Invention Talk

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 644
  • Pages: 2
picture this...ur laptop with a touch pad BUT the right n left click buttons are part of a cubiod shaped mouse the mouse slides in and out of a cubiod shaped groove just after the touch pad & presto! better navigation for laptop users the mouse may take various ergonomic shapes for better synergy n sync with the human hand it's no different from ur usual mouse, it's just so u navigate better using ur laptop without needing an external mouse & yup it's part of the laptop so any company dat licenses it, would get some cool share of the market of external mouses with negligible or no increase in production cost and more profit apparently & now we have our detachable mouse, slides in and out of the laptop, positioned just after the touch pad... we can call it the 'transformouse', SLYQ simple as abc some1 actually patented something that also offered better navigation for laptops, his was tacky kinda it was a laptop with touchpad and buttons and a full mouse some space away by the right, you have to open a lid to get out the mouse, it's complex and tacky (design wise) & such's not readily licensed by established computer companies well his document now serves as reference for me it's an invention that employs gas compressors, heat exchangers, n cryogenic fractional distillators to separate CO2+SO2 4rm exhaust from various sources, thereby making the use of crude oil fractions ecofriendly + economical n profitable as vehicle n generator owners among others can sell CO2+SO2 to industries that need em, n dey r very very useful chemicals in high demand in 1992 an inventor patented something similar to separate N2, CO2+Ar 4rm exhaust, but he restricted its application to exhaust from NH3 manufacturing plants bcos of d cost of N2 separation 4rm the exhaust of internal combustion engines as my aim is different, which is to get pollutants CO2+SO2 outta exhaust for reuse, the modified apparatus finds more fields for application is and is thus more useful to the energy industry esp. 4 OPEC countires who no longer need fear losing out of market share in the energy industry as crude oil fraction use now is economic & eco-friendly with this invention God has shown us his works to derive our political, social, n technological purpose, patterns, paths, and products from in Matthew 5:43-48/luke 6:27-36 he reveals wat being merciful/perfect means which is to love all, good or bad, not approve of evil, but to do good to all

especially of d household of faith we have horse powered vehicles derived 4rm horses ships derived 4rm fishes planes derived 4rm birds but no power generation n distrution schemes derived from d sun no life support schemes derived from water [email protected] yet he gives us dese consistent examples to learn from he wants us to replica8 his schemes with which he constantly meets our needs for the sun's warmth n light, n water's mass and moisture, he wants us to replic8 his schemes to meet our food, clothing, & shelter needs, constantly for everybody, he wants us to meet our mobilization and communication needs in a similar manner to the same extent as well. hence he commends, u feed me, u clothed me, u were hospitable with shelter, u visited me, thus we comunicated/kept in touch, and could mobilize ourselves. doing this gives expression to God's heart on the planet as he expresses his heart with the sun n water, his heart is ever here for us, loving us, unconditionally part of us like water, life support, and better dan the sun, he is d sole fundamental indispensible ingredient dat gives us existence and subsistence, and fulfillment(s) only by following suit with & in his available & given power/kingdom and righteousness/purpose&pattern&path This is the gospel of the kingdom...WE GAT D POWER!!!!

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