Introduction To Corpus Linguistics: Btant 129 W5

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  • Words: 768
  • Pages: 26
Introduction to corpus linguistics

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Corpus • The old school concept – A collection of texts especially if complete and self-contained: the corpus of Anglo-Saxon verse The Oxford Companion to the English Language

• The modern view – A collection of naturally occurring language text chosen to characterize a state or variety of a language •

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John Sinclair Corpus Concordance Collocation OUP

Corpus vs. archive • Text archive • Collection of texts in their original format (Oxford Text Archive: • Corpus • texts collected and processed in a unified, systematic manner British National Corpus: BTANT 129 w5

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Short history Brief mention of just a select few! • Brown Corpus (Brown university) – – – – –

1 m words 15 genres 500 samples 2000 words each Area: US Time: 1961

• LOB Corpus (Lancaster-Bergen-Oslo) – GB replica of Brown

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Cobuild • Major corpus initiative by Collins and Birmingham Univ. John Sinclair • 1991 20 m • -> Bank of English currently 450 m words •

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British National Corpus • • • • • •

100 m words careful selection 10 % spoken material time span 1960 (fiction) – 1975 non-ficion) 40-50 000 word texts TEI compliant SGML coding ex/

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International Corpus of English • 20 corpora of 1 m words devoted to varieties of English around the world • 500 texts (300 written 200 spoken) of 2000 words each • time span: 1990-0996 • ICE-GB available in demo version • syntactic annotation, graphical tool ICECUP BTANT 129 w5

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Corpus processing: tokenization • Preprocessing – tokenization segmenting the text into sentences • sometimes tricky: sentence delimiters in midsentence positions

words • multi-word units – problem

– Normalization • restoring clitics, abbreviations ("can't", "I've") BTANT 129 w5

Corpus processing: tagging • Tagging – labelling every word with its Part of Speech category – Problem: ambiguity • out of context, words can belong to different part of speech or have different analysis within the same POS – set N vs. set V – bánt 'bánik' VBD vagy 'bánt' VBZ

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Corpus processing: disambiguation • Disambiguation – defining the correct analysis in context

• Two approaches: • both needs manually corrected training corpus – statistical • Hidden Markov model • calculating probability within a span of usually one or two words • rate of success can be around 98%

– rule-based BTANT 129 w5

Syntactic annotation • Difficult to do on such a scale • shallow parsing • Treebank: collection of syntactically analyzed sentences • Penn treebank • BTANT 129 w5

Recent trends • Word sense ambiguation (SENSEVAL)


• Message understanding

• jects/muc/index.html


• making information on the web understandable for machines • a vision requiring a huge effort, not clear whether feasible at all

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Representative sample? • A corpus any size is inevitably a sample • Of what? • Two approaches – sampling speakers – demographic sampling – sampling their output – text type sample

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The notion of representativeness • Sample vs. population • sample should be proportional to the population for a given feature – example for demographic sampling if we know from census figures that 48% of people in living in Budapest are male we should compile our sample so that 48% of the informants are male -> our sample is representative of Budapest residents for gender BTANT 129 w5

Trouble with representativeness • What should be the units of sampling? • Registers, text types, genres etc. • But no independent evidence about their ratio in the totality of language output -> representativeness is an ideal but impossible to implement

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Approaches to Representativeness • • • •

Douglas Biber: Rejects notion of proportional sampling Sample should be as varied as possible Representativeness measured in terms of wide variety of text types included in the sample

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The Web as a corpus? • • • •

Pro: immense database dynamically growing ideal 'quick and dirty' method

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• Cons: • lots of rubbish, irrelevant data • difficult to extract hits • no language analysis • only string query, which is crude

One quick example • Representativity or representativeness • Throw the two words at Google and have a look at the figures • Think about the conclusions • There are special front-end sites

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