Introduction To Javascript

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  • Words: 1,611
  • Pages: 43
Introduction to JavaScript Version 1.0

What is Java Script? •JavaScript is NOT Java. •Developed by Netscape. •Purpose: Execute on the client-side (browser) •Widely used within HTML pages, for clientside validation, etc. •It is similar to Java, but loosely typed data. •JavaScript is interpreted programming language. •Errors are identified by browsers. TCS Internal

September 3, 2009

JavaScript Within HTML page JavaScript Page <script LANGUAGE=“JavaScript”> Function Content of the Page TCS Internal

September 3, 2009

Data Types •Numerical data – Integers – Floating-point numbers •Text data – String •Boolean data – True/false

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September 3, 2009

Declaring variables •Weekly typed language. •Example: – var myname=“david”; – var myint = 1234;

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September 3, 2009

Operations •Normal numerical calculations like any other programming language is possible. •Example: var a = 10; var b = 20; var c = a + b; •String operations are similar to Java. •Example: String s = “one”; String t = “two”; String u = s + t; ( will result in “onetwo”) TCS Internal

September 3, 2009

Native Objects •Array – Arrays are treated as objects like in Java – Multidimensional arrays are treated as array of arrays. – Arrays can have holes. •Means some elements in the array may be empty. •Examples: var firstArray = new Array(); // creating a new array Arrays can hold var secondArray = new Array(“Bob”, different type of data “Clinton”, 123); TCS Internal

September 3, 2009

Native Objects •String – Strings are similar to Java String. – All String related methods are available. – Examples: •myString.length; •myString.subString(0, 3); •myString.charAt(3);

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September 3, 2009

Native Objects •Math – Provides useful mathematical functions. – Examples: •round() •floor() •abs()

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September 3, 2009

Native Objects •Date – Handling date/colander related functions – Examples: •getDate() •getDay() •getMonth()

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September 3, 2009

Browser Related Objects •Window object – Location object – History object – Document object •Forms object •Images object •Links object – Navigator object – Screen object

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September 3, 2009

JavaScript Examples

September 3, 2009RMIT - JavaScript Examples

Format The script must be between script tags: •<SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> • • Note the comments are used to prevent problems in old browsers

TCS Internal

September 3, 2009


Input Output <script language=“JavaScript”> var celsius, fahrenheit celsius = prompt ("Enter Temperature in Celsius", "20") celsius = parseFloat (celsius) fahrenheit= celsius * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0 document.write ("Temperature in Fahrenheit is: ") document.writeln (fahrenheit) TCS Internal

September 3, 2009


Selection •The if statement is from Java and C++: if (hours <= 40) { wage = hours * rate } else { wage = (hours - 40) * rate * 1.5 + 40 * rate } TCS Internal

September 3, 2009


While •The while statement is from Java and C++: number = 1 while (number <= 4) { document.writeln (number) number ++ } •Note the number ++

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September 3, 2009


For •The for statement is from Java and C++: var number for (number=1; number <= 4; number++) { document.writeln (number) } •Note again the number ++

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September 3, 2009


Function •It is common to put code in the header inside of a function function calculate ( ) { var celsius, fahrenheit celsius = prompt ("Enter Temperature in Celsius", "20") celsius = parseFloat (celsius) fahrenheit= celsius * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0 document.write ("Temperature in Fahrenheit is: ") document.writeln (fahrenheit) } TCS Internal

September 3, 2009


Function1 •It is best to use arguments and a return function calculate (celsius) { return (celsius * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0) } •To call function use: fahrenheit = calculate (celsius)

TCS Internal

September 3, 2009


Math •Math functions are like in Java •They are messages sent to the class Math numberOut = Math.sqrt (numberIn)

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September 3, 2009


Repeat •The iteration with test after is simulated var flag = true while (flag) { calculate() flag = confirm("Do you wish to do another?") } •Note confirm dialog box

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September 3, 2009


Date function getFullYear() { var year = this.getYear() year += 1900 return year }

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Date function getActualMonth() { var month = this.getMonth() month ++ return month }

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September 3, 2009



•Here are some more useful ones : function getCalendarDay ( ) { var day = this.getDay ( ) var days = new Array (7) days[0] = "Sunday" days[1] = "Monday" days[2] = "Tuesday" days[3] = "Wednesday" days[4] = "Thursday" days[5] = "Friday" days[6] = "Saturday" return days [day] } TCS Internal

September 3, 2009


Alert •JavaScript also has a message box: var string string = “message” alert (string)

TCS Internal

September 3, 2009


Browser •Need to tell you about the properties of the object document •document.writeln("Browser name: " + navigator.appName) •document.writeln("Browser version: " + navigator.appVersion) •document.writeln("Browser platform: " + navigator.platform) •document.writeln("Browser plugins: " + navigator.plugins) TCS Internal

September 3, 2009


Form1 •This form uses a function invoked by a button called name1 function callAlert (form) { alert ("Your name is: "+ form.name1.value) }
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September 3, 2009


Form2 •This form uses a function invoked by a button to populate the form function convertTemp (form) { var fahrenheit, celsius celsius = parseFloat (form.celsius.value) fahrenheit = celsius * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0 form.fahrenheit.value = fahrenheit } TCS Internal

September 3, 2009


Form3 •This form shows the mail form that will be used in the next examples •There is no JavaScript
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September 3, 2009


Form4 •This form shows the addition of a list box to the mail form •There is still no JavaScript Interest:<SELECT NAME="whatInterest" SIZE=4>