elements to your page. Use the datasrc attribute to bind the elements to the Data Island, and the datafld attribute to bind each element to an XML element, like this:
element, the data will be displayed on a new line. With the examples above, you will only see one line of your XML data. To navigate to the next line of data, you have to add some scripting to your code.
Add a Navigation Script Navigation has to be performed by a script. To add navigation to the XML Data Island, create a script that calls the movenext() and moveprevious() methods of the Data Island. <script type="text/javascript"> function movenext() { x=xmldso.recordset if (x.absoluteposition < x.recordcount) { x.movenext() } } function moveprevious() { x=xmldso.recordset if (x.absoluteposition > 1) { x.moveprevious() } }
The XMLHttpRequest Object The XMLHttpRequest object is supported in Internet Explorer 5.0+, Safari 1.2, Mozilla 1.0 / Firefox, Opera 9, and Netscape 7.
What is an HTTP Request? With an HTTP request, a web page can make a request to, and get a response from a web server without reloading the page. The user will stay on the same page, and he or she will not notice that scripts might request pages, or send data to a server in the background. By using the XMLHttpRequest object, a web developer can change a page with data from the server after the page has loaded. Google Suggest is using the XMLHttpRequest object to create a very dynamic web interface: When you start typing in Google's search box, a JavaScript sends the letters off to a server and the server returns a list of suggestions.
Is the XMLHttpRequest Object a W3C Standard? The XMLHttpRequest object is a JavaScript object, and is not specified in any W3C recommendation. However, the W3C DOM Level 3 "Load and Save" specification contains some similar functionality, but these are not implemented in any browsers yet. So, at the moment, if you need to send an HTTP request from a browser, you will have to use the XMLHttpRequest object.
Creating an XMLHttpRequest Object For Mozilla, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Netscape: var xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest()
For Internet Explorer: var xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
Example <script type="text/javascript"> var xmlhttp function loadXMLDoc(url) { xmlhttp=null // code for Mozilla, etc. if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest() } // code for IE else if (window.ActiveXObject) { xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") } if (xmlhttp!=null) { xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=state_Change xmlhttp.open("GET",url,true) xmlhttp.send(null) } else { alert("Your browser does not support XMLHTTP.") } } function state_Change() { // if xmlhttp shows "loaded" if (xmlhttp.readyState==4) { // if "OK" if (xmlhttp.status==200) { // ...some code here... } else { alert("Problem retrieving XML data") } } }
Note: An important property in the example above is the onreadystatechange property. This property is an event handler having the function xmlhttpChange() check for the state changing, we can tell when the process is complete and which is triggered each time the state of the request changes. The states run from 0 (uninitialized) to 4 (complete). By continue only if it has been successful.
Why are we Using Async in our Examples? All the examples here use the async mode (the third parameter of open() set to true). The async parameter specifies whether the request should be handled asynchronously or not. True means that script a user may even see the "Not Responding" message. It is safer to send asynchronously and design your code around script hang if there is a network or server problem, or if the request is long (the UI locks while the request is being made) for a response before continuing script processing. By setting this parameter to false, you run the risk of having your continues to run after the send() method, without waiting for a response from the server. false means that the script waits the onreadystatechange event!
The XMLHttpRequest Object Reference Methods Method
Cancels the current request
Returns the complete set of http headers as a string
Returns the value of the specified http header
request sending data (especially if the length of the data is greater than "PUT" (use "GET" when requesting data and use "POST" when The method parameter can have a value of "GET", "POST", or 512 bytes. The URL parameter may be either a relative or complete URL. The async parameter specifies whether the request should be a response. false means that the script waits for a response processing carries on after the send() method, without waiting for handled asynchronously or not. true means that script before continuing script processing
Sends the request
Adds a label/value pair to the http header to be sent
Properties Property
An event handler for an event that fires at every state change
Returns the state of the object:
Returns the response as a string
Returns the status as a number (e.g. 404 for "Not Found" or 200 for "OK")
Returns the status as a string (e.g. "Not Found" or "OK")
Save Data to an XML File Usually, we save data in databases. However, if we want to make the data more portable, we can store the data in an XML file.
Create and Save an XML File
Storing data in XML files is useful if the data is to be sent to applications on nonWindows platforms. Remember that XML is portable across all platforms and the data will not need to be converted! First we will learn how to create and save an XML file. The XML file below will be named "test.xml" and will be stored in the c directory on the server. We will use ASP and Microsoft's XMLDOM object to create and save the XML file: <% Dim xmlDoc, rootEl, child1, child2, p 'Create an XML document Set xmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") 'Create a root element and append it to the document Set rootEl = xmlDoc.createElement("root") xmlDoc.appendChild rootEl 'Create and append child elements Set child1 = xmlDoc.createElement("child1") Set child2 = xmlDoc.createElement("child2") rootEl.appendChild child1 rootEl.appendChild child2 'Add an XML processing instruction 'and insert it before the root element Set p=xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml","version='1.0'") xmlDoc.insertBefore p,xmlDoc.childNodes(0) 'Save the XML file to the c directory xmlDoc.Save "c:\test.xml" %>
Real Form Example Now, we will look at a real HTML form example. We will first look at the HTML form that will be used in this example: The HTML form below asks for the user's name, country, and email address. This information will then be written to an XML file for storage. "customers.htm":
The action for the HTML form above is set to "saveForm.asp". The "saveForm.asp" file is an ASP page that will loop through the form fields and store their values in an XML file:
<% dim xmlDoc dim rootEl,fieldName,fieldValue,attID dim p,i 'Do not stop if an error occurs On Error Resume Next Set xmlDoc = server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") xmlDoc.preserveWhiteSpace=true 'Create a root element and append it to the document Set rootEl = xmlDoc.createElement("customer") xmlDoc.appendChild rootEl 'Loop through the form collection for i = 1 To Request.Form.Count 'Eliminate button elements in the form if instr(1,Request.Form.Key(i),"btn_")=0 then 'Create a field and a value element, and an id attribute Set fieldName = xmlDoc.createElement("field") Set fieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("value") Set attID = xmlDoc.createAttribute("id") 'Set the value of the id attribute equal to the name of 'the current form field attID.Text = Request.Form.Key(i) 'Append the id attribute to the field element fieldName.setAttributeNode attID 'Set the value of the value element equal to 'the value of the current form field fieldValue.Text = Request.Form(i) 'Append the field element as a child of the root element rootEl.appendChild fieldName 'Append the value element as a child of the field element fieldName.appendChild fieldValue end if next 'Add an XML processing instruction 'and insert it before the root element Set p = xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml","version='1.0'") xmlDoc.insertBefore p,xmlDoc.childNodes(0) 'Save the XML file xmlDoc.save "c:\Customer.xml" 'Release all object references set xmlDoc=nothing set rootEl=nothing set fieldName=nothing set fieldValue=nothing set attID=nothing set p=nothing 'Test to see if an error occurred if err.number<>0 then response.write("Error: No information saved.") else response.write("Your information has been saved.") end if %>
Note: If the XML file name specified already exists, it will be overwritten! The XML file that will be produced by the code above will look something like this ("Customer.xml"): <customer>
XML DHTML Behaviors Internet Explorer 5 introduced DHTML behaviors. Behaviors are a way to add DHTML functionality to HTML elements with the ease of CSS.
Behaviors What are They? IE5 introduced DHTML behaviors. Behaviors are a way to add DHTML functionality to HTML elements with the ease of CSS. How do behaviors work? By using XML we can link behaviors to any element in a web page and manipulate that element. DHTML behaviors do not use a <script> tag. Instead, they are using a CSS attribute called "behavior". This "behavior" specifies a URL to an HTC file which contains the actual behavior (The HTC file is written in XML).
Syntax behavior: url(some_filename.htc)
Note: The behavior attribute is only supported by IE 5 and higher, all other browsers will ignore it. This means that Mozilla, Firefox, Netscape and other browsers will only see the regular content and IE 5+ can see the DHTML behaviors.
Example The following HTML file has a <style> element that defines a behavior for the
<style type="text/css"> h1 { behavior: url(behave.htc) } Mouse over me!!!
The XML document "behave.htc" is shown below: <script type="text/javascript"> function hig_lite() { element.style.color='red' } function low_lite() { element.style.color='blue' }
The behavior file contains a JavaScript and the event handlers for the script. The following HTML file has a <style> element that defines a behavior for elements with an id of "typing":
<style type="text/css"> #typing { behavior:url(typing.htc); fontfamily:'courier new'; } <span id="typing" speed="100">IE5 introduced DHTML behaviors. Behaviors are a way to add DHTML functionality to HTML elements with the ease of CSS.
How do behaviors work?
By using XML we can link behaviors to any element in a web page and manipulate that element.
The XML document "typing.htc" is shown below: <method name="type" /> <script type="text/javascript"> var i,text1,text2,textLength,t function beginTyping() { i=0 text1=element.innerText textLength=text1.length element.innerText="" text2="" t=window.setInterval(element.id+".type()",speed) } function type() { text2=text2+text1.substring(i,i+1) element.innerText=text2 i=i+1 if (i==textLength){clearInterval(t)} }