Introduction To Clinical Research Class 1

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  • Pages: 51
Introduction to clinical research

What is clinical research? 

Organized research on human beings intended to provide adequate information on the drug use as a therapeutic agent on its safety and efficacy.

Also referred to as Clinical trial management

Clinical research - position in drug development Drug development Discovery research Formulation and development Clinical development (trials) Commercialization

When do we need clinical trials?  new  for


new uses of existing drugs,

 ,medical  new


drug delivery systems etc.

Why do we need clinical trials?  Evidence

to prove the efficacy and safety in human beings.

 Only

a well designed clinical study on a defined population can give meaningful results- (positive or negative) about any therapeutic intervention

The need for organised study  EVALUATION

OF DRUG X FOR OSTEOARTHRITIS  How many patients improved? approximately 150 /200  What was the percentage of improvement?  80-90%

CLINICAL TRIAL -I Any drop outs?  May be 10-12 

Reasons?  ------may be they did not get symptomatic relief??? 

Any side effects?  Gastritis,headache,diarrhoea etc. 

Clinical trial-2  EVALUATION

OF DRUG Y FOR OSTEOARTHRITIS  How many patients improved?  If

the criteria of 40% is considered as improvement, 150/200 showed improvement(p<.01)

Clinical trial-2  What

was the percentage of improvement?  100 patients 40-50%  40 patients 50-60%  10 patients 60-70%

Clinical trial-2  Any

drop outs?  There were 10 drop outs due to following reasons  3 –gastritis  4 no improvement  3 reasons not known

Clinical trial-2      

Any side effects? Gastritis, headache, diarrhoea etc. tingling and numbness 1,2,3, were due to the drug.

OUTCOME Clinical trial-1 Trial poorly designed no definite outcome, results ambiguous Clinical trial –2 trial well designed,organised and conducted definite outcome. Results-conclusive.

Scope of clinical research? 

Total cost of the drug development 900 million US $

Total time taken for the drug development 10-12 years

2/3rds of the cost and time is spent on clinical trials.

Historical review 19TH CENTURY 

Ancient pharmacy practice

Drugs given on trial and error basis

Practicing physician decided all.

History: The concept of Ethics 20th CENTURY 

Growth of Pharma industry

1947 Nuremberg code after the trials by the Nazi physicians

Emphasized on the informed consent

History: The concept of Ethics  1950s

Proper testing of drugs on human beings started

 The

concept of randomised controlled clinical trials appeared.

Further growth in ethical issues 

WMA (1964) (World Medical Association) guidance to physicians and other participants in medical research involving human subjects Declaration of Helsinki

Thalidomide disaster brought about an exponential growth in Pharmaceutical legislation

Ethical issues today  International

conference on hormonisation- Good clinical practices (ICH-GCP) Guidelines  Institutional

review board/Institutional ethics committee

 Patients

informed consent,

Regulatory guidelines today  Drugs

and cosmetics act 1940  schedule-Y  Indian GCP guidelines  ICMR Guidelines  WHO Guidelines  ICH-GCP Guidelines

Clinical research then and now 

CLINICAL RESEARCH 50 YEARS AGO investigator driven informal activity

CLINICAL RESEARCH NOW Multidisciplinary, multinational, multibillion dollar global business governed by many complex and interrelated regulations and guidelines.

Clinical research -a multidisciplinary approach Sponsor  Investigators  Monitors  Auditors and the quality control personnel.  Biostatisticians.  Data management group.  Regulatory Affairs.  Reporting and Documentation medical writing.  Business development group 

Players in Clinical Research Industry  Pharma

companies  Clinical/contract research organisations(CROs)  Biotech companies  Central diagnostic laboratories  Clinical research training institutes

Understanding clinical research New drug development  Drug

discovery and development

 Clinical


NEW DRUG DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Drug discovery  Synthesis  Drug designing  Target validation(Preliminary in-vitro screening)  Pharmacological assays

NEW DRUG DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Drug development  Safety  Efficacy  Kinetics  Formulation


 Include

studies conducted on Experimental animals for safety and efficacy


Toxicity studies  Acute

toxicity studies LD50  Sub- acute toxicity studies  Chronic toxicity studies  Special toxicity studiescarcinogenecity,teratogenecity genotoxicity, effects on fertility and reproduction


Efficacy studies

In- vitro assays Studies conducted using only animal tissues or cells or enzyme systems

In- vivo assays Experiments using whole animals


Clinical pharmacology,safety of new drugs  Phase-II-safety and efficacy of new drug in patients,exploratory trial.  Phase-III-multicentric confirmatory trial.  Phase-IV-post- marketting surveillance

Who conducts the clinical trial? Investigators  Principal


 Co-investigator

Who participates in the trial? Subjects  Healthy

Human Volunteers

 Patients

Ethical issues and guidelines  International

conference on hormonisation(ICH)  Good clinical practice(GCP)  Independent ethics committee IEC  Institutional Review board IRB  Informed consent

Good clinical practice  It

is the international standard for conducting the clinical trials which lays down the standard for  Design,  Conduct  Monitoring  Termination  Analysis and Documentation.

Informed consent


written free consent of the subjects to participate in a clinical trial after receiving complete information about the new product

Regulatory requirements  Drugs

and cosmetics act 1940 Schedule-Y  DCGI Drug controller General of India  US-FDA United states-Food and drug administration act.  MHRA Medicinal and health care products regulatory agency

MONITORING  Overseeing

the progress of a clinical

trial  Ensuring that it is conducted according to the approved protocol, GCP, SOPs and the regulatory requirements.  Usually done by Clinical research associates.

Quality control and quality assurance  Internal

department of the CRO  Avoids unnecessary risks to the patients.  Essential to improve the quality of all the processes of the trial.

AUDIT  Systematic

and independent examination of the trial related documents and activities  Checks whether the trial is going on as per the protocol,GCP,SOP.  Whether reported accurately or not


of data on adverse effects of the drugs that are already in the market


of data in terms of both efficacy and safety after being prescribed to large number of patients.


source utilisation for conducting a clinical study.

 Transferring

part of the activity of drug development to any other independent organisations (contractual research organisations).


instructions to achieve uniformity in the performance.


 Generation

of a false data with an intention to deceive.

MISCONDUCT  Behaviour

which falls short of good ethical or scientific standards(carelessness)


 To

understand how much of drug is available for action.

Bioequivalence studies.  Conducted

for new formulations,  Compare the new formulation of any established drug with the existing formulation.

Data management,analysis and validation  Organised

collection of accurate data from the clinical trial,

 Capture  To

the data from the data base

provide a clean data to the statistician to facilitate analysis.


the protocol designing  to calculate number of patients to be included in the trial(sample size)  randomisation  review of data and  For the final analysis of results by applying suitable statistical methods.


any event or step in the data management  Necessary for retrospective analysis  for the purpose of audit


prepare reviews on the drug based on the available literature.

 Preperation

of research papers.

 Medico-marketting


SUMMARY Clinical research is an integral part of drug development  Unlike the past, today the process has gained a unique position due to the regulatory requirements and ethical guidelines available globally..  Designing, conducting,monitoring, appropriate quality assurance and data management determine the success of the clinical research. 

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