Introduction To Tarot Magic

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INTRODUCTION TO TAROT MAGIC This page is not an introduction to the tarot for readings. It is rather a manual for the person who tends to put the tarot cards to use for spells. It is a how-to page where you will find exact instruction on how to set up the tarot cards to get the desired effect. Most people know the tarot only as a tool for divination. Each of the tarot cards represents a field of experience and/or a function in life. In a tarot reading you shuffle the cards then you lay them out in a specific manner such as the Celtic cross method or the tree of life method. Then you judge each card by it's position in the layout and how it relates to the other cards. From this you can then derive important facts about the person for whom you are reading. All the following is about tarot spells. When you give a tarot reading you channel energies from the universe towards yourself. You use the cards as indicators of what the universe tells you. If you do a spell with the tarot you use the cards as energy filters. They represent the energies that you are about to send off. I have mentioned above that each tarot card is a archetypal symbol that represents a field of experience or a function or an idea. To combine tarot cards means to combine ideas. Consequently the tarot cards are an ideal tool to creatively act upon your universe in magical operations. A magical operation is any action at a distance that involves the use of structural links and life energy, or psychic power. Therefore, to be effective in magical work, you need a source of life energy, a psychic link to the target of your magical operation (unless the target of the magical operation is present), and a structural link that represents the specific action that you desire. The success of every magical work depends on these three key factors. • The better the psychic link to your target is, the easier you can influence it with a magical operation, or spell. Psychic links for targeting are structural links that are near identical with the target. Hair and fingernails contain genetic code that is unique for every individual, therefore, these items are a excellent structural or psychic link to the target. This genetic code allows you to connect with every cell in the body of the target person. Clothing has a similar effect. This is so because clothing has skin rubbings in it even after it went through the washer and drier. Other good psychic links with the target are visualization, the writing down of the name (which involves visualization), and radionic settings. These psychic links are not of the identical kind, but of an "Equivalent nature." Equivalent structural links are an excellent substitute in cases where near identical links are missing. Photos are somewhat in between two extremes that we have just described. There is more information on structural links in the course Magic of the Future. • For a strong effect of the spell, you need a strong source of life energy. Many magicians create their own energy as they need it. The creating of psychic energy, or life energy, is an integral part of every magical ritual. Magicians use a variety of methods to create life energy. These methods range from chanting, dancing, sex magical practices, and processes of visualization all the way to the sacrificing of animals. A most effective way to generate life energy continuously is the Chi Generator®. • The third, equally important, factor is the "energy filter." This energy filter is a structural representation of a desired action or of an energy (entity) that works toward a desired result. The structural link to the action, or energy filter, needs to be a correct representation of the intention of the magician. Otherwise the spell


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may not be effective or it may have an unexpected outcome. (We will be using tarot cards as our "energy filters"). For all these reasons, to be a good magician means training, practice and study. Many of the spell books on the market make the task of casting effective spells seen easy. However all too often would-be magicians get only meager results. This is so because they are not capable of creating the psychic connection within the target or they cannot generate a sufficiently large amount of psychic energy. or life force (Chi energy) for the spell. With my invention of the CHI GENERATOR®, this situation has changed dramatically. Now even a beginner can cast effective spells. The Chi Generator® creates sufficient psychic energy to lock on to the target, and to actively effect the outcome of every spell AT THE TURN OF A DIAL! To do magical work successfully you need to have the following: A good structural link to the target of your work. A good power source for life energy. An appropriate filter that correctly represents the energy that you send to the target of your work. It is up to you to find a good structural link. It may be hair, a photo, or a transfer design that the person whom you help carries with him/her. For the life energy you have one of the Welz Generators, or energy charged within some sort of battery such as a crystal. Most importantly: You need a good success strategy that takes into account the strengths and weaknesses of the operation that you plan to set up.

The Tarot Cards The Tarot deck has 78 cards. Each card has a specific meaning. The Tarot deck has 22 major arcana and 4 suits of minor arcana. The major arcana represents universal energies, or universal ideas. The four sets of minor arcana represent energies that are more specific. These energies relate to the four elements of fire, water, air, and earth. The books by Eden Gray are very good introductions into the understanding of the tarot cards. For the more advanced person I suggest the book "The Tarot of the Bohemians" by Papus. The purpose of this page is to give you a series of tarot spells that you can adjust to many situations of magical work. In the following, you will find the abbreviations that we are going to use in the descriptions of all spells on this page. Minor Arcana Legend K King

QU Queen KN Knight

KN Knight

PG Page

The cards from 1 to 10 carry the respective number: 1 is for Ace, two for the two etc. The suits are as follows: 2 cp. = Two of cups. Kn. SW = Knight of Swords. 1 pt = Ace of Pentacles.


10 WD = Ten of Wands. - Stacks of Cards in the tarot layout Description Some set up of spells require stacks of two or more cards. When we describe a spell, these stacks of cards appear in the following manner: 1 cp. / VIII / 9 cp. means that the Nine of Pentacles is at the bottom, above it is Strength, and on top of the stack is the Ace of Cups! - How to set up a Tarot Spell For a spell you can set up the Tarot Cards in two ways. The first method is to lay out the card after card, starting from the front end of your power source. The psychic link is with the last card of the layout. Some of the positions may be stacks of two, three or four cards, rather than single cards. The second method consists of stacking the cards, and putting the stack standing between the focus point of your power source such as the EPG 2000 and the psychic link. If the cards branch to the side such as in some love spells, you slide the side cards a bit into the stack so that their position is evident. - The Spells To Strengthen an Existing Love Position 1: VIII (Strength) Position 2: II (The High Priestess) Position 3: I (The Magician) Position 4: XVII (The Star) Position 5: XVIII (The Moon) Position 6: Left: III / Female Link Middle: VI Right: IV / Male Link Position 7: XIX (The Sun) Chi Generator® Frequency: Normal to high Timing: Until results show. Charge for at least for 4 hours daily. Additional Remarks: Obsession will cause a severe psychic interference. Therefore, if you are obsessed with the person in question, you need first work a spell that cures your or your client's obsession. For a New Love Position 1: VIII (Strength) Position 2: II (The High Priestess) Position 3: I (The Magician) Position 4: XVII (The Star) Position 5: XVIII (The Moon) Position 6: Left: III / Female Link Center: 2 cp. / 2 p Right: IV / Male Link Position 7: XIX (The Sun) Chi Generator® Frequency: Normal to high Timing: Until results show. Charge for at least 4 hours daily. Additional Remarks: This spell works on a person whom you know as well as on a person whom you do not yet know. Obsession will cause a severe psychic interference. Therefore, if you are obsessed with the person in question, you need first work a spell that cures your obsession. To Cause a Divorce Position 1: VIII (Strength) Position 2: II (The High Priestess) Position 3: I (The Magician) Position 4: XVII (The Star) 3

Position 5: XVIII (The Moon) Position 6: Left: III / Female Link VIII* Middle: XVI reversed / VI reversed Right: IV / Male Link / VII* Position 7: XIX (The Sun) Chi Generator® Frequency: Normal to high: Timing: Until results show. Charge for at least 4 hours daily. Additional Remarks: Another good way is to have the person whom you want to go away find a lover. Obsession of one (or both) of the partners causes interference. * The Chariot is beneath the card/link that represents the person who will be the winner. To Leave a Lover Position 1: VIII (Strength) Position 2: II (The High Priestess) Position 3: I (The Magician) Position 4: XVII (The Star) Position 5: XVIII (The Moon) Position 6: Left: III / Female Link / VII* Center: XVI rev. / 2 cp. rev. Right: IV / Male Link / VII* Position 7: XIX (The Sun) Chi Generator® Frequency: Normal to high. Timing: Until results show. Charge for at least 4 hours daily. Additional Remarks: This spell may turn out to be more difficult than the previous one (to cause a divorce). Several possibilities of psychic interference may weaken the spell. This is so especially when the love is new. In such a case the two lovers build their own protective magic. * The Chariot is beneath the card/link that represents the person who will be the winner. Ease Domestic Strife Position 1: VII (Strength) Position 2: II (The High Priestess) Position 3: I (The Magician) Position 4: XVII (The Star) Position 5: XIV (Temperance) Position 6: XIX (The Sun) / XVIII (The Moon) Position 7: XXI (The World) / 10 cp. Position 8: Link Chi Generator® Frequency: Medium to low. Timing: Until results show. To Help a Child Position 1: II (The High Priestess) Position 2: I (The Magician) Position 3: XII (The Hanged Man) Position 4: VII (The Chariot) Position 5: XIV (The Temperance) / 6 cp. Position 6: XIX (The Sun) Position 7: Link Chi Generator® Frequency: Medium to high.


Timing: Three hours daily. Additional Remarks: This is a general purpose spell. It has a calming and strengthening effect.. Against Depression Position 1: II (The High Priestess) Position 2: I (The Magician) Position 3: XII (The Hanged Man) Position 4: Kn. SW Position 5: XIX (The Sun) / XVII (The Moon) Position 6: VII (The Chariot) Position 7: 10 cp. / 3 pt Position 8: VIII (Strength) Position 9: Link / 5 cp. Chi Generator® Frequency: Medium to high. Low while subject is sleeping. Timing: Charge three hours daily. To Cure Addiction or Obsession Position 1: VIII (Strength) / 9 pt Position 2: II (The High Priestess) Position 3: I (The Magician) Position 4: XII (The Hanged Man) Position 5: XVIV (Temperance) Position 6: XVIII (The Moon) / 6 cp. Position 7: XIX (The Sun) / 8 SW rev. Position 8: VII (The Chariot) Position 9: Link Chi Generator® Frequency: Low. Timing: Ideal during sleeping hours of the target. It's also good when there is temptation. Additional Remarks: To cure addiction helps only when the individual truly wants to get out of the problem. If there is obsession with another person, the spell may be cast in conjunction with the "leave lover" spell. To Overcome Fear Position 1: VIII (Strength) Position 2: II (The High Priestess) Position 3: I (The Magician) Position 4: XII (The Hanged Man) Position 5: XIV / XV rev. / 9 SW rev. Position 6: XIX (The Sun) Position 7: Link Chi Generator® Frequency: Low to medium. Timing: During the sleeping hours and when cause of fear has to be faced. For Luck Position 1: VIII (Strength) Position 2: II (The High Priestess) Position 3: I (The Magician) Position 4: XVII (The Star) Position 5: X (The Wheel of Fortune) Position 6: O (The Fool) / 9 cp.


Position 7: Link Chi Generator® Frequency: Medium to high. Timing: Until results show. Additional Remarks: General purpose spell for the lottery and for luck in general. It is more for "a wish coming true." It is better to make several successive aims at goals that are within your range than one aim at a goal that is way out of range. This is so because your own psychic resistance to goals that are way out of range will interfere significantly. To Find a Job Position 1: VIII (Strength) / 1 pt (Ace pent.) Position 2: II (The High Priestess) Position 3: I (The Magician) Position 4: XII (The Hanged Man) Position 5: X (The Wheel of Fortune) Position 6: O (The Fool) / 2 pt Position 7: XIX (The Sun) / 9 cp. Position 8: Link Chi Generator® Frequency: Medium to high. Timing: Until completed, minimum of 5 hours daily during hours of search. Additional Remarks: As is the case with any spell: You need to go out and seek out opportunity, then only opportunity can present itself to you. It makes little sense to do this spell and then to sit home and wait for someone who will knock at your door to offer you a dream job! To Receive Promotion, More Pay Position 1: VIII (Strength) Position 2: II (The High Priestess) Position 3: I (The Magician) Position 4: XII (The Hanged Man) Position 5: X / 10 cp. / 3 pt / 8 pt Position 6: XIX (The Sun) Position 7: Link Chi Generator® Frequency: Medium to high. Timing: In day hours until goal is reached. To Improve Business Position 1: VIII (Strength) Position 2: II (The High Priestess) Position 3: I (The Magician) Position 4: XII (The Hanged Man) Position 5: 3 WD Position 6: 9 cp. Position 7: XIX (The Sun) Position 8: VII (The Chariot) Position 9: Link Chi Generator® Frequency: Medium to high. Timing: During business hours. Additional Remarks: You need to be active to have success. To Destroy a Business


Position 1: 1 SW (Ace of Swords) Position 2: I (The Magician) Position 3: 3 pt rev. Position 4: 9 cp. rev. Position 5: Link rev. (or ill- dignified). Position 6: XV / XVIII Chi Generator® Frequency: High. Timing: Until goal is achieved. Additional Remarks: As with any destructive spell, it is a good to wait about two months to determine if it is really what you want to do before performing it. This rules does not apply in case of emergency. For Protection Position 1: VIII (Strength) Position 2: II (The High Priestess) Position 3: I (The Magician) Position 4: XII (The Hanged Man) Position 5: X (The Wheel of Fortune) Position 6: VII / P SW / 7 SW / K SW / 5 SW Position 7: Link. Chi Generator® Frequency: Medium (at the point where the flicking of the EPG status light is close to being perceived as a continuous light). Low during sleeping hours. It all depends on how much "protection" the person needs. Timing: Until no longer needed. Additional Remarks: You may have a magical setup for protection. If you do, direct the energy of the EPG to the set up for three hours daily until protection is no longer needed. The person to be protected may carry a transfer design (sigil) with him/her that connects the energy with your spell work. If you do not have an EPG, then you may focus your energy through these tarot filters to the person by visualization or transfer design. To Enhance Dreams Position 1: VIII (Strength) Position 2: II (The High Priestess) Position 3: I (The Magician) Position 4: XVII (The Star) / 4 SW Position 5: XIX (The Sun) / 7 cp. Position 6: Link. Chi Generator® Frequency: Low (4 to 8 blinks per minute) or focus your energy at least for two periods through REM stage if you are working on a subject. NOTE: You cannot perform this spell on your self without an EPG. If you need this spell for yourself, then have someone work it for you. To Improve Sex Position 1: VIII (Strength) Position 2: II (The High Priestess) Position 3: I (The Magician) Position 4: XVII (The Star) Position 5: XII (The Hanged Man) Position 6: XVIII (The Moon) Position 7: III(if female) or IV (if male)


Position 8: XIX (The Sun) Position 9: VII (The Chariot) Position 10: Link. Chi Generator® Frequency: Medium to high. Timing: At times of sexual activity. Additional Remarks: In position 7, use the Empress when the target person is female, the Emperor when male. If a couple, put the Empress left of the two of cups in the middle, the Emperor to the right. If a couple put both links in position 10. To stop harassment or Magical Attack Position 1: VII (Strength) Position 2: II (The High Priestess) Position 3: I (The Magician) Position 4: XI (Justice) Position 5: XVII rev. Position 6: XVI rev. Position 7: Link. Chi Generator® Frequency: High. Timing: Of course when you feel when necessary. To Improve Intelligence or Grades Position 1: VIII (Strength) Position 2: II (The High Priestess) Position 3: I (The Magician) Position 4: XII (The Hanged Man) Position 5: IX (The Hermit) / 2 WD. Position 6: Link. To Improve Business for Money Position 1: VIII (Strength) Position 2: II (The High Priestess) Position 3: O (The Fool) Position 4: XII (The Hanged Man) Position 5: V (The Hierophant) Position 6: X (The Wheel of Fortune) Position 7: Link / 10 pt. / 9 cp. / 3 WD. To Improve Creativity Position 1: VIII (Strength) Position 2: II (The High Priestess) Position 3: I (The Magician) Position 4: XVII (The Star) Position 5: XIX / 3 pt. / 8 pt. Position 6: Link. To Help in Meditation Position 1: VIII (Strength) Position 2: II (The High Priestess) Position 3: I (The Magician) Position 4: XVII (The Star) Position 5: XII (The Hanged Man) Position 6: X (The Wheel of Fortune) Position 7: IX (The Hermit)


Position 8: XXI (The World) Position 9: Link. To Improve Magical Ability Position 1: VIII (Strength) Position 2: II (The High Priestess) Position 3: I (The Magician) Position 4: XVII (The Star) Position 5: XIX / XVII Position 6: IX / 7 cp. / 2 WD. Position 7: Link. To Enhance Telepathic Connection Position 1: VIII (Strength) Position 2: II (The High Priestess) Position 3: I (The Magician) Position 4: XII (The Hanged Man) Position 5: IX / 8 WD. Position 6: Link / 7 cp. To Clear a Haunted House Position 1: VIII (Strength) Position 2: II (The High Priestess) Position 3: I (The Magician) Position 4: XVII (The Star) Position 5: XIX (The Sun) Position 6: XXI (The World) Position 7: Link to the house. For Physical Balance Position 1: XVII (The Star) Position 2: V (The Hierophant) Position 3: XIV (The Temperance) Position 4: VII (The Chariot) Position 5: Link. Tarot Magical uses of the Tarot Tarot does not have a great record of use in magic. Most books on magic suggest doing a tarot reading to check the outcome before performing magical rituals. The problem is that the Kabbalistic structure of the Tree of Life kills the magical powers of the Tarot. When the Tarot is divorced from the Tree it has tremendous potency, but few tarot practitioners and magicians have developed the Tarot in this way. On Supertarot the Tree of Life rarely appears, for good reason, and some of the arguments were developed in my book Tarot and the Magus, which records the spontaneous appearance of the Goetic Spirits (who are actually the Jinn) as a result of working on the Opening of the Key Spread. Recently, I found out I was under magical attack by people using the Tarot. I was impressed that anyone had got their act together to do such a thing, so full marks to them. The attack was not that strong, and it took a few seconds to figure out what happened, and to do deal with it. So how was it done? I reckon the perpetrators have been studying this website and my book, but with a twist. My colleague saw the Knight of Wands very clearly in relation to my 'problem', so if in the course of your healing work, or magical work to deal with a spiritual or magical problem, you


get an image of one or more of the Tarot cards unbidden, it could be that Tarot Magic is at work. Why use the Knight of Wands? The old meaning of the Knight of Wands is departure, resulting in a separation, so we can speculate that the perpetrators wanted me to leave or separate from something. One separation is death, but it is more likely they wanted me to leave the Tarot, Supertarot, or some other aspect, perhaps being a Punditt. Either way, it did not work. The Magic Tarot System Being a generous soul, I would like to help to make sure people can do Magic Tarot properly. Once you realise that Magic Tarot does not use the Kabbalistic System, you have to find another way, and the clue is in my description of the Knight of Wands above - using old meanings of the cards that are probably not familiar to modern tarot readers. For the Minor cards in particular, this means using the decanate system going back to Picatrix. My researches suggest that the system used against me did not use traditional magical techniques, so full marks to the perps! Below I list suggested magical uses of the Tarot. Some will be fairly obvious, particularly with the Major Arcana, but otherwise they are derived from traditional sources, not Liber 777. Paul Huson's Mystical Origins of the Tarot was useful in compiling this list. Major Arcana Fool Hesitation, instability, madness, nullility. Magus Deception, swindles. High Priestess False knowledge or revelations, deception. Empress Abuse of feminine energies Emperor Abuse of political power. Authoritarian or totalitarian abuse. Hierophant Destructive relationships, divorce. Inability to be decisive. Chariot Defeat, failure. Inability to travel. Lovers Indecision, problems in relationships. Justice Terror, destruction, bad laws. Injustice, corruption. Hermit Delays, obstacles, concealment. Hidden enemies. Wheel of Fortune Bad luck. Devious 'friends'. Blocks, obstacles. False dawns. Strength Violence, abuse of power. Weakness, discord. Hanged Man Traitor, treachery, restraint. Seclusion. Death Death. Cancellation of a project. Temperance Poor timing. Missing an important event by being early or late. Inability to cope with situations.


Devil Anger. Evil. The Tower Prison. Destruction. Destructive rivalries. Star Theft. Abandonment. Failure of hope. Moon Delusion. Hidden enemies. Deception and fear. Sun Happiness, contentment, joy. Judgment Delay, postponement. Damaging legal ruling. World A bad situation that does not change. Depression. Minor Arcana The magical definitions below are based on the Picatrix definitions of the decanates, except for the Aces which are not astrological. Disks Ace Obsession with security. Paranoia. Fear of change Two Wandering work. Itinerancy. Alternate gain and loss. Weakness and necessity. Three Forever seeking what cannot be known or attained. Failure, mediocrity. Four Covetousness, suspicion. Obsession with minor details. Discontent. Five Plowing, sowing, building and earthly wisdom. (Note that this is at odds with the evil associated with Geburah). Six Power, nobility, rule over people. A great card for influence over others. Seven Misery, slavery, necessity, madness, baseness. Eight Sowing, planting, herbs, colonisation. Storing money and food. Nine Gain, covetousness, taking goods. Stockpiling. Ten Old age, slothfulness, loss. Depopulation. Page Contradiction. Prodigality, carelessness. Knight Unemployment. Queen Faithless woman. Venality. King Spoils of war. Financial loss. Greed, corruption. Cups or Chalices Ace Sorrow, depression, emotional loss and disappointment. Inconstancy.


Two Rule, science, love, joy. Heart ruling the head. Obsession with bad omens. Three Pleasure, joy, abundance, plenty. Four Hunting, pursuing. Collecting war booty, fighting. Five Strife, sadness, treachery, deceit, destruction, ill-will. Six Affronts, detection, strife, mischiefmaking, looking for trouble. Seven War, drunkenness, fornication, wealth, pride. Violence against women. Eight Many thoughts leading to anxiety and worry. Misery, wandering around in search of money and food. Nine Self-praise. High mind, seeking after noble aims and knowledge. Ten Pleasure, sex. Quietness, peacemaking. Page Seduction either by ideas or through sexuality. A Mata Hari Knight Collecting debts. Deception, fraud. Queen Untrustworthy woman, fickleness, sensuality. King A friendly, cultured, confidence trickster. Swords Ace Violence, excessive force. Triumph, authority. Two Justice, truth, aid, helping the poor. Three Quietness, ease, plenty, good life, dancing. Four Evil actions. Alternate singing and joy with sexual excess, evil and depravity. Five Poverty, anxiety, grief. Inability to come to terms past loss and failure. Mourning Six Beauty, dominance, conceit. Pleasant manners, modesty. Seven Abundance and compliments. Detection, affronts. Eight Writing, calculations, giving and receiving. Learning from financial errors. Nine Burdens, pressure, hard work, subtlety, dishonesty. Ten Disdain, mirth, jollity, unprofitable words. Page Espionage - finding hidden knowledge and information. Eternal vigilance.


Knight Soldier, military man. Hastiness in action. Queen A difficult woman. Malice, bad luck, sorrow. King Legal problems. Wands Ace Annoyances, violence, intimidation. Two Boldness, fierceness, resolution. Shamelessness. Three Pride, nobility, wealth, rulership. Four Subtlety, beauty, new things and ideas. Five Boldness, liberality, victory, cruelty, violence. Six Quarrels, ignorance. False knowledge. Victory over all. Seven Love, pleasure, society, avoiding quarrels and problems. Care with money. Eight Boldness, freedom, welfare, liberality. Care of the land. Nine Fear, lamentation, grief, anxiety, worry. Ten Ill-will, envy, obstinacy. Swiftness in evil. Treachery, disloyalty. Page Bad, but important news. Knight Exit, departure, resulting in separation. Queen Prostitution. King A gentleman. A bachelor. Single man. Part of the success of this system is deception - even if you spot the use of a particular tarot Part of the success of this system is deception - even if you spot the use of a particular tarot card, you may still be fooled because you are not necessarily seeing the same meaning as the magician. I am purposely not presenting the actual techniques, partly because the people I uncovered using this system may learn and do the job better, but also because if you have the knowledge you will be able to work it out for yourself. One of the biggest mistakes in performing magic against someone else is to be caught. It will be interesting to see if this system develops into something more useful More Uses The magical system can be used to develop desirable characteristics within yourself. The Opening of the Key Spread is invaluable in understanding how magic works, and how you can use the system for yourself. Have fun.


Using the Tarot Magically

The Tarot with its intricate pictures, can be used very effectively in magic. Although it is a vast subject that demands much study to use in its own right, with simplistic guidance Tarot can enhance your magical work and help you to visualise your goal. The first chart is a simple guide to magical work that offers advice about the right Tarot cards to choose for your purpose. This is a quick 'ready-reckoner' and is designed for ease of use. The following chart, however, broadens the explanation of each card chosen in my spellsearch chart and will help you to understand the logic behind the choices I have made. A little about Tarot... Tarot decks have 22 Major Arcana (or greater secrets) cards, which have been used magically for years, after all divination itself is magical... Each card holds mystery and secrets within its pictures, the symbols and colours holding a key. After all Tarot has been around since the times when most people could not read or write so the picture was considered very important. You can use any Tarot deck for this purpose, but choose one that has detailed pictures and good symbolism. The Rider Waite, Thoth, Morgan-Greer & Hanson-Roberts are excellent for magical work, as are some of the more modern decks like The Druid Craft Tarot. Just look around, the right deck will leap out at you when the time is right! Once you have bought your "magical" cards it is best to keep them purely for this type of work and not to allow other people to touch them. Consecrating your chosen cards... I feel it is always a good idea to buy new and unused cards, personally I would never buy second-hand ones as you would not know the vibrations that have been placed into them. However, new cards also can pick up negativity so even after choosing a deck


where the pack is sealed it is best to bless these and dedicate them to your specific purpose. To do this open the pack and spread them upon a clean surface face up. Then take a little essential oil of lavender or frankincense and rub this into your palms so that there is no 'grease' left on your hands. While doing this say something along the lines of:•

"May the power of the Universal Good bless this essential oil Bringing me purity of intent, thought, word and deed" •

Now, with the hand you write with (projective) pick up the cards one by one (yes I know there are 78 but doing things properly ensures good results!) and pass them to your other (receptive) hand making sure that the scent of the oil transfers itself to the cards without making them sticky. While you are doing this repeat the following as many times as needed to complete the whole set, or something that you yourself have written:"May the power of the Universal Good bless each and every card And grant me wisdom and integrity and from harm safeguard Empower these cards with love and pure spiritual might And guide me as I use them within a circle of power and light May I always honour the Rede in every magical act As I pledge this oath and swear this pact"

A basic guide to using the elements with the Tarot... The Minor Arcana consist of 56 cards, which are divided into 4 suits of 14 each and are attribution to one of the ancient elemental symbols of Fire, Earth, Air and Water. There is mystery surrounding the elements of Fire and Air and after much study I have accepted that (for me) the Sword is a tool of Fire, while the Wand is one of Air. The majority, I know, consider this to be the other way around, but here are my reasons.......... I'll leave you to make sense of your own! Someone wielding a Sword means business - to me that symbolises Fire, which is the more destructive of the two elements in question and is the one associated within the four powers of the Magus "TO WILL", which again is attributed to the element of Fire.


Someone wielding a wand however may be just thinking about taking control - to me that symbolises Air, a more thoughtful and intellectual tool and ones that makes the connection in the four powers of the Magus "TO KNOW". Also my research into this subject led me to read the books of the Golden Dawn and there I found evidence to back up my own intuition... ... ... Arthur Edward Waite published one of the first known Tarot decks, the "Rider-Waite" in 1910 and created influences that are still seen in a vast number of decks today. He was a Kabbalist and a member of the Golden Dawn Magical Lodge and so interwove connections from the Kabbalah with the Tarot. So what you say? What has this to do with the elements? Waite's membership to the Golden Dawn included an oath of secrecy, which gave him a problem when writing about the mysteries and secrets of the Tarot. In order to uphold his oath he decided to switch two of the elemental correspondences, the elements of Fire and Air. The association between Cups and Water is so obvious that this would have been difficult to change, likewise the link between the Pentacles and money, which is definitely an Earth energy, but Swords and Wands are relatively abstract, especially in more modern times when most of us don't use these items in our daily (and practical Earthy - lives). The Golden Dawn clearly associates Air with Wands and Fire with Swords so Waite reversed these two and drew lots of Fiery Wands and Airy Swords in his pictorial and beautiful Tarot deck! I use... Swords - Fire Pentacles - Earth Wands - Air Cups - Water So it is entirely up to you to choose, but what a choice to make!!! It took me MONTHS of mediation and deliberation to come to my own reasoning........... and STILL in reading Tarot, sometimes the Wands will be Fiery and the Swords Airy and at others the reverse is true!!! So it is that the rich tapestry of the secrets of the cards continue to weave their web for me... ... ... Laying out your altar... If you use a pentacle (the symbol below):-


then set it in the middle of your altar and lay representations of the elements around to your satisfaction. There are many thoughts on how this should be done, here are two of them:-

It is important for you to make this meaningful to you and to meditate upon the 'right' way. I choose the first option, mainly because my altar faces North (Spirit at the top) and because I know Water to represent the West and Air the East.

Here is a chart that you can refer to for your magical work... In the following chart I use both the major and minor arcana and give you a simplistic way of using them. Meditate and read, letting your intuition guide you to create your own meaningful rituals that bring about the positive changes you want in your life.


To have greater success in your magical work take time to focus on what it is you really want to achieve and visualise it clearly. To explain this in a little more detail let me tell you about the Tarot card of the Moon... The Moon is one of the most magical cards in the whole deck, but it is also one of the most mysterious holding deep secrets to our dreams and subconscious mind. It can cast illusion and therefore create elusive situations, which is why you must be clear about your goal. In the chart below I have chosen several cards for each purpose, you may feel only drawn to one or two....... as with all magic, the choices are entirely yours to make and explore!!! NB: The nine of Cups is known as the 'wish card' so use it freely in your magical work! Another idea for you to think over...! Consider laying (or crossing) the card(s) of your choice with an amulet/rune/symbol or oracle card during your magical work. An amulet can be anything really, either something that you carry or wear or exchange following the spell... ie: a crystal or a piece of jewellery. For example cross relationship cards with a ring! And just before you begin... A guide to using the court cards in representing yourself or others in magical work...

Court cards from the Morgan Greer Tarot Deck You can represent yourself with the appropriate court card a Page, Knight, Queen or King eg:Fire Signs of Aries, Leo & Sagittarius - Swords (or wands as the dedication of this varies according to tradition) Earth Signs of Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn - Pentacles


Air Signs of Gemini, Libra & Aquarius - Wands (or Swords as the dedication of this varies according to tradition) Water Signs of Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces - Cups

My "ready reckoner" below deals mainly with the 22 Major Arcana - as a general guide to using the Minor Arcana consider laying the following cards alongside those listed below:Aces for positive energy 2's for choices 8's for good luck & hope 10's to represent a conclusion

Your purpose...

The cards I would choose to represent this...


Any Other information Moon Phase/Astrological Position

The position on the altar... & Colours

Moon Phase > Waxing - Full The Empress Wheel of Fortune The Star The Sun


The World Ace of Pentacles 9 of Cups

The Lovers (flexibility) Acceptance (of circumstances)

Wheel of Fortune Death

The Chariot (selfcontrol) The Hermit Achievement

The Star

Moon Phase > Waxing - Full

The Sun The World


The Emperor

Adjustment (to difficult or traumatic situations)

The Fool The Magician

Moon Phase - any


Moon in Astrological Sign of Gemini or Libra

pink white

Strength The Hermit Wheel of Fortune Justice (to regain balance &


patience) Death Temperance (to regain balance & patience) The Sun The Star

Addictions (to end)


Death Moon Phase > Waning The Star

The Emperor

The Wheel of Fortune Bad Luck to Reverse


Moon Phase > Waning


Moon Phase > New or Waxing


The Star The Sun Balance & Harmony The Empress The Emperor

Moon in Astrological Sign of Libra

The Hierophant Justice Temperance The Star The Sun Judgment 21



Moon Phase > Waning


Moon Phase > Full


The Fool Blessings

The Star The Sun

The Empress The Emperor gold

The Sun Moon Phase > New - Full The World Business Success

Ace of Pentacles (improved finances)

Moon in Astrological Sign of Aries, Taurus & Capricorn

Red green brown

Nine of Pentacles


Two of Wands Seven of Cups

The Empress Beauty

Moon Phase > Full The Sun

Change (to create positive)

Moon Phase > New & Full The Fool (new path) The Magician Wheel of Fortune

yellow (change)

Moon in Astrological Sign of Gemini (change & adaptability) white (new or Scorpio (transformation) path) red (8 cups)


The Hanged Man Death The Tower The Star Judgment


The Moon

black (removing negative energy)

The Sun The World Ace of Wands (new job or opportunity) Eight of Cups (seizing opportunity to move forward)

The Fool (the future) Choice

The Lovers The Chariot


Conclusion (to bring about a successful end of a tiresome situation)

The Magician

Moon Phase > Full


Strength The Hermit Death The Sun Judgment The World


The Magician Confidence

Strength The Star

The Magician Control

The Chariot (of self & finer/baser instincts - direction in life.)

red Strength The Star Courage Judgment

Moon Phase > Waxing - Full Moon in Astrological Sign of Aries, Leo & Aquarius

orange blue gold

Ace of Swords white Moon Phase > New - Full


Moon in Astrological Sign of Taurus, Libra & Pisces


The High Priestess Creativity The Empress

pink The Hermit blue The Star The Moon The Sun The World Eight of Pentacles Seven of Cups 24

The Magician The High Priestess Strength Decision Making/Clarity

Temperance The Tower The Star

gold Moon Phase > Full Moon in Astrological Sign of Leo & Aquarius

orange white blue

The Sun Judgment

The Magician The High Priestess Deep Thinking

The Hanged Man Temperance The Star

The Sun Deserved Rewards The World

The Empress Diplomacy Temperance


The High Priestess


The Empress Strength Justice Disputes - to settle

Temperance The Sun

Moon Phase > Waning Moon in Astrological Sign of Libra

pink pale green white

Ace of Cups Three of Cups

The High Priestess Divination

The Hermit (messages from Spirit) The Moon

The Magician Divine Energy

The Hermit (to develop higher consciousness) Temperance

The Hanged Man (prophetic) Dreams

The Star

Moon Phase > Full & (for the adept practitioner) The Dark of the Moon

The Moon Seven of Cups


Strength Energy

The Sun Judgment


The Hermit

The Hanged Man Death Faith

The Tower The Star Temperance

Fate, Chance & Destiny

Fear (to overcome)

Wheel of Fortune

Strength Moon Phase > Waning Judgment

The High Priestess Female Power (intuition)

The Empress Strength The Moon


Moon Phase > New - Full The Empress (female) The Emperor (male)


The Moon Ace of Cups Two of Cups Three of Cups

The Empress The Emperor Financial Gain/Security

The Sun Moon Phase > Waxing - Full Ace of Pentacles Three of Pentacles Nine of Pentacles

The Magician Focus & Concentration

The Emperor The Chariot


The Star

Moon Phase > New

The Empress The Lovers Friendship

The Sun

Moon Phase > New - Full

Ace of Cups Three of Cups


Judgment Fulfilment The World


The Fool

Garden (planting)

Moon Phase > New - Waxing

The Chariot Goals (to achieve)

Strength Moon Phase > Waxing - Full The Hermit The World

The Empress Wheel of Fortune The Sun The World Good Fortune/Luck

Moon Phase > Waxing - Full Ace of Pentacles Nine of Pentacles Seven of Cups Nine of Cups

Growth (of any kind)

The Tower Moon Phase > Waxing The Star The Sun The World 29

Guardian Angel (working with)

The Magician (male guide) Temperance The Fool (spiritual) The Hermit


The Star Judgment The World

The Empress The Sun Happiness

Moon Phase > Waxing - Full The World Ace of Cups

The Empress The Hierophant Justice Moon Phase > Waxing Harmony & Balance

Temperance The Star Judgment Three of Cups


The High Priestess Strength The Hermit Temperance Health (to increase good health)

The Star Moon Phase > Waxing - Full The Sun Judgment The World Ace of Cups Nine of Cups

The High Priestess Strength The Hermit Health (to end sickness)

Death (lay this over a representation of the sickness)

Moon Phase > Waning

The Star The Sun The World

Hexes (to break)

Death Moon Phase > Waning The Sun

The High Priestess Higher Consciousness


The Chariot Death

The Fool Hope

The Tower The Star

The Hierophant House Blessings

The Sun

Moon Phase > New & Full

Ace of Cups

The Hierophant House Buying


Moon Phase > Waxing

The Sun

The Hierophant Justice House Sale (to achieve)

The Sun

Moon Phase > Waning

The World Ace of Pentacles Nine of Pentacles


The Hermit



The Lovers The Tower

The Tower Initiation rebirth of the 'true self'

The Sun Judgment

Strength Death Initiating Endings Judgment The World

Inner Harmony

The High Priestess The Lovers

The Magician The High Priestess Strength (feminine) The Hermit Insight, Enlightenment & Intuition

The Hanged Man Moon Phase > Full Temperance The Tower The Star The Moon The World


The Hierophant (spiritual) Inspiration

The Tower

Moon Phase > Waxing - Full

The Star The World

Intellect (study & thought)

The Magician


The Fool

Judgment Isolation (to ease)


The World (cosmic connection)


Moon Phase > Waxing - Full

Wheel of Fortune Karma (cause & effect)

The Tower Judgment

The Magician Knowledge The High Priestess The Emperor (experience)


Temperance The Tower The Star The Moon The Knight of Swords Eight of Pentacles

Knowing the Unknown


The Star The Moon

The Emperor

The Emperor Legal Matters Justice

Judgment Liberty (to achieve)

Moon Phase > Waning The World

The Lovers The Sun Love (to attract)

Moon Phase > New, Waxing & Full

Ace of Cups Two of Cups

The Lovers Love (to reverse)

Moon Phase > Waning The Chariot



The Magician Meditation

The High Priestess The Chariot

Money (to increase wealth)

The Empress (good fortune in business) Moon Phase > Waxing Wheel of Fortune The Sun

Motherhood (nurturing)


The High Priestess The Empress

The High Priestess

The Magician Strength Negative Influences to remove (clearing/overcoming obstacles)

Death The Tower

Moon Phase > Waning

The Sun Judgment The World Eight of Cups


The Fool The Empress New Job

The Emperor Ace of Wands Eight of Pentacles

The Fool The Emperor The Hanged Man New Opportunities

Death The Sun The World Ace of Pentacles

Nightmares (to banish)

The Moon (crossed with the Death card)

Moon Phase > Waning

The High Priestess Nurturing The Empress

The Magician The High Priestess Obtaining Skills

The Sun The World Eight of Pentacles


Omens/Visions (to seek)

The Moon


The Hermit

Moon Phase > Full

The Fool Strength Optimism

The Star The Sun The World


The Fool

The Fool The Magician Strength The Hermit Overcoming Obstacles

Moon Phase > Waning The Sun The Star Judgment The World Eight of Cups


The Emperor Passing Driving Test

The Sun The World

The Emperor Passing Exams

The Sun The World


The Hierophant (persistence) Temperance

Peace (to build)

The Hanged Man (inner peace)

Moon Phase > Waxing

Temperance Peace (to cease arguments/hostility)



The Magician



Moon Phase > Waning

Power (to obtain) The Magician (Divine)

Moon Phase > Waxing - Full

The Empress The Emperor


Strength The World

The Hierophant Practicality The Hermit

The Empress Wheel of Fortune Promotion

The Sun The World Ace of Pentacles

The High Priestess Protection (to obtain)

The Empress Moon Phase > Waxing The Chariot The Sun

Protection (against gossip/personal sabotage)

The High Priestess Strength The Sun

Psychic Development The Magician Moon Phase > Waxing The High Priestess The Chariot (higher consciousness) The Hanged Man Death


Temperance The Moon Judgment (collective unconscious)

The Magician The High Priestess Psychic Powers (to strengthen)

The Empress Moon Phase > Full The Chariot The Moon Judgment (collective unconscious)

The Fool (spiritual) Psychic Protection The Chariot


Quarrels (to heal)


Ace of Cups Three of Cups

The Magician Resolve

The Emperor The Lovers


Death Release

The Tower Judgment

The Magician Religious Beliefs The Hierophant

The High Priestess Justice (own truth) The Hanged Man Secrets - to uncover (Truth)

Death The Tower The Star The Moon The Sun


The Empress (financial/material) The Hierophant


The High Priestess The Emperor Strength The Star

Use a dynamic colour such as red for your altar cloth

The Sun

Dedicate and use a red candle, which you can inscribe if you wish

The World

Moon Phase - Any

Self Empowerment

Eight of Pentacles Eight of Cups

The Chariot The Hanged Man Self Improvement The Star The World


The Moon

Moon Phase > Full

The High Priestess Death The Tower Solving Mysteries The Star The Moon The Sun Soul-Searching The High Priestess


The Chariot The Hermit

The Magician The High Priestess The Hierophant The Chariot Spiritual Development

Strength The Hermit The Hanged Man Temperance The Tower The Star

The Hierophant Stability

The Hermit

Moon Phase > Waxing

Ten of Pentacles

Strength (to increase)

Strength Moon Phase > Waxing The Sun

Temperance Stress (to release)

Ace of Cups Eight of Cups


The Empress The Emperor The Chariot Strength Wheel of Fortune Success & Victory The Sun The World Nine of Pentacles Six of Wands Nine of Cups

The Emperor (leadership) Teaching

The Hermit (Spiritual)

Moon Phase > Waxing - Full

The Sun Judgment

The Magician Death Transformation (regeneration & renewal)

The Tower Moon Phase > Full The Star The Sun Judgment

Travel The Chariot (short distance)

Moon Phase > Waxing


The World Eight of Wands

The Hermit (Spiritual) The Hanged Man (Spiritual) Understanding Temperance The Tower The Star

The Fool Unions (business/marriage)

The Magician (with Divinity)

Moon Phase > Waxing - Full

The Lovers Judgment

The Emperor The Chariot Victory & Triumph

Strength The Sun The World

Wisdom (to increase)

The Magician (occult)

Moon Phase > Waxing - Full

The High Priestess The Lovers The Hermit


The Hanged Man (2nd sight) Temperance The Tower The World

The Emperor Wheel of Fortune Wish Magic

Moon Phase > Waxing & Full The Sun The World

Making magical sense of each card... As both the card's divinatory and astrological meanings hold a key that will help you unlock the secrets of using the Tarot magically I have made a guide to try to help you build a relationship with each of the Major Arcana by defining it a little for the use in positive magic. It is quite acceptable, and indeed desirable, that you meditate upon your own chosen pack of cards and use them intuitively, changing these ideas as you progress and grow, which is also a healthy and entirely natural development. NB: To see the planet signs you will need the font Star*Lite on your computer!

The number, key & name of the Tarot Card

Astrological influences (with the relevant gifs for you to inscribe on candles, talismans etc.) Its divinatory & application to magical work

+ key words that describe the characteristics of each planet or sign of the zodiac Uranus k

The future - a new path ahead, hope Choice

impulsive, shocking,


No 0: "before the beginning" The Fool

Flexibility Waiting Spiritual guidance & blessings Trust in spiritual protection Help in overcoming obstacles Unity with nature & all things Vision questing Originality & invention

Power from heaven brought to earth Oneness with the elements Celebrating the 'Divine Spark' from God, which I interpret as the power of No 1: intellectual reason and study Skill, self-confidence, will, occult wisdom "singularity or Planning with discretion oneness of the Transformation of one's life & change human condition" To overcome an obstacle & master the self Readiness to act Seeking the answers of life, meditation The Magician Eternal life Working & connecting with a male guide Perfection & purity of motives Desire for knowledge, concentration

sudden, unpredictable eccentric, original Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury

Mercury d communicative thoughtful studious changeable

Psychic ability, intuition, instinct, meditation Moon s Inner illumination & an ability to 'see' clearly No 2: Mystery, secrets & the unknown feeling Discovery, revealing the future & wisdom emotional "the meeting of The balance & union of positive & intuitive opposing forces" negative, light & dark, conscious & subpsychic conscious healing The High Priestess Imagination & creativity motherly Feminine Power represents mother figure Cyclic Phases (such as the Moon, feminine mystery) Venus ♀ No 3: "creation" The Empress

The life force Fruitfulness, productivity, abundance & wealth Power & capability in the material world Fertility (both actual & monetary) Good harvest & fortune (material gain) Financial security

love inspired values friendships harmonious beauty-loving


Motherhood, nurturing & protection Happiness Psychic or subconscious ability

No 4: "logic & reason bring stability" The Emperor

No 5: "theology & morality" The Hierophant

No 6: "love, self acceptance & enthusiasm" The Lovers

Balance Masculine energy, potency & paternity Authority, command, conviction & leadership Experience & knowledge To achieve mind over matter - reason over emotion Readiness Action Decisiveness Legal matters

Blessings for your spiritual life Unlock the subconscious & balance this with the conscious mind Religious beliefs Seeking inspiration from spiritual study House buying

Love, attraction, finding one's soul mate, passion & desire Freedom of choice in love Inner harmony Power of choice - with wisdom Independence Resolve

Aries 1 primary has authority ardent uses initiative

Taurus 2 persistent pleasure & comfortseeking secure stable

Gemini 3 flexible quick witted friendly lively

Cancer 4 No 7: "security through evaluation & spiritual development" The Chariot

To obtain self control, which leads to achievement, triumph, success, conquest & greatness Psychic protection Development of higher self & the human journey on earth Choices between the material & spiritual The understanding of good & evil Bringing two opposite points within your control Controlling the direction of one's life

protective emotional nurturing


Meditation Short distance travel Concentration

Spiritual strength Power Health Female perception & balance of energies Orderly progress & organization, which No 8: dominate over negative forces Victory over difficulties & clearing "health & strength" obstacles Successful end to a tiresome event Strength Potential Courage Love triumphing over hate Man's finer instincts overcoming the more basic ones

No 9: "attainment & fulfilment" The Hermit

The completion of a cycle, which will provide healthy foundations for a fresh one Realisation of goals Development of the higher consciousness Wisdom To reveal messages from Spirit To step back and re-evaluate (soul searching) Humility To represent a spiritual teacher To keep an open mind with prudence

Leo 5 confident dramatic sunny warm generous

Virgo 6 practical creative health conscious

No 10:

Cause & effect (Karma) To effect change within your environment "limitless personal Adapting to steady & even turn of events energy" Fate, chance & destiny Success with the help of unexpected good luck/fortune The Wheel of Fortune

Jupiter h expansive giver of gifts

Libra 7 No 11: "what ye sow, so shall ye reap"

Helping to balance the unfairness of earthly life & achieve justice To clarify situations & obtain the truth Viewing situations from both sides (fairness) Psychic decisiveness Equity

diplomatic fair & just balanced aesthetically aware



Balancing the mind & personality Legalities, contracts & agreements To know your own truth Harmony

Inner peace & faith Spiritual awareness, developed intuition & prophecy "have faith in the To 'freeze' a situation & create a pause face of adversity" Obtain second sight - wisdom To prepare for new & innovative ideas & a change in direction The Hanged Man Truth No 12:

No 13: "transformation" Death

Transformation... birth, death & rebirth Creating major change Clearing a mental block To end a (terrible) situation Facing the future with faith Acceptance of change Change of consciousness - freedom of the soul Mystery Psychic gifts

Healing Ability to adapt to new circumstances No 14: Harmony & co-operation with Divine energy "developing balance Wisdom, understanding & Philosophy between the Taking time to make important decisions material & spiritual Balancing the material (outer) & spiritual self" (inner) worlds Diplomacy Working with your guardian angel Temperance Purification Organization & mental reasoning

Neptune l nebulous intoxicating

Scorpio 8 intense silent deep secretive psychic

Sagittarius 9 gregarious free healing active adventurous

Capricorn 0 No 15: "morale choices" The Devil

There isn't much use for this card magically as it is a truly negative one. However, you could use it to represent negative forces on your altar and bind it with white ribbon to show that positivity will win the day! Below I will give you a few of the more relevant meanings and let

responsible dutiful has good business acumen stubborn


you make those "morale choices" for yourself!! Suppression of Spirit & man's finer instincts Evil An overly materialistic approach to life greed Violence, rage & force Lust Being totally 'off-course' through life & driven by solely negative characteristics Lack of consideration through selfishness Self-indulgence to the point of destruction

Karma & Fate Seeing a situation clearly Unavoidable change, which is recognised as traumatic but known to be of great value Sudden inspiration & realization No 16: A need for change & growth Enlightenment - internal change of the "co-operation & consciousness to effect external change harmony" To banish negativity - clearing Truth & insight The Tower Spiritual realization & knowledge that the spirit is everlasting Hope Healing to bring stronger faith & clearer foundations

Mars ♂ fiery assertive demonstrates male energy

Aquarius The most spiritual card in the whole deck! No 17: "positive action bring about harmony" The Star

Inspiration from above brings the seeker insight, faith & understanding Eternal life Embracing the two feminine principles of Water & Earth Life in perfect balance The start of positive action towards harmony & understanding Deep thinking, hope & guidance Renewal & promise Confidence Positive influences & future accomplishment Ability to see through illusion

humanitarian original intellectual honest


Many blessings Widening your horizons Better health Spiritual contact & growth

No 18: "the beginning of illumination" The Moon

Psychic (subconscious) development Mystery Discovering hidden talents Creativity & imagination Instincts & intuition The unknown Vision questing & dream work Change

Pisces = boundary-less romantic unworldly mediumistic

The best & most truly positive card in the whole deck so use this one every time!!!

No 19: "attainment" The Sun

Healing - good health Opportunities & grasping them wholeheartedly Optimism & positive outlook Creativity Regeneration Many blessings - joy/happiness/pleasure Success & Victory (accomplishment) Exposing mystery Well-earned rewards New & creative environment To bring good news towards you Love, warmth & growth

The Sun a the centre of being & symbol of power & energy knows & celebrates its own identity pure energy

Pluto : Karma To bring a project or situation to a conclusion To ease the sense of "separateness" and "starting afresh" connect to the collective unconscious Release & liberation Judgement Fulfilment Healing Seeing things clearly & having the courage to make any necessary change Representing the elements of Fire & Water The perfect union of man & woman - God & Earth Harmony & balance of energies No 20:

dark powerful connected to the underworld


Regeneration Energy & guidance Use to represent the three parts of mankind the mind, body & spirit

This is one of the best cards in the deck so use it abundantly! Use to represent all four elements of Fire, Earth, Air & Water, the four winds, the fixed signs of the zodiac, which are Leo (Fire), Taurus (Earth), Aquarius (Air) & Scorpio (Water) & the four compass points

No 21: "positive action" The World

To perfect unity with all things - Oneness with all of Creation Saturn j Victory & triumph Wisdom Divinity a task master/teacher Balance dutiful Restoration oppressive Freedom represents father-figure Creativity Rebirth (this can be a fresh start & new beginning) Cosmic connection The completion of a situation, scenario or cycle that knows a satisfactory conclusion Eternal life New opportunities Insight Deserved rewards - fulfilment Happiness in a new home Celebration


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