with ammonia plant and sulphuric acid plant was using seawater for meeting a part of its cooling requirements. The plant had three sea water pumps, out of which two pumps were being operated for pumping sea water. This was being used in the Ammonia plant & Sulphuric acid plant for both indirect cooling in various heat exchangers and direct uses such as scrubbing and washing. The pumps were of 15000 USGPM capacity and 4.5 kg/cm2 head driven by a 800 HP, HT (3.3 kV) motor. One of the pumps was being operated with discharge valve throttled.

Energy saving project The detailed study of the water requirement and the pressure profile of the whole plant indicated the following: • The maximum water quantity requirement was around 20000 USGPM • The maximum head requirement was only 2.5 kg/cm2 Hence, the plant replaced one of the pumps with 23000 USGPM capacity, 30 m head high efficiency pump. The old motor was retained for driving the pump.

Implementation methodology & time frame The implementation of this project was taken up during the operation of the plant. The implementation took about 4 months to complete. No problem was encountered during the implementation and subsequent operation of the plant.

Benefits of the project The implementation of this project resulted in the following benefits: • Reduction in the power consumed for sea water pumping

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Energy Conservation in Fertilizer • Only the new pump was operated. The other two pumps were kept as stand-by. The above benefits resulted in the reduction of energy consumption by 11 lakh units per annum.

Financial analysis This amounted to an annual monetary saving (@ Rs.3.3/unit) of Rs 3.63 million. The investment made was around Rs 4.00 million. The simple payback period for this project was 14 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 3.63 millions • Investment - Rs. 4.00 millions

Replication potential

• Simple payback - 14 months

The project has excellent replication potential in the raw water pumps of all fertilizer plants.

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Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Fertilizer

Case Study No.7

Installation of Vapour Absorption System Background The non-process areas in a fertiliser plant also consume substantial electrical energy. The various consumers include building & control room air-conditioning and lighting. The airconditioning requirement has been conventionally met through various vapour compression machines. The latest trend has been to install vapour absorption systems in plants where cheap LP steam is available. These systems are quite reliable and less maintenance prone. The fertiliser plant offers an excellent opportunity for installation of vapour absorption systems, as huge quantities of cheap low-pressure steam is available.

Previous status In a big fertiliser complex producing Urea and some phosphatic fertilisers, conventional vapour compression systems with Ammonia as refrigerant and reciprocating compressors, were used for meeting the air-conditioning requirement of the plant buildings and control rooms. Three reciprocating compressors each of 100 HP were being operated to meet the requirement. The average load was about 200 to 250 TR at an average power consumption of 1 kW/TR.

Energy saving project A vapour absorption system of 300 TR capacity was installed to meet the plant air-conditioning requirement. The vapour absorption system was based on steam at 3.5 kg/cm2 and had a specific steam consumption of 7 kg/TR.

Implementation methodology & time frame The implementation of this project was taken up parallely during the operation of the plant. The vapour absorption system was installed and was hooked up replacing the vapour compression system. The implementation took about 12 months to complete. No problem was encountered during implementation and subsequent operation of plant.

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Benefits of the project The implementation of this project resulted in the following benefits. • Reduction in power consumption by 7.0 lakh units per year • Saving of Ammonia make-up costs – Rs. 4.0 lakh per year • Reduction in maintenance costs – Rs. 1.20 lakh per year Additionally the implementation also aided in continuous, trouble-free and reliable operation of the air-conditioning unit.

Financial analysis The implementation of this project resulted in an annual monetary saving (@ Rs.3.10/kWh) of Rs 2.70 million. The investment made was about Rs 9.00 million. The simple payback period is 36 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 2.70 millions • Investment - Rs. 9.00 millions • Simple payback - 36 months

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Energy Conservation in Fertilizer

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Case Study No.8

Replacement of Old PRDS Valves with Superior Design Valves Background The nitrogenous fertiliser plant is a major consumer of thermal energy for meeting the various heating requirements and mechanical energy for driving the different equipment such as compressors, pumps and fans. To meet both power and steam demand, co-generation system is installed. The bigger equipment are driven generally by steam turbines and the smaller ones by electrical motors. The steam extracted from the turbine is used for meeting the process steam requirement. To the extent possible, the flow of steam flow through the PRDS (pressure reducing and desuperheating station) i.e., reduction of pressure without generating power, is avoided. However, to take care of the ‘Power-steam’ mis-match, exigencies and start-up conditions, the PRDS is installed. The effective operation and maintenance of the PRDS is therefore essential for over-all efficiency.

Previous status This case study pertains to a ammonia fertiliser complex producing 900 tons per day of Urea. The PRDS system in the ammonia plant is described below. • The entire demand of the ammonia plant at 40 ata, is met by the 40 ata extraction of the synthesis gas compressor turbine. Two PRDS systems are installed to meet the 40 ata steam demand during start-up and tripping of the synthesis gas compressor. • The system is installed so that the PRDS comes in line, immediately when the synthesis compressor trips. • However, these PRDS valves need to be maintained with a minimum flow of 150 kg/h, so that the valve opens immediately when required. This continuous minimum flow caused high erosion of the valve internals leading to much higher flow of steam through the valve, ultimately resulting in continuous venting of 40 ata steam.

Energy saving project The plant installed a new PRDS system with drag type valves of superior design. These valves needed little continuous flow of only 20 kg/h, for quick opening. The erosion of the valve at this flow was almost nil.

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Energy Conservation in Fertilizer

Implementation methodology & time frame The implementation of this project was taken up when the plant was in operation. The installation of the new system and successful commissioning took about one year. No problem was encountered during the implementation and subsequent operation of the plant.

Benefits of the project The implementation of this project resulted in reduction of 40 ata steam loss. The loss reduced from 10000 kg/h to 20 kg/h. The total energy saved per year is about 63,360 GCal.

Financial analysis The implementation of this project resulted in a net annual saving (@ Rs.350 / GCal) of Rs. 22.00 million. The investment made was about Rs. 12.20 million, which got paid back in 8 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 22.00 millions • Investment - Rs. 12.20 millions • Simple payback - 8 months

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Energy Conservation in Fertilizer

Case Study No.9

Replacing Reformer Tubes with Tubes of HPNb Material Stabilised with Micro-Alloys Background The reformer is very important process equipment, used in the production of Ammonia. This ammonia is consequently utilised, for the production of nitrogenous fertilisers. The reformer is a major consumer of energy and the efficiency of the reformer section has a major bearing on the over-all energy consumption of a fertiliser plant. Hence, the process of reforming and the equipment used for reforming, needs priority attention in a fertiliser plant. Nitrogenous fertilisers use Ammonia as the basic material for providing the nitrogen component. Ammonia is synthesised by chemically combining Hydrogen and Nitrogen under pressure, in the presence of a catalyst. The Hydrogen requirement is met by, catalytically reacting a mixture of steam and hydro-carbons, at an elevated temperature, to form a mixture of Hydrogen and oxides of Carbon. CnHm + nH2O

——> <——-

CO + H2O

nCO + (m/2 + n) H2

——> <——-

CO2 + H2

The first reaction is called the Reforming reaction. This is a highly endothermic reaction, and hence needs energy input in the form of fuel firing, which is normally natural gas / naphtha. One of the important factors which affects the performance of the reformer is the material of construction of the reformer tubes. Conventionally the HK40 or IN519 or equivalent material were being used for the reformer. Presently, modified HPNb materials stabilised with micro-alloys are available and are being increasingly considered for the reformer tubes. These materials have better strength and stability at higher temperature and increased creep strength. These aspects aid in: • Possibility of operation of the reformer at higher temperature & pressure • Reduced reformer wall thickness • Increased quantity of catalyst packing in the same space – this aspect has been utilised advantageously, for increasing the capacity and reducing the energy consumption of existing Reformers.

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This has been taken up successfully in many fertiliser plants with substantial advantages.

Previous status In a 357 TPD Ammonia plant involved in production of Urea and other Phosphatic fertilisers, the reformer tubes were made of conventional material with 25 % Chromium & 20 % Nickel.

Energy saving project The Reformer tubes were replaced with ‘modified HPNb materials stabilised with micro-alloys’ with higher Chromium & Nickel and stabilised with Niobium (25 % Chromium, 35 % Nickel, 1.5 % Niobium and traces of Zirconium).

Implementation methodology & time frame The implementation of this project was taken up as part of the Revamping exercise and took about 9 week to complete. The implementation and consequently the operation did not pose any problem.

Benefits of the Project The replacement of the reformer tubes with modified superior material resulted in the following benefits: • Reduction in thickness of tube from 20 mm to 10 mm • Increase in internal diameter of tubes from 100 mm to 120 mm – Aided in packing additional catalyst to the extent of 35 % • Increase in capacity of the plant by 15 % • Reduction in Reformer tube skin temperature The above benefits together resulted in reducing the energy consumption for production of Ammonia by 0.15 GCal / MT of Ammonia.

Financial Analysis This amounted to an annual monetary saving (@ 1,00,000 MT production of Ammonia & Rs 1000 / Gcal) of Rs. 15.00 million. The energy saving alone has been considered. The investment made was around Rs. 50.00 million. The simple payback period for this project was 40 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 15.0 millions • Investment - Rs. 50.0 millions • Simple payback - 40 months

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Energy Conservation in Fertilizer

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Case Study No.10

Modernisation of the Ammonia Converter Basket Background The Hydrogen generated by reforming of hydro-carbons is reacted with Nitrogen in the atmospheric air in the presence of a catalyst at higher pressure to synthesise Ammonia. The synthesis of Ammonia occurs in the Ammonia converters. The older Ammonia converters were all of axial type which required higher pressure and resulted in lower conversions. These have been replaced in some of the plants with radial type / axialradial system with considerable benefits.

Previous status In a 357 TPD Ammonia plant, the Ammonia converter basket had a conventional axial type basket, as shown in the figure. This needed an operating synthesis loop pressure of 300 bar. The catalyst used was Topsoe supplied of 10 mm size with a pressure drop of 5 bar. The conversion per pass was around 16 %. In 1992, the bottom exchanger developed a leak, leading to further reduction of ammonia conversion and increased loop pressure. The total production loss was around 30 %.

Energy saving project The converter basket was modified to a axial-radial type system. The modified system is indicated in the diagram.

Implementation methodology & time frame

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Fertilizer The implementation of this project was taken up as part of the Revamping exercise and hence a separate stoppage of the plant was avoided. The implementation and consequently the operation did not pose any problem.

Benefits of the project The replacement of the old axial type converter basket with the modern axial-radial system resulted in the following benefits: • Loop pressure reduced to 250 bar – reducing compression energy • Lower pressure drop in converter beds – 3 bar as against 5 bar before • Higher Ammonia production ( about 10 TPD ) The above benefits resulted in the reduction of energy consumption by 0.35 Gcal / MT of Ammonia.

Financial analysis This amounted to an annual monetary saving (@ 1,00,000 MT production of Ammonia & Rs 1000 / Gcal) of Rs. 20.00 million. The energy saving alone has been considered. The investment made was around Rs 50.00 million. The simple payback period for this project was 30 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 20.0 millions • Investment - Rs. 50.00 millions • Simple payback - 30 months

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Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Fertilizer

Case study No.11

Installation of Waste Heat Boiler (WHB) at the Inlet of LTS Converter in Ammonia Plant Background The reformer section converts the Hydrocarbons to a mixture of Carbon monoxide and Hydrogen. The Carbon monoxide is converted to Carbon-di-oxide in the presence of a catalyst. The conversion takes place in two stages i.e., one at a higher temperature and the other at a lower temperature. The lower the temperature of conversion the higher is the heat recovery. It is also advantageous from the process point of view, to operate the converters at a lower temperature.

Previous status In an Ammonia plant, the Low Temperature Shift Converter (LTSC) was designed to operate at a inlet temperature of 238°C.

Energy saving project As it is advantageous to operate at a lower temperature of around 210°C from the process and energy point of view, a Waste Heat Recovery Boiler was installed to reduce the temperature of the gases entering the LTSC to about 210°C.

Implementation methodology & time frame

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The implementation of this project was taken up during a major stoppage of the plant. The implementation took about 4 week to complete. The implementation and consequently the operation of both the WHRB & the LTSC did not pose any problem.

Benefits of the project The installation of the WHRB resulted in the following benefits: • Reduction of LTSC inlet temperature to about 210°C and generation of 2 TPH of steam at 14 kg/cm2 • Prolonged life of LTSC catalyst • Increased process efficiency – Resulting in higher Ammonia production by 0.9 % ( about 3 TPD) The above benefits resulted in the reduction of energy consumption by 0.082 GCal / MT of Ammonia.

Financial Analysis This amounted to an annual monetary saving (@ 1,00,000 MT production of Ammonia & Rs 1000 / GCal) of Rs 8.20 million. The energy saving alone has been considered. The investment made was around Rs 4.50 million. The simple payback period for this project was 7 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 8.20 millions • Investment - Rs. 4.50 millions • Simple payback - 7 months

Replication Potential The fertiliser plant is a consumer of heat and power. The utilisation and integration of the plant in terms of heating and cooling can lead to substantial energy saving. The projects as mentioned above and variations of the above project have substantial replication potential in many fertiliser plants.

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Energy Conservation in Fertilizer

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Case Study No.12

Installation of Make-up Gas Chiller at Suction of Synthesis Gas Compressor at Ammonia Plant Background The compressor is the heart of nitrogenous fertiliser plant and is used for various purposes such as compressing the synthesis gas, air, re-cycle gas and ammonia. The compressor capacity is also one of the important parameters controlling the capacity of the plant. Hence, the design of the compressor and its effective utilisation is essential for achieving higher production and lower energy consumption. The compressor is a constant volume equipment and hence the capacity of the compressor can be increased by increasing the density of the gas at the suction of the compressor. As the gas density is inversely proportional to the temperature, there is a good possibility of increasing the capacity of the compressor by cooling the inlet gas.

Previous status This case study pertains to a ammonia fertiliser complex producing 900 tons per day of Urea. The plant was operating at about 920 TPD of ammonia production. The synthesis gas was entering the compressor at about 39°C.

Energy saving project

The plant installed a vapour absorption refrigeration system with LP steam for cooling the synthesis gas.

Implementation methodology & time frame The implementation of this project was taken up when the plant was in operation. The hooking up of the new system with the existing was done during the planned shut of the plant.

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Energy Conservation in Fertilizer

The installation of the new system and successful commissioning took about 18 months. No problem was encountered during the implementation and subsequent operation of the plant.

Benefits of the project The implementation of this project resulted in the following benefits. Parameter


Before Implementation

After Implementation

Ammonia Production




Syn. gas temperature







Syn. gas compressor speed

The implementation of this project resulted in a saving of 28,035 GCal per year, which amounted to 0.09 GCal / ton of ammonia.

Financial analysis The implementation of this project resulted in a net annual saving (@ Rs. 350/GCal) of Rs. 9.80 million. The investment made was about Rs. 22.00 million, which got paid back in 27 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 9.80 millions • Investment - Rs. 22.00 millions • Simple payback - 27 months

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Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Fertilizer

Case study No.13

Replacement of Air Inter-coolers in the Ammonia Plant Background The Ammonia is synthesised by reacting Hydrogen generated by reforming of hydrocarbons and Nitrogen in the atmospheric air in the presence of a catalyst at higher pressure to synthesise Ammonia. The atmospheric air is supplied to the reactor by a battery of air compressors. These compressors are very important for the operation of the plant and hence are rightly referred to as the heart of a fertiliser plant. The efficiency of these compressors therefore play a very important role in efficiency of the whole plant.

Previous status In a 1,00,000 ton per annum capacity Ammonia plant, the air requirements of the Ammonia converter were being met by two numbers of oil lubricated 4 stage reciprocating compressors. The compressors were provided with inter-coolers with finned tubes and were laid in a horizontal fashion. The oil in the air from cylinders used to plug the gap between the fins and reduce the heat transfer. The exit air from the inter-cooler used to be at 55 – 58°C as against the design of 42°C. The capacity of the subsequent stages was getting reduced leading to loss of Ammonia production.

Energy saving project The inter-coolers for the compressor was replaced with finless tubes and laid in a vertical fashion.

Implementation methodology & time frame The implementation of this project was taken up parallely while the plant was operating. The replacement was done for one compressor first and the second compressor was taken up subsequently. The implementation and the subsequent operation did not pose any problem.

Benefits of the Project The replacement of horizontal fin type cooler with vertical finless coolers resulted in reduction of exit air temperature to around 45°C. There was a reduction of power to the extent of 45 kW.

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Financial Analysis This amounted to an annual monetary saving of Rs 0.85 million. The power saving alone has been considered. The investment made was around Rs 2.00 million. The simple payback period for this project was 28 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.85 millions • Investment - Rs. 2.00 millions • Simple payback - 28 months

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Energy Conservation in Fertilizer

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Case study No.14

Routing of Ammonia Vapours from Urea Plant to Complex Plant Background The fertiliser plant has many consumers of thermal and electrical energy distributed over the entire complex. The energy consumption is for heating, cooling, compression, vaporising, condensation etc,. The system has to be balanced as a whole to ensure operation at the maximum efficiency.

Previous status In an Urea & Phophatic fertiliser complex, the off-gases from the primary and secondary decomposers contain NH3 and CO2. These gases are separated in re-cycle section where CO2 is absorbed in MEA solution and NH3 is re-circulated. There are two absorbers, one at 19 kg/cm2 and the other at 0.4 kg/cm2. The Ammonia vapours from primary absorber is cooled in water cooled condensers while Ammonia vapours from secondary absorber is compressed to 19 kg/cm2 in two reciprocating compressors and then condensed. At the same time in the complex plant, the liquid Ammonia (about 6 TPH) at 0°C was drawn from the storage spheres was vapourised at 6 kg/cm2 and used for neutralisation of the phosphoric acid. This process of vapourising needed LP steam at 3.5 kg/cm2.

Energy saving project In the above system, Ammonia is compressed from vapour to liquid form by compression while in the other part of the plant, Ammonia is vapourised by heating. Both these operation demand energy in the form of electricity for compression and steam for vapourisation. The system was modified as below:

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Energy Conservation in Fertilizer • Ammonia was compressed to only 6 kg/cm2 in the Urea plant. • The hot vapours were exported from the Urea to the complex plant. The required controls and piping for the proposed arrangement were made for the transfer of hot Ammonia vapours. The modified system is schematically shown in the diagram.

Implementation methodology & time frame The implementation of this project was taken up while the plant was in operation. The hooking up with the existing system was done with a stoppage of about 10 days. The implementation of this project faced no problems.

Benefits of the Project The implementation of this project resulted in the following benefits: • Reduction of electrical energy consumption for compression of Ammonia in the Urea plant. • LP steam saving in the Complex plant The above benefits resulted in the reduction of energy consumption by 6 lakh units per year and 2000 MT of LSHS.

Financial analysis This amounted to an annual monetary saving of Rs 4.00 million. The investment made was around Rs 0.50 million. The simple payback period for this project was 2 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 4.00 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.50 millions • Simple payback - 2 months

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Case study No.15

Replacement of Pellet Type Catalyst with Ring Shaped Catalyst in Sulphuric Acid Plant Background The Sulphuric acid plant is an integral part of the complex fertiliser unit involved in production of phosphatic fertilisers. The sulphuric acid is produced by combustion of elemental sulphur to its oxides and subsequently absorping in acid. The conversion of the sulphur-di-oxide to sulphur-tri-oxide is one of the important reactions in this plant. This reaction is exothermic and is carried out in the presence of a catalyst. The geometry of the catalyst affects the performance of the plant and the conversion. Presently, catalyst of superior geometry are available. These have the advantage of longer life and reduced pressure drop.

Previous status In a sulphuric acid plant which was a part of the larger fertiliser complex plant, pellet shaped V2O5 catalyst was being used. The plant was frequently facing problems of dust accumulation and increase in pressure drop. Additionally the plant had to be shut down once every six months for screening and re-charging the catalyst.

Energy saving project The pellet shaped catalyst was replaced with ring shaped catalyst of the same material composition.

Implementation methodology & time frame The implementation of this project was taken up during the yearly stoppage. The implementation took about 2 week to complete. The implementation and consequently the operation did not pose any problem.

Benefits of the project The replacement of the pellet type catalyst with ring type catalyst resulted in the following benefits: • Reduction in the pressure drop build up of the converter • Reduction in the load of the main air blower • Shut down (for screening and recharging catalyst) frequency reduced from two per year to once per year

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The above benefits resulted in the reduction of energy consumption by 900 MT of LSHS and additional production of 10,000 MT of sulphuric acid per year.

Financial analysis This amounted to an annual monetary saving (energy saving and additional acid production) of Rs 7.80 million. The investment made was around Rs 40.00 million. The simple ayback period for this project was 60 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 7.80 millions • Investment - Rs. 40.0 millions • Simple payback - 60 months

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Case study No.16

Installation of a Waste Heat Recovery Boiler for Generating Set Exhaust Background The fertiliser plant is a huge consumer of electricity and steam. A part of the electrical energy is supplied by the co-generation system comprising of the boilers and the back pressure turbines. The balance power is met partly through condensing turbines, oil fired generating sets and grid. The increase in the cost of grid power has made many fertiliser plants to install condensing turbines and oil fired generating sets. In the case of oil fired generating sets, about 30 to 35 % of the energy supplied goes out through the stack in the form of high temperature flue gas. In many of the plants, waste heat boilers are installed to generate LP steam from generating set exhaust, which can be connected to the LP steam header. The implementation of this project results in greater benefits; in plants where some quantity of LP steam is generated by passing HP/MP steam through pressure reducing valves. In such plants, augmentation of LP steam through waste heat recovery system can lead to a saving of HP steam and hence the fuel.

Previous status In a big fertiliser complex producing Urea and some phosphatic fertilisers, the power requirement of the plant was met through steam turbines, grid and oil fired generating sets. The cost of different sources of power is as below: Grid


Oil fired generating sets


As the cost of power generation with LSHS fired generator was lower, the plant was operating two 4 MW capacity generating sets continuously. The generating set exhaust was going out to the atmosphere at a temperature of 390°C. This offered a good potential to install a waste heat recovery system. In the plant also, the power steam balance was such, that nearly 4 TPH of LP steam was being generated by reducing the pressure of HP steam (35 kg/cm2 pressure) through a pressure reducing valve. Hence, any generation of LP steam from the generating set exhaust can aid in an equivalent reduction of HP steam generation and reduce the fuel fired in the boiler.

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Energy saving project A waste heat recovery system was installed for generating LP steam from the generating set exhaust.

Implementation methodology & time frame The implementation of this project was taken up parallely during the operation of the generating set. A waste heat recovery system was installed for each of the sets. A provision was also made for by-passing the waste heat recovery system. The implementation took about 12 months to complete. No problem was encountered during implementation and subsequent operation of plant.

Benefits of the project The implementation of this project resulted in the saving of about 4 TPH of HP steam, which need not be generated.

Financial analysis The implementation of this project resulted in an annual monetary saving (@ Rs.300/ MT of HP steam for 4000 hours per year) of Rs 4.50 million. The investment made was about Rs 12.00 million. The simple payback period was 32 months.

Replication potential

Cost benefit analysis

The project has excellent replication potential in all fertilizer plants, which operate large size DG sets on a continuous basis

• Annual Savings - Rs. 4.50 millions • Investment - Rs. 12.00 millions • Simple payback - 32 months

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Case study No.17

Coating of Pump Impeller and Casing with Composite Resins Background The pumps are major consumers of electrical energy in a fertiliser plant. Hence, the design, operation and maintenance of pumps are essential for operating the plant at higher levels of energy efficiency. In any pumping system, the hydraulic passages of casings & impeller vane shape get damaged due to wear, tear and corrosion. The clearances of wear rings also increases over a period. This damage results in deterioration of hydraulic performance and reduces the efficiency of the pumps, resulting in increased power consumption and frequent breakdowns. The latest trend is to use composite resin coating on the pump impeller & casing, to restore the geometric shapes, surface finish & clearances. This aids in restoring the original efficiency and sustains over a longer period. The following organic based systems are being used for refurbishing the impeller and casings: • Bisphenol glass flake polyester resins • Vinyl ester glass flake resins • High build epoxy systems The utilisation of these systems along with the standard engineering practises can • Limit the extent of mechanical damage • Resist chemically aggressive service environment • Act as a barrier to prevent permeation of corrosion ions to the substrate (metal)

Previous status In a sulphuric acid plant of 600 TPD capacity, there were 4 cooling water pumps of 2700 m3 /h capacity and 50 m head driven by a 500 kW motor. The pumps were operating at an efficiency of 64.5 %, consuming about 430 kW.

Energy saving project The casing of the pump was coated with epoxy resin coating.

Implementation methodology & time frame The implementation of this project was taken up during the planned shut down of the plant. The over all implementation took about 10 days to complete. No problem was encountered during the implementation and subsequent operation of the plant.

Benefits of the project The implementation of this project resulted in the reduction in the power consumed for pumping of cooling water for Sulphuric acid plant. Consequent to the coating the efficiency of the pump had improved and there was a reduction of about 16 kW in the power consumed by each pump. The total saving was about 0.13 million units.

Financial analysis This amounted to an annual monetary saving (@ Rs.3.1/unit) of Rs 0.40 million. The investment made was about Rs. 0.13 million and the simple payback period was 4 months.

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Case study No.18

Installation of a Second Turbo Alternator in Sulphuric Acid Plant Background The sulphuric acid unit is one of the important sections of the phosphatic fertiliser plant. Sulphuric acid is produced by burning elemental sulphur to produce sulphur- di-oxide, converted to sulphur-tri-oxide and subsequently absorbed in a solution of 98 % acid. This is highly exothermic resulting in generation of substantial quantity of heat, which is converted to steam in the waste heat boiler. In the older & smaller units, the steam is generated at 11 kg/cm2, reduced to a lower pressure and used in the sulphuric acid plant and other areas. The sulphuric acid plant however needs energy for operating equipment such as fans and pumps. One of the major energy consumers is the air blower, which supplies air at high pressure for burning sulphur in the furnace. In the subsequently installed plants, the steam is produced at higher pressures, 24 kg/cm2 and expanded in a turbine to a lower pressure. This turbine is used for generally driving the air blower. The latest trend is to generate steam at much higher pressures and use it for increased power generation. In this manner, the plant is able to increase the internal co-generation power. The cost of co-generation power is much lower than the grid power cost, resulting in substantial cost reduction for the plant.

Previous status This case study pertains to a sulphuric acid plant in a phosphatic fertiliser complex producing Ammonium sulphate and Mono-ammonium phosphate. The plant had two sulphuric acid units of capacity 300 TPD and 400 TPD respectively. The old plant of 300 TPD capacity had a waste heat recovery boiler of 24 kg/cm2 and the steam was expanded to about 1.5 kg/cm2 in a turbine which was being used for driving the air blower. The second plant, which was installed subsequently, had a waste heat boiler of 40 kg/cm2 pressure. This steam was also being used for driving the air blower only, with the help of a steam turbine operating with a backpressure of 1.5 kg/cm2. Since the pressure was higher, only 70 % of the total steam generated (about 21 TPH at 400 TPD acid production), was being used by the turbine and the remaining steam was being passed through a pressure-reducing valve.

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Energy saving project The plant did a detailed study of the steam system and implemented the following modifications. • The LP steam coming out of the turbine was being used for de-salination of sea water in multiple effect evaporators. The maximum pressure requirement in this section was only 0.5 kg/cm2. Hence, the plant started operating the turbines with a back pressure of only 0.5 kg/cm2, after confirming with the turbine supplier. This reduced the steam requirement for driving the blower to about 50 % of the steam generation. • Installed a 1.0 MW turbine alternator, so that the steam previously passing through pressurereducing valve could be used for generating additional power.

Implementation methodology & time frame The implementation of this project was taken up parallely during the operation of the plant. During a stoppage of the plant, the new turbine alternator was put into service. The implementation and stabilisation of the second alternator took about 6 months to complete. No problem was encountered during the implementation and subsequent operation of the plant.

Benefits of the project The implementation of this project resulted in additional average power generation of about 500 kW. Since the plant was buying power from the grid @ Rs.3.50/ unit, this project resulted in substantial cost saving.

Financial analysis The implementation of this project resulted in a net annual saving (@ Rs.3.50/ unit) of Rs 14.00 million. The investment made was about Rs.10.00 million, which got paid back in 9 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 14.00 millions • Investment - Rs. 10.00 millions • Simple payback - 9 months

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Case study No.19

Installation of Hydraulic Turbine in the CO2 Removal Section Background The Ammonia in a nitrogenous fertiliser plant is manufactured by synthesising Hydrogen and Nitrogen in the presence of a catalyst. The Hydrogen is generated by reacting hydrocarbons with steam in the presence of a catalyst, to produce a mixture of Carbon-di-oxide and Hydrogen. The gas is stripped of Carbon-di-oxide in a solution of aqueous mono ethanol amine (MEA). This MEA absorbed in the CO2 absorber which is at a pressure of 24 kg/cm2, enters the CO2 stripper operating at a lower pressure of around 0.4 kg/cm2. This pressure reduction is normally effected through a pressure reducing valve. There is a good potential to install a hydraulic pressure recovery turbine in such a system to recover power to drive, say a pump. Some plants have installed this system and have benefited substantially.

Previous status In a particular nitrogenous fertiliser plant of about 1,00,000 tons per year capacity, the MEA process was being used for CO2 removal. The absorption of the CO2 in the absorber is carried out at high pressure and the rich MEA at the outlet of the absorber is at a pressure of 24 kg/ cm 2 . This rich MEA exchanges heat with the hot lean MEA coming from the stripper, its pressure reduced in a pressure reducing valve after which it enters the stripper. The rich MEA after stripping of CO2 becomes lean and can be used for absorption of CO2 again. This lean hot MEA after heating up the rich MEA coming out of the absorber is pumped through a steam turbine driven pump to the absorber. This turbine has a BHP of 800 hp and operates between pressures of 32.6 kg/cm2 and 5.5 kg/cm2.

Energy saving project A Hydraulic Power Recovery Turbine (HPRT) was installed to recover the pressure energy being lost across the valve. The detailed calculations revealed that nearly 175 hp generation was possible by installing the turbine. The nearest drive operating in CO2 removal section was the lean MEA pump, which was being driven by a steam turbine with a BHP of 800 HP.

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Energy Conservation in Fertilizer Hence, the hydraulic turbine was installed in the same shaft as that of the steam turbine and was being used for supplementing part of the power required to drive the lean MEA pump.

Implementation of the project, time frame The following modifications were done during the implementation of this project. • Piping was modified to route rich MEA through hydraulic turbine to the stripper. • A second level control valve at the inlet of the hydraulic turbine was installed. The control loop was modified so that the second level control valve operates on a split range basis. This operates in parallel with the first level (i.e., original valve) valve, which is sized for minimum pressure drop. • The control system was made so that, the new second level control valve, controls the level in absorber during normal operation. The original valve operates only when hydraulic turbine is not in operation. • Additional controls and instruments were installed so as to take care of various situations like start up, shut down and other contingencies. • A one-way clutch was also installed so that coupling and de-coupling take place automatically between hydraulic turbine and pump. The installation of the turbine and the successful commissioning took about 8 months to complete. The hydraulic turbine has since then been operating successfully resulting in substantial benefits.

Benefits of the project The implementation of this project resulted in reduction of the load on the steam turbine driving the lean MEA pump.

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The steam saving on the steam turbine amounted to 2.5 TPH of high pressure steam, which annually amounted to about 600 tons of LSHS. The reduction in specific energy consumption amounted to about 0.06 GCal / MT of ammonia.

Financial Analysis The annual saving achieved by the company on installing hydraulic turbine was Rs. 3.80 million. The investment made was about Rs. 1.10 million with a simple payback period of 4 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 3.80 millions • Investment - Rs. 1.10 millions • Simple payback - 4 months

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Case study No.20

Installation of Plate heat exchangers for drying tower cooler in sulphuric acid plant Background SO3 gas from “Converter” is absorbed in the Intermediate and Final Absorption Towers (IAT & FAT) with sulphuric acid from the respective absorption tanks. The absorption of SO3 being an exothermic reaction, the heat from the reaction has to be removed using a cooling medium. The sulphuric acid from the drying tower tank is circulated to the drying tower or acid storage tanks, through heat exchangers, which are of the serpentine type and made of cast iron trombone. These heat exchangers use either seawater (depending on location of plant) or cooling tower water for cooling. These types of coolers are characterised by higher-pressure drops, lower approach temperature and high maintenance costs (due to frequent scaling/ choking). The plate heat exchangers are excellent substitution for serpentine coolers, as they are characterised by lower pressure drops, approaches of upto 1°C and ease of maintenance.

Previous status In one of the phosphatic fertilizer units, the sulphuric acid from drying tower was cooled in conventional cast iron trombone serpentine coolers, using seawater as the cooling medium. The distribution of seawater was always problematic on the lengthy coolers, due to frequent scaling/ choking. The outlet acid temperature used to be higher by about 5°C than the design, leading to reduced throughput. There were also frequent problems of leaks in the coolers, necessitating stopping the plant for attending on them. The downtime on account of this used to be about 5 days per year.

Energy saving project The serpentine coolers were replaced with 3 new sets of Plate Type Heat Exchangers (PTHE). These PTHE’s are supplied with seawater, for cooling, using dedicated vertical submersible pumps.

Implementation of the project, time frame The plate type heat exchangers and connecting lines from the sulphuric acid pump (at bottom of the drying tower) discharge header to the heat exchangers were kept ready and hooked on during the planned maintenance shutdown. There were no problems faced during the implementation of this project and this has been operating successfully, resulting in substantial benefits.

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Benefits of the project The following benefits were achieved on installing the plate type of heat exchangers: • Approach temperatures of upto 2°C, leading to better cooling • Lower pressure drop, resulting in lower head requirement of cooling water pump • Practically nil downtime, due to ease of cleaning and maintenance, on account of the modular design

Financial Analysis The annual saving achieved by the company on installing hydraulic turbine was Rs. 12.00 million. The investment made was about Rs. 25.00 million with a simple payback period of 25 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 12.0 millions • Investment - Rs. 25.00 millions • Simple payback - 25 months

Replication potential The installation of plate type heat exchangers for cooling applications has excellent replication potential in almost all the fertilizer plants.

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Case study No.21

Installation of mechanical conveying system in place of pneumatic conveying system for rock phosphate conveying in phosphoric acid plant Background The basic raw materials required for phosphoric acid manufacture are sulphuric acid and rock phosphate. Raw rock phosphate, obtained from various sources, is ground in ball mills to a size of 60% retention on –200 mesh screen. This ground rock is discharged into storage silos using a pneumatic conveying system. From the storage silos, the ground rock is extracted and conveyed to the phosphoric acid plant also using a pneumatic conveying system. Pneumatic conveying uses compressed or blower air as the material conveying media and is hence, highly energy intensive. It is atleast 4 to 5 times power intensive than mechanical conveying systems. The latest trend among all industries is to replace pneumatic conveying systems to mechanical conveying systems. There are mechanical systems, which are designed to convey fine powdery material, over steep gradients and long horizontal distances, without spillage. The replacement of pneumatic conveying systems with mechanical conveying systems is well proven, in cement industries.

Previous status In one of the complex fertilizer plants in the country, the ground rock from mill outlet was conveyed to the storage silos using pneumatic conveying system, utilizing compressed air. The power consumed by the compressors was 225 kW. Similarly, the ground rock from the silos is conveyed to the phosphoric acid plant using compressed air. The material is conveyed over a horizontal distance of 150 m and height of 25 m. The power consumption of system was about 320 kW.

Energy saving project The pneumatic conveying systems in the plant were replaced with mechanical conveying systems. In the rock grinding section, an air slide and bucket elevator combination was used to convey material from the mill outlet to the storage silos. For ground rock conveying to the phosphoric acid plant, an air slide and pipe conveyor combination was installed.

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Implementation of the project, time frame The entire project was completed over a period of 15 months. This did not require the stoppage of the plant. There were no major problems encountered during the implementation of this project, except for routing of the conveyor, due to space constraint.

Benefits of the project The major benefits of the modified mechanical conveying system are: • Tremendous power savings - 110 kW at rock grinding section - 280 kW at phosphoric acid plant • No material spillage • Relatively low maintenance

Financial Analysis The total annual savings achieved on conversion of pneumatic conveying system to mechanical conveying systems is Rs. 7.00 million. The investment required for the system was Rs.23.00 million, which had a simple payback period of 40 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 7.00 millions • Investment - Rs. 23.00 millions • Simple payback - 40 months

Replication potential The installation of mechanical conveying systems has good replication potential in several large and majority of the smaller size fertilizer plants.

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Case study No.22

Replacement of steam ejectors with vacuum pumps Background In the concentration section of phosphoric acid plant, the evaporators are operated under vacuum for concentrating phosphoric acid from 28% to 46%. The vacuum maintained in the evaporators is about 580-600 mm Hg and is achieved using steam ejectors. These steam ejectors use medium pressure or low pressure steam. Vacuums of upto 680-700 mm Hg can be easily achieved with a water ring vacuum pump. The installation of a water ring vacuum pump or steam ejector is decided based on cost of steam and power. The utilization of MP or LP steam in steam ejectors will offset an equivalent amount of power generation in the turbine, if the plant has commercial cogeneration. In such cases, there is a good potential to replace the steam ejectors with water ring vacuum pumps, save MP/ LP steam and enhance power generation in turbines.

Previous status In one of the complex fertilizer manufacturing units, there were five evaporators for concentration of phosphoric acid. The evaporators were operated under vacuum using 2-stage steam ejectors. These ejectors consume about 1.5 TPH each of 27 kg/cm2 pressure steam.

Energy saving project All the five steam ejectors in evaporator section were replaced with water ring vacuum pumps.

Implementation of the project and time frame The replacement of steam ejectors with water ring vacuum pumps, were taken up one-by-one. There was no stoppage required for the implementation of the project, as there was always one standby evaporator available. The entire project was completed over a period of 15 months. There were no major problems encountered during the implementation of this project.

Benefits of the project The steam saved by replacement was equivalent to about 7.5 TPH of 27 kg/cm2 pressure. This can generate additional power equivalent to about 50 units/ ton of steam, thereby offsetting equivalent power drawn from the grid.

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Financial Analysis The total annual savings achieved on replacing steam ejectors with water ring vacuum pumps is Rs. 10.00 million. The investment required for the vacuum pumps was Rs. 7.50 million, which had a simple payback period of 9 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 10.00 millions • Investment - Rs. 7.50 millions • Simple payback - 9 months

Replication potential The replacement of steam ejectors with water ring vacuum pumps has excellent replication potential in the large fertilizer units in the country. This project becomes particularly attractive, when the plant has commercial gogeneration.

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9.0 List of Contractors/ Suppliers Name of Company and Address

Area of expertise

Alfa Laval India Ltd. Mumbai - Pune Road Dapodi Pune - 411 012 Tel. : (020) - 24116100 / 27107100 Email : [email protected] Web : Contact : Mr Neeru Pant

• Evaporators

FFE Minerals India Limited FFE Towers, 27 G N Chetty Road T Nagar Chennai – 600 017 Tel. : 044 – 28220801/ 02, 28252840/ 44 Fax : 044 – 28220803 Email : [email protected]

• Material handling systems • Classification, filtration and thickening technologiesv Crushing and grinding • Calcination, roasting, sintering, drying

Johnson India 3, Abirami Nagar, G.N. Mills Post Coimbatore – 641 029 Tel. : 0422 - 2442692 Fax : 0422 - 2456177 email: [email protected]

• Steam engineering and consultancy

Hindustan Dorr-Oliver Limited Dorr-Oliver House Chakala, Andheri East Mumbai – 400 099 Tel.: 022 – 2832 5541, 2832 6416/ 17/18 Fax : 022 – 2836 5659 Email : [email protected] Web :

• Liquid-solid separation • Environmental pollution control • Water treatment

Nash International Company No. 1 Gul Link Singapore 629371 Rep. of Singapore Tel. : (65) 861 6801 Fax : (65) 861 5091 Email : [email protected] Web :

• Water ring vacuum pumps

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Name of Company and Address

Area of expertise

PPI Pumps Pvt. Ltd. 4/2, Phase 1, GIDC Estate, Vatva, Ahmedabad – 382445 Tel. : 079 – 25832273/4, 25835698 Fax : 079 – 25830578 Email : [email protected] Web :

• Water ring vacuum pumps

Sulzer Pumps India Limited No.9, MIDCThane-Belapur Road, Digha, Navi Mumbai – 400 708 Tel. : 022 – 55904321 Fax : 022 – 55904302 Web :

• All types of centrifugal pumps • Wear resistant pumps • Acid resistant pumps

The Eimco-KCP Limited Ramakrishna Buildings 239, Anna Salai Chennai – 600 006 Tel. : 044 - 28555171 Fax : 044 – 28555863 Email: [email protected] Web :

• Solids-liquid separation equipment like rotary vacuum filters, thickeners, clarifiers, classifiers etc • Water & waste water treatment plants

10.0 List of Consultants Name of Company and Address

Area of expertise

Indian Companies Development Consultants Limited 24-B, Park Street, Kolkata - 700016 Tel. : 033 - 22267601, 22497603 Fax : 033 - 22492340/3338 Email : [email protected]

• • • • • •

Detailed project reports Basic and detailed engineering Procurement, inspection & expediting Project construction and management Structural engineering Technical management

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Energy Conservation in Fertilizer Engineers India Limited • Preliminary planning Engineers India Bhavan1, Bhikaji Cama Place • Detailed project reports New Delhi – 110 066 • Basic and detailed engineering Tel. : 011 - 26186732, 26102121 • Procurement, inspection & expediting Fax :011 – 26194760, 26178210 • Project management Email : [email protected] Web : Contact : Mr D K Gupta, General Manager – Mktg. FACT Engineering & Design Organisation A Division of FACT Ltd. (A Government of India Enterprise) Udyogamandal Kochi - 683 501 Tel. : +91-484-545451 to 545458 Fax : +91-484-545215 Email : [email protected]

• Project design • Engineering • Comprehensive turnkey project implementation • Plant operation and maintenance services • Feasibility reports

Jacobs Engineering Jacobs House, Ramkrishna Mandir Road Kondivita, Andheri (East) Mumbai - 400 059 Tel. : 022 – 2824 4873 Fax : 022 – 2820 8295 Web : Monsanto India Limited Ahura Centre, 5th Floor 96, Mahakali Caves Road Mumbai - 400 093 Tel. : 022 - 2824 6450, 2690 2100 Fax : 022 - 2690 2111, 2690 2121 Projects & Development India Limited • PDIL Bhawan, A-14, Sector-I • Post Box No.125 Noida - 201301 • Dist. Gautam Budh Nagar Uttar Pradesh • Tel. : 011- 252 9842/ 843/ 851/ 853 / 854 • Fax : 011- 252 9801, 254 1493, 2646 6199 • Email : [email protected] • •

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Preliminary planning and surveying Detailed project reports Basic and detailed engineering Procurement, inspection & expediting Project construction and management Structural engineering Technical management Cathodic Protection of Underground Pipelines


TCE Consulting Engineers Limited Tata Press Building 414, Veer Savarkar Marg Mumbai – 400 025 Tel. : 022 - 24374374, 24302419 Fax : 022 – 24374402 Email : [email protected] Web : Contact : Mr M G Yagneshwara Group Commercial Manager

• Preliminary planning • Detailed project reports • Basic and detailed engineering • Procurement, inspection & expediting • Project management • Construction supervision • Assistance in start-up testing and commissioning

UHDE India Limited UHDE House, LBS Marg Vikhroli (W), Mumbai – 400 083 Tel. : 022 - 25783701, 25968000 Fax : 022 – 25784327 Email : [email protected] Web :

• Preliminary planning • Detailed project reports • Basic and detailed engineering

International Companies Casale via Sorengo, 76900 Lugano Switzerland Tel. : ++41 91 9607200 Fax : ++41 91 9607291/2 Email : [email protected] Web :

• • •

Upgrades and builds Fertilizer plants Methanol plants Ammonia Urea Methanol derivatives Speciality Chemicals

Davy Process Technology Limited 20 Eastbourne Terrace London W2 6LE Tel. : +44 (0)207 957 4120 Fax : +44 (0)207 957 3922 E-mail : [email protected] Web : Grande Paroisse S.A. 12, place de l’Iris 92062 Paris La Défense 2 Cedex France Web :

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Energy Conservation in Fertilizer Haldor Topsoe A/S PO Box 213 Nymøllevej 55DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark Tel. : +45 45 27 20 00 Fax : +45 45 27 29 99 Email : [email protected] Web : Contact : Mr Peter Søgaard-Andersen Director – Mktg. & Sales- Technology Division Tel. : +45 45 27 20 97 Email : [email protected] INCRO S.A Serrano, 27 - 28001 Madrid Spain Tel. : (34) 91 435 08 20 Fax : (34) 91 435 79 21 Email : [email protected] Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. 1111 South Arroyo Parkway P.O. Box 7084, Pasadena CA 91109-7084 United State of America Tel. : + 1 626 578 3500 Fax : + 1 626 578 6916 Email : [email protected] Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR) KBR Tower, PO Box 4557601 Jefferson Street, Houston, TX 77002 United States of America Tel. : (+1) 713 - 753 20 00 Fax : (+1) 713 - 753 53 53 Emai : [email protected] Linde AG Coporate Center Abraham-Lincoln-Strasse 2165189 Wiesbaden Germany Tel. : +49 611 770 0 Fax : +49 611 770 269 E-Mail : [email protected]

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Monsanto Enviro-Chem Systems, Inc. 14522 South Outer Forty Road St. Louis, MO 63017 United States of America Tel. : +314 275 5700 Fax : +314 275 5701 Email : [email protected] Snamprogetti Sud Frazione Triparni 89900 Vibo ValentiaItaly Tel. : +39 0963 9611 Fax : +39 0963 961356 Contact: G. Carcano Toyo Engineering Corporation Tel. : (81)47-454-1113 Fax : (81)47-454-1160 Email : [email protected] University Technologies Intl. Inc. Suite 130, 3553 - 31st Street NW, Calgary, AlbertaCanada, T2L 2K7 Tel. : +403-270-7027 Fax : +403-270-2384 Email : [email protected]

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Foundry Industry


Growth percentage


Energy Intensity

25% of total manufacturing cost

Energy Costs

Rs.45000 million (US $ 900 million)

Energy saving potential

Rs.4500 million (US $ 90 million)

Investment potential on energy saving projects

Rs. 5000 million (US $ 100 million)







1.0 Introduction The Indian Foundry Industry plays a significant role in improving country’s economy. India is currently among the 10 largest producers of ferrous and non-ferrous castings. India exports annually above Rs.700/- Crores worth of castings to countries like USA, U.K., Canada, Germany etc. There are about 10,000 foundries in India inclusive of organised and unorganised sectors. Out of 10,000 foundries about 90% are small-scale units. These foundry units are mostly in clusters with a cluster size ranging from less than 100 to about 500 units. These plants have an installed capacity of 4.5 million tonnes/ annum. Majority of foundries in India produce grey iron castings. Annual production of Indian foundry industry is about 3 million tonnes, consisting of 2.30 Million tonnes of grey iron castings, 0.4 million tonnes of steel castings and 0.3 million tonnes of malleable and SG iron castings. Among the foundry units, more than 6000 are cupola based foundry units operating in smallscale sector. The other units have rotary and induction furnaces. The Indian foundry industry has been very responsive to energy efficiency. The latest plants installed since early 90’s incorporate many energy saving measures by design. The older plants also, continuously upgrading their technology and reducing their specific energy consumption. Various studies undertaken and the data collected indicate the annual energy saving potential in Indian foundry industry is about 10-12% of the total energy bill. This includes short term and medium term projects, which have payback period of less than 2 years. If the long term energy saving projects are considered the energy saving potential in Indian foundry industry is as high as 15 – 20% of the total energy consumption.


Energy Intensity in Indian Foundry industry

Indian foundry industry is very energy intensive. The energy input to the furnaces and the cost of energy play an important role in determining the cost of production of castings. Major energy consumption in medium and large scale foundry industry is the electrical energy consumption for induction and Arc furnaces. Fuel oil is used for heat treatment furnaces. In small foundry industry, coke is used for metal melting in the Cupola furnaces. The energy costs contributes about 25% of the manufacturing cost in Indian foundry industry. The total energy cost in Indian foundry industry is about Rs 4500 Crores.










Energy Conservation in Foundry Industry




Electrical energy consumption

Melting and holding furnaces are the major electrical energy consumers. The other electrical energy users include sand plant, major utilities such as compressors, auxiliary cooling water systems and lighting. Typical electrical energy consumption pattern in a foundry industry is depicted in a power tree given below. Power Input 100%

Melting 86%

Utilities 4.4%

Furnace 83%

Melting 73%

Auxiliary 3%

Holding 10%

Cooling Pumps 2.5%

Moulding 3.6%

Sand Plant 1.6%

Lighting 1.4%

Others 4.6%

Mixer 2%

Crane & Hoists 0.5%

3.2 Thermal energy consumption In Cupola furnaces, coal/coke is used as fuel for metal melting. Typical coke consumption in cupola furnace is about 135 kg/MT of molten metal. Fuel oil is used for metal melting in rotary furnaces. Specific consumption of fuel oil is about 135 lit/MT of molten metal. Heat treatment furnaces and ladle preheating furnaces are the other major users in foundry industry.









There are about 10,000 foundry units in India. The total annual energy bill of foundry industry is about Rs 4500 Crores. The energy saving potential considering the short term and medium term energy saving projects is 10-12 % of the total energy consumption. Number of foundry units

Annual Energy Bill Rs Crores



Saving Potential Rs Crores

% of Energy bill

Investment required Rs Crores




The energy saving potential considering the long-term energy saving projects, which have payback period of about 3-4 years, is in the range of 15-20%. The energy saving potential amounts to Rs 650 – 700 Crores.

5.0 FOUNDRY UNIT - PROCESS DESCRIPTION The manufacturing process of foundry industry is almost similar in all the units. The utilities and auxiliary equipment varies depending upon the requirement. The manufacturing process in foundry industry includes metal melting, sand preparation, pattern making, mould preparation and casting.

5.1 Melting Section The raw material is melted in melting furnace. The melting furnace can be an indication furnace or rotary or arc furnace or cupola furnace. Molten metal from the melting furnace is tapped in Ladles and then transferred to the holding furnaces. Typically the holding furnaces are induction furnaces. The holding furnace is used to maintain the required molten metal temperature and also acts a buffer for storing molten metal for casting process. The molten metal is tapped from the holding furnace whenever it is required for casting process.

5.2 Sand Plant Green sand preparation is done in the sand plant. Return sand from the moulding section is also utilised again after the reclamation process. Sand Mullers are used for green sand preparation. In the sand mullers, green sand, additives and water are mixed in appropriate proportion. Then the prepared sand is stored in bunkers for making moulds.

5.3 Pattern making Patterns are the exact facsimile of the final product produces. Generally these master patterns are made of aluminium or wood. Using the patterns the sand moulds are prepared.










Energy Conservation in Foundry Industry

5.4 Mould Preparation In small-scale industries still the moulds are hand made. Modern plants are utilising pneumatic or hydraulically operated automatic moulding machines for preparing the moulds. After the moulding process if required the cores are placed at the appropriate position in the moulds. Then the moulds are kept ready for pouring the molten metal.

5.5 Casting The molten metal tapped from the holding furnace is poured into the moulds. The molten metal is allowed to cool in the moulds for the required period of time and the castings are produced. The moulds are then broken in the shake out for removing the sand and the used sand is sent back to the sand plant for reclamation and reuse. The castings produced are sent to fettling section for further operations such as shot blasting, heat treatment etc. depending upon the customer requirements.


Sand Plant

Raw Material

Mould Preparation

Induction Furnace & Arc Furnace

Casting Molten Metal Mould Cooling

Sand Reclamation

Shake out








6.0 EQUIPMENT IN FOUNDRY INDUSTRY 6.1 Cupola furnace The cupola is a shaft furnace for continuous melting of cast iron with new pig iron, return scrap iron and steel scrap. Coke is used as fuel in cupola furnace. Cupola has not only an economic advantage of low equipment cost but also has refining and self purifying capability. This makes it possible to get good quality of molten metal, even from inferior quality of raw material. Cupola is divided into various zones such as preheating zone, melting zone, and superheating zone from the functional point of view. Metal charged through the charging door is first preheated in the preheating zone by the exhaust gas going out of the furnace. In the preheating zone the temperature is in the range of 5001000oC. Then the metal is melted in the melting zone and superheated in the superheating zone. The molten metal is tapped from the tapping hole through the trough. The temperature in the melting zone is in the range of 1200-1500oC and 1600- 1800oC in the superheating zone. The melting zone and the superheating zone are classified into the deoxidation zone and the oxidation zone depending upon the combustion reaction. In cupola melting, the positions of the deoxidation and oxidation zones are important, since they have great influence on the properties of molten metal. If the oxidation zone is expanded to the top of furnace, the solid metal is put in a strong oxidation atmosphere. This leads to increased oxidation of molten metal and hence increased metal loss. Coke consumption in a single, cold blast cupola for molten metal temperature in the range of 1380 – 1410oC is about 150-200 kg/MT of molten metal. Many technological modifications have been effected in cold blast cupola designs to increase operating efficiency and reduce specific fuel consumption.

6.2 Divided Blast Cupola In the divided blast cupola is blast is equally divided between two Tuyers in the cupola. The divided blast cupola permits one to choose the best cupola process as required for the particular production. The advantages of divided blast cupola over cold blast cupola are as follows: • 20% reduction in charge coke • 40oC rise in tapping temperature • No blocking or freezing of tuyeres • 10% less loss in percentage of silicon • 10% less loss in percentage of manganese










Energy Conservation in Foundry Industry • Higher carbon pickup • 20% increase in melting rate • Reduction in exit gas temperature ( only 250oC as against 450oC in conventional cupola) and hence reduced flue gas loss. • Can take 100% bigger lumps of remelting scrap • Conversion from single blast to divided blast is very low

6.3 Hot blast cupola The temperature of exhaust gas of Cupola furnace is as high as 800oC. The high temperature flue gas can be utilised for preheating the combustion air supply. The combustion air supply can be preheated to a temperature of 300 or higher. This leads to increase in combustion temperature and heat efficiency of the Cupola furnace. Moreover in the upper part of the combustion zone, CO2 gas due to coke is deoxidised by high temperature. This creates a reductive atmosphere and decreases the oxidation loss of metal. Two methods, which widely used to preheat the blast air, are 1. The recuperative type which uses the heat of gases 2. The externally fired type which does not use any products of combustion in the cupola as fuel, but instead utilises an independent heater fired by coal, gas or oil The advantages of hot blast cupolas are: • Increased melt rate • Reduced coke consumption • Increased melt temperature • Increased usage of steel scrap • Ensures little loss of Si and Mn in molten metal in a reductive atmosphere, saving ferro alloys cost • Energy savings of 25-30%

6.3.1 Oxygen enrichment in Cupola furnace Oxygen enrichment is an established practice for increasing the operating efficiency of Cupola furnace. This also raises the tapping temperature and increases the melting speed. Though a method using an Oxygen enrichment membrane has also been developed recently, generally pure Oxygen produced by evaporating liquid oxygen is added through inserting duct in the air blast tube. Oxygen is diluted with blast air and enriched uniformly to 22 to 25% blasted through tuyeres.







6.4 Induction furnace In induction furnace a magnetic field is generated by the current passed through induction coil. Material to be melted is placed in the magnetic field. An electromotive force is induced by the action of ectromagnetic Induction and the induced current flows to heat up and melt the material placed in the magnetic field. Induction furnace is classified into two types based on the operating frequency. • Medium frequency induction furnace – 500 to 600 Hz • Main frequency induction furnace - 50 Hz The main features of the induction furnace are as follows: • High efficiency due to direct heating of material by electromagnetic induction • Improved temperature control. • Uniform metal composition by agitation effect • Heating is done without air. Hence no metal loss due to oxidation effect

6.4.1 Energy consumption pattern in induction furnace Typical power consumption in induction melting furnace of capacity 12 – 15 tonnes is in the range of 625 – 650 kWh/tonne of metal(cast iron) melted. In case of smaller furnaces the specific power consumption increases. The specific power consumption of induction furnaces of capacity 1 – 3 tonnes is in the range of 700 – 725 kWh/tonne of metal melted. In induction furnace the efficiency is expressed as total energy input detective electrical and heat transfer losses. The electrical losses consist of losses in transformer, frequency converter, capacitor banks cable and coil losses. Heat losses in induction furnace consist of heat escaping from furnace wall to coil side (carried away by cooling water0, radiation loss from melt surface and heat loss due to slag removal. Efficiency of medium frequency furnace is higher compared to efficiency of main frequency furnaces. The operating efficiency of medium frequency furnace is in the range of 55-60%, whereas the operating efficiency of main frequency furnace is in the range of 45 –50%. In main frequency furnaces larger is the heat loss, whereas in case of medium frequency furnaces. This is due to the fact that main frequency furnace has lower power density, longer melting time and hence higher heat loss. Medium frequency furnace has higher electrical loss due to frequency conversion and lower heat loss due to lower melting time.










Energy Conservation in Foundry Industry



In foundry industry substantial reduction in energy consumption can be achieved by improving the operational practices. Improvement of operational practices include the following: • Improving melting process • Reducing heat losses and heat input This can be implemented irrespective of the type of melting furnace used for metal melting. These measures do not call for any major investment. But these need to be closely monitored for achieving reduction in energy consumption and sustaining the same.

7.1 Improving melting process Energy consumption in melting furnace can be reduced by improving the charging practices, quality of charge, reducing the time taken for transferring the molten metal etc.

7.1.1 Removal of rust, sand and oil from charge Rust, sand and oil in the charging material form slag during the melting process. Majority of time the slag formation is due to sand in returns such as runners & risers and rust in scraps. Before the metal tapping from the melting furnace the slag is removed. Due to slag formation both heat loss and material loss takes place. Typically in a melting furnace, the heat loss due to slag formation is in the range of 1-2%. The heat loss and material loss can be minimised by reducing the slag formation. This can be achieved by shot blasting the charge and removing the sand, rust etc. In addition, attention shall be paid to the material storage to prevent rusting.

7.1.2 Reducing the analysis time Molten metal analysis is an important process through which, the quality of the castings is established from material composition point of view. Melting and holding time of molten metal can be reduced by reducing the time taken for metal analysis. To realize this, it is necessary to put the melting furnace and analysis test place as near as possible and attention should be paid for rapid and exact communication of the analysis result. The latest trend is utilizing spectrometer for molten metal analysis. This reduces the analysis time substantially. Molten metal analysis can be done within 5-10 minutes. Reducing the time taken for metal analysis directly reduces holding time of the molten metal in furnace and hence the power consumption. Energy saving of 10-15 units per tonne of molten metal can be achieved in furnaces, where holding is more than 30 mins.







7.1.3 Reducing holding time of molten metal in furnace The time taken for the mould preparation should be matched with the metal tapping time. Molten metal should not weight for the moulds. This can be achieved by advanced planning and close monitoring. Matching of time taken for mould preparation and metal tapping from the furnace will lead to reduction in holding time of molten metal in the furnace and hence reduction in power consumption.

7.1.4 Reduction of residual molten metal The weight of casting has to be calculated and the weight of material melted should be matched with the weight of castings to be produced. This reduces the quantity of residual molten metal and the associated energy consumption in the furnace.

7.1.5 Reducing time of slag removal The slag formation takes place due to oxidation of molten metal and the unwanted material in the feed such as rust, sand etc. The slag is removed periodically before tapping the molten metal for the casting process. Generally in a medium size foundry industry the slag removal is done manually. Each slag removal takes minimum about 5 to 10 minutes. The latest trend is going for back tilting mechanism for the induction furnace. The slag removal can be done quickly. This leads to reduction in cycle time of the metal melting process and reduction in energy consumption. Furnaces above 5 tons /batch capacity should be provided with back tilting facility for de-slagging. Quick slag removal using back tilting mechanism in the induction furnace results in atleast 12% reduction in energy consumption.

7.1.6 Reduce the time of composition adjustment Checking of composition of molten metal and again changing the composition during the melting process leads to increased cycle time. The increased melting cycle time leads to increased to energy consumption. The right composition can be arrived at first check by correctly weighing and feeding the raw material into the furnace. This can be achieved by installing load cells in the charge hopper. Weighing and feeding of raw materials ensures right composition at first check.

7.1.7 Optimizing size of foundry coke The size of foundry coke has a direct bearing on the coke consumption per ton of iron melted as well as the melting rate. The use of come below 75 mm(3") in size reduces the metal temperature for a given amount of coke charge. The decrease in coke size also increases the blast pressure required to deliver a given volume of air.










Energy Conservation in Foundry Industry When the coke size decreases below 75 mm(3") the amount of coke in the charge must be increased to ensure the required tapping temperature. The following figures indicated, effect of coke size on metal temperature when using 62 mm(2.5") coke, 88 mm (3.5") coke in both 725 mm’ (29") and 1200 mm (48") cupolas Additional coke amounting to about 2.5% of the metal charge would be required when using 2.5" (62mm) coke when compared to 3.5" (88mm) coke. This additional coke would reduce the melting rate by about 20% Coke saving in cupola furnaces can also be effected by: • Undertaking repair and burn back of the linings to maintain the melting diameter to that compatible with the melting rate required. • Regularly checking the weighing equipment to ensure accurate weight • Keeping the cupola full of charge upto the charging door, thereby the descending metallic charge obtain maximum preheating from the ascending hot gases. This calls for adequate height of stack above the bed till the charging door. • Recovering the un burnt coke by water quenching the contents of the drop and using the same for split charge after sorting By adopting the suggestions mentioned above, it could be possible to effect a coke saving of one lakh tonnes per annum at the national level worth Rs.500 million assuming about 90% of grey iron production comes through cupolas and coke to metal ratio of 1:8.5. The energy saving measures would also reduce air pollution as SO2 level in stack emissions come down.


Reducing heat losses and heat input

7.2.1 Lower metal tapping temperature The energy consumption increases with increase in tapping temperature. The heat loss from the furnace is also increases with increase in operating temperature. Hence, the temperature of molten metal should be closely monitored to avoid over shoot in temperature and increased energy consumption. In gray iron melting, energy consumption increases by 20 kWh/ tonne for 100oC over shoot in temperature. To keep the tapping temperature lower, the parameters such as pouring temperature requirement, the ladle traveling distance and drop in metal temperature during metal transfer etc should be considered.

7.2.2 Provide furnace covers In induction furnaces the molten metal is maintained at a temperature of about 1400-1450oC depending upon the requirement. The furnace is kept open and the molten metal is directly exposed to atmosphere. This leads to radiation loss. In an induction furnace the radiation loss is estimated as about 3 to 5%. This radiation loss could be minimised by providing closed hood for the furnace and a cover. Investors






8.0 LIST OF ENERGY SAVING PROPOSALS IN FOUNDRY INDUSTRY 8.1 Short-term energy saving proposals 1.

Reduce the tapping temperature of the molten metal from the furnace to match with the requirement


Insulate and provide insulated lid for the ladle to minimise heat loss during metal transfer


Provide insulated lid for the holding furnace to avoid heat loss due to radiation


Install oil fired ladle preheating to minimise heat loss from the molten metal during metal transfer


Suitably size the ladle to match with the molten metal requirement for the casting process


Reduce the tap to tap time in the furnace


Utilise the entire quantity of molten metal in the furnace by optimal scheduling of pouring


Optimise the operating pressure of the compressor to match with the requirement

8.2 Medium term energy saving proposals 1.

Improve combustion efficiency of cupola furnace


Optimise the size of the coke fed into cupola furnace


Practice oxygen enrichment in cupola furnace


Optimise combustion air supply to the oil fired heat treatment furnaces


Install blower air for sand cooling and avoid compressed air supply


Install temperature indicator control for induction furnace cooling tower fans


Install KWH indicator cum integrator for induction furnace


Segregate thick and thin section molten metal requirement and operate furnace at different temperatures


Match the moulding time and melting time to minimise the holding time of the molten metal

10. Monitor temperature of molten metal continuously using online infrared thermometer and avoid overshoot in temperature 11. Bundle and improve the bulk density of the input material 12. Provide closed hood for the furnace and minimise the loss due to radiation and convection 13. Control of sintering cycle through automatic sintering cycle time 14. Optimise cooling water supply to the induction furnace 15. Apply ceramic coating on the inner walls of heat treatment furnace for improving heat transfer










Energy Conservation in Foundry Industry

8.3 Long term energy saving proposals 1.

Install spectrometer for molten metal analysis and minimise testing time


Install automatic vibratory feeder for faster and continuous feeding of material


Charge hopper and furnace on load cells to achieve right composition at the first check.


Convert cold blast cupola furnace to divided blast cupola furnace


Replace electrical heating with thermic fluid heating for core baking oven


Install air pre heater for preheating the combustion air supply to the heat treatment furnaces


Install medium frequency induction furnace in place of main frequency furnace


Install dual track medium frequency furnace


Replace electrical Arc furnace with medium frequency furnace

10. Replace existing oil fired aluminium melting furnaces with gas fired furnaces 11. Segregate high pressure and low pressure compressed air users in the foundry industry 12. Install variable frequency drive for the screw compressor 13. Replace pneumatic operated tools with electrical tools







Case study - 1

INSTALL KWH INDICATOR CUM INTEGRATOR FOR INDUCTION FURNACE Background Medium frequency induction furnace is used for metal melting. The specific energy consumption pattern for each batch is monitored. There is a huge variation in the specific energy consumption. The variation in specific energy consumption is due to operational practices such as over shoot in metal temperature, holding of molten metal in the melting furnace due to break down in the moulding line, metal waiting for tapping and furnace waiting for raw material etc. The lowest specific energy consumption is achieved in few batches due to adoption of the best operational practices incidentally in those batches. The latest trend is installing KWh Integrator for the furnaces. The power consumption required for the melting has to be established based on the lowest specific energy consumption achieved in the past. The established power consumption should be set as a target for each melt. The KWh integrator measures the power consumption as the melting progresses and indicates the units available to complete the batch as per the target. The KWh Integrator gives the signal to the operators to tap the molten metal within the target power consumption. The advantages of installing Kwh indicator cum integrator for the furnace are as follows: • The furnace operators get an opportunity to take necessary steps online to complete the metal tapping within set target power consumption • The lowest specific power consumption in the furnace for metal melting could be sustained

Previous status Medium frequency furnace is used for cast iron melting. The variation in per ton of metal melted is between 50 to 80 units. The lowest specific power consumption achieved is 650 units/ton of molten metal.

Energy saving project KWH indicator cum integrator was installed for the medium frequency furnace. The power consumption per ton of molten metal is established based on past records. Target for power consumption per ton of molten metal is set as 650 units/ton.

Implementation methodology










Energy Conservation in Foundry Industry The KWH indicator and integrator could be installed with very minimal downtime of the furnace. The indicator should be provided in the prominent location, visible to all the operators.

Benefits The variation in power consumption of the furnace is minimised. Atleast 20 kWH /batch reduction in power consumption was achieved.

Financial analysis This amounted to an annual monetary saving (@ Rs 3.50/unit) of Rs 0.6 million. The investment made was Rs 0.20 million. The simple payback period for this project was 4 Months.

Replicating Potential in Indian foundry industry There are about 10,000 foundry units are in operation in India. About 10% of the foundry units are utilising induction furnace for metal melting. Atleast 50% of units, utilising induction furnace for metal melting can incorporate the KWH indicator cum integrator for monitoring. The energy saving potential using KWH indicator is about Rs 25 Crores in Indian foundry industry. The investment opportunity for KWH indicator is about Rs 50 Crorers.
















Energy Conservation in Foundry Industry

Case study – 2

INSTALL MEDIUM FREQUENCY INDUCTION FURNACE OF MAIN FREQUENCY FURNACE Background Induction furnace can be basically classified into two types depending upon the operating frequency. • Medium frequency furnace – over 500 Hz • Main frequency furnace – 50 Hz Heat efficiency of medium frequency furnace is higher than that of main frequency furnace. The medium frequency furnace can be operated with three times higher power density than the main frequency furnace. This speeds up the melting rate, reduces the cycle and the associated heat losses. This leads to increased operating efficiency of the furnace. Main frequency furnace has higher heat loss, where as medium frequency furnace has higher electrical loss. This is explicable from the fact that low frequency furnace has lower power density at melting and larger heat loss due to long melting time. While medium frequency furnace has higher power density. Heat loss is less due to short melting time and primary electrical loss is higher due to frequency conversion. The other advantages of medium frequency furnace over main frequency furnaces are • Absence of molten heel and hence increased productivity • Reduced start up time • Less melting time and hence reduced losses

Previous status In a large size foundry industry a main frequency furnace of capacity 10 tons/batch was in operation. The specific power consumption of main frequency furnace was 690 units/ton of molten metal.

Energy saving project The main frequency furnace was replaced with medium frequency furnace of the same capacity. The specific power consumption of metal melting has been reduced to 615 units/ton of molten metal.







Benefits of the project The implementation of the project resulted in reduction of specific power consumption of about 95 units/ton. This saving annually amounted to about 9.0 Lakh units.

Financial analysis The total benefits amounted to a monetary annual savings of Rs 3.15 million. The investment made was around Rs 20.00 million. The simple payback period for this project was 76 Months.

Cost benefit analysis

• Annual Savings - Rs. 3.15 millions • Investment - Rs. 20.00 millions • Simple payback - 76 months










Energy Conservation in Foundry Industry







Case study - 3

INSTALL SPECTRO METER FOR ANALYSING THE MOLTEN METAL Background Molten metal analysis is an important process through which, the quality of the castings is established from material composition point of view. Typically in a medium scale and large scale foundry industry the molten metal sampling is done and then tested in the laboratory. The metal sampling and testing takes about 30 min. This adds to the holding time of the molten metal in the furnace. Melting and holding time of molten metal can be reduced by reducing the time taken for metal analysis. This can be achieved by installing a spectrometer for analyzing the quality of molten metal. The spectrometer analysis takes only about 5-10 mins. This leads to significant reduction in holding time of the molten metal in the furnace and hence reduction in energy consumption.

Present status In one of the medium size foundry industry laboratory test method is followed for testing the molten metal. Time taken for the molten metal testing is about 15-20 min.

Energy saving project The spectrometer was installed for molten metal analysis. This has minimised the time taken for the analysis by 60-70%.

Benefits This has resulted in overall reduction in metal holding time and hence reduction in energy consumption of about 10 units per ton of molten metal.

Financial analysis The benefits amounted to a monetary annual savings of Rs 0.42 million. The investment made was around Rs 0.80 million. The simple payback period for this project was 23 Months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.42 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.80 millions • Simple payback - 23 months










Energy Conservation in Foundry Industry







Case study – 4

INSTALL ONLINE SHOT BLASTING MACHINE FOR CLEANING THE RETURNS Background The returns such as runners and risers from the moulding section is again utilised for melting. Typically in a small scale foundry industry the quantity of runners and risers accounts for about 30-40% of the quantity of total feed into the furnace. The returns contain green sand, which leads to increased slag formation. Also if the feed is rusted, the rust leads to slag formation. Before tapping the molten metal for the casting process, the slag formed on the top of the furnace is removed. The slag formation results in increased metal loss and also energy loss. The energy consumption due to slag (1.2 units/kg of slag) is two times the power consumption of the metal melting. The metal loss in the furnace is about 4-5% and the energy loss is about 2-3% of the energy input to the furnace for melting. The slag formation in the induction furnace can be minimised by cleaning the feed to the furnace. This can be achieved by shot blasting the feed materials, specifically the returns before fed into the furnace.

Previous status The returns from the molding section are directly used for the melting applications. The metal loss is about 6%. The heat loss is about 125 units / batch of metal melted. This contributes 2.5-3% of the total energy input to the furnace.

Energy saving project Shot blasting machine was installed for cleaning the returns and fed into the furnace for melting process.

Benefits The slag formation was minimized and hence metal loss was reduced from 6% to 2.5-3%. The power consumption is reduced by 8-10 units/batch.

• Annual Savings - Rs. 0.52 millions

Financial analysis This amounted to an annual monetary saving (@ Rs 3.50/unit) of Rs 0.52 million. The investment made was around Rs 2.00 million. The simple payback period for this project was 46 Months.


Cost benefit analysis



• Investment - Rs. 2.00 millions • Simple payback - 46 months







Energy Conservation in Foundry Industry







Case study -5

REPLACE ARC FURNACE WITH MEDIUM FREQUENCY INDUCTION FURNACE Background In the arc furnace the electric arc is produced between the electrodes. The heat generated due to electric arc is utilised for melting the metal. In arc furnace the melting heat efficiency in the process from ordinary temperature to melt down is high. But the heat efficiency in superheating process after melt down is lower than half of induction furnace. The very low heat efficiency during superheating leads to increased specific power consumption in the Arc furnace. The typical specific power consumption between the Arc furnace and the induction furnace is given below. Arc furnace


710 - 720 units/ton

Main frequency induction furnace


680 - 690 units/ton

Medium frequency induction furnace


590 - 600 units /ton

Hence there is a good potential to save energy by installing medium frequency furnace.

Additional benefits • Cost savings due to elimination of electrodes • Reduction in power consumption of exhaust system • In some of the states an additional tariff to the extend of 25% is charged for the use of Arc furnace for the melting process. This additional tariff can be totally eliminated.

Present status In one of the large-scale foundry industry Arc furnace of capacity 14 tons is used for cast iron melting process. The specific energy consumption of the Arc furnace was in the range of 710-715 units/ton of molten metal.

Energy saving project The arc furnace is replaced with two numbers of medium frequency furnaces of capacity 8 tons/batch each.










Energy Conservation in Foundry Industry The specific power consumption of medium frequency furnace is 610 units/ton of molten metal.

Benefits The implementation of the project resulted in reduction in energy consumption of about 110 units/ton of molten metal.

Financial analysis Implementation of the proposal resulted in monetary benefit of Rs 6.5 million. Investment made was Rs 50.00 million. The payback period was 92 Months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 6.50 millions • Investment - Rs. 50.00 millions • Simple payback - 92 months
















Energy Conservation in Foundry Industry

Case study - 6

MONITOR TEMPERTURE OF MOLTEN METAL CONTINUOUSLY SUING ONLINE INFRARED THERMOMETER Background Molten metal temperature is an important parameter for the casting process. Lower molten metal temperature will lead to defective castings. The tendency of the operators of the furnace is to maintain higher molten metal temperature than the requirement considering all the temperature drops during metal transfer. The temperature of molten metal in the furnace is monitored periodically using contact type thermocouple. This is done to ensure that the temperature of the molten metal is more than the requirement. This temperature measurement at intervals using contact type thermocouple leads to overshoot in temperature. The overshoot in molten metal temperature leads to increased power consumption in the furnace. The latest trend is to install online infrared pyrometer. The pyrometer continuously monitors the molten metal temperature and can be prominently displayed. This facilitates tapping of molten metal within the required temperature and minimise overshoot in temperature.

Previous status Temperature requirement for molten metal is 1460oC. The molten temperature overshoots beyond 1480oC.

Energy saving project Online infrared pyrometer was installed for continuously monitoring the molten metal temperature. The overshoot in temperature of molten metal was avoided.

Benefits Eliminates overshoot in molten metal temperature. Reduction in energy consumption of about 5 units/ton of molten metal is achieved.

Financial analysis The total benefits resulted to an annual saving of Rs 0.20 million. The investment made was Rs 0.20 million. The simple payback period for this project was 12 Months.
















Energy Conservation in Foundry Industry

Case study – 7

INSTALL WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM FOR THE STRESS RELIEVING FURNACES TO RECOVER HEAT FROM THE EXHAUST FLUE GAS Back ground In the Stress relieving furnace the castings are heated to a temperature of about 550oC and then cooled in atmospheric air. Light Diesel Oil is used as fuel in these furnaces. The exhaust flue gas from the Stress relieving furnace is directly sent to atmosphere. The Exhaust flue gas temperature is in the range of 615-625oC. The percentage of heat loss through exhaust flue gas is in the range of 58-60 %. There is a good potential to save energy by recovering heat from the exhaust flue gas. This can be achieved by installing an air preheater and preheating the combustion air supply to the stress relieving furnace In the air preheater the combustion air supply can be preheated to a temperature of about 180oC. After air preheater the flue gas can be sent to atmosphere.

Energy saving project Air preheater was installed for preheating the combustion air supply. The combustion air was preheated to a temperature of about 180oC.

Benefits Preheating of combustion air has resulted in about 4% reduction in fuel consumption.

Financial analysis The total benefits amounted to a monetary annual savings of Rs 0.32 million. The investment made was around Rs 0.30 million. The simple payback period for this project was 12 Months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.32 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.30 millions • Simple payback - 12 months
















Energy Conservation in Foundry Industry

Case study -8

SEGREGATE HIGH PRESSURE AND LOW PRESSURE COMPRESSED AIR USERS Background In foundry industry the compressed air pressure requirement varies depending upon the users. For pneumatic actuators and cylinders the compressed air pressure requirement is about 55.5 kg/cm2. For other applications such as cleaning the compressed air pressure is not the criteria. The volume of air flow is the criteria and not the operating pressure. The maximum compressed air requirement is 2.5-3 kg/cm2. In compressed air systems, the power consumption of a compressor is directly proportional to the operating pressure of the compressor. The compressor power consumption increases with increase in pressure and vice versa. Hence there is a good potential for energy saving by segregating the high pressure and low-pressure compressed air (cleaning air) users and supplying compressed air at lower operating pressure.

Present status In one of the foundry industry compressed air pressure is maintained at 6.5 kg/cm2 in the main header. Majority of the compressed air is utilised for the pneumatic operations in the core making m/c’s, pneumatic lifts, pneumatic grinders and cleaning operations etc. The total number of cleaning points in core making sections is 32 and that in the Aluminium Die Casting (ADC) section is 54. The quantity of compressed air utilised for cleaning operation is estimated as 750 cfm in the core-making area and about 850 cfm in the Aluminium Die Casting section.

Energy saving project The high pressure & low-pressure (for cleaning application) compressed air users were segregated by laying a separate compressed air line. Compressor of capacity 1500 cfm was dedicated for the cleaning applications and operated at a pressure of 3.0 kg/cm2.

Benefits Implementation of the project resulted in atleast 30% reduction in compressor power consumption.







Financial analysis Implementation of the proposal resulted in monetary benefit of Rs 1.10 million. Investment made was Rs 1.00 million. The payback period was 11 Months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 1.10 millions • Investment - Rs. 1.00 millions • Simple payback - 11 months










Energy Conservation in Foundry Industry







Case study -9

INSTALL VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE FOR SCREW COMPRESSOR Background In compressed air system once the required pressure is achieved the compressor is getting unloaded. The loading unloading pattern indicate the quantity of compressed air requirement in the plant. The higher unload time of the compressor indicates excess capacity available in the compressor During the unload time, the compressor does not deliver useful work, but operates only to overcome its internal losses. The compressors should be so selected to operate with a minimum unload time. There is a good potential to save energy by minimising the unload time of the compressor. This can be achieved by varying the speed of the compressor to match with the compressed air requirement. speed variation can be carried out by installing a Variable Frequency Drive. A Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) with the feed back as the receiver pressure, would constantly sense even the slightest increase / decrease in the receiver pressure. Accordingly it would vary the speed of the compressor. This installation of the VFD would completely avoid the unload time and would hence result in tremendous savings in power consumption.

Present status A screw compressor of capacity 480 cfm is in operation for the compressed air requirement. The load / unload pattern of the 480 cfm screw compressor is as below: Description

Power consumption (kW)

Time (%)







The load and unload timings of the compressor is recorded in the hour meter fitted to the compressor. Over the past 1600 hours of operation of the compressor, the compressor is loaded only for 43% of time.

Energy saving project The screw compressor was installed with variable frequency drive.










Energy Conservation in Foundry Industry

Benefits The implementation of the proposal resulted in the following benefits: The unload power consumption of the compressor was totally eliminated. The operating pressure is precisely maintained to match with the requirement. This has resulted in reduction in operating pressure of 0.5 kg/cm2 and hence corresponding reduction in load power consumption.

Financial analysis Implementation of the proposal resulted in monetary benefit of Rs 0.40 million. Investment made was Rs 0.55 million. The payback period was 17 Months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.40 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.55 millions • Simple payback - 17 months
















Energy Conservation in Foundry Industry

Case study -10

REPLACE PNEUMATIC TOOLS WITH ELECTRICAL TOOLS Back ground In foundry industry pneumatic tools are one of the major compressed air consumers. Pneumatic tools are used for core dressing in the core shops and in the fettling shop for the grinding operations. Also pneumatic hoists are used for lifting the products. The compressed air pressure requirement for operating the pneumatic tools is in the range of 5-5.5 kg/cm2. Use of compressed air for operating the tools is energy intensive and costlier. Electrical energy is used to generate high pressure air in the compressor, which has the operating efficiency in the range of 35-40% i.e only maximum 40% of the energy input is available in the form of compressed air. If electrical energy is directly used for driving the tools, the inefficiency of the compressor can be eliminated. Which will result in atleast 50% reduction in energy consumption. Hence there is a good potential to save energy by replacing the pneumatic operated tools with electrical tools.

Present status In one of the medium scale foundry industry about 20 pneumatic tools are used for core dressing and grinding operations in the fettling sections. The quantity of compressed air utilised for operating the pneumatic tools is about 250 cfm

Energy saving project All the pneumatic operated tools such as grinding machines and the pneumatic hoists are replaced with electrical tools and hoists. One compressor of capacity 250 cfm, which was in operation for the compressed air supply was stopped.

Benefits Implementation of the proposal has resulted in 50% reduction in energy consumption of the tools. This has also resulted in avoiding maintenance of one compressor running for the pneumatic tools.







Financial analysis Implementation of the proposal has resulted in annual saving of Rs 0.75 million. The investment made was Rs 2.30 million for converting the pneumatic tools to electrical tools. The payback period was 37 Months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.75 millions • Investment - Rs. 2.30 millions • Simple payback - 37 months










Energy Conservation in Foundry Industry







Case study -11

INSTALL OIL FIRED CORE DRYING OVENS FOR DRYING THE CORES Background In medium scale and large scale foundry industry electrical energy is used for drying the cores in the core drying ovens. the cores will be dried in batches by placing inside the electrical heated ovens for a period of time. Typically the operating temperature of the core drying oven is in the range of 175 –200oC. Electrical energy is high grade energy. Cost of heating using electrical energy is very high compared to cost of heating using low grade thermal energy. The cost comparison between the electrical heating and thermal heating is given below. • Cost of electrical heating @ Rs 3.50/unit

- Rs 4283/MMkCal

• Cost of thermal heating (LDO fired)

- Rs 1830/MmkCal

Cost of electrical heating is two times more than cost of thermal heating. Hence there is a good potential to save cost by utilising thermal heating for the core drying applications. In the oil fired system, the fuel is fired using a burner and mixed with air. The hot gas is circulated in a chamber through the cores are sent for the drying process. This system is a continuous process unlike the electrical heated ovens. This leads to increased production also.

Present status In one of the medium scale foundry industry electrical heated oven is used for the core drying applications. The operating temperature of the core drying oven is 200oC. The power consumption of the core drying oven is 120 kW and the heaters are “switched ON” for atleast 50% of the operating time.

Energy saving project The electrical heated oven was replaced with oil fired oven for the drying application. This has resulted in 50% reduction in operating cost of the core drying oven










Energy Conservation in Foundry Industry

Financial analysis Implementation of the proposal resulted in monetary benefit of Rs 1.00 million. Investment made was Rs 1.50 million. The payback period was 18 Months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 1.0 millions • Investment - Rs. 1.50 millions • Simple payback - 18 months
















Energy Conservation in Foundry Industry

Case study -12

REPLACE EXISTING OIL FIRED ALUMINIUM MELTING FURNACES WITH GAS FIRED FURNACES Background Typically for aluminium melting either electrical or oil fired furnaces are used. In oil fired furnaces flue gas passes around the crucible in which metal to be melted is placed. The heat transfer from the flue gas to the metal takes place through the crucible. The melting furnaces the oil fired burners are fitted with a dedicated combustion air supply blower. The exhaust flue gas from the melting furnace is in the range of 750 to 800oC. The flue gas is directly sent to atmosphere. This results in increased flue gas loss. In oil fired system, the quantity of excess air sent for the combustion process is in the range of about 25-30% of the stoichiometric air requirement. The increased excess air supply leads to increased flue gas loss. The recent trend is installing gas fired system for Aluminium melting application. For gas fired system the excess air requirement is only 3-5% of Stoichiometric air requirement, which is very low compared to excess air requirement for the oil fired system. This results in lower loss. In the gas fired system gas firing can be effectively controlled based on temperature. The temperature of flue gas between the outside shell and crucible or molten metal temperature can be given as a feed back to the gas firing control system. This eliminates over shoot in temperature of molten metal. In the gas-fired system, the quantity of combustion air requirement is less compared to combustion air requirement for the oil fired system. Hence, the power consumption in the combustion air supply fan is also significantly reduced. There is a good potential to save energy replacing the existing oil fired system with gas-fired system for all the melting furnaces in the aluminium foundry.

Present status In one of the medium scale aluminium foundry oil fired furnaces are used for Aluminium melting. Light Diesel oil and furnace oil are used as fuel for the melting furnaces. The details of the melting furnaces available in the Aluminium foundry are as follows: S No Furnace type

No of furnaces

Capacity Kgs

Burner capacity lit/hr


Big Skelenar





Small Skelenar





Big tilting





Small tilting










Energy saving project The oil fired systems were replaced with gas fired system for all the melting furnaces in the aluminium foundry.

Benefits The implementation of the proposal has resulted in about 20% fuel cost saving.

Financial analysis The benefits amounted to a monetary annual savings of Rs 2.01 million. The investment made was around Rs 2.50 million. The simple payback period for this project was 15 Months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 2.01 million • Investment - Rs. 2.50 million • Simple payback - 15 months










Energy Conservation in Foundry Industry







List of Contractors / Suppliers Name of the Company and Address INDUCTOTHERM INDIA LTD Bopal, Ahmedabad - 380 058 Gujarat (India) Tel:91-79-3731961 (8 Lines) Fax: 91-79-3731266, 91-79-3731268 Email: [email protected] URL: M/S ENCON INTERNATIONAL (P) LTD. Mr. R.P. Sood 14/6, Mathura Road, Faridabad - 121 003 (Haryana) Tel: +91-129-2275307 Fax: +91-129-2276448 E mail: [email protected] PILLAR INDUCTION (I) LIMITED EXPORTERS OF FURNACES. A-13, 2nd Avenue Anna Nagar, Chennai - 600102, India Tel(44)6261703/26261704/2621705 Fax: +(91)-(44)-26260189 WESMAN GROUP OF COMPANIES "Wesman Center", 8, Mayfair Road, Kolkata - 700 019, Tel:(91)-(33)-22405320 Fax: +(91)-(33)-22478050 ADVANCE HEATING SYSTEMS d1/23 (back side) Mayapuri ind. area, phase-ii, New Delhi -110064 Tel: 91-11-5139315 Email:[email protected]

Area of expertise Induction Furnaces, Controls for the furnaces

Induction furnaces

Induction furnaces


Industrial furnaces, ovens, oil fired systems, heat treatment furnaces

ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIAL FURNACES f-9, sector-xi, Noida -201301 Tel:91-11-84529169 Fax: + 91-11-84555703 E-mail: [email protected] Website




Shuttle & Tunnel kilns, pit type annealing furnaces, continuous ovens and driers







Energy Conservation in Foundry Industry

ENGINEERS ASSOCIATE 10-d, Garpar road, Calcutta -700009 Tel: 91-33-3510690 E-mail: [email protected] HEATCON SENSORS (P) LTD. mes road, bangalore -560013 Tel:+ 91-80-8384564 Fax: + 91-80-8382914 E-mail: [email protected] Website http://www.heatc INDUSTRIAL FURNACE & CONTROLS Vempu road, Bangalore -560021 Tel:+ 91-80-3329840 Fax: + 91-80-3329840 E-mail: [email protected] Website MACRO FURNACES PVT. LTD. 16/2, mathura road, faridabad -121002 Tel:+ 91-129-5260004 Fax: + 91-129-5260146 E-mail: [email protected] PYROTHERM ENGINEERS PVT. LTD. 245/2b, 2b-vanagaram road, athipet, Chennai -600058 Tel:+ 91-44-6358038 Fax: + 91-44-6358038 THERMOTHERM ENGINEERS 455, 12th cross, 4th phase, peenya indl. area, bangalore -560058 Tel:+ 91-80-8362507 Fax: + 91-80-8362919 E-mail:[email protected] PADAM ELECTRONICS Plot No 1/103, West Kanti Nagar, St No 3, New Delhi - 110 051, India Tel:+(91)-(11)-22001791/22003581 Fax: +(91)-(11)-22003581 Website: -electronics Opp. Indo Bulger, Meerut Road, Sihani Chungi, Ghaziabad - 201 001, India




Temperature controllers, thermocouples etc

Electrical and oil fired furnaces, temperature controllers, thermocouples

Electrical and gas fired industrial furnaces Aluminium melting furnaces, ovens

Industrial furnaces, heat treatment furnaces and ovens

Muffle furnaces, electrical furnaces, diesel fired furnaces and heat treatment furnaces

annealing furnaces.



Muffle furnaces, oven, drier, thermo couple



Tel:+(91)-(120) -2736650/9810367173 Website: Medium frequency

ALIDIA POWERTRONICS PRIVATE LIMITED Address: Shed 1, Computer Complex, DSIDC Scheme 1, Okhla Industrial Area Phase II, New Delhi - 110 020, India Tel:+(91)-(11)-4963017/4963028/4963163

induction melting and heating furnaces, portable high frequency Induction heating equipment.

Fax: +(91)-(11)-26386602 Website: METROPOLITAN EQUIPMENTS & CONSULTANTS

Roller hearth tunnel


furnaces, material handling systems

Plot No. A - 486, Wagle Industrial Estate, Road 24, Thane - 400 604, India


Tel:+(91)-(22)-5823294/5800799/5814654 Fax: +(91)-(22)-5800801 Website: ENCON INTERNATIONAL (P) LTD.

All types of furnaces

Address: 14/6, Mathura Road, Faridabad - 121 003, India Tel:+(91)-(129) -2275307/2275607 Fax: +(91)-(129)-2276448 Website:

All types of furnaces

Precision Controls Manufacturer & exporters of furnaces. 20, SIDCO Industrial Estate, mbattur, Chennai - 600098, India A Tel: +(91)-(44)-26250370 Fax: +(91)-(44)-26257835 REFRACTORIES & FURNACES COMPANY P.O.Box:80, Kezhakkenada,

Furnaces and refractories

Chengannur - 689 121, India Tel: +(91)-(479]-454310 Fax: +(91) -(479]-452481










Energy Conservation in Textile Sector & Technology in Textile Industry


Energy Intensity

10.4% of total energy consumption

Energy saving potential

506 MW

Investment potential on energy saving projects

Rs 40000 million

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Introduction The textile industry is one of the oldest in the country, more than 105 years old. The textile industry has undergone rapid changes over the years. There are more than 2324 units operating in the power-processing sector. Many new units are being set up and older units being mordanised. Indian textile industry is worth around Rs 800 billion (US$ 22.05 billion) accounting for approximately 20% of India’s total industrial output. The textile industry is an important segment of the country’s economy, which contributes 3% to country’s GDP and earns about 27% of the gross export earnings, totaling to 12.1 BN USD, USD 50 billion has been set by 2010. Indian textile sector also employs 15 million people, about 21% of the work force. The cotton cloth production in the year 2001 – 02 was 40256 million sq. mtrs. Which shows rise in production by 2.7%. The growth potential of textile sector is estimated to be 5.65%. The Indian textile industry consumes nearly 10.4% of the total power produced in India. In a large composite textile mill, the cost of energy as percentage of the manufacturing cost varies between 12 – 15%, which includes electrical and thermal energy. The energy cost is next to the raw material cost and comparable to labour cost. Hence, energy conservation in a textile mill plays significant importance and is a priority area for maximising profits. The scope for energy conservation in the textile sector is normally around 15%.

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Textile Sector & Technology in Textile Industry

Process Flow Diagram for High Value Cotton Fabric Raw Material Blow Room Carding

Yarn Preparation

Combing Draw Frame Ring Frame

Yarn Dyeing

Winding Warping Sizing Weaving Singeing Bleaching Mercerizing Finishing

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Process Flow Diagram for Denim Fabric Raw Material

Blow Room

Card Drawframe Autocore

Dyeing & Sizing







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Energy Conservation in Textile Sector & Technology in Textile Industry

Textile Manufacturing The manufacturing process in a composite textile mill involves three broad categories: 1.






1.1 Spinning a)

Blow room Hard pressed bales of raw cotton obtained from the market are first put through blow room where, by a combination of rapid beating and suction, the cotton lumps are broken down in size and part of the impurities such as sand leaf, stalk etc, which are heavy, are removed. The opened cotton is delivered in the form of roll called a lap or in loose tufts.


Carding During the carding process the laps are acted upon by a series of wire points set close together and individual fibre separation is achieved. Residual trash in the opened cotton is almost entirely removed in this process.


Combing This is an additional process introduced between carding and drawing to parallelise the fibres, remove short fibres and impurities so that yarn quality obtained is substantially improved.


Drawing In this operation the drawn fibres are made thinner and wound on to a bobbin after introducing a small amount of twist.


Ring spinning In this operation attenuation of the assembly of fibres takes place so as to obtain the required count and the required twist is imparted to obtain the desired strength. The resulting material is wound on a spindle.


Winding The spinning packages obtained in ring frames contain a small quantity of yarn, which are converted to bigger packages in winding.


Reeling Certain markets required the yarn to be supplied in the form of hanks containing certain lengths of yarn, which is on a reeling machine.

2.1 Weaving a)

Warping The yarn from spinning frames is cleaned and obtained on a long length of cones. These cones are placed on warping creel and the ends are drawn forward and wound on to a warper beam placed on warping machine headstock.

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency



Sizing A number of warper beams as required are placed at the back of the sizing machine and the layers of yarn are drawn forward and impregnated in a solution containing adhesive, gum & lubricant and dried so as to withstand the rigors of weaving.


Weaving The sized warped beams are mounted at the back of the loom and by suitably drawing the ends through warp stop motion heads and the reed, they are made to interlace with the weft, to produce the fabric. The woven fabric is collected in front of the loom.

3.1 Processing a)

Singeing Singing is a process in which the protruding fibres and loose threads on both faces of the fabric are removed. This is achieved by passing the fabric close to gas flames or electrically heated hot plate.


Desizing The fabric is given an enzyme treatment so that the impurities such as starch, gum etc., are degraded into water-soluble products, which are then easily removed by washing. This carried out in jiggers.


Bleaching Bleaching is a process where the natural colour of Grey fabric is removed and rendered white by treating it with sodium hydrochlorite or hydrogen peroxide. The treatment time varies depending on the fabric.


Mercerising The purpose of mercerising is to impart luster and strength to the fabric. The process consists of treating the fabric with concentrated caustic soda solution. Stretching prevents the shrinkage of the material. Caustic is washed off while in the stretched stage.


Dyeing During dyeing, a single shade is applied to the material, which can be a batch or continuous process. There are different methods of dyeing – dyeing of yarn in cones, cheese, sheet dyeing, rope dyeing, jet dyeing, jigger dyeing etc.


Printing Printing is done on screen printing machine to impart designs to the bleached or dyed fabric.


Curing Curing is a treatment on curing machines to improve crease recovery properties of cotton fabrics or to fix pigment colour on fabric. Curing is done on polymersing machine.


Heat setting Heat setting is normally carried out in a stenter to impart dimensional stability to synthetic fabric. The temperature and time for heat setting depends on the fabric count.


Finishing Finishing process is done to improve the attractiveness of the fabric. Some of the major finishing processes are anti shrink finishing, crease – resistance finishing, Shrinkage finishing etc. Finishing is carried out on stenter or finishing machine. Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Textile Sector & Technology in Textile Industry

Case study - I Install High Efficiency Atomisers in Lieu of Nozzles in Humidification Plants Background Humidification plays an important role in any composite textile unit. In composite textile units, humidification is a major load. In textile plants humidity is a critical parameter for the conditioning / stickiness of yarn. Humidity varies with the type of yarn and type of application. Humidity varies from 50 – 75% based on applications e.g. spinning, weaving and types of fabric. Generally, all humidification plants are installed with conventional type nozzles. This requires small nozzles in large numbers to meet the humidity requirement. This causes loss of force due to friction for spraying water through small orifice. This also requires high head and high flow of water. Now a days better designed atomizer with high efficiency is available. One nozzle can replace with 50 conventional type nozzles.

Advantages • No cleaning / Maintenance • Water flow


1/3 flow of normal flow required

• Head


1.45 times normal head required

• Lower flow due to better aomisation • Substantial energy savings • Density of atomised water could be adjusted according to the requirement

Recommendations It is recommend to install atomisers in lieu of conventional type nozzles, where spray pumps are running continuously. AHU No

Actual Power (KW)

No of Nozzles

No of Atomisers required

































Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Benefits Installation of atomiser in humidification plants will result in annual savings of Rs. 0.43 million. This calls for an investment of Rs. 0.35 million for changing the atomisers. This has a simple payback period of 10 months.



H u m i D i f i e d


Air Flow

A i


Water Wate

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.43 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.35 millions • Simple payback - 10 months

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Energy Conservation in Textile Sector & Technology in Textile Industry

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Case study - II Install Energy Efficient Pnuemafil Fans in Ring Frames Back ground The main function of the pnuemafil fans in Ring frame machine is to remove fluff from cotton / fiber threads and preparing cones of yarn, which in further used for preparation of yarn beams. Normally 5 – 7.5 kW motor is installed for Pnuemafil fan of Ring Frame machine, and conventional pnuemafil fan consumes 4.1 – 4.5 kW. Now a day energy efficient fan with suction tube is available which are specially designed and can reduce power consumption atleast by 20%

Comparison • For G 5/1 Ring Frames Sl no

Special features




Fan Diameter


kWh consumed

Conventional Pneumafil fans

Energy Efficient Fans

14 kgs

6.5 kgs

6.2 kgs

490 mm

460 mm

420 mm




• Comparative study on Impeller and Suction tube Spindle no.

Conventional fan 490 mm dia. fan with suction tube

Energy efficient fan with 490 mm dia. and suction tube

Energy efficient fan with 460 mm dia. and suction tube

(OE) 505




(Middle) 751




(GE) 1008




*Above suction results are in mm water column.

Recommendation It is recommend to install energy efficient pnuemafil fans for existing ring frame machines. By installing energy efficient fans in atleast 2/3 machines, trial should be taken and after seeing the performance, all the Ring Frames should be converted with energy efficient fans.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.78 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.4 millions • Simple payback - 6 months

Benefits The total annual savings will be Rs. 0.78 million. The investment required is Rs. 0.40 million, which will get paid back in 6 months.

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Energy Conservation in Textile Sector & Technology in Textile Industry

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Case study - III Install VFD For Humidification Fans and Reduce Speed During Favourable Condition Background Humidification, in the textile plants plays a very important role, as humidity plays an important part in conditioning of the yarns and in turn in manufacturing of end product – fabric. Humidification system comprises of fans and pumps for water spraying. It is one of the major consumers of power in textile units. It is customary to provide two fans adjacent to each other to meet the humidification requirement and also to avoid complete shut down of humidification system in case of failure of one fan. During unfavorable climatic condition all the pumps and fans will be running and during favorable climatic condition, like – Monsoon & winter – when humidity in out side air is good (@90 – 98 % - Monsoon) and temperature is also less, some of the pumps and fans will be stopped. During favorable condition, normally one fan is stopped and one fan is kept “ON”. This causes recirculation of part of fresh air and this is energy inefficient method. The operation is mentioned below: Area

Required condition Fresh Air Intake

Power (KW)

Weaving 80 sulzer

28-30oC 85 % Rh

June – September (24 Hrs)


16 sulzer

28-30oC 85 % Rh

June – September (24 Hrs)


Rope Race Carding

37-38oC 50 - 54% Rh

March – September (7 Months)


Crosrol Carding

37-38oC 50 - 54% Rh


LR Section Plant -II

38oC 54% Rh


Ring Can I & II (LUVA)

38oC 54% Rh


LTG Plant No 4

38 – 40 oC 58% Rh



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Energy Conservation in Textile Sector & Technology in Textile Industry

Good energy saving potential exists by installation of VFD for supply air fans with closed loop control system and reducing the speed of the fan.

Recommendation • Install VFD for supply air fans with closed loop control system. • Providing feed back of Temperature and % Rh, close loop system can be made. • Reduce the speed of the fans • Then put the fans in operation Good energy saving potential exists by installation of VFD for supply air fans with closed loop control system and reducing the speed of the fan.

Benefits Reducing the speed of the fan by installation of VFD will result in annual savings in the tune of 25 – 30%.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.36 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.70 millions • Simple payback - 23 months

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


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Energy Conservation in Textile Sector & Technology in Textile Industry Reducing the speed of the fan by installation of VFD will result in annual savings of Rs. 0.36 million. This calls for an investment of Rs. 0.70 million for changing the pulley. This has a simple payback period of 23 month.

Case study - IV Convert V-belt Drives to Synthetic Flat Belt Drives For The TFO Machines Background TFO (Two Folds One) machine is used for strengthening yarn by twisting. Generally, V-belt drive is used for all TFO machines. Belt is used for transmission purpose. “V” belt causes wedge – in and wedge – out losses. Flat belt is crown at the center. Replacement with synthetic flat belts will reduce • Wedge-In and Wedge-Out losses • Reduce the mass of the belt Proven results show that there is a saving potential of 4% by converting V-belt drives to flat belt drives. Flat belt drives are highly suitable for steady loads. Motor of TFO machine is normally in the range of 20 – 25 kW and average power consumption is @10 - 13 kW. Therefore very good potential can be tapped by converting “V” belt drives to Flat belt drives.

Recommendation It is recommend to convert V-belt drive to flat belt drive in the TFO machines. This conversion should be done in phased manner, starting from installation on one or two machines. During implementation, it should be ensured that the area is free from oil or water spillage. There should also be proper alignment between the drive and the driven equipment.

Benefits The annual savings potential will be @ 4% / machine.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.73 millions • Investment - Rs. 1.45 millions • Simple payback - 24 months

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Energy Conservation in Textile Sector & Technology in Textile Industry The annual savings potential is Rs 0.73 million shall be achieved. This will require an investment of Rs 1.45 million for new flat belts and pulleys and shall be paid back in 24 Months.

Case study - V Install VFD For Autocoro Suction Motor Background In the spinning department, autocoro machine is used for manufacturing yarn. Autocore machine draws cotton rope and prepares finer count yarn (7s / 16s / 2 X 50s / 2 X 40s etc…) which is further used as raw material for processing in process department. Autocoro machine is used to get required count of the yarn and in the process it removes fluff and other impurities from the yarn. Normally, based on type of count, constant suction pressure is maintained in the suction box of autocoro machine. Suction motor is used to maintain suction pressure for removal of fluff and other impurities from yarn. Suction pressure is varying with the count of the yarn. Maximum suction of 85 mbar is sufficient for the process. But due to accumulation of fluff in suction box and choking of suction net suction pressure is varied or maintained high. Power consumption of suction motor is @ 20 kW because of high suction pressure.

Recommendation It is recommended to install variable speed drive with suction pressure as feed back signal, for suction motor and set the pressure at 85 mbar. Variable speed drive will always try to match the suction requirement of suction pressure and will operate at lower speed.

Benefits By installing variable speed drive atleast 15 – 20% energy can be saved. The annual energy saving potential is Rs 1.28 million. This requires an investment of Rs 2.00 million, for installing variable frequency drive for all the pumps, which gets paid back in 19 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 1.28 millions • Investment - Rs. 2.0 millions • Simple payback - 19 months

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


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Energy Conservation in Textile Sector & Technology in Textile Industry

Case study - VI Install Variable Frequency Drive for Water Circulating Pumps of Jet Dyeing Machine Background • The Jet dyeing machines are used for washing and dyeing the fabrics. For washing the fabrics hot water is circulated inside the jet-dyeing machine. A dedicated centrifugal pump for individual jet dyeing machine remains in continuous operation for circulating the hot water inside the machine. • During the washing process the pressure requirement for water circulation varies over a period of time. The initial pressure requirement for water circulation is in the range of 1-1.5 kg/cm2. For maintaining the required pressure a control valve provided at the outlet of the centrifugal pump is manually throttled based on the pressure gauge indication provided at the down side of the control valve. This condition prevails for atleast 30-35% of the batch time. • During the washing process, as heating of water takes place in the jet dyeing machines the pressure gradually increases. After certain period of time the required pressure for water circulation is in the range of 2.0-2.5 kg/cm2. The pressure requirement and the time taken for washing varies depending upon the fabrics. During the maximum pressure requirement the control valve provided at the outlet of the pump is kept fully opened. • During valve throttling, there is a significant pressure loss and hence energy loss occurs across the control valve. There is a good potential to save energy by avoiding the pressure loss across the control valve. This can be achieved by installing variable frequency drive for the centrifugal pumps. Instead of throttling the control valve the speed of the centrifugal pump has to be varied using the variable frequency drive to meet the required pressure.

Recommendation It is recommended to: • Install variable frequency drive for the centrifugal pump in each jet-dyeing machine. • Provide a speed control switch at the user end. So that instead of valve throttling the speed of the centrifugal pump can be varied to meet the required pressure. • Keep the control valve fully opened.

Benefits On a conservative basis 35% energy savings can be achieved for 30% of the operating time. The annual energy saving potential is Rs 0.32 million . Cost benefit analysis This requires an investment of Rs.0.8 million, for installing variable frequency drive for all the pumps, which gets paid • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.32 millions back in 30 months. • Investment - Rs. 0.8 millions • Simple payback - 30 months

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Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Textile Sector & Technology in Textile Industry

Case study - VII Reduce the Speed of Exhaust Fans in Stenters Background • In Stenters centrifugal fans are kept in continuous operation for removing the exhaust air after the drying process. The air is collected from various zones and sent to atmosphere. • It is observed that the dampers provided in ducts from various collection zones are heavily throttled. The dampers are only 25 – 35% open. Due to damper throttling there is a significant pressure loss and hence energy loss across the damper. • Hence, there is a good potential to save energy by avoiding the pressure loss across the damper control. This can be achieved by reducing the speed of the fan to match the requirement and increasing the damper opening.

Recommendations It is recommend to: Step –1 • Install a variable frequency drive for the fan temporarily and gradually reduce the speed of the fan. Simultaneously gradually increase the damper openings. • Periodically check the quality of the product. Identify the minimum speed of the fan at which the dampers can be kept fully opened without affecting the quality of the product. Step -2 • After identifying the speed of the fan, permanently reduce the speed of the fan. • The driver or driven pulleys can be accordingly changed for the bet driven fans. For direct driven fans, convert the directly driven fans to belt driven fans and reduce the speed.

Benefits On a conservative basis atleast 40% savings can be achieved. The annual energy saving potential is Rs 0.10 million. This requires an investment of Rs 0.03 million for changing the pulleys, which gets paid back in 3 Months. C

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.10 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.03 millions • Simple payback - 3 months

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Energy Conservation in Textile Sector & Technology in Textile Industry

Case study - VIII Avoid Idle Operation of Motors by Providing Stop Motion Circuit for Blow Room Background Hard pressed bales of raw cotton obtained from the market are first put through blow room where, by a combination of rapid beating and suction, the cotton lumps are broken down in size and part of the impurities such as sand leaf, stalk etc, which are heavy, are removed. The opened cotton is delivered in the form of roll called a lap or in loose tufts. Blow room cycle operates continuously for almost 23 hrs a day. Blow room consists of following: Stripper roller


0.55 kW

Take off roller


0.37 kW

Opening roller


4.00 kW

Dust fan


3.00 kW

De – Duster


4.50 kW

Mono Cylinder beater


2.20 kW



4.00 kW

The opened cotton in the form of lap or loose tufts is than transferred to drawframes. Whenever the above mixtures are filled upto the pre-determined limit, the subsequent material transport motor is stopped. But all other motors, such as the beaters and stripper rollers etc., will be running idly, leading unnecessary energy consumption. Motor idle time varies between 10 to 12 hrs. All these idle running motors could be stopped step by step and could also be re-started at pre-determined time intervals whenever the demand arises. This is possible by introduction of stop motion circuit into the blow room.

Recommend It is recommended to install stop motion circuit in blow room. As soon as cotton mixture will be filled to pre-determined limit, it will stop the above mentioned motors. Assuming idle time of 10 hrs and loading of motors at 50%, atleast 40% energy can be saved by avoiding idle operation of motors.

Sample calculation LR Blow room single line

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The following motors can be stopped (Assuming 4500 kg process for 23 hrs running) Stripper roller




Take off roller




Opening roller




Dust fan




De – Duster




Mono Cylinder beater











Power consumption @ 50% load / hr 18.62 kW X 50% Load

= 9.31 kWh

Assuming motor idle time be 10 hrs out of 23 hrs of operation. Units saved

= 9.31 kW X 10 hrs = 93.1 kWh/day = 33516 kWh/Annum

Benefits The annual energy saving potential is Rs 0.13 million. This requires an investment of Rs 0.05 million for changing the pulleys, which gets paid back in 5 Months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.13 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.05 millions • Simple payback - 5 months

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Energy Conservation in Textile Sector & Technology in Textile Industry

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Case study - IX Install Transvector Nozzle for the Cleaning Applications Background Generally for cleaning application same air pressure is used as air required for plant. For cleaning application compressed air tapping from main header is taken and same air is used for cleaning of machines. The observations on compressed air generation and utilization for cleaning application are as below: • Three screw air compressors of capacity 1475 cfm is in operation to supply compressed air for the plant requirements. The compressed air is supplied at an average pressure of 7.00 kg/cm2. • In weaving section about 10 -15% of the compressed air is used for cleaning the weaving looms and removal of fluff fabric. There are about 8 numbers of such air cleaning points available in the plant. • For cleaning operations the volume of the airflow is the criterion, not the pressure. Air at a pressure of 2.0-2.5 kg/cm2 can effectively clean the products. • The following observations were made in cleaning of cabinet section: 1.

Total 8 cleaning points in operation


1/ 2 “ hose- pipe is used for cleaning


Header pressure is 7.0 Ksc


Cleaning points are without guns.

• The recent trend is using Transvector nozzles for cleaning applications. The Transvector nozzles can be fitted at the user ends. It works based on venturi principle. When the compressed air flows through the nozzle, the atmospheric air is sucked in through the holes provided in the periphery of the nozzle. • The atmospheric air is mixed with compressed air and supplied for cleaning at lower pressure (2-3 kg/cm2). The atmospheric air replaces 50% of the compressed air. There is a good potential to save energy by installing Transvector nozzles for cleaning operations.

Recommendation It is recommend to install Transvector nozzles at the identified cleaning points in the packing section.

Benefits On a conservative basis, atleast 30% energy savings can be achieved by replacing the compressed air with atmospheric air. The total annual savings that can be achieved by implementing this project is Rs. 0.08 million. The investment required is estimated at Rs. 0.01 million with a payback period of 2 months.

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Case study - X Install Waste Heat Recovery Systems for Stenters Background The stenters located in the processing sectionare major consumers of steam in any textile unit. The stenters are being used for drying, stretching and finishing. The fabric enters the stenters after the pre-drying cylinders with moisture of about 60 – 65 %. This moisture needs to be dried and vented out in the stenters. The stenters have normally two exhaust blowers which are operating continuously venting hot air & moisture at temperatures around 100 deg C. At the processing plant the jigger dyeing section needs hot water at temperatures ranging from 40 degC to 80 degC. Presently steam is being used for supplying this heat. There is a good potential to install waste-heat recovery systems for stenter exhaust and utilise this recovered heat for dyeing machines.

Recommendation It is recommend to install waste-heat recovery systems for stenters.

Benefits The total annual savings that can be achieved by implementing this project is Rs.0.85 million. The investment required is estimated at Rs.1.50 lakhs with a payback period of 22 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.85 millions • Investment - Rs. 1.50 millions • Simple payback - 22 months

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Case study - XI Install FO Based DG Set to Meet Power Requirement of the Plant Background Composite textile units are power intensive and require huge power demand. Normally, power requirement of the plant is met through SEB power. Normally, power frequency of the grid varies between 48 Hz to 50 Hz. Composite textile unit comprises of Ring frames, Autocoro, TFO machines. These machines are power sensitive machines i.e. production varies with the change in frequency of incoming power. Also any interruption in power will cause breakage of yarn. This causes down time of the machine for almost 2-3 hrs and loss of production. Production of entire unit depends on these machines i.e. lesser the production out put from these machines, lesser the production of finished fabric. If, it is possible to maintain stability of the power i.e. constant frequency and no interruption then there will be increase in production by 1 – 1.5% and less breakage of yarn result into good quality of product. This can be achieved by installing FO based DG set to meet power requirement of the plant.

Recommendation It is recommended to install 4.2 MW FO based DG set to meet power requirement of the plant. This will result in drastic reduction in cost of power. Cost of power generated through FO based DG set is Rs 2.50 / kWh.

Benefits The total annual savings that can be achieved by implementing this project is Rs. 40 million. The investment required is estimated at Rs.120 million with a payback period of 36 months. While calculating annual savings, rise in output by 1 – 1.5% is not considered.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 40 millions • Investment - Rs. 120 millions • Simple payback - 36 months

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Case study - XII Replace Chain Stroker Boiler to FBC Boiler System Background • A composite textile industry is having IJT Chain stroker boiler of 30 TPH at 30 kg / cm2. Efficiency of boiler is about 70%. Boiler is generating high pressure steam at 30 kg/ cm2, 350 deg C super heat, passes through back pressure turbine and generating about 2000 kW power. Out let of steam turbine at 10.50 kg / cm2 is used in process. Requirement of process is @ 24 – 26 TPH at 8.50 kg/cm2. • At present imported / indigenous coal is used. Average calorific value of coal is 4500 kcal / Kg. Landed cost of coal is Rs 2700 / MT. Average consumption of coal is 6.0 MT / hr. • Power generation through STG is 12 Lakhs kWh / Month. • There is a possibility of improving efficiency of the boiler from existing 70% to atleast 79%. • Work out possibilities of using cheaper fuel, which will lead to differential cost saving of fuel, without compromising capacity and quality of steam.

Recommendation • Convert existing boiler to multi fuel fluidised bed combustion system, by which efficiency can be increased from existing 70% to atleast 79%. • Also this conversion will have facilities of using multi fuel like agro waste, saw dust, lignite, rice husk having calorific value more than 3000 kcal / kg. • This will give flexibility of using cheaper and available fuel. • Expected lignite consumption is 5625 MT / month considering average CV of lignite 3200kcal / kg. • Cost of lignite at site is Rs 1400 / MT • Power generation will remain same i.e. 12 Lakhs kWh / Month

Benefits The total annual saving that can be achieved by implementation of this project implementation of this is Rs 52.38 million. The investment required is estimated at Rs 12.50 million with a payback period of 4 Months. Project cost for conversion of existing boiler to FBC 1) Estimated conversion cost


Rs 1,16,10,000/-

2) Approximate cost of ESP



Total cost


Rs 1,25,00,000/-


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Energy Conservation in Textile Sector & Technology in Textile Industry

Cost Savings Cost of coal consumption of 4300 MT /month at 72% efficiency @ Rs 2700 / MT and CV 4500 Kcal / kg


Rs 1,16,10,000/-

Equivalent cost of lignite consumption of 5625 MT / Month at 72% efficiency @ Rs 1400 / MT and CV 3200 Kcal / kg




Additional savings in lignite consumption with increase in efficiency from 72% to 80%




Net savings in fuel cost / month




Estimated Savings / Annum


Rs 5,23,80,000/-



03 months

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 5.23 millions • Investment - Rs. 1.25 millions • Simple payback - 3 months

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Energy Conservation in Textile Sector & Technology in Textile Industry

Case study - XIII Replace Old Conventional Motors with Energy Efficient Motors Background The conventional standard induction motors have efficiencies of 75 to 88% depending on the size and the loading of the motors. The Energy Efficient Motors (EEM) are designed with low operating losses. The efficiency of Energy Efficient motors is high when compared to conventional AC induction motors, as they are manufactured with high quality and low loss materials. The efficiency of Energy Efficient motors available in the market range from 80 to 95%, depending on the size. The efficiency of energy efficient motors is high due to the following design improvements: • More copper conductors in stator and large rotor conductor bars, resulting in lower copper loss • Using a thinner gauge, low loss core steel and materials with minimum flux density reduces iron losses. • Friction loss is reduced by using improved lubricating system and high quality bearings. Windage loss is reduced by using energy efficient fans. • Use of optimum slot geometry and minimum overhang of stator conductors reduces stray load loss. Efficiency of a motor is proportional to the loading of the motor. Conventional Motors operate in a lower efficiency zone when they are loaded less than 60%. At all loading ranges of the motor, efficiency of EEM is higher than conventional motors. There is a good potential to replace these inefficient motors with energy efficient motors. Replacing with energy efficient motors would result in at least 8-10% efficiency improvement.

Energy saving project In a textile plant, the old conventional motors, which were rewound for more than 5 times were replaced with energy efficient motors.

Benefits An annual energy savings potential of Rs. 1.49 million has been achieved by replacing the old inefficient motors with energy efficient motors. The investment made was around Rs. 1.10 million, which got paid back in 9 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 1.49 millions • Investment - Rs. 1.10 millions • Simple payback - 9 months

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Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Engineering Sector

Engineering Sector

Energy Intensity

3.7% of the manufacturing cost

Energy Costs

Rs. 25000 Million

Energy saving potential

Rs. 5000 million.

Investment potential on energy saving projects

Rs.10000 million

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About the sector India has a well-diversified general engineering goods sector. It consists of automobiles and auto components, power plant/prime mover equipment, industrial processing machinery, domestic goods, pumps, construction machinery, engines and other special purpose machines, pumps, domestic goods, etc

Energy Intensity in the Engineering sector In the engineering sector, fuel and power costs vary from 3% to 7% of the total manufacturing cost. The energy bill of the engineering industry in India amounts to Rs 2500 Crore per annum.

Energy Saving Potential The energy savings potential in this sector ranges from 6% to 18 % of the total bill for fuel and power. The energy saving potential in engineering sector is Rs 2500 millions. The total investment potential for energy savings in the sector is Rs 5000 million. For any investments made in energy saving projects in the general engineering sector, the pay back is less than 2 years.

Growth potential The sector represents a market of Rs 1250 billion, with annual growth averaging nearly 6% during the last five years. The sector is expected to maintain the same levels of growth in the coming years also. Major Players The engineering sector in India is a very diverse sector, having a number of major and midsize players - Telco, Ashok Leyland, Bajaj Auto, Hero Honda, TVS group, LML, Kinetic Engineering, Escorts group, TI (Tubes India) Group, Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL), Godrej & Boyce Manufacturing, Kirloskar Group, Bharat Forge etc to name a few.

Manufacturing Process In engineering sector, the processes are diverse in nature and vary from industry to industry depending on the final end product being manufactured. In the case of automobile industry, the processes vary from sheet metal cutting, moulding, heat treatment, pressing, machining, drilling, milling, grinding, electroplating, induction heating, welding, painting, pneumatic applications etc. Utilities in the sector, account for almost 70% the whole of the energy being consumed. The main utilities are Compressor, Pump, Fan, air conditioning, refrigeration etc. Also present are some common processes like painting, drying, heat treatment, electroplating etc. There is no single process in the sector that can be generalised. The process equipment involved in the engineering sector offer only a minimum potential for energy savings. This study on energy saving potential in engineering sector therefore mainly focuses on utility loads like Compressors, dryers, Pumps, fans, blowers, heat treatment equipment (furnaces), air-conditioning equipment, lighting etc. Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Engineering Sector

Short, Medium and The Long term Projects Long term projects Compressors 1.

Replace old energy inefficient compressors with new energy efficient compressors


Install variable Frequency Drives for Screw compressors catering to varying demands of compressed air

3. Segregate high pressure and low-pressure compressed air users 4. Replace the refrigeration /Desiccant type air dryer with Heat of Compression type (HOC) air dryers, in case of reciprocating air compressors

Short-term & Medium-term 1.

Arrest compressed air leakages by vigorous maintenance


Optimise overall operating pressure of compressors based on the system requirement


Provide ball valves at the user ends of compressed air cleaning hoses and other similar points where the exiting control exists at a distance from the user.


Replace compressed air with blower air for agitation in effluent treatment plants, phosphating tanks and in similar applications


Install Transvector nozzle for cleaning applications involving compressed air


Replace pneumatic tools with electrical tools where ever possible

Pumps Long-term 1. Install VFD for Oil pump in Hydraulic power pacs and reduce idle operation 2. Install Variable Frequency drives (VFD) for pumps catering to varying demand instead of operating with recirculation / valve throttling

Short-term & Medium-term 1. Optimise the excess capacity / head of the pump by installing next lower size impeller for pumps and avoid throttling / recirculation 2. Switch “OFF” the main circulation pump in the curing press hydraulic power pacs during the idle cycle 3. Install LIC (Level Indicator Controller) for water over head tank pump to avoid recirculationi / over flow 4. Install correct size pumps for cooling tower based on the system head / flow requirements

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Fans Long-term 1. Replace low efficiency exhaust fans with new fans of higher efficiency. 2. Install variable Frequency driveS (VFD) for hot air circulating fans in preheating furnaces

Furnaces Long-term 1.

Provide ceramic fibre insulation for batch operated furnaces


Install Radiant tube recuperative burners in place of electrical heaters for applications involving temperatures less than 1000 deg C.

Short-term & Medium-term 1.

Optimise the overall loading of furnaces by better planning of jobs


Improve the combustion efficiency of furnaces, by optimizing the combustion air supply


Install pneumatic operated door for push type furnaces


Install Air curtains at exit / entry of drying ovens to reduce heat loss.


Replace refractory bricks with ceramic fibre in furnaces


Improve the over all Insulation levels and close the openings in furnaces, so as to minimize heat losses.


Use ceramic coating for achieving improved insulation levels


Install KWH integrator controller for induction furnaces

Electrical Long-term 11. Replace Motor – Generator sets (Ward – Leonard System) with Static Inverters. 12. Replace High pressure Mercury vapour (HPMV) lamps with High pressure Sodium vapour (HPSV) lamps

Short-term & Medium-term 1.

Switch-off primary of idle transformers


Replace faulty capacitor banks


Relocate capacitors to the machine ends, or from the MSBs to the SSBs (at the substation ends), to minimise voltage drop in cables.

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Energy Conservation in Engineering Sector 4

Improve the over all power factor and Surrender excess demand


Install automatic voltage stabilizers for lighting circuits and other precision electronic circuits.


Install lighting transformers in all major lighting feeders and operate the lighting circuit at 210 V


Optimse the Operating voltage and frequency in DG sets


Avoid night time lighting at where lighting is not required


Replace the conventional fluorescent tubes with slim fluorescent lamps


Replace conventional chokes with electronic HF ballast

10. Replace 40 watts fluorescent lamps with 28 watts T-5 lamps where lights are kept “ON” through out. 11. Replace filament indication lamps in control panels and with LED lamps. 12. Install translucent sheets at identified places to avoid day time lighting, where ever feasible 13. Install neutral compensator at unbalanced lighting feeders 14. Replace the delta connection with permanent star in case of motors, which are lightly loaded permanently. 15. Install Automatic - Star - Delta - Star converter in the lightly loaded motors which handle fluctuating loads 16. Replace old inefficient motors with energy efficient motors

Other Projects 1.

Recover waste heat from flue gas of

furnaces, by installing air pre heater.

Cooling Tower- Chilled water system Short term & medium term 1.

Install temperature indicator control (TIC) for cooling tower fans


Replace aluminium blades with FRP blades at all cooling tower fans


Convert the 2-well system to a single well system in the chilled water system, where ever possible


Improve the insulation levels of the chilled water distribution system


Optimise the Operation Of Chilled Water Pumps In Vapor Absorption Machine based on the head/capacity requirements of the system.


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Short term & medium term 1.

Improve the combustion efficiency of the thermopac by reducing the excess airflow.


Replace inefficient burners in the thermopacs with energy efficient burners.


Install variable frequency drives (VFD’s) for Thermic fluid pumps catering to multiple users

Boiler Short term & medium term 1.

Improve combustion efficiency of boilers by optimizing the combustion air supply,


Install condensate recovery system for the boiler

Dust collection systems Short term & medium term 1.

Clean Scrubber Regularly and optimise the operation of Sand Dust Collection Blower


Replace inefficient dust collection systems improve the dust collection system

Refrigeration & Air conditioning Short term & medium term 1.

Install Micro processor based Temperature Indicator Controller (TIC) for window air conditioners


Use polyester sun film controls in the areas exposed to direct sunlight and optimise the temperature settings of the cooling system.


Optimise temperature settings of AHU’s and install thermostat controls for chiller compressor


Replace air-cooled condensers with water-cooled condensers. In case of higher TR capacities, go for evaporative condensers.

Vapour Absorption Machine Short term & medium term 1.

Optimise Combustion Air Supply To Vapour Absorption Machines (HSD fired)

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Energy Conservation in Engineering Sector

Electroplating Short-term & Medium-term 1.

Install polymer balls for reducing the heat loss in Phosphating systems


Replace the inefficient Auto Plating Scrubber Blower With energy Efficient Blower


Replace Electrical heating with Thermal heating (Aquatherm) at Phosphating / Electroplating section

Miscellaneous 1. Replace Eddy current controls with VFD 2. Convert V Belt to Flat Belt drives in equipments like Compressors and Blowers etc

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Case Study 1 REPLACE OLD INEFFICIENT COMPRESSORS WITH NEW ENERGY EFFICIENT COMPRESSORS Background Air compressors are very commonly used in engineering Industry. In a typical engineering Industry, the power consumption of the air compressors is as high as 30 % of the total energy consumed. The most common type of compressors used in the industry is the reciprocating compressor. Off late, there is a growing inclination for companies to go in for screw compressors, mainly due to their flexibly in operation as well as due to their low noise characteristics. Centrifugal compressors are used for high capacities or base loads, greater than 1500 CFm. A typical comparison between the different types of compressors at 7-kg/cm2 pressure, is given below.





Specific Power








Specific Power (kW/Cfm)

Whenever there is a significant variation in the power consumption of the compressor from the above-mentioned values, it signifies that the compressor may be energy inefficient. The reason s for higher specific power consumption can be the age of the compressor, wear and tear of the pistons and cylinders, improper maintenance etc. In such cases, if the compressor is noted to be energy inefficient, it is suggested to go for the replacement of the compressor with a new one. The choice of the type of compressor depends on the application. A case study pertaining to the same is discussed below.

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Energy Conservation in Engineering Sector

Previous status The following observations made with respect to a reciprocating compressor in an engineering unit Capacity test was conducted on the compressor. The details about the rated volume of the compressor against its actual delivered volume with the power consumption were (@ 6 kg / cm2). Rated volume

Actual volume

Power consumption







It was observed that the volumetric efficiency of the compressor was about 75% and that the specific power consumption (SEC) was 0.182 kW/cfm. As mentioned in the table earlier, the typical norm for power consumption of an air compressor operating at 7.0-kg/cm2 pressures is 0.14 kW/cfm. Similarly, the typical power consumption of a compressor operating at 6.0-kg/cm2 pressure, should be 0.12 kW/cfm.

Energy Saving Project There was an option to replace the existing reciprocating compressor with an energy efficient compressor either of the reciprocating type or of the screw type. Since the compressor was catering to a steady base load and since the comparative capital investment was lower for a reciprocating compressor, the existing compressor was replaced with new energy efficient reciprocating compressor, having a lower SEC of 0.13 kW/cfm.

Project Implementation Strategy The project was implemented during the preventive maintenance period in the plant. No stoppage of the plant was needed. The plant team did not face any problems during the implementation of the project.

Benefits The implementation of this project resulted in reduction of energy consumption of compressors.

Financial Analysis The replacement of the old compressor with new energy efficient compressor resulted in an annual savings of Rs.0.95 million. The investment (for new reciprocating type air compressors) Cost benefit analysis amounted to Rs.1.5 million, which had a simple payback period of 20 Months • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.95 millions

Replication potential

• Investment - Rs. 1.5 millions

• Simple payback - 20 months The replacement of old compressors with new energy efficient compressor is a project with huge replication potential. On a conservative basis, this project could be replicated in at least in about 100 installations. The investment potential for this project is Rs 100 millions.

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Energy Conservation in Engineering Sector

Case Study 2 INSTALL VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE FOR SCREW COMPRESSOR CATERING TO VARRYING DEMAND OF COMPRESSED AIR Background and concept Variable speed drives eg. (Variable frequency drives) can be installed for all types of air compressors. However, they are best suited for screw air compressors. The advantages of installing VFD for screw air compressors are: •

All the compressors connected to a common system operate at a constant pressure. The operating pressure will be lesser than the average operating pressure of loading / unloading system. Hence, energy saving is achieved due to pressure reduction.

The compressors need not operate in load / unload condition. This saves the unload power consumption.

Air leakages in the compressed air system also comes down since the average operating pressure is less.

Generally, high capacity air compressors are operated with loading /unloading control, as in the case of screw & reciprocating compressors and with inlet vane control for centrifugal compressors. In loading / unloading type of control receiver pressure is sensed and the compressor load / unload depending on the pressure. Hence a compressor operates within a band of pressure range. Generally air compressors operate with 1 kg/cm2 pressure range. By installing a VFD, it is possible to maintain a lesser bandwidth of say, 6 kg/cm2 to 6.1 Kg/ cm2. The major advantage of variable speed derive is that if 4 or 5 compressors are connected to a common header, then by installation of VFD in one compressor, the energy savings achieved due to pressure reduction is cumulative in nature (power consumption comes down in all compressors). Since the average operating pressure with VFD is less (6kg/cm2 instead of 6.5 kg/cm2 as per earlier example) the air leakages in the system is also minimized. The installation of VFD facilitates in varying the speed of the compressor depending on the requirement. This completely avoids unloading and saves unload power consumption, which is normally 25 to 35 % of the full load consumption. Recently, screw compressors with built-in variable frequency drives have been introduced in the Indian market. This system facilitates fine – tuning of the compressor capacity precisely to meet the fluctuating compressed air demand.It accurately measures the system pressure and adjusts the speed to automatically maintain a constant pressure.

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Package screw compressor Previous status In an auto component manufacturing unit three screw compressors of 600 Cfm were available for compressed air supply through out the plant. Another compressor of 750 cfm was available and the same was used to meet the peak demand. Among the three screw compressors in continuous use, two compressors were always on loading. One compressor was getting loaded and unloaded. The operating pressures of the compressors were •

Load pressure


5.5 Kg/Cm2

Unload Pressure


6.5 Kg/Cm2

Average loading and unloading pattern was: •







The required compressed air pressure to be maintained in the plant was 5.5Kg/Cm2. The compressor had a power consumption of 98 kW on load and an unload 22 kW during unload mode.

Energy Saving Project Variable Frequency drive with feed back control was installed for the screw compressor, which was operating in the load unload mode. The pressure sensor provided in the main header sensed the operating pressure and gave the feed back signal to the variable frequency drive, which, in turn varied the speed of the compressor to meet the plant compressed air requirement. The operating pressure was reset to 5.5 kg/cm2

Project Implementation The installation of VFD for the compressor was done during the normal operation of the plant itself. The plant team did not face any problems in implementation of the project and in subsequent operating pressure reduction.

Benefits The unloading power consumption of the screw compressor was totally eliminated. The over all operating pressure was also reduced to 5.5Kg/ cm2.

Financial Analysis

Cost benefit analysis

The annual savings achieved amounted to Rs 0.43 million . The required an investment of Rs 0.7 million for installing variable frequency drive with feed back control, was paid back in 20 Months.

• Annual Savings - Rs. 0.43 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.7 millions • Simple payback - 20 months

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Replication Potential This project can be implemented across all the sectors of the engineering industry, wherever a screw compressor is operating in the loading /unloading mode. Considering that at least 50 % of the installed base of Screw compressors in the industry still operate in the load/unload mode, without a VFD there is a tremendous potential for them to be retrofitted.

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Energy Conservation in Engineering Sector

Case Study 3 SEGREGATE HIGH PRESSURE AND LOW PRESSURE COMPRESSED AIR USERS Background In compressors the power consumption is directly proportional to the operating pressure. The power consumption increases with increase in operating pressure and vice versa. There is a good potential to save energy by dedicating compressors for the individual users, which need compressed air at a lower pressure. This eliminates the pressure loss due to distribution and hence energy loss.

Previous status IIn an engineering unit, the compressed air was generated at an operating pressure of 6.2 kg/ cm2, by operating 5 reciprocating compressors, each of capacity 1500 Cfm. The maximum pressure requirement and quantity of compressed air requirement for the some of the users are given below. Area

Pressure- Receiving end

Quantity Kg/cm 2




Instrumentation in unit 2




The fall in pressures at the receiving end was mainly due to the losses, which were taking place in the transmission line, which had a length of about 1.5 Km.

Energy Saving project The compressed air supply from the main header to the units 1 and 2 was segregated. Dedicated screw compressors of following specifications were installed and operated. For unit 1 •



2000 Cfm

Operating pressure


4.0 kg/cm2

For unit 2 •



600 Cfm

Operating pressure


4.5 kg/cm2

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Implementation The installations of the new compressors were done during the normal operation of the plant. The new compressors were hooked to the compressed air supply lines of the respective units during the scheduled preventive maintenance. The plant team did not face any problems during the implementation of the project.

Benefits The operation of two compressors of capacity 1500 Cfm each, in the compressor house was avoided.

Financial Analysis of high pressure and low-pressure users of compressed air and installation of dedicated compressors for low-pressure users, led to an annual savings of Rs 1.04 million. This required an investment of Rs 1.5 millions, which got paid back in 18 Months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 1.04 millions • Investment - Rs. 1.5 millions • Simple payback - 18 months

Replication potential The project has tremendous replication potential in the case of all plants where •

There are centralised facilities for generating compressed air

A combination of high pressure and low-pressure users connected to the common header

Long transmission lines

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Case Study 4 REPLACE REFRIGERATION / DESSICANT TYPE AIR DRYERS WITH HEAT OF COMPRESSION AIR DRYERS, IN CASE OF RECIPROCATING AIR COMPRESSORS Background The heat available in the compressed air (temperature of 120 deg C) is utilised for regeneration of the dissicant, which otherwise needs an electrical heater. Heat of Compression type air dryer is a breakthrough in compressed air drying technology. Thus the need for a heater is eliminated and also there is no purge loss. An atmospheric dew point of (-) 40 deg C can be easily achieved using HOC dryer. There is considerable power saving in this type of Air Dryers

Heat Of Compression (HOC) dryer

Previous status In an engineering unit, the compressed air to the plant was broadly classified into instrument air and the process air. The instrument air requirement was being met with using two 1100 cfm-reciprocating compressors. Usually, one of the two Compressors was operated continuously to cater the instrument air requirements of the plant. This compressed air was dried in desiccant heatless type (2 Nos) dryers before being used. The estimated purge loss from the desiccant heatless dryers was about 15% of the compressors capacity.

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Energy saving Project Heat of Compression (HOC) dryers were Installed in place of the desiccant / heatless type dryers.

Benefits This has resulted in zero purge loss and achievement of (-)40 deg c atmospheric dew point as required.

Financial Analysis The estimated annual savings achieved was Rs.1.23 million. The investment required amounted to Rs.2.00 million, which got paid back in 20 Months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 1.23 millions • Investment - Rs. 2.00 millions • Simple payback - 20 months

Replication Potential HOC dryers can be installed in place of refrigeration/desiccant type dryers wherever the capacity of the reciprocating compressor is above 500 cfm. The most recent development has been the development of HOC dryers for screw compressors also. This is commercially available in India and this recent development gives HOC dryers a tremendous opportunity to be used as a retrofit for screw compressors also.

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Case study 5 INSTALL VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE FOR OIL PUMP IN HYDRAULIC POWER PACKS AND REDUCE IDLE OPERATION Background In engineering Industry, hydraulic power packs are used for several applications like moulding machines, extrusion machines, pressing machines, die casing machines etc. In the hydraulic system actuation takes place for holding the job only for about 20 - 30% of the operating time. After the holding operation only the required operating pressure has to be maintained. During the rest of operating time the excess quantity of oil pumped by the hydraulic system is recirculated back to the tank. The recirculation takes place for about 70-80% of the operating time, through a three-way reciculation valve provided for this purpose. The % opening of the recirculation valve is governed by a continuous feed back signal, depending on the amount of oil required for the process. Recirculation results in excess power consumption in the hydraulic pump for pumping the excess quantity of oil.

Case Study Previous status In a pipe-manufacturing unit, there were 12 hydraulic power packs in the foundry section and at any point in time 7 were being operated, for actuating the die casting machines. For about 60-70% of the operating time, oil was being recirculated.

Energy Saving Project Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) were installed for the oil pumps with feed back control using a pressure sensor provided at the discharge side of the pumps. The VFD was operated in closed loop with a pressure sensor on the pump discharge header. The pressure sensor senses the process requirement and the pressure signal is given as the input to the VFD. The VFD varies the speed of the (RPM) pump so that only that quantity of the fluid demanded by the process is pumped.

Benefits Installation of VFD for oil pumps in Hydraulic power pacs resulted in an annual saving of Rs. 0.3 million. This required an investment of Rs 0.35 million for variable frequency drives with feed back control, which got paid back in 15 Months.

Replication potential

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.3 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.35 millions • Simple payback - 15 months

The project can be replicated in all the units where oil pumps are installed for pumping oil in the hydraulic power packs.

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Case Study 6 INSTALL VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES (VFD’s) FOR PUMPS CATERING VARYING DEMAND INSTEAD OF OPERATING WITH RECIRCULATION /VALVE THROTTLING Background Pumps are common equipment in any engineering industry. The load on a pump may either be constant or variable. The variation in the load may be due to various factors like process variations, changes in capacity or utilization etc. Conventionally, the output of the pump is adjusted according to the process requirements using one of the following methods namely by pass / recirculation or valve throttling. Variable speed drives are devices used for varying the speed of the driven equipment (like pump) to exactly match the process requirement.

Previous status The heating requirements of the electroplating section in an automobile unit were being met by oil-fired thermic fluid heating systems. In the section, thermic fluid is supplied through heating coils to multiple numbers of tanks (10-12 tanks) The requirement and hence the flow rate of the thermic fluid varied with the temperature and the number of user points in operation. The flow was regulated through a 3-way valve. Heating was not done in all the tanks continuously and simultaneously. So once the set temperature was achieved, the thermic fluid was recirculated, without going to the process. The thermic fluid pump therefore was in continuous operation at its full capacity, irrespective of the number of users in operation.

Energy Saving Project A Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) was installed for the thermic fluid circulation pump.

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Implementation Methodology VFD was operated in closed loop with a pressure sensor on the pump discharge header. The pressure sensor senses the process requirement and the pressure signal is given as the input to the VFD. The VFD varies the speed of the (RPM) pump so that only that quantity of the fluid demanded by the process is pumped. Installation of VFDs for the thermic fluid pumps was done during the regular operation of the plant itself. The recirculation valve was closed completely. The plant team did not face any problems during the implementation of the project.

Benefits The implementation of this project resulted in saving of energy consumption of the pump and also better control of the system.

Financial Analysis The installation of VFD for the pump resulted in an annual saving Rs.0.20 Million. The investment of Rs0.20 Million was paid back in 12 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.20 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.20 millions • Simple payback - 20 months

Replication potential Installation of variable speed drives for pumps can be replicated in all applications where a pump is supplying to variable demand, which is the normal case in many engineering industries.

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Case Study 7 REPLACE THE LOW EFFICIENCY EXHAUST FANS WITH NEW FANS OF HIGHER EFFICIENCY A fan is typically a mechanical device that causes a movement of air, vapour & other gases in a given system. In electroplating sections, fumes, which are produced during the process, are forcefully sucked and let out into the atmosphere using exhaust fans. This is a typical application where the volume of air to be handled becomes the only criterion for the selection of fan. Axial fans are ideally suited for such applications involving a lower head and higher volume of air to be handled. Their efficiency is also much better compared to centrifugal fans.

Axial fan

Previous status In an engineering unit, manufacturing end rings for rotating equipment, the exhaust fan in the plating section was utilized to remove the fumes generated during the plating operation. A centrifugal fan was used for the purpose. The fan was catering to a head of 39 mm WC and delivering a flow of 14 m3/s, consuming 17.8 kW. The corresponding efficiency was only 39%.

Energy Saving Project Axial fans are capable of meeting head requirements upto 75 mm WC. These fans have better operating efficiency than the centrifugal fans, both in full loads and in partial loads. The minimum operating efficiency of an axial fan is about 65%. The existing plating section exhaust fan was replaced with a new axial fan of higher efficiency, having a capacity 15 m3/s and capable of developing a pressure head of 40 mm WC.

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Financial Analysis Implementation of this project resulted in an annual savings of Rs. 0.18 millions. The investment required for the fan was 0.1 million. The simple pay back period for the project was 7 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.18 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.1 millions • Simple payback - 7 months

Replication potential There is a tremendous potential to replace centrifugal fans with higher efficiency axial fans in applications where the required head is lower than 75 mm of WC.

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Case study 8 INSTALL VFD’s for HOT AIR CIRCULATION FANS IN PREHEATING FURNACES Background Heat treatment is the process of altering the properties of a metal by subjecting it to a sequence of temperature changes. Hence the time of retention at specific temperature and rate of cooling are as important as the temperature itself. Heat treatment markedly affects strength, hardness, malleability and ductility and other similar properties of both metals and their alloys. Heat treatment finds applications across all the industries and sectors and is a common process in all the engineering industries. The major equipment used in heat treatment of any metal or alloy is the furnace. Fans are used for forceful circulation of air to aid the heat transfer process. Fans ensure uniform heat transfer which result in faster heating. The operation of the fans can be aligned with the operating cycle of the furnace, to optimise energy savings. VFDs find applications in optimising the speed of the circulation air fans based on the temperature cycle.

Previous status In an engineering unit, Preheating furnaces were used for heat treatment. The typical loading of the furnace was in the range of 42 – 45 tons/ batch/ preheating furnace (max capacity 50 T). The process is described below. Each preheating furnace is divided into six zones, with each zone having a heater bank. The heater banks are arranged in a vertical fashion on top of the furnace. The rating of the heaters in the different zones range from 270 amps to 450 amps The typical batch time is about 12 hours. The temperature to be maintained inside the furnace is about 620 deg C. Each zone is also provided with circulating air fans for forced heat circulation. The desired metal temperature for hot rolling is about 530°C (minimum). After accounting for the ingot rolling time and temperature loss from preheating furnace outlet to the hot rolling mill of about 40 – 60°C (between top ingot & bottom ingot), the metal is heated upto a temperature of 590600°C. The air temperature required to maintain this metal temperature is 620°C. Once the furnace charging is complete and the batch time starts, the heaters and fans are switched “ON” automatically. It takes about 2 – 3 hours for the air temperature to be raised from a starting temperature of 360 – 380°C to 620°C. The total time taken for heating the metal from the ambient temperature to 580-590°C is about 7 hrs. Once the set temperature is achieved, the heaters get switched “OFF” automatically. The ingots are then allowed to “soak” for the remaining 5 hours. The heaters operate on thermostat controls in “ON-OFF” mode during this period, primarily to take care of the radiation and hot air losses.

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The average power consumption during the heating phase of then batch time is about 1000 kWh, while that during the soaking phase is about 650 kWh. The total heat transfer process takes place in the following sequence – from heater to air by conduction/ radiation and from air to metal by forced convection. The convection phase of heat transfer is the critical step, which decides the quality of processing. The heat transfer rate is a function of (velocity of air)0.8 and the temperature differential between metal and air. The detailed analysis of time vs. temperature profile of the 6-zones revealed that, at the end of the heating cycle and during the soaking phase, the air velocity required to maintain the heat transfer rate between air and metal is lower, due to lower temperature differential.

Energy Saving Project VFDs were installed for the air circulating fans. All the circulating air fans were operated at a lower RPM during the soaking period using programmed PLC controls. A 30% speed reduction (speed was reduced from 50 Hz to 35 Hz) was achieved.

Implementation of the Project VFDs for the circulating fans were installed during the normal operation of the plant itself. The plant team did not face any problems at any stage during implementation of the project.

Benefits The annual savings achieved due to implementation of the project, amounted to Rs.0.36 million. This required an investment of Rs.0.40 million, which had a simple payback period of 14 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.36 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.40 millions • Simple payback - 14 months

Replication potential The project finds tremendous replication potential in all furnaces where hot air circulation fans are in use for heat treatment. By conservative estimates, the project can be implemented at least in 150 engineering units across the country.

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Case study 9 PROVIDE CERAMIC FIBRE INSULATION FOR BATCH FURNACES Background The surface temperature of a furnace is an indicator of the insulation levels in the furnace. For an electrical furnace the surface temperature should not be more than 50 degree C and for a thermal furnace the surface temperature could be around 60 degree C. The heat loss due to radiation from the surface increases exponentially with the surface temperature. For eg in the radiation loss due to a surface temperature of 150 °C is 1500 Kcal/ m2/hr as compared to 450 Kcal/m2/hr, at a surface temperature of 70 degree C. Ceramic fibre is a lightweight material featuring low thermal conductivity and low heat capacity, making it a superior Insulating material. A furnace lined with this form of material provides excellent thermal properties. Ceramic fibre is supplied in various forms; blanket, bulk, paper, and vacuum formed products as shown below.

Ceramic fibre material Given below is a table, which gives a comparison between refractory brick, insulation brick and ceramic fibre. Property

Refractory brink

Insulation Brick

Ceramic fibre




kCal/m Deg C




Density kg/m3




Specific heat kCa/Kg Deg C Themal conductivity

It is the low density of the ceramic fibre that makes it an excellent insulation material. Because of the low bulk density the space occupied by the ceramic fibre is also minimal compared to the other two. This leads to a significant drop in the power consumed by the furnace, especially during cold starts in case of batch furnaces. Ceramic fibre can hold a temp of up to 1450 deg C and are not affected by chemicals. Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Engineering Sector The limitations of ceramic fibre are that it cannot take direct flame impingements and mechanical stresses. So in case of any of these a layer of ceramic fibre can be sandwiched between insulation bricks for achieving better insulation levels. The best practise that is followed is to have a ceramic coating above the ceramic fibre insulation so as to minimise the surface temperature.

Previous Status In an auto components manufacturing unit, a bell furnace was used for heat treatment of the material. The material was heated to a temperate of 650 deg C, using electrical heaters. The furnace was lined with refractory bricks for insulation. The measured surface temperature on the outer sides of the furnace was around 150OC. Batch operation was employed in this case and the cycle time for the process lasted to about 12 hours. The specific energy consumption of the furnace was around 250 kWh per ton of material.

Energy saving Project The inner sides of the Annealing furnaces were insulated using ceramic fibre. Ceramic coating was also provided both in the inner surface area as well as in the outer surface area. The outer surface temperatures were maintained at around 50OC — 60OC.

Implementation The implementatin of the project was carried out during the scheduled preventive maintanance of the plant. The plant team did not face any hurdles in implementing the project.

Benefits Insulation of the furnace with ceramic fibre and ceramic coating resulted in the specific energy consumption coming down to 185 units per ton.

Financial Analysis The annual savings achieved was Rs 0.75 million. The investment required for ceramic fiber and ceramic coating was 15 was Rs. 0.15 million, which got paid back in 3 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.75 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.15millions • Simple payback - 3 months

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Replication potential The project can be replicated in all furnaces, which are using either refractory bricks or insulation bricks. In case there is a chance of direct flame impingement, a layer of ceramic fibre can be sandwiched between the inner and outer layer of the refractory.


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Case study 10 INSTALL RADIANT TUBE RECUPERATIVE BURNERS IN PLACE OF ELECTRICAL HEATERS FOR APPLICATIONS REQUIRING TEMPERATURES LESS THAN 1000 deg C Background Electrical energy is a high-grade energy and costlier as compared to thermal heating. In almost all cases, electrical heating is being done since the stock should not come in contact with the exhaust gases. The cost comparison of thermal and electrical energy is given under: •

Cost of electrical energy -

Rs 4773 / MM Kcal

Cost of thermal energy

Rs 1966 / MM Kcal


Electrical energy is 2.4 times costlier than thermal energy. Hence there is a potential of 50% of savings by replacing the electrical heating with thermal heating. Before the advent of radiant recuperative heaters, electrical heating was the only viable alternative for any applications involving temperatures greater than 300 deg C. Radiant tube recuperative burners (ref fig below) are now available which are fired with oil and the exhaust gases do not come in contact with the stock. The heat transfer is through radiation from the tube, which is at a high temperature of 900 to 1100 deg C. The exhaust heat is used to preheat the combustion air. Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Previous status In a bicycle-manufacturing unit, annealing furnaces were used to for heating the components. Electrical heaters were being used in the annealing furnace to heat the material up to a temperature 900 deg C. The total rated capacity of the heaters was 2000 KW. Radiant tube recuperative burners with LDO firing were installed in place of Electrical heaters.

Implementation Strategy The implementation of this project took about 3 months.

Benefits The implementation resulted in reducing the cost of energy used for the furnace.

Financial Analysis The installation of Radiant tube recuperative burners resulted in an annual savings of Rs 6.0 million. The investment required was Rs. 10.00 million, which got paid back in 20 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 6.0 millions • Investment - Rs. 10.0 millions • Simple payback - 20 months

Replication potential Prior to the radiant recuperative heaters, there was no reliable technology for applying thermal heating to achieve temperatures beyond 300 deg C. The replacement of electrical heating with thermal heating involving radiant recuperative heaters has a tremendous potential of replication. This proven technology can be easily replicated at least in 50 installations in India.

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Case study 11 REPLACE MOTOR – GENERATOR SETS WITH STATIC INVERTORS Back ground Ward-Leonard drives are very popular among the engineering industry, especially in machine shops. The system provides very smooth and reliable speed control, which is the basic requirement for any application involving cutting tools. They are highly complex systems. Ward-Leonard systems were introduced in 1890s. Schematically, the operation of the system is as follows:

The synchronous AC motor drives the generator. The generator generates the terminal voltage for the DC motor. This voltage can be modulated by modulating the field current on the Generator. The field current is varied to achieve the speed control and direction reversal of the DC motor. Solid-state converters and rectifiers have become available in recent years even in high-power circuits. Such devices are gradually replacing the Ward-Leonard systems based on dedicated motor generator sets. These controlled rectifiers are commonly referred to as Silicon Controlled Rectifiers or SCRs. By chopping the supply voltage, they produce a pulse train for the armature voltage rather than a continuous supply. This pulse train controls both the speed and the direction of operation of the DC motor.

Previous Status In an automobile manufacturing unit, across different machine shops, there were 30 numbers of M-G sets.

Energy saving Project All the Motor – generator sets were replaced with static invertors, in a phased manner.

Implementation The project was implemented during the preventive maintenance periods. The plant team faced no hurdles in implementing the project. All the drives where replaced in a phased manner in a period of over 2 years.

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Benefits The benefits were two fold -

Energy Saving


Easier maintenance as the thrysiter drives were easier to maintain than motor generator

Financial Analysis Replacement of ward Leonard drives with Thyrister drives resulted in an annual savings of Rs. 0.48 million. The investment required of Rs.1.0 million, got paid back in 26 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.48 millions • Investment - Rs. 1.0 millions • Simple payback - 26 months

Replication potential The project can be implemented across all industries where Ward Leonard systems are in use. The replication potential is quite high in particularly the medium scale engineering industries.

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Case Study 12 REPLACE HIGH PRESSURE MERCURY VAPOUR (HPMV)_ LAMPS WITH HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOUR (HPSV) LAMPS Background High Pressure Sodium Vapour (HPSV) lamps are more efficient than HPMV lamps. Butt the Colour property (Colour rendering index) of HPSV lamp is poor compared to HPMV lamp. Wherever colour is not a critical requirement the HPSV lamps can used. The comparison is shown below. S.No








54 lumens/Watt

13,500 lumens


57.5 lumens/Watt 23,000 Lumens



90 lumens/Watt


100 lumens/Watt

25,000 Lumens


13,500 Lumens

Comparison of mercury & sodium vapour lamps

HPSV lamp

HPMV lamp

Efficacy of HPSV lamps is double than HPMV lamps

Colour Rendering properly of HPSV lamp is poor compared to HPMV lamp

Wherever colour is not a critical one, we can replace HPMV lamps with HPSV lamps

There is a good potential to replace 400 Watt and 250-Watt HPMV lamp with 250 Watt and 150 Watt HPSV lamps respectively.

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Case study In an automobile manufacturing unit, there were three plants in which 60 HPMV lamps, of 250W were used for lighting. The color was not a criterion in the above areas. Also about 20 lamps were used for street lighting also.

Energy saving project Since colour was not a criterion in these areas, it was recommended to replace the 250-watt HPMV lamps with 150-watt HPSV lamps.

Implementation The projects were implemented in all the 3 plants during the scheduled preventive maintenance. The plant team did not face any problems due to the implementation of the project.

Benefits The potential resulted in lower energy consumption of the lighting systems.

Financial Analysis Replacement of HPMV lamps with HPSV lamps resulted in annual savings of Rs.0.09 million. This required an investment of Rs. 0.08 million, which got paid back in 10 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.09 million • Investment - Rs. 0.08 million • Simple payback - 10 months

Replication potential The project can be implemented in all the areas where the colour-rendering index is not critical to the plant operations.

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Case study 13 RECOVER WASTE HEAT FROM THE FLUE GAS OF FURNACES BY INSTALLING AIR PREHEATER Background Typically, oil fired furnaces are used in engineering units for almost applications like melting, heat treatment, forging, billet reheating etc. The major losses that take place in the furnaces are the radiation losses and the flue gas losses. Among these, flue gas losses amount to almost 70% of the total losses in a furnace. The waste heat recovered from the flue gas can be used for various applications like Air pre heating, oil preheating and metal preheating. The flue gas temperature can be bought down to the range of 150 – 170 deg C before it is finally let out into the atmosphere. The final temperature to which the flue gas can be bought down depends on the sulphur dew point of the type of fuel being used.

Present Status In an engineering unit, a Marconi furnace was used to melt aluminium ingotsconsuming about 20 lit/hr of furnace oil. The flue gas from the furnace was directly let off into the stack. The exhaust flue gas temperature was measured and is about 875oC. Based on oil-firing rate and excess O2%, total flue gas quantity was estimated to be about 445 kg/h. The total quantity of recoverable heat present in flue gas was estimated to be 63421 kCal/h. The Combustion air supplied to the furnace entered the furnace at an ambient temperature of about 35 deg C. Also the furnace oil fired into the furnace was preheated to a temperature of about 80 deg C using electrical heaters. The total power consumed by these heaters was 6 kW.

Energy saving Project An air Preheater was Installed to preheat combustion air to the Marconi furnace to a temperature of 180°C. An aquatherm system was installed to preheat the furnace oil to the required temperature of 80oC. The operation of electrical heaters was totally avoided and they were used only in case of cold start-ups. The system was modified accordingly as shown:

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Energy Conservation in Engineering Sector Flue gas Air to preheat

Flue gas to stack

Preheated Air


F.O Heater Pressurised water to preheat oil

Benefits The implementation of this project resulted in the following benefits: - Reduction of oil consumption - Saving of power used for heating furnace oil

Financial Analysis The implementation of the waste heat recovery scheme led to an annual savings of Rs.0.30 million. The investment of Rs. 0.60 million (for installing heat recovery equipments) had an attractive payback period of 24 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs.0.30 million • Investment - Rs.0.60 million • Simple payback - 24 months

Project implementation Project implementation required modification in the exhaust flue gas line and the installation of an air Preheater in the flue gas system. The aqua therm system was installed. All these modifications where carried out during the normal course of operations itself, with a minimal shut down of operations. The plant team did not face any problems in implementing the project.

Replication potential The potential for replicating the project exists in the case of all furnaces where the flue gas is directly let out into the stack, at high temperatures.

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Energy Conservation in Sugar Industry


Per Capita Consumption

17.75 kg/annum

Growth percentage


Energy Intensity

6 – 8% of manufacturing cost

Energy Costs

Rs. 14000 million (US $ 290 million)

Energy saving potential

Rs. 4200 Million (US $ 84 Million)

Investment potential on energy saving projects

Rs. 6000 Million (US $ 120 Million

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1.0 Introduction India is the largest consumer and second largest producer of sugar in the world. With over 450 sugar factories located throughout the country, the sugar industry is amongst the largest agro processing industries in India, with an annual turnover of Rs. 150 Billion (US $ 3.3 Billion). Sugar is a controlled commodity in India under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955. The government controls sugar capacity additions through industrial licensing, determines the price of the major input sugarcane, decides the quantity that can be sold in the open market, fixes the prices of the levy quota sugar and determines maximum stock levels for wholesalers, etc. Sugar prices are the lowest in India when compared to the leading sugar consuming countries in the world. Converted in Indian rupees the price equivalent in China Rs. 25.78 per kg, in Indonesia Rs. 18.62 per kg and in Brazil and Pakistan it is Rs. 17.9 per kg. The price of sugar in India is Rs. 12.68 per kg. With the price being lowest in India, the competitiveness of the industry lies in lowering the cost of production. One of the major area, almost all the major sugar industries have focused on, is energy efficiency.

2.0 Historical Industry Development India has been known as the original home of sugarcane and sugar. Indians knew the art of making sugar since the fourth century. The Indian sugar industry has not only achieved the singular distinction of being one of the largest producer of white plantation crystal sugar in the world but has also turned out to be a massive enterprise of gigantic dimensions. Over 45 Million farmers, their dependants and a large mass of agricultural labor are involved in sugarcane cultivation, harvesting and ancillary activities constituting 7.5% of the rural population. The sugar industry employs over 0.5 Million skilled and unskilled workmen, mostly from the rural areas. The average capacity of the sugar mills in the industry has considerably moved up from just 644 ton per day in SY1930-31 to 2656 ton per day. But still the growth in the Indian sugar industry was driven by horizontal growth ( increase in number of units) compared to the vertical growth witnessed in other countries (increase in average capacity).

3.0 Energy consumption in Sugar Industry Sugar industry is energy intensive in nature. The power & fuel consumption in the Indian sugar industry is in the order of Rs. 124.0 Crores. This is the contribution of sugar plants operating without co-generation facility. The average energy consumption in an Indian sugar mill is about 38 units / ton of cane crushed. The average cane crushing in Indian mills is about 2700 TCD. The total power requirement in a standard sugar mill is in the order of 4.25 MW. The total cane crushed in Indian sugar industry is about 360 Million tons. The total power consumption for this requirement is about 13.68 Billion kWh. This corresponds to equivalent power of about 3250 MW (considering average crushing of 175 days).

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Energy Conservation in Sugar Industry

Energy efficiency in sugar industry offers the following benefits: • In plants having cogeneration facility and where the state utility is able to purchase additional power generated from sugar plants, any improvement in energy efficiency levels of the plant results in increased export to the grid. This reduces the equivalent reduction in power generation from fossil fuel based power plants. This has a significant reduction in carbon emissions. • In plants having cogeneration facility, but the state utility is not ready to purchase power, improvement in energy efficiency in the plant results in saving in bagasse. This either could be exported to other sugar plants, having cogeneration facility with state utility ready to purchase power, or can be sold to paper plants. • In plants which do not have cogeneration facility, energy efficiency directly results in reduced power demand from the state utility. This results in higher profitability to the plant as well as significant reduction in GHG emission. These plants, however, are very few in number. The Indian sugar industry offers good potential for energy saving. The estimated energy saving potential in the Indian sugar industry is about 20%. This offers potential of about 650 MW of electrical energy. This corresponds to about Rs. 2600 Crores investment, in newer power plants. The investment opportunity in the Indian sugar industry is estimated to be in the tune of about Rs. 5000 Crores.

Per Capita Consumption of sugar in India Indians by nature have a sweet tooth and sugar is a prime requirement in every household. Almost 75% of the sugar available in the open market is consumed by bulk consumers like bakeries, candy makers, sweet makers and soft drink manufacturers. The per Caipta sugar consumption in India is about 17.75 kg/annum. This is growing at a rate of 7.5% every year, on an average.

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4.0 Cogeneration The sugar industry by its inherent nature can generate surplus energy in contrast to the other industries, which are only consumers of energy. With liberalization and increased competition, the generation and selling of excess power to the electricity board, offers an excellent source of revenue generation to the sugar plants. This is referred to as commercial cogeneration and has been only marginally tapped in our country.

Integrated approach and Co-generation Co-generation in sugar plant The sugar plants have been adopting co-generation right from the beginning. However, the co-generation has been restricted to generating power and steam only to meet the operational requirements of the plant. Only in the recent years, with the increasing power demand and shortage, commercial cogeneration has been found to be attractive, both from the state utility point of view as well as the sugar plant point of view. The sugar plant derives additional revenue by selling power to the grid, while the state is able to marginally reduce the ‘demand-supply’ gap, with reduced investments. The sugar plant co-generation system can be in the one of the following ways i.

Conventional system The old sugar plants, installed particularly in the sixties in India, have this type of system. These plants are characterized by • 20 kg/cm2 boiler • Mill drives and shredder driven by individual turbines • One or two back pressure power turbines, for meeting the remaining power requirements These systems have low operating efficiency and result in little bagasse saving, after meeting the plant requirements. The non-season power requirement is met from the grid.


Partly modified system This type of system is prevalent in the plants installed in the eighties. These plants are characterised by • 32 kg/cm2 or 42 kg/cm2 boiler • Mill drives are partly steam driven and partly DC motor driven • One / two back pressure turbines, meeting the power requirements of the plant. These systems have slightly higher operating efficiency and result in little bagasse saving, after meeting the plant requirements. The non-season power requirement is met from the grid.

iii. Commercial co-generation system-only season This type of system is prevalent in the plants installed in the early nineties. These plants are characterised by • 42 kg/cm2 / 64 kg/cm2 boiler with bagasse and auxiliary fuel firing

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Energy Conservation in Sugar Industry • Mills are DC motor driven • One/two back pressure turbines, for meeting the power requirements and the excess power is sold to the grid. These systems have much higher operating efficiencies and result in excess energy being generated and sold to the grid during the season. The non-season power requirement of the plant is met from the grid. iv.

Commercial co-generation system – Both season and non-season These are the latest systems installed very recently and operating in the sugar plants, predominantly in the state of Tamil Nadu. These plants are characterised by • 42 kg/cm2 / 64 kg/cm2 / 82 kg/cm2 boiler • Bagasse firing during season & firing with other fuel during non-season • Mill drives are hydraulic or DC drives • One / two extraction - cum - condensing turbine • Turbine operates with nil condensing during season and maximum condensing during non-season. This scheme can be a very attractive alternative, if some cheap source of fuel is available. These plants have the highest operating efficiency and the excess energy generated is sold to the grid during the season. During the non-season, the boilers are fired with the auxiliary fuel and the turbine is operated in the condensing mode. The excess power after meeting the plant requirements, is sold to the grid. This alternative results in maximum revenue generation for the sugar plant and is very attractive if the auxiliary fuel is available at a cheaper cost.

5.0 Manufacturing Process & Target energy consumption The target electrical and thermal energy consumption of a new sugar plant should be as given below Specific Electrical Energy consumption

30 units/ton of cane with electric motors & DC Drives 24 units / ton of cane with diffusers

Specific Thermal Energy steam consumption

38% on cane

5.1 Electrical energy Cane preparation The cane preparation is the first operation in the production of sugar. The preparatory equipments include kicker, leveller, cutter, fibrizers and shredders. The degree of preparation has a major effect on the cane crushing capacity and extraction. The efficiency / capacity of the utilisation Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


of the cane carrier system can be increased, with parallel loading of cane. The parallel loading of cane is possible with sling type unloading and hydraulic tipper unloading. The typical cane preparation devices suggested are kicker and cutter followed by a fibrizer / shredder. The cane carriers need a variable speed mechanism, to regulate the flow of cane to the shredders. The shredders also need a variable speed mechanism, to take care of the varying load. The shredders have, either a steam turbine or a dynodrive for varying the speed, while the cane-carriers have a dynodrive. Both these systems are energy inefficient. Hence, it is recommended to install DC motors or AC variable speed drives for the cane carriers. Target energy consumption in cane preparation section – 4.00 kWh / ton Milling – operation The prepared cane is crushed, to separate the juice and bagasse. The crushed juice is then taken up for further processing, while the bagasse is despatched to the boiler house. The milling energy requirement, depends on the efficiency of conversion at the prime mover and the actual shaft power required at the mills. The scrapper power and the pinion loss are standard for all mills, while the other three depend on the hydraulic pressure applied and the fibre loading. The bearing loss of 15% in the case of white metal bearings, can be totally avoided, by replacing them with antifriction roller bearings.

Breakup of Energy Consumption 64%

Compression of bagasse Bearing loss Trash plate

5% 2%

Scrapper 14%


Pinion loss The power spent for compression of bagasse and power absorbed by trash plate due to the friction with bagasse, depends on the power applied to the top roller and trash plate setting.

A latest development in this regard, is the development of a Low-Pressure Extraction (LPE) system. This new system comprises of, a long train of two roller bearings, operating under low hydraulic pressure. The trash plates are eliminated, resulting in substantial reduction of power upto 35%. Target milling power consumption – 9.5 units/ton of cane for conventional milling system. Milling – prime mover The installation of the right prime mover also has a major bearing on the energy efficiency of a sugar plant. In the Indian sugar industry, presently 3 types of prime-movers are being used as below • Steam turbines • Electric DC motors • Hydraulic drives

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Energy Conservation in Sugar Industry Steam turbines These have been used in all the older sugar units for driving the mills. These low capacity turbines are single stage turbines and have very low efficiencies of the order of 35-40%. The lengthy transmission also involves additional losses, making it more inefficient. Hence, steam turbines are not recommended for prime movers in the milling section. Electric DC motors These have much higher efficiency than the steam turbines and with better control & cleaner operations, are easily adaptable into any system. The DC drive also avoids the primary highspeed reduction gearbox, resulting in a higher overall efficiency of 51%. The steam turbines have been replaced with electric DC drives, resulting in considerable benefits in many sugar plants. Hydraulic drives The utilization of hydraulic drives for the prime-moves in the mill section, is also gaining rapid popularity among the sugar units. This involves a combination of an electric motor driven pump and a hydraulic motor, which operates by the displacement of oil. The speed is controlled, by varying the flow in a fixed displacement pump and by changing the pump swash angle, in a variable displacement pump. The over-all efficiency of a hydraulic system is nearly about 53%. The cost of hydraulic drives is higher than that of the DC drives. However, if the total cost, comprising of the building, transformer etc. are taken into account, the cost of installation of a hydraulic drive and a DC drive are nearly comparable.

5.2 Latest development in manufacture of sugar Cane Diffusers Cane diffusers have been the latest and the most energy efficient method in cane preparation. Modern sugar mills have adopted cane diffusion, in lieu of conventional milling tandem, considering the multi-pronged advantages, diffusion process offers over conventional milling process. In Cane Diffuser, prepared cane is directly sent to Diffuser, which acts both as primary and secondary extraction equipment. Sugar in the prepared cane is systematically leached with water and thin juice. At the end of the diffusion process, diffused bagasse discharged from the diffuser is conveyed to De watering mill where moisture is reduced to 50%. De-watering mill outlet bagasse is sent to boiler and the mill juice is sent to Diffuser. Cane diffusion Process The Juice extraction process in the cane diffuser system is as follows: i.

Cane is prepared up to a Preparation Index (PI) of over 85 %.


Prepared cane is delivered to the diffuser. The cane is heated at entry to the diffuser to a temperature of 83 Degree C by scalding juice. Scalding juice is the juice from the initial compartment of the diffuser and is heated from a temperature of about 69oC to 90oC.


The diffusion percolation bed is a moving conveyor on which the cane bed height is between 1200 mm to 1400 mm.

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The diffuser is divided in 13 circulation compartments. Juice from each compartment is re-circulated in counter current direction to cane blanket movement, from low brix area to high brix area.


The scalding juice is limed in order to maintain a pH of about 6.5 in the diffuser in order to prevent inversion of sucrose.


Average temperature of the material inside the diffuser is about 78oC

vii. Draft juice from the diffuser is at about 69oC and is sent directly to the sulphitation vessel viii. Diffusion bagasse at exit of the diffuser is at supersaturated moisture and is de-watered in a single six-roller mill. Final bagasse moisture is about 51 %. ix.

Imbibition is applied directly in the diffuser. Hot condensate at 84oC from the evaporator last effect is used for imbibitions.

Draft juice is measured by a mass flow meter. Screening of draft juice is not necessary because the bagasse bed through which the juice percolates, itself acts as a screen. Mill section – auxiliaries The auxiliaries in the milling action are the juice transfer pumps, in between the drives and the imbibitions water pump. In majority of the plants, the pumps are designed for the maximum capacity, with a large cushion. This results in either the discharge valve being throttled or the inlet tank of the pump becoming empty at regular intervals. Both these are energy inefficient operating methods. Hence, it is recommended to install – • High efficiency centrifugal pump and • Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) for controlling the flow to the system for the juice transfer pumps and imbibition water pumps. Juice preparation The juice preparation involves the weighing & heating of juice, sulphitation and clarification, to make it fit for the process of evaporation. The juice preparation section, comprising of the juice pumps, is also a major electrical energy consumer. Final juice heater Tubular/Plate heat exchanger (PHE) The juice heaters over a period of time get scaled up and the pressure drop increases. To take care of this, stand-by juice heater is to be installed for each of the primary and secondary juice heaters. In the case of the final juice heater, the stand-by is optional. Target energy consumption in juice preparation section - 2.00 units / ton of cane. Evaporator, crystalliser & pans These are minor consumers of electricity primarily in the form of transfer pumps and recirculation pumps in FFE. The aspect that needs to be taken care is the installation of the right capacity & head pumps with high efficiency. Target energy consumption - 1.00 unit / ton of cane

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Energy Conservation in Sugar Industry Pump house (Evaporator and Vacuum Pans) The juice after preparation goes to the evaporator, for further concentration into syrup, which gets further concentrated in the vacuum pans. The evaporators and the vacuum pans are maintained at lower pressures, through injection water pumps. It is recommended to use multi-jet condensers with hot water spray for jet water. The watercooling system can be one of the following • Cooling tower • Mist cooling/spray pond cooling Target energy consumption for pump house - 3.50 units / ton of cane Boiler house The boiler and its auxiliaries are also major consumers of power in a sugar plant. The major power consumers in the boiler house are the I.D, F.D, P.A & S.A fans and the BFW pumps. The energy consumption can be kept at a bare minimum, by adopting the energy efficiency aspects at the design stage itself. Target energy consumption for boiler house - 2 units/ton of cane Centrifugals The centrifuge section, where the sugar is separated and washed from molasses, is also a major consumer of power. Presently, two types of centrifuges are in operation in the industry – batch and continuous centrifugals. Target power consumption in centrifugals – 6.00 units/ton of cane

5.3 Steam Consumption The sugar industry is a major consumer of steam, with the evaporators and vacuum pans consuming substantially quantities for concentration of juice and manufacture of sugar. Apart from these, the juice heaters, centrifuges, sugar dryers and sugar melting also consume some steam. The washing of pans and other equipment need some marginal steam. Evaporator The evaporator is the major steam consumer in a sugar plant. The evaporator concentrates the juice from a level of 14 – 16 Brix to a level of 60 – 65 brix. The exhaust steam is used for this purpose. Further to the concentration to a higher level, the concentrated syrup is transferred to the vacuum pan section, for evapo-crystallisation, to produce sugar. Several types of evaporators are used in the sugar industry. The commonly used are the quadruple and quintuple-effect short-tube evaporators. Typically, the steam enters the first effect at a pressure of 1.1 kg/cm2, at a temperature of 105oC and the vacuum in the last effect is around 650 mm Hg. The multiple effect evaporators have higher steam economies of 3 to 5, depending on the number of effects.

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Falling film evaporators (FFE) This is another popular evaporator, which is being considered by many sugar industries. In this type the juice travels from top to bottom and as it descends, it takes the entrained vapour along with it to a lower chamber, where the vapour and liquid are separated. The falling film evaporators have many advantages over the conventional evaporators as below • The FFE’s have better heat transfer, as there is no elevation in boiling point due to hydrostatic pressure. • The average contact time between juice and steam in a falling film evaporator is about 30 seconds as against 3 minutes in the Kestner evaporator and 6-8 minutes in the conventional short tube evaporator. • The design of the evaporators is such that, the juice is in contact with the heating surface in a thin layer over the length of the heating surface. The installation of falling film evaporator has therefore, immense potential for installation in the Indian sugar industry for achieving substantial savings in steam. Hence, all new plants should strongly consider installation of FFE for the first three effects and at-least for the first two effects to begin with. Target steam consumption in evaporators – 34% on cane Vacuum pans The vacuum pans are used for further concentrating the massecuite produced in the evaporators, to finally produce sugar and molasses. Conventionally, the Indian sugar industries have been using the batch pan. With the recent introduction of the continuous pans, there has been a reduction in the steam consumption to the extent of 15 – 20%. Apart from the steam reduction, the utilization of continuous vacuum pans also result in • Improved grain • Reduced sugar loss • Better control and systems. • Reduced power consumption for injection water pumps. Hence, by design all new plants should install only continuous vacuum pans. Other steam consumers The other miscellaneous steam consumers in a sugar plant are • Sugar dryers • Sugar melter • Centrifuge wash water super heater • Other washing /cleaning application

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Energy Conservation in Sugar Industry

6.0 Energy Saving Projects in Sugar Industry The energy saving projects in sugar industry are detailed below:

Cane Preparation & Juice Extraction Short Term Projects • Avoid recirculation in the filtrate juice by installing next lower size impeller Medium Term Projects • Install lower size pump for weighted juice pump/Install VFD for weighed juice pump • Install correct size pump for crusher • Install correct size pump for imbibition water pump • Install lower capacity pump for juice transfer at III mill and minimize recirculation • Install lower head pump with VFD for raw juice pump • Install next lower size impeller for mill IV juice transfer pump • Install right size pump for imbibition water pumping • Install Variable Frequency Drive for Imbibition Water Pump • Install variable frequency drive(VFD) for cane carrier drives • Install VFD for weighed juice pump Long Term Projects • Install DC drives/hydraulic for mill drives & shredder • Install electronic mass flow meters for all three mills and avoid use of weighed juice transfer pump.

Juice Heating, Sulphitation, Clarification & Crystallization Short Term Projects • Reduce rpm of existing reciprocating compressors (centrifugal house) by 20% • Utilize L P steam for sugar dryer and sugar melting Medium Term Projects • Avoid condensate water pumps at juice heaters and evaporators • Commission load/unload mechanism for sulphur air compressors • Improve flash steam utilization for S K condensate and quad-1 • Improve sealing of the stand-by blower, avoid damper control and reduce impeller size of the sugar drier blower

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• Install lower size pump for clarified pumping/install VFD for clarified juice pump • Install lower size pump for sulphite juice tank/install VFD for sulphite juice pump • Install right pump for filter condenser water pumping • Install rotary blower in place of Compressor for supplying air to syrup sulphur burner • Install thermic fluid /pressurized hot water heat recovery system for utilizing sulphur furnace exhaust steam for sulphur melts • Install Variable Frequency Drive for super heated wash water pump • Install VFD/small size pump/lower size impeller for mill IV juice transfer pump • Optimize operation of spray pump • Provide VFD for booster vacuum pump of vacuum pans (1-12) • Provide VFD for rotary blowers of sulphur burner • Reduce RPM of sulphur burner compressor • Reduce rpm of vacuum pumps for drum filter • Segregate high vacuum and low vacuum requirements of Oliver filter • Segregate spray water and jet water and use cold water only for spray Long Term Projects • Modify new injection pumping system and avoid use of cooling tower pumps

Cogeneration system Short Term Projects • Arrest air infiltration in boilers • Arrest identified steam leaks and improve the working of steam traps in identified areas • Avoid recirculation of boiler feed water pump in WIL boiler • Down size impeller of SA fan • Improve combustion efficiency of all the boilers • Improve insulation in identified areas • Rationalize condensate collection system • Reduce RPM of power plant air compressor • Replace feed water make-up pump with low duty ump • Use exhaust steam for deaerator water heating Medium Term Projects • Convert identified MP steam users to LP steam users

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Energy Conservation in Sugar Industry • Install a flash vessel to recover the flash from the boiler continuous blow down & HP steam header traps drain and connect to exhaust header • Install correct size pump for the condensate transfer pump • Install L P steam heater in delivery of boiler feed water pump • Install steam jet ejectors in place of vacuum pumps for vacuum filters • Install thermo compressors with 150 psi steam for compressing 8 psi and 12 psi exhaust vapors to 16 psi • Install variable fluid coupling for boiler ID fans • Install Variable Frequency Drive for Auxiliary Cooling Water (ACW) pump • Install Variable Frequency Drive for Condenser Water pump • Install Variable Frequency Drive for SA & PS fans and operate in open loop control • Install VFD for Boiler feed water pump • Optimize capacity of boiler house compressor • Replace identified fans with correct size high efficiency fans Long Term Projects • Commission de-aerator and utilize L P steam for heating condensate water in de-aerator • Install heat exchanger to preheat boiler feed water • Install small turbine for utilizing 43/8 ata steam

Distillery Short Term Projects • Increase the temperature of fermented wash from 83 degree C to 90 Degree C by installing Additional plates • Install additional standby PHE for fermented wash heating • Install lower head pump for fomenter circulation pump Long Term Projects • Install steam ejector and utilize LP steam for distilleries

Auxiliary areas Short Term Projects • Avoid/reduce over flow of cold water OH tank by installing next lower size impeller for pump • Install level based ON / OFF control for service water pumps

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• Install LIC for service tank/Install correct size pump for service tank • Install temperature cut-off switch for cooling tower fans Medium Term Projects • Arrest compressed air leakages at packing section • Convert ‘V’ belt to flat belt drive at the identified equipment • Install auto drain valve for instrument air compressor • Install correct size pumps for hot water pumping at cooling tower • Install FRP blades for process Cooling Tower fans • Install next lower size impeller for hot water process cooling tower pump • Install Variable Frequency Drive for Cooling Tower fans • Install Variable Frequency Drive for service water pump • Provide cooling tower for identified equipments and stop use of fresh water • Segregate the low vacuum and high vacuum of Oliver filter

Electrical Short Term Projects • Convert delta to permanent star connection for the identified lightly loaded motors • Install automatic star - delta - star converter in the identified lightly loaded motors • Optimize the plant operating frequency, if operating in island mode • Optimize the plant operating voltage Medium Term Projects • Improve the P.F of the Identified feeders and reduce the cable loss • Install automatic slip ring controller for the cane leveler • Install soft starter cum energy saver at the lightly loaded motors • Replace filament lamps installed in panel on/off indications with energy efficient led lamps • Replace identified faulty capacitor banks

Energy Efficient Equipment Medium Term Projects • Replace dyno drives with variable frequency drives in identified equipments • Replace eddy current drive in cane carrier with variable frequency drive

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Energy Conservation in Sugar Industry • Replace old rewound motors with Energy Efficient motors

Lighting Short Term Projects • Avoid daytime lighting in identified areas • Increase the natural lighting by installing translucent sheets and switch off the identified light • Install 50 KVA step down transformer at the main lighting circuit Medium Term Projects • Convert the 100 incandescent lamps with 40W fluorescent lamps • Convert the existing 200 W 300W & 500 W incandescent lamps with 160W choke less LML lamps • Convert the existing 40W fluorescent tubes with 36 W slim tubes • Covert the 400 W high pressure mercury vapor lamps (HPMV) with 250 W energy efficient high pressure sodium vapor lamps (HPSV) • Install automatic voltage stabilizer in lighting feeder and operate at 205 -210 volts • Install energy efficient Copper chokes for identified fluorescent lamps

7.0 Detailed description of capital intensive energy saving projects 13 no of capital intensive energy saving projects are described in detail. These projects have been chosen as they have high saving and investment potential with high replication possibility.

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Case study 1

Install diffusers in lieu of milling tandem Background Installation of milling tandem is practiced conventionally in sugar plants in India. Milling is highly power and labour oriented equipment. The present trend is to adopt diffusion as an alternative to Milling, considering several advantages diffusion offers over milling. It is a low cost extraction process. In conventional milling mass transfer operation is by leaching followed by high pressure squeezing. In diffusion process, the physico-chemical principle of diffusion is adopted. Here sugar molecules moves from higher concentration to lower concentration due to concentration gradient. Rate of diffusion is proportional to the temperature, concentration gradient and the area of liquid and solid contact. The Juice extraction process in the cane diffuser system is as follows: 1.

Cane is prepared to a Preparation Index (PI) of 85 %+, ensuring long fiber preparation. The heavy duty swing hammer fibrizor described above is suitable for meeting this requirement.


Prepared cane is delivered to the diffuser. The cane is heated at entry to the diffuser to a temperature of 83oC by scalding juice, which is at a temperature of about 90oC.


The diffusion percolation bed is a moving conveyor on which the cane mat height is between 1200 mm to 1400 mm.


The diffuser is divided in 13 circulation compartments. Juice from each compartment is re-circulated in counter current manner to cane blanket movement, from low brix area to high brix area.


The scalding juice is limed in order to maintain a pH of about 6.5 in the diffuser in order to prevent inversion of sucrose.


Average temperature of the material inside the diffuser is about 78 Degree C


Draft juice from the diffuser is at about 69 Degree C and therefore is sent directly to the sulphitation vessel because it is already at the required temperature for sulphitation.


Diffusion bagasse at exit of the diffuser is at supersaturated moisture and is de-watered in a single six-roller mill. Final bagasse moisture is 51 % plus.


Imbibition is applied directly in the diffuser. Hot condensate at 84 Degree C from the evaporator last effect is used for this. Imbibition quantity at Andhra Sugars is 320 % on Fiber.

10. Draft juice is measured by a mass flow meter. Hence the juice is delivered to the sulphitation vessel in a closed pipe without appreciable loss of temperature. Screening of draft juice is found to be not necessary because the bagasse bed through which the juice percolates, itself acts as a screen.

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Energy Saving Project A 2500 TCD plant in India has installed cane diffuser by design. The power consumption in a standard sugar mill, utilizing a milling tandem for juice extraction is 17.8 kWh / ton. In the plant under discussion, the average power consumption in the juice extraction section is 11.4 kWh / Ton. This results in a decrease of 6.4 kWh / Ton of cane crushed. The other spin off benefits on installation of diffuser are: • Increased extraction • Lower power consumption • Lower maintenance cost • Reduction in Unknown loss • Reduction in Lubrication Cost • Reduction in Sugar Loss in filter cake • Availability of More Bagasse

Financial Analysis The additional .. saving benefit was Rs 8.0 million. Considering an average crushing of 2500 TCD for an operating season of 180 days, the reduction in power consumption is 28.8 Lakh units. This results in an energy cost saving of Rs. 8.0 million / season (Considering power export cost of Rs. 2.75 / kWh). The diffuser was installed by design.

Replication Potential This project has tremendous replication potential. In India, the number of sugar mills over 2500 TCD capacity is more than 320. Considering an average crushing of 150 days and power export cost of Rs. 2.75 / kWh, the total energy saving potential is over Rs. 2.112 Billion/ season. Considering an investment of Rs. 90 Million per diffuser, the investment potential for installation of diffusers in Indian sugar industry is Rs. 28.8 Billion.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 8.0 millions • Investment - Rs. 90 millions

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Case study 2

Utilisation of Exhaust Steam for Sugar Drier and Sugar Melter Background The sugar manufacturing process needs substantial amount of thermal energy, in the form of steam. The majority of steam requirement is at low pressures (0.6 to 1.5 ksc), while a small percentage of the steam consumption is at medium pressure of about 7.0 ksc. In the sugar mills, the requirement of steam at lower pressures is met from the exhaust of the turbine; while the medium pressure (MP) steam, in most of the plants, is generated by passing the live steam generated from the boiler, through a pressure-reducing valve. This is schematically indicated below: Benefits of using exhaust steam for sugar drier and melter • Increased co-generation • Additional power export to grid With the installation of commercial cogeneration systems, the projects for additional cogeneration have become attractive, as additional power can be sold to the grid. One of the methods of improving cogeneration, is the replacement of high-pressure steam with low-pressure steam, wherever feasible. In a sugar mill, there is a good possibility of replacing some quantity of MP steam users with exhaust steam, resulting in increased power generation. This case study describes one such project implemented in a 2500 TCD sugar mill.

Previous Status In one of the 2500 TCD sugar mills, medium pressure steam at 7.0 ksc, generated by passing live steam at 42 ksc, through a pressure reducing valve (PRV), was being used in the following process users: • Hot water superheating for use in the centrifuges • Sugar drier blower • Sugar melter The temperature requirements for sugar drier blower and sugar melter are about 80°C and 90°C respectively. The centrifuge hot water was to be heated to a temperature of about 115 - 125°C.

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Exhaust steam generated by passing live steam through a turbine was available at around 1.2 ksc.

Energy Saving Project The exhaust steam was utilised in place of live steam for sugar melting (blow-up) and sugar drying.

Concept of the project The sugar melting requires a temperature of 90°C and sugar drying needs about 80°C. The heat required for these two process users, can be easily achieved by exhaust steam. Replacement of live steam with exhaust steam in these two users can increase the cogeneration. Every ton of medium pressure steam replaced with exhaust steam can aid in generation of additional 120 units of power.

Implementation Methodology, Problems faced and Time frame The steam distribution network was modified, to install steam line from the exhaust header to sugar melter and sugar drier blower. There were no problems faced during the implementation of this project, as the modification involved only the laying of new steam pipelines and hooking it to the main steam distribution system. The entire modification was carried out in 15 days time. Benefits The live steam consumption, amounting to about 0.3 TPH, in the sugar melter and sugar drier blowers, was replaced with exhaust steam. This resulted in additional power generation of about 35 units, which could be sold to the grid.

Financial Analysis The annual energy saving achieved was Rs. 0.2 million. This required an investment of Rs. 0.02 million, which had a very attractive simple payback period of 2 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.2 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.02 millions • Simple payback - 2 months

Note Similarly, exhaust steam can partly substitute the use of live steam for hot water heating in centrifuges. The centrifuge hot water heater requires a temperature of about 115 -125°C. Exhaust steam can be used for heating the centrifuge wash water to atleast 105°C. The heating, from 105°C to 125°C can be carried out by live steam. This will partly substitute the use of live steam and will increase the cogeneration power.

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Case study 3

Installation of Conical Jet Nozzles for Mist Cooling System Background The spray pond is one of the most common type of cooling system in a sugar mill. In a spray pond, warm water is broken into a spray by means of nozzles. The evaporation and the contact of the ambient air with the fine drops of water produce the required degree of cooling. There are many types of nozzle onfigurations available for different spraying applications. Most of them aim to give a water spray the form of a hollow cone. A good spray nozzle should be of simple design, high capacity and high efficiency. Of the various types of spray nozzles, the conical jet nozzles have been found far superior on all the above parameters. Hence, the recent trend among the new sugar mills is to install the conical jet nozzles, to achieve maximum dispersion of water particles and cooling.

Mist Cooling System Previous status In a 4000 TCD sugar mill, the cooling systemconsisted of a spray pond. There were 5 pumps of 75 HP rating operating continuously, to achieve the desired cooling parameters. The materials of construction of the spray nozzles were Cast Iron (C.I). These nozzles had the disadvantages of low capacity and high head requirements (of the order of 1.0 - 1.2 ksc or 10 -12 m of water column). The maximum cooling that could be achieved with the spray pnd was about 34 - 35 °C. To achieve better cooling, higher efficiency and energy savings, the conical jet nozzles were considered.

Energy Saving Project The spray pond system was modified and conical jet nozzles were installed to achieve mist Cooling. Concept of the proposal The water particle dispersion is so fine that, it gives a mist like appearance. The surface area of the water particles in contact with the ambient air is increased tremendously. Hence, better cooling is achieved with the mist cooling system. The material of construction of the latest conical jet nozzles is PVC, which enables achieve better nozzle configuration. They will also help attain the same operating characteristics as the cast iron nozzles, but at a much lower pressure drop or head (0.5 - 0.8 ksc) requirement.

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Energy Conservation in Sugar Industry This reduces the cooling water pump power consumption substantially.

Implementation Status, Problems faced and Time frame The earlier CI nozzles of 40 mm diameter were replaced with PVC conical jet nozzles of 22 mm diameter, in phases. There were no problems faced during the implementation of this project. As the project was implemented in phases, it was implemented in totality over 2 sugar seasons.

Benefits Achieved The cooling achieved with the mist cooling system was about 31 - 32 °C (i.e., a sub-cooling of 2 - 4 °C was achieved). This resulted in avoiding the operation of one 75 HP pump completely. In addition, significant process benefits were achieved. The better cooling water temperatures, helped in maintaining steady vacuum conditions in the condensers. This minimised the frequent vacuum breaks, which occurred in the condensers (on account of the high cooling water temperatures) and also ensured better operating process parameters.

Financial Analysis The annual energy savings achieved were Rs.0.32 million (assuming a cogeneration system with 120 days of sugar season and saleable unit cost of Rs.2.50/kWh). This required an investment of Rs.0.50 million, which had a simple payback period of 19 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.32 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.50 millions • Simple payback - 19 months

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Case study 4

Installation of Regenerative Type Continuous Flat Bottom High Speed Centrifugal for A - Massecuite Curing Background The syrup after concentration to its maximum permissible brix levels in the vacuum pans is passed to the crystallisers. From the crystallisers, the concentrated and cooled mass, comprising of molasses and crystals are fed to the centrifugal, so that the mother liquor and the crystals are separated, to obtain the sugar in the commercial form. The recent trend among the sugar mills is to install fully automatic centrifugal. The many operations involved in the centrifuge are starting, charging, control of charging speed, closing These centrifugal had the conventional type of braking system, with no provisions for recovery of energy expended during changeover to low speed or discharging speed. The power consumption in these centrifugal were of the the massecuite gate, acceleration, washing with superheated wash water ‚& steam, drying at high speed, change to low speed & control of discharging speed, opening the discharge cone, drying out the sugar, and starting the next charge. All these are carried out by an assembly of controls, programmed to operate in the correct sequence. At the end of the drying period, the centrifugal is stopped by means of a brake, which generally consists of brake shoes provided with a suitable friction lining and surrounding a drum, on which they tighten when released. Substantial amount of energy is expended in the process. Of late, regenerative braking systems have been developed, which will permit the partial recovery of the energy expended.

Previous status One of the 4000 TCD sugar mills, had DC drives for their flat bottom high speed centrifugal of 1200 kg/h capacity used for A - massecuite separation. Benefits of regenerative type continuous centrifuge Reduction in centrifuge power consumption These centrifugal had the conventional type of braking system, with no provisions for recovery of energy expended during changeover to low speed or discharging speed. The power consumption in these centrifugal were of the partially recover the energy expended during the discharge cycle.

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Energy saving project The regenerative type of braking system was installed for all the flat bottom high speed centrifugal used for A - massecuite curing.

Concept of the project One of the most important characteristics of a regenerative braking system in an electric centrifugal is that, it permits the partial recovery of the energy expended, during the discharge cycle. With AC current, this is obtained by means of a motor of double polarity, which can work with half the normal number of poles. This regeneration is effective only down to about 60% of the normal speed. However, this corresponds to more than half the stored energy. With DC motors, a much greater proportion of the stored energy can be recovered. With the present day motors, supplied with thyristor controls, regenerative braking is obtained by reversing the direction of the excitation current, as the supply is unidirectional. The motor, thus, works as a generator and the power generated (by recovery of energy during braking) is fed back into the system.

Implementation status, problems faced and time frame The regenerative type of braking system was installed for one of the flat bottom DC motor driven high-speed centrifugal on a trial basis. Once, the satisfactory and stable operating parameters were achieved, it was extended to the remaining centrifugal also. There were no particular problems faced during the implementation of this project. The implementation of the project was carried out over two sugar seasons.

Benefits achieved The regenerative braking system recovers about 1.34 kW/100 kg of sugar produced, during the discharge cycle and feeds it back into the system. Hence, the net power consumption of the centrifugal with the regenerative braking system, is only 0.66 kW/100 kg of sugar produced.

Financial analysis This project was implemented as a technology upgradation measure.

Replication Potential This project has a high replication potential of implementation in more than 75 plants in the country.

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Energy Conservation in Sugar Industry

Case study 5

Installation of Jet Condenser with External Extraction of Air Background The evaporators and pans are maintained at low pressures, through injection water pumps. These are one of the highest electrical energy consumers in a sugar mill. The multi-jet condenser, which are presently used in the sugar plants, do both the jobs of providing the barometric leg, as well as removing the non-condensibles. The water injected into these condensers comprise of, spray water for condensation and jet water for creating vacuum. The water used for condensation needs to be cool, while the jet water can be either hot or cold. So only a part of the water used in the condenser needs to be cooled. However, the vacuum levels which they give is less uniform and varies slightly with the temperature of the hot water, which in turn depends on the quantity of vapour to be condensed. of 3200 TCD. With the expansion plans, for increasing the installed crushing capacity to 4000 TCD, the installation of jet condensers with external air extractor was considered. They have a higher water consumption and require more powerful pumps, with consequent high electric power demand. To overcome these disadvantages, the latest trend among the major sugar mills has been to replace these multi-jet condensers with a jet condenser with external extraction of air.

Previous status One of the sugar mills with an installed capacity of 2500 TCD, had the multi-jet condensers for the creation of vacuum and condensation of vapours, from the vacuum pans and evaporator. There were 11 injection water pumps of 100 HP rating, catering to the cooling water requirements of these condensers. These pumps were designed to handle an average maximum crushing capacity of 3200 TCD. Benefits of jet condenser with external extraction of air Reduction in injection water pump power consumption

Energy saving project Along with the expansion plans of 4000 TCD crushing capacity, the multi-jet condensers were replaced with jet condensers having external air extractor facility

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Concept of the project The jet condensers with external extraction of air also works on the same principle as that of the jet condensers. The nozzle is placed at such a height that the water discharged by it can be aspirated into the condenser. Since the quantity of air is very small, the water leaves the nozzle at a temperature, practically equal to that at which it enters. The difference is not easily detectable, by a thermometer. Hence, a pump of low head can be utilised and it may be arranged, so that, it is not necessary to pump the water, leaving the water actuated ejector condenser (which is used to ensure condensation in the barometric column). For this, it is sufficient that the water level in the intermediate channel below the ejector should be about 4 m above the level in the channel at the foot of the barometric column. The water in the intermediate channel is, thus aspirated into the condenser, as soon as the vacuum approaches its normal value. Implementation status, problems faced and time frame There were no problems faced during the implementation of this project, except for the initial problem of identifying the ideal layout. The entire project was taken up during the sugar off-season.

Benefits achieved There was a significant drop in water consumption in these condensers, inspite of an increase in crushing capacity (average maximum crushing of 4800 TCD). This resulted in reduction in the number of injection water pumps in operation. The new injection water pumping system includes - 5 nos. of 100 HP pump and 1 no. of 250 HP pump. Thus, there is a net reduction in the installed injection water pumping capacity of about 350 HP (30% eduction). The actual average power consumption also has registered a significant drop of nearly 180 kW, which amounts to an annual energy saving of 5,18,400 units (for 120 days of sugar season).

Financial analysis The annual benefits achieved are Rs.1.30 million (assuming a cogeneration system with 120 days of sugar season and saleable unit cost of Rs.2.50/kWh). This required an investment of Rs.2.53 million, which had a simple payback period of 24 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 1.30 millions • Investment - Rs. 2.53 millions • Simple payback - 24 months

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Case study 6

Installation of 30 MW Commercial Co-generation Plant Background The Indian sugar industry by its inherent nature, can generate surplus power, in contrast to the other industries, which are only consumers of energy. This is mainly possible because of the 30 % fibre content in the sugar cane used by the sugar mills. This fibre, referred to as bagasse, has good fuel value and is used for generation of the energy required, for the operation of the sugar mill. The bagasse is fired in the boiler, for producing steam at high pressures, which is extracted through various backpressure turbines and used in the process. This simultaneous generation of Commercial co-generation plant steam and power, commonly referred to as Co-generation. Conventionally, the co-generation system was designed to cater to the in-house requirements of the sugar mill only. The excess bagasse generated, was sold to the outside market. In the recent years, with the increasing power‚ Demand-Supply™ gap, the generation of power from the excess bagasse, has been found to be attractive. This also offers an excellent opportunity for the sugar mills to generate additional revenue. Co-generation option has been adopted in many of the sugar mills, with substantial additional revenue for the mills. This also contributes to serve the national cause in a small way, by bridging the ‚Demand- Supply™ gap. This case study describes the installation of a commercial co-generation plant in a 5000 TCD mill.

Previous status A 5000 TCD sugar mill in Tamilnadu operating for about 200 days in a year had the following equipment:

Boilers • 2 numbers of 18 TPH, 12 ATA • 2 numbers of 29 TPH, 15 ATA • 1 number of 50 TPH, 15 ATA

Turbines 1 number 2.5 MW 1 number 2.0 MW 1 number 1.5 MW

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Mill drives • 6 numbers 750 BHP steam turbines • 1 number 900 BHP shredder turbine The plant had an average steam consumption of 52%. The powerrequirement of the plant during the sugar-season was met by the internal generation and during the non- season from the grid.

Energy saving project The plant went in for a commercial co-generation plant. The old boilers and turbine were replaced with high- pressure boilers and a single high capacity turbine. The new turbine installed was an extraction-cum- condensing turbine. A provision was also made, for exporting (transmitting) the excess power generated, to the state grid. The mill steam turbines, were replaced with DC drives. The details of the new boilers, turbines and the steam distribution are as indicated below:

Boilers • 2 numbers of 70 TPH, 67 ATA • Multi-fuel fired boilers

Turbines 1 number of 30 MW turbo-alternator set (Extraction-cum-condensing type)

Mill drives 4 numbers of 900 HP DC motors for mills 2 numbers of 750 HP DC motors for mills 2 numbers of 1100 kW AC motors for fibrizer

Implementation methodology, problems faced and time frame Two high capacity, high-pressure boilers and a 30 MW turbine was installed in place of the old boilers and smaller turbine. While selecting the turbo-generator, it was decided to have the provision for operation of the co-generation plant, during the off-season also. This could be achieved, by utilising the surplus bagasse generated during the season, as well as by purchasing surplus bagasse, from other sugar mills and biomass fuels, such as, groundnut shell, paddy husk, cane trash etc. The shortfall of bagasse during the off-season was a problem initially. The purchase of biomass fuels from the nearby areas and the use of lignite solved this problem. The entire project was completed and commissioned in 30 months time.

Benefits The installation of high-pressure boilers and high-pressure turbo-generators has enhanced the power generation from 9 MW to 23 MW. Thus, surplus power of 14 MW is available for exporting to the grid. Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


The following operating parameters were achieved: Typical (average) crushing rate = 5003 TCD Typical power generation • During season = 5,18,321 units/day • During off-season = 2,49,929 units/day Typical power exported to grid • During season = 3,18,892 units/day (13.29 MW/day) • During off-season = 1,97,625 units/day (8.23 MW/day) Typical no. of days of operation = 219 days (season) = 52 (off-season) The summary of the benefits achieved (expressed as value addition per ton of bagasse fired) is as follows:

Financial analysis The annual monetary benefits achieved are Rs.204.13 million (based on cost of power sold to the grid @ Rs.2.548/unit, sugar season of 219 days and off-season of 52 days). This required an investment of Rs.820.6 million. The investment had an attractive simple payback period of 48 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 204.13 millions • Investment - Rs. 820.6 millions • Simple payback - 48 months

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Note : Critical factors affecting power generation The efficient operation of a co-generation system depends on various factors. This has a direct bearing on the loss in power generation and the power exported to the grid. Some of these critical factors affecting the power generation (quantified as loss in generation per day) are as follows: • 1% drop in bagasse % in cane : 18300 units • 1% increase in moisture content of bagasse : 6800 to 10200 units • 1% increase in process steam consumption : 4200 units • 1% drop in crushing rate : 5000 to 7400 units • 1 hour downtime : 20600 units • Drop in 1 ton of cane availability : 60 units The above figures are based on the following operational parameters: • Crushing rate : 5000 TCD • Steam to bagasse ratio : 1 : 2.2 • NCV of bagasse (50% moisture) : 1804 kCal/kg • Bagasse content, in % cane : 27%

Replication Potential The sugar plants in India have tremendous potential for commercial cogeneration ie producing steam at a higher pressure and selling the extra power generated to the grid. The total cogeneration potential yet to be tapped in India has been estimated to be about 100 MW. The investment potential for alteast say about 50 plants is Rs 4000 million.

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Energy Conservation in Sugar Industry

Case study 7

Replacement of Steam Driven Mill Drives with Electric DC Motor Background Conventionally, steam turbines, are used as the prime movers for the mills, in a sugar industry. These steam turbines are typically, single stage impulse type turbines having about 25 - 30% efficiency. The recent installation of commercial cogeneration system, with provision for selling the excess power to the grid, has made the generation of excess power in a sugar mill, very attractive. One of the methods of increasing the cogeneration power in a sugar mill, is to replace the smaller Previous status A 5000 TCD sugar mill had six numbers of 750 HP mill turbines and one number of 900 HP shredder turbine. The average steam consumption per mill (average load of 300 kW) was about 7.5 TPH steam @ 15 Ata. The steam driven mill drives had an low efficiency mill turbines, with better efficiency drives, such as, DC motors or hydraulic drives. The power turbines (multi-stage steam turbines) can operate at efficiencies of about 65 - 70%. Hence, the equivalent quantity of steam saved by the installation of DC motors or hydraulic drives, can be passed through the power turbine, to generate additional power. This replacement can aid in increase of net saleable power to the grid, resulting in additional revenue for the sugar plant. This case study, highlights the details of one such project, implemented in a 5000 TCD sugar plant. Benefits of electric DC drives for mill prime movers • Increased drive efficiency • Additional power export to grid

Previous status A 5000 TCD sugar mill had six numbers of 750 HP mill turbines and one number of 900 HP shredder turbine. The average steam consumption per mill (average load of 300 kW) was about 7.5 TPH steam @ 15 Ata. The steam driven mill drives had an efficiency of about 35%, in the case of singlestage turbine and about 50%, in the case of two-stage turbines. The plant team was planning to commission a commercial cogeneration plant. This offered an excellent opportunity for the plant team to replace the low efficiency steam turbine driven mills, with DC motors or hydraulic drives and maximise the cogeneration potential.

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Energy saving project The plant team contemplated the replacement of the steam driven mills with electric DC motors, along with the commissioning of the cogeneration plant.

Concept of the project The conventional single stage impulse type steam turbines have very low efficiencies of 35%. Hence, the steam consumption per unit of power output is very high. A single high capacity steam turbine is more efficient as compared to multiple number of smaller capacity steam turbines. Hence, the steam can be passed through the larger capacity steam turbine to generate more saleable power. The latest drives, such as, DC drives and hydraulic drives have very high efficiencies of 90%. The steam saved by the installation of DC drives, can be passed through the larger capacity power turbines of higher efficiency (about 65 - 70%), to generate additional saleable power.

Implementation methodology, problems faced and time frame The steam turbine mill drives were replaced with DC drives, once the cogeneration plant was commissioned. The modifications carried were as follows: • Four numbers of 900 HP and two numbers of 750 HP DC motors were installed in place of the six numbers of 750 HP mill turbines • Two numbers of 1100 kW AC motors were installed for the fibrizer, in place of the single 900 HP shredder turbine • There were no major problems faced during the implementation of this project. The implementation of the project was completed in 24 months.

Benefits achieved The comparative analysis of the operational parameters before and after the modification is as follows:

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Energy Conservation in Sugar Industry The steam consumption indicated, is the equivalent steam consumption in a power turbine, for generation of additional power The equivalent power saved (850 kW/mill) by the implementation of this project, could be exported to the grid, to realise maximum savings. This amounts to about

Financial analysis The annual energy saving achieved was Rs.62.37 million. This required an investment of Rs.42.00 million, which had an attractive simple payback period of 9 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 62.37 millions • Investment - Rs. 42.00 millions • Simple payback - 9 months

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Energy Conservation in Sugar Industry

Case study 8

Installation of an Extensive Vapour Bleeding System at the Evaporators Background The sugar industry is a major consumer of thermal energy in the form of steam for the process. The steam consumers in the process are evaporators and juice heaters (mixed juice, sulphited juice and clear juice). Out of these consumers, the evaporators which concentrate the juice, typically from a brix content of 10 - 11 to about 55 - 60 brix, consume the maximum steam. The evaporators are multiple effect evaporators,with the vapour of one stage used as the heating medium in the subsequent stages. In the older mills, the evaporators are triple/quadruple effect and the vapour from the first effectis used for the vacuum pans and from the second effect for juice heating. In the modern sugar mills, efforts have been taken to reduce the steam consumption. The following approach has been adopted in the boiling house for reducing the steam consumption: Increasing the number of evaporator effects the higher the number of effects, the greater will be the steam economy (i.e., kilograms of solvent evaporated per ton of steam). Typically, the present day mills, use a quintuple effect evaporator system. Extensive vapour bleeding - the extensive use of vapour coming out of the different effects of the evaporators are used for juice heaters and vacuum pans. The later the effect, the better is the steam economy in the system. Additionally, the following aspects were also considered in the cane preparation section and milling section: • Installation of heavy duty shredders, to achieve better preparatory index (> 92+ as compared to the conventional 85+) for cane • Installation of Grooved Roller Pressure Feeder (GRPF) for pressure feed to the mills. This allows for better juice extraction from the cane. • Lesser imbibition water addition, on account of the better juice extraction by the GRPF, resulting in reduction of boiling house steam consumption This case study pertains to a sugar mill of 2500 TCD, where the above approach has been adopted at the design stage itself, resulting in lower steam consumption.

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Conventional system In a typical sugar mill, the most commonly used evaporators are the quintuple effect evaporators. The typical vapour utilisation system in the evaporators comprises of: • Vapour bleeding from II- or III- effect for heating (from 35 °C to 70 °C) in the raw (or dynamic) juice heaters • Vapour bleeding from I- effect for heating (from 65 °C to 90 °C) in the first stage of the sulphited juice heater • Exhaust steam for heating (from 90 °C to 105 °C) in the second stage of the sulphited juice heater • Exhaust steam for heating (from 94 °C to 105 °C) in the clear juice heaters • Exhaust steam for heating in the vacuum pans (C pans) The specific steam consumption with such a system for a 2500 TCD sugar mill is about 45 to 53 % on cane, depending on the crushing rate. However, maximum steam economy is achieved, if the vapour from the last two effects can be effectively utilised in the process, as the vapour would be otherwise lost. Also, the load on the evaporator condenser will reduce drastically. Many of the energy efficient sugar mills, especially those having commercial cogeneration system, have adopted this practise and achieved tremendous benefits. The reduced steam consumption in the process, can result in additional power generation, which can be exported to the grid.

Present system In a 2500 TCD sugar mill, the extensive use of vapour bleeding at evaporators, was adopted at the design stage itself. The plant has a quintuple-effect evaporator system. This system comprises of: • Vapour bleeding from the V- effect, for heating (from 30 °C to 45 °C) in the first stage of the raw juice heater • Vapour bleeding from the IV- effect, for heating (from 45 °C to 70 °C) in the second stage of the raw juice heater • Vapour bleeding from the II- effect, for heating in the A-pans, B-pans and first stage of sulphited juice heater • Vapour bleeding from the I- effect, for heating in the C-pans, graining pan and second stage of sulphited juice heater n Exhaust steam for heating in the clear juice heater However, to ensure the efficient and stable operation of such a system, the exhaust steam pressure has to be maintained uniformly at an average of 1.2 - 1.4 ksc. In this particular plant, this was being achieved, through an electronic governor control system for the turbo-alternator sets, in closed loop with the exhaust steam pressure. Whenever, the

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Energy Conservation in Sugar Industry exhaust steam pressure decreases, the control system will send a signal to the alternator, to reduce the speed. This will reduce the power export to the grid and help achieve steady exhaust pressure and vice-versa.

Benefits achieved The installation of the extensive vapour utilisation system at the evaporators has resulted in improved steam economy. The specific steam consumption achieved (as % cane crushed) at various crushing rates are as follows: • At 2500 to 2700 TCD : 41% on cane • At 2700 to 2800 TCD : 40% on cane • At 2800 to 3000 TCD : 39% on cane • At 3000 TCD and above : 38% on cane Thus, the specific steam consumption (% on cane) is lower by atleast 7%. This means a saving of 3.5% of bagasse percent cane (or 35 kg of bagasse per ton of cane crushed).

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 11.00 millions • Investment - Rs. 6.50 millions • Simple payback - 8 months

Financial analysis The annual benefits on account of sale of bagasse (@ Rs.350/- per ton of bagasse and 120 days of operation) works out to Rs.4.50 million. This project was installed at the design stage itself. The actual incremental investment, over the conventional system, was not available.

Note : In another sugar mill of 5000 TCD, the same project was implemented. The annual saving achieved was Rs.11.00 million. This required an investment of Rs.6.50 million, which had an attractive simple payback period of 8 months.

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Energy Conservation in Sugar Industry

Case study 9

Installation of Variable Speed Drive (VSD) for the Weighed Juice Pump Background The sugarcane is crushed in the mill house, to separate the juice and the bagasse. The juice obtained from the mill house is known as raw juice. The raw juice is screened, to remove all suspended matter and any entrained fibres. The juice is at this stage, known as strained juice. The strained juice is then sent to a weigh scale, from where it gets transferred to a weighed juice tank. This weighed juice is passed through the primary/ raw juice heaters to the sulphiters, with the help of weighed juice pumps. In the sulphiter, SO2 is injected continuously for colourremoval. The flow of the weighed juice to the sulphiters through the juice heaters, has to be maintained at a steady flow rate, to achieve uniform heating and quality.

Previous status In a 2600 TCD sugar mill, there was a weighed juice pump operating continuously to meet the process requirements. The pump had the following specifications: • Capacity : 27.77 lps • Head : 45 m • Power consumed : 23 kW Benefits of variable speed drive for weighed juice pump • Reduction in juice pump power consumption • Steady juice flow to juice heaters and Sulphitor • Better quality of sulphitation The flow from the weighed juice tank was not uniform. On one hand, the tank was getting emptied, whenever the time between the tips of the weigh scale was more. On the other hand, whenever the time between the tips was less, the level of juice in the tank builds-up. The tip of the weigh scale is governed by, the cane crushing rateand also the quality (juice content) of cane. Moreover, the pump was designed for handling the maximum cane-crushing rate. The maximum head requirement is only 25 m (equivalent to 2.5 ksc), while the pump had a design head of 45 m. This also contributed to the excess margins in the pump, leading to operation with recirculation control. Hence, to keep the juice flow smooth and avoid the tank from getting emptied, the pump was operated with recirculation control. The pressure in the juice heater supply header, is maintained by periodically throttling and adjusting the control valve in the recirculation line.

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The operations of a centrifugal pump with valve control or recirculation, are energy inefficient methods of capacity control, as energy is wasted in pumping more quantity, than is actually desired. In the above context, it is advisable to have a uniform flow of juice and also avoid wastage of energy through re-circulation. This can be achieved in an energy efficient manner, by varying the RPM of the pump.

Energy Saving Project The plant team decided to conduct trials with a suitable variable speed mechanism for the weighed juice pumps. A variable speed system will help achieve the RPM variation of the pump and exactly match the varying capacity requirements.

Concept of the Project The installation of a variable speed system, will not only ensure a consistent flow, resulting inimproved quality of the product, but also, offer substantial energy savings. Among the different variable speed systems, the installation of a variable frequency drive (VFD) can result in maximum energy savings. The VFD can be put in a closed loop with the discharge pressure. This will enable constant flow of juice to the juice heater and sulphiter, irrespective of the level in the juice tank. The discharge pressure set point can be adjusted periodically,depending on the crushing rate or number of tips manually. In the new sugar mills, the number of tips and time interval between the tips is measured. This can be used by the VFD, for automatically varying the juice flow through the system, according to the rate of crushing.

Benefits Achieved The installation of a Variable Frequency Drive for the weighed juice pump, resulted in the following benefits: • Consistent and steady flow to the juice heaters • Improved quality of sulphitation, as the juice flow was steady • Reduced power consumption by an average of 11 kW (a reduction of about 30 - 40%). However, the installation of a VFD at a later stage, can result in maximum energy savings. The installation of a VFD, can result in the reduction of the average power consumption by atleast another 40 - 50%.

Financial Analysis The annual energy saving achieved (with the installation of a dyno-drive) was Rs.0.236 million. The investment made wa Rs 0.25 million, with an attractive payback period of 12 months.

Replication Potential

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 0.24 millions • Investment - Rs. 0.25 millions • Simple payback - 12 months

Every sugar plant has about 10 -12 juice pumps in operation. The potential for application for VFD exists in atleast 3 pumps. This project has been taken up only in few of the newer sugar plants. The investment potential (100 plants x Rs 0.5 million/plant) is Rs 50 million.

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Case study 10

Installation of Thermo-compressor for use of Low Pressure Steam Background The sugar industry has many steam users - both iolively medium pressure (MP) steam and exhaust steam. Some of these live steam users can be totally replaced with exhaust steam, while in some other users, the live steam consumption can be partially replaced with exhaust steam. One such live steam user in a sugar mill is the adjoining distillery. A typical distillery requires steam at about 0.7 - 0.9 ksc for the distillation column and about 1.0 - 1.2 ksc for the ENA column. The exhaust steam pressure of 0.4 ksc available from the sugar mill, will not be able to cater to this requirement. Hence, live steam is drawn from the 8.0 ksc header and dropped to 1.5 ksc, through a pressure-reducing valve, for use in the distillery. Any conservation measure, which can replace/ minimise the live MP steam consumption, can result in maximising the cogeneration in a sugar mill. One such method of minimizing the MP steam consumption is by the installation of a thermo- compressor. The thermo-compressor, by passing a very small quantity of MP steam can iacompresslr the waste exhaust steam (typically about 0.4 ksc) available in the sugar mill. The resultant LP steam (typically about 1.5 ksc) can be utilised for any process steam requirement, such as the distillation column and ENA column in a distillery. This modification can result in minimising the usage of MP steam consumption, effectively utilise the heat value of exhaust steam and maximise the cogeneration potential.

Previous status In a typical 4000 TCD sugar mill in Maharashtra, the turbine exhaust steam at 0.40 ksc, was continuously vented out. The quantity of the steam vented, amounted to about 6300 kg/ h.There were no process users in the sugar mill or the distillery, which could utilise this exhaust steam of 0.40 ksc.

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Energy Conservation in Sugar Industry The distillery required 10 TPH of steam at 1.5 ksc. A separate boiler was meeting the steam requirements of the distillery. The sugar mill boiler met any additional requirement of steam. In both the cases, steam was generated at 8 ksc and reduced to 1.5 ksc through a pressurereducing valve.

Benefits of thermo compressor • Increased co-generation • Additional power export to grid The expansion of steam through a pressure-reducing valve is not a good system, as no power is generated with pressure reduction. The turbine exhausts steam, instead of being venting out, could be converted to medium /high-pressure steam through thermo-compression and used to meet the steam requirements of the distillery.

Energy saving project A thermo-compressor system was installed, for reusing the turbine exhaust steam, in the distillery. The resultant MP steam saved in the distillery, was passed through the power generating turbines, for generation of additional power.

Concept of the project In the thermo-compressor body, high or medium pressure motive steam accelerates through thenozzle. As it enters the suction chamber at supersonic speeds, it entrains and mixes with low-pressure exhaust steam, entering from the suction inlet. The resultant steam mixture then enters the convergent-divergent diffuser. In this section, the velocity reduces and its kinetic energy is converted to pressure energy. The steam discharged by the thermo-compressor is then recycled to a localised process. The resultant discharge steam is available at a pressure, suiting the particular process application.The outlet steam pressure and quantity can be designed, by varying the velocity and quantity of the motive steam and fine-tuning the configuration of the thermo-compressor.

Implementation methodology, problems faced and time frame A thermo-compressor system along with the associated mechanical hardware including traps, strainers, safety valves etc., and flow control instrumentation on the motive steam, was installed. The thermo-compressor operating parameters are • Motive steam : 3700 kg/h at 20 ksc • Suction steam : 6300 kg/h at 0.4 ksc • Discharge steam : 10000 kg/h at 1.5 ksc There were no problems faced during the implementation of this project. Moreover, the thermocompressor operation is maintenance free. The system was installed in 6 months time.

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Benefits The resultant 1.5 ksc steam obtained by thermo-compression of exhaust steam, was directly used in the distillery. This reduced the passing of high/ medium-pressure steam through the pressure-reducing valve.

Financial analysis The annual energy saving achieved was Rs.6.00 million. This required an investment of Rs.2.00 million, which had a very attractive simple payback period of 4 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 6.0 millions • Investment - Rs. 2.00 millions • Simple payback - 4 months

Replication Potential there are about 50 plants in India with distillery integrated with the sugar mill. The possibility of installing a thermo compressor exists in majority of the plants. The investment potential for this project is therefore Rs 100 million.

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Case Study 11

Installation of Hydraulic Drives for Mill Prime Movers Background The mill prime movers in sugar mills are typically steam turbines. The use of steam turbines as prime movers gained popularity over the earlier steam engines, on account of its simple design and operational flexibility, even though it has a very high specific steam consumption. These steam turbines are single stage impulse type turbines. They are characterised by very low efficiencies of 35 to 40%. The efficiency of the steam turbines remains at optimum levels, only when the input steam parameters and speed are kept at the rated level. Even with moderate steady steam parameters and speed, the steam turbine driven mills require about 25 - 30% more running power over that actually required. With the normally prevalent steam pressure fluctuations in the sugar mills, its consequent effect on efficiency of the steam turbines and the increasing trend towards commercial cogeneration systems, the trend of late, is to replace these steam turbines with either DC drives or hydraulic drives. The benefits of installing DC drives, have already been discussed in the other case study described. This case study highlights the benefits of installing hydraulic drives in place of steam turbines for themill prime movers.

Benefits of hydraulic drives for mill prime movers • Increased drive efficiency • Stable operation • Reduced maintenance One of the sugar mills had the following mill drive configuration: • For 6 mill system- 600 BHP rating steam turbine x 3 nos. (2 mills driven by a single steam turbine) • For 4 mill system - 600 BHP rating steam turbine x 2 Nos. (2 mills driven by a single steam turbine) This configuration was designed to cater to the initial installed capacity of 2500 TCD. The following operational parameters were observed: • The specific steam consumption of these steam turbines were 24 kg/kW, as compared to the specific steam consumption of 13 kg/kW in the power turbines. • Speed range and speed accuracy were very poor • Adaptability to complex system is difficult

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Energy Conservation in Sugar Industry • Monitoring of power consumption is not possible • The overall efficiency is only of the order of 27 to 30% • Maintenance and lubrication requirements are very high • Space requirements are large The plant teams had plans to increase the cane crushing capacity to 4000 TCD. The inherent disadvantages of the steam turbines can be overcome, especially after the proposed increase in cane crushing rate, by the installation of hydraulic drives.

Energy saving project The steam turbines used as mill drives were partially replaced by hydraulic drives, during the capacity upgradation activity.

Concept of the project The hydraulic drives are a combination of two components - the pump normally driven by an electric motor and the hydraulic motor, which runs by the displacement of oil. The speed of the motor depends on the rate at which the displacement of oil takes place. The hydraulic drive works on the principle of high torque delivery at low speeds. The torquedelivered is directly proportional to the system pressure and the speed is directly proportional to the oil flow. The advantages of hydraulic drives are as follows: • High transmission efficiency - the overall efficiency of converting steam power into shaft power for a hydraulic system is about 58%. This results in substantial power savings • Very low inertia enabling the system operation on load • Upgradable modular design • Easy adaptability on existing mills • Simple to operate • Instantaneous and unlimited reversal of rotation, enabling quick response to load changes • Compact unit, resulting in space savings • Reliable and rugged design • Minimal foundation work • Alignment problems eliminated, thereby minimising maintenance Due to the above-mentioned advantages, hydraulic drives are increasingly replacing the conventional steam turbine mill drives.

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Implementation status, problems faced and time frame The mill configuration was altered, to cater to the capacity upgradation of 4000 TCD, as per the following: The second mill drive of the 6-mill system was removed and added as the fifth mill drive of the 4-mill system, thus, making two 5-mill systems. The last four mill steam turbine drives (of the old 6-mill system) were replaced with hydraulic drives of 300 kW each. The new fifth mill drive (of the modified 4-mill system) was provided with an hydraulic drive of 600 kW rating. There were initial technical problems related to the oil-pumping unit, which was rectified by the supplier. Apart from this, there were no particular problems faced during the implementation of this project. The entire implementation was taken up during the off-season and was completed in 6 months time.

Benefits achieved The net installed power consumption reduced from 0.895 kW/TCD (for average crushing of 2500 TCD) to 0.509 kW/TCD (for average crushing of 4800 TCD). In addition, very stable operating conditions (constant crushing) are being achieved, at almost negligible maintenance costs.

Financial analysis This project was implemented as a technology upgradation measure. The installation of hydraulic drives helps in achieving mechanical, electrical and process benefits. Hence, the saving achieved could not be exactly quantified. The entire modification required an investment of Rs. 25.00 million.

Cost benefit analysis • Investment - Rs. 25.00 millions

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Energy Conservation in Sugar Industry

Case study 12

Install nozzle governing system for multi jet condensers Background Sugar Syrups are normally boiled at 0.15 bar absolute pressure generating water vapours at 52 degree C saturation temperature. Each Sugar factory releases 30 - 200 Ton Vapours through 5 - 30 boiling vessels called Vacuum Pans. Latent Heat of these vapours is absorbed by cold water sprayed in the individual Condenser attached to each vessel. Air and noncondensable gases are removed by inbuilt Water Jet Ejectors of the Condenser. Temperature of water increases due to absorption of Latent Heat of the Vapour. Either Cooling Tower or Spray Pond cools this heated water by transferring this heat to ambient air by heat and mass transfer. The Condenser consists of multiple Spray and Jet Nozzles. Spray & Jet Nozzles are primarily needed for condensation and for non-condensable gas/air ejection through tail pipe for the creation of vacuum in the Pan. The cold water flowing in from Spray-Pond /Cooling Tower is supplied to the Condenser by Injection Pumps under pressure for the said purpose.

Conventional Systems Following methods are adopted to control the flow of water in the Condenser to maintain correct vacuum and reduce consumption of water. Both the methods use pressure governing to regulate water flow.

Single Valve Control A common control valve regulates pressure to both Jet & Spray Nozzles. Control valve starts regulating water pressure when both vapour and non-condensable gases load are simultaneously within limits of the Condenser. Any increase in either vapour or air load beyond Condenser capacity at reduced pressure will lead to 100% opening of valve. Thus vacuum is maintained with set values.

Double Valve Control Two separate control valve regulate the pressure of Jet & Spray Nozzles separately. At lower vapour load the Spray Nozzles control valve starts regulating the water pressure. Similarly at lower non-condensable gases load it’s control valves saves water and controls vacuum by lowering jet box pressure. Any increase in vapour or air load beyond Condenser capacity at reduced pressure will lead to 100% opening of that valve. Thus vacuum is maintained within the set values.

Drawbacks in Conventional Systems The efficiency of Condenser is reduced due to loss of pressure Head and lowering in Spraying Pressure owing to throttling of valve and the basic purpose of the equipment to create the desired vacuum fails.

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The vapour and air load variation in Condenser is 0 to 125% of designed capacity separately. Initially, air load is more, in the middle vapour load more and by the end there is no air/ vapour load. So Condenser’s requirement varies from time to time.

Proposed nozzle governing system Spray & Jet Nozzles should always work at high differential pressure to achieve mist formation (for condensing) and impact (air extraction). In the proposed automation system, water supply is controlled by opening or closing of number of Spray & Jet Nozzles. So a Nozzle always works at high pressure and efficiency. Here all the Nozzles are transferring entire pressure energy into the Condenser resulting in good efficiency even at 15% capacity. Here there is no loss of energy in the throttling. where almost 75% energy loss takes place after the valve at 50% flow rate (92% Energy loss at 25% flow rate). So nozzle governing system is far superior then controlling system.

Advantage in this system The nozzle governing system for Multi-jet Condenser will ensure optimum utilisation of hydraulic energy of water provided to it by the Pumps. It also ensures best Condenser efficiency even at 25% load.

Energy Saving Project In a 6750 TCD plant, a nozzle governing system was introduced for controlling the water flow to the condenser. A 6750 TCD [Tons (Cane) Crushing per Day) Plant was consuming 1150 kWh of Power at Cooling & Condensing System, which has now been brought down to 450 kWh, after the installation.

Benefits of the project There was a substantial reduction in power consumption of the injection water pumps. The power consumption of injection with pumps reduced from 1150 units/ton to 450 units/ton.

Financial Analysis The annual saving achieved on account of the automation system resulted in Rs 19.0 millions. The investment made was Rs 5.0 millions, which was paid back in 3 months.

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Energy Conservation in Sugar Industry

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Case Study 13

Installation of Fully Automated Continuous Vacuum Pans for Curing Background The vacuum pan is vital equipment, used in the manufacture of sugar. The concentrated syrup coming out of the evaporator at around 60-65 Brix is further concentrated in these pans. This is a critical process for the production of good quality sugar and involves removal of water and deposition of sugar molecules on the nuclei. Massecuite boiling is conventionally carried out by batch process in the Indian sugar industry. These pans are characterised by the following: • The hydrostatic head requirement is high • Higher hydrostatic heads necessitate higher massecuite boiling temperatures, which aid colour formation • Massecuite looses its fluidity, especially towards the end of the batch cycle • Higher boiling point elevation results in lower heat flux, for a given steam condition • Consumes very high steam, by design - due to the non-uniform loading cycle, unloading cycle and pan washing cycle times Of late, the continuous vacuum pans have been developed and installed in many sugar plants with substantial benefits. This case study highlights the benefits of installing a continuous vacuum pan for curing.

Previous status One of the sugar mills, had the following pan configuration for the massecuite curing:. v

Batch vacuum pans of 40 Tons holding capacity (11 nos.) • 5/ 6 nos. for A – massecuite • 4 nos. for B - massecuite • 2/ 3 nos. for C - massecuite


Batch vacuum pans of 80 Tons holding capacity (3 nos.) • 2 nos. for A - massecuite • 1 no for B massecuite


Continuous vacuum pan of 135 tons holding capacity • 1 no. for C - massecuite

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Energy Conservation in Sugar Industry The above configuration was designed for 6000 TCD capacity. The following operational parameters were observed: • The steam consumption was erratic, as it was dependent on various factors, such as, loading time, unloading time, pan washing and cleaning. • The evaporation rates are erratic - they are high during start-up and progressively reduces towards the end of the batch cycle • The S/V ratio is low (~ 6) • Hydrostatic head requirement is high (about 3.0 - 3.5 m) • Average retention time is very high • Requires very frequent cleaning of the pan body • Less adaptable to automation To overcome these inherent shortcomings and to cater to their capacity upgradation plans to 8000 TCD, continuous vacuum pans were installed for all three types of massecuite curing.

Energy saving project Consequent to the capacity upgradation to 8000 TCD, continuous vacuum pans were installed for A- massecuite, B- massecuite and C- massecuite curing.

Concept of the project A continuous operation of a vacuum pan means, a complete integrated system comprising of the sub-systems, covering total control of the inputs and outputs. The operation of the pan in a continuous manner, makes it easy for automation and installing control systems. The latest continuous vacuum pans are being installed with predictive control systems, which ensure a steady and more consistent operation of the pan. Besides these automation facilities, the continuous vacuum pans have many advantages: • There is no heat injury to the sugar crystal, due to reduced hydrostatic head and lower boiling point elevation • The use of smaller diameter tubes provides greater heating area per unit of calendria. This aspect gives more flexibility on thermal conditions of the steam that can be used. • This also allows maximum evaporation rates, commensurate with maximum possible crystallisation rates • Facilitates the use of low pressure steam, on account of increased transmission coefficient, brought about by higher circulation rate of massecuite • Reduction in steam consumption by 10-20%, as compared to the batch pans • On account of reduction in steam consumption, the condensing and cooling water power consumption also gets reduced • There is no draining, rinsing as in batch process, which cause thermal losses and dilution

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• The coefficient of variation of crystal size is equivalent to or better than in batch pans, on account of plug flow conditions and multi-compartment design • The continuous vacuum pan is automated, resulting in simpler operation • They are compact and hence, the space requirement is much lower

The continuous vacuum pans have gained immense popularity on account of the salient features mentioned above.

Implementation status, problems faced and time frame During the expansion stage (8000 TCD), the batch pans were replaced in phases and the new configuration is as follows: v Continuous vacuum pans of 40 tons holding capacity (5 nos.) •

1 no. for A - massecuite

2 nos. for B - massecuite

2 nos. for C - massecuite

v Continuous vacuum pans of 80 tons holding capacity (2 nos.) •

2 nos. for A - massecuite

v Continuous vacuum pan of 135 tons holding capacity (4 nos.) •

2 nos. for A - massecuite

1 no. for B - massecuite

1 no. for C - massecuite

The experience of having operated a continuous vacuum pan for the C- massecuite, enabled the operators to gain first hand working knowledge and trouble-shooting skills. Hence, there were no particular problems faced, during the phased replacement of the remaining batch vacuum pans, with continuous vacuum pans. The replacement of all the batch vacuum pans with continuous vacuum pans was completed in two sugar seasons.

Benefits achieved The following benefits were achieved by the installation of continuous vacuum pans: v The continuous pans facilitate the use of low-pressure steam.

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Energy Conservation in Sugar Industry •

The vapour bleeding from the II - effect of evaporator, for heating in the A - pans and B- pans

v The vapour bleeding from the I - effect of evaporator, for heating in the C- pans •

The continuous pans enable stabilised operation of the evaporators

v Reduction (10 - 20%) in steam consumption as mentioned below: Identity

Steam consumption (kg/ ton of massecuite) With batch vacuum pan

With continuous vacuum pan

A - massecuite

Not available

Not available

B - massecuite



C - massecuite



• Improved grain size quality • Reduced sugar loss • Heat balance optimisation

Financial analysis The annual equivalent energy saving achieved was Rs.19.26 million (for 120 days sugar season and bagasse cost of Rs.250/MT). This required an investment of Rs.100.00 million, which had a simple payback period of 63 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings - Rs. 19.26 millions • Investment - Rs. 100.0 millions • Simple payback - 63 months

Replication Potential The installation of continuous vacuum pans through a proven project has been taken up only in about 20% of the plants. The potential of replication is therefore very high. However, the commercial viability of the project is high, only in case of plants with commercial cogeneration.

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Energy Conservation in Sugar Industry Sugar Consultants Boilers AVANT – GARDE ENGINEERS AND CONSULTANTS (P) LTD. No. 58, Fourth Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai – 600083, INDIA Tel : 91 44 4894457, 4894460, 4894474, Fax : 91 44 4894432 E Mail :[email protected], Web Site : M/S J . P. MUKERJEE & ASSOCIATES PVT. LTD. JYOTI HOUSE, 172, DHANUKAR COLONY, KOTHRUD , ‘ PUNE - 411029, INDIA TEL: 91 212 347303, FAX : 91 212 347307 M/S K.S.PROJECTS & PROCESS ENGINEERS (P) LTD. A-1/18, SECTOR - B ALIGANJ EXTENSION, LUCKNOW - 226024. INDIA TEL : 91 522 375042, 377166. FAX : 91 522 377166 P.J.INTERNATIONAL GROUP CONSULTANTS A-101,YAMUNA APARTMENTS, ALAKNANDA, NEW DELHI-110019 INDIA TEL: 91 11 6461081, FAX:91 11 6474514 M/S SUCRO CONSULT INTERNATIONAL SACCHARUM , E- 1, Greater Kailash Enclave 1, New Delhi - 110048, INDIA Tel : 91 11 641616 NATIONAL FEDERATION OF COOP.SUGAR MILLS VAIKUNTH, IIIRD FLOOR, 82-83, NEHRU PLACE, NEW DELHI-110 019 INDIA Shri A.P.Chinnaswamy Ponn Ram Sugar House, Krishnamal Cross Street No 1, PO :

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K.K.Pudur, Sai Baba Colony COIMBATORE - 641038, INDIA SHRI M.G.JOSHI 3, Vasant Bagh Society, Bimbewadi, PUNE- 411037 INDIA Tel: 91 20 4214945 Shri Mydur Anand 27/106, 11-B, 11th Main, Malleshwar, BANGLORE - 560 003 INDIA Tel : 91 11 3311223, 3346873 Fax : 91 11 3349573 SHRI P.K.JHINGAN M/S SUPRABHAT CONSULTANTS 43-B,Pocket A, SFS Flats, Mayur Vihar Phase 3 NEW DELHI - 110049, INDIA TEL: 91 11 2610094,2610072, Fax: 91 11 2614559 E Mail: [email protected] SHRI VIKRAM SINGH C-2/2305,VASANT KUNJ NEW DELHI. INDIA Tel: 91 11 6898884 Alfred Bartholomai Hansen Consulting Atlanta, Georgia USA Consultants to the food industry Equipment Manufacturers ATV PROJECTS INDIA LIMITED D-8, MIDC, STREET NO.16, MAROL, ANDHERI (EAST), MUMBAI-400 093. INDIA TEL : 91 22 8351761, FAX : 91 22 8365786, 8387592 FCB-K.C.P.LTD. RAMAKRISHNA BUILDING, 2, DR.P.V.CHERIAN CRESCENT, CHENNAI-600 105. INDIA TEL : 91 44 8241633,

591 FAX : 91 44 8230306 EMAIL : [email protected] KRUPP INDUSTRIES INDIA LTD. PIMPRI, PUNE-411 018, INDIA TEL : 91 212 774461, FAX : 91 212 771150 EMAIL : [email protected] NATIONAL HEAVY ENGINEERING CO-OPERATIVE LTD. 16, MAHATMA GANDHI ROAD, PUNE-411 001, INDIA TEL : 91 2114 22261, FAX : (0212) 644920 E Mail : [email protected] PRAJ INDUSTRIES LIMITED PRAJ HOUSE, BAVDHAN, PUNE- 411 021, INDIA TEL: 91 2139 51511, 52214, FAX: 91 2139 51718, 51515 E MAIL : [email protected] WEB : ALCOHOL / DISTILLERY PLANT : Turnkey plant and equipment supplier for molasses and starch based alcohol plants B-196, OKHLA INDL.AREA, PHASE-I, NEW DELHI-110 020. INDIA TEL : 91 11 6811878, 6811721, 6815047, FAX : 91 11 6812280 E Mail: [email protected] TEXMACO LTD. Sugar Division, Birla Bldg., 9/1,R.N.Mukerjee Marg, CALCUTTA - 700 001, INDIA TEL: 91 33 205712, 205553 UTTAM INDUSTRIAL ENGG. LTD. 7C, J-BLOCK SHOPPING CENTRE, SAKET, NEW DELHI-110 017. INDIA TEL : 91 11 6563860, 6856721, 6858578, FAX : 91 11 6856721 WALCHANDNAGAR INDUSTRIES LTD. 16, M.G. ROAD, PUNE-411 001. INDIA TEL : 91 212 631801, FAX : 91 212 631747 Chemical suppliers for sugar industry AQUA CHEMICALS B-237 A, Road No :6-D, V.K.Industrial Area,

Jaipur 302013, Rajashtan, INDIA Tel:91-141-331542,260183 260184(O)517574,700909(R), FAX:91-141-331543 E Mail: [email protected] Contact Person: Mr.Jayant Rajvanshi SPECIALIST IN: Boiler Water Treatment Chemicals, Cooling Water Treatment Chemicals, Effluent Treatment Chemicals , Sugar Specialty Chemicals, Industrial Safety Equipments AISHWARYAA CHEMICALS 101/12, Om Apartments, Medavakkam Tank Road, Kilpauck, Chennai 600010, INDIA TEL: 91 44 6422851,6414419, FAX: 91 44 6431605 E mail: [email protected] SPECIALISTS IN:Process Chemicals CENTRAL AGENCIES All kind of Sugar Process Chemicals 4672 / 21, DARYA GANJ, NEW DELHI - 110002 - INDIA TEL : 91 11 3273662,3266023, FAX : 91 11 3278554 EMAIL : [email protected] INDUSTRY AID PRODUCTS 160, Dr. D N ROAD, FORT, MUMBAI 400001 - INDIA TEL : 91 22 207747, FAX : 91 22 2074249 E Mail: [email protected] CHEMICAL SYSTEMS D 57-58, Amar Colony, Lajpat Nagar-IV, New Delhi – 110024, INDIA Tel : 91 11 6476344, 6438807 Fax : 91 11 6476352 E Mail [email protected] SPECIALISTS IN: CHEMICALS FOR BETTER SUGAR PRODUCTION ION EXCHANGE (INDIA) LTD. Tiecicon House, Dr. E Moses Road, Mahalaxmi Mumbai – 400011 Tel :91 22 4939520/23/25, Fax : 91 22 4938737 SPECIALISTS IN: Process Chemicals MULTITRADE CORPORATION 401, GORADIA HOUSE, 100/104, KAZI SAYAD STREET, MUMBAI 400003 - INDIA TEL : 91 22 3439360,

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Energy Conservation in Sugar Industry FAX : 91 22 3429140 CHEMICAL CENTRE (INDIA) 7/26 ANSARI ROAD DARYA GANJ NEW DELHI -110002 - INDIA TEL : 91 11 3267775 3253336, FAX : 98-11 -3268834 KULKARNI ORGANICS PVT. LTD 172, SHANIWAR PETH, TRIMBAKESHWAR CO-OP. HOUSING SOCIETY, PUNE - 411 030 - INDIA TEL : 91 212 450934 / 532090 P.K.B. TRADERS 75, NAGDEVI CROSS LANE, 2ND FLOOR, R B. NO. 13043, MUMBAI - 400003 - INDIA TEL : 91-22-3400581, 344T228, 3 (R) 5163635 , FAX : 91-22-3401630 King – Win Hydro Chem Ltd. C-26-B, Malviya Industrial Area, JAIPUR 302017, INDIA Tel : 91 141 521205, 522924 , Fax : 91 141 522694 E Mail :[email protected] SURYA CORPORATION 27, Chetty Street, PONDICHERRY 605001, INDIA TEL: 91 413 220309, 345221 FAX: 91 413 339733,345221 E MAIL: [email protected] Sugar Machinery AVANT – GARDE ENGINEERS AND CONSULTANTS (P) LTD. No. 58, Fourth Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai – 600083, Tel : 91 44 4894457, 4894460, 4894474, Fax : 91 44 4894432 E Mail :[email protected], Web Site : SPECIALIST IN :’CONTINUOUS BAGASSE FEEDING SYSTEM FOR BOILERS”., Abrasion Resistant Materials Pty Ltd PO Box 546, Archerfield, Queensland, 4108, AUSTRALIA 39 Randolph Street, Rocklea, Queensland, 4106, AUSTRALIA Phone: 07 3277 9630, Fax: 07 3277 9640

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International callers:Phone: +61 7 3277 9630, Fax: +61 7 3277 9640 E Mail: [email protected] SPECIALIST IN : Maintenance free sugar mill rollers GOEL TRADELINES 14 RANI JHANSI ROAD, NEW DELHI 110055 INDIA TEL: 91 11 3551444,3679444,3613075, FAX: 91 11 3613075 E MAIL : [email protected] SPECIALIST IN : WEDGE WIRE SCREENS, ROTARY JUICE SCREENS FLENDER LIMITED 41, Nelson Manickam Road, Aminjikarai Chennai – 600029, INDIA Tel : 91 44 4810476/78/79/80 Fax : 91 44 4810473 SPECIALISTS IN Hydraulic Drives Hagglunds Hydraulic Drives (India) Pvt. Ltd. 18/4 & 19/4, Hadpasar Industrial Estate, Hadapsar , PUNE -411013, INDIA TEL: 91 212 613841, 613842 FAX: 91 212 613844 Jeffress Engineering Pty Ltd 351 Melton Road, Northgate Queensland Australia 4013 Phone +61 7 3266 1677, Fax:+61 7 3260 5487 Email: [email protected] Cutter Grinders, Disintegrators KAMAL ENGINERRING CORPORATION 56, Industrial Estate, Yamuna Nagar –135001 Tel : 91 1732 50300/1/2/3, Fax : 91 1732 50304 SPECIALISTS IN: Weighing Scales, Sugar Graders etc. NATIONAL HEAVY ENGINEERING CO-OPERATIVE LTD. 16, MAHATMA GANDHI ROAD, PUNE-411 001, INDIA TEL : 91 2114 22261, FAX : 91 212 644920, 91 2114 22762 E Mail: [email protected] SPECIALIST IN : CENTRIFUGAL MACHINES

593 NEON INNOVATIVE PVT. LTD. 31. Latif House, S.T.Road, Carnac Bunder, MUMBAI 400009 . INDIA TEL : 91 22 3426851, FAX : 91 22 3429011 E Mail: [email protected] SPECIALISTS IN: CANE MILLING Low Pressure Extraction Systems

SNEHA ENGINEERS F – 46, M.I.D.C. Industrial Area, Waluj, Aurangabad –431136, MAHARASHTRA INDIA Tel : 0240 – 332585, 331695, Fax : 332796 SPECIALISTS IN: Evaporators & Vacuum Pans

Maddocks and Associates Pty Ltd, GDT Lining Systems SPECIALIST IN : LOW COST MOLASSES STORAGE PRAJ INDUSTRIES LIMITED PRAJ HOUSE, BAVDHAN PUNE- 411 021, INDIA TEL: 91 2139 51511, 52214, FAX: 91 2139 51718, 51515 E MAIL : [email protected] WEB : ALCOHAL / DISTILLERY PLANT : Turnkey plant and equipment supplier for molasses and starch based alcohol plants Single Tray Juice Clarifiers Filtrate Clarification Systems Rotary Juice Screen Suviron Equipments Pvt.Ltd. Swaroop Kala, 23/11, Renavikarnagar, Savedi, Ahmednagar 414 003 (India) Telephone 91 241-423582 / 778711 Fax : 91 241-778711 E-mail : [email protected] Web : Person : Shri Subodh V. Joshi SPRAY ENGINEERING DEVICES Cooling & Condensing systems for Sugar & Processing Plants 25, Industrial Area, Phase- II Chandigarh INDIA – 160002 Tel : 91 172 652415 Fax : 91 172 653247 S.S. ENGINEERS J – 179, M.I.D.C. Bhosari, Pune – 411026, INDIA Tel :91 212 327567, Fax : 91 212 328572 E Mail: [email protected] SPECIALISTS IN: Five/Six Roller MILLS

SHRIJEE ENGINEERING WORKS 1-9, Everest, 156 Tardeo Road, MUMBAI - 400034, INDIA Tel:91 22 4952248,4954699,4954715, Fax: 91 22 4952249 E Mail: [email protected] SPECIALISTS IN: Process House Equipments, Sugar Driers 526, Narayan Peth,PUNE 411030 INDIA Tel: 91 20 453360,454790, Fax: 91 20 453970 SPECIALISTS IN: TRF Cane Mill Feeding System. UTTAM INDUSTRIAL ENGG.LTD. 7C, J-BLOCK SHOPPING CENTRE, SAKET, NEW DELHI-110 017. INDIA TEL : 91 11 6563860, 6856721, 6858578, FAX : 91 11 6856721 SPECIALISTS IN: CANE MILLING GOEL ENGINEERS (INDIA) INDIA’S FIRST MANUFACTURERS OF CENTRIFUGAL LINERS F-11/A OKHLA IND. AREA, PHASE 1, NEW DELHI 110020 INDIA TEL: 91 11 2 6815109, 2 6812004, FAX: 91 11 2 6811176 E MAIL : [email protected] web: SPECIALIST IN : Screens for BATCH CENTRIFUGALS & FILTERS, BACKING WIRES Suviron Equipments Pvt.Ltd. Swaroop Kala, 23/11, Renavikarnagar, Savedi, Ahmednagar 414 003 (India) Telephone 91 241-2423582 / 2 Fax : 91 2412778711 E-mail : [email protected] Web : Person : Shri Subodh V. Joshi Rotary Juice Screens,Single Tray Juice Clarifiers Filtrate Clarification Systems Rotary Juice Screens

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Energy Conservation in Sugar Industry ATUL ELECTROFORMERS PVT. LTD 11,KUBERA ESTATE , 408/14 , CTS 10, Gultekadi Road, PUNE 411037,INDIA TEL : 91 20 2466398, 2464589 , 2468982, Fax : 91 20 2462835 E Mail:[email protected] SPECIALIST IN : Nickel Screens FINE PERFORATORS 14 RANI JHANSI ROAD, NEW DELHI 110055 INDIA TEL: 91 11 23551444, 23679444, FAX: 91 11 23613075 E MAIL : [email protected] SPECIALIST IN : Batch Centrifugal & Filter Screens SHRADDHA ENGINEERING COMPANY. 11,Rajgrah Apt. Krushinager, College Road, Nashik-422005.India “Jyoti” Sitarramnager,Near Jaikranti College, Latur-4413531 Telefax : 91 253 355009 , 91 238 240759. E Mail :[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. Person :Satish S. Sonar, Kishor M.Bhujbal. Product Details : Designer and manufacturer of Continuous Sulphur Burner, Pressure Reducing and Desuperheather ,Juice and Syrup Sulphitation Unit, Mollasses conditioner, Superheated Wash Water System, Boiler Automation, Auto Mill Imbibition Control System. CHEMICAL SYSTEMS D 57-58, Amar Colony, Lajpat Nagar-IV, New Delhi – 110024, INDIA Tel : 91 11 6476344, 6438807 Fax : 91 11 6476352 E Mail :[email protected] Satwik Electric Controls Pvt. Ltd SUGAR PROCESS ENGINEERS E / 12-13, M.I.D.C Industrial Area, NASHIK – 422 007, INDIA Tel : 91 253 351072 / 77, Fax : 91 253 351079 E Mail : [email protected] SPRAY ENGINEERING DEVICES 25, Industrial Area, Phase- II Chandigarh 160002 INDIA Tel : 91 172 652415 Fax : 91 172 653247 SPECIALIST IN Cooling & Condensing systems for Sugar & Processing Plants

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SHIVA HITECH NON CONVENTIONAL SYSTEMS PVT. LTD. 107, Vijaya Towers, Nagarjunanagar, Ameerpet, Hyderabad 500073 INDIA Tel : 91 40 3744675, 3740224, 3740432 Fax : 91 40 3745833 SPECIALISTS IN Magneto Hydro Dynamic Systems VISHWA Systems Pvt Ltd W-155, M.I.D.C., Ambad, Nashik 422010, INDIA Tel: 91 253 385243, 380802, 380673. Fax: 91 253 385243 E Mail: [email protected] SPECIALISTS IN: Process Control Equipment & Control Systems.Manufacturer of Sulphur Burner, PRD Station, Transient Heater / PH Control Systems, Molasses conditioner / Juice Flow Stablisation Systems, Superheated Wash water Systems, Lime Classifier FORBES MARSHALL Kasarwadi, , Pune – 411034, INDIA Tel :91 212 794495, Fax : 91 212797413 SPECIALISTS IN: INSTRUMENTATION & FLOW TECHNOLOGY BELLISS INDIA LIMITED 18, Community Centre, East Of Kailash, NEW DELHI 110065, INDIA TEL: 91 11 6431836, FAX: 91 11 6468089 E Mail : [email protected] SPECIALIST IN Steam Turbine DLF Industries Ltd. Model Town, Sector 11, FARIDABAD 121 006, INDIA SPECIALIST IN Steam Turbine TRIVENI ENGINEERING & INDUSTRIES LTD. 12-A, Peenya Industrial Area, Peenya, Bangalore 560058, INDIA Tel :91 80 8394721, 8394771, 8395278 Fax : 91 80 8395211 E Mail: [email protected] SPECIALIST IN Steam Turbine Associations in India THE SUGAR TECHNOLOGISTS’ ASSOCIATION OF INDIA C Block, 2nd Floor, Ansal Plaza, August Kranti Marg, New DelhiI-110 049,India. TEL : 91 11 6263694-95

595 FAX : 91 11 6263694 [email protected] WebSite: THE DECCAN SUGAR TECHNOLOGISTS ASSOCIATION 17/1, Opp.Shivajinagar S.T.Bus Stand, Pune-411 005 Tel : 91 20 58575 The South Indian Sugarcane And Sugar Technologists Association 21, Door No.5, Iiird Main Road, Gandhi Nagar, Chennai-600 020, India Tel : 91 44 4415934 Fax : 91 44 4402324, E Mail:[email protected] INDIAN SUGAR MILLS ASSOCIATION SUGAR HOUSE, 39, NEHRU PLACE, NEW DELHI-110 019, INDIA TEL : 91 11 6472554, 641671, 6462096 Other organizations in India INDIA INDIAN SUGAR AND GENERAL INDUSTRY EXPORT IMPORT CORP. LTD. C Block, 2nd Floor, Ansal Plaza, August Kranti Marg, New DelhiI-110 049,India Tel: 91 11 6263421 - 24, E Mail: [email protected]

NATIONAL FEDERATION OF COOP.SUGAR MILLS LTD. C Block, 2nd Floor, Ansal Plaza, August Kranti Marg, New DelhiI-110 049,India Tel: 6263425, 6263426 Fax: 91 11 6463425 E Mail: [email protected] NATIONAL COOP. DEVELOPMENT CORPN. 4, Sirifort Instn. Area, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110 016. India Tel : 6567475 SUGAR TECHNOLOGY MISSION Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India D-5, Apartment, Qutab Hotel, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi -110016, India Tel:91 11 6960599, 6960617 Fax: 91 11 6863866 TAMILNADU COOPERATIVE SUGAR FEDERATION LTD. 474, Anna Salai, Nandanam, CHENNAI 600035, INDIA TEL:91 44 4330222 WINROCK INTERNATIONAL INDIA. 7 Poorvi Marg, Vasant Vihar, NEW DELHI-110057, INDIA TEL:91 11 6142965, FAX:91 11 6146004 E Mail:[email protected] Contact for Alternative Baggasse Cogeneration

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Energy Conservation in Power Plant Sector

Power plant

Per Capita Consumption

350 kWh (277 kg of oil equivalent)

Energy Intensity

6 – 8% of power generation

Energy saving potential

Rs.3000 Million (US $ 60 Million)

Investment potential on energy saving projects

Rs. 5000 Million (US $ 1000 Million)

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency



INTRODUCTION 1.0 Energy Scenario The power sector has always been high on India’s priority as it is a growing sector, offering tremendous potential for improvements and new investments. As per the recent projections by CEA, The total generating capacity which is today at about 1,07,000 MW is expected to reach 2,15,000 MW by 2012. The share of various sources in meeting this requirement is shown in Table-1. Table 1: Power Sector Growth Projection in MW Coal






Installed Capacity as on Feb 2003







Additional Capacity to be increased (2003-2012)







Total Capacity by 2012






215800 Source: CEA

Economic growth in India crucially depends on the long-term availability of energy in increasing quantities from sources that are dependable, safe and environmentally friendly. India, like many other developing countries, is a net importer of energy, 20 per cent of primary energy needs being met through imports mainly in the form of crude oil and natural gas.

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Energy Conservation in Power Plant Sector Currently, thermal power plants accounts for major share of about 70%. Coal is the mainstay fuel in India for power generation. With total coal reserve around 220 billion tones, of which 84.4 billion tonnes are proven, coal will continue to be an assured energy source for the next century and beyond. Though coal based plants account for major share in power generation, recently there is an increasing trend in going for gas-based power plants also, particularly in the private sector.

1.1 Power Generation Capacity The power generating capacity in India has increased over 80-fold, from 1,362 MW in 1947 to 1,07,644 MW in 2003. The share of various sources of power generated is pictorially shown in figure 1.

(Source: Ministry of Power) The industrial sector is the highest consumer of electricity (34 percent) followed by agriculture (30 percent) and domestic (18 percent) sector.

1.2 Per-Capita Energy Consumption Per capita energy consumption in India is about 277 Kg of oil equivalent, which is 3.5 per cent of that in the USA, 6.8 per cent of Japan, 37 percent of Asia and 18.7 per cent of the world average. Per-capita consumption of electricity for various countries is shown in figure 2.

Figure 2: Per-capita consumption in Kwh (Source: Ministry of Power) Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


But, energy intensity, which is energy consumption per unit of GDP, is one of the highest in comparison to other developed and developing countries. For example, it is 3.7 times that of Japan, 1.55 times of the USA and 1.5 times of the World average. This signifies that there is tremendous scope for energy conservation in the country.

1.3 Thermal Power Plants in India In India, size of thermal power plants started with ratings of 60/70 MW during 1965, which touched 500MW rating in 1979. At present National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) is planning to install units in the range of 660MW rating, operating with supercritical parameters at Sipet in Chattishgarh State by the year 2005.

There are about 85 major thermal power plants installed in India. The eastern belt being coal abundant, major plants are located in that region.

Figure 3: Thermal Power Plants (Info: Apart from private and public utilities and IPP’s, most of the industries have there own captive generation. Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Power Plant Sector 1.3.1 Captive Power Plants Industrial Sector is the largest consumer of energy. Besides consuming power from Utilities, a number of industries which are primary producers of infrastructure material such as Aluminium, Cement, Fertilizers, Iron & Steel, Paper and Sugar etc. have their own captive power plants. The installation of captive generation plants has been either to supplement the electricity purchased from the Utilities or for emergency use in case of power outages or for producing energy from by-product of the industrial process (e.g., Sugar Plants). Table 3 shows sector wise captive power plant installed in the country. Table 3: The break up of Captive Power Plants Installed Capacity (MW)

Percentage of TotalInstalled Capacity













Iron & Steel


















Heavy & Light Engineering



Non-Ferrous Metal










Mining & Quarrying




Other Industries








Name of Industry

Chemicals, Mineral Oil &

Source: CEA

India has a total capacity of 2500 MW thermal based Independent power plants (IPP’s)

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CHAPTER II PROCESS, TECHNOLOGY AND TRENDS 2.1 Technology Trends Thermal power generation started with ratings of 60/70 MW rating units in the year 1965, simultaneously raised to 110/120 MW units by the year 1966. The next size of 200/210 MW plants, which are widely installed all over India from the year 1972 onwards grew into 500 MW units by the year 1979. As the unit ratings grew, the boiler parameters supplying steam to such turbines have also increased. Following table 4 shows the trends in super heater outlet pressures and temperatures for various unit sizes. Table 4: Turbine Sizes and Pressure Parameters Unit Size

Steam Flow (T/H)

Super Heater Outlet Pressure (KG/CM2)

Super heater / Re Heater Outlet Temperature (oC)

30 MW




60/70 MW




110/120 MW




200/210 MW




250 MW




500 MW




Source: BHEL

The over all efficiencies of power plants with sub critical parameters fall in the range of 3539 percent which can be improved to 45 percent using supercritical parameters with conventional steam turbines. Using combined cycle mode, the maximum efficiency that can be attained is about 50 percent. Table 5 shows the heat rate for various capacities of turbines achieved in power plants.

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Energy Conservation in Power Plant Sector Table 5: Turbine Sizes and Heat Rate Unit capacity

Turbine inlet parameter

Turbine Heat Rate (Kcal/Kwh)

60/100 MW

90 ata 535oC


110/120 MW

130 ata 535oC


200/210 MW

130 ata 535oC


210/250 MW

150 ata 535oC


500 MW

170 ata 535oC

1950 Source : BHEL

Power plants are adopting several latest technologies to improve the efficiency and operating practices. Some of the power plants are installed with multi fuel capabilities by design for the following benefits. •

Flexibility to use depending on availability and price

To address environmental issues like Nox and Sox reduction

2.2 Clean Coal Technologies Environmental performance of thermal power plants is accorded tremendous importance to meet global emission standards and need for balancing development and social obligations.

Clean coal technologies for power generation that posses the potential to contain pollutants either at the combustion or pre-combustion stage will be the technologies that would eventually replace the conventional PC firing. India’s experience in clean coal technology started with the development of AFBC (Atmospheric Fluidized Bed Combustion) for high ash coals. CFBC (Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion) was later introduced to cater to higher capacity power plants and to realize higher efficiency.

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It has been a challenge for the Indian power plants to adopt several measures to bring down the ash disposal and to meet the stringent environmental regulations, some of which are shown below •

Importing high grade coal

Lower emission technologies

Improving efficiency of equipment

Power plants are also exploring various possibilities to utilize the fly ash as by-product for some processes like •

Utilising in cement preparation as substitute for clinker

Manufacturing of Flyash bricks

2.2.1 AFBC Boilers Atmospheric fluidized bed Combustion (AFBC), promises to provide a viable alternative to conventional coal fired boilers for utility and industrial application. The advantages of AFBC boilers are •

Suitable to burn variety of fuels

Combustion efficiency is higher

It can completely burn fine particle (Fuel size range:6-12 mm)

Losses due to unburnt are avoided

Simple auxiliaries i.e., Lower operating cost

2.2.2 CFBC Boilers Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion (CFBC) boiler is normally designed for high reliability and availability with low maintenance. Some of the advantages of CFBC boilers are •

Thermal efficiency is higher than AFBC

Technology is suitable to burn a wide range of fuels (high ash coal, high sulphur coal, lignite, pet, coke, anthracite clum, wood paste, etc.)

CFBC boiler availability is more than 95%.

Lesser Sox, Nox emissions

Auxiliary power consumption of these boilers is relatively lower (do not require high pressure blowers)

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Energy Conservation in Power Plant Sector 2.2.3 Super Critical Boilers Super critical boilers operate at main steam pressures exceeding 225 ata i.e., critical pressure at which there is spontaneous changeover from liquid phase to vapour phase. Supercritical units normally operate around pressure of 240-250 ata. The main steam temperature & reheat temperature for these units are normally in the range of 535-565oC. Boilers with steam pressures and temperatures beyond 250 ata/565oC are termed as ultra supercritical boilers. Some of the excellent features of supercritical boilers are •

Enhanced boiler efficiency

Operational flexibility to respond quickly to load changes

Reduced emissions

2.4 Renovation & Modernization

Old power plants are modernized to keep up the operation of the equipment and its efficiencies. The advantages of Renovation & modernization are •

Enhancement of operational efficiency

Improvement in Plant Load Factor (PLF)

Meeting stringent environmental pollution control standards

Extend plant life

Capacity augmentation

Some of the renovation and retrofitting techniques that are followed by the power plants are 1. Steam turbine retrofitting (blades replacement and improvement of the labyrinths’ operation and turbine control system, etc) 2. Improvement of the fuel preparation and firing system 3. Implementation of techniques for further reduction of the Nox emissions and for the flue gas de-sulphurization

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4. Improvement of particles collecting systems 5. Optimization of the existing fuel drying system or implementation of new effective drying techniques 6. Replacement, rearrangement or size change of heat exchange surfaces 7. Supplementary heat exchange surfaces for further heat recovery from flue gas 8. Improvement of the air preheating system

CHAPTER III ENERGY SAVING PROJECTS 3.1 Energy Saving & Investment Potential in Power plants The consumption of electricity by power plant auxiliaries depends on factors such as unit size, level of technology, plant load factor, fuel quality etc. The auxiliary consumption in general varies between 3 to 6% for larger plants and close to 10 % for smaller captive power plants. CII studies indicate that the energy saving potential in small size power plants (CPP’s & IPP’s) varies between 6% - 10% of auxiliary consumption. It is estimated that the saving potential is 150 MW of power amounting to Rs.300 crores annually. CII study also indicates that the investment potential for energy efficiency in small size power plants is Rs.500 crores. This does not include saving potential in utility plants.

3.2 List of Projects All energy saving projects are classified in to three categories namely Short term, Medium term and Long term based on the investment and returns available in each project. These projects apply to IPP’s & CPP’s and can be easily implemented. Some of these projects are equally applicable in utility power plants. 3.2.1 Short Term Projects

A) Boilers 1. Install online O2 analyser and improve combustion efficiency of the boilers 2. Arrest air infiltration in boiler flue gas path, particularly economiser and air preheater section 3. Install water heating system for preheating gas through waste heat recovery from Boiler exhaust 4. Install waste heat recovery system for boiler blow down 5. Install LP steam air heater for FD fan air inlet to boiler 6. Optimise the operating breakdown voltage of ESP’s

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Energy Conservation in Power Plant Sector B) Steam & Condensate Systems 1.

Avoid steam leakages


Insulate all steam and condensate lines


Monitor and replace defective steam traps on a regular basis


In case coal has higher percentage of fines, ensure wetting is done.

5. Install flash vessels for heat recovery from hot condensate vapours 6. Replace electric heaters with LP steam heaters for RFO tracing lines

C) Electrical Areas 1.

Install delta to star converters for lightly loaded motors


Use translucent sheets to make use of day lighting


Install timers for automatic switching ON-OFF of lights


Install timers for yard and outside lighting


Install CFL’s for lighting in non-critical areas, such as, toilets, corridors, canteens etc.


Group the lighting circuits for better control


Operate at maximum power factor


Switching ‘OFF’ transformers based on loading


Optimise TG sets operating frequency, depending on user needs

10. Optimise TG sets operating voltage

D) Miscellaneous 1.

Replace Aluminium blades with FRP blades in cooling tower fans


Install temperature indicator controller (TIC) for optimising cooling tower fan operation, based on ambient conditions


Install dual speed motors/ VSD for cooling tower fans


Avoid/ minimise compressed air leakages by vigorous maintenance


Segregate the service air &

instrument air and optimise optimise operating pressure 6.

Reduce system pressure of the compressed air system close to operating pressure of the users


Install variable frequency drive for hot well makeup water pump


Install Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) for cooling tower make up pump with water level control feed back


Install Variable Frequency Drive for DM water transfer pump

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10. Close Suction Dampers at Stand-By Equipment and Reduce RPM of Dust Extraction Blowers in the Coal Handling Plant 11. Install the next lower size impeller for the chilled water pumps 12. Avoid idle flow of cooling water in stand by DG sets and compressors 13. Install chlorine dosing and HCL dosing for circulating water

3.2.2 Medium Term Projects A)



Install economiser/air preheater for boilers


Install high temperature deaerator (120°C to 140°C) with suitable boiler feed water pump to enhance cogeneration


Install VSD for SA fan, FD fan and ID fan


Install VSD for boiler feed water pump


Segregate Intermediate Pressure & High Pressure Boiler Feed Water Pump


Install Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) for CCW pump and operate in closed loop control, based on the discharge header pressure.


Reduce Heat rate of gas turbines by optimizing NOx water injection and arresting of leakages through bypass dampers


Install Turbine inlet air cooling to increase power output of gas turbines


Install Low excess air burners

10. Reduce one stage of feed water pump or install variable frequency drive with feed back control to exactly match with the system pressure 11. Install lower head fan for power plant boiler ID fan

B) Steam & Condensate Systems 1. Convert medium pressure steam users to LP steam users to increase co-generation 2. Install condensate recovery systems in air heaters 3. Utilise waste condensate for de-superheating the process steam 4. Install Variable Fluid Coupling or variable frequency drive for condensate extraction pump 5. Utilise flash steam from boiler blow down for deaerator heating

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Energy Conservation in Power Plant Sector C) Electrical & Miscellaneous Areas 1.

Install maximum demand controller to optimise maximum demand


Install capacitor banks to improve power factor


Replace rewound motors with energy efficient motors


Replace conventional ballast with high efficiency electronic ballasts in all discharge lamps


Install Sodium vapour lamps instead of MV lamps for Yard, Street and General Lighting


Install LED lamps for panel indication instead of filament lamps


Install neutral compensator in lighting circuit


Optimise voltage in lighting circuit by installing servo voltage stabilisers


Minimise overall distribution losses, by proper cable sizing and addition of capacitor banks

10. Replace V-belts with synthetic flat belts/Cog ‘V’ belts 11. Replace heater - purge type air dryer with heat of compression (HOC) dryer for compressed air requirement above 500 cfm 12. Replace old and inefficient compressors with screw or centrifugal compressors

3.2.3 Long Term Projects 1. Install VFD for Boiler ID/FD fans 2. Install VFD for Boiler feed water pump 3. Install Circulating Fluidised bed boilers for Efficient combustion 4. Install steam driven equipment to prevent HP steam flow through pressure reducing valves 5. Convert chain grate/spreader stoker boilers to AFBC technology 6. Install high efficiency turbines 7. Install vapour absorption system to utilise LP steam for air-conditioning 8. Install Distributed control system (DCS) for Power Plant Operation and monitoring

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3.2 Case Studies Case Study: 1 Convert Spreader Stoker Boilers to Fluidised Bed Boilers Background In the older power plants, the boilers are the conventional stoker boilers. These boilers were characterised by: • Higher unburnts in ash • Lower thermal efficiency The latest trend has been to install the fluidised bed boilers or conversion of the existing chain / spreader stocker boilers, which have the following advantages: • Coal having high ash content/ low calorific value can be used • Biomass fuels can also be used • Lesser unburnts in ash • Higher thermal efficiency Hence, the older plants are also in a phased manner, converting their old stoker-fired boilers to fluidised bed boilers. This case study describes one such project implemented.

Previous Status A power plant had four numbers of spreader stoker boilers, operating to meet steam requirements of the plant. These spreader stoker boilers, were designed for high calorific value coal (4780 kCal/kg) with low ash content. Due to non-availability of this type of coal, these boilers had to be fired with coal of low calorific value and high ash content. This resulted in the capacity down-gradation and loss in efficiency. The steam generation was only 14 TPH, as against the design rating of 30 TPH. The boiler efficiency achieved was only 65%.

Energy saving project The plant team modified two of the spreader stoker boilers into fluidised bed combustion boilers.

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Energy Conservation in Power Plant Sector Benefits of the Project In addition to the benefits of fluidised bed combustion mentioned earlier, they also enable the use of biomass fuels, such as saw dust, generated in the chipper house. The steam generation capacity increased to 27 TPH and the thermal efficiency improved to 78%, with this modification. The improved thermal efficiency has resulted in an annual coal saving of 5639 MT. Additionally, the use of saw dust (calorific value of about 3000 kCal/kg) has resulted in an annual coal savings of 3600 MT.

Finalcial Analysis The annual benefits achieved were Rs.10.50 million. This required an investment of Rs.27.0 million (for the conversion of two spreader stoker boilers to fluidised bed combustion boilers), which had a simple payback period of 31 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings – Rs 10.50 millions • Investment – Rs 27.0 millions • Simple payback - 31 months

Implementation Strategy The plant took up implementation of the project after a detailed planning with the EPC contractor. The modification was taken up during the annual shut down (30 days). The shut down had to be extended to avoid 30 days to complete the project. The commissioning of the new boiler took about 4 days and there were no problem during implementation.

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Energy Conservation in Power Plant Sector Case Study: 2 Install VFD for Boiler ID fans and PA fans

Background In a major captive power plant, three irculating fluidised bed combustor (CFBC) were in operation. Each boiler has two ID fans and three PA fans. • All these fans had higher capacity & head by design and controlled either by IGV’s or Dampers to meet the operating requirements. • The IGV opening of the ID fans varied between 50-60%, resulting in tremendous energy loss. The measured pressure loss across the damper & IGV was of the order of 40-45% of the total pressure rise of the fan.

Concept of the Project • The operation of a fan with damper control or IGV control is an energy inefficient practise, as a part of the energy supplied to the fan is lost across the damper or IGV. • Also, the operation of a fan operating with IGV or damper control will result in operation of the fan in an energy inefficient zone on the fan performance curve. Instead the speed of the fan can be varied to meet the operating condition of the boiler by installing variable frequency drives. • The estimated operating efficiency of the fans was in the range of 60% - 65% as against design efficiency of 80%. It was confirmed that the fans were operating in an energy inefficient zone.

Energy Saving Project Variable frequency drives were installed for 6 nos of ID fans and 9 nos of PA fans to control the speed of the fan with respect to operation of the boiler.

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Implementation Strategy The VFD’s were installed during the stoppage of the plant for maintenance. The plant personnel were well trained in operation and maintenance of VSD’s (prior to the installation of VFD) and therefore no problems were faced with implementation. The inlet guide vanes were kept fully opened after the VFD was installed.

Benefits of the Project • The advantage of installing a variable frequency drive for the boiler ID fans are as follows: Energy saving Precise control of parameters

Financial Analysis The annual energy savings achieved was Rs 6.0 million and the investment was Rs 10.0 million for installing 15 nos of variable frequency drives, which got paid back in 20 Months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings – Rs 6.0 millions • Investment – Rs 10.0 millions • Simple payback - 20 months

Replication Potential Similar projects can be taken up for FD & Secondary air fans also. The project has high replication potential in majority of the captive power plant and IPPs. For ID, FD, secondary air and primary air fans

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Case Study: 3 Install steam drives to prevent HP steam flow through pressure reducing valves

Background • In a major captive power plant, the auxiliary steam requirement was at a pressure of 24 kg/ cm2 and 4100C. • The quantity of process steam requirement was about 11.5 kg/cm2. To meet the process requirement the steam from extraction was passed through PRDS. • When steam pressure is reduced by passing through a pressure reducing valve, the enthalpy of the steam remains constant. But due to pressure loss, the opportunity for converting the low grade energy (thermal energy) to high grade energy (mechanical energy) is lost. • The quantity of steam passed through the pressure reducing valve was varied depending upon the process requirement. • Instead of dropping the high pressure to low pressure by throttling, the same energy can be used for power production.

Energy Saving Project • The potential available was tapped by installing 2 back pressure steam turbines which were used for driving the drip pumps (2 Nos.). The exhaust steam from the back pressure turbine was utilised for auxiliary steam requirements.

Implementation Methodology In a captive power plant the modification of the plant on a continuous basis is essential. A stoppage for replacing the motor with a turbine for drip pump was not possible. Therefore 2 new drip pumps with back pressure turbines (300 kW) each were installed and the system was hooked up during a maintenance shut down. Though the investment was high the stoppage of plant could be avoided.

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Energy Conservation in Power Plant Sector Benefits The implementation of the project resulted in improving the co-generation potential.

Finalcial Analysis The annual energy savings achieved was Rs 27.5 million and the investment was Rs 12.5 million for installing back pressure turbines, Generator and steam piping, which had a pay back of 6 Months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings – Rs 27.5 millions • Investment – Rs 12.5 millions • Simple payback - 6 months

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Energy Conservation in Power Plant Sector

Case Study: 4 INSTALL VAPOUR ABSORPTION HEAT PUMP IN PLACE OF VAPOUR COMPRESSION SYSTEM Background In a captive power plant (of 21 MW capacity) of a large integrated paper plant, certain areas, viz., the boiler & TG control room, static excitation room, ESP/Ash handling plant control room and coal handling plant control room required a temperature of 26 ± 2 °C to be maintained. The total air-conditioning load was 60 TR. Since, this power plant was in the project stage, the plant team had the option of choosing between a vapour compression system and a vapour absorption system, for maintaining these conditions. A techno-economic study favoured the installation of a vapour absorption system.

Concept of the project The vapour absorption system scores over vapour compression system when : • Back pressure steam from a turbine is available • Any waste source of heat is available on a continuous basis e.g. DG exhaust • Cost of a electricity is high In this case study, the turbine had the capacity to accept additional 300 kg/hr of low cost low pressure steam. This gives an excellent spin-off benefit by generating additional power in the turbine.

Energy saving project The plant team installed a 60 TR vapour absorption system for meeting the air conditioning requirements of the various control rooms. This project was taken up at the design stage itself.

Comparison of Vapour Absorption Vs Vapour Compression The comparative analysis of a vapour compression system and a vapour absorption system, for achieving the same amount of air-conditioning, are as follows:

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compression system

absorption system

Rating TR



Power consumption







Annual operating cost * Rs.lakhs



Annual savings




Investment required




Steam consumption at 4 ksc

* Operating cost based on steam cost @ Rs.250/MT and electricity cost @ Rs.3.50/kWh In addition to the above, other benefits achieved were as follows: • The room conditions were met as desired • No maintenance shut down required, since there are no moving parts

Benefits & Financial Analysis The annual energy saving achieved was Rs.1.0 million. This required an investment of Rs.1.9 million, which had a simple payback period of 23 months.

Cost benefit analysis • Annual Savings – Rs 1.0 millions • Investment – Rs 1.9 millions • Simple payback - 23 months

Replication Potential The installation of vapour absorption refrigeration system is in its nascent stage in the Indian industry. The potential for installation of vapour absorption system in combination with a cogeneration system is tremendous in Indian industry and therefore needs to be pursued.

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CHAPTER IV Service Agencies in the sector 4.1 List Of Suppliers 1. Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL) Building

BHEL Building


Siri Fort Road


110 049




(+91) 11 - 649 30 31


(+91) 11 - 649 30 21


[email protected]



Power Generation and New & Renewable Energy Technologies

New Delhi

2. Thermax Babcock & Wilcox Ltd (TBW) Building

Sagar Complex


Mumbai Pune Road


Kasarwadi, Nasik Phata


411 034




(+91) 20 - 712 57 45


(+91) 20 - 712 55 33


[email protected]



Heat Recovery Steam Generators, Circulating Fluid Bed Boilers, Grate & Gas Fired Boilers


3. Thermax Ltd Building

Thermax House


4, Mumbai Pune Road


Shivaji nagar


411 005


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(+91) 20 - 551 21 22


(+91) 20 - 551 22 42


[email protected]



Boilers & Heaters, Captive Power, Cooling, Water & Waste Solutions, Air Pollution Control and Chemicals

4. Larsen & Toubro Ltd – EPC Centre Building

Ashish Complex


NH8, Chhani


391 740, Vadodara-Gujarat




(+91) 265 – 2775317 /2774941-5


(+91) 265 - 27773898/5286


[email protected],



Power Projects Development, Renovation & Modernisation, Hydro Projects

5. Foster Wheeler India Pvt Ltd Building

Prakash Presidium


110, Mahatma Gandhi Road




600 034




(+91) 44 - 28227341


(+91) 44 - 28227340


[email protected]



PC Fired & FBC Boilers, HRSG, Gasifiers

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6. TurboTech Precision Engineering Pvt Ltd Street

No 28/29, 2nd Main Road


Industrial Town, Rajajinagar


560 044




(+91) 80 - 320 07 89


(+91) 80 - 330 72 27


[email protected]



Manufacturers of Small, Efficient Steam and Gas Turbines


7. Neptunus Power Plant Services Pvt Ltd (NPPS) Building

511, Arenja Corner


Plot 71, Sector 17




400 705




(+91) 22 - 789 32 58


(+91) 22 - 790 60 81


[email protected]



Captive Power Plants, Power Generation, CoGeneration etc

Navi Mumbai

8. Aravinthraajan Energy Systems Building

Madhurams Flat


17/1 Senthil Andavar Street




600 026




(+91) 44 - 484 46 27


(+91) 44 - 484 46 27


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Energy Conservation in Power Plant Sector E-Mail

[email protected]



Power Plant System Design and Optimisation Software

9. Turbo Engineers (TE) Street

2/C/1, Picnic Garden 3rd Lane


700 039




(+91) 33 - 343 49 48


(+91) 33 - 343 44 11


[email protected]



Thermal & Hydro Power Generation


10. DUKJIN E & C Building

277, Nonhyun-Dong








82-02-3443-0692 to 5




[email protected]



Water Treatment & Ultra Filtration system

4.2 List of consultant in the sector 1. TCE Consulting Engineers Limited Building

Sherif Center


73/1 St, Marks Road


560 001




(+91) 80 – 2274721

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(+91) 80 - 2274873


[email protected]



Consultancy Services in Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution

2. Avant-Garde Engineers and Consultants Pvt Ltd (AGEC) Street

68a, Porur-Kundrathur High Road




600 116




(+91) 44 - 482 87 17


(+91) 44 - 482 85 31


[email protected]



Concept to Commissioning of Renewable Energy Projects


3. FICHTNER Consulting Engineers (India) Private Ltd Street

64, Eldams Road


600 018 Chennai




(+91) 44 – 2435 9158


(+91) 44 – 2434 4579


[email protected]



Consultancy Services in Gas & Thermal Power Plants

4. Acon Power Consultants Street

45 Satyanand Vihar




482 008




(+91) 761 - 66 72 61


Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Energy Conservation in Power Plant Sector Facsimile

(+91) 761 - 66 42 07


[email protected]



Engineering Consultancy Services, Specializing in Power (Thermal/Hydro/Non-Conventional Energy Source)

5. Mitsui Babcock Energy (India) Private Ltd Building

Alsa Tower


186-187 Poonamalle High Road




600 101




(+91) 44 - 26612901


(+91) 44 - 26612907


[email protected]



Thermal Power Plants


6. L&T - Sargent & Lundy Ltd Building

L&T-Energy Centre


Near Chhani Jakat Naka




390 002




(+91) 265 - 77 23 90


(+91) 265 - 79 52 35


[email protected]



Complete Consultancy Services in the Field of Power Generation from Concept to Commissioning for Power Projects

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency



7. Mantech Synergies Pvt Ltd Street

73, Sardar Patel Road




600 032




(+91) 44 - 220 02 45


(+91) 44 - 220 02 46


[email protected]



Project Development Consultants for Independent Power Projects from 100 MW to 350 MW


8. Energy Economy & Environmental Consultants Street

#506, 15th Cross


Indiranagar 2nd Stage


560 038




(+91) 80 - 525 61 71


(+91) 80 - 525 91 72


[email protected]


Consulting Services for Cogeneration Plants, Distribution Loss Reduction, Waste Minimisation


Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


List of Suppliers

List of Suppliers List of Energy Auditors List of Energy Service Companies







AC DRIVES Mr Ranjan Kumar De Country Manager ALLEN BRADLEY INDIA LTD C - 11, Industrial Area Site IV,shahiabad Ghaziabad 201 010 Tel: +91-120-471112 / 0103 / 0105 / 0164 Fax: +91-120-4770822 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Cegelec India Ltd. A - 21/24, Sector 16 Noida 201 301 Tel: 011 - 852 5643 Fax: 011 - 852 0405 Mr Sandeep Maity Business Unit Manager (VSD) Danfoss Industries Pvt. Ltd. 296, Old Mahabalipuram Road Sholinganallur, Chennai 600 119 Tel: 44 450 3511 Fax: 44 450 351844 450 3521 Email: [email protected] EMCO Lenze Pvt. Ltd. 106, Sion Koliwada Road Sion (East) Mumbai 400 022 Tel: 022 - 407 6432/ 1816 Fax: 022 - 409 0423 Energytek Electronics Pvt. Ltd. A - 31, GIDC Electronics Zone Gandhinagar 382 044 Tel: 02712 - 25562 Fax: 02712 – 30544 Messung Systems Pvt Ltd S - 615, 6th Floor, Manipal Centre Dickinson Road Bangalore 560042 080 – 5320480 Email: [email protected] Ador Powertron Industries Ltd. Plot 51, Ramnagar Complex D - 11 Block, MIDC, Chinchwad Pune 411 019 Tel: 020 - 772 532, 773 778 Fax: 020 - 775 817 Mr K N Balaji Chief Operating Officer Eurotherm Del India Ltd 152, Developed Plots Estate Perungudi Chennai - 600 096 Tel: 044-4961129 Fax: 044-4961831 Email: [email protected]


Mr. Sudhir Naik Vice President - Corporate Mktg. Hi-Rel Electronics Limited B -117 & 118, GIDC, Electronics Zone, Sector-25 Gandhi Nagar 382044 Tel: 02712-21636, 22531 Fax: 02712-24698 Email: [email protected]

Dr Jairam Varadaraj Managing Director ELGI EQUIPMENT LTD Elgi Industrial Complex Trichy Road Singanallur P O Coimbatore 641 005 Tel: +91-422-574691 to 5 Fax: +91-422-573697 Email: [email protected]

Mr N C Agrawal Managing Director MEDITRON SIRTDO Industrial Estate P O BIT, Mesra Ranchi 835 215 Tel: +91-651-275875 / 628 Fax: +91-651-275841 Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Mr. Rahul C Kirloskar Chairman & Managing Director Kirloskar Pneumatic Co Limited Hadapsar Industrial Estate Pune 411 031 Tel: 91-20-670133, 670341 Fax: 91-20-670297, 670634 Email: [email protected] Mr Amol Parkhe Product manager Kirlosker Copeland (EE) 1202/1,Ghole Road Near Ramchandra Sabhagurha Pune-411004 Tel: 020-5536350 Fax: 020-5534988 Email: [email protected]

Adsorption Dryers. Mr. Rajnish Joshi Exe. Vice President Delair India Pvt. Ltd. 20, Rajpur Road, New Delhi 110054 Tel: 011-2912800 Fax: 011-2915127, 2521754 Email: [email protected]

Air conditioning systems Mr Anand Ekbote President TATA LIEBERT LTD Plot No C - 20, Road No 19 Wagle Industrial Estate Thane (W) Mumbai 400 604 Tel: +91-22-5828405, 5802388 Fax: +91-22-5828358, 5800829 Email: [email protected]

AFBC Boilers, Mr K Kuppuraju President-Technical CetharVessels Pvt ltd 4,Dindigul road, tiruchirappilly Tel: 0431-482452/53 Fax: 0431-481079 Email: [email protected] air & gas compressors, Mr Andre Schmitz Managing Director Atlas Copco (India) Ltd Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Building Netaji Subhas Road Mumbai 400 002 Tel: +91-22-796416 / 17 Fax: +91-22-797928 Email: [email protected]

Ms Sajitha M Nair Marketing executive Presvi Controls Pvt ltd no 8, 2nd street,Venkatram nagar extn Adayar Chennai 600 020 Tel: 91-044-24420977/ 93 Fax: 91-044-24410289 Mr J P Singh Managing Director YOKOGAWA BLUE STAR LTD 40/4, Lavelle Road Bangalore 560 001 Tel: +91-80-2271513 Fax: +91-80-2274270 Email: [email protected]

Air compressors Mr M Raveendran Director Coimbatore Compressor Engineering Co Pvt Ltd S F No 429, Thanneerpandal Peelamedu Coimbatore 641 004 Tel: +91-422-570323 Fax: +91-422-571447 Email: [email protected]









List of Suppliers Mr. B G Raghupathy Vice Chairman GEA Cooling Tower Technologies (India) Pvt Ltd 443, Anna Salai, Teynampet Chennai-600018 Tel: 044-4326171 Fax: 044-4360576 Email: [email protected] Mr Ashok M Advani Chairman & Chief Executive BLUE STAR LTD Kasturi Buildings Mohan T Advani Chowk J Tata Road Mumbai 400 020 Tel: +91-22-2020868 Fax: +91-22-2874498, 2824043 Email: [email protected]

Ash handling systems; high alumina ceramics Mr K R Natu Managing Director DEMECH LTD 78, Bhosari Industrial Estate Pune 411 026 Tel: +91-20-7120994, 7120020 Fax: +91-20-7120774, 5654185 Email:

Mr Anil K Srivastava Managing Director CARRIER AIRCON LTD Chiller Business Unit 114, Shahpur Jat Near Asian Games Village New Delhi 110 049 Tel: +91-11-6497131 to 34 Fax: +91-11-6497140

ATOMISERS FOR HUMIDIFICATION SYSTEMS Techno Plast Spin free System No.1 Krishna flats B/H Ambika hotel,Near Mothibai High school,Amraiwadi Ahmedabad – 26 Tel: 079 – 5850898

K N A Chandrasekar Regional Manager Amtrex Hitachi Appliances Ltd Tulsi Apartments 47,II Main Road, R A Puram Chennai 600 028 Tel: 044 - 4937483 Fax: 044- 4935534 Email: [email protected] Mr T Nakamoto Managing Director Daikin-Shriram Air Conditioning Pvt Ltd 12th floor, Surya Kiran Building 19KG Marg New Delhi 110 001 Tel: 011-375-2647 Fax: 011-375-2646 Mr. Seichi Yoshii Managing Director Matsushita Air-conditioning India Pvt Ltd A 11& 12, SIPCOT Industrial Park Irungattukottai Chennai 600 001 Tel: (91)-(44)-56039/5603940/5603941/ 5603942 Fax: (91)-(44)-56041



Ambiator Mr. A Vaidyanathan Managing Director HMX - SUMAYA Systems A 422, Peenya Industrial estate !st cross, 1 st stage Bangalore 560058 Tel: 080-3722325, 1065 Fax: 080-3722326 Email: [email protected]


Automatic oil fired burners Mr. R. Rawat Partner Burnax India 338, Balmukund Khand, Giri Nagar, Kalkaji, New Delhi 110019 Tel: 011-6215124, 6230498 Fax: 011-6215124 Automatic Power Factor Controller Mr. Vipin SuriI Managing Director Sylvan Electronics A-92/1, Naraina Indl. Area, Phase-I New Delhi 110028 Tel: 011-5791044/2324 Fax: 011-5794617 A Square Incorporation 11 (Old: 7) ‘Subramanyaa” 1st Floor, 3rd Street Santhi Nagar,Aadambakkam Chennai 600 088 Tel: 044 – 2451853 Email: [email protected]



Automatic voltage regulators (AVR) Mr B.V.Subba Rao Addl. GM BHEL RC Puram Hyderabad AUTOMATIC VOLTAGE STABILIZER Mr Dilip Dharmasthal Managing Director Alacrity Electronics Limited “Suresh Mahal”, 12 - B Valmiki Street T Nagar Chennai 600 017 Tel: 044 - 823 6620 Fax: 044 - 825 9406 Consul Consolidated Pvt., Ltd., 4/329-A, Old Mahabalipuram Road Thiruvanmiyur Chennai 600 041 Tel: 044 – 4926651 / 2 / 3 Fax: 044- 4925754 Email: [email protected] Automation / Mr P S Sridharan Managing Director MEGATECH CONTROL PVT LTD Alsha Complex 51, 1st Main Road Gandhi Nagar Chennai 600 020 Tel: +91-44-4996733 / 5654 Fax: +91-44-4341668, 4996215 Email: [email protected] AXIAL FLOW FANS Amalgamated Indl. Composites Pvt. Ltd. Unit No.111/112 Ashok Service Industrial Estate L B S Marg, Bhandup (West) Mumbai 400 078 Tel: 022-591 3591/04565, 534 6919 Fax: 022-591 3611, 5346920 Mr V S Rajendran In charge- Engg and marketing,After market business Flakt India ltd 147, Poonamalle high road Village Numbal Chennai 600077 Tel: 044-26272023, 2216 Fax: 044-26272606 Email: [email protected] Paru Engineers Private Limited B-56, Durgabai Deshmukh Colony Hyderabad 500 007 Tel: 040 - 764 4174 Fax: 040 - 764 4174

631 Basic Refractories Mr V K Gopalakrishnan Director VRW INDUSTRIES LTD No 15, Reddy Street Virugambakkam Chennai 600 092 Tel: +91-44-4838638 / 385 Fax: +91-44-4833153 Blowers Mr R P Sood Managing Director ENCON FURNANCES PVT LTD 14/6, Mathura Road Faridabad 121 003 Tel: +91-129-274408, 275307 / 607 Fax: +91-129-276448 Mr L Chandrashekar Managing Partner MYSORE ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES No 169, Industrial Suburb II Stage P B No 5859, Peenya Post Bangalore 560 058 Tel: +91-80-8394423 Fax: +91-80-3349746 Email: [email protected] Boilers & Axuliaries Mr. Ashok Tanna Managing Director Vinosha Boilers Pvt. Ltd. And Taurus Heat Systems Baarat House, Ist Floor, 104, Apollo Street, Fort, Mumbai 400001 Tel: 022-2674590, 2676447 Fax: 022-2611515: Mr Michael H W Band Executive Director Mitsui Babcock Energy (India) Pvt Ltd 516-520, International Trade Tower Nehru Place New Delhi 110 019 Tel: +91-11-6436790, 6446118 Fax: +91-11-6489793 Email: [email protected] Krupp Industries India Ltd. V Floor, Temple Tower, 672, Anna Salai, Nandanam Chennai 600 035 Tel: (91)-(44)-4339482/4346993 Fax: 91)-(44)-4348198 Mr J P Singh Managing Director YOKOGAWA BLUE STAR LTD 40/4, Lavelle Road


Bangalore 560 001 Tel: +91-80-2271513 Fax: +91-80-2274270 Email: [email protected]

Mr Chakor L Doshi Chairman WALCHANDNAGAR INDUSTRIES LTD 3, Walchand Terraces Opp Air Conditioned Market Tardeo Mumbai 400 034 Tel: +91-22-4939498, 4934800 Fax: +91-22-4936655

Mr K C Rana Managing Director AVU ENGINEERING PVT LTD A - 15, APIE Balanagar Hyderabad 500 037 Tel: +91-40-3773235 / 2343 Fax: +91-40-3772343 / 3235 Email: [email protected] MrC S Radhakrishnan Executive Director Foster Wheeler India Pvt Prakash Presidium 110 Mahatma Gandhi Road, Nungambakkam Chennai 600 034 Tel: 91-44-822-7341 Fax: 91-44-822-7340 Email: [email protected] Mr B Pattabhiraman Managing Director GB Engineering Enterprises Pvt Ltd D - 99, Developed Plots Estate Thuvakudi Trichy 620 015 Tel: +91-431-501111 (8 lines) Fax: +91-431-500311 Email: [email protected] Mr Ranjit Puri Chairman & Mg Director INDIAN SUGAR & GENERAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION (THE) A - 4, Sector 24 Noida 201 301 Tel: +91-118-4524071 / 72 Fax: +91-118-4528630, 4529215 Email: [email protected] Mr. Cyrus Engineer Vice President Industrial Boilers Ltd. 701-C, Poonam Chambers, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400018 Tel: 022-4926629 Fax: 022-4937505



Krupp Industries India Ltd. V Floor, Temple Tower, 672, Anna Salai, Nandanam Chennai 600 035 Tel: (91)-(44)-4339482/4346993 Fax: 91)-(44)-4348198 Burners Mr S M Jain Vice President ADOR TECHNOLOGIES LTD Plot No 53, 54 & 55 F - II Block, MIDC Area, pimpri Pune 411 018 Tel: +91-20-7470225, 7476009 Fax: +91-20-7470224 / 7358 Email: [email protected] Mr B S Adishesh Wholetime Director IAEC INDUSTRIES MADRAS LTD Rajamangalam Villivakkam Chennai 600 049 Tel: +91-44-655725, 6257783 Fax: +91-44-4451537, 4995762 Email: [email protected] Calorifiers Mr. Dinesh Harjai Partner Crupp Metals Kh. No. 56/1, Mundka, Rohtak Road, New Delhi 110041 Tel: 011-5189024, 5474133 Fax: 011-5183085

Mr Prakash Kulkarni Managing Director THERMAX BABCOCK & WILCOX LTD Sagar Complex Kasarwadi Pune 411 034 Tel: +91-20-7125745 Fax: +91-20-7125533 Email: [email protected], [email protected]


Mr. Arun Gandhi Proprietor Crescent Engineering Corporation 49, H-32, Sector - 3, Rohini, New Delhi 110085 Tel: 011-7164109, 7276448 Fax: 011-7274553, 7162490

Capacitors Auric Engineering Pvt ltd 8-4-368/A Sanathnagar Hyderabad 500018 Tel: 040-3814035 Fax: 040-3811829 Email: [email protected]






List of Suppliers

Mr R G Deshpande Managing Director BC COMPONENTS INDIA PVT LTD Loni - Kalbhor, (Central Railway) Pune 412 201 Tel: +91-20-6913451, 6913285 Fax: +91-20-6913609 Email: [email protected] Shri. S K Nevatia Hind Rectifiers Ltd Lake Road Bhandup West Mumbai Tel: 22 - 564 41 22 Fax: 22 - 564 41 14 Email: [email protected] Momaya Capacitors 401, Madhav Apartments Jawahar Road, Opp. Rly. Stn. Ghatkopar (East) Mumbai 400 077 Tel: 022 - 516 2899/ 1005/ 0745 Fax: 022 - 516 0758 Shakti Capacitors Pvt Ltd Plot No 104/105 PB No 176 Industrial Estate Sangli 416 416 Tel: 91-233-310-915 Fax: 91-233-310-984 Email: [email protected]

CERAMIC COATING RAVI Thermal Engineers Pvt. Ltd. No.11, 4th Cross, Central Excise Layout Vijaynagar Bangalore 560 047 Tel: 080 - 330 5794 Fax: 080 - 330 3964

Mr. S. Jayaraman Sr. General Manager-Mktg. Kapsales Electricals Limited Khatau House, Plot No. 410-411, Mogul Lane, Mahim, Mumbai 400016 Tel: 022-4461975, 4450050 Fax: 022-4450016 Centrifugal & axial fans Mr J B Kamdar Chief Executive NADI AIRTECHNICS 26, G N T Road Erukkenchery Chennai 600 118 Tel: +91-44-5570264 / 771 Fax: +91-44-5371149 Email: [email protected]


CERAMIC FIBRE Minwool Rock Fibres Limited 204, Kings Apartments Juhu Tara Road Juhu Mumbai 400 049 Tel: 022-6154809 Fax: 022-6178921 Ceramic Fibre products Mr.Mahesh Chavda Sales Manager Murugappa Morgan Thermal Ceramics Ltd Tiam House-Annexe Building’-3rd Floor No.28 Rajaji Salai, Chennai-600001 Tel: 044-5224897,5272781 Fax: 044-5213709,5227093 Email: [email protected] CFL Mr Vinay Mahendru A-39, Hosiery Complex Indo Asian fuse gear ltd phase II extn Noida-201305 Tel: 0120-2568471, 2568093-98 Fax: 0120-2568473 Email: [email protected]

Mr A P Gokhale Director Autowin systems povt ltd Plot no 2, Vedant Nagari Karve nagar Pune-411052 Tel: 020-5431052, 5423358 Fax: 020-5467041 Email: [email protected]


Centrifugal Pumps Mr BSS Rao/rajiv Sr General manager Beacon Weir ltd no 28, Industrial estate Ambattur chennai-600098 Tel: 044-6250739 Email: [email protected] Mr P U K Menon Executive Director MATHER & PLATT INDIA LTD P B No 7 Chinchwad Pune 411 019 Tel: +91-20-7476196 to 98, 7477434 (D) Fax: +91-20-7462519 Email: [email protected]

Chillers Harshlal Suragne Er-Marketing Kirloskar Mcquay pvt ltd PB No 1239,Hadapsar industrial estate pune 411013




Tel: 020 6821502,03-06 Fax: 020-6821509 Email: [email protected] CLEATED BELT CONVEYOR Kraft Engg. & Projects Ltd 189, Arcot Road, Vadapalani Chennai 600 026 Tel: 044 - 484 5811 Fax: 044 - 484 7838 coalesor Siemag Hi tech filters R k Industry house Walbhat Road Goregaon (E) Mumbai 400 063 Tel: 022-26851885, 3231 Fax: 022-26851048 Email: [email protected] cogeneration power plants based on waste heat Mr Pinaki Bhadury Senior Manager Thermax Limited Cogen Division Sai Chambers, 15 Mumbai-Pune Road Wakdewadi Pune 411003 Tel: 020-205511010 Fax: 020-205511042 COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEM MAINTENANCE Orchid Energy Systems 1141 – B, Trichy Road Coimbatore 641 045 Tel: 0422 – 318389 Fax: 0422 – 312073 Compressed air systems Mr K.S. Natarajan Managing Director Trident Pneumatics Pvt Ltd. 5/232, K.N.G. Pudur Road Somayampalayam Post Coimbatore 641 108 Tel: 0422 2400492 Fax: 0422 2401376 Email: [email protected]

Condenser Mr M Sreenivasan Chief Executive SUPER ENGINEERING COMPANY B - 1, Industrial Estate Ariamangalam Trichy 620 010 Tel: +91-431-441131 Fax: +91-431-441366 Cooling Tower

633 Mr Raviselvan Managing Director Gem Cooling Towers Private Limited SF. No. 100/A Arasur Coimbatore 641407 Tel: 0422-887059/880129 Fax: 0422-888247 Mr Vikram Swarup Managing Director Paharpur Cooling Towers Ltd. Paharpur House 8/1/B Diamond Harbour Road Kolkata 700027 Tel: 91-33-24792050 Fax: 91-33-24792188 Email: [email protected] Mr S Bansal Chief Executive Paltech Cooling Towers & Equipments Ltd. A-502 & 601 ANSAL CHAMBER - I BHIKAJI CAMA PLACE NEW DELHI 110066 Tel: 011-6108114 / 6174250 Fax: 91-11-6174250 Mr Pankaj Bhargava Managing Director Parag Fans & Cooling Systems Limited Plot no. 1/2b & 1b/3a Industrial Area no. 1 A.B. road Dewas 455 001 Tel: 07272-58135 / 58131 Fax: 91 - 7272 - 30273, 58850 Email: [email protected] Cooling Tower water treatment Hercules Speciality Chemicals Ltd 5TH FLOOR, VAYUDNOOTH CHAMBERS 15/16, MAHATMA GANDHI ROAD BANGALORE 560001

Tel: +91-11-7535566 to 68, 525632, 522983, 528510 Fax: +91-11-7516598, 528510

Jaipur 302013 Tel: 0141-2331542,5061909 Fax: 0141-2331543 Email: [email protected]

Mr Girish Mohan Director TIMKEN SERVICES PVT LTD 725, Udyog Vihar Phase V Gurgaon 122 016 Tel: +91-124-347725 / 6, 342840 Fax: +91-124-342320, 348086

Nalco chemicals india ltd 20/A Park Street KOLKATA 700 016 Tel: 033-2172494 Fax: 033-2171709 DC DRIVES Siemens Ltd. Motors, Drives & UPS Division Sector - 11, Plot 11 Kharghar Mode Navi Mumbai 410 208 Tel: 022 – 757 7030/ 31/ 32 Fax: 022 – 757 7106:

Mr K C Dhingra Managing Director WESTERN INDIA MACHINERY CO PVT LTD Park Plaza North Block, 6E, 6th Floor 71, Park Street Kolkata 700 016 Tel: +91-33-2468913 / 9674 Fax: +91-33-2468914

DC DRIVES Larsen & Toubro Ltd Control & Automation Section 10, Club House Road Anna Salai Chennai 600 002 Tel: 044 – 852 2141 Fax: 044 – 852 0769

Mr Sumit Mazumder Managing Director TIL LTD 1, Taratolla Road Garden Reach Kolkata 700 024 Tel: +91-33-4693732 to 36, 4696497 to 99 Fax: +91-33-4692143 / 3731 Email: [email protected]

DG sets Mr Mohan M Gujrar Managing Director Gurjar Power Engineers Pvt ltd no 18, Ist Floor,Corporation Building Residency Road Bangalore-560025 Tel: 080-2216416, 7469 Fax: 022-2216416 Email: [email protected]

Mr Anand Kothaneth General Manager BATLIBOI ENGINEERS PVT LTD 99/2 & 99/3, N R Road Bangalore 560 002 Tel: +91-80-2235061 to 63 Fax: +91-80-2235085 Email: [email protected]

Powerica Limited 115 Mittal Court B-Wing Nariman Point Mumbai 400021 Tel: 022-2825949 Fax: 91-22-22043782

Cooling water Systems Mr M Amjad Shariff Director Shriram Epc Ltd No 9 Vanagaram Road, Ayanambakkam Chennai 602 102 Tel: 6533109/3313/1592 Fax: 653 2780/826 2416 Email: [email protected]

Mr Pradeep Mallick Managing Director WARTSILA INDIA LTD 76, Free Press House Nariman Point Mumbai 400 021 Tel: +91-22-2815601 / 5598, 28175995 / 5601 Fax: +91-22-2842083 Email: [email protected]

Cooling water treatment chemicals Mr JayantRajvanshi Director Aqua Chemicals B-237A Road No. 6D V.K.I.Area

Mr D R Dhingra Managing Director CONTINENTAL GENERATORS PVT LTD 3869, Behind Primary School G B Road Delhi 110 006






Diffuser Siemag Hi tech filters R k Industry house Walbhat Road Goregaon (E) Mumbai 400 063 Tel: 022-26851885, 3231 Fax: 022-26851048 Email: [email protected] Dryers Mr A D Parekh General Manager HDO PROCESS EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS LTD 5/1/2, GIDC Industrial Estate Vatva Ahmedabad 382 445 Tel: +91-79-5830591 to 94 Fax: +91-79-5833286 Email: [email protected]





List of Suppliers

ECONOMISERS Megatherm Engineers & Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 10, Kodambakkam High Road Chennai 600 034 Tel: 044 - 823 3528/ 3707 Fax: 044 - 825 8559 Mr B P Deboo Managing Partner ALBAJ ENGINEERING CORPORATION 340, Clover Centre Moledina Road Pune 411 001 Tel: +91-20-6131511, 6133018, 6121542 Fax: +91-20-6137255 Email: [email protected] Eddy current control systems Dr. M. J. Davis Executive Director Eddy Current Controls (India) Limited Eddypuram, Chalakudy, District Thrissur Thrissur 680722 Tel: 0488-842882/716/698 Fax: 0488-842716 Efficiency enhancement coating for pumps Mr G V Muralidhara SBU Head(Anti Corrosion Products Division) Kirloskar Brothers Limited 408/15, Chintan Mukundnagar Pune-411037 Tel: 020-4402137 Email: [email protected] Electric motors Mr Rahul N Amin Chairman & Mg Director JYOTI LTD Industrial Area P O Chemical Industries Vadodara 390 003 Tel: +91-265-380633, 380627 Fax: +91-265-380671, 381871 Email: [email protected]


Mr V Ramaraj Managing Partner OPAL NO 5, rajeswari street Mehta nagar chennai 600029 Tel: 044-23742036 / 1218 Fax: 044-23742036 / 1218 Email: [email protected] Mr. K. G. Madhu Managing Director Ammini Energy System Pvt. Ltd. Industrial Estate, Pappanamcode, Trivandrum 695019 Tel: 0471-490508 Fax: 0471-490832 Email: [email protected] Mr.P.S.Sasidharan Managing Director Pamba Electronic Systems Pvt Ltd. 1/40A, Pamba House, Kureekkad P.O Thiruvankulam Ernakulam-682 305 Tel: 0484-711129,712721 Fax: 0484-711398 Email: [email protected] Electronic energy meters Mr I C Agarwal Chairman & Mg Director GENUS OVERSEAS ELECTRONICS LTD SPL - 3, RIICO Industrial Area Tonk Road Sitapura Jaipur 302 022 Tel: +91-141-580003 / 4 / 9 Fax: +91-141-580319 Email: [email protected]

Electrical Measuring Instruments Mr R R Dhoot Chairman IMP POWER LTD Advent, 7th Floor 12 - A, General J Bhosale Marg Nariman Point Mumbai 400 021 Tel: +91-22-2021890 / 886 / 697 Fax: +91-22-2026775 Email: [email protected]


Electronic ballasts Mr Shantilal patel Propreitor Nishan Power converters Krishna Vijay saw mill compound Opp S T stand, Agra Road Bhivandi-421302 Tel: 91-2522-257201 Fax: 91-2522-222032 Email: [email protected]

Energy Efficiency & ESCO Services Mr R B Sinha Chief Executive Energy Audit Services 1116 Sector No 17 Faridabad -121 002 Tel: 0129 - 2282132/2284125/2224504 Fax: 0129 2262576 Email: [email protected]




Energy efficient coolers for cement Industry MR. PRADEEP KAPOOR Director Fuller India ltd J-11, IIND FLOOR, REAR FLAT, SAKET NEW DELHI 110017 Mr Madhusudan Rasiraju I K N engineering India pvt ltd Three star Business Centre A14 A, II nd Avenue Anna Nagar Chennai 600102 Tel: 044-26218994,6210960 Fax: 044-26284567,0439 Email: [email protected] Energy efficient drying system Mukesh Shah Director Mecord Systems and Services (P) Ltd. 314 Hill View Industrial Estate Ghatkopar West Mumbai 400086 Tel: (022)-5008604 Fax: (022)-5007560 Energy Efficient Induction Motors Mr. Sanjeev Gupta Proprietor Oxford Engineering Industries G-27, East Gokalpur, Loni Road, New Delhi 110094 Tel: 011-2280434, 2299979 Fax: 011-2293370 Energy efficient lighting systems Mr R Nandakishore Sr General Manager Marketing Philips India Ltd Motorola excellence centre, 5th floor 415/2, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road, Sector 14, Gurgaon-122001 Tel: 0124-8991980 Fax: 0124-8991993 Email: [email protected] ENERGY EFFICIENT MOTORS Asea Brown Boveri ltd Plot No 5 & 6, II Phase Peenya Industrial Area P B no 5806, Peenya Bangalore 560058 Tel: 080-8370416 / 8394734 extn 2322 / 6691375 Fax: 080-8399178 / 8396537 Mr N J Danani Vice Chairman & Mg Director BHARAT BIJLEE LTD

635 Central Marketing Office (Motor) P O Box 100 Kalwe, Thane Belapur Road Mumbai 400 601 Tel: +91-215-7691656 Fax: +91-215-7691401 / 2: Crompton Greaves Limited CG Industrial Systems ETD Building, 2nd Floor Kanjur Marg (E) Mumbai 400 042 Tel: 022-5782451 Extn 8956/ 5795688 Fax: 022-5789169 Energy efficient Pumps Mr G Rajendran Managing Director C.R.I. Pumps (PVT) Limited Athipalayam Road, Chinnavedampatti Coimbatore 641 006 Tel: (422) 867051 /2/6395 Mr N K Ranganath Chief Executive Grundfos Pumps India Pvt Ltd Ground floor Chamiers apartment 119/121, Chamiers road Chennai 600028 Tel: 044-4323487 / 4357065 Fax: 044-4323489 Mr N C Tiwari Assistant General Manager, Product Development & Mangement Kirloskar Brothers Limited Ujjain Road Dewas-455001 Tel: 07272-27315 Fax: 07272-27347 Email: [email protected] Energy management & Control systems Mr Lalit Seth Chief Executive HPL-SOCOMEC PVT LTD Atma Ram Mansion, 2nd Floor 1/21, Asaf Ali Road New Delhi 110 002 Tel: +91-11-3236811 / 4811 Fax: +91-11-3232639 Email: [email protected] CMS ENERGY Management systems W 324, Rabale MIDC Mumbai 400701 Tel: 91-022-27696720,86 Fax: 91-022-27694585 Energy meters Mr Qimat Rai Gupta Chairman & Mg Director HAVELL‘S INDIA LTD


1, Raj Narain Marg Civil Lines Delhi 110 054 Tel: +91-11-3935237 to 40, 2944469 to 72, 3981101 to 05 Fax: +91-11-3921500, 3981100 Email: [email protected]

Energy Saving Lighting Systems. Mr. Praveen Kumar Sood Managing Director Linear Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. K-37, Green Park, Main Basement, New Delhi 110016 Tel: 011-6854395, 6854946 Fax: 011-6854057

Mr Lalit Seth Chief Executive HPL-SOCOMEC PVT LTD Atma Ram Mansion, 2nd Floor 1/21, Asaf Ali Road New Delhi 110 002 Tel: +91-11-3236811 / 4811 Fax: +91-11-3232639 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Ajit R. Shah Managing Director Eurolight Electricals Limited 20,Sadashiv Peth, Rahi Chambers, L B S Road, Pune 411030 Tel: 0212-531287, 534128 Fax: 0212-532787 Email: yantra @

Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV), Mr. Rajnish Joshi Exe. Vice President Arctic India Engineering Pvt. Ltd. 20, Rajpur Road, New Delhi 110054 Tel: 011-2912800 Fax: 011-2915127, 2521754 Email: [email protected]

Energy Services Consultancy Mr P S Sankaranayaran Director Avant Garde Engineers & Consultants (p) Ltd. 68A Porur Kundarathur High road Porur Chennai 600 116 Tel: 044-4828717,18,19,22 Fax: 91-44-4828531 Email: [email protected]

Energy saver for air conditioners Dr V K Koshy Chairman & Mg Director BHARAT ELECTRONICS LTD Shankaranarayan Building, 2nd Floor 25, M G Road Bangalore 560 001 Tel: +91-80-5595729 Fax: +91-80-5584911 Email: [email protected]

ESCO Mr B S Punia Jr Vice President DCM Shriram Consolidated Ltd 5th floor,Kanchenjunga Building 18,Barakhamba Road New Delhi-110001 Tel: 011-3316801 Fax: 011-3318261 Email: [email protected]

Energy saver for Lighting Mr R Sekar Chairman & Managing Director ES Electronics (India) Pvt Ltd 438,4th Main Road Nagendra Block,B.S.K.I Stage, Bangalore 560050 Tel: 080-6727836 / 8761 CLIPSAL Lighting India (P) Ltd Bajaj Niwas OpP. C.K.P. Club, 712 , Linking Road, Khar (W) Mumbai Tel: 022-6046483 energy savers for AC Induction motors Santronix india pvt ltd unit no 12 Electronic sadan III MIDC, Bhosari Pune 411026 Tel: 020-7122758 Fax: 020-7129518 Email: [email protected]





Mr Nalin Kanshal Business Director Elpro energy Dimensions Pvt ltd 6,7,8 IV N Block Dr RajKumar Road, Rajaji Nagar entrance Bangalore-560010 Tel: 080-3122676,3123238,3132035,3132036 Fax: 080-3487396 Email: [email protected] EVAPORATIVE CONDENSERS Baltimore Aircoil Company Inc. 122, Hema Industrial Estate Sarvodaya Nagar Jogeshwari (E) Mumbai 400 060 Tel: 824 5714 Fax: 824 5713 Email: [email protected]





List of Suppliers Systems & Components (India) Private Limited 110, Gautam Udyog Bhavan L.B.S Marg, Bhandup (West) Mumbai 400 078 Tel: 022-564 0166-67 Fax: 022-564 5896 Email: [email protected]

SULZER INDIA LTD Sulzer House Baner Road, Aundh Pune 411 007 Tel: +91-20-5888991 / 98 Fax: +91-20-5886393 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Arun Gandhi Proprietor Crescent Engineering Corporation 49, H-32, Sector - 3, Rohini, New Delhi 110085 Tel: 011-7164109, 7276448 Fax: 011-7274553, 7162490

Evaporative Cooling Pad (ECP) and Control Panel heat Extractor Mr. Rajnish Joshi Exe. Vice President Arctic India Engineering Pvt. Ltd. 20, Rajpur Road, New Delhi 110054 Tel: 011-2912800 Fax: 011-2915127, 2521754 Email: [email protected]

Aerotherm Systems Pvt Ltd Plot no 1517 Phase III GIDC Vatwa Aheemedabad 382445 Tel: 079-5890158 Fax: 079-5834987 Email: [email protected]

Mr Vilas H Patil Managing Director DYNAMIC FURNACES PVT LTD 65, Universal Industrial Estate I B Patel Road Goregaon (E) Mumbai 400 063 Tel: +91-22-8733516, 8746138 Fax: +91-22-8733021 Email: [email protected]

Fans Mr Saroj Poddar Chairman ALSTOM LTD 14th Floor, Pragati Devika Tower 6, Nehru Place New Delhi 110 019 Tel: +91-11-6449906, 6449907, 6449902 / 3 Fax: +91-11-6449447 Mr A M Naik Mg Director & CEO LARSEN & TOUBRO LTD L & T House Ballard Estate Mumbai 400 001 Tel: +91-22-2618181 Fax: +91-22-2620223, 2610396, 2622285 Email: [email protected] filters for Air Compressors Mr. Sanjay Joshi Managing Director Domnick Hunter India Pvt Limited B-214, ANSAL CHAMBER-I 3, BHIKAIJI CAMA PLACE NEW DELHI 110066 Tel: 11 61 92172 Fax: 011-6185279

Encon (India) 2 - B/17, Shivkripa N C Kelkar Road Dadar (West) Mumbai 400 028 Tel: 022 - 437 2949, 4306578 Fax: 022 - 431 0992, 4321929

Mr Mithu S Malaney Chairman & Mg Director VULCAN ENGINEERS LTD 427, Unique Industrial Estate Off Veer Savarkar Marg Prabhadevi Mumbai 400 025 Tel: +91-22-4304529 / 3671 Fax: +91-22-4225814 Email: [email protected]

Fluid Bed Dryer Mr Subodh S Nadkarni President & CEO


FRP BLADES Amalgamated Indl. Composites Pvt. Ltd. Unit No.111/112 Ashok Service Industrial Estate L B S Marg, Bhandup (West) Mumbai 400 078 Tel: 022-591 3591/04565, 534 6919 Fax: 022-591 3611, 5346920

Furnace Mr Saroj Poddar Chairman ALSTOM LTD 14th Floor, Pragati Devika Tower 6, Nehru Place New Delhi 110 019 Tel: +91-11-6449906, 6449907, 6449902 / 3 Fax: +91-11-6449447

Flue Gas Analysers Mr T V Krishnamurthy Chief Executive Marvel Engineering company 28,Deivasigamani road Roypettah Chennai-600014 Tel: 044-8110582,2297 Fax: 044-8117559 Email: [email protected]


Mr K C Patel General Manager Gujarat Perfect Engineering Ltd 301, Shailja Complex II, Akota Road Vadodara 390 020 Tel: +91-265-334861, 645786 Fax: +91-265-646880 Email: [email protected]




Mr R P Sood Managing Director ENCON FURNANCES PVT LTD 14/6, Mathura Road Faridabad 121 003 Tel: +91-129-274408, 275307 / 607 Fax: +91-129-276448 Mr C P Maheshwari Managing Director HC GIDDINGS PVT LTD 3, Chittaranjan Avenue Kolkata 700 013 Tel: +91-33-272820, 261740 Fax: +91-33-2372820, 2361740 Mr M Gopal Managing Director HIGHTEMP FURNACES LTD I - C, Phase II P B No 5809 Peenya Industrial Area Bangalore 560 058 Tel: +91-80-8395917 / 4076 / 1446 Fax: +91-80-8397798 / 2661 Email: [email protected] Mr M K Sen Managing Director INCORPORATED ENGINEERS LTD D - 400, Gayatri MIDC, Uran Phata Nerul Navi Mumbai 400 706 Tel: +91-22-7619352, 7619366 Fax: +91-22-7619368 Email: [email protected] Mr N Gopinath Managing Director FLUIDTHERM TECHNOLOGY PVT LTD SP - 132, III Main Road Ambattur Industrial Estate Chennai 600 058

637 Tel: +91-44-6357390, 6357391 Fax: +91-44-6257632 Email: [email protected] generators and boilers Mr K G Ramachandran Chairman & Mg Director BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LTD BHEL House Siri Fort New Delhi 110 049 Tel: +91-11-6001010 Fax: +91-11-6493021, 6492534 Mr Praveen Sachdev Mg Director & CEO GREAVES LTD 1, Dr V B Gandhi Marg P O Box 91 Mumbai 400 001 Tel: +91-22-2671524 / 4913 Fax: +91-22-2677850, 2652853 Harmoic analyser Neptune India ltd Neptune house C 270 SFS Sheikh sarai Phase I New delhi 110017 Tel: 011-6013367-70 Fax: 011-6013371 Email: [email protected] Mr Dilip Dharmasthal Managing Director Alacrity Electronics Limited “Suresh Mahal”, 12 - B Valmiki Street T Nagar Chennai 600 017 Tel: 044 - 823 6620 Fax: 044 - 825 9406 Avante Global services 225, Prakash Mohalla East of Kailash, New Delhi 110065 Tel: 011-26233259,26443097 Email: [email protected] Mr. P Anil Kumar Managing Director TOWLER ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS PVT.LTD HARMAN HOUSE 482, 80 FT ROAD, GANGANAGAR BANGALORE 160032 Tel: 080-3530033-36,3432289 Fax: 080-3431548 Mr Lalit Kumar Pahwa Managing Director HARMAN INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES LTD


Harman House 482, 80 FT Road Ganganagar Bangalore 560 032 Tel: +91-80-3530036 / 37 Fax: +91-80-3431548 Email: [email protected]

Fax: +91-0866-545860 Mr Ajit Singh Chief Executive Officer AIRFRIGE INDUSTRIES 10/65, Kirti Nagar Industrial Area New Delhi 110 015 Tel: +91-11-5931909 / 72, 5162118 / 19 Fax: +91-11-5436781 Email: [email protected]

harmonic filters Power Linkers 122,Nahar & seth estate chakala Mumbai 400099 Tel: 022-28325565, 28371902 Fax: 022-28386025 Email: [email protected] Mr. R. K. Iyer Vice President Saha Sprague Limited No.805, North Rear Wing, 8th Floor, Manipal Centre 47, Dickenson Road, Bangalore 560042 Tel: 080-5595463, 5595266 Fax: 080-5595463 Harmonic measurement and analysis Power Linkers 122,Nahar & seth estate chakala Mumbai 400099 Tel: 022-28325565, 28371902 Fax: 022-28386025 Email: [email protected]

Er Ashok Kumar Gupta Chairman CRANE-BEL INTERNATIONAL Dev - Satya Bhavan C - 23, Lohia Nagar Ghaziabad 201 001 Tel: +91-120-4722994, 4716883, 4713281/82 Fax: +91-120-4712709, 4722995 Email: [email protected]

Heat exchanger Mr M Sreenivasan Chief Executive SUPER ENGINEERING COMPANY B - 1, Industrial Estate Ariamangalam Trichy 620 010 Tel: +91-431-441131 Fax: +91-431-441366

Mr. Dinesh Harjai Partner Crupp Metals Kh. No. 56/1, Mundka, Rohtak Road, New Delhi 110041 Tel: 011-5189024, 5474133 Fax: 011-5183085

Mr Mohammed Meeran Proprietor AASIA RADIATORS P S C Bose Road Jawahar Autonagar Vijayawada 520 007 Tel: +91-0866-543881


Mr Deepak Singh Executive Director BUILDWORTH PVT LTD G S Road Dispur Guwahati 781 005 Tel: +91-361-560354 Fax: +91-361-561411 Email: [email protected] Mr Sucha Singh Managing Director COIL COMPANY PVT LTD A - 21/24, Naraina Industrial Area New Delhi 110 028 Tel: +91-11-5701967 / 1968 / 9127 Fax: +91-11-5709126 Email: [email protected]

Harmonic utility Equipments Mr Parag J Pandya CEO Amtech Electronics India ltd E - 6 GIDC Electronics Zone Gandhi Nagar Gandhi Nagar 382 028 Tel: 079 - 3225324/3227294/3227304 Fax: 079 - 3224611 Email: [email protected]


Mr B P Deboo Managing Partner ALBAJ ENGINEERING CORPORATION 340, Clover Centre Moledina Road Pune 411 001 Tel: +91-20-6131511, 6133018, 6121542 Fax: +91-20-6137255 Email: [email protected]

Mr. A. Bhasker Reddy Managing Partner Enfab C-2, Shanthi Nivas, Mettuguda,







List of Suppliers Secunderabad 500017 Tel: 040-823073, 830010 Fax: 040-823073, 830010 Email: enfabs @ Mr B Pattabhiraman Managing Director GB Engineering Enterprises Pvt Ltd D - 99, Developed Plots Estate Thuvakudi Trichy 620 015 Tel: +91-431-501111 (8 lines) Fax: +91-431-500311 Email: [email protected] Mr K C Patel General Manager GUJARAT PERFECT ENGINEERING LTD 301, Shailja Complex II Akota Road Vadodara 390 020 Tel: +91-265-334861, 645786 Fax: +91-265-646880 Email: [email protected] Mr C P Maheshwari Managing Director HC GIDDINGS PVT LTD 3, Chittaranjan Avenue Kolkata 700 013 Tel: +91-33-272820, 261740 Fax: +91-33-2372820, 2361740

Email: [email protected] Mr Ranjit Puri Chairman & Mg Director INDIAN SUGAR & GENERAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION (THE) A - 4, Sector 24 Noida 201 301 Tel: +91-118-4524071 / 72 Fax: +91-118-4528630, 4529215, 4542072 Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected] Mr Chakor L Doshi Chairman WALCHANDNAGAR INDUSTRIES LTD 3, Walchand Terraces Opp Air Conditioned Market Tardeo Mumbai 400 034 Tel: +91-22-4939498, 4934800 Fax: +91-22-4936655

Mr P V Rao Managing Partner INDIRA INDUSTRIAL WORKS 1 - 528, Lankalapalem P O Visakhapatnam 531 021 Tel: +91-891-29461 / 53 Fax: +91-891-29461 Email:

Mr Pashupati Nath Kapoor Partner KASHI INDUSTRIES 16/80, B 1 Civil Lines Kanpur 208 001 Tel: +91-512-311395, 319074 Fax: +91-512-319074

Mr S V Mehta Chairman & Director INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY MANUFACTURERS PVT LTD 3607 - 3609, GIDC Estate Phase IV Vatva Ahmedabad 382 445 Tel: +91-79-5831152 / 1449 Fax: +91-79-5832216 Email: [email protected]

Mr Roy Eapen Proprietor HEAT TRANSFER DEVELOPMENT 84 - C, Jeevan Complex 5th Cross, 100 Feet Road Gandhipuram Coimbatore 641 012 Tel: +91-422-858271 / 2 Fax: +91-422-447341

Mr A D Parekh General Manager HDO PROCESS EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS LTD 5/1/2, GIDC Industrial Estate Vatva Ahmedabad 382 445 Tel: +91-79-5830591 to 94 Fax: +91-79-5833286 Email: [email protected]

Mr L Chandrashekar Managing Partner MYSORE ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES No 169, Industrial Suburb II Stage P B No 5859, Peenya Post Bangalore 560 058 Tel: +91-80-8394423 Fax: +91-80-3349746 Email: [email protected]

Mr B S Adishesh Wholetime Director IAEC INDUSTRIES MADRAS LTD Rajamangalam Villivakkam Chennai 600 049 Tel: +91-44-655725, 6257783 Fax: +91-44-4451537, 4995762 Email: [email protected]

Mr V David Selvaraj Vice President (Operations) PARANI STEELS PVT LTD AL - 84, 4th Street 11th Main Road Anna Nagar Chennai 600 040 Tel: +91-44-6286285 / 2246 / 2247 Fax: +91-44-6211265

Mr M K Sen Managing Director INCORPORATED ENGINEERS LTD D - 400, Gayatri MIDC, Uran Phata Nerul Navi Mumbai 400 706 Tel: +91-22-7619352, 7619366 Fax: +91-22-7619368

Mr Ramesh Wadhwani Managing Director UNITOP ENGINEERS PVT LTD 78/1, GIDC Industrial Estate P O Box No 761 Makarpura Vadodara 390 010 Tel: +91-265-642161 / 62 Fax: +91-265-644698






Mr J Peter Arokiam Managing Director MANIKAM RADIATORS PVT LTD 11/275 - B, Subramaniapalayam K N G Pundur Road G N Mills Post Coimbatore 641 029 Tel: +91-422-843311 / 12 Fax: +91-422-843311 Email: [email protected] Heat recovery boilers Mr K G Ramachandran Chairman & Mg Director BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LTD BHEL House Siri Fort New Delhi 110 049 Tel: +91-11-6001010 Fax: +91-11-6493021, 6492534 Heat Recovery Wheel (HRW) Mr. Rajnish Joshi Exe. Vice President Arctic India Engineering Pvt. Ltd. 20, Rajpur Road, New Delhi 110054 Tel: 011-2912800 Fax: 011-2915127, 2521754 Email: [email protected]


Heat Treatment furnances Mr R N Bakshi Managing Director UNITHERM ENGINEERS LTD 101, Laxmi Market, 1st Floor Vartak Nagar Junction, Pokhran Road No 1 Mumbai 400 606 Tel: +91-22-5406131, 5371654, 5371655 Fax: +91-22-5406569 Email: [email protected] Mr. S. R. Babbar Partner Wellmake Engineering Company A-28,Mangolpuri Indl. Area, Phase-II, New Delhi 110034 Tel: 011-7018199, 7025409 Fax: 011-7019330 High alumina refractories Mr V K Gopalakrishnan Director VRW INDUSTRIES LTD No 15, Reddy Street Virugambakkam Chennai 600 092 Tel: +91-44-4838638 / 385 Fax: +91-44-4833153 High Efficiency Electric Motors Mr. Liakat Ali Proprietor Premier Electric Company Plot No.7, 12/2 Mathura Road, Faridabad 121002 Tel: 0129-270858, 274311 Fax: 0129-270858 High Efficiency Electric Transformers Mr. Liakat Ali Proprietor Premier Electric Company Plot No.7, 12/2 Mathura Road, Faridabad 121002 Tel: 0129-270858, 274311 Fax: 0129-270858 Mr. T. V. Joseph General Manager Transformers and Electricals Kerela Ltd.(TELK) Angamaly P.O. 683573, Angamaly 683573 Tel: 04856-452251 Fax: 04856-452873 High efficiency power distribution & special Transformers. Mr. Nitin Nayak Director


El -Tra Equipment Company (India) Pvt. Ltd. 11th Mile, Old Madras Road, Avalahalli, P.O. Virgonagar, Bangalore 560049 Tel: 080-8510652, 8472229 Fax: 080-8510652 Email: [email protected] High Efficiency Pumps Sulzer Pumps India Ltd No.9, MIDC, Thane Belapur Road Dingha, Navi Mumbai 400 708 Tel: +91 22 790 4321 Fax: +91 22 790 4306 Email: [email protected] Mr Andre Schmitz

HVAC Mr. Sandeep Saxena Manager Capital Enterprise 36 Industrial Estate MLN Regional Engineering College Allahabad 211002 Tel: 545362 Fax: 461775 Email: [email protected]

HOC Driers Managing Director ATLAS COPCO (INDIA) LTD Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Building Netaji Subhas Road Mumbai 400 002 Tel: +91-22-796416 / 17 Fax: +91-22-797928 Email: [email protected]

incinerators Mr S M Jain Vice President ADOR TECHNOLOGIES LTD Plot No 53, 54 & 55 F - II Block, MIDC Area, pimpri Pune 411 018 Tel: +91-20-7470225, 7476009 Fax: +91-20-7470224 / 7358 Email: [email protected]

Mellcon Engineering Pvt Limited B-297, Okhla Industrial Area Phase-1 New Delhi 110 020 Tel: 011 – 6811727 / 6816103 Fax: 011 – 6816573 / 6819151

Mr U V Rao Director ALLIED CONSULTING ENGINEERS PVT LTD Allied House Road No 1, chembur Mumbai 400 071 Tel: +91-22-5284028 Fax: +91-22-5283805 Email: [email protected]

MVS Engineering Limited MVS House, E-24 East of Kailash New Delhi 110 065 Tel: 011 - 6431908, 6436869 Fax: 011 - 6464994 Email: E-mail: [email protected] Puriflair India 22, GIDC Estate P.B 790, Makarpura Vadora 390 010 Tel: 0265 – 642487 / 645248 Fax: 0265 – 644070 HT capacitors, Furnace duty capacitors Mr. M.D. Killedar Manager (Works) Goa Capacitors Pvt. Ltd. 14, Corlim Industrial Estate, Corlim, Ilhas, Panaji 403110 Tel: 0832-286176/240 Fax: 0832-286203 Humidifiers Mr S V Mehta Chairman & Director




INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY MANUFACTURERS PVT LTD 3607 - 3609, GIDC Estate Phase IV Vatva Ahmedabad 382 445 Tel: +91-79-5831152 / 1449 Fax: +91-79-5832216 Email: [email protected]


Mr M K Sen Managing Director INCORPORATED ENGINEERS LTD D - 400, Gayatri MIDC, Uran Phata Nerul Navi Mumbai 400 706 Tel: +91-22-7619352, 7619366 Fax: +91-22-7619368 Email: [email protected] Induction heaters Inventum engineering company P O box 9435 Andheri (E) Mumbai 400093 Tel: 022-26730499/ 590 Fax: 022-26730887 Email: [email protected]





List of Suppliers

Industrial Ceramics Mr N Anjiah Managing Partner Annapurna Annapurna Technical ceramics 21-118 Kakani Nagar Vaisag 534007 Tel: code-507659: Email: [email protected] Industrial fans& blowers Mr Arindom Mukherjee Chairman & Mg Director ANDREW YULE & CO LTD Yule House, 8, Dr Rajendra Prasad Sarani Kolkata 700 001 Tel: +91-33-2422796 / 8210 Fax: +91-33-2434721 Email: [email protected] Industrial furnaces Mr U V Rao Director Allied Consulting Engineers Pvt Ltd Allied House Road No 1, chembur Mumbai 400 071 Tel: +91-22-5284028 Fax: +91-22-5283805 Email: [email protected]

Tel: +91-61-502508, 503898 Fax: +91-61-503898 Email: [email protected] Aero therm systems pvt ltd Plot no 1517 Phase III GIDC Vatwa Aheemedabad 382445 Tel: 079-5890158 Fax: 079-5834987 Email: [email protected] Instrumentation control systems Mr P S Kumar Managing Director ABB INSTRUMENTATION LTD 14, Delhi Mathura Road P O Amarnagar Faridabad 121 003 Tel: +91-0129-5275592 / 3 / 7, 5276350 / 54 / 62 / 67 Fax: +91-0129-5275019 / 466 Email: [email protected] Mr M L Anand Chairman ANAND CONTROL SYSTEMS PVT LTD D - 67/68, Sector VI Noida 201 301 Tel: +91-118-4537395, 4554627 Fax: +91-118-4533782 Email: [email protected]

Mr Anup Dasgupta Director FIRE GASES & KILN (INDIA) PVT LTD 156, Jodhpur Park Kolkata 700 068 Tel: +91-33-4730164 / 1289, 4728391 / 2 Fax: +91-33-4731540

Fisher Rosemount (India) Limited D Wing, 2nd Floor Modern Mills Compound Mahalaxmi Mumbai 400 011 Tel: 91 22) 462 0462 Fax: (91 22) 462 0500

Mr S L Mathur Managing Director STEIN HEURTEY INDIA PROJECTS PVT LTD 8/1, Middleton Row Kolkata 700 071 Tel: +91-33-2260194, 2457484 / 89 Fax: +91-33-2443636, 2476655 Email: [email protected]

Libratherm Instruments 402, Diamond Industrial Estate Ketki pada Road Dahisar East Mumbai 400068 Tel: 022-28960659 Fax: 022-28963823 Email: [email protected] Mr. Prem Dua Director Puneet Industrial Controls Pvt. Ltd. 45 Community Centre, East of Kailash, New Delhi 110065 Tel: 011-6423328, 6419479 Fax: 011-6423328

Mr N M Sudharshan Chief Operating Officer ELECTROTECHNIK “B” Wing, 9th Floor Parsn Complex Chennai 600 006 Tel: +91-44-8259437 Fax: +91-44-8269617 Mr R K Agrawal Chief Executive Officer EASTERN EQUIPMENT & ENGINEERS S - 14, Civil Township Rourkela 769 004




Mr P S Sridharan Managing Director MEGATECH CONTROL PVT LTD Alsha Complex 51, 1st Main Road



Gandhi Nagar Chennai 600 020 Tel: +91-44-4996733 / 5654 Fax: +91-44-4341668, 4996215 Email: [email protected] Mr A N Sen Managing Director AN INSTRUMENTS PVT LTD 59 - B, Chowringhee Road 5th Floor Kolkata 700 020 Tel: +91-33-2402222, 2472509 Fax: +91-33-2806684 Email: [email protected] Insulation Lloyds Insulation 386, Veer Savarkar Marg Mumbai 400 025 Tel: 022-4340876 Fax: 022-4376858 intermediate controller for compressed air Mr Kiran C pande Manager-Compressed air management solutions Godrej & boyce manufacturing company ltd Pirojshanagar, Vikhroli Mumbai-400079 Tel: 022-55962251-56 Fax: 022-55961525 Email: [email protected] Inverter welding Tejas Enterprises C/5/72 Sahyadri Nagar Charakop, Kandivili West Mumbai 200067 Tel: 022-28678692 Fax: Email: [email protected] Jet Tower-Induced draught without fan and Fills Mr Bhagwan Harani Technical Director Armec group Armec house Tiny Industrial estate,Kondhwa (B) Pune-411048 Tel: 020-6930218 Fax: 020-6930537 Email: [email protected] Kiln furniture systems Mr N G Manoharan Managing Director Abref Private ltd NO 32, Meeran Sahib street Anna Salai Chennai-600002

641 Tel: 044-28250074 Fax: 044-28233486 Email: [email protected]

Fax: 91-4344-276358/59 Email:

kilns Mr M K Sen Managing Director INCORPORATED ENGINEERS LTD D - 400, Gayatri MIDC, Uran Phata Nerul Navi Mumbai 400 706 Tel: +91-22-7619352, 7619366 Fax: +91-22-7619368 Email: [email protected] Mr Mithu S Malaney Chairman & Mg Director VULCAN ENGINEERS LTD 427, Unique Industrial Estate Off Veer Savarkar Marg Prabhadevi Mumbai 400 025 Tel: +91-22-4304529 / 3671 Fax: +91-22-4225814 Email: [email protected] Mr Anup Dasgupta Director FIRE GASES & KILN (INDIA) PVT LTD 156, Jodhpur Park Kolkata 700 068 Tel: +91-33-4730164 / 1289, 4728391 / 2 Fax: +91-33-4731540 Email: LED based medium intensity aviation obstruction light Binay opto electronics Private ltd 44,Armenian street Calcutta 700001 Tel: 033-2429082,2103807 Fax: 033-2421493 Email: [email protected] LED indicator modules Binay opto electronics Private ltd 44,Armenian street Calcutta 700001 Tel: 033-2429082,2103807 Fax: 033-2421493 Email: [email protected] LIGHTING ENERGY SAVER / LIGHTING TRANSFORMER Mr S Raghavan Manager - Sales & Marketign Beblec (India) Pvt. Ltd., 126, Sipcot Indl.Complex Hosur 635 126 Tel: 91-4344-276358/278658/276958/276959


M F induction melting/holding furnace Mr Mukesh B Bhandari Chairman & Mg Director ELECTROTHERM (INDIA) LTD Survey No 72 Village - Palodia Via Thaltej Ahmedabad 382 115 Tel: +91-2717-39953 to 57, 39613 to 15 Fax: +91-2717-39616, 91-79-6740923 Email: [email protected]

Electronics India No. 438, 4th Main Road Nagendra Block BSK First Stage Bangalore 560 050 Tel: 080 – 662 1836 Fax: 080 – 662 1831 Email: Jindal Electric & Machinery Corp C-57, Focal Point, Ludhiana 141010 Tel: 670250 / 670250 / 676968 Fax: 0161 – 670252 Email:

Maximum Demand Controller CMS ENERGY Management systems W 324, Rabale MIDC Mumbai 400701 Tel: 91-022-27696720,86 Fax: 91-022-27694585

low energy consuming Portable Generators Mr. Wasim Javed Birla Yamaha Limited A-7, Ring Road, N. D. S. E. Part - 1, New Delhi 110049 Tel: 011-4690352 to 54, 4691852 Fax: 011-4626188 Email:

Medium frequency induction melting and heating systems Mr D G Sastry Managing Director PILLAR INDUCTION INDIA PVT LTD A/13, 2nd Avenue Anna Nagar Chennai 600 102 Tel: +91-44-6261703 to 5 Fax: +91-44-6260189 Email: [email protected]

Low loss Power & Distribution Transformers Mr. Adrian J D’Souza Director Southern Power Equipment Company 42, Yumkur Road, Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore 560022 Tel: 080-3372996, 3372741 Fax: 080-3372997 Email:

Most energy efficient tube light systemsT5 Lamps Mr . Suresh Dhingra Executive Vice President Asian Electronics Surya plasa First follr, K 185/1 Sarai Julena, new friends colony New Delhi-110025 Tel: 011-26317232,26929073,26929075 Fax: 011-26837406 Email: [email protected]

LT Power capacitors Mr. M.D. Killedar Manager (Works) Goa Capacitors Pvt. Ltd. 14, Corlim Industrial Estate, Corlim, Ilhas, Panaji 403110 Tel: 0832-286176/240 Fax: 0832-286203 Email:

Motors Mr Saroj Poddar Chairman ALSTOM LTD 14th Floor, Pragati Devika Tower 6, Nehru Place New Delhi 110 019 Tel: +91-11-6449906, 6449907, 6449902 / 3 Fax: +91-11-6449447 Email:

LUX METER AND HARMONIC ANALYSER Mr Dilip Dharmasthal Managing Director Alacrity Electronics Limited “Suresh Mahal”, 12 - B Valmiki Street T Nagar Chennai 600 017 Tel: 044 - 823 6620 Fax: 044 - 825 9406




Mr S M Trehan Managing Director






List of Suppliers CROMPTON GREAVES LTD 1, Dr V B Gandhi Marg Mumbai 400 001 Tel: +91-22-2657937 (Direct) Fax: +91-22-2653740 (Direct), 2028025, 2625814 Email: [email protected] Mr M V Srisha General Manager - FA Fanuc India Limited NO. 41, Electronic City KEONICS Bangalore 561 229 Tel: 080-8520057 / -0109 Fax: 80-852-0051 Mr. R Vijayraghavan Managing Director INTEGRATED ELECTRIC CO (P) LTD. 66 A, GROUND FLOOR, ALSA REGENCY 165,ELDAMS ROAD, ALWARPET, Chennai 600018 Tel: 080-8362465 / 2047 / 2785 / 2793 / 2465 Multi effect evaporator Praj Industries Praj house Bavdhan Pune 411021 Tel: 020-2951511/2214 Fax: 020-2951718/2951515 Email: [email protected]

Mr M Gopal Managing Director HIGHTEMP FURNACES LTD I - C, Phase II, P B No 5809 Peenya Industrial Area Bangalore 560 058 Tel: +91-80-8395917 / 4076 / 1446 Fax: +91-80-8397798 / 2661 Email: [email protected]

Plate & spiral heat exchangers,dryers & evaporators Mr Satish Tandon Managing Director ALFA LAVAL (INDIA) LTD Mumbai Pune Road Dapodi Pune 411 012 Tel: +91-0212-27127721 Fax: +91-02121-2797711 Email: [email protected]

Oil coolers Mr Mohammed Meeran Proprietor AASIA RADIATORS P S C Bose Road Jawahar Autonagar Vijayawada 520 007 Tel: +91-0866-543881 Fax: +91-0866-545860 OIL FIRED THERMOPAC/AQUATHERM SYSTEM Thermax Limited Thermal Engg. Division Chinchwad Pune 411 019 Tel: 020 - 775 941 to 49 Fax: 020 - 775 907


Ovens Mr N Gopinath Managing Director FLUIDTHERM TECHNOLOGY PVT LTD SP - 132, III Main Road Ambattur Industrial Estate Chennai 600 058 Tel: +91-44-6357390, 6357391 Fax: +91-44-6257632 Email: [email protected]

Mr Mithu S Malaney Chairman & Mg Director VULCAN ENGINEERS LTD 427, Unique Industrial Estate Off Veer Savarkar Marg Prabhadevi, Mumbai 400 025 Tel: +91-22-4304529 / 3671 Fax: +91-22-4225814 Email: [email protected]

NEUTRAL COMPENSATOR Static Transformers (P) Ltd G-4, A/D, Industrial Estate Polo Ground Indore 452 015 Tel: 0731 - 420 793, 420 859 Fax: 0731 - 431 968, 420793 Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected] oil/gas burners, Mr. Dinesh Harjai Partner Crupp Metals Kh. No. 56/1, Mundka, Rohtak Road, New Delhi 110041 Tel: 011-5189024, 5474133 Fax: 011-5183085


PLC Mr Madhav P. Kamat Managing Director Electronic Automation Pvt. Ltd. No. 20, K.H.B Industrial Area, Yelanhanka Banglore-560064 Tel: 080-8567561-562,8567161 Fax: 080-8567129



Mr Balagopal Karat Executive Director SPA ENGINEERING COMPANY LTD 114, 3rd Floor, M G Road Bangalore 560 001 Tel: +91-80-5267981 Fax: +91-80-5260818 Pneumatic Tools Dr Jairam Varadaraj Managing Director ELGI EQUIPMENT LTD Elgi Industrial Complex, Trichy Road Singanallur P O Coimbatore 641 005 Tel: +91-422-574691 to 5 Fax: +91-422-573697 Email: [email protected] Portable Engines & Water Pumping Sets Mr Sanjeev Govil General Manager-marketing Honda Siel Power products ltd 5th Floor, Kirthi Mahal Building 19, Rajendra Palace New Delhi-110008 Tel: 011-25739103-05 Fax: 011-2572218, 25753652 Email: [email protected] Portable Gensets, Mr Sanjeev Govil General Manager-marketing Honda Siel Power products ltd 5th Floor, Kirthi Mahal Building 19, Rajendra Palace New Delhi-110008 Tel: 011-25739103-05 Fax: 011-2572218, 25753652 Email: [email protected] Power & control cables Mr Y Kamesh Managing Director GEM CABLES & CONDUCTORS LTD No 1, Badam Sohana Apartments Raj Bhavan Road Somajiguda Hyderabad 500 082 Tel: +91-40-3310486, 3395970 Fax: +91-40-3313486 Email: [email protected] Power & Distribution Transformers Mr R R Dhoot Chairman IMP POWER LTD Advent, 7th Floor 12 - A, General J Bhosale Marg Nariman Point Mumbai 400 021 Tel: +91-22-2021890 / 886 / 697 Fax: +91-22-2026775

643 Email: [email protected] Mr. S. Dasgupta Sr. Mktg. Manager Marson’s Limited 18, Palace Court, 1, Kyd Streeet, Calcutta 700016 Tel: 033-297346, 2264482 Fax: 033-2263236 power & energy monitor Mrs Hema Hattangady Managing Director Enercon Systems Pvt Ltd. 23, KHB Light Industries Area P B No.6418, Yelahanka BangaloreHL Tel: 080 – 8460666 / 8460555 Fax: 080 – 8460667 Email: [email protected] Power and control cables Mr Hiten A Khatau Chairman & Mg director CABLE CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD Laxmi Building, 4th Floor 6, Shoorji Vallabhdas Marg Ballard Estate Mumbai 400 001 Tel: +91-22-2666764 Fax: +91-22-2632694 Power capacitors Mr. M.D. Killedar Manager (Works) Goa Capacitors Pvt. Ltd. 14, Corlim Industrial Estate, Corlim, Ilhas, Panaji 403110 Tel: 0832-286176/240 Fax: 0832-286203 Mr. Shantilal H. Karani Owner Malde Capacitors Manufacturing Company 401,Madhav Apt, Jawahar Rd, Opp. Rly.St, Ghatkopar (E), Mumbai 400077 Tel: 022-5168283/84 Fax: 022-5160758 Power Consultants Mr D B Arora Managing Director Acon Power consultants 45, Satyanand Vihar Rampur Jabalpur-482008 Tel: 91-0761-2667261, 9826246688 Fax: 91-0761-2664207 Email: acon@sancharnetin


Email: [email protected] Mr Amod Gujral Managing Director Encardio-Rite Electronics Pvt Ltd A - 7, Industrial Estate, Talkatora Road Lucknow 226 011 Tel: +91-522-416460, 418855 Fax: +91-522-418968 Email: [email protected]

Power control equipments, Mr A Sarkar Vice President SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC INDIA LTD 58, MIDC Area, Satpur Nashik 422 007 Tel: +91-253-350394 / 95 / 96 Fax: +91-253-350771 Email: [email protected]

Mr P V Kannan Managing Director MICROMAX SYSTEMS LTD 104, Salai Road Sethu Rukmani Complex Trichy 620 003 Tel: +91-431-760704 Fax: +91-431-762422 Email: [email protected]

Power factor compensation Neptune India ltd Neptune house C 270 SFS Sheikh sarai, Phase I New Delhi 110017 Tel: 011-6013367-70 Fax: 011-6013371 Email: [email protected] Power Factor controller CMS ENERGY Management systems W 324, Rabale MIDC Mumbai 400701 Tel: 91-022-27696720,86 Fax: 91-022-27694585 Mr. R. K. Iyer Vice President Saha Sprague Limited No.805, North Rear Wing, 8th Floor, Manipal Centre, 47, Dickenson Road, Bangalore 560042 Tel: 080-5595463, 5595266 Fax: 080-5595463 Power plant & industrial cooling towers Mr. N. Venkatanarayanan Managing Director Enviro Clean Systems Ltd. Hema Nagar, P.O.Box No.10, P.O. Uppal, Hyderabad 500039 Tel: 040-7170876/879/881 Fax: 040-7172717/4726 Power plant equipment Mr Pradeep Mallick Managing Director WARTSILA INDIA LTD 76, Free Press House, Nariman Point Mumbai 400 021 Tel: +91-22-2815601 / 5598, 28175995 / 5601 Fax: +91-22-2842083 Email: [email protected] Process control instruments Mr Sudhir Jalan Chairman & Mg Director BELLS CONTROLS LTD Bells House, 21, Camac Street Kolkata 700 016 Tel: +91-33-2475211 / 15 Fax: +91-33-2471620





Mr K N Balaji Chief Operating Officer Eurotherm Del India Ltd 152, Developed Plots Estate Perungudi Chennai - 600 096 Tel: 044-4961129 Fax: 044-4961831 Email: [email protected] Mr N C Agrawal Managing Director MEDITRON SIRTDO Industrial Estate P O BIT, Mesra Ranchi 835 215 Tel: +91-651-275875 / 628 Fax: +91-651-275841 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Program logic control (PLC) Mr Laxman R Katrat Mg Director & CEO KATLAX ENTERPRISES PVT LTD 507, Golden Triangle Stadium Road Ahmedabad 380 014 Tel: +91-79-6461991 / 646, 6854693, 6851521 Fax: +91-79-6464719 (W), 6853978 Programmable controllers Mr Ranjan Kumar De Country Manager ALLEN BRADLEY INDIA LTD C - 11, Industrial Area Site IV,shahiabad Ghaziabad 201 010 Tel: +91-120-471112 / 0103 / 0105 / 0164 Fax: +91-120-4770822 Email: [email protected], [email protected]





List of Suppliers Reactive power compensation equipment and systems Mr. S. M. Subba Rao Adviser Meher Capacitors (P) Ltd. 52/1, Basappa Road, Shantinagar, Bangalore 560027 Tel: 080-2236879, 2241272 Fax: 080-2225325

Pumps Mr D K Hohenstein Chief Executive Officer KSB PUMPS LTD Mumbai Pune Road P O Pimpri Pune 411 018 Tel: +91-20-7472006, 7473684 Fax: +91-20-7476120 Email: [email protected] Mr K C Dhingra Managing Director WESTERN INDIA MACHINERY CO PVT LTD Park Plaza North Block, 6E, 6th Floor 71, Park Street Kolkata 700 016 Tel: +91-33-2468913 / 9674 Fax: +91-33-2468914 radiant heater Mr. Ashok Tanna Managing Director Vinosha Boilers Pvt. Ltd. And Taurus Heat Systems Baarat House, Ist Floor, 104, Apollo Street, Fort, Mumbai 400001 Tel: 022-2674590, 2676447 Fax: 022-2611515 RADIANT TUBE RECUPERATIVE HEATER Mr U V Rao Director ALLIED CONSULTING ENGINEERS PVT LTD Allied House Road No 1, chembur Mumbai 400 071 Tel: +91-22-5284028 Fax: +91-22-5283805 Email: [email protected] Thermax Limited Thermal Engg. Division Chinchwad Pune 411 019 Tel: 020 - 775 941 to 49 Fax: 020 - 775 907


Reciprocating & centrifugal pumps Mr Hemant Didwania Director INDIAN COMPRESSORS LTD 33, Okhla Industrial Estate New Delhi 110 020 Tel: +91-11-6839440 / 9, 635030 Fax: +91-11-6840020 Recuperators Mr R K Agrawal Chief Executive Officer EASTERN EQUIPMENT & ENGINEERS S - 14, Civil Township Rourkela 769 004 Tel: +91-61-502508, 503898 Fax: +91-61-503898 Email: [email protected] Refractoreis Mr.R.Rajagopalan Dy.General Manager Carborundum Universal Limited-Super Refractories Plot Nos.102&103,Sipcot Industrial Complex Phase II Ranipet-632403 Tel: 04172-244197,244951,244582 Fax: 04172-244982 Email: [email protected] Mr N anjiah Managing Partner Annapurna Annapurna Technical ceramics 21-118 Kakani Nagar Vaisag 534007 Email: [email protected]

Reactive compensator Emco Electronics 106, Industrial area Sion (East) Mumbai 400022 Tel: 022-24096731/782 Fax: 022-24096039


Reactors Mr Ranjit Puri Chairman & Mg Director INDIAN SUGAR & GENERAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION (THE) A - 4, Sector 24 Noida 201 301 Tel: +91-118-4524071 / 72 Fax: +91-118-4528630, 4529215, 4542072 Email: [email protected]




Mr I C Sinha Managing Director BURN STANDARD CO LTD 10 - C, Hungerford Street Kolkata 700 017 Tel: +91-33-2471772 / 067 / 762 Fax: +91-33-2471788 Email: [email protected] Mr Kantilal Gugalia Chief Executive KATNI TILE WORKS P B No 62 Katni 483 501 Tel: +91-7622-52682, 53212, 50894 Fax: +91-7622-52733 Mr M L Chand Executive Director OCL INDIA LTD Rajgangpur, Dist. Sundergarh 770 017 Tel: +91-6624-220121 (4 lines) Fax: +91-6624-220933 / 133 / 733 Email: [email protected] Mr Arun Bhalotia Managing Director TATANAGAR REFRACTORIES & MINERALS CO LTD Chamber Bhawan Bistupur Jamshedpur 831 001 Tel: +91-657-427187, 435039, 428044 Fax: +91-657-428044 Mr K S Swaminathan Mg Director & Vice Chairman TATA REFRACTORIES LTD P O Belapur Jharsuguda 768 218 Tel: +91-6645-50260 Fax: +91-6645-50243 Daka Monolitics Pvt. Ltd. 32-B, Samachar Marg Opp. Allahabad Bank Mumbai 400 023 Tel: 044 - 265 4837 Refrigeration Dryers. Mr. Rajnish Joshi Exe. Vice President Delair India Pvt. Ltd. 20, Rajpur Road, New Delhi 110054 Tel: 011-2912800 Fax: 011-2915127, 2521754 Email: [email protected]

645 Rotary kilns Mr Madhukar Sinha Managing Director Associated Plates & Vessels Pvt Ltd 1/A 14, 15 & C - 17, Industrial Area Bokaro Steel City, Bokaro 827 104 Tel: +91-6542-51034, 51434 Fax: +91-6542-51334 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Rotometers AQUAMEAS (Danfoss) Commerce avenue, 3rd floor, Mahaganesh SOC., Paud Road Pune 411 038 Tel: +020 544 9767, 544 9757 Fax: +020 542 0401 Email: [email protected] EUREKA INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENTS PVT. LTD. Royal Chambers, Paud Road, Pune 411038 Tel: 91 20 5443079 / 4004535/ 4004554 Fax: 91 20 5441323 Fitzer Instruments (India) Pvt. Ltd. Near Ambivli Station (W) P.O. Mohone Thane 421 102 Tel: 0251 – 2271321 Fax: 0251 – 2271336 Email: [email protected] SCADA System for Energy management Mr. Shashank Kalkar Director Marketing RMS Automation Systems Pvt. Ltd. W-218, M.I.D.C., Ambad, Nasik 422010 Tel: 0253-383261, 384604 Fax: 0253-383261, 384604 Screw compressors Mr Jasmohan Singh Managing Director FRICK INDIA LTD 21.5 KM, Main Mathura Road Faridabad 121 003 Tel: +91-129-5275691 (4 lines), 5270546 Fax: +91-129-5275695 Email: [email protected] Sections & blocks for thermal insulation Mr Shreyas C Sheth Managing Director AMOL DICALITE LTD 301, Akshay 53, Shrimali Society,’Navrangpura Ahmedabad 380 009 Tel: +91-79-6443331, 6560458 Fax: +91-79-6569103


Separator and other oil & gas processing equipments Mr A D Parekh General Manager HDO PROCESS EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS LTD 5/1/2, GIDC Industrial Estate Vatva Ahmedabad 382 445 Tel: +91-79-5830591 to 94 Fax: +91-79-5833286 Email: [email protected]

Mr. K. W. Kekane Director Sales Minilec Marketing Services Pvt. Ltd. S.No. 1073/1-2-3, At. Post. Pirancoot, Tal. Mulshi, Pune 412111 Tel: 02139-22162, 22354 to 57 Fax: 02139-22134, 22180 Mr Ranjan Kumar De Country Manager ALLEN BRADLEY INDIA LTD C - 11, Industrial Area Site IV,shahiabad Ghaziabad 201 010 Tel: +91-120-471112 / 0103 / 0105 / 0164 Fax: +91-120-4770822 Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Servo voltage stabiliser Green Dot electric corporation G 9, Hem Kunt Tower 98, Nehru Place, New delhi 100019 Tel: 011-26416395 Fax: 011-26222088 Email: [email protected]

Crompton Greaves Limited Electronics Technology Div. 71 / 72, MIDC, Satpur Nashik 422 007 Tel: 0253 - 351 069 Fax: 0253 - 351 492 Email:

Slip Power Recovery Systems Mr A M Naik Mg Director & CEO LARSEN & TOUBRO LTD L & T House Ballard Estate Mumbai 400 001 Tel: +91-22-2618181 Fax: +91-22-2620223, 2610396, 2622285 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Sudhir Naik Vice President - Corporate Mktg. Hi-Rel Electronics Limited B -117 & 118, GIDC, Electronics Zone, Sector-25 Gandhi Nagar 382044 Tel: 02712-21636, 22531 Fax: 02712-24698

Mr J Schubert Managing Director SIEMENS LTD 130, Padurang Budhkar Marg Worli Mumbai 400 018 Tel: +91-22-4931350 / 60 Fax: +91-22-4950552 Email:

Project & Supply A - 605, Sunswept okhandawala Complex Swami Samarth Nagar, 4, Bungalow, Andheri (West) Mumbai 400 050 Tel: 022 - 626 6584

Smart demand controller Mrs Hema Hattangady Managing Director Enercon Systems Pvt Ltd. 23, KHB Light Industries Area P B No.6418, Yelahanka BangaloreHL Tel: 080 – 8460666 / 8460555 Fax: 080 – 8460667 Email: [email protected]

Vrushali Services 5, Swapna Nagar, Hanuman Nagar,Near DNC High School Nandivli Road, Dombivli (East) -Mumbai- 421 201 Tel: 0251 – 472 426 Fax: 0251 – 431 151 Software for promoting energy conservation Mr. Rahul S. Walawalkar Product Manager - Eco Lumen & Manager Tata Infotech Ltd. Manish Commercial Centre, 216-A, Dr. Annie Besant Rd., Worli, Mumbai 400025 Tel: 91 22 8291261 Fax: 91 22 8290214

Soft starter Excellent Industrial Instruments 1/63, Type E Sidco Nagar Villivakkam Chennai 600049 Tel: 044-6172977 Fax: 044-6172531









List of Suppliers Software to measure the efficiency of motors Mr Narayana Sharma Director V B India # 1032, 14th main, 7th cross BTM lay out 1st stage, 1st cross Bangalore 560029 Tel: +91 (80) 6781315 Fax: 91-080-6687798 Email: [email protected] Soot Blower with Industrial Boilers Mr. R. Rajshekhar Managing Director R R Techno Mechanicals (P) Ltd. 94, Thiru Vi Ka Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai 600032 Tel: 044-2346693 Fax: 044-4918183, 2333204 Email: Sound proof gensets Mr R N Khanna Managing Director CONTROLS & SWITCHGEAR CO LTD 222, Okhla Industtrial Estate New Delhi 110 020 Tel: +91-11-6918834 to 37, 6836170 / 020 Fax: +91-11-6848241 / 7342 / 8245 Email: [email protected] Speciality Refrigerants/Propellants K.Ganesh Marketing Manager(South Asia)Regional Segment Manager Dupont Flurochemicals E.I.DuPont India Ltd Arihant Nitco Park,^th Floor 90,Dr.Radha Krishnan Road Mylapore chennai 600004 Tel: 044-8472800,8473752(D) Fax: 044-8473800 Email: [email protected] split air conditioner Mr Brij Raj Punj Chairman LLOYD ELECTRIC & ENGINEERING LTD M - 13A, Punj House Connaught Place New Delhi 110 001 Tel: +91-11-3329091 to 98 Fax: +91-11-3326107 Email: [email protected]




star -delta-star converter Mr M Vijayasarathy Managing Director VIJAY ENERGY PRODUCTS PVT LTD S P - 75, Ambattur Industrial Estate Chennai 600 058 Tel: +91-44-6254326, 6256883 Fax: +91-44-8282906, 6255185 Email: [email protected] Ambetronics 4B Pushotam Girgaon Near Dream Land Cinema Mumbai 400004 Tel: 022-28371143 Excellent Industrial Instruments 1/63, Type E, Sidco Nagar Villivakkam Chennai 600049 Tel: 044-6172977 Fax: 044-6172531 Steam jet ejectors Forbes Marshall PB No 29, Mumbai-Pune road Kasarwadi Pune 411034 Tel: 91-0212-21279445 Fax: 91-0212-797413 MAZDA CONTROLS LTD MAZDA HOUSE ANCHWATI 2ND LANE, AMBAWADI AHMEDABAD 380006 Tel: 79 6431151 Fax: 79 6565605 STEAM TRAP MONITOR Spirax Marshall Limited P B No.29, Mumbai-Pune Road Kasarwadi,Pune 411 034 Tel: 020 - 794 495 Fax: 020 - 797 593/ 413 Steel tubes for boilers Tube Products of India Post Box No. 4, Avadi Chennai 600 054 Tel: 91 44 6384040 Fax: 91 44 6384051 Email: [email protected] Superheater & Economiser Mr Ranjit Puri Chairman & Mg Director INDIAN SUGAR & GENERAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION (THE) A - 4, Sector 24 Noida 201 301 Tel: +91-118-4524071 / 72 Fax: +91-118-4528630, 4529215, 4542072 Email: [email protected]



SYNTHETIC FLAT BELTS Elgi Ultra Industries Ltd. ‘Elgi House’, Trichy Road Ramanathapuram Coimbatore 641 045 Tel: 0422 – 304141 Fax: 0422 - 311 740 Habasit Iakoka Pvt. Ltd. C - 207, Kailas Esplanade Opp. Shreyas Cinema L B S Marg, Ghatkopar Mumbai 400 086 Tel: 022 - 500 2464 Fax: 022 - 500 2466 NTB group NTB House, A-302 Road No.32, Wagle Estate, Thane 400 604 Tel: (091)-22-5822118,5821582 Fax: 58100565823778 NTB International ltd A 302, Road no 32 Wagle estate Thane 400604 Tel: 022-25821582, 25822118 Fax: 022-25810056 Email: [email protected] Systems engineering for captive power generation Mr D R Dhingra Managing Director CONTINENTAL GENERATORS PVT LTD 3869, Behind Primary School, G B Road Delhi 110 006 Tel: +91-11-7535566 to 68, 525632, 522983, 528510 Fax: +91-11-7516598, 528510 TEMPERATURE INDICATOR CONTROLLER (TIC) Ensave Systems Private Limited 3, Anand Shopping Center Second Floor, Bhattha, Paldi Ahmedabad 380 007 Tel: . 079 – 662 1116 Fax: 079 – 663 7907 Thermal power equipment including steam turbines Mr K G Ramachandran Chairman & Mg Director BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LTD BHEL House Siri Fort New Delhi 110 049 Tel: +91-11-6001010 Fax: +91-11-6493021, 6492534

647 Thermic filud heaters Aero therm systems pvt ltd Plot no 1517 Phase III GIDC Vatwa Aheemedabad 382445 Tel: 079-5890158 Fax: 079-5834987 Email: [email protected]

TRANSVECTOR NOZZLES General Imsubs Pvt. Ltd. 3711/A, GIDC Phase IV, Vatva Ahmedabad 382 445 Tel: 079 - 584 0845/ 2503 Fax: 079 - 584 1846 Email: [email protected]

Thyristorised Power factor Controller Mr. Shashank Kalkar Director Marketing RMS Automation Systems Pvt. Ltd. W-218, M.I.D.C., Ambad, Nasik 422010 Tel: 0253-383261, 384604 Fax: 0253-383261, 384604

S J United 300/ 1-B, 16th Cross Upper Palace Orchards Bangalore 560 080

Transformer Mr Saroj Poddar Chairman ALSTOM LTD 14th Floor, Pragati Devika Tower 6, Nehru Place New Delhi 110 019 Tel: +91-11-6449906, 6449907, 6449902 Fax: +91-11-6449447 Mr G V Rao CMD Rowsons Marketing Pvt Ltd 4, 7 th Street Gopalapuram Madras 600 086 Tel: 044 - 28110196/28112958 Fax: 044 - 2815741/28114021 Email: [email protected] Mr N J Danani Vice Chairman & Mg Director BHARAT BIJLEE LTD Central Marketing Office (Motor) P O Box 100, Kalwe, Thane Belapur Road Mumbai 400 601 Tel: +91-215-7691656 Fax: +91-215-7691401 / 2 Mr Rahul N Amin Chairman & Mg Director JYOTI LTD Industrial Area, P O Chemical Industries Vadodara 390 003 Tel: +91-265-380633, 380627 Fax: +91-265-380671, 381871 Email: [email protected] Mr Sylvester P Moorthy General Manager MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS PVT LTD 66, 4th Main Road Industrial Town Rajajinagar Bangalore 560 044 Tel: +91-80-3300347 / 494 / 522 Fax: +91-80-3303141


Variable Drives, Mr. Liakat Ali Proprietor Premier Electric Company Plot No.7, 12/2 Mathura Road, Faridabad 121002 Tel: 0129-270858, 274311 Fax: 0129-270858 Variable fluid couplings Mr Praveen Sachdev Mg Director & CEO GREAVES LTD 1, Dr V B Gandhi Marg P O Box 91 Mumbai 400 001 Tel: +91-22-2671524 / 4913 Fax: +91-22-2677850, 2652853 Email:

Trivector monitor Mrs Hema Hattangady Managing Director Enercon Systems Pvt Ltd. 23, KHB Light Industries Area P B No.6418, Yelahanka BangaloreHL Tel: 080 – 8460666 / 8460555 Fax: 080 – 8460667 Email: [email protected]

Variable Frequency Drive Mr Ramnath S Mani Managing Director CONTROL TECHNIQUES INDIA LIMITED 117/B, Developed Plot Industrial Estate Perungudi Chennai 600 096 Tel: 044-4961123 / 1130 / 1083

universal power & energy meter Mrs Hema Hattangady Managing Director Enercon Systems Pvt Ltd. 23, KHB Light Industries Area P B No.6418, Yelahanka BangaloreHL Tel: 080 – 8460666 / 8460555 Fax: 080 – 8460667 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Balagopal Managing Director Dynaspede Integrated Systems (P) Limited 136-A Sipcot Industrial Complex Hosur 635126 Tel: 91-4344 - 276915, 276813 Fax: 91-4344 - 276841

Vaccum Pumps Kakati Karshak Industries Pvt. Ltd Nacharam Industrial Area Hyderabad 500 076 Tel: 91-40-7153104/05 Fax: 91-040-7171980 Email: [email protected]

Dr M T Sant President TB Wood’s (India) Pvt Ltd 27A, II Cross, Electronics City Hosur Road Banglore 561229 Tel: 080 8520123 Fax: 080 8520124 Email: [email protected]

Nash vaccum pumps 67 UPS, Kaggadaspura Extension Guru Layout Bangalore Tel: (+91) 80 - 521 49 38 Fax: (+91) 80 - 528 43 37 Email: [email protected] PPI PUMPS PVT LTD 4/2 PHASE 1 G I D C VATWA AHMEDABAD 382445 Tel: 079-5832273/4 / 5835698 Fax: 079-5830578









List of Suppliers

Mr Ranjan Kumar De Country Manager ALLEN BRADLEY INDIA LTD C - 11, Industrial Area Site IV,shahiabad Ghaziabad 201 010 Tel: +91-120-471112 / 0103 / 0105 / 0164 Fax: +91-120-4770822 Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Asea Brown Boveri ltd Plot No 5 & 6, II Phase Peenya Industrial Area P B no 5806, Peenya Bangalore 560058 Tel: 080-8370416 / 8394734 extn 2322 / 6691375 Fax: 080-8399178 / 8396537 Mr S M Trehan Managing Director CROMPTON GREAVES LTD 1, Dr V B Gandhi Marg Mumbai 400 001 Tel: +91-22-2657937 (Direct) Fax: +91-22-2653740 (Direct), 2028025, 2625814 Email: [email protected] Mr. Sudhir Naik Vice President - Corporate Mktg. Hi-Rel Electronics Limited B -117 & 118, GIDC, Electronics Zone, Sector-25 Gandhi Nagar 382044 Tel: 02712-21636, 22531 Fax: 02712-24698 Email: [email protected] Mr. K. W. Kekane Director Sales Minilec Marketing Services Pvt. Ltd. S.No. 1073/1-2-3, At. Post. Pirancoot, Tal. Mulshi, Pune 412111 Tel: 02139-22162, 22354 to 57 Fax: 02139-22134, 22180 Mr Debashish Ghosh Manager -commercial marketing products Rockwell Automation C II, Site IV, Sahibabad Industrial Area Ghaziabad dist-201010




Tel: code-4895247-252 Fax: 4895225-227 Email: [email protected] Mr J Schubert Managing Director SIEMENS LTD 130, Padurang Budhkar Marg Worli Mumbai 400 018 Tel: +91-22-4931350 / 60 Fax: +91-22-4950552 Email:

Waste Heat Recovery Mr U V Rao Director ALLIED CONSULTING ENGINEERS PVT LTD Allied House Road No 1, chembur Mumbai 400 071 Tel: +91-22-5284028 Fax: +91-22-5283805 Email: [email protected] Mr Robert A Childs Managing Director DEUTSCHE BABCOCK POWER SYSTEMS LTD 18 / 2A, Sennerkuppam By - Pass Road Poonamallee Chennai 600 056 Tel: +91-44-4985949 / 1250 Fax: +91-44-4992221 Email: [email protected] Kuppuraju K President-Technical CetharVessels Pvt ltd 4,Dindigul road, tiruchirappilly Tel: 0431-482452/53 Fax: 0431-481079 Email: [email protected] Waste Heat Recovery Recuperators Mr R P Sood Managing Director ENCON FURNANCES PVT LTD 14/6, Mathura Road Faridabad 121 003 Tel: +91-129-274408, 275307 / 607 Fax: +91-129-276448: Waste Heat Recovery system Mr K C Rana Managing Director AVU ENGINEERING PVT LTD A - 15, APIE



Balanagar Hyderabad 500 037 Tel: +91-40-3773235 / 2343 Fax: +91-40-3772343 / 3235 Email: [email protected] Cristopia Energy systems 303, Kothari Manor NO 10, Diamon colony New Palasia Indore 452001 Tel: 91-0731-2433644, 2536624 Fax: 91-0731-2533766 Email:

Ensys Technologies (I) Pvt. Ltd. B/69-A, Seventh Avenue Ashok Nagar Chennai 600 083 Tel: 044 - 3711259/ 297 Fax: 044 – 4897752 Mr C E Fernandes Chairman & Mg Director GEI HAMON INDUSTRIES LTD 26 - A, Industrial Area Govindpura Bhopal 462 023 Tel: +91-755-586692, 586922, 587147 Fax: +91-755-587678, 586619 Email: [email protected] Mr B S Adishesh Wholetime Director IAEC INDUSTRIES MADRAS LTD Rajamangalam Villivakkam Chennai 600 049 Tel: +91-44-655725, 6257783 Fax: +91-44-4451537, 4995762 Email: [email protected] Megatherm Engineers & Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 10, Kodambakkam High Road Chennai 600 034 Tel: 044 - 823 3528/ 3707 Fax: 044 - 825 8559 Mr. M. M. Narang Proprietor Membrane India 347, Udyog Vihar, Ph.-II, Gurgaon 122016 Tel: 0124-341159 Fax: 0124-342717


WHR boilers Mr P V Raju Managing Director Thermal Systems (Hyd) Pvt. Ltd. Plot No.1, Apuroopa Township IDA, Jeedimetla Hyderabad 500 055 Tel: 040 - 309 8272/ 8273 Fax: 040 - 309 7433 Email: [email protected]










Energy Auditors List of Suppliers 1

Confederation of Indian Industry Energy Management Cell 35/1, Abhiramapuram 3rd Street Alwarpet Chennai - 600018



National Productivity Council 5/6, Institutional Area Utpadaka Bhawan, Lodi Road New Delhi-110003



The Energy & Resources Institute Darbari Seth Block Habibat Place, Lodi Road New Delhi-110003

All types


National Council for Cement and Building materials p-121, South Extension Part II Ring Road, New Delhi-110019



Cement Corporation of India 59, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019


National Sugar Institute Ministry of Food & Civil Supplies Department of Food Kanpur


Engineers India Ltd. Engineers India Bhawan 1, Bhikaji Cama Place R.K.Puram, New Delhi-110066


M/s, North India Technical Consultancy Organisation Ltd. S.C.O 131-132 (1st Floor) Sector 17-C, Chandigarh-160017


Dy. National Project Director PHD chamber of Commerce & industry Ramakrishna Dalmia Wing, PHD House, Thaper Floor, Opp. Asian Games Village New Delhi-110020





Cement Plants


Chemical & Process


Thermal Audits in Paper &

Process Industries All types


10 M/s. SGS India limited 210,Netaji Subhash Road New Delhi-110020 11

Electrical & Thermal

Balmer Lawrie & Company Ltd. 21,Netaji Subhash Road Calcutta-700001

All types

12 Project & Development India Ltd. P.O.Sindri, Distt. Dhandban Bihar-828122


13 FACT Engineering & Design (p) Organisation P.O.Sindri, Distt. Dhanban Bihar-828122


14 Industrial and Business Management Consultants Limited 27, Weston Street, Room-226 Calcutta-700012

Textile,jute,Tea,Engineering & Chemical

15 M/s. National Small Industries Corpn. Ltd Industrial Estate Bamunimaidan Guwahati-21

Thermal & Electrical Audit

16 M/s. Maharashtra Industrial & Tech. Consultancy Organisation Ltd.(MITCON) Kubera Chambers, 1ST Floor Dr. Rajendra Prasad Path, Shivaji Nagar Pune-411005

All types

17 Ahmedabad Textile Industry’s Assn. P.O.Polytechnic, Ahmedabad-380015


18 The Bombay Textile Research Association Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg, Ghatkopar (west) Bombay-400086


19 M/s. Associated Energy Consultants, 3rd Floor, 44 Cawasji Patel, Fort Bombay-400023

Thermal & Electrical Energy Audit

20 Dalal Consultants 404, H.K.House, Ashram Road Ahmedabad-380009



Thermal & Electrical Energy Audit








List of Suppliers Energy Auditors 21 M/s. Mecon Services 118.New Rmdaspeth Nagpur-440010

Thermal & Electrical

22 M/s. Kirloskar Consultants Ltd. 917/19-A, A Shivaji Nagar Fergusson College Road Pune-411004 23 M/s. Electrical Research and Development Association P.B.No 760 Mkarapura Ind. Estate Opp. Makarpur Village Vadodar-390010

All types

Thermal & Electrical

24 M/s NSIC Technical Services Centre (Formerly Prototype Development & Training Centre), Aji Industrial Area Bhavnagar Road Rjkot-360003

Thermal & Electrical

25 Fichtner Consulting Engineers India Pvt.Ltd. “Ganesh Chambers” 143,Eldams Road Channai-600018

All types

26 M.K.Raju Consultants Pvt.Ltd. Energy Management Division 16, Srinagar Colony, Temple Avenue Channai-600015

All types

27 Industrial & Technical Consultancy Organisation of Tamil Nadu Ltd. 50-A, Graemes Road Chennai-600008

All types

28 M/s. Andhra Pradesh Productivity Council 3-6-69/4/3, Basheer Bagh Hyderabad-500029

Thermal & Electrical Audit

29 M/s Andhra Pradesh Industrial and Technical Consultancy Organisation Ltd. Parisharma Bhavanam, 8th Floor, Eastern Wing, 5-9-58/B, Basheerbagh Hyderabad-500029






All types


30 M/s.Central Power Research Institute Energy Research Centre, P.B.No.3506 Srikrishna Nagar, Sreekariyam Thiruvananthapuram-695017(Kerala)

All types

31 The school of Energy Bharathidasan University, Khajamalai Campus Tiruchirappalli-620023 Tamil Nadu

Electrical & Thermal

32 M/s. Separation Engineers Pvt.Ltd. 5,Masilamani Colony, Sir P.S.Sivasamy Salai Palur Kannaippa St., Mylapore Channai-600004 (India)

Electrical & Thermal

33 M/s. Crompton Greaves Ltd. 3A, Kodambakkam High Road Nungambakkam Channai-600034

Electrical & Thermal

34 M/s.Energy Economy & Environmental Cosultants 264,6th Cross, 1st Stage Indiranagar Bangalore-560038

Thermal & Electrical

35 M/s. S.SM.Shakthi Consultants 17/1, Nehru Nagar, 1st Main Road Adyar Chennai-600020

Thermal & Electrical










List of Suppliers Energy Service Companies

List of Indian Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) Thermax Energy Performance Services Limited Sai Chambers,15,Mumbai Pune Road Wakadewadi Pune - 411 003 Telephone : (020) 551-1010 Fax : (020) 551-1144 Contact Person : Mr. Shishir Joshipura, Chief Executive Officer

DCM Shriram Consolidated Ltd. 5th flr. Kanchenjunga Bldg.,18 Barakhamba Road New Delhi - 110 001 Telephone : (011) 331-6801 Fax : (011) 331-8072 Email : [email protected] Contact Person : Dr. G.C. Datta Roy, Chief Executive Officer INTESCO Asia Ltd. Oakland,114 Ulsoor Road Cross Bangalore - 560 042 Telephone : (080) 558-3726 Fax : (080) 559-6036 Email : [email protected] Contact Person : Mr. R. Vasu, President & CEO Saha Sprague Limited 266,Dr. Annie Besant Road,1st flr. Opp. Passport Office,Worli Mumbai - 400 025 Telephone :(022) 421-0234 Fax : (022) 430-1969 Email : [email protected] Contact Person : Mr. Manoj Saha, Director Saket Projects Ltd. Saket House,Pancheel,Usmanpura Ahmedabad - 380 013 Telephone : (079) 755-1817 Fax : (079) 755-0452 Email : [email protected] Contact Person : Mr. Kamal Khokhani, Director See Tech solutions Pvt.Ltd. H-001,Sanchayani Prestige,Swavalambi Nagar Nagpur - 440 022 Telephone : (071) 226-4433 Fax : (071) 226-5816

Email : [email protected] Contact Person : Mr. Millind Chittawar, Chief Consultant

Sudnya Industrial Services Pvt. Ltd. 5 Raj Apartments,28 Pushpak Park,Aundh Pune - 411 007 Telephone : (020) 5888-5601 Fax : (020) 5898-6290

Email : [email protected] Contact Person : Mr. Shishir Athale, Director Shri Shakti Alternative Energy Limited Venus Plaza Begumpet Hyderabad - 500 016 Telephone : (040) 790-7979 Fax : (040) 790-8989 Contact Person : Mr. D.V. Satya Kumar, Managing Director Basera Environmental & Energy Management Group Kewra Dam Road Bhopal Telephone : (075) 523-4731 Fax : (075) 586-8382

Email : [email protected] Contact Person : Mr. Rahul Saxena, CEO Agni Energy Services Pvt. Ltd. 1-A/1 kautilya 6-3-652 Somajiguda Hyderabad - 500 082 Telephone : (040) 606-2172 Fax : (040) 339-4529

Email : [email protected] Contact Person : Mr. G.S. Varma, President Asian Electronics Limited D-11 Road No.28 Wagle Industrial Area Thane - 400 064 Telephone : (022) 583-5504 Fax : (022) 582-7636

Email : [email protected] Contact Person : Mr. Suresh Shah, Chairman & Managing Director







Financial Mechanism

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Financial Mechanism

ENERGY CONSERVATION AND COMMERCIALISATION PROGRAMME (USAID FUNDED) The Energy Conservation and Commercialisation Programme ( ECO) project is a joint project between USAID and the Government of India. The project aims to promote widespread commercialisation of end-use energy efficiency technologies and services in India, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions per unit of electricity generated. The project grant agreement for the project between the Government of India and USAID was signed on January 28, 2000.(USAID Project No: 386-0542) Project Assistance Completion Date: September 30, 2004 Objective

To promote commercialisation of energy efficiency technologies and services


Energy efficiency projects, non-sugar cogeneration, demand side management with utilities and energy service companies (ESCO’s)


Public / private companies


Project should be innovative, demonstrative and replicable. Should achieve significant energy saving and be impact making. Assistance for a specific project and would cover civil works, plant and machinery, miscellaneous fixed assets, preoperative expenses etc.

Terms Amount

50% eligible project cost or Rs 50 million whichever is lower


6-8 years (including moratorium)


Rupee loan and Conditional Loans

Rate of interest

8% - 9%

Contact Mr.Anil Malhotra, Chief Manager ICICI Bank Ltd ICICI Tower, 2nd Floor, North Tower, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Mumbai - 400 051 Tel: 022 26536813 e-mail: [email protected]

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


State Bank of India - Project Uptech to Finance Energy Efficiency SBI has launched an Uptech Project to promote Energy Efficiency measures in small and medium enterprises. The project will be implemented in the following Circles where there is good scope for energy saving in respect of SME sector. (i) Ahmedabad (ii) Bangalore (iii) Chennai (iv) Hyderabad (v) New Delhi (vi) Mumbai (viii) Patna. The project will be of 3 years duration, which may be extended if required. The Circle will identify 10 units enjoying finance under sole banking arrangement which satisfy following criteria and are interested in adopting EE measures. i) Investments in plant and machinery are less than Rs 10 crore as at the date of last Balance Sheet. ii) Credit Rating ranging SB-1 to SB-4. These 10 units will be assisted in the following manner to implement EE projects. i) The consultant will be selected jointly by the unit and CCO of the Circle from the list of consultants available with petroleum Conservation Research association (PCRA), Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA), ICICI, state-level energy development agencies. The services of Institutes like National Productivity Council (NPC), Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI) can be used. ii) The consultants will conduct energy audit and prepare detailed project report (DPR). iii) The DPR will be appraised by Consultancy Services Cell for techno-economic aspects. iv) The bank will finance the project as per financial package detailed below.

Financial Package Energy efficiency project have following cost components i. Energy audit charges ii. Consultancy fees for detailed project report (DPR) iii. Consultancy charges for implementation of project iv. Cost of plant and machinery including the cost of retrofitting /renovating / modification of existing items, miscellaneous assets for establishing a monitoring system. v. Charges for monitoring the energy efficiency on long-term basis. The EE projects result in additional cash flow due to savings of energy and this is the crucial parameter for the success of the project rather than additional assets generated. Hence the norms for adequacy of security available in EE project needs to be liberal. The appraisal of security aspects of financial package of the project should be done after taking this into consideration. The project has three distinct stages of implementation. The finance will be sanctioned in two stages. Stage I: Energy Audit and Preparation of Detailed Project Report Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Financial Mechanism In the first stage the unit is studied to explore the scope of energy saving and improving energy efficiency and a detailed plan is drawn up outlining various steps to be undertaken, investments required and likely benefits. The cost involved is the Consultant’s charges for these studies namely Energy Audit and Detailed Project Report (DPR). SBI proposes to extend grant under scheme for financing energy efficiency projects as detailed below:

Purpose To finance cost of energy audit and detailed project report. Financing pattern a.

Grant from TDISCF#

50% of the cost subject to a maximum of Rs. 50,000/-


Borrower’s contribution

Balance amount


Technology Data and Information Services Centre Fund

Scheme of Grant for Energy Efficiency Projects In case of energy efficiency projects the units will need incentives to encourage to take initial steps of i) energy audit which will lead to in-depth study of units operations and processes for saving the energy and ii) detailed project report (DPR) giving Action Plan. The Bank proposes to provide a grant of 50 percent of cost of energy audit and DPR subject to maximum of RS. 50,000/-, to each unit selected under the Project Uptech. Sanctioning Authority : CCC of the circle Documentation

: Letter of agreement from borrower

The Consultancy Cell will scrutinise the DPR and if the venture is found acceptable, the project will be financed as per details given below:

Stage II: Acquisition/ Modification/ Rrenovation of Plant and Machinery, and Establishment of Monitoring System Purpose To finance cost of plant and machinery including cost of renovating /modification of existing items, miscellaneous assets, for establishing monitoring system, fees of consultant or contractor for implementation and monitoring of the project. Financing Pattern



90 percent of cost subject to maximum of Rs.100 lakh and minimum of Rs.2 lakh




5-7 years including maximum moratorium period of 1 year


i) Primary -Assets proposed to be acquired ii) Collateral – Extension of charge on the assets provided as security for the existing advance including extension of guarantee cover where available

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Sanctioning Authority

As per scheme for delegation of financial powers


As applicable for SSI and C&I units depending upon the market segment If the MTL exceeds Rs. 100 lakh the balance portion of the project cost of stage 2 will be financed under Banks usual scheme on the normal terms and conditions.

Other Support Activities In order to strengthen the process within the Bank as well as build awareness among potential SME clients, the Bank has proposed a slew of activities under Project Uptech for promotion of energy efficiency financing. These are: i) Conduct of seminars / workshops on ‘Energy Efficiency’ projects for borrowers of the Bank. ii) Conduct of training programme for Bank staff in appraising and financing of ‘Energy Efficiency’ project. iii) Support to Research Institutes, consultants, equipment manufacturers, engineering colleges, technical institutes for development of Energy Efficient technologies, equipment, processes and practices. iv) Development of panel of engineers, auditors, consultants for EE projects on all-India basis, based on Bank’s experience with consultants selected by CCOs of LHOs Circle. Registration fees – It is proposed to charge a nominal registration fee of Rs.10,000 per unit as a token of their commitment to project. Parameters for Success of the Project The project is expected to achieve the following basic benchmark within a period of 3 years. 1) Each Circle should have financed at least 10 EE projects. Thus 60 such projects would have been funded. 2) The EE projects are immensely useful to SME sector to survive in the liberalised economy open to global competition. The benefits will be visible in a short period. The additional advances to the 60 projects will be around 20 crore in a span of 2 years. Once the benefits of such projects in from of saving in energy costs are established, more such projects are expected to come resulting in a spurt in advances to SME sector.

Contact for further information: Mr ES Balasubramanian Dy General Manager State Bank of India, Development Banking Department 9th Floor Corporate CentreState Bank Bhawan Madam Cama Road Mumbai 400 021 Tel: 022-22817462, 22022426 (ext: 3503) E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Financial Mechanism Mr Sonalal Datta AGM (CS), Credit Appraisal Cell State Bank of India, Consultancy Services Cell Local Head Office, 7th Floor 11, Sansad Marg New Delhi 110 001 Tel: 011-23368481, 233629422336 2908 (ext 453) Email:[email protected]; [email protected]

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) (a) Energy Audit Subsidy PCRA is an organization under the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. It offers subsidies up to 50% of the cost of conducting an audit at an industrial premises limited to a maximum of Rs.50,000/-. The subsidy is payable after the satisfactory conduct of the audit and upon its acceptance by both PCRA and the concerned party. A written commitment from the party for the recommendation of the recommendations amounting to 50% or more of the identified energy saving potential. This subsidy can be availed by industries who consume more than 1000 tonnes of oil equivalent per annum and where in majority of fuel consumption is constituted by petroleum products. The energy auditor has to be already empanelled by PCRA. (b) Scheme for setting up of Energy Audit Centre / upgrading energy auditing facilities Soft loans are available for procuring energy audit equipments and for upgrading energy auditing facilities A loan of 50% of the cost or Rs. 1 million, whichever is lower, is given. An interest rate of 8 % is charged on a reduced principle basis. The repayment of loans begins 1 year after it is disbursed in six equal annual installments.

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Financial Mechanism

Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) Scheme The scheme is available for financially sound industrial undertakings, which are in operation, at least for the last five years. There are basically two schemes, which are operational. (a) Energy Audit subsidy scheme IDBI bears 50 % charges of an approved consultancy for detailed energy audits. For a basic energy audit the subsidy is Rs. 10000/- or 0.1 % of the gross value of the fixed assets, whichever is less. IDBI will assess the whole process. (b) Equipment finance Assistance is available for improving energy efficiency only. An energy audit has to precede the application. The assistance is limited to 50 % of the gross value of fixed assets (excluding revenue reserves) or Rs. 40 million whichever is less. An interest @ Rs. 14 % per annum is charged. Interest can be funded for a period of up to 2 years from a period of first disbursement on simple interest basis. Repayment will commence after two years from the date of first disbursement to be repaid in full within three years thereafter. The borrower can claim a rebate in interest subject to actual energy saving.

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


IREDA’s Schemes for Financing of Energy Efficiency/ Conservation Projects General Eligibility: All types of applicants, who have borrowing powers and powers to take up energy efficiency projects as per their Charter, are eligible to avail financial assistance from IREDA except the following: • Government Departments and State Electricity Boards/ utilities unless they are restructured or in the process of restructuring and are also eligible to borrow from REC/PFC. • a) Individual, Proprietary concerns and Partnership firms; b) Loss making applicants; c) Applicants with accumulated losses (without taking into account effect of revaluation of assets, if any); and d) having erosion of paid up equity share capital as per audited Annual Accounts of the immediate preceding financial year unless security of Bank Guarantee/ Pledge of FDR from scheduled commercial bank is provided. • Applicants whose existing Debt Equity Ratio {total borrowings (other than unsecured loans and working capital loans) to net worth} exceeds 3:1 after taking into account the proposed borrowings from IREDA unless security of Bank Guarantee/ Pledge of FDR from scheduled commercial bank is provided. • Trust/Societies with accumulated revenue deficit or revenue deficit immediately during the past year unless Bank Guarantee is provided unless security of Bank Guarantee/ Pledge of FDR from scheduled commercial bank is provided. • Applicants who are in default in payment of dues to Financial Institutions, Banks NBFCs and/or IREDA at the time of submission of application. • Applicants/Group Companies and/or main promoters of the applicants company which are in default in payment of IREDA dues at the time of submission of application. • Applicants/Group Companies classified as willful defaulters as defined by RBI/classified by other FIs. • Refinancing • Projects Commissioned prior to the date of registration of application by IREDA. • Second-hand project, equipment and machinery. Cost overrun financing. • Applicants/Group companies who had availed OTS from IREDA. • Applicants requesting financial assistance of less than Rs. 10 Lakhs • Applicants/Group Companies and/or main promoters of the applicant Company convicted by court for criminal/economic offences or under national security laws. • Applicants registered outside India. • Companies which do not have minimum paid up capital of Rs. 1.00 Lakh/Rs. 5.00 Lakhs or such higher paid up capital as may be prescribed for private and public companies respectively. Terms: IREDA provides loan for Energy Efficiency/Conservation sector under following categories:

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Financial Mechanism


Rate of Interest(%) p.a.

Maximum repayment period including moratorium (Years)

Max. Moratorium (Years)

Minimum Promoters Contribution(%)

Maximum IREDA loan(%)






Upto 70% of total project cost

Domestic sector





- do -

Agricultural sector





- do -






Upto 70% of total project cost






Upto 75% of total eligible equipment cost

Domestic Sector





- do -

Agricultural Sector





- do -

Concessions/Rebates and Special Provisions from IREDA • Project financed by IREDA from the World Bank line of credit are likely to qualify for excise/ custom duty exemptions as per notification issued by the Government of India • Interest Rebate of 1.00% for furnishing security of Bank Guarantee/Pledge of FDR Or unconditional and irrevocable guarantee of All India Public Financial Institution with “AAA” or equivalent rating. • Rebate of 0.5% in interest rate for timely payment of interest & repayment of loan instalment. • Special Concessions for entrepreneurs belonging to SC/ST, Women, Physically Handicapped and Ex-servicemen Categories and those setting up projects in North Eastern States, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, newly created states, Islands and Estuaries. Other Charges Payable to IREDA after the Loan is Sanctioned (please check IREDA’s Financing Guidelines for further Details): • Front End Fee (@1.00% for loan upto Rs.1 Crores; @1.25% for Rs.1-10 Crores; @1.50% for Rs.10-20 Crores; @1.75% for Rs.20-30 Crores and @2% for loan above Rs.30 Crores)

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


• Legal Charges (if incurred by IREDA) and Expenditure on Nominee Director (if incurred by IREDA) • Inspection and Monitoring Charges incurred by IREDA for the Project

IREDA also offers following Grant Assistance to the project financed by it: Category of Project End User Energy Efficiency & Energy Conservation projects

Utility DSM Projects

ESCO Promoted Projects (with performance guarantee/ shared saving)

Purpose of Grant Cost of carrying out Energy Audit and for Preparation of Bankable Detailed Project Report for availing Term Loan Cost of carrying out Energy Audit and for Preparation of Bankable Detailed Project Report for availing Term Loan For Setting up a DSM Cell in the utility Cost of carrying out Energy Audit by ESCO and Preparation of Bankable Detailed Project Report Cost of preparation of Performance Contract for the Project Cost of Collaboration/ Experience Sharing/ Technology Transfer Cost of Promotional/ Outreach Efforts by the ESCO

Eligible Amount Rs.10.00 Lakhs per project or 2% of the loan directly availed from IREDA, whichever is less Rs.10.00 Lakhs per project or 2% of the loan directly availed from IREDA, whichever is less

Remarks Fund Utilisation certificate in the format prescribed by IREDA shall be required to be submitted --do--

Rs.10.00 Lakhs (provided --do-loan of minimum 100 Lakhs is availed. Rs.10.00 Lakhs per --do-project or 2% of the loan availed from IREDA, whichever is less Rs.4.00 Lakhs per project --do-or 1% of the loan availed from IREDA, whichever is less Rs.4.00 Lakhs per project --do-or 1% of the loan availed from IREDA, whichever is less Rs.2.00 Lakhs per project --do-or ½% of the loan availed from IREDA, whichever is less

ecurity for IREDA’s Loan: OPTION SET 1 SET 2 SET 3


PROJECT FINANCING Bank Guarantee/Pledge of FDR from Scheduled Commercial Bank State Government Guarantee Unconditional and irrevocable guarantee of All India Public Financial Institution with “AAA” or equivalent rating. § Equitable Mortgage (Mortgage by deposit of title deeds) of all immovable properties § Hypothecation of movable

EQUIPMENT FINANCING Bank Guarantee/Pledge of FDR from Scheduled Commercial Bank State Government Guarantee Unconditional and irrevocable guarantee of All India Public Financial Institution with “AAA” or equivalent rating. § Demand Promissory Note for the amount of loan § Exclusive charge by way of hypothecation of all movable assets acquired/ to be acquired out of

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Financial Mechanism

assets, both existing and IREDA’s loan and Borrowers’ own future, subject to prior funds under the project, both existing charge of Banks on specified and future § Guarantees by promoters/ promoter current assets § Guarantees by promoters/ directors and promoter companies § Deposit of post dated cheques in promoter directors and accordance with repayment schedule promoter companies § Deposit of post dated of principal loan amount and interest. cheques in accordance with repayment schedule of principal loan amount and interest. Note: 1) All equipment financing loans (where mortgage of immovable properties either on exclusive or pari-passu or second charge basis is not stipulated) will have to be secured by additional security in the form of equitable mortgage of immovable non-agricultural properties located either in urban or rural areas (excluding waste/barren lands) belonging to promoters/directors of the borrower company and/or close relatives and friends of the promoters having market value equivalent to at least 33% of IREDA’s Loan. The valuation of the property shall be arranged from any of the approved and registered valuers/architects at the cost of the borrowers to the satisfaction of IREDA and the borrower shall establish the title of such property to the satisfaction of IREDA. Alternatively, Bank Guarantee from a scheduled bank or pledge of Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) can be submitted.

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


MINISTRY OF LAW, JUSTICE AND COMPANY AFFAIRS (Legislative Department) New Delhi, the 1st October, 2001/ Asvina 9, 1923 (Saka) The following Act of Parliament received the assent of the President on the 29th September, 2001, and is hereby published for general information:--

THE ENERGY CONSERVATION ACT, 2001 No 52 OF 2001 [29th September 2001] An Act to provide for efficient use of energy and its conservation and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Fifty second Year of the Republic of India as follows:—


(1) This Act may be called the Energy Conservation Act, 2001. (2) It extends to the whole of India except the state of Jammu and Kashmir (3) It shall come into force on such dates as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint; and different dates may be appointed for different provisions of this Act and any reference in any such provision to the commencement of this Act shall be construed as a reference to the coming into force of that provision.

Short title, extent and commencement




In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires: — (a) “accredited energy auditor” means an auditor possessing qualifications specified under clause (p) of sub-section (2) of section 13; (b) “ Appellate Tribunal” means Appellate Tribunal for Energy Conservation established under section 30; (c) “building” means any structure or erection or part of a structure or erection, after the rules relating to energy conservation building codes have been notified under clause (a) of section 15 of clause (l) of sub-section (2) of section 56, which is having a connected load of 500kW or contract demand of 600 kVA and above and is intended to be used for commercial purposes; (d) “Bureau” means the Bureau of Energy Efficiency established under subsection (l) of section 3; (e) “Chairperson” means the Chairperson of the Governing council; (f) “designated agency” means any agency designated under clause (d) of section 15; (g) “designated consumer” means any consumer specified under clause (e) of section 14; (h) “energy” means any form of energy derived from fossil fuels, nuclear substances or materials, hydro-electricity and includes electrical energy or electricity generated from renewable sources of energy or bio-mass connected to the grid; (i) “energy audit” means the verification, monitoring and analysis of use of energy including submission of technical report containing recommendations for improving energy efficiency with cost benefit analysis and an action plan to reduce energy consumption; (j) “energy conservation building codes” means the norms and standards of energy consumption expressed in terms of per square meter of the area wherein energy is used and includes the location of the building; (k) “energy consumption standards” means the norms for process and energy consumption standards specified under clause (a) of section 14; (l) “Energy Management Centre” means the Energy Management Centre set up under the Resolution of the Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Energy, Department of Power No. 7(2)/87-EP (Vol. IV), dated the 5 th July, 1989 and registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860; (m) “energy manager” means any individual possessing the qualifications prescribed under clause (m) of section 14;

21 of 1860

(n) “ Governing Council” means the Governing Council referred to in section 4; (o) “member” means the member of the Governing Council and includes the Chairperson; (p) “notification” means a notification in the Gazette of India or, as the case may be, the Official Gazette of a State; (q) “prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under this Act; (r) “regulations” means regulations made by the Bureau under this Act; (s) “schedule” means the Schedule of this Act; (t) “State Commission” means the State Electricity Regulatory Commission established under sub-section (l) of section 17 of the Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998;

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(u) words and expression used and not defined in this Act but defined in the Indian Electricity Act, 1910 or the Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948 or the Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998 shall have meanings respectively assigned to them in those Acts.


(1) With effect from such date as the Central Government may, by notification, appoint, there shall be established, for the purposes of this Act, a Bureau to be called the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (2) The Bureau shall be a body corporate by the name aforesaid having perpetual succession and a common seal, with power subject to the provisions of this Act, to acquire, hold and dispose of property, both movable and immovable, and to contract, and shall, by the said name, sue or be sued.

Establishment and incorporation of Bureau of Energy Efficiency

(3) The head office of the Bureau shall be at Delhi. (4) The Bureau may establish offices at other places in India. 4.

(1) The general superintendence, direction and management of the affairs of the Bureau shall vest in the Governing Council which shall consists of not less than twenty, but not exceeding twenty-six members to be appointed by the Central Government. (2) The Governing Council shall consist of the following members, namely:(a) the Minister in charge of the Ministry or Department ex officio of the Central Government dealing with the Power Chairperson; (b) the Secretary to the Government of India, in charge of the Ministry or Department of the Central Government dealing with the Power

ex officio member;

(c) the Secretary to the Government of India, in charge of the Ministry or Department of the Central Government dealing with the Petroleum and Natural Gas

ex officio member;

(d) the Secretary to the Government of India, in charge of the Ministry or Department of the Central Government dealing with the Coal (e) the Secretary to the Government of India, in charge of the Ministry or Department of the Central Government dealing with the Non-conventional Energy Sources

ex officio member;

ex officio member;

(f) the Secretary to the Government of India, in charge of the Ministry or Department of the Central Government dealing with the Atomic Energy

ex officio member;

(g) the Secretary to the Government of India, in charge of the Ministry or Department of the Central Government dealing with the Consumer Affairs

ex officio member;

(h) Chairman of the Central Electricity Authority established under the Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948

ex officio member; ex officio member;

Karnataka Act 17 of 1960

(i) Director-General of the Central Power Research Institute registered under the Karnataka Societies Act, 1960

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(j) Executive Director of the Petroleum Conservation ex officio member; Research Association, a society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860

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(k) Chairman-cum-Managing Director of the Central ex officio member; Mine Planning and Design Institute Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956

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Management of Bureau

(l) Director-General of the Bureau of Indian Standards ex officio member; established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 (m) Director-General of the National Test House, ex officio member; Department of Supply, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Kolkata (n) Managing Director of the Indian Renewable Energy ex officio member; Development Agency Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies act, 1956 (o) one member each from five power regions members; representing the States of the region to be appointed by the Central Government (p) such number of persons, not exceeding four as may be members; prescribed, to be appointed by the Central Government as members from amongst persons who are in the opinion of the Central Government capable of representing industry, equipment and appliance manufacturers, architects and consumers (q) such number of persons, not exceeding two as may be members; nominated by the Governing Council as members (r) Director-General of Bureau

ex officio member – secretary; (3) The Governing Council may exercise all powers and do all acts and things which may be exercised or done by the Bureau. (4) Every member referred to in clause (o), (p) and (q) of sub-section (2) shall hold office for a term of three years from the date on which he enters upon his office. (5) The fee and allowances to be paid to the members referred to in clauses (o), (p) and (q) of sub-section (2) and the manner of filling up of vacancies and the procedure to be followed in the discharge of their functions shall be such as may be prescribed. Meetings of Governing Council


Meetings of Governing Council

(1) The Governing Council shall meet at such times and places, and shall observe such rules of procedure in regard to the transaction of business as its meetings (including quorum of such meetings) as may be provided by regulations. (2) The Chairperson or, if for any reason, he is unable to attend a meeting of the Governing Council, any other member chosen by the members present from amongst themselves at the meeting shall preside at the meeting. (3) All questions which come up before any meeting of the Governing Council shall be decided by a majority vote of the members present and voting, and in the event of an equality of votes, the Chairperson or his absence, the person presiding, shall have second or casting vote.

Vacancies etc., not to invalidate proceedings of Bureau, Governing Council or Committee


No act or proceeding of the Bureau or the Governing Council or any Committee shall be invalid merely by reason of (a) any vacancy in, or any defect in the constitution of, the Bureau or the Governing Council or the Committee; or (b) any defect in the appointment of a person acting as a Director -General or Secretary of the Bureau or a member of the Governing Council or the Committee; or (c) any irregularity in the procedure of the Bureau or the Governing Council or the Committee not affecting the merits of the case.

Removal of member from office


The Central Government shall remove a member referred to in clause (o), (p) and (q) of sub-section (2) of section 4 from office if he — (a) is, or at any time has been, adjudicated as insolvent;

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(b) is of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent court;

(c) has been convicted of an offence which, in the opinion of the Central Government, involves a moral turpitude; (d) has, in the opinion of the Central Government, so abused his position as to render his continuation in office detrimental to the public interest: Provided that no member shall be removed under this clause unless he has been given a reasonable opportunity of being heard in the matter. 8.

(1) Subject to any regulations made in this behalf, the Bureau shall, within six months from the date of commencement of this Act, constitute Advisory Committees for the efficient discharge of its functions. (2) Each Advisory Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and such other members as may be determined by regulations.

Constitution of Advisory Committees and other committees

(3) Without prejudice to the powers contained in sub-section (1), the Bureau may constitute, such number of technical committees of experts for the formulation of energy consumption standards or norms in respect of equipment or processes, as it considers necessary. 9.

(1) The Central Government shall, by notification, appoint a Director -General from amongst persons of ability and standing, having adequate knowledge and experience in dealing with the matters relating to energy production, supply and energy management standarisation and efficient use of energy and its conservation

Director-General of Bureau

(2) The Central Government shall, by notification appoint any person not below the rank of Deputy Secretary to the Government of India as Secretary of the Bureau (3) The Director-General shall hold office for a term of three years from the date on which he enters upon his office or until he attains the age of sixty years, whichever is earlier (4) The salary and allowances payable to the Director-General and other terms and conditions of his service and other terms and conditions of service of the Secretary of the Bureau shall be such as may be prescribed (5) Subject to general superintendence, direction and management of the affairs by the Governing Council, the Director-General of the Bureau shall be the Chief Executive Authority of the Bureau (6) The Director-General of the Bureau shall exercise and discharge such powers and duties of the Bureau as may be determined by regulations 10. (1) The Central Government may appoint such other officers and employees in the Bureau as it considers necessary for the efficient discharge of its functions under this Act.

Officers and employees of Bureau

(2) The terms and conditions of service of officers and other employees of the Bureau appointed under sub-section (1) shall be such as may be prescribed. 11. All orders and decisions of the Bureau shall be authenticated by the signature of the Director-General or any other officer of the Bureau authorised by the Director-General in this behalf.

Authentication of orders and decisions of Bureau

CHAPTER III TRANSFER OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES ETC, OF ENERGY MANAGEMENT CENTRE TO BUREAU 12. (1) On and from the date of establishment of the Bureau (a) any reference to the Energy Management Centre in any law other than this Act or in any contract or other instrument shall be deemed as a reference to the Bureau; (b) all properties and assets, movable and immovable of, or belonging to, the Energy Management Centre shall vest in the Bureau; (c) all the rights and liabilities of the Energy Management Centre shall be transferred to, and be the right and liabilities of, the Bureau;

Transfer of assets, liabilities and employees of Energy Management Centre

(d) without prejudice to the provisions of clause (c), all debts, obligations and liabilities incurred, all contracts entered into and all matters and things engaged to be done by, with or for the Energy Management Centre immediately before that date for or in connection with the purposes of the said Centre shall be deemed to have been incurred, entered into, or engaged to be done by, with or for, the Bureau;


(e) all sums of money due to the Energy Management Centre immediately before that date shall be deemed to be due to the Bureau; (f) all suits and other legal proceedings instituted or which could have been instituted by or against the Energy Management C entre immediately before that date may be continued or may be instituted by or against the Bureau; and (g) every employee holding any office under the Energy Management Centre immediately before that date shall hold his office in the Bureau by the same tenure and upon the same terms and conditions of service as respects remuneration, leave, provident fund, reti rement or other terminal benefits as he would have held such office if the Bureau had not been established and shall continue to do so as an employee of the Bureau or until the expiry of six months from the date if such employee opts not to be the employee of the Bureau within such period. (2) Not withstanding anything contained in the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 or in any other law for the time being in force, the absorption of any employees by the Bureau in its regular service under this section s hall not entitle such employees to any compensation under that Act or other law and no such claim shall be entertained by any court, tribunal or other authority.


13. (1) The Bureau shall, effectively co-ordinate with designated consumers, designated agencies and other agencies, recognise and utilise the existing resources and infrastructure, in performing the functions assigned to it by or under this Act (2) The Bureau may perform such functions and exercise such powers as may be assigned to it by or under this Act and in particular, such functions and powers include the function and power to (a) recommend to the Central Government the norms for pro cesses and energy consumption standards required to be notified under clause (a) of section 14 ; (b) recommend to the Central Government the particulars required tobe displayed on label on equipment or on appliances and manner of their display under clause (d) of section 14; (c) recommend to the Central Government for notifying any user or class of users of energy as a designated consumer under clause (e) of section 14; (d) take suitable steps to prescribe guidelines for energy conservation building codes under clause (p) of section 14; (e) take all measures necessary to create awareness and disseminate information for efficient use of energy and its conservation; (f) arrange and organize training of personnel and specialists in the techniques for efficient use of energy and its conservation; (g) strengthen consultancy services in the field of energy conservation; (h) promote research and development in the field of energy conservation; (i) develop testing and certification procedure and promote testing facilities for certification and testing for energy consumption of equipment and appliances; (j) formulate and facilitate implementation of pilot projects and demonstration projects for promotion of efficient use of energy and its conservation; (k) promote use of energy efficient processes, equipment, devices and systems; (l) promote innovative financing of energy efficiency projects;

14 of 1947

(m) give financial assistance to institutions for promoting efficient use of energy and its conservation;


(n) levy fee, as may be determined by regulations, for services provided for promoting efficient use of energy and its conservation; (o) maintain a list of accredited energy auditors as may be specified by regulations; (p) specify, by regulations, qualifications for the accredited energy auditors; (q) specify, by regulations, the manner and intervals of time in which the energy audit shall be conducted ; (r) specify, by regulations, certification procedures for energy managers to be designated or appointed by designated consumers; (s) prepare educational curriculum on efficient use of energy and its conservation for educational institutions, boards, universities or autonomous bodies and coordinate with them for inclusion of such curriculum in their syllabus; (t) implement internat ional co-operation programmes relating to efficient use of energy and its conservation as may be assigned to it by the Central Government; (u) perform such other functions as may be prescribed.

CHAPTER V POWER OF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT TO FACILITATE AND ENFORCE EFFICIENT USE OF ENERGY AND ITS CONSERVATION 14. The Central Government may, by notification, in consultation with the Bureau, — (a) specify the norms for processes and energy consumption standards for any equipment, appliances which consumes, generates, transmits or supplies energy; (b) specify equipment or appliance or class of equipments or appliances, as the case may be, for the purposes of this Act; (c) prohibit manufacture or sale or purchase or import of equipment or appliance specified under clause (b) unless such equipment or appliances conforms to energy consumption standards; Provided that no notification prohibiting manufacture or sale or purchase or import or equipment or appliance shall be issued within two years from the date of notification issued under clause (a) of this section; (d) direct display of such particulars on label on equipment or on appliance specified under clause (b) and in such manner as may be specified by regulations; (e) specify, having regarding to the intensity or quantity of energy consumed and the amount of investment required for switching over to energy efficient equipments and capacity or industry to invest in it and availability of the energy efficient machinery and equipment required by the industry, any user or class of users of energy as a designated consumer for the purposes of this Act; (f) alter the list of Energy Intensive Industries specified in the Schedule; (g) establish and prescribe such energy consumption norms and standards for designated consumers as it may consider necessary: Provided that the Central Government may prescribe different norms and standards for different designated consumers having regard to such factors as may be prescribed; (h) direct, having regard to quantity of energy consumed or the norms and standards of energy consumption specified under clause (a) the energy intensive industries specified in the Schedule to get energy audit conducted by an accredited energy auditor in such manner and intervals of time as may be specified by regulations;

Power of Central Government to enforce efficient use of energy and its conservation

(i) direct, if considered necessary for efficient use of energy and its conservation, any designated consumer to get energy audit conducted by an accredited energy auditor;

(j) specify the matters to be included for the purposes of inspection under sub-section (2) of section 17; (k) direct any designated consumer to furnish to the designated agency, in such form and manner and within such period, as may be prescribed, the information with regard to the energy consumed and action taken on the recommendation of the accredited energy auditor; (l) direct any designated consumer to designate or appoint energy manger in charge of activities for efficient use of energy and its conservation and submit a report, in the form and manner as may be prescribed, on the status of energy consumption at the end of the every financial year to designated agency; (m) prescribe minimum qualification for energy managers to be designated or appointed under clause (l); (n) direct every designated consumer to comply with energy consumption norms and standards; (o) direct any designated consumer, who does not fulfil the energy consumption norms and standards prescribed under clause (g), to prepare a scheme for efficient use of energy and its conservation and implement such scheme keeping in view of the economic viability of the investment in such form and manner a s may be prescribed; (p) prescribe energy conservation building codes for efficient use of energy and its conservation in the building or building complex; (q) amend the energy conservation building codes to suit the regional and local climatic conditions; (r) direct every owner or occupier of the building or building complex, being a designated consumer to comply with the provisions of energy conservation building codes for efficient use of energy and its conservation; (s) direct, any designated consumer referred to in clause (r), if considered necessary, for efficient use of energy and its conservation in his building to get energy audit conducted in respect of such building by an accredited energy auditor in such manner and intervals of time as may be specified by regulations; (t) take all measures necessary to create awareness and disseminate information for efficient use of energy and its conservation; (u) arrange and organise training of personnel and specialists in the techniques for efficient use of energy and its conservation; (v) take steps to encourage preferential treatment for use of energy efficient equipment or appliances: Provided that the powers under clauses (p) and (s) shall be exercised in consultation with the concerned State.

CHAPTER VI POWER OF STATE GOVERNMENT TO FACILITATE AND ENFORCE EFFICIENT USE OF ENERGY AND ITS CONSERVATION Power of State Government to enforce certain provisions for efficient use of energy and its conservation

15. The State Government may, by notification, in consultation with the Bureau (a) amend the energy conservation building codes to suit the regional and local climatic conditions and may, by rules made by it, specify and notify energy conservation building codes with respect to use of energy in the buildings;



(b) direct every owner or occupier of a building or building complex being a designated consumer to comply with the provisions of the energy conservation building codes; (c) direct, if considered necessary for efficient use of energy and its conservation, any designated consumer referred to in clause (b) to get energy audit conducted by an accredited energy auditor in such manner and at such intervals of time as may be specified by regulations; (d) designate any agency as designated agency to coordinate, regulate and enforce provisions of this Act within the State; (e) take all measures necessary to create awareness and disseminate information for efficient use of energy and its conservation; (f) arrange and organise training of personnel and specialists in the techniques for efficient use of energy and its conservation; (g) take steps to encourage preferential treatment for use of energy efficient equipment or appliances; (h) direct, any designated consumer to furnish to the designated agency, in such form and manner and within such period as may be specified by rules made by it, information with regard to the energy consumed by such consumer; (i) specify the matters to be included for the purposes of inspection under sub-section (2) of section 17; 16. (1) The State Government shall constitute a Fund to be called the State Energy Conservation Fund for the purposes of promotion of efficient use of energy and its conservation within the State.

Establishment of Fund by State Government

(2) To the Fund shall be credited all grants and loans that may be made by the State Government or, Central Government or any other organization or individual for the purposes of this Act. (3) The Fund shall be applied for meeting the expenses incurred for implementing the provisions of this Act. (4) The Fund created under sub-section (l) shall be administered by such persons or any authority and in such manner as may be spe cified in the rules made by the State Government. 17. (1) The designated agency may appoint, after the expiry of five years from the date of commencement of this Act, as many inspecting officers as may be necessary for the purpose of ensuring compliance with energy consumption standard specified under clause (a) of section 14 or ensure display of particulars on label on equipment or appliances specified under clause (b) of section 14 or for the purpose of performing such other functions as may be assigned to them. (2) Subject to any rules made under this Act, an inspecting officer shall have power to (a) inspect any operation carried on or in connection with the equipment or appliance specified under clause (b) of section 14 or in respect of which energy standards under clause (a) of section 14 have been specified; (b) enter any place of designated consumer at which the energy is used for any activity and may require any proprietor, employee, director, manager or secretary or any other person who may be attending in any manner to or helping in, carrying on any activity with the help of energy (i) to afford him necessary facility to inspect (A) any equipment or appliance as he may require and which may be available at such place; (B) any production process to ascertain the energy consumption norms and standards;

Power of inspection

(ii) to make an inventory of stock of any equipment or appliance checked or verified by him; (iii) to record the statement of any person which may be useful for, or relevant to, for efficient use of energy and its conservation under this Act. (3) An inspecting officer may enter any place of designated consumer (a) where any activity with the help of energy is carried on; and (b) where any equipment or appliance notified under clause (b) of section 14 has been kept, during the hours at which such places is open for production or conduct of business connected therewith. (4) An inspecting officer acting under this section shall, on no account, remove or cause to be removed from the place wherein he has entered, any equipment or appliance or books of accounts or other documents. Power of Central Government or State Government to issue directions

18. The Central Government or the State Government may, in the exercise of its powers and performance of its functions under this Act and for efficient use of energy and its conservation, issue such directions in writing as it deems fit for the purposes of thi s Act to any person, officer, authority or any designated consumer and such person, officer or authority or any designated consumer shall be bound to comply with such directions. Explanation – For the avoidance of doubts, it is hereby declared that the power to issue directions under this section includes the power to direct – (a) regulation of norms for process and energy consumption standards in any industry or building or building complex; or (b) regulation of the energy consumption standards for equipment and appliances.

CHAPTER VII FINANCE, ACCOUNT S AND AUDIT OF BUREAU Grants and loans by Central Government Establishment of Fund by Central Government

19. The Central Government may, after due appropriation made by Parliament by law in this behalf, make to the Bureau or to the State Government grants and loans of such sums or money as the Central Government may consider necessary. 20. (1) There shall be constituted a Fund to be called as the Central Energy Conservation Fund and there shall be credited thereto (a) any grants and loans made to the Bureau by the Central Government under section 19; (b) all fees received by the Bureau under this Act; (c) all sums received by the Bureau from such other sources as may be decided upon by the Central Government. (2) The Fund shall be applied for meeting (a) the salary, allowances and other remuneration of Director -General, Secretary officers and other employees of the Bureau, (b) expenses of the Bureau in the discharge of its functions under section 13; (c) fee and allowances to be paid to the members of the Governing Council under subsection (5) or section 4; (d) expenses on objects and for purposes authorised by this Act

Borrowing powers of Bureau

21. (1) The Bureau may, with the consent of the Central Government or in accordance with the terms of any general or special authority given to it by the Central Government borrow money from any source as it may deem fit for discharging all or any of its functions under this Act. (2) The Central Government may guarantee, in such manner as it thinks fit, the repayment of the principle and the payment of interest thereon with respect to the loans borrowed by the Bureau under sub-section (l).


22. The Bureau shall prepare, in such form and at such time in each financial year as may be prescribed, its budget for the next financial year, showing the estimated receipts and expenditure of the Bureau and forward the same to the Central Government.


23. The Bureau shall prepare, in such form and at such time in each financial year as may be prescribed, its annual report, giving full account of its activities during the previous financial year, and submit a copy thereof to the Central Government.

Annual report

24. The Central Government shall cause the annual report referred to in section 23 to be laid, as soon as may be after it is received, before each House of Parliament.

Annual report tobe laid before Parliament

25. (1) The Bureau shall maintain proper accounts and other relevant records and prepare an annual statement of accounts in such form as may be prescribed by the Central Government in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor -General of India.

Accounts and Audit

(2) The accounts of the Bureau shall be audited by the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India at such intervals as may be specified by him and any expenditure incurred in connection with such audit shall be payable by the Bureau to the Comptroller and Auditor-General. (3) The Comptroller and Auditor-General of India and any other person appointed by him in connection with the audit of the accounts of the Bureau shall have the same rights and privileges and authority in connection with such audit as the Comptroller and Auditor-General generally has in connection with the audit of the Government accounts and in particular, shall have the right to demand the production of books, accounts, connected vouchers and other documents and papers and to inspect any of the offices of the Bureau. (4) The accounts of the Bureau as certified by the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India or any other person appointed by him in this behalf together with the audit report thereon shall forward annually to the Central Government and that Government shall cause the same to be laid before each House of Parliament.

CHAPTER VIII PENALTIES AND ADJUDICATION 26. (1) If any person fails to comply with the provision of clause (c) or the clause (d) or clause (h) or clause (i) or clause (k) or clause (l) or clause (n) or clause (r) or clause (s) of section 14 or clause (b) or clause (c) or clause (h) of section 15, he shall be liable to a penalty which shall not exceed ten thousand rupees for each such failures and, in the case of continuing failures, with an additional penalty which may extend t o one thousand rupees for every day during which such failures continues:


Provided that no person shall be liable to pay penalty within five years from the date of commencement of this Act. (2) Any amount payable under this section, if not paid, may be recovered as if it were an arrear of land revenue. 27. (1) For the purpose of adjudging section 26, the State Commission shall appoint any of its members to be an adjudicating officer for holding an inquiry in such manner as may be prescribed by the Central Government, after giving any person concerned a reasonable opportunity of being heard for the purpose of imposing any penalty. (2) While holding an inquiry the adjudicating officer shal l have power to summon and enforce the attendance of any person acquainted with the facts and circumstances of the case of give evidence or produce any document which in the opinion of the adjudicating officer, may be useful for or relevant to the subject-matter of the inquiry, and if, on such inquiry, he is satisfied that the person has failed to comply with the provisions of any of the clauses of the sections specified in section 26, he may impose such penalty as he thinks fit in accordance with the provi sions of any of those clauses of that section:

Power to adjudicate


Provided that where a State Commission has not been established in a State, the Government of that State shall appoint any of its officer not below the rank equivalent to a Secretary dealing with legal affairs in that State to be an adjudicating officer for the purposes of this section and such officer shall cease to be an adjudicating officer immediately on the appointment of an adjudicating officer by the State Commission on its establishment in that State: Provided further that where an adjudicating officer appointed by a State Government ceased to be an adjudicating officer, he shall transfer to the adjudicating officer appointed by the State Commission all matters being adjudicated by him and thereafter the adjudicating officer appointed by the State Commission shall adjudicate the penalties on such matters. Factors to be taken into account by adjudicating officer

28. While adjudicating the quantum of penalty under section 26, the adjudicating officer shall have due regard to the following factors, namely:(a) the amount of disproportionate gain or unfair advantage, wherever quantifiable, made as a result of the default; (b) the repetitive nature of the default.

Civil court not to have jurisdiction

29. No civil court shall have jurisdiction to entertain any suit or proceeding in respect of any matter which an adjudicating officer appointed under this Act or the Appellate Tribunal is empowered by or under this Act to determine and no injunction shall be granted by any court or other authority in respect of any action taken or to be taken in pursuance of any power conferred by or under this Act.


30. The Central Government shall, by notification, establish an Appellate Tribunal to be known as the Appellate Tribunal for Energy Conservation to hear appeals against the orders of the adjudicating officer or the Central Government or the State Government or any other authority under this Act.

Appeal to Appellate Tribunal

31. (1) Any person aggrieved, by an order made by an adjudicating officer or the Central Government or the State Government or any other authority under this Act, may prefer an appeal to the Appellate Tribunal for Energy Conservation: Provided that any person appealing against the order of the adjudicating officer levying any penalty, shall while filing the appeal, deposit the amount of such penalty: Provided further that where in any particular case, the Appellate Tribunal is of the opinion that the deposit of such penalty would cause undue hardship to such person, the Appellate Tribunal may dispense with such deposit subject to such conditions as it may deem fit to impose so as to safeguard the realisation of penalty. (2) Every appeal under sub-section (1) shall be filed within a period of forty-five days from the date on which a copy of the order made by the adjudicating officer or the Central Government or the State Government or any other authority is received by the aggrieved person and it shall be in such form, verified in such manner and be accompanies by such fee as may be prescribed: Provided that the Appellate Tribunal may entertain an appeal after the expiry of the said period of forty-five days if it is satisfied that there was sufficient cause for not filing it within that period. (3) On receipt of an appeal under sub-section (1), the Appellate Tribunal may, after giving the parties to the appeal an opportunity of being heard, pass such orders thereo n as it thinks fit, confirming, modifying or setting aside the order appealed against (4) The Appellate Tribunal shall send a copy of every order made by it to the parties to the appeal and to the concerned adjudicating officer or the Central Governm ent or the State Government or any other authority.


(5) The appeal filed before the Appellate Tribunal under sub-section (l) shall be dealt with by it as expeditiously as possible and endeavour shall be made by it to dispose of the appeal finally within one hundred and eighty days from the date of receipt of the appeal:


Provided that where an appeal could not be disposed of within the said period of one hundred and eighty days, the Appellate Tribunal shall record its reasons in writing for not disposing of the appeal within the said period. (6) The Appellate Tribunal may, for the purpose of examining the legality, propriety or correctness of any order made by the adjudicating officer or the Central Government or the State Government or any other authority under this Act, as the case may be in relation to any proceeding, on its own motion or otherwise, call for the records of such proceedings and make such order in the case as it thinks fit. 32. (1) The Appellate Tribunal shall consist of a Chairperson and such number of Members not exceeding four, as the Central Government may deem fit.

Composition of Appellate Tribunal

(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act, (a) the jurisdiction of the Appellate Tribunal maybe exercised by Benches thereof; (b) a Bench may be constituted by the Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal with two or more Members of the Appellate Tribunal as the Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal may deem fit: Provided that every Bench constituted under this clause shall include at least one Judicial Member and one Technical Member; (c) The Benches of the Appellate Tribunal shall ordinarily sit a t Delhi and such other places as the Central Government may, in consultation with the Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal, notify; (d) The Central Government shall notify the areas in relation to which each Bench of the Appellate Tribunal may exercise jurisdiction, (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub -section (2), the Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal may transfer a Member of the Appellate Tribunal from one Bench to another Bench Explanation – For the purposes of this Chapter, – (i) “Judicial Member” means a Member of the Appellate Tribunal appointed as such under item (i) or item (ii) or clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 33, and includes the Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal; (ii) “Technical Member” means a Member of the Appellate Tribunal appointed as such under item (iii) or item (iv) or item (v) or item (vi) of clause (b) of sub-section (l) of section 33 33.

(1) A person shall not be qualified for appointment as the Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal or a Member of the Appellate Tribunal unless he (a) in the case of Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal, is or has been, a judge of the Supreme Court or the Chief Justice of a High Court; and (b) in the case of a Member of the Appellate Tribunal,(i) is, or has been, or is qualified to be, a Judge of a High Court; or (ii) is, or has been, a Member of the Indian Legal Service and has held a post in Grade I in that service for atleast three years; or (iii) is, or has been, a Secretary for at least one year in Ministry or Department or the Central Government dealing with the Power, or Coal, or Petroleum and Natural Gas, or Atomic Energy; or (iv) is, or has been Chairman of the Central Electricity Autho rity for at least one year; or (v) is, or has been, Director-General of Bureau or Director-General of the Central Power Research Institute or Bureau of Indian Standards for atleast three years or has held any equivalent post for atleast three years; or

Qualifications for appointment of Chairperson and Members of Appellate Tribunal

(vi) is, or has been, a qualified technical person of ability and standing having adequate knowledge and experience in dealing with the matters relating to energy production and supply, energy management, standardisation and efficient use of energy and its conservation, and has shown capacity in dealing with problems relating to engineering, finance, commerce, economics, law or management Term of office

34. The Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal and every Member of the Appellate Tribunal shall hold office as such for a term of five years from the date on which he enters upon his office: Provided that no Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal or Mem ber of the Appellate Tribunal shall hold office as such after he has attained, – (a) in the case of the Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal, the age of seventy years; (b) in the case of any Member of the Appellate Tribunal, the age of sixty-five years.

Terms and conditions of service

35. The salary and allowances payable to and the other terms and conditions of service of the Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal, Members of the Appellate Tribunal shall be such as may be prescribed: Provided that neither the salary and allowances nor the other terms and conditions of service of the Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal or a Member of the Appellate Tribunal shall be varied to his disadvantage after appointment.


36. If for reason other than temporary absence any vacancy occurs in the office of the Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal or the Member of the Appellate Tribunal, the Central Government shall appoint another person in accordance with the provisions of this Act to fill the vacancy and the proceedings may be continued before the Appellate Tribunal from the stage at which the vacancy is filled.

Registration and removal

37. (1) The Chairperson or a Member of the Appellate Tribunal may, by notice in writing under his hand addressed to the Central Government, resign his office: Provided that the Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal or a Member of the Appellate Tribunal shall, unless he is per mitted by the Central Government to relinquish his office sooner, continue to hold office until the expiry of three months from the date of receipt of such notice or until a person duly appointed as his successor enters upon his office or until the expiry of term of office, whichever is the earliest. (2) The Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal or a Member of the Appellate Tribunal shall not be removed from his office except by an order by the Central Government on the ground of proved misbehaviour or incapacity after an inquiry made by such persons as the President may appoint for this purpose in which the Chairperson or a Member of the Appellate Tribunal concerned has been informed of the charges against him and given a reasonable opportunity of being heard in respect of such charges.


681 38. (1) In the event of the occurrence of vacancy in the office of the Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal by reason of his death, resignation or otherwise, the senior-most member of the Appellate Tribunal shall act as the Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal until the date on which a new Chairperson appointed in accordance with the provisions of this Act to fill such vacancy enters upon his office.

Member to act as Chairperson in certain circumstances

(2) When the Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal is unable to discharge his functions owing to his absence, illness or any other cause, the senior most Member of the Appellate Tribunal shall discharge the functions of the Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal until the date on which the Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal resumes his duties. 39. (1) The Central Government shall provide the Appellate Tribunal with such officers and employees as it may deem fit.

Staff of Appellate Tribunal

(2) The officers and employees of the Appellate Tribunal shall discharge their functions under the general superintendence of the Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal as the case may be. (3) The salaries and allowances and other conditions of service of the officers and employees of the Appellate Tribunal shall be such as may be prescribed.

5 of 1908

5 of 1908

40. (1) The Appellate Tribunal shall not be bound by the procedure laid down by the Code of civil Procedure, 1908 but shall be guided by the principles of natural justice and subject to the other provisions of this Act, the Appellate Tribunal shall have powers to regulate it own procedure. (2) The Appellate Tribunal shall have, for the purposes of discharging its functions under this Act, the same powers as are vested in the civil court under the Code of C ivil Procedure 1908, while trying to suit in respect of the following matters, namely:(a) summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining him on oath; (b) requiring the discovery and production of documents; (c) receiving evidence of affidavits;

1 of 1872

(d) subject to the provisions of section 123 and 124 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, requisitioning any public record or document or copy of such record or document from any office (e) issuing commissions for the examination of witnesses or documents; (f) reviewing its decisions; (g) dismissing a representation of default or deciding it, ex parte; (h) setting aside any order of dismissal or any representation for default or any order passed by it, ex parte; (i) any other matter which may be prescribed by the Central Government. (3) An order made by the Appellate Tribunal under this Act sha ll be executable by the Appellate Tribunal as a decree of civil court and, for this purpose, the Appellate Tribunal shall have all the powers of a civil court. (4) Not withstanding anything contained in sub -section (3), the Appellate Tribunal may transmit any order made by it to a civil court having local jurisdiction and such civil court shall execute the order as if it were a decree made by the that court.

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2 of 1974

(5) All proceedings before the Appellate Tribunal shall be deemed to be judicial proceedings within the meaning of sections 193 and 228 of the Indian Penal Code and the Appellate Tribunal shall be deemed to be civil court for the purposes of section 345 and 346 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.

Procedure and powers of Appellate Tribunal

Distribution of business amongst Benches.

41. Where Benches are constituted, the Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal may, from time to time, by notification, make provisions as to the distribution of the business of the Appellate Tribunal amongst the Benches and also provide for the matters which ma y be dealt with by each Bench.

Power of Chairpersont to transfer cases

42. On the application of any of the parties and after notice to the parties, and after hearing such of them as he may desire to be heard, or on his own motion without such notice, the Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal may transfer any case pending before one Bench for disposal, to any other Bench.

Decision to be by majority

43. If the Members of the Appellate Tribunal of a Bench consisting of two Members differ in opinion on any point, they shall state the point or points on which they differ, and make a reference to the Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal who shall either hear the point or points himself or refer the case for hearing on such point or points b y one or more of the other Members of the Appellate Tribunal and such point or points shall be decided according to the opinion of the majority of the Members of the Appellate Tribunal who have heard the case, including those who first heard it.

Right to appellant to take assistance of legal practitioner or accredited auditor and of Government to appoint presenting officers

44. (1) A person preferring an appeal to the Appellate Tribunal under this Act may either appear in person or take assistance of a legal practitioner or an accredited energy auditor of his choice to present his case before the Appellate Tribunal, as the case may be.

Appeal to Supreme Court

(2) The Central Government or the State Government may authorise one or more legal practitioners or any of its officers to act as presenting officers and every person so authorised may present the case with respect to any appeal before the Appellate Tribunal as the case may be. 45. Any person aggrieved by any decision or order of the Appellate Tribunal may, file an appeal to the Supreme court within sixty days from the date of communication of the decision or order of the Appellate Tribunal to him, on any one or more of the ground specified in section 100 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908: Provided that the Supreme Court may, if it is satisfied that the appellant was prevented by the sufficient cause from the filing the appeal within the said period, allow it to be filed within a further period of not exceeding sixty days.

CHAPTER X MISCELLANEOUS Power of Central Government to issue directions to Bureau

46. (1) Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions of this Act, the Bureau shall, in exercise of its powers or the performance of its functions under this Act, be bound by such directions on questions of policy as the Central Government may give in writing to it from time to time: Provided that the B ureau shall, as far as practicable, be given an opportunity to express his views before any direction is given under this sub-section.

Power of Central Government to supersede Bureau

(2) The decision of the Central Government, whether a question is one of policy or not, shall be final. 47. (1) If at any time the Central Government is of opinion (a) that on account of grave emergency, the Bureau is unable to discharge the functions and duties imposed on it by or under the provisions of this Act; or


5 of 1908

(b) that the Bureau has persistently made default in complying with any direction issued by the Central Government under this Act or in discharge of the functions and duties imposed on it by or under the provisions of this Act and as a result of such default, the financial position of the Bureau had deteriorated or the administration of the Bureau had deteriorated; or


(c) that circumstances exist which render it necessary in the public interest so to do, the Central Government may, by notification, supersede the Bureau for such period, not exceeding six months, as may be specified in the notification. (2) Upon the publication of a notification under sub-section (1) superseding the Bureau (a) all the members referred to in clauses (o), (p) and (q) of sub-section (2) of section 4 shall, as from the date of supersession, vacate their offices as such; (b) all the powers, functions and duties which may, by or under the provisions of this Act, be exercised or discharged by or on behalf of the Bureau, shall until the Bureau is reconstituted under sub-section (3), be exercised and discharged by such person or persons as the Central Government may direct; and (c) all property owned or controlled by the Bureau shall, until the Bureau is reconstituted under sub-section (3), vest in the Central Government. (3) On the expiration of the period of supersession specified in the notification issued under sub-section (1), the Central Government may reconstitute the Bureau by a fresh appointment and in such case any person or persons who vacated their offices under clause (a) of sub-section (2), shall not be deemed disqualified for appointment: Provided that the Central Government may, at any time, before the expiration of the period of supersession, take action under this sub-section (d) the Central Government shall cause a notification issued under sub -section (1) and full report of any action taken under this section and the circumstances leading to such action to be laid before each House of Parliament at the earliest. 48. (1) Where a company makes a default in complying with the provisions of clause (c) or clause (d) or clause (h) or clause (i) or clause (k) or clause (l) or clause (n) or clause (r) or clause (s) of section 14 or clause (b) or clause (c) or clause (h) of section 15, every person who at the time of such contravention was incharge of, and was responsible to the company for the conduct of the business of the company, as well as the company, shall be deemed to have acted in contravention of the said provisions and shall be liable to be proceeded against and imposed penalty under section 26 accordingly:

Default by companies

Provided that nothing contained in this sub -section shall render any such person liable for penalty provided in this Act if he proves that the contravention of the aforesaid provisions was committed without his knowledge or that he exercised all due diligence to prevent the contravention of the aforesaid provision. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub -section (l), where any contravention of the provisions of clause (c) or clause (d) or clause (h) or clause (i) or clause (k) or clause (l) or clause (n) or clause (r) or clause (s) of section 14 or clause (b) or clause (c) or clause (h) of section 15 has been committed with the consent or connivance of, or in attributable to, any neglect on the part of , any director, manager, secretary or other officer of the company, such director, manager, secretary or other officer shall also be deemed to have contravened the said provisions and shall be liable to be proceeded for imposition of penalty accordingly. Explanation – For the purposes of this section, “company” means a body corporate and includes a firm or other association of individuals. 43 of 1961

49. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Income -tax Act, 1961 or any other enactment for the time being in force relating to tax on income, profits or gains (a) the Bureau; (b) the existing Energy Management Centre from the date of its constitution to the date of establishment of the Bureau,

Exemption from tax on income

shall not be liable to pay any income tax or any tax in respect of their income, profits or gains derived. Protection of action taken in good faith

50. No suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie against the Central Government or Director-General or Secretary or State Government or any officer of those Governments or State Commission or its members or any member or officer or other employee of the Bureau for anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done under this Act or the rules or regulations made thereunder.


51. The Bureau may, by general or special order in writing, delegate to any member, member of the committee, officer of the Bureau or any other person subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the order, such of its powers and functions under this Act (except the powers under section (58) as it may deem necessary

Power to obtain information

52. Every designated consumer or manufacturer of equipment or appliances specified under clause (b) of section 14 shall supply the Bureau with such information, and with such samples of any material or substance used in relation to any equipment or appliance, as the Bureau may require.

Power to exempt

53. If the Central Government or the Stat e Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do in the public interest, it may, by notification and subject to such conditions as may be specified in the notification, exempt any designated consumer or class of designated consumers from application of all or any of the provisions of this Act:


Provided that the Central Government or the State Government, as the case may be, shall not grant exemption to any designated consumer or class of designated consumers for the period exceeding five years: Provided further that the Central Government or State Government, as the case may be shall consult the Bureau of Energy Efficiency before granting such exemption. Chairperson, Members, officers and employees of the Appellate Tribunal, Members of State Commission, DirectorGeneral, Secretary, members, officers and employees to be public servants.

54. The Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal or the Members of the Appellate Tribunal or officers or employees of the Appellate Tribunal or the members of the State Commission or the members, Director-General, Secretary, officers and other employees of the Bureau shall be deemed, when acting or purporting to act in pursuance of any of the provisions of the Act, to be public servants within the meaning of section 21 of the Indian Penal Code.

Power of Central Government to issue directions. Power of Central Government to make rules.

55. The Central Government may give directions to a State Gover nment or the Bureau as to carrying out into execution of this Act in the State 56. (1) The Central Government may, by notification, make rules for carrying out the provisions of this Act. (2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:(a) such number of persons to be appointed as members by the Central Government under clauses (o), (p) and (q) of sub-section (2) of section 4; (b) the fee and allowances to be paid to the members under sub-section (5) of section 4; (c) the salary and allowances payable to the Director-General and other terms and conditions of his service and other terms and conditions of service of the Secretary of the Bureau under sub-section (4) of section 9;

45 0f 1860

(d) the terms and conditions of service of officer and other employees of the Bureau under sub-section (2) of section 10;


(e) performing such other functions by the Bureau, as may be prescribed, under clause(u) of sub-section (2) or section 13; (f) the energy consumption norms and standards for designated consumers under clause (g) of section 14; (g) prescribing the different norms and standards for different designated consumers under the proviso to clause (g) of section 14; (h) the form and manner and the time within which information with regard to energy consumed and the action taken on the r ecommendations of the accredited energy auditor be furnished under clause (k) of section 14; (i) the form and manner in which the status of energy consumption be submitted under clause (l) of section 14; (j) the minimum qualification for energy managers under clause (m) of section 14; (k) the form and manner for preparation of scheme and its implementation under clause (o) of section 14; (l) the energy conservation building codes under clause (p) of section 14; (m) the matters relating to inspection under sub -section (2) of section 17; (n) the form in which, and the time at which, the Bureau shall prepare its budget under section 22; (o) the form in which, and the time at which, the Bureau shall prepare its annual report under section 23; (p) the form in which the accounts of the Bureau shall be maintained under section 25; (q) the manner of holding inquiry under sub -section (l) of section 27; (r) the form of and fee for filing such appeal under sub-section (2) of section 31; (s) the salary and allowances payable to and other terms and conditions of service of the Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal and Member of the Appellate Tribunal under section 35; (t) the salary and allowances and other conditions of service of the officers and other employees of the Appellate Tribunal under sub-section (3) of section 39; (u) the additional matters in respect of which the Appellate Tribunal may exercise the powers of a civil court under clause (i) of sub-section (2) of section 40; (v) any other matters which is to be, or may be, prescribed, or in respect of which provision is to be made, or may be made by rules. 57. (1) The State Government may, by notification, makes rules for carrying out the provisions of this Act and not inconsistent with the rules, if any, made by the Central Government. (2) In particular, and without prej udice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely: (a) energy conservation building codes under clause (a) of section 15; (b) the form, the manner and the period within which information with regard to energy consumption shall be furnished under clause (h) of section 15; (c) the person or any authority who shall administer the Fund and the manner in which the Fund shall be administered under sub-section (4) of section 16; (d) the matters to be included for the purposes of inspection under sub-section (2) of section 17 (e) any other matter which is to be, or may be, prescribed, or in respect of which provision is to be made, or may be made, by rules.

Power of State Government to make rules

Power of Bureau to make regulations

58. (1) The Bureau may, with the previous approval of the Central Government and subject to the condition of previous publication, by notification, make regulations not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act and the rules made thereunder to carry out the pur poses of this Act. (2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such regulations may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:(a) the times and places of the meetings of the Governing Council and the procedure to be followed at such meetings under sub-section (1) of section 5; (b) the members of advisory committees constituted under sub-section (2) of section 8; (c) the powers and duties that maybe exercised and discharged by the Director-General of the Bureau under sub-section (6) of section 9; (d) the levy of fee for services provided for promoting efficient use of energy and its conservation under clause (n) of sub-section (2) of section 13; (e) the list of accredited energy auditors under clause (o) of sub-section (2) of section 13; (f) the qualifications for accredited energy auditors under clause (p) of sub-section (2) of section 13; (g) the manner and the intervals or time in which the energy audit shall be conducted under clause (q) of sub-section (2) of section 13; (h) certification procedure for energy managers under clause (r) of sub-section (2) of section (13); (i) particulars required to be displayed on label and the manner of their display under clause (d) of section 14; (j) the manner and the intervals of time for conduct of energy audit under clause (h) or clause (s) of section 14; (k) the manner and the intervals of time for conducting energy audit by an accredited energy auditor under clause (c) of section 15; (l) any other matter which is required to be, or may be, specified.

Rules and regulations to be laid before Parliament and State Legislature

59. (1) Every rule made by the Central Government and every regulation made under this Act shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before each House of Parliament while it is in session, for a total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive session, and if, before the expiry of the session immediately following the session or the successive sessions aforesaid, both Houses agree in making any modification in the rule or regulation, or both Houses agree that the rule or regulation should not be made, the rule or regulation shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be; so however that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule or regulation. (2) Every rule made by the State Government shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before each House of the State Legislature where it consists of two Houses, or where such Legislature consists of one House, before that House.

Application of other laws not barred.

60. The provisions of this Act shall be in addition to, and not in derogation of, the provisions of any other law for the time being in force.


687 61. The provisions of this Act shall not apply to the Ministry or Department of the Central Government dealing with Defence, Atomic Energy or such other similar Ministries or Departments undertakings or Boards or institutions under the control of such Ministries or Departments as may be notified by the Central Government.

Provisions of Act not to apply in certain cases

62. (1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Act, the Central Government may, by order, published in the Official Gazette, make such provisions not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act as may appear to be necessary for removing the difficulty:

Power to remove difficulty.

Provided that no such order shall be made under this section after the expiry of two years from the date of commencement of this Act. (2) Every order made under this section shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before each House of Parliament.


THE SCHEDULE [See section 2 (s)]

List of Energy Intensive Industries and other establishments specified as designated consumers 1.





Iron and Steel;




Pulp and paper;


Chlor Akali;







10. Railways; 11. Port Trust; 12. Transport Sector (industries and services); 13. Petrochemicals, Gas Crackers, Naphtha Crackers and Petroleum Refineries; 14. Thermal Power Stations, hydel power stations, electricity transmission companies and distribution companies; 15. Commercial buildings or establishments;

SUBHASH C.JAIN, Secy. to the Govt. of India.

MGIP(PLU)MRND— 2995GI— 19-10-2001



Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell



REFERENCES • Detailed Energy Audit reports CII – Energy management cell has carried out detailed energy audits in over 360 Industries in India, comprising of various sectors such as cement, paper, sugar, fertilizer, ceramics, engineering, power plants, commercial buildings, synthetic fibre, caustic chlor, etc. The feedback from the audited units indicated a saving of Rs 850 million based on the implementation of proposals suggested in the detailed energy audit. The energy consumption details and savings possible in each of these sectors have been compiled from these detailed energy audit reports. • Energy Efficiency at design stage Manual prepared by CII This unique manual, the first of its kind was developed by CII – EMC under the ADB – Energy Efficiency support project. This manual includes all the energy saving aspects that can be incorporated at design stage for achieving energy efficiency. • Case Study booklets on energy efficiency prepared by CII on Cement Paper, Sugar, Fertilizer, Ceramic & Textile Six case study booklets in six energy intensive sectors covering actual implemented case studies were brought out under the project. This project involved extensive travel by CII team to over 30 industries to study the energy saving project implemented. • Seminar material – various presentation of energy efficiency in equipment & process • IDEAS – Report prepared by CII for power sector reforms • Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) handbook – prepared by CII

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency


Internet Data & Statistics Ministry of power - Central Electricity Authority (CEA), India - CMIE – Indian Statistics – India info line – Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA) – Sugar – Paper - Fertilizer Database - Petroleum Conservation & Research Association - Alkali Manufacturers Association - Ministry of Chemicals - Chemical Manufacturers Association - Chemical Technology - Gujarat Alkalies -

Equipment Suppliers Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited – Thermax – Asea Brown Boveri – Siemens

Financial Institutions Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency World Bank – The Energy & Resources Institute – USAID –

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell



Resource person consulted /organisation visited The Associated Cement Companies Petroleum Conservation Research Association Mr C V Chalam, Director, C V Chalam Consultants Pvt Ltd Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai Mr N Srinivasan, President, Thiru Arooran Sugars Limited SIEL – Caustic Chlor company Mr C Sitaram, Manager – Technical, Coromandel Fertilisers Limited Bombay Dyeing Manufacturing Co Ltd ITC – Bhadrachalam Paper Boards Ltd, Bhadrachalam and Secunderabad Fuller India Limited, Chennai Mr K S Kasi Viswanathan, President (Operations), Seshasayee Paper Boards Ltd, Erode

Visits made Financial Institutions Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI), Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI), Mumbai Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA), New Delhi State Bank of India (SBI) – Energy Business Division, Chennai

Visit to companies Arunachalam Sugar Mills Ltd, Mallappambady Lanco Power, Kondappalli JK Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Cuddalore EID Parry Ltd (Sugar Division), Nellikuppam Tata Power Ltd, Trombay Birla Tyres Ltd, Balasore Gujarat Ambuja Cements Ltd, Kodinar Apollo Tyres Ltd, Perambara Shriram Fibres Ltd, Chennai Indian Aluminium Ltd (INDAL), Kalwa Larsen & Toubro Ltd – AP Cement Works, Tadpatri Ennore Foundries Ltd, Chennai Larsen & Toubro Ltd, Rajula Cement works Grasim Industries Limited (Staple Fibre Division), Nagda Jindal Vijayanagar Steel Ltd, Bellary Motor Industries Company Limited (MICO), Adugodi, Bangalore Sundaram Clayton Ltd, Chennai Coromandel Fertilisers Ltd, Vizag Sterlite Industries Ltd, Tuticorin Century Pulp & Paper Ltd, Lalkua SPIC Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Cuddalore Rieter LMW Ltd, Coimbatore

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency



Conclusion Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) has received a line of credit from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) / Global environmental facility (GEF) towards the cost of India: second renewable energy project. As a part of this line of credit, technical assistance plan (TAP) is envisaged for institutional development and technical support to IREDA. Preparation of this investors’ manual for energy efficiency sector – industrial sub sector, as a guide to intending entrepreneurs, is one of these TAP activities. The objective is to prepare an Investors’ Manual covering the topics like energy saving potential for various industries, technologies available to improve energy efficiency, equipment suppliers, government policies / incentives available for the sector, terms of IREDA and other financial institutions extending support to such projects etc. The end objective of the activity is market development for energy efficiency / conservation products & services. The whole effort is to prepare a simplified and user-friendly manual based on inputs from various stakeholders in energy efficiency sector. Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) – Energy Management Cell (EMC) was awarded the task of preparing this manual by IREDA. CII – EMC adopted the following methodology in preparing this manual: 1.

Analyze the existing data available with CII and develop a detailed action plan for execution


Identify industries under energy intensive and non-intensive categories


Review the detailed energy audits carried out by CII in various sectors and estimate energy saving potential possible in identified energy intensive and non-intensive sectors


Analyze literature available with CII


Discuss with industry experts / Consultants


Identify list of energy saving measures to be undertaken in each industry


Evaluate technical details for each of the proposed energy saving measures in various industries


Prepare / identify the list of equipment suppliers (National & International), EPS Contractors, Energy Service Companies, etc., who can take up these energy saving measures


Review the collected data with experts in each of the energy intensive and non-intensive industries

10. Prepare / identify the list of consultants / energy auditors etc., who can be approached for conducting energy audit, preparation of DPR, etc. 11. Interacting with IREDA and other financial institutions 12. Preparation of a brief note of finance mechanism available for taking up energy efficiency projects from IREDA and other financial institutions

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell


Conclusion 13. Preparation of a brief description of government policy / incentives / concessions available for identified energy saving projects / equipment identified in various energy intensive and non-intensive sectors 14. Review the collected data with experts in each of the energy intensive and non-intensive industries The various sectors identified under this project, and the share of energy in the manufacturing cost, is as under: Sector

Power & Fuel cost as % of Production cost





Caustic Chlor



























Sponge Iron



Synthetic Textiles












Drugs & Pharma









Petro Chemical





The list of sectors identified under this project comprises of about 68% of India’s total industrial energy consumption.

Energy saving – Case Studies The objective of highlighting these projects & case studies is to facilitate the potential investors, in having a quick reference of the various energy saving measures and also enable them make decisions on investment.

Investors Manual for Energy Efficiency



These projects are all proven projects, which have been implemented successfully in Indian industry. Majority of the plants have still not implemented these projects, due to lack of suitable incentives and financing. The projects have been described in detail, highlighting the earlier & current practice, benefits achieved, financial analysis and also its replication potential, wherever applicable. Some of these projects / case studies are sector specific. But, majority of these projects have potential to find an application in different sectors. These projects are not limiting to the sector under which they are described. The idea can be replicated in other sectors also.

Summary of this report The various sectors highlighted in this report offer an annual saving potential of Rs 37510 million (USD 750 million). This, in turn, creates an investment opportunity of Rs 82575 million (USD 1650 million), to achieve the projected energy savings. S.No


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Cement Caustic Chlor Aluminium Glass Ceramic Paper Fertiliser Foundry Sythetic Fibre Textile Tyre Drugs & Pharma Sugar Engineering Copper Power Plants Total

Annual saving Potential Rs. Million, (US $, Million)

Investment opportunity Rs. Million, (US $, Million)

3500 (70) 8600 (172) 500 (10) 550 (11) 350 (7) 3000 (60) 2000 (40) 1800 (36) 1300 (26)

7000 (140) 30000 (600) 1000 (20) 800 (16) 725 (14.5) 5000 (100) 6000 (120) 3500 (70) 2500 (50)

860 (17) 1100 (22) 4200 (84) 5000 (100) 750 (15) 3000 (60)

1750 (35) 1800 (36) 6000 (120) 10.000 (200) 1500 (30) 5000 (100)

37,510 (750)

82,575 (1650)

This report will serve the objective of its preparation, in promoting / development of market for energy efficient equipment & suppliers in Indian industry.

Confederation of Indian Industry - Energy Management Cell

Confederation of Indian Industry Energy Management Cell #35/1 Abhiramapuram 3rd Street, Alwarpet, Chennai 600 018. Tel: 2466 1311 / 0570 / 0291 / 0430 (D) Fax: 24660312 E-Mail : [email protected] Website :

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