Introduction Of Ongc

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  • Words: 1,641
  • Pages: 11

ONGC Group of Companies comprises of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC - The Parent Company); ONGC Videsh Limited (OVL – a wholly owned subsidiary of ONGC); ONGC Nile Ganga BV (ONG BV - a wholly owned subsidiary of OVL) and Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL - a subsidiary of ONGC). Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) is India's Most Valuable Company, having a market share of above 80% in India's Crude Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production. ONGC registered the highest profit among all Indian companies at US $ 1.92 billion (Rs. 8664.4 Caror) in the year 2003-04. Its production of Crude Oil in 2003-04 was 26.7 MMT and of Natural Gas 25.70 Billion Cubic Meters. ONGC also produce Value-Added Products (VAP) like C2-C3; LPG; Naphtha and SKO.

ONGC Videsh Limited (OVL) is overseas arm of ONGC, engaged in Exploration & Production Activities. It trans-nationally operates E&P Business in 10 countries, making ONGC the biggest Indian Multinational Corporation. In recent years, it has laid footholds in hydrocarbon acreage in various countries including Ivory Cost and Australia. ONGC Nile Ganga BV is a wholly owned subsidiary of OVL and has equity in producing field in Sudan.

ONGC envisages organizing Import/International Sale of Crude Oil and Export of Petroleum Products through Tendering Procedure for all the Group Companies. However, it would be restricted to the Companies/ Firms/ Vendors registered with ONGC on its approved Vendor Lists. SWOT ANALYSIS 1. STRENGTHS


O.N.G.C LTD is perceived to be the leader in oil production industry.


O.N.G.C has a very efficient and professional management team.


O.N.G.C being an international company has sufficient resources and


capital to invest.

O.N.G.C has ISO-9001 & ISO 14001 registration.


O.N.G.C facing difficulties to produce oil from aging reservoirs.


Energy utilization of buried coal resource (700 -1700M), estimated 63BT – Equivalent to 15000 BCM.


O.N.G.C facing difficulties to produce oil from aging reservoirs.


Security of personnel & property especially crude oil continues to be a cause of concern in certain area.


In some exploration Campaign Company involves high technology, high technology, High investment and high risk.

VISION OF ONGC To be world class Oil & Gas Company Integrated in energy business with dominant Indian leadership and global presence.

MISSION OF ONGC World Class Dedicated to excellence by leveraging competitive advantages in R&D and technology with involved people.

Imbibe high standards of business ethics and organizational values. Abiding commitment to health, safety and environment to

enrich quality of

Community life Foster a culture of trust, openness and mutual concern to make working a Stimulating & challenging experience for our people. Strive for customer delight through quality products and services. Integrated in Energy Business Focus on domestic and international oil & gas exploration and production business opportunities.  Providing value linkages in other sectors of energy business.  Creating growth opportunities and maximize shareholder value.

Dominant Indian Leadership Retain dominant position in Indian Petroleum sector and enhance India's energy availability.


To maximize production of hydrocarbon, self reliance in technology, promoting indigenous efforts to achieve self reliance in technology, promoting indigenous efforts to achieve in all related equipment, material and services.

• Assist in conservation of oil, more efficient use energy and development of alter - nate source of energy. • Environmental protection • Observe 100% safety in work.

DIFFERENT WORKING CONDITION Employee are working in different set-ups; at the drill sites where days ON/OFF pattern is prevalent and the officers and staff 8 hours duty at base office where apart from normal office hours some services like radio communication etc. are round the clock jobs . The work force is approximately 200 with about 135 Officers and Remaining Staff.

ORGANIZATIONAL SET OF ONGC From staff strength of 450 employees in the year 1956-57 ONGC staff from grown up to 35000 at present. There are about 15 broad disciplines under four main heading of • Engineering Services • Drilling Services • Geophysical services and • Administration and other support services. Up to 1968, there was rapid advancement of individuals due to considerable expansion of work . Thereafter, some stagnation took place in the career advancement of the employees.

GLOBALIZATION ONGC operations are being internationalized with a view to acquiring exploration acreage and access to oil in other basics world over in line with the over strategy followed by international oil companies .ONGC Videsh Limited .a subsidiary of ONGC , is managing the overseas ventures.

HR AT ONGC PEOPLE AT ONGC Today, ONGC is the navratna company of India; and making this possible is a dedicated team of nearly 35,000-40,000 professionals who toil round the clock .It is this toil, which amply reflects in the performance figures and aspirations of ONGC. The company has adapted progressive policies in scientific planning, acquisition, utilization, training and motivation of the team. At ONGC everybody matters, every soul counts. ONGC has a unique distinction of being company with in house service capabilities in all he activity areas of exploration and production of oil & gas and related oil field services. Company has adapted progressive policies in scientific The men & women behind this machine made this possible. Over 18,000 experienced and technically competent executives mostly scientists and engineers from distinguished Universities /Institutions of India and abroad from the core of our manpower.Theyinclude geologists,geophysicists,geochemists,drilling engineers ,reservoir

engineers ,petroleum engineers ,production engineers ,engineering & technical service providers ,financial and human resource experts IT professionals and so on. Behind the excellent results achieved is a work force of 35000 strong belonging to various discipline of the company actively in the persistent search of oil and infuse with a new –ethos and productive work culture. The Company is aware that its success is mainly due to its greatest assets –its people a multifaceted, multidisciplinary group with complete n- house capabilities for all activities in the industry. To meet the requirement of manpower ,revised manpower norms for operation of drilling rigs have been approved and implemented .Exercise for other operational utilization of existing human resource special need based studies are being carried out region-wise. To meet the challenges of the future ONGC has to diversify its activities with zero manpower growth. Attempts have been made to form out the low technology jobs. A major thrust is being given to the introduction of multi-craft manning. This will result in job enrichment.















Grand Total


P & A STAFF POSITION AS ON 01.04.2008 1.












Grand Total



Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Total

SC 11 02 08 03 24

ST 05 01 03 01 10

TOTAL 16 03 11 04 34

HR VISION, MISSION AND OBJECTIVE Integrating Employees towards Organization Goals

HR Vision “To attain organizational excellence by developing and inspiring the true potential of company’s human capital and providing opportunities for growth, well being and enrichment.

HR Mission “To create a value and knowledge based organization by inculcating a culture of learning, innovation and team working and aligning business priorities with aspiration of employees leading to a development of an empowered, responsive and competent human capital.”

HR Objectives •

To develop and sustain core values.

To develop business leaders for tomorrow.

To provide job contentment through empowerment, accountability and responsibility.

To build and upgrade competencies through virtual learning, opportunities for growth and providing challenges in the job.

To foster a climate of creativity, innovation and enthusiasm.

To enhance the quality of life of employees and their family.

To inculcate higher understanding of ‘Service’ to a greater cause.

HR Strategy •

To meet challenging demands of the business environment ,focus of the HR strategy is on change of the employees ‘ mind set’.

Building quality culture and resources.

Re-engineering and redeployment for maximizing utilization of HR potential .

To build and upgrade competencies through virtual learning, opportunities for growth and providing challenges in the job.

Re-strengthening mutual faith, trust and respect.

Inculcating a spirit of learning & enjoying challenges.

Role of HR •

Alignment of HR vision with corporate vision.

Shift from support group to strategic partner in business operations.

HR as a change agent.

Enhance productivity and performance by developing employee competency and potential.

Developing professional attitude and approach.

Developing ‘Global Managers ‘ for tomorrow to ensure the role of global players.

Measuring HR Performance HR Parameters have been incorporated in the MOU by ONGC since 1994-95 to systematically and scientifically evaluate effectiveness of HR Systems, which enables and facilitates time bounds initiatives

HR Parameters of MOU for 2008-2009 •

Transformation of ONGC –HR as facilitator and change Agent .

Training and development.

Action Plan and Implementaion for achieving HR mission and objectives.

HR audit.

HR for enhancing efficiency and productivity.

Introducing the concepts of mentoring and knowledge management.

Conducing a Climate Survey to identify areas for Organizational development


Although the project was carried out with the motive of ensuring most exhaustive and comprehensive coverage of the facts but still it suffers through certain limitations, these are the followings: •

The training was carried out in the prescribed time frame of 8 weeks, which is a short time span to carry out a full training in a large organization.

Though the sample size was small it was ensured that almost all the departments were covered and equitable representation was taken from each departments by covering various grade. Also, the research was limited to Refineries Jodhpur head office of ONGC.

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